#someone ask me about my arlo headcanons
oplishin · 1 year
headcanons centering main cast’s passive abilities
I just think having your power constantly manifest itself in some way would be pretty impactful on your life actually
If Remi goes into a room with a lot of complex electrical stuff going on (a computer lab maybe) she’ll start getting a headache from how overstimulating it is. She functions as a portable phone charger which Blyke and Isen take full advantage of. She can identify any circuitry problem by just. feeling how the electricity is flowing through the device
Seraphina always knows exactly what time it is down to the millisecond. John always asks her what time it is just to annoy her. 
arlo tried to get more piercings once, but it didn’t work because his passive defense stopped it from happening. Any sort of invasive medical procedure does Not work on him. This includes IVs and needles in general (he hasn’t gotten vaccinated in 2 years). honestly i have a million headcanons centering arlo’s passive and his theoretical medical trauma
John uses his aura detection to sneak up on people and jumpscare them. by people i do mean arlo. 
isen’s (not a high tier but i had the idea and wanted to put it here) eyes are based on tracking movement, so he has a really hard time with focusing on things that are stationary. what im saying is that his ability gave him both adhd and dyslexia. he has hair trigger reflexes that let him crush Blyke at video games which pisses Blyke off to no end.
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bellqmione · 1 month
grace or melissa for the ask game ? :3
ILL DO BOTH BC I LOVE BOTH (tw for sexual harassment mention)
- favorite thing about her: 3 theories: EITHER how she clings to the lib bc she lost her faith in God OR how she sees the lib "recruiting" her as a sort of gift from God OR how she views the murder of "dirty dudes" not only as a way to redeem herself but also to protect other good girls. good girls like she once was. tragic fucking bitch
- least favorite thing about her: mm. being attracted to her sexual harasser wasnt my favorite choice of the langs...but who am i to say that.......
- favorite line: either the iconic "run dudes, run" at the end with her demonic voice or her "im gonna blend right in" after saying she'll flee to canada & trying to imitate a canadian accent. It just cracks me up how fucking convinced she looks. "im gonna blend right in!" is so fucking funny to me its the funniest line in the whole musical imo
- brotp: mm. richie & her. the power of god & anime yk?
- otp: i wanna say lexgrace so bad but god....no ykw i want her to be single. BE SINGLE AND KILL MEN YOU DESERVE IT GIRL!!!!!!
- notp: her with any man but especially max. like. ESPECIALLY. it makes me soo uncomfortable as someone who has gone through that kind of stuff as well
- random headcanon: its not mine as in. it wasnt MADE by me but arlo recently made a pet hc moosdboard for her and its SOOOOOOO accurate like its crazy
- unpopular opinion: aro lesbian. dont cRe what othsr people say its comphet we've all been there
- songs i associate with her: little miss perfect.....and good luck babe......like linda. hm.
favorite picture of them: THIS ITS SO ICONIC
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- favorite thing about her: okay this is gonna sound so fucking dumb but the fact thag she enjoys playing. volleyball or softball or wtv with her coworkers. youre a serial killer who force-animal's men but you like playing funny little ball games with your friends. wow
- least favorite thing about her: NOTHING SHES PERFECT THE WAY SHE IS
- favorite line: literally every line in hey melissa. so fucking funny
- brotp: can i say her and paul or is that more of a . pet & owner type of relationship
- otp: her and woman!!!!!!!!!!! yk the woman who is named. woman. the one who is also a serial killer. theyre lesbians
- notp: her and any men. theyre ANIMALS to her. please
- random headcanon: she is quite good at softball!
- unpopular opinion: people only dislike her & hey melissa bc it ruins their perfect little paulkins fantasy & that is annoying as fuck
- songs i associate with them: if i say animal cannibal by buckshot princess will you kill me
- favorite picture of them: this one is just so fucking funny to me like wyd being normal girl! go kidnap a guy
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juliedrawz · 2 years
The long awaited appreciation post/character breakdown
Note : I mixed canon and headcanon facts from my book in here. (Some infos however are still missing because of spoiler reasons)
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A/N - If someone would ask me to discribe Héctor, I would tell them that he's a walking ray of sunshine, spreading happiness wherever he goes. He's everything a perfect father and husband should be, and the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for.
Héctor Rivera was born to his parents Arlo and Estella Gracía on january 10th in Santa Cartoria (the biggest part of the city El Torres) in Yucatan.
Through his mother's hispanic gipsy orgin, Héctor was brought into a world full of dancing and music. He was loved to pieces by all his family members and discribed as an unusual happy baby, always laughing and hardly ever crying.
The love for guitars especially was planted into Héctor by his father, who was a passionate guitar builder and player himself.
Both his parents, which he was very close with, meant the world to Héctor. Between the age of 3 and 4 Héctor lost his father first to a local civil war whereupon his mother, after seperated from her family, fled with him all the way to Oaxaca, Santa Cecilia by foot. Once in the new city, the exhausted and sick mother and her son were taken in by nuns of the local church. After Estella's death, Héctor was brought to the orphanage, where he subconsciously supressed his memories to cope with the loss.
Early childhood
Despite the great loss of his parents and family, Héctor never lost his optimistic and lively character. Always seeing the good rather than the bad. Though shy and quiet at the other hand.
It didn't take long for Héctor to understand, that he was different from other children his age. Mentally ahead of others, he found joy in reading books, writing poems and exploring the surrounding nature on his own. Since the other kids would call him weird, Héctor didn't even bother to try and fit in, he didn't want to and he didn't care.
If not on and about in the fields and forests of Santa Cecilia, Héctor would find himself at the center plaza to watch and listen to the mariachis. His adoration didn't stay unnoticed for too long. Eventually he was taught how to play the guitar by the leader José Vargas by the age six.
According to Josè, Héctor lived and breathed music, having it in his soul. He also called the guitar Héctors third arm.
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Most important Relationships
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A/N - I wish I could just tell you their whole story here, that's how eager I am! But, it has its time and place in my book and I certainly don't want to spoil anything. So, here come the basics! Also they're 12 and 8 above ☝️
When Héctor told people he and Ernesto go way back, he meant it. They grew up together, formed a deep brother bond and loved and considered each other family.
Having Ernesto as big brother, Héctor always looked up to him. He couldn't imagine a life without him and tried his best to balance his time after marriage and becoming a father to please everyone.
Noticing Ernesto's behaviour change was painful and confusing. Just as much as getting rejected over and over again in the land of the death. Héctor never understood what made his best friend snap like that but he yearns to understand. Also, in my book, Héctor at one point says this to Álvaro (the doctor)
"As odd as it is, despite everything, I don't hate Ernesto. And don't get me wrong, but I know that he could never hate me either."
Furthermore he says this -
"That man at the sunrise spectacle, that wasn’t Ernesto. That wasn’t my best friend; my brother. He'd totally snapped, gone savage. I … I didn’t recognize him anymore. There was so much anger and fear in his eyes. I can’t make sense of it. I wish I could! I wish I could understand what happened to him. Caused him to become that way."
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A/N - writing about their relationship and past was and is still tasking but it's also wonderful and exciting. I cannot wait to share that part of the past!
Héctor 15 y. Imelda 16. y 👇
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Héctor's one true love, his twin flame and soulmate.
From the moment he first spotted her, he felt that special, unexplainable spark. That deep connection has always been there, and it took a while for Héctor to understand what it meant.
Héctor was well aware that many couldn't really understand how he could manage being with Imelda and handle her fiery temper. But to him, it was never a problem. If asked about it, he would always reply that he even loves her temper tantrums. To him, they are "sexy"
- In my book, I discribe their reunion, their road of recovery and how they get back on track. Also their whole past and future. I'm obsessed with them! 😍 I love love love writing them up and down! *sigh*
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Like father like daughter. Héctor passed down a lot of his characteristics to Coco. He was/is very close to her and despite his young age (becoming a father at 18) he was a remarkable good parent. Surprising everyone around how good he was at handling his baby. Héctor also was what others would call a helicopter Dad. Overprotective and always worried something might hurt his precious daughter.
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Next to Imelda, Coco is Héctor's everything. Back when he was still aiming to cross the bridge, he was ready to rather die a second time trying than giving up.
A/N ~ Guh! Did I mention that he's the best Dad? He needs a 'best Dad ever' award!
Character traits
Positive :
Optimistic, humorous, ambitius, caring, altruistic, empathic, spontaneous, honest, protective, creative, easygoing, enthusiastic, gentle, humble, idealistic, innocent, loyal, forgiving, passionate, persistent, bubbly, spunky, supportive, trusting, unselfish ...
Negative/neutral :
Stubborn, melodramatic, reckless, shy, clumsy ...
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Man I wish tumblr would allow me to post more than just 10 images 😒 ....
Now, if I haven't already gushed and raved about Héctor enough ... I FREAKING LOVE THAT GUY! Like, man, he's the perfect package of everything! He's incredibly handsome (to me at least) He's got frecklessss, ans those eyelashes! Fluffy hair! He's tall! Full lips, perfect white, straight teeth. And that combined with his personality, Ay Mama!
I enjoy writing Héctor a lot! He's just awesome! Like a hot cup of tea and a cozy blanket after a long walk through a snow covered forest.
His goofyness just cracks me up over and over again. His pure heart just deserves the biggest Aawwwww. I mean, the INNOCENCE! With Imelda behind closed doors, he surely knows the whole rollercoaster menu and while other adults would consider Miguel old enough to know what boobs are (he regulary gets his face shoved into his grandmas chest when she hugs him!) And here comes Héctor cencoring the word!
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Back to him being a heli-dad. I bet you, he covered baby Cocos eyes whenever Imelda would walk out of the shower stark naked, trying hard not to drool like a great dane. And Imelda poker faced would just argue why he was covering their daughters eyes.
Or as soon as Coco could walk, Imelda would one day find all pointy furnitures covered with pillows and Héctor would say that he doesn't want Coco to hurt herself.
He would freak out big time when they would be outside and there's the slightest possibility of Coco getting hurt. Bees, birds, cats, dogs, stones, puddles, dirt. Imelda would regulary need to calm Héctor down, convincing him, that a bug bite isn't deadly and no, neither is a little bit of sand that Coco shoved into her mouth. Or that flower she ate.
And I cannot repeat this enough! The 👏 flower 👏 bridge 👏
The freaking thing with El puente ok!
I am over and over again blown that Héctor would stop by nothing to cross the bridge. Get caught? Try again. New disguise blown, try again. Broken bones? Try again. Risking to die a second time? He still tries. He simply doesn't care! He wants, needs, has to get to his one true love and daughter. And even after Imelda has passed over, he keeps going because Coco is still there! If that man's devotion isn't the prime example that perfect father love and the one true love exsists, I don't know what else could be.
Also, again, let me underline his kindness, his altruism! He's too good for the world! He hardly EVER picks a fight, he avoids fights! And even IF there's a situation of conflict, it takes Héctor, what, 5 seconds to backpaddle and be like "ok, you know what, let's not argue!"
We saw that with the police officer. Then with Chich, Ceci, Miguel, Ernesto and Imelda. He constantly takes the blame or gives in for the sake of peace, for the sake of the other ones feelings. He would rather swallow being right, if that means his opposite doesn't get hurt too much.
You really REALLY have to push and force Héctor to the farest edge, to have him snap and really get mad.
Being such a person deserves the highest respect. Being such a person in a word like ours is dangerous. You are bound to get hurt. And if you are STILL standing and still having that pure, kind heart, 👏 applause!
Such souls are rare! Héctor is a full blown jackpot! We need more people like Héctor in the world!
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norgbelulah · 1 year
Another from "What We're Building Could Be Anything":
“Now,” he said, still maintaining less of a familiarity than Raylan was used to, “I wouldn’t presume to tell you how to do your job, Raylan. But I’d be glad to help you out a little here, show you where someone might hide some kind of explosives.”
“‘Cause you’re the powderman,” Raylan said, testing.
“That is what I am, Raylan,” Boyd affirmed.
“And a hero,” he added.
“So they’re telling me,” Boyd replied.
“You’re wearing a suit,” Raylan said.
Boyd smiled. “I am.”
“You never wear a suit.” Literally, Raylan had never seen Boyd wear a suit. Not like that, with a jacket and a tie and the shirt. The furthest he had ever gone was the dark vest and almost matching pants he’d worn to Arlo’s funeral and his community college graduation. “You don’t own one.”
Boyd’s smile stretched wide and he said, “Ms. Johnson footed the bill on today’s sartorial choices.” He glanced over at the woman, who was quietly pretending not to listen to their conversation. “Do you think she likes it?” Boyd asked conspiratorially.
Raylan wanted to push him but Reardon’s bench was in the way. He wanted to do a couple other things, too. Instead, he looked Boyd right in the eyes and made no attempt to hide what he was thinking.
Boyd took a loud indrawn breath in response and said quietly, almost pleading, “Now, don’t do that to me, baby, I got things to do today.”
Raylan’s lips crooked a bit. “Bet you Reardon would give us his chambers. He owes me.”
“I am sorely tempted, Raylan, but I am trying to maintain a bit of professionalism, here.”
Raylan scoffed at him and Boyd winked and turned away, saying, “It looks as though my good marshal needs no assistance at this juncture, Ms. Johnson.”
She smiled, knowingly, and replied, “Well I am sure glad you spent all that time discussin’ his needs, Boyd. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.”
I love this scene. I love this scene in canon and I was fucking rabid to rewrite it for this AU. Carol Johnson CALLS IT A LOVE STORY. They are clearly flirting! In canon! About explosives! Raylan is clearly having such a hard time processing Boyd being anywhere near his regular place of work in an official capacity! He's wearing a suit!!!
I took special care to ensure that Raylan thought so much about that suit and how it's like, both really attractive but also SO WEIRD for him and how that's complicated by the fact that Carol Johnson BOUGHT THAT SUIT FOR BOYD. It makes me insane.
Please please at some point ask me for my Carol Johnson feels. I wrote a bunch of fics that feature her and they do not get much love.
But I digress. I also really love turning canon on its head here in the way that in this AU, Boyd is NOT a stranger to this office. Until recently, he lived in Lexington most of the time, with Raylan, and came to the office like at least once a week. I love that later he's like, in the office with Carol and is like forcing the entire Marshal's bullpen to basically be in on his con of this mine company woman! Boyd's gonna Boyd!!
I also never turn down an opportunity to use the word sartorial. It is one of my headcanon Boyd's favorite words.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 39
Spoilers under the cut
Suresh confirms that the ring was for MC and not for delusional ass Gabi...bitch go home you've embarrassed yourself for the last time! but he was really nice to her and apologetic here. He said he tried to accept the fact that someone like him probably didnt deserve someone like MC and that he should move on 😭😩 and he cut off Gabi too and went back to meaningless hookups. He just couldnt give up the ring. He tells MC shes the only real person hes ever loved 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
GABI HAS HER BAGS PACKED AND IS HEADING OUT THE DOOR 💀💀💀 LMAO BYE HUN!!! She asks you to couple up with her to stay in the villa....LMAOOOOOO thanks but no thanks babe!
GABI GEM SCENE: Woman to woman chat to hear the full story! So she never knew about MC, that much we knew, she'd always been flirty and when she saw Suresh at the bar she was attracted to him. Over time she got to know him and he became a regular and she started to look forward to seeing him, and one night he turned up looking upset and one thing let to another (literally what I wrote in the story of us...glad to know what he headcanoned turned out to be canon!!) then she didnt see him a while and she didnt know what was happening, this must've been when MC saw the photo and ghosted and then he turned up at the bar out of the blue again and he was apologetic and charming (again same thing I wrote!!) Within a few weeks she was wrapped up in a whirlwind romance and he told her he loved her, then one night he was being evasive and secretive and she snooped around his apartment and found the ring. then after a few weeks later Suresh ended it with her out of nowhere. no explanation nothing. he completely ghosted her and she never saw him again. no replies, dms no contact whatsoever. Aww ok I like her now.
You get a text that its FINAL RECOUPLING! We get the opportunity to chat with the 5 LIs left...LETS GO!
Suresh first obvi! Hes sooooo self deprecating the chat wasnt even satisfying. he tells you about how he always knew Gabi was a loose canon and thats why he wanted to stay to protect you...and basically how he doesnt deserve you. But like boy I need some of your cockiness back...KISS ME DAMMIT.
Finn...blah blah he has loved getting to know us better and wishes he had spent more time with us...where was that energy in that second recoupling Finny boy??? Where was that energy when you were dancing on Arlo? miss me all the way with this!
Lulu...my angel my queen!! says shes loved getting to know you even tho its been limited time, how she felt invisible with Suresh/Gabi and you can tell her you want to couple up with her here if you want to.
I skipped Dana and Alfie...sorry LOL I realized these chats were pointless and were basically just to tell your LI that u wanted them. I had already done that with Suresh.
ALSO LULU WHAT?! Theres still a chance you might get dumped??? ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME?? ET TU BRUTE?!
You stand to make your final decision.....CLIFFHANGER...dumb one if you ask me.
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rebelrayne · 2 years
for the character ask game, what about Suresh 🫣
Thanks for the ask, anon! Although… I did not finish S5. I’ll have some fun here I’m sure 😂
1 sexuality headcanon
I have no idea. Idk he gives me some bi vibes maybe? Remember I did not finish this and didn’t really play for him so 😂
2 otp
His hand. I’m not sorry. That’s all he deserves.
3 brotp
Suresh is nice enough to have friends? Lmao okay no, didn’t he have a fun banter with Finn? That always made me laugh a little. I know finn was more bromance with alfie but I did really like the Finn/Suresh banter still.
4 notp
My MC. She would have chosen him and stole the money like the boss she is 💅🏼 I honestly don’t know who to put him with. I think he had some growing up to do tbh. I’d like to see him at a reunion to have more genuine opinions.
5 first headcanon that pops in my head
That he flirts with Arlo to make MC jealous. I’m pretty sure I think that because @mrsbsmooth said so
6 favorite one liner from this character
I… don’t remember anything notable 😭 I was so stuck in S4 land and sad I wasn’t getting a reunion. All I remember is Finn saying “Beour.”
7 one way I relate to this character
I guess he must be a hard worker to be as successful as he is so I relate to him in that way. I also have had relationships where the person I was with was leaps and bounds more serious about me than I was about them. I think most of us have had that happen.
8 thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment about this character
The fact he comes into the villa like, lol you’re going to fall in love with me again you missed me. If I missed you why tf did I sign up for love island to meet someone who isn’t you????
9 cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
We all know he’s a problematic fave. I’d love to see someone change my mind completely about him but… I just can’t like him with how he acts 😭 maybe one day I’ll give him a shot.
Character Ask Game
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sxmnium · 3 years
Hello, stranger.
Hello! I’m Danny, twenty-two years old and you can refer me with she/her pronouns. This is a semi-selective roleplay sideblog for multiple fandoms, ranging from Detroit: Become Human, Pokémon and many more. I follow back through @desolationtrial so if you get a notification from that blog, it’s me. Muse-list and rules can be found under the cut, which are required to read before following me.
Please be patient with my response speed. I'm mentally ill and don't have the energy to be here 24/7 for everyone. If this happens to be a dealbreaker for you, save your breath and don't follow me.
This blog has no tolerance for callout posts or drama, fullstop. Don't ask me to engage with it, I will block you for stirring bullshit. I will also remove muns for sharing too many politics. It's exhausting and people come here for escaping from the real world. Fandom police are not welcomed here and will be blocked.
I will ask you to refrain from using me as your roleplay meme archive. I find it disheartening when I see a notification from my top screen, only for it to be someone reblogging from me instead of the source without sending anything in. An exception will be made if the source is deactivated, but otherwise I will softblock if it’s prevalent.
By following me you will understand I have trigger warnings set in place for my writing. This includes character death, murder, violence, drug and alcohol abuse, religion and abuse. I’m not responsible for you not making practical use of a blacklist to curate your dashfeed.
No sexual content with anyone under the age of eighteen. If I find out you're lying about your age, I will block you. This blog is multi-ship and happily accepts more partners. Please respect the sexualities of my muses before asking.
I'm crossover and original character friendly. Just give me information on your muse so I'm able to familiarise with them better. I welcome every fandom except portrayals of real people (YouTubers, wrestlers, etc) as I find it disrespectful and in poor taste. Assassin’s Creed falls under this exception. Don't follow me if you're here to shit on my fandoms. It's not cool and I won't be entertaining any petty garbage.
I don’t send in passwords/codes. It’s nothing against you, I just find the whole system awkward to follow.
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* you come across a merchant offering their goods. across the table, there's many items that may aid you in your adventures. what do you choose?
Muses considered highly developed and have most appearances on this blog. Can and will be subjected to any changes in the future.
ELLIS / LEFT 4 DEAD ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
DAVE / LEFT 4 DEAD ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
SPONGEBOB / SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS ; Male, homosexual, canonical.
RICHARD / DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN ; Male, homosexual, canon-divergent.
DANIEL J. ATTAWAY ; Male, bisexual, multi-fandom original character.
TRAINER DANNY / POKÉMON ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
BODHI / PAYDAY 2 ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
HOXTON / PAYDAY 2 ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
FLAVIO VARGAS / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
FELICIANO VARGAS / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
LUCIANO VARGAS / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
While not as prevalent as the mains, these ones have large development placed into their portrayals too.
GAVIN REED / DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
CONNOR / DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN ; Male, homosexual, canon-divergent au.
ADRIAN ROSENTHAL / DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
ADONIS / DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN ; Male, homosexual, fandom original character.
ALLEN F. JONES / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
OLIVER KIRKLAND / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
HONDA KIKU / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
HONDA KURO / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
IVAN BRAGINSKY / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
MATT MILLER / SAINTS ROW ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
THE BOSS / SAINTS ROW ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
CARLOS MENDOZA / SAINTS ROW ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
IVAN ALEXANDER / BULLY ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
ALEX RAMÍREZ / BULLY ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
TAD SPENCER / BULLY ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
CONSTANTINOS BRAKUS / BULLY ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
ANTONIO RICCI / BULLY ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
DANA FREMONT / BULLY ; Female, lesbian, fandom original character.
RAVEN GARDINER / BULLY ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
JUDAS SINCLAIR / BULLY ; Male, heterosexual, fandom original character.
JIMMY CARLISLE / BULLY ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
TEDDY WILLIAMS ; Male, bisexual, fandomless original character.
EVAN O’REILLY ; Male, bisexual, fandomless original character.
DMITRY SOKOLOV ; Male, unknown sexuality, fandomless original character.
DANTE RUSSO ; Male, bisexual, fandomless original character.
ROBBIE SQUAREPANTS / SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS ; Male, homosexual, canon-divergent.
HUNTER / LEFT 4 DEAD ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
SMOKER / LEFT 4 DEAD ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
Characters that either need tweaking or are lower priority. Will be changed in the future with more threads coming in. You can still send interactions for these muses.
SANDY CHEEKS / SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS ; Female, lesbian, canonical.
STANLEY SQUAREPANTS / SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
CASSIUS / DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
MICHA / DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
CHARLIE / DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN ; Male, homosexual, fandom original character.
DAICHI / DETROIT; BECOME HUMAN ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
ARLO / DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
WOLF / PAYDAY 2 ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
JOSH CARTER / OBSCURE ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
CHARLIE OLIVER / ASSASSIN’S CREED ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
PETRUCCIO AUDITORE / ASSASSIN’S CREED ; Male, minor, canon-divergent.
FEDERICO AUDITORE / ASSASSIN’S CREED ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
KADAR AL-SAYF / ASSASSIN’S CREED ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
MIME / HAPPY TREE FRIENDS ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
NORMAN BATES / BATES MOTEL ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
MANIC THE HEDGEHOG / SONIC UNDERGROUND ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
SONIA THE HEDGEHOG / SONIC UNDERGROUND ; Female, bisexual, canonical.
KEITH MARSHALL / LEFT 4 DEAD ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
PAUL MARSHALL / LEFT 4 DEAD ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
MATTHEW / LEFT 4 DEAD ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
GOTHITELLE / POKÉMON ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
GARDEVOIR / POKÉMON ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
SYLVEON / POKÉMON ; Female, heterosexual, fandom original character.
UMBREON / POKÉMON ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
GLACEON / POKÉMON ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
MIDNIGHT LYCANROC / POKÉMON ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
NINETALES / POKÉMON ; Female, heterosexual, fandom original character.
PANCHAM / POKÉMON ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
GROWLITHE / POKEMON ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
LITTEN / POKÉMON ; Male, homosexual, fandom original character.
INDEEDEE / POKÉMON ; Male, homosexual, fandom original character.
BRAIXEN / POKÉMON ; Female, heterosexual, fandom original character.
TEDDIURSA / POKÉMON ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
MEOWTH / POKÉMON MYSTERY DUNGEON ; Male, bisexual, fandom original character.
TREECKO / POKÉMON MYSTERY DUNGEON ; Female, bisexual, fandom original character.
ARTHUR KIRKLAND / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
MATTHEW WILLIAMS / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
NIKOLAI ARLOVSKI / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canonical
ALBRECHT EDELSTEIN / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
ROMEO VARGAS / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
CLAUDIO VARGAS / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canon-divergent.
LOVINO VARGAS / HETALIA ; Male, bisexual, canonical.
LEON JACKSON ; Male, bisexual, fandomless original character.
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ASK/HEADCANON BANNERS: interstellarresource
DASH ICON: anacaoris
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Totally here fangirling over last chapter but also wanted to run this by you, I really really want Sera to get her powers back before John fight Arlo. Because if she does I have no doubt in my mind she’d get involved to protect her new friends and end “Joker” once and for all. Her fighting John with all of he skills he taught her + her powers + John not wanting to hurt her = Sera demasking Joker and I just think that would be beautiful
(This was the ask i lost an 1000 word answer on R.I.P.)
Sorry this is so late btw
I really like this take. It’s completely possible and would be really fun to read. When I imagine how this current saga is going to end, it’s usually something like this.
Also thank you for this ask because it lead me to realize how much I need a proper Sera and Arlo friendship.
Ok 4 things i want to address:
1. Seraphina getting her powers back
2. Getting involved with the Joker situation
3. Fighting against Joker
4. Aftermath
1.) so this theory (?) is very reliant upon one main thing: Seraphina getting her powers back. This could easily be solved because I mean, it’s pretty likely it’s going to be actually canon soon in the series. Leilah’s appearance was obviously put in where it was so that she would learn about Seraphina. Then, Leila having (supposedly) worked with EMBER or at least the company supplying them, will have the knowledge and resources to heal her sister.
Some things that are unknown, however, are Leilah’s intentions. We don’t really know what her point of view will be. We barely know her, having actually met her character once. Something else to consider, she ran away from home years ago. She will not be as close to Seraphina as she might have been once. We don’t know if Leila’s will prioritize her sister over her work, another thing we know little about. Though likely, us readers are very much guessing that Leila’s works with an organization affliliated with EMBER (which is why I said “supposedly” above). We don’t know if Leilah even actually works at a place that would give her the tools to help Sera. Her reaction at the restaurant may have just been because it was her sister, not that she knew the reason behind Seraphina’s ability loss. Even if she really worked close to EMBER, Leilah could totally be loyal to them. I don’t know. Her character is just so unknown for me to rely upon her to bring back Sera’s powers. Though, that probably is what’s going to happen because lmao why bring back Leilah at all if not for that. So that’s settled lol.
I don’t know how Leilah would bring back Seraphina’s powers. I don’t know anything about EMBER or the drugs they use, that’s the whole point. So I can’t really explain anything there, we just gotta wait.
2.) Okay, now that Serpahina has her powers back, something else I’m wondering about is why and if Seraphina would fight against Joker.
Ask just assumed that she would, to help her friends, but it really goes a lot deeper than that.
She has 3 separate groups of friends: High-tiers, low-tiers, and John (lol)
Most of her high-tier friends have already been defeated by Joker
She said she wanted to see Joker kick Arlo’s ass
She seemed to accept it when John said that he was just climbing up the ladder
But, overall, I agree with ask. Seraphina is going to fight Joker if she is able and that list is a shorter one:
Though many of the high-tiers can be considered as fake friends to Seraphina, it’s been clear from the beginning that Remi has always been genuine. They might not have been the best of friends, but Remi and Sera respected each other and didn’t pretend to like each other. And guess what. Remi’s going to get beat up soon. Well, maybe. Depends on what this Remi and John conversation meant to John. Let’s assume things end badly. Remi’s a goner okay. Seraphina is a goodish person. She’s not going to let her just get k.o.ed
A problem with this is that by the time Sera supposedly gets her powers back, it’ll probably be after the whole john and Remi fight. And that’s why I have reason #2
Sera’s low-tier friends are afraid of Joker. They have told her that he’ll be able to do pretty much everything because he won’t have to face the consequences. I don’t know. They just spooked. They won’t be able to even attempt to fight back if Joker wants to duke it out. Seraphina, like I said, is a goodish person. She knows the low-tiers gave her true friendship even after she was an unbothered god-tier that couldn’t care less about them. She’ll be grateful and at least her perspective will have changed.
So if Seraphina finds herself in the position to fight back, she’s not going to just stand back like she did before. That was the old Serpahina: untouchable and uncaring. New Sera is aware of what her actions do to the lives of those around her. She knows that she is one of the only people that can do this, that can stick up for the low (and every) tiers. She gon do that.
So yeah, Sera’s fighting Joker.
3.) When Sera does fight him: I’m wondering a few things. First: things that ask mentioned:
Fighting how John taught her
Her abilities
John holding back
I’m not sure if Seraphina will actually use the tactics that John taught her when she’s fighting Joker. It could go either way. Initially, I thought that she obviously wouldn’t use them. John taught her fist fighting tactics. She learned how to throw a punch, how to block. Now, tell me why she would use those when she has her powers back and she is fighting against someone with an ability?
Then I remembered John’s ability. Aura manipulation. If Sera uses her power, he’d be able to use it too. And we have all observed by now that the stronger ability he borrows, the stronger John is. Remember, we haven’t seen John borrow an ability stronger than his, we don’t know what will happen. But, using her ability in general would be a major hazard. So using fists to fight is a good idea (in theory only because she doesn’t know how good Joker is at that too).
I personally think she would use her powers the most if the author went through the trouble of giving them back. Sure, she’d throw a punch is Joker got close, but I don’t think her type of ability will really suit close range fighting (i think, her ability confused me lol). So yeah. This isn’t really important to the whole of this idea, but I mean it was in the ask and I wanted to address it.
So that was the first and second points.
Now, onto something else ask said. They seemed to think John would hold back on Seraphina. I think it’s a little more grey than that.
Things to remember:
John was allied with Cecile and still went to far
Joker’s whole brand is merciless
The reason the high-tiers want him gone is because he doesn’t know where to stop, he keeps fighting even when the fight’s done.
Other things to remember:
Seraphina is John’s closest friend
Joker only exists because John wanted to protect Sera
Joker’s most common motive is to keep Sera safe
Cecile was more of a partner than a friend: he doesn’t care about her
So basically, I’m confused and I don’t know what John will do. Like ask thinks, John loves Seraphina (platonically, calm down). But he also is feared because he is completely merciless. Dark John’s character can be described by that one word: merciless. Let’s go down memory lane, k? Back to New Bostin. Remember Claire? Remember Claire? Same thing, guys. John’s best friend betrays him and turns on him and he crushes her into pieces.
Like I really don’t know what John would do if fighting Seraphina, and that includes whether or not he would hold back.
I’m going to skip the details of the fight and who I think would win because, like I said above, Sera’s ability vs. John’s would be too new for me to predict the outcome. And why bother. This headcanon kind of relies upon Sera winning so let’s just assume that for now.
4.) aftermath. Do you even understand how dramatic that reveal is going to be? How traumatized both of them are going to be afterwords? For Seraphina, she’s discovering that the guy beating people up and trying to beat her up is her best friend. Beyond that, he has an ability, which ultimately means everything she knew about him and respected him for is a lie. For John, he’s basically reliving the events of New Bostin, reliving the thing that ruined his life. Reliving what he tried to move on from for over a year.
How I think they’ll end up:
Seraphina: I think that Seraphina and John will cut ties with each other. Seraphina will want to hate John, but can’t help wanting to talk to him and laugh with him. She can’t seem to forget the person he was when he was with her. The humble and nice guy. She knows he doesn’t exist now. That he never did. The thought makes her sad, and she hates it. John did this to himself, brought this onto himself. He had dragged Seraphina into his mess, never confiding in her. It’s not her fault that he turned out to be such an asshole.
Seraphina becomes good friends with Arlo. After the fight, she feels he is the only one that understands her. She feels bad because she didn’t trust him when he tried to tell her the truth. She hasn’t apologized, but hopes Arlo knows that she’s sorry. They start spending lots of time together. It reminds her of the old days. When Seraphina first arrived at Wellston. Arlo had been king and she was queen. They were forced together because of their power and they bonded through that. They both had ambition, goals, a want to make things better for the students at Wellston and a need to prove themselves. They had been young then, and Serpahina had considered Arlo a friend. Then John came along and changed everything. Seraphina cant be ashamed of who she became because of him. If not for John, she would’ve remained ignorant about the mistreatment of low-tiers and EMBER. If not for him, she would’ve never learned how to laugh or how to reward herself. If not for John, she never would’ve stood up to her mom...
Now that Seraphina is back, all of her, her ability and rank, she feels whole again. Seraphina may have gotten used to the cripple life, but she never realized exactly how much her ability was a part of her. Now reinstituted as queen, Sera is with Arlo again. Nowadays, it feels like he’s the only one who knows what she’s going through. Seraphina realizes that he’s changed too. In the past year, he’s turned from the cold and ruthless leader she knew him as into a thoughtful, logical, and surprisingly kind person. He’s humbler too, which is new.
Sometimes they just lie on the roof together, not talking or saying anything, just enjoying each other’s company. It’s comforting not being alone. Seraphina finds it hard to trust him sometimes, but it doesn’t matter much. Though they like to spend most of their time in each other’s company, they don’t talk much, don’t tell each other things. They’ve known each other for so long, they don’t need to. And it’s nice. Seraphina... she’s happy. She may have lost her best friend, but she gained an old one. Her sister talks to her every so often because Leilah’s always in town visiting her boyfriend. Everyone is nice to Seraphina at school.
Seraphina knows she can’t ignore John forever, can’t just forget that he exists, but oh she wants to. In a perfect world, she could lie on this rooftop forever, carefree and forgetful, but she knows she can’t. Because this is not a perfect world. Seraphina tries to help the low-tiers defend themselves and tries to bring awareness to EMBER. Remi aids her in her ambitions, having similar ones herself, and their bond also grows stronger.
Seraphina is finally making a difference. It hurts to know that it’s because of John, but at least she’s trying. She’s better than she was before. Kinder. Stronger. Healthier. Seraphina realizes that for the first time in her life, she really has the chance to truly be completely happy. She’s not about to let someone’s memory ruin it for her.
John: After the fight, John was a wreck. He barely ate for a week, barely slept. Everytime he closes his eyes he sees her. And everytime, John breaks down because he can’t tell who she is. Can’t tell if she has pink eyes or blue ones. Can’t tell if she even exists.
In the end, it doesn’t matter. Claire, Seraphina... it ended the same. Ended with him sitting in these rooms, hands in chains, head pounding.
John isn’t really sure why they bothered to get him into these classes again. The authorities didn’t seem to care when he wore the mask. They didn’t bat an eye at a student climbing the ranks. John supposes he’s only here because of his past. And he can’t blame them. He’s really fucked up.
The classes are better than they used to be. They go faster. John knows all the right answers this time around. And Keon hasn’t returned, something John appreciates everyday. Instead there’s this strict lady running his classes. She’s not great, but so much better than Keon. She seems like she has a good heart.
When John got in here, he made a promise to himself. He promised himself that he wouldn’t forget. God he wanted to. He wanted to forget Wellston like he forgot New Bostin. But he knows how that ended up last time. He forgot too much. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Everyday, he listed in his head: Claire, Arlo, Blyke, Isen, Cecile, Remi, Seraphina. He won’t let himself forget them. What he did to them. What they did to him.
When John gets out of his readjustment classes, he is more than surprised to find Cecile waiting for him. She doesn’t say much about what happened, and isn’t all that friendly, but he can’t complain. He treated her like trash. But for some reason, she sticks around. She visits his house. She talks to him about his new school. They text. It’s weird to have her. John realizes he doesn’t know anyone else quite like Cecile. Something he never really realized about her before is her genuineness. Yeah sure, she would keep secrets, but everything she did and said, everything screamed Cecile. She never put on a show to talk to him or a new personality that others would. It was refreshing. Cecile wasn’t instantly nice to him and it was great. She reminded him a lot of Seraphina... John wish she didn’t.
Seraphina... John wants to talk to her so badly... but he knows she won’t. He lied to her for the entire time she knew him. They were best friends. John still gets shocked sometimes as he remembers what he hid from her, all the secrets he kept. It never seemed like a lot at the time, only a little secret at a time. He hadn’t realized until recently that by the end, he was drowning in lies. Small ones and big. They had wrapped and choked him like a snake..
John stays silent at his new school. He’s friendly to everyone and greets people when they greet him. He doesn’t lie here. At a regular school, John is basically guaranteed the king spot. He doesn’t shy away from it. He tries not to embrace it too much either. It’s a difficult balance, but he manages.
He manages. And he remembers.
After all of this, I think they’ll kind of hate each other but also kind of not because of how close they are and still remain despite (Sera) wanting to hate the other. Then when ember starts becoming near future, they will be forced together to solve something or whatnot as the two strongest people. I can’t even express how much I want this now. Sorry for super long post. I get carried away sometimes... oof. Sorry for that weird story thing at the end. I probably could’ve written that more generic and narrative, but eh
(comment “arphina” if you read the whole thing) :)
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