plasmometer · 2 years
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altars of reflection moment
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kitty-lemon · 1 year
I am afraid to ask this but....d-does nuclear dna of bacteria have any job????
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shittywriterbrain · 5 months
was a mistake to declare the character i'm playing my specialest little boy because everyone in my drama class gets his characterisation wrong and i'm always so close to biting someone's arms off
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animemakeblog · 8 months
“Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Season II” The Teaser Promo
At this year's Fujimi Fantasia Bunko Thanksgiving Festival, the Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen (Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World) stage introduced a teaser promotional video for the second season. In 2024, a new season adapted from Kei Sazane's light book action fantasy will premiere.
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Her Words
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Summary: You are introduced with the prince as his second option for a marriage in your family. But how will the Prince react to you own affliction and the backlash from your family |  Mini-Series Masterlist
Links to my Taglists: General Taglist | Aemond Targaryen Taglist
A/N: You all asked for a part 2 so ask and you shall receive! Again thank you for the request on this one it was really fun to write :)
Warnings: hitting, some sexual suggestions
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You could feel your handwriting getting progressively worse as the weeks went by.
That was one thing you had not considered as a side-effect from spending so much time with Aemond.
Every hallway, every corner, every walk in the garden. There was always some off-chance that your paths would cross. And every time this coincidence seemed to happen, there was a stupid smile on your face and your hands grip on your notebook seemed less and less. One a few of occasions he had dared to close the space between you, whether it was to brush a hair from your face or to run a warm hand over yours. All of this serving to send warmth to your cheeks that a smile that reached your eyes.
Nobody was more surprised of this behaviour, than Aemond himself. Though he would never admit it to himself.
He had already gifted you one book, written entirely in cursive Valyrian, promising to read you through it, to teach you how to pronounce the words like a native. The book had been kept well and separate from the rest of them in the library. The cover was a wine colour and there was not a rip on it.
And when he extended the book out to you, your hands delicately traced the patterns on the front, inspecting all the details as if it were the most precious thing in the world. Your eyes had found his, wide and bright with gratitude and a slight film of tears coated them, mouth pulling into a line to stop yourself from crying at the kind gesture.
 "Ziry iksos issa jaelagon naejot rȳbagon ao pikībagon bisa, issa riñnykeā"
 When he spoke Valyrian, it almost seemed too perfect. His voice was suited to it, and it was a shame that he could not speak it all the time. The way he formed the words, his intonation, all serving to set off a spark inside you. And at the notion that he spoke only to you. For you.
It is my wish to hear you read this, my lady.
The words were sweet. But you relished in the way he said them more so.
The book nestled in your arms, you looked down, trying to hide the blush that very quickly was heating your face from the Prince before you. Your hand smoothed over your clothed arm, picking at the wrinkles in it with anxiety. Your hand went to your side and the mind raced at the notion that your notebook was not there.
And he was stood before you, regarding you and the way your anxious face formed being separated from your notebook. Of course, it had not been an accident. You had dared for this day to leave it behind, but now the space where it would have been seemed endless. Like those soldiers who return from battle with a limb missing, but still feeling it, still being able to control it.
Your eyes briefly met Aemond's and he could see the panic in your eyes. And you need not be panicked or anxious, you knew he was patient and kind, despite appearances.
"gūrogon aōha jēda…" He said quietly, he had his hands laced behind his back and his good eye looked down on you softly.
Take your time.
He looked so peaceful it bought a pain on your heart. Nobody was as patient as him. Nor had anyone in the past been.
You send him a ghost of a smile in thanks, looking away to pull in a long breath of air, so much so that your lungs ached. You let yourself exhale first before bringing another burst of air in, mouth open to form the words,
"i-iska…no, iksā to-l-lī sȳz…" you manage, the nerves being the cause of it more than anything, "…d-dārilaros Aemond…"
You are too kind, Prince Aemond.
You dared look back up at him once you'd finished the sentence. There was that look again, the darkened look he always gives you whenever you say his name. Your grip on the book tightened once again seeing him take a step towards you and he could hear a breath get caught in your throat. He was so close you could see all the details of his dragon-shaped clasps on his tunic. So close you could smell his scent around you. So close that you thought he might touch you.
"nyke hae ziry skori vestrā ñuha brōzi…"  
I like it when you say my name.
His hand came to a lock of your hair at the side of your face, running the strands through his dextrous fingers. His other fingers ran across your jaw, sending a chill through you, only to come to rest his palm on your cheek. His motions were so slow and calculated that it sent a heat through your body that settled in your stomach. You swallowed back, suddenly nervous in his presence, even more so when you felt his thumb trace the outside of your lip.
Your eye never moved from his.
"ivestragon ziry aril"
Say it again.
To anyone else it would have been a command. But he seemed desperate to hear it again and a shuddered breath came from you again.
And before you could even prepare yourself, do all your breathing and calming, the words seemed to pass your lips as naturally as the sun rises over the horizon.
He was so close still, a smirk on his face and a smile on your own. All anxiety seemed pressed down below the surface, replaced with something new. Something you thought you would never experience.
A desire for his company. For his understanding and patience. But also a desire for him. For him to be pressed to you as if in need and desperation. You could feel your throat constrict at the mere thought.
"kostan ūndegon skoros iksā otāpagon…" He started.
I can see what you are thinking.
"…ñuha riña"
Against his better judgement, he withdrew his hand from you to place behind his back once more, standing back to revel in the effect he had on you. You knew what he was doing and it was not original in the slightest, but it still made you smile bashfully, fingers desperately gripping the book he had given you.
He cleared his throat as if he himself was also nervous, " kessa nyke ūndegon ao tolī…tolī ñuha gūrēñare?" he asked. Shall I see you later, after my training.
You nodded in earnest and watched as he turned to leave, his gaze on yours the entire time until his back faced you. Marvelling at his form as he walked away, he took one more glance back before rounding the corner and you wondered how someone could be so expressive with only one eye. And yet even the smallest glance could send a spark through you like no other. That, combined with his words, was the greatest pleasure you had known.
Even the way he walked away served to stir you so. The way his long legs carried his strides and the way he commanded his space with his form, such confidence at face value and yet so often, in your shared language, he had said that it was not always this way. He had learned the cold stare of feigned confidence through the many years he spent hiding himself away, learning to use his words as his weapon and training his body to be his deadliest.
Who would think that a man like this could be so gracious in the presence of a woman.
Of you.
Hurriedly, you half-ran back to your chambers, letting out a deep breath at being alone and able to let out your thoughts on the man. The book he had gifted you was placed lovingly on your bed as a maid softly knocked at your door. All you could do was face the mirror and uncontrollably smile as she loosened the ties of your dress, pulling the gown off your shoulders to pool at your feet.
"You seem in good spirits, my lady" she remarked, preparing the other dress to be worn at the feast. You could tell that when she said it, she was smiling, "Would the Prince have anything to do with that?"
In the mirror you met her gaze very briefly and shrugged, her hm in response seemed to satisfy her question. Without pressing any further, she draped the dress at your feet and once stepped inside pulled the heavy garment up your body to fasten at your front. This maid was quick about her work and laced it effortlessly at the front and at the back, using metal ones at the front that were coated with gold to compliment the deep forest colour of the gown.
Once the skirts were smoothed down, you observed your figure in the mirror. It was quite possibly the only thing you wore which truly fit you and it was here you felt you looked truly beautiful, for the first time maybe ever. All the small gold fastening attached at the front reminded you of the endless times you had seen Queen Alicent with her seven-pointed star accessories, and you thought she had looked beautiful then.
One your hair was styled the way you preferred, not overly braided, the maid stepped back to admire her own work.
"Beautiful, my lady"
You nod your head in thanks as she takes her leave.
You yourself look on your silhouette and shake slightly. To be his betrothed is one thing, but to be his wife. To tame the blood of the dragon. You felt underequipped for the task at hand.
But you had already conquered him. You just did not know it yet.
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You had been seated at the table for some time with one of your older brothers before people started to file into the hall. Of course, this wasn't the first time you had been in this room but it had been so altered for the feast that it was unrecognisable. There was a long table in the middle of the room with a red tablecloth and many candles decorating the middle, their flames barely flickering the room was so quiet.
Glancing over to your brother, he had his head in his hand, probably severely hungover. His eyes were closed so tightly that you thought that he might be in pain, and you half thought to ask him if he was alright but decided against it. For he had not spoken a single word to you in the weeks your family had been guests to King Viserys and Lady Alicent.
With a sigh you smooth your hands over your gown and clasp your hands together, sending a glare over to your brother who whispered shut up at your sigh.
You could not even make sound in front of your family. The kindness served to you by Aemond had made you realise how badly they treated you. Especially your father.
The echoes of fast footsteps broke you from your trance and you looked over at the entrance to see you older sister, arms hurriedly beside her in her half-run and a fierce stare tracking the room.
Her daggered eyes landed upon you, finger pointed in your direction.
"You!" the words came from her like a stab.
Her fierce look had you on your feet, a questioning look on your face as your sister made for you across the room, your eldest brother not far behind in his own half-run. The other drunken brother furrowed his brows in curiosity and all time seemed to slow as your sister threw all her weight into her palm to strike you across the face.
You could barely register the pain in your face until you looked back into your sister's hateful eyes which is when the pain started to bloom across your cheek and jaw. More shocked than anything right now, you raised your hand to your now burning face to touch, it was not sore yet but it certainly would be. Your sister looked unnaturally angry, so much so that the lines around her mouth were now visible and she was shaking. Her eyes were scrunched up with her expression, mouth hanging open slightly to say something.
"You fucking whore" she spat at you, her hand came to your bare arm to twist the skin there and you let out a cry at the pain. But she would not let go and seemed to dig her fingernails into you even further, even at the sudden presence of your eldest brother and entrance of your father.
"What is the meaning of this!" your father's voice boomed but your sister never took her eyes off you. Afraid that if she would, you would escape her tight grip.
"How did you do it, hm?" she asked, eye boring into you, "The Prince could not have fallen for an idiot like you…"
Your mouth formed into a flat line in an attempt to deflect her unkind words, pushing the brewing tears back, but an ever-present feeling was there also. Anger.
"Let her go, sister" Your eldest brother was at her side, hand hooked under her arm to pull her away. Not one look from him was given to you.
Your father was not far behind, his booming voice aching for his daughter to release her hold on you, noting the arrival of Queen Alicent into the hall, who looked shocked at the whole situation.
"What did you do then, fuck him?" she snapped and you could feel your anger bubble inside of you. Mouth open ready to say something, the familiar block stopped you, but your sister was so close, so you thought to opt for a whisper if nothing else. You could no just stand idly by while she disrespected you. That is something you had learnt from him. In only the few weeks you had known him, he seemed to have taught you more than your family ever had.
"N-n.." you start, and a moment of surprise passes on your sister's face, but the anger remains, "…not all of us…h-have to…"
She seemed to mull over the words for a long time, fingernails pushing so hard into your skin you were sure there would be bruising and welts. And it was as if it was a language she had not know, you could see her bounce the words in her head. Or perhaps she had never bothered to hear for the sound of her sister's voice before.
It all came down on your sister so quickly and she let a sinister smile pass on her face at the understanding of your words.
"You dare take the Prince from me…" she cursed, her grip tightening like a vice once more around you and you closed your eyes once more to brace yourself for another strike.
"Care to tell me why your hands are on my betrothed?" a voice rang out loud and deep and your eyes popped open again to find Aemond at the doorway, hands ever clasped behind his back, his cold, hard stare at your sister.
Her head spun around with such speed, you thought it might pop off and her confused gaze met the Prince's, but it was not long before a sinister smile returned, her hands still on you.
"I am your betrothed" she returned.
Aemond turned his head so that he could face the sister straight on, nothing needed to be said, saying enough with his gaze entire. The room seemed deathly quiet as he took his few steps towards your sister, his eye never met yours, not even once. There was danger in the room and he felt he had to address it.
"Aemond…" Alicent muttered, trying to distract him. But it was no use. He was trained directly on your sister and you could feel her façade slip away by the second as she shrunk under his look.
"Release her" he ordered. When your sister did not move, he sent a hooded glare down at her, "Now"
It was clear your sister was too out of it to move, so your eldest brother pulled her towards him, with no resistance. Your groaned in pain as your sister's fingernails came from your skin, leaving red half-moon shaped marks on you. Aemond's hand was on your arm instantly, inspecting the damage your sister inflicted on you, his touch soft against the violence that had ensued before. His fingers traced the marks before allowing his eye to meet yours and then your cheek, seeing the way the skin was inflamed, red and no doubt sore.
It was difficult to gauge his emotion at this time. But all you knew it that he was angry.
Turning to your siblings and father, he took your arm softly to push you behind him, whispering to you softly.
"Gaomas ziry ōdrikagon?" Does it hurt? He asked.
You could not dignify him with a lie and simply replied quietly, "M-mirrī…" A little.
Aemond could not tolerate anyone laying a hand on you, and you seemed to understand this as he faced your family.
"What was that?" you father asked, wide-eyed and staring at you. Silence filled the room once more and your father shuffled embarrassed, "Answer me"
"She spoke" your sister said, "So it does speak"
Her laugh filled the room, that cackle that Aemond hated so much. The one that inspired him to cast her aside, now even more annoying.
"You mean to me that you can speak all this time?" your father says, a hint of annoyance in his voice, "And then once in the company of the Prince, suddenly your idiocy is gone?"
"She is a whore" your sister seethes, but your father orders her to be quiet.
"I would suggest you use different words " Aemond warned, his voice low and protective in the face of your family.
The otherwise quiet Queen Alicent seemed to step forward, using her body to separate the two parties. For a long time, she had been the dividing force between families and had no issues stepping back into that responsibility now.
"That is enough" she said softly, her eyes forever on your father, "My Lord, no promises have been made regarding joining our houses"
All at once, the reality of the situation seemed to hit your father. His face changed from one scorned, angry and exhausted to something more hopeful.
"He is meant to be my husband!" your sister called out, eldest brother still holding onto her arm. She looked positively furious and with the opportunity would most certainly have broken free to wreak havoc once more.
"Be quiet" your father warned. Looking towards you, he jutted his jaw upwards, feeling as if suddenly he had the upper hand, "This marriage will still benefit us no doubt and you have done this family an unexpected favour, your Grace"
Alicent wasn't enjoying a moment of this and simply looked onwards, almost dissociated. Your father's tone seemed predatory, his gaze creeping back over to you and Aemond. Your fingers rested on his hand, delicately gripping him and thanking him for his support in this awkward situation.
Aemond cocked his head, knowing your father had more to say.
Stepping forward, your father dared to glower at the Prince.
"You have taken this halfwit from me, at last"
It was clear it was aimed to set Aemond off. And it had almost worked as the man before you went to take a step forward, only to be met with your hand on his chest. Confused, he looked down at you but you simply shook your head. His look was difficult to decipher as many had often said before you, but you refused to allow him to act how others perceived him, so with a soft hand on his chest you gently pushed him back to take your place before him. One hand slipped into his, you faced your father, who had a sick, satisfied smile on his face.
You could see his gaze waver slightly when you went to open your mouth.
He was the one you feared the backlash from the most. Mother, at least, had been somewhat patient and accepting until her death. But after that, it only served to turn your father bitter. If he would not be patient for his other children, there was little hope for yourself growing up with any form of endearment. What could be expected of such a man.
You felt the familiar slam of a block in your throat, and you swallowed heavily, squeezing Aemond's hand beside you. Grounding you. With a deep breath, you looked back up to your father. He would not interrupt you this time. He would not best you.
He could not have the last laugh this time.
"You…" the words came out forcefully, almost clumsy. But no block in sight, "…are no father…t-to me"
The room was deathly quiet and more than anything, everyone was just shocked. You watched your father's face carefully and saw the raw shock that was so clearly there and you hadn't realised just how tightly you had been holding onto Aemond's hand until he squeezed back, a very obvious proud look on his features.
You took a glance about the room once the silence had become uncomfortable, your siblings sharing their own form of shock in equal measure. A sudden feeling of self-consciousness overtook you and you looked over at Alicent and finally Aemond.
Alicent looked entirely neutral if not a little amused, but Aemond did not have to hide his amusement, his lips turned up into a very clear smirk as his eye looked down at you. You dared to send him a smile back, secretly proud of what you had done in the spur of the moment.
"I think it is time for you to leave, my Lord" Alicent said, cutting through the stony silence, "The King and I will send the terms for the marriage in the coming days"
The father looked wordlessly over at the Queen, now haggard and expressionless.
"I trust the matter is closed"
"Hm" was your father's only response. He gave you somewhat of a glare before turning his back, his own hand clamping around your sisters to drag her out of the room. Your brother's seemed to give Aemond a look before following also, the eldest dragging the middle by the cuff of his shirt.
You let out a breath and your shoulders dropped, now relieved of the pressure. Aemond squeezed your hand again,
"T-tolī o-o…olvie?" you ask. Too much?
He shakes his head with a chuckle, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead, "Daor, īles vok"
No, it was perfect.
 The weight of the burden your family was apparently very hefty, for as they arranged their hasty departure the next day it did not seem to bother you to see them off.
You would happily spend the afternoon sat beneath the Weirwood Tree, book softly placed in your lap. Aemond leaned against the tree behind you, reading over your shoulder as your eyes darted across the words scribbled on the page, fingers at the corner ready to turn with excitement.
Aemond smirked knowingly as his eye caught your family passing the gardens, the servants carrying their luggage. Your father leered over, a gaze that could kill settling upon the Prince, but the only thing that could occupy the space between you both was the sound of you reciting the book before you. The one he had given you as a present.
He sat by, watching every now and then as the line formed between your eyebrows at a particularly difficult word, taking staggered breaths to get the long ones through in a single utterance. And for a moment, watching you reciting the text, Aemond swore he saw the passing of regret pass over your father's features.
Your words seemed to be suited to Valyrian, Aemond so often thought, and even now as he listened to your words from the history book, he took a lock of hair between his fingers to play with the strands. A chill ran up your spine at his hand on your neck, pushing the hair away, the smooth skin hiding beneath now exposed to the cold air.
His hand remained at your nape as you finished the sentence.
"Rȳ z-zȳha…sȳrje…sk-skorkydoso gaomas…b-bisa pikībagon?..." How does this read? you pause to ask, a finger pointed at the page at an unknown symbol. Aemond sat up and leered over your shoulder at the spot,
"Oh" you answer, now feeling stupid, but chuckling in response. You carried on, Aemond's chin now resting softly atop your shoulder.
"Valyria iksin se….ro-rovaja oktion isse se vys. Iemny ziry..."
"Lemnȳ" Aemond corrected, smiling.
You sigh and push the book closed to place beside you, looking up at Aemond's smug face, he was so close now that you could see the stitching of his eye-patch and a shuddered breath came from you at the hand that was still placed on your skin. His eye was once against hooded to look down at you, perhaps you would never get used to the feeling that gave you.
"Ao pikībagon sȳrī" You read well.
"e-emi mērī..sssepār rhēdan" We have only just started. You shake your head at his words.
"Nyke hae aōha elēni…" I like the sound of your voice, he trailed off and you could feel your cheeks heat up at his compliments. Truthfully, you loved the sound of his more. Especially when he spoke Valyrian. It being your shared language, there was a certain intimacy to it. And you found yourself wondering if he would speak it during…
Your sinful thoughts were cut off by his hand on your jaw, turning your face towards him. If he was close before, now he was even closer, and you held your breath and searched his eye for his intent. He was smiling down at you, finger softly dragging across your skin and it seemed like there was nothing more romantic than saying nothing at all in this moment. Eyes zoned in on him, you opened your mouth to say something, his name.
His lips interrupted you and you could feel how his softness pressed against you, body heated instantly just purely with his touch. All that fire that burned in his blood, pumped around his body, to be pressed against you now; it burned so nicely that you smiled in his kiss. Allowing him to slip into your mouth as you smiled, the warmth enveloped the two of you and you hand was softly pressed to his chest, grasping the collar of his coat, perhaps in an effort to pull him closer. Aemond groaned with need, sending a vibration of desire that descended through you.
You had never felt so wanted in your life. And Gods, it felt so nice to be wanted, to be needed.
Time seemed to pass so slowly when he had you like this and the desire deepened more so when his hand cupped the back of your head, pressing further into you. A ghost of a moan left you which only seemed to spur him on more so, running swiftly out of breath.
"Aōha udra…" he broke away to whisper, forehead resting on yours, "…nyke jorrāelagon tolī"
You smiled, eyes closed and enveloped in his scent, his love. It was other-wordly.
Your words. I need more.
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 Taglist:  @candypurplebutterfly @vainillasmil157 @ysa-psa @angelaevangelion @bellaisasleep @random-human02 @guardian-of-the-imagination​
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ramayantika · 2 months
Overheard 2 friends talk about me
Girl A: *sees me sleeping* yaar isko tension hi nahi hai ekdum bache jaise soti hai
Roomie: arey yeh humesha vaise hi chill rehti hai voh utna padhti hai jitna usse score karna hai. Jitna ache se usse hoga utna hi karega baki nahi hoga agar toh nahi.
Girl A: iska marks bhi toh theek hi aata hai. Kal hi toh mast dance kar rahi thi pura phir HAP ke din subah mein stress mein answer theory sab bole jaa rahi hu yeh bas sirr hilake revise karke uth gayi
Roomie: haan yeh kabho extra stress tension nahi leti and marks bhi toh aata hai
Girl A: vahi hum stress leke marks laate hai yeh bhi utna le aati hai
Me: *dozes off*
But yeah 2 days before end sems I was crying tf out in the hostel washroom and then wiped my tears, washed my face until eyes were dry and no longer red. I have had my share of stressing and driving my body and mind to exhaustion for exams so I decided that in college I would not repeat the same. I did cry because I got overwhelmed for a little while and then figured out how to prepare and I did which was calming
Also yeah sure I may not be the batch topper with my marks, but I used to study before exams too, so that helped with not having to study last minute. I like my course so I put in time to read and understand and also so that I could balance dancing too with all the exams we have been made to give
People see my chill laidback face but behind that there has been steady prep and also time investment. This time I don't feel nervous about my results like I used to. I know I will get the marks based on my writing and study prep and it will be decent enough
Once I used to be someone who thoughts exams grades and teacher remarks and the societal expectations shall comprise my whole world but I began getting out of that box. I still struggle sometimes with my identity because many see me as a non serious student who only dances, some see me as the middle class dreamy arts student who got forced into science, but I genuinely love learning science as well as my dance and writing.
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girl-please-study · 9 months
hi <3 i love your blog !! i open your blog everytime i feel myself losing focus and boom ✨ motivation ✨ my question is, what are your tips for a 10th grader who is extremely poor at time management?
Honestly I'd just say, Have Fun as much as you can. Ask any 11th grader or anyone in senior secondary they'll start reminiscing their 10th days because sadly that's the last any of us got to experience carefree joy.
Coming to your question, I'm sure you already know the "divide your subjects into slots" management tool. But what I like to do is, divide the day into “Energy Levels” and then fit the subjects according to the energy slots. For example, if you are waking up early, you'd want to utilise that time with doing Physics or Maths or looking at important dates from Social Science — basically anything that'll take much mental effort. When you're too tired you can go through diagrams or maps (they ask map based questions too!). This was just an example to guide you to make a personalized chart for yourself.
The trick to find what works for you is a, sometimes quiet lengthy process of Trial and Error. If you don't get the desired outcome na, don't think it's because you're this or that, don't blame yourself, maybe you didn't succeed is because the method you were using wasn't effective - change the method not the goal ok!
Other than that, try to make studying enjoyable by setting goals/rewards for yourself — once you start enjoying the process, other distractions won't cause you any problem. Try to set aside time to review stuff every other day, or every 2 days since you last studied it — reviewing is the most important task!
Again, I'd like to emphasize DON'T sacrifice all the fun, friends and social life just yet — iska bhi samay ajayega kaafi jaldh (11th next he h) /j
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dogesterone · 1 year
How to make an edgy bad bitch character:
Step 1: make her cool and mean and violent but just a tiny bit pathetic
Step 2: make her name end in "-iska" or "-aska"
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zmasters · 4 months
The Characters in my Chaos Mercenary Warband: The Rust Hydras
I can't draw for shit, enjoy the descriptions of my lovable group of psychopaths.
Characters from my Warhammer fan fic, and models I play. I will add things as time goes on.
The Rust Hydras are an Alpha Legion mercenary warband lead by the Warpsmith Narvik. Based out of the strike cruiser Rusted Herald, but has recently taken over the fedual world of Kage in the Izanagi system, the warband specializes in sabotaging enemy vehicles. While a small force, they offer their services as mercenaries. This is usually done by infiltrating the target's location, sabotaging and stealing vehicles and defense platforms, and leaving when the hiring invasion force arrives. They also build daemon engines for sale.
Vera von Hellebor
Role: Knight Destructor Pilot, Psyker, Daemon Summoner, Forge Assistant
Aliases/Nicknames: Bloodfly, Narvik's Pet, the feck is that thing?
Pronouns: she/her
Physical Description: 6ft 5. Teal scaled carapace, which can change colors and take the appearance of normal human skin-tone. Her arms and legs end in four sharp claws, but can be reshaped into human-like proportions. Blonde hair and purple eyes, both of which can be changed as well. A pair of horns sprout from her forehead, and she has a tail. She has a pair of blood red insect wings, which are kept hidden in her back carapace.
The mutated daughter of the leader of the Knight House Hellebor, Vera and her knight, the Unrepentant Misery (inherited from her brother, Sven, who past defending her from the inquistion), were given up to the Alpha Legion warpsmith Narvik in order to protect her from the Inquisition. Under Narvik's tutelage, she was raised as his assistant.
Knight pilot savant, master of the forge, and novice daemon summoner, Vera is an moron in ever other possible field, and is only a competent spy because of her psyker powers.
Bubbly and optimistic though quick to rage, she sees Narvik as her father, and is willing to do whatever he says. Her daily duties include summoning daemons to be put into engines, and killing daemons that escape from being put into engines.
Daemons find her difficult to possessed due to her overwhelming optimism. That being said, it has happened before. As well, Vera the psyker strangely favors Khorne over the other three Chaos Gods, and wears a Khornate pendent gifted to her by her older sister Marianne (a proper Khorne follower).
She has since carved out a small kingdom on the moon of Kage, and claims (key word, claims) all of the Izanagi system as hers. But she finds actually ruling a kingdom to be boring, and plans to hand it off to her partner Zyn.
Vera is aromantic, a trait that confuses the asexual Narvik and Iska. She is also in a queer platonic relationship with Zyn, who wants a proper romantic relationship but understands that it's unlikely.
Likes: Murder, blowing shit up, building things to blow shit up with
Dislikes: Peace, actually ruling the kingdom she made, her biological father
Narvik the Rusting Hydra
Role: Warband Leader, Warpsmith,
Aliases/Nicknames: Alpharius, Omegon, "that red one" -Iron Warrior's Chaos Lord, "Father" -Vera
Pronouns: he/him
Physical Description: 8ft 2. Olive skin with no body hair. Most of his body has been replaced by cybernetics in a way that resembles an unmodified astarte. Wears a rust-red set of armor, only his helmet and right pauldron being Alpha Legion teal. His armor appears to be perpetually stained in oil.
Graduated as a tech-marine from Mars a day before the Horus Heresy, Narvik had a rough start as a Chaos space marine. He quickly jumped ship, taking a handful of legionnaires of various traitor legions with him, and vanished into the Warp. He and his men reappeared a few (thousand) years later, accidentally causing a warp storm to cover Vera's homeworld the day she was born, which mutated every child born for an entire month. Hiding out for a few years, Narvik stole these mutated children, alongside a number of captured human serfs and knights. As the world was torched by the inquisition, and they vanished back into the Warp.
Narvik is a serious man, prioritizing the survival of his people over anything else. His training under the mechanicum caused him to develop a clinical and mechanical outlook on everything. Despite this, he cares for Vera like a daughter, despite his emotionless style of speaking suggesting otherwise.
He spends most of his free time mentally connected to the Rust Herald's machine spirit, wishing for the simple life of being a ship.
He taught Vera how to read binary, and nothing else.
One of his hearts temporarily stopped after catching Vera drinking oil. She was fine.
Likes: Fucking with people, selling what remains of his soul for the highest price, dreaming about being a complete machine, Vera
Dislikes: Loud noises, the Rusted Herald taking damage, the mechanicus (he's fine with the mechanicum)
Havoc Champion Iska
Role: Havoc Squad Commander, Second-in-Command
Aliases/Nicknames: Havoc, Rusty, Uncle
Pronouns: [REDACTED]/[DATA EXPUNGED] do not refer to them
Physical Description: 8ft 10. Wears a set of rust red armor with taloned boots. Each pauldron is silver in color. They never removes their armor in the view of others.
The youngest of the astartes of the Rust Hydras (being born after the Heresy), Iska has quickly raised through the ranks to entering Narvik's personal guard. They now serves as Narvik's right hand, taking charge whenever the warpsmith is busy building machines or daydreaming of being a machine spirit.
Iska is a creature of few words, only speaking when they deems appropriate. And most times, they still don't speak. As leader of a havoc squad, they favor long range combat, their favored weapons being a lascannon.
Iska has volunteered for the role of uncle in Vera's life, spoiling the little beast with trophies from their conquests.
Vera sees Iska as a big, quiet teddy bear.
Narvik thinks Iska is an effective warrior and a worthy successor.
Everyone else is terrified by the silent giant.
Likes: Vera, Murder
Dislikes: Everything else
Role: Vera's partner, Spy
Aliases/Nicknames: Horns, Bloodfly's Bloodbag
Pronouns: she/them
Physical Description: 6ft 2. A beastwoman with black fur, bright yellow eyes, curved ram-like horns, and bone white hooves.
The mutated daughter of Vera's wetnurse, she and her future partner were close for their entire lives. She wasn’t abducted with Vera though, and was forced on the run with alongside the remaining nobility of House Hellebor. Zyn and Vera united over two decades later, after Vera killed her father for selling her out to the inquistion and causing the collapse of House Hellebor. Since then, she has served as Vera's queen. And while she isn't as gifted as Vera is in battle, she knows how to read and generally takes care of the day-to-day ruling.
Zyn is very defensive of Vera, seeing her partner and knight lord as theirs. This has gotten them into trouble as they tried to defend their partner from potential suitors. When away from suitors, she is incredible lovey-dovey with Vera, who's aromantic ass is also incredible oblivious. Zyn has to specifically say that she wants sex to get Vera's attention, and sometimes that doesn't work.
She was trained to be Vera's maid prior to her abduction by the Rust Hydras, and generally takes care of the cleaning and laundry. Vera can never do laundry again, after trying to using the heat produced by her knight's exhausts to dry their clothes. Zyn also cooks everything, due Vera somehow burning ice cream. She is fine with this, as despite their bestial appearance and rage, Zyn has a traditionally feminine personality. She wants to be the housewife, cooking, cleaning, and raising their kids. Though she's fine without the "kids" part.
She is unaware that Vera had laid eggs and given them away, mostly because Vera isn't sure how that happened and feels too embarrassed to admit it.
Once discovered that Vera was possessed by a daemonette after she wanted to top.
Likes: Vera, murder, housework
Dislikes: Non-mutated humans, a knight collecting dust, blood in her clothes
I may occasionally add updates to this, if anything, just to make Vera weirder.
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m-arahuyo · 6 months
getting to know me
been dead here a while so i suppose this is as good a come back as any HEY ERRBODY i live
also thanks to the lovely @sp4cedr4g0n for tagging me here
last song: abstract (psychopomp) by hozier, been listening to it at least a couple times a day every day since last week. this man really be out for blood with this entire album
before abstract, it was DO YOU KNOW I COULD BREAK BENEATH THE WEIGHT unknown/nth, but i got that out of my head soon as i was able to write smth for it so,,,
favorite color: way too difficult to choose between cyan and pink so i'm saying both, don't touch me
currently watching: JENNA MARBLES. the serotonin from watching her put on a fake beard and turn herself into a chair is just,,, [chef's kiss]. i miss her dearly
annnnd are yall ready for some true crime bec i also just started till murder do us part
last movie/show: i (re)watched gone girl last weekend with my brother while drunk and we were both still,,, awestruck at the carefully crafted diabolicalness. mother
spicy/savory/sweet: all three is fine right
relationship status: been single for bout 2 years now
current obsession: SONG SO MI SONG SO MI SONG SO MI S O N G B I R D im gon go feral I WILL PROTECT HER W MY LIFE
last google search: "iska movie" bec while it was a movie released in 2019, saw it getting a lot of flak online (locally) lately and wanted to see what it was all about. general consensus is that it's poverty porn and just pointlessly upsetting so,,, am i still gon see it for myself? probably
and now for the tagging god i am terrified of bothering people but here are both pallies (im sorta back hi) and mutuals i jus wanna be more of pallies w, no pressure to anybody tho!! u dont need to answer, could jus think of this as a gud gud poke that someone thought abt u
@ossifer-bones @nanocupcakes @lostchips @amaltheaz @xanmemes
some of yall followed me for the fics i am so sorry for disappearing into the void, much love tho
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nadyagifary · 15 days
Bagasi Berkah
Yaitu, program bagasi berkah, aku menamainya. Program untuk diri sendiri yang bermaksud untuk mempersiapkan semisal bertemu dengan saudara kita yang membutuhkan juga kucing kelaparan di jalan.
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Bukan untuk maksud atau niat apapun, dipostingnya hal ini adalah sebagai bentuk pengingat juga motivasi. Bahwa, di riuh kesibukan sebagai DM, yang mobilisasinya hanya RS-Kos-RS, kadang merasa tidak punya waktu cukup untuk bershodaqoh, mungkin bagasi berkah menjadi alternatif, yaitu dengan mempersiapkan terlebih dahulu. Walaupun, bagasi Vario 150 terbatas, tidak sebesar PCX, tapi ndak papa, mereka berdesak-desakan insyaAllah untuk kebaikan hehe.
Sebagai pengingat, bahwa dalam rezeki yang kita dapat, terdapat bagian mereka. Walaupun tidak seberapa, ukuran per itemnya pun kecil, barangkali hanya bisa dipakai 2-3 kali masak atau makan, apalagi kalau digunakan untuk keluarga besar, sepertinya paket ini tidak terlalu bermakna hehe. Tapi semoga bisa menjadi manfaat untuk mereka, bisa menjadi tambah-tambah stok bahan makanan di dapur. Produknya pun insyaAllah sudah disortir dari produk-produk yang terafiliasi zionis.
Juga memberi makan bagi kucing-kucing jalanan yang kelaparan, barangkali mereka belum pernah merasakan lezatnya wet food rasa salmon. Sengaja menambahi piring (piring ultah anak sebenarnya), agar makanan mereka tidak kotor dan bercampur tanah. Sengaja juga untuk disimpan di botol, agar dry foodnya tetap renyah saat dimakan hewan kesayangan Rasulullah itu. Pun dengan produknya, insyaAllah selalu memakai produk LifeCat (yang iklannya Baim Wong), jauh dari produk terkenal W*iskas atau R*yal C*nnin yang se-israel itu.
Sebagai motivasi pula, dalam Buku Tazkiyatun Nafs oleh Prof. Ibrahim bin 'Amir Ar-Ruhaily pun, kata tazkiyah ada dalam mashdar yang sama dengan zakka-yuzakki-tazkiyatan, dan kata Az-Zakka yang bermakna An-Namaa' juga Az Ziyadah, yang artinya bertambah juga berkembang. Maka, dalam syariat, dinamakan zakat karena menjadikan harta semakin bertambah, barakah, dan bekembang. Sehingga, dengan zakat justru menambah bukan berkurang, apanya? Keberkahan nya hehe. Juga sebagai bentuk motivasi tazkiyah, penyucian, penyucian atas rezeki yang didapatkan, agar tumbuh lapis demi lapis keberkahan yang ada di dalamnya.
Bagai potongan bawang bombay, tiap membuka lapisannya, maka akan kita akan menemukan keberkahan. Karena memang, keberkahan itu tumbuh dan berkembang karena keberkahan yang sebelumnya, artinya keberkahan itu saling berkesinambungan.
"Makanya dek, mari kita usahakan lapis lapis keberkahan itu dengan cara kita sendiri"- Ngendikanipun Murobbi tercinta. Barakallah dokter~
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plasmometer · 2 years
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no mud in the temple!!
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suguru-getos · 24 days
Are didi thankk you haha. I was following you for the last year and I was like once I clear advance I will tell you about it.
Anyways , I liked qot more you know. Matlab qot ki story bahut alag hai baki k drama se. Woh married couple ki story plus usme ki side stories and ofc Kim Soo hyun. Bahit sahi tha
Lovely runner theek hai but mujhe overrated laga. Aapko kaisa laga abhi tak jo episode dekhe uske basis par
Btw I am 😎 annon
so proud of youuuu <333 i really can’t explain how happy it makes me sita 🥺♥️ this is a commendable feat & you should literally celebrate 🥳 sending you so many hugs and kisses
lovely runner abhi tak mene bas 2 episode dekhe hei, qot i really loved because it was just awesome <3 i really like its okay not to be okay and wahin se that actor got into my eyes. i was like bhai iska kdrama toh dekhna padega 🤭 and i didnt regret it at all!!
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Me: Okay, I'm rolling a d2. 1, I lick a corpse. 2, I don't. *rolls a 1* Okay, I lick one of the corpses! GM: Roll a Fortitude save. Me: Okay. *rolls* Ah. That's a 7. GM: You barely resist the urge to vomit. You are Sickened 1 for one hour. Carnifex: How'd it taste? Me: Dusty. A touch of mold. *long pause* You should try it! Kitkats: Ah, no. We're good. Me: No, it is a unique culinary experience that everyone should try! Turuk: Iska. We watched you visibly restrain yourself from projectile vomiting all over the place after licking that corpse. We'll pass.
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Been feeling too horny for the past 2 days. Iska koi ilaaj nahi hai kya?
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siriuslynephilim · 1 year
so ye lj ka roommate mere practical batch mei hai and we were really cool friends before any of this happened but idk usko laga mai lj se pyaar vyaar kar lungi so uske two besties saath ho jaaynge and he had these weird expectations and everything is already over long ago lj se baat bhi nhi hoti na lj mere baare mei kuch bura bolta hai infact vo aur bcg to dost ban gaye but iska roommate mere peeche hi pad gaya hai matlab be matlab aise bolta rehta tumne galat decision liya etc etc aur mai kuch bolti to bolta hai Arey you can't even take jokes aur har time flirt maarta rehta i mean pehle theek tha we were friends thoda bahut chalta hai but ab im in a relationship to jyada karne laga hai + har time bcg ke baare mei kuch bura bolna ya down show karna even though vo sirf poore hostel mei akela banda hai jisse bcg ki baat nahi hoti because hes weird but bcg ko kabhi mere uske friends hone se dikkat nhi hui he's very secure even though he's crossing limits mujhe ab irritation hone laga hai usse we were good friends yk
chee kya chutiya banda hai u need to say chal hatt behen ke laude next time he tries to talk to u and move on mujhe isse sahi vibes nahi aa rahi also if woh nahi maane tu aur bcg aur lj sab jaake usse 2-3 baar punch kar dena fir toh woh maan hi jayega
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