captainneverever · 6 years
Figment of His Imagination
This is a little fic I wrote for @islegirl808, who has been nothing but patient, kind and very generous since they won my Stony Trumps Hate auction. Thank you for understanding, the support, and above all the ideas. I truly hope that this story matches your hopes. 
Figment of His Imagination
Tony doesn't believe that the local artist Steve Rogers is a real person. But he's too busy with his bookstore to get to the bottom of that mystery. And he also has a new problem -- a massive crush on that cute blond guy who is now hanging around all the time.
Rated: T; universe: MCU; words: 7600
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vertonima · 7 years
islegirl808 replied to your photo: Stony Trumps Hate Teespring T-Shirt Fundraiser! I...
This is so adorable. I just placed an order :)
Thank you so much! Not only is your money going to a good cause, you get a fun tshirt in return! I hope you enjoy it when it arrives!
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captainneverever · 7 years
islegirl808 replied to your post “islegirl808 replied to your post “Not looking forward to tomorrow at...”
Aww, sorry I missed this post. You know the HR in me is so curious about what’s happening. LOL! I hope all turns out ok :)
Well, the short version is that my boss wants to change a major job responsibility of a librarian where I work. And that librarian doesn’t want to change their job. So they are going to fight with every fiber of their being so that their job won’t change.
We’re unionized so that’s an element of it. The meeting turned out to be tense and difficult but we got through it. Now the librarian can go to the union to see what the union will do for them. We may or may not be on the road to grievance-dom.
That’s the short version.   
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captainneverever · 7 years
islegirl808 replied to your post “Not looking forward to tomorrow at work. Upside – it’s Friday before a...”
Wow, what a way to start a Friday. Uh, anything that ends in tears is an HR nightmare. Good luck :-)
Aww, thanks. Today’s meeting was just the first step. Now we’re arguing over meeting notes but once that’s settled -- off to HR and the union for everyone but me.
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captainneverever · 7 years
islegirl808 replied to your post “So the last episode of the current Avengers Academy event released...”
Argh, I totally agree with you on this entire post. Lol! I’m at the point were I just want to sit out the rest of the event. It’s so boring!
I know! Boring is the worst thing for any game. Why play if I’m not getting anything out of it?
And I had about three fights for the purple keys today. I got no keys and each fight took out the fighters for at least two hours a pop. 
Shrug. Hope the Ragnarok event is better.
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captainneverever · 7 years
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Oh, wow, thank you all very much!
I’m very touched and really appreciate your replies, means a lot to me. Made the day a whole lot brighter.
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captainneverever · 7 years
islegirl808 replied to your post “So, I really despise the current Avengers Academy event. All the game...”
I totally agree with you. I can hardly remember a time when these events were fun. They make them so difficult to achieve anything that it makes you wonder what the whole point is anymore. I just want to get Frigga because Loki is just too damn adorable when it comes to his mom and Jarvis because we so need some Tony and Jarvis interaction. And if I get Fury, that's great. But yeah, I'm not going to hold my breathe. What I want is for them to open up more space. My campus is so damn crowded. I...
I need more space too! It’s not just the buildings -- it’s like the students are moving in herds now since there’s only so many places to go.
This event is just sucking the fun out of everything. Don’t get me started on the training for the helicarrier (!). Urg.
replied to your post
“So, I really despise the current Avengers Academy event. All the game...”
Right? I'm just...ugh. The events are getting worse and worse in terms of mechanics. The last several events didn't allow one to rank up characters at ALL. Also, we never get to see the storylines as a result!
I hate that we can’t rank up characters during the event. I came for the storylines -- I love the storylines. But also I’ve been disappointed in the rank 4 and 5 storylines for some characters (especially early event characters) because they’ve low on content -- which means that TinyCo doesn’t expect us to get to those ranks so it feels like they didn’t make all that effort.
But yeah, give me more story!
replied to your post
“So, I really despise the current Avengers Academy event. All the game...”
I agree. The mechanics for this event is horrible and frustrating. I didn't care too much for it at the beginning, but now I don't have any motivation with it at all. I got the manatee and Iron mans suit. And I'll try harder for Jarvis, but that's it. The storyline isn't exciting at all either.
I love Iron Manatee -- he’s clearly the highlight of the event for me. Besides him, I’m looking forward to Jarvis and hope I can do some of the storyline for him.
But I just don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere at all with this event. The storyline feels kind of cobbled together to have an event. And today is Tuesday -- I feel like I’m going to be behind to even start the next episode, assuming I care enough.
Here’s hoping the next event is better! (Or maybe we get more story and space.)
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captainneverever · 8 years
islegirl808 replied to your post “So many WIPs!!! Right now I have: 1) An avengers assemble fic inspired...”
I'm tore between Two Families and the fix-it for AA season 3 finale. I love Two Families, but OMG that finale for AA -- so many feels.
Awww, thanks! 
I have a chapter done for Two Families, but I need to do more work on that chapter. So sooner than later. 
I know! about the AA finale. So many feels and that ending with Steve and Tony reaching for each other. Perfect for a fix-it.
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captainneverever · 8 years
islegirl808 replied to your photoset “Me, my snowblower and shovel against The Wall.”
Wow, that is a lot of snow. Do you mind me asking where you at? ��
I’m in Maine. The reason I have so much snow at the end of my driveway is that the city plow gifts me with snow. :) 
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captainneverever · 7 years
islegirl808 replied to your post “2017 has been one hell of a dumpster fire so far, hasn’t it?”
OMG, I totally agree. Every morning I wake up dreading what's happened now and it's so scary.
I know. Today was a screaming day. 
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captainneverever · 7 years
inukagome15 replied to your post “islegirl808 replied to your post “So the last episode of the current...”
I've gotten one key for each heroic fight in sector 2 i've done today. and only 1 key because i have medium chance on the sector with 2 keys... >.> couldn't they have gone with the 50 minute heal timers? or given us med packs like they did last event? ugh
inukagome15 replied to your post “inukagome15 replied to your post “So the last episode of the current...”
Yeah, they are awful. :/ I only have Festive Widow, Cardboard Iron Man, and Banana Maria in my crates. Guess which ones I've gotten? And guess what I have got? Currency. With rank-ups as a side note
I am drowning in currency. It’s so ridiculous.
And I just realized that we’re not getting health pack drops or anything like that. Last year, we got perks, shards, and health packs when we completed hangout levels. This year, we get bananas which are rank-ups for Hit Monkey, a premium character. This feels unbalanced.
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captainneverever · 7 years
noirstar13 replied to your post “islegirl808 replied to your post “So, I really despise the current...”
I'm not even going to try to get the fourth character or fury, I don't care i just want Jarvis, but this is getting harder and harder and harder, at this point they are just making the game for p2p players.
Certainly feels that way, eh?
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captainneverever · 7 years
rendingrosencrantz replied to your post “islegirl808 replied to your post “So, I really despise the current...”
I haven't even checked it all day, I'm maaaybe going for JARVIS, but at third in the line, I'd still have to grind a bit to get him and idk if I want to do that
Honestly, I set up the game this morning before work and totally didn’t check it until lunch and after work. I’m working on upgrading all my other characters now.
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captainneverever · 6 years
islegirl808 replied to your post “Hmmmm, for the Cap-IM Big Bang, I have no idea what to write. I mean I...”
Ooh, I vote for fairies...fairies in their fairy kingdom — that would be so awesome to read :)
I’m sooooo tempted. I’ve never written fairies before. Depends on whether or not I can get a 25K word fic though .....
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