reverxnce · 2 years
"Zeke, I'm sorry-! I'm sorry.."
-From Sui // @isleofbeasts
“Hey, I’m far too tired to go pointing fingers, little one. Besides, I played a pretty significant role in my own undoing this time around. Let’s not fall out; let’s just be glad it’s over. For now.”
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luazasvogel · 2 years
@isleofbeasts​ // hiding.
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      He understood being afraid, being intimidated. The Wildfire’s body barely moved, though arms crossed back rather than in front of him, just slightly more open for the child that had--whether accidentally or not--been his. Wings even shuffled and fluttered somewhat, black feathers sheening in the light, all consuming yet with even the slightest hint of welcome.
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      “ You have every right to be. ”
      Voice blunt, however soft it was in comparison to how the Calamity spoke to most. A stance of intimidation could be saved for those that actually deserved it, not this child.
      “ --but I surely won’t hurt you. ’
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despairforme · 2 years
BLOOD. -What types of injuries has your muse sustained? What was the worst? // @isleofbeasts
damn ,, ask meme .    
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       ❝ I'm guessin' we're talkin' major injuries here, 'cause I ain't 'bout 'ta fuckin’ list every 'lil scratch. ❞ Broken ribs? He was not counting that shit. Torn knuckles? Not worth mentioning. Nnoitra had only had two --- mah, maybe three incidents where something serious had happened to him. Considering the sort of life he led, that was not so bad. He had gotten into more fights that one could count. The fact that he hardly ever got injured was just proof of how STRONG he was.
      ❝ My eye, obviously. ❞ Nnoitra said, pointing to his eyepatch. He didn't wear this thing because it LOOKED GOOD or because it was comfortable. He wore it to hide an obvious weak spot. ❝ I got stabbed when I was eighteen, right before 'da end 'a high school. 'Daz why I dropped out. ❞ Yeah, getting stabbed in the eye had made him say GOODBYE to any sort of education. There was no way he could take his exams while he was dying from pain. Getting stabbed in the eye had been the worst pain he had ever experienced, by far. He remembered EVERYTHING about it, and could still bring forth the feeling of the blade piercing his eyeball if he tried. Not that he ever did. The knife had penetrated his skin right above his left brow-bone, and been brought down vertically to cut through his eyeball and down to about half a centimetre below his eye.
      Nnoitra had had no money at the time, so he ( the smartest man on the planet ) hadn't gone to hospital. No surprise, the wound had gotten infected. The pain of having his eye and face start to ROT? That had been worse than the stabbing itself. It was also why the scar had turned out so large. The whole eye-area had been infected, and it had spread down his cheek. It was why he wore such a large eyepatch. In the end, he HAD gone to the hospital. He couldn't pay for more than the bare minimum, so he hadn't had the eye removed. It was blind, of course, but it remained in its socket. It had looked VERY ugly. Like something out of a horror movie. The eye itself had turned almost white, and he had lost all motorisation to it, so it would just float around, making him appear cross-eyed.
       ❝ Next big thing, though I don't think it was THAT big a deal, was at work. I was fightin' this huge ass motherfucker, 'n even though I won 'da fight, I had 'ta go 'ta 'da hospital 'cause I passed out. Think it was... What'cha call it? A concussion? So, no big deal. ❞ He honestly didn't remember everything from that fight. The important thing was that he had won. He counted it as a big injury simply for the fact that they ( his manager ) had brought him to the hospital for treatment.
       ❝ Then, I guess 'da most badass injury was when I got shot in 'da head. ❞ Again, Nnoitra pointed to his eyepatch. There was a small grin on his face, as if it was FUNNY. It wasn't. But it was ironic that he had been shot - in his bad eye. ❝ Got shot right in my blind eye. Talk 'bout fuckin' luck, huh? 'N 'da bullet went right through 'n exited here - ❞ He pointed at a spot behind his left ear. There was a scar there, but it was hidden by lots of black hair. Getting shot in the head had been... How to even describe it? He remembered everything prior to getting shot, but after that? Things were a little blurry. He knew ( because he had been told ), that he had suffered from memory loss for a while afterwards, but luckily he had gotten his memories back. He also knew that he would suffer from headaches for the rest of his life. Not every day, but pretty often. A small price to pay for actually surviving getting shot in the head. The doctors were fascinated by him, and apparently one brain-surgeon had even written a whole ass paper about his case that had been published. It was a ' miracle ' they said.
       Getting shot had changed Nnoitra's face, needless to say. The eye was completely gone now. The eye-socket had more or less grown shut, but it appeared slightly deformed. The scar itself was still just a few years old, so it was pink in color. The old scar from his injected eye was still visible on his cheekbone, but it had a white appearance and was faded ( because it was so much older ). Nnoitra's brow-bone had been shattered from the impact of the bullet, but had been reconstructed somewhat successfully. There was a small dent there and several scars from stitches - which, apparently, would fade. Overall, Nnoitra thought he looked better than before. At least he didn't have that freaky eye floating around. Now there was just nothing. There was so much scar-tissue that the crater where the socket was didn't even appear that deep. At the hospital, surgeons had wanted to do reconstructive surgery on him, but Nnoitra had declined. WHY should he try to have this ' fixed ' ? He was so used to wearing that large eyepatch, and he doubted any sort of reconstruction could make him look presentable anyway. He would always be ugly, and that was fine.
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friendsamongstars · 2 years
@isleofbeasts​ | Sui 
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“Stand down! We’re here on an exploratory mission!” The anxiety that already had Brian running up the wall caused him to jump and immediately hold out the equivalent of a basic space gun. He aimed it a little higher as this sudden inhabitant was an inch or so taller. 
He immediately pulled back to find the person he found was....eating rocks? Even knowing all the aliens that attended the academy none of them ate that. “Wh-what’s going on here, a-are you okay? Those are rocks, a commonly known inedible substance created by erosion or damage from bigger formations.”
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reverxnce · 2 years
|| Continued ||
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“You don’t understand-!!”
Sui betrayed them. Despite her lack of respect and her behavior towards them, this was still family. They were still family, In a way. Why was she selfish? Because the empress made her an offer that could have waited but she just couldn’t refuse?
“I told the empress. I told her everything. I let it slip-!”
She didn’t deserve the kindness.
If Ezekiel wasn’t talking to a child right now, would he be angry? Truth be told, he didn’t know. 
“It’s okay. I figured something like that had happened.” He replied calmly. He’d said it from the start, that he was uncomfortable with a vulnerable and impressionable young girl like Sui playing the role of double agent. But it had happened now. What’s done is done. And truth be told, he couldn’t bear to watch the youngster anymore than she already had.
“But what happened would have come to pass sooner or later.” He moved to carefully perch beside her, placing his had gently over hers. “We dug our own graves - there was plenty more evidence other than just your word.”
The picture of Bonnie, the documents - it all probably would have happened just the same, with or without Sui’s interjection.
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despairforme · 2 years
"What are you, exactly?" from kesai / @isleofbeasts
      Shouldn't that be HIS line? What stood before him would be described by others as a MONSTER. To Nnoitra - it was not. He had lived almost a thousand years among beasts. He wasn't afraid. The creature was huge. Bigger than him, and it took a form he had never seen before. He didn't show any fear. He stood in what appeared to be a relaxed position. His long fingers were loosely holding onto his weapon, Santa Teresa. NEITHER of them knew what the other was. Both were wondering. The creature asked first. Nnoitra didn't mind answering.
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      ❝ I'm a HOLLOW. ❞ There was no pride in that, only a statement. He was a Hollow. Always had been. Always would be. His human-like appearance wouldn't change that. ❝ Yer some weird creature too, huh? ❞ Weird, but - interesting. Nnoitra LIKED meeting new types of creatures. His life was very monotone and repetitive, so anything that broke the cycle was welcome. / @isleofbeasts .
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