#ismael zambada x reader
cositapreciosa · 1 year
I’ve just rewatched narcos Mexico I love Mayo so much😭 Can I request something about him comforting his wife about the drama going on with tj like maybe this is just after he’s picked a side and she’s scared and worry about what will happen to him. I don’t know I’m just interested in mayo comfort vibe cause feel like I haven’t seen that on here!. Thank you! Hope your good🫶🏼
Burning bridges
Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada x gn!reader, 2121 words
a single use of Y/N, drinking alcohol, wanting to kill someone, the usual for the show
a/n : Hope you're good too!! Sorry it took so long, but it's finally here !! He is so husband material look at him <3
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx
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You have been waiting for hours. Pacing back and forth in the living room, running to the window every time you would see headlights coming in from the street, licking the wallpaper and out the way just as fast. It is still not him, not his car, not even his men coming to tell you that he would be late. Ismael was supposed to be here on time, as usual, as he does most nights, but tonight he isn’t and you can’t help this feeling of helplessness from taking over your mind. His dinner is getting cold on the dinner table, fork and knife perfectly placed around the ceramic plate, you even made sure to pour some wine into his cup.
You know he works hard to keep the business afloat, to give you this roof and this food to put on the table. You also know what the business is, even though he doesn’t like to tell you all about it. There are nights when he does, confiding in you when he needs your opinions. It is usually when you are sitting outside, enjoying the backward after a long day, he would light himself a cigar and offer you a glass of that expensive wine that you like. I want to know what you think about this, he always says, adding something about how it impacts you too, in a way.
You know that the police caught Miguel Angel, that his plazas aren’t holding up after his trial. You also know that your husband is thinking about joining forces for once and going around the Arellano’s back. You are pacing the kitchen, pouring some more wine into a glass. It is bitter when it goes down your throat, a reminder that this is not a normal night, that he would have at least called you if he planned on coming back late. Maybe you should wrap up his plate and put it in the fridge for him later, warm it up when he eventually arrives. He has to. There is no other option, no world where someone rings the bell at this hour to let you know he wouldn’t. Your husband has to come home.
The cat is slithering in between your feet, all purrs and soft fur against your ankles, but you don’t have the heart to pet him back. Your wedding ring feels heavy on your finger, thoughts are battling in your head, you haven’t been this anxious in months. You have met the Arellanos before, at the oldest daughter’s wedding, a beautiful reception where Ismael happily paraded you around. You could read them well, that night, see how squared they hold their shoulders, how political the whole thing was. If they wanted to kill your husband they could, they just had to ask.
'' Y/N? ''
You scream, glass falling from your hand, shattering at your feet. You feel the liquid between your toes, ear the cat’s claw on the hardwood floor as it runs away. Ismael is in front of you, standing at the door, hat pushed up.
'' Ay Dios mio, Ismael. When did you get in?! I didn't hear you, how- ''
'' Don't move, okay? You'll cut yourself. ''
He moves to you, boots covered in mud. He looks tired, you can tell, with his sleeves rolled up, damp hair, you know he must have had a hell of a day.
'' I tried calling the warehouse, they didn't know where you were- damn it. ''
You hiss, raising your hand to grab at his shoulder as he nears, boots crunching on the shards of glass. Your toe starts to bleed, mixing with the wine covering the floor. He barely acknowledges your remark, pushing your un-asked question to the side. His hand comes up to your waist, caressing your side as it moves up, lifting you by the rib. You step carefully on his work shoes, naked toes meeting the leather as he turns on his heels, bringing you away from the mess.
'' I came through the garage. Didn't I tell you to lock it behind you, hm? ''
He does, every day before he leaves for work, every night before bed. His fingers are warm between your ribs and you can see him for the first time tonight. His shirt is dirty, mud you know you will have to scrub hard and long to get off. He is already looking at you when you meet his eyes, they are soft, tired, the skin creasing in between his brows. Your hand moves to his chest, where his heart is, caressing the shirt over his skin with your thumb.
'' I was... ''
Scared? Would that even be the right word? You were scared for him, for what it would entail for you after if anything were to happen. Anxious that there was nothing you could do to prevent this, only being able to stay home, cook eggs in the morning, soak his dirty shirts, and pour him whiskey in a cold glass when he eventually comes back. He gives you a small smile, one that barely pulls at his lips, lifting only on one side. I know, he wants to say, and you don’t feel like you have to end your sentence anymore.
He kneels in front of you, pressing his warm hand behind your thigh and then to the joint of your knee to lift your foot off the ground. You can feel his breath on your leg, the tip of his hat tickling your thigh.
'' You don't have to do this. You'll get blood all over your shirt. ''
He scoffs at the irony, pulling a handkerchief from his back pocket and pressing it to your toe, holding your heel with a firm hand when you inevitably jerk away from the pain. The cut is minimal, nothing a good bandaid wouldn’t fix, but the blood still runs on the side of your foot, staining the tissue red.
He looks up to you once again, you notice a scratch on his face that wasn’t there this morning.
'' They burned the boats. All of them. ''
He doesn’t say more, he doesn’t need to. You know who he is talking about, what they are doing and why. You sigh softly, leaning back on the counter behind you. You did tell him that Chapo’s offer was a good deal, that he should consider it, and now you have to stand here and listen to the consequences of it. Ones that you felt couldn’t touch you, ones you felt he would be protected enough not to deal with. He wasn’t even in on the deal yet, but they already came at him like he was.
'' I'm sorry, cariño. ''
It is sincere, you mean it. You know how hard he works at the dock, how many can count on his fleet for a fair wage, hopefully living the normal life he didn’t choose for himself. Maybe you were wrong to tell him to listen to Chapo, maybe making friends and alliances wasn’t a good idea after all. Your hand reaches for his hat, taking it off and discarded on the counter just as fast. Your fingers come back down, moving untamed curls back and away from his forehead, he leans into your touch, pressing his cheek into your palm.
'' I made you dinner, but you weren't coming home. ''
'' I know. ''
He sighs, forehead falling on your thigh. His moustache scratches your skin, his thumb caressing your ankle as he talks.
'' I should have called you. It's just- Everything was on fire. Pinche Arellanos. ''
You are playing with his curls again, fingertips untangling hair at the nape of his neck. There is nothing you can do to tame his anger, nothing to convince him to take a step back and think about it. You know your husband in and out, you know what is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop this.
'' I'll take it. '' He says, '' I'll find Chapo and I'll take the deal. I'll kill them for this. ''
His fingers are shaking against your ankles as he unwraps the handkerchief from your toe. It has stopped bleeding now, leaving a red mess and a small gash in its place.
'' What if they kill you first? ''
You whisper it, in the space between you, with his warm hand still on your foot, his eyebrows frowning at the words. You don’t mean this as a jab at his strength, at what he is able to do. You believe him when he says he will kill them, you have watched him come home with blood on his shirt that he never cared to explain, taking out guns from hiding places you didn’t even know existed.
'' Do you think I would let this happen? '' He continues. '' I won't. ''
'' That is not what I'm saying, Ismael. I'm just- ''
Your voice breaks, you can’t hide it and you know he heard it. He raises up, pushing off his knees, his hand trailing your leg until he rests it on your waist. You can smell what is left of his perfume, see the speckles of green in his eyes. You know he is waiting for you to say more.
'' I worry. I worry so much for you. ''
He closes his eyes at that. You know he knows, that he can see you biting at the skin around your nails, that you never go to sleep if he is not in bed with you. He feels guilty, even when you tell him it’s fine, even on those nights when you actually mean it at times.
'' Every night your dinner gets cold, I always think- '' You sob, you can’t help it. Your throat is tight, you can’t breathe, '' This is it, and I'm just waiting and waiting and I- ''
'' Hey. Hey. '' His other hand is on your cheek now, pressing you to him, keeping you unbelievably closer. '' Respira hondo, amor. ''
He is shushing you, mouth in your hair, your nose in his neck. You can feel the metal of his wedding band, cold on your skin as his fingers wipe the tears off your cheek. You finally take a deep breath, for him, because he wants you to.
'' Please be careful, Ismael, I don't know what I would do if you don't come home. ''
It comes out fast, stumbling over words and shaky breaths. You are gripping at his shirt, creasing the fabric between your fingers. In a weird way, it feels like if you were to let him go, right now, tonight, he wouldn’t come back at all.
'' Don't say that, amor, '' His voice breaks on the last word and he brings you closer, breathing in your scent, hand cradling your cheeks, '' Don't say that. I fight every day to come back to you. I always do. ''
You know he is hiding in your hair so he doesn’t have to face you, tell you that even if he tries, faith is something he can’t control. No amount of soldiers or money could give him this power. You let him lull you, ease those thoughts in your head. Maybe they will be back tomorrow, during dinner when it once again inevitably goes cold on his side of the table, but you let him keep them at bay for now, tucked in his arms, lips moving against your hair, promises after promises.
En lo próspero y en lo adverso, en la salud y en la enfermedad.
Ismael holds you tighter that night. You know he is not sleeping and he probably knows that you aren’t either, but you enjoy it, his presence, his chest against your back. The feeling of his breath on your neck, his warm hands sprawled across your stomach. Your toe is still throbbing, a bitter reminder of what happened, of what is to come, because it will, and there is nothing you can do to stop this. He whispers in your ear.
'' I'll end this. '' Them, he actually means. '' Whatever happens, I'll come home. '' Whoever.
You can only believe him, believe that he would, and you do. Your fingers intertwine around his, pressing a gentle kiss on his knuckles, bruised and scared from all his hard work. I believe you, you tell him, I’ll be here when you come back. He smells like soap, an aftertaste of cigar, his fingers ghosting under your ribs.
For better or for worse, in sickness and in health.
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narcolini · 1 year
ismael ‘mayo’ zambada x gn!reader, 1715 words
warnings for guns and implied main character death
for day 27 of whumpril: forced to kneel & grabbed by collar
tagging: @ashlingiswriting @drabbles-mc @cositapreciosa @empireroyals @iridescent-sol @thesandbeneathmytoes @marissa53115​ 
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You know his routine well, because you know him well. As much as he likes to think otherwise, you know his habits, his likes, his inclination for fucking betrayal. Loyal to no-one but himself, no matter how many times you’ve ended the night with him tangled in your sheets.
He didn’t expect you to work it out. That, you’re sure of. It wasn’t arrogance, or a lack of care, in thinking that he could go behind your back—royally fucking you, and everything you’ve worked toward—without consequences. No, it was worse than that. He underestimated you. He didn’t think you could make the very obvious leap, didn’t think you had the smarts or the experience to catch a rat when it crawled out from the floorboards.
You haven’t had to wait long, really, just for the sun to set, for the light to sink into blue. You’re already on the boat when he arrives, because it’s always the same boat. Always the same side he leans on, forearms to the edge, Stetson in place, gaze set out over the same damn water. Every night, all year round. It’s how he unwinds. Just him, the waves, and a cigarette smoking between his fingers.
You watch him light it now. Allow him that extra moment of quiet before you step out from the shadows. It could have been something good, you and him, he could have honoured the deal you made and enjoyed the profits with you, side by side. But he works alone, right? He takes what he wants from you and then he goes it alone. He went right over your head; instead of moving the product like you’d asked him to, the product you’d shaken hands over, price already agreed, he’d gone straight to the seller himself. Made them a better deal than you had, and took the supply before you’d even laid eyes on it.
And he thought that you wouldn’t know.
He takes a drag, burning end throwing orange onto his face.
He thought you wouldn’t work it out.
‘Are you armed, Ismael?’
You take a step, then another, your gun raised to be in line with the back of his head. He doesn’t twitch to look over his shoulder at you, as you thought he might, but instead continues his habit. Smoke in, smoke out, eyes over the water.
You can hear the edges of his smile as replies, ‘You want me to get it for you?’
‘Where I can see it.’ You stop behind him. ‘Slowly.’
He parks the cigarette between his lips, straightening to reach under the back of his jacket. You knew it would be there. Knew he wouldn’t come without it, even when he’s supposed to be relaxing. He tugs it free of his jeans with one hand, slowly as you’d asked, then holds it out into the air beside him.
‘Don’t move.’ You reach forward, leaning over the balls of your feet, to take it from him. To put it in the back of your own jeans, out of his reach. Another weapon in your arsenal. The gun you’d brought is still pointed at the back of his head. At the spot where his hair curls over his collar. ‘You can turn around now,’ you say, once your feet are planted steady, and both hands are around the grip again.
He laughs once, pushing it through his nose as he returns to his lean on the edge. You watch the smoke blow up from his face as he continues on with his cigarette, like you aren’t there at all. Like there isn’t one finger twitch between life and death for him. ‘What is this?’ he asks. ‘A new game?’
‘A trial.’
‘A trial?’ You can picture his brow raising, his mouth flattening as if to say, wow, I’m surprised, maybe even impressed. ‘And you’re the jury, right?’
You rearrange your fingers, one set over the other. He’s minimising it on purpose. He knows you have a piece pointed right at him, he knows you’re playing juror and executioner alike. ‘Turn around, Ismael.’ You want to see his face. To look at him as you make him listen, it’s your right to do so. It’s the least he could give you. A final gift before parting. ‘No es una broma, ya.’
He sighs, taking a final drag before flicking the half-spent thing into the dusk in front. Over the edge, into the water. A path he’ll know well enough by the end of the night. He turns slow like he’s got all the time in the world. ‘We both know you won’t use that.’
‘You fucked me over,’ you bite, flinching the gun forward slightly. ‘I want an explanation.’
His hands go up, not fully, but elbows bent, palms hovering by his shoulders. He doesn’t look half as surprised by your reaction as you expected him to. He’s still smirking slightly, like he doesn’t quite believe in your commitment to the threat. ‘We can’t talk about this over dinner?’ he asks.
‘What, so you can lie to my face again? Tell me you can’t wait to do business together?’
‘It’s how this life goes. The better deal always wins, darling.’
‘No,’ you scoff, ‘it’s loyalty that wins.’ Loyalty that keeps you alive. ‘You really thought I wouldn’t realise it was you?’
He shrugs, palms dropping again like he’s settled on the idea that you won’t shoot him, would never shoot him. ‘I thought you would come back with a better offer.’
His head tilts. Maybe.
‘I paid you to do a fucking job, Ismael.’ It’s getting harder to keep your voice steady, to walk the line of threatening, imposing, without going wild in rage. If you didn’t want to make a point of all this, you’d forget words all together. Screaming, and roaring, and painted black metal into the side of his head. ‘You thought I would just let that go?’
‘Pues,’ he sighs, ‘no pensé en ti, de verdad.’
Right, because he only thinks of himself, over and over again. Whatever will get him higher up the ladder, further away from his competition—and that includes you, now, because you were two steps behind before he fucked it all up. You’ve had enough of it. You were starting to tire of it before all this, of him and his inability to settle. But now? Now, you can’t even spare him the breath to pull an apology, or an acknowledgement of guilt, from his snaking tongue.
‘Get on your knees,’ you say, jumping forward a page. Script thrown overboard with his cigarette.
His lip twitches, smirk hiding under the ends of his moustache.
You flick the gun down to the floor and up again, showing him where he’s got to go. You won’t relent. You won’t let him talk you out of this. ‘Kneel, or I’ll put a bullet in your thigh.'
‘Wouldn’t the knee make more sense?’
You shrug. ‘We can find out.’ You’ve already made peace with the idea of shooting him, in whichever way that falls. Any sentiment you’d shared toward him, has split the way your deal had: by his hand, at his benefit and consequence. ‘Which do you prefer?’
You angle the nose down, to his thigh first, then the knee, and then he sighs and folds before you have to take it any further. The toes of his boots scrape as he puts them behind him, denim knees to the shrimp-muck floor.
‘You want me to say sorry?’ he asks, already talking in a way that shows he wouldn’t, even If you did. He’s looking up at you, or trying to, restricted by the brim of his hat. A bored expression sits beneath the edge of it.
You take it from his head, hanging it by your side afterwards, half a mind to put it over your own hair now. One hand’s wrapped around the gun still, pointing right at his forehead. ‘I want my money back,’ you say, truthfully, ‘I want what I’m owed.’
His head tilts. His voice softens, like he’s sitting across a candlelit table, and not looking up at you from the ground beneath. ‘We can make an arrangement.’
‘It’s already been made.’
His eyebrows twitch together, gaze sharp and searching your own. He can’t even begin to imagine what that means. Doesn’t know the sort of conversations you’ve had with Sinaloa, with Güero himself. The deals you’ve struck up in his absence—and in the guarantee of ensuring that it remains.
‘Y’know,’ you laugh bitterly, ‘I had visions of us being the new jefes de jefes. You, me, a shit-load of money.’
He’s staring still, not moving at all besides the slight breeze through his hair, through the curls behind his ears.
‘But you couldn’t let up control, could you? Not even for me.’ He’d sooner throw you under the bus, strip you of product and power, than share a title with you. ‘It’s sad,’ you say, ‘you signed your own death when you made a new deal.’
He goes to respond, but there’s the slightest chance that he might make you hesitate, still, after all he’s done, that he might make you change your mind. Or at least pause for long enough, that you doubt your own ability to continue. So you don’t let him.
Instead, you grab his collar, rough and unlike yourself, to tug him upwards, straight over his knees, and bend down to meet him in a kiss. It isn’t like any kiss you’ve ever given, all malice and regret, and strange, foreign bitterness. It’s like you’ve never even touched him before now. You don’t recognise how it feels, how his mouth matches to your own. The stubble on his chin is like sandpaper. The scent of his aftershave is almost strong enough to make you grimace.
You pull back, while it’s strange still, with your teeth catching on his bottom lip. All that’s left is to put a final farewell into the inch of space between your mouths, breath on breath. 
You can’t manage to say the words. 
Goodbye, Ismael. 
Gun to his temple, cold to the damp of sweat across his skin. 
We had something good, for a while, but it isn’t worth saving.
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narcosmx · 1 year
being the arellano baby and being into ismael "mayo" zambada would include (the wedding cont.)
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a/n: has to get this out of my head and dump it here
okay i had this idea stuck in my head
the last part ended with this moment of like benjamin and ramon at odds
benjamin was out here trying to butter mayo up and have you dance with him and at the same time, ramon is sicking his dogs on you to keep you away from mayo
and if this wasn't the representation of your life, watching on the sidelines as like wtf while the boys make these decisions for you
and the idea that stuck in my head was just like what if in that moment you snapped
you had lived your who life being calm, agreeable and this, this just made you snap
so kitty is wrapping his arm around you, guiding you away from mayo who is measuring his next move and you just stop
"no, no, no dejame" you protests, shaking kitty off but when he comes off to grab you by the elbow that's when you truly fucking pop off
"no me escuchastes? get the fuck out of my way, en serio. i'm an arellano-felix just as much as my brothers are dont fucking forget it"
the fucking look on literally everyone's faces when you reminded people who's fucking twin you were
kitty lowering his glasses, giving ramon this look before turing to you with a little like damn girl smirk "orale, perdoname patrona"
i swear dina is in the background with this big ol fucking smile on her face
and you kinda turning around to mayo who is standing there with arms crossed shaking his head in lowkey amazement
"pues, mi princesa, por lo menos ya se quien realmente manda aqui" he teases as he reaches out to you with this little teasing look
you reaching out to grab his hand, him pulling you into him with much less hesitancy now and slinging his arm around your waist as he leads you to go dance
i just pout of getting to the dance floor and he bring you up against him gently, slow dancing to luis miguel and you just kinda melting into him
i'm screaming, head pressed against him and him leaning down to whisper something like "i could get used to this" or or something about like "quizas puedo dejar de ser mi propio patron, solo si tu eres la patrona"
i will never and i mean never get over the thought of mayo calling you his patrona because he will always defer to you
when they stopped the music to transition to the speeches and stuff, you and mayo being the last ones on the dance floor and you being pulled away by one of your sister
"ahorita te la regreso" she'd tease mayo and i just the logging looks you give each others please kill me
okay but then we get to that fucking moment in the speeches, where the poor fucking soul from the sinaloa cartel who was like "and a toast to the eight inches she'll be swallowing" or some shit like that
but could you picture if he added something about baby arellano too if he added something about "and i have some inches the youngest can choke on, don't worry nena"
i'm screeching at the idea of mayo slamming his fucking fist down on the table and standing to like death glare this man almost just almost as fast as ramon gets up to fucking take care of it
dina and benjamin escorting you to go sit down, mayo i just :(( coming over to you and reaching his hand out to caress your face making sure you're okay
thumb going softly across your cheek and he's searching your face "ay, nos encargamos de esto, no te preocupas, reina"
and him winking at you before turning and just casually walking out the door not far behind ramon and his juniors
why do i have this idea of mayo being the kind of man that would want to bring you out and have this piece of shit apologize to you
like holding this guys head up, blowing smoke in his face and being like "pidale perdon, mas bien ruega que te perdona porque yo no"
anyways i'll leave this here
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thesolotomyhan · 2 years
ismael “el mayo” zambada nsfw alphabet
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a/n: there will be one day when i will stop loving him but today is not that day nor is it near because his stupid ass smile gets me everytime and i hate it and him y me enamoro mas cada vez i cry but here it is i hope you guys enjoy this because this is def one of my favorite things ive written
warnings: nsfw, p*rn whatever you want to call it but  holy sh*t this mf is 7.6k words long, lmaoooo get comfortable mis bebes (the word count keeps going up everytime i write a new one lol) 
a-aftercare (what theyre like after sex)
hasta tiemblo thinking about it all because while i feel like he isnt that into it,, he would make an exception for you :( like let me explain before you blow up on me ,,, because ive always kind of pictured him as someone who could give less of a fuck about how the other person feels? he’s just there to be egoistic if he has ever had anyone before you and i just,,,, i picture him flipping all of his values and own rules right tf upside down when he meets you :) and it definitely applies to aftercare :) because i feel like before you,,he wouldnt seem to care enough to even try it,, its out the window on sight, but of course :) when he meets you :) his chula :) he starts to lean more into the idea of aftercare and i have kind of two ideas/ways it can go,, because i can def see him being like the prepared one ? like he would have almost all of your necessities on the nightstand right next to you so all he has to do is reach over and hand it to you, just being the type that’s prepared as in him not wasting a second if he even senses you need something,,, because he’s getting up and getting it for you or secondly i can see him being the type of being more of a guy that when you both come,, after a long session,, him just draping his body down on top of you,, letting you tiredly run your hands through his hair and back,,, him lightly feathering you in kisses on your shoulder just basking in the little aftershocks your body does post-orgasm,,, and just giving you a small kiss to your collarbone,, cocky smile on his face but with a light glint in his eyes ,, and just moving to lay beside you,, pulling your body on top of his ,, moving your head under his chin and on his chest while he caresses your back, kissing the top of your head like “estas bien?” as he holds you to him,, just wanting to make sure youre ok but of course if you even think about asking him about getting something for you,, his ass is just placing one last kiss on your shoulder :)) giving you a small “ey” and moving to get up to get whatever you asked for :))) te trata como reina pues :) and i cry to that sorry i am an easy bitch to please
b-body (favorite body part)
i could go all day long giving you guys the human anatomy and why its his favorite part because he would love everything about you but ill just settle and give you all this piece of information because,,,, legs,, legs,,, tus piernas hermosas mis reinas,,, hear me out alright,,, because whether is the way they look when you’re walking or :) him placing his hand on your thighs when your both seated next to eachother at some dinner party,, the way they look underneath a flow-y sundress or when youre rolling up stockings on your legs if you like those ,,, or :) when he has you spread out by your thighs for him,, or even him holding them when hes thrusting into you,, but i can just sense he would at least have some sort of fixation with your legs im sorry i only enforce the rules here because for a quick detour off of nsfw,,, i just see him somehow always gravitating towards them for some reason,,, like i mentioned maybe its when youre both at some party, dinner in some fancy place or whatever,, but when youre both sitting at a table,, him having your chair right bumped up next to his to have you close :) i can just see him (and i fall in love i swear) when i imagine him placing his hand on your thigh :) perhaps letting his fingers gently massage you there or just hold your inner thigh if he wants to and maybe its just so he can at least touch some part of you in a normal pda matter or maybe its because he just loves the feeling of them you know? or something else i can imagine,, is when hes at home with you after he just got there after being out on the boats all day,,, you giving :) him his plate :) para que come :) (domesticity i cry) but him loving to have you sit on his lap :) while he tells you about his day :) as he eats :) fuck im sorry but that shine in his eyes coming up on his face and brightening it all up everytime he looks upon you :(( one of his hands would be holding you by your thighs so you dont slip off ,, as he lets his thumb gently caress the side of your leg hnng can you guys tell im shaking ? or to add one last example for you guys and be domestic because im soft for shit like this,, but imagining :( him being on the couch with your legs propped up on his lap, and him absentmindedly just running his hand over your soft skin,, maybe youre both just watching whatevers on the television while hes talking to you but for some reason i love the image of how he doesnt stop his hands from running all over your legs as he looks at you in some lovesick smile,, tugging you by your legs so you can almost straddle him if you want but it’s such a soft moment if you can imagine it and ugh sorry to spill what i just said
but ooooOH of course i couldnt move on just yet because that just wouldnt be fair now would it,, and to start off my little adventure here,, im formally apologizing once again because i just have to bring up the sundress again because you wearing sundresses around this mf when he has this problem of not being self controlling of himself around you when he sees you either a) all dolled up and b) by showing off and your legs :) its a dangerous fuvking game youre playing but nothing beats the sight of you walking out of your shared bedroom wearing a sundress to wherever hes at in the house or when :) you come out :) by his boat :) to give him lonche :) because the way this mf would straight up from the start of seeing you zone in on your legs,, teasing ass smile and look he would be giving you as he gets up and heads towards you :) moving his arms around you :) planting a kiss on your lips and just running his hands down your body just kills me and not to kill the build up but i just know he would live for the sight of :) seeing your sundress all bunched up around your waist,, but it keeps falling down and covering your upper thighs when he fucks up into you when he has you propped up against something :) like the desperate kind of sex you know? where he would have his hand gripping your hip,, bringing the lower part of your sundress up so he can hold it with that same hand just so its out of the way,, and he can be able to see your pussy swallow him full, but with the way your body bounces after every thrust,, your dress keeps falling back down :) which only makes him :) groan out and pump into you rougher and rougher,, your breasts spilling out from the top part of your dress :))) im sorry and just one last detail,,, but of course in our old fashioned missionary :) he would just love to continuously hold your legs apart by your thighs everytime you try to close them around him when he thrusts into you :) just loving to hold onto the underside of your thighs and press them back into your chest as he continues to plow into you :) not sure if he wants to focus on the way your becoming more and more delirious as he pushes his cock into you while he holds your legs open for him :) or the way youre entire body bounces along with every thrust he does :)) or :) cuando te hace el amor :) the way i imagine him basically having his body draped over you,, one of your arms placed on his back as you hold onto him,, your other hand holding onto the back of his neck where it meets his hair :) the both of you messily trying to kiss but both of your heavy breathing interrupting the two of you :) him having one os his hands holding one of your legs,, hiking it further up up so you can rest it around his torso :) as he slowly but roughly pumps into you :))) hnnng wow
c-cum (anything to do with cum)
finish anywhere? yeah anywhere,,, both outside and inside of you ,, this man does not care nor discriminate as long as you make/allow him to come :) and mainly my strongest point for this reasoning is because i imagine he would have some sort of self control/awareness when he fucks you, like how do i say this,,, te tiene respeto to be front about it,, like if you make it known you don’t want him to cum inside of you he has that shit sitting in the back of his mind while he’s deep inside of you no matter how pussy drunk you have him, he’s able to hold himself back you know? :))) but ofc if you don’t mind :) or if it’s ok with you :) he would absolutely love the feeling of coming inside of you :) as your squeezing around him :))) ,, being able to see the sight of his cum dripping out of your soft pussy :) but that’s just me :)
d-dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs) 
ok lets start off with something- it’s something about him that gives me voyeriusm and im not talking about him outright fucking you in front of someone sitting 2 inches away that’s able to see the whole thing, so no dont look at me like that and stop thinking about that because what i mean by that is he basically likes you to be as loud as you want when he fucks you, i think i talked about this before but i think he would not give a second thought/f*ck if there’s people or his guys in the house/around when he’s fucking you,, instead it boosts his ego towards the roof that he can coax you to produce so many noises that it’s too hard for you to keep quiet which just in turn makes him get an even cockier attitude to those around him,(omg please dont get me started on the thought of him having the most dirtbag look in his eyes,, cocky attitude plastered high onto his fucking forehead if he does this prior and knowing he would have some bum associate / one of his men needing to get him some information,, and they walk into the house and your high pitched moans are the first thing they hear :) and not long after :) his ass coming down :) clearly fucking sex drunk from you :) but ready for business talk while you rest up in the bedroom :) hngg) , im not sure if theres a specific name for this,, but thats basically what i think would be his “dirty secret”,, because he would never outright voice it out loud to you that you being as loud as you want while others are around gets him going,, he kind of just encourages you to do it for him during the deed you know? you just unknowingly indulge him you feel?
e-experience (is he experienced or not?)
soo just to check in with everyone once again and make sure we’re all on the same page as i am ? we have all seen the cocky fuvkin attitude this man carries right? how egoistic he can be at times?? thats the type of vibe i always seem to pick up whenever i rewatch any of his scenes ,, right ok,,, so it just makes sense ?? that this man has had his fair share of viejas ,, but with no feelings tied to any of them?and i know we don’t actually openly see him with anyone throughout s3,,, but damn it’s just the aura i get from him that makes me believe hes medio usado , for the streets,, thats the big thing here that i see him as being ,,, like especially that saying he’s always going on about ? “es que me gusta ser mi propio patron” head ass - that in itself just ties the knot for me on him since for me it means that this man is his own self , hes independent ,, and does not give a single fuck about anyones feelings besides his socios because that’s a whole different page ok? pero tu? su reina?? HIS CHULA?? the one who turned his whole sappy love life upside fuckin down in an instant and made him feel things hes never felt before ? yeah goodbye ,,he lays everything down for you if you even think of it because te trata como his reina del imperio, wow sorry to steer off of our main topic here but yeahh hes had his experience reached to a good level :) so he would :) definitely :) know the best :) way to get you on edge :) stimulate you right off the bat :) and just,, be a quick learner as soon as he catches up on what exactly you like,, he can just pick up on anything :) and :)) know like an expert on the first second :) where you like to be touched and held :)
f-favorite position 
my god- i feel like i could come up with so many different scenarios for each different position i can think about for him because i feel like hes open to a lot of them and i feel like he for sure likes more than 1 position and i just cant definitively pinpoint the number 1 favorite because hes open to it all sorry ,, but ohh this will be fun ,, i know i could easily list missionary because WOW right? so what sue me im a simple creature and i just love the thought of this position with mayo,, because you cant lie and tell me its not one of the most intimate positions because for 1. its a great position for the both of you guys to see the other in such an close space and 2) this mf,, mi mayo,, will make this position feel like anything other than missionary when the mood is set right like :) bending your legs until they almost reach your chest (like bending you right in f*vkin half ) or as far apart as your legs can go or him wrapping both of your legs around his waist,, the upper part of body still laying back on the bed and him just pumping into you just so he can get that angle and hit it over and over again inside of you,, him being able to see your entire body react in time with each snap of his hips into you or the way you arch into him when he drags his hand down the front of your body,, :) gripping onto your bouncing breasts as he slams into you,,, his eyes being able to see the way you would roll your eyes back into your head,, the pretty moans of his name spilling past your lips as you just helplessly lay there,, your hands not knowing if they want to grip the bedsheets every time he roughly thrusts back into your sopping pussy or if they want to dig into the skin on his chest to let out some of your frustrations as tears form in your eyes,, god im just hnng- and to not end things here,, maybe sometimes :) this position can move into something like :) him moving your legs to fully wrap around his waist,,, his hands moving under your back and pushing you up so your kind of sitting up with him :))) one of your arms coming to wrap around his shoulders :) your other hand planting itself onto his bicep (hnng can you just imagine the way his shoulders and biceps would be fuvkin flexing as he holds you) :) digging your nails into him while that same arm of his is holding onto your ass,, helping you bounce along with his thrusts :) his other hand is just dragging itself up and down your back :) you throwin your head back from the new angle hes pumping into you from :)) him moving his head down towards your bouncing breasts,, wrapping his lips around one of your nipples,, :) your moans becoming louder and louder as he rapidly pumps into you,, your hand thats around his shoulders coming to tangle into his hair, making him groan into you and making his grip on your ass become tighter, :) slamming yor hips down onto his pelvis :) the both of you trying to kiss the other but you cant help but spill out your whines and squeeze around him as you look down on him - wow ok um ill just leave this -
but again of course , im adding in a bit more because i have a feeling one of you guys might attack me if i leave it as i have this because missionary might be too simple so here para que no se me enojen because something else i feel like he would do is spooning :)) like in the mornings :) morning sex to be exact:))) where he would have your back to his chest :) essentially spooning you to him,,, one of his arms under you and being able to hold your breasts or travel up and hold your neck :) his other hand is holding one of your legs up :) so he can slide into you repeatedly easier, your soft moans mixing in with the sounds of his cock pumping into your slick pussy filling the room up, one of your hands would be reaching behind you :) and holding onto his hair when you feel him pepper kisses onto your neck :) you turning your head back occasionally to meet his mouth with your own,, hnng his hand thats on your breast :) moving to tweak your hardened nipple :)) his other hand that was supporting your leg, traveling down :) to your swollen clit :) wetly rolling it in between his fingers,, smiling against you when you break away from his lips to toss your head back,, your moans spilling out like the air you breathe :) and with the pinshe vista of mazatlan in front of you both :) i cant oh go- but also not me wanting to imagine how i know he would love to have you in that position, you know with your back to his chest but sitting up :) reverse cowgirl :))) but with this mirror thats propped up in front of you in your bedroom instead of the vista :) the thought of you being able to fully see how your pussy can take him full,, your breasts perfectly bouncing on time every time he thrusts up into you,, him holding your legs open :) one of his fingers :) playing with your clit :) and you being able to see his eyes :) through the mirror :) as you scrunch your face up from pleasure and how stimulating youre feeling from both the feeling of him and the view :)) hearing him groan out behind you when he feels you flutter around him :) and you throwing your head back against his shoulder,, his fingers just applying more and more pressure as he snaps his hips from roughly up into you,, him sucking little hickies onto your shoulder and along your neck :) praising you :) and just saying something like “su puta madre- mirame mi reina” wanting you to look back at him through the mirror :) im- him just encouraging you until you deliriously look up again only to lose all common sense and thought when you see him, again through the mirror,, and feel him and watch him :)) spread your pussy lips apart with his fingers :)) exposing yourself even more to him as he thrusts his cock up into your slick heat , an mesmerized look in his eyes as he watches you react :) small smirk on his face when he sees you scrunch your eyebrows together, you keening back into him again and im so sorRY woW
g-goofy (is he more serious or more humerous during the moment?) 
i see him not being too serious but not too goofy ya feel me ? i would say he’s definitely fuckin cocky all the time and there might be times he makes the both of your dreamily sex drunk minds smile lazily at eachother because of something he let slip out of his mouth or something,, but it’s all definitely heartfelt almost and in the moment passion, but never too much goofy-ness? it’s just right
i-intimacy (how are they during the moment?)
intimacyyy,, when it comes to you,,,,,, i def can see him leaning into his more intimate side ,, being so much more intimate than he would be with anyone else that exists in the world , eres special for him, especially if your relationship with him has gone on for a good while it just cranks it up even more,, i feel like other than him wanting to ruin you and see you walk funny for the next week which makes him get that even cockier attitude with everyone else,, it’s definitely something special for him to be able to let his walls down for once with you by being intimate and be able to tell you physically el nomas es para tu, and nothing will ever change that now, and so i feel like there will be days maybe specifically on some special occasion where he takes things slow for once and shows you how much he really does love you and how whipped you have him just to remind you where he stands with you :( because again as much as he tries to act all egoistic, it’s a drastic difference when it comes to you on the daily and he definitely tries to let you know that intimally when he can and doesn’t want to make you cockdumb-
j-jack off (does he jack off? how often etc)
ok,,, so sure maybe before you i could see him having his own time to himself and all,it’s definitely crossed his mind ,, but it wouldn’t be excessive nor it it be a regular occurrence ,, i have a feeling like before you it was more of little to none,, and i say that because i feel like he’s always so busy with his boat and negocios and all that that i feel like he wouldn’t take the time off to have time for himself, ? if you get what i mean ? but he’s definitely done it once or twice but it’s rare you know? i feel like he’d rather find some other method - or someone iykyk what i mean by that but when you do waltz into his life,, i just see him keeping the same vibe? he never / very rarely on the 0.01% does it because he has you now ,, you get his needs done and over-the-topped with so he sees no other method that can do that for him which includes even his own fist, so i see him as someone would would rather wait for any and all urges he may have until he has you with him, he doesn’t care for jacking off by himself
k-kink (one or more of their kinks)
hnnng i have already made a whole ass kink list for him so its tough for me to think of something else so I’ll just give you all this because listen, bondage,,, ,,\listen listen,,, mayo works on boats right,, its his front to cover up what he really does but hes continuously always working on his boat catching camarones,,, and we’ve seen him work on nets right? now im only reading the rules off to you guys so dont look at me because you cant tell me he doesnt know or at least an expert in tying knots because wow,, i just know he knows some special shit and if youre open to it :) best believe hes going to know the best way to tie you up :)) while he gets to fuck you :))) just- its such a sight for him to see you struggling :) not a single way for you to wiggle away from him :) when he has you spread out for him :) him chuckling when he gets you so desperate for him when he opens your legs for him,, slowly and agonizly thrusting his cock into you,, this thumb ghosting over your clit so him not giving you any buildup whatsoever even though youre throbbing around him,, the only thing you can really do as youre helplessly laying there is whine out to him,, trying to thrust your own hips up into him for any release while he just gives you the cockiet smirk ever and i cant do this byeE im about to -
l-location (favorite places to do the deed)
to be simple,,, i can always see him being intimate and doing the deed at home, probably even at almost any damn surface you can find hes probably had his way with you,, but best yet in your own shared room,, because only then does he actually 100% know no one is going to walk in and see what only he should be able to see ? he could care less how loud you want to be when youre both going at it at in your bedroom because as long as no one sees your body hes great,, i feel like he definitely likes the idea of privacy because then :) he can do as he pleases with you :) with no rush which is just fan-fucking-tastic for him, you know like take his time, and have his fun with you and the same for you,, its just a safe space basically for you both do to whatever you please,,, but obviously besides the comfort and “freedom” of your own shared bedroom which i feel 98% everything happens in there because its a place for sure no one can bother the two of you as ive said,, but :) i did mention “voyeuristic” vibes to an extent right ? wellll >:) i see no problem with him taking risks as hed like with you,,, loving to see the sight of either you or him whoever took the initiative to see the other crumble and try to be as quiet as possible so no one gets the clear idea of what you two are doing :) like he for sure has done it on his boat with you :),, at a party in some random but private place, but not private enough that either of you can make too much noise :) but yeah,, i can see him doing to do really almost any location if youre down, but leaning on the latter he likes doing it at home :)
m-motivation (what motivates them)
what gets him going? in all honesty, it does not take much for him when it comes to you,, something ive always pictured and imagined when it comes to him and getting him in the mood is the way you could look at him in a certain way and he’s forgetting whatever task hes at hand with and giving you his full attention,, or :) if you’re looking to get him all the way in until he’s making sure to absolutely ruin you by the first round is if you tease him, and you can definitely go down the road of wearing something skimpy and just going from there,, but it can also be you being more atrevida , giving him looks :) touching him “innocently” :) and then leaving him alone for the next hour like you didn’t just acknowledge him :) , so it takes little to no effort really to get him going,, he’s always down for you
n-no (something he wont do)
would hate to share you,, thats it,, or even the simple fact that someone looks at you for far too long/eating you up with their eyes you know? and yeah i feel like it goes for everyone because i keep seeing this pattern i do for this letter but its true, and it definitely applies to mayo here because he seems like the type to get bothered so quick he just doesn’t like to voice it or let it notice, and he just doesn’t ever like to admit he gets jealous to say the least on simple terms,, because i can just picture when some bum is eyeing you up or when someone is trying to talk you up into a more than friendly way,, this man would be lowkey throwing the harshest glare known to man at whoever is trying to take your time, his jaw starting to clench up,, and just trying to scoot you as close as possible to him just to quietly make it known your accompanied,, and i shit you not he probably starts to get a little more pda thrown out there like holding your hand, pecking the side of your head, maybe squeezing you tighter against him in the most nonchalant way to make sure you don’t get the hint he’s starting to get bothered,, lol and if you turn to look at him,, he’s back to normal, as cool as a cucumber and giving you a soft smile, and ugh him giving you an even bigger smile if you lean in to kiss him, boosting his attitude even more and once you turn around again, his fucking anger comes back but directed at whoever’s in front of you until he makes them uncomfortable heh, not wanting to descalate things into bigger shit because he doesn’t want that kind of attention you know? he kind of knows how to keep himself in check enough to not cause chaos ;) hnnnng but if you do :) try to push his buttons :) and entertain whoever it is :) is trying to talk you up :) best know the jealous sex :) is going to hit different :)) because he hates the idea of you being anyone else’s but his and i stand by my case :))))
o-oral (is he into oral? giving? recieving? 
both he is both go ahead and try to change my opinion turned fact,,, because give him the time,, and the view of you spreading your legs for him with the most atrevida look on your face and he’s already on his knees in front of you,, with his hands holding your legs even more open for him, dragging your body down to his face so he has better access,,,, his face pushed into your heat as his tongue spreads your folds,, just lapping you up through your soaked lips,, pushing :) his tongue into you, it has his fucking nose bumping your clit everytime he moves,,, im,, :) ugh him never moving his eyes away from your face, his smirk being hidden away from your folds, picking his pace up eveytime you look down at him through half-lidded eyes,, him grunTinG into you when your hands tangle into his hair and pull with fistfulls,,the vibrations from his muffled grunts shaking you through your core,, you cant help but lift your hips up :) to grind against his face him :) moving one of his hands down to spread your folds apart for him :) so he can focus on your clit with his mouth :)) wrapping his arms around your thighs so you cant move your hips so much against him :) just :)sucking your clit into his mouth :) not letting any of your slick go to waste :))) your moans and his name coming off of your lips higher each time it only encourages him to hold you in place for him even more until hes satisfies with how he leaves you :) hnng ,, going down on you would for sure bring him as much pleasure as you would be feeling :)
and ofc he is never one to ever turn down from receiving when it comes to you :)) seeing you on your knees is just a sight for him to enjoy way too much,, seeing your lips that he loves so much :) wrapped around his cock willingly :) ugh bye,,, , your eyes becoming teary as you look up at him,, some tears managing to run down your cheeks but him wiping them away as he grunts out watching you , mesmerized ,,, just you pushing his cock all the way into your mouth as much as you can fit :) until you gag on him :)) one of your hands is prettily resting at the base of his crotch :) and your other braced on his upper thigh :)) his hand is tangled into your hair to control the speed :) im- him throwing his head back slightly when you hollow your cheeks :) and he cant help but thrust his hips gently and gradually to meet the bobs of your mouth against him :) SoRry i just- ok
p-pace (is he slow and sweet? or fast and rough?)
oh my god ,,,, he is the type to give those slow, deep and rough strokes one minute but then absolutely jackhammer into you it has your body bouncing uncontrollably you have to blindly bring your hand down to hold some part of him because he could easily switch in a second to either pace,, so i want to say both,, because for one scenario,, like regular sex ? i feel like he has a buildup going on with him,, like como te digo,,, even on nights when hes fast and rough with you,, in the very beginning, when he first slides into you,, he starts slow and sensual you know? and then he just gradually builds his pace up from there until he starts pounding you into the bed you forget even what day of the week it is, and i feel like this type of sex is happening 95% of time you both take,, because i mean he loves seeing you go cockdumb ok,,, but ofc i can see him being slow and sensual sometimes, usually i can see it for when its a special occasion maybe, and he wants to make it special and vulnerable,, hacerte el amor pues,, so he’ll do slow and deep thrusts but his thrusts would still make you shake every time he bottoms out fully in you,, his hips rubbing against your pubic mound it makes you roll your eyes back wow :),, but hes a mix of both,, just leaning a bit more into rough and fast
q-quickie (is he into quickies?)
while i see him loving to drag any and all time he has for you ,, it doesn’t mean he wont push quickies out of the picture,,, while i feel like he wouldnt rely too much on quickies because he prefers the buildup without the rushing,, sometimes the ganas to have you are too much for him to patiently wait until he gets home to you,, so quickies are something the both of you might do if either 1) the teasing you both do to eachother become too much at some party or something so he takes you to the nearest secluded spot to release some tension,, or 2) it might be something where when the business starts to take off and hes not home all the time as he would like to be with you,, and quickies might bridge those gaps like early morning showers together for example :) or a quick morning sex thing just so youre both content for the time being but other than that, he definitely makes it all up in the end when time is available, he just uses quickies for when either of you break out in public :) or when things get tight
r-risk (does he take risks? experiments?)
would take risks in like the air he breathes ,,yes he’s all for it to be honest,, some of the ways i can see him taking such risks would be like car sex :) or maybe in some coat closet at some boring party,, :))) or up against the wall somewhere secluded enough but still running the risk someone curios enough to round the corner if they hear something could catch the two of you :)) i kind of explained it a bit earlier but i feel like he would definitely like the feeling of the rush/adrenaline that someone could walk around the corner or something and find you both in the middle of it,, going hard,,, because its really something about it (if he began it first) to see you try to hold yourself together as he has you up against the wall of some place, your hands palming and gripping onto his clothed back and shoulders as he thrusts up into you,, the overwhelming sensation of his hips snapping up into you in a rush, his hands grasping your legs and ass under this dress you you would have as he holds you up,, his face buried in between your neck that youre not sure if its to muffle himself from grunting too loudly if its for him to pepper kisses and bite into your skin to try and get some noise out of you just because hes feeling cocky :) and he wants to see you struggle even further than you are right at that moment and wow- but best believe the roles could most definetly switch if youre up for it :) maybe you giving him head :) because he was bored at some party you both would be at :) and what better way for you to help him with his problem by giving him a distraction :) his hand thats grabbing ahold of your hair struggling to not mess your hair up too much,, him struggling to hold his groans in and he just cant help himself but slowly thrust into your mouth when he hears you slightly gag on him :) hnng sorry im just enforcing it upon you guys that yeah hes down for taking risks no matter the place if youre comfortable enough :))
s-stamina (how long can he last?)
i want to say that i imagine he can go pretty far,, :)) he loves the sight of you having aftershocks after sex from both the intensity and time he took with you,, so i just have to say his stamina is definitely up there somewhere enough so he can fullfill that promise and sight for the both of you,, and he’s never one to turn you down whatsoever no matter what, so if you even ask him either verbally or con tus ojitos hes signing his name down to take care of anything for you and your pleasure,, he definitely vows to some secret shit that he wants to make every orgasm he makes you have to be better than the last, so he gets his stamina in check for you
u-unfair (how often does he tease?)
ok so again,, i just know he getss a kick out of it when he hears how desperate you can get for him,,(like the foreplayyyy my guys im telling you all,, because the build-up from him getting you to your breaking point before he even gets to fuck you fully is just my absoulte favorite palete sorry,, but anyways,,, i feel like he has a thing for when hes continuously teasing you,, and then giving into you but backing away all together when he feels youre about to cum,, and just the way your moans and breaths come out quicker,, the way your body might seem more sensitive and reactive to either his hand lightly traveling over your body pleases him to no extent, he loves the whole package of teasing alright ,,
but im sorry to add in that i also love the idea of you teasing him back :) like if you wear clothing thats barely covering you at all and not giving him any attention so much it gets him desperate for you is just ugghhh or when youre encabronada at him for some stupid shit he mightve pulled to get him on your nerves and if he doesnt see any wrong in whatever he did :) you just playing along with him when youre at your point,, indulging him in things like making out with him, wearing lingerie perhaps :)),,, maybe youre on top of him when hes leaned back on your shared bed frame ready to get ready to go to sleep but you have other plans :) like you starting to grind your hips down onto his :) building him up until hes heavily breathing against you,, his grip on your hips rock hard as you lean down to kiss him :) your hand coming in between you both,, under his pants, :))))) beginning to palm his hard on and getting him built up even more as you pump him in your hand,, and just when hes on the verge of coming :) you stopping everything and just getting up :) giving him this fake smile as he looks up at you all drunk but confused on why you stopped until you remind him that youre mad at him :) and youre not giving him the satisfaction of releasing :))) y that you want him sleeping on the couch for the rest of the week as you move to get yourself ready for bed,, acting like he doesnt even exist at the moment lol,, ayy you literally make him get blue balls and i laugh he probably wont ever do any dumb shit after all of this to be honest but i just love the thought of you teasing him back to the full extent as well :)
v-volume (is he loud while doing it?)
his volume,,, i dont see him doing a lot or overboard for that matter,, what i picture coming from him are groans and grunts ? but only for you to hear, so he’s either always grunting into your skin when he’s thrusting into you repeatedly or groaning in your ear when he feels you scratch down his back and shoulders or :) when he feels you tighten around him as he snaps his hips into yours :) or something else that falls under volume is the way he will whisper/lowly speak shit to you or praise you :) ,, just letting it be known to you how good you’re making him feel and all :))) and when it comes to you, ive said it before and i still stand by it he lives and breathes for volume / noises coming from you :) it makes him know he’s doing shit right if he’s coaxing you to make those noises for him :) and it only boosts his encouragement/ego if he hears you go louder :)))
w-wild card (something random)
i am currently screaming because im reading off of my little brainstorming list of ideas i have for him , dont look at me,, and i cant choose,, i want to share them all but ofc this whole work is long enough so let me just focus on one thing here because get this ,, i was originally going to add this into his nsfw headcanon i wrote a while back but i chickened out and scribbled it out in my final draft but it’s always been on the back of my mind and everytime i come to add something down on mayos ideas/left over writing, it’s one of the first fucking things i see which :) is cockwarming , now hold on let me tell you something because you know how i keep saying that i feel like he loves to see you lose your common sense by the seconds if hes teasing you or just building you up ? :) c*ockwarming is one of those traits :) because hes inside of you,, filling you to the brim as he :) perhaps :))) has you on top of him,, while hes slouched back :) youre just fluttering around him, your nails digging into his clothed chest/shoulders ,, him not wanting you to move or grind against him :) he just wants you on top of him with his cock inside of you,, and if you do try to move him :) him stopping you by gripping your hips,, :) quieting your whimpers :) by kissing you :)) whispering soft praises into you hnng im sorry i cant or something else i can picture thats somewhat differently is when he has you in bed,, and it happens during foreplay,, right before hes going to fuck you,, like :))) maybe him pushing your final button by sliding into you,, but stopping once hes all the way in you and staying there,, :) distracting you by kissing your lips :) and when you slightly buck your hips up into his to like signal him youre ready :) him coming to hold your hips down towards the bed in a harsh grip :) so you cant move :),, him leaning his body back so he can see you fully, youre eyes half closed, mouth open with small pants coming out from the pressure of his cock filling you all the way :)))) him just pushing his cocky side of his attitude out that he has by bringing one of his thumbs to massage circles onto your clit :)) wanting to see how he can make you moan this way without pumping into you :) just filled completely by him only and feeling your warmth wrapped around him wow ok
y-yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
probably average to high?? and i say that because i feel like his yearning is definitely always sitting on the back of his mind simply because i can picture him always wanting or needing to touch/hold some part of you when he has you near him and i dont know if it’s because he’s whipped for you so much he just needs to feel you next to him :) or if maybe he likes having that security sense that he has you close to him in case something goes sideways and he can protect you but it might be both,, so i feel like all of that definitely transfers to his yearning/sex drive to say the least since i feel like he’s always down for whatever as long as you give the green light to him,, because for example say his name once in the most neutral or even yet the softest tone ever and he’s internally turning into a puddle because it’s you his favorita mujer/tesoro de sus ojos that’s calling out to him and he’s dropping everything pendiente to see why you need him and :) if it’s you :) needing him :) or showing him a surprise :)))) of you wearing something :) his ass is 100% ready :) just imagine a light switch if you will when it comes to his yearning, he keeps it away when not needed but he’s ready to go once you say so :)
z-zzz (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards?)
listen he won’t ever admit it,, but he turns into such a sap for you after sex, even if he’s cocky 99% of the time,, i know mi hombre like no other because you both were just being intimate with one another , even if he fucked you into no tomorrow but you both were literally at your most vurnable points he can’t help but literally let all of his walls down (not that he doesn’t already with you around ) but he feels like it’s his “duty” to make sure you’re alright and attended to ? so he definitely waits for you to fall asleep first, and in the meantime :) i can most definitely as i slam my hand down see him filling up the time in between you slowing down your heavy breaths to the time you fall asleep by just holding you against him, your head just on his chest as he wraps his arm around your shoulders,, saying the most random shit it would have you softly giggling against him, ugh him planting soft kisses to the top of your head,, loving the feeling :( of you cuddling against him :( your hand that’s on top of his chest probably drawing random figures but it makes him burst on the inside :( and ughhh him just holding you closer when he sees you starting to fall asleep :(( giving you hardcore h e a r t e y e s :(
taglist: @coaxium-captain-rex @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @wtfisgoingonlol @boomclapxox @carlislecullenisadilf @ashlingiswriting @fleurfatale89​ 
let me know if you want to be added! 
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ethereal-am · 4 months
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¡ narcos mexico / griselda (rivi) content !
( read best in dark mode <3 )
⌨️ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི 𓊆¡welcome all angels!𓊇 ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ 𓏲𝄢
𝜗𝜚 kalila (lila) ⟡ she / her ⟡ mexicana ⟡ a twenty two year old sweet but sad daydreaming paradox ( i can’t tell if i’m rotting away 𓉸ྀི or a blooming flower ꫂ ၴႅၴ) i write and edit ! — i do post nsfw content therefore beware !
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𝜗𝜚 malquerida — narcos mexico (amado carrillo x oc x ramon arellano : love triangle trope) on wattpad !
𝜗𝜚 curiosa — griselda (rivi x oc) on wattpad !
𝜗𝜚 all grown up — narcos mexico (ramon arellano x reader) on tumblr !
𝜗𝜚 spotify acc !
𝜗𝜚 pinterest acc !
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˚ . ྀིྀི୧ popular edits ୨ ྀིྀི.˚
𝜗𝜚 amado carrillo fuentes
𝜗𝜚 ramon arellano félix
𝜗𝜚 ismael “mayo” zambada
𝜗𝜚 rivi ayala (griselda)
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pssst psst !! . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི feel free to shoot me a message for whatevs ‹3 im always open to new friends and requests !! xoxo — tips & donations here if you enjoy my work or are feeling generous !! mwah (buy me a ko-fi)
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ྀིა
thank you so much for all of the ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ support amores !!
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# IFB !! ⠀⠀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⠀
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ashlingnarcos · 3 years
It’s the fit of his jeans, it’s the way he seems to always be nursing an amused private smile, it’s the ease with which he takes life. 
Relationship: Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada/F!Reader
Tags: Romance, Protective Reader, I’m gonna blame this one on tumblr
Length: 2.2k
This town is your town, has been ever since you were a child, a tiny princess stealing her uncle’s cowboy boots and her aunt’s lipstick to go clomping through the neighborhood to some party concocted with the other little girls, empty glass bottles filled with water and maybe juice if somebody’s mother had gotten generous. This town is your down, by right of birth, by right of an ordinary but long family history, by right of your own ability to keep every single name and face in your head along with the complex web of personal relationships that go along with them. This town is your family, and gossip is its lifeblood, so yeah, you know about El Mayo. 
You’ve seen him around. He’s not a regular at your family’s restaurant—always out on those boats—but every now and again, he drops in, and he’s one of those customers that makes you wink at the other waitresses, giggle back behind the restaurant where you go to have your smoke breaks once the night is over. It’s the fit of his jeans, it’s the way he seems to always be nursing an amused private smile, it’s the ease with which he takes life. Doesn’t hurt that he’s a good tipper, and says his thank-yous when you bring him his food. 
But there are a lot of good-looking men in town, and you’re a busy girl, with friends, private schemes, tax paperwork for the restaurant, school fundraisers, a whopping nine cousins to help look after when you aren’t working. And, while you know your uncle does help launder some cash through the restaurant, the particulars of the drug trade really aren’t your area. All this is to say that when you come home with him after a good night’s dancing at your second cousin’s wedding, you don’t know what to expect and don’t really care, either. 
All you care about is his hands on your hips, your hands on his ass. The way the his reflection in his bedroom mirror catches on the slow satisfied curl of his smile when he unbuttons your dress at the nape of your neck, slow and deliberate, each brush of his fingertips along your spine sending electricity skittering through you. When the dress falls from your shoulders and you spin to catch his face in your two hands, when you kiss him fiercely, you can’t see his smile, but you can see the crinkling at the corners of his eyes—the bastard is so smug—it makes you want to—
Ten seconds later, you don’t remember what you wanted to do, but it can’t be anything better than the way he fucks you into the mattress, slow at the first thrust, lessening the sting of it, and then—fucking hell, the—he asks you, “Yeah?” and you tell him, one long string of words with no end, all of them blurring into each other, like that, like that, please, right there, it’s good, you’re so good, so good for me—
In the morning, when you’re stepping out of the shower, he’s already dressing, fast. You notice the gun he tucks into the back of his jeans. He doesn’t look ashamed at all.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he says, and then something about business, and you’re a little sorry too, but you leave it at that. This is going to be one of those nights you keep in a treasure box in your mind, bring it out for special occasions. You had a good time, nothing to be sorry for. 
But then he comes and apologizes to you again, this time bearing flowers. He asks you, a couple days later, if you would have dinner with him, and you crack a joke about your age-old dilemma: shall we dine in the frying pan or in the fire? Your restaurant, where your family will spy on you the whole time, or the only other decent spot in town, your competitor? That’s easily solved, he says. If you don’t mind the outdoors. 
So it’s fresh fish cooked over a fire on a beach spot you’ve never seen before, his jacket around your shoulders at sunset. You caught the fish, but he gutted it with a practiced precision that had you watching his hands in a way that had nothing to do with blood (or maybe everything). Now he’s stroking your hair as the fish roasts, and you didn’t expect this, not from him, not this early. He’s gentle in ways he doesn’t have to be. Like he wants to be. You don’t expect it to last, but you take it while you can. You give back, too, and that in more ways than one.
At first, he mostly cooks for you, but eventually you find yourself bringing out your own twist on your aunt’s recipe for birria, stewed long and slow in his kitchen while he’s out sailing and your cousins are playing in his backyard. You introduce each other to your people: your family, practically everyone at the restaurant, your friends, even, on one occasion, your old choir teacher from church, and he is as charming to them as you are to his mother, his friends, his fishermen, his favorite nephew, Octavio. On the weekend, you stroll through the market together, his arm around your waist, and three times out of five, you know more people there than he does. To be fair, he never seems to be trying. 
He’s not competitive, like you, doesn’t have the temper, either. When you got into a vicious argument with a fruit seller (in your defense, his son had bit your cousin, and your cousin was two years younger, and didn’t he know that the boy was running around like a wild animal, like his stupid ugly ratfucking father—) your boyfriend just looked mildly amused. You have many nicknames for him, among them camaroncito for the one time he got such a bad sunburn he went nearly pink. Now he has one for you, dinamita. 
Thing is, you’ve always had that temper. You use every curse in the book and then some, but it never runs for longer than an hour, and everyone knows, if the other person is reasonable, you’re fine to make up in the end. You’re a generous person. People just piss you off sometimes. He pisses you off sometimes, but somehow it’s different with him, it’s—to be honest, half the time it turns into mind-blowing sex, the other half of the time he sulks out there on the sea for half a day before you both come to your senses. In time, in less than a year, he teaches you a new anger, sharp as a needle through skin and cold as ice. 
There is smoke in the sky. It is coming from the docks. Half your neighbors make their living from the sea, so they drop their sleep-bewildered kids off at your house and rush down to the boats, but as you will later learn, by then it is far too late. The wait is hell. You don’t know if he’s dead or alive. You know that he’d do anything for those fucking boats, those—but there are children there, scared children, and you have to fight your anger down, and your fear, and pretend everything is all right.
Even as the parents come back one by one to pick up their children and go home, each of them looking defeated, you keep pretending like it’s all going to be okay. Even when one of them tells you that people were taken to the hospital for burns, you keep pretending. Even when they tell you one of them was caught sleeping on a boat when it was firebombed, and probably won’t last the night. Even when everyone else has gone back to bed, and the sky is beginning to lighten with the dawn, and he hasn’t come to let you know he’s all right. Even then, and this is strange for you, you keep yourself calm. Perhaps you instinctively sense that this will require new things from you. 
When he arrives, smoke-smudged and laden with misery, you throw your arms around him, and he stiffens, gently pushing you away. 
“Ismael,” you say, your heart in your throat. 
“Will you come home with me?” he says to the painting hung a few inches to the left of your head.
Of course you do. You hold him tightly by the arm, almost steering him, because he stumbles every now and then from exhaustion. When you make it to his house, he locks the door. He’s never done that before. You help him undress, shirt over his head, unbuckling his belt, even finding a fresh pair of pants for him hanging up with the washing as he sits, heavy and half-awake, on his bed.
“I’m sorry,” he says to you, once, but when you try to tell him he has nothing to be sorry for, he just shakes his head. It’s dark there in the room, because he closed the curtains, but you think there are tears on his cheeks.
In bed, he turns to face the wall, and you put your arms around him. It’s then that you are sure he’s crying. You can feel it when you press your face to his neck. He’s shaking. And it’s then that you know. You don’t make him talk about it. You hold him until he falls asleep. 
The next morning, he is gone. You go to his usual spot in the evening, when there’s dozens of his friends and colleagues all drinking around a fire pit on the beach, most of them still smelling a little of smoke. He’s not there. You go to sit by Chapo, take his half-empty beer and drink right from it. He views you like some sort of older sister at this point, so he just pulls a fake sad face and then gets himself another beer.
“The person sleeping on the boat was Octavio, wasn’t it?” you say. “Did he survive the night?” 
“Mayo didn’t tell you?” he says. And then, after a pause, “No. He’s gone, God bless him.”
Octavio was only seventeen.
This is what Ismael meant, last night, when he said, I should have known. I got greedy. Now that he is no longer his own boss, he’s been drawn into wars that stretch well beyond your town. You all have. Now that battle lines have been marked, it’s time to pick a side.
After a couple more beers, with you and Chapo both uncharacteristically silent, you say to him, “When you see him, I want you to tell him two things from me.” 
The poor man looks desperately uncomfortable. “I don’t—”
“Firstly,” you say, “Tell him that Emilio’s older brother called in sick from work at the mechanic’s shop the night before last night, but he wasn’t at home or at his girlfriend’s place all day.” Gossip is the lifeblood of this town, and this town is your own. They came after your man. You’ll use any weapon you can find. “And secondly, tell him my ring size is a seven.”
Chapo stares at the fire, like there’s a hidden hint in there that will help him. “Maybe you should talk to him yourself?” he mumbles. He’s definitely scared you’ll go off on him. But you are beyond shouting, at this point. 
“I know him, Chapito,” you say. “The fire was meant for him, and it killed Octavio instead. He thinks there’s another bomb coming; he’ll want everyone standing outside the blast radius. But I’m making my choice. I’ve made it.” You finish your beer, stand up slowly. “He’s mine.”
The next day, your friend Andrea mentions to you that they’re all out of town, on some business trip, Mayo included, and your chest lurches. But a couple days after that, you come home from your shift to find him talking on the porch with your uncle, and then you go on a walk.
He’s a little better than before, subdued but at least present, body and mind both. You talk gentle about little things, a new recipe your cousin wants to put on the menu, a mutual friend who’s going to have a baby girl. You barely mention that you dropped off food at Octavio’s parents’ house. 
One moment you’re shading your eyes against the setting sun and pointing out Andrea’s new house, the next you turn to him and he’s on one knee. Dinamita, te casarías conmigo?
It’s so funny—you literally told Chapo to give him your ring size, and still you’re somehow surprised to hear those words. You are sure of your answer, but it takes a while for the question to reach you.
There is a long silence, and then he’s surging to his feet, pulling you to him, kissing you in a way he’s never kissed you before, pleading, desperate. His left arm is around your waist, his right hand is clutching your shoulder so hard you can feel each individual finger. He kisses you like he can smell more smoke floating in from the coast, like it’s the last time, like you might turn to sand in his arms. 
And you? You cup his face in your hands and kiss him your answer, passion for passion, promises on your tongue, in your fingertips. You kiss him like his jacket is on your shoulders, like you just lifted the lid off the birria, like you’ve already been married for ten years and will go on another ten years, twenty, you’ll give him all your days and then find some more. You’ll take death, if it’s coming on down the line: the knife, the bullet, the bomb. Fuck them. 
You’ve made your choice.
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mmasalva · 2 years
song: teachers pet by melanie martinez
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cregan-starks · 3 years
Summary: Beholden follows Agent Magnussen’s journey with the DEA during the War on Drugs, spanning from Félix Gallardo’s reign in Mexico to Escobar and the Cali godfathers in Colombia, and beyond.
Ao3 | Inspo | Headcanons
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Prologue: Leyenda
Chapter 1: Colibri
Chapter 2: Rookie
Chapter 3: Taquito
Chapter 4: TBA
Lacuna [Javier Peña x OC]
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END THE WAR ON DRUGS: Equity Organization & Drug Policy Alliance
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cositapreciosa · 1 year
If you’re taking request : El mayo fluff, meeting at Dina’s wedding? Or being pregnant during the whole war? Loooved Safehouse!!
Como La Flor
Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada x female!reader (mention of wearing heels, being called a lady), 2909 words
mention of alcohol, you like red wine in this one, the usual for the show
a/n : why is Alberto Guerra such a babe. Is this named after the episode? yes. Am I the biggest Selena fan ever? yes.
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx
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You are not sure how you ended up at Dina Arellano’s wedding out of all people. You did keep up with her over the years, a coffee here and there, dinner nights at your place when she was in town, being invited for a drink or two at Roxanne’s every time you were back in Tijuana. Before you moved away, you had appreciated the friendship she gave you, and you enjoyed giving yours just as much, but as the months went on and as you started to notice the guns tucked in everyone’s waistbands and the unusually large funds on her credit card, you just decided to take a step back, but so did your trips up north.
That is why receiving the wedding invitation at your door had been a surprise in the beginning, you haven’t been to Tijuana in months. It was a pleasant one, but one you felt might have been out of nostalgia and for old friendship’s sake.
Coming back to Tijuana had been a hard choice at first, feeling like a defeat, having to tell everyone it just didn’t work out down south. And after many sorry looks and probing questions you didn’t feel like answering, Dina’s way of seeing it had been a breath of fresh air. Maybe you are just coming back to rest a bit, hmm? When you feel like moving again you can still do it. Nothing is stopping you. That day, with your hands around a warm coffee cup, sobbing in her kitchen, you remembered why you two fit so well together. Now you have no reason not to show up to my wedding, she laughs, it makes you too.
You were grateful every time she forced you to come along with her on all the wedding shopping, even if you felt your presence was unnecessary, outdated. It didn’t matter to her, she told you many times, that you needed to be out and about, live a little, enjoy the company. She was right, and as the day grew close and you got to know Carlos better, you realized you didn’t feel as out of place as you thought you were at first. The thirteenth sibling everyone had missed so much.
The food was generous and the many glasses of wine you already had even more, which is probably why you couldn’t say no to her every time she grabbed your hand and pulled you to the dance floor. The chandeliers shining sparkles of lights all around you.
Everything was starting to feel a bit overwhelming. The noise, the music, being pushed around, front and back, having to say hi to everyone after so many years. Why didn’t it work out? Was Tijuana not enough for you? How are your parents? It ended up being too much for you when Dina’s mom cornered you, holding your hands softly between hers, voice trembling, telling you how much she had missed you, how everyone did.
You don’t remember when you had taken your shoes off on the way out, almost running to the door, your body begging for a cigarette and some fresh air. Still, you try not to drop the red soles, making the edges balance between your fingers and your glass of wine as you rummage through the inside pocket of your jacket for a smoke. They were a gift from Dina, one way too expensive for your own wallet, one she didn’t want you to refuse. A thank you gift, she had said, for being here for me tonight. The evening is colder than usual this time of year, but the breeze on your cheeks is a nice change compared to the hot air inside. Your fingers reach the bottom of your pockets. Where the fuck did I -
‘’ Are you going to beg me for one too? ‘’
It is a man leaning on the side of the building that spoke, a small smile tugging on his lips, cowboy hat raising with the movement of his eyebrows. You barely noticed he was there in the first place.
‘’ Pardon me? ‘’
‘’ A cigarette, I mean. ‘’
‘’ Ah. ‘’, a small laugh escapes you. You vaguely wave your free hand around your pockets, red wine dancing dangerously close to the rim as you do. ‘’ Those I have, they’re just in there somewhere. ‘’
His hand goes up, pointing to your glass with his cigar, smoke rushing down his face as he exhales,
‘’ You want me to hold that for you? ‘’
‘’ That would be lovely. ‘’
His eyes follow your movement as your fingers loosen and you let your shoes drop at your feet, presenting him your glass of wine. His gaze connects to your naked feet against the concrete, you can tell he doesn’t approve.
‘’ So, ‘’ you fish around in your jacket again, ‘’ Bride or groom? ‘’
Something like a grunt comes out of him, deep in the throat, a laugh maybe. He brings his cigar to his lips.
‘’ More on the bride’s brother’s side, you? ‘’
‘’ Just the bride, Dina’s an old friend. ‘’
He takes a deep drag, his chest puffing with the inhale. ‘’ I’ve been told you are more like a family member at this point. ‘’
You know word comes around fast in Tijuana, even more so at a Tijuanense wedding. Still, his words scratch a part of your brain that screams at you, showing you once again everything you know, everything you have been noticing for years now, but prefer to ignore.
‘’ I haven’t lived in Tijuana in years. I’m not invited for Christmas anymore if you’re wondering. ‘’
He doesn't answer back. Thank god. The silence stretches out for a while and your hands are reaching once again into your pockets. You can still hear the music inside, a loud, quick norteña you would barely be able to keep up with. You still can’t find your pack of cigarettes.
‘’ Does the offer still stand?"
His eyes slowly go back to yours, brown, gentle, tired. His head tilts to the side in a silent question. He is a man of few words. You can already tell.
‘’ A cigarette, I mean," you say. "I do have a lighter. I can’t find the pack, though."
A smile pulls at his lips this time, and you can feel the tension that was gnawing at you fade away a little. The skin of his hand meets the inside of his denim jacket. It’s something close to genuine, his smile, like he does find your answer humorous. His palm is warm when he presses the cold metal case in your hand. He points a finger your way again.
‘’ Let's make it two, and you don't use my lighter," he says.
You bring the case close to your chest, a small smile on your face. A peace offering maybe. You feel like a child negotiating for dessert, "Make it three, I use my light, and you can keep my glass of wine. We have a deal?"
His eyes squint, eyebrows almost meeting in the middle, you know your lie won’t work. You are surprised when he chuckles, half a smile, brushing his teeth with his tongue as he tuts.
‘’ Thought it was an open bar tonight."
‘’ No, it’s not. Not after eleven."
‘’ And what time is it now?"
You clear your throat as you pull the three cigarettes out of the case, quickly squeezing one between your lips.
‘’ Way past eleven. It’s too late now, you have to take the deal. ‘’
‘’ What if I don’t like red wine? ‘’
You bring your hand up, shielding the flame from the wind. As you exhale the first drag, you take a step back, leaning on one of the pillars orning the balcony. The smoke is warm on your face, prickling your eyes on the way up.
‘’ You don’t seem to me like the type of person that likes wine, no matter the color. Am I wrong? ‘’
He doesn’t retort back this time, but the smile is still there as he turns his attention back to the garden. You take this time to really look at him, how dark his eyes are, how there is not a single wrinkle on his blouse. You breathe in the smoke while he swings the liquid around in the glass. He is handsome, there is no doubt about that, with his mustache and his tailored pants. Maybe tonight doesn’t have to be as boring as you first made it out to be. Your eyes are lingering on his face, you don’t bother hiding it. They trace their way up and around the wrinkles beside his eyes until it reaches the curve of his cheek, tumbling down to graze his lips.
‘’ I don’t think I asked you for your name. ‘’
It is a question without being one, a statement that he will have to answer anyway. You feel bold tonight, something that barely happens anymore, but even with all this build-up of confidence, spilling over the edges, going down your throat with the nicotine, you still feel small when he is now the one analyzing you. His brown eyes are back on you, and you love how the wind catches in his curls, pushing them under his hat. He crushes his cigar with the heel of his foot, sparkles of hot ashes following the movement.
‘’ You can call me Ismael. ‘’
Ismael. You like it. It suits him, a soft name for a soft exterior. You can tell this calmness is only a facade. An ocean a wind away from becoming a storm.
‘’ And what do others get to call you then? ‘’
The ones I can see looking through the window. Keeping watch. He snorts, taking a sip of your wine, his face souring at the taste the second it meets his lips.
‘’ You are right, I don’t like wine at all. ‘’
You know pushing your question once more will get you nowhere, so you don’t ask again. Maybe Ismael will be the only thing you’ll get tonight. You do offer him your name instead, and he says it back to you, the letters rolling softly off his tongue. You stay silent for a moment after that, a moment spent looking back into his eyes, ears still ringing from the music inside.
‘’ Let me guess, ‘’ you propose, motioning to the untouched wine in the cup, ‘’ and if I win, I get-, what did you say you do for a living? ‘’
You’re fishing again. You can tell that he knows, you can tell he doesn’t care.
‘’ I got my own business. ‘’
‘’ Right, ‘’ you stretch the word out, softly fishing your glass of wine out of his hand. He lets you, ‘’ If I can guess your drink of choice, you owe me one peso, we got a deal? ‘’
You can tell you have his attention now, it’s the way his eyebrows raise and how his lips form a small smile across his cheek. He leans gently towards you, as if his next words were only meant between you and him.
‘’ If you can guess in one try, I’ll make it two pesos, but you’ll owe me a dance, deal? ‘’
You scoff, taking a sip from your glass. You swoosh it in your mouth a little. Left, right, swallow. It’s bold, you have to admit, but you can tell he is as serious as you are. It does surprise you when he holds his hand out to you, expecting a handshake, a deal. Whatever business Ismael has back home, you know selling is probably his strong suit. You shake it, his fingers are warm in your hand, palms dry and calloused. You are a horrible dancer anyway, it’s his feet that are going to take the worst of it.
You use his hand as leverage to pull yourself off the pillar, choosing to sit on the bench next to it instead. You look up at him, eyes squinting.
‘’ You’re clearly from Sinaloa… And your hands are strong, so you probably work a field job. How am I doing so far? ‘’
‘’ Surprisingly good. ‘’ His hand brushes through his mustache, you know he’s smiling, ‘’ So far. ‘’
You hmm, elbows touching your knees as your chin follow the movement, pressing against your open hand. Your fingers drum on the side of your cheek. You could stare at him for hours.
‘’ I think I know, ‘’ you grin, ‘’ You are a classic beer kind of guy. ‘’
He doesn’t react, and for a second you do believe that you are wrong, but just as you are about to stand back and pull out your wallet, something in his eyes changes. It’s soft, barely there, but you didn’t miss it. Hook, line, and sinker. It’s your cue to keep going, you know you’re in.
‘’ None of those artisanal ones, nah. I think you’re a classic Pacífico guy. ‘’
‘’ What do you do for a living? ‘’
You let out a laugh,
‘’ I watch a bit too much of those police novelas on TV is what I do.’’
Ismael chuckles, his eyes moving down again to your feet. You gaze down too, noticing now how the pavement has gotten colder under your toes.
‘’ I owe you a dance, don’t I? ‘’
‘’ You don’t have to put your shoes back on if they hurt. ‘’
You stand up from the bench, holding out your hand towards him. Ismael slides his fingers between yours as he pulls you closer to him. You can feel your blood rushing down your body from the movement, your heart pushing against your ribcage. His arm raises above your head, slowly pushing you to swirl around. Your toes rub on the ground as you turn, you are not sure if it is his proximity or the alcohol that makes your head spin.
Before you can reach for your heels, he is already leaning down by your feet, bending his back until his other hand grabs the back of your shoes.. When he straightens back up, it feels like he’s a step closer, in his hands, the tip of your shoes is nudging your thigh. You can smell the tobacco on him, feel how heavy his gaze is on you, see the dots of green in his brown eyes.
‘’ Let me take you out to dinner tomorrow. ‘’
You can’t help your eyes from following the movement of his lips, the movement of his skin creasing where it meets his cheek. You look up, back into his eyes.
‘’ Really? ‘’
He mirrors the word back to you, raspy, confident. Really. You know your cheeks are red without a doubt, the heat you feel is enough. You nod, leaning back on your heel, in the hope that putting some distance between you and him would help you regain whatever confidence you left on the bench. His thumb is brushing against the back of your hand now, what a smooth mother-
‘’ Even if I step on your feet the whole dance? ‘’
Your words are quick, begging for a chance to stop melting over this, over him. He thinks for a second, looking up in a mocking way before his eyes are back on you again,
‘’ I’ll allow it. Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it after a few songs. I’m a great teacher. ‘’
You don’t doubt him for a second.
And you don’t miss how Dina eyes you when he brings you to the dancefloor, making you twirl once more, but tonight, as much as it pains you to think it, you can’t seem to care. You can deal with the speeches, rumors, and the big sister talk tomorrow, because tonight you feel better than you have felt in weeks. Maybe it’s the way Ismael does not even flinch when you do inevitably step on his toes or how his fingers bunch up the fabric at your waist to bring you even closer to him. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to think about the gun your fingertips brush every time your hand caresses lower down his back. Maybe because he feels so different from the one you had been meeting before.
Still, you are surprised when he calls you the next morning, asking you what time would be best for you tonight. After breakfast, when you lie to Dina and tell her you’re having dinner with an old school friend, you can’t help how wild the butterflies in your stomach are.
You don’t think much about it when you slip into his car at the next street corner, as he drives you around with the windows down, as he asks you about your day, pushing your chair out from under the table for you. You don’t even remember why you were feeling nervous when he orders his food after you, calling back the waiter before he could leave.
‘’ Can you bring a Pacífico with that? And a glass of wine, red, for the lady. ‘’
Ismael turns to you, lips pulling into a smile, his knees knocking against yours under the table. ‘’ Rojo, that’s right? ‘’
He’s still wearing that damn hat inside, the buckle on top catching the light. You smile back at him, nodding.
That’s right.
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narcosmx · 1 year
protective headcannon: ismael "mayo" zambada
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a/n: based on the requested prompt:
"He said what to you?!" and "He won't hurt you again, I promise." and probably tw for like insinuating dv
"He said what to you?!" Mayo's voice boomed over the phone, you could almost hear the way his vein in his neck buldges with anger. "Please, Mayo, not now" you whimper back at him. Truly, you didn't know what came over you to call your ex in this situation. It was almost like muscle memory, you felt unsafe and maybe you unconsioucly knew only one person could restore that feeling within you. "Just..." "I'll be right there, mija" Knees up against your chest, you sat in the center of your bed focusing on your trembling breath. When you hear the front door unlock, you take a unintended breath of relief. Only one other person had a key to your home, and it was times like this when you were thankful you never got that key back. "Que chingados" Mayo murmurs to himself, stepping over the broken dishes and things thrown around the floor, before calling out to you. He turns the knob to your bedroom slowly and only peaks in, as if to reassure you it was really him. But once he saw you curled up, his stomach dropped nearly running to your side. The way you at first flinch away from his touch made him sick to his stomach at the thought of what you had gone through. What he had allowed to happen to you by pushing you away. "Mirame, soy yo, mi amor" Mayo said in a low and slow tone as he reached out his hand to which you immediately leaned your head against, nearly climbing in his lap once he settled on the bed. "Did he touch you?" he questioned after a moment of silence as he gently rocked you as he held you against his chest. "He just " you groan motioning to the door where the reminents of the fight you had hid behind, as if still trying to defend them. "He touched you?! He touched you" the difference in Mayo's breathing was apparent, noticing how much work he had to put in to calming himself down. "Sabes que, I'll be back" he starts to say as he stands but you grab his arm in protest, shaking your head meekly. "You can't leave me... you can't leave me again", he wears the way his heart broke into a million pieces on his sleeve. Nodding his head, he places a kiss on your forehead before insisting he steps out to make a call. As if he needed to hide what his intentions were from you. "'sta bueno, te lo encargo" he orders over the phone before coming back to lay on the bed, pulling you onto him with little hesitation. "He won't hurt you again, I promise" Mayo murmures, caressing your thumb against your cheek "I'm a man of my word, and when I said I'll love you forever, I meant it."
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narcosmx · 1 year
being the arellano baby and being into ismael "mayo" zambada would include (pt.2 : the wedding)
an: i heard yall wanted some more mayo and the arellano-felix little sister shit to read
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okay so my last post ended with the beginning of the wedding, dressed in that red bridesmaid dress, mayo looking at you like you're his bride
all that shit
i just imagine your sisters had the best time dolling you up, making you wear a dress that hugs you and you wouldn't have chosen for yourself in a million years
but i am just imagining this cute wholesome sister scene of all the sisters dancing to como la flor and dina spinning you around :(((
benjamin and ramon are looking at you with heart eyes knowing that it is lit going to kill them to have to give you away
like they already have these emotions coming up when they have to give their older sister away imagine their fucking baby
while i see mayo standing against a wall, sipping on a drink, eyes just watching you in complete adoration like he's looking at you like you can't be fucking real
just staring, can you imagine like guero having to nearly knock his ass over to get him out of his trance i just the "oye que tienes mayo" and him turning, blinking slowly then trying to brush him off with his cool composure
and as mayo is talking to guero, trying to keep his composure with his eyes still lingering on you giggling with your sisters
and benjamin, he might be some conservative prude butt of an older brother but he is astute
he's followed mayo's gaze already and he knew it was locked on you and knowing that this may be his way in... his way to drawing mayo in
is benjamin going to use you to get to mayo... he couldn't use his baby sister but is he sure as hell going to take advantage of that look in his eyes, fuck yeah
during dinner, i imagine you floating around the party; it's a who's whos of government officials and anyone who was anyone in tijuana
and sure you may claim to not have a role to play in your family exactly, you know you're the face they like to play
floating around, hugging people, kissing them on the cheek, having everyone tell you how beautiful you look and how they can't wait to be at your wedding
imagine someone saying that, looking up and locking eyes with mayo who has been lingering closer and closer to you trying to find a natural opportunity to talk to you
looking down, flustered and thanking them before trying to find a place to lay low... mayo is starting to swoop in walking towards you taking this deep breath
and then fucking intercepted, that's when benjamin comes up to mayo nearly blocking and like leading him away
that's when they start having that join tijuana conversation and it isn't going benjamin's way and that's when they start playing the music to get people on the dance floor
picture with me soft luis miguel music because ouch my heart
this isn't a coincidence, benjamin has gone over the schedule to this wedding a million times and while he's not going to use you, he knows you and your tendencies
like clock work, you come flying towards benjamin, pulling on his elbow begging for him to take you to dance before blushing because you've failed to notice who exactly he's talking to
i'm screaming benjamin being like "perdoname, mi reina, not right now. i needed to go talk to someone but" him motioning to mayo being like "can you actually do me a favor and take nena to dance, she's never going to forgive me if she doesn't get to dance"
and now there's the you looking up at him moment, this fucking butterfly excitement moment and mayo is like forgetting he was even talking about business, flustered hasta la madre
okay but then why am i picturing this being fucking ruined by ramon
because benjamin is seeing that this is an "in" for the business and fucking ramon is SEETHING at his table because all he sees is this fucker trying to get at his baby sister
while you're walking over to benjamin, he's already barking his order to the juniors
"don't let the fucker touch her, i want you guys on her all night. ay pero no so pasan shingado"
before mayo can reach out to you fucking kitty is wrapping his arm around you like "amonos bebe, what are you just doing here standing", not even acknowledging mayo's existance
you're like what the fuck, mayo is feeling these fucking bubbling jealous feelings
and benjamin fucking whips his head around to look at ramon like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM and ramon is looking at benjamin like what is your FUCKING PROBLEM THE UFUCK
i missed this lol
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narcosmx · 2 years
being the arellano baby and being into ismael "mayo" zambada would include
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got covid after nearly 3 years of dodging sick children and watched narcos mexico all over again... as you do
anyways here we are again with my absolute obsession with being in the arellano-felix family
the stranglehold this family has on me is absolutely astonishing
okay but hear me out, being ramon's T W IN
and this could go one of two ways; being ramon's literal identical, his partner in cirme, the moment when the both of you get this twinkle in your eye everyone in tijuana should be afraid
oR OR OR the complete opposite like ramon is like looks like a cinnmaon roll, would kill you and you're the is a cinnamon roll is a cinnamon roll one
completely and utterly seperated from the family business, don't want to get you involved until ...
okay so i am going to go with the being the opposite to ramon, being the sweet as pie, doe eyed, glue to this family... the apple of benjamin's eye and ramon's light and acknowledgement that he could be better you're basically the same person anyways
i am just imagining that scene in season 2 when ramon is walking around listening to his cd player or walkman or whatever
and you doing the same thing bopping to some fucking early luis miguel and dancing through the house
preppy fresa princess
so it's not like they kick you the fuck out when business is happening, you're around and moving through life but listening... always listening
when people come around for business you observe and notice people, usually don't peak your interest they don't get more than a kiss on the cheek and a faint smile before you skip off bringing a levity to situations that benjamin would always take advantage of
until you see this ruggedly handsome man making his way through tijuana
can you just imagine with me if you will, coming down the staircase in the arellano-felix home, just your polished pretty self and you walk through the corridor of the dinning room and see someone new sitting at the dinning room table
you giving him this curious doe eyed look with a soft smile and mayo getting all nervous kill me
he like gets to his feet real fast, takes off his hat and bows his head a little like "buenos dias, herm
osa" and he's just looking at you like you're an absolute gem literally like this delicate little flower
and benjamin walks in and is like "mayo, mi hermanita. nena, mayo" and you literally have to snap out of your little trance and walk over to mayo to give him your customary kiss on the cheeck and i just him holding your hand loosly when you come over to kiss him
HIM KISSING THE BACK OF YOUR HAND lightly before you scamper off mostly in embarrassment because you couldn't squeak a word out
ramon coming up behind you giving you a knowing look as you communicate in pure twin telepathy, averting your eyes immediately because if you don't literally he will read your mind
crying at you muddling around the kitchen, wandering around pretending to do something as you walk past the walkway to the dinning room every 5 minutes to look at mayo and exchange these little smiles :( :(
you making something for them fucking idk why im imagining you making something like your abuelas agua de melon and bringing it over to them
and bringing it over all excited and benjamin is just doing that soft adoring smile, ramon is like fuck yeah aguas frescas and and mayo just whispers "gracias, princesa"
i just i just at the end of the meeting when they're saying goodbyes, you pop in and are like "benja, you invited mayo to dina's wedding right ?" batting eyelashes
benjamin being like oh yeah yeah come celebrate with us
and and you come to say goodbye to mayo and you're giving him a kiss on the cheek and he's like "nos vemos pronto, mi angel"
and you're left standing like heart eyes
and i'm dying, enedina coming up being you and being like "close your mouth, mija, you'll let flies in" and tickling your sides because twin telepathy may be a thing but your older sister knows you better than you know yourself
and so now the wedding you've been buzzing about for the past like year is now all you can freaking think about because you get to see mayo again and maybe steal a second away from your brothers
listen, the wedding day, you're walking down the aisle as one of the bridesmaids and you're like not so sneakily looking for mayo good lord
he flashes you the sweetest smile, he's looking at you like your his fucking bride and i
you turn redder than the dress you're fucking wearing
for the first time in a long time your like can we get this over with so we can fucking party
and and next time i'll write a whole mayo at the wedding thing and i ahh
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thesolotomyhan · 2 years
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a/n: slowly coming back into it but i was writing something else on and off while i was away but i havent finished it so i just ultimately decided to do another one of these just because i love how i can focus on so many characters and just type away so have this while i figure some things out on my end for you all <3
warnings: theres only nsfw for like 2 characters but ill let you know lol
mayo: wedding :)
strap tf in because ever since writing that ramon wedding hc i have not stopped thinking about that topic but with my mayo and i have little to no shame to admit to you all that i have thought about his ass and a wedding subject more than once but i just never got around to it but 👀👀 lemme say i am having troubles with myself on deciding what i can briefly talk about and not get myself carried on writing a whole ass presentation,,,,, i just ,,,,, want to at least get an idea out here 👀 see if anyone could be interested 👀👀 but OHHHH i just i want to scream into the abyss when i think about this subject with HIM <\3 like me muero mE MUERO because i know for a mf’ing fact my consentido would call you “mi esposa” even before you two actually get married,,, like he’s emocionado about the whole thing as it leads up to that day :((( him introducing you to everyone new as like “mira, deja les presento a mi esposa,.... mi chula” :(( ,, this stupid smile on his face as he lets his arm wrap around your waist and keep you close to him as he introduces you when you two are barely engaged or something and i dont know why that makes me fall to my knees and sob,, wow and just imagining how this man would stress yet be as cool as anything to make this the most perfect day for you,,,because as i have kind of briefly gone over,,, once this mf actually falls in love, que hasta he forgets anyone else other than you exists,, you know marriage is not far from the path hes on,, and it just comes naturally,,, so when i imagine that the day does come,,, he makes this shit the biggest thing ever in sinaloa,, its going to last for dayssss,,  complacendote in any and everything,, making sure to not have you have any stress on your head all day long,, he just wants to see you to be happy, blissful and smiling all day long because of him yyy ay cabron hold on,,,, i just without getting too into this knowing myself,,, can you all just take a minute and imagine the grand ass church/ceremony he would do this at,,, una pinche elegancia that even guero is questioning how much money this mf blew for your wedding day,,, el todo pinshe pienado :( the simple FucvinG waY HE would look at you throughout the whole thing like you just gave him the best regalo de la vida :((( him probably wanting to just hold your hand for all 24 hours of that day and more,,, the little glances and small smiles he would give you throughout the vows down until he can kiss you :((((((( and the reception yalll ayyy no,,, him not letting you be away from him for more than 2 inches,, :( walking around together como marido y mujer and shit :((( dancing to your song ,,,, the honeymoon after wards :))))))) ayyy GUEY im sorry ill stop i just- wedding+mayo=my entire heart and i dont want to dump that whole thing just yet on this available space i have here :(( but this has been my proposal on the idea :( ok bye now
rafa- (slight/only a mention because i cant stop myself)
ingasu ,,,, mi pinshe bonbonnnnnnnn ,,,, i have a need  a want to get a ramble of thoughts out and this is what this is,, but dont worry ill come back for him when i have a straight mind and an actual structure of writing for him because OUGHHH how can i not?  now  wow get out of my mf’ing way here becauseeee lord just when i think the wakanda forever trailer couldnt top the idea of chadwicks tchalla character coming back again :( +++ the announcement they made that tenoch would be playing namor a while back,,,,  these mf’s actually  decided to kill me and add in namor’s character in the trailer as well when i had already fell to my kness at a walmart parking lot just by the first second of that trailer,, and i just descended upon the clouds themselves when i saw him my god i was not expecting to be fed so well early on,,, because now let me guide you all back to watch the trailer if you didnt catch a good ass glimpse like i did to look at this bitch’s physique ,,, like get a good fucking look at this mfs back,, yess his fuckin back ,, his damn shoulders i cRY YALL ,, thAT LaDies and gentlemen,, is a man ,, now LISTENNN I AM not a marvel blog whatsoever but i would be lying through my soul if i told yall those 2 second clips of him on that trailer awoke and brought back my unconditional love for him and what better than to add rafa back in this mf and let me respectfully simp for mi pelos chinos consentido de shulada de hombre again,, and i just- i couldnt contain myself imagining the wayyyyyy he would love to let you scratch his back :)) when hes pounding away at youuuuu but damn omg let me just stop,, lol that wasnt planned for him today because i knew this man radiated bde but namor???? tenoch ???? placed to finally extra cherry i needed on top because i just couldnt get that once scene where hes walking into that wedding party with his scarface suit on out of my mind for a while and i just- i could not handle the thought of the two of you turning heads everytime the two of you walk into a building or party because the radiationnnn,, its about the radiation you two set off when youre both walking into a party,, arms tangled into the other as you both walk in,, heads held high off the fucking ground,, both of your outfits being that high end material, that just compliments the others in a beautiful way ,, him leading you around either with you dangling off his arm :) or leading you sit down so you dont get tired :) but ughhh his dumbass smile never wiping off his face because he knows everyone is staring at the two of you ,,just him having a thing for showing you off and it’s the best damn feeling when it’s neither of you trying,, it comes natural with they way the aura is set around you two when you walk into a place and that sets me off,,, And wow,, thank you for coming to my brief brain fart session,, take what i told you today as a topic starter with me  
amado: baile/jaripeo 
ayyyy hasta pego un grito de los buenos imagining something like this with him :( and maybe it’s just meeee because ive been keeping busy going to these and all ;) but imagining pinshe amado going with you :) bailando to like a banda song or something,(im imagining something like y llegaste tu or something more movidita like ayer la vi por la calle because the vueltas would be more fast paced ya know? and i know only maybe a few people are going to understand what im talking about so im sorry if you’re questioning wtf im even saying right now lol)  but anyways i just imagine he would have  his arm wrapped around your back and just holding you close to him when he does he vueltas or the small steps to the rhythm ya know? leading you around the steps, :(  his other hand is just holding una pinshe chela bien fria+ not me imagining how the thought of him drinking his chela while dancing with you had me in a grip im sorry ,,,, and aughhH its something about that image, and the thought of your steps being in unison and flowing as smooth as possible hmnnnn,,,, him vestido de negro because he knows no other colors,, his shirt slightly opened with that chain he has on showing fff- hair slightly down but with that natural flow he has going on with it, your frame being whisked away by his tall ass, and like the hand thats wrapped around you ocsassionaly going down and resting on top of your ass ay his little gold watch glowing from the sun or something and wow ,, his own little smirk plastered onto his face and all, when he tightens his hold around you his reina AUGH,,,,, all while one of your hands are holding the back of his neck, your other on his shoulder ,, you just letting him lead you away, your own small smile on your face ugh byE, i love that image,,,, the two of you probably even lean in to kiss the other when you want ay,,, lowkey humming the songs too and bye i want this with him
yall im so sorry to be in my feelings today but i have been bombarded and read up a lot of nsfw things for ramon lately in this AO and i just lets take a minute to breathe ok you horndogs ,, let me dip my fingers in atleast into these waters slowly again before we go back out into that region once more becauseeeeee i just wanted to voice something on mi niño enamorado because it occurred to me while i was writing this other hc i have in the works and i just, i couldnt help but have the itch to imagine ramon being soft with quality time guys,,, quality time in a relationship is something i see ramon loving to do because he may be rich and seem like the type to be boujee on all his dates which sure,, he might do the first few times with you and all that,, but eventually for him,, to be in the mere presence of you is something he breathes off of and never wants to go without , so let me unroll this out for you all,, because the first thing,,, is the thought of him obviously loving to go out to clubs with you,, i feel as though this has been thoroughly established enough just because of the thought of the two of you being dressed to the ninesss,, hanging off of the other, and dancing up on the other in that close space with the beat of the music surrounding you two,, makes it a whole vibe alright,, and even if you dont want to dance,, the thought of just having you sitting on his lap or right next to him up on the vip section, dressed up but sitting prettily against him as he has an arm wrapped around you is just POETRY, or when youre not with him,, maybe you went to get yourself a drink,, you looking back to wheres he just watching you,, you giving him this soft ass smile and his enamorado ass just flashing you a smile back, eyes lit up with that small glint and all ayy no  le da orgullo al cabron that hes the one youre with :))) or in this second example,, having those video game dates :( because we’ve seen that being consistent with him because in s1 he has going crazy on that retro ass game and in s3 he had his little console :( and ughhh i just couldnt help but almost cry at the thought of him wanting to play video games with you as a date :((( the two of you having the loudest but friendly arguments that it echoes around the house as you play against the other,, a shit ton of snacks dispersed all around the floor of the two of you as you both are solely focused on getting the upper hand on the other, smiles on your faces as you both sit next to eachother on the ground probably from how intense it could get,, the two of you probably sabotage the other in a friendly way just to hear the other scream as one of you gets closer to first place  ay no i cry at that thought because those are definitely going to be core memories <like even the juniors probably even join in when they come around> :(  or even on example #3,,, the thought of having dates over at the others house,, and just cuddled up like,, him laying back with you sitting in between his legs, your back to his chest, curled into him and just watching like ,,,, cartoons :( probably with even more snacks spread out all over the place,,, the volume of the tv damn near filling up the whole house, both of your laughters following after when something happens on the tv, im sorry yall i cry to all of this because its just small moments or even big moments are the biggest thing for him when it comes to you,, doesnt matter as long as hes with you and youre both having fun :(((( se enamora mas mi niño bye (also im totally not listening to ojitos lindos by bad bunny and bawling my eyes out because that is my bebes song that describes what imagine him being for you his nena :((( )
slow mornings yalL SLOW MORNINGSSSSSSS with benjamin,,,,, allow me to sob but explain because i just get so sentimental and soft around this man, i love him and cherish him but wow,,, now i know you all can tell hes a puntual type of man,, hes never late to shit,, hes on time about everything and i just feel like he likes to be busy doing things all the time so much that he never catches a break because then he would have a breakdown if he even just sits back for once so :))) the thought of you being the cause for a slow morning once for him that unravels his want to do them from then on just :( sets me,,,, and while slow mornings with him i can picture things like maybe just the two of you cuddling in bed,, getting breakfast sent up to the two of you as you just bask in eachother presence :(( or something like the two of you watching the other get ready,,, dropping kisses on eachother every time you pass eachother in the bedroom,, him on his part slacking tf off when he watches you simply brush your hair out or just pick out something for the day to wear when youre just wearing his shirt:( because he definitely just stares at you longingly/lovingly and him def coming up behind you to hug you and just kiss you ughh these are most definitely not off the table but for todays focus,, i just want to say something and start us out on how we got to that stage because  like dont you dare say to me otherwise that he doesnt sleep without touching some part of you or holding you,,, because the generic type of sleep i see him getting is either when youre sleeping on his chest :( or him spooning you from behind and holding you from when he sleeps and shuts his eyes to until he wakes up and has to go ya know,,, and :( i just imagine him waking up before you,, his hair being a big tangled mess, he would have an arm under you to keep you from rolling off his chest :(,, his other hand might be holding yours thats resting on his chest :( im - him just breathing in a deep breath from where he has his face buried into your hair :(,, giving you a small kiss on the top of your head as he just gives you these soft h e a r t eyes as he stares down at your sleeping form :((( stop no one look at me,, and i just imagine him doing like a deep sigh because he lowkey wouldnt want to leave the bed or you,, :((( but him either way, slightly moving out of bed,, but at the slowest rate possible because he doesnt want to wake you up :((( and ughhh him already feeling bad once he feels your arm tighten around him,, youre doing a long sigh signifying your waking up :( and ay no as soon as you open your eyes youre met with his sorry ones :( and your voice asking him where hes going his ass is already sitting hismelf back down telling you he has to go :( but me and him would be lying if he wouldnt go back in bed with you if you asked him,, and omg, i cant because the way you would quite literally tug him back down,, you groggily looking up at him con esos ojitos :( asking him another 30 minutes wont hurt him,, you bet hes smiling down at you and laying down again :(( not even worrying if those 30 minutes turn into an hour as long as youre happy and keep him in place :((( i just- wow this mf turns into a puddle when it comes to you i dont know
now heh i wasnt exactly targeting something exact for him, but i just fell into the mood in wanting to write something for him right now in these blurbs and i just went with what came to mind on the spot which is making out :))) because he def gives off that vibe of wanting to be attached to your lips constantly it’s almost something everyone has to be prepared to walk into when they’re looking for either of you two at some point in time but also because i just want to imagine some soft shit like this where neither of you have to do more other than kissing if you dont feel like it,, its just a way of outing your love for the other by kissing :( a physical thinggg ya know? but either way i imagine the way hes still giving you those ojitos :( , small smile on his face when he leans back away from you just to gaze upon you :( ughh and honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s one of the essential building blocks in your relationship with him im sorry,,, because get this, im just imagining him sitting on the couch, slouched back, with you on top of him :) both of you fully clothed just slightly messy,,, his hands having trouble focusing if they want to rest on your ass or wander up your back, your own hands moving away from his chest :) to hold the side of his face :) the both of you probably having these irresistible smiles as you try to keep kissing the other but instead little breathless giggles keep escaping from the both of you ugh im sorry but :( the thought of him moving one of his hands to cup the side of your face when you both slightly lean away from the other and just stupidly smile as you both look at the other,, a light warmth spreading across both of your faces and cheeks from how close you both were,,, the intimacy of it all making you both go on a high and just want to keep your kissing session going,, him having literal soft he a rt eyes as he just stares up at you :( his other arm securing you even closer to him and his voice coming out lightly and scratchy like “te amo bebe” :(((( bye no one touch me right now 
barron: (***nsfw)
now listen up my barron fuckers   i was going to do a whole soft blurb type of thing right now for him but i know some of you guys are probably on the edge of hitting me across the face for taking my dandy ass time on his nsfw hc,, so im gving you all a small dose today just to tame some hairs alright? alright cool,, because doggy style? is our topic for today and it just  almost screams his name off for me on this topic,, because for one, it’s a rough and dominant vibe that goes along with him just right that it will guarantee to make you lose all common sense and make you sore for the next week but also secondly ,,it gives him a view of being able to see your whole body from behind :) with your ass up in the air :) your hands digging into the material underneath you as youre on all fours :)) him having a death grip on your hips as he pumps into you,,, him def pushing your head back down onto the pillows by tangling his hand into your hair if you start to come up just so he can have that arch for you :)) and ughhh i dont know the thought of you moving one of your hands above you to just grip the sheets as he has you in that position,, your other hand :) coming to lay itself on top of one of his hands on your hip :)) threading your fingers through his and just tightening your grip onto his as he pumps into you in that rough and steady pace ugh,, you :) moving your head to the side and looking over your shoulder at him :) moans spilling past your lips as you scrunch your face together,,, throwing a small smile his way from the way hes making you feel hnnngg,,, omg him leaning his frame over you :)) one of his hands coming to hold your hand thats above your head on the sheets,, his other hand thats threading with yours just guiding you down to touch your swollen clit :) him helping you apply the right amount of pressure that it gets your eyes to roll back as he continues to thrust into you at an angle now,, fuuuc- him biting along that part of your skin where your shoulder meets your neck, just breathing heavily into your ear as your lewd moans continue to come out of you uncontroablly im sorry for this wow 
arturo: (***nsfw)
yeeeeeahhhhh :) giving you 3 total arturo fuckers a taste as well  because he is a  car sex type of beat and im sorry because his pinshes camisas wangas get me , if you know you know,, :)) like you running your hand over his chest underneath hiss shirt as youre on top of him :) neither of you separating from this make out session between the two of you,, the heavy breathing you both would be doing would not help at all but just make the windows fog up,,, him :) struggling to lift this skirt you would be wearing as youre grinding away on top of him with your legs on either side of him,, his groans encouraging you even more and your soft moans only urging him to fumble against you even more :)and  hnnnngg i cant at the thought of him bringing his lips away from yours to kiss your chest,, hurriedly moving your top away from your skin just so he can see the way your breasts spill out for him :) his hands moving to cusp your ass and lift your hips up :) letting him slide into you :) him hissing out into you when he feels your nails dig into his chest :) his name rolling of your lips :) when you toss your head back slightly when you feel him bottom out :) wow his grip just roughly kneading your skin,, getting you to lightly grind your hips against his to get you comfortable :) and just slowly building momentum up until he can have you bouncing on top of him :))) him continuing to leave small marks on your chest as he thrusts up into you,,,  his eyes constantly looking up at you so he can focus on your face,,, audibly grunting out when he feels the pressure continuing to grow as you palm his chest :) your head tilting back down to look at him as you begin to meet his thrusts halfway :)) your entire face just scrunching up as you start to become more and more desperate and youre not sure if its because of the constant rough pumping of him and the way he just has you fucking yourself on top of him or if its because of the heat kicking up a few notches from both your heavy breathing and movements in such a confined space but either way it has you both holding the other like a damn lifeline that bound to explode any minute and i just - wow
here i go again with yet another pair-able soft topic for him,,,, god man :/ im sorry but güero and benjamin remind me of eachother so much i sometimes mix up writing ideas/topics of the two of them and i just thought i could share that to see if anyone else can relate to me because for one try and convince me otherwise this man,, mi güerito, mi hector is not the most love blinded soul that there is here,, try and tell me he is not the type of partner that is going to put you above all else simply because he’s that infatuated with you and head over heels twice in love with you,, this mf probably has a whole ass wedding plan ready by the first hour of your first date you ever had with him because he would have that sense of when he’s found his one and only :(( try to sit there and tell me he is not late for the most important or little things just because he was so caught up trying to button up his dress shirt but failing to do so at the end of the bed because you were 2 feet away from him getting ready yourself or brushing your hair out because he stops all and any process he was doing simply because he was off in his own world looking at you with that soft enamorado look in his eyes that his eyes would fucking dilate because they’re cast upon you :( ,,, and if he could he would turn into a mush puddle of himself if you catch him looking and flash him a soft smile through the mirror or look over your shoulder at him and give him heart eyes back because i shake at the overwhelming feeling he would feel at that moment because his favorite person, el amor de su vida loves him back the same way he does and that makes his love for you grow every damn day :((( please convince me that he isn’t the type that when you walk into the room while he’s negotiating or talking with some of the guys about the business that he totally doesn’t just forget the conversation at hand,, let his thoughts run off into emptiness and simply just let his eyes zone in on you because you take his breath away it physically hurts his heart to tear his eyes away from you,, his tesoro de su vida :( or that he won’t just drop whatever conversation or task at hand whenever he hears you call his name out because if he’s going to listen to you and help you with whatever problem or question you have, he should give you his 101% attention with that soft low voice of his going “aqui estoy, que paso mi amor” while bringing his hand out to hold yours and guide you towards him so you stand in between his legs :(((,, allowing you the option of you want to sit on his lap so he can wrap his arm around you,, the everlasting longing look in his face if you reach your other hand out and caress the side of his face omg it would make him feel like you gave him the literal tierra y mar to make a planet out of love for you and i crY i absolutely literally bawl to him ayy no GÜEY CALLENSE ill stop here because i have a feeling i could go on for a good hot hour if i continue for my soft bebe :(
miguel angel:
mmmm this man too,, it’s been a hot minute since ive acknowledged him and it’s only because recently i saw an old gif set of him,, and i just couldn’t help but feel incapacitated because i saw that teasing glint in his eyes that he sometimes has and aughh,,,, so for todays focus i wanted to zero in on reassurance because this man would lowkey be a whore for it since he has so many walls built around him, but also because there’s a lot of ways this can go about and i feel vulnerable just thinking about it with him,,, like on exhibit a . i can imagine this going down when he’s doing those business meetings but over dinner type of setting you know? like it could be him stressing over it, or him on the edge of lashing out over some dumb shit his business partner just slipped out,, but i just imagine you :( discreetly moving your hand under the table, gently placing your hand on his thigh or even moving to hold his hand on top of the table like it’s a normal pda thing but for him it’s everything,, but either way when it comes from you it has this calm manner that you wash over him that it just automatically makes his temper go away and be at ease because youre right there with him acting like his personal rock, something I’ve always connected with him when he’s in a relationship :( and this would be one of those examples :( because i just imagine him letting his physical tension go away at that second and glance over at you and it’s like everything wrong just goes away in that second :( i dont know man i just im soft for that type of feeling :( or take exhibit b. as another way i can see this, like you know those times where we sometimes see him panicking before he has to do some big negotiation that could change the business ? yeah , i can just picture something where he’s just waiting for the seconds that feel like hours to him , to count down until he has to leave, but he’s already dressed up but he wouldn’t have his suit jacket on because he feels like the room is burning up, and it’s just so much stress that his collar of his shirt is untucked, his previously slicked back hair is slowly coming out of place, him pacing back and forth, probably muttering so much nonsense inside his head he doesn’t even notice that you walked in the room 5 minutes ago and have been staring him down, slightly worried :( and it’s not until you actually walk up to him, saying his name a bit louder while you place a hand on his shoulder to get him to stop moving that he actually comes back down to earth at that moment :( you seeing this slight panic and vulnerable look in his eyes as you smooth the worry lines over his face :( and just ,,, you giving him. this soft reassuring smile as like a quiet signal for him to blurt out whatever is on his mind (acting like his fucking rock im telling you) :( and youre just fixing him up again, straightening his shirt to look as sharp as ever, smoothing back his hair as you just listen to him and give him some slight encouragement that there’s nothing to worry about :( he’s just overthinking shit and omg i cant because i just imagine this soft loving ass look he’s shooting you with when he hears your soft voice speak back to him, fixing him up better than ever and you don’t even know, you have not a single clue just how much your apoyo and even just the small little things you do help him in more ways than one and just :( you give him the need to push but also be the person for him to let his worries out to with no shame and just breathe for once and i just i love that im sorry yall
hahaaa surprise yallll, i actaully decided and braved up to write some words for her today and I’m going to see for the first time if it all works out, so naturally for me so i can feel comfortable and build up from here, we’ll start small, and i wanted to begin with something similar like miguel angel, but platonically and sibling-like for mi reina today,, because oooO the thought of being siblings and having this special bond with her put me in a mood, because when i think of you being siblings with her and how she carries herself,, she definitely ends up reflecting all of that attitude and confidence down onto you,, who she looks at like her hermanita/o no matter what age you reach,, you will always be her bebe who she looks over but makes her right hand man in anything and everything,, so getting quite to the point and cutting things briefly before i make a whole ass essay on being siblings with dina and what adventures that brings i want to set some examples because what does being her right hand mean? what does being her person to lay back on and talk about everything that comes to mind with? :( not only does it mean the two do you are always around eachother like a package duo,,, but it means that she’s always talking aloud everything to you, no matter if it’s the business, what she did last night, or the most random shit but she’s always speaking freely to you and you right back at her :( *special bonding moment sorry* and im sorry to take quite a turn here, :((( but :( that scene where she’s just absolutely devastated when she lost claudio :( not talking to anyone at all :( it doesn’t mean she shuts you out :( because :( you know how i said that her personality def rubbed off on you ? :( it means youre quite fuckkng stubborn when it comes down to shit like this with her,,, that youre the only one she actually lets in :( like I’m imagining you sneaking into her room in the early morning after it all happened :( giving her the tightest hug :( and just letting her break down into you :( and like you know when she’s watching her wedding tape back again? and she’s crying :( i imagine she would be laying her head in your lap :( hugging you :( while she has your arms wrapped around her, just quietly comforting her :( being her rock :( and it just feels like a refresher almost because she knows she doesn’t have to talk at all with you, because you would know her so well, and know how to comfort her at the right temperature until she’s ready :( and ughhh yeah :( i dont know :(
tag list: @coaxium-captain-rex @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon  @wtfisgoingonlol @boomclapxox @carlislecullenisadilf @ashlingiswriting 
miguel angel tag: @all-tings-diego @xbeyondthegatex​
amado tag: @mylovepedro 
arellano tag: @tinylittleobsessions @curaheed @yourlocalspacewitxch 
benjamin tag: @criatividad-e 
let me know if you want to be added! 
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thesolotomyhan · 2 years
ismael “el mayo” zambada as a dad would include
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a/n: yEAH DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THIS IS A SURPRISE MY FIRST WRITING PIECE OF 2022 IS MI MAYO but i originally was writing something else but i got slapped out of nowhere with this and i couldnt help myself but  - 
warnings: just a smidge of nsfw in the beginning that you could gladly skip :) its only the first 6 points :))  also this hc is long so be aware and unedited yikes :)))
so sorry mis bebes one more thing, i did something to this, more like added something for my non-spanish speakers <3 let me know if you guys like it or not? please? ok ok ill shut up now, enjoy! :))
so nsfw,, BUT ONLY for like the next 5 bullet points that have nothing to do with anything but i want to voice a thought that i have had hidden in my notes and the only one culpable is @coaxium-captain-rex​ for letting me run my thoughts off and pushing me into including this fucking filth
but….. could - you imagine a breeding kink with mi ismael??? anyone? Any takers??
god im so sorry this is so irrelevant but i just had to say something about this because like?? him,, pounding into you,, his hand around your neck :) watching you become progressivey more delirious off of him :))) his cock feeling like hes burying himself depper with each thrust he does, and your body helplessly arching under him, moaning his name out drunkingly
and when he cums inside of your warm pussy :)) him leaning back and groaning out when he sees him cum trying to leave your folds :))
and him just pushing back into you so none of it escapes :))) him chuckling into the underside of your jaw when he sees you throw your head back whimpering out incoherently, your nails digging into his back, while your body is just shaking- wow
or,,, :))) him doing a quickie on the boat with you :)) but the feeling and satisfaction of seeing you walk away a little funny  knowing youre full of his cum inside of you has him going all cocky for the rest of the day- aHHH ok ok im done being fucking disgusting,, onto the fluff , excusE MY MANNERS BECAUSE I HAVE NONE -
wow :(( ayy pero que dios me ayude with this whole ass scenario of him becoming a dad that has had me forever sobbing at night
because when i imagined him becoming a dad :( i dont think he would plan for it at all and think much on it ,
and at the same time i feel like he wouldnt mind it either if it happens you know? because when i imagine the day he finds out youre pregnant it would all feel surreal to him,, like it knocked him out of nowhere and it isnt until he actually processes it for a second that he realizes voy ser un papa??
and wow :((( the way you would be nodding your head a small disbelieved smile on your face has him just lightly laughing :(( walking up to you, one of his hands going down to your stomach and the other cradling your head ,, kissing your forehead and going soy un papa? :(((((( no im not o k
alright so your pregnancy right??? oh my god would that be such a highlight that he would never miss the chance to somehow butt it into a conversation whenever he can :(
like it could easily be when chapo or one of the guys ask him for something and hes just already shaking his head no like “no, fijate que no voy a poder, mi mujer esta embarazada y necesita que esté con ella más tarde” <no, i wont be able to, my wife is pregnant and needs me to be with her later> :(((
or something like “manana estoy ocupado, tengo que ir con mi mujer al doctor para conocer a mi hijo” <im busy tomorrow, I have to go with my wife to the doctor to meet my kid> like he has no business explaining thoroughly why he cant go but he just wants to be presumido :(
he wouldnt let you go out without him with you either :(
i feel like he would be the type that worries about everything with you :(
so he would have you wait for him after he’s out if you need to go somewhere or if it’s an emergency he would want you to call him :((
i cant because :((( i know he would also be the guy that wouldnt have you walking around too much when he’s home with you :(
like even if you’re getting up to get like a snack? this mf is already lightly pushing you back down shaking his head like “no, deja te lo agarro yo, no te preocupes mi amor por eso estoy yo”<no, let me grab it, don't worry my love that's why I'm here> :((( wow :(
or maybe even when you come out to the docks to see him :((( him already dropping everything he was doing when he sees you,, lightly jogging over to where you are :(((
him going “que estas haciendo aqui mi reina, que no me dijiste que el mar te da ascos ahorita?”<what are you doing here my queen? didn't you tell me that the sea disgusts you right now?> just scolding you because hes already attached to his bebe :(( and because he doesnt want you feeling any sickness or running into danger :(((
but him already moving to hold your arms so you dont slip or anything :((( him fucking picking you up bridal style to help you get on the boat if you want to :(((( i cant
i also feel like he would bring you something small if he runs into something that catches his eye when hes coming back home
like it could be something small for his bebe on the way :(( like clothing or like one of those mal de ojo bracelets :((((
or sometimes it could be him bringing you food or some random snack he saw that maybe you mentioned you were craving :((
but either way with whatever he brings home to you :(( him going up to you, kissing the top of your head and smiling at you like “mira lo que te traje, mi vida” <look what i brought my, my life> :(
or if its for his baby :( him having one of his hands coming to rest on your stomach going “mira, se lo compre para el niño cuando ya nazca, mi amor” <look, i bought it for our kid when theyre finally born, my love> all with this fucking LOVE GLINT IN HIS EYes i cant do this :(
also when youre both sleeping ,, he would love to sleep behind you :(like him being the big spoon :(((
and just holding you to him with his hand on your growing stomach :( his thumb occasionally caressing you -
him making sure to have his chest as close as he fucking can to your back :((( because he just wants to hold a los dos amores de su vida :(((( im not ok
and him just talking with you softly :(( sometimes planting a small kiss to your shoulder and feeling him pull you back tighter against him as much as space allows him everytime :((( i 
im :( imagine this,, maybe during the time he leaves for tijuana and he sends you somewhere else so you dont get caught up in his shit when hes at guerra with the arellanos :((
and youre pregnant during that time :((( ay dios mio :(( him just wanting you to be as calm as you can be :( just telling you something about “tu y el niño van estar mas seguro escondidos :(( no quiero que nada malo les pase a ninguno de los dos” <you and the baby will be more secure in hiding, i don't want anything bad to happen to either of you> :((( all while he would have one of his hands resting on your stomach rubbing soft circles into you :((( i cant
and wow im sorry i rambled on but i have to voice some thoughts of him with his kids now because i just know his kids would be the “oro que mas cuida” where he would never, not even once raise his voice at them :(
because i just feel like his kids with you ,, la patrona de su vida ,, :( he would do just about anything for them ,, for his familia :((
soo you know what that mentality brings?? him loving to spoil his bebes :((
but him always having his kids check in with you first before he further agrees to something :)))
like he for sure gives in so easily when they give him ojitos for something,, like maybe they want ice cream before dinner or another 30 minutes of playing with their toys before going to bed:(((
and hes already giving into them and getting up before they finish their sentences like “si ahorita los llevo pues, pero vayan a preguntar a su mama primero, si no ahorita me madrea” <yes, ill take you, but go ask your mother first, because she’ll if not she’ll fuck me up> lol
OH MY GOD PLEASE IM IN LOVE with the idea of him taking his kids out to the docks on his boat when they learn how to walk :((((( or when you come by to visit him or just drop off his lonche but you taking your bebe with you :(( him convincing you to let them stay while he works :(((
because:(( then hes over here showing them about boats and all that :((
like imagine him picking them up into his arms and just showing them the mar :(((( and him just walking around the boat with his kid in his arms :(((
Him helping his niño walk around with him behind them, holding their hands so they dont fall :((( BYE IM SObbing
he would lowkey have a heart attack if his kid tries to get near the railing on the boat too just to point something out to him in the ocean lol but he wouldnt let you know about that :))
NAH OR GET THIS mayo showing his kid how to tie a knot while on the boat :(((
just seeing him crouched down ,, holding their little hands in his and speaking to them softly like “mira,, y aqui metes el nudo, apretalo fuerte” <look, and here you put the knot,, tighten it tight> :(((((((( i CANNOT
:((((( him letting his kids pick out shrimp too :( maybe he even gives them a little bag to put them in like “andale, para que lleven unos cuantos para su mama” <come one, so you can take a few for your mom> :((((
just him loving to have his bebe around while he works :( because maybe its just me but imagining him buying his kids ice cream:(( or like a little bag of treats :((( while he works on the boat :((( just talking with them :(( has me so fucking soft excuse me :(
him also being that dad thats presumido when his kid learns to do something out on the boat :((
because i can just imagine him walking into your house,, him holding hands with his kids as he walks in and goes to where you would be at :((
just going “hola, mi amor ya llegamos” :(( leaning down to kiss you and just looking down where his bebe is just bouncing patiently :(( all excited and his ass just smiling down at his bebe and nodding over at you like “aver pues, dile a tu mama que aprendiste hacer hoy” <alright then, tell your mom what you learned to do today> :((( all pinche proud because he taught them y ayy :(((((
he also wouldnt want any of his business being handled in front of his niños either :(((
because i can just picture mayo having his kid on the boat and maybe one of his men or maybe one of the sinaloa guys coming by and theyre already running their mouth about the next shipment/about the business
and i can just imagine mayo going “ay ay callense cabrones, mi hijo/a esta aqui, que les dije? que no hablan de esas shingaderas enfrente de mis hijos” <hey, hey, shut up, my kid is here, what did i tell you guys? dont talk about that shit in front of my kids> all annoyed and shit i -
Ay no - :(((( do you guys remember that scene in s3 where mayo came by to talk about his business with dina and francisco and the first panel of that scene was him looking at their fish tank????
i COULD NOT HANDLE MY FEelings of the thought of him having something like that for his kids :(((((
like maybe one day he surprised them with a little goldfish in a baggie- kind of like the ones you win at carnivals and shit :(( him going “mira lo que les traje!” :((( that makes me sob :(((
because i just know later on this mf would buy a whole ass fish tank thats in the wall or something :(( just full of different kinds of fish and other things for his niños :(( ay my heart
he definitely reads fucking books to his kids dont you dare lie to me :(
because could you just imagine him sitting on the couch his arm around his bebe thats sitting right next to him or on his lap with this picture book hes holding up for the both of them :((
him reading out loud the words so his bebe can understand and read along :((( HIM GETting distracted when he sees you walk by or just standing in the doorway looking at him :(( him giving you these fucking soft hearteyes and a smile :((( i cant handle the soft family vibes so sorry
woW he would also dress his little son up as himself like un bebe vaquero if he had a son with you :((( his own mini mayo :((((
ay WEY i know even pinche chapo would say some shit when he sees mayo and theyre having a conversation like “y tu mayito como anda compadre?” :((((
stop because imagine :(( if he had a daughter with you :(( i am betting money , straight up fucking money mayo would refer to her as his princesa :(((
like im crying at the thought of him coming home and hearing his niña run up to him :(( him with his brazos open and picking her up like :((( “como esta mi princesa de mazatlan hmm?” all while he kisses her cheeks laughing when he hears the little giggles :((( no i cant:(
one more thing ,, :(( could you guys imagine with me ??? tio chapo?? just for a quick minute?? ohhHH or him maybe being the padrino :(((( or lol the whole crew of sinaloa being known as your kids tios :((( ugh wow-
but i know pinche chapo would bring the best gifts for your kids :((( even if its the smallest of things :((( but tio chapo having the biggest orgulloso smile on his face when he comes around and makes your kids excited with what he brings :((((
i just- :( in conclusion i feel like mayo as a dad would be so soft and protective overall for his kids,, and that makes me sob just thinking about it excuse me -
taglist: @coaxium-captain-rex @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @afterneptune @wtfisgoingonlol @sxndythinkstoomuch @avatar-m0m0 @boomclapxox @carlislecullenisadilf​ 
let me know if you want to be added! 
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cositapreciosa · 2 years
ooh okay request! please! can I have some fic with Mayo/Reader or Mayo/Original Character? Bonus points if the reader or OC is on the run from the cops for some reason, I live for safe house drama <333 thank you!
Ismael '' El Mayo '' Zamabada x gn!reader, 650 words-ish
With ''Aren't you tired? '' and '' I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. '' mentions of blood, murder, the classics
a/n: ok so this is my first writing in so long so bear with me plz 😩 i'm actually kind of proud of it so please let me know what you guys think! Special mentions to my girls for the feedback and the ego boost lol @ashlingnarcos @purplesong1028 @yourlocalspacewitxh
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It is the key, forcing the lock, that startles you up from the couch and it takes you a moment to calm down and realise where you are again. Mayo’s safehouse is dark, foreign and the dust in the air drying your throat is not helping either, but la policia federal wouldn’t bother with the lock and you know only one person has the key to this door. As it cracks open, the light from the hallway slowly pours into the small living room,
‘’ I thought you would be asleep by now. ‘’
Your heart beats fast again, you know you should be in bed, it should have been hours ago. You tried it all, the bed, the couch, and the showers had been warm and endless, but you just can’t. Your eyes meet his for a second as Ismael stands behind the closed door before walking around the bags in the entryway and slowly making his way to you. He takes his hat off and the couch dips a little when he sits next to your feet. You can’t help your eyes from rolling as the words leave your mouth,
‘’ I’m not, obviously. I had to take a shower. ‘’
For once he doesn’t pick up on your sarcastic remark. Instead, he barely acknowledges it, his hand brushing through his mustache, eyebrows raising, almost mocking you, ‘’ Aren’t you tired? ‘’
Your answer is short, too quick, ‘’ I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. ‘’ His eyes never leaves yours, but you can see him hesitating a moment before he leans a little to take your hand in his. Ismael and you had never been really close, you worked for el Cartel de Sinaloa, he worked for himself, but your worlds always seemed to intertwine somehow. Hours where passed clashing over strategies, disagreeing over shipments, the Arellanos’s taxes, fighting with Joaquín about how unnecessary he was in this whole operation, but his answer was firm : differences had to be put aside if you wanted to win the war, mumbling something about teamwork. But nothing about Ismael screamed loyalty to you, only selfishness, and that unnerved you. Always watching, waiting for him to betray you and the people you considered family.
But here you are today, on the same couch, barely touching and sitting as equals. You can feel how warm he is, how his thumb is slowly tracing patterns on your cold one.
He knows about the blood on your hands, that no matter how much you scrub and wash and scrub and wash again, it just won’t come off. About how after your location got compromised and the door got kicked in, you had to protect yourself. How you just couldn’t stop stabbing that policeman. About how you’ve never felt more relieved than when he barged through your front door, gun in hand, claiming Joaquín had sent him. Or how when he took the kitchen knife from your bloodied fingers, promising to take care of the cop car in your driveway, promising to take you somewhere safe, you could finally inhale again. Death, killings, none of it had ever been an issue before, but today, being attacked in your house, your home, all this sense of security gone in seconds, it broke something in you. You felt fear, anger, and right now, disgustingly weak. You hate how your voice cracks, how you can’t stop your lips from shaking when you speak again,
‘’ It just feels like there’s still blood under my nails. ‘’
You know he knows.
His reassurance comes fast, his hand squeezing yours, ‘’Cariño, it will never happen again. I will never let any of this happen again. ‘’
You can see in his face that his heart aches too, his fingers trembling with rage, barely holding it together. Something had changed today, the way he was seated next to you with his hand in yours, picking up the pieces like it wasn’t a burden, you believed him.
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
dating ismael “el mayo” zambada would include (nsfw version)
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a/n: hehehe saben que ?? you guys know this man has me by the throat and is dragging me by it so let me just say shes a l o n g  one today mis amores so i hope you guys enjoy it because i know i did >:)) also this gif??? i wow fuckin hearteyes alright ill shut up now- 
warnings: nsfw! the whole damn thing is 
WOW ok have i been waiting for this one and i have a bit i want to cover so l et s g o-
first off nothing screams bigger than him being a fucking dom and you cannot argue with me on this
because his tall zaddy cocky ass, smug self just gives all that off for me and wow i- i just wanted to state this before we get in the mood for the rest,,,
like he might be weak in the knees for you in front of everybody,, but nothing absolutely nothing gets him rock hard than seeing you become weak and cockdumb under him knowing hes the only one doing that for you alright
just him coaxing you to keep your shaking legs open for him,, your voice being so raspy from the moaning you have been doing and just downright delirious when he keeps pushing into you
your eyes blurry from pleasure when you look up at him and him holding both of your hands down with his as he keeps thrusting into you it has the bedframe rocking,, alright wow
also? eye fucks you,, he eye fucks you across the room and thats something that just hits different
because you could be in this tight hug curving dress showing off everything right at a party or even just wearing his shirt or his tejana at home and he’s already imagining ways hes going to ruin you for anyone else but him in the next minute-
just his eyes raking everywhere on you, a cocky smirk on his face when you make eye contact with him all while he just sits back and his eyes glued to your form i- wow excuse me 
did i mention? that this man would love receiving blowjobs just to see the way youre willing to get on your knees for him??  because it makes him want to give you everything in the world and he will-
like im just imagining him sitting back all relaxed fully dressed,, su cerveza in one hand and in his other hand would be your hair all tangled up in his fist with you undressed for him-
just him leaning his head back groaning softly when he sees the way your lips are wrapped prettily around him
you innocently looking up at him, your doe eyes brimmed with tears while hes just slowly and steadily bucking his hips into you
him lowly grunting out when he hears you choke on him like “mi pinshe chula, siempre consintendome-” closing his eyes when you continue to deepthroat him,, you moaning around him- i sign me up
I- IMAGINE HIM TAKING A FUC K I NG PHONE CALL while your blowing him,, like you purposely taking him deeper in your throat to make him lose his train of thought mid sentence when hes talking- the way he would look at you like cuidado con lo que haces-
him not even paying attention to the conversation when he pushes his cock as far as it can go down your throat so you gag- alright no i cant
wow umm ismael? this mf would love to go down on you like its his fucking job and wouldnt stop until hes satisfied with how he left you as an incoherent and shaking mess,,
like if he doesnt have you curling up on yourself, his name falling off of your lips in a stuttered disarray and forcing your legs closed while pulling his hair in tight fistfuls from how overstimulated he has you then he not doing it right in his book alright,,
like i feel as though he would start out slow,, kissing down your body where new skin is revealed for him,, making sure to leave no spot unkissed- just trying to get you all hot and desperate until he has you slightly bucking your hips up into him to touch you where you want-
i- him lightly chuckling all amused when he hears your breath hitch when he gets closer to where youre burning for him to pay attention to -
wow you moving to slick his hair back and caress the side of his face while he kisses your inner thighs inching ever so closely to your core
 and just sighing out his name that turns into a moan halfway through when he finally licks a stride through you up to your clit where he closes his lips around you and hums into you - gooD BYE
his hidden smirk while he looks up at you through your folds,, him parting your lips open with his fingers and bringing his mouth back down into you,, focusing on your clit so he can hear you mewl -
you running your fingers through his hair and tangling them in it,, trying to lift your hips up before he brings his hands up to your waist and hold you still, parting your legs open when you try to close them around his head i-
y ayy no he is literally going to keep you in this position with your legs spread wide and his face buried between your legs until you soak the bed sheets and his face,, it doesnt matter if you try to push him away or protest que ya no puedes because until hes content hes not moving away from you -
and just woW when youre on the verge of your third orgasm the way this man would come to hold one of your hands for you to grip threading his fingers with yours 
and with his other arm bringing your lower body up so he can catch any slick that falls out of you with his mouth,,, you crying out his name and tensing up when his pinshe mustache r u b s up against your sensitive clit too- a-pinche-dios im gONE
also ?? get this,, him loving to see you get undressed in front of him or get yourself off while hes sitting back fully clothed in this chair,, his pinshe cerveza and cigarette in his hands
his eyes moving all over your form if youre undressing in front of him,, just giving you with cocky smirk like “que mija, que quieres?” and you sauntering up to him,, moving to sit on his lap with your legs on either side of him
his hands automatically putting aside his cerveza y todo and coming to hold your waist and run his hands down from your hips to your legs and back up, you taking off his pinche tejana and moving to run your fingers through his hair as he just softly groans under you - im not ok wow
but if hes watching you get yourself off,, you know his fucking eyes are glued to where your hands are touching yourself like “aver ensename como te tocas cuando no estoy”
hiM SITTING THere being unaffected when you moan his name out all while he just stares at you directly all smug manspreading and sweeping his eyes all over you and the way you would move your fingers in and out of you - i cant im going to lose it
also listen you could never go wrong on missionary with this man because i just imagine him at first giving you these slow but deep thrusts,,, groaning when he watches your breasts bounce when he pushes into you repeatedly
his hands gripped onto your hips and holding your legs so they can be wrapped around his waist,,, one of his hands traveling up and roaming your body until he reaches your neck
him squeezing his hand around your throat when he feels your nails dig into his arms
you plACING YOUR SHAKY HAND ON TOP OF HIS thats on your neck,,, moving his thumb into your mouth,, your innocent eyes looking up at him and just letting his name slip out of you-
y ayy dios mio agarrate mi reina because the fucking way this mans eyes go darker,, hes going to move your legs to unwrap around him and bend them to go up near your head as far as they can go and just drilling into you,,
pinning you down when you writhe too much beneath him or try to lift your hips up,,, him being able to see the way your eyes roll back and cry his name out when he slams his cock into you
just loving to watch every little detail on your face while he pounds away at you,, i cant- him softly groaning when you reach out to hold onto his chains,, pulling him into you while you look up at him, moaning out to him as he just kisses around your jaw like “pinshe chulada, como siempre” i cant
also im so sorry but i just have to fucking share because doggy style ??? where he would have one of his hands pushing your upper body down into the mattress,, his other hand holding onto your waist to keep your ass in the air while he fucks you from behind-
your muffled whines of his name being lost into the pillows your hands gripping the sheets while he continues to thrust into you-
woW him leaning his body down onto yours,, his hand that was on your upper back moving to tangle your hair into his hand and bring your head up a little,, him lowly groaning out something like “todo esto para mi verdad?”
i- him pulling himself back up and bringing you up with him by your hair,, your back to his chest and in a kneeling position,, his arm coming to hold you by your stomach and placing his other hand on your throat,, moving your head towards him to kiss you,, suppressing any moans from you while he keeps thrusting up into you-
omg- your trembling hand moving behind you to grasp his hair and pulling away from his lips to throw your head back onto his shoulder moaning his name out loudly when you feel him sneak his fingers down to your throbbing clit, stimulating you even more,,
him chuckling softly and lightly kissing your exposed neck,, just encouraging you and holding you tight when you start to involuntarily move your hips against him like “eso mi reina,,, yo se que si puedes” - i hold ON
him rubbing his fingers down even harder when your mouth flies open yet nothing comes out as you almost double over from the overwhelming feeling of his cock moving in and out of you and the pads on his fingers stroking your swollen clit- wow
also listen up because riding him??? i know i said hes a dom and would always have him on top,,,
but it doesnt fucking mean he would pass up the opportunity because you cant argue with me that he doesnt live and breathe for the sight of you on top of him but him still being in control-
because just listen to this,, him laying back smirking up at you, his hands placed on the outside of your thighs,, watching the way you slick up and down desperately on top of him-
your hands planted on his chest and your eyes locked onto his,, him groaning up at you and bringing his hand in between your legs to casually play with your clit-
him giving you that amused look when he sees you struggle to keep your hips moving and your nails start to dig into his chest leaving crescent marks-
wow him saying something like “siguele mi amor, andale haz lo por mi” while he just bucks his hips up into you, grabbing onto your ass with his h a n d s when he sees you stutter trying to ride him - im
ayyY NO- h i m grasping your ass,, kneading them while he smirks up at you just starting to drag your hips slowing against him when you pause your movements,,
just you feeling his cock rub against everything inside of you while this man acts like hes unfazed with the way you squeeze around him even though hes fucking throbbing at the mere sight of you breathless on top of him and your pussy swallowing him- im
also im not sorry but the idea of him also having you ride him while doing it inside of his truck with you?? the windows all fucking fogged up and him slamming your hips down harder onto him so he can see the way your face scrunches up -
the creaking of the car joining in with the low groans you both would be making as you slide repeatedly on top of his cock,, you holding him by the back of his neck when he roughly pulls your hips to help you keep moving on top of him -
him leaning down to attach his mouth to one of your nipples,, his eyes never leaving yours, - you know what bYE i cant 
taglist: @coaxium-captain-rex @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @afterneptune  @wtfisgoingonlol @sxndythinkstoomuch​ 
let me know if you want to be added! 
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