tjanajohn · 8 years
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That time you never got home and came to work with a guy's shirt... #irockeverything #iamarock #ismirk #iphone #iplay #igame #iplaid #iamgroot
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meowmeowninja-blog · 6 years
Independent|| 2018 Queen Fanfic||
Chapter 3
The next day when I saw the Mystery, again we learned his name was Farrokh Bulsara, and I ended up giving him the lyrics to the song they would play later that night at the usual pub. Hours past and I am sitting in my usual seat waiting for smile to start. To say I was excited was an understatement.
“Hello everybody we have a few fresh faces,” Brain started “John Deacon our base player,” the crowd and myself hooted “And our new lead singer Farrokh Bulsara,” Brain had terrible saying Farrokh’s name, still through the crowd hooted. “And Roger, of course, the biggest member of us all,” They women in the crowd started to call at Roger, while he gave them a smirk I simply rolled my eyes.
“Hello all you Beautiful people,” Farrokh started, I know we made the right diction on Farrokh being the lead singer; already he has the right charisma.
“Where’s Tyler?” a man in the crowd called out “You’re just a Paky,” I stood up atop my stool taking on long swing of my beer I yelled out “Listen here Hobo!” all eyes were on me now “Your precious Tyler has joined Humpy Bong. So sorry ladies and you strange man wearing my grandfather’s clothes. The only thing Tyler will be doing is playing Base and Humping his band mates.” I did a little bow as I sat back on me stool “Well what are you waiting for play the song,” I command.
Brain started playing his guitar and soon eyes were not on me any more they were on Smile. Farrokh bend down and picked up a tambourine, everyone in the band including myself were confused “That is a part of the song,” I thought getting anxious.
Playing the tambourine Farrokh tried and failed to pull the mic out of it stand, people started to laugh at Farrokh’s misfortune. Deciding to leave the mic in the stand Farrokh started to sing, “She’s Alive,” He started panic flashed across my face, no, no, no, no, no, this is not the song.
Finally just ripping the top half of the mic stand form the rest, Farrokh nearly knocked out John “What are you doing Farrokh,” I muttered under my breath. As Farrokh sang the rest of the band looked to me “Just roll with it,” I mouthed once they looked away and into the crowd, I drank the rest of my drink and started to slam my head on the counter top.
I did not hearing Booing as I thought, instead I heard people cheering and nodding along. I smiled this might actually work. Once the finished I started to walk to the van to wait for the band.
I felt a hand grab onto my wrist, I spun around to see the man that called Farrokh a paky glaring at me. “I would appreciate if you would let go of my hand,” I said trying to yank my wrist from his grasped. However, my efforts were futile as he just tightened his grasp on me. I wince slightly “You must think you are real smart calling me out like that,” he spits in my face “I don’t like I’m smart I know,” and with that said I swang on leg up and kicked him in between the legs. His grip on my arm loosened enough so I could retract my arm.
I start to run to the van where I see Farrokh, Brain and Roger arguing, “You sang the wrong lyrics,” Brian cried out “Not worry, Darling, they loved it,” Farrokh defended. John saw me approaching and gave me a small wave, by insist I waved with my right hand, I winced straight after relacing that was the hand the man grabbed by.
John Obviously seeing my discomfort frowned his eyebrows “What wrong with your hand?” John asked as I sat down “Nothing,” I answer “Don’t worry about it,” Roger hearing my voice stopped arguing and looked over to where John and I sat.
“That’s one ugly bruise,” John commented Roger speed over to where we sat and took my injured hand in his “Who did this?” Roger asked angrily. By now, Briand and Farrokh stopped arguing to watch the scene before them unfold.
“Just someone random asshole,” I say as Roger scowl deepens “Don’t worry I kicked him where sun don’t sun,” ISmirk.
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