#isola event subversion
bossrocket · 3 years
subversion — ! || @hanlengjun​
“I trust you’re enjoying yourself,” Giovanni says tonelessly, his hands clasped together in his lap. His voice breaks the quiet, echoing ever so faintly in the large, nearly-empty expanse of the room. The dining area is lavish and built to accommodate a large gathering of people, but is currently occupied only by Giovanni, Mobei, and their guards.
The large table at which Giovanni and Mobei sit is full, however, covered in the sort of food that’s almost too expensive to waste by actually eating it. Giovanni has barely touched his own meal beyond an initial demonstration that nothing here is poisoned-- not that offering such proof is particularly necessary. Mobei must know that such an indirect method of murder is not Giovanni’s style, and that even if it were, the mob boss wouldn’t dare try anything of the sort tonight.
Not with Silver’s location still unknown and his safety uncertain.
“I would usually save the business talk for after dinner, Mr. Mobei, but I think it appropriate to begin now. You have bested me; I must say, I am impressed. No one else has ever before dared to cross this particular line, much less manage to succeed. You have my attention now, and I suggest you make good use of it.”
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“What is your price?”
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headmastering · 6 years
    Throbbing, the headache pounds against Ozpin’s skull. He’s ill, ill in a way he’s never been before. He doesn’t know what’s wrong, but deep down a small part of him warns. You don’t have long left. It’s a malady that seems to have spread around the city- along with these doubles. Where did they come from? What’s going on?
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    All valid questions, ones he’d really love the answers to, but right now- right now he needs to find them, his children. Elizabeth, Pyrrha, Kaoru, and Oscar... See if they’re alright. If they need help. Whatever all of this is, he’s determined to get through this. as a family, if he can.
    The forest is large. Honestly, he doesn’t remember all of the walk here, but it’s quiet. Hopes to use the serenity to salve the growing migraine are, unfortunately not panning out. Oz has sat on this log for what seems like an eternity and it fails to completely soothe the pain away. Now he’s starting to doubt it ever will, and he doesn’t have the time to burn to wait much longer.
   Luckily, fate seems kind as he spots someone walking nearby. He knows that small figure and mop of hair anywhere. Relief spreads a smile on his face, before it fades momentarily. He has to catch up.
   “Oscar. Oscar!” He calls out, perhaps a tad desperate, but smiles again when the other finally turns his way. Good. Good. Oz is down on a knee in a moment, looking him over carefully- what happened to his collar?- hand gently reaching to rest on his son’s shoulder. “How are you feeling; Are you alright?” He looks alright, just.. confused, but who wouldn’t be? 
   A wave of exhaustion hits. His head falls forward to rest on the free shoulder.
“Sorry, sorry. Just a little winded, and worried. Admittedly.”
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fistgen-blog · 6 years
pavlovianpoet liked your post “Another event starter call, cap at four. AU notes at …somewhere in...”
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 “Hmm. Are you looking to..enlist?” it didn’t actually suit a shy girl to enter a close combat class like his, but he suppose it takes all sorts of people who want to learn how to defend themselves. Unless their looking for directions. 
 “Or...is there something else you need?”
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absxlutelytheworst · 6 years
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Subversion Belial:   - Still a murderer, still sadistic, finds amusement in watching people struggle   - Much better at hiding it, outwardly friendly and even easy-going with others   - Works in the labs for the police departments, handles evidence and things like that.   - Has been admiring Lucilius’s experiments in his off-time, wants to see what else he will do.   - In general will find troublemakers amusing and is more likely to interact with them. Also lying to the face of any honest hard-working people.   - Excellent with disguises and the like.   - Was orphaned when young, no idea who his parents are, only familial relation is Olivia, his cousin. Who he appears to get along with fairly well.
  ------- ( ( So these are things I’ve already decided upon/talked about. However! If you wanna discuss your muse having some relation to Belial (either through their job or some other means) even if a minor one, or would like to interact with Belial for this event, feel free to like this post and I’ll contact you so we can discuss the Good Stuff. -- Oh right, no cap either. I’m feelin it.) )
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fcxrcin · 6 years
Hansol and her father ran a green tea farm. Rather well known farm for years.
The farm was destroyed when a flooding happened. Flood ended up damaging their housing and in turn also causing a major accident against hansol and her father. Hansol lived while her father hadn't.
Hansol was in comatose for a month and when finally woken could not remember much.
Memories came back and she had to relearn that her father had passed.
Hansol eventually made a cafe called NokNok cafe in memory of her father and his hard work. A green tea cafe where its specialized in not just green tea but every other tea and coffees. Snacks and food as well.
NokNok cafe is a safe haven for nonhumans and it is a judgement free shop.
Hansol is wary of those who have a bad reputation but will not let that stop her from approaching if she sees that they need help.
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mxonkxss · 6 years
Kachina's AU information
Her past.
Has a little brother.
Was born into human parents.
Human parents actually runs an underground business where children are experimented on to make weapons (possibly to rid of nonhumans once and for all).
Too much testings and experiments caused kachinas condition. Her split personality and her appearance.
Was originally born with a dark brownish red hair and dark dark green eyes.
Both Kachina and her little brother together survive the hardship both their parents continuously and tirelessly expose to them.
Kachina and little brother lives in this kind of environment until teenager/ young adult.
Her present.
Parents were murdered.
Kachina is wary and untrusting of humans but ironically has grown protective and fond of nonhumans. Will protect them with her life.
Has to learn to survive and keep her brother safe.
Actually eventually gets adopted. Has an adoptive brother and also a human friend that she trusts.
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phonesplayer · 6 years
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This was too much. This feeling comes around once in a while, where Neku felt as if he was in a crowd of annoying individuals, talking about their day, talking about the mall they went to, what movie they say, how their date went. It was, in a lack of terms, annoying. So much noise surrounds him, not even able to think to himself. It was more then usual, and that was when he decided it was best to eat lunch away from everyone. To find a quiet place for himself to eat. Even with a pair of headphones on and listening to his music it would help drown out the sound, but he just couldn’t do that today. It was exhausting, and for once, he just wanted that peace and quiet just for a moment.
Neku brought his lunch away from anyone in site, anyone that could try and talk with him, to but their nose into his business and see where he was going. That would have been annoying to deal with.
As he walked around, he found his way in front of the music room. Something about this place always felt like some kind of sanctuary, where he would feel at ease when something seem to annoy him. Looks like it was one of those days, and a perfect time to hang out here til lunch ends. At least it would be enough time to gather his thoughts before heading back out into the crowd. 
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Just as he opened the door, a very melodic and peaceful sound came out of the music room. A draft escape the room as some rose petals pass right by him. ‘What the hell was that about?’ The small detail that brought him out of the music that seem to have been coming from a piano on the other side of the room. The other didn’t seem to notice someone came in as he continued to play. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t be here. Is it weird to listen to someone play? It’s actually not bad.’ Without realizing it himself, Neku took a seat down and opened up his lunch to start eating while the other played the piano. ‘If they want me out then I’ll leave.’ Though perhaps it would have been better to see who was actually playing to finalize his own decision.
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moonlitfighterrika · 3 years
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It was a difficult life juggling between being a normal teen with some very niche accomplishments and the daughter of a well known model.
“No comment. I’m not answering any questions.“ She says as she forces her way past the reporter and cameramen. She didn’t even bother listening to whatever she was being asked. It was probably something about her mom or the show she was working on. It didn’t really matter, especially when she continues walking and perks up when she sees a familiar face and goes up to him.
“Thank god, someone that I can actually talk to and won’t shove microphones and cameras at my face. So, how’s your sad life doing?” She says with a smirk, the last part as a playful tease.
@baddestdangerboy​ liked for a starter
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isolaradiale · 3 years
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! On the subject of event rewards, we will be giving specifics when we launch part 2 next week. No one will go home empty handed, we just haven't ironed out the specifics!
“If I were to describe a feeling, if I can truly ‘feel’, I would say that it feels like it’s time to bring this city’s prologue to a close.”
The cold wind of the New Year would bite at anyone out as late at night as the girl clad in a cherry blossom kimono. But she wasn’t biological - the cold air registered as nothing more than a reading to be detected by her sensors.
Floating high above the hole as she had during the city’s conception, Ofiuco was dressed festively for the New Year. Celebrations had ended a few days prior, but much like a child, she was quick to cling to things she liked. New outfits were just one of those things.
From the moment she’d awoken all those years ago, she’d been plagued with existential questions regarding her own existence. Her creator had intended her to be as “human” as possible, but just what did that imply? She’d been assured by the others that her time watching over the city would help her find her answers.
With the moon at her back, several screens took form in the air around her. The next step was a certain protocol—a protocol to test the city’s strength of heart and ensure that they would be able to overcome what the future would hold. If they could not weather this test and see the desired result to fruition, then this project was surely doomed.
“Hope” itself would be doomed. But Ofiuco did not understand neither heart nor hope: she could only initiate the test itself. The result would be judged by the others.
Her hands fidgeted after booting up the test. Was she…
That morning began like any other. The chirping of birds stirred many from their slumber. Some showered as they readied for their day while others retired from their overnight shifts. It was like any other day in the ever peaceful city of Spirale.
T̶̀́͟h҉̷̀́͢i͏͘͜͞s̢̢͠͡ ̶̸͡p̡͘͟͝l͏̨̛̛͘ą̸c̷̕͜e͝ ̧̛͠͡w̢͡h̸́͏͘e͠r̛͝e̷̢͠҉ ̷́͏̴́t̨̛ḩ͜͠ę̕͢͡y̶̨͢͠҉’̕͝͡d͝͠҉̶̨ ͠͏̢͜͏b҉̕ę̢e̛͞n̸̢̕҉͝ ̵̵͘k̀͝e̕͡p̵̷̛͠t̸͏̵͜͡ ͘̕h̶͡o̵͘ś͜͝t̴͜͞a̛͏̡̕ģ̵̡́ę͞͏.̧͘͠
T҉h̸is҉ ̡p͏҉l̀͏a̡͜͞ce͘͝ ̨th͞͝a̸͠t̛͢ ͝҉̛t̛͜h̛͞ey͢’͡ḑ̶̧ ͏̷b̨̀een͞͡ ́͢͝f͡or͘͝c͏҉e͘d̶̀ ͏̢̀t̀͏̡ó̢ ̸͘͜c̀͡͝a̢͢l̵̴l͢͠ ̸̵͢h͞o̸̧m̴̧͠ę̴́.҉̛
Ţhis͠ ̶pl͟ace̡ ̵tha҉t̢ ͞wa̶s͜ t́h̡e̛iŕ home͢.̵
This place where they’d always lived.
Subtle changes washed over the city. Those that had come from different worlds? Their memories were rewritten to believe that they’d been born and raised in Spirale. Those that were native to the island? They now believed the visitors could be counted among them. History was adjusted, bonds were created, dynamics were altered. The city would continue on as usual, but what could be considered “normal” had undergone a drastic change.
The sun was rising on a new chapter for the city and not a single individual would even realize what was out of place. The pain and pleasure of their past lives merged into the history of the city, if not erased outright. It was the new beginning that some surely longed for, but never expected to receive.
Reality had been SUBVERTED.
So… what’s happening?
As of midnight on ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ ▮▮, ▮▮▮▮, all muses in the group have had their memories altered. They now believe that they have lived in Spirale since birth and will carry on as if that has always been the case. Don’t worry, this is temporary!
You can put as little or as much thought as you’d into building your character’s AU past in Spirale. If you’d like to incorporate events from their canon but change them to fit into their AU history, that’s fine! Likewise, if you’d like to give them a normal life or tweak their backgrounds to make them a little different that’s fine as well.
You can also use this as an opportunity to pre-existing relationships with other characters in the group. Have them know each other, have them be friends, lovers, enemies, it’s up to you!
An important note: From the moment the character’s memories were altered, all of their powers and abilities were also sealed. Given that their memories have been altered, they would also not be aware they have them in any way. You are free to come up with any method you like to maintain any alterations they were maintaining via any powers, however! Many different things exist in Spirale, after all.
You’ll be able to create PT1 starters throughout the entire duration of the event. PT2 is scheduled to go up on November 30th!
Will my character retain these AU memories after the event?
Vaguely, yes! Or if you choose to allow them to. However, your character’s original memories will be regained at the end of PT1 and will still function as their primary memories, so you can’t use their AU memories to alter your portrayal long term short of their reaction to these feigned recollections.
Do PT1 and PT2 count as two separate events? What counts as participation?
PT1 and PT2 will count as a single event. Because of the nature of the event story, you’ll require participation in both parts in order for SUBVERSION to count towards any rank ups. Keep in mind that these memories will be important for PT2 and it will be difficult to participate in PT2 if you don’t at least set up your AU for PT1.
How should I set up my ad post?
It’d be best to finalize the details of your character’s AU first and foremost and let people know! What kind of upbringing did they have? What career do they have? What do they spend their free time doing? Anything that might be important for others to know!
What if my character is a non-human?
In cases like these you have the choice to either: make them human for the duration of PT1 or keep them as a non-human. The city will likely treat non-humans more harshly and might make for a more unique background within the AU of this section. Of course, short of minor passive traits their abilities would still be non-existent.
What are the limitations for our AU versions?
There aren’t many. The first is that you cannot recreate any plot points from their canon into their AU that involve powers (since powers are turned off for PT1). The second is that you should make sure not to give them a career or role that wouldn’t exist within the setting. For example, there are no princesses in Spirale since its a modern city. You could, however, make your character an heiress or something of the sort which is similar. Finally, you may not alter the ages of your characters.
Can we create families with other muses?
Yes! But obviously a character that is 26 isn’t going to have a child that’s 18. In cases like these it might be easier to have sibling relationships.
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decodetalking · 3 years
Shifting his backpack, he looked down at his hapless boyfriend, raising an eyebrow at the others who left the class. Looking over at the equally distraught teacher, looking a bit frustrated at the end of class. He nods when the tired-looking professor makes eye contact with him, waving to a few others he knew from his own general education classes.
Reaching Ai’s row of seats, he shakes his head.
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“Which one of you two gave him more wrinkles this time?” Helping to pick up Ai’s belongings so they could go to lunch, he only manages to tidy a few things before pulling his hands back. Was it too forward? He wasn’t sure.
“He’s not that much older than Aki and Crow. But he looks like he’s aging every time I pick you up.”
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originskey · 3 years
Admittedly, he did stumble over an errant stone on the garden he cut through, but the relief on his face is almost palpable.
“There you are--I’m glad I’ve found you. You’re, the one I know, right? How are you--”
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“Where did you get that sword? You’re going to hurt yourself with that.”
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bossrocket · 3 years
subversion — ! || @beryldonna​​
“Exquisite as always,” Giovanni murmurs, voice low and pleased. “My friend will be most appreciative.”
His latest commission sits on the table between them, a matching set of bracelet and rings. Purple sapphires glitter against palladium bands, the metal shaped and engraved with the sort of elegant style that suggests power and wealth without resorting to flashy gaudiness.
Giovanni holds up one of the rings, observing the way the inlaid gems gleam in the low light of their private room. He nods once more, then carefully returns the entire set to its case. The jewelry looks almost as stunning where it rests against the plush velvet of the box as it will on Eden; if Giovanni were anyone else, he would need to be wary of having such beautiful and priceless items stolen before they can make their way to their intended recipient. Luckily, his reputation (and his security forces) are as strong a protection as any safe or lock-box.
“Leia.” Tucking the jewelry case away, Giovanni snaps his fingers at the grunt waiting nearby, and the man scurries off to alert the chef and servers that they’re ready for the food and wine to be brought in. The mob boss relaxes in his seat, indicating a shift in the tone of their meeting from one of business to something more casual-- more personal.
“You’ve done exemplary work for me time and time again. That kind of quality work is rare enough in this city that when I see it, I find myself wanting to ensure that it continues. That the one responsible for such quality work thrives, even in a city as cruel as ours.”
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“Tell me-- are you satisfied with your current situation? Do you feel as though you are thriving as you are now?”
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headmastering · 6 years
Ozpin Subversion Notes
Okay most of this is still getting finalized and up in the air but here goes!
Ozpin in this AU is a high school history and literature teacher, one of those rare beloved ones. He loves his job, but he adores his family more!
It comprises of (so far):
and Oscar!! 
All adopted. He’s a single father.
There was one more?? he tried taking in but he ran away quite a while ago and the subject is rarely broached!!
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He lost his eye in his youth; he also doesn’t like talking about said youth. He rather focus on the here and now, you dig?? (except if you ask him general history or about his kids he loves his kids!! and that goes for his students too!) He has plenty of friends around the city as well, and vocally resents non-human discrimination. 
And there’s probably more that I haven’t thought of or hammered out yet which is why this isn’t an ad right now.
but! let me know if you guys have any idea about pre-establish relations! hmu in my inbox or through ims fam. Even if we only mini at first or just have it established I love the au making.
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hopeled · 3 years
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    “ If you had told me I’d spend my birthday hunting down my alternate reality self then I would have asked what science-fiction movie you pulled that from.”
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lalaluuz · 3 years
When Luz became aware of the spotty memories of this Other Luz, she was still… emotionally compromised. The fact that the Other Luz had her own Other Amity, whom Other Luz was admiring from afar… well, that didn’t help things. It kind of stung, actually, since Luz knew they’d end up together eventually, even though her own Amity had gone home now. Her emotions were a swirling mess, and it made trying to locate Other Luz… hard. And Luz found herself stalling despite knowing she shouldn’t.
Meanwhile, she knew that Other Luz was absolutely, definitely fading. She’d come across her double a few times, each time not managing to catch her, and each time finding that her double was more and more not in her right mind. And the pressing threat of death–actual death, for both of them–finally pushed Luz into moving a little more purposefully. But by then, Other Luz had deteriorated even further, and was disoriented and acting rather crazy, even by Luz standards.
After losing track of her, again, Luz kinda collapsed onto the ground, sitting first and then laying back, staring at the sky with a disheartened wrinkle in her brow.
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”What am I doing wrong? How am I supposed to get her?”
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eusarca · 3 years
“It’s fine this way,” they said, barely louder than a whisper. Standing on the cracked, uneven road through Yesteryear, they loomed over an identical figure on their knees. Their forced calm only made the second Kyrie — their face in their hands — seem hysterical.
“You’re not real,” the double said again. “I couldn’t—I couldn’t be someone like that—”
They’d already denied the phone capture option. They couldn’t trust a murderer, especially one with their own face. Kyrie still held their phone loosely at their side, only finding a use so far in sending a message out to Ismael some time ago.
“If you don’t want to try it, we’ll just go wherever they take you together.” It was so vague a threat, dying here, but it was one more thing they could see through. Maybe nothing would change, or maybe it would be over.
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“I think you deserve more, but at least you won’t be alone.”
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