originskey · 3 years
☝️ Tap my muse on the shoulder
Nonverbal RP Starters
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A look over his shoulder at the woman tapping. Following that look toward someone else that she seemed to be pointing at. That someone else was Zelos, giving him a particularly rude hand gesture.
Back to the young lady.
"That man is a stranger to me."
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ironwills · 3 years
@beryldonna​ || Isola Starter
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Oh he was having some bad feeling about this person. Perhaps he shouldn’t judge them too harshly since this is the first time he’s meeting the other,however his instincts were telling him to keep on guard around them.
His right ear flicks in a bit of annoyance as he lets out a tired sigh and looks at the other with a raised eyebrow.
  “ May I help you,or are you just going to keep staring? ”
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bossrocket · 3 years
subversion — ! || @beryldonna​​
“Exquisite as always,” Giovanni murmurs, voice low and pleased. “My friend will be most appreciative.”
His latest commission sits on the table between them, a matching set of bracelet and rings. Purple sapphires glitter against palladium bands, the metal shaped and engraved with the sort of elegant style that suggests power and wealth without resorting to flashy gaudiness.
Giovanni holds up one of the rings, observing the way the inlaid gems gleam in the low light of their private room. He nods once more, then carefully returns the entire set to its case. The jewelry looks almost as stunning where it rests against the plush velvet of the box as it will on Eden; if Giovanni were anyone else, he would need to be wary of having such beautiful and priceless items stolen before they can make their way to their intended recipient. Luckily, his reputation (and his security forces) are as strong a protection as any safe or lock-box.
“Leia.” Tucking the jewelry case away, Giovanni snaps his fingers at the grunt waiting nearby, and the man scurries off to alert the chef and servers that they’re ready for the food and wine to be brought in. The mob boss relaxes in his seat, indicating a shift in the tone of their meeting from one of business to something more casual-- more personal.
“You’ve done exemplary work for me time and time again. That kind of quality work is rare enough in this city that when I see it, I find myself wanting to ensure that it continues. That the one responsible for such quality work thrives, even in a city as cruel as ours.”
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“Tell me-- are you satisfied with your current situation? Do you feel as though you are thriving as you are now?”
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bashfullygreen · 3 years
[🍞]-- “I was thinking about something like this piece, but I dunno. What do you think? You’re the jewelry expert after all.” Mizi was trying on a mock necklace. It was rather long and fell all the way down to his chest. 
“Gold is nice, but what about a black metal? Would that look good on me you think ?” It seemed like he couldn’t decide on what style he wanted either. “Ugh..a gem at the end would be nice too...” Shopping was so hard, pfft. 
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courageousguise · 3 years
With an expert-level precision, Link shot at his target- a floating marshmallow that’d been about to pelt an unsuspecting passerby. 
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With a bit of a jump, he managed to grab the arrow from where it’d lodged itself into a tree, with the marshmallow stuck on it. He’d gotten his reward- and hopefully, she wouldn’t be too mad.
‘Are you hunting marshmallows too?’
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journalskeeper · 3 years
“Are you looking for your ‘double’ as well...?” Lucretia glances from her phone screen to the other woman.
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“The search area is fairly large... it’s going to be a real challenge trying to find one person in that space, don’t you think?”
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divineshadows · 3 years
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validation sentence meme @beryldonna​ said:
“You have a good heart.“
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“O-Oh, um.... thank you.” For someone who seemed a bit scary, this lady was nice... but he wasn’t too sure how true her words were. It was just hard to judge some things for yourself, perhaps.
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natureswraith · 3 years
@beryldonna  He’s been here long enough he’s got the ground rules down.  Or at least, he’s got an idea of how things functioned, at least.  But it didn’t function well, not for him.  He was expected to grocery shop, to cook on his own.  Both things that he wasn’t quite sure how to do.  Sure he had been hunting.  It kept him fed, gave him the nutrients he’d need, sometimes kept instincts in check.  But it wouldn’t be enough in the long run, he’d probably get into trouble sooner or later for openly hunting the birds and other wildlife of the city.   He didn’t care personally, the name Convict was much more than for show, but it would be a pain to deal with if he got into any actual trouble.  He loathed eating, it only brought about pain- such was one of the burdens he had to carry with him.  But if he didn’t eat, then he would lack sustence and energy.  And he needed his poison ivy.  He chewed the thought of how to fix this and the only damned solution he could come up with was actually asking a stranger, he wanted nothing but to be unseen in the eyes of public, but he was forced to be part of a community, he should not be around civilians.  Eating a sigh, he tapped on the shoulder of a- is that what they called goths?  He didn’t keep up with current trends enough.  He just assumed this was a goth person.  “You know of the location where there is poison ivy I may pluck for my own usage correct?  I also require eggs, with shells.  Should you use your grocery shopping skills to buy them I will pay you back with the appropriate amount of dust” 
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beloved42 · 3 years
@beryldonna  His days were typically either busy, or they weren’t.  He had to be on the move, people wanted him, he had to make himself hard to get. Today in particular was a rather busy autumn day, the sun having one of it’s last few warm breaths before the cold crackled the air.  Today would be a good day for shopping, the streets would be busy.  Blending into a crowd was a useful trick, this afternoon was good for walking.  He had somehow always had something on his mind, nothing ever to do with the events he’d get himself into, but always stuck in clouds that had long since past the skies in days of the past.  But he always kept his one good eye keen, it was useful to keep an ear to the noise around you, senses sharpened so he knew what was coming. Sometimes this was a good way to find trouble.  Today was such a case.  In the life he left behind, he was sharpened to signs of trouble.  Subways were ripe for these sort of things, even while it was busy today, most of the ones around these parts were experienced enough to get the job done quick, being near the tracks was enough of a threat for things to go by easily.  He could see the way a man was approaching the lone woman- she was flashy, unique sense of fashion, probably had something expensive.  Joseph could see the way his clothes moved, something hidden underneath and otherwise ordinary looking sweatshirt.  They always looked like normal people.  He felt a rush when the man walked up to ask the rather fancy lady a question, that was the first step.  He didn’t plan on letting it happen.  He ran up to the man, shoving him in a way his elbow jabbed into his gut.  His eyes were sharp, and rather serious.  It was uncommon from him.  That was all that was really needed- muggers didn’t like to put up a fight, he took one look at Joseph and ran off to find a different target elsewhere.  Joseph sighed, turning around to the woman almost caught in a bad situation.  “...I know this looks and sounds odd, but you were about to be mugged.  Are you alright?” 
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isolaradiale · 3 years
Hello, hello! Applying as an original character, Leia Belladonna! You can find her app at the sidebar or alternatively through /form. Thank you so much!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Leia!
You will be housed in HOUSE 113!
You will retain your crystal manipulation and be able to use it to create objects no larger than a baseball, but the crystals will all be pink salt crystals.
– ⋆ arcturus.
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gleamknight · 3 years
Nonverbal RP Starters || accepting !!
😠 Death Glare at my muse
Normally, anyone else would look away or simply ignore the notion. Unfortunately, for most people, Zelos was a wild card (perhaps even a Wilder card?) and loved any and all forms of attention.
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"If you want a photo, just ask, babe~! I don't bite unless asked~."
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divineshadows · 3 years
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𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑺 .  (   a  series  of  question - based  starters .  ) @beryldonna​ said:
“who did this to you?”
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“Th-That’s... complicated? B-But it’s basically healed up now... and not really relevant...” Emil still had some bandages on from his run-in with Richter in the mist, and he’d had the misfortune of moving too quick and aggravating one of them. And he didn’t think that was Richter, not really... he might’ve been kinda scary, but he’d never acted like that before.
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divineshadows · 3 years
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Subversion p1 ask meme @beryldonna​ said:
🌵 - What’s a place your muse avoids? A place they’ll never go?
Emil tends to avoid any sort of place that could come across as ‘shady’- in general, he’s a pretty anxious person, but he’s also fully aware that he could become a target of crimes because of his uncle. He’d really rather not get kidnapped or something because he went for a walk, so he’s more likely to stick to well-populated areas. Or just stay home.
🍃 - Does your muse have a reputation? (Is it good or bad?)
...Somewhat? He tries his best to avoid the spotlight because he doesn’t want to have to deal with paparazzi or anything like that, but he is still the nephew of the CEO of a massive company. So he’s kinda developed a reputation as being something of a recluse, which is totally fine by him.
At his school, he’s mostly just got a reputation of being a shy, quiet kid who doesn’t talk much. The only people who tend to see past it would be people in the theater program with him, because he’s far more expressive when he’s acting.
🌙 - Does your muse ever dream of a better life?
In a way... maybe? He likes his uncle and brother, but he does also still miss his parents a lot. Losing them was difficult for him and he certainly would wish they were still around, but he doesn’t resent what he has now or anything. He knows he’s incredibly lucky considering who his uncle is and everything, so a ‘better life’ isn’t exactly something he would think about.
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gleamknight · 3 years
✎ barks
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our muses? (drawn) together? more likely than you'd think! ( accepting !! )
yes he's doing the cry me a river pose
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