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        ‘ so ----i was thinking of getting henry a dog. ’ 
@isortoffoundmyself​ | starter call 
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mcrleena-blog · 7 years
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Running seemed endless now. She didn’t know how long she had gone for, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t going to stop until she felt safe, and she still hadn’t. Being a woman that grew up in a land where Magick was Forbidden, she feared for her life when she found out that she had the very thing that she would be killed for. Arthur was king now, why hadn’t he overturned the ban yet? It infuriated her, but she knew better than to get involved. So after nearly getting caught out in front of Arthur she quickly left the castle when she knew that her parents and the whole castle were sleeping. Long, dark hair danced in the wind as she ran, her porcelain coloured skin illuminated by the moon as her sapphire blue eyes sparkled like stars. She wasn’t in albion any more that was for certain. This forest had a whole different feel to it. She turned a corner and then it happened. She collided into someone which sent her flying one way, and she hit the floor, wincing in pain. “I am so, so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going!”
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indissoluta-a · 8 years
@isortoffoundmyself starter from { Grace } 
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     “ How mad do you think Granny will be if I made suggestions        on how to expand the menu ? “ 
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@isortoffoundmyself || continued from here
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        “ You know, I miss when you had more of a sense of humor.” Cai was surprised at how she snapped at him. “ It was a joke. “ Seemed that his best attempts at humor as of late seemed to fall a little short , but he wasn’t in the best of moods. He couldn’t begin to explain why that was, let alone what was taking over him.
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Freedom from a Strange Place || Closed
Belle hated this dress. This stupid white baby doll dress, she hated it. And she hated that all her dresses were the same. Maybe not the same colour, but the same cut, the same type... Just the same. And it pissed her off. She wanted to be like the other girls she saw at the bar. Short skirts, and pants, and shorts! Anything other than baby doll dresses in various colours and patterns that hung at the exact same length to her knees and cut in the exact same way with just a tiny bit of skin showing, but not too much.
Like a proper lady.
She hated having to be a lady. Sit properly, smile, don’t swear, don’t drink, cross your arms, cross your legs at the ankles, and behave!
She let out a soft scoff to herself as she sipped at her soft drink. If she had her way, she’d be the most unladylike person ever, just to get back at everyone who had insisted that she had to be this person.
Belle set her glass down and gave the closest thing she had to a violent glare at her usual dark corner. She had gone to sit there and found a couple there, taking advantage of the darkness to... canoodle. And she was the closest thing she could get to angry about having to sit outside of her usual spot. People could see her watching them, so she couldn’t do that anymore. And people could see she was only drinking soft drinks. And it didn’t feel like her normal nice night out.
But it was still better than being at home and having to pretend to be interested in re-reading the same book for the fiftieth time because her Father wouldn’t buy her new ones in case she got any ‘dangerous ideas’.
Belle took another sip of her drink, before realising that her glass was now empty. She sighed and set her glass down, attempting to catch the eye of the bartender. She was pretty, brown hair, always wore something red. She’d nicknamed her ‘Red’ in her head, just so she had a name to go with her people watching. Everyone who was a regular, Belle had some form of nickname for them.
“Excuse me... sorry, I was wondering if I could have another coke?” She asked hopefully, chewing her bottom lip as she prayed that Red had noticed her.
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indissoluta-a · 8 years
@isortoffoundmyself starter from { Henry }
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     “ You have to hold still, Ruby. If you don’t sit still I can’t         finish this drawing. “ 
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“ Your happy ending will come “ - 
Casually quotes 
“ They say home is where your heart is. But what if my heart is six feet under ground with you. “ 
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isortoffoundmyself answered your question:Do you just ever see something being shipped in...
THANK YOU! Ruby would like to point out that she just wants a friend out of Graham in our threads. She is like I just want to know that I have a male friend that has my back if I do something really freaking stupid while drunk and not arrest me.
“ If I do something freaking stupid while drunk and not arrest me” I think that’s the best description I’ve heard for someone being friends with a cop type XD I can see Graham looking at Ruby like a sister. I can see the whole “Well you look like shit so here’s another shot.” from Ruby to Graham. I can imagine a clear view of a platonic relationship which I’m a sucker for those . I am a hardcore sucker for relationships that can have that affection without it being romantic/sexual and I see that with Graham and Ruby. 
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roseofvalor-a-blog · 8 years
Sorry (only I am not sorry) for the redbeauty spam. I blame the perfect Ruby @isortoffoundmyself <3
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@isortoffoundmyself wanted a starter
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The Morrigan stared down at the wine in her glass and moved the glass in a circular motion almost as if she was attempting to stir it that way. A soft sigh escaped her lips and she downed the wine, Storybrooke was pretty much one of the most complicated places she had ever been too but she knew that she would get used to it. The Goddess often did this. She traveled from realm to realm to gain knowledge and such. She soon got up from her chair and walked over to the bar with her empty glass then placed it down on the counter. “A double vodka and coke, please.” She said softly, before catching sight of a raven haired woman next to her. “Do you want a drink? On me of course.”
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wiickedness-blog · 8 years
@isortoffoundmyself liked for a blind witch starter.
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       “Back again dear? I take it auntie Em couldn’t provide you with information? The old brat has always been rather useless.” She didn’t like competition, especially not one that was doing as well as the older looking woman.
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iceregina-blog · 8 years
@isortoffoundmyself | liked for a starter
     Ravenna had conquered yet another kingdom, this time Freya had been the one to cast the spell for the army; rows and rows of ice soldiers, shattering upon impact to give the illusion of victory to the king and his army. Like always, they came upon a beautiful damnsel in distress chained and held prisoner. Her sister’s beauty wasn’t drained this time, making her the fairest of the land, and her plan was executed to perfection. In three days time, the three siblings - as Finn stayed back with Freya - were reunited and had a new castle to call home. After a fortnight, Freya left the castle to explore their new land and had to make sure no enemies remained; if she came across any, she’d simply freeze them.
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     Mounting her ice wofl-bear, she found herself close to the border of their new kingdom. The forest was covered in snow as her faithful pet carried her, her mere presence bringing winter with her. Upon hearing a sound nearby, she made her mount halt and dismounted. Her steps made the grass now covered in ice break, her cape trailing behind her as she tried to find the source of the noise. 
     “Come out, wherever you are. Whatever you are.” She said, attempting to beckon her fellow companion.
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fiercerebekah · 8 years
@isortoffoundmyself from (x)
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                     ❛ Red. ❜ Rebekah laughed, her suspicions confirmed by the familiar voice. In an instant her arms were wrapped around the girl in a tight embrace. There was a time when Ruby had been her DEAREST friend, and though it was long ago, Rebekah hadn’t forgotten. ❛ I hardly recognized you without the cloak. ❜
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sevenbells-blog · 8 years
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“You wouldn’t happen to have a map, would you?” Crossing the mountains was a fair amount more difficult than crossing the wall. Less was known, for one. 
The Old Kingdom had been very much separate from other countries due to it’s two hundred years of violence and unrest before the Royal bloodline was re-founded. But north was where she would find answers about Chlorr. So here she was, alone (more so than usual) and lost. Having to socialize.
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