Clint Barton NSFW HC's
Okay, so @witchygagirl and @ispeakforthebooks both hit me up for a little Clint so I figured I'd combine them as there was a little overlap. So, here is F, G and S for ya, beneath the cut.
Come find out about the thoughts inside my head
F = Favourite Position: this goes without saying.
Clint likes you on top. He likes to look at you, run his eyes and his hands over your body as you control the pace. Not that he just lays there doing nothing, but damn, the sight of you riding him definitely gets him nearer the edge faster than any other position.
G = Goofy: are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.
This man is a total goofball. There have been moments where the two of you have broken down into fits of laughter in the middle of sex because he has said something stupid or used a ridiculous voice. He likes to have fun with you, but maybe talking like Yoda in the throes of passion was not his best idea.
S = Stamina: how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?
All the cardio he does trying to keep up with the other Avengers and generally running around, well, it certainly pays off in the bedroom. Although he can maybe manage two rounds, those rounds can go for quite some time if he is rested enough. There are nights though where he is tired and his body aches and no matter how much he would LOVE to spend hours worshipping your body, he just can't manage it, he is only human after all.
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All the faces of me...
How crazy is it that even on this anonymous insane website where literally anything goes so many of us split ourselves up into multiple blogs?
So I'm curious, if you're in a sharing mood, feeling brave, etc. reblog this with your other blogs in the tags. Maybe it'll be fun! Maybe like me you'll consider it a healing experience. Who knows? Tag a few friends while you're at it, or not, I'm not in charge of you lol. <3
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mickey-henry · 3 years
Congrats on your follower count! I love your stuff (I reblob you at mindingmyownbusiness) AND I’ve been following your playlists! They are great! If it’s not too late could I get one for the sleepover? Something mellow that would be playing in the background of the bookstore where of course Bucky and I met and fell in luvvvvv would be amazing please and thank youuuu 🥰
thank you so much elizabeth!! I truly appreciate your reblogs and love of my work! 💖here's a mellow playlist for you! I hope you like it😊
join the sleepover! there's one more day left!
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arawynn · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog! (You don't have to of course)
1) My favourite flowers to own are orchids.
2) I never had a pet.
3) I collect snow globes.
Thank you for sending this!
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lifeofmarvvel · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog! (You don't have to of course)
1) I skinned my knee at my aunt's wedding when I was 3 and still have a scar from it
2) My first fandom experiences were on Quotev in middle school
3) I have a long-lost uncle that we met for the first time a few years ago
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moonbeambucky · 5 years
Love the new Lance update! I can’t tell ya how many times I’ve been in those exact situations lol. I do wish you hadn’t put that part in about pitties though... They are such sweethearts and get such a bad rap.
They are sweethearts. Every pit bull I’ve met has attacked me with kisses! I had to reference what people think about them, even if it isn’t true. And reader’s first concern will always be her children (even around a Chihuahua which is probably more dangerous than a pit hehehe) but of course she does not hold a put bulls rep against them. Thanks for reading! 😊 
Lance, Interrupted
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brokenrose12 · 3 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (Non-negotiable, positivity is cool!)💖💖💖
Making gifs, eating, hot chocolate, ladybugs, butterflies 
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bionic-buckyb · 6 years
This last chapter of Taking Chances? Can I just say, you make a slow burn worth every single second of delayed gratification. It drew me in without being frustrating and I’m eagerly awaiting what happens next!
thank you for saying that! I’m always worried about slow burns cuz they can be a bitch! i’m so happyyyyyy
Taking Chances: Part 3
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Girl, you never fail to be my all time favorite reviewer of fics. Like, you could teach a class on how to do it right y'all. The Lonely Tree has been a long-time favorite of mine, one of the first series fics that I remember finding in this crazy place and I'm thrilled beyond words that you are getting to experience it for the first time. (AND THE ENDING WILL KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF I GUARANTEE IT - BEST. ENDING. EVERRRRRR.)
😂  you’re too cute. the first lesson of my Reviewing Fics course would be: always leave feedback on a writer’s fic, no matter how long or short it might be. I promise you that the writer will appreciate whatever it is you have to say. 
But anyways, I’m living for the series and I’m happy that I’ve finally gotten around to reading it. Plus, my socks have been knocked off since the beginning of the series so I don’t know what’s going to end up being knocked off by the ending 😂
“The Lonely Tree” Masterlist by @sarahwroteathing
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sunmoonandeddie · 5 years
Could I get The Next Ten Minutes for the challenge? I love that musical!! And it’ll be under my writing blog mindingmyownbusiness. Thank you!
all yours!!
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jeremy-jordamn · 8 years
Elizabeth (sorry about the z!)
E- Everything Changes (Waitress)
L- Let Things Go (Ordinary Days)
I- I Love The Way (Something Rotten!)
Z- Zanna’s Song (Zanna Don’t!)
A- Always Starting Over (If/Then)
B- Back to Before (Ragtime)
E- Everything I Know (In the Heights)
T- Temporarily Lost (Bridges of Madison County)
H- Hear My Song (Songs for a New World)
thank you so much, you’re lovely!!
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writersramble37 · 3 years
Thank you to @ambiguouspuzuma for your tag! I love all the support you’ve been giving, as I’m a newbie to Tumblr!
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with. Or tag however many you want.
Favorite color: I’ve always loved purple the most - ranging from a deep wine all the way to soft lilac. I also love blues, like cobalt and teal. 
Last song: Just listened to Heat Waves from Glass Animals, but I’ve also been listening to Somebody Else by 1975 a lot. I like listening to music while I’m writing. 
Currently reading: Still working on Midnight Sun. It’s been taking me an eternity because I was working 12 hour shifts for the longest time, and also having to read textbooks for my classes. 
Last movie: Last night watched Encanto. The last time I was at the movies, I saw Spiderman No Way Home. I also recently made my fiancé watch Titanic because he’d never seen it before. 
Sweet, savory or spicy? Yes to all. 
Currently working on: I’m supposed to only be working on my re-write of my first Phantom of the Opera fanfic that I wrote when I was 14, called Drowning in the Music. After almost a decade, my writing skills are vastly different, and the rewritten version so far is loads better. I’m about a third of the way through.  It’s one of those fanfics of the OC falling into the story - I know, super cliche, but her goal is to actually get back home. But because it’s a romance, she’s slowly falling in love with the Phantom himself in the process, and he eventually begins to feel something for her in return. I want it to feel more realistic though, in which they start off being suspicious of each other and butting heads a lot, but eventually grow to become friends and eventually more. I love slow burns. But there’s sci-fi/fantasy elements that involve time traveling, and my OC wonders if she has to die in order to return home.  At least, I’m supposed to primarily just write this story but I’ve lately become engaged in another story. I know, shame on me for writing more than one story at once. 
This one I’m for now calling As the Moon Watches. As pretentious as it sounds, it’s an autobiography. I never had any intention of writing one before, but the last decade of my life has been a wild ride. It’s primarily going to be about how I met my fiancé, but I want it to sorta start off as a mystery in which you don’t know who “the one” is going to be for a while. I only feel inclined to write it because I feel like the way in which we ended up together was rather unlikely and we had a lot stacked against us but we survived it. It often feels too good to be true, but here we are! It also helps that I documented a lot of stuff in diaries, so a lot of it in a way is already written.
We were friends to lovers, but it took ages to get to that point. We survived long distance, lost friends and gained some, endured death in the family on both sides, watched our friends go in different directions in life, were quarantined together, went to Europe together etc. I just feel like it’s a story worth telling. I always enjoyed coming of age stories like Little Women. But maybe writing an autobiography is pretentious and no one would care. Who knows? All I know is that this was meant to just be a little side project that I started a couple weeks back, and I already have about 15,000 words.
I’m tagging @ficsinhistory @lady-of-himring @twst-nadira-oc @aegontoast @ispeakforthebooks and whoever wants to join. But of course, no one has to play if they don’t want to.
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brokenrose12 · 3 years
When you get this, respond with 5 things that make you happy. Then send this to 10 people in your notifications❤ :)
Watching my favorite shows, coffee, ice cream, hanging out with friends, bunnies 
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bionic-buckyb · 7 years
Where do you find the inspiration for your stories?
I find inspiration in reading! Whether it be fan fiction, books, articles, etc. Reading other people’s work helps to get my juices flowing, and want to put my own ideas down on paper (or in our case on google docs). The more you read the more your vocabulary expands, and the more you learn how to describe things and form a story. Thanks for your question :)
Literally ask me anything
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bolontiku · 4 years
Quick Fic
Characters: Bucky, reader
A/N: @ispeakforthebooks
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved.
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He stopped short as your eyes widened, red rimmed, nose slightly pink. The sniffle and quickly swiping at your face as you turned to hide from him made him move. 
"Wa-wait, hey, doll, Y/N, sunshine what happened?" He asked, keeping his voice low as he caught you, easily turning you to face him. "Want to talk about it?"
He was solid, unyielding, his frame unwavering and strong. Arms locking around you as he pulled you into him, his cologne filling your senses. You shook your head, if he found out you weren’t sure how he would react, so instead you let him sweep you up. 
Bucky was always so bitchy about things, you couldn’t help but poke him constantly. He needed someone to contrast the dark thoughts that clouded his mind. 
He said you were unflinchingly happy. It wasn’t true. You were a liar. You pretended to be happy all the time, everyone was already doing their best, no one needed more problems. You wanted them to be happy.
“I’m sorry.”
Bucky flinched, wrapping you tighter in his arms. He knew that smile you kept in place was practiced. When he first met you he hadn’t understood. ‘You’re so happy, it’s like looking into the sun!’ he had growled. Your smile had faltered before you grinned bigger, laughing and poking him. He had watched you, rolling his eyes when you noticed him staring, scowling as you wrapped around him, Clint joining and Steve and Sam laughing as he struggled to get the both of you off him. 
Somehow laughter always followed when you were around and he was grateful. Everyone had too much on their plates. 
“Cry if ya want, I got you doll.”
You weren’t sure why, but hearing that made you cry. Sobs wracking your body as you buried your face in his chest. Bucky was so solid, always there, always growling even when he let you go about your antics. You had always held back, but with Bucky you let go a little more. And this was alright, to let him see you like this.
The muscle in his jaw twitched, he wasn’t sure what it was. Had someone made fun of you? Bullied you? Was it the weight of always being happy? He didn’t know how to react as you cried into him, holding onto him like a lifeline. You could be like this with him and that was okay, it was more than okay. He realized that he didn’t want anyone else to see you like this, he wanted to keep you, this you, right now, all to himself.
He was selfish, but he wanted all that sunshine all to himself.
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obsessionoftheday · 4 years
Thank you Jeremy Jordan and Newsies fans for hooking me up! I have so much content to get through now, I’m excited! Starting with The Last Five Years as I type this!
@ispeakforthebooks @wind-at-her-heels @wellmanneredthief @greetings-from-the-refuge @cupcakeangels
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