#issak's art
contreparry · 3 months
Happy Friday Ann! From the DA lore prompts: "Grim Anatomy. A book on animal dissection and demonic possession, by an unknown author. It’s not wearing the creature’s skin. It has become the creature: its mind, its senses… its blood."
Absolutely! Here's some more fun times (ha) in Ostwick Circle, with a young Trevelyan for @dadrunkwriting!
The library in Ostwick Circle was as grand as any university. The Mages prided themselves on their collection of magical tomes and knowledge. The research conducted in the Circle was second to none, and whatever they did not produce could be collected and preserved within the shelves of Ostwick Circle's library. There were books on every subject the mind could conceive, from brick-laying to botany, from casting metals to culinary arts, from medicine to magic. If there was anything one wanted to know, one could find a book about it in Ostwick Circle.
But there were some books in the library that were restricted to all but the most respected of Enchanters and the most trusted of Templars. And those books were the ones that apprentices whispered about in the dark of night, when their guardian Enchanters and Templars finally went to bed.
"I saw it, I really did!" Ceri insisted in a whisper. "Bound in black leather, and all shiny like oil. Enchanter Lydia was thumbing through it while that one Templar- the one with the long brown hair-"
"Serena?" one voice asked sleepily. Evelyn thought it might have been Rhea, though she couldn't say for certain. Without any mage light or even the moon, the apprentice dormitory (Dormitory B) felt a bit like a cave: vast, made of stone, and so dark that Evelyn couldn't really tell the difference between when her eyes were open or shut.
"Aye, that one! She pointed at a page. Said "that's the one," or something like that," Ceri insisted, refusing to end the conversation. "But then they went off to the Restricted Section to put the book away! What were they doing with a book like that?"
What were they doing indeed? Normally Evelyn would roll her eyes, for Ceri had a tendency to catastrophize- but she was very young, not even ten. But Lydia hadn't mentioned anything about reading a book from the restricted section of the library today when they had tea, and she always told Evelyn whenever she found something interesting. A forbidden book was definitely interesting.
"Thrilling," Issak yawned. "They read a book. Good to know that Ser Serena is literate." It was an unkind jab, to be sure, for Ser Serena hadn't been an objectionable guardian when it was her turn to guard Dormitory B. But she was rather strict. No reading after bedtime, she insisted. Issak hadn't forgiven her for ending his late-night studies just yet.
"From the Restricted Section!" Ceri exclaimed. "No one is supposed to go there! Ever!"
"Lydia is an Enchanter, and Ser Serena has proven herself to be capable in combat," Issak replied. "It's hardly unusual for Mages or Templars of their ranks and with their responsibilities to conduct research, you know. Go to bed." As if to punctuate this final order, Issak flopped down loudly on his narrow mattress, and the small bedframe creaked under his weight. He'd be getting his own private room soon, as soon as he underwent his Harrowing. Evelyn had a few years left before she had to worry about that.
"But-" the anxiety, the pure distress, in Ceri's voice was so evident that Evelyn crumbled before it.
"Ceri," Evelyn whispered. "Come over here. You can tell me about the book, alright?" She lifted her blanket up and gestured for Ceri to join her in the narrow bed, even though she couldn't see a thing. But Ceri could, and within moments she had darted under the covers and tucked her tiny freezing feet between Evelyn's calves before burrowing her face into her neck. She was shaking, but if it was from fear or cold Evelyn couldn't say.
"It was an awful book, Evie," Ceri mumbled. "It looked mean. Like it held things inside of it!" And she sounded so frightened and so sincere that it made Evelyn's own heart tremble a little. Ceri was rather perceptive, even if she tended to see doom in everything- but what child wouldn't be frightened by mysterious things? And some books did contain a little bit of power in their pages, magic woven into their bindings and ink and paper. Those sorts of books stayed in the restricted section, naturally, for none but the most experienced of Mages should deal with tricksome volumes like that.
Very interesting. She would have to ask Lydia about it tomorrow. But for now Evelyn wrapped her arm around Ceri and rubbed soothing little circles into her back.
"Books like that can be scary," Evelyn murmured. "But Enchanter Lydia and Ser Serena know what they're about. Did you happen to see the title?" She asked. Ceri shook like a leaf in the wind.
"Y-yes. It was... it was all in silver. Grim Anatomy," Ceri whispered, and Evelyn froze. Oh. She knew that one. It was an infamous part of the library's collection, one that was often whispered about by the older apprentices. But only whispered. The contents were suited to dark nights and whispers. If Lydia needed to bring it out, that meant that Ser Serena saw something truly terrible. Ceri was correct to call the book awful.
"A frightening volume indeed," she murmured. "But a valuable one. It's part bestiary, part anatomy text. It documents rare demons."
"Demons?" Ceri squeaked out.
"Yes. The author collected all of their knowledge of strange demons into the book in the hopes that it would help us future Mages protect ourselves. It was meant as a kindness," Evelyn explained, as she remembered Lydia explaining the books of the restricted section to her all those years ago. "We Mages must look out for each other as best we can, and knowledge-"
"Is our weapon," Ceri recited.
"Exactly. It is good to be wary. It is a book you are a little too young to read," Evelyn said. "But not all of our books are so frightening. Would you like me to find you some nicer ones tomorrow?"
"Yes please," Ceri mumbled, and she burrowed closer to Evelyn, her little fists clinging to the flannel of her nightshirt. Soon enough the girl was fast asleep, and Evelyn stared out into the darkness. Grim Anatomy. She shuddered herself, thinking of the terrible passages the book contained, and squeezed her eyes firmly shut.
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vampire-fanboy · 2 years
♱ Welcome to my Circus ♱
Before you follow/interact with me PLEASE read my DNI/BYF.
‼️Please do not use my Espresso Cookie edits as icons n’ such‼️
Hello there, stranger! My name is Issak but I also have plenty other chosen names! They’re all listed later on but also please feel free to use nicknames for me if you so desire, or even just my username(s)! I’m just a random vampire guy wanting to share his interests, I may also share some of my art from time to time but overall this is mainly gonna be a reblogging and rambling account!!
Some fandoms I most likely will share is just whatever I’m currently into. However I tend to consistently be into things like MLP, LPS Popular, Starters and possibly more! I’ll tag any fandom/thing I like too so you’ll know if it’s something I’m into lol.
I also love to draw, write and make sprite edits! I usually stick to CR edits as they’re the easiest to me, but once in a while I like to maybe branch out for other series’ sprites! I will very rarely and occasionally share my original works (such as my OCs), as they’re actually my overall main interest, but i’m more comfortable with Tumblr being fandom centric for me! I would heavily appreciate any support whenever I do post original works though ^^
My old account use to be @smashing-cookies-archives​ but I didn’t like how unorganized that account felt so I decided to move! ^^ It feels much more organized n’ such using this new account so yea!
Feel free to shoot me an ask or a DM! I don’t bite!
I hope we can get along n I hope you enjoy my blog, that’s all for now! Bye bye!~
- ʚ Trivia ɞ - ʚ DNI/BYF ɞ - ʚ Blog Tags ɞ - ʚ Interests ɞ - ʚ Socials ɞ
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micro961 · 9 months
Premio Lunezia 2023 - sul palco ospite Anggun
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Tra i premiati della rassegna Musical-Letteraria Morgan, Bresh e Angelina Mango
8 nuove proposte si contenderanno il podio e il contratto con Sony Music Publishing. Tra gli ospiti anche il comico televisivo Ubaldo Pantani.
Si svolgerà il prossimo 10 Agosto in Piazza Gramsci ad Aulla (ore 21.30 - ingresso libero) la seconda data del Premio Lunezia 2023, 28ª Edizione.   Serata condotta da Savino Zaba (Rai).   Dopo l'appuntamento romano del 23 Luglio nel suggestivo scenario del Colosseo, il Premio Lunezia cala il poker ad Aulla, con un cast degno dei più grandi eventi europei e una finale nuove proposte esposta ad un contratto con Sony Music Publishing, l'attuale rotazione radiofonica dei finalisti su Rai Isoradio e nuovi lavori per uno speciale Rai TV in programma a fine anno. 
«Per la prima volta nella storia Aulla ospiterà un'artista internazionale non italiano, una presenza che vale l'ottimo lavoro di Beppe Stanco, impegnato a concretizzare gli indirizzi della Commissione Direttiva. Il nuovo impegno dell amministrazione aullese riapre le speranze di ripristinare in futuro la tradizione del Premio Lunezia nella formula dei tre giorni, tradizione più festivaliera e ancora più efficace per lanciare il nome di questa piccola cittadina, già nota nel mondo della musica leggera». Stefano De Martino
La tipologia dei premi agli artisti annunciati sarà declamata in sede di spettacolo.   Ubaldo Pantani imitatore e comico di successo, nonché volto televisivo, sarà testimonial della Mission Sociale che combatte l'azzardopatia, promossa dal Premio Lunezia, da "Lucca Crea" e da Usl Toscana Nord Ovest.  Il Premio Lunezia avrà però un secondo solco nell'impegno sociale, il Red Carpet, anticamera dell'accesso al backstage, sarà dedicato alla lotta contro l'omofobia, con lo slogan "Aganist Homophobia" per idea della stilista Marzia Cerolin. Sul Red Carpet anche la nota Drag Queen toscana Ivana Tram.  
Molta attesa anche per la finale nuove proposte:
«6 ragazzi  e due band di indubbio talento quest'anno il lavoro per promuovere nazionalmente i nostri finalisti si è intensificato vista la garanzia di un contratto editoriale da parte di Sony Music Publishing, l'ulteriore programmazione radiofonica del vincitore su Rai Iso Radio, la presenza di molti produttori musicali e la promozione radiofonica di uno dei finalisti scelto da Radio Bruno» Loredana D'Anghera - direttrice artistica della sezione nuove proposte e docente di canto al Conservatorio di Parma
Ecco le magnifiche 8 promesse del 10 Agosto ad Aulla, Sezione Nuove Proposte:
Malvax Band
4 Calamano Band 
Federico Rubin in arte   "Federubin" 
Domenico Giovanni Pini in arte "Djomi"
Francesco Sacco 
Francesca Giannizzari
Kheyre Yusuf Abukar Issak in arte "Il Barone Lamberto" 
Valentina Tioli 
Titoli del brano inedito e provenienza geografica verranno resi noti in sede di spettacolo. 
Il Premio Lunezia è patrocinato dal Ministero della Cultura, dalla Regione Toscana, dal Comune di Aulla, con la collaborazione della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Carrara, Usl Toscana Nord Ovest, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio della Spezia e i privati "Ferrera Flowers" di Ragusa, Gce Srl Costa di Albiano Magra.
Fondamentali anche le collaborazioni culturali, mediatiche e logistiche di Dario Salvatori, Giuseppe Anastasi, Selene Pascasi, Demetrio Sartorio, Savino Zaba, Momo, Pino Strabioli, Umberto Mostocotto, Roberto Benvenuto, Andrea Caponi, Marina Pratici, Carla Bertolini, Sara Acerbi, Rosi La Camera, Rachele Nicole Ferrari, Lorenzo Varese, Paolo Bedini, Antonella Bertolini, Riccardo Monopoli.    Un particolare ringraziamento a "Slow Life, Slow Game", "All Music Italia", Rai News per i servizi Lunezia 2022 e "Arte Musica" di Fulvio Fusaro.
Sara Acerbi Segreteria Stampa  Premio Lunezia 347 3065739 - 347 9660177 
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ISSAK nos presenta la canción de estas navidades.
Hemos entrado en diciembre y con ello nos vamos acercando al periodo más especial del año, la Navidad. Una época donde dejamos atrás los pensamientos malos y nos centramos en nuevos y optimistas proyectos. Es época de cenas de empresa, reuniones familiares, regalos y de villancicos. Atrás van quedando los tradicionales villancicos, estos han ido conviviendo con canciones más modernas las cuales se guardan como oro en paño en las cajas fuertes de los artistas
Este es el caso del artista mallorquín Issak quien hoy viernes ha presentado ¨Me gusta la Navidad¨, su particular homenaje a esta época tan mágica y divertida para muchos de nosotros. Una canción presidida por el tipico estribillo navideño pero que Issak ha sabido llevar a su propio estilo musical. En este nuevo single, Issak despliega todas sus artes como letrista y nos vuelve a enganchar con una canción con un trasfondo muy acorde con la época del año que empezamos a vivir.
Con esta nueva canción Issak termina un 2022 cargado de muchas emociones. Un año donde ha ido publicando los primeros singles que aparecerán en su próximo trabajo y en el que se ha dado a conocer para el gran publico cosechando éxitos tanto de critica como de publico con canciones donde el pop rock de toda la vida vuelve a aparecer con más fuerza que nunca. Canciones honestas, donde el artista le ha cantado a su tierra o a sus hijas, mostrándonos su lado más intimo y personal. Ahora toca terminar el año por todo lo alto con esta nueva canción, para encarar el 2023 de una manera más que optimista. Issak repite de nuevo con su equipo de confianza, formado por Isma Romero en la producción Vicente Tormo  en la post producción, mezclas y mastering.
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they are LESBIANS your honor
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mixtercandy · 3 years
hiii since u said ur taking requests what if u drew parfait x shining glitter? <:] i think theyre super cute and i love how u draw parfait so... also idk if i've seen u draw shining glitter yet so :0c (also u dont gotta draw this i just wanted to drop an idea here since u said ur takin reqs <:] )
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when's their collab??
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ayarainart · 4 years
My favorite characters are feral himbos and strong pink/red haired female leads
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noheboy · 4 years
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Trying to draw at Clamp style, should be noted that it's a lot harder than I expected :v This took me three days.
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2405omu · 5 years
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I've been doodling Issak a lot- just trying to get a feel for his face n shit
I'm definitely going to give him a cowboy accent. That good yeehaw tone. His first language will be western instead of common.
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grishaversebigbang · 3 years
#62 - long divided must unite
#62 - the bound arrows
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Project Info
Gang name: the bound arrows
Working title/description: long divided must unite
Synopsis:  Upon their return to Shu Han, Ehri and Mayu, princess and bodyguard, don’t really trust each other—but they trust one another more than anyone else in Ahmrat Jen, especially as members of the court begin to question the Taban dynasty mandate of Heaven. An ill omen, as within a month of their return, Mayu hears whispers of a sinister plot against the throne. In order to save her country, Ehri must seek and receive the divine blessings of the Six Soldiers--with only Mayu as her blade, support, and companion--and present them to the Shu to prove the Taban dynasty still has the favor of the heavens and the Shu people. Ehri, after all, has always thought of herself as a princess of the people. Through the course of their pilgrimage, though, Ehri and Mayu start to question what it means to be royalty, to be chosen by the heavens, in a world with so much suffering.
Short excerpt:  Mayu’s muscles protest with every step, the sun’s heat pressing down onto her bared shoulders. Mayu had thought to wake up early and run through her forms before the day became too hot, but once she began, Mayu found it hard to pull herself out of the meditative trance of physical training. It had been over a month, maybe two, since she last had the time to dedicate to her arts. When she was training, before Issak and Ehri and the khergud, when she was still learning how to devote her life to the dynasty, she had been made to practice her forms for six hours a day, even before morning lessons. The Tavgharad armory had everything she’d needed to perfect her talents with each of the Eighteen Arms; here, in this disused royal villa where they’ve holed up since fleeing the court, all Mayu has is her jian, but it’s a reliable and strong blade. It’s enough--enough to protect the two of them, Mayu hopes.
Mayu treads back to the main house, stopping to pick up the outer robes she’d shedded as the morning light turned into afternoon heat. The shade of the covered walkways is cool against Mayu’s sun-soaked skin, and even a little chilly where her sweat streaks down her body. She pauses at the paper screen door, before sliding it open and walking into the main house. The light pours in from the windows, bright dust motes whirling in gentle indifference to Mayu. Mayu’s heart starts to beat harder as she looks toward the empty bed and then to the clay tea cup on the table. Mayu pulls her blade from its sheath. Whoever took Ehri must’ve been silent; Mayu was just outside all morning.
Mayu hears a painful sigh coming from the opposite side of the room. Dashing over with sword at the ready, Mayu hopes and prays to any god that’s listening for Ehri to still be- Mayu rounds the corner, and what she sees is a large copper bath, filled with ricewater, and the unbound dark hair of Princess Ehri Kir-Taban cascading over the rim and down to the floor. Mayu freezes for just a second before turning around.
“Your highness, my apologies--I had thought that someone had broken in, so I-” Mayu stops herself from speaking further. She can feel her ears and cheeks flush; this warmth is more penetrating than training in the mountain sun.
“Oh, Mayu,” Ehri replies, calmly. Does nothing unsettle this woman? But Mayu doesn’t dare say that aloud; instead she just waits for the punishment she might face for imposing upon the royal body, even accidentally. “Please, would you help me wash my hair? It’s rather long--Taban women don’t cut it--and I’ve always had handmaidens to help.”
Mayu flushes redder and sheathes her sword, just to do something with her hands. She tries to regain the tranquility from her morning routine, but it’s drowned beneath visions of long black hair and glimpses of pale skin.
Gang Members
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vampire-fanboy · 2 years
☥ Trivia ☥
Issak, Valerian, Espresso (And more, feel free 2 ask)
He/him, Thou/thee (And more, feel free 2 ask)
Autistic, Neurodiverse
White British/English
Trans man, Agender
Grey-asexual, Demiromantic Achillean [Aroace Gay for easiest/umbrella term]
What I Use to Draw:
Regular wired mouse
MS Paint for sketches
FireAlpaca for finishing art pieces
ʚ Return? ɞ
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||Closed|| MANGA SKETCHES (0/10) Available 15 usd = Slots are reserved after confirmed payment~ Half body pencil sketched of any oc Maximum Turnaround time = Aug 28 |Art by me Ocs belong to client. Do not use. Slots 1. Guorun (fb) 2.Peach Tea (fb) 3. @dangerous-times 4. Lulu (twitter) 5. @kuukigajan 6. Abby (twitter) 7. Sam (fb) 8. Issak 9.Link 10. @hellscarnage 11. @themistfitsedge
12. @stickertrolls
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micro961 · 1 year
Il Barone Lamberto - Zenit
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Il singolo che anticipa il nuovo album dell’artista modenese
Il cantautore italo/somalo torna sul tema del conflitto interiore attingendo dalla sua esperienza di vita e professionale  a contatto con gli adolescenti
«Zenit è un brano votato alla spensieratezza e alla joie de vivre, decisamente in controtendenza con quella che è la mia natura piuttosto ombrosa e pessimista. Negli ultimi tempi qualcosa in me è cambiato ed ho deciso di provare a fare musica per “curarmi”, per riuscire a conquistare una certa leggerezza e serenità» Il Barone Lamberto
La musica come cura, dunque, seguendo l’esempio di tanti celebri autori che hanno fatto della positività la loro arma e il loro scudo, in un momento in cui si avverte la necessità di una nuova energia per esprimersi. Una catarsi. Il brano è composto interamente dal suo autore, che ne ha suonato piano e diamonica. Al mix e al master Dario “Daddario” Casillo, tecnico del suono già al lavoro con Samuele Bersani, Umberto Tozzi, Stadio, Eugenio Finardi, oltre che con tantissimi artisti della scena reggae italiana e internazionale come Lion D, Raphael Jun Sun, Brusco e G Mac.
Etichetta: autoproduzione 
Release album: Primavera 2023 
 Il Barone Lamberto è Kheyre Yusuf Abukar Issak, cantautore italo/somalo di Modena che è stato pianista di Cisco (ex Modena City Ramblers). La sua proposta fonde Folk, Rap, Trap, Rock e Indie. Cambia diverse formazioni nel corso degli anni ed entra in contatto con professionisti sempre più di frequente: da Luca Rossi degli Ustmamò con cui registra ed arrangia alcuni brani a Little Paul Venturi, con cui condivide la passione per il blues delle origini, mantenendo costante la ricerca di un sound personale che non lo vincoli ai confini di un genere così come il più importante fra i suoi maestri virtuali, Beck Hansen in arte BECK. Nel 2009 il nome di Kheyre arriva alle orecchie di Stefano “Cisco” Bellotti che lo vuole come pianista per il suo tour. Questa é la prima vera esperienza professionale e gli dà modo di toccare con mano quelle realtà che fino a quel momento aveva solo immaginato. Il tour di Cisco copre in effetti tutta l’Italia, la Sardegna toccando anche la Germania e l’Ungheria. Ne esce addirittura un doppio album Cisco dal Vivo volume 1 & 2. Ma anche durante il tour, Kheyre, non smette di dedicarsi ai suoi brani originali e nel 2010 abbandona la band di Cisco per cercare la sua strada. Nel 2017 vince il Festival Internazionale Bascherdeis di Vernasca. Nel 2018 pubblica il video del brano “Giostrai” che ottiene molti consensi sia in termini di critica che di pubblico e partecipa al contest Deejay On Stage 2018 sul prestigioso palco di Radio Deejay a Riccione. Ha aperto i concerti di artisti come Vallanzaska, Punkreas, Speaker Cenzou, Willie Peyote, Ghemon, Mondo Marcio e Tedua. Ad agosto 2019 partecipa al Festival Balla coi Cinghiali insieme ad artisti come Shandon, Dutch Nazari e Fast Animals And Slow Kids. Lo stesso anno esce anche il primo album dal titolo “Prima”, un disco totalmente autoprodotto, arrangiato e registrato dallo stesso Kheyre. Ad Aprile 2020, durante il lockdown, esce “volumeuno”, Ep in cui la cassa dritta la fa da padrone fondendosi con sonorità elettropop, rock e trap. In “volumedue”, uscito a luglio 2020, le ispirazioni sono prevalentemente Rap/Trap ma sempre ibridate con una vena cantautorale ironica ed autoironica. Un Ep che tratteggia il carattere graffiante del suo autore ed esplora le nuove sonorità con un occhio attento e critico. Segue un altro Ep dal titolo “Sì” che consta di soli due brani ed è la celebrazione di un momento molto importante nella vita del cantautore, ovvero il suo matrimonio. Nel 2022 riceve una menzione speciale al Festival Inedito Colline di Torino e vince il Contest Arezzo Wave 2022 come miglior artista emergente italiano. Attualmente fa parte del Rooster di “Make a Dream”, agenzia di booking umbra. È proprio nell'esperienza del live che trova la sua dimensione più autentica. Il 27 febbraio 2023 pubblica “Ho fatto pace”, seguito a marzo da “Zenit”, primi singoli del nuovo progetto discografico la cui pubblicazione è prevista in primavera.
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scaledwolfcreations · 4 years
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An old drawing of OCs owned by Issak and his friend.
Art by Issak.
Do not use characters!
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yesterday i doodled madeleines new costume n my bestie @goldendeiity wanted to colour him for me.. so ggDS
expect me to draw this costume more whenever btw, i am seriously a mess over it and i just Adore it. i cannot get it out of my head the costume wont leave my head i cant stop thinking about it its everything i love
aight cya hope u guys like lol
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texasborderbusiness · 5 years
The 2019 Palm Awards will take place on April 7 at the McAllen Performing Arts Center.
The 2019 Palm Awards will take place on April 7 at the McAllen Performing Arts Center.
The 2019 Palm Awards will take place on April 7 at the McAllen Performing Arts Center.
The 2019 Palm Awards will take place on April 7 at the McAllen Performing Arts Center.
The 2019 Palm Awards will take place on April 7 at the McAllen Performing Arts Center.
The 2019 Palm Awards will take place on April 7 at the McAllen Performing Arts Center.
Texas Border Business
PHARR – Three PSJA ISD high school theatre troupes had shows nominated for the 2nd annual Palm Awards, which aims to foster the love of the arts within the Hidalgo County high school theatre community.  
Dozens of schools from across the county were judged in both musical and non-musical categories. Among the nominees are PSJA North Early College High School with 24 nominations; PSJA Southwest ECHS, which was nominated in 20 categories: and PSJA Memorial ECHS, which got 16 nominations.
The following PSJA students and theatre groups were nominated for awards:
Best Production – Play   
Kimberly Akimbo – PSJA Memorial ECHS
She Kills Monsters – PSJA North ECHS
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Actress – Play          
Jaime Aguirre – PSJA North ECHS
Jennifer Alvarez – PSJA Memorial ECHS
Fatima Flores – PSJA North ECHS
Best Actor – Play              
Roman Casillas – PSJA North ECHS
Issak Garza – PSJA North ECHS
Christopher Nicanor – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Juan Rubio – PSJA North ECHS
Best Featured Performer – Play 
Emily Garza – PSJA North ECHS
Anthony Miglore – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Clara Vela – PSJA North ECHS
Best Lighting Design – Play          
Kimberly Akimbo – PSJA Memorial ECHS
She Kills Monsters – PSJA North ECHS
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Costume Design – Play        
Kimberly Akimbo – PSJA Memorial ECHS
She Kills Monsters – PSJA North ECHS
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Production – Musical           
The Wiz – PSJA North ECHS
Best Actor – Musical       
Dago Lopez – PSJA North ECHS
Caleb Nunez – PSJA Memorial ECHS
Best Featured Performer – Musical         
Joshua Elizondo – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Fatima Flores – PSJA North ECHS
Armando Hernandez – PSJA North ECHS
Best Scenic Design – Musical      
Tarzan – PSJA Memorial ECHS
The Wiz – PSJA North ECHS
Willy Wonka – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Lighting Design – Musical   
Tarzan – PSJA Memorial ECHS
Willy Wonka – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Ensemble – Play      
Kimberly Akimbo – PSJA Memorial ECHS
She Kills Monsters – PSJA North ECHS
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Supporting Actress – Play   
Natalie Acha – PSJA Memorial ECHS
Samantha Alaniz – PSJA North ECHS
Yasha Alaniz – PSJA North ECHS
Olga Ibarra – PSJA Memorial ECHS
Best Supporting Actor – Play      
Che Greeno – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Isaac Maleek – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Rafael Pena – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Scenic Design – Play             
Kimberly Akimbo – PSJA Memorial ECHS
She Kills Monsters – PSJA North ECHS
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Sound Design – Play             
Kimberly Akimbo – PSJA Memorial ECHS
She Kills Monsters – PSJA North ECHS
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Technical Crew – Play          
Kimberly Akimbo – PSJA Memorial ECHS
She Kills Monsters – PSJA North ECHS
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Ensemble – Musical              
The Wiz – PSJA North ECHS
Willy Wonka – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Supporting Actress – Musical           
Yasha Alaniz – PSJA North ECHS
Daniella Monteforte – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Supporting Actor – Musical
Israel MacDonald – PSJA Memorial ECHS
Christopher Nicanor – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Sound Design – Musical      
Tarzan – PSJA Memorial ECHS
Best Costume Design – Musical 
Tarzan – PSJA Memorial ECHS
Willy Wonka – PSJA Southwest ECHS
Best Technical Crew – Musical   
The Wiz – PSJA North ECHS
Willy Wonka – PSJA Southwest ECHS
The 2019 Palm Awards will take place on April 7 at the McAllen Performing Arts Center.
Congratulations PSJA thespians!
PSJA Theatre Troupes earn 60 Palm Award Nominations PHARR – Three PSJA ISD high school theatre troupes had shows nominated for the 2nd annual Palm Awards, which aims to foster the love of the arts within the Hidalgo County high school theatre community.
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