You were borrowing the rogues phone, yours in the next room charging. You decided to tease them a little, calling their name. The second they turned their head you tried to look livid. "Who the fuck is Alex?" You knew they weren't cheating but you figured a little tease compared to the antics they pulled on you wouldn't hurt.
The Riddler: He blinked, distracted by the anger laced in your voice. "Excellent question, who is this Alex and why do we care?" He looked over his shoulder and it took you everything in your power not to laugh. "No, Edward. Tell me now. I can see the name in your phone. Who is that?" You asked pointedly. "I don't know an Alex." He waved you off, dismissing you with a flick of his wrist. You marched up to him turning his chair and leaning over him. "I'm not gonna ask you again. Who the fuck is Alex?" "Are you dumb? Did I not just say- why are you laughing!?" He looked at you perplexed as you failed to hold back your smile. "You said 'excellent question...!'" You trailed off with a laugh. "Were you just joking around!?" He asked helplessly. You nodded, unable to breathe from your laughter. "Good grief, you're a menace!" He balled up a piece of paper and threw it at you as you backed away.
Scarecrow: Scarecrow gave you a condescending look. "I'm sorry, does it look like I've been charming anyone other than you? You're the only one stupid enough to be in a relationship with me, dearest!" At his blunt response you burst out laughing. You had nothing to say in response to that other than. "I was just kidding." A weak response admist your laughing. "Uh huh, yeah, that was obvious." Scarecrow smirked muttering along the lines of "Jonny is clearly rolling in all the admirers. We have a double life. Batman roams the streets at night whilst I become my secret identity, the Casanova." You burst out laughing and he joined you in laughter. "Ah, me seducing anyone but you. You're funny. I tell Jonny all the time. This is why we love you." He sighed fondly, turning back to his computer.
Two-Face: He shrugged. "Don't know, why?" Harvey asked. "Quit glarin' at us like that!" Harv' huffed. "You have a text from Alex. Who's that? Your bit on the side?" "You take that back!" Harv' fired back. Harvey sighed as he rose to a stand from the couch. "Gorgeous, why would you ever think something like that?" He asked. You stared him down. "Heads, we show 'em who's boss." Harv said gruffly. "How about head's, you quit the bullshit and tails you tell me who the fuck Alex is." You remarked. "Hey, now..." Harvey frowned. "Uncalled for. At least give me a last name. Alex who?""I don't know. Apparently, they're close enough you didn't find a last name necessary." You replied crisply. "Give me that!" Harv' snatched his phone and hunted through his contact list. "There is no Alex! I didn't even get a message from anyone! What are you-" The moment he looked up, he saw your smile. "You're playing with us!" Harv' huffed. "Heads! Heads!" He dug into his pocket. "Oh shit!" You squeaked and hurried to hide in the bedroom. "You better run, your ass is done!" Harv' called out.
Copperhead: "Alex? I don't know one, why?" They sighed with boredom. "Cops!" You covered you mouth, cutting yourself off like you were holding back anger but really were holding back a smile before masking it. "Oh, are you getting angry?" Copperhead smiled widely their foot travelling up your side. "Are you gonna spank me?" Their eyes gleamed as their snake like tongue slithered out between their teeth, smile wide. You took a deep breath once again masking your true excitement with anger. "Who is Alex?" You demanded. Copperhead pulled you into their lap. "I already told you I don't know, precious." They began to nibble on the side of your jaw. You grabbed their neck, tugging them away from your jaw and making them look at you. They hissed affectionately through a smile. "Larissa." You warned. "Oh, my real name? Sounds serious." They teased. "Tell me wh-" Your demeanor broke as you burst into laughter. "Damn it!" You cried out. "I was so close! All I could think about was you asking if I was gonna spank you. The fuck!?" You demanded through giggles. "Gets you every time, precious." They replied smug. "I'm being serious though, I don't know any Alex." "I know! I was joking!" You said loudly.
Penguin: "Alex? As in Alexand-... From the lounge? Don't imagine why I'd have any numbers for the dancers. That's why I pay for a landline in my office." Oswald rambled to himself, glancing over the newspaper in his hands. "Oz? Is there someone else you're not telling me about?" That question certainly had his attention. He turned in his seat, eyebrow raised. "You serious? Aw baby, you ain't gotta worry about that. You're my one and only! Does this really get to you?" He asked. You broke. "I was joking, you took me so seriously! I feel bad now!" You said loudly and he let out a sigh of relief. "Bloody hell, sweetheart, so there's isn't anyone on my phone? I was gettin' worried someone was messin' with my phone!" He beckoned you over with a shake of his hand. "You tryna give me a heart attack?" He asked as his hands cupped around your thighs. "Meh, my version of a little CPR." You winked. "How you wound me sweetheart! I'm old- not that old...I've got a few years yet." The more he spoke the more hesitant Oswald sounded. "Don't even go there, Oz!" You playfully swatted his shoulder. "We've already agreed, I'm going first!" He leaned back. "Since when!? I never agreed to that!" "Didn't need you to, that's just how it's going to go." You bent down and kissed his cheek.
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