#i swear that part is catchy
You were borrowing the rogues phone, yours in the next room charging. You decided to tease them a little, calling their name. The second they turned their head you tried to look livid. "Who the fuck is Alex?" You knew they weren't cheating but you figured a little tease compared to the antics they pulled on you wouldn't hurt.
The Riddler: He blinked, distracted by the anger laced in your voice. "Excellent question, who is this Alex and why do we care?" He looked over his shoulder and it took you everything in your power not to laugh. "No, Edward. Tell me now. I can see the name in your phone. Who is that?" You asked pointedly. "I don't know an Alex." He waved you off, dismissing you with a flick of his wrist. You marched up to him turning his chair and leaning over him. "I'm not gonna ask you again. Who the fuck is Alex?" "Are you dumb? Did I not just say- why are you laughing!?" He looked at you perplexed as you failed to hold back your smile. "You said 'excellent question...!'" You trailed off with a laugh. "Were you just joking around!?" He asked helplessly. You nodded, unable to breathe from your laughter. "Good grief, you're a menace!" He balled up a piece of paper and threw it at you as you backed away.
Scarecrow: Scarecrow gave you a condescending look. "I'm sorry, does it look like I've been charming anyone other than you? You're the only one stupid enough to be in a relationship with me, dearest!" At his blunt response you burst out laughing. You had nothing to say in response to that other than. "I was just kidding." A weak response admist your laughing. "Uh huh, yeah, that was obvious." Scarecrow smirked muttering along the lines of "Jonny is clearly rolling in all the admirers. We have a double life. Batman roams the streets at night whilst I become my secret identity, the Casanova." You burst out laughing and he joined you in laughter. "Ah, me seducing anyone but you. You're funny. I tell Jonny all the time. This is why we love you." He sighed fondly, turning back to his computer.
Two-Face: He shrugged. "Don't know, why?" Harvey asked. "Quit glarin' at us like that!" Harv' huffed. "You have a text from Alex. Who's that? Your bit on the side?" "You take that back!" Harv' fired back. Harvey sighed as he rose to a stand from the couch. "Gorgeous, why would you ever think something like that?" He asked. You stared him down. "Heads, we show 'em who's boss." Harv said gruffly. "How about head's, you quit the bullshit and tails you tell me who the fuck Alex is." You remarked. "Hey, now..." Harvey frowned. "Uncalled for. At least give me a last name. Alex who?""I don't know. Apparently, they're close enough you didn't find a last name necessary." You replied crisply. "Give me that!" Harv' snatched his phone and hunted through his contact list. "There is no Alex! I didn't even get a message from anyone! What are you-" The moment he looked up, he saw your smile. "You're playing with us!" Harv' huffed. "Heads! Heads!" He dug into his pocket. "Oh shit!" You squeaked and hurried to hide in the bedroom. "You better run, your ass is done!" Harv' called out.
Copperhead: "Alex? I don't know one, why?" They sighed with boredom. "Cops!" You covered you mouth, cutting yourself off like you were holding back anger but really were holding back a smile before masking it. "Oh, are you getting angry?" Copperhead smiled widely their foot travelling up your side. "Are you gonna spank me?" Their eyes gleamed as their snake like tongue slithered out between their teeth, smile wide. You took a deep breath once again masking your true excitement with anger. "Who is Alex?" You demanded. Copperhead pulled you into their lap. "I already told you I don't know, precious." They began to nibble on the side of your jaw. You grabbed their neck, tugging them away from your jaw and making them look at you. They hissed affectionately through a smile. "Larissa." You warned. "Oh, my real name? Sounds serious." They teased. "Tell me wh-" Your demeanor broke as you burst into laughter. "Damn it!" You cried out. "I was so close! All I could think about was you asking if I was gonna spank you. The fuck!?" You demanded through giggles. "Gets you every time, precious." They replied smug. "I'm being serious though, I don't know any Alex." "I know! I was joking!" You said loudly.
Penguin: "Alex? As in Alexand-... From the lounge? Don't imagine why I'd have any numbers for the dancers. That's why I pay for a landline in my office." Oswald rambled to himself, glancing over the newspaper in his hands. "Oz? Is there someone else you're not telling me about?" That question certainly had his attention. He turned in his seat, eyebrow raised. "You serious? Aw baby, you ain't gotta worry about that. You're my one and only! Does this really get to you?" He asked. You broke. "I was joking, you took me so seriously! I feel bad now!" You said loudly and he let out a sigh of relief. "Bloody hell, sweetheart, so there's isn't anyone on my phone? I was gettin' worried someone was messin' with my phone!" He beckoned you over with a shake of his hand. "You tryna give me a heart attack?" He asked as his hands cupped around your thighs. "Meh, my version of a little CPR." You winked. "How you wound me sweetheart! I'm old- not that old...I've got a few years yet." The more he spoke the more hesitant Oswald sounded. "Don't even go there, Oz!" You playfully swatted his shoulder. "We've already agreed, I'm going first!" He leaned back. "Since when!? I never agreed to that!" "Didn't need you to, that's just how it's going to go." You bent down and kissed his cheek.
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zhinchino · 4 months
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heres the og song :DD
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
What's your opinion on purple™ mattresses?
No one is allowed to come for me about this take, got it? This a safe place for my personal opinion which I was just asked for. Okay? If you disagree just move along. If you love your Purple I’m not saying that’s wrong.
So. I personally really dislike Purple. It’s not just Purple but they were one of the first bed in a box, for which they have much to answer for. Their catchy branding opened up a new type of mattress market. But making a bed cheap enough to roll up like that and still meet fire standard plus providing back support is just a unicorn.
As I previously mentioned I don’t think beds in boxes can provide good long term back support. But the target demographic of broke 20 somethings is robust enough to deal with the lack of back support for a while based on their general vitality.
However a huge part of my clientele when I sold beds were people returning their bed in a box, most frequently Purple, who had horrible experiences. So I’ll admit I got an extremely biased view of them from that standpoint.
But the really shady thing is that Purple won’t disclose their fire retardant. See, mattresses in the US (and many place internationally I think?) have to adhere to fire safety protocols. Why? Because before that was a thing beds would go up like bombs and were considered extremely dangerous in the event of a fire.
Most major bed brands use like Kevlar fibers. There’s chemical treatments that can work too and some folks get pretty worked up about it. The fact is that cheap mattresses basically always have a really dicey flame retardant which brings us to-
Fiberglass! Now, Purple, along with a ton of other bed in boxes, has had a slough of customers pissed off because they’d taken off the cover and suddenly all their stuff including bodies were covered in fiberglass. It honestly makes sense because they have to use something and at the price point it has to be cheap.
Now, Purple swears up and down that it doesn’t use fiberglass but really damningly they don’t say what they do use. A reputable company will just say what their flame retardant is because it’s common enough that consumers want to know.
Their insistence that it isn’t fiberglass while silent about its actual nature is highly suspect. I expect it’s either a thing so close to fiberglass that branding is the only thing keeping it separate or it’s a shady chemical they don’t want to divulge either.
TLDR: Not a brand I’d recommend.
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corvidae-00 · 4 months
Ocean eyes
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A/n: Helloooo!! This is actually the start of a series I have been thinking about doing! ill still be taking requests and doing stuff in between but I used to do long stories and I wanted to see if I was still able! thank you for reading!!!
Summary: You and Marko had grown up together, and him asking you to be a part of this journey was an amazing opportunity, flying over to Sweden with him and making sure your focus was on the competition. little did you know how quickly landing in Sweden with a certain blonde roaming around would change the directory of your plans C/W: Swearing, smoking, alcohol, slight mentions of blood, mentions of angst, fem!Reader Word count: 1,229
Chapter 1
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slowly opening your eyes you wince, the bright sun shining in through the small plane window "Now landing in Malmo Sweden" The pilot announces to the plane, clearly tired and not as energetic as when you and your good friend Marko had gotten onto the plane. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes and stretching you look over at Marko who is still out cold with his head back and snoring slightly "Markooo~" You hum quietly causing the man to only stir and groan not ready in the slightest to wake up "Mark" You poke him in the arm and he whines "Three more minutes" He mumbles and you poke him again in the side causing his body to jolt upright "Hey!" he yelps and snaps his head to look at you in pure shock
"to je bilo vrlo nepristojno!" (That was very rude!) Marko whines but you cant help the small giggle that leaves your lips at the pouty grown man next to you "you weren't gonna wake up" You defend yourself "And look! we are landing!" You add on pointing outside at the quickly approaching ground "wouldnt want you to miss that" You tease a little and Marko quickly spares you a playful glare "Remember you are with me this whole trip- I could make it hell-" He hums wagging his finger at you. scoffing you push his hand away "I just wont dance for you- maybe I'll join Ireland!" you tap your chin and Marko gently swats your arm "Dont even play with me like that žena (Woman)"
Once you two had exited the plane and made sure your belongings were accounted for you had caught a taxi and headed straight for the hotels Eurovision had reserved for the singers and performers, being lucky enough to secure a room right next door to Marko's- not exactly wanting to be separated before the event even starts, Gathering information that the arena would open tomorrow for rehearsal time slots so each performer could sing or dance and grow used to the stage and/or size of the stage "This is pretty cool!" Marko pushes his sunglasses on top of his head and smiles over at you "Are you excited? I'm excited" He looks around and you nod with a laugh "I am pretty excited for the opportunities and the experiences" You hum heading towards the elevators with your friend ready to get settled happy to listen to him tell you about all the plans he has The next day you and Marko had gotten ready and headed straight for the Arena, fully dressed up and still getting used to the outfits. Fixing your top and adjusting your hair piece you hum "These are pretty useful and flexible thank the Lord" You sigh looking over at your male dance partner who seems just as pleased with the uniforms "I do agree! Though I wish we had time for breakfast" Marko rubs his stomach and you sigh "and maybe if it were a bit warmer" You hook onto his complaints....Getting closer to the stage you all can make out some upbeat music and it grabs all three of your attention "Thats catchy-" Your partner says and you nod "Damn it is-" You get closer trying to make out the lyrics "Euro-pa-pa-papapa-" comes through and you raise a brow "interesting" You all quietly entered and finally got a look at the singer clad in a large blue suit and his backup in a large blue bird suit and the other in similar attire to the singer but toned down
"Must be the Netherlands!" Marko whispers to you showing you the schedule on his phone and you smile a little watching the man dance around the stage clearly loving every second of his performance and putting his all into even the rehearsals "impressive" You smile watching the rest of his performance.
With a wave the man on stage thanks the workers and exits towards your group with his tailing him. "Wonderful performance friend!" Marko waves and the male smiles "Thank you! Im Joost" He puts out a hand and Marko shakes it eagerly "Ah! I'm Marko! Or Baby Lasagna" He chuckles and points over at you and your partner who is watching in awe "Those are my dancers!" He waves you two over allowing you to introduce yourselves "What a crew you have!" Joost hums his gaze landing on you and he smiles "the uniforms are awesome!" He compliments and Marko's eyes light up "Yours are too! The band members should be here too soon and they have sorta the same get up" Marko explains and Joost nods before nodding to the side "Well, I'll get going! Good luck!" He gives a small wave and a huge smile before looking you over one more time and making his exit
"He seemed too enjoy your costume" Your partner jokes and you cant help but elbow him in the side "literally just met him-" You remind and your partner shrugs "Doesnt mean you aren't a sight to see" He chuckles following you onto the stage once you had been called on, the rest of the band showing up just in time dressed up and just as hyped up as everyone else....
After a long day of dancing, singing, and repeating- followed up with sight seeing, shopping, and whatever else the group had wanted to do you all finally made it back to the hotel. "Wow, Sweden is so beautiful!" Marko claps his hands together holding a few bags he himself had picked up "a great place to hold an event so large" You chuckle looking around the lobby, your eyes landing on the blonde from this morning- Joost? He has his eyes on you, dressed a lot more relaxed and comfortable "Hey, I'll catch up Marko!" You call to your friend who nods "Bring up some drinks if you can find any pretty please!" Marko says with a quick wave before making his way to the elevator.
"Hello" You walk up to Joost who smiles a little "Hallo" He hums reciting your name with a raised brow and you nod "Joost correct?" You tilt your head and the Dutchman nods "Your guises performance, it was so cool!" Joost pushes himself off the wall and smiles down at you "I loved the choreo too! felt like a story was definitely being told" he hums and you chuckle "Yeah? Marko was set on definitely getting people involved" You shake your head "I loved your performance! so full of emotion and energy!" you shrug "I can tell you are going to be a fan favorite" you wink and Joost gasps a little "You really think so??" he gets all bashful and you nod "Oh 100% we don't have a rehearsal time tomorrow, do you? Maybe I'll pop in and watch the full thing" You offer and Joost nods quickly "10!" He responds and you smile "Ill be there!" You promise and Joost quickly pulls out his phone "Would you like my number? Just so I can keep you updated?" He shakes his phone and little and you pull yours out with a nod "That would be helpful!"
After sharing contact info you two had bid your goodbyes, Joost heading back to his room leaving you in the quiet abandoned lobby- Maybe this will be a good trip after all
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A/N: A little slow- but next chapter will get exciting!! Sorry for the small chapter I'll try to make future ones a little more wordy!! thank you for reading!! Im going to work on requests for a little and once I get those out I'll update this!! Thank you all for the love and support- it literally makes my days seeing how many likes and reposts I get. it means more than all of you know <3 I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
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wooataes · 5 months
Real Eyes, Fake Lies (Part Ten)
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Pairing: soulmate!Lee Jihoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Hanahaki!AU, angst, alcohol consumption, green-eyed monster named jealousy, tears, lots of crying, heartbreak, mentions of death, suggestive thoughts? guilt, swearing
Summary: What do you do when you find out the one person that was created by the universe to be yours doesn’t want you back?
A/N: It has been a long time coming! Oh my goodness guys, thank you so much for your incredible patience with me as I have been navigating my life into the new year and getting my life together essentially. I finally (with the support of my friendos) managed to get this up and out for you all! Thank you all as always for your love and support of refl! 🥰
- Tae 💜🌸✨
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Jihoon was so fucked.
To his credit, he is trying. Trying to ignore the fact that his body feels some sort of attraction towards his soulmate, situated only a few feet away from him on a beach chair. Trying to ignore the ink embedded into your skin along your collarbone that he can see out of his peripheral vision. 
Trying to ignore temptation. 
Your sunglasses are pushed up your nose to keep the sun out of your eyes, having opted to let the sun warm your body up instead of making your way into the water. It’s unusual for Jihoon to see you so still and so silent, simply basking in the sunlight as a hand belonging to Jisoo reaches up to pat your calf. Jihoon immediately scowls to himself when he sees the older man glance up at you from his towel, asking quietly if you’re good to which you respond with a little nod and smile before leaning your head back again and relaxing into the beach chair.
Your soulmate heaves a soft sigh as he checks his phone for the fourth time in the last two hours. Ji-ah was due to arrive back in Seoul soon and he has been growing increasingly more worried the longer it takes for her to not answer. 
“Y/N!” A loud voice rouses you from your hungover slumber, causing you to whine and look at the shadow that is now blocking the sun from you that comes in the form of a 6’2 man named Kim Mingyu.
“Mm?” You grumble.
“Why won’t you come swimming with us?” he pouts at you, hands on his hips.
“I’m having my enrichment time out of my enclosure.” You deadpan, eyes closing again, a little grin forming on your face as you hear Mingyu let out a loud whine.
“Please can you come in the water?”
“Why does it have to be me?” You groan.
“Because Wonwoo can’t do swimming because of an accident when he was younger, Kwan and Sol are in their own little honeymoon phase world over there,” he points to said couple who are making an intricate sand castle, “Minnie is hanging off Soonie-hyung like a rash, Hannie-hyung will just attempt to use us all as a floatation device-”
“What makes you think I won’t do the same?” You raise your eyebrow.
“AND,” he glares at you, ignoring your comment. “Your brother is sulking that it’s only me who is playing with him. Please?”
“Do I have to?” You throw your head back with a dramatic sigh.
“If you don’t come in the water willingly, I will have to take you by force, Y/Nie.”
“Ha ha ha.” You roll your eyes. “I’d like to see you try.”
Jihoon has kept his back to you both for the entirety of your interaction with Mingyu, deciding on his own that he needs to actually follow Jeonghan’s advice and actively make an effort to at least attempt to ignore you and help you move on. He is finding it extremely difficult, however, due to the bikini you’re currently in looking too inviting for you to wriggle your way into his thoughts like a catchy song that can’t seem to escape his brain.
Mingyu seems to take your words as a challenge though, as not even two seconds later, Jihoon is alerted by a shriek coming from you.
“KIM MINGYU!” You try and scold, the large man having now scooped you up into his arms, marching his way towards the water. Jeonghan and Wonwoo both begin to laugh at the way you flail and kick to no avail.
“Yes, Y/Nie?” Mingyu grins at you, and you thrash more.
“Kim Mingyu, I swear if you don’t put me the fuck down right now…”
“Oh, put you down?” He smirks. “Okay!”
“YAH!” You let out another squeal as he moves to drop you, but you’re faster. You immediately wrap your arms and legs around his torso, squeezing onto him for dear life. Seungcheol bursts out laughing at the sight of you, a big smile on his face as he watches on.
“I meant out of the water, you BRAT!” You smack at Mingyu’s back, who only trudges deeper into the water. You whine loudly and cling tighter to him. 
“Are you sure you want to call me a brat when I could sink both of us into the water right now?” He raises his eyebrows at you, arms down by his sides as you hold onto him like a backpack..
“Yah!” You whimper, burying your face into his shoulder. Jihoon bristles at the feeling in his stomach. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I’ll hang out!”
“Told you it would work.” Mingyu smirks to your brother, who only grins back triumphantly.
“I hate that you know me too well.” You groan, carefully untangling yourself from the overgrown puppy’s broad back, shivering at the feeling of the cold water as you sink your feet into the salty beach water. “I swear to god though, if you try to push me under the water, I will end you.” 
Soonyoung only giggles at the glare on your face, glancing back to the shore at Jeonghan. “Hyung, isn’t she cute when she’s angry?”
“The cutest!” Jeonghan calls back, an amused smirk forming on his face as you shoot your brother’s soulmate a glare.
“I hate you all.” You grumble, crossing your arms with a pout, only making the boys around you giggle more.
“Oh come here, you big baby.” Seokmin turns around, offering his back to you.
Jihoon feels the immediate change in your mood lift to excitement, glancing over to see you happily perched up on Seokmin’s back, who wades slowly through the water with you comfortably resting against him. 
“Thank you Minnie~” You sing sweetly, hugging around his shoulders.
“Hey!” Mingyu points accusingly at you. “That isn’t fair! I went through all that work to bring you out here only to have you be coddled in the water too?”
“Be grateful I’m even here, Mingyu.” You playfully glare at him, Seokmin turning you away from him as Soonyoung starts cooing and patting your head, making you grin.
“Aish, what are we going to do with you…”
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For the next hour, Jihoon knows he is torturing himself by listening to the others around him (aka you) have fun. Him, alongside Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Seungkwan and Hansol watches as you with the others play happily around in the water. For the better part of twenty minutes, the game of choice, chosen by the birthday boy, has been Marco Polo. You have opted out of this game, your soulmate keeping an eye on your head currently nestled against Seokmin’s warm shoulder, eyes fluttering closed as the heat from the sun covers you like a blanket and makes your sleepiness return at full force. You look peaceful, he thinks. 
His calm thoughts soon turn to discomfort as he feels his phone vibrate against his pocket, hurriedly reaching down to check the text, only to feel himself deflate at the message from his girlfriend.
Made it safe. x
No nickname, no warmth, no nothing. This is seriously unlike Ji-ah at all, and it has Jihoon nervous. Should he reply like normal? Or should he give his girlfriend the space she needs to handle her emergency?
“Jihoon-ah?” Wonwoo’s voice cuts his thoughts short, startling his housemate as he turns to stare at him with wide eyes. “You okay over there?”
“Uh, y-yeah.” He hums slightly. “Ji-ah just let me know she made it home safely.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?”
Is it?
“Yeah, I suppose.” Jihoon replies after a short pause, sighing quietly. 
“It’s okay to be worried about her.” Wonwoo smiles at him, patting his shoulder gently. “After all, she is your-”
“YAH!” Your voice squeals out, alarming the others as they turn to look at the ocean. You’re swatting at your brother, who is loudly cackling and snatching you from Seokmin’s arms. “Get away from me, you big buffoon!”
The others upon the shore begin to laugh and smile at Seungcheol as he spins you around bridal style. “You dare be rude to your big brother on his birthday, hmm?”
“HANNIE OPPA!” You shriek as Jihoon glances at your brother’s soulmate, who simply smirks back. “DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR SOULMATE!”
“And ruin my hair if I fall into the water? You’re on your own, Ladybug.”
“You bast-AAAAAH!” You yelp as Seungcheol tosses you to Mingyu, who catches you effortlessly. “I hate you all!”
“What did I do?!” Seungkwan fires back immediately, wagging his finger dramatically at you as the others laugh at the joyful mood surrounding them all.
Jihoon breathes a sigh of relief at the change of subject from Wonwoo’s questioning, letting his head lean back to briefly glance at the sky as he delves back into his own thoughts.
“Aw, come on guys, leave the girl alone!” Jisoo chuckles as he rises from his towel, tucking a surfboard under his arm. He jogs into the sea, sitting up on his board as he paddles his way over to the group. “Come here, Goober. I’ll save you from these punks.” He laughs as Mingyu turns away from him, holding you tight to his chest.
“Nuh-uh! She stays with us!”
“She’s not going to stray far, promise.” He pats the board gently, making the tall man sigh and plonk you down in front of your childhood friend.
“Thank you, Shua’ppa.” You smile sweetly at him before poking your tongue out at Mingyu, who huffs and splashes you playfully, making you yelp.
“Do you know how to surf, Goob?” Jisoo asks gently, giving you a cheeky grin.
“Hong Jisoo.” You deadpan, raising an eyebrow. “I am a homebody girl from Daegu. What do you think?”
“Well,” he ignores your sass, crossing his arms across his chest as you mimic him. “Would you like to learn?”
“When I feel like throwing up from how the ocean is rocking me right now?” You laugh. “I think that’s a recipe for disaster.”
“Hmm.. you make a compelling argument.” He hums sagely, reaching up and stroking his chin, trying not to grin at the sound of your giggles. “How about then I teach you how to keep your balance on the board? No wave riding.”
“Can you guarantee that I won’t fall in?” Jisoo simply raises his hand up, his pinky extended to link with yours, flashing you an angelic smile. You narrow your eyes for a moment before reaching out to link your pinky with his. “I swear, if I fall in…”
“Trust me, Goober!”
Jihoon blinks and raises his head as he feels your amusement filling his veins, eyes coming into focus as he curiously gazes out to the sea to see why you’re feeling this way.
Your legs are shaking as you attempt to stand on the idle surfboard, your nervous laughs reaching down to where your soulmate sits. Jisoo is standing behind you with his large hands settled delicately on your bare waist, keeping you steady as he talks quietly into your ear on how to stand correctly that Jihoon can’t hear.
Jihoon feels his hair stand on end as his eyes zero in on the older man’s hands resting on your bare skin, bristling in his chair slightly.
“You can do it, Ladybug!” Jeonghan is cheering from the shore, an amused grin on his face as you flip him off.
“Focus, Goober.” Jisoo’s voice is steady as he keeps his hands on you.
You take a deep breath, standing with your legs apart as he directs you, biting down on your lip and holding your arms out to keep your balance, your eyes squeezing shut.
“That’s it!” Seungcheol cheers you on from the water, keeping a hold on the surfboard so it doesn’t toss and tip as much.
“Look at her go, babe!” Seungkwan coos excitedly to Hansol from their spot in the sand, as his soulmate watches on with an amused smile.
“Bug, open your eyes!” Soonyoung laughs at your scrunched up face.
“Goober,” Jisoo laughs, both hands now in the air. “You’re doing it. Open your eyes.”
You slowly open your eyes, looking down to see your legs balancing on the board. Your eyes widen as you look around at Soonyoung, Seokmin, Seungcheol and Mingyu in the water, all cheering excitedly at you and Jisoo standing behind you with a proud grin.
“Holy fuck.” You laugh nervously. “I’m doing it.”
“WOOHOO!” Seungkwan cheers from ashore, waving excitedly with Hansol as Wonwoo simply gives you a thumbs up from beside your soulmate, who just stares with a bewildered look on his face, not knowing how to comprehend the feelings that are in his stomach.
“See?” Jisoo smiles charmingly at you, leaning in to press his lips to your temple. “I told you that you could do it.”
Jihoon grimaces at the shy smile that graces your face.
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“Hmm?” Jihoon’s brain switches into focus at the sound of your brother's voice calling out for him.
They had been back at the campsite now for roughly two hours after a long birthday dinner in the city for Seungcheol, full of fried chicken and even more alcohol. Everyone now has settled down around the campfire, ready for a final night of alcohol and drinking games for the last hurrah of the trip.
“Soonyoungie said that you are studying music production.” He smiles warmly at him. Jihoon bristles. “What made you want to pursue that?”
“O-oh.” He stutters. “Umm..”
It’s not that he was afraid of his soulmate’s brother and the fact that if he knew that he rejected his precious sister, he’d rip his head off, no, it was the fact that Jihoon isn’t a very sociable person. He has never been one to hold any type of conversation for very long with anyone unless it was something he was passionate about. Luckily for him, music is one of his specialties that he could go on for hours about. So, he does.
”My older cousin is an amateur producer and songwriter.” Jihoon quietly smiles. “He has a few albums that he’s made at the moment. His soulmate does choreography for some of his tracks. I always thought he was really cool and wanted to follow his footsteps and do what he does. I guess I’m kind of his protege now?” He shrugs his shoulders nervously with a chuckle. “There’s just something I find really interesting about breaking down a song into different segments and sections, and creating completely new beats and melodies from the source material.”
“Wow,” Seungcheol replies with curious eyes. “That’s actually really interesting.”
”I suppose so,” your soulmate nods his head as he smiles shyly to himself.
“Do you plan on releasing things in the future?”
“Oh! Um.. Maybe?” He blinks. “I write a few things here and there, but they’re not very good, I don’t think.”
“Don’t downplay your skills and hobbies, Jihoon-ssi.” Seungcheol pats his shoulder once as he rises from his spot by the campfire. “If you enjoy it, that’s all that matters.” He makes his way to grab himself a second serving of the birthday cake you had brought from your work for the final night of Seungcheol’s birthday celebrations.
Jihoon smiles to himself.
He is so kind. No wonder you turned out so well. After all, he did help raise you for most of your teen years.
“It’s not tap, tap, kick,” Soonyoung instructs loudly. “It’s tap, kick, tap! Yah, don’t you remember anything from this routine, Kwan-ah?”
“We made this dance four years ago, Hyung.” Seungkwan glares, hand on his hip. “Please spare me for not remembering a dance that is nearly HALF A DECADE old.”
“NO EXCUSES!” He shouts back, pointing dramatically as he begins to get back into position. “Five, six, seven, eight!” Seungkwan groans and begrudgingly begins to move in time to Soonyoung’s movements, much to your amusement as you weave your way through the camping chairs, bundles of bracelets in hand.
“One for you,” You chirp, two bottles of soju deep as you slide a bracelet onto Seungkwan’s wrist as you pass without skipping a beat. “And a specially made tiger one for you,” You coo, squeaking and giggling as Soonyoung takes your hand, twirling you in his arms and dipping you dramatically as the bracelet slides with ease onto his wrist, your loud laugh echoing through the empty forest and right into your soulmate’s ears, sending goosebumps down his arms.
”Thank you, Buggie Wuggie Boo,” Soonyoung coos, making you groan and shove him away.
“ICK!” You yell as you continue to pass bracelets through the group, Jihoon eyeing you out of the corner of his eye as you draw closer towards where he sits. “Here you go, Hannie-Oppa!”
”Thank you, sweetheart.” your brother’s soulmate smiles, ruffling your hair as he admires the colourful beads on his wrist.
Jihoon takes a deep breath as he feels your presence draw closer, eyes downcast as you fiddle with one of two bracelets in your hand. “Jihoon-ssi,” your voice is once again timid and shy, and he dislikes it. “I didn’t know what colour you liked, and I noticed your wardrobe is pretty void of colour, so…” You quietly place a simple black and grey beaded bracelet with his name written in lettered beads in the middle on his lap. “I thought it matches your look.”
Jihoon stares at the bracelet, picking it up and examining it between his fingers. He can feel your nerves running through your stomach, fiddling with the remaining bracelet in your hands. After a soft sigh, Jihoon slips the bracelet onto his wrist, cheeks warming at the kind gesture of you still including him.
“It’s perfect.” Jihoon smiles softly to you. “Thank you, Y/N.”
Your cheeks flush as you give him a small smile, turning and making your way towards Chan, who said quietly beside Wonwoo as he ate.
“I saved the best bracelet for last,” you smile to the youngest, sliding the final bracelet onto his wrist delicately.
“What colour is it, Noona?” Chan asks quietly, staring at the beads intently.
“Well,” you begin, sitting down beside him. “I made this with every coloured bead I could think of. It’s a rainbow.”
“Huh?” Chan balked, tilting his head. “Why would you do that? I can’t even see them…”
”I made it this way because then, the day that you meet your soulmate,” you nudge the bracelet, “you will be able to see all the colours of the rainbow straight away.” Your eyes light up with a little smile.
Jihoon’s stomach drops at the sound of hope and joy in your voice that is almost infectious, and he scowls to himself.
“Hannie-Oppa did the same for me, see?” You chirp, holding your hand out and showing Chan your nails, now chipped and slightly overgrown. “He gave me all the colours I could have on my hand, and I wanted to do the same to you.”
“B-but…” Chan takes a quiet breath. “Noona.. wh-what if… what if I meet my soulmate and it doesn’t work out? What if… what if I’m left behind and look like a complete fool?” He stares at his lap, knee bouncing nervously.
Your soulmate feels a twist of discomfort in his gut at the maknae’s question, turning his head to see the same discomfort evident on your face.
“Chan-ah,” you smile softly, reaching up to ruffle his hair. “Don’t be silly.”
“B-but you-”
“Uh-uh-uh,” you wiggle your finger at him. “Things like that only happen to people like me, who are just simply unlucky in life.” Jihoon feels the dagger pressing against his chest. “You, little one, are lucky, and I know your soulmate will be absolutely smitten with you when you meet. And, in that impossible scenario,” You bump your shoulder against his, “you’ll always have all of these guys here to spend time with. And even Noona too.” You add on for good measure, smiling sweetly at him. Jihoon feels the dagger twist inside him. Chan shyly smiles back, leaning his head against your shoulder, signaling for you to give him a big side hug, cheek resting against the top of his head.
“Promise I’ll always have you, Noona?”
“Silly boy,” You giggle. “I couldn’t leave you alone, even if I tried.” You ruffle his hair once more, causing him to whine and swat your arm, your giggle growing once more as Jihoon feels his stomach twist and tighten, a million thoughts once again flooding his mind.
“Okay,” Seokmin settles comfortably in his chair, looking around at the circle. “Here’s a question.” He hums quietly at the small group that has formed around him of you, Wonwoo, Jisoo, Jeonghan and Jihoon. “If you could have one wish that could be granted, what would you wish for?” Before anyone can open their mouths, he points aggressively towards Jeonghan. “NO WISHING FOR MORE WISHES!”
“Yah, you’re no fun.” Jeonghan whines, slumping in his chair and crossing his arms.
“I would wish for…” Wonwoo mumbles. “Being able to have enough money in my pocket at all times to be able to afford what I need at that time.”
”That is… oddly specific.” Jisoo chuckles.
“But practical.” Seokmin grins.
“I would wish for Seokminnie to let me answer questions the way I want to.” Jeonghan huffs, shooting him a playful glare as Seokmin gasps loudly, pressing his hand to his chest in shock,
“How dare you!”
”What about you, Goob?” Jisoo nudges your side with a little smile.
“I’d wish soulmates didn’t exist.”
The group falls silent, the air filling with awkward tension as they balk, trying to think of an answer.
“Bug, I…”
“Not for the reason you think.” You mutter, staring into the fire with a dull look on your face. “If soulmate’s didn’t exist, I’d only have divorced parents, not a dead mother and an absent father. If soulmate’s didn’t exist, I’d still be able to go home and see my mother and tell her about how my day went. If soulmate’s didn’t exist, I’d actually be wanted.”
Jihoon feels his heart twist, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he eyes your face. You look empty. Jihoon can’t feel a thing, and that frightens him.
“C’mere.” Jisoo takes your hand delicately, leading you to a small clearing; the same clearing that Jihoon went to the night before.
The little conversations start up again, Jihoon’s ears zeroing in on Jeonghan’s light scolding to Seokmin as to why he’d ask such a ridiculous question. His ears are ringing as your emotionless words echo through his head, making him feel worse than he ever has before.
“Goober…” Jisoo encourages you quietly to speak.
“Remember how you asked me yesterday if I was okay?” Your voice shakes. “If I was broken?”
Jisoo nods slowly, hand resting on your shoulder.
“A-and I said to you I was fine?”
“I-I.. I’m not. I’m not okay.” You whimper, bottom lip trembling. “I’m living a good life, I have a job I love, friends and family who care about me, I can-” you hiccup. “I-I can see colour… and I’m fucking broken.”
You let out a loud sob, a heartbroken wail, letting yourself fall into Jisoo’s arms, your face burying into the warmth of his sweater as your arms wrap tightly around him. Jisoo feels his own tears filling his eyes at the sound of your broken cries, your hands gripping the back of his sweater for dear life, as if afraid he would disappear.
”I know, Goob… Don’t worry, I got you. Let it out.”
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“Are you sure it’s been resolved?” Jihoon smiles at Ji-ah as they stroll through the street, making their way to Love Letter cafe.
It has been a week since he has returned from Busan with you and the others; the group having been mostly quiet as they recovered from the long weekend of partying and merging back into their daily lives. This is the first time Jihoon has seen his girlfriend, having given her space to get through her emergency. He’s finally happy he is able to have a date with her after being at university all week and catching up on the projects he wasn’t able to do while on the road trip.
“Yes, babe, I’m sure.” Ji-ah smiles back at him. For some reason, though, Jihoon finds the smile uneasy and almost hollow, and he can’t figure out why until a quiet voice cuts his thoughts short.
He pauses as he sees a tall man in front of him with a single rose in his left hand, right hand reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Hajoon.” Ji-ah whispers out with a nervous breath, almost like she’s been caught.
Jihoon freezes at the sight in front of him - his not-soulmate with red tinged cheeks and shy smile on her face, and a stranger looking just as shy and sheepish smiling back at her. He feels his stomach drop as his mind flashes with realization at the scene unfolding in front of him.
He knows the look on her face. He has seen that look before with Wonwoo and Mingyu, Junhui and Minghao, and especially with Seungcheol and Jeonghan.
His heart breaks a little, as Jihoon knows in his heart that he’s already lost his girlfriend to her real love, her soulmate.
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Real Eyes, Fake Lies Taglist
@vixensss @hemmingsness @lizzymizzy-blogg @kawennote09 @breakfastburritosattiffanys @im-gemmy @friendlywraith @devinkelsey19 @kameko-ko @mar-627 @woozieeeee @milopenne @stellauniverse @addicsvt @changbinisms @phenomenalgirl9 @lanatheawesome @maidachi @jeanjacketjesus @sunnynapp @jihanniee @reallyshypost @jaeminsbuckethat @sweetchelly @iarayara @opheliaas-stuff @claireleem @hotricewoozi @beardedartgamingbakery @sumzysworld @lavayeon @unusuallyshy @woozixo @mirxzii @mhlsymlysn @seventeenthingsblr @kwanniesboo @loomsuhcats @markleehee @scuzmunkie @tumblerluvver @wooanghae @xxpr3ttyk173rxx @comingupwithacoolnameishard @whorecore-world @sana-is-ms-rmty @bitterbluemorningstar
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fiapartridge · 1 year
Part 2 to cruel summer pls
cruel summer pt. 2 | jack hughes
"i snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate..."
jack hughes x fem!reader
read part one!!: cruel summer
summary: you and jack have spent the entire summer keeping your relationship a secret, but when a party and feelings of doubt gets thrown into the mix, things get a little hectic...
warning(s): swearing, some angst, happy ending
author's note: omg i procrastinated so much, but here ya go
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You were in an intense game of chicken with Luke, Duker, and Eddy when Jack walked back to the house to grab you a towel, using it as an excuse to wrap you in his arms after your game in the pool. On his way in, he noticed his mom sitting on one of the couches on the back patio, waving him over. 
“My boy. You get more handsome with each second,” she beamed, patting the empty space next to her on the couch.
“Thanks, Mom,” Jack obliged, sitting next to Ellen, though he seemed worlds away. His eyes always drifting towards the girl of the hour, of the year, hell, of his life.
“Look how beautiful she’s gotten.”
He absentmindedly nodded. “Yeah, I can see.” He knew she was talking about you without even saying your name, because whenever Jack was there, your name wasn’t so far behind. “Have you ever hid something?” he asked. “Something really important and you want to tell people, but you’re just… scared, I guess? Of their reactions.”
Ellen smiled softly. She always had a feeling that there was something going on between the two of you, even before you guys moved to New Jersey. There was always something lingering— some sort of electricity, longing. 
“Well, if the people around you love you, there’s nothing to be afraid of,” she matched his gaze, connecting it to you. She was glad it was you; she couldn’t picture him with anyone else. “And let me tell you this,” she smiled, running her hand through his hair. “Everyone here loves you. Get some weight off your chest. Tell them.”
“Your mom just bombarded me with a charity gala invite,” you scoffed, cracking open a beer from the fridge and leaning your back against the counter across from Jack. 
“They’re still doing those events?”
“Charity don’t stop, Hughesy.”
He shook his head. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“No, of course you did,” you smirked. “I am now telling everyone that you hate charities. Jack The Charity Hater.”
He scrunched his nose, shaking his head. “Not a catchy name,” he said, walking closer to you until his hands rested comfortably against your hips. 
“I guess I’ll just have to think of a better one,” you kissed his lips quickly, your eyes automatically swimming over to the entrance of the kitchen, making sure no one was there to witness it. It’s not like you didn’t want them to know, you did, you really did, but you didn’t know if Jack was ready. All of his relationships were with girls that he met on some random day in his life that have absolutely zero connection with his family. You? You were the total opposite. Luke was your best friend, Ellen was like your second mom, Quinn was your favorite person to talk shit about people with, and Jim bought you a BBQ grill for your birthday just so you guys could be grill buddies. 
To say that you had a connection with his family would be an understatement. They were your family, too. And you didn’t want to lose that.
“What’s the theme this year?” 
“Masquerade,” you responded, moving your hands to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“Very original,” he smirked. “You going with anybody?”
You rolled your eyes, somehow bringing yourself closer to him, your lips ghosting over his. “I was hoping to go with my boyfriend, but we haven’t exactly made things official.”
Jack sighed, backing away from you. He scratched the back of his neck, the air turning between you turning cold. “Hey, about that… I just think—”
You bit your lip, looking everywhere except Jack. “No, I, uh,” you shook your head, stammering. “I get it.”
“Y/N,” he held onto your arm, trying not to let you go, but as Cole stumbled into the kitchen in search of a couple more beers for the boys, he had to let go— even if it was the last thing he wanted to do.
“I’ll see you at the party,” you said. With a bittersweet smile, you turned away, wondering if this was still what you wanted, and if you still had the motivation to keep it going.
By nighttime, the party was in full swing. Every corner of the ballroom was crowded with high-end outfits and conversations about what new car they bought, or how they just came back from a trip to Europe, or Asia. 
As for you, you sat at a table by the wall, enviously watching couples slow dance, wishing that it were you and Jack. Your mother and Ellen were a few seats away, engaged in gossip about neighborhood drama, Jack sat next to you, pretending not to stare when you glanced in his direction, and the rest of the boys were nowhere to be seen.
“Y/N,” Jack said, bringing you back to reality. “Earlier today, I—”
“Hey, Hughesy,” Trevor suddenly appeared at the table, a girl strapped to each of his arms. “Meet Gina and Teresa. Apparently they’ve been coming here every summer since they were born, just like you two.”
Jack smiled. “That’s great, Trev, but—”
“They’re single,” Trevor interrupted. “Come on, man, get off your ass and let’s go,” he said, pulling Jack away from the table; from you.
“I can’t, Trev,” Jack shook his head, trying to get back to you. 
“Why not?” Trevor whined. “We have two girls that actually want to dance with us, like we don’t have to convince them, or beg, or anything!”
Jack sighed. The only girl he wanted to be with was you. “I just can’t, Trev.”
“But why?”
As you watched them talk on the dancefloor, you realized that you couldn’t do this any longer: the secrecy, the lying, the kissing in closed spaces. You couldn’t do it anymore, and if Jack wasn’t trying to make an effort, why should you?
You downed your drink in one gulp, grabbed your purse, and made your way to the grand stairs in search of the nearest exit to get you far, far away from this stupid event on this stupid night with your stupid boyfriend that no one even knew about, so you couldn’t even tell anyone even if you tried!
All you felt was alone.
“Because,” Jack shook his head, his gaze finally settling on you— the girl who was fleeing the party like it was infested with the color orange (you told Jack that that color gave you the ‘heebie jeebies’ the first night you slept over at his apartment. Something about your childhood and a party at Chuck E. Cheese, don’t ask about it). “Because… I’m in love with Y/N and she’s leaving,” he mindlessly said, pulling away from Trevor’s grasp and running after you. 
He pushed through people on the dancefloor, knocked over a couple of waiters, holding hors d'oeuvres and glasses of wine, jumped over abandoned masquerade masks scattered over the glossy floor, and it was still not enough to get to you. Jack cursed the weekends you guys spent in New Jersey doing 10-mile runs in which you always made it home before him. 
Walking up the steps to the lake house, Jack didn’t even know what to say to you. He wanted to tell everyone about you and your relationship, but was he ready for that? I mean, what would his parents say? What would your parents say? His brothers? His friends? Everything would change between everyone if they found out. Was it worth it?
Were you worth it?
Shaking his head, he knocked on the door. It was his family’s home, but you were written over every space on the lot. The place was as much yours as it was theirs, would all of that be ruined if the truth were to come out?
The questions were stupid and the answers were obvious. Jack knew the answers the whole time. Hell, he knew them from the moment you told him you were moving to New Jersey. Of course you were worth it. You were worth the world. You were the world. 
It only took a couple of seconds before the door opened, revealing you in pajamas and duck slippers that your dad got you when you were 13 years old. They made ‘quack’ sounds every step you took, and you told your dad that you were too old for gifts like this, but on nights like these, it felt comforting for you. It made you feel safe.
And even though you were clad in duck slippers and embarrassing pajamas, Jack still looked at you as if you were the belle of the ball. He couldn’t help it. You were everything to the boy.
“What are you doing here, Hughes?” you spat, not wanting to look at him while simultaneously wanting to wrap your arms around him and ask him what took him so long. 
He shrugged, hands in his pockets, rolling back and forth on the balls of his feet. "I live here, too."
"I mean, why are you here instead of dancing with... what are their names? Tina and Marissa?" 
“Gina and Teresa,” he corrected. You scoffed, attempting to close the door on him but, him being a hockey player and all, he was able to hold it open for a lot longer than you could manage to close it. “I didn’t have enough time to compliment your dress at the party.”
You rolled your eyes. “If you think you can fix this with flattery, you’ll be sorely mistaken.”
“That’s— that’s not what I was trying to do.”
"So what are you trying to do because, frankly, you're just wasting my time, Hughes—" Before you could finish your sentence, Jack interrupted with a sudden, unexpected kiss. Time stood still as his lips met yours, and suddenly, you forgot about the girls, and the secrecy, and your families. The only thing that remained clear was this: you and Jack were meant to be together— secretly, or not. 
Pulling back, Jack’s eyes locked with yours, sincere evident in his nervous voice. “I know that I was scared before, but Y/N, I want everyone to know that I’m in love with you— and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me from loving you any less, like it’s physically impossible,” he chuckled. “I’m in love with you, I’ve been in love with you since we were eight years old, it’s always been you… It’s never not been you, Y/N.”
“It’s always been you, too, Hughesy,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. Before you could envelope him in another kiss, a round of cheers erupted behind you guys— in the driveway, specifically. 
“About time you guys finally said something, thought we were gonna have to force it out of you guys,” Eddy laughed, Duker and Turcs joining in with him. 
To say you and Jack were confused was quite the understatement. 
“You guys knew?” you asked, hiding behind Jack’s shoulder. 
“What, do you think we’re stupid?” Trevor asked, a grin dancing across his lips. “It took two girls and a party for you to finally admit it, but God, it feels good.”
“So it was a set up,” Jack added.
“Well,” Cole squinted. “More of a… push.”
“Exactly, a push,” Luke grinned. He walked up the patio stairs and slung his arms over both of your shoulders. “So, when am I calling you Y/N Hughes?”
Laughing, you and Jack playfully pushed Luke off of you. With everyone in tow, you walked back inside the lake house, the sound of chatter filling the air. Grinning, you told the group about the time Jack tripped over a rock while attempting to ask you out. It felt nice that the secret was finally out in the open.
The world finally knew how much you loved Jack Hughes, and how much he loved you. Maybe it wasn’t so much of a cruel summer after all.
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peachy-wolfhard · 1 year
The Lair Games
a/n: raaa i love the lair games best mfing episode so whimsical and fun raaaaa also im obsessed with lair games cheerleader hc, italics are interviews (i didnt put everyones interview in only the readers)
Let me know if you would like to be on my tmnt taglist!
Warnings: donnie is a drama queen, The Incident, throwing up mentioned
Word count: 702
I love the lair games and Donnie sm
Sigh the lair games, the time when only Leo wins and then spends an entire year gloating
While it is very fun watching everyone compete a part of you feels bad for Donnie because he NEVER even gets close to winning
That is…until this year
Every year you take it upon yourself to be Donnie’s cheerleader because oh man he needs it. As long as you’re there cheering even as he's losing miserably, he's a little less bitter about it
This year was going to be different though you could feel it! History was about to be made
April had told you before that she was going to record the games, and everyone was even more excited
“Sigh, my legacy of losing will be cemented in film history”
It's now the most anticipated day of the year, the day that everyone looks forward to and trains for this year the prize would be…Leo’s room!
The first game of the day was Handstand Hill Bomb and like every year Leo won first place but this year Donnie won second!
“Let’s go Donnie Let’s go!” you cheer as it’s almost time for the next game, Pipe Goop Chicken
“My personal least favorite game if Donnie wins this one he's not kissing me for a month I swear”
“Let’s go Donnie Let’s go!” you cheer once again
“Do you have any more creative cheers?”
“No, get what you get, and don't throw a fit”
And he won! (Kind of a win-lose scenario, beat Leo and rub it in his face and lose smooches)
Win after shocking win Donnie acquired with Leo hot on his tail and you as his loyal cheerleader yelling catchy cheers while shaking purple and black pompoms
That was until…the incident
“y/n can i get a comment about…the incident?”
“Sleep with one eye open Leo. That’s all I will say on the matter”
While Donnie was recovering Leo began his winning streak
“Cough cough…y/n is that you?”
“Donnie you’re not dying stop acting like a sick Victorian child”
“Take me to the surface…one last time…” he says pulling the blanket up to be under his arms
“Shut up,” you say scratching under his chin then sadly going back to the games
“My moment!” he shouts as you walk back to Splinter announcing Leo’s next victory
Just as Splinter announces Leo’s perfect 10 Donnie appears!
“Not so fast, my friend!” Donnie announces masked in smoke (drama queen I love him)
“I’m here brother, lets bowl”
“When Donnie showed up I was stunned! Just a minute before he was pretending he was a sick Victorian child,” you explained to the camera
After all of Donnie’s dramatics, it was time to bowl. He launches himself off and attempts to get his ankle into his shell
Just as he was able to he’s launched into the mannequins knocking all down…
…But one making it a tie and after consulting the rules the next event was left up to a…
Splinter’s choice
“I knew that rat man would come up with something sinister but I didn't think it would be THAT sinister!”
The final event would be the Slippery Whippery Woo?
“If I vom please hold my hair April”
“We can hold each other's hair”
“Hold my nonexistent hair please”
“We will Mikey”
Your cheerleading was quickly forgotten about not knowing if you should root for your boyfriend to catch his slipper rat father or just leave
The match was quickly over with the words “Do you know what rhymes with second place? Leo’s face!”
“I-i- need a shower…I will claim my prize when i'm clean”
As Leo moves out of his room, April closes in for a final interview, and Donnie gloats
“I’m very proud of you Donnie,” you say kissing your hand and touching his forehead
“You’re very lucky i’m touching you right now,” you say, a lovesick smile plastered to both of your faces
Later that night the two of you are unable to sleep
The one thing Leo didn’t mention is that Splinter’s snores are amplified by the vent directly in his room
Needless to say, Leo got his room back very quickly
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teenidlegirl · 11 months
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ઇ ˚ ݂ ֹ ꒰ miguel o’hara 𝓍 spiderwoman!reader ꒱ ! ۟ ׅ ♡
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓢𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. tonight is the annual party for celebrating everyone’s achievements. miguel has no other choice but attend since he’s the boss. during the party, he learns unfortunate news about the woman he likes and leaves him absolutely devastated.
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓒𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. angst at the end, mostly fluff, parties, swearing, mentions of marriage, heartbreak
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝓝𝐎𝐓𝐄. this is inspired by listening to “i heard you’re married” by the weeknd. this fic isn’t solely based on the song since it’s about the girl cheating on her husband. it’s about the shocking reveal miguel found out the woman he likes is married.
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he didn’t believe in love. after the trauma and suffering he endured, he lost all faith and vowed to never love again. all of that was throw out of the window the minute you were recruited. you, a simple spiderwoman with no intentions other than preform your duties as a hero, managed to capture his attention. miguel, still to this day, is unsure how he fell for you. how you hypnotized him by your presence without even trying or intentional.
you are a skilled spiderwoman, one of the very best. knows how to get the job done without questions. incredible combat skills and work ethic. he deeply admires that about you. not only you’re a remarkable spider, you are a damn knockout. the first time he saw you without your mask, the man was over the moon. you are the most beautiful lady he has ever seen with his crimson eyes. you are like the precious pearl that’s hidden in a clamshell that no one should dare touch. the one true diamond found in a cave. the star that shines the brightly in the night sky.
besides your beauty, your personality is what really captured his heart. you radiate positivity, kindness and generosity. you deeply care for love ones. how passionate you are with things you like. how friendly you are whenever you talk with other spider people. the sense of humor you own, miguel definitely likes that part about you the most.
whenever you two encounter each other, it brightens up his day. miguel would grow nervous and flustered just by standing near you. hints of red staining his cheeks and ears. he is talking with a gorgeous being, of course he’s a nervous wreck. the grumpiness man to ever exist, turns into a shy schoolboy when talking to his crush. oh believe it when lyla teases him about, miguel never hears the end of it.
like mentioned before, he’s still unsure on how he fell for you. but maybe, just maybe, miguel has found a purpose other than being a leader of a large group of heroes and regurgitating the multiverse.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
tonight is the annual party event for celebrating everyone’s achievements at HQ. of course all of the society is attending. the dress code is formal, gowns and suits. foods and drinks will be provided. only appropriate drinks since majority of spider people are young. a dj will be included, providing music to lighten up the atmosphere and make it fun.
although he despises social gatherings, miguel has to attend since he is the boss. he has to congratulate everyone for their efforts and achievements. it’s expected of him to arrive. but in secret, he’s actually thrilled to attend because you’ll be there. you are his main reason to go. if you’re there, he’ll be there too.
after prepping up, miguel arrives at the party. he wears an all black attire. a black button up dress shirt with matching slacks and a pair of black oxfords. his hair is gelled, an attempt to make his appearance look nicer than usual.
the entire area is packed with spider people dressed in formal attire. a sea of people covers the dance floor. the dj plays “i heard you’re married” by the weeknd. very big 80s vibes and catchy.
miguel glances around, searching for you. his assumption is that you’re already here and most likely mingling with others. his search for you is interrupted by the sudden arrival of peter b and jess.
“hey miguel!” peter pats his colleague’s shoulder, a bright dorky smile on his face.
the brooding man snaps out of trace and shoots a light glare at peter. he wears a classic tux. of course mayday accompanies him, settled in the baby carrier. she wears a blue dress, the top is sparkly and the skirt portion is a tutu. she looks adorable like always.
“nice to see you dressed fancy.” jess comments with a tiny smirk before taking a sip of water. she wears a dark purple dress with a sweetheart neckline, her baby bump sticks out adorably.
miguel rolls his eyes in annoyance at the comment. “no other choice.” he said flatly, his crimson eyes still searching for you around the place.
peter and jess roll their eyes in unison. classic miguel behavior. while those two engage in a conversation, which is completely blocked out by miguel, it sounds like the parents from the peanuts movies. his sole purpose is finding you. he really hopes you’re here.
“[y/n]!” peter calls out, waving.
miguel immediately snaps out once again at the sound of your name being called. he sees peter waving, his eyes looking past the tall brooding man. turning around, his mouth drops and eyes widen in complete astonishment at the sight of you.
you approach the group with a smile gracing your lips. you are wearing a champagne dress with matching accessories, a necklace and bracelet on your right wrist. also matching heels. your hair is curled, beautifully done. you carry a little purse.
dear lord, miguel believes an angel is approaching him. you look absolutely beautiful in that dress, the color looks heavenly on you. definitely one of your best colors. it hugs and outlines your curves so perfectly. he is completely mesmerized by you. his eyes travel all over your appearance. miguel swears he almost felt his knees buckled.
“hey guys!” you said cheerfully, offering a smile at your colleagues. you stand beside miguel, completely oblivious to his dorky reaction.
miguel just stands there completely entranced by you, not able to utter a word due to the angel in his presence. he is concentrated on you, your gorgeous features and the dress that compliments you well.
“girl, you look stunning!” jessica compliments with a smile, gesturing at your outfit.
“aw thanks, jess! you look stunning too, especially with that cute baby bump.” you smile.
the pregnant spider-woman places a hand on her swollen belly, gently rubbing it. “thanks, [y/n]. this little one allowed me to wear this dress.”
you and peter laugh at her silly joke. miguel remains standing in silence, still admiring you.
jessica noticed a shiny bling on your ring finger. her eyes widen in surprise. “[y/n], sweetie. when the hell did you get this gorgeous diamond?” she gently takes your left hand and raise it up, presenting the big ass rock on your ring finger.
miguel’s eyes shoot at the huge diamond on your ring finger. they widen in shock. no—it can’t be. you’re not—you can’t be, right? is he imagining?
you let a soft chuckle, nodding. “yes! this woman is happily married.” you wiggle your fingers, showing off the gorgeous diamond ring.
you’re married? oh fuck—his heart shatters at the shocking revelation. it feels like his world is collapsing, everything tumbling down like a paper plane. suddenly, it feels like he can’t breathe. his chest tightens, body tenses. miguel can’t believe it. the woman he likes, admires wholeheartedly is married—to someone else. fuck his heart aches.
“oh wow! who’s the lucky guy?” peter asks.
a smirk forms on your lips. “oh just a handsome man that i love wholeheartedly.” you teased.
fuck—his heart cracks more at that confession. miguel is absolutely devastated; heartbroken. it feels like he lost something that isn’t even his in the first place. why does it feel like that? you only encounter a few times, simply sharing a few laughs here and there. why does miguel feel like it was more? did he get too attached? it’s unclear but damn does it hurt. it feels like he bitten the poison apple by the evil queen. he lost his faith in love once again.
“girl, how come you didn’t say anything?” jess asks, placing a hand on her hip in a sassy manner.
yeah, how come? miguel desperately wants to know.
you huff out a laugh, shaking your head. “i wanted to surprise you guys.” a playful smile on your lips.
peter and jess laugh while miguel frowns. that answer didn’t satisfy him, not the slightest. he demands answers. he won’t ask you, miguel doesn’t plague your mind with questions. after the party, he’s going to spend some time alone in his office.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
just like as planned, miguel is in his office. with restricted access to forbidden anymore from entering, established by lyla, he has your files pulled up on the multiple orange screens in front of him. hunched over his desk, shoulders tensed and brows furrowed as he looks over the information.
there is no indication of your marriage. that pisses off miguel even more. why didn’t you tell him? or tell anyone? that seemed suspicious of you and he didn’t like that. it encourages him to dig deeper.
as he continues digging through your files, checking your background, he finally stumbles upon a picture of you and a man together. that man looks too familiar. his eyes widen in pure shock. it can’t be. there is no fucking way. miguel zooms in on the picture to get a better look. his heart stops.
miguel can’t believe what he’s looking at. in fact, he refuses to believe who you’re married to. it all makes sense as to why you didn’t tell anymore, especially to him. this is a complete mindfuck.
your husband is another version of him.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. ♡ @migueloharastruelove @oharasfilipinawife @chshiresins @feiatjjk
© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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That Color Looks Good on You
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:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Pairing: rottmnt x gn!reader
Warnings: Mild swearing
Summery: Up next Mikey! 83
Author’s Note:
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Part 2: Magic Mike
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The lair is calm. Everyone is in their respective places, doing their own thing. All around peaceful and relaxed…
Ooooh boy is that about to change.
Chaos has arrived! Putting the menthos in the cola, NO ONE is safe today.
First up on the list, the youngest, the baby (don’t let him hear that he’ll totally throttle you), Mikey. The clanging of pots and pans echoing through the abandoned train station the Hamato’s call home made it easy in finding him. Currently located over in his domain, the kitchen. It looks like he’s getting an early start in prepping dinner.
You and Mikey cook together regularly, with you assist him or he assisting you. It’s always fun bouncing ideas of each other as well as teaching each other about different foods and new cooking techniques. Leo would join sometimes, but it usually ends up getting too crowded with everyone stumbling over each other. So he often sits to the side. Either joining the conversation or simply reading his comics, just sharing the same space and enjoying the company.
For today, Mikey’s on his own, razzmatazzing in his own element. You would normally join him when you're over, but not this time. You have a mission to accomplish with Leo.
You and your co-conspirator approach with caution, quietly peering through the doorway. There he is, singing along to his music playing from his good ol’ trusty boombox. Throwing little dance moves here and there. All in all, It’s quite adorable…
He has no clue to what’s coming.
Unfortunately, you can’t help but bop your head along to his tunes. Leo elbows in your arm to get you back into focus. You grumble back under your breath as you rub your arm. Damn those boybands and their infectiously catchy music.
Time to get to work.
Look at this!
A wild Michelangelo! A true rarity!
Michelangelo’s are traditionally called Mikey but are also know as; Michael, Mike, Miguel, Angelo, Angie or simply as Orange.
Agile as they are adorable, Mikey’s are far stronger than they appear.
They are known for their friendly, sweet dispositions and are quite affectionate. They are highly social creatures, having strong familial bonds and usually are found in family groups of 4. Although Mikey’s have been reported being seen in bales of up to 7 individuals.
Do not let their adorable and friendly nature fool you. Mikey’s are fast, powerful and destructive. They have the ability to lift bajillion times their own weight.
Though not easily provoked, Mikey’s do have a limit to their patience and is a force to be reckoned with when pushed too far.
You do your best (frankly, that’s not saying much. It’s just terrible) Down Unda accent for your nature documentary as your slider records you. Conjointly, with overly dramatic hand gestures along your narration. Leo can’t help his snickering once you’ve finished.
“Shshshshshs ssshush shshusssh shhsh”
You adjust yourself to get back into your role
As I mentioned before, Mikey’s are friendly and affectionate so approaching is relatively easy. Mirroring this temperament, he’ll be none the wiser on what’s to come.
With that, you stand up and enter the kitchen.
“Hey big man!” You casually approach him from behind, wrapping your arms around his neck and give him a soft squeeze for a hug. Causing him too squeak softly.
“Getting an early start on Dindin?”
(Dindin… Really? You’re a nerd)
“Hey yourself!” His smile never faltering, Mikey returns the hug by leaning back into you. He flashes his signature blinding smile your way (why do you always forget your damn sunglasses when you’re around him? Even from this angle!).
“I didn’t know you were coming over! Will you be staying for dinner?”
“That depends on what’s on the menu for tonight?”
You peer down over his shoulder to see what he has lined up. Surrounding him are different spices and seasonings along with some garlic and olive oil (it all smells so good). In front is a cutting board, his chef knife, and a bowl of-
“Brussels sprouts again!?” You grimace at the offending vegetable. There it sits, a vibrant, healthy green, mocking. Throughly washed and ready to be prepped.
“Why Mikey? Why must you do this to us?” You whine, bouncing up and down on your toes. “You’re not gonna do that soup again are ya?”
The box turtle chuckles at the pout he can hear in your voice
“Come on it wasn’t that bad.”
“Dude… it had paprika and trout…”
“Paprika and TROUT!” Leo echos in disbelief, making his appearance known.
“Hi Leo. I should of known.” Mikey rolls his eyes and let’s out a sigh. “Where there is one, the other isn’t that far behind.” Despite the sass, his smile never wavers.
His response makes you and Leo chuckle. It seems that the youngest has yet to notice Leo filming with his phone.
Mikey picks up his knife to begin stemming and peeling the bustle with you comfortably still attached to his back. Apparently very much relaxed and content in your arms. All the while Leo continues his rant.
“Not even Raph could stomach it little brother.” He shakes his head. “And he ate that origami salami that had been manhandled by two foot clan’s hands, that have touch pizza supreme knows what, from off that old ship’s floor for Zza sake!”
“Yeah I’m all up for trying new stuff but that…. That certainly did not ‘Unleash The Flavor’.” Leo and you shudder simultaneously.
Mikey pauses in his work to deadpan at the both of you, then continues with his task at hand.
Leo saunters over to his usual spot over at the kitchen island takes a seat on his claimed stool. He keeps his phone steady, resting his elbows on the counter as he continues to film. This angle is perfect to capture everything. Mikey finally picks up on his older brother holding his phone out but pays it no mind. Figuring that he’s just watching some video on the internet. Yet, he somehow completely misses that Leo’s face is marked up.
“And let’s not forget the time you put it on pizza. For all things sacred you don’t put brussels spouts on pizza Miguel!”
Mikey snubs his sibling with a ‘humph’. “Raph ate that just fine.”
You chuckle at the the two of them.
“Well, for ‘all things sacred’,” You make air quotes with your hands over Mikey’s shoulder, “You don’t put pineapple on pizza either lEOnArDo.” Then wrapping them around Mikey again.
Leo scowls at your teasing, sticking his tongue out at you in an pouty blep (adorable). Both you and Mikey snicker.
“Aaannyways that’s not saying much Michael since it’s a known fact he eats moldy bread.”
“Ok ok your right, I agree.” The turtle in orange deflates, “The soup was not my finest moment and the pizza wasn’t that great either. But this is time it’s different!” He perks back up and peeks over his shoulder at you. “They be roasted with garlic, rosemary, olive oil with a dash of wasabi.”
He finishes his presentation with the bounce of his brows.
“Ok now THAT sounds yummy.” You glance over to your companion who nods in approval.
“Ok then yes I’m staying if there is enough.”
“Duh! There’s always enough for you.” He beams at you once more.
There! You catch your opening.
“Thank you Mikey” You nuzzle your cheek against his. “You’re the best!”
As someone who’s known for his physical affection, he readily nuzzles back, giggling, unknowing in what’s about to befall on him.
Seeing the affectionate display of you and his baby brother spreads a warmth through in the leader’s chest and a gentle smile on his face. Thankful for how the important people on his life getting along so well, bonding so easily. However, the feeling is short live, his gentle smile morphs back to his signature smirk for he knows what’s next.
The poor lovable, ignorant fool.
With Mikey momentarily distracted from his form his task at hand, he lets you turn him around and cup his face with in your hands. He in turns, grasp your wrists gently for support. His face is your favorite. Always so soft and squishy, so you squish, causing his eyes close.
“You are the sweetest ever!”
The bush returns to his cheeks at your praise however, before he can respond, (and once again) you attack.
Your smooches are precise and swift, producing a squeal from the youngest ninja followed by a torrent of incredibly epizootic laughter. It takes all of your willpower to fight his affliction.
On the other hand, Leo has no need to resist and freely cackles along. It makes your task that much harder. A few snorts and giggles manage to escape you in which resulted in small raspberries against Mikey’s face.
That was a mistake.
Leo’s cackles delves into a deep belly laugh. Laughing so hard he drops his head to the counter and bangs his fist against it. Remembering that he’s suppose to be filming, he fights not to fall off his stool as he over corrects himself.
Meanwhile Mikey is laughing so hard that he starts to tremble and completely loses the ability to breathe.
The situation is hilariously getting out of hand and you are finally forced to stop. Finally able to let your giggles free. You check to see if you were able to enough coverage. You’ve succeeded and are loving how your shade of lipstick compliments the soft flush of the turtle’s cheeks. As well as adoring just absolutely how infectious his smile is with his adorable tooth gap on prominent display.
“What was all that for? You’ve stayed for dinner many times already”
“I know. Just wanted you let you know how much I appreciate you. I don’t think I do that enough.”
Mission accomplished. You let go of his face and he, in turn, your wrists.
“Well let you get back to it.” You give the orange ninja one last kiss on the squishiest part of his cheek, making him give one last squeal as you pull away. With lingering chuckles, Leo takes his cue and follows you out of the kitchen. Carefully wiping the tears from his eyes as to not smear the lipstick on his face.
As swiftly as you arrived, you and your cohort depart. Leaving Mikey there beaming and sooo confused.
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oh-shtars · 3 months
@cocoapowderpictures @signed-sapphire @ficsinhistory (+ others)
Guys, Wake Up!! It’s the ref sheet for the guy you were all happy to see mentioned in the last post ;3
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Character Notes:
- Works as the Royal Announcer and as Rosas’ tour guide
- He’s of Greek heritage :)
- I decided to make red and black his key colours to symbolise his boldness and how he’s a secret rebel in plain sight.
- In the RFTS!AU, everyone above 18 has given away their first wish and afterwards, as many as they’d like. Flazino is 21 and like many others, has no idea what were or even how many wishes he did give away.
- Does he love Asha? Yes. Very much. Romantically? Nope. Are they just friends? Yes but also no.
- Acts like a very bouncy and outgoing guy on the job but is actually pretty reserved and calmer whenever he’s just being himself and casual. As a result, he gets exhausted for forcing himself to be extra ‘quirky’ while working.
- The reason he’s so “extra” on his tours is because he wants to make the most out of the only few highlights of his day. Flazino dreads the in-between moments where it just feels like he’s just….waiting. But for what exactly? With no memory of his wishes, he doesn’t have anything to look forward to the next day. Anything that could motivate him. Something that he could pursue. But there’s…nothing. (He hates staring at the ceiling thinking about this every night.)
- One of the only few dreams he does have is his love for learning/using magic. And Flazino is not planning to give that away this time. And thus, he hangs on to it tightly despite the fact its use is forbidden.
- Flazino gets little sleep in most some nights to read and learn about small-scale, simple magic-casting. (It’s the only time he could with minimal risk of getting caught.) It’s a way better thing than spending the night in dreadful emptiness and it’s a distraction from his otherwise, mostly bland day.
- Flazino also notices that he’s not the only person experiencing this weird emptiness. He just seems to be the only one who acknowledges it instead of pretending it’s “fine.” After a few years of waiting for his wishes that are probably never coming, Flazino attempts to negotiate with Magnifico for a “better Wish System” but he always ends up getting ignored though.
- Flazi sort of isolated himself in a way because he couldn’t stand the fake satisfied faces people are going with their lives. He was so damn happy to find out Asha has her own doubts of the king’s wishing system too. He basically stuck around after that.
Flazino: “I swear- I canNOT continue like this anymore. There’s something unfair about all this and I’m SICK of pretending there isn’t just because everyone says so- I don’t sound that crazy, right?”
Asha: ……………. Uhhhhhh No? I get it. Sort of??
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Don’t you wanna get away? From the same old part you gotta play?
‘Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride,
It’ll take you to the Other Side!
‘Cause you can do like you do, Or you can do like me,
Stay in the cage, or you’ll finally take the key,
Oh damn, suddenly you’re free to fly,
It’ll take you to the Other Side!
(Can’t resist another “The Other Side” opportunity. It’s one of my favourite catchy songs and it fits well. X3)
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adelliet · 1 year
Like the old times
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Summary: You and Joel had a quite wild and spicy past. You two needed to take care of Ellie, which you did. You and Ellie were a good friends, and one night she asked you about him, so you told her everything, but Joel finds out and weren't really happy about it, so you need to earn a punishment.
Warnings: 18+ content, unprotected sex piv, rough sex, aggresive Joel, angry Joel, sub and dom, talking about sex, oral (f receiving), apocalypse time
A/N: sorry for the mistakes if there are any, my first language isn't english! Enjoy, sending love <3
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You were sitting in your bed, reading a comic that Ellie lent it to you. It was quite catchy and you had already finished few first pages, when you heard angry stomping, coming dangerously fast towards your room.
You get ready for the aggresive knock on your door, that could literally break them. It's like you're an oracle of the future and after a while you really heard aggressive tapping. You knew right away it was Ellie.
“Open!” You yelled, calm in your voice and put a happy smile on your face, when you saw Ellie, which was really pissed off. You could only guess, why she was angry, but this isn't the first time she comes to you, when she is mad.
Ellie is taking you like her older sister. She really tells you everything and when she is looking for help, she always asked you. You are okay with that, actually, you are really happy with it. You always wanted younger sister, and Ellie is perfect. It's like you both born to be a family.
Ellie hissed angrily like an angry squirrel and sat on the bed facing you. You raised one eyebrow, signaling for Ellie to speak. As she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, thus preparing to speak, you set her comic aside from your thighs and closed it carefully so it wouldn't get damaged.
“Joel-“ “Yeah, you don't need to say more” you cut Ellie off, knew exactly what she is going to say. You had a suspicion that it will be about Joel, but what if it will be about something else? Well obviously, it wasn't.
“He is such a dick!” she said through her teeth and lay down on the bed upside down. You giggled a bit and scratched Ellie's hair. “I know” you agreed and continued scratching until Ellie sat back up. “How could you last so long with him?” She said in confusion and give you a curious face.
You started getting red, as you remember the old times with Joel, making Ellie even more curious and confused. “What?” she asked smiling, as you smiled too and trying to hide the tomato face, that you already had. “C'mon!” she punched you in the leg, really wanted to make you start talking.
“I mean…Joel wasn't a dick always” you finally said and look back at suprised Ellie. You could tell right away from her face that she wanted to know more. “What do you mean?” she sat more comfortable and lean herself on your knees bent, face to face.
“Okay but you need to promise me, you won't tell a soul!” you put on a serious voice and Ellie just nodded her head quickly, waiting for your narration. You take a deep breath, before telling her what was it like with Joel before all of this.
“I was new in the town. I didn't know anyone and of course no one knew me. It was a bit of a challenge for me to fit in with the others, but I did it. I went to various gatherings and parties where I actually met Joel-“ “and this is where the fun part starts” Ellie interrupt you, making you giggled a little. She was swinging her legs alternately like some teenage girl...which she actually was.
“Exactly, but back to the story. I got to know Joel more and more over time and I swear to every bone in my body that there was a spark between us” Ellies eyes wide opened and she even gasped a little. “No fucking way, you and Joel?!” “Yep” you pop the p in that and continued in your story telling.
“But Joel was also very complex. He often gave me hints that he wanted something more, and flirted with me whenever he had the chance, but at the same time, kept his distance from me. I was already tired of it and that's why I asked later if he wanted something or not” “And what did he say?” Ellie asked, even she though she knew exactly, what did he say.
“Well, he explained to me how he was with girls and we ended up making a deal that included sleeping together every Saturday-“ “YOU SLEPT WITH JOEL?!” Ellie yellew in surprise, making you yelled at her back. “SHUT UP!” you said, covering her mouth and wait a little. Ellie then calm down, but still couldn't bealive that you two had a thing.
“Yes, we did but it was just getting worse. We became so dependent on each other that we fucked five times a week” when you finish that sentence, Ellie wanted to scream again, but she control herself this time, and only gasped loudly. You just nodded your head with your eyes shut, till you started talking again.
“And I mean, Joel was really wild” you chuckle a little. “What did he do?” Ellie asked in a really curious voice, and set a puppy eyes to you. “Nah, you're too young for that” you throw your hand at her, making her literally beg for you to tell the details.
“We tried all the positions, I even think we invented some” you sighed, as you remember Joel's fine voice in bed, and how his naked body looks so sexy, how he always calls you señorita and that he every time made you come, every, fucking, time.
“Are we talking about the same Joel here?” she said in disbelief and pointed at the door. You both giggled a bit. “He was a dick but now he is super dick” you finished your narration with that sentence and smiled innocently at Ellie. She couldn't find the words to express herself at all.
“I-I- why-“ “You don't need to react” you calm her down, petting her head gently. She was still speachless, trying to find her words. “Why you didn't tell me this earlier?” Ellie finally find her words, but she was still in shock. “Cuz you didn't asked” you said, big smirk appeared on your face.
“Okay I-I need to process this um, I will just go to my room” she said as she gets up from your bed and slowly go to your doors. “Okay, see ya tommorow!” you said and waved at her provocatively. She didn't respond to that, but slowly left the room and closed the door behind her, with her eyes unfocused.
You started laughing as soon as she leaves your room. Ellie is incredible. You reached for the comic as you laugh, when you realized Ellie hadn't even told you why she was mad at Joel. But apparently it wasn't as important as your story.
After you finished your shower and tied a towel over yourself in the bathroom, you walked out of there and focused on your way to the bedside drawer when you were startled by Joel standing just inches away from. He literally appeard like a ghost, and you though you just shit yourself.
“Joel what the fuck?!” you said, still gasping for air and trying to calm yourself down from the jumpscare he just gave you. “Shouldn't I ask that?” his quiet, angry, masculine voice took over your role and Joel slowly, very angrily, moved forward. This made you back up until you hit the wall behind you. The whole way you were confused by his question. What did you do?
“W-what do you mean?” you asked in confusion, still not understanding why he is like this. He chuckled ironically, his hot breath and smell of whiskey took over your body. “You don't remember what you told Ellie?” He asked manipulatively, leaning his one hand on the wall behind you, making space between you even smaller. The atmosphere started being more and more dense.
Shit. You clearly told Ellie not to tell anyone, she must have misunderstood and now you will pay for it. “I told her not to tell this anyone-“ “Why do you even tell her this?!” He cut you off, his voice raise and his anger grown with every word you said. You weren't scared of him. You knew, that Joel would never hit you or do anything bad to you, expect sex.
“She was just curious-“ you wanted to defend yourself but Joel stopped you again. He grabbed you by the neck with his massively huge hand, grasping his entire palm and squeezing you gently. He put his head so close to yours, that your foreheads almost met.
When he did that, you started getting deja vu. Joel always like it rough and aggresive, so do you. His normal move was always to grab your neck, which he did now. A memory of times gone by that you remember quite often, began to form a slow pulse down there. You became even more horny when you realized you were only in a towel with completely naked underneath. One quick movement and the towel is on the floor and you are in all your glory in front of Joel.
“What did you promise?” he asked, still holding you by your neck, and whispering. His nostrils were enlarged and his eyes blackened as they were filled with spite and rage. His brows were tightly drawn together, givibg you a hungry gaze.
You were silent. You made up a milion scenarios, when he hold you like that. You couldn't feel you neck anymore, but you literally love that. His hands were always so magical and uniquely. His touch made you feel butterflies in your stomach at that time, but it doesn't change even now. You were holding the eye contact with him, looking straight into his dark eyes and wanted to give him an unforgettable kiss.
Joel wanted to hear you, he wanted to make you speak. He jerkily snapped at your neck, choking you slightly, but you were still obsessed with it. Joel was your drug that you never really recovered from.
“You heard me” he said, really trying to make you speak. You knew that if you won't speak, you would only upset Joel more and he would lose control. But, is this what you want? You try to read Joel's mind from his eyes. When you two had that thing a few years ago, you kind of learned to read his mind. You learned what he liked and what he didn't like, what he wanted and what he hated, you knew him better than you knew yourself.
As you stare at his eyes, still quiet, your sly smirk appeared on your face, morphing into a big smile. Gosh he loved that smile, but now, he wanted only one thing, and he is used to the fact that he always gets what he wants.
He squeezed your neck more, making you literally chocking already. “I said, what did you promise?!” he asked quietly, leaning so close to your face that your noses met, and stare at you with anger and lust. Even that you were almost dying, you love this feeling.
“I won't tell this anybody” you said finally, when you stopped feeling blood in your head, and your voice was so dry and scaly. When you finally started talking, he loosened his grip a little, but not completely. “Good, and what did you do?” there was a little hint of joy in his voice that he basically got what he wanted, but still so much anger and manipulation at the same time.
“I-i tell this somebody” when you finished the last word you started to shake and you slowly saw the darkness before your eyes. You were at rock bottom until Joel released his hand from your neck completely. You immediately gasped and grabbed the spot exactly where Joel was holding you tightly. You had a red bruise from his incredibly large hand there.
His gaze was still angry and emotionless, but inside he was jubilant with joy that you did exactly what he wanted, just like you always did. You looked at him scared, still clutching your sore neck. You didn't expect Joel to go this far just for the sake of such shit!
“Why do you even care so much about this bullshit! It ended already so what is your problem!” you yelled at him angrily, not feeling the warm beetwen your legs anymore, instead you felt anger and incomprehension. “Tell me again” he answers, his face still not showing any emotion, as always. Now you really couldn't even read his mind.
“I said, why-“ he grabbed your neck again, as soon as you started yelling at him. “Raising your voice at me?!” he whispered in your ear, and you could finally felt his cruel smile. You immediately regretted saying anything at all. “You know why I care so much? Cuz this was the only one thing that only we know about. Our little secret, you know.”
He tells you the reason, why is he so sensitive about this topic, but you couldn't be surprised, you yourself couldn't talk about it in a bad light. Whenever you remembered those years, you wanted to cry because of how much you miss them. His voice was finally soft a little, and his grip loosened too. He missed those years too, so fucking much.
“I am sorry” you said, finally being the submisive. You were si easy for Joel to manipulate with you. You were wrapped around his finger like a shoelace.
“This is not enough of an excuse for me” he hissed through his cocky grin. His voice calmed you down so much again that the warm feeling in your cunt returned to you again and made your entire body feel pleasant. Oh fuck, how badly you wanted Joel to rip the towel off you and fuck you right now, right there.
“I need more than words, señorita” when you heard your beloved nickname, you couldn't control yourself. As if this was the key word to all those memories that when said, made you feel this amazing desire and need for Joel.
Joel slowly began to slide his hand under your towel. First you felt his warm hand on your stomach, where the butterflies were already doing their thing, and then on your bare breasts, which Joel would kill for. His other hand was still on your neck to keep you from flinching, which was extreme hell for you.
When he bumped into on of your boobies, he immediately hugged and squeezed it, making you squeal a little. Joel kept his eyes on you while you kept them closed, trying not to make come already. He was looking at your face, how squeezed it is and has so much tension in it that needs to come out.
While he massaged your breast and provoked you, when he touched your sensitive nipple and squeezed it, he decided to attack your neck with his mouth as well, but he still didn't let go of his hand. This made you immediately moan without hesitation. Joel could feel his cock goes harder with every sound you just make.
You could feel his bulge, which rubbed against your leg as he moved his mouth down your neck. Sometimes he would bite you there, or suck you so hard you thought a piece of your neck would fall off. You had to make physical contact with him too, you had to touch him. That's why you carefully placed one hand on his back and tucked the other into his soft curly hair, which today was softer than usual.
This is exactly one of the things that Joel likes, when he feels your long tender fingers in his hair, when you give him a light tug, or just scratch him there. That's why he started breathing lightly into your neck as you massaged him on his head. He switched sides and pounced on your neck again, but this time more gently as you weakened him a bit by scratching his head.
He didn't stop with squeezing and massaging your boob too. He actually change them and place his hand to another one. His warm hands on your breast make you feel so safe, but at the same time, you never know what can Joel do in that moment, and that's exactly what happened now.
Out of nowhere he stopped squeezing your breast and stopped biting your neck, he even put his hand on your neck away too. Your neck was already completely different from the beginning. It was red and there was the optical of Joel's hand, but there was also a big purple pacifier almost everywhere that you just couldn't cover up. Thanks Joel.
You looked at him incomprehendingly and he still had that expressionless face, but he looked calmer and a little horny, you can't be surprised when he bangs into you with that huge meat he has down there. He grabbed your thighs and lifted you up. You gasped a bit in shock, but then began to kiss him passionately as he offered his soft pink lips that you adored so much. You held him around the neck and moved your other hand into his hair again, the way he likes it. Meanwhile, he turned and walked towards your bed. It's starting to get hotter.
When you were close enough to the bed, Joel threw you here so that you bounced while still on the bed. You were lying on the bed, knees drawn together, looking at Joel who was finally showing some emotion. Hunger. He wanted so badly to have you inside him again, to feel you again and to hear you scream your name as he caused you three orgasms in a row.
As he remember all that, he started unbuttoning his shirt. It didn't take him long, and you could already see his amazing breasts and abs that you hadn't seen in years. Joel leaned into you, moving slowly like some kind of beast, and you, like an innocent victim, just lay there on your elbows, watching his every move. His head was a little higher than where you'd like it to be. He spread your legs, didn't put much pressure because you automatically opened your legs already, and slowly reached under the towel with his hand, which he removed in one graceful movement. You were completely naked, and he only took off one piece of clothing. How unfair.
He knew what your breasts looked like. He imagined them every night before bed, every moment when he masturbated over you, but after a long time he can see them again. If Joel wasn't so cold, even a drop of tear would have fallen.
He watched them for a moment until he looked at your face that was screaming for him to put his head exactly where you wanted it. He smirk as he sees you, in defenselessness, lust and desire. But he loved to provoke you, so he didn't start as quickly as you would think.
He slowly moved his head closer to your cunt which was already all hot and ready. When all you could see was his hair, you relaxed your elbows and lay down on the bed. You could feel Joel's hot breath flowing right onto your lower lips and it made you feel so fucking good!
The pulse down there began to quicken and you began to sigh lightly and squeeze the sheet as the desire to have Joel inside you, slowly began to drive you insane. He knew you wanted him He knew it not only by looking at your pussy, which was already all wet and it really wasn't from the shower, but he also knew it by your movements, how you started to move and squeeze the sheet to hold it.
“Please” you whispered, your eyes squeezed shut, and your legs slowly touching Joel's head. “What was that?” he said teasingly even though he heard you very well. You grunted and repeated your whining, when you felt his nose slightly touching your vagina. Even though you couldn't see Joel, you could see his mischievous grin all over his face very well.
“How much do you want it?” he asked, touching his nose even more exactly where you needed it. “Too much” you sighed, instinctively moving your hips so that Joel's nose was rubbing against your cunt. Joel decided that the waiting and teasing was enough, especially for his rock-hard erection that was still imprisoned in his pants.
So he slowly penetrated slightly inside and started to move his nose slightly up and down your clitoris. He didn't have to look for it for long because he remembered your body to the exact millimeter. He knew what you were doing and how you behaved when you were close to orgasm. He knew exactly where to fuck you, in what position and how. He knew your body so well.
This move made you sigh louder and squeeze the sheets much, much harder. You always loved his nose and even when he was rubbing against your most sensitive part of your body, you were in absolute heaven.
After a while you felt a strange wet movement at your entrance that started to get more intense. Joel circled his tongue around your main hole, making you even more crazy.
You moaned as you felt his tongue enter you. He waited a moment until he began to ripple his tongue inside you, pulling it in and out lightly. Or rather, he was tongue-fucking you now. Every movement he made by his tongue, was one step closer for you to come inside his mouth.
After a while, you both heard the squishy and wet sound inside of you, which clearly indicated that you were close. Your moans were also much louder but you didn't overdo it. Joeal started curling his tongue faster and put his hands on your tights, to make you feel more comfortable.
You curled your toes, lifted your lower body and squeezed your eyes tighter. The pleasantly unpleasant feeling of going to the bathroom washed over you, it was like a race in your lower belly and you squeezed Joel's head between your thighs so hard it would burst.
“Fuck-“ came from you but you cut it, as you moan from the pleassure that you had. Your entire tense body was relaxed and all the juice from you went straight into Joel's mouth. Your breathing was heavy, your chest was moving up and down continuously and you loosened your grip on the sheets as well.
Joel gently pull his tongue out of you, and swallowed everything he caused. He finally licked your cunt, causing you to gasp a little, and then he just lifted off your thighs.
He was looking down on you, how fast and clumsily you were breathing and still processing the orgasm you just had. You opened your eyes to see an even hungrier Joel staring at you with black eyes. Your juice still lingered a bit on his mustache, making you shy for a moment and burning your cheeks.
“This was just foreplay, now your apology begins” his voice like a husky, deep and manly. You were looking at him, as he roughly started undoing his trouser belt, which soon fell to the ground. He didn't take his eyes off you though. You felt the excitement again and the gentle flame of fire that rushed through your whole body and down there again. You didn't have to blink twice and Joel was already naked, his abnormally large erection already twitching. His veins look like they're about to burst, you wanted to feel his cock inside you so badly.
“I will have no mercy on you” he inform you, making your pussy tighten a bit, as he said that. “Don't” you allowed him even though you didn't have to. Even without your permission, he would treat you like an object. “There are consequences for actions” this was the last sentence he said, before he grab your hips by his muscular arms, and turned you around, so that now you were showing your ass to Joel.
You get on your knees, you breast relaxing on the bed and hands on the bed too. He spat on his cock to make it less painful. He held your hips tighter so you wouldn't squirm too much and without any warning he rammed his entire length into you all the way to the root.
Joel threw his head back, biting his lips and shut his eyes, as he entered you. You walls were so tight around his huge cock. The way your cunt eat his dick, made him groan a little. The feeling of having his huge cock inside you made you moan as hard as you could. Everyone had to hear it, but the best was yet to come.
“I fucking miss this” he groans as he started thrust in you, making you bouncing a little. The slapping your ass on his stomach, was a harmony for Joel's ears. He put his head back, looking directly at your ass, how big and squishy it was.
Joel didn't waste any time and started to pick up on his lightning speed which made you hit your ass into Joel even more. You squeeze the sheet again and bite your lips at the same time to hold in the satisfaction you were experiencing right now. Joel sighed and groaned, quiet as a man but you made him feel so good. He stretched you so hard that you couldn't take it anymore and you had to start moaning too.
Neither you or Joel could hold it in for very long. The entire bed moved with you, bumping into the opposite wall causing the sink to fall slightly, but you didn't care at the moment. You felt like the whole house was moving with you, in the exact rhytm as Joel was thrusting in you.
Joel was already losing his balance and fell on top of you in a controlled manner, saving himself from falling on your back with one hand and still holding onto your hip with the other. It made you and Joel even better in this position.
You started to tighten, not only in your legs but also in your vagina. You wrapped Joel's cock right up and he knew you were fucking close. That grip gave Joel an even bigger pleasure and he was no longer in control of his hips, he was just pounding them against your ass. You heard Joel's breathing, which was irregular and choppy. You could feel his cock twitching inside you. You felt like you were going to let it out in no time.
A few thrusts of his cock into you and you couldn't hold it in anymore. Your entire body stiffened, including your face and your mouth formed into an o shape. You let out a loud moan and right after yours did Joel, who shortly come right after you. As your body relaxed, your vagina opened again and your grip on the sheet in your hands loosened as well, you were finally able to perceive more of your surroundings.
You heard Joel's heavy and loud breathing hitting your back. After a while he finally pulled his cock out of you and gently ran his hands over your back to calm you down and make the situation a little more comfortable. “Hope you learned your lesson” he said, shortly after he started putting on his clothes. You were still on your knees, popping your ass towards Joel. Your sweat on your forehead started dropping on the sheet, which left a small wet spot.
Once Joel was dressed, he laid down next to you on the bed, facing you directly. You opened your eyes and saw his, which were no longer full of hunger and most importantly, they were brown and cute again. You finally laid down on the bed too, still naked and uncovered. You were looking at the ceiling and still breathing heavily.
“Do you ever remember?” you asked him but your eyes were still glued to the ceiling. “Always” he answered, making you look at him, but he wasn't looking at you anymore, he was looking at the ceiling the same way you were watching it a moment ago.
“Do you ever imagine we'll go back to that?” you asked him, carefully, so as not to ruin the moment. Joel just smiled and repeated his answer "Always". A few images ran through your head of what it would be like if you did the system like you used to, but it still wouldn't be the best idea, even in the sense that it's really hard to find birth control or an untorn condom in the apocalypse. "But we can't" as if he was reading your mind and thinking the same thing as you. Reasons why it wouldn't work anymore.
Even so, you were grateful that you did what you did. If not, you wouldn't experience that wonderful feeling again.
Thank you Ellie.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
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beurkivol · 25 days
at the end of the thunder saga I was crying my eyes out. But hey, I said to myself, as an unquestioning optimist. Now that all the crew are dead, no one's going to die, so no more emotional damage, it's DONE, and he can't do the pancake thing again, Jay! Ahhhh. I was optimistic and naive. I'd forgotten that Mr Jay was as crazy as I was. Or worse. So here we go, rewinding the traumas!
Legendary :
legendary spared us quite a bit at the beginning, at least all the sweet stuff with Telemachus playing Disney princesses. Only argos got me, but then argos is ‘only’ in the animatics. well, I'm going to count the animatics because I was at the livestream.
And then antinous. It's not so much the trauma as the distress of telemachus that was touching. And I jumped up when I heard antinous' words. I was expecting threats, vulgarity, in short, for him to be hurtful, but I wasn't expecting that.
little wolf
Little Wolf was also quite calm. What I mean by that is that the trio of songs shared by Athena and Telemachus can be touching, that Antinous is worrying, the songs aren't bathed in the same dark, worrying and pessimistic atmosphere as those in Thunder Saga. Athena brings light and hope to Telemachus and you think ‘that's it, a goddess against all this rubbish, it'll be over in no time’. Even if telemachus takes a beating against antinous, he's got an impressive level up and with just a little more help from athena he'll be able to beat everyone.
We'il be fine
when we'il be fine, i screamed, because ATHENA CHARACTER ARC. Because she calls odysseus her friend, she calls telemachus good kid, because you feel the chemistry between the two and it's incredible. you feel all the hope in this song, and telemachus is definitely the reincarnation of polites. And the reference to your light is sublime.
Love in paradise
the little recap at the beginning of love in paradise is nice, especially in animatic, I was riveted. I have to admit that for Love in Paradise I was really waiting for a slightly comic song where Calypso acts like a 2 year old fangirl. I totally underestimated Jay. Already. 1. the music grabbed me right in the heart. And…. sorry but the depressive part of the song? ‘ody, get away from the lenge’. I thought polites couldn't fool me any more. LOST. JUST LET ME CLOSE MY EYES, MY OPENS ARMS. odysseus's howl at the end broke my heart. You could really feel his despair. I couldn't even see ‘im a monster now’ (not the raw raw raw version the edgy version), I just saw a depressed, borderline suicidal guy. heartbreaking.
God games
god games. i was expecting a punchy, catchy, song. A great song. But i was not expecting the end. (i do a little post about, and 2 other about athena)
do i really need to said more ? NO.
but im going to analyse all that more i swear...
Jorge, im watching you. If athena dies, im going to do something bad.
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notinmyvocab · 1 year
Laundry Day
There's a mix-up at the laundromat. How embarrassing.
LarissaxOFC, swearing, general dorkiness
read part ii here
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Alice stared at the large pile of laundry on top of the dryers, recognizing a few pieces of her clothing mixed into the jumble.
“Oh my.”
Alice turned to see a tall, striking woman approach. The woman reached into the pile and pulled out a garment that clearly belonged to her. “Seems someone was impatient with the dryers,” Alice said to the woman.
“Just my luck,” Larissa muttered. Of course, her washer and dryer needed replacing right before she needed laundry done. Using the Jericho Laundromat was a perfectly logical solution until her new washer and dryer showed up, but now she was regretting the choice.
“Well… guess we’ve got some sorting ahead of us.”
“Indeed,” Larissa sighed.
“Alice, by the way.” It seemed logical to introduce herself considering they would now tasked with sorting through each other’s personal items.
Larissa. It was an exquisite name, made even more divine when said in such a warm, buttery voice. But now was not the time to indulge small crushes; there was laundry to do.
Armfuls of clothing were brought to the back of the laundromat, away from prying eyes. This would be easy, Alice was sure of it. Their styles were rather different. Everything casual belonged to her, and everything elegant belonged to Larissa. Simple.
And for a while, it was. Wordlessly, the two women sorted through the clothing, taking what was theirs and handing off what wasn’t.
The silence was then replaced by a soft melody, upbeat and catchy. Alice was humming.
“What song is that?” Larissa asked.
Alice silenced herself, a tad embarrassed. It had been an unconscious action and now she had to explain something that would probably make her sound like a complete dork. “It’s um… so there’s this… musical. And there’s a song called ‘My Freeze Ray.’ But like… it takes place when two characters are at the laundromat.”
She braced herself for the judgment; for Larissa to roll her eyes or scoff. Instead, Larissa smiled, and suddenly it was easier to breathe. The two fell into conversation.
Larissa was a principal. Alice worked at the Weathervane.
“How odd; I’ve never seen you there before,” said Larissa.
“I’m always there before opening, and in the back. I’m the baker.”
Larissa raised her eyebrows. “Do you mean to say that you’re responsible for the orange-cranberry muffins?”
“Guilty as charged.”
“Those are my absolute favorites; I get one every chance I get.”
Alice blushed, grinning stupidly. “I’m actually really glad to hear that. I was messing around with a family recipe and came up with that.”
“Well, it’s delicious. You have my mark of approval.”
The two women basked in the kind moment, but it was terribly brief. They had gone through most of the laundry at that point. The idea of ending the conversation so soon wasn’t what gave each of them pause, though. It was what remained.
Alice wouldn’t say she was embarrassed by intimates, but the idea of Larissa possibly handling her plain cotton underwear mortified her. It seemed Larissa felt the same, for the older woman also hesitated.
Deciding to take initiative, Alice plunged her hand into the piling of clothing and pulled out the first thing her fingers curled around. It was her own underwear, thank god. She began folding.
Larissa watched intently, not captivated by the garment, but by Alice’s candor. Feeling emboldened, Larissa did the same, grabbing a pair of her stockings. She folded them delicately, unable to ignore Alice watching her out of the corner of her eye.
The silence that befell them wasn’t uncomfortable, but there was a certain tension that Alice couldn’t name. She tried powering through it until she noticed that Larissa began folding a pair of panties that she definitely recognized.
“Oh, um… I think… those are mine?” Her cheeks flushed as red as the panties that Larissa held: lacy and revealing.
Larissa looked down at the garment, her cheeks also coloring. “Oh! I’m sorry I thought… I um… I have a similar pair; I thought they were mine.” Embarrassed, Larissa handed over the underwear. “You um… you have good taste.”
Alice giggled, more out of embarrassment. “Thanks. There was uh… there was a sale somewhere.” She dug into the pile of clothes again and grasped a pair of underwear that she prayed was hers.
No such luck.
“Here,” she said quickly, handing off the thong, trying not to let her gaze linger on it. She didn’t wear thongs, never having a need for them. But it seemed Larissa didn’t mind them; there appeared to be a few in the pile.
Mortified, Larissa snatched the thong away from Alice, and tried collecting the ones remaining in the pile.
“They’re cute,” Alice said, trying to make Larissa feel better about the whole situation. It was awkward for the both of them, but they weren’t suffering in awkwardness alone. “You… you’ve got good taste, too.”
Jesus. Could she be any more of a loser?
Alice exhaled heavily. “Okay, we have to sort through out things. People wear underwear and bras and stuff. It doesn’t have to be weird, right?”
“…Right,” Larissa agreed, albeit hesitantly. She wasn’t used to being so exposed, especially to a stranger. “I suppose you’re correct. We’re both mature adults.”
Alice wasn’t so sure about mature. She fancied herself mature for her age, but honestly she couldn’t help but imagine Larissa, this tall goddess, wearing the thong she held in her hands.
Panicking, Alice pulled out her cellphone as if someone was calling her. But Larissa saw that the screen was black. “Sorry, gotta take this,” Alice said, putting her phone to her ears and walking out of the laundromat at a brisk pace.
Once outside, she put her phone back into her pocket and took a deep breath. Fucking hell. This situation had gone from mortifying, to chill, to mortifying again. Maybe she should just leave? She could always buy new clothes, right?
Alice looked over to see Larissa approaching her.
“Sorry, I just…” Alice faltered. What could she even say? She wanted to throw up.
“I actually have to get going. I have a meeting to get to,” Larissa said quickly. “If you don’t mind… I can bring the rest of the laundry to my place in the meantime, and you could… if you have the time, you can come over tonight and we can finish sorting?”
“Yes,” Alice answered immediately, not even giving a second to the offer some thought. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Give me your phone.”
Alice complied without question, handing over the device after unlocking it. Within seconds, Larissa added her contact and texted herself so that she had Alice’s number as well.
Already Alice felt immensely better about the whole ordeal. They could continue this in true privacy, and she could take some much needed time to get her head on straight.
“There,” Larissa said, handing back the phone. “I’ll send you the details when I’m out of my meeting.”
Alice agreed, and the two women parted ways, Alice returning to her apartment and Larissa storing the laundry in the trunk of the van and heading off to her meeting.
A few hours passed, and Alice wondered if Larissa would ever text her. Surely a stranger wouldn’t just steal her clothes? Then again, there were a lot of weirdos out there.
Finally, her phone buzzed. Overeager, Alice lunged for the device and opened her messages.
Sorry about the wait! All settled; come on by!
Another message told Alice the address. Perfect. Alice was about to store her phone away in her back pocket when it buzzed again; another text message with a photo attached.
And what a photo it was. Larissa stood in front of her mirror, hair pinned up still and makeup immaculate. But instead of the dress she wore earlier she wore… oh fuck.
Alice’s heart stopped as she stared at the photo, mouth going dry. Apparently the red lace panties Larissa mentioned owning had a matching bra and garter set.
Another text: you’re right, I do have good taste 😉
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luveline · 2 years
What about reader doing eddie’s makeup in the love bites au?
Love your work! <3
thank you for your request! (loosely inspired by that scene in how to lose a guy in 10 days!!) love bites au / vampire eddie ♥︎ fem!reader suggestive content
If there's someone Eddie dislikes more than Blondie, it's Carly Simm. Where Blondie hasn't ever personally done anything to Eddie besides existing as a band, Carly Simm is similarly innocent. Her only crime is writing catchy music that you can't get enough of. 
You'd discovered her a week or two ago on the radio, and you'd begged Eddie to turn it up. He loves seeing you happy, and while it isn't his jam he'd happily complied. Same reason he'd bought you the tape. 
He regrets it now, sitting in your bed with a lapful of your thighs, your hands tucking hair behind his ears in perfect sync as you hum The Carter Family for the hundredth time today. 
"I'm not good," you remind him. 
"Sure you are," he reassures, hands slowly climbing the hills of your hips. He slips one under your shirt to squeeze along your back, stopping flat-palmed at the small of it. "I'm not bothering you, am I?" 
"You can touch me as much as you want." 
Your confusion prompts a quick explanation, "I meant, I won't distract you?" 
"Maybe a little." You smile softly. "We don't have anywhere to be."  
You and Eddie only have to be here and now, wasting time together. Spending it together. And truthfully this had been Eddie's idea anyways. 
You tap the pads of your fingers to Eddie's face and smile at his tacky skin. "Perfect." 
Your methods are dubious, your first course of action is to mix a cream that boasts colour changing technology with a dollop of moisturiser. He closes his eyes and you dot it over his forehead, his cheeks, his chin. You're more delicate near his nose, fingertips precise, the smallest bit of product rubbed into his nose. Next comes the patting, your fingers working over his face. 
"What are you doing?" 
"Trying to get rid of streaks." You sit back. Eddie lets his arms stretch to keep you. "Looking good, handsome." 
"Thank you." 
You move onto eyeshadow next. You've brought a colourful palette that you bought at the fancy department store before you'd met him, plastic covering still intact. When he'd asked, you'd only said, "I knew I had to save it for something special," like it wasn't the most romantic thing he'd ever heard. 
You open the eyeshadow compact and ask Eddie to choose a colour. He goes for the dark, dark navy because there's no black, and you tell him to close his eyes. You swipe your fingers over his eyelid more gently than you need to. 
Eddie can hear everything; your heart beating regularly despite his handsy grasp on your hips, your breathing, and the heat that kisses his lips with each exhale, every fraction of sound from the tape deck as it switches to the next song. 
"Oh, god, not this one again," he groans. 
You start to sway with the music, and then your favourite part comes on and he's expecting it, your hands on his cheeks, fingers careful not to smudge shadow over his temples. You sing lightly, sweetly, clumsy but he wouldn't expect anything less — you aren't the kind of girl who worries about sounding good, and you never have been. "And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner, they'd be your partner," you sing, pausing to laugh, meeting his eyes with nothing but mirth. "You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! You're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is-" 
He kisses you by accident. Swears. The look in your eyes had been too much to ignore any longer, that playful teasing, the funny quirk of your mouth as you'd warbled through it. He'd needed to kiss you if only to feel you smiling. 
"Never buying you music ever again," he mumbles against you. 
You pull back to steal the lead, kissing him quickly, once then twice before you lean back. "You like this song." 
"No, I like watching you when you listen to it. Big difference." 
You raise your eyebrows and then use your thumbs to force his up too. "We're confused," you say. 
His pulse starts to rise. He's become much more acquainted with the physical effects of love since his unfortunate transformation. Every time he thinks he's found the bottom of the well of his affection, you do something that makes his heart skip and he has to reassess. 
"You know when you miss the last step?"
You gesture for him to close his eyes. "Like, when you trip?" 
"Just miss it completely. Overshot." 
Your finger starts to dab the opposite eye. "Mm," you murmur, concentration robbing your voice. He waits for you to finish your pulling motion and squeezes you, code for you've forgotten the conversation. 
"I think so," you say eventually. 
He opens his eyes. You're looking at the soft glittery colour pensively. 
"You know how it makes your stomach flip? Do you think there's a good version of that?" 
"Like finding a step where you weren't expecting one?" 
"Like, the sudden rush of a good feeling. Molly for a split-second." 
"I've never tried molly." 
"And you won't," he says, mostly joking. 
You take some of the glitter onto your finger and smooth it under his eyes. He looks up at the ceiling and fights the urge to blink as you get close to his waterline. He trusts you not to poke his eyes out.  
Your pulse spikes suddenly. 
He drops his chin back down. "What?" 
Worry gives to amusement when he sees your expression. It's shy (or as shy as you get), which means you're thinking about something very specific. 
"You know when we're-" 
You beam. "Yeah, definitely. And you're all sweaty, and you push your face into my neck?" 
Eddie has the good graces to feel flustered. "Yeah." 
"Sometimes I think you're gonna bite me. And I get that feeling. 'The sudden rush of a good feeling,'" you confide, hands playing in the hair at the back of his neck. He shudders when you start to scratch his scalp, your smile a short fall from salacious. 
Eddie probably wouldn't bite you. He's too worried you'll end up in the same boat as him, a blood-sucker who can't get excited without little knife points slotting out of his gums. 
Speaking of. 
"Fuck," he mutters. He'd been doing a spectacular job at keeping his fangs in, especially because he's young and you're literally his girlfriend and you're in his lap moving around. They snap into place over his regular canines and blood fills his mouth, gums sliced open.
You wince when he winces. "Sorry, baby." 
It's definitely your fault but also he can't really blame you. This is normal flirting between couples, and he does it to himself most the time. It's actually extremely fucking annoying, to be lying in bed at night by himself, and all he wants to do is think about you when boom, there's blood running down his chin.
"You should be," he says. "You suck. Are we almost done?" 
"We're done," you say, climbing off of his lap to grab your handheld mirror. "Lookit." 
You've actually done a great job. He looks awesome, smokey and sparkly like a glam metal rockstar. 
"Flash the fangs," you command. 
He flashes the fangs. You put both hands out in front of you and make a pleased sound. He intertwines your fingers. 
"You're so cool. You look cool. Can I take a photo?" 
"Just for you?" 
"Especially for me." 
He lets you take a polaroid, smiling with teeth, hair pushed behind one ear. He looks good. A little pale, 'cause he's a week away from a blood sate and his body is taking it hard as it always does, but that's not a bad thing. He'd fit right in at a KISS concert. 
You tug the photo out of his hand. "Just for me, you said." 
He can't even be mad. 
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apopcornkernel · 4 months
i dont know if there's even a ppop presence on tumblr but i do also want to promote ALAMAT, a 6-member idol boy group from the Philippines. Its members comprise of Taneo, Mo, Jao, Tomas, R-ji, and Alas. They debuted in 2021, and their creative direction centers on championing the Filipino identity and culture through their music.
sorry that ^ was a copypaste but it's a very useful and concise copypaste LOL but onto my own promo:
(note: also most of these videos have english subs!!)
(extra note bc this issue always pops up whenever locals encounter alamat: mo is always wearing black hairstyes bc he is blasian and not bc he is appropriating from black culture hdfjhdf)
KASMALA, the inverted Tagalog word for "strong" (malakas), is the MV that really did numbers on social media iirc. The video direction focused on the "human zoo" in the St. Louis' World Fair of 1904 (which included Filipinos specifically Igorots), and a general theme of anti-Filipino racism by white people (who are represented as ominous figures literally dressed in all white)
personal opinion: the music video is great but i personally think they have better songs, music-wise. and i'm going to give you an example of that by introducing you to my ALL-TIME FAVORITE ALAMAT SONG!!!
ILY ILY, a transliteration of "Ili-Ili Tulog Anay", incorporates the melody and lyrics of the Ilonggo lullaby it derives its title from. The MV and lyrics both work together to portray the experience of being an OFW/having an OFW parent. OFWs, or overseas Filipino workers, refer to Filipinos who go abroad in search of jobs that have better pay, so that they can remit money back to their families in the Philippines.
personal opinion: this is their best song THIS IS THEIR BEST SONG EVER OF ALL TIME and lyca gairanod is such a perfect singer for this. her ethereal crooning really gave me chills the first time i heard it UGH
DAYANG, the term for the wife of a Datu, is one of their most earworming songs ever. It's a gorgeous love song and what I would recommend to newbies if they want to get into alamat <3
personal opinion: The MV is kinda ass because it's just a super long extended ad for DITO PH (in terms of story and also bc they really missed out on doing a vid that drew more on culture esp bc dayang is a historical noble title and they used tausug words and designs for the graphics an the dance itself already incorporated pangasik dance which is also from the tausug people LIKEEE?? they've always promoted other cultures of the philippines i know they can do it but because of CAPITALISM--). But the song bangs so severely, as a pop enjoyer this is peak pop for me.
DAGUNDONG, a song basically recounting the colonial history of the Philippines from Spain to America, is just so fucking good you should watch/listen to it rn. There's EN subs don't worry you won't miss out on the context. This is colonial rage it's so satisfying I still remember where I was when they dropped this.
personal opinion: FOREVER OBSESSED WITH HOW THEY SAY "dahil puso mandirigma di papakutsa di papapugon" you guys have no idea how much i sing that line to myself sooo satisfying. Instant earworm this song i swear.
OK ONE LAST one last and i'm done. okay.
MAHARANI, a Sanskrit term for the wife of a Maharaja (translated as "great queen"), heavily features singkil, a Maranao dance which uses bamboo poles like tinikling does. The song also uses SEAsian instruments like kanun, gamelan, and gangsa. Also BINI's Jhoanna plays one of the main characters here!!!
personal opinion: this is their most pop-sounding song, which i think is slightly carried by the video i'm sorryyy. it's catchy though!! and i looove the part somewhere halfway where alas starts his verse, singing it in a more spoken-word way
okay 5 songs is. probably enough. this post is already kinda long shdfjskdff but yeah. pls check them out if you can hehe <3
also ppop idols are just really funny. there's no concept of an idol image so they just tweet shit. alamat jao gave out his genshin UID after a fan tweeted about having co-oped with him in genshin, and then after that he started answering questions with the hashtag "#canceljao" making a lot of magiliws (alamat fans) confused, and then he posted a classic iphone notes apology like this 😭
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i'll do a bini version after this my girls deserve more international hype. they occupy a more girlcrush pop genre but they're just as chaotic as alamat if not even more 😭 there are entire THREADS on twitter of them just being hilarious jdhfkshgf i love them so much
thanks for reading <3
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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My weird roommate, Midoriya Izuku!
Alternative title: Midoriya Izuku’s weekly shenanigans!
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
“So you are telling me that you lost your job and got evicted on the same day?”
Well, yes. You’ve never been a lucky gal and you are also quirkless. Jirou, your pro hero friend decides to help you out of your misery and give you an opportunity to live beside a mysterious man for barely any rent. The mysterious man is ends up to be the pro hero you’ve been obsessed with for ages! After a few days you realize that Izuku Midoriya is an absolute weirdo… in a really adorable way.
Week by week, the reader explores Midoriya’s weird habits and slowly falls in love with all his flaws. (Eww, so cheesy.)
Genre: Comedy, romance (no smut, sorry! Might get a bit suggestive, but that’s it!)
General info and warnings (each chapter will have their own): swear words, blood, injuries, potential other hero ships, tooth rotting fluff and extreme amount of awkwardness. No real angst! Reader is 23, Deku is 25.
Other minor relationships in the story: Kirishima x Bakugou, Denki x Shinsou
16+ for safety!
About the author: English is the potato’s second language, please be kind to the potato.
Check out the potato’s Master List!
UPDATE: The story is now being translated to Vietnamese! Click here to read it! Thank you @izukuslittlekitty 💚
Week 0 - Just go with the flow!
“So you are telling me that you lost your job and got evicted on the same day?”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Jirou. I still have a month to pack my stuff and I wanted to resign anyway. No biggie, really.”
Yeah, no biggie. The bottle of wine in your hand is only for pleasure, not to soothe your broken heart.
You’ve never been the luckiest gal if it comes to… well… anything. First, you were born quirkless, then you ended up helping your family financially for years after the family business went to shit, then right when you were about to be freed from the responsibility as your parents started a new business which actually made money this time, you lost your job and your really cheap apartment. You are not really stressed about the money part as you do have a side hustle; well, if you can call doing Pro Hero fan arts for commission a side hustle; and thanks to your upbringings you always made sure to have some spare money in the bank.
Your main problem is the fact that you just can’t have anything easy. Maybe you do have a quirk after all; one called “Forever Unlucky.” Quite a catchy name, actually, you might make a character based on this in the manga you’re about to draw.
“Bestie, I have an idea. I will sort out all your life problems. Give me one day.” The call cuts off and you are left alone with your thoughts. Oh, well. At least you can start your manga today… Or write a silly fanfiction about Deku being your roommate. You haven’t uploaded anything new to Tumblr in the last few months anyway.
“I’m not going to beg you, but this is a really good opportunity. You should take it. You’re the only one I trust enough to ask. Take that as the biggest compliment of your life.”
Oh well, this is such a lovely opportunity indeed; Move out of your place and move in with a random guy you can’t even check on social media because Jirou is a secretive little shit and doesn’t tell you his name. This person is also a guy, if that wasn’t obvious. There are so many things that can go wrong, it’s actually ridiculous.
“Sounds like this is a really great way to end up in a ditch, Jirou.” You sigh. You know she’s just trying to help you, but this is shady business. What if the guy is a pervert? Or a murderer? Okay, a pro hero like Jirou wouldn’t hang around a murderer but this guy can still be a pervert.
“Y/N, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but the guy is a pro hero. You love pro heroes, right?”
“Well, I do love them, but until Grape Juice is in the business this doesn’t make me feel any better about this.”
Oh, little Mineta. The fact that he’s still alive and rocking is beyond you. The guy had more scandals than rescues in the last few months.
“Y/N.” Jirou tries his best to sound authoritative. “You don’t have a job, you have nowhere to live, your parents live in the middle of nowhere. You also wanted to take time off to make a manga and get rich and famous. I’m giving you an opportunity to basically live in a fancy ass apartment for free and all you have to do is take care of a fucking cat and pay electricity and water. I know it sound like a stupid fanfiction, and to be fair, this is one, but bitch, let yourself be lucky for once. If everything goes to shit, I’ll let you sleep on my sofa until you find a place.” Jirou takes a deep breath after saying all of this without taking a single breath.
“I’m taking your bed. For 3 months.” You negotiate, clearly about to make the riskiest decision of your life.
“Deal.” Jirou answers and your phone beeps. “Call this number for more info. He’s waiting for your call.” The phone cuts off again and you can’t help but freak out.
You really wanted to sleep on this, give it a second thought, make a plan, get your thoughts together but oh well, you really can’t have it easy, can you?
If this would actually be a fanfiction, it would suck balls; there’s nothing but phone calls, jumping from one person to another, and the plot is way too unreal to be believable. What a shame.
The main character is also really lame; she’s a 23 years old who still reads and writes fanfictions and she lives in a fucking bubble where being a mangaka is still a legit dream to have. *
*the one writing this fanfiction is 28, so in case it wasn’t clear, this part was supposed to be a joke.
You sigh and grab your phone to make the last phone call of the day; you’ll definitely turn that shit off for the rest of the day after all this trauma.
“H-hello?” A shy voice comes through the phone.
As a pro hero enthusiast, you are absolutely ashamed of yourself; you have zero idea who the fuck you are talking to.
His voice is comedically high, his stuttering is absolutely adorable, but feels kinda fake; or is it the voice that’s fake?
“Hey man, Jirou gave me your phone number…” You are just about to explain your reasons for calling when the mystery man interrupts you with a high squeak. Is there a hero who’s quirk is being a rubber duck? With your luck, this is Grape Juice. Yeah, it’s definitely him.
“Yes! Y/N!” He squeaks again, this time, in pain. “Sorry, I just got back from patrol. I got hit by a quirk, so excuse my voice.”
Yeah, how original. The mystery man suddenly gets hit by a voice changer quirk right before a really important phone call, so this way the mystery man stays mysterious until the first, dramatic encounter. This smells extremely fishy.
“Let me guess, a random villain called Helium Man?” You ask, clearly not believing a single word. Is this really fucking Grape Juice lying about his voice to clear the suspicion?
“It was a child, actually. He wanted a picture and a hug but his quirk just manifested and he hit me with it by accident. I should be fine in 24 hours.”
Oh, a pro hero with a big heart who loves children and animals and stops in the middle of his patrol to hug a child? Yeah, sounds legit. Well, it really does sound legit, that’s something a hero would do. Fuck.
“Uhm, that’s a really nice story, yes.” You grumble, absolutely sure this is a stupid April fools joke. You can’t stop thinking about Mineta.
“Ahh, sorry to bother you so late at night with my rambling, I tend to ramble a lot actually.” A self deprecating laugh leaves the mysterious man’s mouth, and even with the annoying high voice, it sounds absolutely adorable. Fuck, are actually falling for this prank? “Long story short, I’m barely at home and my cat is really lonely and the flat is way too big for the two of us so I want to have a trustworthy roommate who can take care of the flat and my fluffy little son when I’m away. I’m not in need of money, hence why there is no rent and if it comes to the other bills, if you can’t pay them, that’s fine. I asked my friends to ask around in case someone in their close proximity is in need of a new home and Jirou recommended you. She spoke really highly of you.”
That was a really long short story for the fuck’s sake, but that’s fine. After all the Pro Hero Deku interviews, you are kinda immune to this kind of thing. You try to think about who else is prone to rambling in the hero world, but you honestly can not think of a single person.
“And if I understand this right, I won’t be able to pry any information out of you about your identity until I actually say yes and move in for… safety reasons?” You cut the bullshit for him and get to the main reason of your anxiety. The guy on the other side squeaks again.
“I’m really sorry about that. To tell you the truth, my name is well known in this country and I want to make sure the person moving in with me is not after my fame or my connections.” The guy says, then starts to ramble again. “I mean, there is no problem with someone being a fan of me or anything, it’s not about me feeling like a bigger person and not wanting to mingle with the crowd, I really don’t mind that kind of thing, I just want to make sure the person associated with me on such a personal level isn’t trying to use my name as a stepladder? Ahh, to be honest, these aren’t even my words, these are manager’s, she’s a little bit overprotective, because apparently I’m really naive if it comes to the real world… Ahh, I’m rambling again!” The guy makes another squeaky noise, clearly giving up on landing a good first impression with you. You kinda want to hug him.
“Well, I’m definitely not after your fame and it’s not like you are the number one hero Deku, so don’t worry too much.” You try to sound reassuring to calm the mysterious man down a bit.
“Do you not… like Deku?” He stutters, his anxiety obvious even without seeing his face. Is he also a Deku fan?
“Oh, I do. I really do. But I’m not sure Deku would appreciate me bringing a life sized cardboard cutout of his into his own flat together with my 10 limited edition figurines, then walk out of my room to get a glass of water in my Deku pajamas.”
“You can’t have 10 limited edition figurines, there is only 5 available.” The man giggles, and fuck, he’s adorable.
“Well, I have two of each. One in a box one without it, duh.” You roll your eyes, even though no one can see it.
“Fair play.” The mysterious man replies. At least your obsession won’t be a problem then. “So do you want to give my flat a try? I’m only home one day a week so even if you don’t like me, I won’t be too much of a bother to you.”
Fuck, you can’t say no when he sounds so sure you won’t enjoy his company. You don’t know this man but you want to show him he’s good enough to be your friend. If this is Grape Juice, he’s doing a really good job in deceiving you.
“Yes, I’m in. Please, don’t be a weirdo.”
This might not help with the guy’s anxiety, but for your own safety you decide to not tell this man that he actually made your heart race faster already.
“I can’t guarantee that, but I’ll try my best. See you soon, Y/N! Don’t be a weirdo!” He hangs up, his giggles getting more and more muted as he moves his phone away from his face to turn it off.
So let’s sit down and think about all the new information you got during this phone call.
This mysterious man has a high voice, apparently from a quirk related accident, but he might be lying to get brownie points.
He’s indeed a pro hero and a really well known one, which means he’s probably a UA graduate.
He knows Jirou and by your knowledge you are the only one in her friend group who’s not connected to her old schoolmates in some way, so this person might be an old classmate of hers.
This person knows what to say to make himself be more likeable but that doesn’t really mean much as Grape Juice is also really good at first impressions. His true self usually comes out after a few days, but until that point the guy is smooth as fuck, apparently.
Grape Juice also has a high pitched voice…
You: It’s fucking Mineta isn’t it?!
Jirou: Did you call him?!
You: Yes! He sounds like Grape Juice in those interviews when the interviewer is hot! His voice was also high!
Jirou: I need more information, wait.
Jirou: I can’t believe I’m friends with someone so stupid.
I swear on Denki’s life, it’s not Mineta!
Pack your stuff as soon as possible, the sooner you move in the sooner I can laugh in your face when you realize how fucking wrong you were.
You can’t believe you are doing this. Who in their right mind would move in with someone they know jack shit about?!
Well, apparently that’s you. You might need to get another appointment with your old shrink as something is clearly wrong with you.
“So, this is the building.”
“You are absolutely shitting me, Jirou.”
Today is the day. All your life is in boxes, your new place is a few steps away, your Deku cutout is resting under your arms because you won’t let anyone touch your husband with their filthy hands.
You almost drop the poor guy when you take a look at the area around you; this is the fanciest part of the city, nothing but skyscrapers with massive bulletproof windows; this area is so posh that people come here for sightseeing. You can get a massive mansion anywhere else for the price of one single flat in this part of the city. Only the biggest pro heroes and celebrities can afford this. You are quite sure you read on a gossip site about this area being the one where the top 10 probably resides.
That means, Deku might live close by. Or… he might be your neighbor.
Fuck, you are such a fangirl.
“Close your mouth and let’s go.” Jirou takes your free hand and pulls you into the lobby; yes, there is a massive lobby in the building just like the ones in fancy hotels. There is a fucking Starbucks in there, only for the residents which might sound absolutely ridiculous and a waste of money but seeing the size of the building (and the fact that the people living in it are loaded) they probably make enough money to keep it going without any loss. It might also be really helpful to the residents as going into a busy coffee shop while your face is all over the high street billboards doesn’t sound like the most pleasant feeling at 6AM in the morning.
Jirou waves to the guy sitting behind the lobby desk. The guy’s eyes scans Jirou’s full body; like literally scans it, sounds effects and all, then moves to you. He does the same thing and pushes a button; a massive door opens on the side of the lobby which leads you to a row of elevators.
“Mind to explain what just happened?” You mumble, while Jirou scans her fingerprint and presses the highest numbered button on the wall.
Fingerprints? Really?
“Oh, that’s Josh, he’s from America. He has an X-ray vision. He checks everyone new before letting them into the building, except the actual residents. I’ve been here a lot of times but he doesn’t like me so I get scanned every time since I tried to go up with a knife hidden in my boots that one time. I tried to tell him I left it there by accident, but he didn’t buy it.” Jirou sighs, like it’s a common mistake and to be fair, as a pro hero it probably was, but damn, these people live in another world for sure.
“But most pro heroes have weapons, don’t they?” You ask, really interested to hear more about this as it doesn’t really make sense to you.
“He doesn’t question it if you are in your hero suit, and he doesn’t bother the actual residents, but I was in my casual clothes and he was new back then. Don’t worry, you live here, you’ll be fine once he gets used to you.”
Well, you have a feeling that this Josh guy will be your new reason to feel self-conscious for the next few months. “Oh, also, remind Zuku to put your fingerprint on the system so you can use the elevator…” Jirou suddenly slaps her palms on her mouth.
“Zuku?” That name doesn’t ring a bell. Jirou let’s out a long, relieved breath.
“We are literally about to meet the guy, shut up and see it for yourself.”
That’s fair.
The ride to the 43rd floor is long and excruciating (it was 2 whole minutes!), but eventually the elevator dings in a pleasant voice and the door opens to a hallway with only one massive door.
This is the highest level of the building. And there is only one door.
“Does he live in a fucking massive penthouse?!” You literally shriek. Your little peasant ass can not process this shit. If buying a flat in this area was expensive, a penthouse is basically the price of a full office building. Whoever this guy is, he is loaded.
“It’s not that big actually, half of it is a rooftop garden with a pool and a hot tub, you’ll love it.”
“Oh, I see, so the flat is not a big deal, there is a fucking pool there instead, yeah. No biggie.”
Jirou is just about to give you a snarky reply when the door opens up; green curls poke through the small gap, shy and embarrassed from not being able to keep it in his pants and wait until the two actually knocked.
After a few seconds, he opens his door properly and…
The one standing in front of you is no other than…
“Pro Hero Deku?!”
The green haired hero scratches the back of his head, his self-deprecating laugh even more adorable than the last time; which isn’t really a surprise as back then he had a voice of a gummy bear high on crack.
“Uhm, hi, I’m Midoriya Izuku.” He waves awkwardly and comes over for a hand shake but you are frozen in place. This is not real. This is a fucking prank. No fucking way…”Can I take the cutout? I made some space next to my All Might one, they will be besties!” The greenette laughs awkwardly and slowly takes the cutout from you, looking at you the way you look at a stray, aggressive dog when trying to pet them for the first time.
“His name is Izu-Izu, Y/N’s husband, please treat both of them well.” Jirou says with a straight, but extremely red face and jumps into the elevator, her loud laughter resonating in the walls as the doors close on her.
This is the most awkward moment of your life. This just can’t get worse. You are on the top of the most expensive building in the country, in front of the hero you’re absolutely obsessed with since you first saw him in the UA sports festival. That said hero is now gently holding your fucking cardboard cutout of himself, looking at you warily, probably contemplating if he needs to take you to a hospital.
“Show me my room, I’m too mortified to speak.” You mumble, looking at a dark spot on the fancy marble. “There’s blood on the floor.” You inform the green haired hero like that’s a perfectly normal thing; and to be fair, it probably is in this household; and make your way after the hero.
You really hope the ground swallows you whole and you’ll never need to look into Deku’s eyes ever again.
You: I hope your guitar amp short circuits.
Jirou: Rude.
… Next Part!
Yay, I hope you enjoyed the first part!
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Random fun facts:
- I actually googled the average size of a skyscraper in Tokyo for this ficc and I also googled how long it takes to get to his floor, just to be “realistic.” 😂
- The whole voice changer thing was my boyfriend’s idea! We love a good, supportive boyfriend! 😂
- If you like the style of this story and you fancy some Reader x Bakugou Katsuki, check out my other ficc, Bakugou Katsuki’s daily Shenanigans! These two are basically twins.
See you in the next chapter! Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated, they keep me going! 💜
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