nukevinsmith · 1 year
We Are All the Same Everything Awareness
NuFriends Share April 8 2023.
Jeremy shares his experiences of being able to shift his view that his awareness that he is viewing from the perspective of others, as after all it is in reality this one overal ISSSNISSS awareness everything animating through all consciousness and body forms.
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jiyukun · 5 years
sigh pretty much every single person i know personally and care about is depressed and or suicidal and it sucks
sigh, maybe ive read too many shonen manga this lifetime
idk man idk, im like the big sad too but idk i can deal with it and my other emotions pretty well
plus its really society that sucks balls, Life Itself is amazing and its so unknowingly grand
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nukevinsmith · 1 year
The Real Light of the ISSS
The ALLLISSS Archives. April 4 2023.
Randy shares a Real side experience where what is revealed re affirms the importance of earning one's way, taking the risk, to stand as a free Real being with the Trulight of the ISSSNISSS.
 *Duane The Great Writer provides his insights
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nukevinsmith · 1 year
The Old Stories are all Made Up
The ALLLISSS Archives. March 31 2023.
Duane The Great Writer reveals how before there was creation, there was just the ISSSNISSS. Everything in creation are as ideas that have been made up, including the old stories that are constantly circulated.
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nukevinsmith · 1 year
The Sword of the ISSSNISSS
NuFriends Share March 25 2023.
Ramone shares an experience where again he is pestered by ill intented entities. But help would be at hand in the form of a woman, wielding a weapon that she would proclaim to be, the sword of the ISSSNISSS.
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nukevinsmith · 2 years
Politicians Partake of the Magic Serum
NuFriends Share March 4 2023.
Kevin shares a Real side experience where the opportunity to become more aware is presented to a group of political individuals. For even the dark forces and those affiliated with them, are Real beings of light, and like all Real awareness animating through the body forms, it seeks to recognize the ISSSNISSS Trureality it is a part of.
 *Duane The Great Writer provides his insights
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nukevinsmith · 2 years
Monsters Halted by the ISSSNISSS
NuFriends Share Jan 14 2023.
Ramone shares a Real side experience of an encounter with entity like beings, deployed to eliminate him, but the ISSSNISSS keeps them at bay.
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nukevinsmith · 2 years
NuFriend's Skype Share. July 30 2022
Ramone asks a question regarding the cloak of the ISSSNISSS, and if it is automatically assumed when singing the Nu u song. *Duane The Great Writer provides his insights 
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nukevinsmith · 4 years
Life Is Always New And Endless (File 103)
Files from the Wonderful Environment Educators and Duane The Great Writer. Duane speaks to how Life is endless, it always is and always now, so where is it anything begins or has an ending. We all have been through what we have, and it doesn't matter how many millions of lifetimes, because were right now, its a nowness and its endless. A reality that needs to be recognised, and we each decide our positioning with Life. The Real Side, what people call the dream arena, is also here and now, and we continually decide our adventure and journey.
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nukevinsmith · 4 years
Comparing What Makes Sense To What Doesn't Part 2. (File 102)
Files from the Wonderful Environment Educators and Duane The Great Writer. Duane speaks of how he has set himself up to where he makes comparisons to always determine what makes sense in creation. Taking the risk to not agree with anything creationally established that is mired with ideas, and then figuring out a way to present something that makes sense, making it a constant challenge. He speaks of how he practices defining and better defining this TruReality, pulling everything out of the ISSSNISSS, bringing it around and figuring it out. Comparing what has been experienced to what is being experienced now, then comparing it to the ISSS. As you go through your everyday life and with whatever you do, you compare it to the sun shining, and see and learn to recognise the difference.
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nukevinsmith · 4 years
The ALLNatural Environment Entails ALL Life. Part 2. (File 107)
Files from the Wonderful Environment Educators and Duane The Great Writer. Duane speaks to how there is what is seen, an individual and collective consciousness that is creation, and the unseen, that of the Trureality LifeIs, that creation is a reflection of. When it comes to supporting the ALLNatural environment that supports us all, people think this refers to nature of the earth, but this reference entails everything. The ALLNatural environment is all Life, The ISSSNISSS LifeIS, through the life levels of creation and into the Real Universes. The life levels and how they are in creation is according to agreement, and positioning in them is dependent on recognition. its all about awareness, and as things are established there develops a collective consciousness, and how the consciousness is effects all life levels in creation. So you rather have to deal with the environment in creation your in, if you have not recognised the ISSS. In the Real Universes you allow the ISSS to support you and to recognise how this is so.
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nukevinsmith · 4 years
The ALLNatural Environment Entails ALL Life. Part 1. (File 107)
Files from the Wonderful Environment Educators and Duane The Great Writer. Duane speaks to how there is what is seen, an individual and collective consciousness that is creation, and the unseen, that of the Trureality LifeIs, that creation is a reflection of. When it comes to supporting the ALLNatural environment that supports us all, people think this refers to nature of the earth, but this reference entails everything. The ALLNatural environment is all Life, The ISSSNISSS LifeIS, through the life levels of creation and into the Real Universes. The life levels and how they are in creation is according to agreement, and positioning in them is dependent on recognition. its all about awareness, and as things are established there develops a collective consciousness, and how the consciousness is effects all life levels in creation. So you rather have to deal with the environment in creation your in, if you have not recognised the ISSS. In the Real Universes you allow the ISSS to support you and to recognise how this is so.
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🥬🥝🍒THE ISSSNISSS LIFEISSS 'IS' ITS Own TruReality and Not with anything that can be considered in Creation, so it would 'seem' as though IT cannot exist... BUT IT DOES... and IT IS MoreReal than anything in Creation! So, when I say or write about PerSeeeving, it has very little or nothing to do with what you have come to know with what you decide to consider. Start Your RealJourney to RealFreedom with Singing 'NU~U~U~U' & Seee The RealSide LifeIS for YourSelf! 🍇🍓🍊 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCLYexAfac/?igshid=10ybtmtofpgzz
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nukevinsmith · 2 years
Under Kontrol U.K Skype May 7 2022.
1. Kevin's Real side experience.
He would be presented with the Vu of a Real Guide created reform school, where attitude adjustments and personal self alignments could be made, to align the personal self with the Real awareness intent of TruReality ISSSNISSS recognition. This would be for the individuals benefit if agreeable, as the recognition of the ISSS is the actual Real only purpose. This particular adjustment school was designed specifically for the most abrasive body types and beings, entities, werewolves, demons, etc, who like all body types, regardless of the choices and decisions they have made, are animated by a Real awareness that's sole purpose is the recognition of the ISSS it is a part of, and so this opportunity was thus extended and readily accepted by large numbers of various assorted individuals along these distorted body type lines. What followed was another chase across creation, as the dark forces would deploy another formidable adept agent, who only could realistically be confronted when the agreement taplines that afforded him his power were unveiled and released.
2. Jeremy shares a Real side experience involving the creating of the emotion of fear that would take on an actual form.
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nukevinsmith · 3 years
*Ocean footage filmed on location at Baja Mexico by Duane The Great Writer and Val Vitols.
 “On This Planet Earth in This PhysicalRealm, which is a very small part of the CreationBubble that entails the Various MultiLevels & MultiDimensions, there is an ALLNaturALL EnvironmenALL ReALLity to where Cause&Effect Sustains ItSelf for The RealPurpose of a RealEducation for ALL.  WE~WorldWide Educators LUV What ‘IS’ ALLNaturALL & ReALLL.  Creation IS provided by THE ISSSNISSS ALLLIFEIS and there are NO Authorities involved anywhere in ALLLife, except for ‘Those Who Kontrol Others’ as Authorities and what They have created to Fool the UNaware Populations on This Planet and Many Other Planets, Galaxies & Dimensions.   The NUPresentation & DUANE LEE HEPPNER REAL NONPROFIT is Here for Everyone to WakeUP to What Sustains ALL of US on ALLevels & ReALLL UNUversisss.  Creation and what has been created will come and go as they always have, and ThereIS Always Something MorrreReal than anything in Creation to Seee&BE! 
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nukevinsmith · 3 years
“Words are LiteralCreations for the FiveBodies & Faculties for UNaware People to relate to as to what has been created in Creation.  Thru lifetimes of whatever experiences happen from the Choices that are made, THE ISSSNISSS ALLLIFEIS IS UnSeeen, until the Choice of a Decision is made to Recogn’IS’e Morrre than what has already taken place in Cause&Effect Creation.
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