nukevinsmith · 1 year
NUBOOK TWO 'A JOURNEY TO REALFREEDOM' RealFreedom IS Here & Now. Test what Duane is presenting with The NU-U Sessions, and you will be shown by Rebazar and The RealGuides in Your DreamVisions, 'What IS Real Now!'
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🥥🥑🌊 Yes it is so, there is Emotional Love that plays it's part Here and has it's purpose, but with Love & Death and Everything Else that You have experienced Here, You are Still Struggling and Growing Older Everyday with No Recourse, but to go into Future Lifetimes of even Worse Conditions Here than Now! To Free YourSelf from ALL that Effects YOU, you Must Decide to Face Everything LifeIS! This 'IS' the Biggest Challenge for Each of US to Face & Do! Fortunately... You are in the Right Place at the Right Time, Right Now! I, Duane, was asked by The Real UNUversal Guides to created The NUPresentation and to Share The NUSound 'NU~U~U~U' which 'IS' The RealConnection to The Real UNUversisss of RealFreedom & The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLLISSS. There are NO Authorities & NO Restrictions with a RealLife in The Real UNUversisss of THE ALLLISSS. YOU have Free Will, and YOU Decide when YOU have The RealCourage to Get Past ALL Your Pleading & Begging & Slaving to the Authorities & Systems that YOU have Openly Agreed to for Eons... Those who have Kept YOU a Prisoner Here! StepUP with US and WWWE~Wonderful WorldWide Educators will Share 'What IS Real Now' with YOU... Take The Risk to SeeeMore! 🌞🌻🍋 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #bamboo #hemp https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCMkDeAl1Q/?igshid=1oxjzciwrt92y
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jaieramlee · 7 years
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arifputera07 · 7 years
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Tiadalah yang lain daripada hikayat ini melainkan hanya berkisah tentang percintaan dua insan ini jua tidak habis-habis, Faridah dan kekasihnya Shafik Afandi, dari muka pertama hinggalah ke helaian yang sedang aku baca, yang telah lebih separuh daripada keseluruhan kandungannya.
Bermula daripada temu yang sekilas di pertengahan jalan. Kemudian sapaan di jendela, mendorong kepada saling berutus surat. Hinggalah kepada pertemuan seperti para kekasih kebiasaannya bagi beradu asmara. Berselang-seli dengan usikan gurau, rajuk dan manja. Ah, tiada banyak jauh dengan cara remaja kita bercinta.
Hanya saja terdapatlah juga peringatan-peringatan, bahawa sekuat bagaimanapun perasaan merasuk jiwa, jangan biar kehormatan tergadai. Begitu kerana gemala yang dipelihara kaum perempuan hanya ada satu saja dalam kehidupan. Kalau dicemarkan dengan perbuatan aib, maka habis seluruh harga keperempuanannya, tiada dapat lagi dikembalikan.
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nukevinsmith · 1 year
Living the Experience While Reading About It
The ALLLISSS Archives. March 16 2023.
Jeremy reveals that as he reads the Nubooks and books written by Paul Twitchell, he will experience the content as though living through it himself. *Duane The Great Writer provides his insights
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nukevinsmith · 1 year
NUBOOK TWO 'A JOURNEY TO REALFREEDOM' RealFreedom IS Here & Now. Test what Duane is presenting with The NU-U Sessions, and you will be shown by Rebazar and The RealGuides in Your DreamVisions, 'What IS Real Now!'
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nukevinsmith · 1 year
NUBOOK TWO 'A JOURNEY TO REALFREEDOM' RealFreedom IS Here & Now. Test what Duane is presenting with The NU-U Sessions, and you will be shown by Rebazar and The RealGuides in Your DreamVisions, 'What IS Real Now!'
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nukevinsmith · 1 year
NUBOOK TWO 'A JOURNEY TO REALFREEDOM' RealFreedom IS Here & Now. Test what Duane is presenting with The NU-U Sessions, and you will be shown by Rebazar and The RealGuides in Your DreamVisions, 'What IS Real Now!'
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌲🍏🍍Becoming SelfSufficient by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER... “YOU have been Here for Thousands of Lifetimes and collecting experiences, such as praying to & worshiping gods & saviors, and also having relationships, loving others and helping them, and at the same time looking for something to lesson the Struggling Boring Burdens of each lifetime spent Here and Other Worlds in Black Space. While you have been Here, there has always been 'Those' who watch YOU and Manipulate YOU into doing what 'They' want for ThemSelves. They Watch Everyone as They have Watched YOU! They are The World Kontrollers who Rule This Planet Earth and Other HUman Farming Slave Planets. “HOW CAN THIS BE?” YOU Say? Oh... That's Right... YOU have been raised & taught that the Earth is from a Garden of Eden and this is God's Pedestal for YOU to Make Your LA LA Land Life Here. Guess What... NO Such Thing! YOU & YU, The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, is Here to Learn to Be SelfSufficient in Your RealAwarenisss, so that You can Free YourSelf from Cause&Effect Creation. You have come to 'think' that 'implied' freedoms mean something when they really do Not! You have been indoctrinated to 'think & emotionally react' to the Marketing Ploy of politicians, the priestcrafters, the spiritual soothsayers, the educational manipulators, and the scientific black magicians! You have tried to be a good person and show this to the world, and at the same time this world is not concerned for YOU, because this is Not a Caring Place. 🌟🍄🌹 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCMZ4XAkyQ/?igshid=3li9eb0395n7
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🥬🥝🍒THE ISSSNISSS LIFEISSS 'IS' ITS Own TruReality and Not with anything that can be considered in Creation, so it would 'seem' as though IT cannot exist... BUT IT DOES... and IT IS MoreReal than anything in Creation! So, when I say or write about PerSeeeving, it has very little or nothing to do with what you have come to know with what you decide to consider. Start Your RealJourney to RealFreedom with Singing 'NU~U~U~U' & Seee The RealSide LifeIS for YourSelf! 🍇🍓🍊 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCLYexAfac/?igshid=10ybtmtofpgzz
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌵🌞🐚YOU DECIDE by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER... “Most UNaware People do not know that they really do Not have to Look to Authorities and Their Created Restrictions. While We are on This Planet Earth at This Time, it is so that We each have to 'deal' with Those who like to Kontrol Others, but with Your RealAwarenisss, when You Decide, you can have The RealConnection with The Real UNUversisss of RealFreedom with NO Restrictions & NO Authorities to bother Anyone! There are No 'rituals' such as initiations or 'forms' to fill out, with The Whole of Life, or masters & old gurus to look to with their 'space gods' somewhere out there! 🌻🌚🌟 Tradition is a 'sound-good' Marketing Ploy to Keep People UNaware. The TruReality LifeIS 'IS' AlwaysNU & AlwaysNow, and You Decide when You will take the time to Recogn'IS'e This! The UNaware Masses have Agreed to be indoctrinated with a OneDimensional Literalized Education & LifeStyle, so for the most part, the Thrill Seeking Masses don't know what to do with themselves, so they 'happily' destroy The ALLNatural Environment Supporting Them! YOU are the Decider of YourLife and there is NO One Else Doing it! You can 'pretend' there is, and this is Your Choice. Do the Birds listen to others that try and tell them how to fly? 💧❄️🌬 Yet, people listen to other people who do not know what they are doing Here... WHY? A RealLife Makes Sense, but YOU must Decide to Make Sense of YourLife according to What LifeIS, or stay with what you have known and what others do and 'think' and You will continue to be Here for a Lot Longer. YOU Can WakeUP Now with US! #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCKyVMgBah/?igshid=r72zhrbj4ecn
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🐚🌾🍃"There are two different points of interest within you, which are the inner, The RealU, which is silent, moving and observing, and the other is the outer which pursues its habitual movements, a mass of physical activities, a formation and result of force. This outer awareness often enters and captures The RealAwarenisss of man and no longer does he have the freedom of his own Being, because it acts without his control.” 🌿🌱🌴"As man's awareness deepens, he becomes aware that this is only a frontal ploy making him react to the outer senses. For it is only by the permission of his Real Being that the outer can exist. Hereby, hangs the secret of what you are trying to gather from what I am presenting to you. By the gradual withdrawal of your Being from the outer world and from the outer activities, one can slowly change the nature of his physical self. Eventually, you will PerSeeve, the Real Knower within yourself, and you will become an expression of what is Truly Real and is always in this very Nownisss. You will supersede time and space and all the limitations of old agreements,” said RebISar. ❄️💧🌬 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #alllisss #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides https://www.instagram.com/p/ByM3smsA2Zv/?igshid=mg1vhxkdk4rw
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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❄️ Pictured • Towart Managi • RealUNUversal Guide with ALLLife. Towart can show you the reality of your gods which are nothing more than the man behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz 🧙‍♂️👨 && the Kalyan God, the most worshipped and looked to god on earth and on the third level of creation, the mental realm, which is a 3 headed reptilian god that people fear and love 💕 Sing NU~U~U~U before bed and ask Life and RealGuide Towart Managi to show you What IS Real Now ❄️💭🌹🕊 #towartmanagi #rebazartarzs #paultwitchell #duanethegreatwriter #nubooks #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #katadaki #shamstabrizi #yaublesacabi #raminuri #gopaldas #singnuu #dreaming #dreamguide • Explore RealUNUversisss beyond cause & effect creation • https://www.instagram.com/p/B28sfoRlLym/?igshid=1ti59dg3xwaqt
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🍒🌞🌶GOOD PEOPLE who DON'T LISTEN by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER... “There are So Many Good People on This Planet Earth, and What and Who do most of them Listen & Look To? Their parents, teachers, priests, gurus, masters, prophets, six o'clock news, the created officialness of the Authorities who Decide for Others with Their Rules & Regulations, and whoever and whatever else. All of this and So Much More continues to circulate Around & Around, as Everything Becomes More & More Restricted & Confined to the Absorbing Black Holes that have been created from the UNaware UNconsciousness of the Good People & Others! 🍅🌞🍊 Is Being Good actually Good Enough? Is love & feelings, faith & hope & believing doing what many 'think' these 'ideas' do? When You actually Learn to Seee ALL of Creation, and FarMore than just what is on earth and 'thought' to be all there is to Life, then You will Surely Seee that what is Here is Not at all what LifeIS. You Decide YourLife, and You Liking to Be the Good Person seems to go to where... Old Age? We each have Our Experiences Here, and then There 'IS' a Lot More that is Not Seeen by what We experience Here. It is not that hard to See what is taking place on This Little Planet in Deep Dark Space and where Everything is headed by the Choices that are made Everyday by You & Others. 🍋🌞🥝 Are You Sure that You want to Know Nothing else besides This World of Created Stuff? It is always Your Choice to stay as You are. There 'IS' No Other Way out of Restriction, but to Take The Risk and Do What You Never Have or Have Considered Before! This 'IS' how Real ALL That 'IS' IS! Life is not thinking & emotions, IT IS Very Real to Seee. Learn to Listen to The RealSide LifeIS and YU, The RealU, will Seee! #realunuversisss #realside #nubooks #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #rebisar #rebazartarzs #singnuu #nuu #paultwitchell #towartmanagi #katadaki #gopaldas https://www.instagram.com/p/B28rWBrl89G/?igshid=1t3s028bsugq5
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌵🌞🐚YOU DECIDE by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER... “Most UNaware People do not know that they really do Not have to Look to Authorities and Their Created Restrictions. While We are on This Planet Earth at This Time, it is so that We each have to 'deal' with Those who like to Kontrol Others, but with Your RealAwarenisss, when You Decide, you can have The RealConnection with The Real UNUversisss of RealFreedom with NO Restrictions & NO Authorities to bother Anyone! There are No 'rituals' such as initiations or 'forms' to fill out, with The Whole of Life, or masters & old gurus to look to with their 'space gods' somewhere out there! 🌻🌚🌟 Tradition is a 'sound-good' Marketing Ploy to Keep People UNaware. The TruReality LifeIS 'IS' AlwaysNU & AlwaysNow, and You Decide when You will take the time to Recogn'IS'e This! The UNaware Masses have Agreed to be indoctrinated with a OneDimensional Literalized Education & LifeStyle, so for the most part, the Thrill Seeking Masses don't know what to do with themselves, so they 'happily' destroy The ALLNatural Environment Supporting Them! YOU are the Decider of YourLife and there is NO One Else Doing it! You can 'pretend' there is, and this is Your Choice. Do the Birds listen to others that try and tell them how to fly? 💧❄️🌬 Yet, people listen to other people who do not know what they are doing Here... WHY? A RealLife Makes Sense, but YOU must Decide to Make Sense of YourLife according to What LifeIS, or stay with what you have known and what others do and 'think' and You will continue to be Here for a Lot Longer. YOU Can WakeUP Now with US! #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions (at Huntington Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B25JINSl2YG/?igshid=1xlmwi46o88pv
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🐡🐠🐬GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER...🐡🐠🐬 “Do the Birds & Animals have Governments or Standing Armies that Destroy Others & The ALLNatural Environment? A Quick Look at Recent History, starting with the immigrants from overseas, and especially Europe, and how they were 'seduced' to come to what is now America and set up camp. The KONtrolling Bankers & Monarchy suggested the idea that the people going to the New land could Govern ThemSelves, and this seemed to be a good idea. What the Pilgrims from the Old Warring Land of Authoritarians did Not Realize at the time was, that they were being Setup as 'pawns' to do all the dirty work to get the New Land ready for the Monarchy to Steal Everything they worked for. The Pilgrims were told sweet-sounding stories about how much more freedom they would have 'over there' from where they were. Interesting to note, and that is, the Original 13 Colonies were actually formed from 'influences' that were the 13 Families of the Kabal Elites who Kontrol the Earth. 🐥 🐰 🐸 Many Declarations were created, such as 'The Bill of Rights' to where the unaware and unsuspecting 'pawns' were Told they have Rights. As soon as people Agreed to 'supposedly' having Rights, they had given up any Rights they had to Their KONtrollers who have gradually taken over from what had been established as Self-Governed into Over-Abusive Government Kontrollers who have Purposely Poisoned Your Planet Earth to Keep YOU Down! This is how the World KONtrollers do what they do, as they created the BusinessWorld and the Monetary System for unaware people to Stay Working Slaves at Boring Jobs to THEM-TapLining HUman Eating Martians, for many more unaware lifetimes of even Worse Conditions than Now! YOU & Everyone can Learn to Become MoreAware and Free YourSelf from the Tyranny of The Matrixxx that has been created to Keep YOU Here! StepUP with US~UNUversal SuperBeings and SING 'NU~U~U~U' & Watch Your DreamVisions & Let Life Show YU, The RealU, 'What IS Real Now!' #realside #singnuu #lifeis #taplining #nubooks #duanethegreatwriter #allnaturalenvironment #singnuu https://www.instagram.com/p/B23kHuqn_94/?igshid=ixkt0ypf3ko3
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