misskelseyis · 5 years
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🥥🥑🌊 Yes it is so, there is Emotional Love that plays it's part Here and has it's purpose, but with Love & Death and Everything Else that You have experienced Here, You are Still Struggling and Growing Older Everyday with No Recourse, but to go into Future Lifetimes of even Worse Conditions Here than Now! To Free YourSelf from ALL that Effects YOU, you Must Decide to Face Everything LifeIS! This 'IS' the Biggest Challenge for Each of US to Face & Do! Fortunately... You are in the Right Place at the Right Time, Right Now! I, Duane, was asked by The Real UNUversal Guides to created The NUPresentation and to Share The NUSound 'NU~U~U~U' which 'IS' The RealConnection to The Real UNUversisss of RealFreedom & The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLLISSS. There are NO Authorities & NO Restrictions with a RealLife in The Real UNUversisss of THE ALLLISSS. YOU have Free Will, and YOU Decide when YOU have The RealCourage to Get Past ALL Your Pleading & Begging & Slaving to the Authorities & Systems that YOU have Openly Agreed to for Eons... Those who have Kept YOU a Prisoner Here! StepUP with US and WWWE~Wonderful WorldWide Educators will Share 'What IS Real Now' with YOU... Take The Risk to SeeeMore! 🌞🌻🍋 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #bamboo #hemp https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCMkDeAl1Q/?igshid=1oxjzciwrt92y
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🥬🥝🍒THE ISSSNISSS LIFEISSS 'IS' ITS Own TruReality and Not with anything that can be considered in Creation, so it would 'seem' as though IT cannot exist... BUT IT DOES... and IT IS MoreReal than anything in Creation! So, when I say or write about PerSeeeving, it has very little or nothing to do with what you have come to know with what you decide to consider. Start Your RealJourney to RealFreedom with Singing 'NU~U~U~U' & Seee The RealSide LifeIS for YourSelf! 🍇🍓🍊 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCLYexAfac/?igshid=10ybtmtofpgzz
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌵🌞🐚YOU DECIDE by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER... “Most UNaware People do not know that they really do Not have to Look to Authorities and Their Created Restrictions. While We are on This Planet Earth at This Time, it is so that We each have to 'deal' with Those who like to Kontrol Others, but with Your RealAwarenisss, when You Decide, you can have The RealConnection with The Real UNUversisss of RealFreedom with NO Restrictions & NO Authorities to bother Anyone! There are No 'rituals' such as initiations or 'forms' to fill out, with The Whole of Life, or masters & old gurus to look to with their 'space gods' somewhere out there! 🌻🌚🌟 Tradition is a 'sound-good' Marketing Ploy to Keep People UNaware. The TruReality LifeIS 'IS' AlwaysNU & AlwaysNow, and You Decide when You will take the time to Recogn'IS'e This! The UNaware Masses have Agreed to be indoctrinated with a OneDimensional Literalized Education & LifeStyle, so for the most part, the Thrill Seeking Masses don't know what to do with themselves, so they 'happily' destroy The ALLNatural Environment Supporting Them! YOU are the Decider of YourLife and there is NO One Else Doing it! You can 'pretend' there is, and this is Your Choice. Do the Birds listen to others that try and tell them how to fly? 💧❄️🌬 Yet, people listen to other people who do not know what they are doing Here... WHY? A RealLife Makes Sense, but YOU must Decide to Make Sense of YourLife according to What LifeIS, or stay with what you have known and what others do and 'think' and You will continue to be Here for a Lot Longer. YOU Can WakeUP Now with US! #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCKyVMgBah/?igshid=r72zhrbj4ecn
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🐚🌾🍃"There are two different points of interest within you, which are the inner, The RealU, which is silent, moving and observing, and the other is the outer which pursues its habitual movements, a mass of physical activities, a formation and result of force. This outer awareness often enters and captures The RealAwarenisss of man and no longer does he have the freedom of his own Being, because it acts without his control.” 🌿🌱🌴"As man's awareness deepens, he becomes aware that this is only a frontal ploy making him react to the outer senses. For it is only by the permission of his Real Being that the outer can exist. Hereby, hangs the secret of what you are trying to gather from what I am presenting to you. By the gradual withdrawal of your Being from the outer world and from the outer activities, one can slowly change the nature of his physical self. Eventually, you will PerSeeve, the Real Knower within yourself, and you will become an expression of what is Truly Real and is always in this very Nownisss. You will supersede time and space and all the limitations of old agreements,” said RebISar. ❄️💧🌬 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #alllisss #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides https://www.instagram.com/p/ByM3smsA2Zv/?igshid=mg1vhxkdk4rw
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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#nuyu #singnu #nuu #thenupresentationfoundation #tnpf #allnaturalenvironment #flowers #bees #butterflies #pollinators #nature #earth #gaia #motherearth #rebisar #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #selfsufficientcommunity #dreams #birds #lifeis #realguidance #nubooks #art #surfer #childrenspeak #realunuversisss #noauthorities #norestrictions Thank YU for the photo @allnaturalhenry 🌱🌴🌲 https://www.instagram.com/p/Byo5C_xgfkl/?igshid=y1sh7eoswjm
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🥥🥑“The Real Journey is always with yourself. You will venture forth along The Golden Highway of The Life. Without the knowledge of The Real U, there is little you can do for yourself in The TruSense. This is the secret way to Real Freedom that very few will attempt, because of the way that most people have been so educated. This is why the systems of the earth are mainly a waste of time to experience what has Real Value. They do have their place, but for the earth only and nothing else. That is why it is so important to discover The Unseen Worlds, and learn to bring forth The Real Treasures into our lives that are always hidden. There are riches beyond the silver and gold that a person can have here, and that is through the realization of What IS Real and possible Now.”❄️💦 🌈 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #alllisss #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides 🌴 Updates by Duane The Great Writer & NUBooks+ pdfs 🍊 http://www.wonderfulworldwideeducators.com/nuarticles 🍊 http://www.wonderfulworldwideeducators.com/nubooks https://www.instagram.com/p/Byb9nKzgm6r/?igshid=ehhaem6yq7qw
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌴💐🌹I Support You as You Support Me by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER...🌬⛅️👶 “We have all come thru the Days of Masters & Gurus, who have become the Old KONtrollers, along with Their Followers, Worshipers and Memberships. Because I can Seee THE ALLLISSS, I have not Done what others who Cannot Seee The TruReality LifeIS, have done. Everything has its place in Cause&Effect Creation, and each person makes Their Choice, and I have Decided 'UP~UNUversal Positioning' with THE ISSSNISSS LIFEIS, to where I will Support Those who Support what I am Presenting with The ALLLNatural Environment Supporting Everything that Makes Sense with 'What IS Real Now!' In The Real UNUversisss, beyond Restricting & KONtrolling Creation, which 'IS' HereNow and must be Seeen, we are Each a FreeBeing of RealLight with Our RealAwarenisss SEEEING ALLL. It is up to You to Decide to StandReal with a RealPurpose for ALLLife, moreso than just a little PersonalLife on a speck of a planet in Black Space, that is 'somewhere' in Creation. As the Rapidly Declining Business World continues to 'grind itself away' into nothing, how many people Really Seee where they Actually Are Here, as they chase whatever 'thrills' they can accumulate each day? Most do not, and because of this, and the 'hidden' UNaware Unconsciousness that almost Everyone Here has Agreed to so far, it is not that hard to Seee where everything is going! DO YOU Really want to stay a part of This Decaying Technological Nonsense? YourLife is Always Your Choice! 🌈 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #alllisss #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTDl7bgbYY/?igshid=73iqk9fykxzf
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌺🐚🌾Excerpt from My Book, ‘Adventures of a Real RiskTaker’✨🌼🌷 So I was at this buffet and some of these same fellows from high school and that I mentioned in my previous experiences were there. They started to wave me over, and said “Hey come sit down.” So I started to walk over towards their table, there was three of them so I was scooting into the booth to sit with them, as this light dangled over us. Then the friends said, “You can only sit with us if you don’t be Real. If you don’t talk about what’s Real.” So, this was ‘Food for Thought’ so to speak, they were saying if you’re fake and play along then that’s fine...well it is fine, but I made a choice to get up, walk towards the other end of the buffet, which opened a new door for me, and that was a Real Friend was sitting in a booth where the wall opened up and their were waterfalls and wonderful nature. This was extremely cool. And you know what else was funny? There was a red sports car there waiting for me, spinning on a turn table like I had won the wheel of fortunate. Vehicles are like our other bodies we use to gain experiences, so I now had a nice new fast vehicle to continue to Seee More and get beyond all the boring routines of growing old and only referring to memories and the past as if they are some ultimate to go back to, this is how people begin creating their next lives, always longing for the past and to do it over again as if there is not something better and more real and fun. 🌟 • DM me to purchase the UNUversal Surfers fashion + Your DreamVisions fashion 🌼 or simply go to https://teespring.com/stores/unuversal-surfers • && check out all the new designs I have up! Multiple colors & styles available from babies to adult fashion and sizes 👶🧑 🌈 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #alllisss #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolar https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTDFxsgMzw/?igshid=1j7lz4o3nxgp7
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌥⛅️☀️BEGGING for ANSWERS by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER...🌬🌊🌈 “The 'old way' of doing things with Life is to Beg for Answers, such as, “O'Lord, please do this, or give Me that... or “Master, what is the Answer to Life?” And so the 'petitioning' for something that usually cannot and will not be understood by the PersonalMind goes on for Those who are Still UNaware of THE ISSSNISSS LIFEIS. We have each come thru the Process of Creation to The NUNownisss LifeIS, and as long as people Decide to Keep Begging for 'something' instead of Learning to Creatively Recogn'IS'e What LifeIS, and then Doing Something Real with IT, then this 'Place in Life' called Earth and this Galaxy & Realm, will continue to Rapidly Decline, because of the Created Consciousness with Agreeing to Begging to Being Kontrolled by Abusive Authorities! What I am Sharing is Not a silly 'rocket science' that is complex and destructive. It is just that after lifetimes of Agreeing & Submitting to KONtrolling Authorities, those who are still UNaware of The TruReality LifeIS, are using the same 'old' traditional routines of Sacrificial Submission, which they 'think' is getting them somewhere... NOT! Everything has had it's day and is 'okay' for what it has Been, but Not Right Now. All the 'funny things' we have each come thru no longer apply in the same way, and no matter what, unless they are exactly along the lines with The ALLNatural Environment Supporting ALL, those created 'things' will continue to erode! I am Not a 'prophet' predicting anything, but merely Watching what Others Keep Deciding, as they are Not Seeeing what will come from what They Decide. It is all about Choice. Simply SING 'NU~U~U~U' and Watch Your DreamVisions as a Start to a Much Bigger NUAdventure. Anyone can 'believe' whatever they want and have is so, and that will be it! HAVE FUN DECIDING! 🌈 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQq-3MAaAG/?igshid=ohvozm68nyw3
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌺🐚🌾Excerpt from My Book, ‘Adventures of a Real RiskTaker’✨🌼🌷 There is so much hidden and left in the unconscious of man. Many times people will see cabinets dusty of spider webs that is their unconscious TapLines that has not been looked at or cleaned out. As myself I’ve seen the snakes of those around me as this world terms ‘family’ show up in my backyard as my subconscious with stares of attitudes and indoctrination of their children to be distorted. I’ve seen a garage which I also see as the subconscious with all sorts of gnomes, fairies, witches and nature type creatures from all the realms around us and past lives I have lived. My friend saw the RealUNUversal Guides fly into his garage onto spaceships and appear as alien, because to him they were ‘alien’ at the time, until he was able to really Seee more clearly. 🌈 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 • DM me to purchase the UNUversal Surfers fashion + Your DreamVisions fashion 🌼 or simply go to https://teespring.com/stores/unuversal-surfers • && check out all the new designs I have up! Multiple colors & styles available from babies to adult fashion and sizes 👶🧑#selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #alllisss #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides (at Pacific Coast Highway) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQp_BTAOK_/?igshid=1uzo4lj8oaqct
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌬🌊☀️UNIVERSE TO REAL UNUVERSISSS by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER...🥒🌙🌎 “This 'Place in Life' that we are at, which is the Planet Earth and the seemingly endless Blackness of Outer Space, is also termed as a 'universe' which it is actually Not. The original invades who Kontrol This World want people to 'think' they are in a Real UNUverse, but Not So! Everyone Here is actually in a Limited Arena known as the Five Realms of Cause&Effect Karmic Creation. Where do Most People get their information from? The World Kontrollers who invented 'science & technology' as some of Their Many Applications with Their HUman Farming Agendas! For lifetimes, the UNaware Masses have supported politics, spiritualized religion, education, the legal system and science. This where UNaware Followers get their indoctrination from, that which has been invented to Kontrol Everyone for Ongoing Unconscious Lifetimes of the same old routines. As people continue to 'think' this is a Real UNUverse, then they are held Here, because this is all they 'think' they need to know or is to Life. Because The Whole of LifeIS Invisible according to the Personal Senses, it is so that it 'IS' a RealChallenge to FigureOut What LifeIS. This is where I have brought The RealKnowledge of THE ALLLISSS, that is needed as a Real~Reference to Something that Cannot be Defined with the PersonalMind & Senses. The First Step to anything with YourLife Here is to First, figure out Where YOU are Really AT Here! This then begins The Real~Challenge to Seee Creation for What IT IS, moreso than what has been taught by the Kontrolling invented systems and what it is according to THEM Only. You Decide YourLife & RealAdventure and WWWE are Here to Share with Everyone! 🌈 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #alllisss #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realaware https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQh2efARyy/?igshid=xkaua4ll785l
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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• DM me to purchase the UNUversal Surfers fashion + Your DreamVisions fashion 🌼 or simply go to https://teespring.com/stores/unuversal-surfers • && check out all the new designs I have up! Multiple colors & styles available from babies to adult fashion and sizes 👶🧑 🛸🚆Excerpt from My Book, ‘Adventures of a Real RiskTaker’🚝🚟 When 9/11 took place at 9 years old I was watching it on t.v. and seeeing the emotional reaction of others, and myself, I, honestly saw it as fake, and later I recognized it was a purposely planned destruction by the Orion Reptilians that have been running this planet and what many only Seee is the bankers and politicians that are used as a front to keep the public dumbed down and unaware. The Reptilian Queen of England and others are shapeshifting reptilians and they must drink and eat the blood of children to keep themselves in this physical one dimensional space. 9/11 and so many events like it, bombings, wars, shootings are purposely done to TapLine the unaware masses and feed off of their energy, or loosh. Does it make sense to you that humans have wars? It’s all created distortion and agitation by the reptilians to feed off of you. This is where the reptilian Sirian and Orion beings hover over war zones and especially children’s hospitals as this is their best feeding ground, where there is so much despair, destruction, and emotion, this is what they live off of. 🌈 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #911truth #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides (at Pacific City) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQhBcwgeVr/?igshid=dpmf85fso87j
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🐚🎋🌱'NU~U~U~U' UNUVERSAL NULANGUAGE by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER...🌲🌳🌴“It has been more than established about Languages & Personal Communication on This Planet Earth, and ThereIS a LotMore that Can Be Experienced than with what has been created Here. Coming into Creation has been a Choice that each of US have made, and Do You Remember Why You Decide to Come Here? You do not have to Remember this, as this is Your Choice not to. For Those who want to Truly Remember, WWWE~Wonderful WorldWide Educators are Here for YOU NOW! There is Many Languages on This World, and ThereIS The Real~NULanguage of The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLLISSS, that 'IS' UnSeeen by Most. The 'NU~U~U~U' NULanguage Provides a RealFreedom & ReALLTruth like Nothing Found with the 'common' languages Here. You have to Decide to SeeeMore than You ever have before, and then FigureOut what WWWE 'IS' Presenting to be able to First Recognize 'something' with The NUPresentation RealAdventure that WWWE have Created for Everyone in Creation! This 'IS' a Lifetime NUAdventure like no other that can lead You into a Real~Endlisssnisss with The Real UNUversisss, and there are NO Restrictions & NO Authorities ever again! You must First Decide to Recogn'IS'e The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss, from that of Your PersonalMind & Senses, then You will Start to get a 'glimpse' and Seee The TruReality LifeIS and The Endlisss NUAdventure that 'IS' Possible for YOU! With what You have Known with Your CommonMind, what I am Sharing Seems FarOut... AND IT IS! The Best Part 'IS' that IT IS MoreReal & Alive than any 'temporary' thing Here! YOU Must Be The Real RiskTaker to SeeeMore than ever before... YOU DECIDE!🌸🌛💐 🌈 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #alllisss #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQfHDmA6x3/?igshid=2xazo2twj9ey
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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• DM me to purchase the UNUversal Surfers fashion + Your DreamVisions fashion 🌼 or simply go to https://teespring.com/stores/unuversal-surfers • && check out all the new designs I have up! Multiple colors & styles available from babies to adult fashion and sizes 👶🧑 more coming soon 🌼 🌄🏜Excerpt from My Book, ‘Adventures of a Real RiskTaker’🏕🏔 As a baby I saw all sorts of beings around me and as my body grew to age four, these were mostly light beings there to support me, and other entities began to show up because of the influences of the house I lived in. Eventually before I turned six I saw ghosts in the house and of course no one took what I saw seriously, but I knew for sure what I saw. I later realized I was seeing these entities because of the alcohol in the house. People have no idea how controlled they are and how many entities they allow in their auras from the drugs, including and especially alcohol they consume. There is a reason alcohol is referred to as ‘spirits’. Some people have their bodies completely taken over or ‘blacked out’ and do not remember the things that took place because of the entities they allow to overtake them and operate their body. One of the sister’s roommates in New Jersey had a portal open in her bedroom while I was there because she was a huge drinker to the point she was opening so many unknown areas for these beings to come right in and hang out around her. These beings have passed over and are so bored or they do not even know they have passed they look for others on earth that are doing the drugs and drinking they were doing while they were here to attempt to syphon off the ‘thrill’ of this experience. 🌹🌿 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #surfer #permaculture #indigenous #surfergirl #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides (at Kokomos Surfside Grill) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQed48A4e-/?igshid=utclmufyxq0
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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🌼🌟🐚YOU ARE SAVED by DUANE THE GREAT WRITER...🍂🌟🌼 “There are Many UNaware People who are looking for the 'thrill' of Being Saved by Someone Else who 'seems' to know more than others. This is a 'good-sounding' story that has been passed around for the longest time. The old traditional 'stories' can be a start for Those who are Looking for more than just Their Personal Temporary Life Here. You can Actually Be Saved by YOU! WWWE~Wonderful WorldWide Educators Show You how to do this with NO Authorities! Do You want a RealAdventure like no other, or just stay Here with those who still do not know why they are Here? ThereIS No Mystery to Anything in Life, once YU, The RealU, learns to Seee For YourSelf 'What IS Real Now' and what Creation Really IS, and What 'IS' Beyond Restricting Authoritarian Creation! Why keep waiting for old 'saviors' that are Still Not Here? Are You Sure they can do what has been written & said about Them? After 2000 years, which is a lot of agonizing lifetimes of searching, does this still Make Sense to 'believe' in a sound-good story? There were many saviors before the present day known 'storybook' saviors that have still not returned! Keep Waiting or Get Real Now with US~UNUversal SuperBeings! 🍉🌊🎶 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #rebazartarzs #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #alllisss #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPWzOxAP19/?igshid=t9hazcx2e7yr
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misskelseyis · 5 years
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•In my UNUversal Surfers Tank 🏄‍♀️ & Your DreamVisions Leggings 🦵 photo credz @allnaturalhenry 👨‍🌾• Ask me where to get these fashions I’ll DM you 👗 • By Kelsey Lynne Brown Wonder Writer• Those that are unaware and in denial or ignorance or whatever of what Duane is presenting with the backing of LifeITSelf do not recognize their RealAwarenisss and so how is it that anything can be realistically resolved, cured, or taken care of? This world is full of mostly band-aids that make you feel good and end up destroying you like chemotherapy, radiation, surgeries, pharmaceuticals and psychotropic drugs and then there are those that open up their auras to entities through LSD, cannabis, DMT, ayahuasca and others like it. You can have your experiences but to continually take these substances and rely on them as a reality is a misdefinition. The only RealCure there is, is your RealAwarenisss. Your RealAwarenisss IS beyond Creation and can see through Creation, while still being in it. 👩‍🎤 DM me your e~mail for My Book 📖 Free In Color PDF 🧡 #selfsufficientcommunity #ecovillages #allnaturalenvironment #duanethegreatwriter #kelseylynnebrownwonderwriter #realunuversisss #allnaturalhenry #singnuu #nubooks #nuu #realside #realguidance #dreamvisions #katadaki #rebisar #paultwitchell #surfergirls #nupresentstion #dreams #dreaming #surf #permaculture #indigenous #pyramids #gopaldas #nuhomeschool #unuversalunuversity #allsolarresearchvessel #realawarenisss #realunuversalguides https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPVv34Al5F/?igshid=1214vdtnk05a3
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