#istg when those words came out of his mouth I wanted to fight
makorragal-312 · 1 year
Ben really had the audacity to say that Nick was just like him.
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red-hood-vigilante · 2 years
Also speaking of the Trials, that moment when Dean brought up past mistakes from years ago that sam made that he should atone for in the church, good grief I know family ties can be complicated but there have been a few times when I really wanted sam to deck dean and just go on a vacation away from him, and this was one of those moments (one of many if I'm being honest)
It feels like Dean is always judging sam for past 'mistakes' and has never fully forgiven him even after he says that he has, but he has no issue moving past other people's transgressions. Like I don't agree that Sam is fully to blame for the apocalypse since the angels and demons AND dean had a hand in it but no one ever mentions anyone else, just the role sam played in it. I don't understand how anyone considers dean blameless for breaking the first seal, but then they put all the blame on sam for breaking the last seal as if he wasn't manipulated in to it (I don't know if cas ever apologised to sam for for his role in manipulating him but I really bloody hope so)
Dean eventually just came off as so self righteous and high and mighty that for the life of me I couldn't figure out why anyone even liked his character anymore, except for his looks. I imagine he does have some redeeming moments but not nearly enough to justify the writers turning spn into more about Dean than both brothers
omfg i will be aggravated about dean's "list of sam's wrongdoings" until the day i die 💀💀how did he say that with his chest and zero shame istg every single thing he pulled out of his ass were things that either a) weren't sam's fault because it was outside of his control b) something he was lied to about and/or manipulated into doing or c) a combination of the two
AND whenever sam's past is brought everybody conveniently leaves out the part about how he sent lucifer back to hell at the expense of himself to be tortured for all eternity and accepted this as punishment of simply existing as lucifer's vessel which was never a thing he could control to begin with!! angels flat out said multiple times that letting lucifer out of hell to fight adam was a plan they set in motion long long time ago
speaking of angels. castiel. my guy in a dirty trenchcoat. how are you gonna blame sam for making the wrong choices when you kept vital information under wraps for an entire year - information that would help sam make an informed decision
i think for dean, not many knew he broke the first seal, i think only sam and the angels knew + some demons but no human side characters, while sam breaking the final seal became pretty public knowledge through word of mouth after lucifer's release. in addition, sam being lucifer's vessel, being prophesized as the next boy king to rule hell and having demon blood in him made all the "good guys" despise him bc in the eyes of angels and many hunters, sam was closer to demon than human. to some degree, being on the outside here not knowing the full picture i get the fear and anger directed specifically at sam way more than dean but in that case, dean and castiel should've helped lift sam's spirits and ease his guilt by acknowledging their own part in lucifer's comeback, even when they too were manipulated and lied into doing it.
dean does indeed have his moments but they are unfortunately few and far between post-kripke and it's such a shame that they wrote dean the way they did bc the charm and core of the show is the complicated, flawed and dysfunctional yet compelling, believable and caring relationship between the brothers. writers post-kripke were so often close to saying something or having a breakthrough with dean and/or sam but somehow avoided that every time the opportunity arose, which is kinda impressive actually, and lost a lot of what made the characters and by extension the show so intriguing to begin with
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nctrsn20 · 3 years
[just a heads up but trigger warning for the Dreamies + Shorato&Sungchan]
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POSITION ― Leader-Boss of DREAM, All Rounder
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Strictly Unavailable [colleagues to lovers]
I swear Mark is exactly like Peter Parker
now introducing the boss and leader of DREAM, Mark Lee
a young, handsome and polite man which all girls kind of having a thing for him (both in the mafia organization and in school)
but when it comes to work, he is a mixture of Kun and Taeyong
he is nice like Kun but he doesn't take bullshits just like Taeyong (and he gets pretty scary when his love ones especially his bestfriend are involved in his businesses - expect Mark not to be nice and probably knowing he is going to kill you by the end of the night)
very hard-working individual
he jumps from helping 127 and to be Dream's leader, basically helping the young ones and lead them - he HAS A LOT of plate to handle but he is lucky that he has Haechan to relate to
but there is someone he would easily get everything and anything out of his chest and that would be Mark's best friend and crush
she knows everything about Mark - vice versa and how did they know each other? well, they kind of met thanks to Lee Taeyong (you see, Mark's bestfriend is Taeyong's sister)
they met in Taeyong's company building where all 23 members work at and tbh it was iconic because she came in barging into the level where the 23 members located - that area is strictly prohibited to outsiders and ONLY a few staff could enter (and Mark plus some of the 127 members were there at that point of time and strangely they just asked Mark to lead her when he doesn't even know her, but it looks like the older members knew her because they kind of greeted her nicely and cutely which is rare to see the older ones do that)
and ofc gentleman+awkward Mark lead her to where Taeyong is and from there, Mark finds out that she is Taeyong's sister (Mark feels dumb but it's okay bcs she actually doesn't introduce herself as Taeyong's sister for safety reasons - it was weird for Mark, he kept on bumping onto her even when she visited Taeyong for both business purposes and for siblings time)
he also finds out that she went to to same college as him (as well as the other Dream members' partners, it was all a coincidence that Mark's crush is friends with the other Dream members' partners)
and because she is Taeyong's sister, she would always be invited to parties that are made by Taeyong or the other members. (in result all of them became friends and consider a family, she is even friends' with all 23 members' partners - she is a social butterfly)
whenever they are talking in the corner of the room, the older members would look at her and Mark - observing Mark from far and they kind of guessed that Mark somehow likes her, just seeing the way his body language shows
they are right, Mark indeed likes her ever since she kind of confronted Taeyong on giving Mark missions back to back (Mark finds out that it lead into a huge argument between her and Taeyong - actually everyone finds out they were screaming in Taeyong's office till Taeyong's girl and a few of the 127 members had to step in)
and let's just say Mark is a HUGE mess ever since he sees her as his crush (Haechan would always push him to confess to her but the leader would always stutter - like how can you easily shoot someone on the head but can't even say 3 simple words?)
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POSITION ― Sniper, [Main] Weapon Expertise
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [high school friends to lovers]
the weapon expertise and a skilled shooter that was acknowledged by Johnny
our Renjun has a tiny wincy incy bit of temper but is tolerable (usually Mark would easily calm him down but we ALL know who is the one who could just calm down his emotions with just showing herself up)
honestly, Renjun is mostly calm with the 23 members but when it's only the Dream members or they are in a meeting, in the end of the day he would either argue with Haechan or Mark about a mission or business
but when it involves physical fight (not with the Dream members though, they always have a soft spot no matter how things get tough), no one could stop Renjun other than his best friend
both of them are friends ever since high school and she was literally his ride or die friend which turned into his crush best friend (Renjun was known to be a tsundere in school and she was well, we will get to her story in her own part, a girl version of Lucas but she is more tone down and she dates the popular ones back in high school)
fast forward to college where all the Dream members attended (and so as their partners), she and Renjun as usual are close as ever not until she dated a guy that was lowkey rivals with Renjun - basically the Huangs'
it was obvious he dated her to get NCTs' information but here is the thing, she doesn't hang out in NCT's residence that much (due to her work and school stuff, she was somehow naïve)
fast forward Renjun and the rest of the members find out that the guy cheated on Renjun's best friend and things went down yall (Renjun got into a fist fight with him and ofc the Dreamies had to call her and that's when things literally went downhill)
she and Renjun got into a huge argument, it's just messy until Renjun couldn't take it anymore and literally shouted those 3 words which is 'I love you' and our homegirl is shook (and Renjun started avoiding her and she just went to NCT's residence crying after Mark and Haechan spill everything to her - Dream members couldn't take it anymore after seeing Renjun basically crying and just wasn't himself for a few weeks)
according to Mark and Haechan, Renjun told them that he has always like her every since high school and till now, his feelings never change - he likes how confident she is, how protective and caring she is (and to Renjun, the way she flirts with him was different from how she flirts with other guys) although she had did things that break his heart (dating others, basically seeing her in campus)
he really loves her that he would kill someone if they wants her head
and let's just say at the end of that day, our homeboy Renjun got a kiss that he always wanted, which was on the lips - and from there, both of them worked things out and now we have a bad-ass couple
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, Hitman [hand to hand combat expertise]
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [best friend to lovers]
now let's welcome the hitman of the group, Lee Jeno
to be honest, he is considered an all-rounder BUT Taeyong acknowledges him to be a hitman after seeing him basically attacking and ending up killing one of Taeyong's enemies with just his bare-hands
mind-blowing because Jeno is the quietest and somehow calm and to know he could just kill someone with a pair of hands? damn
it was insane to see his duality that the 127 members could only look at Jeno with open mouth (they were shookth) and of course everyone knows not to make Jeno angry or being in his red list
one day, somehow rumors got into the kids in the mafia school that Jeno murdered someone and out of a sudden kids started to gang up on him
though mostly the Dream members as well as their partners back up Jeno (since Dream members know the exact story) and most of them were willing to get hurt just to protect their friend, but Jeno would tell them to stay out of it
but of course one wouldn't listen to him and let's welcome our savior of Jeno's life, his best friend aka his crush ever since they were in middle school
his crush is a sweet individual and most people were quite weirded out to see him getting along with her, both of their personalities kind of the opposite (they didn't know that the reason why they are able to be friends, much more than friends - best friends)
will explain more about his crush istg i love Jeno's girl Jeno secretly loves her bad-ass/aggressive side which was the day when sadly, his crush gets nearly expelled - so what had happened was Jeno got into a fist fight with a group of boys and there was a commotion obviously which lead Jeno's crush and her friends (which were Dream's partners) to the area
basically Jeno was being ganged up and beaten - her friends were shook that she decided to get involved which was rare and seeing how aggressive she got when she shove one of Jeno's attacker and started throwing out strong punches to the point when the boy screamed bloodily (and her friends had to hold her back, it was so sudden and frightening to see the look she gave)
and all of them was basically sent to the principal's office and let's just say Kun was being called too (he is the dean of the college they are attending) - and everyone receives punishment equally but the group of boys who gang up on Jeno were given much more heavier punishment
the next thing happen that made all of the Dream members step aside was hearing harsh words coming from Jeno as a result the two of them were shouting at each other in frustration until one of them accidentally said 'i love you'
but those words weren't coming form Jeno - it was from her (it was all a sudden but she meant it)
let's just say at the end of that argument, both of them shed more tears in each other arms and getting a kiss on the lips - and a full-time committed relationship
now knowing that jeno thought he knows her best friend-lover too well until he somehow figured out a secret that she has been keeping from him and everyone around her for too long
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, All-Rounder
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [acquaintances to lovers]
the troublemaker and an all-round (just like Mark)
he and Mark runs from 127 to Dream back and forth and he is positioned to do all kinds of roles (sniper, assassin, hitman, decoy) according to Mark and Taeyong's instructions
very loud individual and you can hear him screaming or just talking in full-caps somewhere in NCT's residence (Taeyong, together with Kun and Mark actually made their own residence - combining three huge houses together as their home, a place for the ones who doesn't a place to live or when there are missions back to back so 127, WAYV and DREAM has their own houses but the fun part is that their houses is just the opposite of each other)
and interestingly all of sudden he became strangely quiet whenever a very familiar looking girl walks into NCT's residence together with the other older members along with their partner's
you see, Haechan has a huge crush on Jungwoo's and Jaemin's partner's sister and although they were in the same circle of friends, she and Haechan didn't talk much and that's because she is a busy girl while Haechan is too shy to make the first move
but all that shyness has to be put down when Taeyong gave Haechan work to do which was to become the bodyguard to her (apparently her sisters were in danger which lead to Haechan's crush being involve too)
basically they started talking and both were becoming more comfortable with each other that Haechan would always hangs out with her in school and be clingy to her and as usual being his usual loud self (and she is the only one who can keep up with Haechan's clinginess which the other members would call her if they couldn't handle him)
when Haechan started to realize he is in love or already fell for her is when he was summoned into the meeting room with 127 (and for the first time, Jungwoo wasn't there and that's because he was in another country, on a hide out with his girl), telling Haechan that a group of syndicate is trying to kill his crush's bloodline (apparently her family has a lot of hatred just because they have the most gold-basically-rich which is ridiculous)
so she was forced to stay in NCT's residence (together with her younger sister whom were just a few months younger which would be introduce as Jaemin's partner) and by then Haechan already confirmed his feelings for her after they kind of cuddled together as well as having the deep talk regarding her life and it's just different
and when Haechan thinks the situation was eased down and thinking that he could make his move, turns out it was the opposite of what he thinks - and to summarize, his crush end up being the hostage making ALL of NCT members' to move their feet after seeing Haechan basically turn into rage
Haechan was a mess alright, he was mad, frustrated, kind of pissed with himself and also scared (at the end of the day, he was the savior of the night - he was the one who personally took her out of the basement of where the syndicate lives)
the rest was history with interestingly her being the first one to confess to him and Haechan making the first move on kissing her right in front of the members (iconic)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, Hitman
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [high school friends to lovers]
the deadly cute hitman of the group (well Chenle, Jisung and Shotaro are cute but they are different type of cute)
while Jeno is more to a hand-to-hand hitman, Jaemin uses Renjun's newly made weapons on his targets (and again, Jeno and Jaemin are somehow soulmates - they work together, hangout together)
although Jeno is always with him, school somehow separated them since they were taking different subjects (this is in high-school) and that's how he gets to meet his crush, which is also a sister to Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner in a not-so-good situation
Jaemin is known to be that cute introvert individual who does his own thing and sadly, boys who had jealousy of Jaemin's good looks would find ways to tease him or just made fun of him (Jaemin would usually shrug them off and Jeno would always be the one to back him up)
until one day when Jaemin steps out of the school building and he was randomly pushed down and all he remember was huge throbbing on his head from being kicked and punched then hearing groans and yells from the boys before passing out
and when he woke-up kind-of, he saw blurry image of Taeyong, Jeno and a girl in a corner, he couldn't see her face clearly but all he could remember was she had a blonde hair and she was wearing a leather jacket (and he passed out again poor Jaemin he wasn't in a good condition)
Jaemin would return to school a few days later and strangely, there were new rumors regarding a girl, that was also mentioned with Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner's names, coming back and of course as a NCT member he put two and two together (she was the one who save him and she is the sister to both of Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner and they are known to be well-known in their own ways, especially the youngest one. it would be explain in her own profile/moodboard)
honestly during lunchtime, they would make a few eye-contact from far. Jaemin as usual with Jeno and the Dream members while she was in her own clique (this is before she joined Elinovas Angel, she had her own clique in high school)
the reason why Dream members didn't approach her nor her clique or herself is because both groups are kind of rivals secretly (but all of them are chill though and THAT IS BECAUSE of her saving one of the Dream members so it's a win-win situation)
the first time Jaemin approach her was when she was just minding her own business in the cafeteria, sitting alone, reading a paper while munching an apple (apparently the way Jaemin approach kind of her made her choke slightly, causing her to almost fell from her back and that's when Jaemin perfectly caught her, IN his arms all of a sudden it's like a k-drama or something) let's just say they were lost in each others eyes with her basically yeeting out of his arms with a flushed face
THAT was the moment when they kind of were attracted of each other
the rest of high school days were actually pretty memorable because he actually made friends with her BUT in secret , thanks to Taeyong and the older member's parties, Jaemin had his chance to make her trust him as they had this cute bond with each other since she attended the events as a sister to Jungwoo's and Jeno's partners (Jaemin already consider her as his best friend maybe more than that, he is still confused with his own feelings)
but things started to get out of hand nearly graduation when all of a sudden Jaemin and Dream members were being approached by her clique, needing Jaemin's help that one of their members which was Jaemin's best friend/crush was being held hostage (and everyone was shocked to see how Jaemin's face turned from normal to rage - he literally ran out of the school compound)
within an hour with Jaemin rushing to Taeyong and getting the information he needs, Jaemin founds her and he was horrified after seeing her body literally laying on the basement and she looked like she was beaten (Jaemin was crying when he was driving his way to NCT's residence - everyone was shook to see him cry because in every missions they did, he had never show his vulnerable side, this was the first and it isn't even a mission tbh)
he would stay by her side - he even neglected his own daily needs. he wouldn't leave her side even when the Dream members or the older members would softly ask him to eat or take a rest. that was the moment when everyone figured out that Jaemin loves her (it was obvious with the way Jaemin looked at her sleeping face - and deep down, Jaemin even knows he care for her, adored her and love her)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [high school friends to lovers]
IMPORTANT FRIEND ― Felix Lee (Stray Kids)
the cute and sassy tech specialist
if Jeno and Jaemin are a pair, Chenle is with Jisung (the two youngest were assigned to be the tech specialist, at the same time the main guards of NCT's residence so they are always in front of multiple PCs' and they are the ones who would accept outsiders in - that's how much Taeyong trust the youngests)
Chenle loves his job tbh that's because he get to plan out booby-traps for unwelcome visitors and most of them would be killed instantly by Chenle and Jisung's booby-traps (the older members were shookth to see a few dead bodies in front of their main door - and they found out Chenle and Jisung had used Yangyang's poison air-gas and somehow put them in balloons)
being tech specialist, he rarely comes out to do missions since Taeyong doesn't allow him and Jisung too - but when Taeyong or Mark really needs a last minute back-up, that would be Chenle (the young one has his own back-up team)
until one day, a unfamiliar girl and obviously unwelcomed ran into NCT's residence - there are multiple CCTV's in their residence (they could even see what's going on WAYV and 127 residence) and it was weird to Chenle because he couldn't recognize her since he knows everyone who is somehow friends and are associates to the 23 members
so instead of as usual activating the booby-traps, Chenle's guts tell him to go out there personally armed with a gun and asking Jisung to keep a watch out and in the end his guts were right (it was Winwin's younger sister whom Winwin himself didn't talk much since she is always abroad and she looked pretty terrified)
now the thing about Chenle is he isn't too friendly with people he doesn't know EVEN though they are friend with the other members (except for the Elinovas Angels, Chenle really really treats them like his own guardian/older sisters) but strangely, he didn't know why he has this feeling of wanting to protect her - seeing how fragile she look at that exact moment (dude Chenle was concern, she looked like she was crying on the way here and he actually guided her to WAYV's residence since she barged into DREAM's)
and after that night, Chenle strangely kept thinking of her and in result of him asking Winwin what is going on and he was shook to find out his biological sister was about to be in a arranged married with a psychopath and an abuser (and without thinking Chenle started to give out plans and he didn't realise Winwin was shook to hear how concern he is because Chenle IS NEVER to be the one to get in others business)
Winwin being the good older brother actually listens to Chenle and one was to ask her to stay in NCT's residence and to ask her to enroll into where Dream members are currently studying in which was Kun's college (eventually she enrolled and all of the Dream's partners' are sweet enough to greet her, making her comfortable as she joins the group and eventually Elinovas Angels)
everyday, Chenle sticks to her and both of them are already comfortable with each other, not knowing what was about to come in the future
and one frightening day, Chenle receives a hand-written letter from her and he came running almost crying to Winwin about what was written - he was shocked and hurt that she decided to surrender after receiving threats regarding to attack NCT's residence and Taeyong's company building (what he didn't tell Winwin is that she actually wrote a separate letter for Chenle, confessing that she actually fell for him - he was nice, patient and just his own self unlike other mafia man she knows. she also revealed that if she stayed longer, she would fall completely for Chenle)
that part actually made Chenle hurt the most, he could just cry on the spot but his mind was much faster to run to Winwin to save her from doing something stupid (which was marrying that bastard)
for the first time, out of all missions, he decided to personally rescue her along with WAYV members
iconic and everyone sees Chenle's protective and loving side, he is lowkey to his own members but for the first time, everyone could see his vulnerable side openly (and expect to see Chenle calming the almost raging Winwin and his sister who almost gonna cry and that made Chenle kind of more protective)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Strictly Unavailable [childhood friends to lovers]
another cute tech specialist but Jisung is somewhat an angel while Chenle is the devil ajaja
an introvert so Taeyong decided to put him as the tech specialist, together with Chenle (and Taeyong sees Jisung as someone who is still a minor and although this organization is ruthless, Taeyong still cares for the young ones and wants them to be ready when they know they are ready themselves)
everyone babies him tbh and they are protective of him
even his own childhood best friend whom is a younger sister to Lucas, is protective of Jisung
this two are always together - yes, even when they are babies that's because both of their family are friends, close friends
and both Jisung's and his childhood friend's families are known for their own reputation (Jisung's would be having scary parents and hers would be having rich parents)
until one day during middle school, she approached Jisung with tears running down her cheeks - telling him that she had to go, which was to move out since something went wrong within her family business
you see middle school Jisung is different than the now!Jisung, he was happy back then, kind of cheerful although no one wants to befriend him and that's because of his childhood bff (she was always there for him, she went to his soccer tournament, she even attended all of his birthday parties)
Jisung didn't have the time to be shock nor surprised because it was that day itself where his best friend has to go (so throughout the day of his best friend's last day of school, he was being extra clingy with her, accompanying her everywhere)
he decided to follow her all the way to the airport, not surprised when his family was there too to bid their goodbyes' (kind of felt betrayed that they didn't tell him but ofc he didn't care for now since his main focus is his bff)
and everyone is shookth to see Jisung crying while hugging his bff and ofc she had to be the positive one, patting the boy's back - saying she would be back (but both of them know that isn't the case)
fast forward to 4 years later, Jisung meets her at the high school he attended along with some of the Dream members but surprisingly, she was with Lucas (he was again shook because he didn't know at that time that they were siblings and again, he felt betrayed but again that didn't matter)
Jisung didn't approach her though, that's because he didn't know what to feel (during that 4 years without being with each other, Jisung somehow went through the phase of being alone and at some point and as a result, he learn to be independent - and that's how he joined NCT)
until 2 days later where NCT and their partners' were invited for Taeyong's annual party and all of the members' siblings were invited - and from the corner, Jisung saw her along with Lucas (of course some of the Dream members have to call Jisung since the boy wasn't too attentive and Jisung swore that she looked like she didn't want to be there)
and he was right, Jisung followed her quietly - seeing her going to the swimming pool, sitting down on the edge while soaking her feet (the members encourage him to go to her though, and Jisung didn't waste any time to approach her)
the moment he said his first words and locking his eyes with hers, he was stunned on how beautiful she looks - the dim lights in the corners of the pool reflect through the water and to her (let's just say Jisung found out what had happened to her during the 4 years and he didn't know she suffered too - and they ended that conversation with an apology towards each other and hugs of comfort)
since then and fast forward to college, they were as close as ever and at some point, Jisung learnt that his best friend changed slightly (at one time, a group of boys somehow decided to tease him and she decided to step forwards and again Jisung is stunned to see that his best friend know how to fight)
and at one point of time, Jisung realizes that he is falling for his best friend when a boy in school approaches her to get her number but in the end he didn't get one (that's because she likes Jisung too hehe)
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POSITION ― Rookie Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Unavailable but In Love, Deeply [best friends to lovers]
1/2 of the A star rookies that was voted by the leaders of all 3 groups
he looks like an angel but he is more than that
he is actually good at hacking and so Taeyong decided to put him under Chenle and Jisung's care (although he is older than them, but Chenle and Jisung are more experienced)
we would wonder how Shotaro joined NCT? it was actually through his parents (unfortunately through a saddened incident of a syndicate barging into Osakis' residence, they were almost slaughtered but it was actually thanks to Yuta that they were saved - the NCT member was close with Shotaro so they keep tabs with each other)
his parents entrusted NCT on taking care of Shotaro (and since then Shotaro lives with the Dream members. he learns how to be independent with the help of the NCT members)
and with that he is immediately enrolled to schools that Kun owns (he had attended high school which when he met his now best friend)
he is a shy bub and at that time, he was already somehow a member of NCT (all rookies in NCT will definitely end up as a NCT member, and as usual all NCT members will gain huge attention in schools)
everyone was gossiping about a cute guy that looked like an otter joining the school and stuff and so Shotaro was being seen in the hallways (all girls adore him tbh, he is the only member who looks endearing - even when he doesn't smile)
Shotaro was so committed to school that he joined a club which was the basketball club ! (honestly the basketball club was shook and excited that they have a NCT member and all of them were nice and supportive guys which were rare to find)
and the cheerleaders room and basketball room is just 2 doors away from each other - guess who met one of the well-known cheerleader, yes our otter cheerleader
so what had happened was Shotaro and the boys were leaving to grab drinks and coincidentally, the door of the cheerleaders' room opens abruptly with one of the members exiting the room with her phone on her hand (and guess WHO accidentally bumped into her, yes Shotaro)
followed by hearing deep gasps and the sound of a phone crashing down on the floor, silence decided to cover the area and the first one to move is Shotaro to gather the broken phone while apologizing to her numerously (and what made Shotaro widen his eyes was hearing her answer which was "it's okay, well, at least i get to avoid my annoying older brother. don't worry the damage will be on me though")
and with that, she left quickly and the boys started started to ask Shotaro if he was okay or did she just threaten him and ofc Shotaro was confused on who they were talking about (then Shotaro was being told that she was actually NCT Johnny's adopted younger sister and they kind of had a fall out and stuff - there were rumors about her that she was being adopted and it was sad she had to find out by the rumors itself)
her face and her impression kind of stuck onto his mind that Shotaro couldn't help but steal glances towards her whenever he saw her in the hallway or during lunch (basically a tsundere to him)
according to Shotaro's point of view, she would always be seen with her own clique, in the middle of the girls who were gossiping while she was on the phone looking unbothered at the same time answering her friends (and somehow they both caught each other's eyes that Shotaro froze and as for her, she slight smiled at him before looking away *cue Shotaro panicking and feeling butterflies on his stomach*)
the next moment they met was at Taeil's party and as usual everyone was invited, which includes Shotaro - and when he arrived, guess who saw the girl looking grumpy as she followed her tall older brother? Shotaro of course (she doesn't look impressed at all as she follows her older brother as he was talking to his own friends - and at one time she slips off as she wander around)
and while Shotaro wanders to find the Dream members and her walking off making small talks with Dream members' partners, they again bumped into each other but this time she was about to fall by her back and Shotaro who has fast reflex caught her by her sides (that's when they had a FACE TO FACE eye contact and not wanting the situation to be an awkward one, she started the conversation first which lead them to exchange numbers)
which just an exchange of phone numbers, both of them became close which means they kind of know each others' habits and because she trusted Shotaro, she even told him her secrets - well not a secret since everyone found out from a rumor (Shotaro remembered that she called him in the middle of the night, as she was crying and being the gentleman he is, he came to her and they just sat on the stairs right outside of Dream's residence)
their friendship kind of grew from there till they graduate and attending the same college as the other Dream members (and of course they are accepted in the Dream clique since they know each other through the other members)
and Shotaro is slowly falling for her and everyone knows that especially the members - with how he looks at her and how he just communicates with her, he thinks he knows everything about her but there is just one secret he didn't know about her which will one day save Shotaro's life (will be revealed in her own profile)
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POSITION ― Rookie Sniper
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [childhood friends to lovers]
another A star rookie that picked by the 3 leaders
kind of opposite with Shotaro tbh
he doesn't look like an angel and he isn't an angel due to his tragic past
though he was chosen because of his skills and abilities which is a sniper, Taeyong actually found him walking mindlessly on the street
was it a coincidence? well kind of. Taeyong was actually on his way to personally kill his parents for what they did to innocent people and seeing their son walking mindlessly with blood stains on his clothes, kind of coincidence isn't it?
so Taeyong kind of took him and that's when the mafia leader knew the kid somehow just found out the truth on what his parents did and he was ashamed tbh (ofc who wouldn't be ashamed finding out your parents kidnapped children, trained them to become weapons and somehow tortured them in the middle)
and that was like 5 years ago and a year passed, Sungchan lives in NCT Dream's residence at the same time attending high school along with the other Dream members
and one fine day, his class was introduced to a new classmate and Sungchan's eyes widened as soon as he recognized that stone-cold face and his classmates were definitely a positive kind of bunch as they excitedly say their 'hi's and hello's with excitement (Sungchan was the only one who didn't say his 'hi's and 'hello's, he was froze on his seat realizing that girl is his long-time childhood friend)
one thing that Sungchan loves about his childhood which he would always hold onto that whenever someone ask him regarding his childhood was actually play-dates with his childhood friend (whom is a younger sister to Taeil's wife and to Got7's leader, Lim Jaebeom)
his parents were somehow friends with hers and that's how the play-dates started, hence they attended the same middle school (both of them were the innocent ones when it comes to their parents' works but she was smart to find out things since her parents' were assassins)
and with Sungchan escaping from his house after sneaking and hearing their conversation, and he got caught by his parents' men in result of Sungchan getting physical by stabbing them, hence he out of nowhere cut off contact with his childhood friend
Sungchan knew she still recognize him after seeing her face grew more cold, after making a 2 second eye contact as she turned away to find her seat and through-out the day, she didn't even approach him instead she just walked passed him - and that went on for a month
until he decided to approach and let's just say it didn't go well in the middle - with him grabbing her arm since she just ignore him and them basically yelling at each other but what made Sungchan stop on the 'yelling competition' is seeing her tears finally falling and in result of Sungchan crying too after hearing her confessing what she felt for the passed few years without him
and so 2 childhood friends were reunited and one fine day as they were enjoying lunch in school, all hell break loose after hearing non-stop gunshots then seeing a notorious faces of syndicates that Sungchan knew (and strangely before Sungchan decided to make his move, his childhood friend was fast enough to hold onto his hand as they make a run for it)
they were smart to realize that those men were actually after Sungchan and Sungchan couldn't even process everything that day as he only remembered arriving to NCT's residence with all of the members basically running around (basically 127 and WAYV trying to calm down the panicked Kun at the same time worrying for Sungchan and Dream members worrying for Sungchan and his friend)
a few days later, Sungchan was acting weird towards her - avoiding her at the same time not replying to her texts which made her super annoyed, that one fine Saturday night, there was a loud knocks on Dream's residence door and poor Shotaro opens the door to see her raging and wanting to talk to Sungchan who was busy playing FIFA with Jisung and Chenle on the 2nd level
sweet Shotaro guided her and the atmosphere grew tense after Jisung see Sungchan's friend standing with cold glares towards Sungchan and ofc Jisung had to nudge on Chenle and he had to nudge onto Sungchan (honestly it's comedy peak) and ofc ChenJi had to escape from that suffocating atmosphere
Sungchan knew at that moment he was going to have another 'yelling competition' but instead she just sat beside Sungchan quietly and said "please don't do that, I already lost a few people that I love. you are the last person that I don't want to lose."
and they cried in each other's' arms again after finding out the truth about what happened to her family and Sungchan found out that she knew what had happened to him back then (and so much more that Sungchan wanted her to join NCT but she can't because of Taeyong agreeing with Jaebeom on business related stuff and weirdly about her too)
so from that moment onwards till college, there were no secrets between her and Sungchan and they continue to become that type of bestfriends with Sungchan asking her to come to parties or events that the members could invite someone and she would constantly had to remind him that his older sister is married to the oldest member in NCT and of course she has to come
but there was something that Sungchan couldn't tell her face to face and he had no choice to make it as a secret - and that would be confessing to her about his feelings (which was liking her ever since they were in middle school and falling in love with her in the present time)
[ N-127 MOODBOARDS ] - [ 127'S SOULMATES ]
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
YYH Recaps: Episode 4 “Requirements for Lovers”
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Hello, everyone! It's been quite a while, huh? Ah, the endless cycle of wanting to write and yet, astoundingly, not writing. I know it well.
Good ol' writer's block has skedaddled for a time though, so let's make good use of that and dive into Episode Four: "Requirements for Lovers." 
Ohhh, YYH getting spicy with its titles 😏
Actually wait, I shouldn't be making dumb jokes just yet. First I want to acknowledge a slight change to future recaps: YYH, RWBY, and anything else I might try my hand at. Namely, a lack of pictures moving forward. A few weeks ago — months? I honestly can't keep track — tumblr implemented a new limitation where no post can have more than ten images in it. It's a move that, while I'm sure has its justifications, makes sharing analyses of visually-based media all the more difficult. I'll be doing my best moving forward to describe scenes as needed, as well as combining connected images together to stretch out my limit, but I'm not going to pretend that it'll be the same as getting the visual play-by-play we’re used to. 
Tumblr certainly is a website, huh?  
Anyway, we open on Yusuke once again lamenting the difficulty of hatching a spirit beast that doesn't immediately devour him from the head down. On the one hand this is an admittedly easy way to reset the story over the course of this arc — the storytelling equivalent of waking your character up each morning — yet I cannot deny that if I were undergoing a resurrection test, it would consume my every thought too. Can't really blame Yusuke for endlessly bringing the conflict up when the conflict is this deadly.
Well, deadly for a ghost, anyway.
Specifically, he's worried about how embarrassing it would be to get eaten by something that came out of an egg this tiny. I'm torn between reminding a fictional character that things grow — a pissed off chicken could kick my ass and it started out in an egg too — and just shaking my head over the absurdity of worrying about embarrassment when, you know, you would cease to exist. It's not even a matter of, "What if I die and then I'm embarrassed about it in the afterlife :( " Yusuke is already IN the afterlife. He's got nowhere to go but oblivion!
Luckily, Botan takes a more practical approach to these worries, pointing out that he'll be just fine provided he does some good deeds. Yusuke starts a rant about how do-gooders are only ever out for themselves.
Yusuke, you dumb-dumb, you're a do-gooder now. What was all that help for Kuwabara, hmm? As said, these early episodes exist in a semi-reset loop, where Yusuke needs to stew in his main character flaws for a while before any real growth starts to stick. Those flaws being, primarily, "I'm a pessimist" and "also I hate myself."
Case in point, Botan accuses him of always seeing the glass as half empty. Which, while true enough (outside of his confidence in fighting, anyway), by now we've got a pretty good sense of where Yusuke developed this attitude. He affirms this by talking about how Koenma's got him by the balls, "just another idiot abusing his power!" With an alcoholic mother and those teachers from last episode, it's no wonder Yusuke thinks this way. Mr. Takenaka's interest and Keiko's care aren't enough to combat the rest of Yusuke's experience, not when Takenaka is an outlier and Keiko is Yusuke's peer. Her desire to keep him on the right track reads only as an inevitability at best (the downside of having a perfect childhood friend), or a legitimate annoyance at worst. Or, as we'll continue to see in this episode, a way for them to flirt.
Is it any wonder Yusuke would sneer at Koenma's offer then, expecting the worst? The fact that Yusuke is still undergoing the challenge at all, no matter what he says, speaks volumes to me.
However, Botan is less than comfortable with his criticisms. She panics a bit at Yusuke insulting the (junior) ruler of the underworld so blithely. That, and the fact that he's carelessly tossing his egg around.
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(Yes we’re using precious picture space for memes are you SURPRISED?) 
Anyway, Botan isn't just concerned for the sake of concern. She cautions Yusuke against speaking too freely because there may be investigators checking in on his progress. No sooner does he ask what those investigators look like than one appears.
Thunder! Lighting! An energy so intense that Yusuke is briefly blinded! It is, as he says, quite the entrance. What kind of being could possibly be at the heart of such an astounding show?
Why, this teeny-tiny cutie, of course.
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Remember, few appearances in YYH coincide with the character's true self. Would you ever assume this is the all-powerful investigator who holds Yusuke's future in her hands? Of course not. That's the point.
The investigator introduces herself as Sayaka and immediately demonstrates that she has no more patience for Yusuke's attitude than Botan does. "These damn kids," he mutters and my brain briefly blue screens because Yusuke. You're fourteen.
Plus, Sayaka and Botan clearly have some sort of eternal youth situation going on, so there's that too.
Sayaka is, in a word, fantastic. She pulls no punches with Yusuke, teleporting away from him with what can only be described as a shit-eating smile, all while refusing to tell him what exactly she's investigating. “I’m sorry, but that’s a secret!” However, Keiko is clearly at the forefront of her interest. She refers to her as Yusuke's "girlfriend."
Botan is more than happy to point Keiko out — because of course they're still following her around! — and pulls a Et tu, Brute? on Yususke, leading Sayaka right to her. Like most of the Underworld, Sayaka is rather shocked that the pretty, popular, scholarly girl is supposedly into the delinquent. It's the power of childhood friendship, you fools! Specifically, Sayaka references the "positive markings" that Keiko has accumulated, but the audience already knows by now that such markings are suspect at best. Yusuke himself is proof of that. So if his terrible marks don't preclude him from being a young kid's savior, should we really view Keiko's as proof of superiority?
I mean, Keiko is fantastic, but that's not really the point here.
Starting her own investigation into Yusuke's life, Sayaka begins with one hell of a bombshell: "There's no point in doing [the resurrection] if the people closest to you don't care." WOW. Not only is that a harsh assessment, it's one I don't think I can personally get behind. The offer to restore Yusuke to life is built on the acknowledgment that their system is flawed (even if there's no work to change or dismantle that system): they thought he was worthless, his sacrificial death seems to have proven them wrong, and now they want further evidence, in the form of this trial, that Yusuke is a good person at heart. The whole point of this challenge is to give him a second chance, with testimonies like Mr. Takenaka's emphasizing that Yusuke has always been capable of more, so long as he applies himself. This, as we'll see throughout the series, applies to relationships too. The Yusuke with one friend he play-fights with, a distant mother, and a school worth of kids who are terrified of his very name is not the future Yusuke they expect him to become, so... why base his resurrection on what he's already (not) accomplished? Granted, the show is very unclear about what, if anything, Sayaka will do if she decides that Yusuke doesn't have a life worth going back to (even if I have my own theory discussed at the end), but the fact that this is suddenly a factor at all seems grossly unfair, not entirely unlike Kuwabara's rigged promise. We as the audience know that people love Yusuke. Yusuke himself is beginning to acknowledge that. But if this fourteen year old delinquent truly had no one that wanted him back from the dead... isn't that all the more reason to allow a resurrection and give him the chance to build a life where he would be missed? 
This stupid shonen got me thinking too much istg. 
Yusuke, ever the self-deprecating pessimist, bypasses all of the above thoughts and jumps straight to, "It's clear if [Keiko] had any sense she'd want me gone." I'd find that attitude incredibly sad if I wasn't distracted by how cute Botan and Sayaka are, sitting on the oar together. The spirit girls who fly together, thrive together! 
Botan starts teasing Yusuke about having a crush, which just feeds his temper and Sayaka's confusion. Deciding that she needs to gather more info, they follow along for an average day of school because these earlier episodes are, apparently, ghost-stalk Keiko hours. 
We see her reading aloud in class from Heart of Darkness (not the easiest book for some middle schoolers), scoring a point during volleyball practice, refusing to let one girl cheat off her homework, but happily helping another who runs up with a question. So she's pretty, athletic, and academically successful, the trifecta for any good love interest. Sayaka is impressed not just with her "nearly perfect" scores, but also the maturity that Keiko demonstrates, such as maintaining her morals about cheating while remaining compassionate. 
Actually, I really love the contrast this provides for us, the viewer. Meaning, Keiko is shown to be at her least mature when in Yusuke's presence. Not that her responses aren't justified, but watching her dramatically snatch gum from his mouth, slap him across the face, or pull crazed expressions as she yells at him is a far cry from this calm, poised, soft-spoken Keiko. It's a way to visually show us that she's comfortable in his presence, despite the suspect humor attached. Not that the Keiko we see at school is faking or anything — she is legitimately that kind and articulate — but we see that being with Yusuke allows her to relax in a way she doesn't with others. School!Keiko is, as Sayaka says, pretty much perfect, 24/7. Yusuke's Keiko is a little rougher around the edges, in a way that implies a multifaceted personality shining through. 
However, the only conclusion our trio draws is that, given Keiko's accomplishments, any attraction must be one-sided.
Poor Yusuke lol. 
In a plot move that is so ridiculously contrived, just as Yusuke is grappling with the accusation that Keiko couldn't possibly like him back, a "handsome boy" arrives to ask Keiko out. He says that he couldn't bear it when she stopped reading Heart of Darkness because he's fallen in love with her voice. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 
Please excuse me while I lose my shit over how ridiculous this is. I legitimately straight up cackled when I watched this scene. 
Luckily for Mr. Absurd, Keiko takes him seriously — and lets him down easy. She says she can't be his girlfriend and when he presses the "Why?", asking if she already likes someone else, Keiko confirms that she does. This is done through a shot of her feet. Not a POV shot given the angle, but close enough that it feels like we're stepping into Keiko's shoes (haha), shyly staring down at the floor in embarrassment and regret. 
Rejection complete? The guy screams. 
I mean he screams. 
I mean this nobody we're never gonna see again unhinges his jaw and lets out an unholy shriek the likes of which makes me shriek in utter GLEE. 
It's insane. It's wonderful. I'm going to use one of my coveted image spots to show you his face: 
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Look at that and tell me this show isn't amazing. 
Okay, I'm focusing again. As Keiko runs off Botan and Sayaka start dragging Yusuke, teasing him about how Keiko chose him over that "charming handsome boy." 
...Please scroll up and look at that image again. I find YYH's definition of "charming" and "handsome" to be hilariously wrong. 
Yusuke, as per usual, throws himself into damage control, claiming that Keiko didn't say who she liked, so really it could be anyone. They're not buying it. “'I like Keiko' is written all over your face!” Botan crows. Meanwhile, Sayaka is scribbling in her little investigator's journal that feelings on both side are severely misunderstood. "Suggest serious counseling." 
Fantastic idea, Sayaka. I'd personally suggest counseling for the whole dying/best friend getting resurrected thing... but relationship woes work too! 
We cut to later when school is out and Keiko has gone over to Yusuke's. To say that Atsuko has done a poor job of keeping the house clean lately would be a serious understatement. 
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Keiko points out the old food and broken glass specifically, cluing us in that this isn't just a messy environment, but a dangerous one as well. This is proven when she accidentally knocks a stack of books over and a used bowl falls onto Yusuke's face. What's interesting is that Keiko says that things are "back to normal" now, though I'm not sure if that's in reference to the state of the house, or just the note Atsuko left behind, asking Keiko to take care of Yusuke while she's out. I'm inclined towards thinking it's just the note, partly because of Keiko's shock when she first arrives, because the house wasn't shown to be in this state prior to Yusuke's death (first image above), and because the note is accompanied by a great voiceover that makes Atsuko sound quite sloshed when she left. That's what's normal, the drinking and carefree attitude, not the state of her home. If we buy that reading, it allows for another fantastic look into Atsuko's mental state. If she's already an alcoholic, the trauma of her son's death and the following revelation that he's coming back might make her struggle in other ways. Like finding cleaning to be an impossible task. 
She's depressed. It doesn't excuse the state she's left Yusuke in and, as previously acknowledged, YYH is definitely not a show interested in this nuance, but I still find it fun to take what little we've gotten and run with it. 
However, Keiko is firmly on team "WTF Atsuko." She hurries to make sure Yusuke wasn't hurt by the falling bowl, bemoans him being "covered in garbage," and says that leaving him in this state should be considered a felony. Knowing it's far beyond her power to fix Atsuko's failings, Keiko swears to come here after school every day until Yusuke regains his body. It's as she's cleaning him of the dust that's gathered that Keiko becomes entranced with Yusuke’s features. Particularly his lips. The soft lighting returns, their theme song swells, and Keiko gets thiiiis close to kissing Yusuke for the first time. 
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Which is a little weird, right? I mean, we know why Yusuke is freaking out. Beyond the embarrassment of a middle schooler receiving his first kiss while two ghost girls eagerly watch on, he's made a hobby of denouncing his interest in Keiko to anyone who will listen. But for the average viewer — for Keiko herself — don't we care the he's, you know, dead? Or if not technically dead, very unconscious? Don't get me wrong, I fully understand the appeal of this situation in a generalized, cultural sense (with the side disclaimer that I'm reading a Japanese product through an American lens). Sleeping Beauty exists for a reason and there's definitely an element of that here: a gender-reversed setup where Keiko’s kills may break the "curse" of Yusuke's untimely death. Even his in-between state of being mirrors the "death like sleep" of the fairy tale. But when you strip away those Disney-esque thoughts, we're left with a girl about to kiss an unresponsive body, not as a common gesture of care (the parent who kisses their child while they sleep), but as a first time, romantic milestone. 
It's a little weird lol. 
But embrace the romance! As well as its inevitable interruption. Just as Keiko is about to land a peck, the neighborhood watch committee announces a heat and fire warning, startling Keiko out of her thoughts about Yusuke's "beautiful face." (There's another gender reversal for ya.) She gasps at her almost-action, conveniently remembers that her mom wanted her to do some shopping, and hightails it out of there before embarrassment can really kill them both. 
So she runs off for food... in a sweater? The outfit is cute and all, but I wonder what the animators were thinking, putting Keiko in a puffy pullover during an episode all about a heat wave. 
It's about at this point that the plot goes from cute romance to absolutely buck wild. The fires the neighborhood watch committee mentioned are not, in fact, due to the overwhelming heat, but an arsonist that's going around tossing molotov cocktails through open windows. Why is he doing such a thing? I don't know. Arsonists be doing arson, I guess. The important bit is that Yusuke's place is his next target, considering that Atsuko forgot to lock the windows when she went out. Within seconds all that garbage is set ablaze, quite obviously putting Yusuke's resurrection chances at an all time low. 
"Wake up, stupid!" he shouts at his unconscious body. Mood, Yusuke. That's me every morning. 
So this is a full scale emergency now and everyone is scrambling trying to think of something to do. Yusuke comes up with the idea to possess himself like he did Kuwabara — nice attempt at a loophole there — but since it would technically count as his resurrection, no dice. Botan decides to go get Kuwabara himself, even though he's too far away to do anything. It's still worth a shot. Sayaka, meanwhile, watches all this unfold with a somewhat clinical detachment. She's not quite indifferent and she's definitely not cruel... she’s just not as emotionally invested in this as the other two. Which not only re-emphasizes her purpose here, as an observer judging Yusuke, but also highlights the bond Botan is forming with him. As mentioned before in regards to her hanging out with Yusuke rather than ferrying souls, Botan is well past someone assisting Yusuke simply because it's a part of her job. He's her friend. 
We get some shots of the growing fire which includes a hazy texture to the animation I quite like and then we cut to Keiko several blocks away, shopping bag in hand. Word of the new fire spreads, with one bystander mentioning that it's the twelfth today. 
"This is eerie.” 
“Yeah, I can’t help feeling we’re under attack.”
That's because you are! Someone stop that man! 
Sadly, I don't think the arsonist is mentioned again, let alone captured. We'll just have to relegate that to my incredibly niche fic wishlist. 
Keiko also overhears that the latest fire is on fourth avenue, which of course is where Yusuke lives. Recognizing that he might be in trouble, she takes off at a run. 
Meanwhile, Botan finds Kuwabara practicing his kicks against a Yusuke dummy. Amazing resemblance, right? 
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Watching for the purpose of recapping, I'm picking up on a lot of details in the animation I quite enjoy. I don't think anyone would claim that YYH, at this point in time, has the most impressive or flashy animation (the fight scenes later are another matter entirely), but there's a clear love for the product that shines through. The scared expression on Kuwabara's dummy. His unexpectedly dainty kick, complete with pointed toes. Botan's more translucent coloring to emphasize her supernatural status compared to Kuwabara. There are a lot of nice touches despite the overall simplicity. 
Plus, you can't forget the lovely irony of Kuwabara fighting a defenseless "Yusuke" while the real guy actually lies defenseless amidst a fire. We already know that despite his tough talk, Kuwabara would be horrified to learn that his friend rival had died (again) in such a manner. 
Capitalizing on that transparency, Botan runs a hand through Kuwabara's back to catch his attention. He gets his "tickle feeling" and instinctively looks around towards Yusuke's house, seeing the smoke. "Something tells me I should go that way." Gotta love a guy who drops everything to chase a vague, supernaturally induced hunch. 
As Kuwabara leaves we cut back to Keiko arriving at the house, staring in horror at the blaze. We get an audio flashback to her talk with Yusuke where she promised to take care of his body until he got back. So she tries to run in, only for a couple of the onlookers to snag her, quite correctly keeping her from undergoing a suicide mission. We learn later that Keiko absolutely would have died without Yusuke's sacrifice, so her "You cowards!" is born more of emotion than justified accusations. It's not cowardly to look at the raging inferno in a small apartment and realize that recklessly running in will only result in two dead teens, not one. 
I mean, the flames are already right there, licking the door. Even if Keiko somehow managed to avoid burns, the smoke alone would do her in. Still, Keiko tries to mitigate the damage by dumping a bucket of water over her head. As a kid I remember thinking this was the smartest thing ever. Utterly inspired. Keep that in the back of your mind, kid Clyde, for future reference. As an adult... I have no idea whether this would actually help or not lol. Any firefighters doubling as YYH fans? 
Recklessness and iffy precautions aside, I can't express how much I appreciate the story giving Keiko things to do. Yusuke recognizes that she's the only one with the maturity and open-mindedness to believe in his resurrection. She's the one picking up Atsuko's slack regarding his day-to-day needs. She never hesitates for a moment, heroically throwing herself into this blaze for Yusuke's benefit. Yeah, a lot of that still falls into the emotional/domestic sphere — what we expect of the love interest in a 90s anime — but too often action stories don't have a clue what to do with their non-action characters, not even when it comes to just supporting the fighters. They're simply... there. Keiko, however, isn't window dressing. Whether it's helping Botan survive an upcoming, supernatural plague, or cheering the team on at the Dark Tournament, Keiko is an important part of the story, despite lacking the fighting prowess of the rest of the cast. 
Just as important, this episode establishes a core equality between her and Yusuke. We just watched Keiko reject a (presumably) accomplished guy for him, telling the audience that these surface differences — academics, power levels, popularity, looks — don't matter to them. Yusuke is not Keiko's lesser just because he doesn't have the same scores in Sayaka's book and Keiko won't become Yusuke's lesser just because she doesn't have spiritual power like he does. The only important thing here is that they love each other and they're both willing to sacrifice everything for the other. In the span of about ten minutes, Keiko nearly gives up her life for Yusuke and, in turn, Yusuke gives up his resurrection for her. The level of care they show towards one another is balanced, despite those differences. 
They’re a good ship, y'all. Even if this recapping's got me noticing Yusuke/Kuwabara potential lol. 
To get back to the plot, a drenched Keiko charges into the fire, yelling Yusuke's name for the drama of it because we all know he can't respond. Despite the audience (hopefully) recognizing Keiko and Yusuke's equality, that memo hasn't reached Yusuke yet. "You're a lot more important to this world than I am!" he yells, hammering home that despite everything — knowing he instinctively saved a child, watching his loved ones grieve for him, helping Kuwabara just because he can — Yusuke still, deep down, believes that he doesn't deserve to come back; that he doesn't measure up to those around him. The self-sacrificial nature this insecurity produces shocks Sayaka. She points out that if Keiko doesn't save his body, he's not coming back. "What's the point of being alive if Keiko has to get killed for it?" 
Keiko means more to Yusuke than the rest of his living existence. Jot that down in your notebook, Sayaka! 
Kuwabara arrives and runs into one of his friends who informs him that Keiko just went inside. “Yusuke’s girl? The one we saved from those thugs?”
BOY does that tell us a lot about their rivalry! I mean yeah, we've already established several times over that Kuwabara — just like Yusuke himself — is not the cruel street thug he'd like to present himself as. If these characters actually wanted to hurt each other outside of a martial arts challenge, don't you think Kuwabara would capitalize on the "Yusuke's girl" bit? Everyone seems to know that they have feelings for each other, but Kuwabara never once wields that as ammunition against Yusuke. There are no taunts about him not being good enough. Or rather, I should clarify there are no serious taunts — Kuwabara is well known for his teasing. There's also no attempt to steal Keiko out from under him, the common treatment of the love interest as a "prize" that many stories fall into. Indeed, later this episode YYH will deconstruct this a bit. Yusuke sees Kuwabara grab Keiko's hand and yells that he better not be getting "fresh" with her. But it's purely Yusuke's worries shining through. The audience gets a crystal clear picture of the situation and knows, categorically, that Kuwabara has only the most innocent of intentions in holding Keiko's hand. 
(Well, running from the police isn't innocent, but...) 
I keep getting sidetracked. Plot! Keiko makes it to Yusuke's room and finds that he is already on fire. She then proceeds to try and put it out by patting it with her hands. I take back what I said about Keiko's smarts in this scene. Now we know where that supposed recklessness comes from though. Apparently they're both immune to fire! Nothing to worry about here, folks. 
JK she's actually in danger, despite the animation choices. By this point everyone, including Keiko, realizes that there's no way out: the fire has blocked the door. Sayaka then reveals that there is one way to save her. If Yusuke throws his egg into the fire, the energy of the spirit beast will release and guide her to safety. The catch? Hatch the egg early and it won't complete its intended function of guiding him back to his body. This beast is gonna guide one person and that is it. 
Cue Yusuke's near immediate decision to sacrifice his life for Keiko's. Granted, it's not precisely one life for another. Yusuke's resurrection was always contingent upon the beast not devouring him whole — something Koenma claims would have happened at the end of the episode — meaning that it's not technically a fair trade. Yusuke might have sacrificed Keiko's life for his own... only to fail to get that life back anyway. (There's a tragedy for ya.) To say nothing of how Yusuke is currently dead and has been for at least a couple of days, whereas Keiko very much is not. There's some sort of philosophical discussion there about potential being pit against current reality. 
BUT that's not the point! The emotional point is that he sacrificed his life for hers — the potential of his resurrection, the potential of that life he might have led — all technicalities aside. And I, for one, think that's very neat of him. 
A blue light shines as the egg's energy is released, providing a lovely contrast to the fire surrounding them. A path forms to the door and Keiko, recognizing Yusuke's presence, follows it. "We'll make it, Yusuke," Keiko says, which is one hell of a sucker-punch now that we know she's just carrying a corpse. Unbeknownst to Keiko, Yusuke is very much not making it. That's the only reason why she is. 
Kuwabara appears to help them the rest of the way which is also a pretty awesome thing considering that, from everyone else's perspective, the fire is still raging and blocking the door. Despite his spiritual awareness, Kuwabara gives no indication that he noticed this strange light, or Yusuke's hand in the rescue. Which basically means he lunged into a bunch of deadly fire for Keiko and doesn't question how in the world he isn't burned. 
Keiko's hands are fine, Kuwabara's whole body is fine... fire immunity must run in the friend group! 
Yusuke has another rare moment of vulnerability — "They're both okay" — and I cackle happily at the "both" because see. You love Kuwabara too, Yusuke! All this bluster about hating him and finding him annoying. The second he rushed into that fire you were crawling up the walls. 
Except then that happiness gives way to something that sounds a little more shocked. Devastated. "Well, I sure am... relieved..." Kudos to Cook's voice acting. You can hear the exact moment Yusuke realizes what he's done. Not that he regrets it, but the consequences are finally sinking in. He's relieved that they're safe, yes, but now he's never going to be able to rejoin them. 
As Yusuke has an(other) existential crisis, Kuwabara peels back the blanket Keiko had wrapped Yusuke in, revealing his face. “What are you doing with Yusuke’s body?! Are you some type of sick grave robber?” he shouts. God I love when a story actually keeps track of who knows what. Kuwabara, for all his recent involvement in the plot, doesn't actually know what's going on. From his perspective Yusuke died, he made a scene at the wake, he saved "his girl" from a bunch of thugs, lost a huge chunk of time only to wake up with her randomly hugging him (then slapping him), participated in a bet with his awful teacher and had a couple weird, Yusuke related dreams while studying, and has felt the presence of ghosts perhaps a little more frequently than usual. Now he's trying to help save Keiko from a fire only for her to reveal she risked her own life for Yusuke's body. Of course he's freaking out! What's she doing with that? 
What's utterly fantastic though is that Kuwabara takes all of five seconds to process this and then enters immediate Ride or Die mode for Keiko. She's been hoarding Yusuke's body for undetermined reasons? Well, who is he to judge? The important thing here is that people are arrested for keeping bodies, so they've gotta skedaddle before the firefighters show up. 
Hence, hand-holding and avoiding arrest. 
As Yusuke starts threatening Kuwabara not to get "fresh" with her, Botan sadly reminds him that he no longer has a say in who Keiko does or does not fall in love with. The switch in tone is jarring. Whereas before Botan would have teased him mercilessly for the crush, now she knows that nothing can come of that — and it would be cruel not to remind Yusuke of that too. 
"Oh no. I didn't think..." Yusuke whispers, further establishing that he knew the risks of using his egg, but hadn't allowed them to sink in yet. Now they have. 
He gives a fake little laugh with, "Just when it was getting good" and I cry at the development in the span of just four episodes. Despite what I said at the beginning about the show resetting each week, there has been a lot of change thus far. Yusuke wants to live now! He wants to be there for Keiko! He looks down on his tiny family and screams at the unfairness of it all! They're talking about how they can't wait for him to come back and now that's never gonna happen!!
It hurts, friends. It hurts a whole lot. 
During this conversation between Keiko, Atsuko, and Kuwabara, we see that a couple of hours have passed (it's nighttime now, the fire is out) and Atsuko is apologizing for putting them all in danger like that. And by that I mean yes, she does technically apologize with an "I'm sorry" and everything, but it's also a one sentence apology pit against... well, near death for the three people standing (and sitting) before her. Atsuko seems just as concerned by Keiko losing her hair as she does Keiko nearly burning to death and she kneels by Yusuke's wheelchair, baby-talking to him about how he forgives her, right? I love Atsuko, she's great, but objectively speaking she is not a good mother. Not right now, anyway. 
Oh yeah, and just to reiterate that: Keiko's hands are fine after patting down Yusuke's on-fire body, but her hair, which I'm pretty sure never catches, has to be cut short. Ah, anime logic. Funny thing is, YYH isn't the only story to take the love interest and give her a cool, short cut thanks to a traumatic event. Anyone read Ranma 1/2? 
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During this conversation we also learn that, sometime between the fire and now, Keiko filled Kuwabara in on everything that's happening with Yusuke. Makes sense. He kneels beside the wheelchair, joining the others in telling Yusuke that they'll wait patiently for his return. Yusuke, above them, continues yelling about how they're waiting on a dead man. 
“It can’t be helped. He made this decision on his own." 
Except it can, in fact, be helped!
Just as all hope is truly lost, Koenma appears and announces that Yusuke will be returned to life. Why? Because sacrificing his egg for Keiko is a better indicator of his worth than the egg itself could have been. Despite feeding on his negative outlook and heading towards biting Yusuke's head off — something the animation backs up by showing us teeth during the fire
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— Yusuke's act demonstrates a tendency towards being a "decent human being" that is "so rare." Wow. That's depressing. Still, yay that Yusuke has those qualities! And this, to my mind, helps explain Sayaka's presence. Koenma recognized that judging Yusuke couldn't be left to the egg alone and indeed, Sayaka took note of his worth before he ever threw the egg into the fire. First it was questioning why someone as amazing as Keiko would go for him, then it was solidified through the shock of Yusuke announcing that coming back to life was meaningless if she wasn't in it. Even if Keiko had somehow, miraculously escaped the fire before Yusuke's sacrifice, I bet Sayaka's report would have tipped him in resurrection's favor anyway. 
Everyone is, of course, overjoyed and my heart swells at the intense gratitude Yusuke displays. My favorite part though is when Koenma cryptically says that “Your added experience with death could make you very useful" (a nod towards future events that goes right over Yusuke's head) and his response to this is a yelled, "YOU THINK I'M USEFUL?" This poor kid. The God of everything ever is chucking out revelations left and right, about resurrections and spirit beasts, but the only thing that really penetrates is the realization that someone thinks he's useful. Talk about relatable. 
You know, I've been thinking about why this moment works so well. I mean, there are a lot of other stories where undermining the consequences our hero faces — either with humor, or by erasing them completely — can feel like the audience was cheated. I think YYH dodged that with a couple of crucial factors. First, Yusuke's consequence isn't something new that he's now avoided, it's just a permanent extension of something he was already dealing with. We did get to watch him inhabit the space between life and death, grappling with whether he'd ever be able to return. The story didn't deny us that growth, it just confirmed something we all instinctively knew: this tale won't end here with Yusuke permanently going to some afterlife. Second, the Deus ex Machina fix doesn't happen too soon. Yeah, it's only a couple of minutes in a single episode, but we (and Yusuke) still get to sit with that outcome for a while, soaking it in before its removal. Finally, there's no doubt that Yusuke earned this reprieve. Koenma's timing might be sudden and (if you're not genre savvy) unexpected, but looking back at the series as a whole thus far, we're able to agree absolutely that Yusuke deserves this. Far from feeling like we were cheated, this solution invites just as much celebration as we're seeing on screen, for the simple reason that we can buy into Koenma's reasoning. We know now that Yusuke is a good person. We saw him selflessly sacrifice his future for Keiko. We agree that he deserves a second chance. 
Thus, the episode ends with Yusuke flying up to fill the screen in his joy, a far better, final shot than Harry Potter and The Prison of Azkaban managed 😰
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And that's it for Episode 4, folks! See you later for Episode 5 💕
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justboredtingz · 4 years
ISTG tumblr hates me! I promise I’m working on the fic you requested! And can I get illumi with a black boo who can hold her own and don’t take no shit especially from his punk ass mama! Also you notice how fucking BUILT that man is GODDAMN those shoulders!!! 🤪 also I wanna braid his hair
his hoe ass mama would probably be mad BECAUSE you’re black smh bird ass she always gotta find a problem with something I’m really sitting here mad asl writing this LOL but anyway this is just a bad porno with some plot so   e n j o y
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“I know I called your mom a broke down ass bitch but she tried me!” You plopped down on the couch of your apartment before letting out an annoyed groan,” I told you it was a bad idea to bring me! You know I don’t do disrespect and you KNOW I get active! She only said that bullshit cause I’m black and we both know it!” 
If Illumi wasn’t there to drag you away, you’re almost positive you’d have tried to knock kikyo’s head off of her shoulders, completely disregarding the fact that she’s the mother of a family of assassins. At this point, Illumi’s blood lust that was radiating off of his body couldn’t compare to yours. She should have never said that you weren’t the “type” of person she thought Illumi would get with. Especially not while looking at the perfect ass twist out you took forever on! This all started because he decided it was time to introduce you to his mother, considering the fact that you both have been in a relationship for well over a year. You had already met his father and the guy seemed to be quite supportive of it all, as long as you didn’t get in the way of Illumi’s work. Hoping for the same reaction from his mother, you showed up dressed as classy as possible and made sure to be respectful, but it seems like his mother had other plans. Well, it ended up with you going off on the woman and exposing some of the.. Sinful escapades you’ve participated in with her son. 
Illumi chuckled to himself as he locked the door behind him before joining you on the couch. He pulled you closer to his body by your waist to place a lingering kiss to your neck, “you’re quite bold for speaking to my mother like that, it reassures me I made the right choice in choosing you to be mine.”
There have been many times before where you did not HESITATE to tell someone they’re wrong, especially when it came to Illumi. At some point you had even went off on Hisoka and made him apologize. It’s definitely one of the reasons Illumi took interest in you; what’s not attractive about a woman who can hold her own?
His words never failed to send butterflies straight to your core, “yea well if you ever find me dead somewhere it’s because ya mama put a hit out on my head. But you best believe they’re gonna have to put up a fight!”
With the same unreadable expression he always wears, Illumi turned your head to where you could look into his eyes,” I suppose that means I have to have as much fun with you as I can before that happens, right?“
It was hard as is to get Illumi on an intimate level( most of the time you’d have to whine for him to even touch you), so having him actually initiate it gets you excited. The reason being, he gets aggressive in the best way possible. With a smirk, you pulled his head closer to yours to a point your lips skimmed his,“ If this ‘fun’ you speak of doesn’t involve me getting fucked senseless I don’t want it~”
Illumi snaked a hand under your shirt, giving your breast a slight squeeze. His usual dark eyes seemed to grow darker by the second,” Take off everything for me.”
He did not have to tell you twice. He allowed you to get up and strip down, standing in front of him in all of your naked glory.
He reached out for you, bringing you down to straddle his lap,” I like you much more like this.”
You made quick work of grinding yourself against his clothed crotch, gripping his shoulders for support. Without breaking eye contact, one long finger found itself swiping between the lips of your sex, his cold touch causing your back to arch. Without warning, he pushed his finger into your hole, slowly pumping it while massaging your clit with his thumb. You continued to grind yourself on his hand, starting to feel your body heat up,”mmm~”
His cock twitched, but he ignored it as he pushed a second finger into your begging heat, feeling it try to suck him in with a lewd squelch. He stretched you out and curved his fingers when he found that one spot that makes you dizzy. 
Your pace quickened as he continued to finger you and rub rough circles around your clit. “Let’s see how long you can hold out, don’t cum until I tell you to, darling.” All you could do was nod and clinch around his fingers, trying desperately to hold everything in. He bore into you with the black holes called his eyes, watching every reaction and expression strewn across your lovely features.
“Illumi~ I- I can’t..” He was the only one capable of getting you off only from his fingers. The way he was looking at you wasn’t helping your case either. You were so close and you really wanted to hold it in, but the more he touched you the harder it became.
His other hand found itself wrapped around your throat with a firm grip, “You can and you will. Since when are you the type to defy me?” His head was tilted at an angle, daring you to disobey.
At this point your eyes were rolling to the back of your head, it felt like in any second you could just explode. Words were falling out of your mouth but you weren’t sure exactly what you were saying until..
Static covered your mind as a hot liquid dripped from your core all over Illumi’s hand, however he continued to massage your clit, milking out as much as he could. 
“Oooo fuck~” your head fell into his shoulder, body shaking from aftershocks.  
Illumi removed his fingers, admiring the way the light reflected off of your juices, “You follow instructions so well, darling, I might be having my children sooner than expected.” 
“So you’re telling me that all I had to do to have your babies is be a good girl? You could have told me that a long time ago,” you murmured. He only hummed before picking you up by your thighs to carry you to your bedroom, “Now.. Let’s see how much of my cum you can hold inside tonight,”
 You couldn’t help but let out an excited giggle. We’re getting to the good part!
After dropping you on the plump comforter with ease, Illumi began taking his shirt off. Broad shoulders, smooth skin, lean muscle. God really came through the day he put you and lucifer himself together. 
With a new determination, you scrambled to the edge of the bed and brought your hands to the waistline of his pants, harshly pulling them down to set his erection free. Before you had the chance to touch him, he pushed your shoulders to where you were completely on your back. You were about to question him before he spoke.
“Open you legs, (y/n),” He ordered. You can only choke back a needy plea and do as he says, spreading yourself wide enough so he could see what he does to you.
He’s staring at your damp flesh with a hungry look in his eyes. The intensity of it by itself could send you over the edge. 
You scooted closer to the edge of the bed where he was standing. “Whatever you’re thinking about doing please please please come do it,” you whined. If he took any longer you were just gonna have to fuck him yourself.
“When you beg so nicely, how could I refuse?” He replied, already pulling you by your thighs to line himself up with your hips.
 The blunt head of his cock parted your inner muscle and the farther he went, the pure length of his cock made you feel like you were choking. He angled his hips, insinuating himself deeper until you felt the base of his shaft meet with your soft skin. 
Your core gave a few involuntary spasms at the invasion, still shaky from your first orgasm. All you could do was let a drawn out moan, “Ilumi~~”
Without any warning, he cants his hips back, then forces back in. Your toes curled in the air as you held your knees to your chest. A soft grunt leaves you as he does it again, then again, then again, all in which are slow, hard, deep. It’s like the air is forced out of you with every thrust, pleasure burning from the inside out.
Illumi’s hand found itself sliding up to your stomach, his pace changing into something more aggressive,” Soon, you’ll be all full and plump with my children. Hold in everything that I give to you and you’ll be rewarded.” 
“please~” Tears began to prickle your eyes from the pure force he’s using. The palm on your stomach slid up farther and found a permanent spot on your sternum, most likely being used as leverage as he fucks into you.
The harder he pounded your soft, pliable insides into jelly, the more submissive you felt; you felt like you were truly becoming pregnant and it certainly wasn’t a feeling you were against. Your fingers scratched up his chest until they came down on his shoulders, pulling him so you could feel him against you. He didn’t fight it and gave you the satisfaction of hearing his heavy breaths in your ear. 
Sex rubbed raw from the friction and pleasure, your second orgasm was coming close. Your vision became static once again, but this time it was far more intense.
“Fuck please! Please fucking cum in me!! I need it so much oh my god-” Your words fumbled out in a slur as you felt something inside of you burst. This only caused Illumi to go harder. He could literally break you if he wanted, but no, he’d rather have you walking around full of his cum or fat with his kids. Either way was perfectly fine with him.
At last, a quiet grunt forces itself from his throat, and he pushes your legs as wide open as they go for his last few pumps, trying to stuff his cum all in.
“Hold it all in, (y/n), don’t let a single drop fall,” Illumi thrust himself in as far as he could go and sat still.
You both lied there for a moment before he sat up off of you, looking down to see pearls of milky fluid drip down his cock, your pussy still clenching tight around him from how good he had fucked you, like it would kill you if he left you empty. You knew it, just from the look in his eyes, without saying a word. There was almost no doubt you were carrying his baby after this. 
Thinking you were done, you never expected him to pull out of you and flip you over to where your ass was in air. 
“I just want to be sure~”
Yea his punk ass mama gonna be real mad when she got some little black babies running around smh
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: scouting dilemma 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: hyodo juza/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 1.7k words
𝐚𝐧: guess who was inspired by the 2020 gem heist? wrote a dumb little thing dedicated to all my fallen comrades bc juza won’t come home to them after the reset- sorry to the requests I have yet to fulfill! year 2 ages btw~
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This was the moment you’ve been waiting for. You managed to save up a massive amount of gems, waiting to be spent on a banner with your best boy in it. For months, your fingers itched to pull but you were loyal (with a few caving exceptions) to the character who got you into the game in the first place.
When the developers finally announced a banner with him in it, an SSR of best boy in a summer outfit no less, it was as if fate decided to tell you now was the moment to splurge strike.
9:58 pm.
Staring at your phone screen, you made sure everything was prepared before you could summon. You decided to do your first pull at 10 pm (his favourite number was 10), and surrounded your phone with a summon circle made entirely out of candies still in their wrappers.
9:59 pm.
You sent your prayers to the gacha gods, counting down the seconds until the clock struck-
10:00 pm.
With a shriek, you nearly ruined your summon circle formation of sweets as you scrambled to your phone, clicking the bright, shiny button that had tempted you endlessly.
“Yes, I’m sure I want to spend! Come home, come home, come home…” you chanted, unable to decide whether you should close your eyes until the final results or keep them wide open.
Choosing the latter, you gritted your teeth at the sequence of cards arriving.
R, Event R, R, R, Dupe SR, R, R, R, R, Event SR.
Suppressing the scream that wanted to escape your throat, you tried to laugh it off. At least you got two of the event cards…? Maybe it would have been better to wait until 10:10 pm?
An SNS notification popped up at the top of your screen, and from the little summary, you could tell you were gonna get upset at the contents. Checking the chat, your mutual quickly followed up her message with a screencap of your best boy. Coming home to her.
You quickly sent your response before promptly returning to the game, ‘asdfghjkl im happy for u but like also muting u rn :’< brb soon hopefully yeet need to retrieve my boi from the game’s clutches cya’
Despite your initial optimism, as the pulls kept going, the lower your gem count, the worse your mood became.
Should… should you stop right now? Banner really said no rights to best boy, huh? Sure you were able to fully merge a bunch of SRs and even the event R and SR cards, but not once did he come home? Even his sworn rival’s initial SSR came home if only to spite you or him or both.
Mentally exhausted, you decided to sleep. Maybe your luck would be better tomorrow?
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When you walked into the room with a frown visible on your face, Juza immediately knew something was wrong.
From even before he got together with you, he was always sensitive to the different expressions you made, and by association your emotions— to the little smile on your face as you ate desserts together or the eyebrow furrow-pout combo you did when the professor said something you didn’t agree with. He’d never say how fun it was, seeing the different faces you’d make.
However, while those were cute, this just made him worry.
He’d really rather not fight anyone, but if he has to beat up someone…
Juza found himself distracted during class, unable to stop himself from constantly looking at you every few minutes. With a faint peach staining his cheeks, he slipped his hand underneath the desk to grasp your own.
“… you okay?” he said, voice low and quiet as to not catch anyone else’s attention. The look on your face turns a little softer, even throwing him a quick smile but he knows you well enough to spot the traces of sadness still present.
You don’t reply, squeezing his hand back as you finally tried to pay attention to the professor.
He sighed, slowly releasing your hand from beneath the table. He’ll find a way to make you feel better later, but for now, he had to take notes— for the both of you, it looked.
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It’s not every day that Juza does most of the talking, but that just so happened to be the case today. He’s getting restless, stuck between actively wanting to help you out with whatever you needed or just sticking by you and letting you overcome whatever’s troubling you on your own.
You’ll talk when you want to, he knew that, but even still he wanted to be more useful to you. Do you want him to just keep talking to help you take your mind off things? Do you want to rant to him so he can listen? Do you want him to get you something? He’s not the best at giving advice, but if you needed it he’d do his best.
He doesn’t know what to do. You’re responding to him, but your mind is all the way elsewhere.
The next thing he knew, he’s getting a spoonful of his frozen dessert and pressing it against your lips.
You get startled from your thoughts when a sudden icy temperature meets your mouth. You opened your mouth, cringing slightly at the cool before finally enjoying the shaved ice dessert.
While it wasn’t uncommon for Juza to let you taste the food he ate and vice versa, he was usually more reserved, too shy to feed you in public.
‘He must have been worried,’ you thought to yourself if he had to do that just to catch your attention. You immediately shifted your thoughts from the game to Juza, already about to apologise for troubling him before he interrupted you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, and even though he had a scowl on his face, he looked at you with tight and worried eyes.
He knew you played games on your phone, but it was still a bit embarrassing to admit that you were upset for such a long duration because of your best boy not coming home. However, Juza deserved to know, so you pushed away your hesitance before explaining the whole fiasco to him.
Juza doesn’t get it entirely. He’s bordering between relief and confusion— on one hand, at least no one wanted to hurt you or fight you or anything; on the other hand, a 2D guy got you upset?
The concept isn’t completely foreign to him, what with Itaru-san and even Settsu constantly gaming, but usually it was his roommate being irritating and gloating while the salaryman got frustrated, eventually passing his phone to Sakuya.
He’s honestly shell-shocked that you’re upset, so even though he doesn’t understand why it’s such a big deal he’ll do what he can to make you feel better. He’s not the best at comforting people, he can never find the right words… but he’s good at listening.
He placed his hand on top of yours, grateful you don’t point it out verbally or he might actually combust. He can only hope the two of you are seated secluded enough that no one comes by.
Something’s starting to bother him though. The more he listens to you, the more he’s conflicted— if you’re dedicating that much of your… gems (?) to this guy he gets why you’re upset. Another part of him wonders what’s so great about this specific guy.
He’s not upset nor is he jealous, he’s just… figuring out what specific traits you like in this guy. For future reference. Who knew, maybe he’d get to play a role similar to the character you like so much?
“Why do you like him so much, anyway?” He asked, staring intently at you.
Your attitude quickly changed from being upset to being excited to talk about your favourite character.
“He’s just so kind and thoughtful! A total gap moe, you wouldn’t expect him to be so family-oriented because of his appearance but he totally is!” you began, barely catching a break to breathe before continuing on, “plus he didn’t start off as the strongest? But he’s constantly trying his best you just want to root for him and care for him?”
Unexpectedly, Juza finds himself a little flustered, though he’s unsure of why when you’re only describing a character. Perhaps it was the look on your face while you talked?
“Plus, he looks a lot like you! Obviously, I need him to come home, right?” you exclaimed, hitting him straight in the heart with your crinkled eyes and a beautiful smile.
The hand that was comforting you a while ago and gently rubbing patterns onto your skin stilled. You noticed right away, hoping you didn’t say anything too weird during your rant.
He’s silent for a while, unsure of what to do and ultimately deciding to say the first thing that popped up in his head.
“… then why’d you need him to come home if I’m already-“
When he heard you squeal he stopped himself from continuing whatever he was going to say. Did you hear him? Dumb question, of course, you did!
You covered your face with your hands, unsuccessfully hiding the strawberry red colouring your face, and screamed internally. You can’t see how Juza is reacting but you just heard a bang on the table?
‘Juza? Who told you to- istg I’ll have you arrested for-‘
After a few moments, you’re the one who ultimately breaks the silence, knowing neither of you had enough will to point out the warm flecks that still remained on both of your faces.
“We should get going. Our class is all the way in another building,” you said, slowly standing up from your seat.
“… ‘kay.”
You’re not holding hands while walking, but if he noticed the frequency of your hand grazing his he doesn’t let you know.
Reaching the midpoint between your classroom and his, you turn to face him before splitting off in the hallway. You look to see if the coast was clear, and to Juza’s surprise, you enveloped him into a warm embrace, quick but heartfelt. Neither of you saw each other’s expressions, but Juza wondered if your heart raced just as fast as his did.
“Thank you for making me feel better… I love you,” you whisper the last part, before untangling yourself from him and speed walking away to your classroom. You miss the way Juza looks back at you, body frozen but face a mixture of shock and longing and love.
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want to order again?
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hees-theman · 4 years
3 is Just a Number (Chapter IV)
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Title: 3 is Just a Number
Pairing: Wooyoung x Female!Reader x San
Genre: Romance, BFF to lover, Eventually poly!relationship
Summary: The bond between the three of you is almost unbreakable. Wherever you go, they will follow. Wherever they go, you will join. The moment both of the guys got into a relationship, everything just got better. The three of you are happy with the current moment. That is until one of them decided to follow their own heart – and may or may not break the friendship that you have been holding onto for more than five years.
A/N: This is a bad chapter hh I’m sorry ;; Also, idk if I’m able to survive ateez’s comeback because it’s just asjkdkbdjksjk i almost cried istg
It had been a week since the incident happened. Since then, you have been staying at Yunho’s house. He is nice enough to let you have the bed while he sleeps on the couch.
His kindness made you wonder why San and Wooyoung disapproved of him in the first place.
Ever since the first night you slept in his house, he was always available for you to rant. He also lets you cuddle with him any time you want to. Sometimes, he would place a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Just like that, you are slowly falling for him – that was what you wished to happen. But, not everything will turn out the way we want to, right?
Every time you hug Yunho while watching the television, it reminded of you and Wooyoung doing the same thing. When he gave you a peck on your forehead, you suddenly thought of San since it had always been his job to do so.
You know that you cannot deny that you miss your boys. Sure, Yunho can provide you all the warmth and affections you crave, but it’s different than the one you used to get.
You miss the smell of fresh foods on the table, cooked by San. You want to have your usual bantering with Wooyoung every day. You want to witness their childishness whenever they are being clingy with you.
You miss them so much and it hurts you so bad. However, you cannot do anything, simply because you are not ready to face them yet.
It is lunchtime, but you do not feel like eating. You were walking aimlessly around your faculty when you came across a big poster plastered against the wall – ‘PERFORMANCE ART DAY’.
Looking at the title, you are reminded of Wooyoung and San for the nth times of the day. All of this occurrence makes you forgot that they will be performing on stage soon.
You walk closer to see the date and time. Tomorrow.
Biting your lower lip, your mind starts to think about your boys. Did San get enough rest? Did Wooyoung eat properly?
It was your duty to always keep them in shape no matter how busy they are.
San tends to overwork himself without him realizing just because he wanted to deliver an amazing performance. Therefore, you had to remind him when to stop.
On Wooyoung’s side, he would practice his routine continuously, which resulted in him forgot to have his meal. Sometimes, you wonder how can a human went on a day without eating a single thing.
Just like that, it became your job to pass by his practice room to give him some food and make sure he finished everything right then and there.
It was a bad choice to look at the poster because your heart is now filled with worry. However, due to your ego, you refuse to check on them.
To get rid of the feelings, you walk away from the place and decides to focus on your class.
The show day is finally here. Faculty of Performance Arts are busy with people here and there. Aside from the performances, they are also enjoying all the foods available at the booths nearby the entrance.
Everyone is having the time of their life, except for you, who are currently munching potato chips, on the couch, while watching television.
Yunho was about to walk towards the door but his intention got halted by your presence. He let out a sigh and leans against the wall.
“Aren’t you going,” he asked.
You know what he meant. However, you choose to ignore him and go back to your own activity.
“You can’t be like this forever, y/n.”
Once again, you pretend as if you heard nothing coming out from Yunho’s mouth. The man pulls himself from the wall and stands on his feet, both hands are now in his pockets.
“I heard that those two aren’t like how they used to be before.”
The barrier that you created earlier instantly crumbled down as soon as the sentence left Yunho’s lips. Although it is not enough to make you face him, it managed to stop you from eating junk food.
“They said that they tend to practice until late at night. Sometimes, they even slept inside the practice room. They also barely eat anything and hardly be seen together nowadays.”
If you decide to put aside your pride for a while, you would have admitted that those lines pierce your heart. They sound so exhausted, unhealthy, and sad.
You swallow down your saliva, trying to regain your composure. “They are just busy with the performance-”
“You know well that’s not the reason,” Yunho cut you off. You take a brief glance at him and you can see the seriousness on his face. His bubbly expression is gone.
He let out another sigh the moment you go back to devour those potato chips in your hand.
“I know that you’re still confused, but they need you. You guys have never been separated for too long before. Y/n, you are their strengths. I’m sure they find happiness whenever they are around you – the same happiness that you gave me.”
Your eyes widen slightly at his words before facing him. Those last bits sound a lot like a confession, and it makes you dumbstruck.
The room was quiet for a few minutes. The only noise that you can hear is the conversation on the television.
With a small smile, he walks towards you to ruffle your hair gently. “As much as you hate to admit it, you miss them a lot, right?”
You bite your inner cheek, refuse to give away to your feelings. An amused smile plastered on Yunho’s face as he watches you fighting with your own inner self.
He let go of your hair and walk towards the door. Before he went out of the house, he delivered a few sentences that leave you speechless.
“One more time. Give them back their happiness one more time, and show me again your smile – the genuine smile.”
Somehow, you end up queueing up in front of the hall where the dance will be held. As expected, there will be a lot of people wanting to watch the show.
You were about to take out your wallet to buy a ticket. However, the woman in the booth is faster than you. She hands you a ticket with a smile, leaving you confused.
As far as you know, you did not mention the number of tickets you need. Well, you are alone. But, what if you are here with someone else and the person did not know that?
“It’s y/n, right? This is the ticket reserved for you,” she said.
Although you are still clueless, you take the ticket from her and mutter a soft ‘thank you’. You flip the ticket around and you saw a note that instantly makes you smile.
“It’s not much but we hope you will enjoy the show. We love you – WooSan”
You forgot how sweet both of the boys can be towards you.  No wonder everyone love them a lot. They deserve all the love and happiness in the whole world.
Without further ado, you enter the hall and look around for your designated seat, just to find out that it is nearby the stage.
As you sit down, you can see that you are near the stage where you can clearly see the performance. Unconsciously, a soft smile forms on your face.
They even thought about the position, huh, you thought.
A couple of minutes have passed and the show finally starts. The light slowly dims itself and you can hear the music starts to play.
You watch as one by one enter the stage with their dance routine. The way they move their body matches the rhythm of the music perfectly. It is mesmerizing to watch.
Suddenly, your eyes fell on a familiar figure. One of the person you have been missing. Choi San. He is moving gracefully on the stage as if he is in his own world.
He was making a turn when his gaze fell on you, resulting in his eyes widen and almost fall down on the floor. But, being one of the best dancers, he manages to cover up his mistake.
You were panic for a while, yet you quickly regain your composure once he continues his dance routine.
The performance resumes until it reached the end. Everyone in the hall claps their hands loudly, delighted by the performance.
Not long after that, the next group was called up to take over. That is when you saw the one and only, Jung Wooyoung.
Seeing him reminds you of that time when you asked him the reason he is not in the same team as San’s.
“First, I know I can't keep my hands to myself if he's around. Also, our style is different. He prefers energetic, while I’m more to sensual.” Those were his responses to your question.
The only difference between San’s and Wooyoung’s stage is that he is already looking at your way. San must have informed him about your presence.
His gaze is a mixture of anger and longing, and it pierces your heart.
The music starts and they all start to move according to the beat. Your eyes stuck on Wooyoung as you watch his body flows perfectly to the music. He is a great dancer, just like San.
On stage, he is not the prankster annoying Wooyoung that you know. He is just, Wooyoung.
Without realizing, a tear escaped from your eye. You did not know that watching them grow up while doing what they love can make you feel proud and happy.
Memories of the three of you suddenly came into your mind. All those happy, sad, mad, and crazy moments. You remember everything – and you want to experience it once again with them.
When Wooyoung’s team ended their performance, you had to excuse yourself to the washroom. You turn the tap and wash your face with the water.
If only, if only you are willing to put your ego aside, you would have gone back to them. But, you are not ready to face them. For you, the thing that happened between the three of you is too much.
With an exhausted sigh, you get out of the washroom, just to found two young males leaning against the wall.
Your eyes immediately study their features. Due to the distance between you and the stage earlier, you can barely see the flaws on the boys’ faces.
But now, you can see how swollen their eyes have become. Even though they are wearing makeup, their eye bags are still visible to you. Their lips look dry too. It is obvious that they did not take care of themselves.
“Have you been well?” San’s question breaks the silence between you guys. Likewise, you did not respond verbally, so you just nods your head.
“How was the performance,” the younger male asked. You look at him and force a small smile on your face.
“It was nice. Good job.”
The surrounding become quiet once again until San decided to speak up.
“We miss-“
“Don’t.” You cut him off. You know what he was about to say, but that is the last thing you want to hear coming out from his mouth.
“Why? We can’t miss you now? Is that it?” As always, Wooyoung’s sudden outburst never fail to make you feel irritated.
“You can, if it’s just a friend. But, it’s not just a friend, is it? You can’t love someone else more than that when you both already have each other-“
This time, Wooyoung decided to interrupt you. “Where is the rule that says you can’t have a relationship with more than one person?”
You took your gaze away from Wooyoung as you bite your lower lip. San who has been watching your actions move closer to you.
Just by looking at you, he can sense that you are keeping something inside your heart and mind, and he needs to know about it.
“What exactly are you thinking, y/n?”
Your head hang low. The frown on your face clearly shown that you are still puzzled with everything that had happened.
You play with your fingers as you contemplates if you should or should not let your guard down – and the earlier won.
“I… I don’t want to be labelled as a stealer. Besides, this thing is… rare.”
Wooyoung softens listening to your reasoning. He did not know you would feel that way when San told you about their feelings towards you.
He thought that you are disgusted with the idea. He bite his inner cheek and clenches his fist. He is mad at himself for misunderstanding you.
In contrast, the older one chuckle to himself softly before standing in front of you and pat your head.
“But, don’t you think it’s special because this kind of relationship is rare?”
You puffs out your cheek a bit, but did not give any responds to him.
“Also, you aren’t a stealer. I told you, that we both love you and it’s solely on us. You did nothing wrong, my princess.”
It is understandable when a blush suddenly crept onto your face. No, it’s not peculiar for San use nicknames to call you. But, it is the first time he called you like that ever since that day.
Wooyoung squints his eyes a bit as he witness how shy you suddenly become. To say that he is jealous, well, yeah, he is, a bit.
Even though you tried not to be biased with any of the boys, he still envy San for having it easy. It feels like San knows what you feel and think – And that, annoys him slightly.
Without wasting any chance, he grabs your hand and put it against his face, his eyes lock with yours.
“Just come back home. We miss you. We rarely went back just because you weren’t there.”
You wanted to pull away but instinctively, you begin to caress Wooyoung’s face with your thumb. It is still soft, just like how you remembered.
You were lost in your thought until Wooyoung lean to your hand even more. Quickly, you take your hand away from his face, startling not only him but also San.
“I’m sorry, boys. But, I think I need more time.”
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be-the-spark-flyboy · 4 years
Horror Night
Call It What You Want (1/?)
Series Masterlist
Summary: College AU where you meet Poe for the first time and you find out he isnt a fan of horror movies.
Pairing: Poe x Reader
A/N: I literally tried watch clips from the nun at 3am trying to reference scenes for this then gave up cos Valak is the scariest shit ive ever seen in my life istg 
Warning: swearing, fluff
Word count: ~1.5k
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Autumn nights weren’t exactly your favourite, especially when you are not going to spend it curled up in your bed with a mug of tea, reading your favourite book. Yet here you were on a friday night, in a movie theatre. Rey stands beside you, an arm hooked around yours, chatting away about her day as the two of you wait your turn in the line.
You know Rey chose a horror movie for you, just so she could convince you to third wheel her and Finn. You didn’t mind them though. They were a sweet couple, not the type to be too absorbed in each other and totally ignore your presence. And you loved them both way too much to deny them anything.
“Oh! And Finn’s bringing a friend too, so we need to get four tickets,” Rey tells you.
“Great! Now I have to socialize?” Rey just rolls her eyes at you. It wasn’t exactly her fault that you weren’t feeling so chirpy at the time. Okay, maybe a little bit. She had been the one to drag you all the way here after a long day of lectures and presentations, not even letting you stop by your dorm to change into something more comfy. You are a little overdressed for going to the movies but you wouldn’t have minded your outfit too much if it wasn’t for the demon spawn heels, murdering your feet.
Now that your fantasy of curling up in the theater seat with a popcorn bucket, all to yourself and tuning out everyone else was crushed, your mood considerable darkened.
“Hey, come on. Poe’s a nice guy, you’ll like him.” Rey tries to convince you. Oh well, looks you were finally going to meet the Poe Dameron. The guy who Finn just can’t stop gushing about in the few months you’ve known him. At least you’ll be able to put a face to the name after today.
The two of you settle on a couch just outside the screening room with your snacks and tickets, waiting for the boys who are now running late. Traffic, apparently. Rey shifts the popcorn further from your reach when you try to swipe some from her.
“We need some left for when we’re watching the movie,” she chides, knowing how fast you can munch through your snacks.
“Are they always this late?” You whine, dramatically flinging yourself back into the couch. Rey chuckles at your antics, so used to them by now.
You hear Finn’s laughter before you see him. And who he’s with. 
Oh shit.
Now you were sure the universe hated you. It just so happened to be that Finn’s best friend was the hot stranger you had managed to thoroughly embarrass yourself in front of, barely a week ago. Sleep deprived you, had lost your footing, clumsily tumbling down half a flight of stairs. Luckily, you had escaped with just a few bruises. Unluckily, you had an audience the entire time. You were on the floor when that gorgeous face came into view, asking you if you were alright and you had stuttered and stumbled over your words, face going red with embarrassment.
Before you could consider running away and hiding somewhere, his gaze falls on you, eyes widening in recognition. Oh well, too late. Much to your dismay, the first words out of his mouth were, “You’re that girl from the stairs!”. 
Finn catches on quickly, “That was you?” and doubles over laughing at your expense while his friend gives you an apologetic smile. A smile that made his big brown eyes crinkle at the corners, making you fight to keep your cool because how the hell can someone be so hot and so cute at the same goddamn time? Unaware of your inner turmoil, he introduces himself to you.
“Sorry, I’m Poe Dameron,” you give him your name in return, trying not to cringe at the whole exchange. 
And Rey. She greets Poe, then just watches you, smirking like she knew something you didn’t. When you told her about the incident, you may or may not have referred to Poe as a fallen angel, and literally Adonis. And professed your desire to, quote, pull on those luscious dark curls. So she had witnessed you thirsting over her boyfriend’s best friend. Great. The only consolation was that Finn didn’t know about that, or at least you hope he didn’t.
Finn finally collects himself, and Rey passes the ticket around, announcing that you were going to be late if you stood around any longer. You don’t miss the way Poe frowns at the ticket and whispers a “Oh,”. Before you can ask him if everything was alright, Rey links arms with you, as she drags along to the screening room.
Poe is sitting beside you and he is tense. He had already shifted in his seat at least thrice in the first five minutes of the movie. 
By the time the four of you had walked into the movie theater, the lights were already dimmed and you had stumbled along in the dark after Finn trying to find your seats. And by the time you were seated, you realised you were sandwiched between Finn and Poe, and since Fin had turned all of his attention on Rey, you were left alone with Poe.
He had apologized for the whole debacle outside and you assured him it wasn’t a problem. That wasn’t the first time Finn had made fun of you for something anyways. The two of you made small talk before the movie started and turned you attention to the screen when it began. Poe, however, had gone rigid.
He was clearly not having fun. You feel sorry for him everytime he jolts at every jump scare. You feel him lean towards you under the pretense of resting his arm on the arm rest between your seats, his wide eyes never leaving the screen. You press your lips together, trying not to laugh out loud because you are paying more attention to his reactions to the movie than to the movie itself, popcorn laying forgotten between you both.
“You okay there?” He coughs to cover up the audible gasp that leaves his lips at your sudden interruption.
“Um ya, great!” 
“Not a fan of horror?” 
“That obvious huh?” His bashful smile makes your heart flutter. Before you could second guess yourself, you shift the popcorn bucket to your other hand and hook an arm around his on the arm rest. The weight of his shoulders pressing against yours and his body radiating warmth immediately feels like a safety blanket over you and you hope he feels the same way.
“Does this help?” You pray you aren’t making him uncomfortable as you look up at him and your doubts melt away at the soft smile on his face, his posture considerably more relaxed. 
Then he completely catches off guard as he laces his fingers with yours, warm skin brushing over your, the few callouses between his fingers, a contrast to the smoothness of him palms. You’re suddenly so thankful for the long sleeves of your blouse, hiding the goosebumps now rising all over your arm.
“Yeah,” he watches you carefully for any sign that you may not be comfortable, “This helps,” you give him a reassuring smile, despite the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
You can still almost feel the shivers running down his spine whenever Valak shows up on the screen. His grip on your hand is tight but not uncomfortable. Poor Poe was trying so hard to keep it together.
You can tell Poe is not the kind of person to shy away from physical contact from how he didn’t hesitate to take your hand. Or maybe he was just that scared. Regardless, you lean you head against his shoulder, your other hand on his bicep, hoping you weren’t making him uncomfortable or being too touchy. But your doubts evaporate when he leans his head against yours, relaxing further into your touch.
You cannot really process that you were having such a soft, almost intimate moment with the guy you’ve exchanged barely a few words with. It completely ruins the adrenaline rush you were craving from the movie, but you feel way too comfortable to care. Your whole body feels tingly for an entirely different reason. You hadn’t felt like this since-
Now wasn’t the time to think about that. For now, you were busy thinking about how Poe was making your heart skip beats.
Finn’s eyes are glued to the screen, and he has an arm around Rey. He hadn’t watched horror in sometime and is thoroughly enjoying himself and so was Rey. He wonders if Poe would like it.
Oh wait.
He brought Poe to a horror movie. He must be the worst friend in the galaxy, god. Poe hates horror.
“Oh shit,” he turns around to see how he was doing. Then turns back around snickering.
“What’s wrong,” Rey asks, confused with his reaction.
“Oh nothing, I forgot Poe hates horror. But it’s okay, he seems pretty cozy though,”
Rey leans forward to see what Finn was talking about and her eyes widen at the sight of you and Poe almost cuddling each other, your fingers interlocked, leaning on each other. You two did look really cozy. She leans back, jaw slack.
“Cute, right?” Finn asks, grinning ear to ear.
“Oh we might’ve done something,” the cogs in her head turns as she grins back at Finn.
Poe Dameron Tag list (open): @writefightandflightclub , @arkofblake , @yougottakeeponkeepinon​ , @multifandomlife22​ , @skymerons​ , @smol-peter-parker
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leaveharmony · 4 years
would love to know about some of kennys other offenses. please.
Boy howdy nonners, how long have ya got lol
Alright so I was never...A Fan, to begin with.  I tolerated him even if I found him irritating in a lot of ways.  
The real Problems I had w/ him started at the first press conference after he won the Heavyweight title; that night jericho won the Intercontinental and (fucking) elgin won the NEVER; kenny basically outright said that three (white) guys from Canada just "wanted it more" than the domestic roster.  That he "never sees" the Japanese wrestlers at the gym, that they're "complacent" and that's why they were outshone.  Everybody lost their minds.  A good friend was trying to gently tell him "Bro you're better than this, you really should have chosen your words more carefully here because that could really, super be interpreted as racist" And he directly responded RE "Please don't look for any 'hidden' racist meaning..." and basically doubled down, and then stood back & watched all his followers bully the shit out of my friend for like a week solid, for the crime of daring to question his choice of words.  She didn't even call HIM a racist, just suggested he could maybe be more mindful when talking directly to western fans bc there's always been a miles-long racist streak in wrestling in general and him talking that way when so many ppl accept what he says as gospel wasn't helping.
There was the bodyshaming...that wasn’t a one-time thing, either, but I digress.
There was the absolute debacle when Meltzer got involved w/ an article RE after kenny left he had "visa problems" ...you have to walk that back to the press conference between Tana and kenny before WK (iirc) wherein kenny claimed he'd gotten his citizenship and felt like he was now "real Japanese."  Which was...kinda yikes in and of itself, but after all that shook out and he took his ball and went home it transpired that it was a flat-out lie, and he'd actually gotten like, a permanent residency.  Now: that meant, so long as he had a company sponsoring him he enter and leave Japan as he pleased w/ that paperwork.  Only he quit NJPW.  So they were no longer sponsoring him, but he was still trying to enter the country w/ this visa/status he had absolutely no claim to anymore because he gave it up when he no longer had that position w/ their company.  This turned into a whole ridiculous conspiracy theory RE NJPW was somehow pulling strings to "get him banned from the country for ten years."  The ten years figure was...actually how long he'd have to wait before reapplying for the status he lost, as was explained to me by someone who actually had some experience in the area.  How much of that nonsense actually came from kenny’s own mouth right to Meltzer's ears?  Hard to say, and it MAY have been a miscommunication that got printed as fact, but all Himself would say was a dramatic "Someday I'll tell you all about how my year was SO MUCH WORSE than rumoured."   All he had to do was say 'Guys no I just ran into some red tape, NJPW has nothing to do with it' but instead he had to fuel the gossip of a mysterious, malicious conspiracy against him and cast the mean, cruel company who...let him leave when he quit...as the relentless villain bullying him out of the country.  This sounds like an exaggeration but he did, actually, have some stupid video based on Undertale (I think?) made in which there was a knockoff Lion’s Mark literally playing the villain.  It was...extremely embarrassing tbh.  And he may even believe it, who knows?  He may actually believe he was pushed out because he was a ~foreigner~ they refused to take seriously; his ego is big enough that I’d not be surprised.
Sometimes istg he even gaslights himself; I remember when he said Shinsuke "hasn't done anything compelling" since leaving for wwe (as though Shinsuke books himself lol)...but then before aew formed, but after he left NJPW, he kept claiming that if he went to wwe he'd be able to put on a seven-minute clinic every show, with the scraps of screentime they throw him...that everybody would be talking about him and only him, that he’d ‘enjoy’ the creative restrictions...as though he didn’t like, walk out on their developmental years ago because of all those restrictions :/
Just last year he was still bitching that Shinsuke never dropped the Intercontinental directly TO him, instead vacating it for a tournament.  Because Shinsuke was "one of their guys," because he always has to have a Special Connection to everyone...as though when this man was about to take a huge step and start a new life, what everybody should really have been thinking about was "Gosh but what about kenny though, shouldn't he have had the distinction of beating him directly for it?"  And notably that’s all he’s said about Shinsuke since he left.  Never brings him up when ppl ask who he’d like to see in aedubya, nothing like that...so I mean, so much for special connections or respect lol.  Respect only goes one way for him.
There was certainly the time he booked a convicted sex offender!  For one of his lil pet shows.  And when ppl called him on it he immediately got defensive and took issue with their "tone" and how they were ~judging him~ without having full information, and if they wanted him to respond politely they should speak kindly and politely to him first (again you’d think I’m exaggerating but that is actually what he said, try being kind and polite).  It took maybe a day of fighting people on twitter before he acted like a fucking adult about that one, even if his sullen "apology" still came off like it had an unspoken "...even though I didn't do anything wrong personally" tacked on the end.
There was his fucking...infuriating white saviour complex RE how with him Steering the Ship NJPW would be unstoppable.  There was his ludicrous claim that "Tanahashi's never done anything for international fans"...conveniently omitting that if it weren't for Tana, there wouldn't have been a company left to hire his skank ass, let alone one for there to be international fans OF.  There was his wink wink nudge nudge way of trying to play both sides; acting Respectful and like a Good Guy when he gave comments in Japanese and essentially going "SIKE!" in english so the neckbeards knew he didn’t really think he wasn’t the only thing worth watching.  He made a point of saying during that feud that if they dared put Tana over him the company would be "going backwards," and then made a point of saying he "Can't work under Tanahashi" as he left - a last cheap parting shot to make sure everybody knew who to 'blame' for him tragically leaving.
He straight up said the whole native roster should "thank me for their paycheques" because of course kenneth omegaman is the only one anyone is paying to see, no one else could possibly be interesting enough to tune in for, only him.
I remember when he was hilariously claiming that LIJ would never catch on for the western audience and Naito would never be popular here lol.
He bitches, somehow, simultaneously about not having been made leader of the bullet club soon enough (having to step aside for aj), and that "before the first Okada match" he was making more money from prowrestlingtees than he was from his contract (as though making him leader of the most visible western faction and essentially giving him a license to print money in the process somehow wasn't enough).
Like two years after he left he is still!  Taking every chance he can get!  To shit on NJPW.  He and the fucking bucks were still shit-talking Harold, ffs, years after they left.
....I feel like Marge when Reverand Lovejoy was asking her to list grievances about Homer.  He probably does blow his nose on towels and put them back in the cupboard, too, but only in other people’s houses :P 
Anyway that’s off the top of my head.
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shark-myths · 7 years
2017 Writing Reflection
*All answers should be about works published in 2017.
@horsegirlharry tagged me in this! I have been in a brief writing hiatus while I study for my licensing exam (read: I am all the way dead inside) and I miss it so, so much! Looking back over this year made me HYPE to return to the Peterick motherland in 2018.
1. List of works published this year:
V Day
Be Careful Making Wishes
Small Things
Love’s A Universe
If It Helps You Control Yourself
Fall Out Boy: Live In Tokyo
Like A Chapel In A Hospital
Yes Or No, But No Maybes
Romance Is Dead
Joe Troh Band Ho
Leaves a Mark
The Mad Key
In Every Universe
Saint Anthony
The Difference Between Real Love and the Love On TV
Smash The Mirror, Break The Palm Reader’s Hand
Girl Out Boy
The Opposite of Amnesia
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
This can’t possibly be a surprise to anyone because it’s all I can talk about, but GIRL OUT BOY. I found so much of myself in that story, far more than I ever expected to. I have never written anything more important or more impactful. Every single person who read it and told me it was important to them too, that they felt something, that it allowed them to understand their young selves differently or more kindly, made me cry. Literally every one of them. It’s the best thing I have ever done.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
I don’t know if I’ve ever published anything that I wasn’t proud of? I’m either arrogant or self-assured, idk. There’s stuff that turns cringey or embarrassing with age, of course, but I think everything I’ve put up this year is solid writing and good storytelling. The closest answer I have to this is that it’s really surreal that I posted two AFI fics this year, because it feels like it’s been a literal lifetime since I was in that headspace. I have an awkward-guilty relationship to my works in that fandom now, but I think that they are still good technically, and Small Things was an intensely personal and important piece about my ED experience, so I’m still glad I wrote it and proud of the work I put in.
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
My favorite single scene I wrote this year was the horseshoe crab scene in Girl Out Boy. It makes me laugh so hard. I almost copied and pasted the whole thing here before deciding on this:
What’s ‘boyfriend’ but another word for ‘someone who fucks other girls when you’re not looking’? No, Pete doesn’t belong to anybody anymore. Not even herself. Pete leaves grim, surly Andy at the bar, saying nonsensically, “Be our lighthouse. Guide us home” before she drags Pat out onto the cramped, sweaty dance floor.
Jo, of course, is already in the center of it, just as drunk as Pat and spinning like she personally was elected club disco ball. Pete grabs Jo by the hips and dances up on her, laughing when Jo realizes it’s her and starts grinding and booty popping with abandon. They dance til the club seems to spin of its own accord, three girls linked by heat and heartbeat and meant to be. Pete feels like the brightest thing in the room. She tips her head back, shows her throat to the ceiling ‘cause the sky’s all that she’ll submit to, laughs and laughs. If enough people see her having a good time, she must be. Happiness is brittle and splintery. It’s other people’s eyes that make things real.
Pete gets distracted for a little while by a Tall Dark and Random who hooks her by the belt loops and moves his body with a passion that moves her in return. She feels manageable under his big hands—like she can be broken down, bite-size, and swallowed. It is good to feel hands on her, like someone else is holding her together for once. His mouth is on her neck, stubble and teeth, and she thinks about how soft and vulnerable she is in all the places she gives away, how bitter and rough she is in those few hardscrabble places she keeps for herself. She’s just drunk enough to be strung between caring too much about everything and not caring about anything. His hands on her body either feel good or like nothing at all.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
Okay, like I said, literally every comment I got on Girl Out Boy is basically etched on my heart forever, so this is impossible. One person said “Your writing is always where fic and lyrics collide” though, and that was pretty amazing, because I spend a lot of time steeping in lyrics and then weaving them into fic, and I’m always delighted when people have a positive response to that. Another amazing comment was when someone proposed marriage to my tryst theory and then we planned the wedding together. (It’s next Halloween. You’re all invited.)
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
I very nearly died while writing Smash The Mirror, Break The Palm Reader’s Hand. I was so absolutely stuck and running up against a deadline, and I felt like every word of it was garbage, and it sucked to have to fight and struggle so hard for each word when it seemed like I was producing crap. Luckily my amazing beta @immoral-crow came along and said kind, soft things, and I started to see value in the work and get excited. I’m really fond of the fic now, and I love how it came out all dreamy—I was trying to channel Sarah McCarry or Francesca Lia Block and I think I did okay at that. I’m a pretty lazy writer—when it’s not working or doesn’t feel good, I’ll usually stop and come back later when things are flowing. Which means that I have noooo self-discipline when I’m up against a wall, and I get very pitiful. I complaind more in the month I was writing that fic than I did in the rest of 2017 combined, probably. Me every 2 seconds: why is it sooooooooo hard, why is my life like this, cut off my hands I shall never write again
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
They surprise me constantly! I’m a discovery writer—it’s fun for me because I generally have no idea what’s going to happen next and I’m delighted when the characters show me. One surprise was when I was writing The Difference Between Real Love and the Love On TV, and I had to write a sex scene but it kept ending itself in a fade-out and then I’d have to go back and try again. That’s why the big sex scene in that fic plays like the end of Lord of the Rings. I couldn’t write it through without a million cut-aways.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
- I wrote about queer women and their interiority in a really intentional way, which challenged me and moved me and helped me know myself better.
- I did Bandom Big Bang, wrote a fic-by-request for a fundraiser, and participated in Bandom Bingo 2017. That’s a lot of writing for specific prompts and on specific timelines that was different for me—usually I just write what I feel when I feel it. I’ve definitely been learning better discipline as a result.
- I’ve always been a really personal writer, but somehow it took me this long to realize that instead of writing out my issues through band member proxies, I could literally make them queer women and figure out my shit directly. An unusually large bit of what you’ve read of my work this year is cribbed directly from my life or my experiences.
- I made more writer friends and deliberately read and commented on more fic and I started working with a beta for the first time in my life!
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I want to do even more of the above! Especially reading other people’s fic. I read a ton of traditionally published books, but I learned how to write from fanfiction and I want to get back into the habit of reading more of it! Yeah, that’s an open invitation to send in your recs.
I’m also hoping to work with my new pal @conditionsofhappiness to learn how to do that neat writerly thing called ‘revision’ and get more disciplined. And I want to focus more on representation in my work, especially making room for POV characters of color, because that’s something we aren’t great at in fandom and I think we could do better. (That’s why I wrote Saint Anthony, and it’s the best short thing I’ve written in ages! I’m hoping to do more of that in 2018.)
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
@immoral-crow, who is there for me for every problem whether it’s in-story or not. She betas my life as well as my work, and she always has something to say that I need to hear. She helps me celebrate women and rage at the heteropatriarchy, we read amazing books together, her kindness may well be bottomless, and sometimes, if I am very very good, she Facetimes me drunk and pink and silly. She’s my first beta after 15 years of writing rogue, and I have no idea how I ever lived without her.
@horsegirlharry, who journeyed out of the black pit of AFI fandom with me this year (we climbed a ladder of rainbows to escape) and has celebrated fandom community and girlhood and softness and vulnerability with me all year. She is the staunchest supporter of my commitment to the FOB fandom, to goodness and love, and to whatever project I’m excited about. I am so proud of both of us for how we’ve let ourselves grow!
And any of you who have read my work and told me how it impacted you. That shit literally keeps me going. This year and every year, I would not exist without you guys. 
 11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Always. I am more obsessed with my relationship with myself and my own past than Pete Wentz, istg. The most egregiously stolen-from-my-life things this year are the entire fic Small Things and the Girlsploration of Pat Stump in Girl Out Boy, when she’s reviewing her history and realizing belatedly how incredibly gay it is. Every story about every girl Pat recalls in that bit literally actually happened to me. My life is so specifically embarrassing.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
> Write! The most amazing thing about writing is that you can package up something deeply personal and true about you and just—send it out into the ether. That means people who are ideally suited to befriend and care for you are likely to find it, to find you. I make most of my friends by posting fanfiction on the internet and letting nice strangers bound up to me and start conversations. It doesn’t matter what you’re writing or if it’s ‘good enough.’ The way to get connected to your community and find your people, the way to get better and to learn, the way to get involved in something that will inspire and motivate you and possibly change your life, is just to write and put it out there. I didn’t expect a single person to read Girl Out Boy but I wanted to write it anyway, so I did, and it’s the best thing I did with my whole year. So seriously. Write.
> Some people are assholes and that’s okay. You’re writing for yourself and your friends. Anyone who doesn’t fall into those categories is humbly invited to choose any dick in the world and suck it. Seriously—if someone is hurting you, you don’t need to listen to them, and that doesn’t mean you’ll be a bad writer. Relatedly: if you aren’t enjoying your work, put it down. Write something else. This should feel good.
> Write 20 Minutes. This is how I bully myself when I’m procrastinating or having trouble getting into a flow. Make a commitment to spend 20 minutes really writing—no tumblr, no cell phone, no distractions. Turn off the wifi. Put your phone under a pillow in the other room. And just write, or try to, really honestly for 20 minutes. When the timer goes off, if it still feels sucky, stop! Writing isn’t working today so don’t worry about it! You made a serious attempt, and now you don’t have to feel guilty. Seriously, guilt will kill you. It will never help you produce more words. Try being kind to yourself instead. You’re doing great, even if you only got seven and a half words down in that whole 20 minutes.
> Take a notebook out in public and write! This is one of my favorite treats to myself, even though it’s hard to make myself actually leave my cozy house when the moment comes. In public, you will be so bored and avoidant of stranger small talk that you’ll be forced to focus on your work. It’s also really nice to get a change of scenery, and signal to your brain that it’s time to be intentional and engaged! Try coffee shops and libraries and parks and whatever the most beautiful places are in your town.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
If you saw the length of the “Peterick Ideas” doc in my phone you would be horrified. Um, I want to write everything all the time! I’m already thinking about the next installment of Girl Out Boy (it has a playlist), I’m planning a StormPilot fic, and I’m open to suggestions.
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read.
@leyley09, @immoral-crow, and @beckettsthoughts!
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rorahkeepgoing · 7 years
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Mates relationship *trying to not becoming it a shipping post.... FUCK!*
Okaaaaaaaaaay, what the hell did i just write?!!!! this is not what i wanted to write ISTG (kind of)...  never mind. For whatever developing between the characters  and my cross is cos my analysis on the characters and the interactions in the gameplay(of course it's subjective, i can't avoid it). I always like to question every word said by the charas, and do an inspection about the interaction so: this is what came out. 
Yelv is a good character and i love to see yelv/cross interactions (andiwillendupshippingitifthecharactersfeelsnaturaland”true”tothecanon/notjustforyelv/4everypartymembertoo). 
I rly question the ppl who said that the characters on X are worst than the xcx charas cos lack of character developing and poor personalities... PFFFF LIES!!!!, all of them develop in a subtle eye away from the main plot, just look carefully and pay attention adding a little brain is enough, they all are great (i can’t even say which one is the weakest character there). 
Want to do the same with other important members (just dk what will be next....suggestions?... anyone?..lel i know) and it will not be as corny/drama/issues as this for sure, adding little funny HC  (which couldn't do here cuz lost the control of what I was typing...istg) Also idk how to add some external crosses since all of them are the same and this HC comes from my gameplay... HOW?!.
Their first meeting was in NLA, Natasha had been allowed to take her first walk through the city freely and her first intention was to talk to as many people as possible to gather information. It was then, in one of the narrow alleys on the commercial district she ran into that rather grumpy man who immediately jumped aggressively trying to make her leave. Natasha, a bit perplexed, tried to talk to this man again without any success. It was the first time someone had been unkind in what she had been treading on these new lands, H.B. wasn't a thing yet. Minutes later, marked the spot on her communicator as: "asshole here, avoid the place"
It was a wrong foot starter, (after accepting the affinity mission) Yelv asked her to perform some tasks  to prove if it was really true that, between mouths go round about the new survivor. They said she was pretty and qualified, taken in by the beautiful commander Elma, his former trainer in the reclaimers division. If she was taken by her, she must be capable of success and maybe she will help him to achieve his goal since no one else wanted to listen or help him, apart from that, lot of them were a bunch of pathetic weaklings. 
In response, she simply ignored him, made excuses at his insistence, and finally aimed him with a weapon to get lost... <<The kitten has claws and he likes it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   >>
We all know that story and the rest of it. Natasha accepted it of course, after all: an order/a mission has to been done (robot complex). 
For Yelv, she was bleak, cold like a computer and a bit tasteless. It made him wonder if she was human and despite everything, she seemed like a well-trained puppy who you can give an order and she brings you the world, so he figured it might work anyway while he would keep doing his things at his way.
Perceptions changed a little, right after their first encounter. Natasha found an imprudent hothead guy which didn't measure the size of his tongue nor the limits of his thoughts (and loud, VERY LOUD) also, honest and a good man, he was different... and needed help with his combat methods. On the other side, Yelv found gossip wasn’t wrong, she was capable, quite capable. She was swift and clear, precise, nimble, a bit wild after a while, she banged with the weapons, strong kicks and hits, If the enemy was very large, she'ld easily ride the beast to hit it at key points, also used the environment in her favor and as an extra weapon, she really knows how to move. <<Damn! she was sexy>>.
Yelv had been satisfied, Natasha could definitely help him but they had to get a couple more missions done so she could open up a little more. In fact, was a short time that she had stopped appearing tasteless. Time that gained more and more recognition among BLADE members.
During the course, Natasha began to be bolder with her interactions and behavior in general, even beginning to make small jokes with such a serene countenance causing dismay on him. <<Is she was serious or was teasing him?>>. Anyway, she started to be more friendly and welcomed, while seemed everything that comes out from Yelv mouth made her laugh <<At last someone was laughing at his jokes!>>. 
A good friendship. Natasha always was supportive with him and vice versa, trying to made him progress with his combat skills since he had strength and a lot of potential but wasted cos wasn't focused properly every time, rather he easily get distracted and unnecessary confident that being knocked out was common on him. They worked in complement that made them an unstoppable duo, or at least that was what Yelv said. While she weakened it he gave it the knockout, sometimes was the other way round.
Natasha found on him a great supporter friend, a comrade who during her excursions Yelv was the only one who didn’t contain her or reprimand her for not following the security protocols ( Frye and Mia too but they were different...*also Alexa-skellshead* Mia was good tho) or stoping her to exploring inaccessible and dangerous places; she loves to explore and he likes the risk. She also felt a connection since he was the only one who also suffered from amnesia. So their conversations could open up a little more to just earth memories, people they lost or skells obsessions, they could have much more casual, volatile and more fun conversations .There were few people with whom she could have such conversations, but their common ground made it more pleasant (sometimes the conversation topic was his lost friend but it was fine, as it was interesting * until he was over obsessed* ).
Nat stopped to worrying about recovering her memories, maybe it could carry her to something she didn’t want to remember.... What if she had lost someone too? maybe a lot of loved ones, or maybe no one which it makes it saddest, better to let it like this and enjoy their new home. Yelv was agree, but also told her that somehow not remember those who gave their lives for her was inconsiderate.
It was not a secret that Yelv developed a feeling for her. Well, since the beginning he never stopped to call her hottie/ babe and after a while pard (coming out from the translation pard=Figura=figura mujer= hottie). Lin knew it, Elma knew it, Nagi knew it (when Irina found out, she didn’t get him out of her threats), and many companions who had never imagined working along on occasional missions because of her. Yet Natasha did not seem to notice it and that  was good, because his priority was his lost friend, he didn't wanted to get distracted by love, love was for the weak ones and  if he wanted a lassie, he just take some when he desired and get some fun. But not her, she was his friend and in some way, she resembles him his lost friend because of her kindness, worry and her constant assist in people's problems without  judging them.
The fact that she reminded him his old friend was not good at all either. It also had something bad, that is, his friend was the cool guy with whom all the girls wanted to date, the one with the ease speech and everyone liked him, he was so good that he was his best friend: he who was nothing to his side, damn!, even getting chicks was difficult as hell for him, fighting indigenous was easier than conquer hearts.
 Well that also shared with Natasha who was a gorgeous and intelligent woman with a big heart and now quite recognized among all BLADE, citizens and xenomorphs, more than one did not take their eyes off her (issue that made him even more jealousy and aggressive with the men around her, some women, definians (god, he hates definians!) and suspicious xenomorphs in general). Even so, she was still joining someone like him. All this made him more unsettled: Getting distracted, avoid her, walking close to her because jealousy protective, belligerent and more obsessive about finding his friend. Whatever to put all his thoughts of her away and definitely wasn't going to admit his kind of crush on her, although it didn't stop him to strutting like a peacock in front of her, trying to impress her and get some hint that Natasha could showed attraction to him.
You know the rest (so so), their relationship is balanced with good and conflictive moments between them. Neither of them are perfects and the developing of a relationship took too long due to the conflictive, insecure and obsessive guy and the fearful concerned and dreamy gal. The ghost of her past made her feel fearful of get attached to  things, persons to love because having materials and people in her life means that all this can disappear and becoming  her vulnerable: “they can’t take away anything from us if we have nothing”. 
However, following that kind of life also made no sense and by that time Natasha had a large circle of what she could call friends / family. To reach this logic wouldn't take more than it would take the man to admit his feelings and tell her. A big surprise by the people in charge of the artificial intelligence program  since it was not provided, the question was whether this could help or could be harmful.
The fact that Yelv isn't a normal human been only adds a small but surmountable conflict. Natasha is just a similar case on the opposite side of the situation; That is, mechanical engineering and sustainable artificial intelligence was the counterpoint of the induced biogenetic engineering and modeled behavior.
Whether they came to know everything or only one part of it would be another conflict surmountable and material to forge a better relationship. Besides that regaining Natasha's knowledge would aid in the advancement of the manufacture of organic matter and the subtraction of consciences to obtain new organic bodies, or otherwise prosper as half machines.
Their relationship developed slowly (but save). Lot of time to become a couple and even kisses were a thing who also took a  time(due to the nervousness/ distraction of his and a distracted/trolling Nat, it also depends on how was the declaration.... which has infinite possibilities *notgonnawritteaboutit...or...amI?NO!*), another one for the next step and more for the next steps. Patience wasn't Yelv's fort and yet he survived that way controlling all the mess of a person he was because he focused all his energies and Natasha kept him at bay.   He also knew that sometimes she had crazy ideas ( with a mind out of her), it was better not to lead her that way cos some times it was creepy. 
It is possible to say that in the case of Roxanne’s arise, it would generate tension since obviously Yelv was a primitive guy with a poor education type that doesn't come improving the human species (purpose of their creation) or nothing important to contributing (in Rox's point of view), also he wasn’t a human!. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Done (?) I had to stop. Also gonna add these sketches here... whynot?!.
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