#it also asked 'do you post things outside the norm' and i'm like does anime count?
radi0activesmile · 8 months
Under the cut you will find a (somewhat disjointed) essay about my take on the Husk & Alastor scene from episode 5.
The working title is What Alastor did was not okay; however, I do not believe this one scene should be used to describe his typical behavior.
This is not an Alastor did nothing wrong post or a post where I try to make excuses / defend his behavior so I can still feel good about myself while writing him / enjoying him as a character.
I am very much aware that Alastor is, by no means, a good person.
Before you click, keep in mind these are my opinions and my takes. If you see things differently, that's fine. If you want to discuss them, that's also fine, as long as we're all civil adults about this.
Content warning: Racism.
First off, this post was mostly inspired by the peoplf of Twitter shrieking: OMG VIV MADE OUR TUMBLR SEXY MAN JUST AS BAD AS VALENTINO.
Well: They're all in Hell. They are not good people. We can stand around all day discussing if one crime against another person is worse than the other for various reasons, but that's not the purpose of this post.
Now, if you want to scream that Alastor is as physically abusive as Valentino because we saw him do this one thing one time, I disagree, not because I think he's a good person, but because that's just not his style.
Alastor has shown he gets what he wants through convincing people to do what he wants more so than physically forcing them. He said in episode 1 he can make others do as he wills, but we haven't seen him do it. We have seen him offer exchanges rather than force his will on them.
Example: Alastor wanted no part in interacting with television, but rather than demand or force Vaggie to stop trying to make a tv commercial (or to make a radio commercial) he offered her a deal: He'll help if he isn't asked to work with televisions anymore.
Viv once said Alastor is aromantic in the sense that he 'loves himself more than he could ever love anyone else.' The man has an ego, and we saw from his reaction to Carmilla saying she didn't care where he'd been that people not catering to that ego bothers him a lot. And she seems to be the norm rather than the exception. The only people who have acted... 'appropriately' to his return have been; Vox, for having a complete tantrum over it; Vaggie, for treating him like such a threat, and... maybe Pentious.
So, The Radio Demon's been walking around with a chip on his shoulder for five months when two things happen rapid fire:
Lucifer, King of Hell shows up, and (after hugging his daughter and petting some animals) what's the first thing he does?
Finds something Alastor changed and says it's bad, and then starts dismissing him as someone very insignificant. He even hints that the hotel has a good name until he realizes the name was Alastor's idea, and then insults it, and it's that It's a bad idea if it came from you that stomped on his nerve enough to make him say fuck you.
Honestly, at first I thought it was a warning sign that he was about to snap when he said fuck, since he so rarely swears, but he also said pissy in Stayed Gone, and his voice actor admits he did not know Alastor not swearing was a thing.
But swearing or no, Luci's clearly getting under his skin, and that might be because it's something he experienced in life.
Lest we forget, Alastor is mixed race. Born around 1900. In the south.
When he was alive and conducting his radio show, no one would be able to tell his race. There were likely incidents where he said something on the radio that got a positive reaction from people calling in, only to say something similar outside of his radio station and be dismissed because he's... this is tumblr so I'm going to say not white.
When he told Vaggie this face was made for radio that... might have been something a co-worker or a boss said to him in life. Yes, that's a looot of speculation on my part, but considering the time period... and the fact that he seems to say it with some amount of distain.
Alastor also seems to feel very strongly about found family vs blood family, which makes a lot of sense since same sex couples were made illegal in Louisiana (in order to protect white purity or something, I believe that's how the article phrased it?) So, if his father was in his life at all, it wasn't much. For someone who made fun of Charlie for having daddy issues, he looks to be projecting some daddy issues of his own.
Both feelings that are probably exacerbated by someone who actually knew him at the time in his life when he was looked down on and thought of as inferior just... busting right through the front door.
Ps, his eyes narrowing when Mimzy says the word mixed got my attention. Sure, maybe he's just annoyed his friend is so excited to see Lucifer, and, yes, I know she's saying mixed in reference to Lucifer being royalty BUT. He shuts his eyes when she says that word exactly.
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I could go on about the racist undertones in the busboy comment and Lucifer's pure angelic power and other friends lines but. Let's talk about Mimzy.
Alastor has been putting up with this woman for over ninety years. He knows why she's here. He's already feeling insulted (both from five months of his ego getting drop kicked and Lucifer's actual insults) and now Husk stops him to tell him to tell him something he already knows.
Viv once said Alastor snaps his neck or breaks his back in order to unsettle people so they'll leave him alone / stop touching him, so if the fuck you wasn't the sign that he was about to snap, him breaking his neck when Husk called out was prooobably the sign that he was about to snap.
Now, yes, you and I both know Husk's just trying to give him a heads up, but Mr. Wounded pride over here seems to be take it like Husk thinks Alastor's too stupid to catch on.
When Alastor says he can handle it, who in their right minds would cross me (the big, powerful, terrifying radio demon everyone has forgotten I am) Husk.... tells the truth.
A lot of people will try to cross him. He's been gone. They've forgotten him. Vox and Pentious have already tried to cross him, and there were probably more in that five month timeskip. Husk also said no one knows why (except him. Apparently he knows. Meaning Alastor either trusted him enough to let him in on this secret or he was there to witness whatever went down.)
I couldn't read if Husk was implying Alastor tell the others where he went or just trying to remind him his name isn't enough to frighten people anymore. Either way, Alastor cuts him off pretty suddenly because it's evident anyone else knowing is not something he even wants to entertain.
We saw in episode 3 how twitchy he gets when Zestial hints at wanting to know,
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(his shifty eyes are too fast for me to catch with a screen grab but that's very telling that he's annoyed / uncomfortable... or Zestial's onto something with that holy arms comment. The fact that Alastor turns away from him when he says this line is also telling to me.)
So, Alastor does what we've seen Alastor do in the past when he's tried to show his power over someone: He gets in their face, touches them, and says things that he knows will bother the person. He's either trying to change the subject from his own powerlessness to Husk's... or just make Husk so angry that Husk doesn't follow him.
And then Husk... does what most in this situation would do: He throws it back.
And Alastor, with his chipped shoulder from five months of being dismissed and disrespected for the last five months, and whatever bad memories / feelings of inferiority Mimzy and Lucifer are stirring up, snaps, and makes one last desperate grab to remind himself that he's powerful, and that, despite being on a leash, despite being owned (like his grandparents likely were) he still has power over something. A once powerful overlord, in fact.
There may have also been some anger / broken trust if Alastor told Husk what was really going on and he thought Husk was threatening to tell the others... maybe.
Now. Does any of that make what Alastor did okay? No. No it does not (then again, they're in Hell. A lot of what they do isn't okay) but I think the people crying out that Alastor is a serial abuser who treats Husk like Valentino treats Angel based on this ONE scene might be jumping the gun a little.
Husk's shocked expression tells me he wasn't expecting that reaction. We saw in the pilot that Alastor usually takes Husk pushing him, defying him, and telling him to fuck off in stride...and just makes Alastor annoy him more.
Also, Husk was okay enough just a few minutes later to stand like ten feet away from Alastor, eat popcorn, and watch him tell off Mimzy (who I could type up a whole ass other essay about.) So... yes, he was shaking in the moment, so, maybe he knows he pushed the trigger button and that, now that Al's gotten to remind everyone why I am here, blow off some steam, feel powerful, and remind everyone what a big bad threat he is, he's going to go back to just being a pain in Husk's ass.
So... calm down please, Twitter.
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azuresins · 1 year
*Builds a blanket fort, crawls inside, puts up a sign that says "Grelle Haters/transphobes do not interact with this post I am TALKING TO MYSELF PLEASE BE NORMAL THANK YOU*
This was pointed out a long, long time ago but it's never left my mind.
One thing I do miss about the anime adaptation S1, are a few of the filler-moments and Grelle interactions, specifically during the time when Grelle and Ciel were 'teaming up'... Ciel promised Grelle that if she helped him, Grelle could do anything they wanted with Sebastian.
And Grelle's immediate response was "...Even a kiss/kissing?" ... people, and even people who have worked on kuro content like the musicals, Season 2 (GODDDD), and other random material that's technically official... have been kind of quick to paint Grelle as this huge scary pervert, simply because what... They're outside of gender norms and that's what makes them predatory? Not that I dunno, they befriended a serial killer, and killed people who weren't supposed to die?
Ciel seemed pretty happy to allow Grelle full permission and access to do whatever they wanted with Sebastian and it doesn't really matter if he intended to make good on the promise or not, the point is all Grelle asked for was a kiss. They didn't ask to fuck him, some hot and steamy night or whatever (and we all know Sebastian fucks) they only asked for a simple kiss.
That's pretty innocent, all things considered. I think... she talks a big talk and walks a big walk, but she's probably a virgin, and after the laughs deep down she's actually extremely careful with her body, and who she takes to bed. IF she takes anyone to bed- I'm not actually sure she does, or not. I haven't seen a TON of fanwork, reflecting that very often and I can't say I blame fans for reacting that way because there's so much Grelle content out there but not much of it is connected to Manga canon at all... I just feel like that was a nice choice, on the part of the writers of S1.
It also warmed my stupid cold heart when Grelle stumbled upon a baby crying during the fire in london, and knelt to acknowledge it and tell it that she's not allowed to take it's life, just yet. People I think misunderstood that interaction and assumed they were being cruel or something-- I interpreted it as them acknowledging the infant and gently telling them, it wasn't their time, therefore it's possible someone else off camera rescued the baby and it got to live it's life. Some people are just really quick to assume the worst of them and I'm pretty sure 'degenerate' has been used to describe them before and I don't think that's fair, and I also don't see it.
When people pointed out in the past "but but but but Grelle tries to touch people without permission!" I take it with such a fat fucking huge grain of transphobic salt, because Madame Red full on rubs Sebastian's entire ass, RACHEL thought nothing of squeezing her own sisters tits, Sieglinde gropes Our!Ciel, I have NO idea whats going on with "Freckles/ Freckle Face" and their gender but they takes Our!Ciel's hand and make him grab their tit, and then there's all the filthy things Sebastian does. Not to mention the actual cultists/rapists, and kelvin who is an actual disgrace and sick fuck and Lao????????? I'm?????
Grelle all things considered is like THE LAST person in this manga I'd call a pervert. I know S1 isn't canon, and the plot kind of went off the rails... but I actually really liked those choices. PUT THEM BACK. 😠
In the manga and in official art drawn by Yana, I've noticed over the years Grelle has been drawn significantly more feminine, people who have never seen Grelle before can look at these pictures and not distinguish them from a cis woman... and I think that's a very nice choice, I just hope that we get more canon interactions with Grelle on a bit more of a personal level the way we did in S1, seeing as they're one of Kuro's more popular characters.
I find it an interesting choice that Othello has been just about the only character shown so far, that appears to be the most gentlemanly/respectful of her (and also hasn't tried to fight her/beat her lol) and for that reason... I think they're kind of cute, together and I hope they continue to be teamed up even if Grelle doesn't appear impressed or interested, I simply... can not unsee it. I am looking, I am NOTICING... very hard, and very respectfully in that ships direction even if it's kind of a rarepair and one-sided on Othellos part.
If William can stop beating her up for comic relief, that'd be great... but maybe I hope for too much. I think it'd be super, super, super funny if Grelle was gone for a few months, completed their transition and suddenly William fell all over his own ass and turned into a stuttering moron (because shes too beautiful) she was just, "Hiiii Will~ Gonna hit me again for filing my paperwork late? God forbid women do ANYTHING." And he was just. "Uh. --I'm.. -- No. That's enough. ////" I can see it very vividly in my head.
Anyway every time I talk about Grelle I get some weirdo in my askbox but I've been holding these thoughts in for quite some time...//////////
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arisalem · 1 year
Hi, i'm Ariadna but i go by Aria
I saw someone in tumblr make an introduction in a post so i thought why not do it myself too?
~My name is Ariadna and i love reading about mythology ever since i heard of it.
~I'm 23 y/o and i'm an Aries. Yes, i like astrology and i'm pretty much into it. I also believe in energy, spirituality, reincarnation, ghosts, angels, witches. You pretty much get the point i think.
~I love all things weird, like subcultures, reptiles, gothic literature, carnivorous plants and other strange topics (ik the examples aren't really strange but it was what came to my mind, i'll keep updating).
~I LOOOVE horror, fr, it's what gets me going. I also love vampires and werewolves, stories about them, the possibility that they actually existed or still exist, pretty horrorful but i do believe in them, for some f*cked up reason probably.
~I love animals and wish i could go vegan, i actually want to achieve that goal cause i think that killing animals to feed on them and the things people/the industry does to get animal food is absolutely horrorful (not in a good way), gross and cruel. However, i don't judge those who eat meat or even like eating meat, it's how this world is used to eat basically, we're used to do many things that aren't right for us and other creatures. Also, i've heard people say phrases such as "poor plants, they have feelings too" or "we're carnivorous by nature", etc. and my thought on those "arguments" ("" because it's not really an argument) is fuck you, i get it, you like meat, fucking say it , don't justify yourself, just say you like eating meat.
~I organize and categorize things when i'm bored and don't know what to do, they're usually files or films in my pc or could also be photos in my phone, things like that. It's like the way i destress (not sure if that word exists) sometimes.
~I'm a people person but i seem a bit antisocial or introverted in person because i suffer from social anxiety sometimes (most times). Also, my blog is a safe space for anyone that identifies "outside the norm" or the socially accepted, like goths, emos, lgbtq+ community, etc. And i won't accept any agression, violence or cruelty done against anyone in my blog. If you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, lgbtq+ phobic, sexist, mysogynist, hembrist (yeah that's a thing too), xenophobic, sexual abuser (or someone who supports abuse cause "they were asking for it", btw f*k you) or just a plain bully, then fuck off my blog, you're not welcome, i won't condone it.
~I write and create oc's as a hobby (i'm not very good at it though). Some of my character's names are Celestine Phade, Orion Debstern, Coralinn Wardwell, Eleonor Bruneau, Osiris Éjzsaka, Lavender Kelechii, Andromeda Harkin, Rita Abital-Cheronobog, Anastasia Bosporus, Zella Haizea. Some of them have pretty weird names and i made a few of them (their names). Some are witches, most of them are witches.
~I have many stories to write about, i always start them but never finish them cause i think i'm not a good writer (i'm probably not, at least not so good), i have good ideas though.
~I draw and paint sometimes, but i haven't in a while. I like dark art and usually draw/paint faces, i'm good at drawing bodies tho but mostly female bodies, i've never really practiced much drawing male anatomy. Not really good at hands, they feel difficult to draw, they're not actually difficult, they just feel like it.
~I'm currently studying html programming but i'm not sure that's what i wanna dedicate myself to, i actually like cybersecurity but i'm just starting with programming. I also like many things to study but not all of them are well paid as a job, like photography, criminology, archeology, speleology, painting. So many possibilities, but so little time.
~For anyone that could and will probably ask: i have a boyfriend, and no, i don't want to s*xt with you or get any pics of your d*ck. Tysm
I'll keep updating if anything comes to mind
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simplyghosting · 6 years
So apparently I have a career readiness/social media project where I have to talk about all my social media accounts and what I post and I’m not sure my professor is going to believe me when I tell them that this is literally the only social media platform I have. 
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women-only · 5 years
I'm sorry it came out really long I'm gonna send it by pieces we humans are split into these categories              M: male          and             F:        female these categories have different identites: M: can be man (gc or gnc) , diasphoric man, diasphoric man who had transitioned (trans women) F: can be woman (gc or gnc) , diasphoric woman, diasphoric woman who had transitioned (trans men). I'll send the rest
(other messages are under the keep reading)
now about sexualities: if someone is attracted to opposite category (regalredess of identity) : heterosexual someone attracted to people within the same category (regardless of identity) homosexuality      if it's within category M :gay      if it's within category F: lesbian *someone attracted to both categories (regardless of identity) : bisexual.
ps. some hot takes. *pansexuality is bisexuality with extra steps you're not special you're just pretentious *if you're NOT sexually attracted to any category but have romantic feelings you're ace (so just replace sexuality with romantic suffix in identities that fits you) *if you're ace and HETERO romantic you're not part of the LGBT cause you don't face any oppression for "not wanting to fuck but occasionally falling in love" if you do it's more likely because of your sex.
if you're ace and HETERO romantic you're not part of the LGBT cause you don't face any oppression for "not wanting to fuck but occasionally falling in love" if you do it's more likely because of your sex. example: that ace woman who was killed by her bf because sadly male entitlement to women's bodies is a thing. *ace homo/bi romantic people don't need the A since they're already in the L/G/B (and i read somewhere that it used to mean Ally
* q**r is a slur and explains nothing about you, having it in the LGBT acronym adds nothing (and I'm pretty sure the Q was meant to mean Questioning) also you never see someone refer to a black historical figure as "n***** icon" so why does the expression "q**** icon" exist to describe people who probably heard it as an insult their whole life till the day they died.
hey this is the anon who posted multiple times I'm trying to finish my thread since Tumblr only allows 5 anon asks per hour and i don't feel comfortable with public . . . reclaiming a slur means other people can't even pronounce it that's why lesbian don't say f*g and gay men can't say d*ke. if you wanna use it on yourself good but don't normalize people outside of the lgbt using it so freely and casually and if someone from the LGBT doesn't like you using it on them they're more than valid.
*if you having sex with your s/o can make human babies you're not homo anything. *if you're in a heterosexual relationship but both of you are bi you're part of the LGBT as individuals not a couple. and that's ok *bisexuals don't stop being bisexuals if they're in het or homo relationship. *gay is not an umbrella term. *puberty blockers = bad *transitioning kids = child abuse *doctors who see dysphoric people as a cash grab are scum *being non binary doesn't make any sense just say you're gnc
* I don't know much about intersex but I'm pretty sure it's just used by people to push their agendas and people rarely care like they should be about intersex people the T used to mean transvestite not Trangender .... and "straight" Ts are already either the L or G and if they're heterosexual Ts then don't face oppression because of sexuality per say so the T doesn't really fit now nowadays especially since people are more open to ppl wearing unconventional clothes
and the T of now compared to the rest of the letters doesn't fit (the first are about sexuality and the last is about expression) the T before belonged because it challenged the norms (and most of people from it belong to 2 letters in the LGBT) but since those norms have changed. *the T now should stand on its own as a movement (and occasionally intertwine with the LBG when it fits)
people deny sex based oppression but i find it ironic that in the T the only voices you hear are trans women especially "transbians" aka straight males and trans men are pushed to the side and degraded on a sex based level (example threats f**ced impregnation and stuff) and their only achievements that reach the news are pregnancy. trans women are given positions women position but trans men get nothing.
continued... people saying drop the T doesn't mean stop caring about trans people altogether or deny them basic human rights. but you can't sit around and let someone hijack your movement guilty trip you into sleeping with them. make you feel like a bigot for who you're sexually attracted to, work on erasing you. like you don't see white people representing the BLM (and they shouldn't) they can only support it as allies....
Segway back to pansexuality I said it somewhere else but here we go pan works in fictional settings especially sci-fi or fantasy let me explain by giving an example: SpongeBob aka the first time i heard about the term pan spongebob is a fucking taking sponge and interacts with different species within that universe like obviously his sexuality isn't gonna be limited to the human sex binary (some cartoons do but you get what i mean)....
same goes for loki who is pan and gender bending like duh the fucker not only ISN'T human he can switch to any entity, object, animal and shit the lore of marvel has living robots mutants gods animals spirits, pretty sure he gave birth to a horse once having someone attracted to personality makes sense then end of rant i just wanna say thanks for letting me post here and sorry for posting so much it ended up being 4.5k letters oof p.s if any ask was submitted publicly please make them anonymous
everything you said is absolutely true and you summed it all up well. it creeps me out when people label fictional characters as pan or ace or trans because not only is pan and ace not a real fucking thing, neither are those characters. idk its just creepy. 
thank you for taking the time to write this ll out and send it over to me. im happy to read anything else you have to say :) sorry i dont have much to say about all this i dont have the ability right now to think critically. 
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