#it becomes unstable the moment i need it to be stable 😭
orangerainforest · 9 months
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punksarahreese · 2 years
do you perhaps have any headcanons/thoughts about either how you would have liked Ava’s story to go in general, or how you would have written her off?
Soooo many thoughts on this 😭 tw ofc cuz Ava’s story is fucked lmao
Ava killing Cornelius was a bad scenario like. Ma’am what the fuck were you thinking
But if we’re still keeping the murder storyline:
She was way too good of a doctor to do that and not know how easily traceable it was and so logically something tells me she wanted to get caught
Give me a rewrite where Ava knew she needed help and knew her manic state/split was only going to end in her or someone else dying
She purposefully got caught and accepted her fate
But a psych evaluation showed the truth
She was deeply trouble and needed severe help and in a moment of clarity after what she did, she recognized she needed help but couldn’t get out of the situation she had put herself in
So if we’re sticking with the Ava killing Cornelius storyline, it would have been so much better to have her live and even given a side plot of her court case and stuff
Gimme my Ava non compos mentis plea 👀
Connor comes to his damn senses and notices Ava’s personality shift and is like hm maybe I should ask dr Charles
Daniel is 👀 cuz we know that man loves a good fucked up case
He has his theories and knows Ava’s attachment to Connor so he proposes a plan
If his theory of Ava having borderline or an adjacent disorder, Connor is clearly her Favourite Person and she would do what he wanted if he promised her he wouldn’t leave her
Connor manages to coax Ava into seeing Charles
He made some empty promises 😐 but it was what had to be done
The first half hour is sat in silence
Until Charles mentions Connor’s dad and the rumours he was trying to spread about him and Ava
And it’s like a switch goes off
She’s screaming and shaking and insisting he’s a no good snake trying to drive a wedge between her and her Connor
And she confesses a lot of things
Including her attempt on her own life during one of her and Connor’s fights
How she can’t make friends in Chicago and her emotions are never “normal” they’re either on overdrive or completely numbed
She explains her hallucinations and mentions she has almost no memories of childhood
Charles can see in her eyes that she isn’t stable and the fear she can’t hide tells him Ava is aware of that fact too
The things she said was enough for him to put her on a 72h psych hold
Which she fought and screamed and pretty much lost it on them
She did have to be restrained and Connor felt so guilty because this was the second time he’s seen this happen to a woman he cared about
Especially when he heard her begging for him to help and promising she isn’t crazy and “I wouldn’t hurt anyone! Please Connor, don’t leave me, please!”
And in the end Ava is diagnosed with BPD and bipolar 1 among other things
Her swings between mania and depression are too unstable and on top of the things she’s said during therapy and threatened when she’s manic she is deemed unfit to make her own medical decisions
So Ava gets committed for a while and becomes a patient of Dr Charles
Maybe she gets a few appearances in the show as a patient and she doesn’t die 
Idk just give Ava a chance to get better please 😭
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