#i dont really know what the next best possible solution is
orangerainforest · 9 months
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make-your-own-evil · 2 years
hello could I request some yandere capullo riddler headcanons?
anon, im going to kiss you on the mouth for requesting my very first riddler ask. YES of course you can have some headcanons
note: feel free to reblog my work! just give credit where credit is due :)
70s dad riddler yandere headcanons coming right up!
TW: kidnapping, general violence, light misogyny though reader is gn
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Yandere!Capullo!Riddler Headcanons
have you ever watched Labyrinth?
i make the connection because you will be kidnapped by a narcissistic freak who will put you through numerous 'tests' and 'challenges'
i feel like the typical standard for any riddler to have an obsession is that the object of their desires is also highly intelligent, though i also feel like with capullo riddler you would also have to be as physically attractive as him, in his opinion. think of gaston, but skinnier, socially awkward and highly intelligent
youre probably someone in a position of power. maybe youre an official, a detective, in forensics, etc. his initial goal is to embarrass you. he is back to his old tricks setting up some elaborate challenges. see? youre not as smart as you thought you - wait, you solved it?
the great riddler will not be bested by some lowly city imbecile!
his need to be better than everyone, including you, starts this game. he presents you will increasingly harder and more demanding challenges. at one point you probably have a bomb strapped to you.
the more puzzles and riddles you solve, the more he looks forward to these encounters. he eventually thinks that it may be because he's a loner and humans are naturally very social creatures, but this is dismissed quickly
he's not just a human! he's not like anyone else! he is the great edward nygma! the riddler!
then he finds himself making careless mistakes in everything he does. this should make him furious! it should...
suddenly, being captured isnt as bad anymore, he gets to see his 'game partner' as he's being booked in! you! he thinks nothing of this. just a little banter with someone who is almost as intelligent as himself
"ah, detective L/N! looking as sharp as ever! what did you think of our last game? ha, that hardly matters. its our next game that you should look forward to! imagine this..."
he is delusional in thinking that you enjoy his trials. you SOLVE them, because your life kind of depends on it. but this only spurs him on to make more! oh how you exhaust him. he slows down his intellectual assault on gotham and shifts more towards proving that you cannot possibly compare to him.
he's more so trying to reassure himself that he's the greatest
eventually one of the other rogues points this 'obsession' out to him as he's babbling about his next challenge for you (probably selina since she sees every opportunity to tease him)
"you know, ed, if i didnt know any better i would think that the 'great riddler' has a bit of a crush" followed by snickers and "woos!"
his face turns hot and red. this only spurs on the others more! for the first time, he doesnt know what to say. his mind is racing with explanations and excuses, but no words come out
he has been embarrassed before and it crushes him. he? the riddler? have feelings for you?
the more he sulks and ponders, the more he fears that it may be true. the sleepless nights wondering how you've solved everything. his giddiness when he sees his favorite player. the way his heart races when he speaks to you... the anger he feels when you speak to someone who isnt him. the jealousy of seeing you interact with the other rogues. the dejectedness of your disinterested attitude towards him
theres only one rational solution in his mind... to kidnap you!
you enjoy your time with him dont you? dont you hate sharing a city with knuckle-dragging baboons? dont you hate being surrounded by millions of people who dont see you for what you truly are?? a genius... just like him
his end goal is to convince you that you two really arent that dissimilar, that you are alike in more ways that you can comprehend. that you need him with you! like he needs you with him
his darling Y/N just needs a strong, intelligent man such as he to SHOW them that they would be best suited together.... no matter how long it takes, how many puzzles they go through and how many people will be exterminated if they get in the way
"my dearest, surely someone as intellectually gifted as you can understand? we are two of the same. you need me ~"
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⊹˚₊⊹˚ʚ☕️੭ Equiuz, Tavros, Karkat, and Gamzee comforting their matesprit
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havent been doing the best lately, so I decided to write a little bit to make myself feel better. hope y'all dont mind lol
🎯It might take Equius a while to realize that you're upset.
🎯he's honestly pretty dense when it comes to knowing what people are feeling. He doesn't really know what he's feeling most of the time, if he's honest.
🎯So when he finally notices, or you flat-out tell him, he'll be at a loss for what to do.
🎯His first instinct is to fight whatever's upset you, but that's not always a good solution, especially when you've upset yourself.
🎯His second instinct is to wrap you in his arms and protect you from the world, hold you until you feel okay again.
🎯2/10, would not reccomend.
🧸Tavros is much better at comforting than Equius. Miles better. Tavros is an entirely different leauge.
🧸He picks up on when you're upset very easily, as he's very in tune with his emotions and that helps him tune in to everyone else's.
🧸At first, he's nervous that he's the one that upset you. He'll tiptoe around you for most of the day, trying to be as nice as possible while also giving you space.
🧸When he finally gets the courage to ask you what he's done, though, he's relieved to find out that he's not the problem.
🧸He'll let you sit on his lap and rant about whatever's bothering you, or the two of you can just sit there and enjoy the silence.
🧸He's very comforting to be around. 10/10, would reccomend.
🦀Karkat is like a happy medium between Equius and Gamzee.
🦀It takes him a little bit to realize you're upset, but when he does he's very quick to ask you about it.
🦀He tries his best to comfort you, putting on your favourite movie and buying you your favourite snacks and drinks.
🦀He'll let you cuddle up next to him and cry if you need to, and he'll let you rant for as long as you need.
🦀Beware, if you cuddle with him you will be trapped in his arms for the foreseeable future.
🦀11/10, would reccomend.
🥧Gamzee picks up on you being upset weirdly fast for a stoner.
🥧As soon as he realizes you're upset, he's got you wrapped up in a blanket chilling on the couch while he lays on top of you, waiting for you to tell him why you're upset.
🥧He'll listen to you talk for as long as he can stay awake, but don't be surprised if he falls asleep.
🥧It's the thought that counts y'all.
🥧6/10, sleepy cuddles.
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
some ramble-y thoughts on men's social isolation and women's safety bc this has been on my mind for a bit
I do think it's really sad how men end up feeling so isolated bc of various social expectations as well as people being cruel, but as a fem presenting person I have to say that you can't just expect women and anyone who is fem presenting to just "start being nicer". ive seen a few posts on Tumblr essentially stating that but I have to reiterate it is about safety. I literally cannot afford to stop looking at men with caution and assumed violence until I get to know them really well bc if I stop that could genuinely cost me me life. its true that most men I see probably are not predators and im sure it hurts to be perceived that way, but I have no way of being able to tell who is and isn't going to harm me. I have to assume the worst because it is the only way I can stay safe.
it sucks, it really does, for all parties involved. I have so much sympathy for the men who are genuinely kind and would never hurt me that feel isolated, it isn't fair, and I myself certainly don't enjoy the *necessary* fear that the random guy im passing on the street could see me and decide to hurt me, but this is the reality of the world. there is no easy solution, but what certainly isn't a solution is expecting women to start being kinder to men they dont know because once again: that could genuinely cost someone their life.
The best solution right now I think is to continue to try to deconstruct misogyny and gender roles, and that takes time, patience, and understanding.
I have also seen the notion on here that men feeling isolated socially is misandry, but the reality is that misandry is simply not real on a systemic scale. men feeling isolated is a direct result of the patriarchy and a side affect of misogyny. a lot of things on this website that are perceived as misandry are either not real problems or they are but they're just the impacts of misogyny and the gender roles that come with it.
But it is very surreal to be walking alone at night, clutching my pepper spray and glaring whenever a man I don't know is near me, making sure to stay next to the street and make it obvious I know exactly where I'm going and still feeling the fear that it might not be enough and something horrible could happen to me anyway, only come back to Tumblr and see people saying misandry is just as prevalent as misogyny and women need to start considering how it feels for men to be looked at like they're predators. Touch grass seems like an applicable statement here.
oh and obligatory piss on the poor tumblr disclaimer: I know I am using binary terms so before any of you get on your high horse about it, I myself am non binary. I am not actually a woman, but I certainly look like one and therefore deal with misogyny. I fully understand that trans men and genderqueers of all kinds as well as even feminine cis men also fear for their life on the street so dont even think abt getting on my ass about that. oh and if any of you try to call this a terf post consider yourself blocked with a recommendation to get a refresh on what terf actually means instead of just throwing around the term when you see any post trying to talk about misogyny :D
final disclaimer bc I wanna cover all my bases due to Tumblr reading comprehension: im aware topics like this are very nuanced with lots of layers, please dont act like im obligated to cover all that in a random Tumblr post of all things, I cannot possibly cover everything nor am I obligated to. I simply wanted to remind ppl that actual lives are at risk and fem presenting people constantly and regularly fear for their life bc I feel like that gets left out a lot in conversations like this on here. <3
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i think im gonna start a series called "Kaiden-Shenandoah's random life tips" bc there's just some odd things i do that make my life easier/more enjoyable. that. like. i dont think make me special?? but most of my loved ones i babble to, when i mention them, will look surprised and be all "damn, that's clever. that's an issue i never thought about, but yeah, i can see how thatd help others/myself. ill have to remember that"
so. this post is all JUST IN CASE it helps someone, even just one person, then the effort will have been entirely worth it. bc sometimes living life is hard and sometimes you just need to hear someone say "oh, what about this possible solution?" to help you out by applying such to your routines or use that suggestion as foundational inspiration for something more customized to your own life or whatever else— just to make living life that little bit easier. and if me sepcifically needing a lot of "oddball" solutions and pre-cautions helps others??? that makes me feel awesome (and less alone), so hell yeah, ill do my best to remember as many tips as i have and be consistent about posting them within this thread. just in case and all that jazz ✌️
(and, even tho this likely DOES NOT need to be said out loud, ill say it anyway as my own proverbial "Bill of Rights" style just-have-it-written-down-in-case-the-worst-happens-in-the-future (but hope for the best) PSA: if these dont apply to you?? or if you think "wtf, people need help with this?? our generation/the next generation is doomed"??? maYHAPS THIS POST ISN'T FOR YOU. this is applicable only to people with lifestyles and/or brains that are similar to me and my loved ones. if you arent of that lifestyle or brain-typage, then thats that lol of course you cant relate. it's an "apples and oranges" thing, y'know. not better/worse or special/normal; just different. it's not something you need, and that's super okay. just don't be rude about the difference. if youd like to be kind and reblog anyway in case any followers or loved ones of yours could be helped by any of this?? that's so fantastic. some of this stuff has some really bad internalized shame about it, or else people have been conditioned to just "keep that to themself; don't talk about it", and either way some of these topics (not all, but still) have people who are hiding their struggle from others as best they can. you don't know what you don't know; and you don't know what people don't tell you. so it's very generous of you, as someone who cant relate to some/all of this stuff, to reblog just in case one of those silent strugglers follow you and/or are a part of your inner-circle. thank you so much for sympathizing with struggles you know your life as is doesn't share and thank you for being kind ♡)
i dont expect this to be helpful to EVERYBODY, and def feel free to just screenshot what is valuable to you and abandon this actual post (just pls dont crop my name out, esp if you end up re-posting your copy to your own blog or on different social-media elsewhere. bc credit is nice lol) bc i assume this will become a long/repetitive post as i update on/off. and most people dont like long posts lmao rip so you dont gotta reblog it if you hate long/repetitive posts or are worried about your followers disliking any long/repetitive post (besides: ill sometimes make one-offs not attached to this post, probably. esp since im forgetful and tumblr is broken/i lose things easily. but ill try to reblog this one for most of them, since thats easier organization for my brain 🫶 lmao)
(but yeah i only have three ideas i wanna do today, but ill come back to this whenever i remember another one ive done thats been helpful to me and/or that i created alongside a loved one that helped them lol)
also pls note that i am dyslexic and do not plan on editing any of this too seriously. so forgive me for mispellings, for forgetting an entire word, and so on. this is me being very casual, so ill inevitably miss some mistakes i make and whatnot
hugs and kisses xoxo best wishes see you later babe
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n1ghtm3ds · 4 months
I know it is considered ableist to tell people that if they are going to go out into public they need to shower/wear deodorant/etc but Im actually going to play my autism card and say that it is ableist and inconsiderate of those of us who are hyper-sensory to be in public especially enclosed spaces like transportation or places you will have to stand in line next to other people if you do not smell good.
Like if you just went to the gym, do not get out of your car to use an enclosed ATM or stop at the store for groceries before you shower.
Like I know. I know it is hard to shower. I know it is hard to stay fresh while you're depressed or mentally ill. You should not be excluded from public spaces for struggling with hygiene but you also must consider that it would be inconsiderate of the people you are sharing a space with to smell bad. And this doesnt go just for body odor you also shouldnt eat strongly scented foods in public or smoke/vape in public like once your existence becomes inconsiderate of others you need to re-assess.
But like I have a neurological disability that literally interprets your bad smell as being in physical pain. Imagine a gun going off next to your ear, or being blasted with a bright light (both of which are legally classified as torture to/by even NT people) but the sensation is in your nose. You don't have the right to cause me physical pain while I share a space with you, and if you smell bad in public that is what you are doing.
If you have not showered in a few days and cant bring yourself to shower, wash your ass/armpits at the sink with a wash cloth or spray yourself with some Febreze at the very least. Like I get it I really do I have periods where I also struggle to shower but it is summer, if you are going to be in public you need to have showered within the past 12 hours (preferably within the past 3-6, and applied deodorant). If you work out or preform a strenuous activity that makes you sweat you need to shower, and change out of your sweaty clothes and into fresh ones, and not bring those clothes into public again until you have washed them.
But like yes homeless people/people who dont have access to a shower exist (i was one) and sometimes there is no getting around going in public and i do NOT think the solution is to expel people who smell bad from public spaces because there are some situations where people really don't have access to showers (I think the solution is to provide free mental healthcare and house the homeless so that people can live their best most dignified least obstructive lives possible)
I guess some practical solutions to this would be like I said housing the homeless or at least making public free shower stations commonplace so they can stay clean. Sensory hours which do not permit BO or perfumes at places like supermarkets and banks. Compassionate loved ones supporting your mentally ill friend to take a shower and treating it like the accomplishment that it is (I literally needed to implement a sticker chart to get myself to shower after my last mental breakdown, find what works).
Like don't get it twisted for one second I do not want disenfranchised people to feel unwelcome in public spaces and making them feel unwelcome does no good we need to actually solve the solution on why their presence is obstructive in a shared space. But that doesn't change the fact that most of the bad-smelling people i have to share spaces with during the summer are people like gross NT hippies or gym people like I said I understand that sometimes things get bad and you shouldn't be scorned for it but your loved ones should also not be letting you let your self care spiral out of control. Ive had periods of depression where I struggled to shower myself like I said I get it but at least 70% of people who offend me with their smell during the summer months are athletes and hippies.
I also have strong feelings about not defecating in public bathrooms unless it is a dire emergency.
But this guy with a gym outfit on smelled SO BAD in the bank today i almost left and came back when he was gone if i hadn't already waited on line 5 minutes before he came in. Also worth noting that this problem is like 85% male. Like bring a change of clothes and use the free shower there it isnt that hard for gods sake WASH YOUR BALLS.
But once again let me make very clear that Im not saying ostracize people who struggle with or do not have access to hygiene from public spaces and the solution is providing these people with hygiene and dignity but it is rude af and literally causes physical pain for people like me when you have the option and choose not to like smelling bad is one of the most passively inconsiderate things you could do if you have the choice to not smell bad with a small amount of inconvenience.
Not trying to start a grand discourse or anything just mad that this asshole sent me into bitch mode for the night by smelling bad at the bank because my mood since has been rancid.
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forestryfae · 9 months
man it is SO nice to find a solution to a really shit problem only for 50 other problems to happen
i am completely alone with zero support in a house i hate, doing as much housework as possible so it can be manageable both in day to day life and so its not hard to just leave when i move, and i still am not getting any help getting rid of the stuff.
i have almost no money and i have to pay to take the train to buy food or neccessities and i was dumb enough to not send a letter sooner so i dont know if ill get my money until after christmas or not, i havent bought more than one christmas gift either cus im fucking broke, and i dont feel anywhere in my body that i want to spend time making something for anyone. my brother still isnt done paying me my money back and literally hasnt talked to me since last time he asked for money, my dad hasnt fucking talked to me in ages and the one time he called in summer it was out of boredom to ask when i was gonna visit them, none of my extended relatives talk to me at all so what the fuck is the point there, and my mom is just. a fucking bitch.
i had her removed as a legal guardian, not even on purpose initially but because folkenemnda or whoever sent her a letter before i was able to have a meeting, so she ofc got fucking offended and now has decided sve cant be involved in anything. she cant call electricians, she cant help fix the house, its "too difficult" for her to have to talk to me or my new legal guardian instead of just buying stuff right away, and she told ME to get a new phone service provider. i had to fix that myself. on top of her being, once again, a useless bitch. dont touch my stuff i say, its fucking embarrassing that you have dirty laundry she implies while moving all my furniture around and doing shit to my kitchen while refusing to acknowledge its my house but still treating it like her own, and not fixing the internet again after they unplugged it.
so i have no access to internet besides my last 150 mb of phone data unless i call some guy to fix it, but they wont be here until next year most likely so its pretty much pointless, and if i buy phone data i have to pay. so if i cant get it fixed ill be literally alone for two weeks straight with no people at all around me and noone i can talk to on the internet. except for fucking. christmas. idk about new years eve. and i dont even fucking like my family, i dont even want to spend time with them, they treat me like shit.
the ac doesnt work since mom got the electricians to look at everything but never actually hired anyone to fix shit and now is completely uncooperative. and after they checked the fireplace in that control like two years ago im not allowed to use it, and mom never actually got that fixed either even though shes been in charge of absolutely everything since forever.
plus both heaters downstairs are set to 27c or max and it still is only like 17 or 19 or so, i have an entire room in the house i straight up cant use cus theres no power and no light and 17c in there and its full of stuff i asked mom to take to the thrift store for me 6 months ago. also i cant leave either heater on if im boiling water or washing dishes cus that overloads the entire fucking thing.
and its just like so much bullshit all at once and ive been spacing out for like 2 hours while writing this cus i get so frustrated and upset and angry and sad. its not fucking fair that my parents literally dont care about me, yet im expected to be fucking sociable and call and visit them and reach out. they didnt reach out to me or support me at all when i was a kid, or a teenager, or an adult, why the fuck would i want to deal with them. but if i dont go to visit them on christmas or i point out that hey. youre not really being fair or nice to me at all, hell breaks loose cus i should be more than happy with the crumbs they give me, as if theyre the best people in the world for fucking. calling once every six months or letting me celebrate a holiday with them.
like. im stuck here for 2 weeks, im broke as shit, no connection to the outside world once i use all my data, i very much am still mentally ill even if im better than before i went inpatient. but once i go back ill have to go back to work and i dont have a psychiatrist to talk to and im not on any meds i think i might need and i havent been tested for anything yet, i havent been had driving practice yet, i can barely talk to my support contact, i need a lot more help than i am being given, im not getting the help i ask for when i do ask for it, and thats on top of shit parents and a shit house and two cats i love but am not sure i can keep given the whole thing where im gone for months at a time. and i just. how the fuck am i supposed to be able to keep a job or ever move out or make friends properly or keep a new apartment or house or be mentally stable. its so much bullshit all at once wtf
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koipalm · 2 years
Not here to dogpile! I promise!
And while I definitely think Geto wasn’t the greatest at raising Nanako and Mimiko since they do have this unhealthy codependency thing. It should be noted that Geto didn’t have anyone from the cult/family to raise Nanako and Mimiko.
The author stated in the internet that it was only Geto himself that raised them. And it was only Nanako and Mimiko’s decision to join because of how much they love him. It’s unhealthy yes, but Geto is the type who can’t really say no to his precious daughters.
I mean. I definitely think it’s way better than what Gojo did with Megumi. Gojo did not raised him. He literally only “save” him due to his curse technique and thinking he would be a strong ally growing up.
Do I think Gojo cares about Megumi? To a certain degree. But definitely not in a family way. Gojo views relationships a bit too transactional. I mean Gojo was aware about Megumi’s suicidal tendencies, but not completely understanding where it stems from. And plus, there was a flashback in the manga of Gojo literally had him dragging a young Megumi on a mission already. Definitely not dad material.
Gojo basically only “raised” Megumi as a child soldier essentially. I mean, you can’t blame him. Because that was how Gojo was raised, so he thought it was the best for him. Overall. Geto = Dad (not the best but he still raised them with love and care). Gojo = Not Dad.
OH MAN ok so first i must preface this by saying that some of this really depends on what you make of their interactions, because not all of this is stated in the text. in the end, we may just have different interpretations ^^
so while it does not seem that geto directly raised nanako and mimiko as followers in his cult, he is still a cult leader himself and it doesnt seem that he makes much of an effort to shield them from what hes doing and what his ideologies are. its very clear that the two worship him as a father figure and greater & both of the twins subscribe to his movement. nanako and mimiko are directly involved in the sorcerer's side of his plans, acting as some of the key players in his plans and even willing to assassinate other sorcerers in his name.
in the end, even with how much geto loved mimiko and nanako, he was subjecting them to incredibly harmful ideology and indoctrinating them into a genocide effort. all in all, that is abuse, no matter how much he loved them.
on gojo's side of things, i really cant claim that he was the best father figure either, but i dont think he was trying to be in the first place. when geto breaks off from jujutsu tech and takes the girls and takes over the star religious group, gojo instead goes to the fushiguros, whom he was either previously ignoring the existence of or he was putting off confronting toji's last words until geto's defection prompted it (we really don't have confirmation of his thought process here and if he had already planned on going to the fushiguros, so this is all speculation).
in any case, the main thing is that gojo and geto practically swap ideologies by the end of the past arc. where geto turns to a violent and drastic solution, gojo instead carries out in the spirit of geto's previous ideals, while also trying to secure a better future for the next generation of sorcerers. interestingly, its right after geto assumes control of the cult in the manga we are shown gojo meeting megumi.
what it seems to ME from their interaction, is that gojo is considering tojis last words and is giving megumi a choice. megumi rejects the idea of going to the zenin clan on the basis that it would make tsumiki unhappy (i wonder if gojo says this because he knows how they would treat tsumiki as a non sorcerer, or because he as a clan kid has some prior experiences. who knows). to be honest, i dont think that megumi had a plethora of options. he could have gone to the zenin clan with tsumiki and been well trained but unhappy, or he could have tried to evade the zenin clan for as long as possible, which wouldn't have been possible to keep up forever without having proper training on his techniques. gojo offers megumi a third option, presumably acting as a buffer and helping to train megumi. it IS possible that gojo could have offered megumi protection from the zenins and to lead a normal life away from sorcery indefinitely, but theres debate if thats even possible. megumi was going to be sold for an [unknown] large amount of money because of the strength of his sorcery, which likely means that the zenin at least knew he could be an incredible asset. maybe someone they didnt see as impressive or valuable might have been able to get out if they fought hard enough, like maki and mai, but that probably wouldnt have been possible for megumi. the sheer strength of his sorcery puts him in trouble in the jujutsu world, whether hes targeted or recruited for it.
i dont think that gojo was specifically training megumi to be a child sorcerer and an asset to him, because his parting words to me imply more of gojos own issues with geto (of course, speculation) than wanting megumi to be a strong ally of his, especially because gojo is not looking at megumi and has a kind of melancholic smile.
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i have seen the interview that gege did where he claims that gojo did it to "seek human resources", but i do think that its an incredibly strange setup, especially with having the contrast with how geto is solidifying his own beliefs in how to move forward in the jujutsu world.
part of the reason im iffy about stuff like this is because gege will set up and have gojo act as an adult who is actively trying to help the children he meets and change the jujutsu world starting with the younger generations, and then he will turn around and say that gojo doesnt care as long as the kids are strong. i know that gege is known for being harsh on gojo and hating his character, so i wont lie, i dont put as much weight into stuff like that....
dont get me wrong, gojo was definitely not "dad" material! in reality, i think he was more of a mentor figure than anything else. we know that he gave financial support, he helped megumi train, and he also helped give him advice, but he definitely wasn't there 100% of the time. in fact, im not entirely sure he would have been able to do that at all considering he would have likely had to take up even more missions than he was already doing to take up the slack from geto defecting. in contrast, i dont think that geto should have assumed being their father figure at all, especially in the way he did, considering hes also gojo's age when he takes the twins in (assumed around 19-20s) because he posits himself to the twins as self assured and morally superior to nearly everyone else around them, which is also very unhealthy because at that age you yourself are still learning, and if youre taking care of young and impressionable kids who are willing to take anything you say as the ultimate truth, you should definitely let them know that youre not like. a god on earth. NOT THAT HE SAID THAT but like you get what i mean
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mosephf · 1 year
I want to say a word or two on executive dysfunction, accepting yourself, and finding what works even if it feels weird. See below.
I am a graduate student, and I also have ADHD. I'm very high functioning (though I know that's an outdated term) and I'm best in a classroom environment, which is the only reason I made it as far as I have with schooling according to the woman who diagnosed me. Basically, my baseline intelligence and mental acuity are high enough that high school and university were possible for me despite the huge gap between those and my actual processing speed. Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked.
Starting grad school was my first real experience with executive dysfunction to the point of it being debilitating. I had experienced it before, but brute force was always enough to get me through, and the burnout would always come after a deadline. Having to focus and be engaged and forward thinking everyday, doing work that requires much more planning and engagement, and commuting for 3 hours a day started to physically exhaust me, as it does with every grad student. Other stressers like the starvation wage that grad students are paid (and then we're told it's generous and you can find other work), COVID-19, family drama, all came together to produce a perfect storm of executive dysfunction.
One major symptom for me is showering. I shower maybe... once a week? That wouldn't be an issue for some people, but the key is that I always shower a good two days after I probably should. At least. It has a major effect on my life. My fiance is sensitive and finds me being stinky not the most enjoyable (fair), I don't like feeling like I smell at work, and my skin and hair have been suffering. Yet I can't shower more often. I tried to make it work, doing small rinses at night or getting up earlier, but these fixes never really worked.
I was forcing myself to conform to "normal" showering habits: morning or night showerer. What I had forgotten was the time when I was most consistent showering was when I snuck it in between other tasks. During my prior life as a nanny, I would do a quick work out and then quickly shower while the baby was napping (kid would sleep for at least 2 hours, what a God-send). So... maybe midday showering, despite it being less common, could be the solution?
Last night I felt gross, but as usual came home, cooked dinner and ate. Then when my fiance got up to do the dishes and clean the kitchen as he always does, I got up and showered. It felt AMAZING. I was washing off the day. I wasn't going to go to sleep with soaked hair. I woke up the next morning with my alarm and got to spend some time drinking coffee and resting instead of laying in bed until the last possible second because I know I have to shower but I can't and if I'm late, then I dont have to. And suddenly it clicked.
When you are struggling to build habits with ADHD or battling with executive dysfunction from any number of neurodivergencies, find what works for you, not what works for most. Trying to conform to what others do will not help. Keep trying new things, and eventually you'll find a solution for you. Showering in the middle of the day is pretty mild. But other methods of selfcare like "I can only feed myself if I pretend to feed this plushy" or "I can't brush my teeth with mint toothpaste because it's a sensory nightmare, I just use water because something is better than nothing" or "I have to work on my dissertation at 2 in the morning because that's when my brain works, so I build the rest of my schedule around that" that might seem more "unusual" (and these are still mild) should also be acceptable. If it works, DO IT.
There's my rant. Find your midday showers. Have a good day, everybody!
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waywardgardenfury · 1 year
i (now) use arch btw
after a few months of not posting anything here, i finally managed to get arch working with awesomewm :)
initially when i tried a few months back, it was going fine until i could no longer hear audio for some reason lol. after searching for a solution i eventually gave up and retreated back to mint for the time being. after getting my infamous itch to just nuke everything and start again, i reinstalled arch and tried once again and i gotta say, its been going REALLY well.
the first time i ever attempted an install of arch (before archinstall was a thing) i somehow forgot to install a network manager and therefore couldnt really do much else. i really enjoyed setting it all up manually, but the fact that in the end i didnt really have it working was very annoying. the next time around, archinstall was there to back me up and its made everything so much easier!!! for me its broken down the barrier of entry significantly. i simply chose the desktop setup i wanted, and it chose the relevant packages. i went with a window manager rather than a full desktop environment this time around, more specifically awesomeWM. i wanted to go with something more bare-bones and configure it from the ground up so i could learn what sort of packages go into a full de. in addition people often talk about how much more efficient they find using wms, both productivity and resource wise. i see why! my entire operating system on boot uses like <500mb of ram, which is baffling that its possible. plus, the use of shortcuts of navigating around has been great.
i ended up going with awesome as nvidia has been absolutely the biggest issue with this whole process. for some reason my graphics card just HATES wayland which eliminates some options off the bat. ive had soo many issues in the past with it, so trying to use xorg is probably my best bet going forward and luckily its still a very popular choice, no shortage of resources for me. i did have a few issues setting it up on arch, as i wasnt really familiar with how to configure it at first but getting nvidia-settings it made it much easier for me for now.
pacman was an interesting change to get used to. discovering that it didnt have some packages that i have usually was interesting, but then shortly i discovered the aur and yay. it opened me up to a wide range of new packages that werent even on some of the package managers i had tried previously, like dnf and apt. in contrast to those, i found pacman and now yay much easier and incredibly fast to use. there just becomes more and more reasons to use arch every time i open it haha.
one of the things i havent got around to choosing is a file manager. having to navigate my files entirely by terminal has helped build the muscle memory of commands i didnt know before. plus may even be faster than i found previously? i may get around to setting up some aliases if i feel like i could shorten some tasks. using cli packages in terminal over graphical packages has helped me to learn git some more as well, which im sure will be useful for me in the years to come. in regards to the terminal too, im looking into switching to zsh instead of bash which i currently dont know what the difference is between shells or what they do exactly but ill find out.
i have only been using arch consistently for a few days at this point. and awesome is still pretty ugly, so the next task for me is to spice it up a bit with some theming. i dont have much, if any, experience with lua, which apparently is the language that awesome uses to write its dotfiles (also took me a minute to learn what dotfiles actually were). the last time i used lua was probably in roblox studio at like the age of 10 or something, so its been a while. i have a few articles and videos lined up that i need to watch for an introduction, so i already have an idea of where to start. with that said however, if anyone has any advice or tips send them my way!
now the obvious question for myself after this is what project am i actually going to do next? i want to actually develop software but i find it extremely intimidating. so there are a couple options for me going forward. one of the big ideas in my mind is developing a longer form game project in godot. i have developed smaller projects in the past to get used to the engine, but i want to try my hand at doing something over the course of multiple weeks. i have poor time management skills and tend to get sidetracked with other projects but i really want something i can chip away at every day for a few hours. and i think a game could be just that! plus, it gives me a creative outlet as well. i can make the music and art for that and combine a few hobbies into one.
arch & awesome has been definitely an interesting change to get used to, but it has been so fun! learning how to do everything myself has been what i have been craving and every day i regret abandoning windows less and less. i cannot sing the praises of linux and its community enough for scratching my brain in the right places! at some point i want to make a post detailing my full journey with linux, so keep an eye or two out for that.
if anyone wants to talk with me about any of this feel free to send me a message! dms are always open :)
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yooniesim · 1 year
dont know if anyone else is still having this problem. your imperfection teeth are working just fine EXCEPT for the two that are supposed to have gums. the gums still won’t show up. i’ve tried deleting all other mods, i’ve tried using all different kinds of default teeth(one at a time obvi,) and i’ve tried having no default replacement at all. NOTHING i do makes the gums show up now. one of those adorable smiles was PERFECT for my cassandra goth sim-and i would love to get her back to how she looked before EA ruined everything as usual 😭
(also love you, yoonie. your cc is the best and your sims are the cutest)
sadly nonny, I think this might be lingering effects from ea fucking up the teeth with the face bug, since I can't replicate it in my still not updated game (pre face bug patch) 🥺 however, I'm going to try to adjust the uv on those two teeth to see if I can possibly fix it & make the gums show up again even with EA's weirdness, but I need to update my game before I can try/see it accurately- i was going to do it tonight, but I'm scared to try with EA's stupid server issues rip. within the next few days I will update tho, and see what I can figure out. fingers crossed I can get a solution soon, but hopefully it really is just as simple as adjusting the uv 🤞
would you mind trying one more thing for me nonny? with your default teeth file in your mods folder, can you replace my imperfection file with this one and see if there's any difference? i want to see whether it could possibly be from me updating the textures recently. if you're able to try this, i'd be very grateful, though no worries if you can't ^^
also, thank you sm for the compliments!!! 💜💜💜
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realblackhelix · 1 year
What should I do if I downloaded threads?
I heard we can't delete the our data in threads if we dont delete ig account
I can't afford to delete my acc
So this is the big problem.
Deactivating Threads only makes it silent and does not erase any of the data. The only way to do so is to delete your Instagram account.
Now the problem with the above is whether or not they have the right to keep that data for a few years, which would mean it is stored somewhere and by someone which doesn't necessarily need to be them. Now I am Australian, so I do not know the American laws regarding this nor their individual state laws.
My best suggestions are below:
1. Consider whether or not you actually really need Instagram or not. If you do really need it, consider the next suggestions.
2. Get a good anti-virus solution that also scours the Dark Web for anything similar to your sensitive information and run scans constantly, not just once every six months.
3. I cannot stress enough the need for good passwords that have complexity and length and never repeating passwords anywhere. DO NOT use a password manager until you've done your research on them.
4. If possible, MFA everything, not MFA by selecting YES or NO, but MFA, where it asks for a digit that you need to confirm.
5. DO NOT download or use it at work. Only use work social media with work credentials if needed.
Another thing to consider is that no matter what happens, the data that Threads is collecting has likely been collected elsewhere anyway. The job is making it harder for those wanting to do harm, to do anything with it.
If you do want more assistance, I am more than willing to help outside of anonymity. Just message me direct, all private. However, note that I cannot give legal advice or a promise this will 100% completely prevent cyber criminals from gaining the information. I can only make suggestions to make it harder for them to obtain it.
Anyone is welcome to ask me questions on it, whether direct or anonymous.
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theringers · 3 years
often - charles leclerc
summary: you’re unbelievably desperate for your boyfriend all night.
request: Hope u dont mind me requesting #79 and #82 w charles or lando😃 have a good day!!
prompt: 79) "Look at you, grinding against everything, you're really desperate for it. Aren't you?" 82) "Yeah, that's it, baby, just like that."
a/n: this is short & unedited so i apologize for the lack of “story” but this just came to my brain and i needed to write it down so enjoy also sorry if the gif is malfunctioning i’m ready to throw my phone at the window so just ignore lol
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warnings: nsfw, dirty talk, 18+, teasing, obvi i had to include some public stuff bc it’s my brand
The live music was loud and blaring through your ears. You had requested a few songs and enjoyed drinks while you waited for the band to get to your request.
Charles stood up from the table to head towards the crowded bar. “Need anything, mon amour?” He looked at you.
You lifted your cup and smiled. “Another?” He nodded at you and walked towards the corner of the room. He knew you had a tolerance like no other and could outdrink him on any occasion. It was just humorous to him at this point.
“Are you excited for your trip?” Your friend asked from across the table.
“Oh, so excited. Charles and I haven’t been able to get away for a long time. It’s much needed.” You sat in your bar stool day dreaming about the blue waters of the Caribbean Sea and how you were about to spend weeks out there on the relaxing water.
Your friend took another sip of her drink. “I’m insanely jealous. Too bad Pierre and I can’t tag along.” She frowned.
“Next time, I promise. We’ll plan a trip just the four of us.” You both started laughing. “Or better yet, just the two of us. Girls trip.”
After a few more laughs, Charles walked up to your table with a drink in each hand. Pierre followed with the same. “Thank you,” you smiled at your boyfriend as he handed you another. You couldn’t remember how many this had been but you were feeling good and really enjoying yourself.
You sat all the way back in your barstool, but kept your drink at the table. This was the best possible solution to avoid drinking too quickly. Every time you needed a sip, you had to scoot yourself closer to the table, take a sip, and sit back. It was working pretty well.
Charles leaned over and spoke in your ear over the sound of the loud music. “I’m going to need you to stop doing that.”
You looked at him, confused. “What am I doing?”
He waved his hand around. “This.” He leaned in closer again. “You keep rocking your hips back and forth and it’s driving me crazy.”
You sat up and moved yourself closer to the table, rocking your hips at a painfully slow, yet discreet, pace. Your eyes found his and his focus was solely on you, sipping the remains of your drink.
“Anyone want another drink?” You asked the table as you hopped out of your seat.
“I’m good, I think I’m ready to head home soon actually. Pretty long day,” Charles said.
Your friend scoffed. “Nonsense, it’s only 11 o’clock.”
Charles looked at her with his head hung, then back at you. “Fine. One more drink.” He looked at Pierre. “See, this is what we have to deal with.”
You waited in the line for drinks and returned to your table. As soon as you scooted back in your barstool, Charles leaned over. “This is our last round of drinks. I’m going to need to take you home after this one.” You didn’t look over at him. You just kept your eyes straight ahead and smiled.
After more casual conversation with Pierre and his girlfriend, Charles called the car home. He took your hand and lead you out of the bar after leaving a hefty tip for the bartender.
Sliding into the back seat of the car, he acknowledged the driver and then went silent. You followed in after him, sliding across the seats. Your short sundress rode up creating friction between your clit and the car seats. You let out a soft moan, but ignored it, hoping no one else heard you. That was not the case.
The car started to move and Charles leaned over to you. He rested his hand on your thigh and whispered in your ear. “I heard that.” It sent chills up your spine.
The rest of the ride was silent, trying to focus on getting home without jumping each other’s bones in the backseat of the car. As soon as you arrived home, you both drunkenly stumbled in the door.
You shouted at Alexa to play some of your favorite music. Often by The Weeknd came out of your speakers.
Charles sat down on the couch with his hands on his knees. A deep breath escaped his lips as he took in the dark apartment around him.
“What’s up?” You asked, walking over to him.
“Long day,” he said. You nodded in response.
Leaning down towards him, you spread your legs to straddle him on the couch. You sat back with your weight on his knees, looking at him. “I love you,” you said to him.
“I love you too, mon amour,” he said. You felt his hands grip your waist. You began to slowly shift your hips around - starting with back and forth, and a little bit of side to side.
“I had a really fun time tonight,” you said.
“Me too, I’m glad we decided to go out.”
“It’s always a good time with them.” You were lucky enough to play matchmaker for Pierre, setting him up with your best friend. It was a win-win. He got a beautiful girlfriend and in return, you got to have your best friend accompany you on vacations, to races, PR events, galas, the whole nine. It was a smart move on your part.
You looked down at Charles, focusing on his messy hair. He was always such a perfectionist about how he appeared, but that all went down the drain when he drank alcohol. You kind of loved it, seeing him let loose a bit and not care so much. You ran your fingers through his messy locks and smiled.
“That dress looks so sexy on you,” he said. His eyes absorbed your body all over and his hands began to move up and down your sides.
“I knew you would like it.” You started to move your hips with more intensity.
“You want to tell me about what happened in the car?” He asked.
“I think you know what happened in the car.”
He had a smug look on his face. “I don’t, actually. Enlighten me.”
“Well, since you want to play dumb,” you grabbed one of his hands off of your side and guided it under your dress. “I’m not wearing any underwear. And I forgot I wasn’t until I slid in the car.” His fingers massaged the skin of your inner thigh.
“That’s hot.” He dipped a finger between your folds and felt the wetness pooling. He swirled his finger around a few times before sliding it inside of you. You moved your hips slowly, meeting his finger. “Look at you, grinding against everything. You’re so desperate for me, huh?” He smirked. You rolled your eyes at him but continued to move your hips. “You couldn’t even help yourself at the bar tonight. Or in the car.”
“I just couldn’t stop thinking about fucking you,” you said. You leaned down to unbutton his pants, grinding your body against his thigh in the process. You let out a moan and he just watched you in awe.
You pulled his pants down, his hard cock springing free. You got back on top of him and hiked your dress up above your hips. You positioned yourself on top of his cock and started to slide back and forth, creating euphoric friction for both of you. Your folds were wet and warm, making him grunt. “Shit, baby,” he said. His head fell back against the couch as he guided your hips. “I need to be inside of you, now.”
You pulled away and quickly sat down on his cock. He kept his hands positioned on your hips as you ground them onto him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and let your head fall onto his shoulder.
You put the weight on your knees and began to bounce up and down on him. He placed his hands on your ass for support. “Oh yeah, that’s it baby,” he said. “Just like that.” A throaty moan escaped your lips right into his ear.
“You feel so good,” you said. The rhythm continued and he spread your cheeks. He was itching to pound into you but he loved the way you looked bouncing on his cock.
He reached for the strap of your dress, pulling it down to expose your breasts. He took one in his hand and massaged it roughly. “Shit, babe. Look at you riding my cock like such a good girl.” He wasn’t one to talk dirty too much, but with alcohol involved he was an open book.
“I’m all yours, baby,” you said, leaning back. You ran your hands through your hair while riding him and made eye contact with him - driving him crazy.
You could feel him start to thrust up into you, an indication that he was getting close. You leaned back down to his ear. “Cum for me, baby,” you said.
He finished with a grunt and a tight grip on your hips. You rolled off of him and laid your head down on a pillow. After all that alcohol, the couch was seeming like a perfect place to crash.
Charles returned with a towel and a glass of water for you. “You did so well, baby. That was hot.” He said, smiling at you and handing you the glass of water.
You giggled and stuck your tongue out. “You’re welcome.”
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taeyongdoyoung · 3 years
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summary: months after your escape from the faerie kingdom, strange accidents start following your unfortunate dates. so, the only solution you can come up with is returning to the source of those dangers...well, sources
pairing: demon/hades!hyunjin x witch/persephone!reader x faerie king!felix
genre: angst, smut, fantasy, a hint of fluff
warnings: near-death experiences, some swearing, guilt, vengeful lands, bad hell puns, punishment kink (?), choking, manhandling, finger-sucking, wings kink (dont come @ me), blowjob, unprotected sex, heartfelt apologies, handjob, light bondage (with a necktie), brat-taming, nipple-sucking, biting, fingering, braids kink (i’m unhinged, i know), confessions, trust issues resolved
author’s note: hello again, everyone! i wasn’t really satisfied with the open ending of fool me twice so i decided to write a part two (finale) and give this story the closure it deserves! that is not to say fool me twice cannot exist as a stand-alone...anyways, without further ado, i hope yall enjoy it ❤️
word count: 4.7k
I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away... Once bitten and twice shy I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye
You were happy for the next couple of months since you escaped the faerie kingdom. Happier than you had been in a while. As you had promised Jisung, the whole world recognized his talent soon enough. And not because of any magic or a deal, but because he was truly a hard-working, precious human. Your brother even found a loving boyfriend in the face of his dance instructor Minho. You were extremely happy for them. You were. And it’s not like anything was missing from your life. Not like you missed two very peculiar creatures. You really didn’t.
And as if to prove yourself right, you started dating again. And things were going great. But only at the beginning...Your first date was with the wonderful Seungmin. Jisung’s boyfriend had introduced him to you. He was a fellow singer like them. And it was all fine, you were having a lovely conversation in a beautiful park. Until random golden vines started wrapping around poor Seungmin’s feet really tightly! You had barely managed to get him out alive by using a bit of your magic in the most inconspicuous way possible. Unfortunately, you had to break things off with Seungmin for his own good. You had heard rumours that vicious vines were the faerie king’s forte and you wanted to protect the sweet guy. Even if it meant never seeing him again...
Your second date Chan was really funny and had the best smile. You had met him at a local restaurant and couldn’t resist the urge to chat with him. You two were hiking peacefully one time and even made it into a gorgeous cave. No sooner had you dared to hold Chan’s hand when a pack of black-winged bats attacked him! You somehow succeeded in getting him out of there and to your utter disappointment, you decided you couldn’t risk the life of a pure soul who didn’t expect your dark past. Suspiciously enough, the bats reminded you of a certain demon’s black wings...
Your third date with Changbin was even more disastrous. You were at his house, watching a horror movie and snuggling into his strong arms when out of nowhere, a fire erupted! It was really strange because the stove wasn’t even on. Changbin could have died and you were feeling so bad that you decided you had to put an end to dating. Regretfully, you cut things off with him, as well. It was for the better, you kept telling yourself. But it hurt, nonetheless.
Needless to say, your happiness didn’t last long. Standing in front of the burned house, you began connecting the dots. Fire was associated with hell. Black-winged bats and golden vines certainly evoked memories of Hyunjin and Felix. Such cruel accidents could not be a coincidence. You refused to believe yourself cursed. So, that could only mean one thing. You had to confront them. Feeling immensely desperate by what happened and guilty for unconsciously putting these poor humans’ lives in danger, you started playing with the silver ring Hyunjin had given you. Call it sentimentality or being overly cautious (because of his warning you’d eventually have to return to their worlds), you had still kept it.
Taking a deep breath, you did the unthinkable and rubbed it three times. You wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t bother showing up after the way you’d stolen half of his heart. In a way, you deserved the silent treatment. And for a couple of minutes, there was just that. Complete silence. Just as you were about to scream angrily into nothingness, you heard it. The faintest flutter of feathers, the shuffle of air. You felt his presence like a part of you had been ripped and had been just returned to you. But you saw nothing. Slowly, you turned around, half-expecting to find no one there. 
But there he was, in the flesh. Standing like a marble statue, made of silver flames and ocean waves. Completely disregarding how you broke things off, your feet seemed to have a mind of their own as you ran towards him, collapsing into his chest.
“You came,” you sobbed, the sound muffled.
“You called,” Hyunjin replied and stroked the back of your head softly.
“You were right and I was foolish to think I could survive without you,” you admitted reluctantly, looking up into his dark eyes.
“Did the fire finally change your mind? Vines and bats weren’t enough for you?” he teased you.
“You’ve been keeping tabs on me?” 
“I’m your guardian angel, remember?” Hyunjin chuckled, playfully flicking your nose, at which you pouted.
“So, what now? If I want these deadly accidents to stop happening and threatening innocent humans, I have to go with you to the underworld?”
“For starters,” he shrugged. “I suggest one week at my place and one at Lixie’s. Balance is of the essence. You can go back to Earth, of course. But not for too long or the accidents will resume.”
“Was that a threat?” you scoffed. “Why can’t you just stop them from happening?”
“Because I’m not the one doing them. Neither is Felix. It’s the magic of the lands themselves.”
You nodded in understanding. You could tell Hyunjin was telling you the truth.
“Very well, then,” you sighed. “Take me to the other side.”
“Aren’t you going to say goodbye to your brother? And that boyfriend of his?”
“I hate goodbyes,” you said miserably. “Besides, you said I can go back to Earth in two weeks. Just...take me.”
“As you wish, my queen.”
“Wait, what?” you whispered in confusion but before you could receive a response from Hyunjin, he had already teleported you to the underworld. The second you arrived, he kissed you passionately, not giving you a chance to argue. He had really missed you, huh?
“What did you mean by saying my queen?” you asked, eventually interrupting the kiss.
“Did you seriously think I was just some ordinary demon messing around? Im the king of the underworld,” Hyunjin smirked.
“Holy fuck...Why is the sound of these words coming out of your lips so...hot?”
“Maybe because we’re in hell, sweetcheeks.”
You couldn’t prevent the giggle leaving your mouth.
“Damn it, I should have come here a long time ago,” you joked, marvelling at the beauty of the black marble floors, the silver chandeliers and the gorgeous fireplace a couple of feet away.
“Tsk, tsk, who knew you were such an opportunist?” Hyunjin scolded you.
“I’m incorrigible, I know,” you rolled your eyes. “Why don’t you teach me a lesson? Correct my improper behaviour?”
“Don’t give me such ideas,” he hissed and maybe you were a fool but you desired him so badly you were willing to do anything just to have him touch you again.
“Please, my king,” you begged him hopelessly. And Hyunjin found it impossible to resist you, crashing his lips into yours in another breathtaking kiss. His hand wrapped around your neck, giving it the slightest bit of pressure and causing you to moan into his mouth.
“H-harder,” you whined.
“You’re crazy,” Hyunjin shook his head.
“Only for you,” you grinned. And then, he did as you asked, squeezing more tightly. Despite that, you didn’t break eye contact with him.
“You’re driving me insane,” he groaned. “Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me without you? It felt like being torn apart. I fucking hated every second of it.”
Pushing you roughly onto his bed, covered with black sheets (fitting for the king of the underworld), you didn’t say a word because you were far too preoccupied with the need to taste him. Taking his fingers into your mouth, you began sucking them eagerly, as if to prove yourself worthy of him. Your mind was about to have a funny thought: you were definitely going to hell for this. Until it hit you. You were already in it.
Right on cue, Hyunjin’s black wings rose in the air. You wondered if there was any correlation between your actions and the movement of his feathers. You wondered if your lips wrapped around his long fingers were turning him on. As if to test your theory, you extended your hand to stroke his beautiful wings. God, you’d missed how soft they felt against your touch.
“Don’t tease,” he grunted with effort.
“You like this!” you exclaimed in amazement, letting his fingers leave your mouth. “You like it when I touch your wings.”
“Shut up,” Hyunjin said and it was such a rare occurence to see him so angry that you couldn’t help but feel aroused by it. And ambitious to rile him up even more.
“Make me,” you smiled, perfect innocence masking your features.
Hyunjin in the faerie kingdom would have laughed at such a statement playfully and maybe even tickled you. But Hyunjin in the underworld was not in the mood for games. After all, he was on his own territory. And any challenge against his supreme power was an offence that couldn’t go unpunished. So when he took off his pants and forced his way into your mouth, you could swear you’d never been wetter. Little did he know that his “punishment”  was bringing you so much pleasure. As you sucked onto him for dear life, a part of you wished you hadn’t wasted so much time going on unsuccessful dates with humans when you could have had this all along. Coming inside you with a loud roar, you felt increasingly incredibly attracted to Hyunjin.
In the aftermath of your activities, you were happily surprised that Hyunjin allowed you to touch his wings again. You were more careful this time, not at all intending to turn him on, but rather comfort him and help him relax.
“Hyun...” you started. “I’m really sorry for...you know. For leaving like that.”
“Don’t be,” he replied calmly. “Anyone would have done the same thing after the way we lied to you.”
“I don’t want to be just anyone to you,” you sighed, kissing his chest tenderly. “And besides, you two saved my life. I feel like an ungrateful, soulless bitch.”
“You’re really not. I admit, having half-demon and half-faerie heart can make you a bit desensitized.  But you’re still...you. I mean, if you weren’t yourself, you wouldn’t have called me. Just to make sure those humans wouldn’t suffer. Soulless beings don’t have a conscience. And you obviously do.”
“I really appreciate you saying that. It might take some time for me to truly believe that but...I just wanted you to know how sorry I am, Hyunjin.”
“Are you just saying that ‘cause you’re impressed by my kingdom and its riches?”
You punched his shoulder lightly.
“Hey! I’m not like that!” you complained. “Though I gotta admit, being the queen of the underworld does sound hella tempting. Pun-intended, of course.”
“You’re cute,” Hyunjin chuckled. “And I hate to break it to you but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows down here.”
“Didn’t expect it to be. In any case, I’m here now. So it would be my honour if you showed me all there is to know about the underworld. I’m a quick study.”
“That, I can tell.”
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The next week passed in perfect bliss with Hyunjin teaching you the rules of his kingdom. You were beginning to get to know him better and you were very pleased by how easy it was to go back into the same old routine you two had established. However, when it was time to pay a visit to the faerie world, you were feeling more anxious than ever. You weren’t sure how Felix would react to your miraculous return. And though Hyunjin had mentally prepared his boyfriend for it, you couldn’t help but worry.
Once you entered the faerie kingdom, you realized how completely unprepared you were for this. While Hyunjin’s reaction was mostly (excluding the angry sex) positive and warm (king of hell pros), Felix’s was pure ice. When met with his cold gaze, you felt shivers running down your spine.
“Oh, look who decided to grace us with her unwelcome presence,” were his first words. “I would say it’s a pleasure, but you know faeries can’t really lie.”
“Really?” you scoffed. His frustration was making you frustrated, as well. “You know, I could say the same. Maybe faeries can’t lie but they are certainly great at tricking people and deceiving them about their true intentions, making me into a fool!”
“We only did that because we were too entranced by you to let you go,” Felix explained passionately.
“I suppose I should be flattered,” you cackled. “Two immortal kings...boyfriends, at that, thirsting after me.”
“You should be,” Felix whispered, his deep voice affecting you more than it should have. “It’s not a common occurrence. But I still can’t trust you after that stunt you pulled.”
“Good. Because I can’t trust you, either,” you admitted and kissed him angrily, the fingers on your right hand gripping his golden braids, your teeth biting his lower lips and the nails on your left hand scratching the back of his neck fiercely. “You know, on Earth we have a saying...once bitten, twice shy.”
“Is that you asking me to bite you in order to make you weak for me? Because I’m not entirely opposed to the idea,” Felix hissed, the promise of something like that exciting you to no end.
“Nooo, though I can’t reject that offer,” you giggled, slapping his chest playfully. “You faeries and that problem with literalness. The saying means that if you were hurt once when doing something, you’re inclined to be more careful when you’re doing it the second time.”
“Does it refer to us?” he asked.
“Exactly my point,” you confirmed.
“So, what you’re saying is...I should be careful around you. So as to not get hurt again.”
“Look at you, interpreting human sayings like a champ,” you praised him fondly. “It could also mean the opposite, though. That I should be more careful around you, Felix.”
“But if we’re just tiptoeing around each other for eternity, we’ll never learn how to trust one another,” he reasoned. “One of us has got to make the first step. Eventually.”
“I agree. But let’s take it slow and see how this goes, okay?” you kissed him again, eager to prove him your willingness to give this a try. “Even if we don’t trust each other fully, that doesn’t have to stop us from having fun, right?”
“I love it when you read my mind,” Felix moaned into your mouth. Your sneaked a determined hand inside his pants and wrapped it around his half-hard length.
“This all for me?” you teased.
“Don’t be a brat,” he complained, grabbing your hand and urging you to move faster.
“As you wish, Your Majesty,” you curtseyed jokingly and focused on pleasuring him properly until he came all over your fingers.
“You’re a menace to the supernatural society,” Felix groaned and started removing his necktie in an uncharacteristically animalistic way. Growing weak in the knees, you couldn’t help but ask:
“What are you going to do with that?”
“I’m going to make sure you stop being a brat,” he threatened and pulled your hands behind your back, using his tie to bind them as tightly possible. Feeling helpless and completely at his mercy, you sensed his mouth wrapping around your nipples, sucking on them lightly. With each whine on your behalf, Felix’s actions became more savage, occasionally biting your skin.
“Lix, I can’t take it anymore,” you begged for something, anything, the wetness between your thighs growing uncomfortable.
Finally taking pity on you, Felix stuck his fingers inside your heat, giving you the release you had been aching for. Once he was done tormenting you, you couldn’t stop yourself from asking him for another favour:
“Please, untie me, I want to play with your hair,” you confessed.
Doing as you wished, you were quite unhappy when he said you should go. No, unhappy was an understatement. You were extremely upset.
“Lix, I want you to know that I’m really sorry for leaving,” you expressed honestly, feeling the need to have a serious conversation with him.
“You think I’m mad at you?” Felix furrowed his brows in confusion. “I’m the one who should be sorry for playing with your heart the way I did. For making you believe your brother was in danger. Just because I was too much of a coward to ask you to stay without any deals involved.”
Your eyes began watering with emotion. Did he really think he should apologize? 
“Despite all that, I regret leaving you and I had to tell you that. You and Hyunjin literally ripped your hearts out to save my life and how I treated you after that is unforgivable.”
“Well, I think you deserve a second chance,” Felix smiled softly.
“So, how about we both give each other a second chance?” you suggested, warming up more and more by the second.
“I’d like that very much,” the faerie king admitted.
“Can I play with your hair now?” you begged with a pout.
“Why is it so important to you?” Felix laughed but let you do as you pleased, closing his eyes under your touch. 
“Dunno. Just think it’s pretty. You’re pretty,” you mumbled, running your fingers through his golden braids.
“You know, I think this is the first time you’ve ever complimented me.”
“R-really?” you stammered. “I wonder why. You are devastatingly stunning.”
“Staaahp,” Felix groaned, embarrassment painting his cheeks pink.
“Aww, is the almighty faerie king feeling shy?” you traced a finger across his cute freckles.
“Do you need a reminder who was the one bitten shy?” his eyes snapped wide open. You appreciated his effort to remember the saying. 
“So adorable,” you mumbled under your nose.
“Care to repeat that?”
You shook your head but your thoughts remained unchanged. Why did it take you so long to notice faeries were not just bad? You had been so blinded by fear for your brother that you had ignored all the positive qualities Felix had. But never again.
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Days turned into weeks. Weeks into months. And before you could figure out how, you had established a routine that worked best for everyone. (And kept innocent, unsuspecting humans safe). One week in the underworld, one week in the faerie kingdom and one back on Earth with your brother. During one of your conversations with him, Jisung had asked you to be extremely cautious and you had promised him you knew what you were doing. You were no longer the clueless, naive girl you were a year ago. And besides, this time Jisung was free and happily making music, as well as travelling the world with his boyfriend Minho. You were not obligated by any deals. You simply wanted to spend your days (and nights...) with Hyunjin and Felix. And even though Jisung was a bit worried at first, he could also tell that you were smiling more than ever before. And he had to admit, it was nice to see you glowing.
One evening, as you were having dinner with Hyunjin in the underworld, you suddenly wanted to ask him something that had been on your mind for a while.
“How did you meet Felix?”
Hyunjin’s eyes sparked with interest at the sudden inquiry, but he responded, nonetheless.
“It’s a long story,” he smiled fondly.
“We have all night,” you blinked curiously.
“Very well, then,” and so, Hyunjin began telling the story: “Once upon a time, there were two lonely princes. One knew he was supposed to inherit the underworld. The other - the faerie land. Both were eager to have a friend, anyone who could relate to the pressures of their future tasks. Until the faerie prince, mischievous as he was, started going on secret adventures, looking for other worlds. He was sick and tired of playing with the other faeries. He wanted something new, more exciting. The more he looked, the harder it was to find a kindred soul. Usually, he would end up in worlds that were even more boring to him than the faerie kingdom. Until one day, he discovered a purple portal that led him to the underworld. Shocked by the unfamiliar intruder, the prince of hell challenged him to a duel. The two princes fought until they were out of breath but for some reason none of them had any murderous intentions. Since they were both skilled in politics, they knew that killing a stranger would result in an unwelcome conflict. Eventually, the two princes dropped their swords and started talking. Soon enough, they discovered how much they common they had. How much they were both struggling with the expectations everyone had of them. At one point, the lonely prince of the underworld asked the faerie prince if he’ll come again. And he did. In fact, he kept coming. It took them a couple of centuries to turn from friends into lovers. Really stupid princes, if you ask me.”
Upon hearing the story of Hyunjin and Felix’s relationship, you were overwhelmed by a strange feeling that terrified you immensely. But you knew you would have to deal with it sooner or later. Your bets were on the former.
“Randomly finding a portal to the underworld does sound like Felix,” you chuckled lightly.
“He really cares about you, you know? As do I...” Hyunjin confessed, looking directly into your eyes. It was as if he was piercing into your soul. And honestly? You didn’t mind it one bit. That scared you. But you also welcomed that feeling.
Shocked speechless by his words, you needed a moment to gather your own thoughts. When you were finally ready, you spoke again.
“Hyunjin...I’ve been meaning to say this for a while and I know I’ll regret it if I don’t say it now...I love you so much. And I’m beyond grateful you gave me a second chance. Even though I probably didn’t deserve-”
“Y/N, stop. Of course you deserved it. We were the ones who deceived you. It was only fair you wanted to get away from us.”
“Still. You gave me half your hearts to save my miserable life,” you cried out. “And I betrayed you.”
“Enough of that,” Hyunjin waved you off. “It’s all in the past. Now please go back to the part about how much you love me.”
“I do,” you repeated. “So strongly. And I also love Felix.”
“Why don’t you go and tell him that yourself?” Hyunjin suggested.
“But my week in the underworld isn’t over yet.”
“I can find a way around that. Now go!” he urged you excitedly. “You can use the secret portal Felix found. I trust you with it.”
“Thank you, Hyun!” you kissed him quickly.
“It’s not a problem, my dear girl. Oh and before you go. I love you, too.”
Your heart (or, you guessed it was only right to say half his heart) began beating more rapidly than ever.
“I know,” you smirked teasingly before entering the purple portal.
Once you had landed in the faerie world, the first place you went to was the throne room. When you couldn’t find Felix there, you decided to check his private chambers. However, to no avail. Unable to locate the king in the grand hall, as well, you started worrying. You had no choice but to ask around, begging the faeries for help. When they informed you he went to the underworld to talk to Hyunjin and you, you shook your head in disbelief. You had just left the underworld to talk to him. And remembering how time passed differently down here...meant he was most likely there for a longer time than you were.
Returning to the underworld through the purple portal, you finally found him. The sight of Felix sobbing in Hyunjin’s arms broke your heart (well, half Felix’s heart, probably). Hyunjin was doing his best to comfort his boyfriend, his black wings wrapped around Felix’s back. Before you could announce your presence, you accidentally overheard part of their conversation.
“I really hurt her, Jinnie, didn’t I? And I’m afraid it is too late to fix things...” Felix cried out.
“Lixie, it’s probably not my place to say this but...Y/N might have feelings for you,” Hyunjin whispered.
“It’s true,” you finally spoke, causing them to turn around. “I do have feelings for you, Felix.”
“Hate feelings?” you could tell the faerie was joking, because he sounded a tad bit hopeful.
“No. Love feelings,” you explained.
You hurried over towards them to hug them tightly. Possessed by a strange of wave of affection, you exclaimed:
“My beautiful soft boys. I love you both so much.”
“Hey, we’re dangerous immortal beings, not soft boys!” Felix pouted.
“Sure, Lix, whatever helps you sleep at night,” you couldn’t resist teasing them. Hyunjin squeezed your cheek tightly as if to remind you who’s really in charge.
“For the record, I love you, too,” Felix replied.
“Of course you do, I’m awesome,” you winked.
“And I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” the faerie continued. Hyunjin gave him a proud smile. “You remember what we talked about a year ago? That in order to trust each other, someone has to take a leap of faith?”
“I’m impressed by your vocabulary, but go on.”
“I wanted to show you that I trust you, instead of just saying it. And I couldn’t think of a better way than to tell you my real name.”
“You don’t have to do this,” you mumbled, honoured by the thoughtful gesture. Even if he didn’t tell you his name, the mere fact he was ready to share this piece of valuable information touched you deeply.
“I know. But I want to,” Felix reassured you. “Hyunjin already knows my name so I’m not going to bother kicking him out.”
“It’s literally my kingdom and my room, but go off, I guess,” Hyunjin rolled his eyes playfully.
“It’s Yongbok.”
“Wow. You really do trust me, huh?” you were in awe.
“Don’t push it,” Felix warned.
“I can confirm that’s his name, by the way.”
“You guysss,” you whined. “I really appreciate it. And to prove how much I care about you two and I would never abuse your trust, I’m willing to sign a blood oath that I solemnly swear I won’t use your name against you.”
“Is this really necessary? I mean, technically, you carry half our hearts. What differences would a blood oath make?” Hyunjin intervened.
“Oh, it’s necessary, alright,” Felix grinned. “But not in the way you expect it to be.”
And with that, Felix bit your neck, drawing a tiny trickle of blood.
“Gross,” Hyunjin complained. “But also kinda hot and I wanna join.” 
And then, he also bit your neck! You were beginning to question their identities. Were they really a faerie and a demon or bloody vampires?!
“Twice bitten, once shy, was it?” Felix teased.
You shook your head, not even bothering to correct him. You would gladly be bitten by them a hundred times if it meant spending eternity in their loving arms...
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Ever since you remembered, your parents always warned you against faeries. Theirs was not only a different kind of magic, but it was also a dangerous type of magic. So unpredictable that it could make you do things you didn’t want to do. Making your mind foggy, your eyes blind and your heart...well, not truly your own. Making you question reality itself. Do I really want to do this or am I simply doing it because they want me to? That’s what you had been taught. And that’s what you used to believe.
And indeed, faeries were treacherous (demons, too, sometimes). But what your parents were wrong about, what the stories had forgotten to tell you was that both faeries and demons alike could also be selfless. Selfless enough to risk their own hearts to save you. They could be kind. Kind enough to forgive you for leaving. They could be honest. Honest enough to tell you their real names, show you their real selves. And full of light. So much light, silver and gold, made of stars and magic, of black-feathered wings and brown freckles, of smiles and memories, full of life.
Last time you had been so terrified of their unfamiliar worlds, so scared of the unknown, of catching feelings, of being vulnerable that you had been so eager, too eager, perhaps, to run away. But this time, you were willing to stay.
The End
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richmond-rex · 3 years
Hello! I love Elizabeth of York although I unfortunately dont know much about her younger years. So I'm furious about her status in succession for the first few years of her life, she had no brother and was was the eldest child of the King. Was she considered the heir to England? Or was it her uncle George of Clarence? Or was the situation more vague? Thanks!
Hi, anon! It seems that Elizabeth of York's status as her father's heir was a bit unclear. Edward IV didn't put together a ceremony to confirm Elizabeth's status as his heir as he did to Prince Edward in 1472. It's possible that some people like the Earl of Warwick still regarded Edward's brother George Duke of Clarence as the heir presumptive, or thought that in the eventuality of Edward's death George would be more likely to be accepted as king than Edward's young daughter. Perhaps the fear that Warwick (and others) still regarded George as his heir was what motivated Edward's relentless refusal to acquiesce to George and Isabelle Neville (Warwick's daughter)'s marriage. After Warwick and George rose against Edward IV in 1469, Edward betrothed Elizabeth to Warwick's nephew and heir to his Salisbury estates, George Neville. It was probably a move made in part to reconcile with Warwick (the very next best thing since Warwick had no sons) and to reward John Neville (Warwick's brother and George Neville's father) for his loyalty during the uprising.
Some historians have regarded this fact as Edward IV declaring that his daughter Elizabeth was his heir in place of his brother (perhaps even to spite George), some historians have regarded this as Edward IV not taking Elizabeth as his heir, as such a marriage would be unsuitable to the heir of the kingdom. The fact is that George Neville was made Duke of Bedford especially because of that betrothal. If George Neville was but the son of an English earl, an English groom might have been regarded as the ideal solution in the scenario where a woman inherited England in place of a foreign prince for a husband that would allow foreign interference in the kingdom. Weightman (2009) talks about a proclamation around the time of Elizabeth's betrothal to George Neville declaring her Edward IV's heir but I haven't been able to find it anywhere.
Personally, I used to take not only Elizabeth's betrothal to George Neville as evidence that she was regarded as his father's heir, but also Edward IV's proposal to Margaret of Anjou to marry his daughter to Prince Edward of Lancaster. I'm not so sure anymore. The problem is that in both cases it's difficult to tell how sincere Edward was (I think the proposal to Margaret of Anjou was made rather as a counter-proposal to outmanoeuvre Warwick's own marriage proposal) and it's hard not to think that Edward still hoped for the birth of a future son on those occasions. A third option might be that Edward was buying himself time until the birth of a son AND regarded Elizabeth as his heir during that time. Those hypotheses are not mutually exclusive.
Even if Elizabeth of York was indeed Edward IV's official heir, it still begs the question if the English would have her crowned instead of George of Clarence in a scenario where Edward IV died sometime in 1469-1470 before the conception of his son, the future Edward V. If there's something this young king proved in 1483, was that child monarchs were especially vulnerable in Yorkist England, and Elizabeth's gender would have added another layer of vulnerability to her ascension. The fact is that even after the deaths of her brothers no one really thought about making Elizabeth of York queen regnant. What they wanted was to find a husband to rule in her right. Henry Tudor was that person for those Edwardian loyalists.
Short answer: was Elizabeth of York considered the heir to England? Perhaps by some she indeed was, perhaps others still regarded Clarence as the heir presumptive. There was no official ceremony declaring Elizabeth Edward IV's heir which perhaps might be explained by the fact that Edward IV didn't want to make a girl Princess of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall, Countess of Chester, etc. Sorry for rambling too much but that's all I have 🌹x
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sidespart · 3 years
Ooooh callback or wedding?
Oooh good one!!
If I was in Thomas's shoes I would have gone wedding no question, especially if it was close friends like Lee and Mary Lee, but I probably would have tried to find a compromise - like skip the ceremony but arrive for the reception if that would let me get to the call back on time.
one of the most frustrating things about SVS for me is that they never even try looking at ways to make the day work for both. Like right near the start patton suggest they call the callback people and ask to change the date and roman and Thomas quickly tell him that that’s not an option - but they don’t actually try?? And even if they couldn't change the date they could have asked to have the earliest/latest possible time slot. They don’t have any kindve conversation about practical solutions. Or talk to L and ML. 
And! From a character / story line point of view that totally makes sense. Janus deliberately yoinks them out of their typical discussion roles and makes it a trial where there has to be a winner and a loser. He’s not after a compromise - he doesn't particularly care about the wedding - he just wants to put forth his ‘acting in self interest is more valid then acting in the interests of others’ agenda. And that’s all fine and good but left me sitting there going can someone PLEASE talk about the journey distanced between the callback place and the wedding venue?? IS THERE A BUS ROUTE THAT GOES BY BOTH THOMAS??
like ultimately i think the audience is deliberately not given enough info to make an informed choice over which is better - Patton says L and ML are close friends who have always been there for Thomas, but the audience has never heard of them before so we’re not attached like we might be if it was character joan’s wedding. and we don't know what their stance on weddings IS (or thomas really) like would they care?? are they just doing it for tax reasons or do they see it as an extremely sacred ceremony?? What is Thomas's roll in the wedding - is he just a guest or have they asked him to speak/sing/make intros between mutal friends like???? We really dont know how they might react to him skipping (in this ep)
Roman says Thomas is super excited and determined to go for this audiation, but we know Roman gets super excited about EVERYTHING and doesn't think bout ‘what would this really be like’ (like when he’s convinced Thomas really wants to get back together with the ex boyfriend even though ultimately Thomas does know that’s not what’s best). Logans say’s there’s a very low probability of Thomas moving on to the next round of auditions - we also dont know very much about the project - we know character Thomas loves theatre acting and is very anxious about change in general and being away from friends in particular - if this is some big budget film project that isnt really what he wants, career wise AND takes him away from home for shoots would he even take the role if he got it??
We dont know!! Because the whole episode is Janus quoting racists and making everyone dress up in outfits and that is fine and valid but also arghhhhhhhh THIS IS WHY YOU DONT BENCH YOUR RATIONAL THINKING
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