#it came so fast! kiki live from the cafe!
imaginebabygurl · 4 years
Feeling Good Part 3 F.V-Imagine
Hey loves, since I had not posted in a bit This is gonna be a really long one I hope you enjoy the read and music that has been attached. P.s - sorry for any spelling mistakes it should still be a good read.
There were angry hisses and growls from Jacob and your family.  Edward's face grew cold with great concern for you: Bella started to panic "no, No!. There Not taking Her anywhere and she's not going to stay with those monster!... Wh-What if they Kill her because of the last time With Renesmee." " She's leaving, she can't stay here, I won't let them take her. She's going to live with my mom in Jacksonville". As Bella frantically tries to pack her things, Edward stops her "Bella", you know that's not going to work.  They have a tracker Demetri. They could easily find her, your mother, and Phil and Kill all three of them instantly. There's no point in putting others in danger." Carlisle spoke, " Edward is right, we just all need to be calm and there old friends of mine, they will come we'll have the meeting and clear the air, but we should also prepare they can be unpredictable." With that said, your mom still packed a small bag with your stuff just in case everyone started being more alert and wary of their surrounding. As for you. You had to start coming home earlier and stay out late less, which put a damper on your senior your but you didn't mind because you still thankfully have the chance, to even see and hang out with your friends. And coming home earlier wasn't such a bad idea since now it was November 1st, winter was approaching fast, and it started to get darker quicker. But that also meant the Volturi were on there a way you didn't know when exactly. And on the first week of December, they arrived, you were at school when they had come, and you had a group project to complete, which was already completed: you just stayed back at school to finalize the presentation of the slide show and sort out who did what in your project. You said bye to your girlfriend's Lily, Dee, and Kiki and told them: you'll see them when you've returned because you were going on a getaway trip just for the weekend with you and your sister only. Arriving home, you see a strange set of vampires with crimson red eyes. Anyone that saw them would be a fool to think they were normal or contact lenses. They all waited for you to step into the house,  soon as you turned to close the door behind you, you felt a presence standing quite close smelling you.  Remembering that they drank human blood while the Cullen's settled only for animals. "ahh...delicious." the voice quietly whispered into your ear. Quickly turning around facing them, but by the time you had done so, the vampire retreaded standing next to the other kings, the one that had spoken was Aro. The three were quite beautiful, you could tell who wash who and their personality: Aro with life in his eyes was the main king out of the three yes hey shared the same power, but he was the head and looking at you wildly with gleaming eyes. Next on his left was a bored and a perpetually sad-looking man, looking as if he had a sense of longing to end his miserable life and has seen the many secrets and mysteries of the world ad is not tired. On the right was Caius, the pure blond-haired man, which his hair was better than your aunt Rosalie's, not a single strand astray but put together and looked as if every strand is from silk. But his expression filled with such disdain you had never seen such a face, not even when Rosy disapproved of Bella and Edward taking you in the first place she grew to like you and became your second or third mother. As for the guards, you recognized every last one of them: Demetri, the world's best tracker no know can hide from him, then there were the twins' Jane and Alec, Jane could make others feel pain while her brother could take away peoples sense completely, and finally the man towering an over everybody else next to Demetri was Felix, and he was beautiful, and I couldn't resist him. I knew deep down he was most likely the killer of my parents only following orders.  I regained my composure and said "hello" anyway. Aro then grabbed my hand without hesitation and began to look through all the memories that I had lived through, "Interesting, you've had quite the bittersweet life." all the while, Aro still looking intensely into my Y/e/c colored eyes.  Pulling away completely and turning to look at my parents, "She'll be coming with us now." " She Won't be going anywhere!" my mother said while whirling me behind her back, not even realizing. But my body was feeling the after effect.  My dad Edward in front now in front of both of us. Aro looked at Felix, and Felix stared approaching, smiled,  "Edward seems like you've come back for round two."  Hisses were erupting from the room before Esme stepped in." please not in the house. I'm sure there must be some mistake. Y/n has done nothing wrong and she will be turned, in due time when its right Carlisle will take care of her." " Yes I already have the preparations in place Aro" and unexpectedly a "No!" had come from Felix. Aro looked at Felix and took his hand. Felix obeyed,  when Aro was done he laughed like a maniac and turn to me, repeating what he said earlier, " interesting." With everyone in the room at that point confused as to what was going on. I  spoke,  "What so interesting? and why do you keep saying that?" by this point, I was incredibly annoyed.   I just wanted to eat, " I'm going to the kitchen, I'm hungry and this whole dramatic crap, I'm over it." Walking away.  Nessie had made my favorite chicken parmesan with some pasta and salad.  Setting my plate down on the table, everyone was staring at me, but I ignored the burning stare put in my earphones. One of the King's Marcus taps me on the shoulder,  "May I join you?". I paused for a while unsure of what to say and he followed up the silence by saying "I had already drunk so, I won't bite."  Marcus offering me what appears to be a sympathetic smile on a sad-faced man. It was kind of nice to see him smile, " sure." I said plainly and he motioned everyone for us to be alone.  Everyone left, but the tall one hesitated to leave, which then Marcus said" Felix, she will be alright, I promise." The man only nodded and took his leave, "why is he so concerned about me? and what does he have to do with me?". Marcus replied, "Y/n your his mate." the man said point-blank. I looked at him as if he were mad, and he knew what I was thinking. He followed up by saying, " I know you're upset about the death of your parentings, and yes, he was a part of the cause that they're dead. But he simply follows orders if not he will suffer the consequences or maybe a fate worse." "Death." was all I said and a yes was retorted back at me. We sat in silence so I could digest what I have just learned. That the man that I'm supposed to be with: one was my lover and two a part of my parent's death. It was all too much for me to bear and, I ran away as fast as could I ended up taking a nasty fall down a hill and didn't remember a thing about my parent or how they died. All I knew was I falling for a man, I barely knew and I would soon come to know that he sweet but very flirtatious and that would one day get him into trouble and possibly lose all he had with me. He would flirt with everyone including my mother but she doesn't even realize and honestly, at first, I thought okay haha, but when I did decide to leave after graduation to be with him at the castle in Volterra. I was amazed and in awe of the building and come to realize that the rules they enforce I understand but the way they go about it is a little brutal but overall understanding, anyway back to Felix. That's when the boredom started to kick in, after that Felix was on missions constantly and flirting with every dead and living girl that was in sight but the living ones usually became the snack afterward.  it finally came tumbling down when we had a big fight. I was going about my business touring and sightseeing parts of the city I have never been to, one because my Italian wasn't that great and two I was scared being on my own, but boy when I started to speak a bit more fluently be able to get around on my own the sight and places, as well as the delicious pastries and goodies I got to eat, was great. The day was great until Felix angrily approached me, I swear if he still had life in his body his face would be mad with furry, practically dragging me by my wrist and how I know he was angry, Gianna said hello and he did not even bat an eye in her direction and with that, she tried to ask "Hey! Y/n what happened?" and before I can respond Felix picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. "Felix!!!" I shouted because at this point I was angry he was acting like this and he picked me up and headed to the throne room. Aro had looked at me and said "Y/n dove eri?" I responded, "Aro in un Citta in un Caffe". Felix then responded, " If you were in town at one of the cafes!, Why didn't you say anything! or tell someone when you left!". "I did if you had gone into the room to look Smartass! You would have seen It!".  and then the line was drawn " What kind of Girl are you!, You so free-willed, careless, would it kill you to use your head Y/n!?!, you could have been Kill or hurt by some low life!". "But I was-. before I could speak Felix pinned me to the wall and I then felt true fear of what others fate that had suffered at the hand of the great Felix Volturi and worst of all the thing that hurt the most " Y/n we should have killed you when we had the chance, like your mother and father!!." him not realizing what he said "Felix!!!" Aro called "put down the girl, she's terrified...". Once Felix snapped out of it "Y/n I'm sorry." But before he could touch you, you slapped his hand away and made your decision to leave but Caius spoke "What you did and said to Y/n was distasteful and I don't care for humans all the much, but I think some time in the dungeon would do you some good." Without Felix saying anything he simply nodded and took himself in and before he would have come to know you had already packed your things to go home.
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Getting lost at the Floating Petal Garden
Who would've thought that getting lost in a tangle of bushes, flowers, and vines would feel so freeing? Being surrounded by a mix of earthy and vibrant colors, organic shapes, and faint floral scents - it feels like I'm transported to another world! There's something about all this greenery that makes me feel calm, like it's okay to shut yourself out from whatever's bothering you and get lost in nature for a little bit. Interestingly enough, that was one of our purposes of visiting the garden.
I'm back in the Golden City with Ginko, who brought along some friends who dropped by to visit. I haven't heard from Storm in a while since Jamie disbanded the entourage. It's a shame that he joined right before things slowed down and everyone was leaving - if he came along a year earlier, then his music career would've definitely taken off by now.
Storm's an aspiring singer-songwriter. He's been singing in choirs and performing in bands for as long as he can remember. At first glance though he comes across as bumbling and well-meaning, not always the brightest bulb of the bunch, but he's a total sweetheart that you can't stay annoyed at him for too long. Not to mention that he's got a hell of a voice, a smooth baritone that contrasts with his fast paced chatter. Like I said, he could easily make it as a singer but he just hasn't had his lucky break yet.
The decision to leave the small and sleepy Midwestern town he spent his whole life in to LA was an impulse one. Basically all his friends have moved on - some have married, many are successful - and he was just getting by, working at a diner and performing occasional gigs there. He was a frequent guest at a best friend's house, even long after his friend moved out, and over time he realized that maybe he should be spending his time doing his own thing rather than barging in on other people's lives.
So he moved to LA, but quickly realized that the fast paced city life wasn't for him. Storm was about to call it quits when Jamie discovered him at a cafe and invited him to the entourage after he gave her a demo tape. They both knew from the start that Storm wasn't "commercial" material, but he had potential and is passionate about what he creates, which was enough for Jamie to give him a chance.
While Storm was able to nail a recording contract with Lawrence Sardar, outside of his EPs selling fairly well, he wasn't getting the reception he hoped he would. Being more of a performer than a recording artist, Storm felt kinda let down. Then the entourage disbanded and Storm lost interest in recording, though Lawrence told him that he's free to come to the studio whenever he feels like it.
Then a few months ago Storm decided to move in with his cousin Buddy in Airy to help him run the gas station/auto shop after the owner retired. I've met Buddy a handful of times through Holly and Sam and he's a big sweetheart like Storm. He tends to run his mouth off a bit and poke into other people's businesses but he means well and just wants to be a part of things.
Plus he's the reason why the shop's been so successful - he's a good mechanic who also provides excellent customer service as well as doesn't overcharge or make people spend more than they have to. Businessmen hate him, but customers love him - and despite what his detractors says, there's no denying that Buddy's a big reason why Airy's still standing strong when other small towns in the area have been declining. The day Buddy Nephele retires from the shop will be a sad day for all in Airy.
Storm's been enjoying living in Airy and working at the shop. He's also quite good with cars too so he's been a great deal of help for Buddy. Aside from singing in the community choir and a few gigs here and there for town events, his singing career has taken a backseat - but not for long. Thanks to Ginko and Benji, Storm will be performing at the Golden City Nightclub twice a month as a replacement for one of their regular performers. If things go well, he might be a regular there, which is exciting! The commute's a bit long - two and a half hours by train - but it's a good start. And if it becomes a regular thing, then he and Benji will work something out to make the commute easier.
So the trip to the Floating Petal Garden serves as a celebration for Storm. He's so excited about it as well as nervous - his first performance being less than two weeks from today. With Ginko living in Golden City and now Storm performing at the nightclub, it looks like we have more excuses to drop by Golden City!
Another reason for the trip was to de-stress and get away for a bit. Storm wanted to invite Buddy along because he's been going through a rough time. Buddy had an older brother who's nothing like him and Storm - a big name engineer who's always busy so he barely had time to visit family. Braden visited a couple weeks ago - Buddy hadn't seen him in over a decade, Storm not since he was a kid - but had to cut his visit short because of work. The work emergency ended up resolving early so Braden went back to Airy, only to die in a car accident on the way there.
According to Sam and Storm, Buddy idolized Braden. He also felt inferior to him and the two noticed right away how withdrawn Buddy was when Braden came to visit. Buddy was pretty bummed out when Braden had to leave, so a few days later Braden called Storm to tell him that he was coming back and wanted to surprise Buddy. But then the accident happened so instead of planning for a fishing trip, Buddy had to plan for a funeral.
Buddy's still his sweet old self but I can tell that he's been trying to keep it together and get through the day. It's odd not seeing him chattering about, keeping us up to date about what's happening in town and making us laugh with funny stories involving his misadventures at the shop. Storm's doing his best to help while giving Buddy space to process everything - that's all we can really do for him right now. It wasn't easy for everyone to convince Buddy to take a couple days off - Sam and some of the others are currently taking shifts at the gas station while the garage is closed - but he relented after some prodding.
I think him being here has helped a little. I mean we didn't expect him to feel better immediately but at least as the day went on he was able to enjoy himself a bit. Sometimes all you can really do is take it one day at a time, hoping that things will turn up for you. Knowing Buddy, I'm sure he'll get back on his feet eventually - I just wish there's more we can do to help him.
Getting lost in the garden is like being transported into a storybook, a whimsical, fairy tale like one where everything looks soft and ethereal. Meadows of soft grass with colorful petals poking out, straight out of a painting. Jungles of wavy vines wrapped around towering trees carrying delicate blossoms. Numerous winding trails surrounded by unusual flowers that can't help but draw your attention with its clashing colors and wavy, organic shapes, all looking like a mismatch that somehow comes together - like an imperfect mosaic.
I think my favorite place is the Great Crimson Way, a lovely trail surrounded by lovely rose blossoms. Like the name says, they're a hybrid of roses and cherry blossoms. There's a beautiful fountain at the center where people go to make wishes. There's something so peaceful about it, just looking at the petals floating in the water makes me feel reassured, like somehow, everything will be all right. There's a lot about the world that makes no sense but seeing these petals hanging around feels grounding - like it's telling me to hang on and soon the hard times will pass.
Buddy seemed to be taken in by the fountain too. I wonder if he's thinking the same regarding the floating petals. He did seem a bit more like himself after that as not too long afterwards he inserted his two cents here and there while Storm talked about town happenings. Sometimes Storm would try to prod him a bit more, only for Buddy to be miles away - he tries, but Ginko and I would remind him not to push too much.
This isn't a knock on Storm and Buddy but they tend to overstep a little bit. I'll admit it can be a nuisance sometimes with them trying to get into everyone's businesses but it's hard to stay too mad at them when they have good intentions, even when they make a mess out of it. While they do need to work on boundaries - which they both are making an effort on - it's good to have friends like them because sometimes you need to be thrown off the deep end.
Another favorite spot is the Stained Glass Grove. The plants over there literally look like stained glass! Translucent, colorful petals with intricate designs - we were lucky to come across this place when the sun was shining just right. The whole place lit up like a light show! We tried taking pics and while they came out good, it just doesn't do it justice. Turns out stained glass flowers are difficult to care for because of the amount of sunlight it needs. The spot where the Stained Glass Grove is perfect because that's where the sun shines the brightest for most of the day as constant sunlight is important for healthy flowers.
After navigating the Sweetie Honey Hills - which was full of fragrant flowers known for their honey-vanilla nectar - we stopped by the cafe. There, we ran into Leif, Kiki, Diva, and Lucky. So we had lunch together and bought some flowers from Leif. On our way out we came across a cute little tea shop so we stocked up on tea. I bought a bunch of new and unfamiliar flavors so I'm looking forward to trying them out!
The Sweetie Honey Hills is nice to look at, though the scent was starting to get a little overpowering so we didn't stay too long. We did harvest some nectar - a small jar costs about 5000 bells - so we each got one jar for ourselves. I like the flavor of honey-vanilla, though I've never cooked or baked with it before. I heard that the nectar's expensive, plus it's better to buy fresh so it's a super good deal!
Orange Blossom River is a lovely place full of bright, vibrant colors and fresh, citrus fragrances. We traveled by boat with Storm taking the sail while Ginko helped with navigation. The water's so crystal clear that you can see everything, from the colorful koi swimming around to the rocks and seaweed scattered about. It looks so unreal that I half expected to be transported to another world when we stepped into the boat.
From there, we traveled to Marigold Meadows, where we watched the sunset. It's a fitting stop as it's a popular place to watch the sun rise and set. Paired with the various yellows and oranges of the marigolds, it's absolutely perfect! The moment the sky turned a lovely red orange, the meadow seemed like it came to life. It was a magical moment when a rainbow popped up and all at once I felt at peace - we all did. It was a funny feeling, like a friendly and familiar presence snuck up on us, whispering to us that  all is well.
Ginko was the one who brought it up first, saying that she felt like Manaka was right there beside her. Buddy then said that he could've sworn his brother was standing nearby for a moment. Storm said the same about his dad and I for mine. I haven't thought about him in years since he's been gone for a long time so I'll admit I'm still a bit shaken up. I still don't know how I feel about it, yet I feel like that's how I'm supposed to feel about it?
If you're feeling lost, uncertain, stuck, or in need of something new and different, I'd highly recommend exploring the Floating Petal Garden.
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a-dreaming-artist · 5 years
A Witches Spell
Summary: Mirio grew up loving different legends, especially King Arthur. As he grows he begins to hear rumors about a witch who lives in the forest, so when his father falls ill he seeks help from the witch to save his father.
(Note: In this story it’s universe is similar to Kiki’s Delivery Service. It takes place in the 1950’s, and just like Kiki’s WW1 and 2 never happened)
Every town has their own legends, some to scare children into behaving and others to give hope to the people of the town. Word spreads around fast, but as the stories are told over and over details are lost and some are even added. Though usually the message stays the same, the purpose of the legend still remaining.
She passed away when Mirio was only 7, leaving Mirio’s father to raise the child while trying his best to keep their little cafe opened. Every night Mirio’s father would tell him a story, using little wooden toys to help get the point across. The stories helped Mirio move on after the loss of his mother, reminding him of the kind words she’d always say to him.
When he was 10, he started to help his father run the cafe. With Mirio’s help things were going great, his help in the kitchen was appreciated. As he grew Mirio still loved the different legends, however some he didn’t believe so easily now. Although while he was out in town with his best friend Nejire he started to hear rumors from people in town.
“Did you hear about Mr. Williams down the street?”
“No, what happened?”
“Well, supposedly there’s a witch who lives in the woods. He heard about this and left to find her, to ask for a love potion. He came back and he hasn’t been the same, it’s like he’s gone mad”
Witches? Love potions? Was there even such a thing? Mirio wasn’t sure what he truly believed, but the idea of witches being real was fascinating. He continued to listen in on what others had to say, wanting to know more about the supposed witch who lived in the woods.
“I hear she has fingernails that can cut you easily”
“Well I heard her face is so horrific just looking at her will give you nightmares for years”
“I believe she’s the one who’s been spreading this horrible sickness around”
The rumors were starting to get far fetched, but Mirio loved them nonetheless. He began to tell his father about what the people were saying, even explaining his own theories about the witch in the woods. His father found some of it entertaining, but still warned Mirio to never go to the woods just in case.
So the days passed, Mirio would work, study, listen to rumors and legends with Nejire, and repeat. Life was perfect.
The key word is was.
Mirio’s father had fallen ill, a sickness very similar to his mothers. Doctors would come to check the symptoms of his father, only to deliver the same news.
“There’s nothing we can do”
The thought of losing his father, the only family member he had left, hurt Mirio more than he could describe. Thinking about it made him want to puke, to scream or cry.
There’s nothing we can do
Those words kept running through Mirio’s head, their had to be something he could do. There just had to be. Finally an idea came to him. What about the witch? Surely she could help her father. There’s only one way to find out. After Nejire agreed to take care of his father for a day or two, Mirio left on his bike to find the witch as soon as the sun started to rise. He refused to come back till he found a cure.
The woods were very dark, even when the sun began to light the world up. Navigating was hard, and to be honest Mirio wasn’t even sure if he was heading in the right direction. Every sound made Mirio jump, anything could come from any direction and he didn’t have anything truly useful to defend himself. Animals could be heard walking, but whether it was a deer or a wolf he had no idea. Mirio just kept looking forward, taking deep breaths to calm himself the best he could.
His legs were starting to cramp, begging to stop for just a minute. Mirio was about to give in, to just stop for a few minutes, but something caught his attention. In the distance was a little cottage, it was covered in vines and looked like it was ready to just fall apart.
This was it
Mirio peddled as fast as he could, praying that this was the place. After putting up the kickstand of his bike Mirio made his way towards the house. The ground was covered in leaves, which was odd considering it was summer. If Mirio had paid close attention he would have realized the trap that was on the ground. Stepping forward Mirio activated a trap, a rope quickly tightening around his ankle and launching him up in the air, leaving him to dangle by the tree.
Mirio let out a cry, the sudden rush of movement scaring him. His cry was heard, because a figure in a white cloak came out of the little cottage. It was the witch. The witch began to walk in a precise manner, avoiding any other traps they had laid on the ground. While she made her way over Mirio quickly tried to think what he would say to her.
“What are you doing here?”
That’s not a woman.
“I-I uh…” Mirio’s mind had gone blank from the discovery of the witch being a guy, also along with the fact that all blood was rushing toward his head. He couldn’t make out the males face, the hood of his cloak hiding any of his facial features.
“I said, '' What are you doing here?”
“I… I need a potion! For my father!”
The male went quiet, he started to make his way towards the trees trunk. He pulled out a knife and cut the rope, causing Mirio to land on his head.
“Absolutely not. I’m tired of you all asking. Go before I put a curse on you... or something.. something like that”
The figure turned away, starting to walk back towards his house.
“Please wait!” Mirio quickly stood up, “I need this potion! My father is very sick and he’s only getting worse by the day. My mother suffered the same fate, so he’s all I have left!”
This caused the cloaked figure to freeze, instantly stopping in his tracks. The woods grew quiet, the only sound being birds singing their song. After a minute the male walked into his cottage without a word. Mirio felt tears start to form, and he couldn’t stop them from falling. This was his final hope and it was taken away without a second thought.
He sat down on the ground, burying his face in his hands. His body shook harder the more he cried, not ready to return home and face his father.
Then a glass bottle was placed in front of him. It was filled with a reddish liquid. Mirio looked up and saw the cloaked figure standing in front of him.
“I wasn’t going to give it to you… but then you started crying and I felt horrible.. so.. here”
Mirio just stared for a moment, but soon jumped up and hugged the male tightly.
“Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!!”
The gesture took the cloaked figure by surprise, hating the sudden attention and not appreciating a total stranger hugging him.
“Your supposed to just take the potion and leave…”
“I can’t leave without thanking you!” Mirio let go and began to notice a few features of the male. He looked to have purple eyes but Mirio wasn’t 100% sure, “I need to repay you! What about a few sweets from my cafe? I’m sure it’s not the same as a literal life saving potion but it’s all I have”
“I… I don’t need anything ...What I need is for you to leave before your yelling draws people here…”
Now being eye to eye the figure and realizing the slight height disadvantage the male seemed much more nervous, his tough facade disappearing.
“Alright I’ll leave, but that doesn’t mean I won’t repay you!” Mirio rushed over to his bike and carefully put the glass bottle in the little basket on the back, “My name is Mirio Togata! I’ll come back Friday!”
Before the cloaked male could speak Mirio was already riding away, making his journey back through the woods.
Mirio Togata? Where have I heard that name?
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