#it could look a bit more clownish but y'know
Hi, it's the anon who spoke about Ballora representing Bill's represed femininity.
You are right she is blue XD I just have issues putting colors into their actual categories. I can't tell the difference in neo colors at all and thought lava on runescape was green acid for the longest time.
But, on an aside: if Ballora is a bit of a feminine representation, did this spread to the other funtimes? Funtime Freddy being a messed up vision of what Crying Child could have been. Bonnie a stand in for the bear plush. Perhaps Foxy being what Mike could have been as he and his father are seen as so alike? Mike's possible repressed feelings? Baby is kind of self explanatory in the same facet, but perhaps a bit on the nose as her blind trust could be seen as clownish?
Did Bill warp all these innocent ideas in hopes that his entire family would become immortal through systematic remnant collection? It would kinda make sense if he saw it that way before being locked in a room for 30 years.
Yeh I've seen that idea floating around before! I'm kinda into the idea that the Funtimes are a representation of how Bill sees his family but I've always thought it was more subconcious than and active thing he was trying to do (appart from with Baby, obvs, but even then she like... doesn't look like Lizzie at all). Even if it's just 'one of my sons likes the fox and the other one likes the bear so I'll pick those to go off' y'know.
As for him wanting to make his family immortal I can see why people like that idea but I'm nooot too into it myself- it feels a little too selfless for a Bill motivation imo. Maybe its something he tells himself he's trying to do but nah, this is all for him. The remnant research has always been more of an excuse to hurt people to me than a motivation on its own.
But yeh thats just my opinion, again I can see why people like it, it just doesn's slot with how I read Bill specifically.
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Here's a fun fact - for a while now, I've wanted to make an AU where one of Kokichi's beta designs is a separate character, and so far I've grown very attached to him. I really like giving things nicknames, and while I'd like to give him a real name, he'll be known as Skullkid for now. 
i wrote the following last night and it kind of looks like a mess to me now, i hope y’all like this as much as i do :D
First off, I'd like to mention that this is a post game AU where DV3 took place in virtual reality. Because that seems to be, like... a popular thing here? I dunno, I just wanted to work with that concept. I’m also gonna be calling it “Killing Harmony” because it just... I just kinda want to. :0000
The basic idea I have for this guy is that he loves skeletons and pranks. He doesn't love Danganronpa, though he thought the last season was... interesting. 'Course, I like the idea that Skullkid's favorite student of Killing Harmony would be Kokichi, and the reason for it was... well? He seems like an intriguing person.
Another idea I have is that he somehow ends up joining DICE because I think it'd be interesting. Though DICE at this current point is... y'know, trying to lay low for now, until the whole excitement over Killing Harmony finally dies down, since Kokichi would VERY MUCH like to forget that ever happened.
Okay I just realized I didn't think into how he ends up joining because my brain is smooth, I'm sorry.
Skullkid earns his nickname of "Skullkid" a while after joining, when he's just "oooh what if we all had nicknames?" The only nickname that really stuck was Skullkid's, as it's... honestly the only nickname DICE actually uses between them, including Skullkid himself. Although, Skullkid does also happen to call Kokichi "Jester" from time to time, mainly because I thought it’d be kind of funny I guess???
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - The Popplio Family
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728: Popplio
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Our final starter for a long, long while is poor little Popplio. A lot like Oshawott, Popplio garnered a bit of distaste from fans. This ADORABLE little clownish sea-lion that cleverly blows balloon-like bubbles to bounce around like your stereotypical cartoon circus seal! HOW COULD Y'ALL.
Thankfully, like Oshawott, people did come around to appreciate it a lot more, but it still STINGS cause this lil fella didn't deserve such outrage in the first place. Just look at it! A lovingly simple design with a fun and simple motif because on a fun idea. A lovable little goober!
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Personal Score: 8.5/10
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729: Brionne
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And then Brionne happened and people lost their minds again. What over this time? Simply because it was an effeminate design for a line of Pokemon with a gender ratio favoring males over females. And what of it? I've gone on this rant before. Even ignoring the whole gender-conforming thing, it's not like animals give a damn about human gender conformity. Cause  y'know, ants don't exactly look effeminate but that doesn't stop 99% of a colony's population from being girls. These days, being colorful and flamboyant is seen as “girly” but it’s almost universal across birds with gender bimorphism that the males are much more flashy looking than females.
Sorry, people that try to thrust gender as understood by society’s limited construct of what gender is onto fictional animals look really, really silly to me.
ANYWAY, Brionne at first gave me the usual starter mid-stage vibes where, say it with me, “it looks like an awkward teenage stage.” But something hit me along the way.
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I feel like this is another case where the definitive official artwork doesn't do a Pokemon justice. Because rather consistently in both fanart and even offical media asside from the official art it looks far cuter to me. It definitely grew on me a lot more once fans got to drawing it. Brionne's not the only case where this has happened, but it's one of the most notable examples of when it has. It is a rather simple build-up off of Popplio, but I just like it. Much in the same way I like 'mons like Flaaffy. They're just. Adorable! I want one! And I'll hug it! And a take that simple is plenty valid for me.
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Personal Score: 9/10
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730: Primarina
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As far as mythical creatures in Pokemon go, a mermaid feels like it's been a LOOOOONG time coming hasn't it? And meshing that idea with a sealion feels like an “Oh d'uh!” moment when you realize the obvious tie between the two. I am somewhat bummed that we've missed out on a big circus critter with the clown motif pretty much gone entirely, but you can look at it as a shift into another type of entertainment, from performance to opera? It's a stretch but it's sorta there.
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...But in the end, I can't bring myself to be upset about it much at all simply because then Primarina wouldn't exist. Because here it becomes one of the prettiest dang Pokemon out there with a flowing head of hair, lots of nice shaping and a lovely siren-sorta feel to it. All paired into giving it a focus on singing-type of attacks.
Not even to mention had certain undertones not existed in this line, my trouble with self-discovery might’ve lasted longer, if you catch my drift. I know I’m far from alone on that.
This Pokemon is what made it tough trying to pick between Rowlet and Popplio. Both lines are so dang good but you only get ONE. It's just easily one of the better water-type fully-evolved starters for its design. And especially rather selfishly how it goes from an awkward little child-thing into a gorgeous sea-lion girl it always wanted to be. Wink wink nudge nudge. YES That's projecting a little bit but what trans fan of Primarina hasn't?
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Personal Score: 10/10
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...So yeah! Easily our strongest group of starter Pokemon to date. I will be thoroughly surprised if they'll ever be able to top these three. You'd have to make the Fire starter a ten-outta-tenner I suppose. But either way, Gen 7 just wins on all fronts here. Each starter has a ton of personality to them and have very nice and lovable designs. Hats off to you three!
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
14, 24, and 50? I don’t know who for so feel free to answer for whoever you want!
we're good! it's not a rule of mine for a reason, I'm good with answering whoever fits tbh-
14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected?
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Boyfriend has a passion for drama and music, and while he's decently smart enough, probably squeaked by on the bare minimum?
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Kamui didn't go to school persé, but his education is very high and he was quite involved with his Nohr siblings' teachings as well, helping when he could.
24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
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Felix attends as many activities as he can! When there's nothing special going on in the Smash Castle however, he slips out at night to go to parties. He kinda has his own little friend group, but tbh i think we're still figuring that stuff out a little when it comes to other people's blogs, y'know? He likes to be chill and clownish, though.....he's a little shy and anxious, too. Felix is also a bit gentle in personality, when more alone w/ someone or where a situation calls for comfort. He doesn't fancy himself as a leader, but would make a perfectly fine one.
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
Boyfriend has a kind of 'mean' looking face imo, which rarely drops in intensity unless he's particularly pleased or messes up.
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Felix has a sleepy, chill expression, which is partly a look from his eyelids, and partially from actually being a bit tired from chronic illness; his eyes open wide and lighten up occasionally, when he has emotional energy.
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My Kamui muse really likes to smile, as in, you probably see his teeth a lot. It's both a habit, and a bit of a feature to his expression because he's easily impressed, still a bit new to the world and therefore it's easier to take his breath away. Another canon feature is his eyebrows are slightly furrowed, looking pretty decisive and determined most of the time if he isn't surprised.
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neoandersons · 7 years
Home || Patrick Hockstetter
I don’t know what fuck this is but enjoy! I got random inspiration from listening to Amen Dune’s Lonely Richard. I apologize for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. 
Warnings: Slightly NSFW, violence, blood, negligence, and Patrick being himself.
[Name] began to believe that the world had wicked humor for bringing her towards Patrick Hockstetter. However, she didn't regret falling into his trap. It was more comforting than the silence and coldness of her home. Even if didn't love her, or anyone one.
[Name] felt numb as she walked down the side of the road. She's covered in blood, and she can still taste copper in her mouth. It's done. It's done, is all she can think, as she continues to walk slowly.
She feels sluggish as the adrenaline she had earlier slowly disappears. [Name] doesn't know where she's heading, or who to go to. Home isn't an option anymore.
Home doesn't feel safe, just like many of the homes in Derry doesn't. Instead, it feels vacant and foreign like a motel in the middle of nowhere. [Name] still feels the fear, and the severe need to survive as she came across that thing in her hallway.
"My dad's always gone," she remembers telling Stanley Uris, a boy who's a grade below her. Sometimes, when [Name] is consumed by the loneliness in her home, she'll go next door. Next door is a nice boy with curly hair, who watches the birds chirp in low tree branches. He gives her company—him and his friends.
Her dad is always gone, on fancy business trips. [Name] receives postcards from places like Bali and Tokyo from her father. That's the closest communication she'll receive from him.
Her mother is deceased, and from photos, [Name] knows she looks her. [Name] wonders if her father's absence is because he can't bare to look at her. If he does, all he'll see is the woman he loved, and the woman who died giving birth to her.
[Name] used to have nannies but now she's old enough to fend for herself, her father supposes. She's alone, usually, but today was different. There was a thing inside her home, and IT looked like everything she feared.
IT looked like her dead mother, the woman whom she looked like to everyone but could never be. Except, instead of being soft and kind, she was bloodied and rotten. There was blood drenched around her the hospital grown near her crotch area.
"It's your fault." [Name]'s mother croaked, inching herself closer and closer to [Name]. The teenage girl wanted to scream and cry because a zombified version of her guilt and fears was after her.
It didn't even feel like [Name] thought about her next actions. Instead, It felt like a blur, as she grabbed the fire iron, impaling the running creature. The thing began morphing more into a clown than her mother. She kept repeatedly stabbing the clownish mother, channeling her angry and her guilt.
Before she knew it, the creature was gone, and all that remained was the blood that soiled her hardwood floor and clothes. [Name] wasn't sure where IT went but she left, carrying the fire iron with her.
A Trans Am comes flying down the street, however, it slows down as it nears [Name]. The radio is blasting out Metallica's "For Whom The Bell Tolls," and [Name] has a good idea of who's car that was. But she doesn't care, even if her beliefs are confirmed as she hears Henry Bowers shout, "Holy shit!"
[Name] stops, turning around, and meeting the curious eyes of the Bowers Gang. The eyes that holds her attention the most is Patrick Hockstetter's which held perverted excitement.
Belch seems genuinely concerned for the bloodied girl. The blank stare [Name] held unnerved Victor but excited Patrick. He wasn't sure what the girl did but he wanted her. She wasn't like most people in Derry, mostly because most people don't walk around covered in splotches of blood.
It doesn't take much coaxing from Henry Bowers for [Name] to throw the fire iron into a shrub of bushes and join them. As soon as she sat in the plush seat of Belch's car, she was bombarded by questions.
Her answers left Patrick curious, and Henry a bit frustrated.
"It wasn't human," she mumbles. Even months after the event, she's left paranoid. The constant fear attached to [Name] made Patrick desire her more. He loved it when she flinched every time he scared her in the hallways at school. She was just too vulnerable, both emotionally and mentally.
[Name], one day, out of the blue, tells Patrick the full story. They're in his room, mostly because Patrick wants a blowjob, even if his mother is downstairs.
"Can I tell you what I saw when you found me?" [Name] quietly asks, fidgeting with the hem of her sweatshirt.
Patrick shrugs, "Knock yourself out."
So, she does.
"I killed my mother." She bluntly states, which fully catches Patrick's attention. Patrick is aware the girl's lack of a mother figure but things took a much more interesting turn.
The idea of the girl in front of him, killing anything, when she seemed so harmless was bewitching. She was such a turn on, and her story was making him excited already.
"I killed her twice, y'know? The first time was when she gave birth to me." She reveals, and her blank face returns. The blank face was a mask, a simple coping mechanism to hide everything she felt. But Patrick knew better, he knew which buttons to push, and make her riled up.
"Wow, you killed your own mother during birth? That's messed up. Not even I could do that." Patrick snidely comments, enjoying the way the girl flinches and frowns. She's a fun toy—too fun to get rid of.
"I-I didn't mean to. Not the first time." [Name] stutters out, especially when Patrick's hand starts climbing up her skirt.
"Tell me more." He whispers into her ear, as his fingers graze her lace underwear. She has a few pairs, along with other changes of clothes, lingering around his room.
[Name] tends to stay with him a lot more now. She rather be with him than be in her own home. Patrick doesn't mind. Instead, he basks in joy because his toy is so dependent on him. She's so obedient and masochistic, and it was the perfect combination for him.
[Name] swallows her spit, but nods, and stutters on, "She looked d-dead in the hallway. She was wearing a bloodied h-hospital gown."
Patrick hums, urging her to continue, as he pushes her panties aside. He grins when she hears her breath hitch a bit.
"I don't think it was actually her. It was a some creature. But all I saw was a physical representation of my guilt and what I could never be. She tried attacking me and I stabbed her with the fire iron." [Name] begins to ramble in between moans as Patrick continues play with her.
"Did you like stabbing her, baby?" Patrick inquires, pressing rough kisses against her neck. He starts biting, enough for her to gasp as she bleeds.
"I-It felt like a relief." She responds, letting out another whimper.
"It felt good, huh?" He asks once more, loving how her physical and verbal responses made him feel.
"Y-Yeah, it did." She agreed as Patrick pushed her onto her back on his bed.
"It always does." He tells her, thinking about how squeezing the life out of Avery or any small little creature felt. It always felt empowering, reminding Patrick how godly he was.
It was moments like these, where [Name] gave her confessions, where Patrick almost believed that she was real.
The confession leads into rough and unforgiving sex. [Name] is marked up in bruises and bites, and red scratches stretch along her back. In the middle of it, [Name] tells Patrick she loves him.
He never tells her back, and he never will. But that's fine, as long as she's with him, and not alone in her house. Anywhere but there was fine.
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Encore for a Clown (Chapter Six)
Akihiko found himself in a purely white room…Was room even the right word for it? There was a strange, ethereal sensation to this place.
This…was not where Akihiko went to sleep.
And sitting quietly in the middle of the whiteness, with a soft but sad smile on his face, was…a face Akihiko shouldn’t have been seeing.
Especially not looking so alert and alive, the only indication of his tragic end the softness in his voice, as if his throat was still sore from all that awful stuff he ingested.
"Akihiko. My dearest student. Even if like this....I am glad we got the chance to talk again."
Justin Thyme opened his arms, as if ready to comfort should the other wish....Justin Thyme, the smiling clown.
Akihiko's first reaction to this situation was...confusion. Assuming this was a dream (it had to be, right?) this was an alarmingly vivid one, not to mention that he felt more clear-headed than he usually did in his dreams.
But sitting before him was his deceased teacher, the only thing he could see in this featureless void. "Mr...Thyme? But you're..." Akihiko suddenly found himself choking on his words. "If I can see you, are you back? Or...did I...join you?" Sure, he might be able to think more than a usual dream, but his mind still wasn't exactly at full capacity right now.
Justin's expression was patient as ever, though one could also see a degree of mild bewilderment in his own eyes as well. Was he just as surprised about being able to talk, but is holding it together a little better? "Yes, I know. I shouldn't be able to talk to you again, but somehow...it seems things were kind enough to allow me one last say so to my students. I can't say 'how', I hardly understand it...but...given how featureless this is, it feels like a very vivid dream, I'd say? I suppose this is one way of 'dreaming' away the days, ohoho....ah...now's not the time for my jokes."
He still seemed as prone to bad dad jokes as ever.
"I assume this is a dream controlled by you? ...My apologies that my leaving left such a scar if your mind was that desperate to talk to me again that it dragged dreams into this...I wasn't very good at the end at protecting your smiles, was I?"
He seemed a little guilty, apologetic…
So, this was just a dream, then? A true shame, but...Before Akihiko can even process his words entirely, the emotions they give him are gone, replaced by just an overwhelming sorrow. This was his last he would ever get to talk to him, but it was his own despair that brought Mr. Thyme here. Akihiko had been trying to keep things together, especially as the mastermind themself was the next target, but he couldn't deny that Justin's death had hit him hard.
"That's...I..." Without even realizing it Akihiko suddenly found himself with him arms around the teacher, barely containing his sobs and struggling to keep his voice steady. "I just...I wasn't ready to see you go, not like that...after all you've done for us, that's the reward you get...how did someone like you get wrapped up in this Hell?"
Justin blinked in surprise at feeling the other catch him up in a spontaneous hug of emotion...but embraced back, soft and gentle. It's almost like he was wearing the brown uniform he did when he taught the students again, for the hug felt that warm and supportive despite being merely a dream. "It's alright...you can express as much as you want to, if it helps ease the burden." That said, when the question was asked, he sighed. "I was as clueless as to the true intention of this supposed 'vacation' as anyone else...but I remember going because I wanted to keep an eye on everyone even as they were having a good time. I suppose it ended up being a little too literal, but...you needn't worry about 'reward'. Just knowing I was able to provide some support, however brief it may have been...that is all the reward I could ever ask for, you know. And...even if this is the last time we'll talk. You do know...my support and cheering you all on will follow no matter what, don't you? It's in here, even if not in your memories."
He gave a soft, fatherly smile, as he let go with one arm to point to his own heart.
Akihiko was almost never one for performative emotions like that, and moments after he was done talking he let go of Justin and backed up a little, as if embarrassed by his sudden outburst. It didn’t help that his eyes are slightly red, though, and he was still holding back tears as Justin answers his question. At the end of his response, however, Akihiko managed to chuckle a bit. "You really don't change, do you? Even after...after death, you're still always thinking about others." He fell silent for a moment, still composing himself after his outburst. "Y'know, I've lost a lot of people important to me, but it's not often I get a chance to see them again afterwards...I guess I trusted in you more than I realized, if I was able to draw you here like this."
Justin allowed the other to let go, but his smile was reassuring, warm. As if to say he shan't tell anyone about this if Aki does not wish him to. Yes, it's true he had nobody 'alive' to tell, but still...he chuckled in his usual over-the-top clownish manner at the other managing to laugh too.) "I suppose even Thyme - ah - time itself, cannot change who I am. That is who I will always be, you know? As for seeing again...I trust in you, too. And all the others....I am sure that all of you will find a way out, and stop whomever was behind all this. No matter what, I believe in you all...and trust that you will be able to do it. Perhaps that mutual trust is why I was pulled here so easily, oho ho..."
Mutual trust, huh? Akihiko felt another pang in his chest at that. "...you're right, Mr. Thyme. We will find a way out, for our own sake, and for all of you. This isn't my first time in a fight like this, and I don't plan going down this time, either." If Akihiko was fully conscious, that might have felt like letting a little too much slip out, but he somehow got the feeling that this place they were in wasn't going to last much longer.
Ah....the white around them was beginning to fade to black, and the black parts touching Justin...made those parts look as if no longer there. They....didn't have much longer here.
"I'm sure you and the others will go great - 'break a leg', as they say in the entertainment buisness! Oh, but....we don't have much time left here. When you wake up...you will no doubt forget everything that happened in the dream, but still hold onto 'feelings'...so I have one last thing to say, though you no doubt knew it. I always did love all of my precious students like children...you know? Also....take care of Peacock and Tohru for me, won't you? No doubt Bendy's leaving on her part....and my leaving on his....hit them hard, too."
Panic started welling up in Akihiko as the world began to fade, stealing Justin away once more even as he kept talking. It seemed they were about to part once more..."...I'll do my best, Mr. Thyme. I promise you. I'll watch out for them." Akihiko moved forward to hold Justin one more time, but the ground disappeared under his feet before he can reach him and he fell into darkness, returning to unconsciousness.
Justin gave one final smile of trust and endearment...before the darkness stole him away.
When Akihiko next woke up, he had no memory of his dream, but he felt…different, somehow. He had this faint feeling of…trust, almost, like there was something important he had been told, and the knot in his chest had loosened.
Well…whatever this was caused by, he wasn’t going to ignore this feeling. His determination seemed reborn overnight, and there was still a lot of work to be done to get off this island.
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