#it doesn't happen often with him anyway but the way it went down on sunday it was really shitty so i couldn't just move past it
girltomboy · 7 months
My mom finally texted me Monday evening, but I didn't see her texts right away because I had my data off and was away from my phone for most of the evening. I did see them yesterday and she wrote something like "Even if I'm upset with you I still miss you and think of you", but then when I didn't reply right away she got passive aggressive, and kept saying "I won't text you anymore, it's clear that I'm bothering you" (I hadn't even seen the texts, mind you, this was like 1 hour after the initial message). So yesterday when I opened Whatsapp and saw her messages I replied saying I'd been waiting for a reply from her for two weeks, she leaves me on read all that time and then gets upset that I don't reply right away to her passive aggressive message? I told her I can't really get over the fact that my family is comfortable discarding and abandoning me for weeks for reasons invented by them, and I waited for her to reply to the texts I last sent her, since I didn't do anything to warrant such treatment. Anyway, the last message from her said "I won't message you anymore-" and something else I didn't get to read because she deleted it. So now idrk what to say to her, the last message in the conversation is still mine, and I'm confused by her attitude. I think she already got back from my hometown, I saw something about that when I skimmed her last text in the notification. And I was gonna ask about that, but now that she deleted her message I'm not sure how to proceed, and this confusion and frustration is a bit too much for me, considering I literally did nothing wrong and she just decided she hates me one day.
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WIBTA for taking everything I can from a former friend?
I 20 met this guy J 24M last year through a mutual friend, and since we happened to live in the same neighborhood we hung out more. For context, during this entire time I am/was also supporting an unrelated person financially, so I need every penny and have way less than J.
J has borderline personality disorder and does not go to therapy. I don't want to vilify anyone in the same situation, I'm just bringing it up because J's bps deeply impacts every aspect of his life.
He'd been going through some tough times, with his love life going to shit, cutting off his toxic family and having to find his own apartment etc, so I helped him often.
Since neither of us have much, we shared stuff regularly, e.g. he'd buy me food sometimes and I gave J my skateboard, among other things. I painted his walls & decorated, because I have the skill necessary and he doesn't. I went out to look at furniture with him. I asked my parents to give him furniture they were selling (he got it free). I frequently went to his place in the middle of the night, whether he had splitting migraines or thought someone had tried to break in. I helped him organize a Christmas party, even though he cancelled it because he got angry at someone or something. I cooked for him a few times (he doesn't cook). I let him use my washing machine after he moved into his new apartment without one, even though he owned a cat so all his clothes were covered in cat hair and I have a severe cat allergy, meaning I couldn't do my laundry normally & sometimes it came out with cat hair no matter how hard I tried (this lasted 8 months and would have gone on indefinitely if not for following events). Btw I did all of this without asking for anything in return.
Earlier this year, because of his ridiculously high expectations, he dumped his best friend at the time (the mutual friend), and assigned me his new best friend. After a few months, they became friends again anyway but I kept the "best friend" title.
In July, he hurt his dominant hand during an angry outburst. I was there when it happened but he seemed fine at the time. When he came to do his laundry the next day, Sunday, he told me that his hand was sprained and we talked about how he'd need to see the doctor the next day. He agreed to go. He promised to go to the doctor.
I know he's not good with going to doctors, especially on his own. So I texted him the next day and asked if he'd already gone. He responded "Nope, don't feel like", and upon asking why, he said that "it'll heal on its own anyway". Which to me read as 'I don't care.'
This pissed me off. I blocked him. I planned to unblock him once I'd calmed down, probably in a few days. I was really upset about this because it happens regularly. Him not going to the doctor when he should is a pattern, a bad pattern. He's gotten me sick that way.
The next day he texted my partner, asking if I was okay. They explained that i was upset at him for telling me he'd go to the doctor but then not going. He blew up at them that it was none of my business anyway whether or not he went to the doctor. Whined about his medical anxiety (which is valid but wasn't the point). Said that the sprain was healing so he didn't have to go. They argued for a while until my partner got tired and stopped responding.
Apparently I am now no longer his friend. He asked our mutual friend to tell me to pick up my stuff. I'm busy these days, so I haven't done it yet.
When I pick up my stuff, it's gonna be a whole list of things: a seat/cushion, a stovetop, 75€ worth of comics, a measuring tape, the skateboard, a box. I'll also bring him laundry detergents that are laying around at my place still.
Now WIBTA if I ask him to also give me pain medication to replace all the meds I gave him and money for the furniture I got him for free at the time (I'll ask 40€ even though they're worth more)?
What are these acronyms?
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
The Old Cathedral III
I honestly can't wait to have this one done! :3
Mostly cuz after it, probably my favorite palace (so far) come >:3c
But then again... I have 0 idea what the 5th palace should be... :v
Anyway! Enough of that. Let's see what we have in store for today! :D
What we will cover:
-a small break from the palace
-Some more childhood friends interactions
-Shenanigans in Shibuya
-And a visit from Mr Rosehearts
Mmmm... Interesting points... :'3
Now onto the chaos:
With the palace being put on hold, the next best thing the group could do in the metaverse was to investigate mementos and mind of their student lives.
Ace and Deuce seemed to go out more often along Ortho. Azul was just making a few notes on subjects, preparing for future exams and also tutoring Epel, but this time Malleus is the Japanese tutor. Kalim was tending to his business as a heir while Jamil helped him. It was clear their relationship was a bit colder, but Kalim said that they will work it out.
Floyd was hanging out more with Mikan and his other Kosei friends. Morgana still was with him as Jade also said that he happened to meet up with someone. Vil also focused on his carrier, accepting a few modeling/acting offers that came this period. Rook also concentrated on a new hobby: photography.
Meanwhile, Riddle was taking his studies very seriously, despite being yet too early for the exams. When he wasn't tutoring the first years, Riddle would help Futaba by tending to the counter. He always had a book next to him tho, reading from it when there were no costumers to tend to. Yusuke also teaches him drawing when he was free. Besides all that, Riddle hung out with Trey and Che'nya.
And. Trey discloses that he has a 1st year, Jack, who's been struggling a bit with chemestry. He was in the science club and tried to help Jack a bit, but Trey wasn't really that good at teaching... Che'nya just raises a brow at that, but doesn't question, instead he asks Riddle if he could help him with his math assignment. Ofc the redhead accepts. :'3
Trey tho butts in, saying that he also needs sum help with math. Riddle lights up at that, considering it to be a really fun friend study hangout plan.
He failed to notice the awkwardness in between the 2.
Only a few days passed of this palace pause, until Ace broke down from the stress. They couldn't possibly let that guy marry Kalim's mom and destroy yet another family. He had a point, one which Kalim supported as well, like the rest. They had to return there, even if that creature was still roaming the place.
So the metaverse group met up at the hideout on Sunday, early morning, to return to the palace, speedrun through that goddamn dungeon and assure their entry in the tower.
Except that the tower entry to the top was blocked by a locked trapdoor. They do have a Lockpick, but it would be be needed more lockpicks or the actual key if they wanted to get into on the day of the heist. For now, they used one lockpick to enter.
And the top of the tower was lavish on the inside. There were gigantic bells in there along with other various instruments in there. From flutes to a grand piano, all arranged like an orchestra. In front of them, a thick marble piedestal was placed, above which the treasure was floating.
Mona again went full cat mode, but Knight holded him down. :'3
So they had the treasure route secured. Kraken voiced his concern that they need now a way to escape this place with the treasure as fast as they could. They can't just get back on the same route they entered. Axe said that they could drive their asses out. Flame said that it was too risky since the whole palace will start to crumble apart of the treasure is stolen.
Sailor tho analised the instruments. While sure it was a far fetch, he looked at the whole room. He noted that this must be a very loud room during ceremonies.
And as if his theory was proven, the bell started to ring and the instruments came to life, singing loudly. Being too loud, Flame immediately grabbed one of the nearby flutes, which, in response, stopped singing. The instruments would stop singing once they were touched.
The problem? These instruments made a whole labyrinth in between them and the treasure.
Flame timed the whole thing, realising that they had only 5 minutes until the whole melody would be over. Gold noted that he saw through the glass wall that down in the main body of the Chapel, some sort of Ceremony was commencing.
All of them hid tho, when they heard that the palace ruler came inside, checking on all the instruments. Thankfully he didn't realise that one of the flutes stopped prematurely.
The group had to leave after that. They knew what exactly was their last obstacle.
Back in the real world, it was no surprise that now they needed to go to their Sunday plans. Ortho and Riddle had to babysit again Cheeka.
But this time, when Leona comes to drop Cheeka, the child was crying non-stop and kept gluing himself to Leona's leg, begging his uncle to not leave. Leona is visibly annoyed by this and when Futaba asks about it, Leona replies that some family matters came up, some that made Cheeka to cry since morning. He wasn't supposed to overhear them, but here they were.
Futaba admits that she isn't that good at convincing children to stop throwing temper tantrums. Ortho was and still is a fine example. :'3
Ortho does go to Cheeka and reassures that Leona will only go to the market down the street. It will take a bit since today it's a big sale and people are hogging the place. Leona doesn't want to have Cheeka stay amongst those boring old adults and wait in an endless line. Cheeka seems to have resorted to small sniffles when Ortho drops the big bomb: he 'wasn't supposed to tell cheeka the big secret', but Leona talked under the table with a pastry baker and so if he runs late, he would miss the super secret sweet surprise that was meant for Cheeka today. So he needs Cheeka to wait like a good kid in here until Leona gets the secret surprise.
Yeah... This buys Cheeka's attention enough to let Leona go. The other is happy that the furball finally let go of him, although now Ortho added another road on his list: get to a pastry to get Cheeka something and make the lie believable.
But in the end, Cheeka stayed at LeBlanc. A tad bit later, Riddle couldn't help but bring out what in the world must've upset Cheeka so much. It couldn't have been them... No? Cheeka seemed very happy when he came to stay. So why? For now, they couldn't question it further since the kid was worn out from all that temper tantrum and currently he was sleeping in Riddle's room while the 2 in question stood at the counter with Futaba.
Ortho also had with him a bass. Futaba said that it was Yusuke's as he knew how to play the bass. Ortho found it last night and he wants to adjust a bit the instrument's cords before he could ask if Yusuke can give it to him. Futaba did say that they wanted to give it to him on his birthday, which now the gift was spoiled because Ortho was a lil curios one. (yes, this is a reference to smth... If you know, you know... :3)
"Maybe you should ask your brother to help you out..." Futaba suggested. "Big brother said that he is working onto something important... Apparently he has a deadline or something..." Ortho mused. "Maybe after he is done he can help you..." Riddle suggested.
The 3's attention shifted slightly towards the door. On there, a very tired man came in. His coat was messily thrown over him, hair in all directions and clothes looked like they were flown over in a tornado. If the proeminent eye bags didn't give the idea of a burnout man, his posture sure gave it away.
"Hello... Futaba... Please one cup of the usual..." He tiredly mused before his gaze fell onto the 2 boys in question. Ortho only minded to the instrument in question. But the man eyed Riddle specifically, his features lighting up a bit.
"Heyyy... Kiddo! How is it? We didn't talk in a lot!" The man smiled weakly as he came to the 2, pointing to the seat. "may I?" Riddle only nodded, clearly bewildered, but noticed that the man was dozing off a bit.
"Yes... You can, Dad..."
Mr Rosehearts sure took a seat and with it a very tired breath. While Futaba did go to tend to the order, Riddle voiced his confusion on how his father came here today. He replied by saying that his co-worker agreed to take his shift for the day since he covered lately for a few others who had family problems. He also worked the extra hours so he could pile them up so that he can catch, like every summer, a nice holiday time. Well during that holiday he usually took Riddle around to Japan, as it was in July, but since now he attended Shujin, Mr Rosehearts admits that he will have to get used to it.
Ortho points out that he just came from the hospital, which the latter confirms it. He took the underground train and almost slept through the station, but he wanted to visit since it was Sunday. :'3
Futaba does come with the order in question, which was a coffee with a lot of milk. She points out that Mr Rosehearts did drop by from time to time, but at those moments, Riddle was either at school or out with his buddies. He also came for a cup of coffee since God forbid that cafe close to the hospital. Mr Rosehearts sure couldn't stand how bitter it was.
It was somewhat touching to hear that... Ya know? :v
So Mr Rosehearts asks how's going. Riddle does say that not much was on his plate. Only school and studying for the exams. Mr Rosehearts is a bit taken aback on how early it was, but brushes it off and tells Riddle to take it easy. There's plenty of time left and he doesn't need to stress himself so early.
If only he knew what his son was ACTUALLY doing... :'3
But since Riddle was in school during July, it was clear that Mr Rosehearts had no secure plans for his holiday. So he did ask what would Riddle want to do then? On past years, they would visit Riddle's grandparents in Kyoto, but now school prevented that. :'3
Once the topic of school was touched upon, Ortho does ask where did Mr Rosehearts study. The man responds that he did study in his hometown, but later went to college in Tokyo, with a few exchange years in America and Europe. He was lucky he had the calling for medicine, because otherwise he would have been known as the disaster magnet since he was no good at anything else, if not downright mediocre.
Which, again, is a bit of surprise for Riddle, since his mother always told him she studied and studied to reach where she was. Meanwhile his father reached a similar height just because he was naturally gifted and liked to pursue it.
But it made sense now why Mr Rosehearts didn't really stress onto his academical situation too much.
But in the end, Cheeka was the one who cut the meeting by coming down. Ortho explained that he and Riddle are on babysitting duty and so Mr Rosehearts payed for his coffee, plus a tip, before leaving to go and take some rest. He had a night shift tomorrow, which was very not fun to say the least. :/
Back with Cheeka, the little one seemed down still, Ortho and Riddle didn't have any idea what to do or say to cheer up Cheeka. At least they could only conclude thar the incident in the boy's family had to be serious, which affected him if he wasn't supposed to know.
So in the attic, on the couch, Riddle asks Cheeka if he could tell them what happened. Ortho promises that they won't tell anyone.
"You really promise you won't tell?" Cheeka's glossy eyes meet the other 2's. "Yeah... When did we ever lie to you?" Ortho puffed proudly. "We can't help you if we don't know what happened... You must tell us if you want help..." Riddle mused. The little child only looked at his feet, before at the 2.
"I want you to change uncle's heart!" Cheeka declared.
"eh?! W-with all due respect..." Riddle's voice cracked. "It is impossible!" He added. "Yeah... We aren't like those Phanthom Thieves who caused the incident in April..." Ortho defended. Cheeka tho, had his eyes even glossier, with small tears forming at their corners, growing in size as the bottom lip of the boy trembled.
"B-But Uncle will have to leave! He will go to America and then we will go back home and uncle will never come back! And you can change his heart! I know it!" Cheeka cried.
Riddle and Ortho exchanged worried looks before looking back at the child before them. "Again... We are not the Phanthom thieves... And why do you think your uncle needs a change of heart?" Riddle inquired.
Cheeka only flapped his hands and feet. "Dad wants uncle to go and see a mean lady and maybe marry her for 'very important blah blah politics'! And Uncle can't say no! And I want uncle to say no! Because if he goes, the mean lady won't let him see me again and then he'll forget about me! And dad and mama don't care about me! Uncle always takes me places and picks me up from school and he is the one who reads me a bedtime story!" He cried harder, hugging the nearest person, which was Riddle.
The redhead only gave a panicked look to Ortho, who motioned for him to just roll with it. The kid needs a hug right now.
So awkwardly hugging back, the redhead exhaled. "We'll see if maybe we can contact the real Phanthom thieves to get your Uncle's heart changed." The redhead reassured. "Really?" "Yeah... But don't tell anyone... Not even your uncle..." Riddle mused.
Cheeka seemed cheered up. And of course, later that day, Leona came to pick the kid up, with a short conversation in between him and Futaba, then the paycheck for the 2 babysitters, Cheeka left with his uncle, this time holding him by the hand.
Futaba tho, noticed the troubled 2's faces as she closed the shop. "Something wrong, kiddos?" She piped in. "Nothing..." Ortho swatted it off... "You sound just like your brother..." Futaba exhaled, making a small pause. "You 2 wanna stay together overnight?" a small gaze exchange in between the 2 was made before both nodded. "Alright... But don't stay up too late. You have school tomorrow..." The ginger woman mused as she left LeBlanc.
Immediately once she left, Ortho pulled out his phone, pressing on the metanav. "What are yo-" "Leona Kingscholar..." The younger boy spoke.
"Candidate found" the robotic voice replied. "Cheeka was right... This guy has a distorted heart!" Ortho gasped. "But it isn't our business now... Koizumi is... We can't add this one too!" Riddle cut through.
"Really? But aren't you at least curious to see what this one is? Like isn't it wierd the kid praised to no end his uncle yet this guy has a palace?" Ortho pointed out. Riddle only bit his inside cheek, hugging himself. "One look... Nothing more..." The redhead declared.
"Now for the place... We don't know anything about the guy... Mementos clearly doesn't cut it..." Ortho mused. "Kingscholar residence?" Riddle suggested.
"No candidates found"
"well... Tokyo? Shibuya? Japan? The country run by the Kingscholars?"
"Well it's not like this guy's distortion is covering the whole world..." Ortho mumbled.
"Candidate found"
"EH?!" both Riddle and Ortho exchanged surprised looks. "The whole goddamn world?! What kind of distortion is it even?!" Ortho breathed out awkwardly. "it must be something figurative... It is clear that he cannot have the whole world under his influence, but he considers it as such..." The redhead mused. "now for the distortion..." Riddle exhaled.
"A Castle?" "no candidates found" "A stage?" "no candidates found" "A tomb?" "no candidates found" "No candidate my ass..." "language..."
"Well... Let's attack this logically..." Riddle trailed. "Cheeka mentioned that his uncle is possibly put in an arranged marriage. Cheeka's father is in some sort of position of actual power dictated by marriage." "Sounds to me like some medieval dynasty shit..." Ortho pointed out. "Well... It is the rule: first come takes the crown... Only the firstborns are at the top of 'the mountain'..." The redhead mused. "Mountain? Really?" "it's figurat-"
"Candidate found. Beginning navigation."
And the 2 found themselves in a jungle. A bit further it was a rocky road, following it and hiding from any possible shadows, Ortho and Riddle came face to face with the bottom of a gigantic mountain, currently in their normal attire as they weren't considered threats.
And this mountain lived to the name. Only half of it was visible, the top being covered by thick gray clouds. As it proceeded upwards, the road became visibly cleaner as well as the houses that adored the mountain in small villages. There was also the road splitting into 2, the other part going downwards, towards a darker place. There was a sign also there which said 'Elephant cemetery'.
And now Ortho was all like 'ok, let's go to bed...'. Riddle gets smug and asks 'why, you scared?', basically the 2 egging each other to see who's the scaredy cat. In the end, the 2 bicker as they go towards the cemetery, since that had to be the safest place, the top of the mountain clearly harbouring the treasure.
Unbeknownst to them, they were watched.
The elephant cemetery was in all means one. Gigantic skeletons of the said animals were layered around. It was an eerie feeling around a slight fog, giving more of the horror vibe.
Ortho found a very old torch and together with some sharper pebbles and some tires while the 2 were arguing who did it better, the torch was lit up and they had a somewhat light.
"This place is so empty..." Ortho mused, his voice echoing slightly. "Oh... Look... ECHO!" the boy shouted, his voice again echoing like a response from the empty canyon. "It is useful to tell is someone is in here as well..." Riddle quietly exhaled. "But we can make it say things!" Ortho beamed.
"SCHOOL SUCKS!" and the canyon replied.
"I WANT CAKE!" again, the canyon replied.
"Ortho! Stop it! We might get caught..." Riddle said. "But it's fuuuun~ besides... We aren't yet considered as threats~" the younger replied. The redhead only rolled his eyes.
But ortho was right. They weren't yet considered as threats. And they were in a deserted canyon while the palace was a mountain.
"Oh I have a good one..." Ortho puffed as he took a deep breath. Really Riddle was curious to see what the other was going to yell in there...
Both boys halted, the redhead holding the torch like a weapon while Ortho grabbed a nearby bone as a somewhat bat. A small breeze was in there, the fog not showing any signs of shifting.
The cry of a bird was hird from above. Looking up, something shining was flying, easily visible from the darkness, although it was small due to the distance. The bird let another loud cry, stil circling above the 2, although this time lower.
"We've been spot-" "no... If that was the case, we would have been in our attire." Riddle cut off, breath holded as his gaze immediately shifted to a direction, than another.
It sounded like a twig breaking, although it was most likely a bone. This made the 2 to perk their heads towards their left, Riddle moving the torch accordingly as Ortho pointed the long bone towards the left.
Both boys immediately were ready to scream when something grabbed them by the clothes collars, yanking them into an elephant skull, yet their mouths were covered by a hand each. They dropped their only weapons and guiding light in all that frenzy.
"Shhh..." A low voice whispered to the 2, being immediately drowned by the silence as the 3 listened in. There were steps of some animals as well as growls of something akin to a hyena.
Once the sounds of the animals seemed to dissappear, Ortho and Riddle were both let free by the one who dragged them inside. Immediately the 2 jolted further from the person, Ortho having his fists ready as Riddle took a defensive stance, eyes trying to focus in the darkness and maybe find something to use or to escape. Currently, the 2 were faced with a wall from the skull inside.
The person tho, only hummed as their hands reached towards something. The 2 couldn't see, but could distinguish movement.
As something fell down, light came into the small space. A soft blue light covered the insides of the small impromptu room.
"What is wrong with you 2?!" It was the first reply from the guy with blue fire hair, which now showed small tints of orange. It sounded lower, almost like a beast's rumble if it wasn't for the slightly louder tone. Their eyes were covered with a black mask that looked like sleek metal, no holes in it, reflecting the light from the flame hair.
The guy in question warned the 2 that it wasn't safe for them here. That, ironically, this was where strong shadows reside, although he addressed to them as 'beasts'.
Ortho and Riddle again exchange looks, but the guy tells them that they can't try a hit and run. They'll end up caught by those hyenas.
And of course, the bird comes here again. It was a bird made out of the same blue fire, with beady black eyes and very beautiful feathers that once the fire cover dissappeared, it revealed a bird in colorful hues of silver and baby blue.
The guy says that the coast is clear and that for now, they should get back to the jungle, as it was the safest place.
But of course things didn't have to be this simple.
Ortho and Riddle insisted to know their saviour's name, but he gave the silent treatment all the way back, despite the fact that both Ortho and Riddle were annoying to no ends.
It was at one point that the group halted and the misterious guy seemed alert. That's when the 2 saw his hand more clearly. It had a fingerless white glove and midnight black fingers, which was a difference from his pale white face.
And of course rustling was heard, which made the guy's nails to become long claws in a split second. Much to Riddle and Ortho's horror, the 2 realised with who exactly they were in here.
They were with the black creature. Or more like the black masked guy now.
And boy did Ortho and Riddle make noise. If they were to gather attention and return to the Phanthom thief attire, they could face off properly the said guy.
Except that their noise did attract something. Guards to be specific. Very angry guards.
Now as Rose and Flame, the black mask immediately let his bird fly away before trying to get these 2 out of there, yet once Flame tried to burn his face down with an attack from his persona, the masked person resulted to the smoke trick, dissappearing and also unintentionally buying time for the 2 to run off in the jungle and return to the normal world.
Except that now it was a small delay. For a split second, Riddle and Ortho saw each other in the thief attire in LeBlanc before everything went to normal. Ortho theorised that most likely the jungle was like a safe room and they got in when the glitch was activated. So at least they knew the jungle was a safe room.
For the night, both of them found it hard to fall asleep. Upon mutual agreement, they decided to tell the team and go in this one only after they finish the cathedral Palace. The others would surely want to investigate this palace, so they couldn't go head in head with that guy.
The next day, the rest of the group went as good as you would think they would once the news were dropped.
Malleus voiced his concern that perhaps their persistent presence in the cathedral was what drove that guy with finding another palace. Vil did say that it would be absolutely foolish of them to manage 2 palaces simultaneously. Therefore, Riddle came with the next plan:
The metaverse Group will send the calling card and finish off the Taka Koizumi palace, while the real world team would gather up intel on Leona Kingscholar. It would only make his palace more quick to finish if they gathered info in advance.
And so, tomorrow, the calling card will be sent, as decided.
Guess I got ya nicely in here... :3
2 palaces! Don't worry, we will still have a smol intermission. Very smol tho. :'3
Anyway... What do you think of our 4th palace ruler?
Damn will I have so much fun with this... >:3
So let's hear sum theories and maybe do some brainstorming...
Because sure af after the 4th palace, IDK what should be next. So suggestions are very much appreciated. :'3
Until next time! Buh bye!
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"He heard music and dancing." Luke 15:25
That passage! My most honest sermon ever came from that passage. I was trying to make the case that when the Kingdom of God happens in someone's life something so festive breaks out that others can't help but be attracted. Well, except for older, unfortunately unforgiving brothers I guess.
And perhaps those locked into an "I am good and you are bad" way of living. Unfortunately, the church is all too often the older brother that dampens the party.
I used to get asked to preach at revivals. No more. The first reason for this is that I am a poor excuse for a preacher. Just ask my colleagues, church and family.
I suspect the second biggest reason for this is that I don't do "altar calls." It doesn't seem necessary to me to have people reluctantly come before a group to say "I am a sinner." That can be therapeutic but that someone is a sinner we already know.
I encourage folks, if they genuinely know the love shown them in Jesus, to run anxiously to the door, fling it open, and shout "you gotta see this! There is a party going on! You need to get in on this dance! The Father is so glad to see me come home that he didn't even let me apologize. He struck up the band and served the h'orderves!"
It is no surprise to me that the world isn't attracted to a church that doesn't dance. It is also quite a joy to be a people with the rhythm of grace all over everything they do. It makes you smile.
I got this email four years back - a few days after I preached ab honest sermon. I thought you might want to smile with me...
Alumni band members marched and played with Athens High School band last night.
After a difficult week, our daughter said she was able to do something she had only dreamed of – playing her trumpet and marching with the band again. Wanted me to tell you she “Danced “ last night. And it was good.
Your message Sunday inspired so many. We had not attended a high school game in years.
Yes, we enjoyed. So guess we danced, too.
Camilla, Winston, and Whitney
If in any way I was instrumental in that dance I will have been used well by the one I most want to use me.
It is like this.
A few years, actually a couple of decades ago, I went to see a movie. John Travolta played the lead. He was Michael, an angel come to earth. He was so enamored with the beauty of the creation, and so childlike in his joy, that he didn't want to leave and go back to heaven. It was as if the world, and they that dwell therein, were what they were intended to be.
Anyway, there is a scene in the movie where Michael is in a bar. The jukebox is playing a melancholy, drag me down, kind of song. Michael whacks the machine and a dance tune leaps out. He begins to sway. Almost as if he was spreading angel dust, one by one, they began to dance with him.
I don't want to come to the end of my days and hear Jesus say "why didn't you dance more?" And I sure as heck don't want Jesus to say "others would have known my joy if you'd spread the celestial invitation to the party!" I don't want to leave here with any angel dust in my pocket.
This Jesus thing, you see, is a ridiculously wonderful, merciful, graceful, hopeful reality.
What twisted theology would disguise that? What tortured soul doesn't need that?
When we are born again into Jesus Christ we get a pocketful of angel dust to spread around. It is my conviction for myself, and my challenge to you, that not one tiny molecule of that special gift be held onto until every last child of God has heard Jesus say, through us, "let's dance."
Don’t go home with anything in your pocket!
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bokoutoe-retired · 4 years
— #51 “i’ll always be here for you, ok?” & #6 “i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met”
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characters; shoto todoroki
synopsis; todoroki seems troubled and it’s up to his best friend to find out why
total w/c; 2030
warnings; a few brief mentions of anxiety, but thats it :) i also mention end**vor like once lmao
「a/n」 requested by @greywarenns oh my god!! i literally rewrote this thing four times until i got here, and i’m decently happy with how it turned out. but i found it super hard to write todo so he’s defintely a little ooc, but i hope it’s decent! this was a challenge but i enjoyed it nonetheless so thank you for the request! <3
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the realization that you’re in love with your best friend is shocking, to say the least. and it certainly was to todoroki. y/n and shoto did everything together. they studied together, trained together, ate together, made fun of endeavor together, the two were practically attached at the hip. wherever shoto went, y/n went and vice versa. but when todoroki found himself staring at you for just a little too long during one of your regular sunday study sessions, it hit him like a ton of bricks.
i’m in love with y/n l/n. i’m in love with my best friend.
that night, you didn’t notice any change in shoto and the next couple of days were pretty normal too. going about your school days and training schedules as usual. but you and shoto never ended up spending time alone together so there was no opportunity to even recognize any shifts in his behavior. you two were always separated or with another classmate, but never alone.
it wasn’t until your scheduled friday hangout that you first noticed a change. every friday night, without fail, you and todoroki set aside time to hangout. either to study, to watch a movie or even to just lay around in the same room. it didn't matter as long as you were together. during the last friday night you two had agreed that tonight's hangout was to be a movie night. now normally, todoroki wasn't an outrightly affectionate person but he did mention to you once in passing he found physical closeness comforting, and even longed for it from those few he was close with. ever since that late night conversation, it wasn’t uncommon to find yourselves situated near each other. just casual stuff like your legs touching during lunch and your feet thrown over his lap or your shoulders touching during movie nights. on particularly cold evenings you might even find your head tucked into the warm curve of his left shoulder. this subtle form of affection between you had soon become the norm, as it was welcomed and appreciated by both parties. after growing used to the comfortable, casual affection it was understandable that you felt a bit out of place when he showed up to your dorm room and took his seat on the opposite side of the bed, as far away from you as he could get. your laptop resting in the space between, almost mocking the distance while the movie sits waiting to be played. his act of separation sparked a flame of anxiety and worry in your chest. maybe it had gotten to be too much or you were making him uncomfortable, and he didn't have the heart to say anything.
“everything okay sho?” you really didn’t realize how accustomed to his touch you had become until you no longer had it. he may have only been less than a few feet away but it felt like miles compared to previous nights.
“yes, why?” he looks over to you as he answers. his face appears neutral, with no signs of being uneasy.
“oh nothing...” you trail off and shift in your seat while awkwardly adjust the blanket you had draped over yourself. it’s not like either of you had outright asked for it or mentioned anything about it out loud. truthfully, it just kind of started happening. and at this point you didn’t want to be the first person to say anything and make things awkward. you opt to keep your concerns unspoken and just roll with it for the night. your friday movie night came and went. it was nice to spend time with shoto and it wasn’t unenjoyable by any means, but you will admit it felt odd not having him pressed against you like usual.
over the course of the following saturday and sunday you invite him to hang out a few times. and all he gives you in response is a blunt “i can’t” or “i’m busy”. being his best friend you're more than aware how straightforward, or even how dense, he can be but this time it’s different. it’s sharp and curt, maybe even bordering annoyed. maybe he was just a little tired today. but maybe it was something more? between his attitude now and actions friday night, perhaps it was. it could be that something was bothering him or something put him in a sour mood. you can’t help but give into the lingering fear that maybe you had done something wrong. you let it go for the rest of the weekend, knowing that he would hopefully come to you, his best friend, if something had happened and he wanted to talk. hopefully.
it’s not until monday that you finally get truly fed up.
to start the day, there was no todoroki waiting outside your dorm room. normally, every morning without fail, you and shoto would walk together across campus from the dorms to your first class of the day. it was a wonderful way to start your day, but this time he wasn’t there. ten minutes later, when you arrived to class he was already sitting in his seat, notebook open and pencil out. had you really done something wrong? said something unintentionally rude, or had you really made him that uncomfortable while spending time together? you meet his eyes from across the room and offer him a small wave as you enter the classroom and slide into your seat across the room. he gives you a small nod and returns to looking at the textbook on his desk.
as much as todoroki wanted to walk you across campus, and as much as he wanted to talk with you before class started, he had come to a conclusion late friday night. when he walked back to his dorm after finishing the movie and saying goodnight, he decided that maybe if he stopped talking to you for a little bit he would be able to clear his head a little, sort out his feelings and figure out what he should do. as genius of an idea todoroki thought it was, a conversation with you was inevitable as you easily fell into step right next to him on the way to your second class. you immediately start talking about an album jirou had recommended to you. he listens to you speak while also doing his best to not get caught up in thinking about how pretty your smile is, or how cute you are when you get excited. it’s only when he catches a soft smile forming on his own face he realizes not talking to you would be a lot more difficult than he thought and not nearly as effective as he had hoped. he knew you would eventually realize he was purposefully disregarding you. he also knew you well enough to know that you would probably think it was your fault. that outcome definitely wasn’t what he desired. the last thing he wanted was to have you think he was upset with you for some reason, when in reality he was upset with himself for feeling about you the way he does.
it’s honestly a big relief to you when he starts engaging with you again, but you can tell somethings still bothering him. he gives you that soft smile often reserved only for you, but it doesn't quite seem complete. he nods and makes small comments as you continue talking, and it does little to soothe the nagging fear that somehow you messed up. you begin to wrack your brian for any possibilities. he hasn't mentioned his father in a while so it probably wasn't that, he did spectacular on the last three tests and as far as you know he was still ranked number one in class. he even got off campus last week, to visit his mother in person and said it went well so it’s likely not that either. there’s always a possibility that you really did do something to upset him.
after observing his abnormal behavior for the rest of the day, you manage to finally pull him off to the side on your walk back to the dorms. you gently grab him by the elbow and tug him down by the arm to sit with you on the bench.
“listen, shoto” you begin to speak, and he doesn't miss the anxiety that flashes across your face as you gently squeeze his arm with the hand still resting there, “i uh, i don’t know what's going on with you, but i know something is up and i’m really worried. you’ve been distant and moody and maybe i’ve done something wrong and you're upset-” he cuts you off in the middle of what he knows could’ve been a very long rant.
“y/n it’s not like that, i could never be mad at you. please don’t worry yourself over nothing” he does his best to reassure you without completely spilling his feelings. it’s difficult to not share everything with you like normal, but the fear of losing you holds him back.
“sho, it’s clearly something if it’s causing you to act so different. if you don’t want to talk about it right now that's fine, but just know i’ll always be here for you ok? i’ll be here to listen whenever you wanna talk” you have the softest look in your eyes as you speak and place your hand on top of his. your skin is so soft and much warmer than his. he feels an unusual heat begin to crawl up his normally cold right side, and he resists the urge to turn his hand over and intertwine your fingers with his.
“i’m in love with you!” his eyes widen as he realizes what he's just blurted out, but continues on anyways, “i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met. and it's so scary and i’ve just now realized it, but you’re my best friend and i don’t know who else to tell. i don’t want to lose you but i don’t think i can keep it to myself. i understand that you don’t feel the same way, and i apologize if i’ve made you uncomfortable...” his words start out bold but he quiets down as he loses confidence and sees a look of utter disbelief flash across your face. he begins to regret his words immediately and his first instinct is to leave. thinking maybe he could just walk away and pretend like this never happened, but your grip on the back of his hand tightens and prevents him from running. he stops and looks down at you only to meet your eyes, glassy with tears. he feels his own eyes begin to grow hot, he must’ve really messed up huh? he flumps back onto the bench next you, as your hold on his hand never loosens. the tears welling in his eyes threaten to spill over but his heart skips a beat when he sees your lips stretch into a smile.
“sho, you idiot! i thought you were mad at me” out of relief tears begin to stream down your cheeks “i’m in love with you too, a whole lot” you sniffle and let out a laugh, before moving your fingers to interlock with his.
“you? you what?” the breath leaves his body and he squeezes your hand in an attempt to ground himself. not once had the idea of you returning his feelings even crossed his mind, in his head he had already written himself off as unlovable in that way. yet here he is, on a bench with someone who truly loves him back. the emotions that swell in his chest are nothing but overwhelming and its all he can do to smile and pull you into a big kiss. with one hand still holding yours, he uses the other to tug you close. it’s inexperienced and clumsy as your lips slot with his. you bump noses and you can even taste a hint of your shared salty tears, but in the end none of that matters because it’s so good and so full of love.
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behind-the-hood · 3 years
Hey babes, been a while, huh? So, I've been thinking about how I want to get back into the flow of things, and with that came my update on what all's been going on. And it's a lot. So I'm going to hit the big points and my pets, because they are my babies ❤
So, I got divorced, which was great. He's stolen my half of our last tax return he was required by our divorce agreement to give to me, and kept my stimulus checks, which is not great, and I will be taking him to court when my lawyer says the system isn't as slow as a snail on glue.
I've got myself a new boyfriend. He's...the best thing ever ❤ I don't wanna get too mushy on you guys, but imma marry that man ❤ We've been together for over a year now, and in that time we actually lost his mom...and that one still hurts me. She...didn't die in a pleasant way, and I hate that she won't get to see us get married or see her first grandbaby or any of the things she was so excited to see and do...😞
On a less depressing note, I got a lot of new pets. I got a job at the vet, and day four into my job, a couple of big ol' king shepherds came in; they were strays. (I theorize they came from a puppy mill.) Anyway, I adopted the female, and the male was sent to a shelter for german shepherds. Korra, that's what I named her, started getting fat not too long into my owning her. Or so I thought. A couple months later, I went from owning one dog to owning eleven. She had been pregnant and we were in major denial, lol. Anyway, the birth went well, all the babies were healthy, even the runt was doing good at first. She didn't end up making it, she was half the size of the others and some time into the second day, she stopped eating. Korra was sad when her baby died, but after about ten minutes of leaning over the runt protectively, she let me take her. I don't know if her instincts said it was best for the other puppies or what, but she eventually let it happen. After the eight weeks were up, and with the help of my childhood friend, we got all the puppies new homes. I kept one, named him Mikey. She and her parents kept a couple. She named her puppy Fonzie, and her parents named theirs Butch. All three get to go to the park on Sundays and play together. Korra doesn't go too often because she's protective of Mikey and we're working on that, but for now, she's too aggressive and by no means a small dog, so baby steps.
Edit: Captain passed away in November. It was particularly upsetting to me because he was sick before I left for Arizona for a few weeks, and I wasn't going to go if I thought he wasn't going to make it, but everyone insisted he'd be okay and that I should go. He didn't make it, and I hate that I didn't get to say goodbye...but he passed in his sleep at the vet, and he was on medication that kept most of his pain at bay...and that's probably all I could ask for...because they had called the day before asking if we wanted to have him put down, and we never got to make that decision...I feel like it was better that way...it always hurts more to have to put them down...Edit over.
My boyfriend and I also got a kitten. It's cute; he's never really had a pet of his own before and he's super excited about it. I wish I could describe to you the wonder and amazement on his face when he saw Victor use his litter box for the first time 😂 He just picked right up on it, and my boyfriend was so proud 🥰How we came about getting Victor is a little bit more depressing. Or stressful. I don't know; I'll tell you what happened and you can decided. His mom had a few cats, and Big Girl was pregnant. She had four little babies, one of them being Victor. I kept making jokes about wanting to keep him, but my boyfriend and mom were both adamant that I had more than enough pets--which is fair because I do, lol--anyway, they were hitting about seven or eight weeks old when my boyfriend and I were leaving one morning. He was taking me home before he went to work. He turned on the car and we heard a blood curdling screech from in the hood. I panicked and got out just in time to see a kitten run out from under the car dragging its front paw and trying to get away. I caught him and started panicking and crying because his paw was bleeding and I could see bone and I was just in a frenzie. My boyfriend had to get to work though--sometimes his work ethics are cute, sometimes they are frustrating 🙃--so I called my mom on the way to my house and told her what all had transpired and to have a crate ready because we were going to the vet. She called the vet to let them know ahead of time and when we got there, Victor was immediately taken back and examined. Long story short, the belt in the car had cut through two of his finger bones but the rest of the cut was superficial. They decided he would need surgery and sutures. We agreed, we paid, we prayed he lived through the surgery, and then we waited. Good news is that Sweet Baby lived, he barely had a limp despite almost losing his paw, he hated his sutures, and now he runs around and plays with Theo like nothing ever happened, lol. And my boyfriend just adores Victor, and it's very cute 🥰
Anyway, I couldn't stay at the vet because I kept getting sick and breaking out in hives and, turns out, I'm allergic to nearly everything under the sun except for foods and lizards 🙃 I decided to go into real estate like my mom instead, and I just finished up all my classes and am ready to go into the thick of it!! Wish me luck in that endeavor 😁👍
So anyway, I can't think of anything else at the moment. That's my life update--Oh! I got covid from my mom. My quarantine ended literally two days ago, but I only had a cough. That being said, I've been suffering from a sinus infection for well over a month now, and got my period in the middle of it all, so that was awful 🙃 But! All of this is to tell you that I'm hoping to get back into my writing soon, and can present you guys with all the things I never got to finish or would totally love to start!! 😁
There's no set date on when I think I'll have anything ready, but I'm hoping over the next month or so, I can put out the third part of the Papa Makedon series out. I also hope over the course of the week I can start looking at all the asks I'm sure tumblr never told me I had 🙃
Love you, babes!! I hope you all have kept safe and healthy, and I hope to get back with you soon 😁🤙
Here's my sweet girl Korra with all her babies. I believe they were about a couple days old at that point.
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And here's my Mikey, as a wee one and as a big boy ❤ He's turning one on August 3rd you guys~ 🥰
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And here's little Victor (please excuse the food on his nose, I thought it was adorable, lol. I've just mostly got videos of him, and not too many pictures 😅)
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Circumstances P1
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I sighed as I stood dressing the window will all the latest things for the store listening to the radio play it's rock and roll tunes. As I put the multicoloured mini dresses on the plastic figures laying out cardboard replicas of new records across the floor near a one of the record players we had in stock. I did my work often having to fix my hair a little as my headband kept falling down my head. I glanced at the busy London street outside the window with the people rushing everywhere the cars and motorcycles passing in on the road.
As I looked a saw someone across the way.
It was a man, a very skinny man. With a mess of blonde hair he sat on a motorcycle that was pulled over at the side of the road. His helmet on the seat with him he had a rather large and impressive camera that he was looking though it aimed at the window.
Whatever people often take photos of the window displays or of the front of the store here in London as most people visit. He took the camera away a moment as he fixed his hair, he saw me looking at winked at me making me blush a little before he put his camera away and slipped his helmet back on starting up his bike and disappearing into the madness of London.
I finished up my work heading out the shop trying my best to just blend in with the crowds as I headed to Hyde Park, I sat on a little bench looking at the sunshine as most where having a late lunch or early dinner around this time of day, I looked at the beautiful flowers and grass until I spotted something.
I saw that guy again, I had almost forgotten about him.
He sat in a bench not far from me, his camera in his hand again taking more pictures of things I smiled and went over while he was looking away
"Hey" I smiled making him lower the camera Messing with his blonde hair his brown eyes looked me up and down rather devilishly
"Hey" he smiled "something up?" He asked
"I was wondering what you were taking pictures off?' I asked
"And pray to tell, why is that any of your business?" He asked taking another of something
"I'm just curious, I've seen you twice today, you sparked my curiosity is all"
"Oohh did I now?" He smirked "come on, I'll show you" he smiled tapping beside him so I sat in the beach as he dug around in a tattered leather side bag a moment before getting out a block of Polaroids secured together with an elastic band there must have been at least fifty there he pulled off the band and smiled to me handing them to me
"Thank you" I smiled as I began to flip thought them most flowers and trees, rivers and ponds, nice cars and motorcycles, then I saw me. Stood in the shop window,
"You looked beautiful" he smiled "still do actually"
"Thank you" I blushed to continue to look and I found another of me walking down the street a couple of days ago "have you been watching me?" I asked
"Goodness no, I just happen to see you every so often and you normally look really beautiful" he smiled I continued looking at the beautiful pictures till I flipped to one that was equally beautiful but wasn't a car or beautiful scene it was I assume him laid almost naked on a bed "oh shit! Sorry" he says taking the pictures away "I'm very sorry about that" he blushed
"It's alright" I laughed
"Hey... Did you wanna go get a drink somewhere?" He smirked "or maybe just... Head straight back to your place?"
"Isn't that a little forward I don't even know your name" I argued
"Just call me Thomas, and you are?" He asked
"Y/n" I smiled
"A very beautiful name indeed, so drink? Or your place?" He smirked...
I unlocked the door of my flat trying desperately to keep thomas' hands off me for a moment as soon as we where inside he pushed me against the closed door and kissed me harshly I kissed back his lips so smooth and soft. I locked the door again and tugged him through to my bedroom I sat in my bed and he smirked leaning in my bedroom door as he shut it he smirked shutting my curtains I was a little confused but I didn't have long to ponder it as he slipped off his shirt and knelt on the floor at the edge of my bed kissing my ankles and up my legs till he reached my panties, he kissed around them a little before pulling them seductively off my legs he then stood smirking at me so I giggled undoing his belt and his pants dropping them to the floor leaving him in a pair of tight blue boxers and his hard erection obvious he smirked pulling me up and unzipping my dress almost ripping it off me he pulled me back to kissing him as he fiddled with my bra and pulled it off me before pushing me onto my bed he kissed me deeper pushing inside me
"Ummm fuck! You feel good" he smirked ...
I smiled as I laid in my bed the bedsheets around me tightly as Thomas got dressed
"Sorry beautiful I've got to get going," he says
"Ooohh... Sure" I nodded sitting up a little more "did you wanna maybe meet up for dinner on Saturday?"
"Sorry beautiful I've got stuff going on," he says "look if circumstances change I'll pop in and see you" he smirked giving me a kiss "okay?"
"Okay" I nodded
I stood making some dinner when there was a knock at my door I was a little puzzled who would be coming to see me at this hour so I went and opened the door seeing Thomas stood leaning on the door frame, I had been seeing him every so often over the last few months even if he doesn't often stay long.
"Hey beautiful" he smirked
"Hi Thomas" I smiled
I sat on my bed my head laying on thomas' chest my covers wrapped around us tightly
"Why don't we ever go to your place?" I asked
"You wouldn't like my place beautiful," he says
"Why don't we have dinner or go dancing?" I asked
"Because we come here and fool around? I thought you like it?"
"Course I do but... Maybe we should do something different every once and a while?"
"Maybe" he sighed
"Thomas?" I asked
"Humm? What's up?" He asks playing with my hair
"What are we?" I asked
"Why do we need a label on it?" He laughs "your pretty, I like coming to visit And I like having sex with you? Why do we need anything else?" He laughs
"But Thomas... I really like you"
"I know... Look y/n if circumstances where different, I'd have married you by now" he says kissing my head
"What circumstances?"
"It's hard to explain"
"Are you married?" I asked sitting up a little to see his face
"No" he laughs
"Are you... Engaged?"
"Then what?"
"It's my family..." He sighed "hey, how about on Sunday you come over for dinner?"
"Aww I'd love to" I smiled hugging him a little tighter
"Okay, just... Uhh be careful" he warns and I was a little confused.
I stood having had my shower getting ready to go out and meet thomas' family for dinner I stood in my underwear drying my hair in my mirror when there was a knock at the door 
"who is it?" I called 
"It's me beautiful!" Thomas yelled
"Ohh it's open," I told him as I finished drying my hair and began deciding what kinda makeup I was going to wear when Thomas came into the bedroom 
"Hi hun" He smiled kissing my cheek
"Hi" I smiled 
"Have you picked out what you wearing tonight?" He asks
"On the bed," I told him
"Ooohhh hell no your not wearing that" he warns "Lucky I bought this then" He smiled and I noticed he did bring a bag with him "Here i picked out a dress for you" he says as he sat on my bed looking through my stuff I looked at the bag and it has the name of a rather high-class London designer on it, I was shocked especially when I opened the bag and the dress inside was indeed from that place the price still on it to
"Uuhh Thomas! I can't wear this! It's more then I make in a year" I argued
"Yeah but I bought it, so come on else we'll be late" he says
"Thomas I can't-" I began but he kissed me
"Your wearing that beautiful, now come on finish up else I'll never hear the end of it" he told me
Once I was ready Thomas lead me down to the street where a car was waiting, I assumed he was going to open the passenger door for me but instead the door opened and a well dressed man opened the back door for us Thomas tugging me inside
"What's going on?' I asked
"I'll explain when we get there beautiful" he whispered as the car started up and began driving off. I tried to make notes where I was going but it was almost impossible in the darkness.
Until atlast it stopped and the drivers let us out Thomas put his hand over my eyes as we did so I couldn't see.
"Beautiful you remember how I said my family was uhh...  Complicated?" He asked
"And we waited this long to let them know you excited due to-" he began
"Circumstances" I laughed
"Yeah well... There kinda-" he began removing his hands from my eyes as we stood on gravel the car driving off from behind us, the whole area was miles apon miles of woods and gardens with lanterns illuminating beautiful garden features, a stable now converted to have one side for horses and the other for rather expensive vintage cars, and in the centre of all this luxury stood a manor house taller and more elegant then any fairy tale
"Wh-whats Going on?" I stuttered in shock
"This is Elmwood. Elmwood manor. Yeah this is the uhh family home" he says
"The family- you grew up here?"
"Yeah, my whole life, I still kinda live here. I want a place on my own but they don't agree not till I'm married anyway, so come on we'll be late for dinner" he says tugging my hand inside.
I was overwhelmed seconds after opening the door, the paintings, the sculptures, the magnificent rooms and staircases I felt like I was being lead thought a palace until we reached a room full of people all of them drinking
"Thomas my little darling" a woman smiled hugging him
"Hello mother" he smiled briefly "mother this is y/n" he said indicating to me
"Hi" I smiled and she frowned glaring at Thomas before walking away to talk to others "is it something I said?"
"Try and sound... Not so common beautiful" he says as we continued to walk
"Common? But this is how I talk?"
"I know and I love it Beautiful but your going to get us in trouble" he warns as we went around meeting people I mostly just nodded hardly saying a word as I was afraid of upsetting anyone if I did say something
"Aww she's a pretty little thing, hardly says a word, I really do need a wife like this myself" one man said
"Course uncle" he sighed before he lead me away down a corridor with some grand paintings "I'm sorry I know it's a bit overwhelming, I really didn't know how to ease you in so I figured hell I'll throw you in the deep end first see if you can swim" he explained
"Or I drown?"
"Kinda yeah" he shrugs
"What is with everyone? Why are they all so... Posh?" I asked
"Fine you really wanna know?" He asked and I nodded so he pulled me along down the corridor to a painting with family of four "this is my grandfather, and my granduncle"
"Wait? Is... Is that the crown?" I asked seeing the adults in the picture had crowns and other such jewelery
"It is, it was handed over to my granduncle when there father past, and there family has had the crown ever since" he explained
"So you grandfather is the king's brother?" I asked
"Yep" he says sipping his whiskey
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erismerald · 5 years
MY NEW ROAD - Chapter 1
» Older Daniel Diaz x reader 
» Warnings: mature, romance, blood, gang                                             
Chapter 2
» So i was hoping i could read something about daniel diaz, at the end of 5 ep, and as i was sick of waiting,  so i decided to write a long short about older daniel diaz, so let's go :)
And there I was, in this moment  i was terrified, I could I feel my blood coming out of my belly, it hurts a lot... I couldn't breathe, or think, to be honest I didn't know what to do... Who is he? Why is he here? For a few seconds i felt my body being lifted up.
" Y/N ? Oh please wake up... ahhh SEAN!!!!"
I recognized this voice, but I just let my eyes close, I felt my body fall asleep.
So HI!! My name is y/n, im 17 and right now I'm living on my own in Mexico, more property in puerto lobos.
I'm a very simple girl, I grew up in LA with my grandparents, I never met my parents, and during my life, my grandparents never told me about their daughter, they just told me that she had abandoned me when I was Little, and as for my father, they didn't know who she was, so I never really cared about that.
I've been living here for about six weeks,I study in a small americam school, near here. I'm loving living here I never thought, that a dream I had since I was little would come true so soon, I decided to live here, because I love Mexican culture and not to mention that living by the beach never tires anyone, and I still have the privilege of seeing the sunset disappear into the waves...
Since I was a child I was very shy and I don't know how to express myself to others anht this is the reason why I've not be able to make friends in this new school yet, I feel ashamed when they look at me or try to talk to me, it's complicated, however, I've always managed to make some friends in LA, people I talk to almost every single day.
it's already 7 am i think i should be preparing for school but i think laziness has won ahaha, I got up and tried to take as little time as possible, I don't want to be late again or Ms. Lopez will kick me out of her class again.
I was new to that school and it wasn't the first time I was late, which I can say I love sleeping, but I have to work harder to make sure that doesn't happen, and I'm going to start right now haha.
I tried to take as little time as possible, of course that for me it's kind of impossible, because, I still had to take a shower before going, but I think at least I won't be late this time, I look at the clock and OMG is already 7:50 and the classes start at 8:00, ahhhhh how will I get to school in 10... Afff so much effort for nothing, well at least I can still get to the beginning of the first class.
On the way to school, I saw him again... I think his name is Daniel, he's from my class but I never talked to him before, and to be honest, I never had the courage to talk to him, well... not only with him, I think with everyone in general, so far I haven't made any friends, except the lady from the apartment next door, and we only talk on Sundays, because we have the same way when we go to church.
  I think I've been looking at him too long... why do I say that? He's looking at me right now. I can't deny it he's beautiful... he's so mysterious, but from what I've seen of him, at school he's very fun, reserved, but fun.
I felt him staring at me, which made me completely ashamed, and my only option for not having to talk to him was to hit him and not, to look at him as I passed by, even with my back to him his gaze managed to make me feel a huge chill, but it's a good thing that I'm already arriving at school.
For real I didn't know what to tell him anyways.
When i arrived at school i came across Ms.Lopez on the way. And I think it was at this moment that I realized I was completely fucked up, I tried to go unnoticed, but without success.
And when I turned back I only saw her ferocious gaze directed at me.
"Miss l/n shouldn't be in class already. Preferably sitting at your desk waiting for me." - she looked at me with a deadly look on her face
"oh I finally find you y/n, thx for waiting for me, and here you have your Spanish book that you lent me." He looked at me and winked at me, so that I could continue with the theater.
"O-of course I do, Daniel, there's nothing to be thankful for" he stands next to me and takes my hand. And he gave me the book, I felt my heart go off a thousand an hour...When I lifted my face I saw his eyes glued on me, why did he protect me?
"Is that why you were late?" She looked at me and then at Daniel, I felt the anger in her eyes
"yes i decided to wait for daniel" i smiled at her, and i felt daniel put himself behind me
"Vamos, no te enojes con ella, maestra. Sólo fue esta vez (Come on, don't get mad at her, teacher. It was just this time .)" Daniel grabbed my shoulders and spoke, I saw Ms. Lopez calm her eyes and take a deep breath.
"Hum being so, i let you pass your delay this time you two have 5 minutes to introduce you in my class, and miss L/N thank the boy Daniel for helping her " his voice was calm now but his words were cold.
She continued on her way to the classroom, and I hear Daniel laughed
"You're welcome!" daniel said as my body moved, his voice was now hoarse, I sounded hypnotized by the voice of him.
"T-thank you for helping me." I tried to be short and quick in my answer. I was so nervous and idk why.
"let's go to class before Ms. Lopez decides to murder us, because we're late" daniel just went on her way but stopped 3 steps ahead of me.
"will have to pull you?" he laughs softly and throws a half smile, my heart, jumped a beat when i saw that smile.
"Y-yes" I just followed him.... When we arrived in the room each one sat in his seat, but for some reason, Daniel kept looking at me and it made me nervous for the rest of the time.
During the rest of the day, everything went as usual, except for the failed attempt by me to escape Daniel's gaze, I  don't know what he was looking for in me, but I think I managed to make him lose interest for a while. I think.
When I finally rang the exit bell, I was the first to leave for the first time, I didn't want to know anything else, I just wanted to get home and enjoy being alone.
When I walked through the school gate, I took a deep breath and tried to rearrange my ideas, how can something as simple as talking to a person make me so nervous?
I'll speed up the walk and look at the sky and then at the sea at the end of the street to calm myself down. I didn't understand what was going on this day but I just asked it to end quickly. Yeah, to tell you the truth, I've never had a boy look at me for so long, am I getting a crush on him? AHHHHH well  I hope not.
When I was almost at home, I felt a chill on my back and soon I could be able to realized what was happening....
"Are you trying to avoid me?" Not that voice, not again.
I turned slowly and there he was, did he follow me? When I looked at him I felt my face boiling with shame.
"Did the Cat eat your tongue?" he looked at me and laughed, and began to approach me.
I tried to ignore to not have to answer, I really suffered from many anxiety problems and did not know what to do in these situations.
"okay i got you, you don't want to talk to me don't worry" he looked at the floor and his cheerful expression went to sadness
"well see you tomorrow at school" when he was going to turn around and continue on his way i screamed
He turned to me and smiled... OH God that smile was so sweet
"I thought you weren't gonna answer ahaha."
"I'm not ignoring you, or avoiding you...I'm just too shy to talk" I couldn't face his eyes so I just looked at the ground.
"Are you sure? I didn't want to get into it with Ms Lopez, but I knew if I didn't, she'd kick you out of her class" when I looked up I came across the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen.
It made me blush, involuntarily, I didn't know what to say.
"thank you...and it's okay, I'd be kicked out if it wasn't for you too, so thank you for helping me."
"You're welcome, I've always seen you being very shy with everyone and you don't seem to be the kind of person who would be late on purpose, well, I won't take up your time. See you tomorrow"
he said with a perverse smile on his face
"Oh and if tomorrow you want company for the school I can wait here for you".
I didn't have time to say anything else I just agreed and entered the building.
When I got home I lay on the couch, looking at the ceiling, trying to see what had happened, I didn't notice it, but I felt my body tired and ended up falling asleep.
"Daniel... Something about him attracted me...'
I opened my eyes very slowly, I looked at the window and it was already dark, I picked up my phone and turned it on, I had 5 unanswered calls from my grandmother, this was strange she didn't call me so often
I dialed her number and called...
"y/n honey is you?"
"yes Grandma, what's going on?  I'm sorry I was so tired that I fell asleep and didn't hear you call".
Without telling me anything else she felt like she was crying, but what happened to make my grandmother cry she hardly ever does, and when I say that she doesn't, it's because it's rare.
"Honey, I have something to tell you... Your mother is looking for you," those words left me unanswered, my mother?
Couldn't be, my mother abandoned me 16 years ago, for me she died... I started crying, that person who abandoned me 16 years ago, now its looking for me why? I had so many questions in my mind, I couldn't talk to anybody, I just need some time.
"honey are there? Y/n?" My grandmother called me...
"I'm sorry Grandma, I need to think a little, I'll call you later."
"darling no-" i hung up on her, i don't like to do this but i need time to process
I got up, grabbed my jacket and went out towards the beachWhen I got there I sat down on the sand, and watched the sea, and the waves coming at me, I didn't want to believe that my mother was looking for me, if she hadn't wanted me in 16 years, she wouldn't want me now.... Now I did not even want her back
At that moment I felt that I was not alone there, I turned around and saw a group of people coming towards me.
I got up quickly and tried to get out of there, but it was too late.
Fear sometimes makes us irrational, and at this moment I did not know what to do, I did not know how to react, I was scared, I felt one of the men grabbing me by the arms, and attached me to his body
"hey you, don't move so much kittens, let's talk"
The second man spoke and stood in front of me, and grabbed my face forcing me to look at him.
"so you're the Diaz little princess aren't you?" I wasn't noticing anything, I just tried to get away but without success, I wonder what would happen to me...
I tried to fight and I tried to let go, but unfortunately I only did worse, he pressed himself behind my back and won't let me go.
"Let's teach that boy a lesson, that's what he and his brother will pay to judge us dumb."
One of them pulled a knife out of his waist and approached me...
I started screaming, and crying madly, I was now completely scared.
At that very moment, I felt the blade pierce my skin... I didn't know what to do, I just tried to struggle
But when I turned my head, there he was, out of nowhere, the people around me were thrown away, I felt my body fall into the sand...
And there I was, in this moment  i was terrified, I could I feel my blood coming out of my belly, it hurts a lot... I couldn't breathe, or think, to be honest I didn't know what to do... Who is he? Why is he here? For a few seconds i felt my body being lifted up.
" Y/N ? Oh please wake up... ahhh SEAN!!!!"
I recognized this voice, but I just let my eyes close, I felt my body fall asleep...
But to be honest I felt my body warm, from this moment on, it just got dark.
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floralseokjin · 7 years
;lost control (m)
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pairing— kim seokjin x reader genre/warnings— semi-crack, smut, sub! jin words— 8,872
:: summary— you’ve always wondered what it would feel like to take control in the bedroom for once and Seokjin’s more than happy to let you do as you please…
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“Babe, staring at me from across the room is doing nothing for me right now. How am I supposed to get hard while you’re freaking me out?” Jin said, his eyes wide as he looked at you.
“Quit being a baby,” you grumbled, walking towards the bed in defeat.
You thought maybe surveying him from the chair in the corner of the bedroom you shared may have been hot. You’d seen it while watching porn for research. Being a dom had never come natural to you, but curiosity did and you always wondered what it would feel like to take control in the bedroom for once. Taking charge had always come natural to Seokjin, but it wasn’t like you were 100% a sub anyway. No way, that love thy master, obey thy master crap didn’t cut it for you. No, you just enjoy the way Seokjin always looks after you, always teases you and always manages to get you so turned on, you are practically begging him to fuck you by the time he’d gets you naked.
That didn’t mean from time to time you didn’t wonder what it would be like if the roles were reversed though. You know Seokjin loves you and you know you turn him on easier than anything, but as for driving him wild…as for making him beg? That had definitely never happened before. You wanted to see if you could do it, so that’s how you ended up here.
Seokjin is extremely open minded, so that helps when discussing possible sexcapades. He rarely says no to anything and more often than not, it’s him who brings up a new sex position to try or even just a sexual act in general you haven’t done before. Because you trust him with your life, you agree to almost everything, so in return, he does the same for you. He said he didn’t mind being your sub for a night, and if he liked it, maybe other nights too. However, right now, you can tell that he doesn’t have much faith in you. You don’t blame him. You’re all over the place.
Quite possibly, this life was not for you.
It had been two whole weeks since you bought it up and in that time, you’d done extensive reaction…using… porn websites… It wasn’t your best idea, granted, but you didn’t know how else to learn what to do. You wanted to think outside the box. There was no point just jumping on his dick and riding him until he saw stars. You could do that no problem. Seokjin would come and you’d feel good for maybe a few moments, but then as he lay asleep, beginning to snore, even though he swears he doesn't—that reminded you, you would have to record him one night… But you digress… as you’d lie awake, you would begin to feel dejected with yourself. You wouldn’t be a real sub if your boyfriend wasn’t begging you to keep on going and make him come… Hm, for some reason, the thought of that turned you on more than anything…
You just needed ideas.
And that’s where google came in… and the…porn sites… It wasn’t like you were a stranger to porn. You’d watched it obviously. Actually, you’d watched it with Seokjin plenty of times. See, you were no prude? You liked to experiment and it came easily to you guys, but never had you found yourself typing in the search bar “sub male” or “dom girlfriend.” Usually you just clicked on what was on the popular page, but here you were actively searching. You were expecting trash to pop up, and some did. The same old mediocre amateur stuff that you already knew you didn’t want to do. But then something caught your eye.
That was something you couldn’t get on board with. You’d heard of the daddy kink and you and Seokjin had even tried it once, albeit done in jest. You’d quickly realised it wasn’t your thing when you both couldn’t stop laughing every time the word left your mouth. You couldn’t ever imagine him calling you mommy, it made you cringe just thinking about. You weren’t one to judge at all, but nuh-uh, not for you guys.
However, you clicked anyway.
Of course you did, which led you down a black hole of sub male horror (or delight for some people). It started with boobs, these men seemed to like them. Nuzzling, sucking over the fabric of the women’s lingerie, literally rubbing their whole face in them. Seokjin liked boobs, but he’s more of ass man—you didn’t know how that would work. Next there came feet, and no matter how open minded you liked to think you were, nothing would make you jerk a guy off with your feet. No way. Feet freak you out big time and even though something told you Seokjin may be up for it, you were not.
You hit the jackpot that night, clicking after clicking on so many different types of videos. Kinks you’d never heard of before, and ones you had. You just sat there enthralled, there was no other world for it, like you were watching a nature documentary. This gave the word ‘sub’ a whole new meaning all together. You were pretty sure none of these things were for you, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t joke around with Seokjin. He hadn’t really brought it up since you’d asked and knowing him, he probably thought you’d chickened out and forgotten about it. You hadn’t of course. Your idea had just been placed on the back burner. You’d suffered a setback or so you liked to call it. A creative block.
You were in bed one night when you finally brought it up again, nearly a week ago now. It was a Sunday night and you were both reading, some much needed relaxation time before the start of a new work week. Your head was still spinning from the things you’d witnessed the day prior, and now you wanted to see if Seokjin even remembered your little arrangement.
“Hey…Jin,” you called his attention, and he “mhm”d in response, lifting his head up to look at you.
“What do you think about feet?”
You watched him blank out for a second, wondering if you were asking him a trick question. Had he done something to warrant your anger? Maybe he’d trudged dirt up the stairs when he forgotten to take his shoes off…but he’d really needed the toilet that day… and besides, why would you bring up feet like this if you wanted to yell at him?
“Like…sexually… How do you feel about feet…sexually?”
He raised an eyebrow at your words before it took no longer than three seconds to realise what you meant, realisation flooding over his features.
“Is this part of your dom take over?” He asked with a grin and shrugged before you could answer, letting his book lie on his lap. “I’m okay with feet. I’m up for anything as long as your toes aren’t going anywhere near my ass.”
And just like that he went back to reading.
You rolled your eyes. Did he think you weren’t serious about this? Granted, you didn’t want your feet anywhere in the mix, but you were still adamant on taking control. You grumbled to yourself, annoyed that he had ignored your futile attempts at engaging in conversation and tried again.
“What about boobs? …Like… worshiping them?”
Seokjin sighed a little, probably aggravated that you’d interrupted his page once again but when he turned to you, he had a smile on his face.
“You know I’d worship anything on your body, baby—I already do.”
“What about like, nuzzling and stuff. Y’know, just shoving your face right on in there…”
“What, motorboating?” He asked and you nodded.
“Probably not as aggressive though,” you explained, eyeing the way Seokjin placed his book on the bedside table as he turned to face his body towards you.
“That sounds hot,” he noted, his hand trailing along your stomach as he shuffled closer. “Although, I’d much rather it be your ass,” he added and you scoffed, trying to push him away but he grabbed ahold of your wrists.
“Is this some sort of Seokjin consensus? Huh? See what I like so you’re already for lift off?” He teased, beginning to kiss up your neck. “How about we start a test run right now?”
Trust him to get horny over this, you thought, only letting yourself enjoy the kisses for a moment before you pulled back, interrupting him.
“No, this has to be perfect. It’s not something I can just randomly jump into. There needs to be an agenda. I can't—
“You and your lists! Have you ever heard of spontaneity?” He interrupted dramatically, but he knew there was no point in going on.
You were not spontaneous. You never had been and you never would be, not even under the influence of alcohol. Seokjin knew this though, so he gave in. Like always.
“Fine!” He sighed, rolling onto his back. “Ask away. I am your test subject after all.”
“Yay,” you celebrated cutely, propping yourself up on your elbow before beginning. “Okay, so… what about exhibitionism? Like touching yourself in front of me?”
You watched Seokjin roll his eyes, a smug look appearing on his face. “Babe, I do that all the time anyway! Of course I’m okay with it. See?” and you watched him reach for his crotch.  “I’ll do it right now if you want, I don—
“No, that’s okay,” you stopped him, grabbing his wrist and halting his actions, feeling him semi hard in his pants as you pressed your hand down.
Hm, maybe you had more power than you first thought
“What about obeying me?” You smirked, leaning in, feeling your stomach flutter now that he seemed to like the idea of being submissive.
“What, do I have to call you my master?” He smirked back, tilting his head to catch your mouth in a kiss and you nodded. “I’d let you be my master any day of the week,” he continued against your mouth as you tried to steal more kisses. “I’d be such a good servant.”
“Mm, what about mommy?” You murmured.
You were only playing around but you really wanted to see his reaction, and just like you guessed, he freaked out.
“Mommy?!” He pulled back instantly, his face contorted with disgust and you bit back a giggle.
“No way. Nuh-uh. I already have one of those and you’re not her. You’re my girlfriend—anything but that!”
He was adamant and you rolled on your back, defiant on teasing him some more. You wondered how far you could push him? You were sure he’d never let you do half the stuff you’d seen with your own eyes behind that computer screen—not that you wanted too anyway.
“I’ve heard the mommy kink is a pretty big thing…” you shrugged.
“Where?! Who the hell have you been talking to?” He exclaimed, his voice sounding positively astonished, his facial expressions going array.
“I saw on porn.”
“Porn,” he repeated, not sounding in the least bit shocked. In fact, he sounded as if he should’ve known better. “What else did you see?”
At least he was taking interest, but you knew that motherfucker was just as morbidly curious as you, that’s why you were so in love. A messed up match made in heaven…
“Hm, pony play,” you began.
“Pony play?” He questioned, eyebrow cocked as you looked over at him. “What’s that?”
“It’s where a guy acts like a horse and the woman rides his back and whips him and stuff,” you explained.
Seokjin gave you a crazy look and shook his head.
“Dick tugging?”
He folded his arms, defiant.
“Ball crushing?”
“That is sadistic,” he stated, voice loud, shocked. “What kind of guy wants that?”
“Well, I saw a video where this woman wore these biker boots and she was stepping on the guy’s balls and—
“That’s twisted!” He exclaimed, eyes wide. “They’d pop out!”
“They didn’t, just looked a little red, y’know, in pain…”
“No shit,” he said, sarcasm evident in his tone. “Honestly babe, when you said you wanted to dom me, I didn’t think you meant like that…”
“As if I’d want to do that to you. I’d break your pretty little body,” you told him.
“You’d break my pretty not-little dick if you tugged it around with you,” he informed smugly and you watched him turn to flick the switch on the lamp beside his head, telling you the consensus was over.
“All my ideas aren’t solid yet,” you pondered into the darkness, feeling Seokjin shuffle around in bed as he tried to get comfy, your eyes trying to adjust to the light.
“I really thought you were just going to tie me up or some shit,” he hummed into your ear as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pressing your back into his hard chest.
“It’s going to be tame, I promise,” you smiled, giving his hand a slight squeeze. “I’m just teasing.”
“Honestly, if I come home one night and you’re dressed in latex with a 12inch dildo attached to you, I’m leaving and never coming back.”
You couldn’t help but laugh out loud, relaxing into his hold… You also couldn’t help getting the last word in…
“What about 6inch?”
“Goodnight, __” Seokjin sighed loudly, telling you the conversation was well and truly over.
After you had your fun with Seokjin things went back to normal. No more was said about your soon to be reality sexcapade, you had just quietly worked on it in the shadows. It was just like plotting a bank robbery. You knew you couldn’t just barge into the bedroom and act on instinct. It would just end in disaster. You’d get too horny and end up begging Seokjin to fuck you like always. No, in order to perfect this, you needed to curb your own desires and impatience. It was all about that steel resolve and the strategic moves, planned to the second. All you wanted to do was make Seokjin lose his cool… lose his control. You didn’t want to hurt him, you didn’t even want to degrade him. You just wanted to hear him beg a little, to whine a little… and you just needed to not give in.
You were going to use this to your advantage. You were going to use him for your own gratification.
Only right this instant, in the here and now, he was not begging at all. In fact, he’d been back chatting you as soon as you walked through the bedroom door.
You wanted to take a leaf out of Seokjin’s book and act spontaneously. That’s why you didn’t tell him a day, nor a few days in advance. Instead, you text him this morning to make sure he had a little heads up. Tonight was the night and he’d replied instantly, immensely excited. He’d come home from work with a huge grin on his face and you’d made him supper, like you usually did on a Friday night. Then you told him to go and shower and wait for you upstairs.
“Sit on the bed with your back against the headboard,” you had told him and he’d practically galloped up the stairs, a tight “yes, ma’am” leaving him as he saluted you.
He just wasn’t very happy fifteen minutes later when you entered still fully dressed. Did he really expect you to come dressed in some skimpy lingerie? As if. This was about you. Not him.
And now he wasn’t happy that you were staring at him from across the room. You bit back your annoyed groan and kneeled on the edge of the bed, legs spread a little, not that he could see anything in your black pants, but it seemed to get him a little excited anyway and he jutted forward, adjusting the pillow behind his back as he held it, his hand staying there as he used the other to rub his crotch, watching you as you faced him, your head tilted.
You’re annoyed. Seokjin probably thinks your eyeing him lustfully, but it’s the exact opposite. You’re aggravated. How does he do things so effortlessly? You can guarantee that if he was the one watching you in the chair you would have been like putty in his hands. Why can’t you have the same effect on him? It just makes you more determined. You’ll have this fucker eating out of your hand soon enough…
“Baby, this is more like it,” he murmured, watching you begin to crawl towards him.
He spread his legs, expecting you to move between him but you stopped short. As if.
“Do you think tonight is for you or something?” You asked, eyebrows raised.
He looked taken back for a millisecond, before gaining his bearings, looking your body up and down and then he smirked a little. He shook his head, going to speak but you interrupt him, placing a finger over his parted lips. There’s something about feeling his hot breath, the shakiness of his exhale as he looked up at you, his eyes wide, that had you feeling powerful. You have this, you felt it flowing through your veins. You’re in charge here, not him. He’s here to pleasure you.
“You think I’m here to suck your dick and get you off?”
You paused and he quickly realised you were waiting for an answer, shaking his head as his hand began to palm himself faster. Your head was spinning, surprised he was getting turned on by this and you continued, dipping your head as you let your finger slide down his chin, your hand following to his neck and then you gripped his t-shirt, letting your lips glide across his before you whispered against them, a threatening edge to your smooth voice.
“You’re here to pleasure me tonight.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, an effected edge to his voice and shots of pleasure bolted through your body.
Maybe it’s because you guys haven’t had sex in a while, but you’d like to think the reason why Seokjin was losing it so easily right now was because he was finding your new demeanour hot… You let go of his t-shirt, watching him fall back a little and you moved away from him, regaining position at the end of the bed. You took great pleasure in seeing him practically tugging at his dick through his sweats before relaying your next order.
“I want you to strip for me, but keep your underwear on.”
He obeyed instantly, his hand reluctantly leaving his cock to lift his t-shirt over his head, sending his damp hair array and revealing his toned chest, his muscles flexing as he slid his sweats down, leaning over to tug them off his feet. With just the grey cotton of his boxers covering his crotch you could see his erection as clear as day now, lying flat against his groin. He looked so good like this you can hardly contain yourself, and the need to touch him takes over. As long as you’re still teasing him, it’s fine, you thought, crawling back towards him.
This time he watched you with curious eyes, his adam’s apple bobbing as he followed your body, bent over his crotch. He went to rub his dick again but you batted his hand out the way and he dropped it to his waist. He’s waiting your next move with bated breath and you couldn’t help but run your hands over his thighs. He likes that and shivers a bit. More bolts of pleasure shoot through you. There’s something about the way you’re still fully dressed and he’s practically naked that’s super hot. It’s like you’re really in control, especially with the way he’s watching you so intensely, waiting patiently for whatever it is you’re about to do.
You dip lower, your head coming into sight with his crotch and you see his dick twitch a little. Even if Seokjin can control his body he can’t control the one part of it that needs you the most. He’s excited, he’s curious and you hide a smirk, your hands gripping the outside of each thigh as you wrap your mouth around where the head of his length is, sucking over the cotton of his underwear. He gasps and knocks his body into yours, desperate to chase that feeling. You only let him have it for a second longer before you pulled away, eyes catching the damp patch that had appeared. You sit back up, watching him eye you warily and you smirked, feeling more powerful now, especially as he began to wriggle his hips uncomfortably, his erection even more prominent now.
“Time to play a game,” you teased, sitting down on your butt, your legs spread to the side as you looked up and down his body.
“What is this, Saw?” He asked, trying to be funny, but you shook him off, waving your hand in front of your face.
“Seokjin, really? Stop, otherwise I’ll go to sleep—
“Okay, I’m sorry! I’m excited, baby, honestly!” He insisted, removing his hand from behind is head and letting it fall to his lower stomach, his fingertips brushing the light hairs that collect there.
“This is super hot, look how hard I am already?” He exclaimed, adding an encouraging. “You’re doing really well.”
You hid a smile. Seokjin knew you so well. He could tell, despite your (semi)-confident exterior that you were still unsure, and the praise made you relax instantly. You shifted from your position to crawl back over him, placing a small peck on his plush lips as he looked a little confused. This wasn’t part of your game, but you knew he’d take it as a silent thank you.
“I like games,” he smiled, nudging his crotch against yours as you slid down his body again.
You raised an eyebrow, knowing he was messing with you and sat back into position. Truthfully, you didn’t know where you were going with this, but the idea sprung into your head when you saw him laid in front of you. Typical of you, you did have a set schedule but that didn’t mean you weren’t up for taking a little detour…
“I think you should take these off,” you said, your voice uncharacteristically low as you tugged at the waist of his underwear, pulling them down and finally free his cock.
It bounced out as you wriggled them down his thighs—he was right, he was hard. You pulled the cotton off his feet and chucked them down beside the bed. He was finally fully naked now and that excited you. You couldn’t ever think of a sexual situation where he was the one stripped and bare while you were here still dressed. It was hot. You were surprised to see that his hand didn’t wrap around his dick straight away, but it just laid there, across his lower stomach, the head red and swollen, teased by the way you’d sucked on it earlier. You smiled, proud of yourself.
“How much would you like to see me naked right now?” You asked.
“Very much,” he replied surely.
“Okay, so…is it about as much as I want to see you touch yourself…?”
Seokjin paused as he mulled it over, a grin appearing on his face once he had his fun and he nodded. “I would say so.”
He didn’t need telling after that, and he wrapped his palm around his dick, sighing in relief a little now that some of the pressure was able to dissipate and he languidly began raking it up and down, watching you for instruction.
“Do it like you mean it and I’ll reward you,” you told him, your fingers coming up to unbutton some of your shirt, revealing more of your neck and chest.
His hand instantly sped up, the sound of skin on skin beginning to fill your ears, your offer too good not to ignore. You undid more of your buttons as you watched him. His body had slumped down a little from the pillows, his hair ruffled against the white and you were momentarily stunned by how good he looked. You let your shirt fall open, revealing your black bra and he hummed in approval, his hips jutting a little as he continued to pump at his dick. You could feel the tell-tale signs of pleasure tingle down below, the aching appearing as you longed for some sort of relief too, but you held it in. You’d get yours soon, it was just time to tease Seokjin along the way.
You leant over him, pressing your palms flat to his thighs as his breath hitched, obviously happy that you were finally touching him somehow and you grinned, feeling the motions of his fist under you, the floaty fabric of your shirt tickling the head of his dick, which he seemed to like, soft moans leaving him as he watched you stare at his face. You were aware his movements were hastening, maybe desperate to please you, desperate for you to take off your garments…or maybe he was just getting too excited, his mouth agape as his breaths came out short and loud.
“You seem to be getting a little overexcited, Jin. Wouldn’t it be funny if you came right now?” You teased, the fingers from one of your hands tracing up the lower of his stomach and he winced, your slightest of touches painfully pleasurable.
“I won’t.”
He was adamant and you nodded your head, smiling in amusement.
“I just want to please you.”
Your eyes widened for a moment, shocked that Seokjin was playing along and upon further inspection you realised that maybe he was truly into this. His eyes were very dark, blown out as he stared at you and you sat up again to examine further… His dick rock solid, the tip red and swollen as his fingers tightened around it, little drops of precum collecting at the slit, which in all honesty, you wanted nothing more than to suck right out…but you needed to control yourself. Instead, you found yourself removing your shirt and throwing it off the side of the bed. Next came your bra, your fingers slowly unhooking the clasp from behind, as you continued to watch his cock and you could tell Seokjin was watching your chest in the exact same way.
His grip on himself tightened as he caught an eyeful of your perky buds, a loud moan falling from his as he sped up unconsciously, propping himself up with his elbow as you let your fingers fall to the zip or your pants. This bit was trickier, trying to get out of the tight material sexily and smoothly, but at this point, Seokjin was too far gone to notice. You were getting naked and that’s all he cared about. Left in nothing but your black lacy panties, you knelt up, fitting in between Seokjin’s spread legs, one of your palms resting on his knee, his fist was moving exceptionally fast by now, his breathing shallow and you could feel the heaviness of your underwear, already soaked, just by watching your boyfriend get himself off…
“Are you sure you’re not going to cum?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as you looked down at him and he shook his head, chuckling breathlessly.
“Even if I did, I’d be able to get hard again in seconds—you look so hot, babe. You’re not even doing anything and you’ve got me eating out the palm of your hand.”
Eating out.
Hm. The words run inside your mind, sending shivers of pleasure through your body. Maybe it was time for phase two now… your underwear was beginning to feel uncomfortable and sticky. Seokjin’s speed faltered as he watched you shift a little over him, carefully removing the lace between your legs as finally the rub of skin on skin halted altogether, his concentration locked on the treasure that was your already swollen, glistening heat. You took his silence to kick your panties off your foot and you crawled up his body, feeling him drop his arms to his side. It was like he knew what was coming and he grinned when you finally spoke, your naked mound centimetres from his face.
“Care to eat out of something else?”
The teasing smirk that had appeared on your face soon disappeared as a squeal left your lips instead, feeling Seokjin jerk his body up so you lost your balance, nearly falling into him as his hands caught your hips and held you in place. You ignored the pleasure coursing through your veins as you gripped the headboard, pushing back against his grip and hovering over his mouth.
“Nuh-uh, you can’t control this,” you told him, trying to ignore the affected shake in your voice.
Seokjin’s hands dropped straight away, letting you gain back control. He stayed silent, his large eyes looking up at you, almost doe-like, and your gaze fell to his mouth, his plump, soft lips looking ever so inviting. You hoped your sex looked just as succulent and tempting, but you needn’t have worried, because his gaze kept dropping to between your legs every couple of seconds, his body shifting in discomfort as he grew desperate to taste you.
Seokjin loved eating you out. He took great pleasure in it, loving the taste, the smell and the feel of you, as well as loving the sounds that fell from your parted mouth. Only trouble was, he lacked self-control. That boy could get horny fast, his dirty mind taking him from 0 to 100 real quick and between your legs was his biggest trigger. He rarely made you come by eating you out because he grew too restless, too impatient to make you come using his tongue, just desperate to be inside of you. Even in this position, he couldn’t handle it, but this time, you were in charge. Not him. So he’d have to make you come, because he definitely wasn’t getting to have sex with you otherwise.
You shifted your weight, your thighs cushioning Seokjin’s head as you lowered your crotch down and he latched on straight away. He wasn’t messing about. The relief was instant as his tongue flicked against your clit and you gasped a little, collapsing with pleasure, your forehead plush to the cold white wall in front of you. When he was done lapping at you, which usually signalled his patience was running thin, he began sucking on the bundle of nerves, the noises crude and loud filling the room. If there was something Seokjin knew, it was how to make a good meal out of something. He knew how to enjoy his food and he knew how to let his appreciation be shown.
You straightened your back, trying to ignore the heat in body, your thighs beginning to tremble. The sensations weren’t usually enough to make you come, but the situation was so brand new to you that it was clouding your brain. Just knowing in the forefront of your mind that Seokjin was going to eat you to orgasm was enough to push you over the line. It didn’t help that you were already so sensitive, your clit hard and swollen from just the sheer excitement and now the intricate concentration he was paying to you as he sucked and flicked the tip of his tongue against it was making you a goner. You needed to gain back a little control…
You began to rock your hips back and fore gently, creating more friction that made your legs weaken and you gripped onto his hair, your digits weaving into his damp locks. He seemed to be into that and he moaned into your heat loudly, sending vibrations echoing through your body. Knowing he was enjoying himself just as much made you into it even more and you sped up, feeling him flatten his tongue plush against your folds, letting you rub against his it, creating a delicious friction. The sensation was unbelievable and the thought of using him for your own sexual satisfaction made it stronger. Your breathing became louder and small moans fell from your patted lips, your head falling back as you gained more leverage, careful to not lean your weight on his face. You were so wet, a mixture of your arousal and his saliva, that it slid down your thighs and squelched every time you moved.
“Seokjin—suck,” you moaned, desperate for more pressure to near you to orgasm.
He jumped to action straight away, muffled humming of pleasure leaving him as he caught your clit in between his mouth, his teeth grazing it slightly and making your eyes roll back in pleasure. In a bid to please you more, you felt his arms raise up and his hands grip your hips, pinning you to his face to halt your movements, but it wasn’t up to him and you dropped one hand from his hair, batting at his own.
“Who said you were allowed to touch?”
He whined but listened anyway, dropping them back to his sides and you shifted position, weaving your hands into his thick locks again. This time he protruded his tongue out and you began to circle your hips around it, the sensation of his muscle massaging you, sending delightful tingles up your spine. You were close and when you looked down at him you groaned out loud at the sight; his face shadowed by your thighs, his cheeks shining in your arousal and his eyes blown out, staring straight up at you, grunts of approval leaving him, showing you how much he was into this.
That was all you needed and your felt your body want to give way, your lower half convulsing as you threw back your head, desperate to keep the pleasure going as you used his tongue for personal gain. Your orgasm was sudden and strong, shooting up your body and making you cry out, your nails digging into Seokjin’s scalp as you practically pushed his face into your heat, drowning it in your juices. He moaned loudly, the vibrations sending more aftershocks through you, your vision spotted as you tried to come to.
Once the coil inside your lower abdomen had been released, you fell back onto his chest, feeling the hard muscles tense a little with the impact, but surprisingly he didn’t go to catch you. It took you a couple of distorted seconds to realise it was because his hands were otherwise engaged…
“Seokjin, what the hell? Did I say you could touch yourself?”
“You wanted me to earlier… Come on! I’m burning up here, that was really hot…” he fought and you rolled your eyes.
You batted his hands away and twisted your arm, clasping your fist around his length instead. He gasped in shock, his hips jutting out, wanting you to move but you were stubborn—instead, you squeezed harshly. His skin was scorching and you hid your grin, taking these few moments to tease him and gain back your energy. You watched his face as you let go of his dick, before running your fingertips over the length lightly. The slightest of touches were probably more painful than no touching at all and you took great pleasure in seeing him squirm under your body. You could feel the tip pressing against your lower back as it stood upright and you felt the dampness of his precum against your skin. You could only imagine how angry and painful his cock looked. You ran your fingers down his balls and he whimpered, causing your stomach to dip in fresh pleasure.
“Baby, please…”
You smirked, dropping your hand to climb off him. You were sick of waiting and seeing as he wanted you so much, you’d gladly give it to him…but there was a cost…you weren’t sure at first, but the idea aroused you…and he seemed to be unable to keep his hands to himself anyway…
You stretched over him, grabbing one of your scarfs from the post of your headboard. You knew the place would come in useful someday. Seokjin craned his neck and watched you curiously, sitting up once he saw the navy silk in your hands. Was that excitement you saw flashing through his eyes? You crawled over his body, kneeling to the side of him, outstretching the fabric as he kept eyeing you.
“Seeing as you can’t listen to simple rules…” you smiled, motioning for him come closer.
He listened instantly and you pushed at his shoulders, wanting him to face away from you and move to the side of the bed, his feet pressing against the hard wooden floor. He let you grab his arms, pulling them behind his back to link his hands together. You began to weave the fabric around his wrists, making sure not to tie too tightly and you began to kiss his neck, loving the way his breathing was already erratic, quiet moans leaving him as he chased your touch, shivering when you sucked on his lobe before letting your tongue slip inside his ear.
Knowing he was down for you tying him up just turned you on even more and you began to grow wetter again. You let your gaze finally travel to his crotch and you’d been right— his dick looked in discomfort, the head looking angry and swollen, bobbing uncomfortably, desperate for attention. You give him one final kiss on the neck before pulling away and getting off the bed, walking around it to stand in front of him. He watched you, his gaze hooded, drunk on lust and you straddled him slowly, your arms around his neck, his breath hitching when he felt your wet core press against his cock. You knew it was taking great control to not grab you and push inside of you, to feel your plush walls envelope him as he thrust inside of you over and over again, and you admired him, but also you felt proud at yourself for being able to pull this off. The need to control far outweighed the need to feel him enter you right now—it was a great distraction.
You gripped his face, forcing him to look at you, admiring the way your juices were drying on his face. He hadn’t even bothered to wipe it off and it shone in the dim light of the lamp; his cheeks, nose, lips and chin were sticky with it and you couldn’t help but lean in for a kiss, wanting to taste yourself. His lips were soft and moist and you used the tip of you tongue to tease him, even more so when he tried to tangle them together. You pulled back, nipping his swollen bottom lip with your teeth and he groaned, his head falling back in annoyance.
He began to get impatient, his crotch circling yours lightly, desperate for some sort of friction. You humoured him, letting your folds glide over his length, wetting him in the process, showing how aroused and ready you were for him. This turned out to be the last straw for both you and him. You could feel his thighs trembling and see his stomach muscles clenching as he tried to control himself. Seeing him like this was hot. His hair a mess, in his eyes wide and you let go of his face to run your nails down his chest, loving the way he shuddered. You lightly pinched his nipple and he yelped in surprise. You giggled and soothed the skin, but he seemed so hazy in lust that he didn’t care anyway—he’d take anything you’d give him.
His whole body tensed when he felt you reach behind and grip his dick, lifting your hips up so you could squeeze it to attention, lowering yourself back down so that the tip pressed against your entrance. You held it, trying to calm yourself. You needed to keep your control, even if he looked this good, watching you with bated breath. You couldn’t let him see how affected you were right now. But you couldn’t wait any longer.
His groan was long and drawn out when he felt your entrance begin to stretch around his cock, enveloping the head and you paused, letting your vagina squeeze around nothing, your body desperate for him to fill you up as full as he could get. You slowly pushed down further, making sure to take deep breathes as his dick began to stretch you out. You were desperate not to make a noise yet, just concentrating on the satisfying stretch that made you giddy. Seokjin’s cock was a wonderful thing. You didn’t think dicks could be pretty until you met him, but if there was one word to describe his, it was just that. The right length, the right girth. It always looked so inviting and there would never be a day where you wouldn’t think about it or crave it.
His breathing was loud by the time he was buried deep inside your heat, almost borderline hyperventilating as you stayed still, getting used to the feeling. Your walls squeezed him repeatedly, his dick deliciously hot as it pulsed inside of you. You gripped his shoulders, your nails digging into the soft flesh and he moaned, succumbing to the painful pleasure.
“You feel so good, Seokjin,” you purred, teasing him. “Do you want me to move?”
He nodded, a pained grunt falling from him as words failed him, his biceps tensing, and you imagined he was squeezing his hands together behind his back, desperate to keep his resolve. You pressed your knees into the bed and got ready to move, gliding up his dick to drop back down, slowly and definitely painfully, but it was definitely worth it to see how much discomfort he was in. You knew Seokjin loved nothing more than to pound you into the bed, your moans and cries music to his ears as he held you by the hips. He loved to be in control and this was all new to him, but he seemed to like it either way. Why else would he be listening to you right now? Why else would he be staying as still as a statue as you had your way with him?
“Do I feel good, Seokjin?” You pondered as you dropped your ass down onto him again, and he nodded straight away, biting down on his bottom lip. “How good? Cat got your tongue?”
You liked how he was lost for words but you really needed to hear him say something, anything to build up your ego. Seeing him like this was turning you on beyond belief. You were so wet you could hear the slick noises pounding in your ears, feel your arousal dripping down his dick every time you pulled off him.
“So good… You’re driving me c-crazy,” he groaned. “Please go faster… Please.”
You were beginning to get impatient anyway. As much as you liked him filling you up slowly, you wanted to feel him faster, you wanted his dick to hit your g-spot over and over again, you wanted to moan his name as you made yourself come with his dick. You sped up, Seokjin’s body instantly relaxing a little as he watched you bounce up and down, one of your hands sliding to his chest, trying to gain a better leverage. This was harder than you remembered. Even when you did go on top, most times without fail, Seokjin pounded up into you as you sat there, his fingers digging into your thighs. This would prove to be a good work out if anything. Although you were pleasantly surprised that this night was going so well. It reminded you to have more faith in yourself. Seokjin was into you no matter what, how he was acting just proved it.
You noticed his gaze was fixated on your jiggling breasts, his mouth parted and his brow furrowed as he breathed deeply, the air forcefully leaving him as you crashed down on him each time. It was all going so well but then you realised you were moaning—loudly, unable to curb your pleasure as his cock repeatedly hit your g-spot. That seemed to set him off, he couldn’t control himself any longer, and he began to meet your movements, lifting his hips off the bed to chase the feeling. You knew this meant he was close. You could tell by the way his eyes had begun to glaze over and his stomach muscles were clenching, his face red.
You stopped straight away, making your body rigid so he’d get the picture and he stopped immediately too, his eyes wide as he realised what he’d done.
“Did I say you could move too?” You asked, cursing yourself when your voice came out shaky, but he didn’t seem to notice.
“I’m sorry, babe. But you feel so good, I didn’t realise what I was doing.”
You cocked an eyebrow, amused by his excuse but the aching in your heat was beginning to become too much to handle… You needed to come, you hadn’t realised how close you had been until you’d stopped and now the itch was too powerful to ignore. You absentmindedly began circling your hips around his dick, buried deep inside of you and the head nudged and scraped against your g-spot, your walls clenching in impatience. Seokjin whined, obviously in discomfort too, his chest heaving as he tried to control himself. He was growing desperate, you could tell and you smirked, wanting to play with him one last time.
“Jin, I’m really close…” you moaned, beginning to slowly lift your ass again and he moaned, this time consciously keeping his ass locked to the bed.
“M-Me too.”
You figured as much, but it let you use it to your own advantage.
“Are you sure you can control yourself long enough so I can cum?” Your pressed and he nodded immediately. “Good. I want you to watch me. I want you to feel me cum around your dick and I want you to take it.”
There was rarely a time when that happened. Seokjin could last as long as you could…as soon as he felt you coming around him he couldn’t hold it together anymore. Maybe you were being cruel, but you wanted to see if he could control himself—if he had the sheer willpower to not come as soon as he watched you lose it. He looked worried at your request but he had no other option but to accept.
“Can you do that for me, Jinnie?” You asked sweetly and he nodded, gasping loudly when you instantly began fucking yourself on his dick again.
This time you chased your high like a woman possessed, bringing your hand between your legs as you rubbed furiously at your clit, your body bucking with the sensation. The burn in your thighs added to the pleasure and you moaned loudly, letting your eyes find Seokjin’s. You didn’t need a mirror to know that your eyes were just as dark as his, overcome with desire. He looked in pain, his face red, the veins in his neck bulging as he tried to ignore the need to come too, his breaths coming out in forced bursts. You knew he was digging his nails into his palms right now, desperate to distract himself.
That wouldn’t do.
“Look at me,” you ordered. “I want you to watch me cum.”
His gaze fell to your sex, watching his dick fall in and out of you as your fingers rubbed at your clit and he groaned before forcing himself to look at your face. You knew this was hard for him. Seokjin loved nothing more than to watch you as you orgasmed but that was usually when he knew he was about to bust his load too… Now he knew he couldn’t and it looked like it physically hurt him. He was moaning loudly, you were sure he didn’t even realise. He sounded beside himself. He was always vocal but this was a whole new level. It turned you on even more—the final straw and just like that, you were coming all over his dick.
This was stronger than your first, knocking you for six with the intensity. You weren’t used to doing everything by yourself, but it seemed to pay off in pleasure. Your whole body was vibrating as you cried out, your eyes clenched shut as your rode on the after-waves, your movements slowing down as your vagina spasmed around Seokjin’s pulsing cock. His body was boiling hot and shaking, groans falling from him as he watched you and you propped yourself back up, gripping onto his shoulders once again, the hand you’d used to make yourself come still wet, spreading your arousal over his skin by accident.
You needed to continue. Seokjin had done well to get this far without orgasming and now he finally could. You could tell he was in pain, now gnawing on his lips as you began to grind against him, his body squirming. You were tired but just seeing him like this give you the power to continue. You used the last of your strength to thrust down on him, quickly fucking him like he wanted.
“I’m going to cum, fuck!—baby, please keep going—please don’t stop,” he groaned, scooting his ass towards you as he chased the feeling, grinding his dick inside of you and that’s when you felt him coat your walls with his come not even a second later.
“Fuck, fuck,” he panted, his chest shuddering as it heaved and he just kept coming.
You continued to move, feeling some of the white liquid spill out of you, trickling down his dick and some dropping on his thighs that were trembling. You couldn’t remember him coming this much before and you miked every last drop, watching him in awe.
Your whole body was tingling by the time you slid off him, his cock already beginning to soften and you admired your handy work, splotches of his come dotted around his thighs and his dick, the slit covered in the stuff that had begun to congeal in the air. Your dropped to your knees without realising and Seokjin gasped when you took the head of his dick in your mouth, running your tongue along the slit, collecting his seed. You sucked once and then twice, making sure that you’d slurped up every last bit as he bucked into your mouth uncontrollably, the overstimulation too much when he began to whine, unable to push you away when his hands were still tied behind his back, but you pulled away when he began to squeeze his thighs around your shoulders, panting again as he nearly became hysteric.
You moved onto his thighs, sucking at the white splotches, making sure to make a red hue appear in their place and he groaned, watching you lick the last of it up, some of his arousal collecting on your tongue as you stood back up and straddled him once again. You kept your tongue out, leaning towards his lips and he took the hint, taking the pink muscle in his mouth, sucking loudly, tasting himself as he groaned. Your tongues clashed together after a moment, still desperate for each other and still on cloud nine as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing his warm body plush against yours, sweaty from all he’d endured. All you could think, see and smell was him, and your mind was clouded.
It took you a moment to realise that he was trying to pull away and speak, his shoulders jutting about wildly. You pulled back, your mouth parted in confusion.
“Please untie me,” he practically begged and you nodded quickly, jumping into action.
You’d forgotten all about that! Was his blood supply getting cut off right now? You crawled behind him and quickly undid the knot, in the middle of rubbing his wrists soothingly when you yelped in surprise, feeling the bed disappear from under you as Seokjin dived on top of you, pinning you to the bed. You had no time to ask what he was doing before he was kissing you wildly. Not just your mouth, but your neck and chest too.
“That was amazing! Why are you so amazing? What did I do to deserve you?” He gushed as you giggled, running your fingers through his hair as he kissed down your cleavage.
“Not to mention how fucking hot that was!” He exclaimed, talking so fast you had trouble keeping up. “I don’t think I’ve cum that hard before in my life!”
You chuckled at that, pleased your hard work had paid off, feeling fresh waves of pleasure flutter through you as he continued to smother you in kisses, moving further down your body, until he stopped and lifted his head, cocking an eyebrow.
“When can we do it again?”
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