#it doesn't help that a lot of my brainrot power right now is going towards s8 xisuma
shepscapades · 10 months
I thought you would appreciate to know someone is coming back to your blog daily excited to see more of your DBHC au. No pressure to make more mind you just love your art and stuff. All of it honestly is amazing.
Wahh, thank you so much!! I get a lot of asks like these and I struggle to sit down and answer them because i hate to sound repetitive/don't know what to say, but know that if any of you have sent me a sweet ask, dbhc or otherwise, it is read and appreciated so so so much!! I appreciate you guys so much and you're all way too sweet :( so thank you for your kind words, it means the world!! <3
I was really hoping to work on Destruction over my Thanksgiving break, but i ended up with covid :( so i've been sickly and slowly working on work things that i need to catch up on, and I haven't had so much time to work on dbhc as much as i'd like to, unfortunately ;.;
BUT!! since spotify wrapped is out, i'm planning on rearranging my Top 100 Songs playlist to include some dbhc character playlist songs and basically compile a top-100 playlist full of songs i'd like to draw stuff for, that way we can do the Spotify Wrapped Drawing challenge again this year :D So!! Look forward to that :D I'd honestly like to stream and work on that! so we'll see >:3
But anyway, short little life update aside, thank you guys so much for your kind messages and things :] I appreciate it so much! <3
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tired-needs-sleep · 3 months
Tell me more about raju? It doesn't have to be anything particularly detailed or fleshed out, just whatever you came up already
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+ there isn't much special about that. it's happened with every oc i've ever brainrotted on because i didn't start drawing humans until last year
i'm not making the same post twice because there's way too much information for me to want to say it all a third time, sue me
so raju woke up on dawn island. she had no recollection of who she was aside from her name. she washed up with two other people, mordem, a friend of her's, and another guy that died. she found mordem burying him.
mordem says that he wanted to stay and mourn a little, and advised raju to go to redwake and find herself.
she was told that the trio now duo were experimented on for some reason, and they escaped. all three of them could use magic.
raju got either plasma, fire, or explosion magic. i'm sort of leaning towards fire since you can get a second and third magic later on. i was thinking fire/explosion/flare, but there's also a third teir of magic so i was wanting one of each. so base/lost/ancient magic, fire/flare/whatever the devs make for ancient. anyway:
and boy did she,
so the world of arcane odyssey. think the colonial period but without the colonization. the main way of travel would be by ship, since the world is a supermassive ocean with clusters of islands divided into seas.
raju managed to get a ship and crew and a co captain. i think she and the co captain have a sort of father daughter relationship since she is on the seas a lot, so they've been through a lot together and he sort of taught her everything she knows about that sort of thing.
she has a sort of restlessness to her. always needs to be on the move somehow. always wants to travel, help people when she can, find treasure, constantly chasing the feeling of discovery. it's actually become a sort of problem, because she's not allowing her mind to catch up and process the shit she's been through. because she's killed. she's killed a lot, killing is required to defend yourself. and sure she's very desensitized to murder and death, but she's grown very powerful and has killed very important people in the name of justice. people with connections.
so now she's constantly in danger because her sense of justice got her into some deep shit. she's been traveling with her friends recently, but had to go into hiding with them so the injured could heal. and then she needed to go on her own to do a little something to get stronger. i stopped there because it was nearly 3 am and my shoulder was hurting.
she always does what is right, so she isn't very fond of pirates and criminals, generally. she makes exceptions for those falsely punished, and tries to help them too.
she was pretty uncertain and cautious about everything at first, but she's grown more confident with time on the sea and hearing the constant praises being sent her way. she also might be a little smug with that, and i was thinking about letting her be a little sassy too.
she fights with both her magic and her sun katana. she made it herself for the sole purpose of conducting her superheated magics, but i haven't decided if she remembers that she made it or not. it's warm to the touch, but the blade can grow hot with magic being infused in it. so not only do her foes bleed by the blade, but can burn by it too.
she probably will have a second weapon too, since her katana is very easily recognizable, but again haven't decided what. i liked using the cutlass/ scimitar so i might do that
i also plan on having two more ocs to go with raju but i don't have anything for them yet.
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angelizs · 2 years
holds out the mic to you cause I just octotrio l/tweel thoughts I love—but I wonder what do you think about the tweels parents /azuls mom do you have any lil theories or thoughts to what they may actually be like?
HI ANON!!! in fact, I do!
first, there's canon info about their families in their character fact sheets! (Azul, right at the beggining, and the twins, closer to the end, after Jade's bedroom image.) taking these in consideration, I'll go on about how I think they might be more personality wise.
firstly, Azul. as I mentioned in my Azul brainrot, I think his mom is similar to Ursula, in the way that she's confident and elegant, a true sight to behold! I imagine they looking physically alike too, but not so much as Azul's grandmother did. I think her hair might be longer and wavy, that she wouldn't wear so much makeup and that her eyes are bigger. though in personality, you could see some similarities, as Azul's mother is classy and higly intelligent. she's also very iconic, running an indepent restaurant, getting a divorce to not stay in an unhappy marriage, getting together with the attorney who treats her very well and being a general big inspiration for her son! I stan Miss Ashengrotto so much, I'm sure she's wonderful.
Azul's grandma is very inspired by Ursula in the aspect of being a great witch that helps others out of her "kindness". whether this kindness is genuine or fake, like Azul's, I'm not sure, but surely Azul was able to learn a lot about magic with her.
his stepfather sounds to be very caring towards his family, most likely being close to Azul as another role model. his cleverness and negotiation skills are very powerful, making him one of the best attorneys around the sea. he always has an argument to win any discussion, always keeps his calm and composure during trials, doesn't matter how dire things look. after all, the only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over. (I couldn't resist making an Ace Attorney reference)
I think he lost contact with his biological father after his mother's divorce, as they didn't have a close relationship. he probably gets along with his stepfather's side of the family, as they are also mages and might have helped him with his own studies.
overall, Azul's family is iconic and I'd love to meet his mother on some event because I'm sure she'd be super cool. he's very proud of his family and takes inspiration in all of them!
now onto the twins. their grandmother is probably a very old cranky lady, these grandmas that are always scwoling but have a soft spot for her michievous grandsons. she's strict and judgmental, as she's been hardened by living so long in the cruel waters of the sea, but she loves her family a lot.
their mother is a bit overprotective, especially because she knows all about the dangers of the real world. she had her sons take self defense classes and probably knows they can handle themselves just fine, but she still worries for her babies! I think she's very present and involved in their lifes, sending messages or calling them everyday to hear how they're doing on land.
if you believe the theory of Jade and Floyd being two of many Leech kids, but the only two that survived, this also might explain why their mother is so concerned with their safety, not wanting to lose the only two babies that she has left.
many think their father might be some influential fish mafia boss, what with the way he's involved in some shady stuff, has many rich people coming to parties and signing contracts, and in Floyd's wish, Idia mentions not wanting to know what he does, as he might end up "sleeping with the fishes". I think that's very funny, so I agree with it. their father runs the façade of just selling trinkets and runs some kind of fish yakuza behind the scenes.
whether Jade and Floyd know what their father actually does, I'm not sure, but I think they might. their father also is as involved as he can with his sons, as he loves them above everything else, and tries to teach them proper decorum to not be eaten up alive in such a cruel setting as the sea. I think they both took his lessons differently, as it's reflected on their personalities, and they value him a lot, seeking his advice when needed and obeying him without a fuss.
I think Jade might be closer to their mother, as he's usually the one that answer her calls to keep her up to date on how their lives are doing. Floyd is closer to their father, as he admires his power and way of doing things, following closely any advice he gives (on his own Floydish way). overall, their family gets along very well, despite their sharp edges, and love each other a lot.
I think Miss Ashengrotto and Miss Leech are friends due to their sons close friendship, and Miss Leech is oftentimes found at Miss Ashengrotto's restaurant spending time with her and chatting. I think she's the one that tells her what Azul has been up to, as Azul doesn't have much time to call his mother everyday and she isn't much of a worrier like the twins' mother.
their families are also of a good wealth, as they went to school with a prince and their parents have influential jobs (best restaurant of the Coral Sea, best lawyer, mafia boss). despite their oddities, all have a very good and caring home life!
in conclusion, I want to hang out with their moms at Miss Ashengrotto's restaurant and gossip with them. I bet they have the best embarrassing childhood stories to tell!!
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