#it doesn't help that its thanksgiving week for us americans
celerydays · 10 months
How’s Reprieve coming along ? I’m very excited to see part 2!!! :))))
Happy to report: all sketches for Part 2 are complete! 🫡 🥳
*Phew* 😮‍💨 sketching is my favorite part but it's also like 85-90% of my work time/process, so I'm thankful it's done at last 😩 Now I just gotta finish the lineart (yuck) and coloring (yay) and add all the dialogue and sfx bits (ohno)
I would post another preview here but I've honestly posted all the little panel previews I would dare to for Part 2 (and besides, I wanna save some surprises you guys to see in the finished pages 🤭)
I do hope you guys will like it 👉👈; I admit I'm a little nervous that it's been so long that it's not really going to live up to expectations 😅
Anyways 👀 in place of another Reprieve Part 2 sketch preview, please have this other WIP of Ominis x my first MC Celeste 🫴✨
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shojislady · 1 year
"-ess.. princess. wake up, we need to get ready. kacchans making pancakes right now."
grumbling, she turns over to look at her clock. it's 10:15am, izuku let her sleep in a bit. today, the class was going out to the mall then the arcade to have class bonding time. with everything that's gone on, from the USJ incident and the tension from the sports festival, to the fight with stain (where endeavor unfairly took credit, causing the girl to have a "slight" hatred for him), and even the final exams, having to go against All Might with Bakugo and Midoriya, it was just a lot to handle. they're just kids, and kids need breaks.
walking into the bathroom, the girl began her daily morning routine.
"damn.. i look ROUGH..!" she said as she looked in the mirror. her bonnet looked as if it was trying to run away, her tank top was all twisted up, right boob was up in russia while the left one stayed home in america. she had eye boogers all around and her angel bite piercings were no where to be found.
she slept good.
"you know what... let me just wash my face right now and i'll do everything else after i eat."
her face care routine consists of ; black african soap, witch hazel, hydration drops, and a bit of coco butter.
finishing up and putting away her stray boobs, she found one of bakugos stolen hoodies and made her way downstairs.
(i would just like to add that she sleeps in boxers so yk that ass lookin fat 😋)
"good morning guys!" she greeted everyone, with a slight smile and wave. almost everyone was up, with the exception of a few people.
"hii y/n!"
"mornin bestie!!"
"Good Morning, Y/n! Glad to see you awake!"
and so on and so forth
"mornin angel.. im making your pancakes right now, but there's bacon on the tiny burner and i made u a tiny omelette. those burner thingies really come in handy, you know?"
"its a heating tray, katsu. and yes, that's why i bought them." she bought them for holidays like christmas and american thanksgiving, but since there's 21 kids living in one dorm, it's used more than expected.
"is that my fucking hood?? i've been looking for that for weeks!" bakugo exclaimed, turning around to give the girl a plate so that she could fix her food. "when the hell did you even- whatever.. as long as i get it back."
(Spoiler Alert, he doesn't)
"erm.. anyways..! so guys, what time are we supposed to be leaving??" asked y/n, going to take a seat next to shoji.
"Well, we're trying to leave for the mall around 12:45 since it isn't far, then leave the mall no later than 4:30-5." yaomomo began to explain. "I was able to rent the arcade from 6:15 to 10:30, food and drinks included, along with lazer tag , and we get the option of going in the bounce area, so when we get there just let me know."
"damn yaomomo... i knew you was stacked but DAMN!!"
"ong, bro's LOADED.."
"i'm calling you if i need to bailed out of jail."
"honestly guys it's not much, i just want us to have fun and relax as a class while being safe!" yaomomo said with a small smile on her face. she was literally loaded, like pockets so deep they could fit 3 gallons of milk each, pockets so swole they need an ice pack, pockets so fat they need they own TLC show type rich. but even so, she didn't like to flaunt her wealth. she'd rather use her money to pay for gifts and events for her friends, rather than to flex some diamond earrings or a gold necklace. She's still a teen girl though, so she still loves to go shopping. The girl is really just happy that she's found friends that actually love her for her, and not for her money.
"you're so cute yaomomo! i love you!"
"well thank you y-"
"if anyone, i mean ANYONE fucks with you, call me. these hands are rated E for Everyone. my fists are activists. i dont care if they're old, young, tall, short, fine, ugly, gay, straight. I believe in equality, and with equality comes equally distributed ass whoopings jus-"
"OK, n/n! i think momo gets how much you love her! since you're done eating can u help me?" midoriya interrupted the girls small rant.
"you gotta face the consequences of last night huh? you should've listened to me, but yeah i'll help!"
"you dont have to rub salt on the wound!" he whined. "i'll get stuff and meet in your room again?"
"sounds like a plan, izuku!" she replied, getting up to grab her plate and bring to the kitchen.
"OoOh y/n~" jirou began to tease. "last night? your room AGAIN? what scandalous activities have you been up to?"
"chill kyo, its not like that! he messed up his hair on his own and we always hang in my room bc its more.. welcoming.. then his."
"i know, y/n! im jus messin' with ya."
with her plate in hand, y/n walked into the kitchen where bakugo resided. he was cleaning the and putting away the dirty plates before he started to soak the pans.
"so, the nerd fell asleep in your room again huh?" he asked, washing a plate.
"yeah, he started to doze off a little while after you left, so he slept with me."
"i dont know why you guys dont just ask eachother out yet. you two are basically in love with eachother."
"katsuki, you know how i feel, and you know how zuku is. im pretty sure if he would act the same way with the rest of the class as he acts with us if he just trusted them more." she informed, getting ready to wash her plate before bakugo snatched it.
"don't even try it." ever since they could crawl, they've never let the girl lift a finger. hungry? chef katsuki at your service! scraped your knee? Dr.deku to the rescue! and yes, they know that she's the perfectly capable and well off to do these things on her own, but why should she when she has two men to do it for her?
"anyways. we've all known eachother since literally birth. i see things, i observe things. you two are literally inseparable. im pretty sure y'all first words were eachothers names. you know how you act around him, you see with your own two (or four) eyes the way he acts with you, and im pretty sure he peeps it too. just ask eachother out already and stop being pussies for fucks sake!"
"oh my gosh?? shut the fuck up?? you're so damn loud??" she said, slapping him in the back of his neck.
"aye. try me again and we gotta tussle. i'm not deku. i'll will beat the black off you. i strike so much fear into your melanin pigmentation that it will come to me."
"whatever katsuki, u can run me my ones later, i gotta go help zuku now."
"ight then angel, u better be ready. see ya later."
with that, she finally left the kitchen and headed towards her dorm to meet izuku.
"finally.." the boy sighed. it's now 11:45 am, and they (she) just finished detangling, moisturizing, and somewhat styling his hair. at this point, her fingers and wrists were tired, her back was aching, her feet were sore, and she had the very violent urge to go back to her black roots and pop this nigga with the comb.
"I know damn well YOU not heavy breathing like you did some work. all yo lazy ass did was sit there and watch Netflix. YOU COULDN"T EVEN HOLD THE DAMN SPRAY..."
"I'm sorry, ma. thank you so much, I should've listened to you last night. now do you already have clothes ready? or do you need to pick something out?" he asked, pulling her into a hug and rubbing her back.
".. you better be so lucky i love you. but yes, i need to pick. have u chosen?"
" yup, right before I came to wake you up. so i'll help you if you want?"
"yes please"
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taglist: @ast4rg1rl
and i already started the next chapter🙏🏾
well i split this chapter up into 2 to make things easier on me and y'all!!
so if its not out by next week then i'll post something embarrassing 🙏🏾
when i show outfits and stuff they're just there for ppl like me who can't visualize that well <3
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my-misplaced-stew · 3 years
How well of a cook I think the mercs + Miss Pauling are
Not a request [obviously] but I've been wanting to do this for a while!
Tw: ask to tag
I like to think he can cook some basic stuff like eggs and bacon but struggles with anything super complicated. He's tried to improve his cooking before but ended up thinking Bonk! could substitute for baking soda. That ended in an inedible dish and a pot completely ruined by reduced soda. If you need some help in the kitchen he is more then welcome to lending you a hand. He enjoys cooking with you, even if it's just some pancakes and bacon.
Pyro is a lot more skilled with baking than with cooking, but that doesn't mean they won't try! You usually try to supervise just in case he gets distracted while cooking but sometimes it's just to busy. On days like that it usually ends with overcooked and dry food or even burnt food on bad days. But very rarely do they start a fire! Its only ever happened when they're stressed. You absolutely adore it when they watch you cook, you can practically see them memorizing everything you do even with his mask on.
He is the best when it comes to Thanksgiving. Every single year outshines the last. But every other day of the year he makes some cook old fashioned family dinners. He loves it when you help him make dinner, really hones in the American dream. He refuses to make anything he deems as "un-American." Praises you every chance he gets. "Great job cupcake!" "Solly I just turned on the oven"
When he was younger he always helped his mother with all meals of the day so he could cook like her. He's used to helping others since he helped teach his sister's how to cook. Whenever he is making a meal for just the two of you he invites you to help, it reminds him of home. Even if you don't feel up to helping he will find a seat for you so you can watch him. Will absolutely hug you from behind while you cook. But he makes sure not to lean against you to much as he knows the dangers of the kitchen.
Despite knowing how to cook and being able to do it well he doesn't have much time to actually do it. He can fix up a quick pb&j for himself if he every gets hungry while working but doesn't make anything else. If you bring him some dinner you made he will love you to the moon and back. He enjoys a good home cooked meal, especially one you made. He will try to take a break so he can help you make dinner. During the summer he will make the best barbecue anyone has ever had. And he knows how to butcher his own meat so you know it's the freshest and the best.
Considering he had to cook for his mother a lot, he knows how to make a delicious meal. And he will spoil you to hell and back, making all the food you could want. At least while hes sober. There have been quite a few occasions where hes made... something. it can best be described as the dubious food from breath of the wild. He will still eat it though, sobers him up real quick. And he'll be nice enough to clean up after himself if he ever makes that again.
He only knows how to make certain foods. And all of those are very random. He can easily make the perfect pate but he cant make a bowl of spaghetti. Usually he just eats whatever is edible in his fridge which is usually the bare minimum. He doesn't really help you when you cook but he will watch. Probably for the best though considering his gloves have been to hell and back [quite literally]. But that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate the work you put into his meal, he enjoys the change of pace from his usual granola bar dinner.
He can't cook much, but can make a lovely stew. He's used to being alone and so far away from civilization the only food he has is what's already is his fridge and what he can find that wont kill him. On the trips where you go with him he makes sure to bring enough food to last at least a week for the both of you. On the first night he alwasy goes hunting for some kind of protein while you make the base and get it started. He butchers the meat, usually a rabbit or on rare occasions some big game like a big horn sheep. Its alwasy delicious and lasts the entire trip. He loves those moment with you.
Even though he talks all fancy and acts all bougie he can't cook very much. He's kind of like Scout when it comes to cooking. That usually means he leave you to the cooking. Even though he actively avoid the other mercs cooking he will happily eat your any day. But that's a secret he would rather take to the grave. On certain days he will cook some pasta that looks fancy but is actually just a few ingredients from the pantry. You still love it either way.
Miss Pauling
This poor lady. Please cook her a nice meal and let her relax. She can't cook to save her life, the most she can do is make some instant noodles because that's what she already eats everyday. Sometimes she gets a sandwich from a grocery store but that doesn't happen to often. You will make lunches for her like shes in school again and she adores it. You are the light of her life, and not just because you cook for her.
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