#it felt nice to get those kisses from noya.. even if they were platonic.. somehow...
watmels · 2 years
My Dream (feat. Nishinoya)
I recently had a dream about my short king Nishinoya.
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We were BFFs, I was back in school, and it was lunch time.
I said, “Bro, I’m not doing well in [some sport class, not volleyball]... you said you were gonna help me, right? When are we gonna go?”
Noya was super chill, barely looking at me, but we were like... cuddling at the lunch table LOL. 
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He said something like, “Yea. Don’t worry, I’ll help you later today after lunch.”
But most importantly, while he was talking to me, he was... KISSING ME. On my cheek and my hair LMAOOO
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Friends don’t kiss like that... but it felt so normal in my dream?!
I literally woke up sad.. my imagination is getting out of control...
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