#LMAO jk this is already so cringe for me to talk about
phantomram-b00 · 6 months
Why is Harry Potter trending (or was)? Can it not? Like deadass I’m being fr can it plz not. Especially that J.K Rowling is a massive TERF, a raging antisemite, and disgustingly try to deny that trans people were not affected by the Holocaust (which she was ratio’d by George Takei).
Way ahead of you: (Tw: transphobia, racism, antisemitism, holocaust, Harry Potter)
Oh and don’t get me started how Hogwart Legacy, you know that game that was sworn Jk Rowling wasn’t apart of (yeah sure-) is blood libel story. Not to mention that trans people have told you not to especially since there is a canonical transgender character named Sirona. (People said Sirona is a Celtic goddess for healing. but- come on. You can’t bullshit out of this one. There are OTHER NAMES TO NAME A TRANSGENDER CHARACTER— it make those joke with how Jk Rowling naming not far off. Because it like naming a nonbinary character “NoGendora” or smth (before you say, I’m nonbinary myself—) so idc if it already have a meaning, it still is tone deaf to name a transgender women Sirona).
“But but- you can separate the art from the artist?”
Yes. You can separate art from the artist. HOWEVER before you celebrate thinking you had a gotcha moment. You can only separate if the art itself isn’t problematic or is bigotry itself. Harry Potter is as mention in the links. Not to mention, Harry Potter himself become a cop despite the cop in that world didn’t do jack shit. And don’t get me started on how they handle the whole elf slavery. Also there is heavy fatphobia in this story, proof, look at how they would talk about Harry’s abusive aunt and uncle from his mother’s side. Don’t get me started how she would describe Rita Skeeter. There even a black character who’s last names is Shacklebolt— do I need to say more (if I’m missing any other examples please tell me)
Not to mention she benefits off of it and uses her money to donate to transphobia and just don’t give a flying fuck if she offend people (which seem to usually be the case for trans/homophobia but moving on). like, this is who you wanna support? You still want to read this wizard book when there are other that don’t have transphobia, racist, antisemitic, or any problematic rhetoric and are objectively better than Harry Potter? Really? You wanna die on this hill?
Look. I used to like Harry Potter. but that was before I knew what a dirtbag of a fucking human she is (I didn’t really have social media at the time), and I cringe as I wish I learn sooner that she was a deplorable person who hates trans people like myself (nonbinary respectfully). But, I can happily say Fuck Harry Potter that series can burn in a trash for all I care and I hope the hbo series flops on its ass. And also fuck Jk Rowling, she can fuck off for all I care. That being said, If you support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling, unfollow me. Block me. Because I do not support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling. Because Trans rights/Gender Equality, Human rights are infinitely more important than a basic ass wizard book/movie with a even basic ass magic system when there are objectively better wizard/magic books that are respectful.
Anyway, that being said, Trans and basic human rights matter 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 🤭
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK live 30 July 2023
Part 2
And JK live 31 July 2023 1:45 am KST.
cr./Creators of media used in this post.
I'm just going to continue from where I let off in part 1.
Straight into the boiling cauldron.
Because once again the lines are crossed.
"And when it comes to sensitive questions, I'm purposely not answering them, so you don't need to ask them."
His answer is curious though. Because there are points where it could be seen as a "this just isn't the right time" more than "this isn't the right question".
I'll be lying if I told you I didn't want to know what the question/s are/were.
And then this comes, because there wasn't enough TKKs cringe so far, right?
When are you going to live with Taehyung?
The pointing at himself, the "are you serious?" faces he makes. And the ending with "I don't know" instead of a "fuck off you sick idiots". But then, it's JK and not me answering them.
I really applaud his patience at this point. Because this is never ending. Oh, and it's still going too...
Comment: A video of Taehyung came out.
JK: "he's really handsome. He's handsome".
That one word JK ALWAYS uses to describe Tae. Handsome.
But JK doesn't stop there. Because JK is here to make a point. So, this time he brings up Jin too, how he looks even younger in the military, talking about his skin. Ending by calling Jin really handsome.
And bang.
Punch to the gut for TKKs.
You know, those that keep screaming how JK calls Tae handsome, which has to mean they are a couple, right? Or at the very least that JK is attracted to Tae, right?
But see here. Not only doesn't JK stop with Tae and feels the need to bring up Jin as well and uses the same term to describe him, but Jin gets the upgrade to REALLY HANDSOME.
So here we have JK telling TKKs that he is putting Tae and Jin more or less in the same boat. Oh wait, same boat but Jin is in the upper cabin, lol.
Did I say savage already?
And what about BURN?
And you know how I know it burns them so so much? TKKs? Because they are editing out the whole Jin part of his answer, lol. Because they KNOW exactly what JK was doing there. And as usual, better live in denial than actually listen to what he has to say.
Comment: "Thank you for saving me".
JK: "Thank you for thinking that. All I do is work hard making music and dancing. That's all I did."
Our humble king.
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You thought we were done with the stupid ass comments did you?
I think that by this point he is losing his patience. And what I'm wondering is how he lasted this long.
And yet, he doesn't lose his composure, which I would have done a long time ago.
Mountain or beach - beach, but of course.
NJ vs. army - not picking, lol.
Enough is enough?
He gives a short boxing lesson.
Someone comes in to call him and he ends the live.
Phew, that was a painful one.
JK shared a hell of a lot and on his part this was a great live, but at the same time I sat through it just wishing for it to end, because although there were good questions, there was so much wrong with the comments, and I just felt so bad for him having to deal with all that shit.
Let's side track for just a sec. Go back to something I didn't address in the previous post (part 1 of the live).
I want to talk about JK and JM and the live that is yet to be, lol.
JK talks about the timing - that it has to work out between them for them to do the live, which he still wants to do. And we do know they are each pretty busy with their own schedules to align. But it's not only about the schedules aligning, in my opinion. Because timing can align, it did that morning JK was doing his live and wanted JM to join. So, it's not about having the time alone. It's about scheduling aligning, as in company time scheduling, because JM is literally terrified to do the live. He knows he'll lose himself in JK, so he needs the safety of a controlled environment. He can't do it at his place nor in Brunnen. But the company, that's a possibility, it being a controlled environment means he'll also be even more on guard and maybe, just maybe, not lose himself in JK. And that's why their schedules need to align. Because they need to find the time at Hybe to do it. This isn't about them not seeing each other, because they do. It's about JK really really really wanting this and JM pulling back, so JK is willing to do what it takes to make it happen. And if that means doing it at the company, well so be it. Well, unless if JM does find the courage to face his demon, said demon being JK, and do it outside his comfort zone.
Back to the shit show.
What infuriates me is the fact that JK is giving us so much. So bloody much. He's doing so many lives, staying in touch with army, posting, now with his TikTok as well. And he is repaid by parts of this fandom with hate and rudeness and entitlement and just utter fuckery. This live, he really didn't have to do it. He barely slept at night, he came to record, interact with army, and was super tired when he did the live. Could have just had a much needed rest. But no, he wanted to interact with us, and this is what he got. And I, for one, am super proud of him and the way he dealt with it.
But did it end there?
Hell no.
Because after the live, the live Inkigayo show happens. And Tae showing up for JK happens. And Tae going on stage with JK happens. And fucking TKKs making up stories and calling JK a liar happens.
Same TKKs that were burnt to the ground by JK during his live.
JK live 31 July 2023 1:45 am KST
So JK, he had to do some damage control. And so, he came back as a continuation of his day (but actually technically the next day already - 31 July 2023 at 1:45 am KST - see the 1 and 9 there? Lol) with a second live, while waiting for his dryer to end it's cycle, lol. This was a live with a purpose. A live with a clear end time (when the dryer cycle ends).
It's not about Tae showing up. Cause he was being a good friend and came to support JK. It was about TKKs and their shit and lies and going so far as calling JK himself a liar for stuff he said earlier on in his live.
So, this happens after JK dares say he doesn't know where Tae is.
And from this, while we aren't sure at the time this clip shows up when the exact timing of this was (although it's clear it's not during the pre-recording, and that's super important), TKKs went and created this whole story of Tae being there all day with JK and JK clearly lying during his live when saying super loudly and super clearly that he has no idea where Tae might be.
So JK, dead tired but definitley aware of the shit show going on online, goes live with full intent to set things straight.
And I'm adding this live to part 2 of the Inkigayo live because in a sense it's kind of a continuation to that live.
As mentioned, it's short (for JK), being only around 33 minutes long.
He starts by saying he can't sleep. He explains it later that he's dead tired but he has to wait for his dryer to end it's cycle so he can hang the washing up and then he will go to sleep.
And then he is jokingly calling out the fan that in the encore was screeching out the song and made him laugh. He wants to know who it was, lol. Staff told him there was a controversy about it, lol. He wants to know who that was... the whole thing is really funny to him.
He's wearing CK pajamas and makes a point of letting us know, including how comfy they are. Question then is, is there a CK pajama campaign coming up? We do know there are new photos out there taken around the same time he was recording Seven, perhaps pajamas are on the menu as well? Guess we'll have to wait and see.
around 4:30 min. mark JK looks to his right - looking up and down and then telling us it's the sound of the fridge?
Ok, let's stop the printers for a sec here.
Cause something is up here.
I listened to this multiple times.
Dryer running, tic. Definitley hear that one in the background.
And thing is, that sound he says is the fridge sound, well yeah, it probably is, but when you listen closely, it definitely sounds a lot (a lot a lot) like a water dispenser sound, you know, the sound it makes when someone pours themselves a glass of water, which I somehow doubt the fridge will do on it's own. You know, that same someone that JK was checking out. Just saying.
And once wasn't enough. Because he once again looks back to his right in the kitchen a few seconds later.
Perhaps that is why his camera is placed in that kind of new and unrevealing angle.
Add to that his insistence to explain what is making the noises, something he has never done before, which makes it more suspicious than anything else, lol.
But you see, all that said and done, JK ain't lying. Nope. He is not. Because it was a noise made by his fridge. Not mentioning there is a person who happens to be standing there pressing a button that is creating that sound the fridge is making, well that's not telling a lie. It's just not telling.
Also, JK turning on the lights (telling us he's making them the same all over, lol) after sitting in the partial darkness, perhaps someone needed the lights on in the kitchen to do something...
A couple minutes later once again looking back to the kitchen...
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and then I guess whoever was in the kitchen went back to the room...
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It's not that he doesn't look to the side at times when talking, you know how you do when you are trying to think about what to say, following a train of thought. This here wasn't it. He was looking at someone or something, take your pick. Mine is someone. Same someone he was looking at in the kitchen. Same someone he's been trying to convince to come live with him. Just saying.
Printers back on and running, and we are back with the live. Although this isn't the last time JK's eyes wonder.
JK is explaining why he hasn't gone to sleep yet, running on that 1 hr. sleep he had the night before his Inkigayo pre-recording and show.
Telling us all about his laundry cycles, lol.
I guess he has to talk about something before getting to the point of the whole live, right? Don't want to seem too obvious now, do we?
Talks about how much fun he had at Inkigayo. Says, once again it was very fun (in English). He talks about how meaningful it was to him as well. "It was a very good day".
So he brings up the challenge, saying there is talk by army about it. And he happens to mention that he is monitoring. Like JK, as if we didn't know you are on our asses seeing everything that's posted.
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But you see, here is where we also know that he's seen the shit posted and spread by TKKs. About Tae being there all day. About JK lying about not knowing Tae's whereabouts.
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And the company is monitoring too.
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So, at this point he's tying it in with the talk about a challenge. But here's the thing. Was there really that much MORE talk about the challenge after his performance at Inkigayo? Was that what army were talking about? Look, it's not that I have all the numbers or the trends here spread in front of me, but somehow a dance challenge is not what I think army were talking about at the end of that day. Idk, call it a hunch.
Says he'll think about it. The challenge.
At this point he answers a comment about doing a live in a karaoke room. He says he can't sing as his voice is gone, mainly because of lack of sleep.
Bad idea if you ask me. He himself talks about knowing boundaries. He likes being recognized on the street, fans talking to him, but not to follow him, nor go look for him if they know his current whereabouts. In other words, not to stalk him!!!
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And once again he's looking at something to his right that gets his attention. Eyes lingering for a moment before coming back to us.
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About seeking him out:
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JK continues with the comments.
Like: JK why is university so hard?
Again, I love how he takes the time to think and answer in all seriousness. He doesn't take these comments lightly. He understands that what he says can be impactful, and he doesn't take that responsibility lightly.
I'm doing my laundry in English. Cute.
Goes back to Inkigayo and the #1 win. Didn't expect it. Was surprised to get it.
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Honestly, he was happy for the win, but even without it, he was happy to be there and perform for army and be with army.
But he was very happy for winning as well.
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Ahm... yes, we saw that, lol.
JK's asked how was it to feel a senior and meeting his juniors.
Our humble shy introvert man once again talking about how good the younger idols are, shining is a word he used to describe them. It felt strange to him (not a word he used, one I am using to describe what he was saying), how time has flown so fast.
Asked if he's sad or cried, eyes looking swollen, and he explains it's because of how tired he is.
JK again letting us know just how tired he is.
Ok, so this is kind of strange. He once again looks in a certain direction and it seems to be looking at something and not that regular looking away while thinking or talking.
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And then he yawns, covers his mouth with his left hand and then does this:
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Goes on to answer a comment about eating, he's doing intermittent fasting, eating only one meal a day and otherwise only drinking. Answers what his favorite night time snack is (which he cannot eat), he likes them all, and then goes to tell us the whole list of them.
He's so damn tired, he needs out of there, lol. Asked about tips for working out - don't go overboard and be consistent.
Comment: when will you play the piano for us?
JK: I don't play the piano. I can't play any instrument. Well, I call bull. Lol. Maybe not up to his standards, but he can play instruments.
And then he remembers what he came to actually tell us. That hit with his hand on the table, that was the moment of acknowledgement, lol.
Those three taps on the table. It's like when you are making a point and you want to emphasize it.
It's an "I am talking about something important and I am making a point here" tap on the table.
This here is the point he came to make. Or more like the clarification that wouldn't have been needed if not for TKKs shitty behaviour and lies.
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He came to cheer him on during the actual show. Before JK was about to go on stage while his song was being played. Tae came and cheered him on.
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They talks a little, and then it was JK's time to go on stage as his song was being broadcast (the pre-recording). And when he was on stage he heard people screaming and saw that Tae got on stage too. He says that Tae suddenly (at Inkigayo) asked JK to teach him the choreo, and JK was like "why do you want to know the moves?" but he taught Tae.
And JK tells us that we know that Tae picks up moves really fast, so he learnt it really quickly. JK says he didn't think much of it, but then when he got up on stage Tae came up and danced with him. He was really surprised.
Anyway, he was really thankful to Tae for coming.
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All that happens around the 25:45 min. mark.
It's sad that TKKs need JK to be lying for them to have a moment (which is non existent). It's sad that they don't believe JK, one of the two people in that supposed relationship they so vehemently claim to be a long term romantic relationship. It's sad that even when the BTB comes out, and it will, and we see exactly when Tae arrives and that he wasn't there before JK's live, they will still go on claiming that everyone is lying and hiding 'the truth', or more like their twisted manipulated unrealistic 'truth'.
This whole explanation happens around the 26 minute mark. JK ends the live at around 33 minutes. He continues for a little bit to answer comments, like about eating Indian food. Why he's constantly asked about food when poor man is fasting...seriously people, have some compassion for the man, he's starving. And at that point he himself asks to stop talking about food, lol.
Next few minutes is all about how hungry he is, lol.
And then off to check the dryer, comes back saying it's ending the cycle in 4 minutes, says he'll end the live and go to bed, but then starts on about the challenge again and first he'll do with with Mingyu, and he'll talk with the company (again calling bull, as we know that would never stop him...getting company permission).
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And he ends the live.
So yeah, he did an approx. 30 minute live, dead tired, with probably (and if you ask me, then it's most likely) someone there with him in the apartment, someone that got so thirsty they had to get a glass of water and maybe a little something to eat (last live he did he wasn't doing intermittent fasting, but who knows) while waiting on JK to finish the live. And yet, JK came live, because he had a message to convey, which he did, and sort of dipped shortly after that.
Ok, so let's talk about this just one more time with feeling.
It's all about choices. And this time I'm talking about our choices as fans.
It's about our choice to respect the members and listen to them.
It's about our choice to hear what they are saying and understand that if we want them to make us happy we should also want them to be happy. And if they are saying we are doing something to upset them, we need to stop it. Quick smart.
It's about our choice to accept what they tell us. Yes, there will be nuances. Yes, at times it's a given that they will not share it all with us, omit details, actively hide truths from us. But our starting point is to believe what they tell us. Has JK hidden truths from us in the past? Hell yes. Possibly even in this live even. Has he told us little fibs in the past? Yes he has (ehm... for example his reasoning to be visiting JM's hotel room 3 times a day and staying there for hours while in LA - because it's the closest to his...lol). But you see, there you have it. He didn't deny going to JM's room, he just felt the need to hide the true reason he did so. And in this live saying it's the fridge, well not a lie either. An omission perhaps, but not a lie.
It's about paying close attention to what is being said. The manner it's being said in. The frequency it's being said in. And in this case it was made TOTALLY clear. JK was being adamant he has no idea where Tae is and that he hasn't been in touch with him. It's all about the delivering of the message. JK in ever so many words answered he has no idea, and how should he know, and he isn't in touch with him and doesn't know his whereabouts either (just like us).
What JK did was take that nail and pound it into that TKK coffin again and again and again and again. And as if that wasn't enough, he went on answering multiple TKK comments just hammering in nail after nail.
"Tae wants to do a live together? He didn't contact me".
"When will I live with Tae? Me? Live with Tae? Ok then, next..."
"Tae is handsome...Jin is REALLY handsome..."
And the final blow, did we talk about that one yet?
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The final blow was his "JM? I want to do a live with JM", and the words unsaid, the ones he's said in the past and are understood here without him saying them: "this is something I want and something I will pursue, something I will do as soon as the time allows it."
All while with Tae all talk about a joint live ended with "but he didn't contact me." Ehm... try to curb your enthusiasm there JK why don't you?
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
i'm literally so glad i found your blog among all the delulus in the jkk tag!
i used to be a jkkr, and honestly there still are some moments of them, particularly up until 2019-2020 that are undeniable questionable... to say the least, but i feel things changed a lot since then, and if jkk were something indeed, i believe they aren't anymore.
jk always done the bare minimum for jimin and was praised and put on a pedestal, when the most relevant and ""boyfriend-y"" gesture he's ever made was gcf tokyo, but man ain't winning boyfriend of the year never. aside from gcft and maybe gcf saipan, i can't think of another single big gesture he's ever made towards jimin, and here we're talking about the man who flied from paris to seoul just to spend a few hours of jk's bday with him.
also jk's personality and behavior since this solo era started (and honestly, before ch. 2 too) are just so cringe wth. jokers spend so much time to deny that he's a fuckboy/jb wannabe just for him to go and prove them wrong. those papparazzi pics were the last straw for me. dude literally just sang a song about fucking, which, believe me, for the us public is just another tuesday, and already thinks he is the next justin bieber or something.
but anyway, i digress... the point is i'm so tired of how jokers became the new taekookers overanalyzing everything. i really hate this one theory that apparently is very popular among jkk spaces that jimin didn't do a live with jk because he "can't control himself" around him like what is that supposed to meannnn. i really hate it here and i'm so glad that jimin is keeping it to himself and letting jk and his crazy fans lead themselves to a massive fall very soon.
i just had to get this out of my chest lmao
That was alot.
Overall yes, yes and yes.
For the last part. What jokers refuse to see or acknowledge is the fact that jimin removed himself from jk. You can clearly see he's set some boundaries, him not wanting to do a live with jk it is because he knows it'll be awkward they'll have nothing to talk about, jimin would have to be the one initiating everything whilst his "boyfriend" acts like he was forced to be there.
And they have this whole theory or thing of jk building a mansion for him and jimin and the reason why there isn't alot of stuff in jimin's house it's because he's moving to the mansion with jk soon. LMAO
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
i don't think they are in relation but jkkrs are spreading misinformation/lying on letter song, even though jimin said it's for fans they are creating bs very similar to tkkrs. Their narratives are he can't speak like that on public etc and these same people propagated to watch OG content and said all the things coming out from jkk mouths but where is that now ? Larries 3.0 in making or tkkrs 2.0! Lmao!😐 I really disliked how they are talking like jimin is lying, it's a hidden track for fans a letter for fans and was sung by him in last music show too! This is ridiculous coming from people who were preaching here lol.
I've been so fed up about that too. A year ago I already said that jikookers were turning into taekookers. It's what happens when shippers don't get content, when they don't get what they want. It's what happens when the ship starts saying things they don't want to hear. Literally the same happened to taekookers; the moment taekook grew apart in 2018ish, the fake sightings, the "he didn't mean to say that" "he's not telling the entire truth", all of that started when they weren't seen together and the same happened with jikookers last year.
Jimin has talked in the past about overcoming and getting through a really hard time by watching videos of fans singing Young Forever. Just some days ago on that pixid video he teared up when the fans talked about their struggles. Everything he said about the song being written after the hiatus, about the way he was feeling during Las Vegas and after that, everything about the type of person he's proven to be through the years, how grateful and thoughtful he is; it all makes sense with the song.
Listen, I don't have any feelings of "aww this song is for me", at all. I've said that I don't understand JK interactions with fans and the way he flirts with them is really cringe, and when I listen to promise or letter, I just hear comforting words in a comforting voice. I'm not thinking "Jimin loves me so much omg he wrote this for me". But to say that he's lying... c'mon now. And letter is written in the past tense. What now, he wrote a song in the past tense for his current partner? Jimin doesn't know how grammar works? The song also very clearly references previous BTS songs, like Sea (also a hidden track in a different album) and Spring Day, which is quintessentially THEE army song.
Even more, I'd tell you that Jimin doesn't care. If he wanted to write a love song about a real romantic relationship and have JK sing it with him, he would've done it. I have no doubt about it. Why would Jimin need to rely on BTS songs and fan quotes to write a song about a personal romantic relationship, make it make sense. He can do better than that.
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bylertruther · 2 years
Thoughts on some unexplored pairings in s5? Would you want to see any of these?
El and Nancy
Will and Steve
Joyce and Lucas
Hopper and Robin
Dustin and Jonathan
el and nancy interacting would just be girlboss2girlboss communication. el paraded around in nancy's clothes in s1 and thought she was pretty so already i want them to interact so that el can see what a Woman Wanting Independence and Selfhood^tm looks like, but i know that they will undoubtedly at least in passing interact bc el's got her powers back, knows all about henry, and nancy's got to tell them about her vision and took the leadership role, too, while they were gone and i don't think she'll relinquish it and suddenly go quiet. but! i do think it'd be cool for them to be in a fight sequence together. nancy with her gun n el doing her jedi mind tricks. the usual, u kno.
will and steve aka mr steal yo girl + mr struggle <3 jk they are both mr struggle, but will very much less so bc at least the boy he wants wants him back and he's just too blind to see it unlike steve who doesn't realize his dream is nancy's nightmare n thought he somehow still had a chance jus cos they were talking again LMAOOOOO L sorry, steve. teehee. anyway i think it's kinda funny that steve got roped up into all of this bc of will and yet... they've never Once said anything 2 each other. like, at all. unless u count the group responding to him when they're sneaking through scoops ahoy's backdoor as an interaction, but i don't. i would like to see it jus bc i'm so curious how the duffers think they'd interact with each other but i doubt we'll get it. sadge</3
joyce and lucas ok. did mike call the byers when will wasn't at school and then weasel his way inside to stay by will's side even at the lab? yes. but lucas went to the gate BY HIMSELF with only a SLINGSHOT and some POCKET LINT! joyce is a mama bear ok she has enough love to go around n i feel like she can have scenes that aren't with hopper without her fucking dying or smth. let her interact with anyone else please for the love of byIer 🙄 and lucas is a sweetie so i think everyone should love n appreciate him always n forever all the time so. i'll take it<3 omg imagine them protecting n standing guard for the injured ppl in the monster war in s5... or joyce reassuring lucas about max in general since she has some experience when she almost lost will... i'd Ascend
hopper and robin. hmmmmmmm. see in my brain i could headcanon something between them but in canon? lol. i'm tired of the same people being paired up for the ENTIRE season so tbh i would welcome anything new and this would definitely be new!
dustin and jonathan give off the BIGGEST responsible big brother x annoying little brother vibes ever. their mini interaction in s2 when the junkyard crew meets up with j*ncy and dustin greets him + dustin literally sounding and acting like a little kid when he pushes jonathan out of the booth and says "LeT mE tRy, jOnAtHaN 😠😤" bc he wants to be the one to push the button is so funny to me lol. also, him calling their mom joyce instead of ms. byers is just... lmao. okay, dustin. clearly, they amuse me so yes i would love to see them!
in general, if it's a pairing that hasn't ever interacted before or has interacted only once for two seconds, my answer is always goign to be Yes I Want To See Them bc gah daMN all them characters in that ensemble and for WHAT? to show the same team up every time? cringe. (except for byIer i want them paired up 24/7 forever. or else.)
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jimimn · 1 year
I know, I know, but my brain didn't connect the things 😭 it never does when it comes to bts spoiling their stuff lmao 😭
Ahh I know what you mean!! It does feel like we know him better, and I will forever be grateful that he chose to show us this side as well. I'm very curious what he'll do in the future. I think he mentioned somewhere he will make brighter songs in the future? Idk I might've just imagined it. But I'm still happy he chose to talk about these things. We already knew how much the pandemic affected him (khm mots:e khm) but I feel like we know even more about what he's been through? Especially in Alone.
Yes, the promos were so good!! I still haven't watched the beat coin ep or the radio one, I only saw clips but I'm hoping to catch up on them soon!! I can't believe it's Jimin era and I'm missing stuff 😩 the music shows were so good??? I loved every performance my god and when he went on the actual shows and we could see him get his awards 🥺🥺🥺 and hobi coming and bringing him big bouquet of purple flowers 😭😭😭 pls he deserves every win he ever got and will get. I'm telling you the year end award shows are going to be crazy, we thought last year was bad when it was bts vs jimin vs hobi vs I don't even remember who was nominated 😭 and now it will be joon vs jimin vs yoongi vs hobi vs tae & jk if they release 😭 the girlies are gonna be fighting for those awards.
I have to admit I actually hated the fancalls akdjjdkska and I hate that Yoongi will do them to. Like OKAY the thought and intention behind them ARE SWEET OKAY. But I hate that 90% of them are just literal weverse army mentality of "jimin marry me". I did see very sweet ones too!! And I'm glad people were actually talking with him and congratulating him and everything but I will hate fancalls forever I'm sorry 😭 if it was up to me I would not let them do them, like I'm sorry sweetie but save yourself from the cringe 😭 Although that person who played set me free on piano was amazing, love that for them ❤️ but I did see someone dress up in a literal wedding dress, so no ❤️
I KNOW every song he put out was literal crack. The MVs were insane. I actually haven't watched the mujin one either 😭😭 what kind of Jimin biased am I 😭😭 I hate having a life
I know what you mean 🥺 with Indigo and JITB I could very clearly choose favorites, and songs I didn't like that much (all of them are really good but sadly I have to have taste and preferences 😭) but with face I really struggled 😂 Not that I was trying to dislike any song from any album!! But I think if I had to choose one, I would choose Alone. No, I would definitely choose Alone. I fucking love that song and love the lyrics and his voice and the message and how I can relate to it and everything. I'm currently obsessing over 'Mayday, get me out of here' overlapping with the 'Day and night' line. But I can definitely say that I resonate with every song. I love his album and most importantly I love HIM and I hope nothing bad ever comes to him and fuck everyone who ever wronged him and I wish him nothing but success 💜 Idk how he can be any more successful than right now but oh well 😭 - 🦋
adding read more hehe<3
Yes he did mention that. Oh and definitely. Jimin rarely ever showed us or talked to us about what he was going through during that time except during the mots on:e endingment. God that had been a punch to the gut. But seeing the jimin of today who put all that hurt and pain so beautifully into an album that I'm sure resonates with so many people in so many different ways, I've never been prouder. Him saying that he has healed from those feelings just made me so happy, you know? 🥺 also face era kind of left me feeling empty. Not in a negative way but a 'what do I do with my life now' kinda way. Empty as in we saw soooo much of Jimin during this era that I was like "Ok what now? now that i won't get to see jimin what nowhdjhdj???" which is... kind of pathetic of me tbh but i can't help it bc theyre my constant source of happiness u know? like little breaks in my otherwise dark life rip. I'm so glad we have yoongi's promotions soon otherwise idk what I would have done 😭😭😭
I've watched half of the beat coin ep and I'm waiting on the subtitles for the radio show to watch it hehe (although i HAVE read all the live translations). AND PLEASE. The way the members support each other just makes me bawl every single time. Like even after knowing so well how much they love each other, when they do these things for each other, it just makes my heart sob. Pls when bts members get nominated for and win all those awards 😎 next bts is bts 😎
Oh ngl me too. Like yeah most of what I saw were really nice and cute and they complimented him and congratulated him but the others ... the one girl who was like oh but the name of my boyfriend is park jimin. stfu pls you got one minute to talk to him and THATS WHAT YOU SAID????? corny cringey grosssss and pls don't even get me started on the wedding dress pls i will start yelling out profanities. I really fucking hope to god no one says yoongi marry me during the calls 😭😭😭😭 but obviously i just know there will be some dumbass who will do it anyway.
And its okay you can watch the content on your own time. There was a lot so don't beat yourself up for it if you haven't had the chance to watch them yet 🤍
And yeah same. I really struggled with Face too. All the songs are my taste 😭😭😭 Alone makes me cry so much lol. Sometimes when I'm listening to Face and I'm not doing anything else while listening, I open the lyrics and read them (even though I probably know them by heart by now) and I always choke up. Same, I really hope he never has to go through these feelings ever again :((( he deserves all the happiness and all the success and even more. I'll always wish nothing but the best for him <3🥺
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ayan0thegl1tch · 2 months
this will be long sorry pookie
so basically we were hanging out around some random flea markets, looking at bracelets, hats, useless things like hello kitty slimes- lmao. when we were on our way to go do rides a girl waved at sophia, a friend of mine, and they did what we psychopats do when we greet eachother jk lmao. anyways she seemed around 15 at first, but when we (me and rossella, that i will call rox, another friend of mine) asked sophia she said she was 16, and when we asked the girl herself she said she was 17. This made me feel like something was wrong already. She basically self invited herself, and i was like wtf already bcus when we hangout we usually decide whether someone can come, or at least tell eachother if they do.
She asked us to go to the square pf the city but we didnt want to so we went to the rides, where she called me a sick pervert and told me i should sew my mouth.
oh, such a nice gal 😻!
i did the smash, a carousel, and then we went back to the square of the city because she wanted a burger (which will be strange for what i will say later, patootie)
When we were walking up there she started talking about how rich she was, and then when rox was talking about me giving away newborn cats cus my older cat is probably about to give birth (ill send u the pics in case) she suddenly said "my louis vuitton bracelet is so loose it hangs from my wrist!" i kinda cringed at that, but i wanted to have fun so i asked how Much it costed her.
"5500 EUROS."
(which is 6008 dollars)
i got to say i started to stop believe her after this one. she also said her parents had a porsche and showed us a picture of her supposed house that looked oh so much like one i saw already on google...
but the most fun thins she said were:
(ill put these ones in big cus yknow 🤭)
"a serie A football player asked me to take a picture with him."
"im a Gucci and Prada model, and i can invite my besties to parade with me."
now im not saying shes ugly, but shes chubby, and short and her face is kinda- nevermind. its just not a models beauty
"You know, i take the subway everytime i need to buy cigarettes because where i buy them they are better than here."
oh well, them i found out shes poor
Oh my god...people can be extremely prideful sometimes, there's cowardly people on the internet who make up lies, and then there's the people who have the guts to make absurd claims in real life. This girl you met may be insecure, but she also acts like a spoiled brat, and probably had an easier way of life through her parents not being responsible or something. I have a funny story to tell as well that actually just happened to me.
I was just chilling playing a game, grinding kills, y'know. I was about...level 2,000, and this person was around level 500, so pretty low. We'll call him Simon. There were also two people I was chilling with after a long session of farming, one...let's call him Mark, around the same level as Simon, and the other guy who we'll call...Todd, around level 1,200.(I know, I know, just ignore my bad naming skills.)
So because I was the most powerful one there at the time, I was just looking after them in a way. Like if anyone hit one of them, I'd kill the person who did so. Anyways, suddenly Mark says to Simon, "Hey, what about a 1v1?" And Simon immediately starts hitting Mark, without any explanation.
I break up the fight, Simon runs back into the safezone, and starts saying "Okay, I'm going to block you if you don't stop."
Now Mark isn't really one to talk much, just small comments here and there, so he didn't reply at the time. I ended up asking what happened, and―get this―Simon said Mark was trying to kill him.
Excuse me I saw none of that it looked like you were gonna kill him. Over a question. I talked to him about this and through a conversation back and forth Simon told me, "He asked me to a 1v1, and it got on my nerves" and I ended up mocking him over it because where's the logic in that!? You're going to fake report Mark over a question, and because it "got on your nerves" that means he "tried to kill you".
...Simon confirmed.
And the worst part of all...
He says directly to Mark's face: "I've only blocked you for two days so you learn your lesson". I'm not even joking, he literally said that.
Like he thinks he's a parent or something!? Wth??? So I ended up replying for Mark "You're not teaching him anything".
Then another guy came along, sayyyyyyy...what about Rob. Yeah, we'll call him Rob.(For some reason there was absolutely no girls around or whatever) He had about a level of 20,000 plus a title that gives you around 1M HP, so I assumed he was a hacker.
If he was though, he was actually pretty chill. Some other people joined in as well, and Simon challenged Mark to the 1v1 from earlier, so we told him to come on out. Rob even said that he had his word I wouldn't attack him.
Long story short...Simon said in exact words "I don't think I want to do that 1v1 anymore." and left after we started calling him chicken.
There was another encounter I had where I dealt with a guy on my own and roasted him, but this is long enough. Thanks for listening to me chatter on like a insane maniac! :D
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watmels · 2 years
My Dream (feat. Nishinoya)
I recently had a dream about my short king Nishinoya.
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We were BFFs, I was back in school, and it was lunch time.
I said, “Bro, I’m not doing well in [some sport class, not volleyball]... you said you were gonna help me, right? When are we gonna go?”
Noya was super chill, barely looking at me, but we were like... cuddling at the lunch table LOL. 
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He said something like, “Yea. Don’t worry, I’ll help you later today after lunch.”
But most importantly, while he was talking to me, he was... KISSING ME. On my cheek and my hair LMAOOO
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Friends don’t kiss like that... but it felt so normal in my dream?!
I literally woke up sad.. my imagination is getting out of control...
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
the spins (explicit)
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genre: smutttyyyyyy as hell (with like one angsty conversation about isolation as a trauma response, but said in much vaguer terms lol)
pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: you discover a new side to your former lab partner, frat wonder boy jeon jungkook, when you confess to him the one thing no man has ever been able to make you do.
word count: 10.3k
contains: explicit sexual content AKA porn!!!!! alcohol, minor frat house shenanigans, reader is a total bitch but in a highkey relatable way, jungkook is The Only Good Frat Boy, mentions of shitty hookups/sexual dissatisfaction/faked orgasms, an **absurdly** lengthy and gratuitous cunnilingus scene, a lil bit of teasing/begging, spitting, LOUD sex, reader’s first partnered orgasms, also JK has a tongue piercing 👀
A/N: so writing this nearly killed me,,, lmao. i have two inspiration sources that i must credit- one is jai’s @gimmethatagustd INCREDIBLE fic paint me naked, which gave me the final shove i needed to topple over into JK hard stan land (listen he’s 3 years younger than me, i had a complex about it, it’s fine). seriously go give it a read and give her some love, i fully credit her with moving college!JK into my brain where he now lives rent-free.
the other source of inspiration is this insaaaaane imagine audio (WARNING, extremely NSFW and will literally ruin your life!!!!!) that hooked me on the idea that JK would be competitive about eating pussy and….. yep, smack those two things together and ta-da, this porn was born. godspeed and thanks as always for reading 💜
this is now (finally) on AO3!
You really don’t know why you came to this party. It’s so crowded, bodies pressed together, people screaming to be heard over the noise, or just because they’re white girl wasted. The music is terrible, the floor weirdly sticky, the container of jungle juice in the kitchen extremely suspicious. You opted for tequila instead, the last of which you now drain from the bottom of your red solo cup. The whole place smells like cheap beer, vape smoke, and frat boy cologne.
Yet another Jack Harlow song comes on over the bass-boosted speakers and you roll your eyes. That’s it. Time to go home and actually finish the psych paper you’re putting off.
You shove your way into the kitchen, trying to be the only upstanding citizen in this godforsaken frat house and actually put your trash in a trash can. You spot one in the corner– nearly overflowing, but still good enough, except that a whole circle of Brads and Chads block your path. You do your best to squeeze past them, but because they don’t do anything except live at the gym and snort protein powder, they might as well be a brick wall.
“Excuse me,” you try. Nothing.
“I need to get through,” you say with a gentle push. It’s like talking to a brick wall, too.
“Alright, fuck it.” You roll your eyes and decide to just fucking go for it. You’ve had enough liquor that you won’t feel the pain until tomorrow anyway.
The circle breaks apart in confusion, not a brain cell in sight, as you slam your way through. They part so quickly that your plan works too well, and the excess momentum shoots you forward. You stumble, losing your footing, already cringing because you’re about to faceplant on the nasty floor of this nasty frat house kitchen.
“Hey, whoa!” A voice way too close to your ear for comfort shouts, but then an arm snakes around your waist and saves you from your doom, gripping you tightly. “Careful!”
You glance up, wondering if this guy is going to try to turn the moment into some attempt at flirtation, the world’s worst meet cute, but then you see big round eyes staring back at you with legitimate concern. Oh, fuck. You know those Disney princess eyes. Your stomach drops.
“Whaaaaaaaat!” Holding you in one arm, an unopened 18-rack of beer hoisted up on his shoulder with the other, grinning like a kid in a candy store, is none other than frat wonder boy Jeon Jungkook.
Ah, shit. You knew he was in a frat, of course. He doesn’t shut up about it. But you didn’t know it was this one– well, actually, you don’t even know which frat house you’re in right now. Alpha Beta Omega? They’re all the same to you. You don’t really understand why they have factions anyway instead of all just living together, but that would probably be too gay.
“I didn’t know you partied!” Jungkook is still smiling a smile that takes up his whole face, clearly unable to believe that you’re standing here in his disgusting frat house kitchen in your leather jacket and your combat boots.
You huff a laugh as he slowly unloops his arm from around you, assessing to see if you’re stable enough to stay upright. You shoot him a look as if to say I’m fine, dumbass. Uncoordinated, not intoxicated. There’s a difference.
“I do not party,” you correct him. “Never once in my life have I partied. I merely come to the parties, stand on the edges and observe, get my free alcohol, and then depart. Like I’m doing right now.” You aim your solo cup at the trash can and miss by about a foot.
“You– hang on,” he pauses, turning back to offload the fresh case of beer onto the kitchen counter. There’s a clamor of excitement from the Brads and Chads as they crowd around to slap him on the back, shouting things like “okay, JK!” and “let’s fucking gooooo!”
You have to get out of here, you think to yourself, and then you watch Jungkook bring his tattooed hand up to rip the cardboard front of the case off effortlessly, and that is lowkey kind of hot.
Quiet, you tell your tequila brain. No lusting after frat boys. Not even the one you sat next to for an entire semester in bio lab, the one who was actually way smarter than anticipated and didn’t just use you for an easy A, who genuinely seemed like he cared about the way you answered “How was your weekend?” every time he asked, and who didn’t even say one problematic thing the whole semester.
Just because he’s the exemplary form of his species doesn’t make him not what he is, you remind yourself. Even the best frat boy is still a frat boy.
Jungkook returns as the rest of the bros swarm the counter and proceed to decimate the case of beer. That must have been the reason they were waiting here, at their proverbial watering hole, because they circle up and dissolve back into the party, several of them clapping Jungkook on the back again in thanks as they leave.
You realize he doesn’t have to yell to be heard anymore as he says, “You’re leaving already?”
“Yes, Jungkook,” you sigh. “I have a paper to write.”
He scrunches up his face, knowing he can’t argue with academic excellence. “It’s still early. What if you just have one more drink, and then go? I haven’t even gotten to enjoy the party yet. The pledges severely underestimated how much alcohol it takes to run this place.”
You roll your eyes. “Yes, I’m so terribly sorry that your child servants who literally give you money in exchange for friendship got something wrong.”
The words feel biting as they leave your mouth, and you honestly expect him to protest, but he only shrugs. “Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re right. The whole thing is stupid.” For a moment you wonder how on earth he’s immune, what it is about him that allows him to live in the cradle of toxic masculinity and still be so regular, so good.
“Will you stay?” He asks again. You try to purse your lips to hide your smile, but it doesn’t work, and then he’s smiling too.
The kid literally fist pumps, and your laugh bubbles up before you can stop it. He gestures broadly to the kitchen counters which are a veritable nightmare of liquor bottles and beer cans. “What’ll it be? Don’t say the jungle juice,” he warns with a laugh.
You look at him like he’s gone entirely insane. “I would never say the jungle juice. Tequila, please.”
Jungkook moves fluidly, as if he’s imitating those ridiculous Las Vegas bartenders who do tricks while they pour your obscenely overpriced drink. He shakes a solo cup off the stack and throws it up, spinning on his heels and catching it in his other hand, and you’re laughing again because he’s such a fucking dork.
He crosses to open the freezer and scoops up some ice in your cup, then pours a healthy amount of tequila in. “And mixer?” He looks back at you over his shoulder.
You pause. “Uh, just ice is good.”
He puts the bottle down and turns to squint at you in disbelief. “You drink straight tequila and you’re telling me you don’t party?”
You falter, a little flustered. “I don’t know. It’s not like I’m drinking it for the taste, you know?”
“Can I show you what you’re missing out on?” He asks, and you don’t know why the question makes you swallow hard. “Seriously.” He picks the bottle of tequila back up, eyeing the brand with distaste. “This stuff is… not great.”
Your instinct is to joke about him slipping something in your drink, but you bite the words back– because first of all, not funny. But you also genuinely don’t think he would ever do something like that, and you don’t want to give off the impression that you do.
“Alright,” you say instead, lifting your hands in surrender.
He opens the fridge door and crouches down, digging around through what you can only imagine is a Costco-sized amount of egg cartons and packages of chicken breasts. Finding what he’s looking for, he pulls away with a carton that’s been Sharpie’d to death, “JK ONLY DO NOT DRINK” on all sides. It’s really every bro for himself out here, you think.
“Grapefruit okay?” Jungkook double-checks, and you give a shrug and a nod. He pours a little, inspects the cup, then adds a splash more. “It’s not too sweet.”
He passes the cup off to you and returns his juice to the fridge, shuts the door, then seems to realize he forgot to make himself a drink and repeats the entire process again, spinning in a full circle which has you hiding your giggle in the rim of your cup. Once he’s made himself a matching drink to yours, he leans against the counter and takes a sip, surveying you.
You mirror him– the drink is admittedly a lot better than straight bottom-shelf, and you like how the sour taste lingers on the back of your tongue.
“Thank you,” you remember to say after a few sips, and he waves it off as if to say it’s no big deal.
“So, why are you here? Observing us in our natural habitat?” He puts on a voice for the last part, in a clear imitation of you, and you smirk. It does sound like something you would say.
“I’m an agent of chaos,” you say and he gives you a look like he’s waiting for the real answer. You choose that moment to take a long swallow of your drink, buying time. He continues to wait patiently, so you finally just shrug and make a face. “I don’t know. I didn’t want to do my paper. I saw a thing for it on insta. And I was tired of rotting away in my dorm room.”
He nods thoughtfully. “I tried inviting you to stuff when we were lab partners.” You wonder if the tequila is making you imagine that he sounds a little hurt. “You never seemed into it.”
At that, you laugh, because he’s being kind. Jungkook did invite you regularly to whatever mixers or ragers his frat was planning, and every time you would tell him no, directly to his face, like the bitch that you are. You eventually started trying to come up with as many creative ways to phrase it as you could: no, nope, never, not in a million years, when hell freezes over. He took them all like a champ, and that was one of the first things you remember liking about him. A frat boy who can respect when someone says no and not try to push it– now that is a rarity.
You want to apologize, but you really have no explanation for what makes tonight any different, at least not one you can say eloquently. How do you tell him you’re fucking sick of staring at the walls, feeling like “the best years of your life” are passing you by and leaving you with nothing to show for it? That you’ve painted sarcasm and an “I don’t give a fuck” attitude over your life for so long that now it feels like you’re backed into a corner where you can’t give a shit about anybody because there’s nobody left to give a shit about? So you were neck deep in insta stories on a Friday night like a fucking loser, and you saw a stupid post about a stupid frat party by some girl you swore was going to be your bestie the first week of freshman year who you promptly never spoke to again, and something in you snapped and said, “fuck it”?
Oof, tequila coming in strong, you think to yourself. You decide to spare Jungkook the emotional word vomit.
He keeps going when you don’t respond. “I just figured you had better things to do. Like ride motorcycles, or be in a mosh pit.”
You roll your eyes. “Motorcycles are giant metal death traps. Hard pass. And I don’t like getting punched in the face by nazis, so I don’t mosh.” You take a sip of your drink and size him up. “You’re one to talk, little alt boy.”
He’s playing with his lip ring when you say it, and the blush that creeps up his neck is honestly cute. Thoroughly unfazed by your words, he rolls up the right sleeve of his eyesore of a button down until his arm is fully exposed. “Check it out! Finally filled in the shoulder piece.”
You step closer to admire the fresh ink. Jungkook’s sleeve is, admittedly, really fucking cool. You still remember the first time you saw it in bio lab. It was the first day where the temperature crept up to an actual tolerable degree after what felt like a winter that would never end. You’d only known him in hoodies up to that point, so when he rolled into class that day in a baggy t-shirt and you saw the hint of lettering and shading peeking out from under his sleeve, your jaw nearly hit the floor.
“It’s rude to stare,” he’d said with a soft laugh and a cheeky-ass wink.
You wonder now if maybe you stepped too close, because you can feel the heat radiating off of his body. He holds his arm up for you, rotating it to show off the whole thing. Throughout the rest of the semester, you’d watched as he slowly started to fill in the blank spaces, but now it’s even more cohesive; he’s nearly finished it in the time since you last got a good look.
“Just need something on my wrist. And I might do the back of my hand. I haven’t decided.” He squeezes his hand into a fist and flexes with a put-on grunt, and you laugh even as the swell of his bicep makes your heart jump in your chest.
Emboldened by how close you are to him, and also the tequila, you trace your finger along the words that wrap across his forearm– rather be dead than cool. “That one’s my favorite,” you say softly.
When you glance up, he’s already looking at you, and now your heart’s in your throat. “I swear this thing’s the only reason you like me,” he says, the non-pierced corner of his mouth crooking up in a barely-there smile.
You open your mouth to protest when the kitchen is suddenly alive with noise as a mass of bodies crash through the doorway. A girl in a minidress that has ridden dangerously far up her thighs is nearly carried in by two of her friends, with several more trailing in right at their heels, and her name must be Hannah because they all say it about a thousand times in six seconds. A couple of dudebros shuffle in behind them, shouting for everyone to step back and give her space.
Nowhere else to go, you’re forced that much closer to Jungkook as far too many people try to squeeze into the tiny kitchen. You’ve basically got him pinned against the counter, and you look away, then look back, extremely uncomfortable.
“Sorry,” you mouth, and he shakes his head like it’s not a big deal.
He does smell really good, you realize now that he’s this close. Not like he took a bath in Axe body spray or Drakkar Noir, as most of his frat bros do, just… warm and clean, with a hint of the good kind of boy musk, salt and skin. It’s a welcome distraction from the unbridled chaos of Hannah and her entourage.
“She’s gonna be sick,” someone warns, and you wince in preparation.
“Hannah, aim for the sink!” Another girl coaxes. You turn over your shoulder and watch as Hannah takes a few steps forward, legs quivering like a baby deer, then does a last-second pivot and vomits directly into the jungle juice.
“Oh, party foul!” One of the bros yells.
You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head, and then Jungkook’s breath is ghosting over your neck and you can’t think about anything else. “Do you want to go to my room?” His voice is low, his lips inches from your ear.
You look up at him over the rim of your cup. “Yes, please.”
It’s only once you start walking that your mind is able to process what’s happening, and the panic sets in. Jeon Jungkook is guiding you through his packed frat house, his hand on the small of your back. Of course the crowds part for you like the fucking red sea, no throwing elbows required, because everybody loves him.
His bros greet him as he passes, “‘sup JK!”, and you try to avoid eye contact. You wonder how regularly they see this, him leading some wide-eyed girl up to his room to do what frat boys do best. Your stomach twists as you wonder what his expectations are, and what the fuck it is that you’ve just agreed to by saying yes.
You climb the stairs, his hand still pressed to your back, and he leads you to the first room on the left when you reach the top. When he opens the door and motions for you to step through, you’re surprised.
For one, it doesn’t reek of weed. It just smells like he does, but stronger, with a hint of fresh laundry. His bed isn’t made, but there are also no questionable stains on the black sheets, and he has four pillows and a bed frame, not just a mattress and box spring on the ground with one sad rectangle. There are some cups on the nightstand, but no ash tray overflowing with burnt out ends of blunts, no empty beer cans, and you can actually see the floor.
Not bad, you think to yourself, and then the anxiety presses in again as he shuts the door behind you. Nope. You are absolutely not doing this.
“Sorry about that,” he says with a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. “These things get really crazy around finals season. I guess people need an escape in the form of mild alcohol poisoning.”
You cross your arms, unable to continue the polite conversation. “Look, I don’t know what you think is going to happen in here, but it’s not going to happen, okay?”
He steps back, his brow instantly furrowing. “Wait, what? Are you mad at me right now? I just figured you’d want to get out of the kitchen, since a girl was actively puking.”
“Don’t play dumb with me,” you say, not buying it.
“I-I’m not.” Jungkook seems genuinely flustered, enough that you realize he’s probably not acting. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he starts, and then he sighs, like he’s correcting himself. “But, I guess my intentions really don’t matter, because it seems like I did. So I’m sorry.”
You squint at him, wondering who the fuck taught this boy how to apologize so damn well. This is the first time you’ve ever heard a frat boy say “sorry” without it being immediately followed by “but” and then something so offensive that it negates the entire thing.
He waits for you to respond, then gestures to the door. “If you want to go, you can go. I just wanted to talk to you. I haven’t seen you at all since last semester, and I’m really glad you came out.”
The thought of going back downstairs is slightly more anxiety-inducing than staying in this room. At least here it’s quiet, and it smells nice, and he apparently is not actually trying to get into your pants. It really does seem like you read him wrong, you admit to yourself, and then you unceremoniously plop down on his carpet.
Jungkook doesn’t even try to hide the big smile on his face as he joins you on the floor, and you both lean back against the foot of his bed. He slips his feet out of his slides and you lean forward to pull your boots off.
“Like I said, I’ve been rotting away in my dorm room,” you remind him with a dry laugh.
“You should’ve texted me. I would’ve come rot with you.”
His words make you smile a little, but you’re still suspicious. “Uh-huh,” you intone as he takes another sip of his drink. “And what would we have done, Jungkook?” The question nearly makes you cringe; it’s like reading a bad sext out loud. You don’t know why you keep pushing him on this.
Maybe, a tiny part of your tequila brain whispers to you, you’re goading him so hard into saying that he wants to hook up because for a split second back there in the kitchen, you realized that’s what you want. But you’re a hyper-independent bitch who can’t ever admit to needing anything from anybody, so you need him to say it first.
You grit your teeth and give your head a nearly imperceptible shake, trying to shut that brain cell up.
“I don’t know,” he says with a shrug, like he really doesn’t. “Play video games?” He gestures to a Nintendo 64 in the corner of his room, hooked up to a large TV that’s mounted on the wall.
It’s certainly not the answer you expected, but you don’t hate it. You raise an eyebrow as if to challenge him. “Well, I will kick your ass in Mario Kart.”
He sucks gently on his lip ring as he looks you over, and there’s a glint in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. You’ve clearly tapped into something. “Oh, I highly doubt that.”
“Then prove it.”
Dropping out of shit-talk mode for a second, Jungkook gives a laugh that almost sounds embarrassed. “I should warn you, I get pretty competitive.”
You refuse to back down. “Better work on your gracious losing face, then.”
In acceptance of your challenge, you watch as he sorts through the bin of cartridges next to the console until he finds the one he’s looking for. He brings it up to his mouth and blows on it, some strange gamer ritual you’ve seen before but have never understood, and a shiver runs through you.
“Here,” he says, tossing you a dark blue controller, letting the cord unravel and plugging it into the port. “You can even use my favorite.” You take it in your hands and smile when you see the yellow Pokémon logo stamped across the center.
“You’re going to regret that when I beat you with it,” you retort, shrugging out of your jacket for optimum mobility. He’s grinning as he settles back next to you and the menu music starts up.
It turns out you’re pretty evenly matched in the Mario Kart skills department. You sail past him on the first course, easily finishing in first, but get entirely wrecked by a blue shell in course two and he’s able to clinch it no problem.
You would’ve expected more shit-talking based on his warning, but instead he’s just so focused, eyes wide, mouth wiggling his lip ring back and forth. It’s a little endearing. A lot endearing, really. You keep sneaking glances over at him as you start up the third and final course, wondering why he has to be so goddamn cute, why you’re incapable of finding a single flaw in him no matter how hard you try.
Forcing yourself to focus, you return your attention back to the screen, only to see that he has flown right by you and is far ahead in the lead. Oh, this simply will not do, you think to yourself, and then an item box hands you a perfectly-timed golden mushroom, and you see your path to victory.
You drift around the sharp corners, giving yourself a speed boost each time, and it’s just enough. “Get fucked,” you say with a giggle as Princess Peach cruises her way past Bowser into first place. You use the last few seconds of your mushroom power to put a solid amount of distance between your characters. There’s less than half a lap left, and absolutely nothing he can do to deny you of your win.
Or so you think, until he reaches over and drags his hand across your controller, forcing your joystick in the opposite direction and causing Peach to start driving in circles on the screen.
“What the fuck!” You scream, trying to smack his hand away, but he closes one of your hands in his and forces that down on the joystick, making your car go fully backwards. “You fucking cheater!”
“You’re the cheater,” he grunts, which doesn’t even make any sense, but pisses you off enough to reach for his controller to mimic his strategy. However, you fail to account for his evolutionary advantage of having longer arms than you; he’s easily able to scoot away while keeping his hand pressed down on your own. You see in the game that he’s inches away from overtaking you now, the fingers of his other hand stretching to work joystick and button at once.
“No!” You cry out in frustration, desperately trying to wriggle your hand free. You can’t just sit here and watch him steal this out from under you, so you dive hard to one side and yank the controller away at the same time.
It’s only a little too late that you realize you have once again made an uncoordinated lunge and ended up with far too much leftover momentum. He does not relent, and you underestimated the severity of his grip on your hand because when you fall over he comes with you, both of you toppling onto the carpet as the controller flies out of your grasp.
You end up flat on your back, and his reflexes are only barely fast enough to respond, his hands bracing the floor on either side of your head so he can avoid landing on top of you.
But that’s even worse, because now Jungkook is hovering over you, and you’re both breathing heavy, and his hair is falling in his eyes, and you don’t even know how but his thigh has managed to end up pressed between your legs.
For a moment, you don’t move or say anything, and neither does he. You just stay like that, staring at each other. Your eyes drop to his mouth, and then he cracks a smug grin.
“I told you I don’t like to lose.”
Your stomach flips as your panic rears back in full force, and you meet his gaze again. “Am I still supposed to believe you didn’t bring me up here to hook up?” Your voice is barely more than a whisper.
The smile drops off his face as his eyes search yours. “What do you want?” He asks, and you can hear the exasperation in his voice. “Because you’re the one who keeps talking about it.”
You falter, unable to come up with any witty retort because you know he’s right. Jungkook moves away from you and you sit up with a sigh. He scoots back a few more inches, giving you plenty of space, and reaches for the remote to mute the TV.
“It doesn’t matter what I want,” you say, your voice still soft. You can’t look at him, so you stare at the carpet instead. “That’s just alcohol and adolescent sex drive talking. It’s not a good idea.”
“Why not?” He doesn’t sound mad, but confused, like he wants to understand your thought process. Good fucking luck, you think to yourself.
You give him a look. “Because I’m not an idiot. Hooking up with a frat boy in his frat house is never a good idea.”
The way his face falls makes you feel like the biggest bitch on planet earth, and you desperately wish you could shove the words back in your mouth, that you were capable of shutting up for once in your goddamn life.
“Is that really how you see me?”
Of course it’s not. You know it’s not, and you hope he knows it too, despite your inability to ever actually say what you fucking mean. But you can’t stop yourself. The defense mechanism is fully engaged now.
“Jungkook, you are literally a frat boy. We are literally in a frat house. This is not a perception character judgment thing. It’s an objective facts of reality thing.”
He fixes you in his gaze, saying nothing, then sighs. “Why do you do that?”
Your heart sinks. “Do what?”
He shakes his head, worrying at his lip ring again, clearly a nervous habit. “I don’t know, it’s like… Sometimes I think you like me, but then you always throw a wall up at the last second. I just wish I knew why.”
That makes two of us, you think bitterly, but your heart is simultaneously cracking apart at how vulnerable he’s being with no hesitation. You’re almost jealous that he can just move through life like this, open and honest, so unafraid.
“I do like you,” you admit, and you open your mouth to add the qualifier, to put the wall up, but he speaks first.
“I like you, too. I’ve liked you for a long time.” This kid is going to be the death of you. “I’m not just looking to score, or whatever."
You pull your knees to your chest, crossing your arms over them, trying to shrink until you no longer exist. You start to shake your head. “Jungkook, I don’t–”
“See,” he cuts you off, “you’re doing it right now.” You groan and bury your face in your arms. “What is that? We like each other, why can’t that be enough?”
The question hangs heavy, because you know there’s no good answer.
Finally, you look up at him and sigh. “Because,” you start decisively. “You’re… you. And I’m me.” You gesture between the two of you. “We’re from different worlds.”
His face scrunches up a little, and it’s his turn to shake his head slowly. “I really don’t think we are. I think you’re just telling yourself that.” You can see he’s getting frustrated and you don’t fucking blame him. “And I don’t get how you can complain about sitting by yourself in your dorm room, but then keep blocking everyone out so that you’re always alone.”
“I like being alone!” The lie comes out reflexively before you can even think to stop it. You’ve said it so many times at this point that it almost feels true. “Alone is best.” You pause, and for a second you really wonder if you’re going to cry right now, on the floor of Jeon Jungkook’s bedroom, in his stupid frat house. “You can’t get hurt, or disappointed, or left behind if you’re alone,” you conclude. There it is. The truth, kind of.
“I wouldn’t do any of those things to you,” he says softly.
You just stare at him for a moment. The promise is too good to be true. It always is. “You can’t know that.”
He pauses, then nods once, staring back at you. “You’re right. But I don’t want to do those things. And I would try really hard not to. I just want to make you feel good. Whatever that looks like.”
You can’t help where your stupid tequila brain immediately takes the idea, and you let out a dry laugh. “Well, if that’s what you’re after, there’s really no chance.”
His brows pinch together, clearly not understanding. “What does that mean?”
“Many have tried, none have succeeded,” you say with a roll of your eyes, stretching your legs back out. “I am a puzzle that no man can solve.”
The realization slowly dawns on him, and his eyes widen. “Wait, are you saying you’ve never had a–”
You wave a hand in the air as if to shush him, and you cut him off. “Stop. Don’t be dramatic. I’ve had plenty of orgasms, courtesy of my vibrator and my showerhead.” Your face is a little hot from talking about this in front of him. “Just… only alone. The running theme here, apparently.”
He tilts his head, processing this new information. “So do you fake it?” You tell yourself you’re just imagining that he sounds a little upset.
You grimace. “With my high school boyfriend, yeah. He was my first everything, and we were so young. I was too embarrassed to say it, so I just let him believe he had a magical dick that brought me to orgasm at the exact same time as him every time.”
Jungkook huffs a laugh of disbelief.
“And after that,” you continue, looking down in embarrassment, “I don’t know, it’s pretty much just been hookups, and most usually don’t bother to ask. Some have tried for a while, and then given up…” The memories make you cringe. “It’s just uncomfortable. Hence the alone thing.” You give a half shrug. “It’s okay. My vibrator is nice.”
He says nothing, and you mentally kick yourself for oversharing. This is why the wall goes up, you think, but when you look at him, he’s already looking at you, and not in the way you expected.
In fact, you’re surprised to see that glint in his eyes again. He licks his lips, and you realize your pulse is racing.
“The way I see it,” he begins slowly, his voice low and even, “we have two options.” You raise an eyebrow, your interest piqued, and he continues. “Option one. You let me know, for real, that you’re not interested. You don’t have to tell me why, but you do have to mean it. And I’ll leave you alone, and you can go home and write your paper.”
Your mouth goes dry as you try to prepare for what might come next.
“Or, option two.” You swear his eyes darken as he says it. “You admit to me that you like me, and that you want me. And you let me take care of you. Which includes keeping you in my bed for as long as it takes me to make you come. I don’t care if it takes hours. I’ve got hours.”
He shrugs like he hasn’t just said the most devastating thing you’ve ever heard. “We can figure out the rest after. It doesn’t have to be anything you don’t want it to be. But it’s your call. I won’t be mad, whatever you choose. I just need to know.” He leans back on his hands, awaiting your choice.
“Jungkook,” you breathe. “You don’t know how tempting that offer is.” You try to say more, but he’s faster.
“Then say yes.”
You want to scream at him that it’s not that simple, that letting people all the way in is a door you slammed shut long ago, never to be opened again. But despite your best attempts, this cheeky, dorky, pierced and tattooed frat wonder boy has managed to wedge that door back open, just an inch. And it’s enough that now you can’t help but wonder what’s on the other side.
Maybe he’s right. Maybe it really can be that simple with him. Maybe safe doesn’t always have to mean alone. Isn’t that why you came to this party in the first place?
You let out a slow exhale, and then for the first time in your life, you decide to get out of your own way.
“Okay,” you say, and you have to work to keep your voice from shaking. “Yes. But,” you quickly add before he has a chance to react, “I don’t want this to turn into a big thing if…” you trail off. “You know. If I can’t.”
“Oh, I’m not worried about that.” He says with a self-assured smile, and you hate that it’s so hot. “I have a secret weapon.”
And then he opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out, and the end of a silver barbell winks at you.
Your jaw drops. “I’m sorry, you have a tongue piercing?!”
He smirks. “Got it a couple months ago. It’s fully healed now, so you get to be my maiden voyage.” You cringe and he laughs self-consciously. “Sorry, that sounded cooler in my head.”
You roll your eyes, but you’re laughing too as his hands reach for your ankles. He gently starts to pull you towards him and you cross your legs, scooting the rest of the way forward until your knees are touching his.
“Can I please kiss you now?” Jungkook asks, but you take his face in your hands and beat him to it.
Given his competitive streak, a part of you had expected everything about this to be rough and hard, but the way he kisses you is so gentle, it’s romantic. You’d forgotten what it’s like to be kissed like this, intimate and slow, not just a tongue shoved down your throat. Jungkook is continuing to prove to you what he already has time and time again: he is nothing like any man you’ve ever met.
You are really curious about that piercing, though, so you tilt your head and tentatively lick into his mouth. When you bump against the metal post he whines a little, and goddamn, you need to be in his bed right fucking now.
He must have the same thought because his hands run firmly over your hips and you both maneuver to your feet without breaking apart. You let him guide you backwards until your knees hit the end of the bed, and you sit down and gaze up at him, breathless from his kisses.
You’re a little nervous, you realize, but then you see the way he’s looking at you. “God, you are so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, and your face flushes.
Jungkook ducks his head to kiss you again, moving you to lay down, and his hand finds the small of your back beneath you. You can’t help but smile when he uses the arm wrapped around you to effortlessly lift you up and scoot you backwards to the head of the bed. You lean against the pillows as his tongue returns to your mouth.
His fingers start to play gently at the hem of your shirt as if asking a question. You nod and he pushes it up, your lips breaking apart only for as long as it takes to pull it over your head before finding each other again.
You reach to do the same for him, but he makes an “uh-uh” noise into your mouth, then pulls away. “I want this to be about you.”
You can’t help but laugh. “Jungkook, that is incredibly sweet, and it can absolutely be about me. But I think you will severely hurt your chances of bringing me to orgasm if you’re wearing that creamsicle nightmare shirt while you’re doing it."
He raises his eyebrows for a split second like he’s weighing whether or not he should accept that challenge, but then he shrugs with a grin and pulls his shirt off over his head. His body is ridiculous, lithe and toned, and he inhales sharply when you run your hands up his chest.
You realize now, as he unhooks your bra and tosses it off the edge of the bed, then starts to kiss down your jaw, that Jungkook is vocal. He makes these breathy little sighs against your skin as he goes, and when you do something like scratch your nails over his back or dip your head to trace your tongue along his neck, he outright moans. The low, raw sound makes your pussy throb.
Noise during sex has always been weird for you; you felt like guys expected you to be loud, which is hard to do convincingly when you’re nowhere near satisfied. But none of the sounds he’s making now seem in any way performative. You can tell it’s just him enjoying your shared pleasure the same way he does everything– unashamedly.
So when he sucks gently at the place where your neck and shoulder meet, lightly running his piercing over the sensitive skin there, your eyes flutter closed, and you don’t hold back the noise he pulls out of you.
“Fuck, Jungkook,” you breathe, and you feel him smile.
You’re overwhelmed by all the different sensations his mouth can make against your skin. He kisses, licks, drags his tongue ring, and bites along your neck and your collarbones, working you until you couldn’t keep quiet even if you wanted to. His hands slide up your waist, coming to cup your breasts, and he tries similar experiments with his thumbs over your nipples: barely-there tapping, then firmer pressure in slow circles, then light pinches that make you gasp and writhe.
He’s clearly educating himself, paying close attention to your responses to figure out the best ways to touch you and take you apart. No one has ever cared this much about what actually felt good to you before; this is a far cry from the half-hearted two minutes of foreplay you’re accustomed to. He really does act like he’s got all the time in the world.
The thought of him touching and kissing you like this for hours is dizzying. Even if he can’t make you come, you don’t fucking care, everything he’s doing still feels incredible. It’s a hell of a lot better than writing a paper.
Jungkook groans into your skin as he mouths down to your breasts, and when he shifts, you can feel his erection grind against your thigh. The knowledge that he’s just as turned on by this as you are, paired with a deft flick of his piercing over your nipple, makes you whine loudly. Your core is already aching to be touched, licked, fucked– anything.
He reaches to unbutton your pants while his lips and tongue still work at the bud of your breast in his mouth. Your hips lift up at his touch and he pulls your jeans down, dropping your nipple from between his teeth so you can kick them the rest of the way off.
His hands slip under the band of your panties with a grunt so heady it’s nearly a growl, but instead of pulling them down, he loops the fabric around his fingers once and pulls up, so the lace is pressed tight against your dripping cunt. Even that small amount of friction makes you whimper, your hips rocking in desperate search of relief.
“Can I take these off?” He pairs the question with another firm tug, so the lace rubs right over your clit as your hips circle.
You don’t even have the breath to answer, you want it so bad; you can only nod.
He pulls your panties off, tossing them to join the rest of your clothes on the floor before moving down between your spread legs. You’re so wet for him now that just his breath on your core is enough to make you moan.
You brush his hair off his forehead and watch as he brings his mouth to your thighs, trailing lips and teeth upwards. With each pass, he comes so close to where you want him, where you need him, but deliberately stops just shy, teasing you. He runs his tongue along the crease where your hip and thigh meet, and the drag of his piercing on your skin makes you cry out, delirious with anticipation.
But then his mouth goes in the wrong direction. Rather than close the small amount of distance left to finally, finally make contact with your cunt, he shifts away from it. His lips and tongue trail back over your hips, your stomach, and up the valley between your breasts. You lift your head in disbelief to watch him, and you don’t think you’re going to make it– you’ve never been denied pleasure like this before. Your eyes start to sting like they might well up with tears.
He keeps going, lips moving from your neck to your jaw and then finally back to your mouth. You turn your head to the side, your breathing ragged.
“Jungkook,” you nearly sob, “please.”
His voice is hoarse when he murmurs in your ear with a dark laugh, “I was wondering how long it would take you to beg for it. You really held out on me.” He kisses you again and you whine in frustration as he sucks on your bottom lip. He pulls away with a smile. “Talk to me. Tell me what you need.”
Your head swims; you try to form words through your desperation. “I– fuck, anything, anything. Please, Jungkook, please.” You sound so wrecked, so needy, but if he wants you to beg, you’ll do it, gladly. You’re going to die if he doesn’t touch you soon. Your hips shudder up against his, your nails dragging down his back.
“Good girl, love it when you say my name like that,” he groans into the crook of your neck, and your pussy clenches around nothing, your brain short-circuiting at the praise.
He doesn’t drag it out any longer– you don’t think you’d survive if he did– and instead just shifts to settle back between your legs. His hands come to your thighs and you’re so keyed up that you jump under his touch as he spreads you wide open. You’re nearly clawing at the bedsheets in preparation to finally feel him after so long, but instead of his fingers or his tongue, something wet hits your clit.
It takes a second for your brain to process that he spit on you. Fuck.
You look up to see him looking at you, wide-eyed, like he’s only just realized what he did. “Sorry, I should’ve asked first. Was that okay?”
It was fucking hot, actually, but you’re so far gone that you can’t make the words happen. You can only nod and roll your hips up toward him.
“Jungkook, please,” you manage to whimper one final time, and he dips his head to press a kiss to your inner thigh.
“Don’t worry,” he murmurs against your skin, “I’ve got you.” And then he closes his lips around your clit.
“Oh my fucking god,” you moan, relief flooding through you like a shot in the arm. His movements aren’t that different from how he first kissed you, gentle and sweet, and your clit throbs when his lip ring rolls over it.
Jungkook’s mouth falls into a steady rhythm, and he’s groaning against your pussy like it feels good for him, too. Enthusiastic is the only way to describe the way he eats you out; you really do believe he could do this all day.
Alternating with the movement of his lips, he starts to incorporate long, slow licks of his tongue across your folds. There’s enough spit and slickness that his piercing slides right over your clit, and it’s a sensation like nothing you’ve ever felt before that has you bucking against his mouth. He whines mid-lick when you do, and the vibration rips through you, your back arching in response.
That earns you two of his fingers slipped into your cunt, and for the second time tonight, you think you might die. Your legs start to shake as his fingers curl inside you.
“Yes, yes, oh fuck,” you groan. You don’t recognize your own voice; you’ve never made noise like this before, but nothing’s ever felt this good. You’re coming undone in his hands, under his tongue.
He changes up the rhythm on your clit, moving between fluidly swirling his piercing over it and pulling it into his mouth for hard suction. The pleasure is still overwhelming, but something about the switch-up takes you out of your body and into your head, and you falter for a moment.
He’s been at this for a while, and he does seem to be enjoying himself, but even so, you start to feel self-conscious. Are you taking too long? Is his tongue getting tired? What if you still can’t come from this?
Your momentary silence and lack of movement must be enough to send Jungkook’s competitive edge into overdrive, because he grabs your thigh with his free hand as if to pull you even closer and fully buries his face in your cunt.
He flattens his tongue against you and starts to shake his head aggressively, wiggling his tongue with it, and the barbell tapping rhythmically at your clit has you gasping for air and grabbing at the bedsheets.
As if that wasn’t enough, he adds a third finger inside you, slowing down for just a moment to make sure you’re accustomed to the stretch. He runs his free hand up your thigh and lays it flat below your stomach, pressing down firmly on your lower abdomen. You don’t know what to expect– no one’s ever done it to you before, but when he resumes rocking his fingers back and forth against your front wall under that extra pressure, you nearly drench his hand in arousal, it feels so good.
“Fuck, Jungkook, fuck!” You moan, and you wonder if the whole party downstairs can hear. You sound like a goddamn pornstar, the kind of noises that are so ridiculous you’d think they were fake if you weren’t experiencing the insane, all-encompassing pleasure yourself firsthand. Here, in Jungkook’s bed, in his fucking frat house, getting eaten out like you’re his last fucking meal.
You can’t even remember what you were worrying about now. There’s no space left in your brain for it, and your pussy is already starting to flutter around his fingers as you feel the pressure building in your core.
Out of sheer desperation, you wind a hand through his hair and lift your hips up against his mouth, matching his rhythm. He looks up at you and moans around your clit, nodding his head, clearly trying to encourage you without letting his tempo slow.
His breathing is ragged and loud as you grip his hair and rock your hips, bumping your clit against his pierced tongue again and again and again, exactly the way you need it.
Your moans increase in pitch and pace as you feel your orgasm crest. He responds back in time, encouraging you, his voice coming from some raw, primal place as he grunts open-mouthed, “uh-huh, uh-huh” against your clit, and you can hear his fingers working your cunt so well, and it’s all too fucking much.
You come so hard, it makes you question if you’ve ever actually had an orgasm before. Hands gripping at the sheets, toes curling, legs shaking violently, back arching up off the mattress, all with a loud moan that’s more like a sob. You have never in your life felt anything this good.
Jungkook slows but doesn’t stop as the aftershocks roll through you, slowly moving his head up and down to lick flat, long stripes over your clit as you continue to shudder against his face. Your thighs pull together reflexively when you become too sensitive, and that’s when he finally relents, pulling off and out of you.
You stare up at the ceiling, trying to remember how to breathe and wondering if you really did die after all. There’s a loud bang on the door, but you’re too blissed out to even give a fuck, and it’s just one of his frat bros yelling “alright, JK!” from the other side.
At least they’re supportive of a woman’s pleasure, you think, and then you can’t help but laugh at the sheer insanity of it all. Jungkook slides up the bed to lay next to you, and he’s smiling as he wipes his face with his hand.
“I guess you didn’t fake that one, huh?”
You can only shake your head as you struggle to get your breath back.
“Holy shit, I feel like I should say thank you,” you eventually manage, and he laughs his perfect laugh. You roll over to bury your face in his shoulder. “What the fuck, Jungkook– I think I saw my life flash before my eyes. That was fucking crazy.”
Jungkook flips onto his side facing you, propped up on one arm, his other hand gently running back and forth along the curve of your waist. “What can I say? I play to win.” He can’t hide his satisfied smile as the official winner of your first ever non-solo orgasm.
You lean against him, allowing your eyes to close again as your pulse slows, and you sigh contentedly as he presses his lips to your hairline.
“What time is it?” He asks after a few minutes. “Do you need to go write your paper?”
You tilt back to shoot him a death glare. “Do not mention my fucking paper right now, Jeon Jungkook. I’m trying to bask in the glow here.”
He laughs again and pulls you closer. “My bad.”
“And besides,” your face softens, and your eyes trace down to his hand that’s now gently palming over the front of his pants, where you can see the bulge of his erection. “I believe you promised me hours.”
He raises his eyebrows slightly. “Oh, I’ll give you hours.”
Your pussy doesn’t feel anywhere near recovered, but you’re somehow also aching for him to fuck you. If that was only his head game, you genuinely don’t think you’ll survive sex with Jungkook. But you’re willing to die trying.
“Come here,” his voice returns to that near-growl and he crawls over you, one hand cupping your jaw as he brings his lips to yours.
This time when his thigh presses between your legs, it’s on purpose. Your clit still twitches at the contact, but the pressure is indirect enough that it only feels good, and you rock your hips slowly into him.
You’re desperate to see him, touch him, return the favor, and your hand slips between your bodies to grab him through his pants. You whine against his lips when you feel how thick he is in your hand, and you pull little gasps out of him as you slowly start to pump him over the fabric.
“Please fuck me, Jungkook,” you whisper when you break apart, begging for it the way you’ve learned he likes, your hand still working him.
He bites down hard on your neck with a laugh, like he can’t believe you’re real.
You start to unbutton and push down his pants and then he flips onto his back to do the rest, shedding pants and boxers at the same time. You can’t help but giggle a little at his apparent urgency, pleased that he needs you just as bad, as he yanks his nightstand drawer out, retrieves a condom, and rips it open with his teeth.
But that urgency is gone once he’s hovering over you, cock teasing at your entrance, your knees bent and legs spread for him. It’s replaced by that same look in his eyes, those same gentle kisses, and arousal pooling in your belly at the realization that he really could do this for hours. But you need him now.
“Please,” you whisper one more time, and he groans against your throat as he pushes into you.
His pace is slow, hips rolling fluidly, and you’re still so sensitive that your walls flutter around him with each thrust. The thickness of his cock feels just as good as you thought it would. You moan loudly, arching back against the pillow, as his head drags over your sweet spot.
“God, you feel so fucking good,” he groans, his voice ragged. He keeps rolling his hips, stroking so slow and deep that it’s pleasure and torture all in one. 
Jungkook must be a fast learner, because when he thrusts into you one more time and you whine in response, the same strangled noise you made when he teased your cunt, he knows what you need. You don’t even have to beg for it.
His hands slide along the backs of your thighs and he pushes, just a little, folding your legs up so your pelvis tilts to give him full access to your cunt. And then he picks up the pace.
The pleasure is overwhelming as he bottoms out inside you over and over, and you’re already close to the edge of a second climax. You rake your nails down his back and his hips move even faster, both of you moaning with every thrust. The sound of skin on skin is so loud it’s obscene; there’s no way the whole party doesn’t know what you’re up to by now.
You don’t give a shit. You hope they’re all jealous.
Your legs start to shake as the pressure in your core builds, and you’re suddenly in dire need of release all over again. You move to reach a hand down between your legs, but Jungkook doesn’t miss a thing.
He lets go of one of your thighs to knock your hand away, replacing it with his own, his thrusts never slowing. You watch this time as he spits on your clit again, and then starts to rub circles over it.
It’s a touch you’ve felt before, fast and hard, usually performed by a guy who has no idea what he’s doing, and usually painful as all hell.
But Jungkook is very obviously a fucking expert in his field, and he must know that when you’re as slick as you are from his mouth and your own arousal, and you’ve already come once, and you’re this insanely turned on and desperate for it, it doesn’t hurt at all. Your hips lift up off the bed because right now, it’s fucking perfect.
“Oh my fucking god, Jungkook, fuck, yes, don’t stop–” you cry out, and your last moan is nearly a scream as you come all the way undone for him. Your cunt squeezes tightly around his length, and he only has to rut into you a few more times before he’s coming, too, with a loud groan of your name.
His head drops onto your shoulder as he finishes, gasping for breath. You lean back against the pillows, still shuddering a little but entirely spent, fucked out of your mind.
You’re only vaguely aware of what’s happening when he pulls out of you, or when the bed shifts as he gets up to dispose of the condom, then collapses back down next to you with a dazed sigh.
You roll into him, still lost for words, and he wraps both arms around you. You can hear his heart thudding hard in his chest, the same tempo as yours.
A laugh rips through you as you play the last few moments back and remember his hand shoving your own away. You look up at him. “So what are you, in charge of my orgasms now? Did I sign a contract tonight?”
“No,” he gives a small smile, and you see a blush creep up his neck at the reminder of something done clearly in the heat of the moment. “I don’t know. No one had ever made you come once before, so… I just wanted to do it twice. Set a new number to beat.”
You roll your eyes, but you can’t hide the grin on your face. “I’m not a video game, Jungkook.”
“Nope,” he laughs, tightening his grip around you. “You are so much better.” He ducks down to kiss you gently.
You’re still smiling when he moves to rest his chin on your head. “And you are better than my vibrator.”
There’s a comfortable pause, and then you decide you may as well do what you do best and ruin everything. “So, is now the time when I ask you the phrase that every frat boy dreads to hear?” You start, and he’s already looking at you when you glance up again. “What are we?”
He shrugs, looking totally nonplussed. “That’s up to you. I will literally go out there right now and announce to the entire party that you’re my girlfriend and I’m the first man to ever make you come, if that’s what you want.”
You press your face to his chest and laugh self-consciously. “Well, I think they already know about the second part. I wasn’t exactly quiet.”
His lips brush against your temple. “Don’t be. I want them all to know who’s fucking you right.”
You sigh, wondering how on earth this kid is real. There’s a big part of you, especially with the high of two orgasms rattling around in your brain, that wants to take the leap right now, straight into the unknown. You want to trust him fully, but you’re still scared of the uncertainty, the potential for disaster. It’s been a long time since you let someone all the way in.
“But the G word…” you say nervously. “That’s a lot for me, at least right now.”
“Okay,” Jungkook says simply, and when you meet his gaze, the look on his face betrays no hurt feelings or hidden agenda. It makes you feel like it really is okay. “We can be whatever you want,” he continues. “I’m not going anywhere.”
You can feel yourself getting emotional, and you bring your cheek to his chest again, hoping he can’t tell. “Well, whatever label we put on it, you are eating me out like that at least once a week.”
“Once a week?” He huffs softly. “How about once a day?” He shifts slightly to trail kisses along your neck. “Actually,” he murmurs in your ear, “I could go for seconds right now…”
You laugh and shove against his chest. “Hey, I’m still getting used to this brave new world over here. If you make me come again tonight I think I might literally die in your bed.” He relents with a smug smile and a kiss pressed to your cheek.
“But if you wanted to wake me up that way tomorrow…” you offer, and he gets that goddamn look in his eyes, the one that may forever be known as the look that ruined your life.
“Oh, I think we can make that happen.”
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: you share a series of moments with jungkook, come to several realizations about sora. things shift...for the better or for worse? pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, kinda toxic friendship, suggestive content (hooking up)
word count: 7305... yeah idk what happened lmao
a/n: if you want to be tagged, send an ask plz
“You come here often?” A voice behind you murmurs in your ear. You nearly jump, but you already know who it is.
Jungkook. Ever since he had texted you letting you know that he was on his way, you’d been eagerly looking for him in the crowded, dim lights of the bar.
“No,” You say, unable to stop a giggle from pushing past your lips.
“Lucky for me then, huh?” Jungkook grins, his smile a little dark and a little seductive. It sends a thrill up your spine.
“It is,” You nod, “Really lucky for you. And for me-”
You internally cringe at yourself. Did you learn to flirt only yesterday? Jungkook quirks an eyebrow at you in amusement before letting his hand rest on your lower back.
“C’mon, pretty, I’ll get you a drink,” Jungkook says, “Maybe then you’ll pick up a trick or two on the subject of flirting.”
You gasp and swat his chest, “Don’t be so rude.”
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Jungkook stands in between your legs at the bar, one hand on your thigh and one hand gripping his drink. You’re laughing at something he said in your ear, something funny that happened at the tattoo parlor earlier in the day-
“Mina and Mei pretended to be the other to see how long it would take for Jin to notice, since he can never tell them apart-”
“You’re all terrible, and poor Jin, you always instigate with him!”
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” Jungkook nearly pouts at you.
“Oh? Why’s that? Maybe I like Jin more than I like you,” You reply, leaning closer to him.
“But you still like me, right?” Jungkook says, discreetly weaving his fingers through yours. Nobody’s paying attention to either of you, but even if someone was, you wouldn’t mind.
Or so you thought nobody was paying attention to either of you.
“Mmm… maybe a little bit,” You grin, tilting your head to the side, “Tell me how cool and pretty you think I am, and then I’ll decide.”
Jungkook laughs, throwing his head back. His bright, bunny smile makes you smile. “You already know how cool and pretty I think you are, baby.”
“You could stand to mention it a little more.”
“And what about me?” Jungkook says, leaning forward, “You never compliment me, baby…”
“That’s- that’s not true,” You whisper. He’s close enough that you can see the stars in his eyes, the ridges on his plump, pouty bottom lip, the mole below his lip.
“But I guess you don’t need to, not really,” Jungkook says airily, “Not when I can tell that you think about me. Because my girl’s dirty, huh?”
You squeeze his lithe fingers tightly and he smiles at you, sin painted in the curves of his wicked grin.
“Uh-” You stammer, your face feeling hot, “You’re really cute?”
He throws his head back once more and you grin bashfully at him. “And I like spending time with you,” You say softly, looking up at him as if you want him to hang the moon for you.
Jungkook curses under his breath. Because he would, he really would.
“How lucky for me,” Jungkook says, patting your head fondly.
“Shut up,” You roll your eyes.
Before the night ends (and you endure the teasing of Mina and Mei), you manage to convince Jungkook into taking pictures with you. Mina is all too happy to take them. You don’t know how many candids she takes of you both- you get lost in his voice and the glint in his eyes.
And then he abruptly kisses your cheek, and your breath hitches with the feel of his lips against your skin leaving your heart sputtering helplessly in your chest.
Mei and Mina are both cooing in the background at their favorite couple who isn’t quite a couple just yet. Jungkook glares at both of them, only causing them both to laugh.
And then the moment is ruined by none other than Sora herself. Jungkook sighs, already knowing that you’re going to be pulled away from him. He doesn’t know why she’s even here when nobody here likes or knows her except for you. But you’re too nice to leave her out of things (mainly because you don’t want her to get upset at you for it). So Jungkook says nothing, only narrowing his eyes at her when she comes close.
She eyes his arm around your waist and how close you’re standing to him suspiciously.
“I don’t feel so good,” Sora groans, clutching her stomach. How dramatic, Jungkook scoffs. As if she’s never handled alcohol before. Jungkook looks for the blurriness that comes with alcohol in her eyes and is unsurprised to find nothing.
But perhaps his dislike for her is outweighing reality.
“Door’s right there,” Jungkook says bluntly, “And the bathroom's over there. Knock yourself out.”
He tightens his hand over your waist, ignoring your gentle swat of your hand against his chest.
“Can we go home?” Sora pouts at you, but not before sending Jungkook a glare. Jungkook already knows you’re nodding- it seems that Sora always gets what she wants.
He knows she’s faking it, and you’re too nice to see through her bullshit.
Well, Jungkook gets what he wants, too.
“I can take you both home?” Jungkook says, though the thought of being within five feet of her sends him recoiling.
“No! We can get home ourselves,” Sora nearly hisses.
“What about when she drops you off at your apartment? You gonna let her walk home alone?” Jungkook scoffs.
“She doesn’t live that far, and she can take care of herself. Or she can sleepover,” Sora answers heatedly, as if you’re not right there.
“She is right here. And I’m not sleeping over, I have an early morning tomorrow,” You say easily, feeling annoyance beginning to stir in your belly. It’s a lie, but Sora doesn’t need to know that. “Go wait at the door, Sora. I’ll be there in a minute.”
And for once, Sora listens to you.
“Jungkook,” You murmur with heated cheeks, “Maybe I can see you later tonight?”
Jungkook laughs in surprise. His girl isn’t just flirty and touchy, you’re a liar. And you’re a liar for him.
“Sure baby, whatever you want. Just please text me when you get home. Or call me and I’ll come pick you up,” Jungkook says, returning your tipsy smile. He wants to glare in Sora’s direction but refrains from doing so.
He can hear both Mira and Mei both giggling into their hands a few feet away, but you don’t seem to hear it. You don’t seem to hear anything but him.
“Okay,” You beam at him, “I’ll call you.”
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By the time you get Sora in the safe hands of her roommates and tucked into bed with a glass of water, it’s nearly 1:30 AM.
“Promise me somethin’,” She says, her eyes half awake. But you can tell she’s alert and aware.
“Hmm?” You say distractedly, about to text Jungkook telling him you’re going home soon.
“You need to stay away from Jeon,” She mumbles, watching you like a hawk, “He’s not a good guy-”
“I think you’re tired, Sora,” You say, not meeting her gaze, “I’m pretty tired, too. So ‘m gonna go home. Sleep well.”
“I mean it, he’ll break your heart, you know. Don’t you trust me?”
“Sleep well,” You whisper easily, levelling her with an intense gaze. She feels herself being scrutinized as if she’s under a microscope, but the heat dissipates quickly as you turn on your heel.
Lying to her comes so easily, even with your heart pounding painfully in your ears. But you know that’s not Jungkook’s influence on you, as she might claim. Jungkook has never been a liar- apparently that’s reserved only for you.
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Jungkook is only a few blocks away from Sora’s apartment building so you remain on the phone with him, giggling quietly, as you meet him halfway. He covers more ground quicker than you so he catches up to you quickly.
“Hi,” You laugh wildly, not sure what you’re even laughing at. You’re giddy just from the sight of him and you shyly take his hand in yours. He looks at you in surprise but says nothing, only rubbing your thumb with his own.
“Hey, baby,” He says smoothly. You only beam at him in response to how he is apparently unaffected by you. It’s so easy for you to push Sora’s words from your mind, when Jungkook is standing right by your side looking at you like that.
“I live kind of far from here,” You confess, “It’s like a fifteen or twenty minute drive.”
Jungkook shakes his head at you, pulling his phone out for an Uber. “I hate that you Uber home alone so often from here,” Jungkook says, “Don’t do that anymore. You’ve heard the stories right?”
“Yeah, I have,” You shrug, “I don’t really know who else I can call all the way from here-”
“Me,” Jungkook says sharply, “Yoongi. Hobi. Jin. Mei. Mina. Any of us, baby. Fuckin’ Sora should drive you home.”
“She’s drunk, she can’t drive!”
“Not this time, just in general,” Jungkook mutters, “Some best friend, letting you ride alone in a damn Uber for twenty minutes without even checking up on you-”
“I don’t wanna talk about her anymore,” You mumble abruptly, “I want to go home, Jungkook. Will you take me home?”
And who is he to deny you?
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In hindsight, maybe you should have slowed down. Maybe he should have slowed down. But the minute you enter the threshold of your home, your hands are warm and welcoming on his chest. You want him, you need him, you need him to hold you the way you know he wants to.
Your lips are sweet against his, trembling and burning all at once.
It’s been about an hour since you both ended up falling into your bed together, and most of that hour has been filled with you both locking lips. It had been you who had pressed your hands to his firm chest with determined eyes and a deep furrow in your brow before pressing your lips to his.
As quickly as it happened, it feels right. You’re sitting on his lap as if you belong, hips slowly rocking into his as your hands pull his hair out of the ponytail that it’s in. You sigh happily when you card through his hair, fingertips gentle over his scalp.
Jungkook loves the soft, pretty noises he pulls from you with each slip of his tongue into your mouth. You’re hungry, impatient, nothing of what his initial first impression of you was. You always want more, more, more and he wants to give, give, give.
He should’ve been more surprised than he really was when you had tugged his hand into your bedroom, pushed him to your bed and climbed into his lap. Your eyes are hooded, as you duck your head to meet his lips.
He tastes like honey and mint and something sweet. He smells like fresh laundry. You could lose yourself in him, you think, as you bite his lower lip generously.
“Baby,” Jungkook groans into your mouth, missing the warmth of your lips immediately, “Wait.”
But he moans again when you nip his bottom lip gently, coaxing your way into his mouth. It takes him a few seconds to pull away, your honeyed lips too tempting for him. You complain vocally, deciding to press your lips to his neck instead.
“Baby,” Jungkook says again, a little firmly with a tight grip on your hips.
“Honey,” You say in the same tone, your lips pulled into a pretty pout.
“Slow down,” Jungkook murmurs, gently placing you on the bed, your back against your freshly washed sheets. You hum and wrap an arm around his shoulders, eyelashes fluttering as you just watch him. Jungkook looks so good above you, lips perfectly pink and pillowy… You’re tempted to lick the column of his neck, all along the swirls of ink, but you don’t.
“It’s late,” You muse, twirling his hair within your fingers. He won’t admit that he feels like putty in your arms, hovering above you.
“Great observation,” Jungkook says dryly, “Anything else you wanna share with the class?”
“Will you stay over,” You murmur, looking up at him as he lays in between your legs and dots your cheeks in soft kisses.
“You want that, baby? Pretty baby wants me to stay over?” Jungkook nearly coos at you, and you swat his hand away at his teasing.
“Shut up,” You mumble, “Only because it’s like, 3 in the morning and it would be shitty for you to go all the way across the city alone.”
“Yeah, right, only because it's three AM. Not because you want to cuddle,” Jungkook snorts.
“You’re only good for cuddling, anyway,” You shoot back, “I have some of my dad’s sweats and shirts if you want to change. Get off me, you big oaf.”
“My girl’s mean, huh?
“Oh, who said anything about your girl,” You mutter, embracing the heat in your face.
Jungkook peels his leather jacket off, but he catches your curious eyes before you turn away and all but run into the bathroom to change and take your makeup off. He’s waiting in your bed as if he lives there, waiting for you to join him.
“Why do you look so nervous in your own bedroom,” Jungkook asks bluntly, chuckling at your soft noise of offense.
“It’s not everyday I have you in my bed,” You mumble, peeling the covers back to slide into bed next to him.
“You want it to be everyday?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, pretty boy,” You reply, pinching his waist. He yelps and grips your wrist loosely.
“You okay with this or what? I can sleep on the couch if you’re not,” Jungkook says, rubbing your wrist gently.
You hum, “I’m good. You good?”
“Got the prettiest girl right here. Of course I’m good,” Jungkook says, winking at you. You hide your face from him and swat his chest.
“Good night,” You mumble, “Go to sleep, stupid.”
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“Who the fuck,” Jungkook grumbles into your hair, “The fuck is calling you this early, what the fuck-”
You groan, pushing your face into his chest as if that’ll push the jarring sound of your phone blaring out of your mind. Rubbing your eyes with an irritated sigh, you reach over to blindly feel for your phone on the nightstand but Jungkook reaches it first.
“Of course,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, “She never misses a fucking beat does she? Even at 6:20 in the fucking morning...”
You catch a glimpse at the phone and see that it’s Sora calling you. You take the phone from his hands, letting him wrap himself around you with a pout. You run your hand over his back silently as you answer the phone.
“Hello?” You grumble raspily, voice filled with remnants of the morning.
“Hey, just checking that you were awake. You said you had an early morning today, right?” Sora's chipper voice booms into the receiver. You cringe. Has she always sounded like that?
“Yeah…” You reply, but you’re a little distracted by the way that Jungkook’s lips attach to the corner of your mouth. “Mmm…”
“You there? You falling asleep on me, or what?” Sora asks, “Always so distracted, you should seriously pay more attention-”
Jungkook hears her and glares at the phone. His eyes harden and he moves quickly, without warning you. He takes the phone from your hands swiftly as if it’s personally offended him.
“Leave us alone, Sora,” Jungkook says, steel and frustration clear in his voice, “It’s too early for this shit, go do something productive and leave us alone. ”
You watch him with gobsmacked eyes, knowing this won’t end well but unable to find it in yourself to care as much as you should.
At least not yet.
Sora’s flabbergasted screech pierces the previously quiet morning air through your phone and you wince. You knew she wouldn’t be happy, but you’ll deal with her later. When a sleepy, pouty Jungkook wasn’t in front of you already chasing your lips with his.
“Kook,” You sigh, turning your cheek to face him. He plants his lips on yours easily, pulling the words right off of your tongue and filling your mind with air.
“You embarrassed of me or something,” Jungkook teases.
“What? No,” You say sharply, eyes wide, “Why would you think that?”
“You lied to her last night and you lied to her just now. You don’t have an early morning,” Jungkook says, hands running over your cheek, “You only have me in your bed.”
“She keeps telling me I should stay away from you,” You confess, “I don’t know why she doesn’t like you, but I’ll talk to her about it later. I don’t want my best friend to not like you-”
“Is she? Your best friend?” Jungkook asks, cutting you off. Your eyes are round with confusion, head tilted to the side.
“Why wouldn’t she be?” You ask softly, “We’ve been close since college-”
“I know all the facts, baby,” Jungkook says, trying his best to not insult Sora to you the way he wants to, “I know she’s been your friend since college, you’ve seen each other at your worst, all of the usual bullshit-”
“... Why do you think she doesn’t want you to have anything to do with me? If she was really your best friend, she wouldn’t be this fucking concerned or involved-”
“If I knew, we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” You shrug, “She’s just… protective of me.”
“She cares too fucking much in my opinion,” Jungkook says, “Fucking control freak. Would someone protective of you send you on a blind date with an asshole who stood you up and didn’t even reach out to you after?”
Jungkook has a lot more he wants to say about Sora and how she treats you, but he keeps it to himself for now.
You don’t know what to say, so you say nothing. Only looking at him with those disarming eyes. He hasn’t said much about it, but your gears are already turning. You’ve been growing more and more tired of Sora’s antics- mainly the way she never seems to take into account your feelings unless it benefits her. It was tolerable in college, but the more you fell for Jungkook, the more tiresome it was becoming.
“I don’t wanna talk about her anymore,” You say finally, a repeat of what you said last night.
Jungkook looks at you, something undecipherable in his eyes, before nodding and quietly meeting your warm, sleepy lips with his own.
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It’s been a total of thirty-six hours since you kissed Jungkook and he had spent the night with you. You haven’t had any type of conversation with him about what your kiss with him meant, what him staying the night over meant. It doesn't’ stop you from feeling giddy at the thought of him, from replaying the last kiss he had given you. From leaving you wanting more.
You think nothing of it as you cheerily buy a dozen donuts to bring with you to the tattoo parlor to surprise Jungkook and your friends. Maybe you can sneak a kiss in.
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But the minute you walk into the parlor, you know something is a little off. Jungkook’s shoulders are tense, a pensive look settled in his eyes. His jaw is clenched, tongue poking his cheek.
“Hi,” You murmur, offering him the box of donuts, “I come bearing treats.”
Jungkook gives you a thin smile. He chews on his chapped bottom lip, deep in thought. You didn’t know what to expect after seeing him for the first time after he spent the night with you, but this isn’t what you expected.
He’s standing across from you with crossed arms over his broad chest. The air between you both feels cold and still, icy as you exhale. He’s upset about something, and after before you can ask him what’s wrong (before you can stop your own spiral downwards), he beats you to the punch-
“I don’t understand you,” Jungkook says, his voice perfectly calm and even. But it’s eerie.
Your heart drops to your stomach instantly and you swallow the dry lump in your throat.
“What?” You hate how soft, how weak your voice sounds. But you can’t help it, not when disappointment coats his eyes and when he speaks to you like he’s disgusted by you. You don’t understand him either. The way he switches up on you with no warning.
Jungkook takes a deep breath to tell you what’s been on his mind. Instead of the practiced speech that sounded much calmer in his mind, what comes out is-
“You let Sora walk all over you,” Jungkook hisses, “You let her dictate almost every fucking decision! She has this inexplicable hold over you, and you don’t even know it!”
Jungkook hates confrontation, he really does. But he’s at his wit’s end with you and with Sora. Mostly with you, for not seeing a terrible friend in front of your eyes even when everyone tries telling you. How can you be this blinded by it? By her?
“She manipulates you at every turn, and you just let her! And you know what, I get it- it’s hard to recognize it when you’re in it. But we’ve all told you. She’s not a good friend to you, at all!”
Your face falls, heart sinking into a black hole that begins to swirl in your belly. You can’t stand it, the fire in his eyes despite the ice in his voice. You don’t like this. You don’t like this.
“I don’t know why you’re so hellbent on listening to her,” Jungkook seethes, getting angrier the more he thinks about Sora, “She treats you like shit- you have to know you deserve better than that, right? She sabotages you every chance she gets. She doesn’t like any of us, you know that? And forget that- why don’t you fucking ask yourself why she has the opposite opinion to everything when it comes to something you like? Your fucking car, your apartment, your job, your choice in decor. Even me.”
His words make you ache terribly and you desperately need something to hold on to to ground yourself. You shove your fists in the pockets of your jacket and surely, you’re clenching your fists tight enough that your nails are piercing through the skin of your palms.
“You never question her intentions. You’ve never even dreamed of questioning her,” Jungkook continues with a cruel sneer, lips twisting into something unfamiliar that cuts across you, “You should ask yourself why. You should ask yourself by you’re always defending her, walking on eggshells around her, afraid to be in disagreement with her, when she doesn’t give a fuck about you.”
But he doesn’t stop there, “You’re so fucking naive a-and fucking foolish. You can’t see how she always has to have you in the palm of her hand, how she makes sure she’s ahead of you in life, by whatever twisted definition of that she has. You deserve better than her. And I know I deserve better than to be hidden because you’re too scared to face your supposed best friend.”
You don’t have any words. Your brain seems to short circuit at his harsh truths, unable to formulate a single sentence. Instead your hands tremble and your eyes become wet.
You say nothing. As always, you say nothing.
“You’re not gonna say anything? Not even now?” Jungkook asks, tongue pressing against his cheek.
Another five seconds goes by before you open your mouth, “I d-don’t know what to say,” Your voice is quiet, unlike what Jungkook is used to, “It seems you’ve already made up your mind about me. I’m sorry I hurt you.”
Jungkook could scream in frustration. You still won’t say what’s on your mind, even when he insults you straight to your face. He can’t tell what you’re thinking (mainly because you hardly ever say anything about it), despite being able to read you easily.
“I think I should go,” You say in the same soft, defeated voice, “I b-brought donuts, but umm… they’re over there. Goodbye, Jungkook.”
With that, you turn your back on him and on the tattoo parlor to head outside. He doesn’t see the trembling of your hands or of your shoulders. He doesn’t know that you somehow hold your tears back the whole way home, biting down harshly on your bottom lip enough to draw blood.
Jungkook doesn’t know that you barely make it into your apartment with his words ringing cruelly in your head. He doesn’t know that you collapse in your bed in a mess of sobs and the sound of your heart aching.
You’re alone.
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It takes all of thirty seconds after your departure for Jungkook to realize the weight of his words and for your defeated, hunched over shoulders to replay in his mind like a movie. It takes another forty seconds for Mina and Mei to emerge from their respective offices (where he’s certain they heard the entire conversation) and scream at him for his callousness-
“I have never known you to speak to anyone like that, let alone the girl that you’ve liked for who knows how long! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Mina says and smacks the back of his head.
“You’re an idiot,” Mei continues with narrowed eyes, “You better apologize to her and kiss her fucking feet-”
“Who else was going to tell her about Sora? She hasn’t listened to-”
“There is a way to communicate these things!” Mei says angrily, “You yelling at her like that wasn’t the move and you know it. You’re so fucking stupid!”
“Alright, I get it,” Jungkook says, equally as angry. He pulls away from both of them, not wanting to hear it from them anymore.
“That girl Sora is a fucking bitch but you’re no better for how you just behaved,” Mina hisses, “Get your shit together, Jeon.”
He knows that he was harsh, maybe too harsh with you. Looking back on the memory of your glossy eyes and sad, slumped shoulders… You hadn’t even fought him. You’d just accepted his barrage of words as fact, without even thinking to provide an explanation or a defense of yourself.
Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut in shame. Once the anger dissolves into hurt, he reaches a conclusion. He should’ve just talked to you rather than lash out at you like that.
You’re no delicate flower, but damn, he’d do anything to take away the broken look in your eyes.
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You take exactly two days off from work to sort through your feelings and thoroughly comb through your previous memories with Sora, and subsequently, with all of your friends. You spend most of this time in your bed, under the covers and scrolling through old photos from college and post-grad life.
It’s funny- you don’t really know where your sense of self got away from you.
You’ve always approached people- relationships, friendships- logically and rationally. Or at least you thought you had. It seems like a lot of your reactions to things that may have upset you or bothered you (or lack thereof) was for the convenience of others- namely Sora.
You bury your head in your hands when she passes through your memory. How could you have let it escalate this far? Can you be so blind to someone treating you so horribly for this long? Can you excuse her behavior for the simple fact that she’s been your supposed friend for years?
You try to think back on a time when you felt like you could unabashedly be yourself around Sora without any consequence for simply existing.
You come up blank.
Logic comes easy to you. It’s easy for you to make the decision to finally speak to Sora and say what needs to be said. Especially when your other friends were hurt by her actions, and by extension, yours.
After about another thirty-six hours, you decide. It doesn’t surprise you, how easy it is to make the decision. You decide that this “friendship” with Sora isn’t worth it. Not when she’s made you feel like this for years and if she treats your friends this way, too.
You’ll give her a chance to explain, but most of your mind is set already. Considering how well you know her, you know how this conversation is going to go. You dread it, but it must be done. Even if it’s long overdue.
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“I need you to be honest with me,” You say plainly, keeping your face neutral even as your heart hammers away in your chest. At least you’re in the safety and comfort of your own home, your pastel green throw pillow on your lap acting as an anchor.
Sora sits across from you, an eyebrow raised. Her mouth is twisted into something defensive, on the ready to eat you alive. How could you not notice it before?
“When am I ever not honest with you?” Sora scoffs.
“Then it should be easy for you to answer a few questions for me, and we can be on our merry ways,” You say breezily, your eyes hardened. She swallows. Good.
“The fuck you being so formal for?” Sora laughs, but her smile drops when she sees that you’re not joking.
“Why are you so mean to Jungkook and his friends? My friends?” You ask without missing a beat. You cross your arms over your chest and look at her expectantly. Your ears feel warm, but you press on.
Even if Jungkook is perhaps irreparably upset with you, you think this is his influence. Growing a spine and sticking up for yourself, for the people around you.
“Seriously? That’s what’s got your panties twisted?” Sora says, waving a dismissive hand at you, “Don’t worry about them, they don’t know you like I do- I mean who else was holding your hair back when you were throwing your guts up in college?”
“I don’t think the quality of a friendship should be assessed by how many drunken nights we had.”
“Who else was there for you when nobody else was?” Sora hisses, “I took you home when your parents left you for the holidays, I was the one who was there with you when your shitty ex’s ghosted you, god, your taste is the worst-I was the only one who ever saw you!”
You squeeze your pillow far too tightly.
“Stop holding that shit over my head,” You snap, “Those are just things that friends do. I never begged you for your support and I shouldn’t have to feel like I owe you something other than friendship just for being your only fucking friend who put up with your shit for this long.”
Before she can open her mouth to speak, you cut across her, “Stop talking about the past. College was years ago at this point. We graduated fucking almost six years ago. And even in college… you haven’t changed a bit,” You let out a mirthless laugh, “What do you have to say for our friendship right now? If you gave a shit about me, you wouldn’t have set me up with a loser who stood me up. You afraid of something, Sora? You afraid I’ve been around people who are friends with me because they actually like me, not because they get off on a weird power trip?
“Ever since the beginning, all you’ve done is push me away from myself,” You say with trembling lips, “E-everything, you’ve just… you just take everything I like and I want and completely dismiss it. It’s n-not right. A-and it took this long, for Jungkook to call it out for me to realize. This- this isn’t friendship-”
To your misery, her lips morph into a cruel sneer. “Jungkook? You went behind my back-”
“Behind your back? You don’t even have a good reason-”
“I told you, I’m only-”
“No! You’re gonna let me finish, for once,” You raise your voice, levelling her with a glare containing years worth of anger, “It’s clear, with or without Jungkook, that you’ve only kept me around to make yourself feel better. How twisted is that! You kept me down, made me doubt myself and everything just so you could feel better.”
You take a deep, deafening breath.
“I don’t want anything to do with you anymore. Even now, you can’t reassure me. Even now, you can’t call on our friendship as something fond to remember. You weaponized me for your own insecurities. Get out.”
“Get out? You’re kicking me out?” Sora’s sneer drops immediately. Maybe you’re being cruel, but you can’t take it anymore. Something passes across her face that makes you draw an ounce of sympathy for her but it evaporates immediately.
“Yup,” You say, popping the ‘p’, “We’re not friends, and I don’t think we ever were. So thanks, for bringing me back to my senses.”
And that’s that- she leaves with her tail between her legs, not pleading for your affection or your friendship. You’re grateful for that, because you feel like you might collapse in about two minutes.
It has been exactly nine days since you ended your friendship with Sora and exactly fourteen days since you stepped foot in the tattoo parlor. You’ve only just reached out to Mei and Mina, in between sporadic texts to Hobi and Yoongi.
It’s been exactly two weeks since you spoke to Jungkook. You miss him, you miss his crooked smirk, his bunny smile. Most of all, you miss the comfort and safety his presence brings. But you’re too nervous to reach out to him again, his harsh words and fiery eyes blinking back at you in your own mind. You’re nervous to even show your face at the tattoo parlor.
Jungkook has been receiving an earful from all of his friends since the last day he spoke to you. Hobi’s wrath, along with Mei and Mina’s wrath, is something he never wants to relive twice. Yoongi and Jin also lectured him, and he only looked at them with wide, doe eyes in understanding. Whatever anger he was holding on to has simmered down to hurt, and now he just misses you. And he very much regrets the way he spoke to you.
He winces when he recalls his cruel words, the sharp edge of his tongue that slipped out so easily. So quickly, to strike you right where it hurts. Jungkook can’t get your stricken expression out of his mind. Knowing he put that look on your face, it makes him ache. And he’s the coward, for still not reaching out to you to apologize.
He’s too nervous to face you, but he has to.
jeon jungkook : hi. can we talk sometime soon?
It takes you fifteen minutes to respond. What he doesn’t know is that you had panicked for ten of those fifteen minutes, nearly dropping your phone when you had seen his name pop up on your screen.
you 🧡 : hi. sure. Where?
You give yourself a pep talk the entire drive to the park. You’re glad he suggested a park, and a park close to your home- you’re grateful for the open area. You’re incredibly nervous to see him for the first time in a while, running through different scenarios in your head before scolding yourself.
It’s Jungkook. Even if he hurt you, it’s still Jungkook. You trust him. You want to trust him.
You spot Jungkook leaning on his motorcycle, looking like a vision in all black. As almost always a strand of black hair escapes his ponytail as he lights his cigarette. If you didn’t know him so well, you wouldn’t notice his nerves in the way he grips his lighter tightly.
“Jungkook?” You say softly, “Hi.”
You wring your hands together, gripping the straps of your backpack tightly. You’re just as nervous as he is, he realizes. But still, you stand with your back straightened, eyes wary. You glow, and despite the fact that it’s only been two weeks, he senses something different about you.
“Hi,” Jungkook murmurs, the pet name on the tip of his tongue but he refrains, “Come here. Can I hug you?”
“Y-yeah,” You nod with a small smile and he envelopes you in his arms, holding you tightly. Inhaling every bit of you that he can. He wants to kiss you again, kiss you breathless, kiss you so that you forget his cruelty.
But he can’t erase it. So he doesn’t.
“I brought blankets for us,” Jungkook murmurs, pointing to the basket, “Let’s go sit?”
You nod and follow his lead.
“It was messed up,” You say forlornly, “We kissed, we kissed a lot, you slept in my bed and then you yelled at me. Insulted me in your tattoo parlor. You hurt me. You hurt me a lot.” There’s only a little malice in your voice, but he’ll take it.
You’re both sitting across from each other, knees touching with open and honest eyes. You feel vulnerable and exposed around him, especially considering how your last conversation with him went.
“You should’ve just talked to me,” You mumble.
“I know,” Jungkook says instantly, takes your much smaller hands in his and squeezes, “I fucked up. I’m so sorry I spoke to you like that. You didn’t deserve that from me. You don’t deserve that from anyone, least of all from me. I’m sorry I let everything fester and took it out on you. I’m so fucking sorry. I made you cry, didn’t I?”
You look away from him for a millisecond before nodding, “You’d cry too, if the man you liked, the man you just spent the night with for the first time, spoke to you like that. In his own place of work. I only brought you donuts and you just- what the fuck? You just went off on me, I had no idea you were even feeling that intensely about Sora. About me-
“I’m not naive and I’m not stupid. Don’t take me for a fool,” You say pointedly, not letting go of his hands. Jungkook cringes before opening his mouth.
“You’re not naive or stupid, I’m sorry-”
“But… I understand, I think. You know when you kind of… know something but it takes another person for you to realize? I think I always knew how Sora was and didn’t want to face it. Or face her. For so long, it felt like she was all I had for some reason. Like even if there were others, it felt like her approval mattered the most. And I realized it was because she just always had this way of making me feel less than her. But mostly, I owe that realization to you. Even if you went about it the wrong way.”
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook says, “I’m so fucking sorry, I should’ve just talked to you about how I was feeling, rather than take it out on you. You deserve better than that.”
“I’m sorry, too,” You say, surprising him, “For allowing her to get in the way of us, for allowing her to run her mouth. For not having a spine-”
“Stop,” Jungkook says firmly, “When someone is controlling and manipulative like that, it’s hard to see past it-”
“But is it an excuse?” You wonder with a slight tilt of your head, “I let it hurt you, hurt Yoongi, Hobi, Mina, Mei…”
“Maybe not an excuse. But it makes it understandable,” Jungkook says, “All we can do is move forward right?”
“Yeah, I suppose,” You nod, “I know it doesn’t really change much now, but… I told Sora I don’t want anything to do with her anymore. In fact, I kicked her out of my apartment. It was very dramatic and satisfying. Like something out of a movie.”
Jungkook laughs despite himself, pulling a small smile from you as well. “Are you okay?”
“You just ended a friendship with someone who’s been around for a long time. That’s not easy.”
“It was easier than I thought it would be. Turns out telling someone to get out of your apartment after letting out about eight years of pent up frustration really is the most vindicating thing a girl can do,” You murmur with a soft laugh, “I think I’m just upset with myself that it took this long. That it took hurting you, the last person I’d ever want to hurt, to realize.”
Jungkook rubs your thumb gently, sending gentle ripples over your skin.
“I’m sorry I disrespected you like that,” Jungkook says, sincerity forming dotted diamonds in his eyes, “God, I’m so sorry, baby.”
“Yeah,” You sigh, “I’m sorry I disrespected you, too. By ignoring all of the red flags, I let her get away with so much. I let her get away with her saying so much shit about you.”
There’s a comfortable pause between you both.
“I think we need to take time for ourselves,” Jungkook murmurs, eyes uncertain but earnest, “Before we start anything-”
“And who said I wanted to start anything with you,” You tease, giggling when Jungkook rolls his eyes at you, “I agree… Maybe no more pet names, huh?”
“Are you breaking up with me?” He asks in amusement.
“To break up, we’d have to be together to begin with,” You say softly. Despite his own words, his own insistence that he knows you both have some feelings to work through before starting anything romantic without lingering feelings of resentment… Jungkook just wants to pull you into his lap and kiss you, steal your breath, feel your hips in his hands. You look so pretty under the sunlight, the rays brushing over your hair warmly and casting a faint halo over your head.
He drinks you in with his eyes, not allowing a single inch of you to pass him. It’s only been two weeks, but he looks at you as if it’s been so much longer since he’s seen you.
You’ve never been good at hiding your emotions around him, and this time is no different. You look like you want to eat him alive, your eyes hooded and palms hot against his. Something in you wants him, wants him to hold you close, feel his hands over any and every inch of you that he can reach.
You want him to paint you with his hands, maybe share some of that sparkle that he seems to be made of.
Your eyes linger, a soft sigh escaping your lips without realizing it. Jungkook resists a smirk, keeping his observations to himself. He catches your gaze burning through his balmy skin, on his arms, his chest, his neck…
It’s too bad. It really is.
Memories of your night together flash behind your eyelids, the way you seemed to fit just perfectly on top of his strong thighs, the way his big hands felt ghosting over you.
You force your eyes away and touch your lips subconsciously, blinking away the ghost of his kiss. Pulling your hands away from him, you offer him a contrite smile.
“I’ll see you around, Jungkook,” You murmur, standing up from the blanket. His first instinct is to help you up, but he remembers, he’s supposed to keep his hands to himself.
“Yeah. See you around.”
Jungkook’s dimples are the last thing you see when you turn your back and head to your car. You try your best not to look back at him, despite every neuron in your brain screaming at you to.
TAGS: @kookdbean @codeinebelle
MoM Tags: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe @beeeetsandskzreads @maichiverse
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
What are some Jikook moments you can’t watch. Like you don’t want to cause it’s cringy in a awkward way/a painfully obvious flirty way?
I seriously can’t watch jks graduation video, like if I was in that car I would want to leave so bad. The energy between them is almost painful. Jimin being uwu you’re so cute laughing I really like you. Throwing the flowers at JK in a excited/flirty manner, jks singing. The my mochi and kiss. The voice tones. The way jimin is looking at him. It’s like there’s a hidden layer there. And a obvious one. Like I have to watch it with the audio off.
Lmao, hello anon!
There are definitely quite a few that I struggle to watch due to 2nd hand embarrassment of the awkward flirting or simply because the flirting is just so heavy and intense I feel like I'm intruding.
The graduation video is definitely on my "I feel like I'm intruding" list FOR SURE.
Another moment I have a hard time watching would be the Jimin ogling Jungkook's abs moment. Because yo, honey, Jimin... PLEASE 🙈 I'm positive he was playing that up a bit for the camera, but also... not completely lol
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The "arrest me" interview moment gives me all the cringe honestly lol goodness. Time and place, Jungkook. Time and place
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Jungkook talking about how his most memorable time in Japan was Jimin staying up till 5 am on his "phone".... the level of awkward silence is just so.... 🙈
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The Shameless moment... I'm glad yall are shameless, but I'm over here blushing, k thanks!
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The "I want You" moment of Jungkook filming Jimin doing a photoshoot... and I mean I get it, and I know he was trying to fluster Jimin, but bro... same, I'm blushing too! Chill, I can't watch that insane amount of awkward flirting happening right in front of me 🙈🙈 please!
The Priest RUN episode 6 and Run episode 12 at the police station. The flirt was hard to witness lol and I already have post up about episode 6 in my masterlist lol
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Jimins brief stint playing a priest 😅🙈
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Editing to add Jimin calling JKs sweat holy water in here too because what was the reason lmfao
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And of course there are plenty of moments during their vlives where i feel like I'm watching from behind my fingers because the tension is so extreme that I feel like I shouldn't be seeing it. Lol and then you know all their sexual tension moments I also feel like I am intruding on and should LEAVE lol I have a post on that in my masterlist as well. And I'm sure there is so so much more that I just simply can't think of right now, but goodness. They make me shy sometimes lol
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heffrondriving · 2 years
IM SO GLAD I COULD MAKE YOUR DAY. I’m 100% genuine with that anon! I might send you a message eventually. And, it makes you feel better for being the grandpa, i’m 27. i’m old af 😂 been since i was 11/12/13 idk ages. I rarely use tumblr too 😭 but i’d love to be your friend if that’s okay!!!
sjhshshf you're the sweetest!!! and now you've made my day twice so i offer my love in return twicefold~ 💕 but naww that's not even old at all though!! i mean just look at our beloved manbeefcake band, already in their 30's and still young and dumb and always chasing something hehe :'D i only call myself a Grandpa bc i am one in the sense that my brittle body has a million unspeakable pains, i'm constantly tired and vv grumpy and complain about those goshdarned kids *shakes fist at t//ktok jk* and napping is my passion lmao (╹ڡ╹ )و✧
me 🤝 mr. kendall francis schmidt 🤝 weak knees and aged lower back ( ・ั﹏・ั)
true that i watched btr as a kid (about 9 to 12 y/o inb4 i transformed into my teenage ~edgy emo not like other girls uwu~ pop-hating era. cringe but true 🤠), but i only really got *into* the rusher fandom at age 20 ykyk, praise be to worldwide 2020 for fixing and ruining the core of my very being in one emotional whiplash!!! but the initial existential crises that came packaged with inexplicably being obsessed with a teenage boyband from an old show as an adult is too real. lez not talk about that >_>
worry not for i am the statistical outlier of being a chronic tunglr void lurker duwende—bc most ppl actually got important things to do and friends to socialise with and lives to live unLIKE SOMEONE OVER HERE *glares at a mirror a-la james diamond*
there's absolutely no pressure to, of course!! as long as you're perfectly comfortable with it, i'll be looking forward to hearing from you anytime <3 THE WAY MY DUMB MARSHMALLOW HEART SOBBED FOREVER BC AHHH I WOULD VERY MUCH LOVE THAT TOO!!! ✨ tbh in my mind, you're already a friend bc of how happy your asks have made me (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) if that's not too stranger danger to say ofc. i'm super sorry if it is.....i promise i'm not luring anyone to steal their kidneys,,, (<- suspect behaviours)
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pinkyhim · 4 years
Little Mix Up (m)
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pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: smut, fluff
word count: 3.4k
theme: enemies to lovers  
 rating: explicit.
warnings: Swearing, ear biting, dry humping, dirty talk, no protection (use protection peeps), hair pulling, wet dreams lmao, marking/hickeys, fingering, slight pain kink?, jk is kind of possessive?, squirting, jk is a big boy (aka he has a big ding dong), slight overstimulation,Jungkook is cute in this uwu,
summary: A little camping trip mix up has you stuck in a tent with your enemy Jeon Jungkook, nothing could go wrong right?
Author’s Note - I originally posted this on another acc but I decided to delete it and just post it on here, Hope you guys enjoy this little piece of shit story :)
You were not excited about this "healthy" little camping trip that your parents planned up, especially when you heard that the Jeon family was tagging along. You always tried your best to be gracious to them mainly because your mom was forever fixed on you, becoming friends with their only son, Jeon Jungkook. Now he was a problem, you honestly weren't sure why he always loathed you, but now, you don't even care. And for some reason, your mother wanted you to become friends with an asshole like him.
"I'm not going" You stated to your mother for the fourth time this morning, "Well, Y/N, it's not like you have a choice" Your mother responded as you let out a huge groan "I don't wanna go!" You say stomping your foot pouting. "Y/n pouting might work on your father, but not me, so start packing." She responds as you roll your eyes and stalk over to your room flinging the door shut to make your point. You didn't want to go on this trip if it wasn't obvious enough, Your mother wanted to get you and Jungkook in some kind of relationship of sorts but no way in hell were you ever going to date some jerk like Jungkook. You always tried to become acquainted with Jungkook but he continuously blew you off. You sighed laying down on your bed to call up your best friend Park Jimin.
He answered with "What?" You could hear something shuffling in the background "Oops, did I catch you at a bad time?" You said grinning "Nah, I was just scrolling on the internet" He responds and you hum "So what did your mom say?" He asks and you groan "I have to go to the camping trip with the Jeon family" You grumbled as Jimin chuckled "C'mon I'm sure it's not going to be that bad" You laugh dryly "Well obviously you think that because Jungkook is not a complete asshole to you." You say as your mom yells at you at hurry up "Shoot I got to go" You say your goodbyes to Jimin and hang up. Sighing you walk over to your closet and grab a backpack and fill it with necessities. After you finished you walked downstairs to see only Jungkook and your mother. "Um, where is everyone else?" You ask looking at your mother as she smiles "Didn't I tell you, sweetie? It's only going to be you and Jungkook"
Your jaw fell open as you saw Jungkook roll his eyes. Before you could argue with your mother she pushed you out of the house as you stood there completely baffled as Jungkook stood there staring at you. You saw your mother looking out the window so there was no chance of you going back inside to the safety of your home so with your head hanging low you dragged your feet inside Jungkook's black vehicle. Jungkook got inside without a word as he started driving. You were confused as hell, not because of what your mom did, naturally you expected her to pull something like that. What confused you is why Jungkook would agree if it was just going to be you two.
You pulled your phone out and sent a text to Jimin.
Y/N→Jimin you need to come and save me ಠ_ಠ
Jimin→ ????
Y/N→ My mom fucking tricked me!!!!!! She lied, and now I'm going camping with only Jungkook ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ
Jimin→ Lol have fun.
Y/N→ BRUH ur supposed to save me you dick I'm going to die if I spend a weekend with this fuckface next to me ಠ╭╮ಠ
Jimin→ You won't be complaining when you get laid ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Y/N→  WTF does that mean?!?!?!?!??!!?
You shoved your phone into your pocket as Jimin went offline. You glanced over at Jungkook who was focusing on the road. You weren't going to lie he was handsome as fuck if he wasn't such a dick you might have actually fallen for him. Luckily for you, that didn't happen.
You stared outside the window wondering why Lady luck just seemed to hate your guts, After a while, You decided to break the uncomfortable silence, “Why did you agree?” You ask Jungkook as he huffs out a breath in annoyance, "I had no choice," He mutters out as you roll your eyes, "What? Did you think I would want to go camping with a weirdo like you?" Jungkook questions smirking as you whip your head towards him "What the fuck did you just say, Jeon?" You ask hands gripping the black leather seat tightly, "You heard me Y/N, Knowing you, you'll probably just masturbate the whole time" Your eyes went wide, as you remember that dreaded day where your mom decided to just let Jungkook waltz inside your room.
"Oh, You're here for Y/N?" Your Mother asks Jungkook as he nods, "Well, She's in her room," Your Mother responds as Jungkook gives a small thanks before making his way to your room. When Jungkook reached it, he heard some weird noises, Since he clearly has no sense of privacy or manners he swung the door open and caught you red-handed with your fingers knuckle deep inside your wet core, "Holy shit!" Jungkook shouted not able to tear his eyes away from the sight as your eyes snapped open, "What the fuck!???! Get out!" You yelled, attempting to cover yourself with your blanket but to no avail, Jungkook ran out of your room slamming the door shut leaving you sitting there with a beet-red face.
You blush a crimson color, "Shut up," You state as Jungkook scoffed, "Why did you even masturbate in the first place, You knew I was coming over for the project," Jungkook said as you averted your gaze from him, "W-Well maybe that wouldn't have happened if you just knocked," You respond slightly gnawing at your bottom lip, "Well if you weren't so eager for a date with your fingers, maybe I wouldn't have caught you," Your blood started to boil once you heard the words fall from Jungkook's mouth, "Excuse me?" You ask as you turn your head to see the smug look painted on Jungkook's face, "C'mon Y/N, We both know that the only thing that has touched you in the last three months was your right hand,"
You were about two seconds away from actually murdering Jungkook, but you decided that jail wasn't worth it so you just grumbled and turned away, ignoring Jungkook as you heard him laugh, deciding to distract yourself from him, you grabbed your phone and started to mindlessly scroll through social media, you stopped on a particular post that had your ex's face, you were certain that you had blocked him so you were surprised to see his face, you cringed at the horrible caption "What I do When I see someone pretty, I stare, I smile, Then I get tired and put the mirror down" You sighed as you shoved your phone back into your pocket, deciding to just take a small nap as your eyes fluttered shut,
You were awoken by the sound of Jungkook, "Y/N, Wake up, We're here" Jungkook spoke lightly pushing your shoulder, deciding to be stubborn you just let out a "hmph" before turning away, Jungkook rolled his eyes at your actions before grabbing both of your shoulders and start to viciously shake you, your eyes snapped open as you yelled, "Geez, What the fuck Jeon?!" You shoved his hands off of you as he scoffed, "I just wanted to warn you that your loud snoring might attract bears," Your eyes widen as you blushed, embarrassed, you stepped outside of the car murmuring "I don't fucking snore," You heard Jungkook snort at that "Yeah, right," He said chuckling, you cursed him under your breath before you took in the beautiful view of nature, the smell of grass and bark calmed you as you took a deep breath in, sadly you were broken from your trance as you heard Jungkook speak yet again "Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to help me set up the tent," You could hear the annoyance in his voice, turning your head you saw Jungkook standing there with his hands on his hips looking like an angry child who didn't get their way, you bit your bottom lip holding back your laughter, "I don't know, I think I'll just stand here" You responded copying your posture to look like Jungkook's, "I don't have time for this Y/N" Jungkook spoke as you rolled your eyes, after a minute of watching Jungkook struggle to set up the tent alone you decided to cave in, making your way to Jungkook you helped him set it up, after another couple minutes of confusion Jungkook finally managed to set it up,
By that time the sun was already setting, you were surprised to see that there was only one tent, "Where's the other tent?" You ask as Jungkook turns his head towards you "What other tent?" He responds as you shake your head "There's no way in hell I'm sharing a tent with you," You say as you point your finger at Jungkook as he rolls his eyes, "Then why don't you just sleep in the car, you seemed to be comfortable sleeping there," He responds unfolding a chair for himself before sitting down, You let out a sarcastic laugh before walking over to him,
"No way!" You state stopping right in front of him, "Why don't you sleep in the car?" You ask doing a bad impression of him, Jungkook chuckled lowly before bringing his gaze up to you, you started to blush and fidget slightly under his gaze, You heard Jungkook murmur something under his breath, "What?" You ask, suddenly Jungkook grasped your wrist and pulled you down onto his lap, shocked, you let out a little squeak before Jungkook leans his head towards yours, his lips ghosting above yours before whispering in your ear "I said, you're such a fucking tease," You gasp as you feel him lightly nibble on your ear,
You felt as if you were hypnotized by him, you suddenly yearned for his touch,  more than you would like to admit, suddenly you seemed to have snapped out of your trance as you jumped off of his lap as if he had burned you, your breathing labored as you spoke, "I-I guess we could share," You spoke meekly before Jungkook smiled and said "Great,"
After eating some instant noodles, since both you and Jungkook can't cook worth of shit, You ran off into the forest using the excuse "I have to go the bathroom," After you were a reasonable distance away, you grabbed your phone and texted Jimin,
Y/N→ Jimin I need to speak to u ASAP
You waited a couple of minutes before Jimin replied,
Jimin→ What is it?
Y/N→Okay I know this is going to sound crazy but I think I like Jungkook
Jimin→ (·̿Ĺ̯·̿ ̿) you woke me up for this bullshit,
Y/N→DUDE I'm serious, so basically, I was arguing with Jungkook because there was only one tent and there was no way I was going to share with him, and the SUDDENLY he pulls me onto his lap and calls me a FUCKIN TEASE LIKE WTFFFFF,
Jimin→So now u want the jungcock?
Your eyes went wide as you read the text Jimin sent,
Y/N→ tbh...kinda
Jimin→ How am I supposed to know? ur the one trying to get into Jungkook's pants, not me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Y/N→ Geez Jimin, you're a big fucking help
Jimin→ Thank you, I try (。ˇ ⊖ˇ)
You ran your hands through your hair as Jimin goes offline, "I'm screwed" You mutter before making your way back to the tent, Your eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as you saw Jungkook changing right out in the open, You couldn't help but shamefully gawk at his incredibly hot back, how is somebody this good looking? You felt your blood run cold as Jungkook turned around, his eyes meeting yours. Luckily, it seemed like he didn't notice you, he slipped his shirt on before going inside the tent,
You let out a breath of relief, heading over to the car to grab your bag and quickly change into your sleepwear, you started to feel anxious as you realized that you and Jungkook would be sleeping next to each other, You pulled your phone out to check the time 10:48 PM it read, You started to consider just sleeping in the car but you wouldn't allow Jungkook that satisfaction, taking your shoes off you slowly unzipped the tent open, poking your head inside, you saw Jungkook laying on his side you assumed that he was already asleep, cautiously stepping inside you zipped the tent back up before laying down far away from Jungkook.
Not wanting to take your phone out in case it might wake Jungkook up you laid on your back staring at the top of the tent, slowly but surely you ended up falling into a deep sleep,
Jungkook roughly tugged on your hair forcing you to look at him while he mounted you, filthy sounds were falling out of your mouth as you felt tears whelming up from the mixed pleasure and pain you were experiencing, Jungkook leaned down and whispered into your ear "Who knew you were such a slut for my cock Y/N" You felt your high nearing you as you felt even more turned on by the wet slaps of skin that echoed throughout, "J-Jungkook I-I'm go-gonna-" Jungkook cut you off "Hm? You gonna cum all over my cock like the dirty little slut you are?" You nodded multiple times, as you shut your eyes feeling your high approaching quickly,
You woke up in a sweat, you were breathing heavily as you felt your panties stick uncomfortably to your folds that were slick with your juices, "Jungkook," You breathed out unintentionally, "Yes Y/N?" Your head snapped over to the voice as you saw Jungkook laying there, brown eyes filled with lust focused on yours, Jungkook pulled you close to him, you could feel his breath on yours as he stared deeply into your eyes before speaking, "You were thinking about me weren't you?"
You knew that you weren't going to get away with lying to him so you just nodded, focusing your gaze anywhere but Jungkook, You can sense him smirking as he grabbed your wrist and placed it on his very prominent bulge, Your eyes grew wide as Jungkook spoke lowly, "Look at what you did to me Y/N, You're going to fix it," Jungkook growled as he smashed his  soft buttery lips onto yours, your hands found their way to Jungkook's hair as you lightly tugged at it making him let groan, You felt Jungkook snake his hands towards your shorts before hooking his fingers in the waistband and pulling them down, You let out a whimper as you felt Jungkook rub his clothed cock onto your damp panties, Jungkook took the chance to shove his wet tongue inside your mouth, your warm tongues danced together as you let out little moans from the friction Jungkook was creating from rocking his hips back and forth, Jungkook moved his hands towards your ass and gave it a light smack making you yelp, you could feel him smirk before he broke the kiss, you whined slightly making him slap your ass again this time more rough making you moan out, "You're so fucking hot Y/N" Jungkook whispered in your ear before biting lightly making you mewl in want, You felt Jungkook lightly tug on your panties before looking up at you "Can I?" Jungkook asked face completely flushed, He had a little drool on his pink lips but you didn't mind, "Y-Yes," you responded before pulling him in for another wet kiss,
Jungkook tugged you panties off making you shiver as the cold air hit your dripping core, you felt Jungkook run a finger along your folds making you cry out in pleasure, Jungkook pulled away as he looked at you, his dark brown orbs seemed to hold the entire universe, "God, Y/N you don't know how long I wanted you," He spoke before gently pushing a finger into your core, you let out a choked moan as he started to pump fast adding another finger inside you, you felt complete and utter euphoria as his long digits pumped into dripping your core, the wet squelches were loud as you   clenched around his fingers tightly, "You don't know how much I wanted to fuck your drenched pussy the day I saw you touching yourself," You felt yourself growing closer and closer with each word that came from his mouth, "You're mine Y/N" Jungkook snarled as he put his head in the crook of your sensitive neck and started to suck love bites onto your skin making you moaned loudly as your release hit you hard, you started to get extremely sensitive as Jungkook pulled his finger's out of your core as you breathed heavy,
After coming down from your high you grabbed Jungkook's wrist, "I want you," You whispered as he smirked, "You want me?" You blushed hard as you nodded making Jungkook let out a small laugh, "You're so fucking cute," He says blushing "C-Can I take off your shirt?" He asks making you blush also, unable to form any words you nod meekly, Jungkook starts by taking off his own making you marvel at his toned body, running your fingers down his abs he shivers a little bit before pulling his gray sweatpants down, your eyes went wide as you saw his thick member that was confined in his briefs, Jungkook started to gently pull off your t-shirt before unclipping your bra and tugging it off, "God, You're so beautiful," Jungkook breathed out as he pulled you in for a soft kiss, you felt Jungkook lightly nibble on your bottom lip making you whine into his mouth, After pulling away Jungkook started to take off his briefs, His member was beautiful, his tip a light pink, veins that were adorned from the base to the tip, it looked as if it was sculptured by the heavens, Jungkook started to rub the tip along your core gathering your sweet juices, You grabbed his wrist halting his movements, "I-It's been a while since.." You spoke as Jungkook had a warm smile on his face before gently kissing you "I'll take care of you," He responded his gentle voice calming you down,
You felt tears well up in your eyes as he started to push inside your core, you could feel everything, every crevice, every vein, everything, and you loved it, despite the light pain you loved the feeling of Jungkook, Jungkook let out a strangled groan as he bottomed out stopping a moment to let you adjust, "Please move," You begged, that was all he needed before starting a fast pace, his hips snapping as you cried out in pleasure, filthy sounds falling from both of your mouths, the skin slapping filled the entire forest as you felt your high approaching quickly, you were on cloud nine, you started to scream out in pleasure when Jungkook's fingers found their way to your overly sensitive clit rubbing small circles, "J-Jungkook I'm going to c-cum!" You moaned out as Jungkook's thrusts started to get fast and sloppy, the wet smacks from his cock entering and exiting your wet core made you whine loudly, You felt your orgasm come when Jungkook lifted one of your legs and placed it over his shoulder, the new position hitting your sweet spot, you moaned loudly as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, you swore that it was the hardest you ever came in your entire life you started to see stars, "Holy shit! You just squirted Y/N!" But you could barely hear Jungkook as you started to get overstimulated, you adored the feeling of Jungkook roughly pumping his member inside your sensitive core, "A-Ah Y/N I-I'm gonna cum" Jungkook groaned out before pulling himself out and spilling white ribbons of his seed onto your stomach,
Jungkook collapsed next to you breathing heavy a light sheet of sweat covering both of you, "C-Can I cuddle you?" Jungkook asks as you turn your head towards him, you smile gently as you see the deep blush that painted his face, Who knew Jeon Jungkook was soft, "Sure," You murmured as Jungkook wrapping his arms around your body the skin on skin contact making you blush,
Maybe this little camping trip won't be a complete drag after all
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
lmao same i used to be so invested in jikook and now they kind of lost their spark to me or sth (bts in general tbh) .. i used to so sure they're an item but now i'm so okay with just thinking that they can also be friends who fuck sometimes 👀😜 #jikookflopera
no but seriously , maybe bc i'm getting older and maturing too so things like shipping are starting to make me cringe
Yeah same, I also thought that maybe it's an age thing. It's not that my interests have changed, but the energy I put into stuff is usually changing, and right now I really don't have the time or the energy to be focusing on things that are absurd to me like, oh JK's eyebrow twitched a little when he did this, and it didn't twitch when he did the same with Jimin wow they're so comfortable with each other. I think the last drop on the glass was people discussing how he sounded when he said "he's mine" about Taehyung. It has to stop. Then I was guilty of the same behavior with the perilla leaf thing.
I feel like lately everything jikook is about the overanalyzing and the deciphering of barely-there differences between their interactions and everyone else's, and I just don't care about stuff like that. I've never cared, but before it wasn't like this, before nobody had to focus on how he dropped two octaves or how he sighed because the differences were clear as a day. Now, they aren't, they haven't been for a while, but that's all people talk about so I got too tired of it. I just don't have the patience for things like that.
I also think that, if after five years, I'm overthinking stuff like the perilla leaf and how that doesn't fit AT ALL with the type of boyfriend JK is to Jimin, then that's just it. I geniunely don't like when people are too confusing for me, it seriously kills the mood. I've never been after the mystery of anything, I'm comfortable with coherence and transparency. I don't even try that hard to understand people in real life, and again, if after five years I'm still trying hard to understand how Jungkook's words correlate with his actions (when it comes to Jimin), then I will naturally let go. I really am not one to spend a lot of energy on people that won't make themselves clear or gray situations, and yet I have already spent a lifetime of energy trying to understand some things regarding jikook. I frankly don't want to care about it anymore.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Tumblr refuses to let me reblog the post again, so this is the second part of me reading the second btg book! ☺️
Still Chapter 211
Son on son violence
Chapter 212
This dude pretty cute ngl
Shit, rip
It's almost like they are a regular father and son 😭🥺💔
Chapter 213
Look how thigh those shirts are hehehoho 🥴
Ooooh there goes my man Jyaku ready to kick some ASS
Baki really just forgot his mom eh, thought you were getting stronger for HER smh
Oh Jyaku vs Retsu? Nvm Jyaku i can only hope Retsu is nice w you
I like how most are like, confused over who to cheer for lmao
I know he won't make it but I'm cheering for Jyaku btw i like him more <33
Chapter 214
Love that title, can't believe Jyaku is gonna ask Retsu out 😍 /j
He really is just honest Igari
I love that he apologizes
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
That smile so cute...
Jyaku is a king
Love it when Retsu throws that pose, though y'all know why
HDGSSGSGF you are coming to Japan wether you like it or not 🔫
Chapter 217
Finally Jyaku got serious too
King is just obsessed i luv him
It does seem like Jyaku is trynna confess his love jfnshdshdf
Chapter 218
I remember i almost laugh cry with my dad when we saw this
His damn beard... 💔
He has a good point
They be calling my man Jyaku a masochist noooo yfjdhdgs
Chapter 219
Okay seems kinda into it <:/
Old man? He doesn't look that old Baki :/
That was so smart 🥺
Chapter 220
Retsu calm down please you are gonna break his back
Oh my god Retsu, oh my god.
He did apologize at least
Chapter 221
Damn dude be a little more gentle with him
Oh, get was picking him up, okay
Chapter 222
I love how everyone completed him (except Yujiro but not surprising), these warriors are such a good team
I want to eat an apple too now
That was fast
I got distracted watching a vsauce react video sorry
Okay I'm glad a comment actually mentioned Sik
Chapter 223
Had to take a uh idk 5 hour break bc lights went out :/
Feet be fuming lmao
Ohhh that's a cool analysis
Chapter 224
What a good punch
That "please",,,
Poor Li man, having to see his brother DIE /j
No, Viêt Long, i have not been hit by a truck before.
Chapter 225
It's so funny how Jyaku lost bc he fought a main charac and only those win
Sad day for the Chinese citizens
Mf got tits in his back
This is gonna be so goodddd
Chapter 226
Look at the size of his tits, the slut
These two are cool fighters
Chapter 227
Old man showing skin
His smile is so fucked up lmao
Chapter 228
Baki what the FUCK are you wearing?
I just remembered when Hana did a flip, that was so good
Retsu babey 🥺
I love how confused Yujiro looks
Chapter 229
Hey, i recognize that name...
Kaku just too op
Yujiro you are gonna pop your testicles if you do that with your leg
Chapter 230
God that's such a good threat
Love Retsu's confusion
Damn bitch you saying we gotta keep up w this whore cuz you were too slow? Ffs Kaku 😢
I love when you can tell someone is still hanging around just quietly by seeing their response in a comment
Chapter 231
God this just feels so good, to see Yujiro actually scared 😍
Chapter 232
I wanna finish this book and start the next one grrr
This fight is so satisfying
That last bit is so cringe but whatever that's okay
Fight so controversial comments were deactivated
Chapter 233
Itagaki hincha de boquita el más grande? 😳 /j
Okay yeah it IS just rude
Hohoooo shit getting nice
Chapter 234
This asshole lmao
Yuji-chan really went "how many times do i have to teach you this lesson, old man?!"
Mfs be doing Jojo references in the comments lol
Chapter 235
Ffs Kaku you are doomed 😢💔
Yujiro so strong my mouse disconnected
Chapter 236
Abs in his back...
Crying and shaking that is NOT true
I thought Yujiro was bleeding for a second there smh
Chapter 237
Yujiro surprised is good shit
Kaku has boyboss energy
Chapter 239
This cover almost gives me a stroke
I love how they all just shat their pants
These minor Chinese characters were so good tbh, sadly i don't think they will ever return
Don't worry Retsu, we the viewers have seen a man revive before
King i don't think any of us understands
It really is
Oh my god i though Yujiro was sitting on the air for a second i almost cry 😭
Coca cola must have paid Itagaki /j
Chapter 240
Oh so the Kaioh part takes the name, not the surname
...is Yujiro wearing a floral shirt? 😭
Jyaku has his eyes fixated on Retsu eh, proud of having him come to Japan lmao
Chapter 241
Jk though i do miss Yuri 🥺
Oh hey Jr
You gonna fuck his girl, bro?
Chapter 242
So straight forward lmao
I'm starting to appreciate Baki's feminist ass every day even more
This page didn't allow me to call two mfs virgins smh, 1984
Chapter 243
Grandpa they shrunk you
Chapter 244
Kings idc about this
Okay true but also he's 70 dude pls... Though idk if this guy will go thru worse than Jack lmao
Such a nice lad
Chapter 245
Baki being such a feminist icon is so meaningful considering how his parents were,,,
Doppo he's called Ali Jr how are you surprised?
These men love throwing their glasses eh
Chapter 246
If only Igari and Toba had done this lol
Me lo re devaluaron a mí pelado eh
Scenes that give me a boner
Such a good callback...
Chapter 247
My man got serious, sweet
Doppo has been trying out his luck a bit too much like he's been betting with his life an uncomfortable lot like king do you need to talk? Are you okay? First asking Gouki to kill him now this like, is everything alright Doppo?
I love that blocking technique
OSHWOWHIWWH "gay ass Orochi, out of option so he touching dick" SHUT UPPP 😭😭💀
I really wish he got kicked in the nuts again see if he's still using his technique
Chapter 248
Poor guys thought he was bout to get murdered
A kiss? 😏 /j
When i saw this in the anime i actually thought Orochi was going to die, i was gonna get sooo angry
Chapter 249
What a way to cockblock em
Feminist icon
Jack is that the only sweater you own?
Chapter 250
I have been thinking of that scene of him eating the whole steak a lot
Jr like 🥺
Imagine being stupid enough to tease Jack like, i get he defeated two masters but they are NOTHING compared to this monster
Imagine jack just smoked some weed right there lmao
Jack needs to bite people more
Chapter 251
My shitty ass son gave me parkinson's
Jack that's not how human anatomy works what the fuck did Kureha do to your body spine?
Chapter 252
Looked like Jack was going for a handful
Those techniques must fuck your neck up so bad
Okay Jack you are going a bit far now don't cha think?
Chapter 253
You are tempting your luck sunny boy
Look at that, you pissed him off!
You cannot just know out jack hanma bro
This was so stupid yet, unironically, iconic
Chapter 254
Bruh i thought it said Pog 😭, ain't manslaughter poggers Mr Hanma?
Such a simp he downed that coffee cup
Grandpa put here cockblocking
Chapter 255
"no he didn't >:/"
These two masters are a pair of fucking idiots like understand this i love my grandpa and i love my man but mfs have to take the L for this one time sksgwjgshgw
Gouki bro my senses gonna shut down if you put your sucks against the dirt again OUGH sensory hell 😭
Chapter 256
Hoho Gouki out here getting a panty shot 😳
Grandpa i love you but this was unnecessary
Chapter 257
Kozue should wear a Korn tshirt
Love how consistently round his hands are, king got no knuckles
King hasn't changed his clothes ever since i see
His shoes look so nice...
Doppo i love you but shut UPPP you lost get over it!! You are just going for the rematch bc you have the higher ground against a injured guy!!! Like Shibukawa didn't have time but you were already getting serious!! Hhhgrrrrrr doppo i love you but I'm going to bark
Hehe nvm he still hella fine... keep talking king 🥴
This was so mean of him sjsgwjwg
Chapter 258
Low-key starting to believe these two mfs plotted against Jr sjshsj
If i didn't know you would get your ass handed in a plate i would be a lil mad he's planning on being that savage
He has been thru worse, sunny boy
Tbh. I don't care anymore. Doppo is in the wrong, but GOD I'm a simp and i love seeing him fight 😍😍🥴
Yeah a comment mentioned it, we all were on Jr side until he threatened to kill Doppo Orochi like, even if not everyone here is as horny as me we all like an og fella
I also love how the prisoners really changed them all, the scars (both physical and mental) those 5 left will be remembered lol
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kimnjss · 3 years
He is so precious. Such a confused baby, which is valid but it's so cute and cringe worthy at the same time. And Jungkook and Hoseok need to shut the fuck up, because neither of those hos know how to date someone for them to be having all these damn opinions on dating etiquette. Especially seeing how eager they are to sleep with someone their friend slept with. Fuck outta here.
But anyway, they cute and I'm happy he's not fighting the possibility of dating YN. He's honestly handling this with more grace than me, because he was so fucking awkward in Jimin's messages and I would be that but it would just never stop.
ALSO... these girls in her DMs as if they didn't already have to share him with each other. That was fine, but after weeks of him paying y'all no attention now him possibly having an actual gf a thing to raise issue about????
Also possible ways he finds out just for future reference: One of those girls finds out and lets him know. Idiot 1 or Idiot 2 find out and let him know. Jimin finds out from Tae since he clearly slips up sometimes and then he tells Yoongi. Yoongi just puts 2 and 2 together because of slips on her part irl and via the account. Namjoon, idk how but just Namjoon.
he's so new to it all nd he has no idea what to do so he's just doing what feels right ., nd we all know that he doesn't think much when he does things so it's even more just him acting on emotion nd i love that the most :(( really wish he had better friends to get advice from cause jk nd hobi have no idea what they're talking about 100% of the time nd jimin is too busy w his own shit w taehyung to be worrying abt what yoongi got going on .
those girls are messy nd they just want everyone to be as messy as them . no way they were expecting to be automatically blocked the moment they hit yn's inbox - didn't even stop to give them the time of day nd why would she?? dude stopped talking to them long before she was solid in the picture nd that was his choice ., go bother him lmao .
i love all of your theories as always ., they make perfect sensee nd one of them could definitely be ittt .
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