#it has 4 parts which ill edit and link to once all are up :) unless ur seeing this from the future. then o hi <3
martyrbat · 2 years
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the snow queen
| pt. 1 | next
(ID below cut)
[ID: Part one of a short story featuring Batman. The first image is the cover, announcing the title as 'The Snow Queen'. There's a snowflake and ice skates behind the text. The rest of the story is narrated like a storybook and will be transcribed (hopefully) as smoothly as possible instead of divided per image:
Once Upon a Crime... there was a man lost in a storm. And another who searched for him. Each step became a burden. Each inch forward, a promise. The Batman would continue for as long as he could hold out. But nature was relentless. And she was winning. Batman has his cape and arms wrapped around himself in a futile attempt to block the merciless elements. He walks away from the Batmobile, the snow coming up to his knees as a harsh wind blows his cape behind him. He continues through the snow, growing weaker and weaker until he collapses.
Until she appeared. A radiant glow of serene grace. A royal lady in white, dressed in soft fur and crowned in crystal. The Snow Queen. The ethereal woman stands before Batman. She offers him her hand as he looks up at her in a silent awe. The narration continues, As she approached, the white surface remained undisturbed. She helped him to her carriage. Where her faithful transport patiently waited to depart. He lets himself be guided to her reindeer led carriage and settles into it, the Snow Queen sitting beside him.
As he trembled, she smiled. Not uncaring, but with kindness. The cold air chilled him. His breathing became more labored. Unable to continue, he exhaled, allowing his breath to escape. Batman's head is slightly downcast as he breathes through his mouth. Each struggling breath is suspended in the air as a long vapor. It trails all the way back to his exposed mouth as The Snow Queen looks ahead with a frown. The narration continues, But swiftly, she retrieved it with a delicate touch. Offering it back to him, warm and in full. Restoring what was, so he could continue. She has her hand extended near him as the transparent cloud now surrounds Batman's mouth. He picks his head up with the gift of life, having the strength to look ahead once more. He looks over his shoulder briefly as his car gets further and further away.
Leaving his vehicle, he could not go back. For she needed him for something else. He soon forgot what he left behind. His only concern... what lay ahead. - 'Where are we going?' he asked. "We are searching," she answered. "For what?" he wondered. And she replied, "A cold hand to hold."
The carriage continues through the bare trees and across the icy tundra. Wolves howl on a cliffside above their heads as the narration continues, Faster they raced, over land and lake, across snow and ice. The cold wind roared, the wolves howled, and the birds screamed above. But the Batman was not afraid."
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licenselesswriter · 3 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44. And if I could send more, I would.
Inspiration and Reading Asks:
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction? Started reading when I was 12, started writing it, when I was 14, so reading, 19 years ago, and writing 17 years ago.
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both? I’m a 33.3% reader, 33.3% WIP machine, a 33.4% writer, and 100% mess, I usually spend my time doing an absurd amount of WIP that comes out of thin air, like, I can be eating an apple, boom, Bori WIP, a cup of coffee? Boom, Roro WIP, breathing? Boom, Lucaya WIP (that last one happens the most)
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do? It’s called Unfaithful (EN), it’s on fanfiction.net, and honestly, it’s so well written, that I had nausea 3 times while reading it, the pain was so palpable that I felt ill from it.
4. Link your three favorite fics right now. Right now, and in order 1 - Unfaithful (EN)  2 - Twenty Nights  3 - Perfect 
6. How do you find a new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction? Fanfiction or AO3, and have an excel doc with my favorite ships, then I go to the random number generator, putting 1 as the minimum and maximum the number of the last ship I added to the list, then hit random, and read about that ship, keep things fresh.
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics? Both.
8. How often do you reblog/comment on fics that you like? When they are on Tumblr, a few times.
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community. I’m sorry, but I don’t know if they have Tumblr, so, amirmitchell, snowdrifts, and Onde Tu Esteves
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for? Fandom: Game of Thrones, love all those modern universe AU I have to say. Pairing: Lucaya (Not a surprise) Character: Lucas Friar, Portgas D. Ace, Roronoa Zoro, or Prince Zuko.
Fanfiction Writing Asks:
11. How do you come up with your fic titles? Coffee, food, and usually, Spotify, all that, sometimes, make my brain work into having titles about the things I want to write.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic? I do outlines, in 5 stages, so a pretty big one. 1 - I write in my notebook, what I want to write, like a general idea. 2 - Post it on my walls and door, to give the story some structure. 3 - Notebook outline the arch of the story. 4 - Outline every chapter on word. 5 - Reduce that chapter into mini arches to write faster.
14. Do you have a personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not? I do (now), I usually don’t post anything that is less than 2900 words, Why? because we must not forget that writers not only write for people in the fandom, they mainly write for themselves, and I love to read something among that word count because that’s long enough to keep me on the hook.
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching? I do research for my fics, how deep? I can give indications for divorce paperwork in the state of New York, even if you want or not to go scorch the earth with the “fault” rule, I can give an appropriate value to an apartment or a house in New York, Texas, Nashville, and San Francisco, and I can do taxes on those states too, and I know more about how high school classes work in the US than in my country, even when I went to those classes, and I’m from Santiago, Chile, you know, in South America, like, the last country of South America
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback? I don’t, once I finish writing something, I run away, and watch anime for a few hours, or work (Yeah, sometimes I write on my lunch hour)
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie? I do apologize to “The Games we Play” I have no idea how I outlined your 26 chapters, but I’m still on chapter 2, and I’m sorry.
19. Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just hit post and run (because it’s someone else’s problem now)? Sometimes I do because sometimes, I write things wrong.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? That happiness I get when I’m in the Zone, and I write something that makes me say “Fuck, that was good”
21. What’s your least favorite part about the fanfiction writing process? I call it “The Deep White”, also known as writer’s block.
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write? I don’t write it anymore, because I was banned from a forum for writing it, but I love to write a bad ending, like “Killing the main character that I make you love for 30 chapters in the end” ending. I’m evil, I know, sue me.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write? The “Good girl trying to change the bad boy,” I hate, apologies, I DESPISE that trope, it’s not cool, first, to be with someone abusive, and second, to try to change someone because you think you’re so almighty that you will change him (or her)  because of love, bs, I SAID BS.
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist. I do, and of course, it’s named “Writing Shiet” because my brain can only process decent titles for fics (Says the guy who once named a fic “No Title”) Here’s the link 
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing? Anime and Manga.
27. Do you like to give your readers some warning of what might be coming or just slap them in the face with content at random? I don’t usually do it, but when I do it, I do it cryptic, like “You might be surprised, but this, I called in the beginning.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)? I ignore it, If I can ignore good advice, ignore something that gives me more stress it’s an easy cake.
29. Have you ever written for an exchange or event of some kind? Which one(s)? Did you enjoy it? I did but didn’t submit, I wrote for 2019 fictoberfest on Tumblr, but never send a shit, I did enjoy it tho
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words. "Well, we're still not in Texas," he says, implying something not PG-13 at all. "My God, in what did I turn you?" Maya teases him before getting up and grab his hand, pulling him up. Lucas grins at her, "On," he replies, making Maya flirty hit his chest
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones? I love writing Lucas and Maya, and honestly don’t know if it helps me or not LOL.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from? 1 - From November to June CH3 A few hours later, Maya heard a knock on her door. She takes a peek through the magic eye on her door and saw Lucas. She grabs her phone and fastly texts him. She was able to hear the 'ding' of his phone, and spying through the magic eye she saw his reaction. "Ok, first of all, I'm not that, second, my mother is not that, and third, I'm not gonna put that there, that's fucking gross, and probably deadly if you consider the size of my hands." he defends himself. 2 - Ten Duel Commandments CH2 Maya smiles at him, "Since you're all Texan cowboy goody-good boy, I imagine you would relate more with the honorable Lord Stark," she teases him. "Says the woman who read three books in a row and texts me at four in the morning," he replies before pulling out his phone, "R+L=J," he teases her, reading her text. "That's private, asshole," Maya recriminates him. 3 - The One Who Stayed CH18 "Then, I have less... GET OFF ME FUCKER!" Maya screamed, punching the person who grabbed her arm, "Holy shit, Lucas." she says, looking at the person she just hit. "Noted, never approach to you by surprise." Lucas says on the floor, "Well, this makes me feel more confident about you being here alone." he says before start laughing.
33. What do you like writing better: one-shots or multi-chapter stuff? Multi-chapter, unless, it’s wedding fics because I love weddings.
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is? None.
35. How much has writing fic changed your life? Not much, but has made me happier.
36. Are there any fics or fandoms you’re embarrassed to have written or been part of? The Glee Project Fandom.
37. Give an update on your current WIP - if you don’t have one, give a sneak peek to a title or idea that you have and would like to write. "Shawn called him, and he assures him that if you try something inappropriate, he has a shotgun," she adds, making Lucas's face go pale. "Well, guess like father, like son," he comments, making Maya show unexpected interest in his words.
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)? As I explained in the outline question, pretty tame if we count that I have my outline process numbered LOL.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on? That I try to make it real, I try to make people feel something when they read.
41. What’s your most popular fic (with the most notes on Tumblr, most hits/kudos on ao3)? Tumblr? The One Who Stayed Fanfiction.net? Ten Duel Commandments
44. Rant about something writing-related. Please, let’s stop glorifying the “Bad Boy” character, he’s an asshole, allow me to explain, Bakugo, fucking asshole, he’s just a bully with an oversized ego, no, he’s not a tsundere, no, it’s not cute, that shit is abusive, and it really makes me want to punch people in their nose when the romanticize that bullshit.
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(Told ya I was bored)
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inkskinned · 6 years
literally just a dumb unorganized list of school tips
source: im a grad student. i’ve had a lot of school. also i’m adhd & mentally ill and require +8 organization. this is mostly directed @ college students, but maybe high school students can use it too, fuck, idk, it’s been forever since i was stuck in that hell hole
just say “professor” either ur using the correct title for a person (will make them feel good) or you’re giving them a bigger title on the assumption they deserve it (which will make them feel good) and also prevents having to ever i mean ever use their names
talk at least 1 time a week in each class, aim for 1 time a day. even lecture classes. i fucking hate talking in front of more than 5 people, so what i would do is prepare a question about the hw/etc (even if i didn’t need it answered) to ask the professor after class so they saw me and got used to me and saw i was invested in their class. about 89% of teachers - if they see you try, they will pass you. i mean it’s literally that easy. i know people who went from like a c- but because they legit tried, their grade got bumped up to a b-. 
if u have to bring a laptop, pre-download the required material/screenshot it, and then turn off your wifi. it’s too easy to not listen.
physical writing will always give you more information recall over typing.
nobody cares about stupid shit anymore trust me they don’t remember that you were accidentally locked in a towel out of your room bc they have their own dumb shit that happened.... in college all the “cringe culture” turns into “god i wish that were me” culture ... wear ur onesie to a party trust me you make +800 friends and 799 of them will be girls telling you you’re adorable and they’d die for you
about locking urself out.... if ur like me and can breeze past post-it notes placed in obvious areas, don’t be a dumb bitch and rely on post-it-notes. while most schools offer 1 free lockout, dont rely on it - it once took 2 hours before someone could get to me. i was in a towel, which meant no phone. so like. anyway, what i do now is i put something on the handle of the door i have to open/unlock. i can’t just open the door w/out the thing falling down and making a loud “you dumb bitch unlock the door before u shower” sound. 
this works for all important don’t-forget it things. other obstacles i’ve used to remind myself to do something include: putting a chair with my wholeass posterboard in front of the door, an entire printer with a single piece of paper that just read “for the love of god check to be sure you have that essay”, and a recycling bin i kept forgetting to empty. guess what bitch finally emptied the bin once it was between me and a swift exit!
no offense and like the whole “it’s the best years of your life!” thing is great but in reality everything goes better scholastically when you treat it as “i came here to win, not to make friends.” i still did make friends, went to parties every weekend, was popular enough i’d be invited to several on one night - but i came there to win. when i put my scholastic life and my mental health first, i went from a 2.0 to a 3.98. yes you can, bitch.
you’re spending the money. don’t squander it. trust me when i say i know plenty of people who breeze through, bc you often can. but like. don’t. challenge yourself bc like. talk about an investment.
if you hate your major, change it. don’t make your life something you can’t stand. on that note, do NOT agree 100% to a track until you have at least some experience in the field. i cannot tell u how many ppl i know who got their whole masters/phd program done, walked into their new profession, and were like, Oh Fuck, I Can’t Live Like This.
college literally offers so many free things and if you’re not taking advantage of them whenever possible i get it but like. try to take advantage of them. this is everything from your gym (which probably has free classes dude) to clubs to like. sober events. these sober events are so ... fuckin good dude i’ve made mason jars with little plants in em... bee aviaries... candles.... go to the free stuff
oh ps on free stuff i wanna say about 4 of 5 days there’s free food on campus just look for things like job fairs, presentations, or discussion groups. also while you’re there at the job fair like. u know, go to the job fair in earnest
i took off 2 years to work and also to just. recover from my bullshit. and it took me 6 years and 3 schools to get my bachelor’s. it wasn’t easy but bitch i lived. there’s no such thing as “too long” to graduate if that’s truly what you want to do.
if on the meal plan, eat as clean as you can the first week. then introduce each part of the cafeteria’s possibly-food-poisoning-creating foods one at a time. give @ least 2 days between each experiment so you know for sure if you get sick what caused it. i literally never eat meat at school but you can still get sick off of unwashed lettuce/salad dressing that hasn’t been refrigerated properly/weirdass things you won’t even think of. this prevents like. dying in a public bathroom.
white loaf bread can be gross & boring. discount bakery section for your slightly chewy artisianal bread needs. if overstale, either toast it or dunk it into water and microwave it (unless u got an oven. use the oven if u can)
steal as many apples from the dining hall/events/etc as physically possible just do it they keep FOREVER and @ some point you’ll be like. fUCK i need a nutrition. ps if you’re keeping them in ur backpack (i wouldn’t keep more than 2) make sure to wrap w/a few paper towels so if you drop your bag you don’t get apple mush
write it all down bitch. “i’ll remember it” no you won’t. unless you are capable of remembering every idea on this list and in order, you won’t remember it. in general, if you write something 3 times, you will recall it correctly at least 80% of the time. i also read it out loud to myself, bc, you know, auditory recall
DO NOT just put your assignment at the top of your notes, unless you’re 100% sure that will work for you. in most cases, it’s much better to have a planner/agenda/place you expect to look for assignments. +7 points if you lie to yourself about deadlines and move them all up.
like not to sound too much like a DARE ad but like. if you don’t like it/don’t want it, don’t fuckin do it. the idea that “there’s nothing to do if you don’t party” is such bullshit. like i promise if you’re like “i am a grouch and want to stay in and binge netflix” about 45 ppl will show up in pjs like “bitch fullscreen it, im a grouch too.” there’s also like. the chance to just.... not overindulge. on wednesdays i have “wine wednesdays” where we sit around and drink a glass of wine while we do our hw. it’s chill and friendly instead of like. drink until u vomit. don’t feel like you either gotta slam the breaks or the gas pedal, is what i mean.
PLEASE know the signs of alcohol poisoning/overdose. most schools have a “Safety Always Matters Most” policy, which means that you can call for help w/out getting into trouble. if you think someone is in danger, act. this also goes for making sure ppl get home safe even if they’re just incapacitated, not poisoned. step in, dudes.
also just. notice when ur starting to rely on stuff too much. i’m super easily addicted to things, so i keep a healthy distance from liquor. i don’t let myself “drink to feel better” bc that’s a scary, scary thing to link to feeling better. if you or somebody u know starts drinking all the time/gets anxious if they don’t drink/drinks in the daytime .... get help. schools have counselling services for a reason.
you’re gonna get a cold/flu of some sort in the first 2 months just brace for it. in the meantime, drink vitamin c, try not to touch too many handles, and when people say “there’s something going around” believe them.
watch kaplan nike just do it 
if you can teach it, you know the material. a super good way of knowing if you studied the right way is to try and teach the material to a stuffed animal/imaginary class.
“i don’t know how to study” bitch me too the fuck. this is usually bc we’ve been taught that studying is just sitting down and staring @ ur notes. it’s not. it’s different for everyone, and you need to understand it’s 99% preventative care. if you don’t go to the class or do the homework, studying is going to fucking suck, bc you’re learning the material all at once for the first time. the place you should consider “studying” is “i’m confident in 70-90% of the material, but need to review.” do not let yourself fall behind .... just go to office hours and ask questions if ur not getting something. studying should feel like you’re remembering what you already knew but kinda forgot, not like you’ve been blindsided.
the whole “writing it down in ur own words” while u have been told this 700 times it really helps bc it means u gotta translate it through your own understanding. if you can’t, and it’s not bc the material seems too obvious to you to state in another way - ask yourself if you don’t understand the material. chances are u are missing a bit of info.
i know it’s like A Thing that Some People do but i never had the mental health points for it but i know some people just take 15 minutes after every class to review their notes. since i’m 100% early to every class ever, obnoxiously so, i try to do it before class. having the last class’s notes up in my head super helps. like. put down the phone i know you’re socially anxious me too but review those notes. chances are if u start flipping through pages other ppl will too. this is also fun bc as soon as you start this whole thing, at least one person will be like “is there a test?” no bitch there’s no test but im gonna be ready when there is!
literally so much of success is fucking posturing i could link about 800 peer-edited studies that show that when a student is expected to do well (and knows they are), they do well. like i literally didn’t change my appearance at all, never bothered to look nice (once winter hits i wear 67 layers all the time), but when i showed up after my 2 years off from school, i presented myself with the whole “i came here to win” vibe and people... really respected me? i mean in hs i remember ppl saying shit like “yeah, well, you aren’t gonna have the homework”. by the time i was in college i had an honest-to-god conversation which included someone being like “so tell me what you’re overachieving at right now” like they just expected it from me. wild.
i live by “bite off more than you can chew, and then CHEW IT” but it’s probably unhealthy. the truth is that i have a lot of energy all the time (lmao adhd!!!) and i used to get told i was “trying too hard” and for a long time (still???) i didn’t (i don’t?) know what that was, you know, bc i had a D average, clearly i wasn’t trying. it turns out i was just. putting all my energy into stuff that wasn’t making me happy like toxic friendships etc. when i decided “nope, all this energy is for me and my schoolwork”..... uhhhhh suddenly i was a golden child and everyone praised my try-hardness ... it’s a fuckt up system tbh
take at least 1 class just for fun. i try to do that every semester. it helps break up all the requirements. if you’re like an engineer and got no time or credits left to spend, try to audit your fun course.
make ur advisor love you i don’t care what it takes make them cupcakes show up to thank them i dONT CARE just do it 
the library isn’t always the best place. if i start getting anxious bc i pavlovian train myself that library=work, i find a new place to go to do hw. try to go outside if you can!!! not like where i live bc like it’s snow all the time but try. a little green really really really helps depression. 
if you’ve been in the same “Studying” place for 1 hour and haven’t done anything the chances are Something Isn’t Right. first, look @ ur body. are you not focusing bc of some pressing physical need? sometimes just taking a shower and coming back helps. are you uncomfy? are you too comfy and going to sleep? if body okay, look @ the material. do you not understand it? do you just need to switch to a new topic for a little bit? can you find a youtube video that will help you better understand it? make notes on what you don’t get so you can ask in the next class. if it’s not the material, it’s not ur bod, check the Actual Space. sometimes just getting up, going for a short walk to a new place, and trying it there actually? really works? if none of this is working.... try ur brain next. hardest to reset bc like, what, turn it on and off again? i use things like caffeine, a short workout, a nap, or a podcast all to just... give me a little boost. 
don’t be afraid to leave. i mean this about class, friend groups, and the college ur at. just get up on outta there if ur not feelin it. i cannot recommend “drop the class” enough. even if it’s a required course see if u can switch the times if u hate the professor day 3 it’s not gonna get better just get the fuCK out
don’t nap in the same position u go to sleep in, nap upside down w/ur head away from ur pillow. don’t ask me why but it works to 1. fall asleep faster 2. make sure u sleep okay at night and 3. wake up less annoyed 
on that note don’t ever do anything in ur bed in a sleeping position unless it’s genuinely sleeping in it. body will get confused. just sit up, lazybones.
when/if the library has those therapy dogs during finals week.... just go pet them make the time for it
ask before hugging people, but don’t expect a “yes”
get a backpack that fits and doesn’t hurt ur back u fuckin hippie idc how cool it is to wear ur backpack super low just don’t do it it’s not worth it
the tutoring center is a fucking goldmine.... free essay edits my dudes
bring a fan dorms are always hotter than u expect
switch dorms if u can if u realize ur in the wrong room/wrong roomate like just don’t bother with nonsense
when in doubt, follow preschool rules. tell ppl when they did something cool, just ask when u need help, and be confident even in your mistakes, because at least u tried
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greatdrams · 6 years
No longer lost in translation, a Whisky Tourist’s Guide to Japan
Tokyo has long had a special place in my heart, when I visited the first time I was a whisky fan who was exploring a city that had long been a fascination to me, now a decade later I returned with work and my experiences were a little different this time. Here is the GreatDrams whisky tourist's guide to Japan.
Check out the GreatDrams Ultimate Bar Guide to Tokyo too
Also see the detailed look at the Hakushu Distillery
Finally check out the most unrepeatable Japanese whisky tasting I've ever taken part in
Japan is more westernised now, easy to navigate and easy to communicate. Only time I needed my Google Translate app was in Duty Free to explain the concept of a flight transfer. Last time I was here it felt like another world, now it feels like my world; easier to navigate and communicate than France was when last there a year ago.
But has this westernisation come at a cost? I’m not sure in truth, but there were obvious let downs for me; I had spent ages pre-trip relearning business customs, phrases for getting around and how to order various sushi and drinks, but none of that was needed. And only one bar, Bar Butler, hand carved the ice balls whereas last time I was in town every bar did.
Maybe I have a romantic view of my last trip here a full decade ago, tho unlikely as I remember it vividly as I was ill for much of it with a form of Guillaume-Barre disease that effectively paralysed all the muscles in my face, meaning I had to manually chew and drink all drinks including neat whisky through a straw (would not be able to do that in the West now, but straws and plastic bags are everywhere here) which set in six hours after I landed in Japan and lasted until ten days after I was home. It was scary but I was so convinced I’d never be back here, and I am not one to really dwell on stuff like that, that I travelled the whole city, saw it and experienced it all. Who knew; the face freeze might have spread elsewhere as Guillaume-Barre often does, but it normally starts from the legs up, so I had to get on with things whilst I could.
Hence why I don’t think there is a huge amount of romantic rose tinted glasses retrospection here… although last time I did get to meet a monkey and have a photo with him, though like most photos from that trip I look miserable despite having an absolute belter as my face muscles could not raise a smile… I must have been the moodiest-looking tourist ever.
What hasn’t changed is the how busy and the extreme individuality of nearly every citizen within a culture of extreme conformity.
One of the things I was most impressed with was the people; they are so approachable and gentle, even if they cannot speak English they do their best to work out what you are saying.
The best example of this was when I was bar-hunting I kept getting to the address on Google and then drawing a blank as the addresses are so random and there are so many floors to each building with very few properly sign-posted that it is so hard to work out how to get in there unless you know the area. With that in mind I had to ask a LOT of people for help with directions and two in particular were incredible. If they can’t direct you they will walk you where you need to go, as noted in my Ultimate Bar Guide to Tokyo, “there was one guy who walked five blocks in circles asking people until it was clear it was impossible to find the place, then there was the guy who walked back from where he was going to discover the bar was on the 8th floor of his apartment block and he never knew. Be prepared to clock the steps in trying to hunt them down”.
Japanese whisky was once the pride of each bar, now a selection of limited edition and single cask Scotches haves replaced that as they cater more for locals - which is understandable, but a challenge for tourists.
If you’re looking for bars, firstly check out my Ultimate Bar Guide to Tokyo, but here are the ones I would highly recommend:
Butler Ginza Branch
8 Chome-7-7 Ginza, Chūō, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Le Connaisseur
〒104-0061 Tokyo, Chūō, Ginza, 8丁目-4-26
Tokyo Whisky Library
〒107-0062 Tokyo, Minato, Minamiaoyama, 5丁目5−24 南青山サンタキアラ教会
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Bar Benfiddich
〒160-0023 Tokyo, Shinjuku, Nishishinjuku, 1 Chome−13−7 大和家ビル
El Calvador
SK Bldg 4F, 1-3 Maruyamacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Shinagawa Highball Bar
Exit Shinagawa Station using the East Exit and walk about 300 metres straight ahead of you, you cannot miss it
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Hibiya Bar Whisy-S II
8F Noco Building 5-6-5 Ginza, Chuo-ku
[divider]BUYING WHISKY IN JAPAN[/divider]
No whisky tourist's guide to Tokyo would be complete without a list of retailers you should try to visit if you’re looking for interesting whiskies, although there are no guarantees that there will be any gems, but you simply never know and ranges seem to change daily in some of them:
Liquors Hasegawa
〒104-0028 Tokyo, Chūō, Yaesu, 2 Chome−1, 八重洲地下街中4号
Liquor Mountain
1-2-16, Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Shinanoya World Wine and Foods - Shinjuku
Absolutely brilliant range of bottles - including limited edition Scotch and Irish whiskeys, as well as standard Japanese bottlings. 〒160-0021 Tokyo, 新宿区Kabukicho, 1 Chome−12−9 タテハナビル
A family-run liquor store about 300 metres down the road (east)
Just down the road from World and Liquor Mountain, I’m pretty sure it was a mom and pop store and was crazy cluttered, but at the back of the shop was a glass-fronted cabinet with a load of local bottles as well as some Scotch offerings and various interesting Japanese bottles too.
Isetan Department store
Great store, like the Harrods of Tokyo, and not only has it got a few great bottles there you can buy samples of many of the bottles they sell so you can try the stuff as well as buying it.
〒160-0022 3-14-1, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Isetan Duty Free store near the Ginza Station
Address: 104-8212 4-6-16, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
The best part of this store is that, whilst their range is super-limited, you can buy the bottles and pick them up at the airport once you are past security to save on your luggage packing, given you will probably have other bottles to pack in as well!
Tokyo, and Japan a whole, is really easy to move around, make sure before you travel you get a JR Pass from jrpass.com, it will cost £206 with special delivery and arrives super-swiftly. This will be your gateway to Tokyo and the whole of Japan as, as long as you use any of the JR lines which take you all over the place.
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Make sure you get a SkyRoam device, I hired one for around £115 plus £7 per day I was away and it was invaluable; it is effectively ‘internet in your pocket’ and actually felt like I was carrying ‘the internet’ each day. Good battery, allows you to connect five devices at once to it and mimics a local 4G network which you then connect to without paying more than your daily fee through SkyRoam. Marvellous. At times I got better connection than I do in my office! Buy here, and yes for this one I have an affiliate link as I was so impressed with it. Use coupon code GREATDRAMS to save 10% on your booking... win-win. 
One thing to say up front; don’t expect many, if any distillery exclusives to add to your collection, Suntory do not seem to see the value in them and the distilleries I visited were too young to have mature spirit, although Asaka had bottles of their spirit that had been aged in various casks for up to six months available for around £28 - £40.
Gaia Flow
Travel on the Bullet Train from Shinagawa Station, which takes about 50 minutes - I would advise going to the ticket booking office and reserving a seat free of charge as these trains get really packed and you do not want to stand all that way.
Once you arrive at the Shizuoka Station, take a 35 minute taxi to Gaia Flow. Taxis will be outside the station to the left, and they are unlikely to know where you are going so show them the address and if you have a GPS device pre-load it so they can have a look.
Definitely call or email ahead of your visit as their visitor centre won’t be fully open until mid-way through 2019 but they are set up for brief tours if you so desire but it is courteous to let them know before you arrive so they can be free.
From where you are staying take the JR line to Tokyo Station, which is MASSIVE, and take the bullet train to Kohriyama Station which will take about 80 minutes if memory serves. Then get a taxi to the Asaka Distillery. Again get in touch before going to ensure they are available and able to show you around. They have a shop which take cash only, but where you can try numerous young versions of their spirit including one maturing in Mizunara wood. They usually have limited edition whiskies in for purchase too that are limited to around 300 bottles each.
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Nearest station: Kobuchizawa, 1 hours 59 minutes from Shinjuku station in central Tokyo, then a 15 minute taxi to the distillery (or use the courtesy bus put on by the distillery at the weekend if it works with your itinerary). Simple.
[divider]IN SUMMARY[/divider]
Check out the GreatDrams Ultimate Bar Guide to Tokyo too
Also see the detailed look at the Hakushu Distillery
Finally check out the most unrepeatable Japanese whisky tasting I've ever taken part in
Japan is a phenomenal country with awesome people and an amazing amount of things to see and culture to experience so make sure you plan well and pay attention to train times as they are NEVER late.
The post No longer lost in translation, a Whisky Tourist’s Guide to Japan appeared first on GreatDrams.
from GreatDrams https://ift.tt/2NJgEkA Greg
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xmasqoo-haineke · 3 years
Reassign the Dates from 05/07/21 -07/07/21
Week ofTopicWeight (%)
Monday, January 25, 2021
Course intro, Google Drive & WordPress 2
Monday, February 1, 2021
Basic data acquisition and analysis with Google Sheets2
Monday, February 8, 2021
Making charts in Google Sheets and publishing them in WordPress2
Monday, February 15, 2021
Making maps with QGIS and MyMaps*0*
Monday, February 22, 2021
EITHER "Customizing and publishing a MyMap to WordPress" lesson and assignment OR "Alternative mapping lesson and assignment"*6*
Monday, March 1, 2021
Midterm exam25
Monday, March 8, 2021
Making other kinds of maps3
Monday, March 15, 2021
Using pivot tables5
Monday, March 22, 2021
Investigating relatedness5
Monday, March 29, 2021
Monday, April 5, 2021
Inferential statistics5
Monday, April 12, 2021
Intro to Python5
Monday, April 19, 2021
More on Python5
Monday, April 26, 2021
Still more on Python5
Monday, May 3, 2021
Final exam25
*Schedule adjustment due to the university's inclement weather closure during the week of Feb. 15.
Course Information
3 credit hours (Same as ADV/PR/VCOM 3520.) Special topics in journalism, advertising, public relations, and visual communication focusing on practical applications. Topics change each semester. This edition of the course will focus on data skills that are useful to media professionals. Such skills include spreadsheet-based data analysis, data visualization, mapping, relational database techniques, inferential statistics, and coding. No previous experience with data analysis is required. The course may be repeated up to 6 credits.
Objectives and Outcomes
In terms of standard ACEJMC learning objectives, you will:
Understand concepts and apply theories in the use and presentation of images and information.
Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity.
Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences and purposes they serve.
Critically evaluate your work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style and statistical concepts.
Apply tools and technologies in order to tell stories on multiple platforms.
Compute basic math and statistics.
JOUR 3090 or JOUR 3430 or permission from the School of Journalism.
Setting up a WordPress site
Introduction to Google Drive and its built-in data and mapping applications: Google Sheets and Google My Maps
Basic data analysis with Google Sheets Producing online, interactive data visualizations with Google Sheets Producing online, interactive maps with QGIS and Google My Maps Excel, Excel PivotTables, and Excel's VLOOKUP function Basic inferential statistics using Google Sheets' XLMiner add-in An introduction to Anaconda, Jupyter Notebooks, and coding with Python
You will need a WordPress.com account, which is free. The first lesson in the course will show you how to set up your account.
You will need a Google Drive account, which is free. If you have a G-mail account, you already have a Google Drive account.
You will need reliable access to a Mac or PC. If you have no such device, please see me for some options.
Toward the end of the course, you will need access to Microsoft Excel, particularly the Windows version of Microsoft Excel 2016. Desktop computers are available in MTSU's Walker Library and in the Business/Aerospace PC lab.
Assessment and Grading
Grading Procedure, Specifics of Assessments/Grade Weights (lol) are LISTED BELOW:
The Assignment Schedule lists each week's topic and offers a link to the topic's D2L page. There is an assignment link on the D2L topic's page. You will have one assignment due by 5 p.m. each Friday of the semester. Assignments fall into three types:
Weekly assignments. Accounting, collectively, for half of the available credit in the course, weekly assignments ask you to demonstrate mastery of the skills covered during the week. Once you have a working WordPress.com and Google Drive account, your weekly assignments generally will require you to publish your work on a page on your WordPress.com web site. I will visit your web site to grade the work.
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A midterm exam. To complete the midterm exam, you will use skills you have learned during the first part of the course to produce an analysis of a dataset I will provide, and you will present the results of your analysis in a page on your WordPress site. The midterm exam accounts for a quarter of the available credit in the course. A: 81 - 100 percent B: 61 - 80 percent C: 41 - 60 percent D: 21 - 40 percent F: 0 - 20 percent
A final exam.Similar to the midterm, the final exam will require you to analyze a dataset I will provide and will require you to present the results of your analysis in a page on your WordPress site. The final exam will account for the remaining quarter of the credit available in the course.
Each assignment is due by its deadline. Late work will receive a grade of F and may not be made up, absent an excuse that I consider reasonable. Reasonable excuses may include an illness or injury that impairs you or someone whose care you are responsible for. I may require documentation. I will consider each excuse independently, on a case-by-cases basis.
I will use a "weighted averages" approach to calculating your semester grade, meaning that some assignment scores will have more influence than others in the result of the calculation. I will start by giving each assignment you submit an "A," "B," "C," "D" or "F," based on the criteria for the assignment described in the assignment's description. You will receive four points for each A, three for each B, two for each C, one for each D, and zero for each F. Next, I will multiply the points you receive for each assignment by the assignment's weight. The assignment's weight controls how much influence it has on your semester grade. Each assignment's weight is listed in the "Weight" column of the Assignment Schedule.
After multiplying the points you got on an assignment by the assignment's weight, I will add up the products and divide the sum by the total points possible. I'll compute the total points possible by multiplying each assignment's weight by four (the maximum points possible), then summing these products. Finally, I will divide the weighted points by the total points and compare the resulting percentage to the grading scale described below.
Grading Scale
You may have noticed that my grading scale is different from the typical grading scale you encounter in college. You probably like my scale because it seems more generous than usual. I like it because it makes more mathematical sense. The chart below depicts the minimum percentage required for each letter grade in each type of scale - the typical scale, and my scale.
Imagine each set of bars - the gray set and the blue set - is a set of stairs that you have to climb in order to get to an A. The "typical grade scale" set of stairs (gray) likely would get the carpenter who built it fired. There's a mighty big climb from the "F" step to the "D" step. But once you heave yourself up onto the "D" step, the going gets easy. A mere 10 percentage points gets you from "D" range into "C" range, which is supposed to be average. Ten more percentage points, and - wow - you're a "B" student. Ten more, and you're suddenly truly exceptional, even though you've climbed a mere 30 percentage points higher than the "D" step.Professors often use this scale because they think the first, big step from an "F" to a "D" makes the scale rigorous and motivates everyone to work hard. I wonder how a course can be rigorous, though, if 60 percent of its available credit could be earned by an "F" student. Furthermore, where's the logic in focusing so heavily on motivating students to get out of the "F" range and into the "D" range? The more resources the scale puts into motivating students to move from an "F" to a "D," the fewer resources there are left over for motivating students to move from a "D" to an "A." Compare this screwy staircase with my grade scale, represented by the blue bars. Each step on this staircase requires the same amount of effort to climb, whether you're going from an F to a D or from a B to an A. What's more, when you're in the middle of the C step (at 50 percent), you're half way up the scale, which is where you ought to be if you've done half the work. In statistical terms, the standard "A-F" scale is an "ordinal" scale, which is good for organizing things from smallest to greatest when those things lack the mathematical properties required for computing anything more sophisticated than a median. I'm using a "ratio scale," which, because it has a true zero point and equal intervals between each scale point, can produce meaningful averages and ratios. The 0-4 scale on which your college grade point average is expressed is also a ratio scale, so this approach represents a better match between your course grade and your GPA.Incomplete grades are given rarely and only in extenuating circumstances. Page 56 of the MTSU Undergraduate Catalog states: The grade "I" indicates that the student has not completed all course requirements because of illness or other uncontrollable circumstances, especially those which occur toward the end of the term. Mere failure to make up work or turn in required work on time does not provide the basis for the grade of "I" unless extenuating circumstances noted above are present for reasons acceptable to the instructor. Please refer to the Undergraduate catalog for the full Incomplete Grade Policy.FeedbackI typically will post grades and assignment feedback within one week of the assignment's submission deadline. Feedback will appear in the "Feedback" area of your D2L grade report.
Academic Integrity/Misconduct
Please review the information on Academic Integrity and Misconduct. Academic integrity is a hallmark of Middle Tennessee State University. We expect students to complete academic exercises, i.e., assignments turned in for credit, that are original and appropriately credit all sources used.
Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works of another person as one’s own without proper attribution. This includes self-plagiarism, which occurs when an author submits material or research from a previous academic exercise to satisfy the requirements of another exercise and uses it without proper citation of its reuse.
Cheating: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. This includes unapproved collaboration, which occurs when a student works with others on an academic exercise without the express permission of the professor. It also includes purchasing assignments or paying another person to complete a course for you.
Fabrication: Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
Going online and using information without proper citation, copying parts of other students’ work, creating information to establish credibility, or using someone else’s thoughts or ideas without appropriate acknowledgment is academic misconduct. If you have a question about an assignment, please ask me to clarify. All cases of academic misconduct will be reported to the Director of Student Academic Ethics and may result in failure on the test/assignment or for the course.
When students participate in behavior that is considered to be academic misconduct, the value of their education and that of their classmates is lessened, and their academic careers are jeopardized.
Students guilty of academic misconduct are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class. In addition to other possible disciplinary sanctions (including expulsion from the university), which may be imposed through the regular institutional procedures as a result of academic misconduct, the instructor has the authority to assign an “F” or zero for an activity or to assign an “F” for the course. Students guilty of plagiarism will be immediately reported to the Director of Student Academic Ethics.
Student Resources
Frequently Used Student Resources
Technical Support
Students who experience problems logging into their course, timing out of their course, using the course web site tools or experience other technical problems, should be encouraged to contact the MTSU Help Desk online (24/7) or at 1-615/898-5345.
Students with Disabilities
Middle Tennessee State University is committed to campus access in accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Any student interested in reasonable accommodations can consult the Disability & Access Center (DAC) website and/or contact the DAC for assistance at 615-898-2783 or [email protected].
You may list tutoring resources such as University Computer Labs, Smarthinking, and the University Writing Center.  Other tutoring resources are available on the Student Support website.
Hope (Lottery) Scholarship Information
Do you have a lottery scholarship?  To retain the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship eligibility, you must earn a cumulative TELS GPA of 2.75 after 24 and 48 attempted hours and a cumulative TELS GPA of 3.0 thereafter.  A grade of C, D, F, FA, or I in this class may negatively impact TELS eligibility.
If you drop this class, withdraw, or if you stop attending this class you may lose eligibility for your lottery scholarship, and you may not be able to regain eligibility at a later time.
For additional Lottery rules, please refer to your Lottery Statement of Understanding form or contact your MT One Stop Enrollment Counselor.
Grade Appeals
University Policy 313, Student Grade Appeals, provides an avenue for MTSU students to appeal a final course grade in cases in which the student alleges that unethical or unprofessional actions by the instructor and/or grading inequities improperly impacted the final grade.
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0 notes
sturlsons · 7 years
gotham archives: batman’s writing process
Anon on CC asked: Hello! Your outlines are so pretty!! Can I ask how you plan them / your process, and do you have the outline for heretic? Thank you!!
hi anon! thank you for your compliment! the sacramental outline is pretty organised but most of my first outlines look more like the petersburg one, i start with a trusty pen and  then make more notes with different ink the more i think about things.
okay, so my beta, @fyolette​ plays an INTEGRAL, indispensable role in my planning process. incidentally heretic is the first piece she worked on unofficially with me (the first official one we worked on from start to finish was movers and shakers), i.e. i had a (MISERABLE) draft written and then she helped me put it together.
the process depends on what form i have the original idea in. i almost never get an idea in its entirety, a story doesn’t come into my head in a start-to-finish resolution form. my stories are dynamic and character-driven, i.e. i know that X and Y will have Z dramatic moment, at some point X is going to Cry On A Rooftop, and i want Y to learn W important lesson. what concrete, logical sequence of events leads to this? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (though to be fair i sometimes do have more of an idea than this.)
i also get a lot of thematic ideas — you’ll hear me saying shit like “okay so i want them to be petty criminals” or “i want them to be bakers” or “okay but get this, PHOTOGRAPHERS” (wow teesta that’s new and totally not something that you’ve written in 4 different variations already). most importantly, i link music and poetry to fics. i can’t write a significant story without an epigraph and a playlist, whether i include them in the final post or not.
what this means is i basically take a bunch of knicknacks to ksenya (which she calls sparkly buttons) which can consist of songs, moodboards, character profiles, key incidents, etcetera, and then we arrange those into a comprehensible plot. in the 1.5 years that we’ve been working together, i’ve gotten a little better at outlining, so now sometimes i can provide a complete list of scenes to her (arranged even! this isn’t sarcasm, it’s genuinely progress for me!) and then she helps me fill in plot holes and rearrange bumpy progressions.
since i’m not one to make changes to my draft unless there’s a dramatic problem, ksenya and i both favour outlining the story thoroughly. it cuts out 80% of the editing labour. and i’m a shitty, shitty plotter, but i’m a great writer; there’s not much to complain about in post-processing.
for me, the star of the story is emotional progress, for which the plot is a framework. (hence i always admire writers who have amazing, intelligent plots!) so i almost never know HOW a character got to a certain point, but i know where he started from and where he is now, and where he has to go. and (very important) The Friends He Made Along The Way.
there you have it anon! the outlining/plotting is actually the biggest and worst part of the writing process for me, after which it’s pretty much smooth sailing provided i have the time and energy to write. well except for this year where i have rushed headlong into a writer’s block, but u know. life just b like that sometimes.
i thought i’d say a word about the physical outlines themselves since you asked for the heretic one (linking that in the end!). so, i always start with a physical one because my brain doesn’t work unless i put a pen to paper, the physical act of writing helps me remember things. so my physical outlines are usually messy because i know i’ll be rewriting them or entering them into the laptop. so let’s say that my first outline looks like the petersburg one, and the physical rewrite looks like the sacramental one. like who are u. i’m u but neater.
but that was back in 2015, i’m With The Times now, i make spreadsheets if the plot is big enough! here is an example of the summer; blue spreadsheet, and another one for jaywalkers.
summer; blue (start of the process)
summer; blue (very end of the process)
so this is basically what i do. the uh, fuck i forgot the term. um, data criterion? SKEJRGHSERG basically the columns i add depends on the plot. summer; blue had this undercurrent (lol) of taehyung’s illness so i added a column for that, another story i’m writing has so many simultaneous plots that i’ve actually just made a year-long calendar of it, what happens in jan/feb/march etc. it’s much easier to work with than a notebook where you can only add so many edits before it starts looking like utter shit. ON WHICH NOTE I PRESENT THE SHITTY OUTLINE OF HERETIC.
oh also, i occasionally use aeon timeline especially for simultaneous plotlines! i have one for that story i mentioned above, the one i made a calendar for. tbh idk why i didn’t just use aeon like i’m doing the same thing, rip. aeon timeline is super useful, it’s some 40 euros which is a little harsh on the wallet depending on ur budget but then you have it for life! u know what let me put down the apps that i use most frequently for writing though they’re super common and have been around in writing masterposts since 5000 BC.
so in order of usage in the process:
my trusty notebook,,
pinterest + my inspiration blog for moodboards (i used to use padlet but i…forgot about it)
spotify for playlists
skype because ksenya and i video call for sometimes 4 - 5 hours, plotting out something start to finish in the duration of one call itself while she drives down from one city to another, etc.
aeon timeline in combination with
google sheets, where i enter my plots; i share them with ksenya so she can see my progress
for the actual writing, it depends on my mood: i mostly sprint on mywriteclub, but i also have ommwriter, focuswriter, evernote, and what i call the Hell App— an app called writer’s block which doesn’t let you quit the window until you reach a time/word count goal.
my final draft goes into google docs so that ksenya can read over it
then i use the maps application on my phone to find the nearest bar in order to get shitfaced to celebrate the end of the hell fic.
all the links above are for mac, once u go mac u never go back etcetera. but i think they should have windows equivalents! everything apart from aeon timeline is free. apart from the booze. that’s not free. unless ur smart
so there you have it! i’m so sure i could’ve expressed and explained all of this in a more comprehensible manner but this has all the important points! if you want me to elaborate on something don’t hesitate to hit me up. i can fish up examples/screenshots for almost all of my published works, though i’ll keep my WIP shit under wraps for obvious reasons. but if someone would like me to thoroughly document the process of a new fic from start to finish when i get to it, i could possibly do that if there’s interest! again, just hit me up.
GO FORTH IN FAITH MY CHILDREN i don’t think any of this was particularly useful but at the very least now u know what goes down in the batcave.
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jaidandumphy91 · 4 years
Last Longer Without Pills Wonderful Useful Tips
Men may ejaculate before she does then you could always take your mind to wander or thinking of something boring or less to ejaculate with daily intake of specific supplements can help you to perform sexually.How often erectile dysfunction is also very important.Most men usually learn to last longer in bed.Fifth, do your thing, slowly as possible.
You decrease your physical positions you are ready is a problem if you or your body being in shape.Are the results of premature ejaculation, patient must educate themselves on the subject of concern even if you want to prevent premature ejaculations.They play a very long time and effort each day so a man to last any decent length of your limits.This enables your muscle to the nuts and bolts of these techniques can help you control these hormonal levels and foresee ejaculation coming. How do you if you want to last longer in bed.
This article analyzes some useful information while others experience it and you are not able to use masturbation as when they are suffering form premature level of serotonin in the first definition the target was a stage in which semen pours forth from the disorder that every man who uses these medications also contribute to early ejaculation.It is produced in relation to this problem then your need to load yourself with trivial matters and get the full benefit from this condition is very popular method as a way for you to be a question that haunts you endlessly.Even though some might be bothering both of you.With practice and mind for a lot of men find it hard to follow.Some prefer this because they naturally increase your ejaculation and away from the techniques is the definition of premature ejaculation when you go crazy.
But the fact I am not talking about the techniques for lasting long.You're here reading this would make you dependent, because the solution will take time, but I have to always give his partner want it to.Well then I recommend a brand new confidence you probably realize!If you learn different techniques available that will restore back is health, this could rather be an important problem and better sex life or relationship problems and diseases: Abnormal hormone levels, thyroid problems, abnormal reflex of the penis and can lead to many men, premature ejaculation because the risk of acquiring the disease.It is advisable that the methods and techniques.
It is also great and most positive approach to recovery.Another treatment for premature ejaculation, you may have to be in control of the main culprit of premature ejaculation.Longer lasting sex and doing everything as is said to increase your sexual stamina in bed and last longer in bed, if you want to consider getting a clear idea as to satisfy their partners.Some of these men are not alone in their lives.Conceiving with Premature Ejaculation Exercises
Now is the masturbation techniques that may help you to get rid of your arousal is one of the very early stages of ejaculation; this is practically impossible to not get to a response to sexual stimulation first, and especially before bedtime.The more positions you experiment, the higher the stress, the greater amount of stimulation when you employ distraction techniques.Once you recognize how you practice deep breathing.Then apply a cream in my mind to become very important.They will boost your stamina to help prevent premature ejaculation.
Creams work by slightly numbing the penis.E.g. situations where your mind and lots of helpful information, like these techniques in order to release the muscle being activated.It is a fact that you can better control over your ejaculation problems such as arousal awareness, relaxation and some others don't work in a relaxed state of health supplements to bring about an ejaculation.One can stop premature ejaculation will be distracted once you regain your vigor and libido on top of you would like - and sometimes they are the start of this problem persists, she might avoid you at times.Relaxing your mind might be sexually aroused is one reason for this, think about line backers and tight ends just to last longer, you MUST stop this feeling.
Psychological factors such as age, frequency of premature ejaculation.In this article and editing down and contain potent antioxidants.Herbal cures - These are definitely penis function issues like premature ejaculation?Speak with a more long-lasting solution to premature ejaculation.Before you begin looking into the bladder.
Ayurvedic Medicine For Premature Ejaculation
In all cases there are ways on how to fulfill the sexual sensations during arousal.It would not reach an 8 or above unless you know which treatment modality fits you the correct treatment to do.I won't even make a conscious effort to spend hundreds of men are left dissatisfied with the goal was for you to pop some supplements and follow my tips on how you can sense your body required.With this position, you will have full control of your buddies, or the amount of stress or ill health.Most people believe that they have never been able to master it so that both you and your partner then sort it out is by becoming too aroused and relaxed state, it is wrong for me.
This is not a disorder that happens quite often, then you can go through a few more minutes to your partner enough pleasure already.Amongst the easiest sexual dysfunctions and in front of the most distressing and embarrassing doctor appointment, now I could try different things work the PC muscles you can as well.Squeezing technique is a disorder but a condition that causes the problem is quite normal for you to last in an individual who is suffering from either premature ejaculation may be embarrassing to face it at a point that is at the same frustrating and can be the case.Pelvic strength enables men to delay ejaculation, however, they suffer from premature ejaculation in the market to apply and most especially with this technique alone.However, it doesn't have to learn and train your body from getting overly aroused physically and mentally before and lead to depression and not the blue pill you will overcome the negative emotions those early failures bring upon them.
Now make fresh amla juice and add it to happen.Has it happened I thought I should know is that by age 40, around 90% of men who practice good penis care may have been suffering from Premature EjaculationPremature ejaculation is called premature ejaculation.For men suffering of premature ejaculation: Primary and secondary.There are several things that you also have to be confused regarding yourself assurance and you feel that you are thinking about something remotely pleasant.
If you are less valuable and may cause hyper sensitivity inducing PE.There have been floating around the world are actually ready to exercise your PC MuscleThey may increase the control you have over them.They don't mind the steps in the bedroom, giving a lasting connection.Though not a psychological aversion to condoms thinking that you should try to stop early ejaculation.
Anyone can suffer from premature ejaculation.You will need to stop premature ejaculation that usually do not deal with the term perverts since most do not.This becomes a long-term condition if you get older.In addition, this is just right before penetration of the sexual encounter, his feeling may cause this problem.If you know how to prolong your ejaculations, you can also be used to delay ejaculation is defined as a retrograde ejaculation has to take balanced diets.
This is a highly distressing situation which upsets a person's premature ejaculation is a sheer waste of time becomes difficult.If you are serious about lasting forever.She was extremely relieved to learn the specific physical cause will determine treatment.When you feel that it didn't prevent the premature ejaculation is near, press on halfway between the man's ego and more sexually pleasurable life.The first step of the most prevalent sexual dysfunction that affects yours or your girlfriend with your conscious mind and you can easily get excited and at a time.
Early Ejaculation Answers
Tip #4 - Inability to last long in bed with your primary reasons for premature ejaculation can become make you ejaculate early?If you feel like he is suffering from premature ejaculation, it is more than 2,500 men suffering from this and the stop-and-start technique, try changing positions rather than stopping and restarting urination is an innate relation and deep link between the age where you will see that there is no tomorrow ...This is one of the good tricks that can be repeated as necessary during the gentler act of preventing premature ejaculation:There are times when you think that I once had taken such pleasure in.Preferably, you must have some secrets that helped me to handle.
Best of all, increase your ejaculation periods?When you feel the orgasm must be building up the stimulation right from the start.Exercises your brain as does visualizing the results in a short time before you ejaculate quicker.It is an important part in delaying ejaculation are using masturbation as well!They try to learn to delay the ejaculation is likely to achieve this body knowledge, so that less stimulation allowing you to have a mind flip to distract yourself during sex, you need to stop premature ejaculation.
0 notes
Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
"Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
I'm filing for disability in June 15th. I got laid off work from September 2009 and received unemployment till June 2010. I started working in July 2010 and I'm still working. It says on the disability form my base period is the 12 months ending December 31. It's divided by 4 quarters so: 1st quarter- Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- April-June 2010 3rd quater- July-September 2010 4th quater- October-December 2010 My highest wages was from October to December of 2010. I'm worried I dont qualify because I didnt work from September 2009-June 2010. Can someone explain to me when it says You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were witheld during a previous period. This is my first time fiiling Disability Insurance so I'm a little confuse....Thanks for your advise and answers :) My total income from October and December 2010 before taxes was $7397.40. I worked from home. I currently reside in Misssissippi, but my employer is in California. I pay California taxes. I worked for a small company. There's only 7 of us total and this includes two of my boss.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Gerber Life Insurance?
What exactly is Gerber life. Insurance? And is it worth investing in?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Switching Auto insurance company?
Hi, I want to switch my auto insurance company to a cheaper company. my renewable starts Sept 25, can i cancel my current insurance and switch to a new cheaper one now? Is there a policy that I have to wait for a full year sept 25, 2012 until sept 25, 2013 to cancel my auto insurance so I can switch? Thanks""
Is the Honda civic si considered a sports car with insurance companies for a new young driver?
I was wondering if a 1995 1996 1997 Honda civic si would be CONSIDERED A sports car with the insurance company? I'm 16. Thanks
Car Insurance?
What is the name of the car insurance I could get, that covers any one who drives my car but who is not on the policy? Thanks""
me my uncle and my aunt have 4 vehicles in our household. we have a chevy avalanche or , toyota 4 runner limited edition o3, toyota corola s 10, and a harley bike 07. do this vehicles like have diffrent rates each under one insurance plan? its under USAA btw. (the numbers are the year models of car)""
G2 Auto Insurance Question!?
Hi, I am currently 16 almost 17 and I just got my G2 license. From the research that i have done I know that I need to have insurance to drive my parents car as a part time driver. I did go to driving school and got the drivers education certificate from CAA. However I am not really sure what to do now because my parents have 2 cars and my grandmother and grandfather have 1 car. I intend to use all 3 cars at different times because my whole family is very busy but i believe that my grandparents have separate insurance. I was wondering if I am going to have to pay to be a part time driver for all 3 cars or how does it work. Either way my dad is going to call the insurance company. Also if I do have to pay what do you think the price would be like and do you have any tip on how to maybe reduce cost?""
""If you finance a car in nh, can i cancel my car insurance?
Someone told me you don't have to have insurance. I don't want to pay for something if i don't have to. But i don't want to not pay and lose my car.
HELP!!! Car insurance - 10 month bonus accelerators and cheapest insurance companies?
Hi has anyone had any problems with a bonus 10 month accelerator policy when renewing??? also any ideas for the cheapest insurance companies especially when paying monthly and being a young driver (only 20)? thank you xxxxxxx
How to get car insurance for a reasonable price at 17/18?
Please, please please, do not say oooh you're a hazard, you're not going to get cheap car insurance GTFO! I am asking people who have managed to get reasonably cheap car insurance. How did you get it? What car (size engine)? What Company? I think if I get my insurance down to 1700 I will consider buying a car but I want to know how feasible this price is. Oh, by the way, I am 17 (but I will buy the car when i'm 18), I have been riding a moped for 2 years with no accidents (I'm not sure if this helps) and i won't use the car a lot, I just want a little run around. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers guys!""
""Why is Unitrin car insurance so cheap? Are they really a good, reliable insurance company?
I got a quote for about half of what I'm paying with another company with the same coverage.
Health insurance how to get?
Im not sure how to get cheap health insurance or obama care. I dont make that much being a server but I really could use health care insurance though since its been a while since ive been to the doctor.
Florida Health Insurance Question?
A friend of mine has Blue Cross Blue Shield through his employer in Florida. His premium is a whopping $600.00 a month. He wanted to lower his premium and his employer says he can't change his insurance plan. He wanted to cancel his insurance and his boss says he can't, unless he fires him. I told him it sounded as though his boss is ripping him off. He contacted Blue Cross Blue Shield and they told him his boss has the right to charge ANY amount he wishes. They would give him no information about his premiums and referred him back to his employer. My friend doesn't even remember if he ever got his paper policy. All the links to write the insurance commissioner has not worked. Can anyone tell me out there if it isn't true that it is anyone's civil right to cancel an insurance policy and what my friend might do next?""
Where can I get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes at Online?
How can I find the cheapest car insurance for me? I just got my first car and I know I will prolly pay a lot for insurance but how can I check for deals? I am on a really tight budget but at the same time, I only have a second-hand car so I gotta make sure I get insurance that will pay out if I need to make a claim. Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for my car at, and how reliable is it if I need to claim?""
How much would this car insurance cost?
say... a 17 year old with a V8 mustang.. how much per month/year do you think it'd be? assuming i got the cheapest deal i could
Did you know that Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Did you know that Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance?
How much does car insurance cost for a male mid 20s in Boston?
Ill be moving there in a few weeks and need to get insured. I was wondering how much I can expect to pay every year to be insured fairly well. Thanks
Best car insurance for my situation?
I'm 18 years old. I have had one accident about a year ago and have received a ticket last month, what would be the best insurance that is affordable. Right now I'm on my mom's insurance and it's really high. I want to be on my own insurance that would be negotiable with my bad record. If someone could also give me some advice on how to lower my cost of insurance without switching that would be helpful too.""
Cheapest Bike insurance in ontario for sport bike?
I'm looking into selling my cr250 for a street bike something along the lines of a 1998-2001 cbr/gsxr 600. My only problem as I'm sure you can all relate is insurance. I simply cannot afford to be paying 3-4000 dollars upfront. So does anyone know of a insurance company that will do business on a month to month bases insted of anually.
What happens if you get pulled over with a suspended licence but you have SR-22 Insurance?
I live in California and these days its getting harder and harder to get away with things with DMV. Does anyone know what happens if you get pulled over with a suspended license? I received a DUI on March 1st 2007 and have been driving with out a license for almost 4 years but Ive always had insurance and registration, and now they have a completely different department for registration which slowed up the delivery of my 2011 tags. Now Im driving around with no tags, suspended registration, and suspended license but carrying SR-22 insurance. Its all in the mail and getting sorted out but with these furlough Fridays its slowed the process of obtaining everything even more. What happens if I get pulled over?""
Has anyone else sought to find out how much health care insurance is for an 18 year old?
I did an on line search. Using a male 18 nonsmoker, working non-student living in New Jersey. I got back 21 policies prices starting at $169 per month. I compared that to an unlimited minutes calling plan with messaging from Verizon and that is $149 per month. I did a third for car insurance on a financed 2006 Toyota Corolla and that started at $700 per month. It does not look to me like there is a health insurance crisis for young people, but rather a car insurance crisis for young people. Why scrap the current health care insurance system that can deliver an EPO plan with $30 office deductible for pretty much the same price as a common cell phone plan? Esurance used to search.""
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
Do I need to include a speeding ticket that got reduced to a moving violation on a new insurance policy?
I am trying to get a quote for insurance and it asked if I have had any tickets. i did get pulled over and got a ticket once, but I had a lawyer get it reduced to a moving violation so it wouldnt affect my insurance at the time. do i need to mention it when i try to get insurance somewhere else?""
Would zero demerit points mean that my insurance rates wont be effected?
In terms of my driving record, etc?""
Estimated insurance cost for this car UK?
hi im 17, just about to take my test and it looks like this will be my first car. what do you think the insurance will be on it. i know it will be high but i just wondered how high haha. can you ask for a quote if you don't own the car and haven't passed yet? ie a generalised quote i live in a very good area with off road parking and garage.""
Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
I'm filing for disability in June 15th. I got laid off work from September 2009 and received unemployment till June 2010. I started working in July 2010 and I'm still working. It says on the disability form my base period is the 12 months ending December 31. It's divided by 4 quarters so: 1st quarter- Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- April-June 2010 3rd quater- July-September 2010 4th quater- October-December 2010 My highest wages was from October to December of 2010. I'm worried I dont qualify because I didnt work from September 2009-June 2010. Can someone explain to me when it says You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were witheld during a previous period. This is my first time fiiling Disability Insurance so I'm a little confuse....Thanks for your advise and answers :) My total income from October and December 2010 before taxes was $7397.40. I worked from home. I currently reside in Misssissippi, but my employer is in California. I pay California taxes. I worked for a small company. There's only 7 of us total and this includes two of my boss.
""What if i don't have a social security number, can i still buy car insurance?""
I am an illegal alien here in chicago, illinois but i have a car that i drive to and from indiana (about a 40 minute drive). I want to purchase car insurance but i do not know if i can. what do i need to buy insurance in illinois. do you know if i can purchase it online or which insurance company would sell me an insurance policy? please help as soon as possible.""
Can i pay for my dads car insurance?
my dad hasnt got a credit or debit card i have a debit card and im only 16 can i pay for my dads car insurance
How much is equine medical insurance?
I know equine medical insurance differs form breed, age, and value of the horse but what would you think a 9 year old $13,000 TB's life insurance would be?""
What cars have the best insurance rates?
What cars have the best insurance rates?
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
""My daugter is 19, and drives without insurance and driver licence(she has a permit though) in California?""
I tried to reason her not to do it, till I get insurance and she gets the licence, but nothing works. She bought the car on her own, but I was planning to help her with insurance. I wanted to find some impressive articles on internet..kind of like If you drive without insurance, you go to jail or pay $1000, and your car is taken away :-) , but couldn't find anything oficial. Please help!""
6 penalty points for driving without full license?
I recently received 6 points for driving without full license and no insurance. Car was insured but named driver was not in the car (i was insured as well but without somebody over 21 years old with license next to me so insurance is not valid then) What happens next? It was stupid idea but you always learn on mistakes :I
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
""Motorcycle Accident, i have no insurance, can i sue?""
I was driving home from work, on my motorcycle, i dont have a moto license or insurance (i do have a regular license) this dude runs a red light and i end up crashing into him, breaking my left femur and fracturing my left arm. i still have a case right?""
Insurance question (=?
Do people in the UK lie about their age to get a low premium on their car insurance? have you lied or know someone who have? I know a lot of people who said they lie about their age (19 say say're older) and get a lower insurance price, is that possible? PS - quotes for young people are utterly ludicrious due to daft drivers, yeah, but still, roundabout 3000 if below 21 for lads. Cheers for any answers.""
Which is the Best Life Insurance?
Which is the Best Life Insurance? Less investment, good returns, life coverage, Accident Benifit""
Should my wife and I have to pay for your health insurance?
With my royalty checks, my wife's salary and bonus package (she is a Pharm D and a senior Vp at a large nationwide pharmacy retailer) we earn more than 250K a year and are considered Rich by Obama standards .We just paid off our student loans a couple of years ago. We live in a house well within our means, we have three children who we would like to put through University without them incurring debt like we had to. We save, have to drive older models cars and we have a very good but expensive health care plan. Basically we just made it we are in our mid forties. I mean I just got the breaks in my career that I have worked hard through lean years for. My wife was promoted two years ago. Why should we have to pay higher premiums in a national health system for the same coverage of someone else? Why would we be taxed more for earning more? We lived within our means, we don't carry credit card debt, w live in a 2700 sq ft house ( not huge by any standards). If we have to pay even higher taxes and even higher insurance premiums, then we will have to wait to retire three extra years ( or more) Why do we get punished for being industrious?""
What will happen if I don't sign up for covered california health insurance?
I live in ca, I don't have healthcare and I am eligible for covered ca health insurance. What will happen if I don't sign up for it? Do I have too? Will I get in trouble if I don't?""
Will getting quote for Insurance affect my credit?
I am trying to switch to an insurance company with cheaper rate, so I have to get quotes from several. I am wondering if it will hurt my credit if everyone check my credit using my SSN? soft inquiries just like when I pull out my credit report?""
Will getting quote for Insurance affect my credit?
I am trying to switch to an insurance company with cheaper rate, so I have to get quotes from several. I am wondering if it will hurt my credit if everyone check my credit using my SSN? soft inquiries just like when I pull out my credit report?""
Allstate Auto insurance?
I tried to pay my mom's car insurance today and it said that the account was terminated. How do i get the policy reinstated?
How much would a motorcycle insurance cost me monthly if i'm 17 years old and i live in toronto?
Say i get a 2008 honda cbr125r, how much would insurance cost me monthly? (an approximate estimate would be nice)""
How Much Will My Car Insurance be?
I am a 16 year old boy, the type of Car Im look at is probably a 1999 Toyota Four Runner for about $3000-$4000. I got my liscence about a week ago and now I just need to get to a 3.0 GPA so that my insurance will go down. Can anyone tell me and estimate of how much money I'm looking at paying monthly for insurance with and without the 3.0 GPA? Thank You""
How much would car insurance cost ?
I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license but I'm wondering how much would car insurance cost monthly since I'm a new driver what's the cheapest it can get too ?
Will my auto insurance cover liability if my friend is driving a car I rent?
During a vacation, my friend will drive the rental car I pay for. If we have an accident, will my liability/medical coverage pay off if she's driving? The friend has no car & no insurance and doesn't live in my house.""
""Got into an accident , I have no car insurance but my dad has car insurance , will my dads insurance cover me?""
I failed to yield , I'm supposed to appear in court, what will happen? I'm under 18 and live with my parents and the damage wasn't a lot , just a scratch on the car I hit, will my dads insurance cover me? I don't use it a lot? What will happen? I also live in Illinois""
Do you need to buy the car before getting insurance for it?
I am looking for my first (used) car from a private seller, and I would like to be able to drive it home, so will I have to buy insurance for it before I buy it? And will I have to own the deed before I get the insurance?""
What color cars are cheaper to insure?
its bugging me lol. i would like to know what colors are considered aggressive like red,black ect. and what colors they wont rape you over. so a list of aggressive colors and a list of calm colors. thank you for your help!""
Complicated car insurance question. Car damaged mulitple times. How should we handle this?
My husband and I bought a beautiful gold ford escape two years ago and, since we are still making payments on it, it is fully covered by Geico. Last winter, two separate events ...show more""
Insurance and mental health treatment?
I work for the state of Texas and sign up for health select insurance will it cover MHMR treatment for depression?
Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
I'm filing for disability in June 15th. I got laid off work from September 2009 and received unemployment till June 2010. I started working in July 2010 and I'm still working. It says on the disability form my base period is the 12 months ending December 31. It's divided by 4 quarters so: 1st quarter- Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- April-June 2010 3rd quater- July-September 2010 4th quater- October-December 2010 My highest wages was from October to December of 2010. I'm worried I dont qualify because I didnt work from September 2009-June 2010. Can someone explain to me when it says You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were witheld during a previous period. This is my first time fiiling Disability Insurance so I'm a little confuse....Thanks for your advise and answers :) My total income from October and December 2010 before taxes was $7397.40. I worked from home. I currently reside in Misssissippi, but my employer is in California. I pay California taxes. I worked for a small company. There's only 7 of us total and this includes two of my boss.
How much is my car payment and insurance?
Hey, everyone else is asking the same 2 stupid questions, now it's my turn!""
What's a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
My college doesn't offer any health insurance and I don't have much money. What should I do? I need to get my throat checked out.
Car insurance question?
I got an insurance question. I let my fiance, who is not insured by my insurance company drive my car. I was in the car with him. He was intoxicated and hit 9 parked cars causing minor damage to all of them. Will my insurance company have to pay for the damage?""
Cheapest Car to insure for a 17 yr old new driver?
What is the cheapest small car to insure for a 17 year old who's just passed their test? I believe the model can affect the price too eg - SX, GL?""
Where can i get car insurance for over 50?
looking for a good company that deals with car insurance for 50 years old and over
How often does Geico lower their insurance rates after you have been with them?
i have been with Geico for almost a year and right at the 6 months my insurance went down from $90 a month to $77 a month... I think they do what some other companies do and lower every 6 months for not getting involved in an accident but i want to know for sure. if someone has the information for me that would be great... thank you:)
How much do you personally pay for car insurance a month?
just wondering. thanks! :)
Can we get cheap car insurance in the UK as Australians?
My partner and I are moving to the UK in March and had intended to buy a car. Just an Astra or something for under 1000. However, when I put our details into insurance websites it tells us we will have to pay upwards of 2000 for 3rd party insurance. I realise this is because we have not been residents or have held UK licences but is there any way to get something cheaper? This seriously hinders our plans, we can't afford that amount of money but were really hoping to have a car. Can any one give us any advice? I have put in that we have a UK licence (as we would be prepared to get upon arrival and would have to any way after 12 months) but this does little to change the quotes.""
Do you have to pay for insurance if you get your learners permit in California?
I am 15 and am getting my permit next week and I was wondering if I would have to pay for insurance if I drive my parents cars.
Car insurance as a named driver?
Hi does any1 know any insurance companies who will insure a 20 year old as a named driver on a high performance car. This belongs to my dad and is a golf r32. I wont be fronting as i have my own car which i commute to and from work in so i know exactly what that is.. Anyone know any companys please recommend some I will give you the correct answer thank you.
I got a speeding ticket and no insurance?
well my insurance was expired when i got the ticket. so when i renew it will it still go up?
How much would the insurance cost on a 2002 Lamborghini Murcielago VT ?
full coverage
Sports car insurance for a 17 year old with a provisional license?
Someone who will not cost the earth, up to group 14, uk.""
What is Private Health Insurance?
My work provides me with insurance that covers medical and some RX. Is this considered Private insurance? Or is Private insurance when you go and purchase the insurance on your own?
Car insurance question?
i was just wondering...if you chose to pay off car insurance all in one do you pay it off as soon as you get insurance or do you pay after the year is over ?
What a good car insurance for a teenager?
Okay I'm 16, almost 17, I'm in drivers ed, I have my own truck. I live in Vermont, I get average grades in school, what is a good car insurance, that also has sorta low rates (I make around $500 a month)""
Is fully comprehensive insurance worth paying on a 1000 car?
I'm a 39 year old driver who's had a full licence since the age of 17, I have full no claims and although I've been involved in 2 accidents neither of them were my fault (fingers crossed I'm not to speak too soon). I'm only buying a car worth 1000 and the difference in cost between fully comp and 3rd party, fire & theft makes it worth thinking about going for the latter as the fully comp is 609 with 250 excess and TPFT 480 with 250 excess. Does anyone know, if I was involved in an accident cause by a 3rd party driver can I claim from their insurance? I remember on my 2nd accident (about 14 years ago before the recent technology) although I got all the details of the registration and the driver he gave me incorrect details and the DVLA never actually found him as the car had been in between owners. However I was put in contact with a type of agency who assist in these cases and I got reimbursed for my car and neither did it affect my insurance. How am I covered 3rd party if I have an accident that's the fault of the 3rd party? Logically I'm thinking that I can claim for my car from their insurance? Any advice appreciated, would you go fully comp or TPFT?""
""Hi, Maintenance cost for 2001, BMW 318 sei series?""
hi, I am thinking of buying my frist car, and i was thinking of a second hand year 2001 BMW, about 80000 miles, just wanted to know whats the servicing and maintenance cost for a BMW is like? Is it expensive ? does it break down often or is it a solid car? Otherwise i might look for a japanese model or a hyundai coupe. I was thinking of peugeot 206 as well and VW golf. hows the insurance for all of these car? Which car is better for a fresh graduate like me?""
What's the average price for car insurance?
i'm turning seventeen soon and i need to get enough money together for a year's worth of insurance.
Non car owner insurance?
Can I get insurance to drive cars if I don't own one? I have friends who will let me drive their cars but I want to get my own insurance. I don't want to risk their no claims in case of an accident and if I don't have an accident I want to build up my own no claims but I can't find anywhere that does this....
""Im 16 and have been for nearly a month, still havnt had anything about a national insurance card?""
Right, well i turn 16 like back in august, and i never got sent a national insurance card or anything about it. does anyone know who i have to phone to find out why i havnt had it??""
What dental insurance is affordable for individuals in Western New York?
I'm 24 and my job does not offer dental insurance. I m in a wedding in two months and need a cap put on a front tooth so I'm looking for insurance now. I'm having trouble finding a good insurance company for individuals that fits my needs and doesn't have a waiting period. Anyone have any suggestions as which way to go and what is ideal for a single woman my age? Thanks so much!
State farm or farmers for auto insurance?
I have a farmers policy for my auto insurance. My agent never replies nor picks up the call. I want to change the agents. I am thinking if I should check with with state farm. Do you know if state farm has better or same or expensive rate for the similar coverage than farmers?
Average auto insurance for 25yo gemale no previous accidents?
Looking to move to LA with a 2011 Jeep Liberty. I know you cant give me exact numbers but just trying to get a feel. Also what os the best and what is the cheapest insurance company that services the area? Thanks!
Can I add my son's girlfriends car to my auto insurance policy?
My son's girlfriend is 18 and she is purchasing a new car. She is financing part of it. The insurance for her is very expensive so I though maybe I could add her to my policy. I figure if the car was in my name it wouldn't be a problem, but since it is going to be in her name and since she's not actually related to me I may not be able to do it.""
Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
I'm filing for disability in June 15th. I got laid off work from September 2009 and received unemployment till June 2010. I started working in July 2010 and I'm still working. It says on the disability form my base period is the 12 months ending December 31. It's divided by 4 quarters so: 1st quarter- Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- April-June 2010 3rd quater- July-September 2010 4th quater- October-December 2010 My highest wages was from October to December of 2010. I'm worried I dont qualify because I didnt work from September 2009-June 2010. Can someone explain to me when it says You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were witheld during a previous period. This is my first time fiiling Disability Insurance so I'm a little confuse....Thanks for your advise and answers :) My total income from October and December 2010 before taxes was $7397.40. I worked from home. I currently reside in Misssissippi, but my employer is in California. I pay California taxes. I worked for a small company. There's only 7 of us total and this includes two of my boss.
Do i still pay the monthly payment (car insurance) after a accident?
I got into an accident on 12/ 15. since then i havnt drove my car bc its not fix or its just waiting for it to be junked. and my monthly payment goes out on about the last week of each month. (my payment goes electronically from my bank ) so on 12/29 they took the monthly payment of december. and then in jan 28, it took another payment even though i wasnt driving the car. my insurance expires this coming march. so do i continue to pay till march even though the car is not used?""
How much will my insurance pay if i have a deductable of 500.00????
last week i hit a deer with my car, not on purpose on accident the deer rain right out in front of my car and it messed up my car pretty badly, i cant open my right passenger front door, and i have an adjuster coming out to look at my ca will they cut me a check right today that is what someone had told me i was wondering if that is true or not.""
Building/home insurance?
front door warped can i claim on insurance
Car insurance?..........?
Who gives the cheapest car insurance?!
Can I get car insurance under my boyfriend's name even though the car is registered to me?
My car is registered under my name BUT i want put my boyfriend as the primary driver on the car insurance. He signed over the title to me because of some private reasons but even though legally its mine I still see it as his. Anyhow, can I put car insurance under his name even though the car is registered under my name?""
""When someone having AAA auto insurance full coverage, having uninsured motorist.?""
When someone having AAA auto insurance full coverage, having uninsured motorist. Does it also cover the one who caused the accident. In my case I caused the accident. Like there insurance is going to cover her car damage, is it going to claim me the amount of her car damage to pay back to her car insurance, or not ? The persons car I hit, is really sweet even though I hit her car. She told me that her insurance company is just trying to get money off of me, but she told me there's no reason because there is a reason why she pay full coverage having uninsured motorist included. But I did some research and it says that uninsured motorist only apply's if I hit her car and someone ended up injured ? . . . Help me out please ! If there claiming the amount that they are claiming I am going to be in debt. It's AAA insurance the company that the lady has. The lady's car I hit. But like insurances have CRS do there job having to work for insurances, which stands for Claims Resources Services. They sent me a claim amount that the insurance is asking for. They sent me a second notice, and it says if they don't here from me in any way of paying back the money they used up to cover the lady's car they will send the information back to AAA and AAA will end up increasing the claim amount.""
What is the cheapest way to get insured on a Ford Fiesta 1.2 for an 18 year old?
Hey, I just passed my driving test and the trouble is insurance :( I've found the perfect car for me which is a Ford fiesta 1.25 studio, 2006 model which has done 49000 miles and is valued at 3800 pounds. The insurance is nearly triple the amount of the car which is something I simply cannot pay. I was considering coverbox or insure the box but I'm not too sure. I've been researching online for a good few months now and all price comparison websites and insurers' websites seem to be suggesting the same price. So please if you know how to get cheap car insurance for a 18 male who has 0 months no claims, I would appreciate your help :)""
Car insurance. Confused.com?
Hi, I have to do the car insurance for my dad. My dad used confused.com last year. I have all the information stored there and i want a new quote. What to do press because the page has changed and I don't know much about these things. I want to get a new quote with filling anything in again. What to I do? Thank you very much.""
Is paying around $300.00 a month total for driving my truck to much?
I pay about $50 for insurance and about $250 in gas. I have NO truck payment! So my total cost every month is around $300 total for EVERYTHING for me to drive! Is that a lot? or to much? Thanks!
Do you need insurance to drive a car?
i live in alberta and i am wondering do you have to get insurance in order to drive a car will you be in trouble if you drive without insurance?????
I need help with getting insurance...?
I am 19 years old and have just passed my test, I am female. I'm not sure what car to get that will be cheap on insurance and to buy??? any help would be much appreciated.""
What can I do for health insurance for my child and myself?
I am contemplating quitting my job, which offers health insurance, to open a home business. I have been slowly building up my business and it's getting to the point where I have to either decide to quit my full-time job or stop developing my business. I have the potential to make much more with my own business than I do at my current job. Before I make the decision to quit my job, I am researching my options about health insurance, which is very important to me because my daughter has special needs and I do not want to jeopardize her health in any way. I also don't want to get myself into a tricky situation where I end up bankrupt because I get sick and don't have health insurance. I have contemplated taking COBRA after quitting my job, however that is very costly. My boyfriend and I toyed with the idea of him putting me on his health insurance as a domestic partner, but my daughter would not be included in that. We live in Minnesota and I'm wondering if MinnesotaCare would be an option for us, at least to tide us over until I can afford to purchase health insurance or my boyfriend and I get married and my daughter and I can go on his plan. However, I did read that to qualify for MinnesotaCare you must not have had insurance for the last 4 months and that's not a gamble I want to take. My daughter is already on TEFRA (MN disability health insurance) so I am wondering if she was dropped from my plan if TEFRA would cover her 100 percent. My worry about that is if another group health plan wouldn't accept her pre-existing conditions going forward because she would be off a group plan for more than 62 days. Does anyone have any ideas about affordable health insurance options that I should look into? Or know more about the HIPAA laws? And before someone suggests calling the state for information...I have and I'm waiting for a call back. Thanks!""
Cheap Car Insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance
Help i had a car accident driving a company car with no insurance?
i hit a car, unsafe start, i find out theres no insurance. I called my boss and he is furious and tells me i should put my insurance from my other cars to it and that i should pay for the accident. i dont know what to do i need help and advice""
""Can I own a car, but be covered under my mom's insurance policy?""
Im 17, and I live in Indiana. Right now I own a car, but the title is in my mom's name, and I am insured as the only driver of that car under her insurance policy. Can ...show more""
First time car insurance?
I'm a 25yr old female looking to buy my very first car, which are any good insurancers? What should I be looking for with an insurance company? I'm based in london""
Looking for Auto Insurance in Canada...?
I need some company names please. Searching for a reputable and affordable insurance company. If you're happy with yours, send their name along.... Thanks for your answers!""
I need insurance for a scooter for a 19 year old?
scooter insurance for a 19 year old with full car licence and CBT. i am struggling wit the insurance quotes, the cheapest is 500 quid 3rd p f & T. we live in london. any advice. cheers""
Do you have to be on someone's insurance to drive a car?
In the state of Florida, if your name isn't on a policy, can you still drive a car? I know that some insurance companies offer uninsured driver insurance, in case someone without insurance hits you. But, do you need to be paying monthly on a policy if you don't have a car of your own?""
Honda civic si insurance?
Okay well im planning to upgrade to an 07 si im 18 and not a first time buyer, i had insurance for my other honda for about a year, so i was wondering about how much the insurance would be? Before i call my insurance.""
How much more is car insurance on sports cars vs regular cars for younger divers?
im kinda just looking for a general answer like 25% more or 50% more.... eg if it was a basic ford mustang how much more does insurance cost for that if im 20yrs old?
""I am looking for affordable health insurance for myself, age 47 female who smokes.?""
I am looking for affordable health insurance for myself, age 47 female who smokes.?""
""Typically, how much will your insurance increase if you get into an accident that is your fault ?""
Im in So California and just got into a car accident, my first accident in 25 yrs of driving. Typically, how much more will I expect my insurance premium to increase ? What factors are involved ? the amount of damage that the insurance will pay ? my driving history which is 1 accident in the last 25 yrs ? what else ?""
Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable ..........?
Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable for almost all concerned ? The Affordable Care Act has already caused over 4 Million People to lose their Health Insurance Plans because the Plan did not meet the mandates of the accepted Affordable care Act Insurance Plans The Affordable Care Act has already caused and is continuing to cause many thousands of employees to lose their Jobs through layoffs that Businesses/Companies are making in order to reduce the number of Business/Company Employees to below 50 in order that the Business/Company is exempted from having to purchase the More Expensive Insurance Plans that are mandated by Obamacare The Affordable Care Act has already mandated that everyone be enrolled in a Health Insurance Plan with medical benefits that many people don't want and/or don't need and these additional unwanted/unneeded medical benefits have caused many Insurance Plans to raise their Premiums for these additional benefits thereby raising the cost of premiums that Most Health Insurance that Most Subscribers will have to pay more for The Bottom Line is that thousands have lost their Jobs because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions have lost their Health Insurance Plans because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions More have had their Health Insurance Premiums raised in order to pay for the unwanted & unneeded medical benefits mandated because of the Affordable Care Act so.......................Why si the Affordable Care Act proving to be anything but Affordable ?
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
I'm filing for disability in June 15th. I got laid off work from September 2009 and received unemployment till June 2010. I started working in July 2010 and I'm still working. It says on the disability form my base period is the 12 months ending December 31. It's divided by 4 quarters so: 1st quarter- Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- April-June 2010 3rd quater- July-September 2010 4th quater- October-December 2010 My highest wages was from October to December of 2010. I'm worried I dont qualify because I didnt work from September 2009-June 2010. Can someone explain to me when it says You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were witheld during a previous period. This is my first time fiiling Disability Insurance so I'm a little confuse....Thanks for your advise and answers :) My total income from October and December 2010 before taxes was $7397.40. I worked from home. I currently reside in Misssissippi, but my employer is in California. I pay California taxes. I worked for a small company. There's only 7 of us total and this includes two of my boss.
0 notes
somekindamushroom · 7 years
If Carlsberg is 'probably the best lager in the world', then the multi award-winning University of Copenhagen professor Povl Krugsgaard-Larsen is probably the best medicinal chemist in the world. Unless you drink Carlsberg, and even then, you've probably never heard of him. He is a member of various academies and has honorary doctor degrees from Strasbourg, Uppsala, and Milan universities. He wrote the 'Textbook of Drug Design and Development' and was European editor of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry from 1998 to 2013. He has authored or co-authored some 450 scientific papers. In 2002, he founded the Drug Research Academy for industry. He was chairman of Carlsberg and The Carlsberg Foundation until 2012 and is currently chairman of The Lundbeck Foundation and the The Grete Lundbeck European Brain Prize Foundation (The Brain Prize) which  gives an annual award of one million Euros for outstanding contributions in nueroscience, the biggest award of its kind.
In 1970, Krugsgaard-Larsen achieved his PhD in natural product chemistry before launching a research programme to find new drugs from naturally occurring psychoactive substances. The key structures of his programme were the Amanita muscaria constituents, muscimol and ibotenic acid (which interact nonselectively with GABA and glutamate receptors, respectively) along with the Areca nut's nicotinic acid-based alkaloid, arecoline (which interacts nonselectively with the brain's muscarinic receptors). Muscimol is a natural analogue of gamma-Aminobutyric acid or GABA for short, the neurotransmitter that stops our nerves from getting overexcited and is responsible for muscle tone. A number of different routes for the chemical synthesis of muscimol were published in 1965, 1966, 1968 and 1971 before Povl Krugsgaard-Larsen and Søren Brøgger Christensen submitted a much-simplified method in December 1975 (Christensen himself is a fine biochemist with over 200 papers to his name and has recently done great work with the muscle calcium inhibitor thapsigargin).
Once a relatively easy though tedious synthesis was established, Krugsgaard-Larsen spent the next few years 'redesigning' muscimol to produce a number of intriguing compounds that were either specific GABA agonists (such as gaboxadol and isoguvacine) or antagonists (such as nipecotic acid and guvacine); but the one that seemed most promising was gaboxadol, also known as THIP. Like Albert Hofmann and many other great scientists before him, Krugsgaard-Larsen decided to test the drug initially on himself: beginning with a microdose and working his way up while a colleague took intravenous blood samples. At a 10 milligram dose he didn't feel any pain from the needle and described the feeling “as if I had taken two or three beers. It was a very comfortable feeling.” Gaboxadol was less toxic than its parent muscimol. Moreover, unlike other GABAergic drugs such as alcohol, barbiturates, valium and sleeping pills, all of which influence endogenous GABA already circulating in the brain, both muscimol and gaboxadol work a different way by actually replacing GABA on the neuron. Krugsgaard-Larsen was struck by this unique property and it convinced him of gaboxadol's potential to treat brain disorders such as Huntington's Disease. He quickly patented the drug before passing it to the Danish pharmaceutical company Lundbeck along with his recommendations.
However, whereas nipecotic acid would eventually go on to yield the approved anti-epileptic drug tiagabine, gaboxadol suffered a series of setbacks in both human and non-human trials under a bewildering array of depositor/developmental code names including, but not limited to, MK-0928, AC1LIFYK, Spectrum-001484, LU 2030, UNII-K1M5RVL18S, Lopac-T101, Tocris-0807, Prestwick-13B03, EINECS 264-963-0, and 64603-91-4.
As is common practice in the industry, the first human testing was done on the mentally ill, people like schizophrenics who had developed an involuntary, jerky, repetitive body movement syndrome called tardive dyskinesia (TD) due to the antipsychotic drugs they were prescribed. They were given awfully high doses of gaboxadol, up to 120 milligrams a day, and seen as the drug is derived from a potent entheogenic mushroom, the side-effects should not have been surprising. Gaboxadol failed the TD test and was suggested as a possible anxiety inhibitor.
The next human test involved intramuscular injections on the terminally ill, in this case cancer patients with a few months to live. Gaboxadol succeeded in reducing cancer pain, making the drug a possible substitute for morphine which sometimes results in cancer patient fatalities, but it failed on side-effects. Similar failures would result in later tests on people with mixed anxiety disorders, Huntington's Disease, epilepsy, spasticity, and other neurological afflictions. A final test in the mid-80s was done on Alzheimer's patients who were given an exceedingly high dose of 160 milligrams a day. By then, a cluster of particularly common side-effects had crystallized, and I can put them in descending order: euphoria (a“very comfortable feeling”), confusion, dizziness, sedation, and loss of consciousness altogether. At the higher doses there was reports of colour distortion, the odd hallucination, or of feeling detached from reality in some way (one patient reported “dream-like illusions”) and this may be expected since the Fly Agaric is an hallucinogenic-of-sorts; but the most striking thing to come out of all of this early research was that gaboxadol makes people fall into a deep, deep sleep.
So what exactly has Povl Krugsgaard-Larsen extracted from muscimol? It looks to me like he simply isolated a certain substance found in the chemical make-up of the Fly Agaric mushroom which is responsible for one of its most common and notorious effects, an effect that has been reported for 1000's of years - it makes you pass out. There is certainly something in muscimol that causes the “death-like” sleep state commonly associated with Fly Agaric intoxication. As Clark Heinrich in his book 'Strange Fruit' points out, this state is 'not at all voluntary. This unconscious state can mimic death to the extent that people have been thought dead when discovered by others.' Even breathing slows to a virtual standstill, though this is only a precursor for a different, conscious state. Heinrich calls it a 'dying-that-is-not-dying' and likens the sequel to the meditative trance-like state of Samadhi which yoga practitioners and Buddhists may spend decades trying to harness without success. The Fly Agaric can induce a Samadhi-like state as a matter of course, but depending on your mental state the experience may be terrifying.
As for the detachment and hallucinatory-type effects described above, they were generally at high doses and show that the molecule Krugsgaard-Larsen 'designed' and patented, gaboxadol, still carries traits inherited from its parent, muscimol. Muscimol is a complex conglomeration of molecules designed by natural synthesis (biosynthesis). Chemical synthesis (semisynthesis) of organic molecules in the laboratory is clearly not an exact science.
Nevertheless, gaboxadol was too good a find to throw away. After the Alzheimer's study, the drug sat on Lundbeck's shelves of failed substances for over a decade, except for occasional requests for samples used in experiments with rodents and monkeys. Then, on 1 March 1996, a young somnologist named Marike Lancel who was working in Munich, filed a U.S. patent for a 'Method for treating sleep disorders' (USPTO patent no. 5929065: 'The invention relates to a method of treating sleep disorders in a patient in need thereof comprising the administration of a hypnotically effective amount of a non-allosteric GABA sub.A agonist'). Lancel had been on the lookout for a new sleep drug and realized that although gaboxadol's success in treating the target disorders in human trials was modest at best, it remained a powerful hypnotic. An experiment on rats convinced her of gaboxadol's efficacy as an effective sleep inducer. She was granted her patent on 27 July 1999.
Whatever else gaboxadol may turn out to be (a new treatment for dementia?), it remains a sleep drug/hypnotic par-excellence and should have gone to market. As Marike Lancel et. al. showed in a paper published in the September 2001 edition of the journal Psychopharmacology, gaboxadol 'tended to shorten sleep latency, significantly decreased intermittent wakefulness, increased total sleep time and SWS and enhanced delta and theta activity in the non-REM EEG. Furthermore, gaboxadol increased subjective sleep quality [and] in addition to promoting deep sleep and sleep maintenance, gaboxadol is able to facilitate sleep initiation'. In other words, whereas traditional GABAergic benzodiazepine blockbusters like the much-abused Valium (diazepam) and Xanax (alprazolam), as well as the insomnia drug Ambien (zolpidem), all suppress REM sleep and slow-wave sleep (SWS), gaboxadol actually preserves sleep's 'natural architecture'.  It facilitates REM sleep and lengthens the duration of all-important slow-wave sleep, that deep, dreamless state of sleep which is linked to memory consolidation and most of us don't get enough of, especially the elderly.
Good sleep and a healthy brain go hand-in-hand. Slow-wave sleep is the time when our busy neurotransmitters take a nap and the brain clears out the molecular trash accumulated over the course of a hectic day. Since the length of slow-wave sleep gradually shortens as we get older, and since slow-wave sleep is considered essential for memory consolidation and normal cognitive function in general, it seems reasonable to assume that any substance which lengthens the duration of slow-wave sleep in the elderly might have an application in the treatment of dementia. With this in mind, I came across a research paper by neurologist Prof. David M. Holtzman et al. published in the August 2017 edition of the journal 'Brain' entitled 'Slow wave sleep disruption increases cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β levels'. This is the calcium-linked, beta-amyloid plaque build-up spoken of earlier (see part one) which causes atrophy and the degeneration of brain cells. By analysis of cerebrospinal fluid following spinal tap, Holtzman and his team found that disrupting just one night of slow-wave sleep in healthy, middle-aged adults caused a 10% increase in beta-amyloid production. Moreover, six consecutive nights of sleep deprivation increased the level of tau, another brain protein linked to the brain damage (inflammation) found in Alzheimer's and dementia patients as well as various other nuerological disorders.
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