#it is MOST LATE rn tho.. i should sleep... i do have work i still have to do uh oh ☠️
seeingivy · 3 days
bsfs older brother sukuna asks!
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HI SWEETIE BABY! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SWEET WORDS LITERALLYYYY WTF. literallly it makes my head ginormous anytime someone tells me they read either my aot/jjk without having watched the shows or the characters like LITERALLY im just a girl wtf this is literally insane
ok ngl I was really irritated last night when I got that comment bc I genuinely do spend a lot of time on chapters - especially with trying to make dialogue that hits and a story that's interesting? and out of everything it was like one sentence that got fixated on and they were like yeah that's toxic I hope he gets over that. and then like after twenty minutes they edited the comment like still love the story tho! ike I will kill you (gothic font)
but anyways I saw this last night before I went to sleep and I was like THANK YOU YOU ARE SINGING TO MY PRAYERS RN and it made me feel way better I was really annoyed and tldr I love you
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@telepathicheartss my sweetie angel pie you could literally never annoy me. literally one of the reasons that I love to write this fic as often as I do and why i've like lengthened it out (mind you the first chapter was a oneshot) is because people interact and talk to me about it and that's everyting as a writer 1
mini sidebar but I read this whole post lately about the reader/writer relationship and how fics used to be generally viewed as a craft and art rather than something to be consumed like they are now and people would genuinely interact and discuss as opposed to just commenting and asking for a part two and silent liking. tldr it makes writers entire world when you interact and gush and it makes me SOOOO happy. so many of my favorite writers have left bc of how razor silent it can be on tumblr sometimes, so just know you should never ever feel bad for it!
SOOOO GLAD U FEEL SEEN BY THE Y/N CHARACTER. randomly this is my most criticized story? and one time someone told me I gave y/n too much personality LMFAO so this also makes my day that its actually like someone seeing it as a full character that they find relatable instead of like a lifeless blob
anyways thank you again sweetie pie I love you sm 😭💌
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SO REAL! (also sorry)
we are all y/n, we chant in unison
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@wishmemel I get random spurts of such high quality hyperfixation and writing that I like that I start acting like im a fanfiction factory (and it's SO FUN I PROMISE this is literally a hobby to me and it never feels like work)
(i love you too sweetie pie i hope you're doing well <3)
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@pickuptruck01 literally I am ur #1 fan ur always so sweet and I love you im SOOOO glad you're still here writing this goofy story
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(it's a link to that tik tok audio that's like GIRLLL FUCKKK THEM KIDS AND FUCK YOU TOO)
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sol-draws-sometimes · 11 months
Disc World bookclub thoughts- Monstrous Regiment
Pages 20-28
Hey @anna-neko ! Did I miss last week… yes. BUT JUST BECAUSE I MISS ONE WEEK DOESN’T MEAN I JUST ABANDON THIS. Look, finals are the week, so these past few weeks have been alot… also I’ve been hyperfocusing on dnd(stares in adhd). I’ve barely read but that’s alright. Once finals are over, I’m going on a roadtrip, so I should have time to read when we’re driving(unless I catch up on critical role…we’ll see).
It’s so late and I’m literally way too tired for nuance. With expectations set, Lets go
“Ankh-Morpork is a godawful city,” he said. “Poisonous, just like its river. Barely fit for humans now, they let everything in—zombies, werewolves, dwarfs, vampires, trolls—“
Something something we live in a society. Cue family talking about how NYC is corrupting the youth or something 🙃. Tbh, insert any big progressive city, and it should work for most of them.
A lot of good stuff in this page(and the next few ones)
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1. Something Something colonialism bad. They[Borogravia] are the bad guys here🏃🏃🏃
2. Cool POV stuff coming back. Especially with the song and what not
3. Damn Strappi’s certainly something
4. I hate nationalism. The line b/w patriotism and nationalism is real hard sometimes. I mean, something something, true patriotism is knowing how your country’s fucked, and wanting to it be better. You fight for change cause you love it, and that is way more patriotic than just blinding fighting for country and defending it, even when it is in the wrong.
5. Uggh, the national anthem. Yes the flag thing is an actual thing we do in US. And certain teachers DO loss their shit if you don’t stand up/sing. Look, it’s not like I’m trying to disregard veterans, it’s just… weird and indoctrinationy. Plus, they added, “Under God,” during the cold war so, that feels even more insidious.
6. Poor Wazzer man. I’m glad he rebels in his own small way. Small acts of rebellion are still rebellious.
7. Learning new phrases! I figured due to context clues, but it’s always good to check.
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Literally this conversation is literally my fucking thoughts
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Uuuuh. War bad! Look. See!
“Well, I’m not buying into it. It’s all trickery. They keep you down and when they piss off some other country, you have to fight for them! It’s only your country when they want you to get killed!” said Tonker.”
Tonker. King Behavior!
And just as they’re going to sleep, so am I.
Fuck this book is good!
Here’s another quote good night!
It’s all lies, she thought muzzily. Some of them are just prettier than others, that’s all. People see what they think is there. Even I’m a lie. But I’m getting away with it.
Ps: I realized last time I stopped at pg 20 but wrote 60… my bad.(should be fixed now tho)
I will add ID text some other date cause I don't have the mental energy rn. I just did, scan text, and copy pasted it into alt w/out checking. If someone besides Anna finds this post and wants them, just @ me in the comment and I'll @ you when I finish this.
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videostak · 11 months
ya theyre leaving at like 10 rn i am not going to that 6am swap meet. fuck my life ugh... like obv gonna be waken in the middle of the night when they get back ._. srsly can they be considerate of my life for fucking once. like knowing that i do this for work and is my only source of money and then to do something like that on a total whim and try to downplay how it will affect my sleep and morning tomorrow is srlsy making me so pissed.. like the amount of effort i and to an extent my sister will go to to be considerate of others just to have her do shit like this is so infuriating. like literally my job for a record store that needs inventory desperately and i cant fucking go cause of my asshole inconsiderate mom. reaaaaallly great. i mean best case scenario i can drive up to the estate sale tahts supposed to be at 8. id have to leave at liiiike idk 6:30. so probably not that too. should try to go to the other 8:00 swap meet too or the yard sale but starting to feel real uncomfortable abt going to the swap meet cause of all the stuff around that. so annoying for me to plan all this out just for her to shit all over it cause she wants an excuse to get drunk and trauma dump to her cousin and make to put her cousin in a super awkward weird position. sucha  genuinely awful person ugh.... i mean idk i should goo tomorrow but like really dont kno if ill be able to get up in time. idk i think ill still push rly hard ill try to get a coffee tomorrow at mcdonalds and stuf but like idk just so fucking annoyed rn like dude this is literally my job right now that A LOT of things are riding on have some fucking respect and learn when ur making things much more difficult for ppl. what annoys me so much is when i told her that i wouldnt be able to go tomorrow if she went out as late as shes planning to she just tried to go supportingly “ok we’re gonna go at 10 and tomorrow u can go wherever u want and dont worry about it :)” while just ignoring what i said. lol. something abt idk if all parents are like this or if most are but like that level of being so in denial abt everything that u just respond to any attempt at talking things out with this very fake positivity vibe is so awful. like she does it so much whenever something comes up thats a problem and its so annoying. she did it thursday too when i wasnt sure if i was gonna be able to go cause of my dads dog and she ignored what we said and cut us off and went dont worry ill handle it all :) even tho it was like not even clear what she would be “handling” cause she just wanted to get us to stop talking abt it.  like not even aware of how my dad lets the dog in without warning and how the cats and the dog need to be watched cause he’ll start playing rough. like idk what to even do when ppl genuinely just do not listen to anything u tell them at all. theres no reason for me to tell her something before hand cause she’ll just do whatever the fuck she originally intended to and then try to “discuss” it or apologize after even if youve already had a what u thought was productive conversation days before abt it. like on the first weekend i drove to the swap meet i had told her before i was gonna let the dogs in the back right i went to let her kno beforehand and she agreed there was no argument no even hint at there being a disagreement so i thought things were good and then when i actually was gonna leave she was like no dont let them out theyll bark its too early and i had to get my sister to get her to agree to let them out. like srlsy sooo annoying same thing happens A LOT when having to schedule things shell be in complete agreeance and then when the time comes to do smthn she will like bring up something out of nowhere that she def knew b4 hand  but was just waiting to bring up last second. like she’ll say we should schedule smthn for the vet on a day and then reveal that the vets actually closed that day when that day actually comes etc. or will lie and say it is. like i need to take the cats to the vet soon cause cassettes worms are still present and dendy needs to get neutered and she said she’d call monday even tho its smthn shes already been lagging on for a long time so im just like waiting to see what excuse she’ll bring up then or if she actually does intend to call. like she could bring up an excuse or just spend the whole day in her room and ignore it when i bring it up. ughhh well i will try to go tomorrow i think. i mean im gonna shave and shower just incase i do. i dont think ill wear shorts tho not rly feeling it atm since i could be nervous if i do go to the yard sale. but willl rly have to see
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Thank you for replying to my ask and having this blog! I didn't want to tell any detail about my ed I thought that would be very triggering for some people cause it's about losing and gaining weight and dieting so trigger warning!!
But I guess I have always had since high school disturbed body image because diet culture starts affecting you very early on.
In college when I have had depressive episodes one way to cope was restricting my eating and then when I lost the weight I gained when depressed I started to feel better and it was like this yo-yo ish many years.
But oh god last year I had so many things that caused me stress I was living in a survival mode the whole 2021 and maybe still am, and idk why I gained weight guickly maybe it was many things combined. Then when things were bad my bf left me and my friends didn't help me and I was left kinda alone and the only way to cope again was thinking of losing weight. So this is such a classic but my ed was the symptom of my hard life situation and way to cope with the anxiety and stress.
But restricting my eating didnt 'work 'like it used to in the past, I havent been able to lose the gained weight and so my energy and time is still focused on losing that weight even now when im my life situation has improved a bit.
I have talk about my issues with doctors and I feel they haven't been taking my symptoms seriously or have focused just on my depression and anxiety (which are caused by ed so this is a fun cycle). Yesterday I talked to a nutritionist for the first time since applying help and she just said what I already know that even tho ed is a mental health problem the only way to cure is by eating. And that I should stop thinking about losing weight cause that only worsens everything (yeah no shit). And that she can't help me cope with the anxiety it's the other healthcare system that should (have) do(ne) that.
The thing is I have triedddd so much this whole time to take care of my eating but if I had succeeded I wouldn't be having any problems with it still u know?
It's kinda ironic how much I know about ed without being able to do anything. First I need to fix my nutritional status I think that's where everyone starts. And after that maybe intuition eating. I need to learn dbt skill to cope with anxiety and depression. And stop stressing about everything everywhere qll the time. Buying new clothes that fit so looking at my too small clothes wouldn't be so triggering. I need to learn self compassion and find a therapist but they are in high demand so that's really hard. I need to find things that I like about myself and repeat those. But everytime when I fail at trying to fix my daily routine and fix my eating routine I think of it as a setback and its a cycle very hard to get off (I need to wake up early to eat breakfast and lunch early so I wouldn't be so hungry at evening and night cause then I can't sleep properly and then I sleep in and then I eat late and then im hungry at evening and night cause I don't wanna eat too much in the evening and then I sleep in cause my blood sugar is so low from not eating enough in the evening does this make any sense at all) and I think I have ibs from so much stress and I think that's actually the reason I have gained weight like I'm bloated all the time. And i dont have any support cause my depression/ ed made me also isolate from my friends and/or they kinda left me also so yeah. Ummmmm this became a lot longer than i thought. if you read this all thank you and also sorry for dumping all my problems here
Sorry that it took me so long to respond to this - my own life situation is kind of taking a toll on me rn, and I've been slow to respond to people. That will continue to be the case, most likely.
But I'm sorry you've found the system so unhelpful! I really think a competent nutritionist should at least be a little understanding of mental health problems, especially when a lot of people coming to them with additional health needs will probably be coping with a lot and might need a little empathy. I mean, yeah, that's not her main job, but healthcare requires a multipronged approach, especially since her "just eat" directive won't be helpful without someone assisting with the mental health aspect simultaneously. I mean, if she frequently works with ED clients she should know that - "just eat" is such an ineffective directive. I hope you find a therapist or a team of therapists that are capable of helping you.
My advice, though? Break it down for yourself. All of these things are a cycle that feed into one another, so making progress in ANY of these areas you struggle in is still progress. And if you let yourself focus on one thing at once, it might not seem so overwhelming. Also remember that everyone struggles with hard days/moments, so if you slip, it doesn't mean you've lost all your progress. It seems an all-or-nothing approach can be really self-defeating. I get it, though - that's definitely something I still find myself struggling with!
I really hope you find more social support! I don't know if you have any online support groups. I also hope it's okay that I published this ask - I tend to do it unless otherwise specified so that people on here don't feel alone in their struggles. I bet there have been lots of ED sufferers who struggled during the pandemic, who have been feeling a lot of overwhelm and who struggle with finding adequate support and on trying to accept their bodies as-is and who are triggered by things like buying new clothes. I'm wondering if anyone else would like to share their experiences.
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
hey hello taku dear <3 gahh once again we haven’t spoken in too long :( anyways it mostly was bc there was zero tokrev brainrot in me buut there is now!! so i’m back here hehe.
also funfact i just fiNALLY started rereading tokrev and i’m doing it in french bc. idk i just felt like it?? i hate french but i’m actually practicing it now lol. and ngl i understand more than i thought i would-
anyways on saturday i watched la gardiennes de la planète (a movie abt whales) in the cinema and idk how but. like halfway through a merfolk concept just popped into my head n bc i obviously couldn’t just forget abt it i decided to write a tokrev merfolk au. so guess who’s writing their fourth moshion fic? me. idek why but they have a chokehold on me and i keep writing abt them. tho it’s fun so no complaints <3
well i insaned abt the fic a little... okay that’s a lie i wrote 3.5k of fic in the span of 22 hrs, beating my preccious record of 2.7k in 24 hrs. so okay i’m more than a little insane abt it- so so so plot and lore bc i cannot contain myself. firstly shion’s a merman n mochi is human. then it’s also a college au but mochi isn’t studying rn bc for plot conveniences his last semester of highschool n his 1st semester of college don’t line up so he’s got a few months of free time. i still hc that his parents are rich af but imo he lives alone in a rather small flat he pays with his own money as best he can bc he wants to. idk. well okay so basically what i’ve written so far: mochi finds shion injured n tangled in a fishers’ net at the beach while on a late night walk, and takes him to his flat to help. there he fills the bathtub with water for him, and gets the rope off his body. lastly, he treats his injuries. then he goes to sleep bc it’s the middle of the night- and when he wakes up again the next day, the bathtub is empty and shion’s lying on the floor in his corridor. and he suddenly has legs. bc in this au merfolk just transform into a human form into drying out (n then transform back when they’re wet enough. which is very wet) and shion my fav idiot tried to go back to the ocean on his own but got stuck in the hallway and got too dry. also bc i think that’s the most realistic version of transformation it hurts like a bitch bc i mean your tail literally splits to form two legs- well mochi patches shion up agAIN and they finally talk n exchange names bc my merfolk have diff vocal chords in ther mer form bc they commumicate like whales underwater. tho they can just. speak human language too in their human form for some reason. i mean they understand it bc they watch n listen to humans talk but i haven’t figured out why they can SPEAK it if they lile never do. anyways that’s small enough of a plot hole :) so yeah that’s basically where i’m at in my writing.
i still need to make them fall in love and do more things together and god what else but. i hope i’ll manage somehow bc this is gonna be longer than my usual works aj dgk gkfjsj i mean i’m already at 3.5k and they barely know each other. guess they’ll have to fall for each other quickly idk
but yeah. that ramble is a lot longer than planned n i already shortened it- well. i hope you enjoy merfolk aus as much as i do bc you’ll probs get more rambles abt them while i continue writing lol
and hello to you elys my love !!! so true best friend, I MISS WHEN WE USE TO TALK ALL THE TIME </3333 ig both of our tokyrev hyperfixation have kinda died down for a second- but glad urs is back!!! i might try and get back into it but my bandom hyperfixation just keeps eating me up more and more like help 😭😭
OH FRENCH!! THATZ SO FUCKIN RAD DUDE but yeah go you!!! thatz fuckin sick!
whales :3 oooh! im not too much into fantasy aus tbf but that sounds cool!! YEAHHH GIVE IT UP FOR MOSHION (their shipname is so cutie patootie.....) but yes as you should ngl they are so blorbo scrimbli i need to write for them so fucking bad my god
oh my god you literal beast WHAT damn bro already sounds like he wants to be part of your world /j im sorry i had to. but true i could mochi as being loaded ngl
eeeeeee im so excited for this !!! it sounds good i cant wait for u to finish it. but istg if u randomly turn this into an angst i will fIGHT you
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xiaojuun · 2 years
I'm sooo excited, I can't even explain. I feel like enha comes back just when I start to really miss them. Although I was a bit anxious because I went on a mini vacation to another town just before they announced the comeback and I was fearing for my wallet around that time (I was hoping they'd announce it a bit later so I could scrounge up the money to preorder) but alas they announced it while I was broke so instead of feeling sorry for my pocket, I picked up a temporary job to do through my semester break - which I'm on rn - and preordered anyway. So far I don't have a preference for a concept, although I like the D version more than the J version but I'll take any concept at this point. I just want the photocard gods to give me ramyeonz again (but I would be happy with 1 jake pull also). I could trade my pulls to get what I want but tbh the fun of it for me is seeing what you get, so i usually just keep whatever I pull and hope for the best on the next album 😆
I've also seen the teasers but I've been avoiding hearing them in case they have spoilers. I like going into albums blind because I have so much suspense building up as we're leading up to the album release that when I finally watch that mv and hear that album, it blows me away even more. idk, it adds to the fun imo 😆😆😆
I hope it's not a permanent fatigue and that you heal quickly, or at least that ir gets easier to deal with 🧡🧡🧡
I'm okay!! Like I mentioned, I'm on semester break so I'm honestly just sleeping and doing as little as I can when my boss doesn't need me. I really want to go out this weekend tho.
I think for the first 2 weeks of my break I didn't even touch my computer, which is understandable because I study design so * most * of my time is spent in front of the computer with an adobe program open. today is really the only time I've had motivation and time to make gifs since my last sets (which was either enha performing polaroid love or jake's log, I can't remember lol, but it was a while ago.)
i must admit I did really develop jake brain rot today, I have even more gifs of him in my drafts that I'm probably going to post later hahaha but it's fun just making gifs of videos I want to make gifs of and not caring about notes or anything :')
also, I have to ask!! do you watch kdramas? if so, have you seen business proposal? I loved it sooo much and it's now my 2nd favourite kdrama - my first will always be crash landing on you - and it got me through a few of my projects towards the end of the semester. I was a bit late to it so all the hype was already over but I still think it was worth the watch 😆
and finally, I hope you don't mind the long ask 😶
— seungzie
@jseungz i don't mind the long ask at all, i love it in fact !! i'm so glad you were able to preorder and i am sending you luck for your pulls <3 and i totally get wanting to wait to see and hear everything without spoilers ! i personally am impatient so i tend to watch everything for my ult groups ajdgbjh but i respect y'all who are able to wait it out and get the full impact at release; it's true that spoilers can change the way you receive it at first, and in my case i usually like to listen to the full album in order before i even watch the mv with the title track but it doesn't always work out that way. i think even when i check out teasers or album previews i still find things that surprise me, but particularly for the enha comeback i prob won't actually check anything out until the actual drop either - we can be fully surprised together!
thank u, it should not be permanent but it may take quite a few months to get over - luckily, i'm on a semester break too, so i have plenty of time to rest! it makes sense that you'd want a bit of a break from screens, but whenever you feel inspired it's always nice to see your creations hehe. brain rot fuels some of our best work i think 😂
i don't watch any kdramas ! i tried to watch what was it ... 'let me be your knight' for my beloved donghyun but tbh i really don't watch a lot of tv in general like, barely any, and kdrama episodes tend to be quite long so i didn't end up sticking with it. i did watch the film 'love & leashes' with a friend though and thought it was really cute! i thought that was a drama when i was just seeing the previews around it, i didn't realize it was just a one-off. maybe i'll find one eventually that i can get into! i think i'm suited for shorter contents so web dramas are probably a better bet, i did watch 'to my star' as well and really enjoyed it but those episodes are super short haha
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
somewhere only we know
chapter one: somewhere only we know
pairing: eventual jean x gn! reader, as of rn, mikasa ackerman x gn! platonic! reader
wc: 1192
tags: angst, MAJOR AOT CH 139 SPOILERS, major character death mention, mentions of death, mentions of violence. Reader is eldian, but no mention of physical attributes.
a/n: With the end of aot, I needed to write something to cope, this is not fluffy ahhh, but I wrote this while I was crying to this playlist by @alert-arlert (ty for the 10/10 playlist heh). This isn't exactly romance buttttt I don't think I'm done writing this tbh and want to explore that with any upcoming parts. This is also like my second piece of writing for anime and my first time writing something of this sorts lmao, any criticism or advice is appreciated.
series masterlist
You brushed the hair out of her face.
The past three years had not been easy ones. Not for anyone. The years had been especially unkind towards Mikasa Ackerman.
She stirred in her sleep. You always felt terrible disturbing her; she always looked so peaceful when she was asleep, crimson scarf wrapped around her, chest rising and falling. The withered and whorled bark of the ancient tree hardly being a comfortable resting for the young woman, and yet, the tranquil expression on her face could convince any wandering traveller that the tree was a worthy place to lay one’s worries to rest.
“Mikasa, it’s getting late. We should head back.” For almost every week, for the past three years, you would accompany the young Ackerman to visit the grave of her most beloved. On some days, you would sit with her, reminiscing of days long gone; on other days, the both of you would sit in silence, looking upon the vast fields, the view which once was obstructed by the imposing walls; a grim reminder of the events that transpired years prior. Occasionally, you would watch Mikasa from a distance, allowing her to spend time with her memories of Eren.
“Hm? Oh. Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” Mikasa stretched, looking towards the sky. You lent her a hand as she slowly got up. Giving you a tender smile, the young woman thanked you. The both of you began making your way down the hill, one of her hands clutching yours, the other grasping the wilted flowers she gathered from Eren’s resting spot.
You gave her hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it. “They’re all coming tomorrow. It’s been a while. Wonder if they all look the same.” You glanced down at your feet, the feeling of uncertainty rising in your chest.
The young woman smiled at your actions, “It has, though I’m sure they haven’t changed any more than we have. Knowing them, they would always stick out like sore thumbs, no matter where.”
You let out a faint chuckle, taking a deep breath in as both you and Mikasa approached the small lodgings in the distance. What she had said was true. It was inevitable that all of you would have changed. Turning your head, you observed the Ackerman; she had grown out her hair; the once blunt ends now neatly sat gathered over her shoulder. Mikasa had endured, more than most would have. You understood that. Eren’s actions weighed heavily on you as well, mentally and physically. Oftentimes, you would catch yourself looking at your reflection of a store window, confused as to who you were seeing. A weathered soldier? A traitor to their nation? An Eldian? A devil?
Maybe, Armin had grown his hair out again, like when you all were in the training corps. Were he and Annie together? Connie still hadn’t visited his mother, had he? Did Jean ever shave that excuse of a beard? Your eyebrows scrunched together, questions forming and disappearing in your head. You shook your head, smiling at the thought of your comrades, no, your dear friends, the ambassadors of peace. Did they manage to find a way to curb the threat of war?
Mikasa reached for the handle on the worn door, turning it and stepping inside to the cottage; she closed the door after you came inside and made her way to the washroom.
“It was a long day. I’m going to take a bath. Do you mind making some tea in the meantime?” You gave her a nod and turned to shrug off your cardigan, setting it on the small table by the house’s entrance. You tossed your head back, eyes landing on the grainy mahogany ceiling, your eyelids fluttered shut, and you heard the washroom door close, the sound of water filling the tub following shortly. Opening your eyes slowly, you lowered your head. Walking over to the kitchen, you filled a kettle with water, setting it up on the stove. Leaning back on the kitchen counter, you allowed your eyes to close once more.
You had come back to Paradis with Mikasa on that day.
It was sort of a haze for everyone mostly, the feeling that they had woken up from a long dream. You had thought it was the end of the line for you and your comrades, death inevitable as you were all turned into pure titans in a flash.
You remember seeing her emerge from the smoke clutching Eren's head in her arms, holding him close to her heart. The sight of his decapitated head contrasting the memory of him from just moments prior. He had been sitting with you, explaining why he did what he did, apologizing, sharing his regrets and saying his final goodbye.
Was this death? No, it couldn’t have been. Mikasa was there; she wasn’t dead, was she?
“I should go. If I stayed, Eren...He wouldn’t get a proper burial; they wouldn’t give him one.” Mikasa had come and sat next to you, whispering a goodbye before getting up to leave.
You jerked your head back, scrambling to stand up, stance wobbling, “Mikasa, wait! Where are you going?” She faltered in her step, turning around to face you once more; seeing Eren like this was still a harrowing sight.
“Paradis. It’s useless for me to keep fighting. I’m taking him home.”
“You can’t go by yourself! The Yeagerists would string you up in the square for doing what you did!” Eren Yeager was dead. Mikasa Ackerman had killed him. The Yeagerists would never let her live if they knew that. “I’m coming with you! I won’t- I can’t, lose any more people to this.”
Mikasa’s shoulder’s dropped, giving you a steely-eyed expression. “No. You will stay here with Armin, and he’s taking the blame for Eren. You can work out a plan with him and the others to save humanity.” Armin and the others? Were they alive?
Pivoting around, you saw the hoard of Eldians embracing one another in the distance. A gasp left your lips; you turned to face Mikasa, glassy-eyed, your chest heaving, overcome with relief.
“I’ll be fine. I played my part in this story; I want to go home. Please.” As much as you wanted to run and find Armin, Connie and Jean among the rest, you would never forgive yourself if you left her behind to play diplomat, as she suffered in silence with no one there to comfort her.
You stepped up to her, “Mikasa, I’ve always been by your side, haven’t I? You’re my family as I’m yours, and what kind of person would I be if I abandoned you now? Armin will be fine. He is plenty capable, and besides, who would take care of you?” She opened her mouth to object. You gave her arm a gentle squeeze. She averted her gaze, and she shut her mouth, opting for a curt nod.
And with that, you and the Ackerman girl made your way back to where it all began, your home. Paradis. You turned your head around one last time to watch those closest to you disappear from your sight.
a/n: I hope this was okay, if you liked this story and would like more parts please let me know !! as well as if you wanna see some other relationships blossom with the reader...jean is coming soon tho so yeah
Leave a like/reblog if you enjoyed reading this. I would appreciate it a lot <33
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Being Super Fluffy and Giving Them Lots of Love!
Anonymous: Could I request something for Izuku, Todoroki, Shinso and Bakugo. They're doing their own thing and are super concentrated or something and reader is just so entranced by them and they're so glad to have be able to call them their boyfriend and reader just gently cups their face and gives them and the most love filled, soft kiss cause AGH THEY'RE PRECIOUS TO READER! 😭 You can totally ignore this if you don't wanna 😂😂😂 I just feel so soft rn
Ahhhhh this is adorable anon! Honeslty some days I just wanna give these babies the biggest hugs UGHHHHHH
Also I changed up my layout a little to be more “aesthteic”, so sorry it it looks different! Do you like it? Drop me a comment on this post or inbox about which style you like better (the usualllll vs. this one!)
Buy Me A Ko-fi! | Masterlist
Pairings: Izuku x reader, Shoto x reader, Shinso x reader, Bakugo x reader
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I Z U K U 
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You and Izuku are having another study night, your body sitting next to his
Obviouskyyyyyyyy this boy does nothing but study smh
But you had completely given up- your brain had shut down after an hour and now you were just half listening to Midoirya mumble and half just admiring your adoarble boyfriend
You honestly miss seeing him look so domestic- you always see him in his uniform, his hero suit, and occasionally his All Might PJs on the weekends
But it feels like agessss since you’ve seen him in proper clothing
He looks just so cute in his teal sweatshirt, his scars peeking out of his sleeves as he wrote random equations on his paper
And his mannerisms are just so adorable-his tongue is poking out of his lips as he tried to work through a math problem, his eyes squinted in concentration and freckles dusting his cheeks like stars
How did you get so lucky getting someone so sweet and cute as him?
“If two goes into this fraction then possibly the variable will be isolated once I subtract the four-” hes mumbling under his breath, his voice so comforting against your ears
You lean your head against his shoulder, the scent of him just barely noticeable but so intoxicating- 
“’Zuku?” you asked tiredly, a lovesick smile plastered on your face
The sound of your voice breaks Izuku’s thoughts, his brows softening as he looks down at you
“Yes puppy-oh, are you getting tired? You look pretty sleepy...maybe we should take a break-”
omg why is he so sweetttttt
You just feel so calm, so comforted with Izuku it felt like your chest was just filled to the brim with love for this boy
Without warning, you leaned up to Izuku and kissed him softly on the lips,  your head feeling like it was spinning from butterflies
Once you pull away, Izuku’s cheeks are as bright as cherries and you cant help but smile, cause seriosuly no matter how many times you kiss him he ALWAYS gets flustered
“You know I love you right?” you tell him, butterflies filling your stomach as he looks down at you withe wide, green eyes
“o-of course! I-I-love you too!” he stuttered out, his nerves so intense that his tongue was like lead in his mouth
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It was just one of those crappy
You couldnt sleep, it was too hot, you were uncomfrotable, your ,ind was racing
And once you DID fall you course had a gut wrenching nightmare that left you panting and sweating from fear
So time for some good ol’ Shoto cuddles
And that’s how your now cuddled up into Shoto’s side, his body keeping you nice and cool
This boy was literally the sweetest- even though it was like1 in the morning, he couldnt care less about that and just focused on you
He quickly knew something was wrong when you were waiting in the doorway, his strong arms encasing you in atight hug
“Y/n dear, are you feeling alright? Whats bothering you?”
You just snuggled yourself deeeepppp into that boy cause he felt so comforting, his voice was velvety
also how does he always smell like detergent and expensive ass cologne like yessir thats the scent for meeeee
He quickly ushered you inside his room, his hands gripping your shoulders firmly
Literally all fears from that dream melted away with Shoto- his energy was so unbelievably strong and protective, it felt like nothing bad in the world would ever happen cause Shoto was there, and he wouldnt let anything bad happen to you
Also- seeing him in a plain white tee and black shorts literally could have made you swooned, cause god this boy really looks hot in anything huh?
He didnt judge you in the slightest about the dream, just offering for you to spend the night with him
Your head was cuddled into his firm chest, that intoxicating detergent-cologne-rich boy smell making your insides feel fluffy like cotton as his hands quietly brushed the hairs away from your face
He’s ask you small question, like “Are you comfortable dear?” or “Is that dream still bothering you”, just little things to make you feel more safe and open to talk to him
Shoto never wanted you to feel like you had to hide anything from him, and the effort really showed
You were know getting sleepy but the overwhelming feeling of appreciation and love for Shoto was exploding out of you
At this point you just wanted to show your undying gratitude to your boyfriend for being so unbelievably adorable and sweet
You shifted yourself, propping yourself slightly on his stomach so you could look at his face
damn this boy really got blessed with all the good genes huh?
You ran your fingers lightly against his skin, relishing the slight changes from cool to hot, your hands cupping his cheeks and feeling both sensations course through your body
Once you felt him sigh from content, you took it up a notch, leaving feather light kisses on his sheeks, his brows, his eyes, his scar...any avaliable skin you marked with yours
“Love, may I ask what you’re doing- you should be sleeping right now, its quite late-”
“I wanna show you I love you tho...” you sent the boy a pout, a deep chuckle rumbling through his chest and vibrating throughout your body
“But I already know you love me,” he grinned sheepishly cause god your just so adorable, like a puppy desperate to give their owner attention
“Well-I still want to show you,” you stated, your voice slightly thick from sleep as you continued to kiss the rest of Shoto’s face
All this boy could do was lean into his pillow, his hands finding themselves on your waist cause he knew you were gonna do this until you were tired
He wasnt complaining though- you being cuddly and cute like this literally rocked his world in the best way possible
“You know- your very endearing when your half asleep”
S H I N S O 
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Shinso is probably the most hardcore gamer you know
It was late in the night, and this guy was still going at it, now playing a game of Mario Kart on the TV, the screen bright against his features
You had gotten tired of the video games, just deciding to watch your boyfriend play instead of being the one to play
And god were you happy with THAT decision
He just looked so...adorable, his body clad in a tight black tee and baggy gray sweats, once foot straight and one foot bent as he sat on the floor playing
His hair was unruly as ever, sticking out in every direction
HIs eyes were completely enraptured by the task in front of him, scanning the screen 
He was just so cute, lookking so intense yet so sleep deprived 
it was adorable how badly he wanted to beat the player playing against him
And then he went a licked HIS LIPS
Your face erupted in red cause
You waited unpatiently to the last round, the music picking up pace as he sped to the finish line, hes cart victoriously earning 1st place
The dude didnt even cheer, just the most self absorbed smirk plastered on his face in pride
You quickly plopped yourself gently into his lap, your thighs cradling his sides
“Aww whats the matter kitten, not giving you enough attention?”
Yours hands fell against the softness of the black shirt and oh thank godddddd its so thin, your digits trailing upward and feeling the slight ridges of his muscles underneath the fabric
“No....its just- its not fair for you to look so cute while playing games and I cant cuddle you....”
“Heh, I look cute?”
This boy really cannot fathom how you find him so endearing, and now you just want to prove it to him
“Mmhmm,” you answer a smile on your lips as you cup his face in your hands
HIs hair is so tickly against the tips of your fingers, his broad chest radiating heat throughout your body
Your start to leave quick kisses on him, starting from his checks and working in towards his mouth, but not quite kissing him square on the lips
The closest you get to kissing him is on the corners of his lips, leaving electric sparks against his skin
The boy is desperate now
You cant just do that to him 
“Aww cmon darling, dont tease me like that” he sends you a cocky grin, his pointer finger gently tilting your chin and pulling you into a deep kiss
Once you pull away, your head is just spinning cause goddddd this boy is just a blessing
“Let me play one more round, and then we’ll head off to bed, alright?” he asks, his free hand now cupping your cheek
You sigh in content, your hands wrapping around his waist and snuggling into his chest, a warm, smoky smell like cedarwood drifitng to your senses and lulling  you to relax
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“Im winning this damn bear for you-”
“Katsuki no you already wasted $15 now lets go-”
You have been standing here for 10 minutes now, Bakugo determinnneddddd to win this gigantic teddy bear for you from a claw machine at an arcade
You feel so bad about it, but honestly, its turned into a personal grudge from him now
While your watching him you cant help it but find him adorable
Hes wearing a plain black tee and jean jacket, something he NEVER wears but looks so good on him?
This boy could be a model fight me on this
His face is the cutest tho-
You can tell he’s absolutely pissed cause he expected to win the animal way sooner than this, his eyebrows pointed downward and his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip
and then
He’s trying his hardest not to start cheering cause he really just did that (after wasting $25 but ya know we’ll overlook that)
Your so happy too and that triumphant look on his face just melts your heart
cause he may be a cocky asshole but hes YOUR cocky asshole
“Ha- see told you I’d win it!”
Whatverrrrrr- you roll your eyes, your hands already snuggling the big bear up to your cheek
Your mind is already thinking of where to put it in your room (names too??) but then you look up at your boyfriend and UGH you could literally melt on the spot
cause he looks SO PROUD and SO SOFT- his hands stuffed into the pocket of his pants as he gives you the smallest, happiest little smirk everrrrr
Your just feeling so grateful for the boy in front of you right now, that you put the teddy bear down and wrap Bakugo into a hug
Bakugo always acts like he doesnt want physical attention, especially in public-
But you know this boy lovessss to be touched, so when he returns the hug and gives your sides a small squeeze your weakkk in the knees
Always like caramel and something rich like firewood
You give him a quick kiss on the back of his neck
Thank god the arcade is dark cause you would totally see his blush (something he will deny)
You pull away a smile on your face as you tell him thank you,
*le sigh
of course he ruins the whole cute moment you two had by saying, “Whatever-your the one who wanted the damn thing even though your too old for that shit-”
Just remind him of the All Might figures he secretly had stashed in his closet and he will combust again
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Everything Taglist:
@bunnythepipsqueak​ @pasteldaze​  @ionlyspeakinmyheroacademia​     @notadrian​  @hithoeshi​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​ @sunnie-nugget​ @shoutosteakettle​ @we-mentally-unstable​ @sm0kingcrack​
Izuku Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @askgiggles​ @ask-giggles1303​ @local-space-quexn​ @ihavenolife842​
Shoto taglist:
@teddybear-jelly​ @mishtimitsuri​
Bakugo Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @kai-charm​
Get Tagged to My Taglist Here!
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aitarose · 3 years
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hi! i’ve been so inactive lately and wanted to post something today, and i realized i haven’t made an appreciation post for my moots in a hot minute—so hey hotties, here’s some cute words about uu. oh and this isn’t all of my mutuals, just the one’s i’ve spoken to outside of the discord lol asjfdkl
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@hesthermay —❥ you’re one of my best friends and ilysm and i hope that we get to meet in person one day, so you can endlessly hear me talk about how much i love jimmy woo. also i want to get matching marvel bracelets or smth, gonna look on etsy later for us ajskdlf
@probablydisgusting —❥ you’re like actually so funny and sweet, whenever you pop in the gc on snap just to say goodmorning or goodnight—it really makes everyone’s day and we love having you around. plus, you were one of the first people to pop into my inbox when i was an atla blog and i think that’s so nice.
@imarizaki —❥ i literaly love you sm mari, like you’re adorable and i want to give you a hug, i feel like you give rlly good hugs. and congrats on 400!! you deserve it and i hope 500 comes rolling around fast so you can hit another milestone in the near future ajskfdl
@tsukishumai —❥ cam i swear i know your name like I SWEAR I DO! you’re like an older sister to everyone in the discord and you bring such a comforting presence like it’s so nice to have you in the chat whenever you choose to pop in. you’re quite literally the calm to our insanity
@fukurodianthus —❥ dani you’re asleep rn but when you wake up and see this i want you do know that ily wifey. pls i love it when you harass me in my inbox, i think it’s so funny AND IM GOING TO FLOOD YOUR’S EVENTUALLY I JUST NEED TO BECOME ACTIVE AGAIN ASDJKL
@missmorosis —❥ you’re literally one of my favorite moots ever and you’re always so sweet to me and everyone else around you, it’s so heartwarming to see your positivity and happiness on tumblr and how hard you work! pls ilysm
@ray-ofmoonlight —❥ I LOVE TALKING TO YOU ABOUT THE BACHELOR. i haven’t responded in a hot minute, but dw i’ll answer in a bit i have to go through my messages jaksfld. you’re so nice and fun, and literally the sweetest ever
@diorzumi​ —❥ hi rheya! i’m so glad you took the time and all that hard work to make the server, like that’s insane and i still can’t believe you did all of that. pls the amount of effort you put into keeping it up is so evident and amazing!! also ur rlly pretty, like RLLY pretty
@luvoikawa​ —❥ gigi!! my face literally lights up whenever i see you in my notifs or on my dash pls. i love your energy sm and the presence you bring to the discord. like idk, you just seem really cool to me, does that make sense? like you have cool girl energy.
@sugas-cookie​ —❥ hello rissie. you should be sleeping rn, but ily and you’re my favorite and only child, and no matter what i say i would never bring you back to the ditch. but like...the frogs? i fucking hate the frogs, abolish all frogs they make me physically cringe i cannot.
@kei7ime​ —❥ CHLOEEE!! every time i see your theme i feel so satisfied, like it’s so pretty it rlly is. you’re so fun and i love talking to you or just popping in your inbox to say hi. omg hi chloe!! ok ok ily
@pxnk-velvet​ —❥ angie your drawing of us are so cute and i love them sm, and i can’t wait to read the story that you’ve been writing of our gc as a volleyball team, like pls i’m so excited. also the line “just shut up already, angie” lives in my head rent free
@miyalove​ —❥ hi dylan! i haven’t popped in your inbox in a while but i just wanted to tell you that i love u and you’re so nice and sweet and ilysm. you give off hot girl energy dylan, like for real, you rlly do.
@iwaizoom​ —❥ HI JADE. you’re so nice and your blog is so pretty, like the light green jaskljl PLS ITS SO PRETTY. i love the vibes you give off like you’re so chill and so easy to talk to sjakljdkl pls ilysm
@kageyuji​ —❥ lore i love you. like i love you. every time i talk to you i just feel happy like idk it’s this overwhelming feeling, you just have this gift where people feel comfortable when they’re talking to you. and your blog is so pretty pls asdjl
@hikariakaashi​ —❥ you’re one of my favorite moots, firstly bc of our interactions on tumblr in the early days of the discord and now on snap too. you have rlly good style, like rlly good style—and whenever you do your voice asks, your voice is like rlly pretty! girl you have a rlly pretty voice!
@ceci-chan​ —❥ hi twinnie! pls i think it’s so funny that we have literally the exact same nose, that’s actually wild. it’s so fun to watch your blog grow and your events are so cute and ily
@nekomabvc​ —❥ i buried you in here so you’d have to search for your part. literally going to say nothing i’m tired of writing about you goodbye. you called me a whore this morning. that’s not very swag of you, i’m going to report you to mab and cancel you on corpse tumblr.
@bellesowl​ —❥ hi isa! we haven’t interacted all that much, but in the times we have you’ve been so kind. and you’re rlly pretty, just sayin. you’re blog is also super aesthetic and i literally live for it, pls the muted tones are everything ajsdlk
@gellysticks​ —❥ angela pls you’re actually so funny like you’re so funny. every time your tiktoks come up in my suggested they literally make me laugh pls—but the frogs are terrible. abort frogs. this is a frog slandering blog. me and all my homies HATE frogs.
@cafemiya​ —❥ issy you give off such hot girl energy (and you are a hot girl anyways) and your energy is so contagious, like idk how it just is. you bring this positivity to the discord just by being there and i know everyone is so thankful that you’re so interactive with us jaskfdl
@biqherosix​ —❥ DANIZA I HAVEN’T OPENED YOUR SNAP YET BUT I RLLY WANT TO HEAR YOUR BAND PLAY. pls that’s literally so cool, like i wish i was in a cool band with my friends jsakdljkl. i love talking to you and we’ve been friends for like a good three months now which is crazy
@velvetfireworks​ —❥ rach i literally never read fics but yours are so good and they live in my head rent free. PLS THE SAKUSA ONE FOR THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB AUDHS. you’re so nice and so talented and i reread your masterlist OMG I JUST REMEMBERED THE MOB AU ONE THAT ONE IS PERFECTION.
@hajiswife​ —❥ hi gabbie! your blog is gorgeous and your so nice pls!! like i literally can’t believe we’re mutuals it hits me like a brick. i love your works and your energy sjaklfdjl i’ll probably be popping in your inbox later just to say hi lol
@svgashi​ —❥ NIKE!!! omg we’re literally sister wives. you’re the first moot i had on tumblr that understood how great sugawara is and it’s like a breath of fresh air from the constant slandering my friends give him. ILY
@sexy-bee-juice​ —❥ aja!! i love getting your messages and just saying the most out of pocket things with you, and your reblogs make me laugh so hard like you’re rlly funny. also my broken french is terrible but i’m glad it makes you laugh ajskfdl
@koutarousangel​ —❥ MICKEY PLS YOURE SO FUNNY. I LOVE YOUR VIBES AND EVERYTHING LIKE YOURE FUNNY. and ily too. just putting that in there in case i haven’t said it in a while <3
@hvnlydmn​ —❥ hi ains! congrats on 5k!! that’s literally so insane like omg you must be reeling rn jadskfl you really really deserve it tho, everyone sees how hard you work and how much content you produce in such a short amount of time CONGRATS ILY
@akaashi-bby​ —❥ victoria you were the first person i talked to teen wolf with in like three years pls. i’m listening to a song from the show atm and it’s making me sad but ilysm and i love talking to you about literally anything
@laineywritesstuff​ —❥ LAINE!! hi! you’re so pretty like you look like you give the warmest hugs and i feel like if i ever met you in person i’d just get engulfed does that make sense? you’re so nice and ilysm and i hope you’re have a fantastic day!
@kiyoalex​ —❥ you’re rlly funny. like rlly funny. and i feel like we match each other’s energy pretty well in pms. pls my insanity is too real back there BUT IT’S OK I THINK BC YOU SEEM TO UNDERSTAND IT LOL ILY
@shoutamajiki​ —❥ hi nana!! you’re so nice and i’m so glad you joined the discord! and i’m so sorry i added you to my terrible private story on snap pls it’s so bad i’m very very sorry about that jksalfjdl
@sunacity​ —❥ nea i love your works so much like literally they LIVE in my head. you’re so talented and i can’t believe we’re mutuals that’s literally insane bc i love your stuff pls. and on top of being talented you’re so nice, like the nicest jaskdflj i can’t
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ok ok i think that’s it for now, this isn’t all of my mutuals—but it’s the one’s i interact with the most and if we are moots and i didn’t include you pls my inbox or pms are always open to just like go insane in. ok have a great rest of your day!!
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i-need-air · 4 years
Truthful mess.
Summary: Truth quirk shenanigans. HCs type with Bakugou, Kirishima, Shouto and Shinsou.
Note: Still don't know how to add "Read more" on phone, still need to make a masterlist. At least I have coffee. [I’M DOING BOTH RN, BE PROUD;;;LOOKATTHEReADMORE] Ty for reading! ♥
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Bakugou Katsuki:
× well, shit
× he fucked up real bad and now he had to pay for it
× noticed something was wrong when he thanked Kirishima for saving his life instead of giving him the usual snappy attitude
× made the redhead promise to keep the secret or he'll kill him
× seriously kill and incinerate his body and was 100% serious about it
× Bakugou tried his hardest to keep his mouth shut and everything went okay until you just existed in the same room at him
× he'd just get the fuck out because all he wanted to tell you was how good you looked in whatever you were wearing or how beautiful your face was when kissed by the rays of sunshine and he was so confused
× he literally wanted to word vomit all of that
× thankfully the police arresting the mf that did this to him informed Katsuki about the effects of the quirk itself
× approximately 3 days of spilling truths
× he could handle that
× easy
× but not really; the less he talked the more he needed to spill out his mind
× he'd still snap at people, they were just dumb and he voiced that but
× well, hello there, [y/n]
× he prays you don't waltz around him
× life can be a bitch though
× it happened while training, Cementos made an area for each of you to improve your quirks and guess what? you're placed just by his side
× you just waved at him and he ignored you
× asshole much; until you kick-dropped and broke a big piece of cement in half
× "Fuck, that was so sexy..."
× your head turned slowly towards Bakugou because that was his voice, definitely, no doubt
× but it was raspy and low and it did some things to your, ehem, lowers and holy shit
× Bakugou looked like a deer caught in the highlights; he was full "step on me" mode and????????
× instantly turned the other way and yes, he is blushing
× he just couldn't hold it in, man
× so you're confused, blushing, Kirishima is near-by shook as fuck because he's ✨ realizing things ✨ since of course he's now Bakugou's self-proclaimed guard dog
× and Bakugou is back at ignoring you, his friend and the world
× you decide to keep an eye on him because that was not normal and oh my god why is that voice still affecting you? did he seriously say that??
× meanwhile you catch him looking at you from the corner of your eyes
× boy is staring real bad
× so you just go his way
× he panics as you approach him and blows shit up
× "Don't fucking come closer!" you freeze because what the hell? you thought you were getting along? yeah he's been snappy recently but it's Bakugou, he has mood-swings
× but not like this? at least with you?
× also what he said before just gave you hope??
× so you decide Fuck it all and get closer, noticing how Kirishima also approaches, looking like a bodyguard
× you raise your eyebrow because Excuse you?
× "[L/N], you should leave him be for now–"
× "Get out of my way or I'll break you, Kirishima."
× so you're having a staring match with the red-head, almost nose to nose when legit a growl shakes you to the core
× "[Y/N]'s mine, Shitty Hair, back down." he said between his teeth, his palms sparkling, quirk ready
× so his friend backs up, hands raised in defeat but a knowing grin on his face
× even in full shock you expected him to ignore you again but he just stomps towards you angrily, teeth greeted
× "You have a thing for him, hmm? You like Kirishima?" he was glaring at you, breathing heavily but suddenly locked his eyes in your lips
× and while he's throwing this fit or whatever it was, all the class kinda stopped whatever they were doing to see what's going on
× but Cementos ain't having any of that so parts you guys with a cement wall and orders you to keep training
× Bakugou was never more thankful because holy shit what was about to happen?
× you're full mind-blown, remembering his words again and again not even focusing on training; you decide to talk with his dumb ass to clarify what he said and wAs he jealous? i mean he literally said you're his so—... HE FUCKING SAID YOU'RE HIS????
× after that he went back to his grumpy old man form, you don't talk again until days later, although you did try to approach him again, many times, because YOU'RE HIS????????
× it's when he finally realizes the quirk is wearing off and he's relieved because it got to a point where he couldn't sleep
× so when you confront him in the common room the next morning he shrugs it off with a "I thought I'd accidentally confess that I love you and that would've been a problem."
× he freezes
× you freeze
× he wanted to call you a dumbass and move on until he figures his shit up but...
× that's when he realizes the effect of the quirk was dying off in waves
× save him from the mortification and confess too, please?
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Kirishima Eijirou:
× he's normally a truthful guy
× but not like this, man, not like this
× Fatgum saved his ass but it was too late since he already got hit by a quirk, although none knew what it was about, so his mentor was having a full Panic moment
× later on he was informed about it's nature and was confused because nothing changed?
× he still compliments people, he's still his old self and is actually so happy that's the case
× thinks he's manly because he's honest about his feelings
× although he forgot about a tiny little detail
× his big fat crush on you
× like he'd blush when you came around, almost stuttered when responding to you, would try harder when you were around because pretty please, notice him, shows off more, all the I-need-YOUR-attention bag
× because he's smooth but in a Kirishima way, you know?
× felt he had zero (0) game [so not manly of him]
× will hands down not avoid you; thinks it's lame to run away from this
× who would've thought this was the best thing that could've happened to him?
× still had his boyish charm, cute smiles, blushes
× but now we add the honest "You look amazing today. Well, more than usual." with a wink because if he can't stop himself, at least he'll make it work big time
× and oh, shit that's doing stuff to your poor heart because his compliments are all over the roof? wth is going on?
× everyone knew about his feelings for you but now they really knew
× literally takes him half a day to spill all out
× he did try to clear his mind of those feelings in class because that would be so awkward and weird; he spent so much time daydreaming how to confess before and doing it there was definitely not the plan, but something more personal and meaningful
× when Kiri saw you in the common room though, alone and minding your own business, a grin broke on his face and had hearts in his eyes
× Bakugou had to hear a lot of shit about you, tho just rolled his eyes; "whatever, shitty hair."
× because you're so flawlessly beautiful and you're not even trying
× your head snaps up at him, blushing
× OOP–did he just blurt that out?
× so he's laughing awkwardly because not like this, man
× but goes with it because We die like men here 😤
× cue word vomit about how great you are and this quirk hit him and god you're amazing and it's not a lie because remember when you first met at UA? well he thought you were an angel and when you smiled at him? perfection and your blushing face is adorable and needs to see it everyday and ok this quirk needs to stop–
× meanwhile
× [Y/N].exe has stopped working
× legit tho, he won't shut the hell up and it's adorable
× all day he's been super smooth about his compliments to you and now he's the sweetest mess ever
× and you only notice yourself smiling when he points it out and says it's the single most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his entire life
× and even if that almost makes you 404 again you laugh and walk towards him
× which he follows and steps closer to you too
× smiling
× so he calms down when you're not freaking out about what he's spilling and goes back to being cha-cha-real-smooth again
× "I want to be able to call you mine"
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Todoroki Shouto:
× another guy that doesn't really notice it at first
× he got hit by this weird blue-purple dust while on patrol with his dad
× and Endeavor went feral on this low-life villain deciding to attack suddenly
× low and behold, seems the guy wasn't a villain, just a civilian that sneezed and activated his quirk by accident
× quirk that landed on Shouto here
× which just stared confused because what?
× explanations happen, Endeavor is looking down at Shouto expecting something anytime now
× but Icy-Hot here just shrugs it off because it's okay, it's just 3 or 4 days
× funny thing is his dad asked him questions and realized pretty quick that Shouto has been really honest with him until now, which bummed him because Endeavor Is Trying™
× Todoroki Shouto was confident that nothing would go wrong so he forgets about it basically
× two days pass; class time happens
× is so fucking casual about it but it's so hilariously confusing
× he was honest before but he was quiet in general, that's why his honesty came in small dosages
× now he has no filter and won't shut up, he has this absolute need to share his thoughts
× my boy has opinions about everything
× but especially about [Y/N]
× oh yeah, he definitely tells you how that color enhances your natural beauty or how you're really smart
× is so casual and nonchalant, shooks everyone, leaves you full confusion mode while he just smiles and leaves
× legit doesn't realize it
× he complimented you before, that's the thing, but now he's really intensifying it but without changing the tone and execution and it's just a mess
× example:
× goes from "You changed your hairstyle. It looks nice." to "The way you style your hair now makes your eyes pop out more. I love it."
× lowkey proclaims his love about you; it's so obvious it hurts; you have to take it like a champ, man
× it takes Tsu to actually ask what's going on, in the first hour of class
× [even Aizawa is listening, pretending to sleep]
× explains why he's acting like this; "I got hit accidentally by a quirk that makes me speak only the truth."
× everyone just goes crazy while you're piecing stuff together in deep thought
× "Who do you think is the strongest in the class?"
× "Aizawa."
× lowkey a little shit
× "Between the students."
× "Me."
× big time a little shit
× it's until Mina asks who he likes that all hell breaks loose
× Shouto just turns to look at you, blinks and says your name
× just as everyone goes mental after a moment of silence, the bell rings signaling the next class, to which Aizawa [the mature man he is, acting as if this wasn't the best tea-spill he's gonna have at lunch with the other teachers 💅] wakes up, silences everyone and continues class
× every pair of eyes are on you all class
× Shouto is having an existencial crisis because he's actually realizing himself that he likes you
× a lot
× hands down he thought about how great you are, wondered deep in though at night why his heart beat so fast when you smiled at him, how come he got jealous???? when you'd pair with someone else to study or train... the boy didn't even know it was jealousy until now
× as in now he knew he wanted to hold your hand, have more inside jokes between you two, kiss you, marry you, wait what—
× you on the other hand are hyperventilating because Shouto likes you
× and you like him back and oH my god, wHAT just happened????
× lunch break comes, nobody moved from their seats while Todoroki just walks by, stares at you, slight blush on his face
× "I'd like to speak alone with you. About my feelings. Towards you. I like you."
× nice alone chat, Shouto 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
× legit nobody is breathing, not making a single noise, waiting for your reaction
× so through stutters and all, you have to grab him by his wrist and get the hell out, the attention being too much
× before you reach a quiet place to talk he just stares at your hand
× "I like it when you touch me. Your hand is warm and it makes my skin tingle–"
× so you're a blushing mess when you let go of his wrist fastly
× "Do you not like me back?" [insert kicked puppy face]
× [insert you telling him that you do, but all the attention in class was killing you]
× "Good. Now hold my hand properly."
× that day Shouto learned that being bold with you was the perfect way to get the sweetest reactions out of you
× it's called teasing and Todoroki Shouto will never stop
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Hitoshi Shinsou:
× Shinsou had a Reputation™, ok?
× Calm, cool, collected, that's Hitoshi Shinsou
× so how come Monoma did him so dirty?
× it seems the blond borrowed a quirk from someone he knew and fled to school to just bring Hell on Earth
× but the only person he managed to throw the quirk at was at Shinsou
× it wasn't even intended for him, but for Bakugou to embarrass him
× so here he was, Mister Tired-of-this-fucking-world now having another reason to be done with everything
× the boy wasn't dumb
× made a strategy just as Monoma was apologizing for the mistake
× somehow the blond took a liking on him and even if he was now part of class 2-A, Monoma proclaimed he was a 2-B at heart; moving on...
× 3 to 5 days of not talking lies
× great, amazing, marvelous, incredible, fantastic
× Rule #1: Avoid [Y/N] at all costs
× which would prove rather difficult since you're part of the same group he was in
× and you were starting to be really good friends
× something he loved/hated because yes, he wants your friendship but he also wants much more
× so when you came to class, would you look at that! Shinsou is sleeping!
× when you went to lunch with the squad? he fled the scene, not opening his mouth
× asked to borrow a pen in class? didn't even look into your eyes as he just gave you one
× after 3 days of this you were starting to get annoyed
× and Midoriya was writing shit down in that notebook of his mumbling stuff every single time Hitoshi bailed
× what you didn't know is that the whole Dekusquad caught on to Shinsou's shenanigans and demanded answers
× well, Ochaco did and she instantly got them because she's terrifying when serious
× so Izuku is in deep fascination with the quirk, Iida is stiff as fuck and Uraraka has this really creepy I-know-something-you-don't smile on her face; Shouto was existing there too, minding his business 🍵
× you really tried to grab a hold of Shinsou but he wasn't even answering your texts
× time to make a game-plan
× and the easiest way to understand what's going on was through Deku and that suspicious notebook of his
× it wasn't even that hard to get it because you got the perfect opportunity basically thrown in your lap
× he was mumbling your name as he was writing down
× you literally demanded to see what he's writing about involving you
× the boy went full panic but before he could manage to escape the situation, the guy that's been avoiding you grabs you by your forearm and tugs you in the hallway
× there he was, purple messy head you wanted to smack, looking all uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck
× "Ok, listen, I have something to tell you and I want you to know through me, not through that notebook" he sighed, eyes avoiding you
× and while you're hurt and exhausted he just mumbles "Who knows what type of embarrassing stuff he wrote there..."
× hold up, he blushing?
× so while you're processing that he explains
× "Been hit by a quirk..." yada-yada, this and that
× "Ok, but why have you been avoiding me of all people?" you just go hard on him for a little bit, not hiding that you're hurting "Do you not trust me?"
× he's caught off guard
× "Because I love you and I'm scared you'll never look at me the same."
× longest silence of his life
× he never felt the need to fill a silent moment more than now
× so he mumbles
× oh, yah, he just blurts it all out while looking everywhere but you
× "I mean you deserve better than a guy with a quirk like this. I didn't want to make things uncomfortable between us so I thought avoiding you was the best, just so we can continue being friends and–"
× he's a fucking mess and it hurts you that he's saying stuff like that because holy shit you love this sleepy idiot?
× of course you kiss him to silence his rant
× and when you separate from it and start to reassure him he's just a m a z i n g, how dare he say stuff like that and how dare he avoid you for so long; now it's his time to kiss you back slowly and sweetly
× cue instant, lazy smile
× "You're adorable..."
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lozzypoz321 · 4 years
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Word count: 3.8k!
A/N: this is one of my favourite things I’ve ever written and I’m super proud of it, also the biggest word count I’ve ever done, hope you enjoy and pretty please leave feedback!! <3
Warnings: brief mentions of underage sex, calling of child services, brief mentions of an anxiety attack
Avengers college AU
Bucky: Guys I’m really desperate
Bruce: what?
Steve: wdym?
Bucky: does anyone have the first period free tomorrow? Can’t afford a babysitter for Riley :/
Tony: nah can’t, I’ve got a busy schedule
Clint: economics man
Bruce: science m8
Nat: same as Clint I’m afraid Jamesy
Clint: wbu Steve?
Steve: library club and I can’t skip
Bucky: >: I
Bucky: I think I may be having a midlife crisis.
Tony: okay 1. You’re 20 and 2. You shouldn’t have gone an’ knocked up a woman at 17
Nat: Tony!
Bucky: You’re acting like you didn’t get some at 17 Tony
Bruce: he has a fair point.
Nat: and anyway Riley’s too pure for your insults Tony
Bucky: uwu
Tony: you have officially turned into every teenage girl Barnes
Nat: anywayyyyyyy, Thor how’re you coping with your brother’s “phase”
Tony: I am starting to think Loki’s goth phase isn’t just a phase Natalie, I caught him walking around in a skull T-shirt with chains this morning
Clint: oh daym
Steve: what are you going to do?
Thor: I am going to show that I respect him by buying him some flowers!
Clint: What abt a chain tho?
Nat: wait, does anyone wanna go to laser tag at some point?
Tony: oooh yes!
Bruce: yeah I’m down! :)
Steve: I’ve got time yeah thanks
Bucky: I never back down from a laser tag game
Nat: great! I’ll book it with Tony’s card
Tony: wait what?
Bucky: oh shit, I’ve gotta go, Riley’s just run away somewhere brb
Clint: oh damn.
Bucky shoved his phone hastily into his pocket and looked around, desperation filling his eyes as they searched for any sign of his daughter. The bushes swayed with the evening breeze and very few people strolled around campus, either going on a walk, meeting up early with friends or getting food. The young adult heavily sighed out of relief when he caught sight of Riley, excitedly chatting to a man, who James quickly identified him as one of his other friends, Sam.
Braking out into a light jog, he made his way across campus to the pair while also trying to avoid bumping into the other students that were now staring at him, in college he was basically known as the fuck boy. Not that he was, the only reason behind it was that he had a daughter at 17 and everyone apart from his friends never saw past that.
“What’re you doing here munchkin?” He asked the small girl who was now shyly smiling at her father. Sam chuckled at the duo and turning his attention away from Riley, “wasn’t her fault dude, just telling me how she’s going to chemistry class tomorrow, can’t wait to see that” he said with a sly smirk on his face.
Bucky mentally sighed, yes it was going to be very tough tomorrow. Not only was she very restless, but she also was very talkative and wouldn’t put a filter on around people older than her, which most of the time could be very offensive. “Yeah! I promised him I’ll be good!”
“Oh really? Well I kinda hoped you’d have something to say to Professor Demon”
“Sam,” he groaned and ran a hand through his hair “his names Damon, if he caught you sayin’ that then we’d get suspended so quickly dude” Riley giggled and looked up at her dad innocently “and then we’d go poor because you suck at getting jobs”
“He sucks at everything” Sam mumbled, earning a glare from the other man. “We better go get some food now, there’s literally nothing in the fridge except a can of tuna, some ketchup and packets of sour sauce from takeout awhile ago”
“Oof man”
The walk to the diner that he had decided on going to after he couldn’t be bothered going grocery shopping was a long one. Riley insisted on stopping for every dog they saw, to ask to stroke it. “Ri’ baby, we can’t keep stopping, we gotta get back to the dorm before it’s your bedtime”
The pout she sent him instantly melted his heart before he realised she knew exactly what she was doing and he readjusted his grip on her hand so she didn’t end up running away again like she did earlier.
“Ri’ what do you want?” He asked the child once the waitress had come over asking for their orders. She gave a nonchalant shrug and turned her attention back to the video that was playing on Bucky’s phone that he had given her for the wait. “M’kay so, can we get a,” he took a pause to take a quick glance at the kid’s menu on the table “chicken nuggets and chips please with… chocolate milkshake?”
Riley nodded and the waitress, who from the name tag on her apron, was named Elizabeth, began to write down both his and her order but halfway through gave a quick glance up to Bucky, but when he caught her cheeks flooded red that made his daughter snort.
“Is that all sir?”
“Riley shut up” he quietly told the girl as Elizabeth walked away with her head down. “She was flirting with you dad” she laughed making him jokingly nudge her across the table “Oi, and anyway she’s not my type munchkin”
“Well don’t be too loud, the creeps staring at you dad”
He didn’t mean to, but without thinking his head whipped round to instantly make eye contact with the woman who was biting her lip, her eyes now as big as plates. His cheeks heated furiously as he immediately turned back around to face his adorable giggling daughter. “You better like those chicken nuggets munchkin cause I’ve got to go through this to get them”
“I will dad, I like chickens”
“Riley, come on you gotta get some sleep” he groaned once she’d slid onto the sofa where he was writing his assignment last minute for the fifth time that night.
“But dad,” She whined and pulled on the sleeve of the college logo sweater he had pulled on without even thinking about it once they’d got home as he had only just realised he had a paper to write, “I’m not tired and I don’t want to be alone”
His eyes softened at the pleading look on her face that would get him to do anything she wanted him to “m’kay baby, how about we go into into the bedroom and you try to get some sleep while I finish this up”
She nodded enthusiastically and he picked up the study books and paper in one hand and Riley in the other, deep eye bags could be found on his face from the lack of sleep that he had spent pulling all-nighters working on college work and began to make his way into the small room that had a single bed pressed up against the wall with a mattress next to it, an abundance of blankets on both.
He set the small girl onto the single bed and lowered himself down into the smaller one, using the bed frame to press his back against and using a hardback book underneath the paper to rest on.
“Why do people stare at you?” Bucky only just heard Riley mumble as her eyes struggled to keep open. He stopped writing but kept his hand in the same place while grinder his teeth, wondering what to say. “Cause baby… people don’t really think that I should have you this young,” he struggled to find the words as he felt his daughter roll onto her back to listen “but they don’t understand that I love you a lot, don’t I munchkin?”
Riley giggled behind him and uttered a small yes. “At least they haven’t tried to take me away again”
The young man's breath hitched in the back of his throat at the memory flashed through his mind. They’d been watching a movie with Steve after their classes and a knock had sounded on the door.Apparently, Child services had been called by one of the students and they tried to take her away but he wouldn’t let them, they had threatened to take him to court because the living settings were not meant for a child but 17-year-old Steve had calmly spoken to them outside the room while James had been on the edge of a panic attack inside.
“Yeah, scared me Ri’” his horse voice answered back making her eyebrows scrunch in confusion “I’m not going anywhere dad. Well, unless I die but y’know”
He sent her a bitch face look over his shoulder which made her uncontrollably giggle. Bucky chuckled and set his attention back to the essay while absent mindedly talking to her about random things.
“Is Loki gonna be at the laser tag place?” She asked and added on excitedly “oooh can I come dad?!”
“Sure doll, let me tell the guys”
Buck: we got plus ones on this laser tag thing?
Bruce: whyyyy??
Thor: oooh if that is the case I would very much like to take my brother!
Nat: oh are you bringing Riley then?
Buck: yup
Steve: I don’t see why not
Tony: I’m off to speak to this really hot girl
Clint: what that spice girl?
Buck: do you mean pepper?
Clint: ah yes!
He chuckled at the screen and chucked his phone to the side while looking up to his daughter on the bed above him, going to tell her they approved before stopping and smiling to himself as he caught sight of her peaceful, sleeping form.
Without waking her up, he got off the mattress and tucked in the blankets, quietly laughing as he retrieved the earbuds she had borrowed in the diner from her pocket. “Night munchkin”
Bucky groaned as the ringing of his phone awoke him, the technology next to his ear from when he had fallen asleep sat up. “Wha’?”
It was so early in the morning that he didn’t even have the energy to think of a proper sentence, never mind say one.
Steve: hey guys make sure your ready, it starts an hour after school
Clint: Steve. School. Finishes. At. 6. Pm. What. Tf. Do. You. Mean. It. Starts. In. An. hour. After.
Nat: we thought you could do with a late start
Tony: fuck you Romanoff
Clint: ten bucks says she’s smirking rn
Buck: ughhh
Bruce: I feel exactly the same way
Buck: no you don’t. I spent up until 6 am doing that English essay I forgot about
Tony: oof
Bucky: I will physically be running on caffeine this morning so be ready
He took a look around the messy room before deciding he would clean it another day and raised himself onto his feet before making sure Riley was still on the single bed asleep. He made his way to the tiny kitchen that held a mini-fridge, microwave, kettle and an oven with two counters on one side to make himself a cup of coffee that he was depending on if he had to spend an hour of his day running around in sweaty gear and a fake gun while making sure his daughter didn’t run away to get some sort of snack.
“Fuck” he mumbled as the loud whirring of the kettle started, sure to wake Riley up. “I’m tired” he heard a voice groan behind him, making the man whirl around, instantly making eye contact with his daughter. Sighing out of relief and returning back to the drink he was previously making. “So am I doll, yet you can’t have coffee”
He made her go get dressed and brush her teeth while he had a mental breakdown over what he was going to do about the paper he didn’t manage to finish before he fell asleep last night.
“Dad,” Bucky looked up to find Riley once again dressed in a pair of Joggers and a baggy T-shirt that she’d dragged out of the very few clean clothes in her draw “someone’s messaging your laptop”
She struggled to hold up the open device that showed multiple emails from one of his professors questioning his performance in class for the recent weeks. He inwardly cursed and took the laptop from her to begin emailing her back, choosing to ignore the insults she had thrown at him and his daughter in the middle of it.
“She is so full of-“ he stopped halfway through the sentence, noticing that Riley was sat next to him, quietly playing a YouTube video on his phone. “Whatcha watching Ri’?” He asked, his attention still focusing on trying to be professional in the email back. “c- c-“ she struggled to pronounce the word so she passed it to him.
“Commentary channels?” The man asked with a laugh, thinking about how most parents wouldn’t even let their 4 child near a video like that but yet again he wasn’t like most parents. He was 20 and had to do this alone.
“Oh yeah”
“Come on munchkin, we gotta get to first period before we’re late” he told her and grabbed his backpack to quickly shove his college things in before glancing at the digital clock on his phone and scooping Riley up so they could get there quicker.
Halfway through the panicked running across campus, the small girl decided she needed a nap and fell asleep against his shoulder, making Natalia laugh as they passed.
As soon as he arrived in the classroom he knew it was a bad idea when 11 pair of eyes fell to his, heavily panting and holding an asleep 4-year-old.
“Sir he’s late” a girl, younger than him moaned to the teacher who was now shrugging his shoulders “I don’t care”
“But professor, why’d he bring the baby?”
Bucky had enough of everyone staring at him, he readjusted the bag on his back before making his way to the back of the class, sitting in an empty seat in between Sam and Tony and placed Riley on his lap.
“That’s a good question Jaimee, Barnes?”
“Couldn’t find anyone to look after her professor” he mumbled in response, making sure to be loud enough to hear. “No babysitter?”
“Can’t afford it sir”
He didn’t once make eye contact with anyone in the room, instead putting his attention on the books that he was bringing out of his bag. “You alright man?” Tony whispered across the desk and flicked a pen at him, “Oi” Bucky hissed as the metal came in contact with the side of his head making Sam laugh loudly at him.
“Dad,” a mumble was heard quietly, making the older man look at his daughter, eyes that were previously closed were now looking up at his wide with pleading “I’m hungry”
If he was anywhere else in the world he would have sworn loudly, but right now he was in a class with 10 other students and his daughter. “Okay baby, but you're gonna have to wait for a while, we’re in my class but I’ll get you something after okay?”
She nodded and rested her hair back against his chest, making him smile slightly as he went back to taking notes of the class. “I’ve got skittles,” Sam held out the family-sized packet of sugary sweets making Riley do grabby hands towards it. Without asking Sam gave her it, earning a goofy smile from the girl. “Thank you dude but she’s literally gonna get the biggest sugar rush possible now”
“Aha, can’t wait to see that”
By halfway through the period Riley was already rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, on the spot next to Bucky’s chair, his hand holding hers to make sure she didn’t run up to the front and distract everyone. “Dad, are you going to work tonight?”
“Yeah munchkin, not for long though, you can stay with Stevie. How about that?”
“Yeah, m’kay”
Suddenly the professor spoke up, directing his attention to Bucky “Barnes, the symbol Sb stands for stibium or stibnite. What is the modern name of this element?”
“That doesn’t sound like English dad” Riley loudly whispered to him, making the class laugh, “and what do you think the answer is?”
The girl pondered for a second and looked at her dad with seriousness drawn upon her features “...tell me,”
“Laser in the house!” Clint exclaimed in excitement once everyone had found their way to the front of campus where they’d agreed to meet.
“I like lasers,” Riley gushed while smiling brightly making most of the young adults chuckle, Loki however, did not. “Why did you have to bring me?” The man grumbled, sending a death glare towards his brother.
“Why are you dressed like that?”
“Riley no-“
“Did you go through childhood trauma to endure this?”
“Ri’ you can’t ask-“
“Why is there a child?” Loki asked as if he had only just noticed she was there. “She is Barnes’ daughter brother” Thor said and gently patted her head, making her scowl.
“You have a daughter?”
“I’ve had her for 4 years dude”
Steve grabbed his phone from his pocket and glanced at the time “guys we’ve gotta be there in half an hour we better get goin’”
“Alright Rogers, you really do like to keep track of time don’t you?” Tony asked and rolled his eyes making Nat nudge him in the ribs. “Tony, I’m not that old”
“You're 21, everyone else is 20 punk” Bucky teased him but stopped when he sent him a death glare. “Erm, I’m not 20.” The young girl pointed out while everyone else started making their way to the entertainment place. “Smart girl Ri’”
“Wait, do we need to decide the teams?” Bruce asked everyone once Bucky and Riley had caught up with the rest. “Ooooh,” Clint exclaimed with wide eyes “dibs on Natasha! She’s got good aim.”
“I’m gonna stick with you. Power team” Bucky whispered down to the stupidly smiling girl as she nodded furiously. By the time everyone had chosen their teammates and managed to agree, the group had arrived. “This’ll be great” Bruce sighed once they’d caught sight of the room of light-up vests with attached laser guns.
“Rules,” a middle-aged man who looked like he’d given up on life, walked into the room with a clipboard in hand “No Running, No Physical Contact, Hold Laser with Both Hands, No Climbing, Players must be careful when manoeuvring around interior arena walls, Please let us know if any of your guests suffer from the following: Asthma, epilepsy or suffer from seizures caused by fog or strobe lights.”
Everyone was quiet for a second before Steve quietly spoke up with a blush “I have asthma, sir.”
The worker took a pause and pondered for a moment, as though this had never happened in his whole 68 years of working there, “just… don’t start a fire alright?”
They all nodded in agreement, just happy that he’d been let in, and began to enter the massive room where the game was about to take place. “Right, so, let’s not rugby tackle people like you did last time,” Steve said and mostly directed it to Thor who smiled sheepishly “cause- err, there’s a kid, yeah, Riley, that’s it”
Bucky chuckled and picked up the fake laser gun as the lights began to darken, “let’s get this party started”
As soon as the words left his mouth, chaos ensured, young adults setting off running to find a place to set-up camp. As he wanted to be fast, Bucky quickly picked up Riley and began to run towards a pillar so he could hide behind it, so he’s able to get a good view of people.
“How does it work?” Riley whispered from the spot of her back pressed against his chest so she could also see and indicated towards the gun. “Gotta put your finger on the trigger” he instructed and took ahold of her index finger and brought it over to the weapon, placing the rest of her hand on the handle while her other one held the underneath of the top part, trying not to drop it.
The whole room was silent for a good 5 minutes before Bucky decided to make a move, taking hold of the collar of her jacket to gently pull her up with him. Not holding Riley’s hand as she would have ended up dropping the laser gun if she didn’t have two hands on it.
The two of them scouted out the place trying to be quiet so they didn’t get caught. Suddenly, making them jump, a loud zapping sounded in the distance, indicating that someone had found an enemy. He began to run away from the sound, after making sure his daughter was following and attempting to find somewhere to hide again but this time he didn’t find a deserted place.
“Aha!” Nat yelled and jumped out from behind a pillar while aiming the laser at Bucky’s chest. His panicked yelling and screaming filled the air as he made a run for it, completely forgetting about his teammate left behind and the rule “no running”. Suddenly, before he could brace himself his body went flying, his foot getting stuck on a stray shoe that belonged to Thor. At the same time Steve had jumped out, meaning to get the man in the chest, but instead Bucky had landed on him, using him to muffle the landing, earning an “ow man...” in return.
Bucky wanted to move, he really did, but he just couldn’t. He was in a trance, his and Steve’s baby blue eyes made eye contact, without knowing what he was doing, Steve’s body involuntarily leant up: closer to the younger man. His lips never looked more inviting, but all of a sudden a yell broke out in the room.
“Dad! Help! Nat nearly got me!”
The father scrambled up off the floor, his mind going a million miles an hour about what just happened and why it was wrong. He was his best friend. He should only see him as a friend.
Without meaning to, he ran away from him, not bothering to even spare Steve a second glance in search of his daughter, who was now cowered in one of the room's corners, trying not to get shot. Bucky chuckled slightly at the tactic and crossed the room, luckily not being noticed by Tony and Nat who were having a shoot off at each other from their opposite ends in the room.
“Nat nearly got you Ri’?”
“M’ yeah and you weren’t there.”
Guilt coursed through the mans veins as he remembered that he’d left her, but before his mind could go wondering to the events after it, he stopped himself, “sorry munchkin”
“Is’ okay, just don’t do it again dad”
He silently laughed at the sincerity in her voice and grabbed her hand to lead her away from the battle scene so they could get somebody else in the laser tag game. In quiet discussions they settled on Bruce, the one who was most likely to not be paying attention, and if he was it would still be easy to take aim without him seeing.
“Come on Ri, we got this.”
@donutloverxo @xolovegrace @rooskaya-yelena @deephideoutmilkshake @kidney9-9 @marvel-ous-hobbit @snarky--starky @rae-is-typing @stargazingfangirl18 @canadianhufflepuffavenger @herecomesthewriterwitch @every-marveler-ever
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beecherdrysdale · 3 years
Hiii how are you ? I fell down the stairs today and cried for a minute straight #hormones. Dw I have a high pain tolerance but I just started sobbing lol. It happens. LONG post ahead, I kinda went off hehe.
Anyways let’s get started!! Yes quinton gets to be upfront because he would probably feel so uncomfortable(no offence) with all the sexual tension going on there if dyl or jamie were in the front hehe. But yes they would be bitchy about who gets to sit upfront “ no Jamie it’s mine turn to sit with Brigid” “ no it’s my turn dylan you just sat with her” so brigid would get fed up and banishes them to the back hehe. Lmao Brigid can we listen to Katy perry now? The silence!! And then no can we listen to Lady Gaga?. Quinton trying not to lose it in the front seat. If I had to chose tho I would chose lady gaga:) wbu?
Get ready to be beat! Yes Ryan is absolutely not sitting upfront w me! We would be crazy and I wanna win so. Quinner is sitting up front w me but he decided to be .... and I’m banish him to the back. Braden is the most chill so he’s sitting upfront and giving me directions!! Haha dyl yelling at you to drive faster, but no I will beat both hehe;). Kesh who’s sitting up front w you? Would Kirby be handsy😏?. We would have to make so many stops lol. Like it’s just nostalgic for us, but new for you so it would be fun to make pit stops. and we would just be taking so many Instagram photos as a group and w our boys and together ! We love that ! “Wait wait wait Lexi pull over, I remember this place I wanna take photos” lol this is bad hehe.
Lmao yes, your hair would be so tangled!! They would be panicking a bit because they’re like omg she’s gonna be so mad.... honestly Ryan would just take the photo and then post it but then Dylan would repost it and then Jamie and then me lol. Honestly I kinda love when people just take videos of being in the car w like the scenery showing, but this would include us laughing and listening to music! I hope they makes sense. Hehe Ryan or Dylan would probably take photos of Braden, cozzy and devon sleeping and would post it. Back to the hair: hehe yes I can see you giving them a death glare when you realize and your getting mad and would hide. I’m just imagining this in my head, like me pulling over and you running out of the car and quinton and devon fixing your hair lol. Somebody would be filming this no doubt.
Music wise, yes I love blasting music and people looking but it’s kinda a flex when they see who we are with.... I like rap too! What song do u like Brigid?. Country will be played and 2000’s which is fun! I’m good with anything !. Kesh I love hype up songs as well and bass heavy songs because they sound good on speakers hehe. I’ve been into Rihanna for the past week and I was working out to her music- where have you been, rude boy, bitch better have my money lol, pon de replay hit different but also S&M for some sexiness. Lmao sorry I’m just listing Rihanna songs that I love atm. What are your fav songs right now? Awww dancing on the side of the road is so soft, but everybody needs a dance break! Cozzy, Devon and Braden are some how still passed out, I admire that. Late night drives🥺 are we spicing this up 😏.
Hehe you and devon are swamped w emails and more and you’re like kirby can you please go w them we need somebody to watch them. Als yes quinton go take those hot photos . I admire Dylan’s sleep schedule, like good job on catching up on sleep. Kirbys just trying to sweet talk you and kiss you so that you wouldn’t be mad. All in all, kesh is just shocked like how is that possible? Lmao Brigid, Ryan and I w the shopping cart just stocking up on popcorn, chips m&ms, I love that. Jamie and Dylan are racing each other to see who can grab the most cereal and made sure that they are getting the correct ones for Brigid. Honestly all the boys are just confused about how grocery shopping works hehe. The crackhead energy. Kirby is panicking. We literally bought out all the snacks. Beaver tails are delish and I know where you can get them so 😃. I want to stuff Quinner’s mouth w beaver tails cuz that’s cute:) yes healthy food is a must, like fruits, veggies, rice cakes hehe. But remember that we are going to workout on this vacay hehe. After the grocery store we would go into the mall or something and the boys would just be wanting to buy video games 😂 and ps5’s. Also kesh I love how some of the boys are just trying on clothes. Why do I get a feeling that one of the boys would just be filming all of this?
The chirping will happen nonstop, I’m sorry it’s just to much inspo. Aww yes they are blushing real hard, cuz they like you soooo much. But Brigid is enjoying touching them so no prob.
The boat is a must and it is happening!! Hehe yes the tubing would be chaotic, everybody is just trying to get each other to fall in 😂. Ryan thinks that he’s getting away w pushing me in but SIKE you are coming with me. So then we’re just fighting in the water. Quinner would be like where did they go?. Hehe brigid gets so wrapped up in laughing at us that Braden pushes her in haha. Yes we all look super hot in our bikinis, and the boys are speechless! Like dyl and Jamie are just like wow, she looks so amazing! And Kirby is so in love w you, he’s like I’m the luckiest man ever. I’m still gonna make sure that I wear a non tie bikini so that it doesn’t untie, like one time I was in the boat and my friend pulled on the string and the entire thing untied and I just jumped in the water to retie. That is not happening again lol. Quinner would be mad hehe. Idk I’m seeing Brigid in a black bikini or maybe a dark blue one? It would match your eyes?. Kesh in a red one or yellow and me maybe in a green one or just black lol. Hehe yes kesh and Kirby are just doing cute couple stuff and keeping an eye out but we are to chaotic to maintain .
Hehe yes ig we are clingy but cute drunks but I get kinda wild when I drink so the body shots would def happen. It would be hot tbh. Yes somebody do body shots w Brigid. Dylan would step up first, and he would be enjoying it and then Jamie sees and is like no it’s my turn so he does it and in the end it’s just a competition and you all get drunk hehe. Kesh and Kirby are the parents of the clubbing trip no offence.. like wanna go help cozzy and devon? Hehe lol I could just be dancing w Brigid and the boys would get jealous and one of them would just come up and be like excuse may I cut in, and i would be like tf but then they give me a glare and I go dance sexy with Quinner or crazy w Ryan. Kesh and Kirby should dance at least at one point during this time. We all look hot btw :)
Hehe yay I can be friends w Dylan :) I want that friendship to happen tbh. but he’s getting jealous but I’m like let them have their moment, so I distract him a bit w talking.
Girls day is a must! I wanna hang out w you so badly. Some cute clothing will be bought! Ooo yes us modelling and them being in awe. Oo kesh a different modelling show w the boys 😏. The boys are getting handsy esp Dylan and Jamie hehe. And they are super protective so no other guy at the club gets any ideas. After tho it’s biker shorts, sweat pants and hoodies type of vacay lol .
Thank you for reading ! Hope you enjoy mes chéries💗🌸
yes ok so loooong post ahead people
oof that tough falling down the stairs lol. honestly i’m not doing to great right now bc i did not do as well as i wanted at my meet, so now i’m in a funky headspace. but hopefully answering this ask will help, and i can get my shit together before my events tomorrow (which are actually my important events)
haha yes dyl and jamie would just be arguing like “no it’s my turn to sit in front, no you just did it’s my turn” lmao. and then whenever they’re sitting in the front there’s just too much tension for quinton to deal with lol. so then i feel bad for quinton so i banish the other guys to the back and let him sit in the front hehe. and i’m just ignoring the other guys and refuse to play either of their music and i let quinton pick. and if we purposely pick songs we know the other guys hate, that’s a secret we’ll never tell. oof between those two idk, probably lady gaga, but again we’re not playing music jamie and dyl like lol. 
haha no, you get ready to get beat. i’m like an INSANE driver when i want to be. and ofc dylan is just yelling at me “faster brigid, hurry tf up! we have to beat everyone” so then we’re just zooming. but then obviously you’re doing your best to keep up so you have to banish ryan to the back so he doesn’t distract you. and then you let quinner sit up front until he starts getting too handsy bc you’re like no i won’t let myself get distracted. so then braden’s up front giving directions and trying to get you to go faster, but i’m still winning lol. and then kesh is also still in the race, and she and kirby are just chilling in the front bc everyone else’s asleep. ooooh yes making lots of pit stops bc nostalgia for all of you canadians. and then me and kesh are just seeing all the sights for the first time. oooooh yes all the cute insta pics we could take
ooooh yes people taking vids of like the music and scenery would be so cute to post as stories. and ofc all of us laughing and stuff, that would be so cute. anyways yes, my hair would be a hugeeee knot. and i would just give them the death glare, like you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. and jamie and dyl just try to hide from me, like they run away as soon as the car is stopped. and then devon and quinton fix it for me, god bless their souls. like i’m sorry, bc even i wouldn’t want to deal with that. ik how my hair can get. and this would be allllll over everyone’s stories ofc lmao
ok yessss our music game is on point tbh. ok so for rap, the artists i’m really into rn are juice wrld (rip i actually loved him sm), kid laroi (who learned from juice, so he sounds a lot like him), trippie redd, mgk, and nf. also iann dior, but he’s not so much rap as r&b. honestly any of their songs slap. and then ofc country and early 2000′s. and any music with good bass, but i think a lot of the artists i said have that. ooooh yes getting out to have a dance party on the side of the road. hehe it could be really crazy. or alternatively, it could be when you’re out on a late night drive and there’s a slow song on the radio and you guys just get out and slow dance to the song together no this is not at all inspired by the song slow dance in a parking lot anyways yes late night drives are so cute. but then of course they can get spicy 😏 in case you couldn’t tell i’m always down for it to get spicy lmao
haha yes quinton and dylan c. honestly have their priorities straight. and devon and kesh are swamped with director duties, so that leaves kirby in charge. so then ofc when we get home kirbs tries to sweet talk kesh, but she’s just not having it. she’s just like how? anywaysssss at the store we have the most duo of ryan and lexi, plus now i’m added into the mix, and it’s just a mess. like we buy a shit ton of popcorn, pretzels, chips, candy, etc. and we literally bought half the store’s supply of everything lmao. and then dyl and jamie are just in the cereal aisle trying to grab as much cereal as they can. whichever one of them gets we chocolate mini wheats i will love forever. and then kirby’s getting healthy food bc yk he’s trying to be responsible. so then kesh has to explain that his whole job was to make sure everyone else was getting healthy food, not just get it himself lmao. but honestly none of the guys actually know what they’re doing lmao. and then we obviously have to get beaver tails to so lexi and quinner can have a moment, but idk where you get those lol. but yes we will be working out a ton on this vacay, so it’s ok that we have sm junk food lol. and then after we’re done with food, the guys decide to wander the mall and then they just buy a ton of video game and then they’re trying on clothes lol. and yes obvi they’re videoing the whole thing bc they’re secretly middle school girls who want to have a blog lmao
hehe yes me getting chirped the whole trip, esp the boat day. and the guys are getting so embarrassed about it, but i just don’t care lmao. and then the whole boat day is so chaotic obvi. when ryan pushes lexi in, quinner will come back and just be confusion lmao. like where’s lexi. and then i’m dying laughing and then braden sneaks over and pushes me in lol. but yes we all look amazing in our bikinis. like kirby is just so in love with kesh and thinks she looks gorgeous 😍 and then dyl and jamie are just like damn you look hot about me lol bc we’re horny ones on this trip apparently. and i’ll wear a tie-back jolyn bc they actually stay on lol. and then ofc quinner thinks lexi looks super good, but then she tells the story about the last time she wore a tie-back and he’s just like why didn’t you do it again? lmao. ooooh for bikinis i like a black top with a print on the bottoms idk why. and then you guys in whichever color you want. also yes kesh and kirby are trying to be responsible during this, but it’s just not working lol
haha yep i can definitely see you and quinner being wild drunks together (it’s more like when the alcohol is wearing off that you guys get really clingy) so obvi you guys start doing body shots. and ofc it turns into a jamie/dyl competition bc what doesn’t? and then me and lexi are just dancing sexy together, yk like two drunk girls do, and then dyl or jamie tries to come over and cut in and at first you won’t let them but then you finally give in and go dance with quinner instead. and then yeah, no offense kesh and kirby, but y’all are the parents here. like making sure we don’t do anything too too dumb lmao. and also being a wingman for some of the other guys. but you guys def dance together at least a little bit too. and obvi we all look hot
yessss i feel like you and dyl could be super chaotic friends too. so the two of you are just chilling together and then you have to distract him lol, but then after that you have a different chaotic friend for when ryan’s not available lmao
yes yes yes, girl’s day would be so fun. and then we get a ton of cute new clothes so obvi we have to model them. and they’re all just in awe, like those are our girls. but then we also do private modeling shows 😏 and we all know how that ends. and then when we’re in our clubbing clothes obvi they are getting super protective over us bc we look so hot and we’re their girls, so no other guys can get ideas. but then once they’re drunk they’re handsy as hell lol. but then the rest of the vacay ends ups spent in hoodies, sweats, and athletic shorts lol. and obvi some of the guys’ clothes
ughhhh i love this, the whole thing was amazing. 10/10
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thegreenalien · 3 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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kunderdogs · 4 years
KNK As Dads
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Thank you to the anon who requested it! I know it’s kind of sloppy but I hope you like it! :)
I tried to keep them all the same length but it’s hard to tell lol
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When you tell him you’re pregnant, he will fall on the floor
Buys five yards of bubble wrap to “baby proof the house”
You have to explain to him that’s not how it goes
He’ll ready every parenting book like ever
“Did you know that babies have nails in the womb?!”
“Please...it’s three in the morning...Go to sleep, Jihun.”
So affectionate
Wants to cuddle with your belly all the time
“Sorry babe, you’re my number two now. She’s my number one love.”
As soon as his daughter is born, he’s bawling
The docs have to calm him down because they’re afraid he’ll start hyperventilating.
Will not let her leave his sight for the first few months
Will be soooo dramatic when she learns to walk though
Bouncing off the walls when she takes her first step
Made her a college fund when she was 5 days old
“It’s never too soon to start saving for college.”
Hogs all the baby time
Wants to feed her
Refuses to let anyone except you and him hold her until she’s maybe four months
Calls the other members her “weird Uncles”
Proudly announces to everyone her first words were “Dada” even though you were pretty sure she burped
At nights, he’ll sleep in her nursery
He’ll grow out of that habit around when she enters school
As she gets older, he’s always supportive
Definitely wants her to try singing
Knows she’ll sound like an angel
Wants her to do whatever she wants in life
Wants a lot of kids because he loves to spend time with them
Literally she’s his princess
The type of dad to have tea parties just cause his daughter loved them
“Tea party? Only if I can wear the purple tiara this time.”
Glares at any little boy that shows an interest in her
“EXCUSE ME. Keep your hands to yourself, thankyouverymuch.”
“Dad, I’m twenty and this is my boyfriend.”
“boYFRIEND?! You’re grounded, young lady. No dating until you’re married.”
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“What- you’re-?! !!!!”
Faints when you tell him you’re pregnant
Once he comes to, he’ll start crying
Very emotional the entire pregnancy
Even more so than you are
Experiences pregnancy sympathy pains
Has morning sickness right with you
You’re spending the majority of the first trimester taking care of him
He’s always apologizing lmao
As you get bigger, he’s in awe
Cannot believe he’s going to be a dad
Will always look at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world
Tearfully tells you he loves you at random times
And then you cry too cause the damn hormones
The member to gush to his fans about your new baby
(on VLIVE) “If it’s a girl, what name should we give it? Tinkerbell always has good ideas and suggestions...Boy name suggestions too!”
Will try to get you to quit your job when you get to 7 months
Is so nervous for the delivery
Coaching and holding your hand the WHOLE TIME
He’ll be your voice to your doctors (we love a king)
Crying as soon as he sees your son’s full head of hair
“You did it, baby, oh wow. He’s so beautiful. You did so well, love. I love you so much.”
Is a mESS
“Mommmm~ He’s healthy T-T come as soon as you can.” Sobs
Glares at anyone who tries to take your son from your arms
Will 100% give the doctors a hard time if his son is crying for “too long”
As he gets older, Seoham is the perfect father.
Loving, caring, and stern when he needs to be
But he’s sooooo soft
Hates to discipline him but knows he needs the correction
The type of dad to watch with love in his eyes as his child is running around the yard.
Threatens the members not to show him any bad words/actions
Reads and sleeps with his son (even tho his long body cannot fit on the red car bed)
Cries at almost every milestone (walking, talking, eating solid food, first hair cut, first day of school)
“He’s just growing up so fast, babe. Soon, he’ll be married and having kids of his own. What am I going to do then?”
“Seoham, this is his third birthday party...Get it together, baby.”
Not going to push his child into anything but encourages him to find hobbies or sports his likes
If your son likes sports, he’s at every. single. event. Practice, games, any of it
Records all the games and when he goes to college, he’ll make a highlight reel
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When you tell him, you’re pregnant, he won’t believe you
Not to mean you’re a liar
But he just cannot grasp it rn
“Ha ha, very funny, babe. I know you’re on the pill.”
Once you hand him the pregnancy stick, he’s all 
O_O “o-oh shit”
Needs to sit down cause he’s lightheaded
Doesn’t want to show you but he’s scared outta his mind rn
Smiles nervously
As time goes on and you start to show, it’ll finally become real to him
He’ll cry that night when you feel the baby moving and put his hand on your belly
Will hide all his worries and concerns from you and instead will ask the members 
Eventually he’ll speak to you about how nervous he is but he reassures you he wants a baby with you
He’ll feel better after talking to you
Very gentle with you when you’re pregnant and will get you any cravings you need
Schedules regular massages for you so you’re comfortable
Literally has hearts in his eyes when he sees how big you get in the last trimester
Doesn’t care what gender your baby is, just wants it healthy
Soft smiles and kisses when the doctor hands you a chubby baby boy
He’s crying but trying to put on a strong front for you
Wants to be your strength but eventually breaks down when he takes a step back and sees how you look at your son in your arms
“The most beautiful view I’ve ever seen...”
Fully bawling when you ask him if he wants to hold his son
Won’t stop calling the child “my son”
Taking pictures and videos of everything
Soccer dad FOR SURE
Has snacks and juice ON DECK 24/7
Supports their kid no matter what though
Hates to be the one to discipline and will even leave when you’re scolding your son
Screaming at the top of his lungs when he learns anything new
Affectionate :))))
Will pout if his son doesn’t want to give him kisses when he leaves for work
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So so so so happy
Smiling so wide when you surprise him with baby converse.
“You’re not joking? You’re really pregnant? We’re having a baby?”
“I’m going to be a dad?”
Literally so excited!!!!
He gets to have a family with the love of his life!!
Immediately tells all his family and friends once he gets the okay from your doctor
Plans a gender reveal party and is wearing a pink shirt because he wants a lil princess to spoil.
Wouldn’t mind a boy, but wants to experience the “daddy/daughter” bond
!!!!!! You’re like 0-O “does this say TWINS?!”
Feels like he hit the jackpot
Kisses you all over, hugging you gently and when you pull back, you can see tears in his eyes.
“I love you. Thank you for giving me two babies.”
He’s very sappy the entire pregnancy
“How’s my girls doing? Need anything, mama? Come here, I’ll rub your feet, baby.”
Takes you on a baby moon to wherever you wanna go just to pamper you before you give birth
Anything you want, he will give you
You could tell him your phone speaker wasn’t working and he’ll go out and get you a whole new phone
Watches you with hearts in his eyes as you sleep
Unfortunately, you can’t give birth naturally due to labor taking too long so the doctors have to preform a c-section.
A mess of nerves and tension as he holds your hand in the operating room
When he hears two cries, he nearly collapses next to you in relief. “You did amazing, love.”
Crying as he watches the doctors put both little girls on your chest
He strokes one of the twins tiny head, lips trembling as she softly cries out
“I never thought my heart could beat outside of my body.”
100% the overprotective dad
Down to play any girly games for them
Brings them to sporting events against their will
N O BOYS E V E R !!!!
ok maybe if they’re knk fans
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Terrified at first
Heejun is young (my age lol) so I feel like he wouldn’t particularly want kids until he’s in his late twenties-early thirties
He warms up to the idea of a child quickly because he LOVES kids
ESPECIALLY if it’s his with the love of his life
Not one to keep it a secret
He’ll call everyone in his life and give them the news
lowkey wants a boy because he doesn’t know if he can relate to a girl
But honestly as long as the baby is healthy, he’s over the moon
When he does find out it’s a boy, he’s buying matching clothes for him and his son
Tells everyone “I’m having a son T-T”
Is usually composed during the pregnancy - wide smiles and cheerful expressions
Will get you anything you want, no questions asks
(He’ll complain to the boys that your cravings are weird as hell tho. Who eats cheetos with peanut butter and power-aid? Disgusting)
Won’t ever say anything negative because he wants his child to grow up in a positive environment
Refuses any help in building or assembling any of the baby furniture or toys
“I have to do this. I’m a dad now. Dads build things.”
Only cries when he’s able to hold his son, wrapped up tightly like a burrito in the hospital.
You’d be passed out on the bed with the nurses busy by you, and he’d just sit with your son in his arms, tears flowing freely with a smile on his face.
“Hey little one, I’m your daddy.”
He’s a precious angel, even when he turns two and terrorizes literally everyone and everything in your house
Wants only the best for your son so he’ll make food and turn into a chef pretty quickly.
Eventually when your son shows how picky he really is, Heejun will give in and give him chicken nuggets
Play fights with him all the time
You still don’t know which one broke the bathroom window and they refuse to tell on the other
Very proud of his son’s accomplishments and will praise him for every little thing he can
Bribes him with popsicles and ice cream to get him potty trained
It worked so you couldn’t say much lol
His kid is his ride or die
Nothing will ever get between him and his son
Wants your son to be better than he is - and will push him to do well in school, all the way up to college
When you have a daughter, him and your son are full on body guard mode
“Hands off the models.” He says to Inseong as the older one plays with your daughter. 
“Ten feet distance at all times, thank you.”
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szopenhauer · 4 years
What shirt you’re wearing now? my old Mickey tee  Last video you watched on yt?
I’ve felt like on drugs watching it <3
Who is the tallest person you know and how tall are they? my ex classmate Z.B. is but no idea how tall exactly, I’ve been “dating” him in pre-school which is even more funny when you know that me and N.A. were the shortest kids (and still are petite adults) What are you listening to? Natural by Imagine dragons
How do you get songs out of your head? listen smth else or wait for it to pass? Have you seen all the High School Musicals? I don’t think so, I know I’ve watched at least one because my sister forced me to but I hate musicals and Zac buffoon is no good Do you dress appropriately for your age? no What song reminds you of summer? many  Do you like your neighbors? nah Has a bird ever flown into your window? chimney, don’t worry, it survived Do you have nicknames that are longer than your actual name? sorta, could say so
What did you do today? visited gastrologist Do you like to sleep a lot? kinda, would say so Have you ever been in a class that you thought you were too smart for? oh well... Who was the last person you apologized to? my gf because I wasn’t able to write back as I wasn’t feeling well and was a little busy Would you ever get a pet tarantula? nope, I’m not scared of it but feeding spiders is gross and also my current partner has a phobia so no point of getting a pet like this Do you charge your cell phone every day? yeah Do you use tumblr? <I dislike ppl who say “what’s tumblr” as a response to questions like this because those surveys weren’t made in here so chill> Don’t you hate when people stare at you? ugh... Do you have a secret you’ve never told anyone? I do not Are you Jewish? I am not Does anyone copy the things you do? some ppl used to and yet been bullying me for what I was doing - stupid Is your dad still alive? luckily
Are you OCD about anything? you either have ocd or not, you can be obsessed about smth but then it’s not a disease, I might have this mental problem but it’s more likely just my BPD 
What breed of dog are you the most similar to? pug? Is anyone madly in love with you? hmm...
Are you over-protective of anyone? possibly ^^” Would you say cancer rates are on the rise? it seems  Do you have a good memory? it’s complicated How do you normally pose in photos? not... normally XD Are you looking forward to tomorrow? knowing that my sis won’t come? more than I did an hour before, sorry not sorry Will you hug anyone tomorrow? my parents obviously Could you name all 50 states off of the top of your head? no way When was the last time you were scared? always, more or less What’s your favorite song by Rihanna? Bitch better have my money - dunno why Do you have a pretty eye color? it’s fine in my opinion What’s your favorite Mel Gibson movie? despite him being an ass irl I was a huge fan of his old movies Do you ever put ketchup on your cereal? umm... what? hmm... Do you hate the person who last texted you? we’re in a relationship Do you ever wear plaid? at times Where are your parents at the moment? dad’s working and mom’s asleep Are you procrastinating as we speak? drying my hair, drinking water, responding to my father’s text and going to sleep Do people ever make you smile stupidly at the computer? yup Do you take painkillers? nope
Have you ever hugged someone you didn’t know? for example - there were those women in heart costumes on valentine’s day who were giving away lollipops and they hugged me  Do you think God actually exists? I believe so Who did you last give a piggyback ride to? to J.N. and P.N. brother D.N. Did you know that a banana is actually a herb? wtf Do you like little random facts like that? love Who was your favorite Beatle? Paul What’s the ugliest trend you’ve ever seen? can’t choose only one
Do you say ‘legit’? nah
Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube? tried, failed, gave up
Who do you think is the easiest to talk to? my dad and @jonasz-cat Would you ever date a friend’s ex? hell no Do you think Ke$ha is good or no? I don’t listen to her music Are you talking to anyone right now? online
Where did your last hug take place? home
What did your last text message say? jest akuratny :)
which of these prints did you last wear: animal print, striped, checkered, plaid, floral print, polka-dotted, argyle, or houndstooth? floral print (and plaid)
out of you and your friends, who is the pickiest eater? ME
is your room cleaner now than it was a week ago? mhm :3
who was the last person you picked up at the airport? -
What’s your favorite color of shoe? it doesn’t matter much
Do you post music on your facebook? yup What do you think about people who don’t have facebook? they should unless they’re old Would you rather go to school or have a job? job gives money so... Take pics with phone or actual camera? depends If you could paint your bedroom walls any color what would it be? I wanna a vintage wallpaper tho Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? vanilla Camping or going to the mall? mall Swimming or Hiking? hiking Do you collect stickers? I got ‘em as gifts for my scrapbook and didn’t use  Stuffed animal, flowers or chocolates? stuffed animal Pizza or pasta? pizza Italian or Mexican food? italian Do you walk around barefoot in your house? ewww, yuk Do you have a ring on your ring finger? not rn What band shirt would you wear? my fav bands of course What band shirt would you not wear? guess... What do you think about cigars? remind me of Aquarius from my book 
Pencils; Mechanical or Traditional? traditional
Does it weird you out when people much younger than you, hit on you? creepy Is there anyone you know is into you right now? :D Do you tend to want what you can’t have? I want health  What are you most confident about, physically? pfft What are you most self-conscious about, physically? my skin Have you ever felt trapped in a relationship? sigh...
Is it wicked hard for you to sleep when its hot in your room? it’s harder
Do you ever think people are just saying dramatic things to get attention? there are human beings who act this way 
Are you easily offended? I’m sensitive but not the worst?
Is most of your email spam? D: 99,99%
Do you laugh at the expense of others? when they “deserve” it
do you have any bruises? on my knee which is weird as I barely ever get any and I didn’t hurt myself lately would you consider yourself a drama queen? to some extent when you were little did your mom ever sing to you? from what I remember ever feel like you don’t belong? because that’s true does your printer need ink? black
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
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anon: The artist @franeridart answers all of their asks in one mass post with a read more link so maybe you could try that as well. That way you could answer everyones ask but not spam anyones dash with all of your replys
you genius anon, and you genius artist! I just feel like as of late I have been getting a lot more things in my askbox, and I dont want to overwhelm anyone with spam. so, I will be creating these! unless it’s for y’all thirsty hoes asking for extra parts or whatever from very recent posts, expect this to happen every so often! the rest will be below cut. also first time using photoshop? how’d I do yall??? and also like.... let me know if you like this idea??? if not i’ll just resort to spam :)
oh season four episode one, you may have been a filler, but you made me so happy to watch. honestly ngl, I was pretty surprised when he said kiri, not because he has no potential, but because it seemed like the top 4 from the sports festival, bUT FUCK YEAH KIRI AND TOKOYAMI!!!!! IN A DIFFERENT WORLD IT COULDVE BEEN THEM!!!!!
anon: Makeup smut for villain Deku should be good. 100% tender, no chicken
honestly, my favorite thing at this point is seeing you all crumble in fear if i’ll even give you a happy ending, and tbh idk if it will be for villain!deku >:)
@ohmycolie: So it’s Saturday night and I’m just sitting at home 🤦🏼‍♀️ could you maybe do a scenario where Bakubaby and Kiri decide to bring Kami into their sexcapades and after their little adventure Kiri is like “can we keep him?” 🤤💕
hi bby, while I can imagine something of this sort I am only a “x reader” blog :( so while its good thirst, I won’t be writing anything about it, sorry :( ily tho!
@michealsheep: Honestly is shiggy ended me after an intense nut like that I’d just thank him
honestly, I want shiggy just to end me??? whatta way to go. death by fucking nut.
bigdickkiri: I don’t get ship wars. Why do people wanna be so mean? It’s so easy to not be a part of any a that.if everyone appropriately tagged their posts, blacklisted rags they don’t like and didn’t act bitchy then they wouldn’t be an issue. - bigdickkiri
neither do I honestly. they’re just people looking for drama at this point, and it’s like... come on... you’re 25... stop
bigdickkiri: What a fantastic evening to tell my favourite writers that I adore them and that they're amazing! Look after yourself and have a gorgeous day! ❤️💙❤️💙 - bigdickkiri
I’m literally the worst. but um, I adore you so much, and I think you’re amazing!!!!! its 2am rn, but I can’t sleep anyways
🍒💥anon: Girl, your blog is having a glo up!!! I love it!! So pretty 👌 How are you doing today? Are you taking care of yourself? *sending good vibes and virtual hugs your way* -🍒💥
teehee, thank you for noticing!!!!!! i’m not 100% happy with it rn, but I haven’t had the time to get it perfect!!! wait a few more weeks and when I have actual down time, im fixing it >:) also, I am doing well, a lot of caretaking today! I never take care of myseld! *accepts the good vibes and virtual hugs because I am touch starved*
anon: I'm part of the protect uraraka squad!!! ♡
me too boo! you wanna fight me on my mochi loving girl meet me on the corner of my fists and in your faCE!!!!! (is this considered cyberbullying?)
this was in regard to my fic “because of you” which I posted because I was in a crying mood. HAHAHAHAHA YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO FEEL SAD I WINNNNNNNN
@joyfullydawn: I just wanted to say you're heccin' amazing??? The fact you named that roommate one "And they were roommates" I just--yes. This is more than ok. This is excellent. Please keep being awesome aaaa
and they were roommates was the first series I had, and the thing I did in celebration for 100 followers.... jesus that feels so long ago and not in fact less than two months ago!!!!!!!!!!! maybe I should reblog my old works so you newer lovely followers can read them!!!!!
anon: would u ever do a part 2 to under the mistletoe with aizawa? its so sad and i just want them to be HAPPY
I am planning on doing it!!!!! it’s in my requests, so no worriesssss ;)
hermana anon: hermana that todo angst 🥺🥺you’re literally the best angst writer jdjdbd
okay but for real do I write actually good angst??? asking for a friend..... and HGAIGHJIAORGHUOG THAKN YOU FOR THAT COMPLIMENT!!!! PLEASE RECOMMEND ME ANGST FICS BECAUSE I LOVE CRYINGGGG
🍒✨ anon: this has literally nothing to do with anything that’s on your account right now but do you think that dabi sends shoto happy birthday messages? i like to think he does because even if he’s a villain, he still lowkey care about his siblings - 🍒✨
this was from a very long ass time ago, and im sorry I never responded to you sparkle cherry anon, but I definitely do believe that he sends birthday cards. with his baby bro’s increase in his fangirl club, he now is unafraid to send shouto a card. its always the only one that catches shouto’s attention when he goes through them because they’re weirdly personal. shouto, being a smart yet dense idiot, believes its someone in the class pranking him.
~ I won’t be posting these messages, but they were from awhile ago when I was hitting a rough patch with my insecurity as a writer and my ability to give my all to you. there are many of you, 19 messages in total, where you told me why you loved my writing. I never responded to them because they make me cry even now looking back at them. to each and every anon, I thank you for saying those kind words. to @saladsharkz, @thecryingsombra, @olivenight17, @shutupwylow, @expressyourstarstruckrebel, and @awkward-theaterkid thank you as well. there is another non anon, but they asked not to be revealed. thank you so sososo much.
~ I will not be posting these as well, because again, drama from awhile ago. but this was in regard to the anon who did not like the kinklist I had created for kinktober. while now I think I am doing a pretty damn good job, and no one has said otherwise, to the 2 anons, @connors-my-boy, and bigdickkiri, thank you for fighting an anon that was never your responsibility to take <3
@w0w-s0-3dgy: u make me uwu so much🥺❤️ I LOVE YOUR PAGE BABE I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL!
anon: You followed me and idk if it was just to be nice or if you want to be friends or what hdhakanskenebdhsiq
im starting to follow back people that make me happy. it’s been awhile since ive been on a followspree, but I follow you back when i see kind messages from you, when I see that you’ve liked so many of my horrible posts, when you reblog my things with the most amazing tags. I follow you because I want to be your friend, you’re always welcomed to be my friend!!! hell you can literally be like “bitch listen to this” and never once having spoken to me I will respond with “give me the fucking chisme my queen”
anon: *gives u an encouraging and comforting yeehaw*
now.... now I can conquer the world, thank you
anon: Hi! I love the way you're writing things for kinktober, and I'd personally love if you could reblog what you're writing multiple times because I'm at uni most of the day so I miss out on a lot. Pd. I absolutely adore your writing! Please keep up ❤
heathers anon: Its the anon who sent the Dabi heather au. I send it because i know your popular and a lot of popular blogs check your blogs. And I honestly struggle with other blogs because they ignored most of my asks.
teehee, I appreciate you thinking im a popular blog and that other popular blogs check mine, but thats not true!!! sorry for never responding back, but i’m sure they’re not meaning to ignore you on purpose. there’s just so much happening things get buried!
@sinnaminsvga : we're both alyssa so it's really interesting to see the nicknames u use bc i see you use lyssa and i got the nickname ari and i think that's pretty neat how we both have the same name but wildly different nicknames
it don’t matter, we be alyssa twinsies!!!!!!!!!!
anon: I was just going through your master list, cause I’m in a stunning mood and why not make a good mood better? and I saw bakugous “sickness and that word I can’t spell” got hella happy for a sec CAUSE YES THAT WAS SO ADORABLE AND I LOVED IT. Then I remembered the heart shattering angst that came with Todos side. So like. Ily but you a meanie.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA WE LOVE SUFFERING!!!!!! I just... really have a thing for angst it seems... don’t tell my followers though, im in denial over it...
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