#it is a stylistic choice that is so small but so mighty
lightwxlker · 1 month
The surprise when you walk into the room and the person that you've been intrigued about suddenly has their top button undone and their sleeves rolled up
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prototypelq · 8 months
So, me and the ever-wonderful Raven @whitebeakedraven have been discussing the twins (S)DT forms, and quite a number of details were noticed by us over the course of that conversation, plus some worrying headcanons were born! I felt the need to compose them into a tumblr post for mutuals, especially since I have not seen them be discussed by the fandom at large.
To start off on a high and very shaky note: I believe Vergil’s horns were broken!
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The coolness factor and the amount of ‘exhaust pipe horns’ jokes kind of desensitized me a little, but if you look closer at the horns’ model - it is clear they suffered a lot of damage. The ‘exhaust pipe’ itself is my primary evidence for this - the horn structure around the power-flames looks sponge-y. That kind of bone structure is found in the innermost layers of the bone, right around the marrow. It is not built for sustaining pressure, but instead to support the living tissue of the bone and to allow for its growth.
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It is not built to sustain pressure or forces of any kind, it should not be the outer layer of any bone. Yet, Vergil’s Final Form shows it clearly on display!
If we go back to the previous DT models we have of Vergil’s trigger - namely his triggers in DMC3 and DMC4 - we can see that his horns…have not changed since then. At all.
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(the growth sizes are very approximate, but I think the pictures convey my meaning here)
Now look at how much Dante’s horn crown has changed from his original DT - that is a very, very sizeable growth spurt right there, his horn crown pretty much grew three or so times the size it was, plus he got the neck-/gill-guard second set of horns, same as Vergil. What I’m saying here is - it is mighty suspicious that Vergil’s horns remain unchanged since his teenagehood. Also, as Raven lovely pointed out - the damage done to horns is too symmetrical to be a natural occurrence or a simple mistake.
And where did Vergil spend his time in between his last appearance in DMC3 and his return in DMC5? In the hands of a professional demon torturer. I’ll just quote Raven here:
Horns seem to me like a point of pride for demons, which could be the reason Mundus targeted them and Vergil internalized that targeting. So his horns didn't develop much further except cracking open to show his power and having extra defenses in case they are targeted again.
Some other supporting evidence for this theory:
-  uneven ‘cut’: the horns look curved a little, the inner layer having died off and unable to grow out, while the outer layer tried it’s best to grow out again after the damage was done, but with limited success
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- the DMC5 DT Vergil concept art horns have a small inner part growing out - which I would interpret as the damage fully healing and the horns beginning to grow properly again. you can also see that the ‘powerline’ in the horns is straight, and not uneven as in SDT render in-game, plus they look more sleek and elegant.
- from the front the horn crown looks very, very rough. If we compare to Dante,  his horns are long, smooth, and the ‘powerlines’* of the horns can only be found on the inner side and are glowing.
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 [* btw Dante having long thin appendages around his head that exert a lot of heat makes me think of long-eared animal adaptation to hot climates, which are used to let the animal cool down faster. in demonic biology terms, I imagine having a ‘powerline’ being rerouted around the head like that to the horn crown instead might allow twins to remain in SDT without constantly frying and regenerating their brains back]
Vergil’s horns from the front look to be cracking from the power that is fed into them, like they should be able to contain it but cannot and it is ‘leaking’ out of the front cracks and result in the ‘side flamethrowers’ he got instead.
I admit, this theory is very SSDP (Syndrome of Search for Deeper Meaning - СПГС, an extremely handy term in ru), and can be explained in two simple words - Stylistic Choice, plus, as Raven pointed out - any damage should have been healed during Vergil’s resurrection... However, I had fun figuring this out, and the details align way too neatly into a single picture for it to be simply coincidence in my opinion. An alternate explanation for this - or a counterargument, provided by the lovely Raven - would be that Vergil chose this current form, one way or the other. He did not evolve a huge horn crown ‘cause that’s an easy grab appendage, and instead he influenced them to be more practical with smaller horns, getting himself some sick flamethrowers as a bonus. The ‘exhaust pipe’ design being either an intentional or a more subconscious display of Vergil remembering the torture and reacting accordingly to protect his horns from further damage, by making them literally untouchable.
Another interesting part of Vergil’s SDT design is his tail and wings. I admit, I was quite salty that Vergil got four wings and a tail, while Dante only has wings, but we might have found an explanation for that.
First, let’s take a look at Vergil’s SDT back…. It’s a goddamn mess! 
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He has a full-range-of-motion shoulder girdle (1.) , plus, five additional limbs sprouting from his back (tail (2.) plus four wings (3.)). The tail making it all even worse, because it is placed between the upper wingset shoulder blades!
If you know anything even remotely about birds or flying, you know that the wings need a lot of space to rotate and function properly, and having a tail right in between them is not a good idea at all. This is a mess, but let’s start simple - wings.
Interesting bit about Vergil’s wings is that, aside from one extremely stupid flying freight lizard attack (seriously, what was Vergil thinking, making a big show and parading like he did, only to have an attack itself be telegraphed miles ahead and very easy to dodge?...makes you think...), Vergil does not fly. Actually, he doesn’t use his wings at all, except as a flourish/added hit at the end of some big combos, so only when he knows he is safe and ready to deliver maximum pain. You can argue he prefers instantly teleporting around as his main movement tech, but still, it’s weird that even his jump doesn’t have at least *some* wing movement involved - he doesn’t even instinctively try to slow his fall or anything with them!
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(here is a screenshot of a fall part of jump animation - wings are kept low and close to the body, just as they are when Vergil is standing normally or attacking)
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Another look at his back might provide the answer to that. Here we see that the bones connecting the wingset to the chest are protruding out of the body so much, they are, anatomically speaking, tapered on, and very poorly at that. If not for demonic resilience, those wings should have been torn off from the body by their own generated take-off force.
So, the twins' wings are not built very well, mayhaps this is why Vergil is so protective of them and doesn’t use them too much, except for situations when he is sure it’s safe.
His tail in that case, is a great addition to offer protection for his wings! The tail is long enough to be an effective counter from all sides (imagine if Vergil’s parry was not with the sheathed Yamato, but with his tail… that pointy end does not look friendly at all), and its placement between the wings now makes sense, because the tail is actually a guard for his back.
During my previous photomode experiments, I found out that Urizen’s multitude of eyes track the camera movement. Even in photomode Urizen does not feel safe enough to be still, apparently. Raven interpreted that as a clear manifestation of Vergil’s paranoia and trust issues, and I completely agree... The tail then, is another feature that reflects this. Also, y’know, Vergil did spent a few decades in hell, where he had a very bad, no good, absolutely horrible time… and I’ll just quote Raven here:
And I mean, what better way to enforce the fact that escape, that freedom, is impossible towards a prisoner, than by ripping their literal wings off…
The poor connection of the wings to the main body could in that case also be a reaction to this trauma. If someone gets to them, they're easily removed without too much further damage, so that they can start regenerating immediately. But before that, any attacker will have to get by the tail that’s got a sharp enough end to provide ample amounts of protection.
Another reason why the tail fits Vergil so nicely is because of the speed and balance it provides.
DMC5 introduced us to lovely lizard demons like Riots, Chaoses and Furies, all of which are known for having a tail. Interesting bit here is that the higher back attachment makes the tail act as a great balancing tool for bipedals. All of the lizors mentioned above sure do love their speedy attacks, so it makes sense they developed the tail to counteract their erratic and swift movements. And Vergil’s SDT seems to have adopted that feature too.
As for Dante, as much as I would have loved for him to get a tail as well, Raven pointed out another detail here. If Dante had any control whatsoever over the SDT evolution... he definitely wouldn’t want any more demonic features. The four-winged and big horned flying form is probably the inherited template from Sparda that neither Vergil nor Dante would have been able to stray away from too much, but the tail is clearly a Vergil-only development. Dante might have gone ‘minimalistic’ in that sense, since he has no additional features of his own (anatomically speaking... technically speaking you might count his Luce, Ombra and Demolition ranged magic moves as special features)
Now, since we’re already on the topic of Dante, we have found another interesting tidbit - his DT face evolution.
We know that in DMC3 Vergil helps his brother unlock his demonic heritage, finally giving Dante his Trigger. The detail that made me curious here is that the DMC3 face is very similar to the face the SDT form has - specifically the lack of human features and the demonic jaws. Let’s have a look here at the evolution of Dante’s DT faces over time (in more ways than one…):
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In DMC3 his DT face is pretty much the template from which the SDT form will later evolve, since it lacks any human features that are present in other forms (save for SDT). This DT form is adaptable and changes depending on the Devil Arm Dante is using, showing that he clearly doesn’t have too much control over it yet. The most noticeable example would be the horns - they change form significantly... Also the horns Dante has sprouting here from the back of his head might be the neck-guard horns and the main crown he will fully develop later on. Unlike Dante, Vergil’s form seems much more stable in the sense that his horn shape changes as well, but not nearly as much, and nothing else is affected by the Devil Arms in his appearance.
DMC1, now THIS I almost overlooked, and I sure am glad that I didn’t. The DMC1 DT forms are also affected a lot by the Devil Arms Dante is using in the moment. The weapons seem to ‘overwrite’ Dante’s innate form a lot here, and without their induced features, his face in DT is actually…blank. There is just a blank head until the Devil Arms give him some additions… I have a feeling this might be connected to Dante’s twin-related trauma in the game, they have the same face, after all…
In contrast to everything that comes before, the DMC2 form is a mix of both Dante’s strive for humanity and his ever-growing powers, because his face in DT is - for the first time in the series - completely human. He can’t however, escape the transformation entirely unchanged, and the dark scales and skin color... they make him look a lot like Nelo, or at least to me it seems that way. This is also the game where the SDT makes its first appearance as a Majin form, which is a low-health DT transformation. The Majin form has all the classic features of an SDT - four wings, developed horn crown and even arm-blades like the ones SDT Vergil has. The Majin form is also my big evidence for the ‘SDT forms have a template twins were always supposed to evolve into’ argument.
DMC4 is the ‘mature’ phase where Dante’s DT finally stabilizes and stopped evolving (before SDT was thrown on the table). None of the Devil Arms alter his appearance anymore, the horn crown is finally developed properly, and his facial features are demonic, but the face as a whole still reads as human.
Additional stuff I have noticed but have nowhere else to place: 
- Vergil had undergone extensive torture in his time as Mundus’ captive. His horns were broken, wings - ripped out, and if we keep going down that route the V-cut on the SDT chest bears quite a similarity to a badly done dissection scar.
- Alternatively, the V-shape could be seen as the V signature Vergil used to mark his things. In DMC5 he is pretty much picking up the torn and scattered pieces of himself, so that characteristic shape might also be him Reclaiming his name, as one well-known song might have said
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- Meanwhile, Dante’s ‘chest rupture’ shape reminds me simultaneously of the numerous stab wounds  Dante has been subjected over time, but also a literal bleeding heart pattern, speaking of the heartbreak physical, and the metaphorical one he suffered and never recovered from. This is made worse, if you remember that Dante got his SDT form before the final battle with Urizen in mission 17, so it is also a manifestation of his inner conflict and hurt at that moment in time and story, as he had yet to kill his brother. Again.
- to end on, at least somewhat positive note - the twins’ scales are iridescent!!! Some scales make this more apparent than others, but ultimately all scales have this quality and it brings me much joy)))
Aaaaand the final piece of wisdom I have for today. It is no secret that the DT wings mimic the series-standard leather coats the twins love so much, but I have not seen much of a reverse read on this connection - the twins loving their long leather coats because they mimic the feel of DT wings. The wings have an intricate swirl pattern on the inside and there is a lot of power going through them, so they should be warm, and the pose the twins normally have their wings around - the coats might give them a similar feeling. They are, obviously, leather, they should be good at reflecting warmth, the coats cover the same ‘forward hug’ area like the wings, they are heavy, and they whirl around the back and legs like the wind one would be feeling if they were to move.
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This, just might damn be, why V(ergil) stuck to wearing that horrific goth clothing for the entirety of the almost two months he was alive (I say this because I don’t like that outfit, also because V is Vergil and I hope we can all agree Vergil himself would never wear that).He was alone on the street, had no power, no weapons, no money or anything on him and was painfully human, only to have a leather coat thrown his way in a merciful turn of fate. Vergil did not care how passable he looked at that moment, he stated that multiple times himself.What he cared about was the feeling of comfort the leather coat gave him. It reminded him of his better days, of days where his own wings were just one trigger away. And that might be why he didn’t change his clothing from literally the first stuff that was handed to him.
Sooo, that would be it for the post. This one was in the works for a while xD. Again, immense thanks to Raven for rambling about this with me, it was super fun and her contributions to that conversation have been ginormous. Thank you dear reader, for finishing this monster of a post too! Text your family you love them to avoid ending up as these losers here please.
p.s. the DT different forms over the series photos were taken from the dmc wiki, everything else was captured by me in-game
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tysonskovbjerg98 · 1 month
When you are planning your wedding party it commode sometimes tone alike your wishes bum suit indorsement to everyone else's. You mightiness throw your middle place on daisies piece your engender is pushing for roses. Possibly you get laid chocolate-brown and tap for your bridesmaids dresses, only your maiden of observe is push for blood-red. This article should aid impart you approximately tips for making sure your marriage ceremony is YOUR daytime.
For an outside wedding, hear to point your guests gone from complete into the sunbathe. The solarize should be on your guests' backs so that they are not blinded piece trying to watch out you have your vows. You lavatory as well render provision your wedding ceremony where the solarise testament benefit you, by providing a beautiful sunset behindhand where you and the groom wish be standing. Choice solid food for your marriage that YOU savor. Don't trouble around what your guests think, it's your twenty-four hours to delight! The lonesome affair you should consider, is if you were a vegetarian, and so you should provide a few kernel options to your guests and non storm a tofurken on them. Do not famish yourself just now to healthy into the marriage crop you desire. Non feeding any food for thought butt go forth you tactile sensation dehydrated and lethargic on your large Day. Expiration out at the altar in the halfway of exchanging vows? Non a pleasant mentation. Bargain a clothes that has a girdle bet on as an alternative for to a greater extent tractableness. If you are looking at to aim matrimonial you should determine real quickly what your budget volition be. Many couples drop into the maw of eternal preparation and and then adding up their expenses and observe they are rather aghast. By scene a budget in advance of time you foreclose yourself from overspending. When photographing a wedding, you must be inclined! Don't leave to institute supernumerary batteries, retention card game and cleanup materials, for your camera. Conceive up alternating picture taking locations, in pillowcase the brave out goes regretful. Go to the rehearsal, so that you leave take a well belief for what will be happening and where you should be at entirely times. When you are planning your wedding, and you only don't receive the metre to expend on every small detail, weigh hiring a nuptials deviser to read wish of those things for you. A marriage ceremony contriver doesn't get to programme the entire amour for you, and just about would be happy to claim on fewer tasks for a lesser fee and the power to care early jobs alongside your wedding party. Check if you potty incur a unforced assistant WHO tooshie assistance you with sounding subsequently your equipment and moving it when essential. Your supporter give the sack avail you cattle pen the marriage ceremony company for smashing photographs. If you receive your centre hardened on a destination wedding, seduce indisputable you select the ending position cautiously. You'll require to find fault a position that is meaningful to both of you, only too moot how many populate will be able to afford to union you. You English hawthorn pick out a localisation finisher to home plate to assure your kinfolk butt be thither. Succeed this advice from mavin stylists before redness rug appearances: A week earlier your wedding, place on your head-to-toenail bragging sidereal day looking at (hair, makeup, shoes, dress) and possess a appendage of your wedding party pic you. Pictures don't lie, and you May discovery an opportunity to fine-tune or update your count that you mightiness differently non undergo persuasion of. Ca-ca the to 메이저사이트 of your wintertime nuptials by incorporating typical natural elements into your interior decoration. For example, seem for a venue that bequeath permit guests to savor a hollo fire, and the smell of newly evergreen plant boughs. Farther adding to the intimate jot of winter, sport gourmet red-hot cocoa, spiced Malus pumila cider, or fertile wooden emphasize pieces. Supply color, texture, and tonic to a state or nature-elysian observance or receipt stem with bucolic and vintage containers and interior decoration. Enamel pots, lachrymation cans, and canister washtubs are stark for displaying hymeneals programs, favors, or butter mints. Cleaned, tinted jelly jars and terracotta flowerpots pee attractive, charming holders for sweet teatime lights and votive candles. As declared at the get-go of the article, spell planning for your wedding, sometimes your wishes are met with resistivity from loved ones. Although they stand for well, it is crucial to recall that this is YOUR marriage daylight. Hopefully this clause has disposed you more or less capital tips for tactfully dealings with everyone's input, spell retention your own wishes for the first time.
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mayfuji · 5 years
Oneus Twilight full comeback review
When I say full comeback review it’s because it’s a FULL comeback review. From the concept films to the Japanese verison, were gonna cover a lot so get a cup of something to drink cause this will be hella long aka Bible (I’m a nice person I’m telling you this beforehand).(You should do a Youtube video review then… nya… BORING)
So let’s begin. This is not the first time I follow a group comeback in real time… You know… Checking everyday the performances, so I kinda know how it works. We have gone through a lot of stuff… KARD You in Me, GFriend Fingertip, Red Velvet Peak a Boo, Dreamcacther as whole, BTS Fake Love, F(x) Dracula, BTS Wings album as a whole and last but far from least BTS Blood Sweat and Tears. I wouldn’t call some of them dark concept, I also wouldn’t call some of the sexy concept. By these examples you can see I have my standards pretty high. I’m that annoying perfectionist old uncle and declare myself guilty. For years Blood Sweat and Tears was the top song for me. (I’m a sane person ok… That doesn’t mean I listen to it 24/7). The MV had very beautiful aesthetics and I liked the lyrics and the song. Clothes were cool and the coreography too. F(x) Dracula would come in second and I never thought something could also join these two. Until… It happened. I knew RBW was releasing a new group but I just waited. Turns out I found out the group some months later then the actual debut. Oneus debuted with Valkyrie. The way they changed the coreography every stage, the amazing fashion sense, song was good quality. They had vocal thecnique, they had dancing it caught my attention and Valkyrie was straight to my playlist. Then… it happened. The group’s first comeback. I don’t know how, when or even who am I but I found out about the comeback EXACTLY AT THE RIGHT TIME (Technically not because I was 16 hours late). I know you know we know, we are not going retro like 80’s or 90’s. We are not going retro like acient Corea like BTS Idol. We are going retro 1500/1700 not Japan, not China, not Corea, EUROPE. Welcome to the renaissance. The MV was shot in Italy, the amazing fashion sense strikes again (I swear to God stylist min is communicating with me), the song, the lyrics, the coreography, the cool colored camera filters, I need to mention the vocal technique again, the rest of the album being consistently good (BingBing), I dare say nothing is perfect… But man… This gets 99,99% of what I call perfection. It’s a shame they didn’t win any music show… Because they are a newer group and still don’t have a large fandom? WHO CARES. Let me tell you something BTS sucess should have been in 2017 Wings… The high point of their artistity…  Ateez was also a newer group AND THEY DID WIN. I give congratulations to them but Oneus needed to win and it had to be with Twilight nothing changes my mind. (Don’t come to me saying we can give them their win next comeback, it won’t do it) This type of thing only happens once in a lifetime, why? Repeat and it gets boring, they can do the same concept again but it won’t be the same, same for BTS wings. It’s not about quantity is quality. Veiws never mattered to me and now I can say with all my mighty that wins do not make art. (I was never a fan of streaming but you count my ass off this mess cause YES I did some small streaming of the MV, I did my homework) (Take in account they did this comeback with BLOOD IN THEIR EYES) (Please give Dreamcather and KARD their first win too. Did you know that with You and I Dreamcatcher also had comeback with blood in their eyes??). Let’s start with the song name… Twilight. Remember 2009 movie sensation Twilight? Yup that’s it… I know you know we know, we are going deep in the vampire/ werewolf style in here and why I said I know you know we know? Xion posted about it on Twitter… 
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THEY ARE AWARE therefore I know you know we know. JUST IMAGINE THEIR LIGHTSTICK AND FANDOM COLOR AND END OF YEAR PERFORMANCES. CHECK OUT ONEWE TOO.(I took the liberty of making a playlist with extra post promotion content (with English sub) - cause I know you all love content - linked below, you don’t need to thank me, not I’m not putting english girl, focus on Twilight)
Just in case you haven’t watched this beautiful MV here it is.
Song, yes. Lyrics, yes, coreo yes, key point of coreo YES, Keonhee vocals YES (I trust this legend vocal thecnique more then I trust myself). Aesthetics? YES. Italy? I need to sneakly and illegally go there RIGHT NOW. This is a whole YES. ( Sir... If you think I haven't noticed the moon changed from previous album you are wrong cause I noticed. Sir are your albums going to complete the moon please say yes... Also... Have you noticed Woongie used the wet hair effect? + his brown eyeshadow is stunning.
Also line and center distribution is on the playlist for in deepth study... Twilight is basically Seoho eating up all the line AND center distribution and detail... the only thing he does is SING THE CHORUS. Also thanks Keone Madrid for making this coreo for Oneus (he also did BTS Blood Sweat and Tears -  DO YOU SEE THE PATTERN). Also rumors that Oneus actually created about 40-50% of the coreo so also thank you Oneus hehe.
Bitch it's me we are taking about do you really think I would miss a possible plotline?? Xion is with a red diamond and later he breaks it into dust (I'm scared). Keonhee is with a ring. Ravn is looking at his own reflection in the water and Seoho is looking at his own reflection through a broken mirror. Woongie is with a necklace. I guess the high point in Leedo's individual shots is the wolf (question mark)... Woongie and Keonhee are the only members that change the eye color. Seoho and Woongie are the only members that simulate super powers (question mark). Summary they all lost someone.... Silence is also a way of communication... I'm not a huge fan of theories or the fanfics I know ya'll write later in wattpad but fell yourself served, you're welcome, no need to thank me.
Now some highlights.
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Ok this goes straight up to the hall of iconic earnings… (Man... But his walk was so POWERFUL)
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How ASIA did not notice two SKULLS in here and how they are not SHOCK??? The ring is small… BUT POWERFUL.
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Question time, if they had money to do the CGI then why didn’t they erase this little hairs in Leedo’s eyebrow?????? We’ll never know...
MV behind (english sub cause I love you all ~~ plays english girl in reverse in the background ~~)
Humanity mystery here. They recorded a version of the coreography when the sun was actually falling down in real life and we see those scenes in the MV. But if the whole staff was SHOCK about the key part of the coreography being extremely perfect and beautiful then why not use it on the MV? Sure the version they used outdoors was pretty too but this was ALSO awesome and I think I need as many version of the MV as I can.
Album review
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Of course I would listen to the whole album.
Intro - What can I say... it fells so chill out, kinda minimalistic I just loved it. Twilight - Just amazing... I liked the dumbstep, the music is confusing witch I find extreamly cool. English Girl - Let em tell you not my type of song... but the lyrics are extreamly funny and relatable... so I forgive (I’m waiting crazy ho now Oneus, do not disappoint me) BingBing- YOU DON'T FREAKING START A SONG IN FRENCH IF NOT AIMING FOR TITTLE TRACK LEVEL. Ok and can we talk about the coreography???? BEAUTIFUL and I want to know the mastermind behind it. I just don't know why this was not above English Girl on the tracklist... White Night - Ok a more slow song but as always Oneus always delivers. (low key Red Thread sequel??) Now - This gives me Calvin Harris vibes. More dance eletronic standard pop but it's good...
Look... the CD case is very unique but think about it... if you take your album from above there is a risk everything wil fall... (1theK unboxing on the playlist, cause they were the cover for 1theK youtube chanel so 1thek is Oneus bitch)
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1theK Suit dance and Dance cover contest
Please give Seoho something that WILL NOT FALL FROM HIS SHOULDERS cause clothes are made to be comfortable. What is the point to take off the jackets when the night is COLDER??? (Wait.. let me answer that one… cause you can’t see black in black… I get it… BUT REGARDLESS) one of the mysteries we’ll never know. (Poor ties must have suffered a lot in the middle of the harnesses)
Now before we jump into the important stuff let me tell you a secret… Keonhee is the most difficult member to dress… why? He’s 1,81 cm tall… anything you give him to wear can make him look even taller and his face is more projected (did you know he uses braces?) so you really need to pay attention to his hair. We’ll use this information latter.
So the first performance ever was… Guess what… Before the MV was released and where? JAPAN (My half japanese ass is shaking). So people there kinda received a spoiler (clothes too) and Mnet uploaded it in the same day of the MV release so other people that weren’t at the kcon wouldn’t receive a spoiler. No complains here except Ravn chocker being TOO BIG and Keonhee clothes making him look taller. (Nice expensive microphones you got in here)
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Now the actual comeback in Corea begins. (Images cause tumblr won’t let me upload the videos) (I’ll upload the links below the image) (No… before you ask I’m not uploading english girl, too much work… focus on twilight) ( As I spoiled above English girl was the chosen B side. Look... I know it's us international fans unofficial anthem but c'mon... BING BING) (I know I'll miss camerawork in here but I'll eventually get the hang of it) (Don't ask me about make up cause unfortunately I don't have 4k 360° to get THAT close up. But from other close up photos I trust their make up artist) 
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First choice was the ACDC Black in Black 1.0 clothing set from the MV, Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… Pretty clothes but… YELLOW LIGHTS??? with red?? is this ketchup and mustard? The lighting did not appeal to me and shout out to the physics mystery.
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2:03 (Time stamp cause I love you all) HOW ON EARTH DID HIS EARPIECE END UP THERE? I guess we’ll never know.
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Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… but oh his hair was NICE… Fight me I’m the last person in the world to advocate in favor of coconut hair but it looks nice on him. No yellow lights so it’s a win situation, I like to call this the GLOVES set of the MV.
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Kudos for the physical scenario and Woongie earings (same as the MV). Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… no yellow lights… and this comeplete all the clothes they wore in the MV. Please… save Leedo from his chocker… too large.
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THE SUITS a whole YES. Keonhee clothes were good but we got yellow in here and this is a NO, Woongie coconut hair was also a no but Seoho red highlights? YES. Also… Woongie… the harnesses should go UNDER the jacket not ABOVE it…
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Repeating clothes… but this doesn’t bother me. Ketchup and mustard lights is a no. Woongie earing yes and in case you haven’t noticed Seoho gold huge ass rings… blame the yellow lights. Keonhee hair was actually nice.
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Physical scenario yes, yellow lights no, clothing NO, Seoho huge ass rings YES. That’s the summary.
07/06/19 v1
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Uniforms? Approved, Leedo earing approved, Physical scenario approved. Orange? NO. Keonhee harmonizing with himself 1.0? YES
07/06/19 v2
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So… they blessed Japan with that set of clothes now it’s Corea time. Ketchup and mustard lights is a no. No earings or rings today… but  Keonhee harmonizing with himself 2.0? YES
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You know what this SMELLS like? PERFECTION. Purple, black and red the holly trinity of colors. Keonhee clothes finally making justice to him, his hair was also nice. A LOT of light in the scenario to get THAT CLEAR LOOK cause I want to SEE things. Not a single yellow light… Woongie earings? YES. Please save Ravn from his chocker. Seoho dear… what is the point of wearing a black waistcoat… WITH A BLACK SHIRT? (But it’s approved regardless).
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I present you Michael Jackson Black or White 1.0 clothing set. Woongie earing? YES. The light was a bit tricky. Chorus was beautifully black and white. We also had blue/green. In the red one we had yellow lights but it didn’t bother me at all. Overall it’s approved to me.
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They repeated clothes, but it didn’t bother me. Seoho rings? YES. No yellow lights. This is also super good and I can’t choose between the two times they wore this clothes.
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They repeated Michael Jackson Black or White 1.0 set. Ketchup and mustard? Purple? Lighting was a no. Seoho ring was a yes.
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New clothes yay. Keonhee hair and clothes were nice, I don’t know what to think about this set of clothes because I was never a fan of prints or this variations of cream and brown. The way the lights were positioned was tricky but the small amout of yellow lights didn’t bother me at all. No rings or earings today unfortunately.
14/06/19 v1
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Clothes were repeated witch is a no. Do not think that instead of wearing silver or gold wearing black jewelry will make me forgive the clothes. No rings or earings today unfortunately. Ketchup and mustard lights is also a no. Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… This whole performance was a whole no.
14/06/19 v2
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I present you Michael Jackson Black or White 2.0 set. IT’S HIGH END JEWELRY YOU WANT? IT’S HIGH END JEWELRY YOU’LL GET. Seoho rings (in both hands), Woongie earings, Keonhee double necklace, Leedo earings and TRIPLE necklace, do you know how powerful you have to be to use a triple necklace? The only things that killed it were the hand microphones and the yellow lights…
14/06/2019… I will never forget this day… How do they DARE to arrive at the recording… like THIS?
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and when it’s performance time they step down the clothing? Well the clothes they were using ARE pretty but the ones they arrived? STUNNING ( aka ACDC Black in Black 2.0). Stylist min there are occasions you need to save the outfit to use… just arriving at the recording with those clothes is a waste of fashion. It could easily replace one of the times you repeated clothes. (I may say make up and contact lenses were on point too)
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(Thank you music core for the low definition)
Yay new clothes, the hairs and clothes look SO FLUFFY. Seoho rings yes, Woongie earings yes, Leedo rings YES, lighting was good, no complains here.
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First of all I’m really mad because they cutted the song. Second I’m really mad because they didn’t upload on YouTube. It’s seems like this is was pre calculated beucase it was EXACTLY WHEN THEY CHANGED THE COREOGRAPHY. I don’t know if they changed because they knew the song would be cut or if it was really a coincidence… humanity mistery again. Lighting was so beautiful until they came with the yellow… Woongie hair was so fluffy and earings was a yes. Clothes were Michael Jackson Black or White 3.0 and that’s it… That day I learned my lesson… you either are team rings or team gloves… there is no in between.
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They repeated Michael Jackson Black or White 2.0 set. Yellow lights? This is a no.
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I present you the new year eve set… Happy new year everyone, white and gold. From the same writers of black waistcoat with black shirt we have white waistcoat with white shirt. Ketchup and mustard lights? No. Seoho rings, YES. Woongie earing? YES. Shout out Ravn looks super good and Leedo chocker was middle term. Xion was not present and they had to do small changes (I SEE YOU SEOHO THANK YOU SIR)
21/06/19 V1
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Suits YES. Seoho rings, YES, we didn’t have earings… I’m sad. Ketchup and mustard lights? No.
21/06/19 V2
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I’m sorry… WHAT????? Clothes are a no… Grey? With black purple and red? No. Noodle hair Woongie? NO. Woongie earing? Yes. Hand microphones? No. Yellow lights? Like…
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(I’m so sorry for the low definition here)
Same old story. I’m mad they cutted the song, didn’t upload on youtube and exactly when they changed the coreography. On the other side we have new clothes yay. It’s not only black and gold powerful match. It’s black and gold with snake print cause I’m a bad bitch. It’s the only place where they NEEDED to use the yellow lights and I’m actually mad they used black and white. Someone save Seoho from his chocker. Color scheme was great but it’s not like the clothes desing are bad. I just feel it could have been better. We didn’t have earings or rings today BUT HEY, FANSING, BING BING HAS A COREO AND ITS AWSOME. 23/06/19 will be in my heart (even though it was just a sneak peak).
Ya’ll misbelievers will hear this song untill your ears BLEED
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Woongie you really fooled me here I was scared. He only did the fingerheart cause it was their last performace at that specific program. Repeating clothes… Lighting was good, no earings or rings… Well really tricky. I don’t see roots so you all did a touch up on the hairs and Woongie got a little bit blonder… I don’t like it, it don’t think the color suits him. Keonhee hair got a little darker but no problems… That’s it.
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Repeated the new year eve set. Seoho had to repeat the clothes for me to understand the clothes. Seoho ring yes, Woongie earing yes. Lighting was huge no, all crazy combinations like blue and yellow and purple and etc. But in the ending even though it was yellow the lighting was pretty.
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27/06/19 ~~FINALE~~
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We going Marilyn Monroe Woongie? His earings as always YES, Lithing... well… very tricky since we almost couldn’t see it but it didn’t look promissing. White and cream with black look more promissing then grey with black and red and purple… but not my favorite clothes, they have better weapons… Well… that’s it.
I wish they would go the whole week but they didn’t…
Oneus first photobook in Milano was announced. I won’t go into detail cause this is not the goal here... but we get it... YOU WEREN’T JOKING AROUND IN ITALY. Usually it takes a lot of time for a group to come up with a photobook so I’m proud and that was pretty smartass way to finish promotions if I may say...
Now… you have seen me against the yellow light for the whole post and you must be asking yourself WHY? Well… when you have the work to color correct the entire MV to cool colors YOU MUST AS WELL DO IT ON THE PERFORMANCES… that’s it… it’s called color pallet and you should respect it. Or in other cases like when they used black and gold respect the color palette of the specific performance.
Now let’s go to 05/07/19 Oneus is a newer group so I wasn’t even dreaming about this cause again... It takes a while for this to happened. My spider senses told me something was off when they announced they would be attending breakout in Japan and SURPRISE. Twilight japanese version was announced. Versions A/B/C and CD+DVD. Some questions were raised. There will be another version of the MV and new clothes? If yes I WANT SOMETHING ON THE SAME LEVEL. Will there be a instrumental version? Will they put Valkyrie japanese version too? They would all be answered later... AND MORE. They had the audacity to show BingBing complete coreo for the first time. They must really love Japan. Legends also say that they already performed the japanese version in this festival.
I was getting uneasy with the release date coming closer and no photos of the covers of the CD’s... then 25/07 they released a schedule... I wasn’t really expecting a schedule but I was happy cause next day we would have a teaser of the MV and surprise, it was basiclly the same thing. Good because is quality stuff but bad cause I was waiting somehing new... 29/07/19 We got tracklist and GUESS WHO WAS THERE?? EXACTLY, VALKYRIE JAPANESE VERSION +++++ TWO new songs.... We are blessed.. until 30/07/19 where we got what actually was happening...
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IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL LIMITED CD+DVD? It follows Raise US desing but I wanted something more... It fells like it’s missing something...
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Version A (Clearly Valkyrie) IT’S INSTRUMENTAL YOU WANT? IT’S INTRUMENTAL YOU’LL GET. But I’m sad... where are the other two new songs you may ask?
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Verson B OOONNEEEE of the new songs (ok we also have it’s instrumental too and cover is ok)
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Version C THE OTHER SONG (we have it’s instrumental too and I didn’t know people had silver skin...)
Do you see the strategy? Each version has one of the songs so you have to buy all the versions... And I didn’t like this...
07/08 The MV was released. They don’t have official youtube chanel so they uploaded in the company that represents them in japan.
The major changes were the individual shots as they had to sing in japanese. Nothing to complain in here, their pronunciation was good but the lyrics timing didn’t seem to match the song. Valkyrie had a better japanese version then Twilight... I loved the two new songs we got too.
(Bless the person who putted Korean and Japenese side to side, I saved the video on that huge playlist)
Also, can we appreciate how well Oneus and Twilight was received in Japan? They went to national television, topped Oricon AND Billboard Japan. Tower Records was EMPTY on the first day and they promoted for almost a whole month with shows. Japan basically adoped Oneus.
But nothing is flowers. It’s was extreamly difficult to buy this single online outside japan.LET ME TELL YOU. CD japan? Nothing, Amazon japan? Nothing, Yahoo Japan? Nothing. Rakuten? Nothing, YesAsia? NOTHING. THE ONLY PLACE I COULD FIND TO BUY THIS ONLINE IS TOWER RECORDS OFFICIAL WEBSITE WITCH GUESS WHAT IT IS IN JAPANESE. AND TO BUY OUTSIDE JAPAN YOU DON’T BUY FROM THEIR WEBSITE. IT’S FROM ANOTHER WEBSITE WITCH TOWER RECORDS THEMSELFS PUTED THE LINK IN THOSE HUGE ASS BANNERS IN THEIR WEBSITE. Summary it was  literally giving birth to buy this online.
I tought I could rest BUT NOT. They would attend Soribada Music Awards... THEIR FIRST AWARD SHOW. Look I love Valkyrie... but I want Twilight to be performed and I WANT FASHION OK. I’m full of expetations, do not disappoint me Oneus. The day of the award show came and well... I was actually disappointed. Simple suits and the performance clothes? They repeated one of the worst weapons in their closets. C’mon... if you are going to repeat you have better choices IT’S NO EXCUSE... that’s the summary...
Well, from now I have covered everything... Don’t sleep in Keonhee vocals, Oneus has TWO MAIN VOCALS, appreciate Woongie vocals, that’s it.
If y’all want in my research I have build a really small database of Woongie earings in this comeback, maybe in the future I can do a compilation.
And that’s the end… if you got here congratulations you are a warrior and me too for the hours of links, print screens and editions… Byeee
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Pomegranate 1.1
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an: chapter one is officially done, i hope you enjoy the story as much as i enjoyed writing it! i’m not completely sure where the story is going to go aside from some basic points from the original Persephone and Hades story. you’ll notice that aside from proper nouns all other words are lower case. it was a stylistic choice I had decided on when I initially wrote this. i may change it one day but for now i hope you can forgive it. please let me know what you thought and without further ado please enjoy chapter one of Pomegranate.
Kore sighed as she absentmindedly plucked grass from the Earth as she stared out at the meadow in front of her. perhaps she should be kinder to nature however, she couldn't help but view the act as a small rebellion against her mother. although if she were to think logically about it, it was only an act against herself as she was the goddess of spring in which she governed the flowers and with it grass. no matter logic though as she was feeling more impulsive.
her unusual spur of impulsivity was the result of a particular conversation with her mother that morning regarding her freedom. it was no secret to anyone that kore was practically locked away from the world, being forced to stay confined to her home, the meadow, the forest, and the lake. this restriction had suited her just fine in her younger years, but now that she was finally coming into her own she felt very much suffocated. when Kore decided to bring this thought to her mother's attention she was all but shouted at.
Demeter could not fathom why her daughter had any inkling of want for life outside of the haven she had created for them and the nymphs. as a result of this, she promptly shut down her daughter's crazed imagination stating her well-rehearsed speech about men and their tendency to taint and destroy anything their fingers touched. Kore felt like crying but had long since trained herself to hide any emotion besides adoration for her mother, leaving it bottled up until she was able to escape to the meadow.
Demeter was not a bad mother, no Kore did not believe this at all, but she was a blinded mother. past experience and observations had left Demeter blind to the good of men and thus hurting her daughter. perhaps Demeter was more than content with a simple life of tending to the Earth and its inhabitants, but Kore felt stifled by such a lifestyle and she wanted more.
her fingers grazed the cover of the book beside her 'Prometheus Bound'. she had read the story a multitude of times as it was one of few books she held in her possession as her mother viewed labor in the fields higher than enjoying works of art such as literature. the story of her cousin was intriguing yet saddening, despite knowing how it ends Kore is always left with a sick feeling in her stomach at the cruel torture that he endured because of her father. it was this story that at times made Kore feel peace with not knowing Zeus. despite her deep doubt of ever escaping her haven disguised prison Kore always made a mental note to find her cousin and personally apologize, this would be after she marched up to Olympus and gave Zeus a piece of her mind. The incident may have occurred long before her birth, but that didn't stop the intense feeling Kore felt when she read the book as if it was happening in real time.
'Kore!' a voice that could only belong to her mother shouted out
'Coming mother' Kore replied as she scrambled to stand and hide her book from her mother, opting to shove the book in the tall grass beside the tree.
as she reached her mother she could detect the look of annoyance on her mother's face. worrying that her mother had discovered something such as her books or her secret meetings with Artemis and Athena Kore slowed her pace, hesitant to receive her scolding. however, this was quickly cast away when her mother's face turned to a smile as her daughter neared.
'Kore my little poppy. i have some bad news, i must journey to Olympus at the demand of Zeus. i will return as soon as i can, but in the meantime the nymphs will be looking after you.'
'but mother why can i not go with to Olympus? i am almost a grown woman, my eighteenth birthday is nigh'
'you will do as i say Kore. i have stated that you are forbidden to journey to Olympus and you will do good to remember that. you need not concern yourself with the business of the gods.'
'yes mother'
'good. i will see you soon my little poppy' with that Demeter left her daughter behind.
once her mother was out of her sight she unclenched her fists which she had unconsciously clenched while her mother dismissed her want, her silent protest. turning to enter their home so as to stew in her frustration she is stopped by a voice calling out.
'finally, i thought she would never leave'
'the one and only. oh and Athena's here' Artemis emerged from the forest with Athena behind her.
'yes do announce my presence with more gusto' Athena's ever-present stoic expression hiding her internal eye roll.
'was that sarcasm? you know i hate that.'
'nooo... why would i ever use sarcasm against you, the all-mighty goddess of the hunt' Kore couldn't help but smile at the goddesses' banter, they always knew how to put a smile on her face.
'what are you two doing here?' deciding to end the banter before one of the two took it too far, Artemis.
'have you forgotten silly? your mother is gone so it's time for another secret meeting'
'really?' In the midst of her distress, Kore had forgotten all about their tradition. it had begun when she was but a preteen, before puberty had graced her presence. her mother had left to visit one of her temples that was holding a feast in her honor, during her absence Athena and Artemis had decided to introduce themselves to their youngest sibling that had been hidden from them. For whatever reason, the two had decided to impart their wisdom upon Kore with Athena preaching wisdom and strategy and Artemis instructing combat. Throughout the years Kore had become a skilled warrior taking to blades and, much to Artemis' delight, the bow and arrow.
'of course, while i may mess around with Artemis i assure you that i respect you too much to do the same' Kore did her best not to let it show, but Athena's words made her heart soar.
'anyway it's been some time since we have been able to hold a secret meeting and as we are abided to attend this forthcoming meeting on Olympus as well it will have to be a quick one at that'
'what our dear sister is trying to say in her fancy tongue is that this meeting will have to be short'
'can we practice that maneuver that you told me about in the story of how you and your huntresses defeated that beast?'
'oh, um i don't know if you're quite ready for such an advanced move quite yet'
'what she means is that the story she told you was falsified and she has never done such a move ever in her life'
'woah okay no need to ruin the girls’ image of me'
'do you honestly perceive it to be better that she believe in some wild fable of yours?'
'you think i'm some little girl?'
'oh Kore i didn't mean it in a bad way. it's just you are younger than the rest of us, by a significant amount, you haven't even turned of age yet'
'i thought you both were different, but it seems you are the same as mother'
'Kore wait! i promise i meant you no harm'
'Artemis i think it is wise we leave our sister alone, for the time being, we need to make an appearance soon as it is' Artemis grudgingly agreed and the two goddesses set out to Olympus.
Kore not having looked back ran straight to her room, burying her face in her pillow as an attempt to stifle her tears. she felt shame for not realizing sooner that she would never be seen as an equal to the other gods and goddesses.
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yuri-or-death · 7 years
JuriSaku Random Prompts
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01: “Half-Asleep”
Jurina stirred slightly in her slumber. It has been fifteen minutes since Sakura invited the blonde girl to rest on her lap. Sakura was starting to lose the feeling of her legs, but that was the least of her concerns. 
At first, Jurina brushed off the suggestion in the attempt to hide how jaded she was. Although sleep was ever elusive the past few days, she did not want to trouble the younger girl. Besides, being found in such a position would likely cause a scene. But Sakura was persistent, like always. So Jurina felt compelled to concede after a few pouts and fake sulking from the younger girl.  
“Jurina-san’s quite stubborn sometimes.” Sakura whispered, while stroking the strands of blonde hair spread out on her thighs; it’s luster akin to golden threads. She could lose herself for hours, just studying Jurina’s sleeping face–unperturbed, innocent and so different from her stoic facade. Sakura wished she could preserve these taciturn moments. 
A yawn escaped Sakura’s lips. “Perhaps, I could rest for a few minutes.” She leaned on the wall, slowly closing her eyes as the sound of Jurina’s light breathing lulled her to sleep. 
Even just for a while, the chaos of their lives was muted as silence wrapped around the two girls, the warmth of each other comforting them.
Not long after, Jurina’s silken voice called out. “Sakura?” From her position on  Sakura’s lap, she reached out to stroke the other girl’s cheek. “Ne, Saa-chan.”
The gentle ministrations woke Sakura. Her eyes opened lazily and as her vision readjusted, she was greeted by Jurina’s smiling face. 
Still half-asleep, she tried to apologize for dozing off. “Jurina-san, I’m s–” Sakura was not able to finish her sentence as soft lips collided with her own. 
Jurina lifted herself to capture Sakura in a searing kiss. It was haphazard and reckless but yearning.  At first the young girl was startled, still dazed from just awakening. But soon enough she responded with the same electric passion.
Sakura held her partner’s arm tightly as desire pooled at the pit of her stomach. Jurina’s kiss was intoxicating that she felt as if no amount of connection was enough to satiate her completely. “Ju…ri..na…” She moaned in between heavy breaths as the blonde planted feathery kisses on her neck. 
She almost felt dejected when Jurina broke their contact. “Ah, that’s enough for today.” The Ace smirked, relishing the effect she had on Sakura.  
“Meanie, my legs are cramping because of you.” Sakura frowned. 
“My cute junior, we can’t exactly kiss each other senseless the whole day. Lunch break’s over.” Jurina pinched Sakura’s cheek affectionately before rising to her feet. 
“But you haven’t eaten yet!” The young girl exclaimed, accepting the hand Jurina offered to assist her up. She unruffled her skirt and dusted it off. “I don’t understand why you’re so lax on self-care.” 
Jurina stole a quick peck on her lips. “Trust me, I’m full.” She grinned. 
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02: “L’Opera”
Sakura shifted uneasily in her seat, the ruffles of her dress was starting to irritate her. Although, between her floral attire and Jurina’s layered overcoat, she was thankful the stylist gave her the more modest choice. 
It was her first Opera and she was positively miffed that everyone was required to wear such fancy garbs. Aside from saying their pleasantries to each wealthy acquittance Jurina happened to bump into, the hassle of walking about in 4 inch stilettos made the night more taxing. 
It was also a wonder how people could enjoy the performance in German with nothing but a small tablet summarizing the important dialogues and narrations. Although, Sakura would admit  that she was completely awed by the vocal prowess of the singers.
“Stop being so restless.” Jurina whispered, she could feel Sakura’s every movement given that the cushioned chairs of the antique opera house were bolted too close. 
“I’m sorry, the fabric’s too itchy.” 
“You should’ve declined when I asked you to come here with me.” Jurina sighed, her attention divided between watching the next act unfold and ‘babysitting’ Sakura.
The young girl gave a look that was reminiscent of an offended puppy. “But I wanted to spend time with you.” Sakura slapped her cheeks in an effort to regain focus. “Do you even understand any of this? I’m so sleepy.”
“I cant say the same for everyone but I speak German.” 
“I just had to ask, didn’t I?” What can the blonde girl not do? Honestly, it was frustrating to be constantly compared to someone as foolproof as Matsui Jurina. A lof of times, it ate on Sakura’s confidence but the years they spent together taught Sakura a different perspective. ‘Your greatest rival is yourself.’
Besides, no one but her knows Matsui Jurina’s weakness. That the ever mighty Ace–undaunted and intimidating at first glance–was actually quite a softy in bed.  
“Do you want to go? We can leave after this act.” The blonde suggested, concern seeped out from her words.
“You think I’m a burden, don’t you? I’m embarrassing you…” Sakura fumbled with her fingers, unable to maintain eye contact with her partner. 
“That’s not what I meant.” Jurina shook her head as she spoke, carefully searching for the next words. “I’m sorry you’re not enjoying this.” Her tone was sincere, she took Sakura’s hand and laced their fingers together. “And I appreciate that you’re trying to endure.” she kissed the top of Sakura’s head fondly.
“I really don’t understand why rich people trouble themselves.” Sakura buried her face on the crook of Jurina’s neck, resting her head on the blonde’s shoulder despite the layers of chiffon fabric. 
“But…as long as I can stay beside you, it’s enough.” 
Jurina couldn’t help but smile.
“I love you.”
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03: “Take My Jacket”
“I can’t believe you never told me you were close friends with the Kojima Haruna.” Sakura dabbed some rouge on her lips before slipping the lipstick back in her clutch. She was elated to get an invitation to the Superstar’s birthday party. 
“We went to the same acting workshop in 5th grade.” Jurina knew she’d regret disclosing that information soon enough.
“Acting workshop?? I can’t believe it!” 
“And I can’t believe you actually wore that here.” Jurina hissed, her lips dangerously close to Sakura’s ear so that only she could hear her whisper. Sakura was wearing a dress with a plunging neckline that was too low for her liking. 
The cameras flashed blindingly as they walked in. Paparazzi were ready to capture each movement, it was after all a rare occurrence for the two socialites to grace the media with their presence. 
“What? I’m relatively covered up.” Sakura replied while still smiling for the cameras. 
“Everyone’s looking at your chest for Christ’s sake, Sakura.” The blonde took a swig of whisky the waiter offered her. 
 “It’s just some cleavage. Besides, I’m wearing nipple pads.” She took Jurina’s hand and laid it on her left breast to prove her point. “Easy access for Jurina-san.” She winked. 
Jurina swore she almost choked on her drink. “This is not the proper place to talk about that.”
“Lighten up.” Sakura pulled the blonde to the side of the yacht so that they were now leaning on the boat’s railings, away from everyone’s watchful gaze. 
Jurina took off her leather jacket and wrapped it around Sakura’s shoulders. “Take it, it’s getting cold out here.” She said while sipping her whisky. 
Sakura stared at her for a few seconds. Jurina’s porcelain skin was almost luminescent under the moonlight. 
The brunette held Jurina’s toned arms, “Can you stop being so hot?” She kissed her senseless. 
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tinymixtapes · 6 years
Music Review: U.S. Girls - In a Poem Unlimited
U.S. Girls In a Poem Unlimited [4AD / Royal Mountain; 2018] Rating: 4.5/5 As it is ever overwhelmingly loaded to be an American (let alone a patriotic one), this Toronto-based Canadian-American’s project title is all the more compelling in its estranged branding. It is huge to feel cut off from a group, and America is vast and varied enough to continuously provide horrific to transcendent answers to this common dilemma. Although we can ultimately choose with whom (or whomn’t) we align ourselves, we are nonetheless subject to fate and its accomplices. There is no love left without trust, and we’ll die much worse without any love in our lives. So the crime reverberates, its sanctioning and relativization an endless slap in the face. We ache to trust. We don’t want our enemies to know we are wounded, so they may revel in the fact that they got to us. We don’t want enemies to begin with. We want to trust in human nature. We want to trust in its saving grace. With just the right words, we meet with positive action. At its best, a poem is not something academic. It’s an essential, exhilarating push from the imperceptibly accumulated moorings of one’s idle apathies and defeatism. Often enough, poetry feels like the only human thing left worth a damn. Like a bridge, or clothing. A U.S. Girls song is still a phenomenon whose sustenance amasses on you gradually, like basking in an unexpected ray of emerging sunlight. Remy’s impeccable taste is almost a distraction at this point. Gets one wanting to wax hyperbolic-like — Prince Vlad needs to turn in his waxy teeth cause he couldn’t ever vamp like “Rage of Plastics” (a rousing cover of an already amazing song). This record deserves all that foaming critical hoopla and more. But the more’s the thing here. On the nose with invisible fingers, In a Poem Unlimited is as lush, disgusted, and dour as the previous album, but with less obscuring vaporous swirl. The tone is more one of defiant, soaring majesty and poison-laced confection, underscored with lyrics of damnation and earnest imparting. Thanks to a massive collaboration of 20 musicians, including audacious wizard producer and GEM-onward collaborator Luis Percival, the psych-shredding (bringing a touch of the bombastic glam rock-informed arrangements heard on his Slim Twig material) of Maxmilian Turnbull and some clutch G-funk gospel vocals from James Baley, the mix is constantly bustling with life. And even in the project’s continued restless but shrewd eclecticism, this album lives up to its title with an epic, spring-clean screed of passionate grievance in the face a recently re-accelerated, ancient malignant patriarchal tyranny that’s only just starting to get called out for a reckoning at its extremities. Despite taking this huge leap forward, U.S. Girls still retains a recognizable formula that has made each announcement of new material an exciting occasion. And it’s heartening to see Meg Remy steely in 2018, dancing with the crowd, singing her heart out with sentiments both baldly scolding and unapologetically commonplace. More than ever, the project’s stoicism is starkly offset with a candied delirium that compels listeners to movement and abandon. There are also partially destabilizing (in an endearing way) idiosyncrasies that swim up in the instrumentation, like throwing those mustardy “bum bum bum bum” backing vocals on the “Mad as Hell” chorus, further sallowing its sepia disco uplift. On three separate occasions, Meg launches into sassy, spoken asides that, despite going with her well-honed girl group aesthetic, feel more like stylistic turns than moments of emphasis. Then there’s the practically flatulent organ and wah pedal all over “L-Over.” And one might not be blamed for preferring the more skeletal original Free Advice Column version of “Incidental Boogie” over this LP’s vocodered rendition. No matter how initially off some choices strike the listener, there is a meticulousness at work that is always making one reasses the next time around. Dire as the mood can be, there is a small but vital quotient of tenderness (“Rosebud” and “Poem”) and humor (both short interludes, some of the genre inflection, perhaps) on display. And the galloping dark horse disco of “Time” is an amazing ending for its precarious balance of anthemic urgency and rushed, twitchy hyper-exhaustion, incrementally heightened in its lengthy instrumental coda. The sentiment is a refreshingly disheveled feeling to close with for such an impressively mighty, in-control artist. But there is a special sort of takeaway. Something like, It is OK to panic. It is healthy to quell it if you can. But remember that those who wantonly take advantage of trust and abandon their humanity can never hang hysteria on you. As events accumulate, chaos and confusion are strange clothes we must find a way to wear and broken bridges we must figure out how to cross. As long as art is vital to us, U.S. Girls will be fine company in this adjustment. http://j.mp/2ECVkxn
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leilakozma-blog · 6 years
Borrowed Vocabularies
For his first major solo exhibition, the British-Kenyan painter Michael Armitage has delved far into the past to create some of his most strikingly contemporary work to date. One of the exhibition’s key pieces, a bold, vividly colourful yet macabre painting, shares its title with Titan’s The Flaying of Marsyas, which ranks among the most famous depictions of the Greek myth. As the myth holds, the satyr of the title befell this gruesome fate by boasting too loudly about his musical talents and, rather ill-advisedly, challenging the god Apollo. Titian’s painting captures the glee that results from punishing those who disrespect the law, its focal point is the motionless body of Marsyas surrounded by a greed-ridden group of creatures. Each leans close to the body to get the chance to peel away an inch skin, gorging themselves on the one who dared to dissent. Michael Armitage’s Flaying of Marsyas builds on Titian’s depiction of this mythical scene. He takes the composition of the original as a template: in the centreground is a figure hung from a tree, surrounded by men pointing their blades at him. However, the main character of the piece is unknown. Armitage shows the sacrifice of an innocent African man, someone who had done nothing to deserve such brutal punishment.
The Chapel, Armitage’s newest exhibition on show at the South London Gallery, features compositions that are just as complex as Titan’s masterpieces. He grants weight to certain motifs, which reveal themselves only under careful scrutiny. But whereas Titian’s compositions contain visual cues that respond to the trends of his era, Armitage’s pieces do not belong to any tradition. He assembles an eccentric visual language from found materials, scraps and fragments he comes across during his laborious research process. He appropriates the signature style of the masters of art history in order to address problems rooted in racism, discrimination and oppression. But his works do not dissect problems in a direct manner. Looking at them would not allow viewers to gain a factual understanding of the devastating effects colonialism on east African culture. His works do not compare to the Black Art movement of the 1970s, to the work of David Hammons, Lorna Simpson or Glenn Ligon. Armitage’s works are influenced by political developments only implicitly. Instead of representing acts of injustice, they recreate the experience of being forced to witness injustice.
For instance, Exorcism revolves around a Tanzanian ritual, during which female members of the community gather together so that the shamans can purge their souls. The painting depicts stretched-out, inanimate bodies, some left lying on the ground, some carried around by the mighty and powerful-looking shamans. Colourful scarves are thrown away, left behind to float in the wind. The women appear alarmingly passive as if they were entirely unguarded and exposed to the will of the priests. There is nothing jovial or vigorous about the piece, unlike the two sources of inspiration from which Armitage draws from. The arrangement of the motifs, the bodies, the position they take up in the landscape and the perspective from which the whole scene is shown takes after the work of the Impressionist painters. The composition pays homage to Edgar Degas’s Young Spartans Exercising, while the colour scheme borrows from Edouard Manet’s Music in the Tuileries Gardens. That, however, is where the similarities end. The scenes and subjects in both these masterpieces are brimming with vitality and youth. By contrast, the women in Exorcism are lifeless, grey silhouettes overshadowed by the daunting, dark figures of the shamans. Although it portrays a sacred tradition, it lacks the tone that would convey the importance of such a ceremony.
Hope centres on the Kenyan youth who have been robbed of their past and future by their elders. Since the 1950s, the country’s unemployment rates have ranked as the highest in the world. The former generation exhausted agricultural jobs, leaving the youth with little to no future prospects. The painting shows an immensely fragile, gnarled figure with seemingly shrunken arms, thighs and hands. The boxy, masculine shoulders hold a disproportionately large head adorned with similarly confused features. The broad but thin lips, the crooked nose and the narrow forehead could belong to a person of any gender or age. The body is distorted as if it had been worn out by violence. A bright red, fleshy, slimy, palpitating cord is hanging loosely from under the soft pale pink cloth of the dress covering the lap and the torso of the figure, the cord is tied to the belly of a young donkey. The mutilated figure is the symbol of the Kenyan youth who are burdened with unfulfillable responsibilities. Armitage’s pieces often fetishise suffering and pain but, in this case, the monstrous features, the crooked posture, the wrinkle-ridden face is that which attracts our curiosity, for all the wrong reasons.
Hope takes tendencies present in most of Armitage’s paintings to new extremes. The expected reaction to such a scene of brutality should be one of horror. Instead, the thick, glowing, flawless layers of paint trigger excitement. Armitage is playing an optical trick of sorts. Most of the pieces on show are beautiful and seductive but because the style and the subject choice are so deeply paradoxical, the viewer is pushed into a perplexing position. Either we play along and embody the sadistic voyeur who takes pleasure in witnessing the suffering of others, or we are left with an unending stream of deeply contradictory visual sensations. Every piece appears gorgeous, but underneath lie scenes of immorality and trauma.
The imperfections of the canvas often resemble wounds, marks left behind by acts of aggression, small holes and scabs. Instead of the traditional linen, Armitage uses the bark of the Lubugo tree. The fabric is sienna-orange in colour, flexible and fairly thick. Its imperfections are the result of the long hours of burning, soaking and beating the tree bark until it reaches the desired levels of elasticity. The Lubugo tree bark is most frequently used to cover the dead during burying ceremonies. For Armitage, it functions as the base on to which he can build his eccentric image worlds. The use of the Lubugo tree bark represents Armitage’s approach to painting at large. The painter hijacks the motifs and formulae of traditional art history in order to address how these contributed to and indirectly sustained the problems that prevail in his country of origin, Kenya. Underneath the lavish brushstrokes and rich coats of oil paint lies a rough and crude material, one that leaves creases and folds on the smooth surface of the canvas.
With a style borrowed from masters such as Manet, Degas, Titian and the like, with subjects taken from social media posts, news coverage, pop culture and indigenous African folklore, Armitage has built an oeuvre from incongruous visual languages. The viewer is confronted with a set of seductive, extremely beautiful, stylistically flawless paintings. They do not depict suffering in the way Western audiences may have grown accustomed to and sceptical towards. Our thirst for sensations is overwhelmed. But regardless of the reactions we can muster, there is a price to pay. Even if we go ahead and do feast our eyes on the scenes of horror, the experience will eventually turn into one of bitter remorse. §
0 notes
jesusvasser · 7 years
Six Favorite Cars from the 2017 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas Sale
It’s October, and that means the collector car extraordinaires over at Barrett-Jackson are gearing up for one of its largest sales of the year, held at the Mandalay Bay Casino in Las Vegas. The docket isn’t usually filled with vintage Ferraris or Pre-War Bugattis, but Barrett-Jackson has long remained a magnet for top-tier Americana and cutting edge supercars. We shuffled through the extensive list of available cars and picked out our favorites. Here are six of the most interesting cars up for grabs at the 2017 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas sale.
1965 Chevrolet Corvair Monza
Sometimes, it seems like Mustangs, Corvettes, and Camaros get all the love. We’re big fans of the unconventional, and it doesn’t get more off-beat than a hot rod Chevrolet Corvair. This rear-engined, air-cooled, flat-six coupe was Chevy’s take on European sensibilities, offering more refinement and ostensibly better handling that a traditional big-body sedan.
Aside from the rare Yenko Stingers, the Corvair wasn’t nearly the darling of the cruising scene as the contemporary Camaro. Because of this, it’s cause for celebration when a tastefully modified Corvair surfaces. Aside from a more aggressive suspension set-up, the modifications appear to be only skin deep, including Le Mans-style gas cap, black steelies, and mildly upgraded interior. Overall, a tidy car in great condition that would make a perfect garage counterpart to an aircooled 911.
1991 Nissan Figaro
Now that Nissan’s “Pike Cars”—including the Figaro, Be-1, and S-Cargo—have hit the 25-year-old mark, we’re seeing quite a few of these pint-sized, neo-retro compacts sprout up on the secondhand market. We’ve featured a Figaro before when one hit Bring a Trailer, but here’s a chance to pick one up in an environment that might not attract too much competition.
2003 Pontiac GTO “Fat GTO”
On the surface, this entry might raise a few eyebrows regarding stylistic choices, but we thought it noteworthy to include such a heavily modified modern GTO. These rebadged Holdens aren’t often modified to this extent, thanks to part scarcity, claustrophobic rear axle area, and an independent rear suspension that is prone to nasty wheel hop.
To add any serious rubber under the rear haunches requires dramatic modifications. To create this monster, FAT57 Customs in Australia was given a prototype GTO (there was no model year 2003 GTO) from Pontiac and AC Delco to create a show car, resulting in the orange and purple coupe featured here.
Power comes from that protruding Chevy 427ci (7.0-liter) big block, sending power to the massive rear wheels through a four-speed automatic transmission.
1957 Panhard Dyna Z
Barrett-Jackson might be the king of muscle car auctions, but it still attracts its share of European weirdos like this Panhard Dyna Z. This powder-blue sedan was the mass-market offering of Panhard, a French automaker whose roots stretch back to the early 1900s. Despite appearances, the aluminum construction and small two-cylinder engine gave the Dyna Z a teeny-tiny 1,800-pound weight.
It isn’t as eye-catching as an Impala dripping in candy paint, but it’s strange enough to be welcome at any cruise-in or car show around the nation.
Speaking of Impalas…
1962 Chevrolet Impala SS 409 Lightweight
It’s a strange to think of a 1960s Impala as lightweight, but compared to its contemporaries, this aluminum-bodied sled might as well be an Austin-Healy. As you might have surmised from its appearance, this Impala was one of the many factory hot rods aimed at competing in the popular drag racing circuit.
In this pursuit, each of the special Impalas was given the aforementioned aluminum body, constructed without seam sealer, sound deadening, heater, or radio. Power came from a mighty 409ci (6.7-liter) V-8, sending power to the rear wheels through a four-speed manual transmission and 4.56:1 rear axle.
Only three of these lightweight Impalas still exist, so bidding is going to be aggressive.
2015 Porsche 918 Spyder
Barrett-Jackson’s no stranger to the hybrid supercar trio from McLaren, Ferrari, and Porsche, and it looks like a 918 Spyder is the star of this year’s sale. There’s not much else to say about the 918 Spyder, as we’ve covered these extensively in past auction previews. This one should see a premium thanks to its unique Voodoo Blue paint, pushing the price tag close to or above the $2 million mark.
The post Six Favorite Cars from the 2017 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas Sale appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2ywh7Cb via IFTTT
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years
Six Favorite Cars from the 2017 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas Sale
It’s October, and that means the collector car extraordinaires over at Barrett-Jackson are gearing up for one of its largest sales of the year, held at the Mandalay Bay Casino in Las Vegas. The docket isn’t usually filled with vintage Ferraris or Pre-War Bugattis, but Barrett-Jackson has long remained a magnet for top-tier Americana and cutting edge supercars. We shuffled through the extensive list of available cars and picked out our favorites. Here are six of the most interesting cars up for grabs at the 2017 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas sale.
1965 Chevrolet Corvair Monza
Sometimes, it seems like Mustangs, Corvettes, and Camaros get all the love. We’re big fans of the unconventional, and it doesn’t get more off-beat than a hot rod Chevrolet Corvair. This rear-engined, air-cooled, flat-six coupe was Chevy’s take on European sensibilities, offering more refinement and ostensibly better handling that a traditional big-body sedan.
Aside from the rare Yenko Stingers, the Corvair wasn’t nearly the darling of the cruising scene as the contemporary Camaro. Because of this, it’s cause for celebration when a tastefully modified Corvair surfaces. Aside from a more aggressive suspension set-up, the modifications appear to be only skin deep, including Le Mans-style gas cap, black steelies, and mildly upgraded interior. Overall, a tidy car in great condition that would make a perfect garage counterpart to an aircooled 911.
1991 Nissan Figaro
Now that Nissan’s “Pike Cars”—including the Figaro, Be-1, and S-Cargo—have hit the 25-year-old mark, we’re seeing quite a few of these pint-sized, neo-retro compacts sprout up on the secondhand market. We’ve featured a Figaro before when one hit Bring a Trailer, but here’s a chance to pick one up in an environment that might not attract too much competition.
2003 Pontiac GTO “Fat GTO”
On the surface, this entry might raise a few eyebrows regarding stylistic choices, but we thought it noteworthy to include such a heavily modified modern GTO. These rebadged Holdens aren’t often modified to this extent, thanks to part scarcity, claustrophobic rear axle area, and an independent rear suspension that is prone to nasty wheel hop.
To add any serious rubber under the rear haunches requires dramatic modifications. To create this monster, FAT57 Customs in Australia was given a prototype GTO (there was no model year 2003 GTO) from Pontiac and AC Delco to create a show car, resulting in the orange and purple coupe featured here.
Power comes from that protruding Chevy 427ci (7.0-liter) big block, sending power to the massive rear wheels through a four-speed automatic transmission.
1957 Panhard Dyna Z
Barrett-Jackson might be the king of muscle car auctions, but it still attracts its share of European weirdos like this Panhard Dyna Z. This powder-blue sedan was the mass-market offering of Panhard, a French automaker whose roots stretch back to the early 1900s. Despite appearances, the aluminum construction and small two-cylinder engine gave the Dyna Z a teeny-tiny 1,800-pound weight.
It isn’t as eye-catching as an Impala dripping in candy paint, but it’s strange enough to be welcome at any cruise-in or car show around the nation.
Speaking of Impalas…
1962 Chevrolet Impala SS 409 Lightweight
It’s a strange to think of a 1960s Impala as lightweight, but compared to its contemporaries, this aluminum-bodied sled might as well be an Austin-Healy. As you might have surmised from its appearance, this Impala was one of the many factory hot rods aimed at competing in the popular drag racing circuit.
In this pursuit, each of the special Impalas was given the aforementioned aluminum body, constructed without seam sealer, sound deadening, heater, or radio. Power came from a mighty 409ci (6.7-liter) V-8, sending power to the rear wheels through a four-speed manual transmission and 4.56:1 rear axle.
Only three of these lightweight Impalas still exist, so bidding is going to be aggressive.
2015 Porsche 918 Spyder
Barrett-Jackson’s no stranger to the hybrid supercar trio from McLaren, Ferrari, and Porsche, and it looks like a 918 Spyder is the star of this year’s sale. There’s not much else to say about the 918 Spyder, as we’ve covered these extensively in past auction previews. This one should see a premium thanks to its unique Voodoo Blue paint, pushing the price tag close to or above the $2 million mark.
The post Six Favorite Cars from the 2017 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas Sale appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 http://ift.tt/2ywh7Cb via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
Six Favorite Cars from the 2017 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas Sale
It’s October, and that means the collector car extraordinaires over at Barrett-Jackson are gearing up for one of its largest sales of the year, held at the Mandalay Bay Casino in Las Vegas. The docket isn’t usually filled with vintage Ferraris or Pre-War Bugattis, but Barrett-Jackson has long remained a magnet for top-tier Americana and cutting edge supercars. We shuffled through the extensive list of available cars and picked out our favorites. Here are six of the most interesting cars up for grabs at the 2017 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas sale.
1965 Chevrolet Corvair Monza
Sometimes, it seems like Mustangs, Corvettes, and Camaros get all the love. We’re big fans of the unconventional, and it doesn’t get more off-beat than a hot rod Chevrolet Corvair. This rear-engined, air-cooled, flat-six coupe was Chevy’s take on European sensibilities, offering more refinement and ostensibly better handling that a traditional big-body sedan.
Aside from the rare Yenko Stingers, the Corvair wasn’t nearly the darling of the cruising scene as the contemporary Camaro. Because of this, it’s cause for celebration when a tastefully modified Corvair surfaces. Aside from a more aggressive suspension set-up, the modifications appear to be only skin deep, including Le Mans-style gas cap, black steelies, and mildly upgraded interior. Overall, a tidy car in great condition that would make a perfect garage counterpart to an aircooled 911.
1991 Nissan Figaro
Now that Nissan’s “Pike Cars”—including the Figaro, Be-1, and S-Cargo—have hit the 25-year-old mark, we’re seeing quite a few of these pint-sized, neo-retro compacts sprout up on the secondhand market. We’ve featured a Figaro before when one hit Bring a Trailer, but here’s a chance to pick one up in an environment that might not attract too much competition.
2003 Pontiac GTO “Fat GTO”
On the surface, this entry might raise a few eyebrows regarding stylistic choices, but we thought it noteworthy to include such a heavily modified modern GTO. These rebadged Holdens aren’t often modified to this extent, thanks to part scarcity, claustrophobic rear axle area, and an independent rear suspension that is prone to nasty wheel hop.
To add any serious rubber under the rear haunches requires dramatic modifications. To create this monster, FAT57 Customs in Australia was given a prototype GTO (there was no model year 2003 GTO) from Pontiac and AC Delco to create a show car, resulting in the orange and purple coupe featured here.
Power comes from that protruding Chevy 427ci (7.0-liter) big block, sending power to the massive rear wheels through a four-speed automatic transmission.
1957 Panhard Dyna Z
Barrett-Jackson might be the king of muscle car auctions, but it still attracts its share of European weirdos like this Panhard Dyna Z. This powder-blue sedan was the mass-market offering of Panhard, a French automaker whose roots stretch back to the early 1900s. Despite appearances, the aluminum construction and small two-cylinder engine gave the Dyna Z a teeny-tiny 1,800-pound weight.
It isn’t as eye-catching as an Impala dripping in candy paint, but it’s strange enough to be welcome at any cruise-in or car show around the nation.
Speaking of Impalas…
1962 Chevrolet Impala SS 409 Lightweight
It’s a strange to think of a 1960s Impala as lightweight, but compared to its contemporaries, this aluminum-bodied sled might as well be an Austin-Healy. As you might have surmised from its appearance, this Impala was one of the many factory hot rods aimed at competing in the popular drag racing circuit.
In this pursuit, each of the special Impalas was given the aforementioned aluminum body, constructed without seam sealer, sound deadening, heater, or radio. Power came from a mighty 409ci (6.7-liter) V-8, sending power to the rear wheels through a four-speed manual transmission and 4.56:1 rear axle.
Only three of these lightweight Impalas still exist, so bidding is going to be aggressive.
2015 Porsche 918 Spyder
Barrett-Jackson’s no stranger to the hybrid supercar trio from McLaren, Ferrari, and Porsche, and it looks like a 918 Spyder is the star of this year’s sale. There’s not much else to say about the 918 Spyder, as we’ve covered these extensively in past auction previews. This one should see a premium thanks to its unique Voodoo Blue paint, pushing the price tag close to or above the $2 million mark.
The post Six Favorite Cars from the 2017 Barrett-Jackson Las Vegas Sale appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2ywh7Cb via IFTTT
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