#it is my greatest hope these kids learn to develop their own tastes in fashion and not what tiktok tells them
theaologies · 5 months
God love ‘em but there were so many fuckin kids in the pit last night and the age demographic has DRASTICALLY shifted since Too Sweet blew up on tiktok. I was definitely one of the oldest people on the floor and all of the kids were dressed like late 90s/early 00s cottagecore bratz dolls which like… I know that style is popular on tiktok but holy fuck mom
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme from "Chapter Four: Grandfather’s Chosen" in the Shadow Lords Tribebook from "Werewolf: The Apocalypse"
The ambition to further one’s own glory or power is not as common as others might expect.
When all is said and done we have to ask ourselves one simple question; reprehensible though they may be, what if they’re right?
Don’t worry about it. I’ve taken care of everything.
You were always the curious type, ever since you were a pup sucking at your mother’s teat.
You always wanted to know how the world around you worked, why things were the way they were, and what everything you saw meant in the grander scheme of things.
Your siblings didn’t seem to care, and your parents didn’t, either.
They didn’t understand why you seemed to want so much more.
There’s so much to learn, and you won’t live forever.
Curiosity is what drives you, and if some people can’t handle that you aren’t going to lose any sleep over it.
You have no real interest in gaining or exercising power over others, which makes you a bit of an oddity.
It’s not in your nature to undermine the positions of others.
Tradition means nothing to you, and ceremony irritates you. Question everything, both because you want to know why and because you can get away with asking.
Be sure they deserve your confidence and trust.
Our only hope is to become a part of it, and to defeat it from within.
For as long as you can remember, the world has felt off to you in some fashion.
You could never quite put your finger on why or how, but you always suspected there was something else moving around beneath the skin of the world everyone seems to take for granted.
Now at last you understood why you’d always felt so different.
The poor fit between you and the people around you was explained, but the strangeness of the world continued to gnaw at you.
It was only when the others took you in that you were able to finally understand what it was you’d been sensing all this time.
It can only be fought from within, and that means you need to enter its midst before you can effect any lasting change.
You’re not alone in your opinions.
Crazy or not, the time is coming soon when you’ll have to make a decision about how to proceed.
The things you’re contemplating scare you a lot, but as far as you can tell there’s just no other way to fix the terrible things that are wrong with the world.
Political games bore you, but that doesn’t mean you have no understanding of power or how to use it.
Keep your more outlandish ideas to yourself
Time to atone.
All the politicking, all the lies, all the rationalizations — you’ve heard them all a thousand times before.
You always thought there had to be some better way of doing things, but this was the way life was.
It was simply your lot, so what could you do?
At that moment, something inside of you snapped, and you answered his plea by punching your fist through his chest.
Some have begun to look on you with favor.
They look to you for guidance and support.
Though it pains you to admit it, the truth is that you are no more experienced than they are when it comes to fighting.
Few are as dedicated as they ought to be, and many are impure in some form or another.
There is much work for you to do, but that’s fine. You are eager to get on with it.
Your memory is long and your strength great
The law is everything to you, and you will not tolerate any sort of deviation from that law.
Assert your authority in any way you have to
You know the right of things, and if others do not recognize that fact it falls to you to make them understand.
I don’t think you understand, chum.
See, all those allies you think you have are in my back pocket.
All the resources you depend on belong to me.
I’m the one with the power, and I’m the one in charge.
So let’s talk again about that favor you’re going to do for me.
Some people are just born to rule.
It’s the way of things — those who are alphas rise to positions of power, while those who aren’t inevitably become servants.
That’s how it’s always been, and that’s how it’s meant to be.
They know you’re a threat to the power they possess.
If they were as good as they thought they were, they would have dealt with you a long time ago.
The powerful don’t remain so if they don’t attend to their responsibilities.
You often suspect that your talents might make them feel like prey, but you haven’t confirmed this theory as of yet. It’s of no real consequence, though; so long as they obey, you’re sure all will remain well.
Privately, in that little part of your mind that you refuse to acknowledge, you know that a good portion of your talk is just that — talk.
You’re not quite as good as you pretend to be, and you know it.
Someday, if you’re not careful, that seed of doubt might catch up with you and destroy you.
You were born to rule, and you’re damn good at it.
You watch the world around you and seize every opportunity that comes your way, exploiting others in every way you can imagine so that you can cow them into submission.
Some have taken it upon themselves to teach you a lesson or two in an effort to see that you learn humility.
You haven’t yet learned to respect your betters.
As far as you’re concerned, the best a person can manage is to be your equal.
Treat everyone around you as though they are inferior and incompetent — it’s a safe bet they probably are.
It’s important that they always realize who it is they’re messing with.
The spirit of the storm sings in your veins, and it’s made your life fairly hellish.
You’ve had. . . anger management issues, let’s say, since you were a child, and they only became worse as you grew into maturity.
Most importantly, you learned that you were among the greatest of your kind, a warrior who’s tasted power and learned how to use it to crush others.
You had tasted power, and it only served to fuel your ambition.
They hope you will remain a useful pawn, but they fear that you’ll quickly grow too powerful to effectively control, and this leaves them feeling vulnerable.
The politics and the bickering can go hang as far as you’re
Everyone else around you can either follow you or get the hell out of the way.
Your strength and rage are frightening, and they combine with a truly devious mind to produce a raw force of nature that even veteran warriors find impressive.
With strength and power come arrogance, however, and you have little respect for those you deem unworthy (which is just about everyone).
This has made you enemies, so you’d best watch your step.
People follow you because you’re very good at getting things done.
Sitting around and strategizing bores you; you’re much more comfortable in taking action now
It’s not like any plan ever survives contact with the enemy anyway, so why get bent out of shape over the details?
It was just his mind that evaded his grasp on occasion.
You see, he suffered from a madness that fosters obsession in the victim, and it was only a matter of time before that obsession found a target.
He began to understand the blasphemy that was his existence.
He could have ended it, of course, but that was far too
It did not address any of the harm he had already done, and it didn’t benefit the world as a whole.
Some sought to use his ideals to further their own ends, but he would have none of it.
Small wonder, then, that she developed an insular and severe personality.
While she’d already proven to be a competent warrior, she also discovered she was quite an effective leader.
He learned to think of them as his prey.
Humans were vermin as far as he concerned, and he vowed to exterminate them just as they were trying to exterminate wolves.
He was not alone in his debauchery.
The bloodbath he’d triggered couldn’t go on forever.
Humans have their limits, and once they choose to fight back they make clever and dangerous foes.
We do not choose to remember his name, for that would grant him unearned respect.
You used to be a kid who was high on life, intoxicated with the world around you.
They weren’t up to the task, and as a result you have had to step in and clean up their mess.
Now, nothing matters but winning.
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gaeidthesnake-blog · 6 years
I’mma do this. This is me as a character, not me as a DID system member.
Character Chart Character’s full name: ga’Eid Kemerre Reason or meaning of name: It’s a name I... kinda improvised, actually. After I found myself suddenly in the outskirts of a city with no knowledge of who or where I was, I kinda lurked around a bit. I realized some people seemed to not be from around there, so after encountering enough of them, I made up a name that sounded kinda like it might have been from wherever they were from. Character’s nickname: “The Snake” Reason for nickname: Because I sneak around in the shadows and use poison. Birth date: So... turns out I was created, not born. Not sure what day that was, either. It was a long time ago. Physical appearance Age: Almost 300 (Spoiler - actually almost 800, but at the beginning of the story, I don’t know that) How old does he/she appear: Mid 20′s Weight: A little over 80 lbs Height: 4′4″ Body build: Lean and slender Shape of face: Uh... rat face-shaped? Eye color: Amber Glasses or contacts: I got an eyepatch. Does that count?  Skin tone: Kinda ashen,with either tan fur or green scales over it Distinguishing marks: I’m missing my left eye and right arm. Predominant features: My mane? Hair color: Olive Type of hair: Stiff and starchy Hairstyle: Wild, with a lot of it sticking up and leaning back, and some extra length in the rear Voice: Really scratchy. If you’ve played Fallout 4... I basically sound like Hancock. Overall attractiveness: Conventionally unattractive. Physical disabilities: See “distinguishing marks” Usual fashion of dress: I dress like a hobo. Favorite outfit: Pants, sash, bandoliers, and a cloak Jewelry or accessories: I usually have a band around a lock of my mane, on the right side. Personality Good personality traits: I guess... I care about others? I want to do the right thing? Bad personality traits: Hoo boy... I’m an emotional wreck living with depression and sometimes paranoia. I’m overwhelmed with pain, I wanna die, but I don’t wanna leave the world without *someone* filling my role, so... well, let’s just say, I’m not the best father. I’m also obsessed over the fact that I was artificially created and worried about the existential questions that brings up about who I really am and whether or not there’s a real “me” or if I’m just an extension of someone else’s will. Mood character is most often in: Anxious Sense of humor: Sarcastic and often self-deprecating Character’s greatest joy in life: Iunno... I feel like I’d actually have something I enjoyed, if I ever got a chance to just relax and enjoy the simple things in life. Character’s greatest fear: Something bad happening to people I care about when I’m not around to stop it. That, or finding out none of my thoughts are really my own because I don’t really exist as an individual. Why? Because a lot of my friends died in situations like that, and because *someone* created me, and did so for a reason. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? My life’s already *in* turmoil! Character is most at ease when: Never. Most ill at ease when: There’s a lull in activity, and nothing to distract me, and I can hear the voices of my dead friends from long ago, and see their dead faces, asking me why I let them die... Enraged when: Someone withholds something needed from someone I care about Depressed or sad when: Always Priorities: Raise my adopted son to be good at what I do so he can replace me and I can die; help people while I’m still alive Life philosophy: If granted one wish, it would be: To start over fresh, on my own terms Why? Character’s soft spot: The vulnerable Is this soft spot obvious to others? ... Yeah, sometimes. Greatest strength: Stealth, agility, poison use and resistance Greatest vulnerability or weakness: I’m not really that physicall strong or durable Biggest regret: Letting my friends die... Minor regret: Being an emotionally neglectful dad to my adopted son. Biggest accomplishment: Being the top spy of the Milandrian Revolution Minor accomplishment: Hiding my real age and origin Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about:I wouldn’t be embarrassed about anything in my past... Just deeply ashamed... Why? See above? Character’s darkest secret: I got lotsa secrets. I guess “dark” depends on your perspective. Does anyone else know? I think Ro might - and I’d like to find her, to learn how and why. Goals Drives and motivations: Individuality, freedom, protection of others Immediate goals: Help protect Ufera from these devils that just showed up Long term goals: Find the truth about my origins, make sure the world’s safe, end my life with as few regrets as possible How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Find Ro, defeat the devils, make sure the world’s not gonna get wrecked without me How other characters will be affected: People in general’d be safer and... well... I hope Madün turns out okay... Past Hometown: No hometown, but I spent a lot of time in the Erresse forest after settling down there with a group of fleeing rebels. Type of childhood: No childhood Pets: None First memory: Showing up in the outskirts of a city that no longer exists Most important childhood memory: None Why: Never had a childhood Childhood hero: None Dream job: Spy for life, yo. Either that, or adventurer or investigator. Education: Self-taught Religion: None Finances: We didn’t use money that much back then. We either bartered or offered services. Present Current location: Libar, slums Currently living with: A gang of street vigilantes and the downtrodden Pets: None Religion: None Occupation: Rogue Finances:  I can get money when I need it, but I tend not to need it that much, since I prefer the humble life. Family Mother: None Relationship with her: None Father: I suspect I was created by Ro’s mysterious “boss.” Relationship with him: I want to find him and get answers. Siblings: I suspect Ro was also created, just like me, so... her? Maybe? Relationship with them: I want to find her and get answers. Spouse: No spouse... I was in love, once... Relationship with him/her: He’s dead now. Children: I have an adopted son named Madün. Relationship with them: Well... not the best... and it’s kinda my fault. Other important family members: None Favorites Color: Forest green Least favorite color: Iunno?  Music: Anything that sounds haunting, with nice string usage. Food: Bugs. Literature: Documents? Form of entertainment: Hanging out at the tavern Expressions: “Eh.” “Meh.” Mode of transportation: Walking, running, jumping, flipping, tumbling, crawling, sneaking... Most prized possession: None. Habits Hobbies: Info-gathering Plays a musical instrument? Nope. Plays a sport? Nope. How he/she would spend a rainy day: Looking for worms Spending habits: Frugal Smokes: Nope. Drinks: A lot - but I don’t get drunk. I’m naturally poison-resistant, and I’ve developed that resistance even further to be practically immune. Other drugs: I was on hallucinogenic toads for a long time. I don’t do that now, though. What does he/she do too much of? ... Iunno? Regretting things? What does he/she do too little of? Relaxing. Not like I can, though. Extremely skilled at: Spying. Extremely unskilled at: Resolving inner conflicts? Nervous tics: Sometimes, my ears and nose twitch in weird ways. Usual body posture: Leaning forward, kinda crouching Mannerisms: I just talk really informally. Peculiarities: ... I like eating bugs? I don’t even try to hide it. Honestly, I’m not sure what the fuss is. They’re nutritious, they taste good... Why’s everyone so afraid? Traits Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist. Introvert or extrovert? Introvert. Daredevil or cautious? A mix of both. I have a dangerous job, what can I say? Logical or emotional? Logical when I’m on the job, emotional when I’m not. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Messy, but not necessarily disorderly. Methodical, but *definitely* not neat. Prefers working or relaxing? I never relax. I prolly need to, but the moment I do, something bad’s bound to happen, I just know it... Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Unsure. Animal lover? Eh... Iunno. I wouldn’t go outta my way to hurt them, but I also don’t really care for them too much. Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: Total shit. One word the character would use to describe self: Wreck. One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “I’m a weird emotional wreck living with depression and sometimes paranoia. I’m overwhelmed with pain, I wanna die, but I don’t wanna leave the world without *someone* filling my role, so of course I ended up adopting a kid and trying to force him into being a spy like a fucking father-of-the-year. I also got other personal problems to deal with. You prolly heard a lot of stuff about me, about how I’m a *big fuckin’ hero* or *intriguing mystery man* or some shit, and you were prolly expecting someone a lot better than, well, *this*, so... sorry ‘bout that, but I ain’t who you think I am.” What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Iunno? What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? The tendency to leave my friends behind when they need me. What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? My slender physique? What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? The teeth. They’re actually pretty average for a dendago, but... not a lot of non-dendago find them attractive. How does the character think others perceive him/her: Better than they should, and with too many grandiose preconceptions. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: My entire life. Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: They need protecting. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Hell yes. Person character most hates: Myself. Best friend(s): I guess... Gavion? Iunno, I’m not really close to anyone. Love interest(s): Listen, I got a lot of FWB’s, but nothing more than that. I’m not really one to fall in love. Can’t really commit to that with everything else going on. Person character goes to for advice: Maybe Gavion, but rarely. Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: I feel responsible for EVERYONE... Person character feels shy or awkward around: No one specific, but... anyone who reminds me of Albren. Person character openly admires: No one. Person character secretly admires: Everyone but me. Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Madün... kinda. After story starts: Madün. [Just a reminder: All of this is for me as a character, not me as an introject. Some of it still applies, but a lot of it’s old info that doesn’t really apply to me now that I’m here.]
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mtgsharzad · 6 years
GRN Prerelease Notes
WeIt’s been a while since I’ve gone to a prerelease. I think since...BFZ? But with the free Arena sealed voucher and the return to return to Ravnica, Magic’s greatest setting, I schlepped my way to the game store (after swallowing two edibles).  It’s a different store than the one I used to prerelease at. A narrow room is filled with one line of tables and barely enough space on either side of them to walk past. The counter stretches...6 metres? It’s a game store, like many and unlike many others. I showed up 3 minutes late and all the non-Izzet prerelease packs have been taken. Not much of a choice, izzet? God, kill me. I get a promo Firemind’s Insight and a really conflicted Sealed pool. I have three Selesnya rares, a Steam Vents, an Assassin’s Trophy (which I’m going to trade away) and the new 1R growing elemental guy.  I have, like, no playable creatures, and end up reaching for two copies of Muse Drake just to be able to play more than 8 battle dumplings. I built into a grixis fliers/midrange deck, mostly anchored around my copious removal and my UUBB guy.  I always forget how long we’re allowed for deckbuilding at these events. I’m usually a quick deckbuilder, but the drugs kick in and I find myself looking at the same 25 possible includes for a straight 15 minutes. I cut my second copy of the 1UB enchantment and grab basics, and proceed to have a really pleasant conversation with the guy diagonal from me about Legacy Pox. What a beautiful deck! He confessed to running the 1-of granddaddy Pox, as well as 4 Sinkhole, 4 Wasteland, 4 Smallpox, etc. Gotta love a man who plays the 1-of. He said he plays Percy as a finisher though, instead of the Nether Shadow recursion/beats strat - “make a percy, swing three times, you’re dead”, he explains. Sounds interesting! Round one. I’m up against a friendly Asian guy in his late 20s. He’s on BUG, and we have a good back-and-forth, but I take the series 2-1. Nothing really memorable or exceptional here; just some good old fashioned Sealed gameplay. I take game 3 with a reasonably-thrilling combo kill out of nohwere with Wee Dragonauts buffs and 6 points of burn going dome. Really great games, I say, and he agrees. I report the match win to the store owner, who I think gives me a little wink of approval. Who is this strange newcomer, who can win her first game? I imagine he’s saying. She must be a powerful sorceress. Round two. I deckbuilt across from this guy, so I know that he’s on Naya and has a foil Trostani (jealous). He had a bye R1, so I’m nervous, but I pretend I didn’t know this when he explains it to me. “So, you feeling good, then?” I ask, and he replies with something that’s music to my ears: He’s a total scrub! He has no idea how to play Magic, and is “usually the worst guy in the room”. I’m about 5% wary of some kind of hustle, but I don’t think I’m being hustled; this guy is earnest about how bad he is at Magic, so let’s just have some fun games! In game 1, I keep a risky hand with UR mana and two B spells. I never find a Swamp, and Sammy Scrub over here just develops a board and beats me down.  The whole time, he’s table talking nervously about how this is the best it ever goes for him, and this is probably the best he’ll do all day. A turn before I’d die, I say gg and flop the hand, which now has 4 B spells and still no B mana.  ”That explains a lot”, he says. In game 2, I take a dicy mull to 4 looking for lands. I’m sitting on Swamp, new Rupture Spire, Dinrova Horror, Goblin Cratermaker, which is at least an all-stars version of my shitty, shitty deck. I manage to do some nice stack trickery with Cratermaker that fizzles one of his Auras. After clarifying the difference between Auras and Equipment, I take game 2 easily. 
This seems like an apt point to take a moment to take a personal stand: I hate the way he taps his mana. He keeps all his lands in a single pile, behind his library (and therefore more or less underneath his arm from my viewpoint). This game, he did this thing where he’d hold up 3 mana for like 4 turns, and I’d have to keep clarifying that he had mana up, with him even doing things like casting a Worldsoul Colossus with X=2 so he could hold up mana (I Dead Weighted it. 😭Brutal😭). Turns out he was holding onto a Plummet effect; when I slammed the Dinrova Horror, he said “oh, that has flying, right?” and tried to kill it. Damn, sorry dude, but it also has Hexproof... Anyway. The experience of playing against multiple people with really incoherent mana presentation made me resolve to be even better about my own land display. It’s something Magic Arena couldn’t possibly have reminded me about; the messiness and personal flair that goes into the way each player taps, plays, and manipulates their cards, all outside of the game itself.  Game 3 also comes down to some board stall where I blunted his early assault and stabilized with Wee Dragonauts. Once I hit 6 mana I did the 4UR split card spell to search for an instant (the jumpstart draw 2) and a sorcery (the 3bb murder surveil 2). That was my endgame value chain, and he just couldn’t beat it. I played really forgivingly and walked him through my understandings of several combats in a way that I think made him a more equitable opponent to me, and so for that reason I think we had some really captivating fun games. I really liked this guy, and I hope he did well after we fought. We go to turns, so my idea to buy pizza before R3 is tragically dashed on the rocks. I still haven’t eaten (always take pills on an empty stomach, kids), and I’m starting to feel it.
 My opponent this round is a happy looking fat kid, who the entrenched player cracking a box to my left apparently mentored in Magic’s rules. The moment we square up I realize he’s a “Real Opponent” in a way the round 2 guy simply wasn’t; he does the pro player card shuffling tic, announces every trigger, and his cards make the loud SLICK SLICK SLACK of a player who knows exactly which card he’s putting where, and who intends to waste no time doing so.
We both mull to 6. “Ooh, hope you didn’t keep a fast one, or I might need to go to 5″, I tease. He tells me he kept a fast one, I stay on 6, and true to his word, he grizzly bears me into the dust by turn 6. Brutal! I mire in self-abnegation. You IDIOT, I think. He said it was a fast one, I castigate. Oops! This is not the mindset of a champion. I reset quickly for game two. At this point we’re comfortable enough in the dance, two mature players (one a child) with cleanly-laid-out mana and creatures and full understanding of the Stack, and we’re bullshitting and talking Modern while we play. It’s a joyous experience, the best time I’ve had playing paper Magic recently. I take game 2 pretty cleanly when he’s stuck on two lands, and the land clump he hits on turn 5 is too little too late, even though he slams a locket as soon as he can play it. I misplay a little by forgetting some of his announced triggers during combat, and get a 1-for-1 on my Dinrova Horror instead of the 2-for-1 I’d planned on. Oops! I win handily, though.  In game 3 I kept a risky 6 - 5 lands and a two-drop. I draw more lands and just can’t spend gas fast enough to keep up, and he curves me into the dust with his efficient little battle dumplings. RIP, really great games. The thrill of combat and the hot copper taste of blood (I think I bit my cheek accidentally?) fill my veins.  In the pizza meta selection subgame, I walk in the door thinking Potato, but audibled to Feta and Sundried Tomatoes because I heard Boros had good chances against the field. 
I walk back down the street to the LGS. The pizza did what it needed to and has loosened the feelings of self-doubt that come with your first tournament loss of the day. I am a champion. I am a queen. I’m beautiful. I visualize myself going 3-1.  My opponent for the fourth and final round is another teen, but he’s way worse than the cute friendly pro-to-be. He’s really soft-spoken, which wouldn’t be a problem but Putative Pro is the other match on this table and he and I are still occasionally shooting the shit, much to Surly Kid’s annoyance. Sorry, dog! I would normally use your turns to plan strategy or whatever, but he takes such ponderous long turns I feel like I have no choice. He’s moaning that he’s had to mull to 5 5 times already. My heart goes out to the kid, but maybe he should learn to trust in the heart of the cards!~ He’s built a pretty solid GWr aggro deck, lots of lifegain and Mentor effects. Exactly the kind of deck I’m not built to answer! But it turns out that spot removal works okay against mentor if you can keep them from having two guys attack on any given turn. I bleed out before I can stabilize game 1, though.  Game 2 I barely remember also, but I think I had a solid early curve and managed to discard his 1 answer in-hand. Hard to complain about that!
Game 3. Game 3 is scary. We both mull to 5 and have shaky starts. He hits me with early pressure and takes me down to like 5 real early, while I’ve managed to chip him down to like 16. FIVE TURNS, comes the booming announcement. Oh shit, I think. I have to take this. A 3-1 finish is so close, I can taste it. I end up stacking Wee Dragonauts and Electrostatic Wall triggers to find exact lethal on my last of the 5 extra turns. It’s incredibly, viscerally, beautifully satisfying. I feel electric, triumphant, and exultatory. This is my apotheosis. 
I win...three packs! Oops. The kid who beat me in R3 came first (satisfying to only lose to the winner), but because of the byes, someone has a 3-0-1 record, and they get the 6 packs due to second. Still, it’s a delight to place. TRADES:  traded away my Assassin’s Trophy for a K Command, new Niv, some cube cards / foils and some pocket change. 
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thornburgrealty · 6 years
Professional Essay Formulating Techniques
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