#it is so very vwry late
opera-gx-official · 1 year
Thats not my liver, thats my new nvidia geforce gtx 5090 xp (1st edition)
It processes my alcohol 5% better than my old liver, and it only cost 800k
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litaeque · 2 years
"I like you too, im sorry if i was stupid to not know before."
Character/s: Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma, Rui Kamishiro × Reader
Cw: light angst (in rui's part), and that's pretty much all
I got a little too worked up on rui's 😭😭
I changed my writing style (again) but i only do this kind of writing style whenever i do requests tho :3
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Akito Shinonome
He's dumb. /Hj
"hey uh-..im sorry but im not interested into dating anyone."
You ofcourse already expected this and you only wanted to let this feeling out of you but that doesn't mean you already moved on for him.
After 2 weeks of his rejection, he was miserable he hates how he keeps looking at you're direction and whenever you caught him staring he swears that he felt his face getting warm.
He keeps denying that he has feelings for you despite his actions says it otherwise.
He's guilty from rejecting you, because why did he just now noticed that you're very kind and sweet ..
His gut keeps telling him to just suck it up and just confess to you he just hopes that you still have feelings for him.
"hey-..um [name], i like you for real alright.. it's fine if you already moved on i rea—" "i like you too."
He seriously didn't thinked that you still like him but he's glad because now he can just admire you more<3
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Toya Aoyagi
He's genuinely confused on how someone even manage to like him. /srs
He's a quiet yet reserved boy quite dumb too..so ofcourse he's surprised.
"im sorry, but im currently not interested into having a relationship right now i apologize."
He's kinds of feel bad for rejecting you but he currently has no time for relationships for now :(
You being you don't mind it since you just want to let this out of you're chest.
It took quite a lot of time for him to finally realized his feelings for you.
He was a bit shy at first, you are beautiful and kind..but he got the courage to confess his feelings for you with the help of tsukasa.
"i deeply apologize for not thinking back but i like you if you dont feel the same way anymore it's fine."
You were shock but you accepted his confession, he was happy that you accepted his feelings back now he can finally kiss you<3
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Tsukasa Tenma
Despite being loud he never expected that someone would actually have liking on him due to his reputation being a "weirdo".
He really appreciates that someone would like him but he doesn't quite knew you but he's heard of you before.
"haha! I knew it no one couldn't resist my charm!! But..i hate to break it to you but this future star have to decline..."
He truly didn't want to decline you but he just doesn't know much about you and he just decided to be friends with you.
Oh he just wish he can go back and accepted your feelings for him
He loves how you ramble about things, how you just look gorgeous, the way you talk..well everything about you he loves everything about you.
He was madly inlove with you, and yet it still took sometime for him to confess his feelings for you.
"[name] i like you it's alright if you don't have any feelings for me anymore..!!" "tsukasa you don't have to worry about it i still like- well love you."
Bros literally screaming and squealing in joy/hj
He's very happy and that's when the journey dating tsukasa starts<3
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Rui Kamishiro
Now..rui is very much surprised that someone has a crush on him.
He was indeed bullied and called a "robot freak" or a "weirdo" on the past even still now.
And he knew nothing about you so he was very aware that you might be also like them.
"my apologies but i have no interests into dating or getting into a relationship."
He's happy that someone likes him but he isn't really sure since he doesn't want anyone to hurt him anymore.
But that soon changed when he started to get to know you more.
He was catching feelings but he was afraid that he might just end up breaking up his friendship with you since he probably thinks that you moved on.
Tsukasa, emu, nene and the wxs crew convinced him to confess his hidden feelings for you and he just hopes that he won't end up breaking up his friendship with you.
"..oh [name] you're just in time.. listen it's fine if you already moved on but im catching feelings for you, to put it in short i like you."
He expected a rejection but to his surprise his confession got accepted instead
Now the only thing he could hope is that he wishes that nothing will go wrong and just hopes that it stays peaceful and full of love.
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ive looked through the masterpost (and also just scrolled on the wcau tag) and I couldn't find anything mentioning him, so what about Mal ? :o
I wonder if it's a similar situation to Nik/Wishingpond in this au, or maybe he's trapped in the mortal realm like William. MAYBE STARCLAN IS LIKE PUNISHING MAL FOR SOMETHING SO HE WANDERS LIKE A LOST SPIRIT. oughh thinking about this au tickles my brain /vpos
VWRY OSRRY FOR THE LATE REPLY MY FRIEND!! I have been in a stump these past few weeks but I should be BACK fulltime to answer you all now :D
Mallard is called Duckthorn in this AU! He was a warrior from a further away clan that had pretty close ties with the darker, dangerous part of the forest ( of which spiritwhisper comes from ). Duckthorn ended up tying himself with the dark forest, training there a multitude of times, and found himself there once he died.
Since then, he's been trying to get into contact with cats who had specific abilities and strong ties to starclan, though it'd been generally fruitless until Spiritflare ( Clarence ). They actually became sort-of-friends until Spiritflare's untimely travel to the stars.
Havenclan is very aware of him and have warned the other clans about him as well. Most cats aren't really sure of his goals or motivations. Spiritwhisper has been perpetually targeted by him since apprenticeship 🙌
That's basically it for Mal :D do not fear send me more ASKS!!!!!! I love answering them
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Lexa moved into a new house and doesn't know why she keeps waking up with her underwear wet and ruined. She sets up a camera to record what happens while she sleeps. She's alarmed to find a ghostly figure manifesting out of thin air and touching her as she sleeps
The house is old, granted. Lexa should have figured some sort of supernatural occurrence was taking place when she first bought it but she brushed off any sounds and misplaced objects as her forgetting or an old house settling.
But the nightmares seem weirdly realistic.
Nightmares? Dreams? Sex nightmares?
All Lexa knows is that she feels this immense sense of dread as she sleeps and yet an intense sense of pleasure which has been resulting in her awaking up with her underwear completely ruined by her own horniness.
A little concerned her singleness is catching up to her as she sleeps and she has found the x-rated version of sleep walking - sleep masturbating - she sets up a small camera in her bedroom hoping its nothing other than her having some very realistic, if weird, sex dreams.
That night she goes to sleep as normal. In the morning, she awakes up, underwear ruined and the ghost of the feeling of something touching her very vivid on her skin.
She sets her coffee on the table as she brings up the recording of last night on her phone, eager to find out what the fuck has been happening during her sleep.
The footage starts normal. Just her in bed asleep. For the first few hours everything seems bormal, the only thing Lexa finds out of the ordinary is how she seems to sleep talk and occasionally snore, something she simply pretends she didnt see.
Its at about three or so am that things take a turn.
In the footage, the room seems... still. Eery. As if something is about to happen and Lexa finds herself transfixed on the screen. From the corner, what looks almost like a shadow seems to move. Lexa's heart drops. Her her from last night stays in bed, blissfully ignorant of the thing that approaches her. As its fully in the picture the figure gains a form, so very human and vivid. Translucent almost, the movements too quick and yet so life like.
It reaches for Lexa's legs and she watches as her sleeping self hums in contentment, opening her kegs fully for the ghastly apparition. Lexa is unable to look away now, heart beating. The figure moves its head, its very clear head between Lexa's opened legs and Lexa can only stare as the ghost touches her clothed cunt, massasing it with very clear fingers.
Lexa feels completely frozen as she watches the ghost of what seems to be a young woman all but please her, what terrifies her the most if that her sleeping self seems to know her presence, welcome it even.
Not, thats not whats more terrifying. What is is the fact the image is making Lexa feel herself getting wet as she watches herself being touched by some a fucking ghost.
Her fingers reach for her shorts as she sits, staring at her phone, lets it run through the fabric already ruined-
She tosses the phone away. Fuck, no. She's not about to masturbate to a video of a fucking GHOST trying to /fuck her/ while she's sleeping. Fuck that.
She spends the entire day on edge. She goes for a run, and then she goes grocery shopping, and then just drives around letting any of her frozen groceries melt in her truck as she avoids her house up until its too late for her to continue on without going to bed.
As she lets herself cautiously fall into bed tho, she is unable to fall asleep. She feels... scared? No. She doesnt feel particularly scared, despite the vwry clear evidence of her having a rather touchy ghost. If anything its almost... nice, to have company. Lexa has never felt scared in this house. The moment she set foot in it, she felt nothing but the overwhelming desire to have it, despite its age and various fixer upper characteristics.
Unable to fall asleep, Lexa stares at the clock. 3 am. Oh.
From the corner, a shadow. In front of her, translucent but oh so real, a woman. Ghastly but beautiful.
Lexa feels the cold touch of her see through hand on her thigh.
Lexa opens her legs without a fight. She sighs, content as she allows the pretty face of a dead blonde to disappear between them.
Definitely not a nightmare. Nor a dreams. Thank fuck.
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cupcraft · 7 months
2 Hours late but hi cup. whats Ur fave sims 4 dlc ????????? vwry curious. ppl have such strong opinions on dlc usually.. so ywah ^_^
hope u r feeling well btw <3 :3
My fav dlc is growing together bc it adds so much and I adore the cas and like I love the stuff that bolsters like family relationships and progression. I'm also very fond of tiny living too.
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seraphiism · 2 years
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HELLO THIS IS VWRY LATE BUT ID LIKE TO WISH U HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i hope that it was fantastic, and that the days to come are peaceful and that they are filled with only good!!! i also hope u find a really tastey drink and enjoy it
HELLOOO HEHEHEHEE THANK U SO MUCH !!!! it was so wonderful !!!! am very lucky to have such loving people around me to celebrate ◜ᴗ◝ say no more ,,, i have to get boba in ur honor now
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outragedslime · 7 years
I had dream in which i was late to school bc i slept in and i woke up and panicked until i realised its the mide of summer n i swear to god at least half of my dreams involve me doing something bad/getting in trouble at school
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springtidesnowfall · 3 years
highkey i love talking to ppl and hearing them talk <33 the only reason i havent dm-ed(autocorrect wants to change that to 'died' which is funny) u is cause im SO BAD at remembering dms exist so ill just ignore messages for so long fjsjdjs :( im a fool with no memory :(((
my hand-eye is ALSO bad bro!! buddies in knocking shit over!!! i run into walls a LOT !!!! im vwry excited abt my muffins tho cause im gonna make. cornbread muffins n cranberry orange(which is actually my fav flavor of muffin <3) and i think banana nut? i forgot jfdjjd but its for a barbeque so thats nice
-painting anon (sorry its late at night lol no filter head empty <3)
YEA.. felt that i love hearing people talk about the things they like its so good !! so good . also im very amused by the idea that you havent died because you forget about dms . the devil is in your dms idk man . no memory gang i forget things all the time 😔 well . no memory And bad hand eye gang <3 those sounds really nice !! i hope the bbq goes well !! ive never had muffins that arent like. blueberry or lemon poppyseed but like genuinely !! those sound super cool
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strangestofquarks · 4 years
Want to make a webcomic with me?
Hey, so, I have an idea for a webcomic. Unfortunately, I'm absolutrly terrible at drawing, so I'm seeking a partner who's just as excited about this project as I am, and would want to work with me on it. This definitely sounds a lot like 'hey, come draw my ideas for me for free,' which is not my intent; I'm looking for a new friend who I can work with to build more on the plot, characters, and themes as we go along, and who sees this as something they really want to spend their free time working on.
However, if I am, in fact, doing the art version of 'so I have this new app idea...' please feel free to inform me and I'll take this post down.
But, I digress - onto the comic idea itself.
In a fictional, medium-sized city, the personifications of renewable energy sources are brought together. Each has their own personal challenges - college workloads, financial worries, family drama - and they're all already vwry busy being twenty-something adults trying to figure out where they're going in life (the New Energies, being, well.... new, are all young adults). And now, on top of everything else, they have to constantly fend off the Fossils using their newly discovered powers.
The whole thing is intended to be a bit of a lighthearted, magical-girl-esque story filled with science puns, found family, and flashy fight scenes. In regards to characters, we've got:
The New Energies
Nuclear, the head of the New Energies. Picture Ms. Frizzle, but as a college student, and with big, round glasses. Nuclear is a passionate, determined person with a love for all things sci-fi, and on top of her (obvious) nuclear physics and engineering double major, she has a new special interest every week.
Solar, the biggest hippie of them all. He's a botany major at the same college Nuclear goes to, and spends his spare time hiking and resding transcendentalist poetry. You'll usually see him wearing pastels and sandals whenever the weater lets him get away with it, and he has a bit of a penchant for hangout out in high places (trees, roofs, etc.). Also, he would pretty much die for any human, animal, or plant that needs help.
Wind, a thrill-seeking bicycle courier and aspiring pilot. She's almost never not moving (hence the ever-present althetic attire), whether it's running, cycling, or yoga. She's saving up money to train to become an airline pilot, and traveling the world is her biggest dream. Win'd is fierce, intense, and always teady to take on a challenge.
Hydro, who people sometimes forget about, but really shouldn't. They usually have the hood of their trademark purple sweatshirt pulled up as a 'don't talk to me' signal, and are pretty quietl. They're also reclusive, their work as a marine biologist taking up most of their time. However, they have a razor-sharp tongue, and when the situation calls for it, can be a hell of a force to reckon with.
Geothermal, or 'Geo' for short. Geo is an Icelandic exchange student, has collected enough rocks to fill a small museum, and is perpeturally wearing a big, puffy vest and seeking out heat sources (including, if his friends are okay with it, occasional cuddles). Geo's very calm and sure of himself, and he's not really a thrill-seeker like Wind, but danger doesn't bother him much (in particular, he can be a bit of a pyromanic sometimes).
The Fossils:
Coal, the oldest of them all. Coal looks to be in his late sixties and has a perpetual cough, and his dress and manner of speech are as stuck in the start of the twentieth century as he can get away with without attracting too much attention. He once led the fossils, but now he's content to let Oil take the reins. He's still incredibly powerful, though, and his influence is everywhere.
Oil, almost as old as coal, and the head of the group. He appears to be middle-aged, and has a high-ranong position at - you guessed it - an oil company. He's almost always in a suit, and whether it's his hair or his words, everything is slick and shiny. And he is absolutely ruthless.
Natural Gas, the youngest of the Fossils. She's a post-grad student at Nuclear and Solar's college, working on a thesis on conflict resolution and psychology (note: this is based on natural gas being the poster child for "clean" fossil fuels, hence her being involved in a field about resolving arguemnts). Outwardly, she's very amicable and friendly, but most of what ahe says is carefully crafted to get what she wants, and not in a good way.
Oh, and about the characters' ages, they're based on when the types of energy were widely used during and after the industrial revolution, and their ages don't directly correlate to how old they are. The Fossils have actually been around for a few centuries, while the New Energies are much more recent. Nuclear has been around since the 1950s, Wind since the 1970s, Geo since the 1980s, and Hydro is actually over a hundred years old, but because they've been widely forgotten as a source of power, have literally phased in and out of existence. Solar is the only one who actually is the age he appears to be, and discovering he's one of the new energies is what kicks off the story. Essentially, this is similar to American Gods in that the characters become real when enough people consider their concepts important (they literally popped into existence as young kids, and most of them wound up in the foster system and/or being adopted), and they are strongly linked with their reputations. About why most of the characters are doing things young adults would do rather than being more successful for their actual age, I was thinking with technology making it a lot harder to keep their real afes secret, Nuclear, Wind, and Geo (who'd already found each other), decided to make new identiites and atart over.
However, I definitely want to keep the whole 'kind of immortals' thing light. It's necessary because this does need some level of cohwrent worldbuilding, and I do want the Fossils especially to have been around for a while and have gotten pretty formidable, but beyond that, the focus of the story is more about the plot than the world.
Anyways, if you're interested in making this with me, send me a message, and we can chat.
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