#it isn't in my drafts neither in my inbox...
nook-kid · 2 months
Crediting Gifs — A Guide
nook-kid's guide for the agere community !
tagging @bunnelbaby for reach, hope that's okay, Bunny ! :)
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Heya everyone ! I know the agere community is big on giving credit when using people's icons, banners, etc. but I've noticing a lack of the same effort/energy when it comes to crediting gifs, and as someone who runs a stimboard blog it kinda irks me, so here's my attempt at a guide for how to properly credit gifs !
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❓️ — Why Should You Credit Gifs?
- Because those gifs were created by someone in their own time with their own energy, just like a piece of art or a moodboard.
- Stealing isn't okay, and that includes stealing gifs !
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❓️ — You Don't Have An Excuse.
• "Credit to the creator / credit to Pinterest" ARE NOT okay to do. All the gifs on Pinterest are already stolen (most from here) and the creators themselves are also from here, so there's no reason to use that for sourcing !
• "I couldn't find the source" then either don't use that gif OR go to a reliable blog (see❓️— good blogs for sourcing) and search for it / a similar one there !
• "I'll post now and credit later" NOOO. As someone with memory loss/issues, trust me when I say you most likely will not remember. Keep that board in your drafts until you've credited all your gifs or don't post it at all.
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• "I don't have the spoons / am in a smaller headspace / etc." As a disabled regressor myself, neither of those are good excuses. If you can download a gif and insert it into a post, you can copy a link and give credit. /gen
• "People are harassing me to credit the creators, so I refuse!" Harrassing others isn't nice, but neither is stealing. If someone tells you to credit a gif, or even tells you it's theirs, then listen to them ! Be the bigger (haha) person and show kindness and respect to those who create the gifs you use !
❓️ — How To Save A Source
• save them in your notes app, a Google doc or in your Tumblr drafts !
��� To copy a source, click the three dots at the top of a post, then click 'copy link'
• insert the link into whatever you're using to save them, and either add the gift or make a note so you know which one it belongs to !
• See the links under "❓️— More Reading" for more detailed / better worded guides
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❓️ — Good Blogs For Sourcing
• Here are some blogs that post gifs they make + include the sources they made them from, as well as a few archive blogs made specifically to help source !
• @/heartnosekid, @/bloomics, @/gaystims, @/talos-stims, @/stimboardboy, @/gottastim, @/snakes-stims, @/helium-stims
• @stimsblr (me), @/stimgifarchive, @/thegentlesourcerer, @/old-web-stims
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❓️ — More Reading
• Here are some other posts from stimblr creators going over this same topic + some of their guides for sourcing !
• @/sillystimmings sourcing guide
• @/deadboystims tips + @/heartnosekid's add-on
• @/stimboardboy's video tutorial on how to source on mobile
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If anyone had any questions about this, my inbox + messages are open ! Just keep it polite !
If any of this is worded weird or comes off as rude, I apologize ! I'm not great with words but this problem has been bothering me for a while and I wanted to try and get the word out !
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I've been working on this wip since March. I made a lot of progress (23k words) compared to my past wips. But around May, I lost motivation. I've gotten motivation back, but now, I'm so lost. I feel like I should try plotting properly but I don't know how because this was the first project I ever plotted. I have resources that I can use too and I'm trying to utilize. I also don't know if I should start my draft again or just continue with what I have. Then I would like to finish this wip by the end of this year because I never finished my works once a new year has started and I have plans for other ideas starting next year.
Lost Motivation, Found It, Lost Way in WIP
When this happens to me, the first thing I try to do is figure out why I lost my way. What is it about the story that is keeping me from moving forward? If I plotted out the whole story, is it because something earlier or later in the plot isn't working? Can I fix that and move on? If I didn't plot out the whole story, can I look at the plot so far and flesh out from where the plotting ended? Is that enough to get me back on track? If neither of those things work for you, have a look at my post 5 Reasons You Lost Interest in Your WIP, Plus Fixes! because even if you haven't lost interest exactly, the same things that can make you lose interest can cause you to simply lose your way.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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bookishfeylin · 5 months
Hi! This isn't necessarily an ACOTAR-related ask, but it is relevant to Feylin, so I hope you don't mind me bringing it up!
I know you were very excited for the movie "Wish", once upon a time. (I personally haven't gotten my hopes up over any Disney fairy tale since Frozen let me down back in 2013, but that's not important right now.) I also remember you said you passed on the film, but couldn't remember why, and Tumblr's search function is less than functional, haha.
Anyway, I thought of you after I stumbled across some concept art of Starboy (who was scrapped in favor of a rather Nintendo-looking marketable plushie star-shaped character), and it seems that he was originally going to be Asha's love interest! The original demo for the song "At All Costs" was even going to be a love song between the two of them (instead of the vaguely romantic song between the lead and the, uh, villain, for some reason).
All this to say that I watched a fantastic animatic using the original song, and I got major Feylin vibes from it! Now, those vibes could be wishful thinking on my part, haha, but the fact that each concept features a human girl who falls in love with a guy who is practically made of magic made me think you would appreciate it! ❤️ (And the fact that, ultimately, both love interests were discarded for various reasons. 🥲)
Regardless, I hope you enjoy the song, and the video, and the vibes!! (I needed someone to geek out over it with me. 😂)
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for wayyyyy too long but I waited because I wanted to see the song as it was used in the movie and then compare to the animatic you linked here and yes I like this sooooooo much better. (And it definitely does have Feylin vibes!)
I did not end up seeing Wish, at first because I was genuinely very busy opening weekend, but then because I started hearing some rumors about AI being involved in the creation of the movie and I didn’t want to support that. In the end, I’m not entirely sure if that’s the case, but the movie was, IMO, in what appeared to be an early drafts stage where much more could and should’ve been fleshed out (and I feel like it’s was purposely done dirty by Disney but that’s neither here nor there…)
But Thank you so much! I really did appreciate it and it was so cute 💙
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lisosa · 5 years
I was replying at an ask, I clicked on "save it as a draft" but the ask disappeared... what just happened? There are some problems with x-kit? :/
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94monkeys · 2 years
Gotta go, late to shuffleboard
My coworker is out and has left me in temporary charge of the summer intern. Unfortunately managing this intern has already aged me about 40 years.
He had 2 assignments due Friday. On Monday morning I checked my inbox, neither were done, and I emailed him to see where they were. No answer. At our weekly meeting he said one assignment was done and the other he had already sent, but both of those were falsehoods. (Possibly he sent Assignment 2 to someone, but not to me!)
Anyway, he emailed me Assignment 2 and then nine minutes later he Slacked me to ask me if I had any feedback.
a) Oh, so you are able to communicate over the Internet after all! How interesting!
b) Cool it, 1000% cool it.
I try not to generalize about the so called Zoomers but I have noticed a particular strain of indifferent behavior among male college-age interns (not just this summer's, there are other cases) that feels un peu sexist! A bit like they are gracing our office with their labor! As an intern I was probably an embarrassing brown-noser and I don't expect to be complimented, but you can at least try to do the minimum like answer your damn work emails. And really the worst thing you can do at work is just ghost your boss if you can't get something done. Better to eat the vegetables and say you need help before it becomes a Deal. I don't even have the authority to punish this kid.
Mind you we also just hired a similar-in-age graphic designer who never writes "Please" or "Thank you" in her emails, so they are all like "Can you do this" or "I can't find it." I get those kinds of terse emails from my boss, but I think someone who isn't my boss could take the time to make them sound less like an order (800 gray hairs just sprouted from my head as I wrote this). Help I didn't expect to be drafted into the manners police so soon. I wanted to have a life and instead I have an unrealistic expectation!
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In case this needs to be said: If I have not replied to your messages or reblogged things you have made for me, it isn't because I didn't like them...it's because I am a hoarder and find it very hard to move things from where they are (my inbox or my drafts) (Also because sometimes I want to draw my response too)
Also words cannot express my gratitude and love for the things I receive...and neither do reaction images.
Plus we don't have the ability to respond to praise or appreciation...so I worry I went overboard in my expression of love for the things.
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