#it just made me feel unsafe and triggered my CPTSD really badly
panics-side-blog · 1 year
As much as I love preparing for pride month i am extremely scared of being hate crimed. Shit is getting worse and worse, i was lucky that i only saw one Nazi ,most of them where at a different part of the country and that people who looked at me in disgust keeped to themselves. But bigotry is spreading fast and i feel like the country is in this weird limbo of "we know it's getting bad but not bad enough to do something about it/only do a tiny bit that isn't really helping much".
Like in the whole city there is 1 police officer that works for identifying hate crimes for queer people and one giant incident of Nazis completely destroying the car of a gay man took like 4 months until they recognize "yes it was homophobia", even tho there where slurs and Nazi stickers on it.
I (hopefully) probably will be safe but I'm still really scared. My army knife won't do much if a Nazi will come to a pride march with a gun nor am I good at confrontations.
Please to all people here, be it gay,lesbian,trans,bi,aroace,black,brow, indigenous, Jewish,asian, disabled, neurodivergent,poor,muslim ECT stay safe my heart goes out for you all i wish you all a lot of strength and love. Times are getting harder and in moments like these we need to fight harder for the right to live.
Edit ; So I wrote it before pride month was going on and it stayed in my drafts because I forgor and guess what happened. I got verbally assaulted on the train :))) took me like a week to get over it and I feared for my live not even feeling safe in my own home. The biggest problem of it all this dude life's like 10 minutes away from me by foot (or something like that). Guess who is going to get pepper spray :))
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