#it keeps sorta sprawling away from me but i think its almost finished
bittercoldbrew · 2 years
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Some unspoken thing
Karl Jacobs x Reader 
requested: no
Trigger warnings: mentions of covid, mild descriptions of a panic attack
premise: You and Karl have been friends, for years now, and now even your friends are starting to see that unspoken thing between you
“---” talking
‘---’ talking through a call
(y/s/n) -  your screen name
You’d known Karl since you were at least 10, and you both agreed that you’d been together forever, through thick and thin it was always you and Karl against the world. You and your unspoken thing.
When he’d first spoken of moving away from Portland you weren’t too sure, mostly because of college, but still, you found yourself here, sprawled across a couch, exhausted from hauling boxes up to your apartment. 
“Why did we bring so much stuff?” You groaned as Karl picked up your legs long enough to sit down, then letting them drop into his lap. 
He sighed, “Don’t quote me on this, but it was you who couldn’t pack your stuff into less than 20 boxes.” 
“Yah okay Mr. ‘I can’t be bothered to even clean this laundry before I pack it up to leave’.” You scoffed.  
“That's not true! I washed most of it...” Karl trailed off pulling out his phone, “Pizza?” 
Soon the pizza arrived and as Karl went to the door to grab it, you went and grabbed two monsters from the fridge, sitting back down in front of the couch as Karl came back with the pizza. 
“Ey I gotta pizza here!” He exclaimed, setting it down. 
“Eyyyyyyy!” You handed him one of the monsters, opening your own as he sat down, already starting to pull up an old episode of survivor. 
Once the pizza had been finished, and the left overs put away you ended up half cuddled together on the couch, your fingers softly carding through his hair. 
“Hey! I’m back!” You called, looking around the seemingly empty apartment, confused, “Karl?” 
It had been a few months since, you’d moved out to North Carolina, and so far online school hadn’t been too bad even when corona hit, not with Karl and streaming to distract you from the reality of the world around you.
You went back to looking around for your friend, calling, “Hey, Karl where’d you go?” 
Sighing you followed the soft, muffled sobs to Karl’s room, knocking on the door softly, “Honey, are you in there?” 
There was silence, then a muffled, “un uh.” 
You pushed open the door gently, blinking into the mild darkness and turning to see Karl sitting on his bed, half curled into the wall and wrapped in a sweater he’d stolen from your closest a few weeks ago. 
Immediately  you crossed the room, climbing onto the bed next to him and pulling him into your arms, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What happened?” 
His arms drifted around your waist, burying his into your chest, “They all hate me.” He murmured. 
“Who do you think hates you?” You cooed. 
“Dream and Sapnap and everyone.”
“They don’t hate you, no one on the smp hates you.” You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, “What happened?” 
“I said somethin stupid, (y/n), I messed everything up.” 
You knew not to push any further, instead just doing your best to hold him closer, whispering, “They don’t hate you, they’d never hate you okay? It’ll all blow over and everything will be okay. I promise.” 
“What if it doesn’t (y/n)? What if I messed it up forever?” 
“You didn’t baby, you didn’t. It’s gonna be alright, I promise.” 
“Ahhhhhh leave me alone!” You half shrieked, running away from Sapnap and Quackity on the dream SMP. 
‘Imposter! Imposter!’ They chanted. 
“I’m just supposed to be babysitting the chat!” You yelled, “I didn’t sign up to bully on a twitch stream! If I wanted that I would’ve been on my own stream!”
Sapnap laughed, ‘Oof! That's sad.’ 
“I know,” You said dramatically, “No one has any respect for (y/s/n), not you, not my chat, not even Karl!” 
‘We all know thats not true.’ Quackity scoffed. 
You half turned, giggling as Karl, came back into the room, “Debatable.” 
“What’s uh, whats going on?” He asked. 
“I’m being bullied, that's what's going on,” The chat started to fill with hearts and ‘(y/s/n) support.’, “Also I’ve decided since your chat likes me more than mine, so this is my stream now, I’m taking over.” 
Karl just half sighed, grabbing the chair from your desk on the other side of the office, and wheeling it over, sitting down next to you, propping his legs in your lap. 
‘(y/n) the world wants to know, how does it feel to now fill the void where Karl Jacobs once sat?’ Quackity asked, through a voice filter. 
“Well, since my dear friend Karl died,” 
“I’m not dead!” He interjected.
You sniffed, “Sometimes I can still hear his voice.”
“Dear friend?” Sapnap scoffed, “Al- Quackity look at the stream and tell me if they look like ‘dear friends’.” 
You face started to grow red, as both Nick and Alex began to catcall at you two, Karl, clearly getting confused as you ducked your head, face entirely red. 
“Whats the matter (y/n)? You got a crush?” Nick teased. 
Half covering your mouth you muttered, “Just some unspoken thing.” 
“If I were to tell you that I kinda sorta didn’t listen to you, and forgot to buy more cereal, what would you say?” Karl asked, shrugging off his backpack as he came into the apartment. 
When he got no real response, he started to look around, finding you a minute later, laying on his bed, “Did’ja hear me?” 
“ehhhh... I don’t really care.” 
His brow furrowed upon hearing your monotonous, “You okay? What’s up?” 
You were still staring up at the ceiling “Grey, ‘s all grey.”
Sighing he came and sat down on the bed next to you, taking one of your hands in his, “Grey?” 
“Sad brain makes everything grey.” 
Karl fiddled with your fingers a moment, before raising them to his lips and softly pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “I’ll go make you tea.” 
He headed out of the room, leaving you to sit up and stare at the ceiling wondering what you’d done to deserve someone like him. 
He headed out of the room, leaving you to sit up and stare at the ceiling wondering what you’d done to deserve someone like him. 
A few minuets later he came back with a mug, handing it to you before he sat down behind you, wrapping his arms around you, “Is there a reason for sad brain today?” 
“Everything's just- blah. I’m just tired.” 
He didn’t need to ask to understand you didn’t mean physically, so instead he just pulled you gently to lean against his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to the edge of your jaw, “Okay?”
You knew Karl had a hard time with words sometimes, and you had long since learned how to listen for the meanings between simple phrases, and especially the weight of certain words, “Okay.” 
‘So what is with you and Karl?’ Niki asked. 
You sighed, “I do not even know where to begin to answer that question.”
You were sitting in a discord call with her, originally trying to plan a joint stream but the conversation had switched.
‘I mean, if you don’t mind me saying so, it seems like your dating.’ 
“Well...” You considered it for a moment, you knew that your feelings for Karl were more than platonic, and had been for a long time, to you, it almost seemed like a fact of the world, the sky is blue, the earth is round, you loved Karl. 
“We've never talked about it, but- I suppose we- uhhh, you know what we’ll just say a little bit.” You quickly changed what you were going to say to be more ambiguous as Karl entered the room yelling, “Hi Niki!” 
‘I know you can’t hear me but hi Karl!’ She yelled back. 
You laughed, turning in your chair, “Niki says hi!” 
Karl grinned, leaning on the back of your chair, “Oh, yeah, dinners ready.”  and Niki raised her eyebrows, smirking at you.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You laughed, feeling Karl’s chin coming to rest on the top of your head. 
‘I’m not looking at anything.’ she insisted, ‘you would be a cute couple.’
Your face started to turn red, “Shut up!” 
‘It was a compliment!’ Niki laughed. 
“I know!” 
Karl’s face grew confused, “What?”
“It’s nothing. Niki I’ve gotta go, we’ll see about the stream tomorrow, okay?” 
‘yeah, bye!’ 
You disconnected from the call, “Dinner?” 
“Yeah! I managed not to burn the chicken!” 
You couldn’t help but grin, “Awesome!” 
“I swear- either there both oblivious or there just really good at keeping it just hidden enough!” Dream exclaimed. 
“I mean if we don’t find out for another two weeks, I get a hundred dollars, so by all means let it drag out.” Quackity laughed. 
Sapnap groaned, “Actually its more like three hundred now, Hbomb, Skeppy and Wilbur all put in more money.” 
“Well I asked the other day,” Niki began, “and they only said, ‘a little bit’, What does that even mean?” 
“Maybe they are dating and that's (y/n)s way of dismissing it.” Tubbo said. 
You were listening to the discord call, trying not to laugh, as Tommy suggested, “Well it’s possible they are dating but like, haven’t realized it?” 
Everyone began to laugh, “Wait- wait hear me out! Hear me out! Like- you know when on like romcoms and shit where two bestfriends end up like there dating even when they technically aren’t and then they accidently kiss!” 
George scoffed, “That's not a thing.” 
“Well still!” Tommy tried to argue. 
“Not even in movies though.” Niki said. 
“Your right,” You laughed, unmuting, “We haven’t kissed yet, so it must not be a thing.” 
The vc went deadly silent as Tommy began to laugh hysterically, “Were you here the whole time?” 
“Maybe.” You laughed. 
“Wait- so are you and Karl together or not?” Dream questioned. 
“Uhhh, let you know when I find out? Do I get the money if I figure it out?” 
“Oh my god (y/n).” Tubbo was trying not to laugh himself as Tommy continued to lose his shit. 
“Yeah,” You looked over to where Karl was half asleep, leaning against you, “I’ve said it before, and I guess I’ll say it again, it’s just some unspoken thing.” 
Music filled the apartment when you entered, some old song by Sinatra, and Karl was dancing around the living room as you pulled off your coat and mask. 
“Are you listening to Sinatra?” You questioned, setting the rest of your things down. 
“Come dance with me!” He giggled. 
You rolled your eyes, still smiling as you grabbed his hand, letting the other come to rest on his shoulder, “God, it’s been so long since I’ve dance.” 
“Come on, you remember don’t you?” 
You chuckled, “Back, side, forward, back. Technically this isn’t a waltzing song though.” 
“You can waltz to anything if you try hard enough,” Karl insisted, “Ready, and- one two three, one two three...” 
You fell into step, quietly humming along to the song as you moved in a slow arc around the room.
“..And- spin out...” Karl murmured, gently spinning you out to the side, and you paused for a a moment before he tugged on you arm, causing you to spin back in, finding yourself, face to face with him. 
You laughed nervously, suddenly blushing at the feeling of his arms around you. 
“What are we?” Karl asked softly, “Like, what is- this?” 
“Some unspoken thing.” Your voice was just as low, suddenly the weight of the hand resting on your lower back seeming to double.
He looked at your lips, then back at your eyes, and you nodded softly, leaning in and pressing your lips together. 
Your arms drifted around his waist as he pulled you closer, before you separated, smiling. 
“Does that mean it’s spoken now?” Karl asked. 
You grinned, “Course.” 
Later, after spending the rest of the night like any other you were cuddled up together on the couch, watching the newest episode of survivor, and you pretended not to notice as he gushed to someone through text. 
Your phone began to buzz with  venmo notifications, and Karl looked at you confused, “(y/n), why is everyone paying you?” 
You chuckled, “Reaping the benefits of our friends conspiring in a discord call that was left open.” 
After the kiss you had sent one text to a group chat; ‘I figured it out: pay up bitches.’
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Pssoibly a vampire dude with 🤐 and/or 😏??
Idk >.< You’re writing is incredible also!!
Thank you so much for both the compliment and the ask! I actually have an affinity for vampires, since they are so serious and regal. That makes it especially interesting when their sensitive noses begin to work against their image.
I know that there are a lot of people who like flower allergic reactions, but I just finished a huge allergy fic not too long ago for @daystar428 (they have awesome art ‘n stuff, I would 100% check them out), and even though it was an awesome write, I need something a little different. But I still want a nice allergy...
I have an idea, but...I’m not sure how I feel about it.
Man vampire, woman maid.
One can be dom, the other sub. Which one, though?
There aren’t enough woman doms in this world...
This may be my first NSFW post...
Pro-write Edit: Yep, NSFW. Or, sorta. Maybe. I’ll say 13+ anyway.
“You called for me, sir?”
Maria curtsied, waiting for her master, Nikolas, to face her. However, he just kept looking out into the garden, breathing in the air from the open window.
“Yes, indeed. I called you to give your list of chores for the week, as the Blood Moon Ball is coming up, and there are special preparations to be made. The written instructions are on the dresser next to the door.”
Maria blinked and furrowed her eyebrows. If she was going to be brushed off like this, one of the errand boys could have given this list to her. Nikolas must have sensed her frustration - he could sense heartbeats, after all.
“I apologize for the inconvenience. I thought perhaps your visit could deh...distract me.”
Nikolas lifted a gloved hand to his face and turned around. His eyes were glazed over, and his usually neat nose was swollen and pink. A knuckle rested below his septum, as if barely keeping everything together.
“I have had a...snrk...sneeze coming on all day. I thought the pollen from outside could coax it out. Wildflowers tend to aggravate my allergies, but now they aren’t doing much good.”
Maria took a closer look at her employer. His fangs sat crookedly on his lower lip, which were slightly agape from many a failed hitching. His nostrils flared, aching to be relieved.
He was on the edge of release.
With a swish of her skirt, Maria sashayed over to Nikolas’s desk, grinning.
“You know,” she said, holding up her feather duster, “I have just finished cleaning. And nothing makes a sensitive nose sneeze more than a bit of stray dust. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Nikolas sniffled. “I...I suppose so.”
Maria ran her hand through the feathers, causing a cloud of dust to fall to the floor.
“Imagine,” she said. “A strong, powerful vampire kept at bay by a little tickle. You do want to be free, don’t you? To release what has long been kept prisoner?”
Nikolas stared at the duster, transfixed by the debris slowly floating through the air. Finally, he looked back at Maria.
“Are you...? W-would you...?”
Maria giggled, plucking out a feather and using it to gently run it up the vampire’s throat and chin, but snapping it away before it got to his nose. Nikolas’s nostrils opened like a rose, quivering.
“I won’t let you be relieved so easily. Half of the fun is the journey, wouldn’t you say?”
Maria wrapped her fingers around Nikolas’s tie and pulled him to her face. He cried out, but was too shocked to pull himself away.
“Especially when the destination is over and gone so soon...”
“Wh-what are you talking about?” Nikolas stammered. “I haven’t any idea...”
“Of course you don’t. You inherited this house from money, not from work and cleverness. You haven’t had a single thought in your damn life.”
Maria, still holding Nikolas’s tie, led him to a nearby wall, then pushing his shoulders into it. They were shaking - either from fear or the sneezing welling up yet again. Noticing this, she held her employer’s nose between two fingers, watching intently as his eyes began to flutter.
“I want you to earn something,” Maria snarled. “I want you to gasp in desperation, and to know what it truly means to want. To be kept from something for so long you can barely stand it.”
Nikolas nodded, trying to open his mouth to speak, but Maria shushed him and put a finger over his lips, which were still ajar.
“What a fight,” she said, raising her finger up to rest on Nikolas’s nose. “You’d think it would succeed, trembling like that. Like a little bunny.”
Maria started tracing his nostrils with her fingernail. They shivered, overwhelmed by the urge to be rid of the foreign feeling, but unable to pull themselves away.
Nikolas snorted and hitched, his watery eyes rolling back. Maria grabbed his nose again.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
Nikolas gritted his teeth, his fangs extending ever further.
“Peh...please,” he begged, “I...c-can’t...guh...HUH...!”
“Need to sneeze, Master? Oh, but it wouldn’t be proper to relieve yourself in front of a lady!”
Snot streamed down Maria’s fingers and dripped onto the floor.
“Oh, what a mess,” she said, cocking one eyebrow. “What a wonderful mess. However, I simply must clean it.”
Maria let go of Nikolas, then started sweeping the duster around his neck. The poor vampire had his hand halfway to his nose, trying to catch a sneeze that was as fickle as the maid that stood before him.
“Oops! I seem to have missed a spot!”
Maria wiggled the duster in Nikolas’s face. The many feathers tickled every nerve, causing him to recoil, his long-suffering nostrils to quaver and wrinkle and buck, finally finding enough breath to end its suffering.
Nikolas leaned back, his nose trembling with effort. His eyes flew shut and his quivering lips opened to welcome the long awaited release.
Each sneeze released a cloud of liquid particles, which danced in the sunlight from the open window. Nikolas could barely contain what Maria had let loose, and his sleeves became stained with spray after spray.
After several minutes of tending to his itchy nose, the fit subsided, leaving Nikolas sprawled in his chair, exhausted. Maria squatted down to his level, waving the duster.
“Anything you’d like to say?”
Nikolas blew his full nose into a handkerchief that was much too small for the job.
“T-tank yeh...HSH’CHOO!”
The sneezing began with a new vigor, the master’s scratchy throat adding a note of desperation. Maria smiled and almost skipped out the office, her dust-filled weapon still in hand. She couldn’t wait to tell all the other waitstaff the good news.
There could simply be no work today.
Master Nikolas had unfortunately come down with something.
So...that...happened. Wowie. Not NSFW but reeeeeeeeaaaaalllllly close. I guess I have some fantasies that I didn’t even know were in my brain. I still can’t believe I wrote this in one day. That never happens...
Anyway, @mochiochiochi , I hope you enjoy your fic. Remember, if you hate it, I’ll write you a new one! Hand Slipped Guarantee!
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The Lucky Australian
Authors note: this chapter details a panic attack (based on my own experience)  and may be upsetting for some readers. readers discretion is advised.
~~ 15 Bound ~~
 Tell a story, one that's never been told
Remembering how did it feel,
I've got letters, I've got songs that I wrote,
And a heart lined with chromium steel,
Artifacts of darker passions,
I took the fragments and buried them under my bed
And still that ferrous sun,
It shines down on the living.
 Fighting the urge to sleep, Henry showered and dressed for dinner, the heat of the day settling into the night. Aurora was so excited to take him to dinner. He never really got used to the idea of a woman paying for dinner, but she was insistent he was her guest and he found it hard to say no to her beautiful face.
Buttoning his shirt, he looked around the room. Minimal and modern is how he would describe her style, but with warmth that only a home can bring. Aurora had made a space for him in her closest. “Its not fair you live out of a suitcase for 2 months Henry” she scolded him.
“FISHY FISHY!!!” Aurora exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, he heard Pickles barking. Moving to the kitchen, he leant against the wall watching the scene before him.
Pickles was so excited for her dinner, prancing around on her paws, her eyes followed every movement Aurora made.  Aurora set her bowl down and Henry watched as the dog inhaled every morsel. Aurora looked up to see him staring; she was dressed in a short white satin dress with a blue china pattern over it, her hair pulled back with nude high heels on her feet. She looked simply divine and unable to keep his hands to himself he wandered over to Aurora. He pulled her into his arms and leaned down to kiss her. Aurora's arms snaked around his neck, after the excitement of today, she finally gave him the welcome he was looking for. His arms around her and his lips caressing hers, he almost forgot about dinner. He felt Pickles pushing her way between their bodies before she let out one single loud bark.
Aurora pulled back to look at him as Pickles continued her verbal dissatisfaction that she was not the recipient of pats she wanted.
“That, right there, is why I call her the cockblock”
Henry looked down at the dog, her expectant brown eyes looking up at him as she curled her lip, ready to let out another bark.
He turned back to Aurora.
Pickles barked again
“She’s very insistent” Henry let go of Aurora to pat her
“Yeah, she used to do it all the time before-“ Aurora stopped short.
“Anyway, dinner?” Aurora grabbed her bag and keys
“Lead the way!” Henry said, as he followed her out of the house, leaving Pickles to guard her domain.
 They had finished what Henry thought was one of the best meals of his life, the ambiance of the restaurant and the company Henry had making the night better.
Henry had made Aurora promise they would go again before he left, and every other time he would visit. Aurora was only happy to fulfil his wish.
Walking back to her house, Henry was all hands, there was something about the sea air, the night and her that was driving him insane, the sooner they got home the better.
“Good thing you are within walking distance of that restaurant” Henry said into her lips, as he pinned her against the door the moment they walked in the house.
She giggled against him. Henry heard Pickles before he saw her; pulling away from Aurora he opened the back door to let Pickles relieve herself.
“Henry, got to bed, I’ll meet you in there”
“Ill hold you to that” he called to her, shedding his clothes on the way to the bedroom.
Aurora watched him go. She smiled to herself; there was no way she ever thought this possible, Henry here and wanting to be with her. She wasn’t entirely sure this creeping feeling would happen to her again. Still the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach dragged up emotions she would rather forget. They had been eating at her all day, sitting in the back of her mind, ever so silently reminding her they were there. The happiness she felt with Henry twinged with sadness. She checked the date on her phone. No wonder, it was almost that day again. Sometimes, the absence of his presence was a tidal wave she almost drowned in, other times, it was a beautiful reminder of what they shared, either way, she could never predict how it would go.
Closing and locking the door behind Pickles, Aurora turned off the lights and followed the light to her bedroom. Henry was sprawled on the bed, barely able to keep his eyes open.
“ I think we should reschedule the festivities tonight” Aurora said, changing out of her clothes.
“The spirit is willing, but the body is tired” Henry made a move to sit up.
She looked at him as she hung up her dress.
“Why do you torture me?” Henry winced.
Aurora chuckled as she pulled on a t-shirt.
“I don’t” Aurora turned off the light and got into bed, Henry pulled her into his arms.
“I’ve flown all this way and you get naked after I’ve eaten and gotten slightly drunk and tired, this is not fair” Henry whined.
Aurora chuckled.
“Go to sleep Henners”
“You give me cute nicknames. I like it, I need to find you one,” He mumbled as sleep overtook him. Seconds later, Henry was snoring gently. Aurora felt the darkness still around her, she had the worlds most wanted man entwined around her body right now, and all she could feel was the heavy guilt that she didn’t deserve this. This wasn’t supposed to happen, this wasn’t how anything was supposed to work out. How was this fair for anyone?
Aurora saw him, there in the dark. He smiled at her, frozen in time. He reached out his hand to her; Aurora grabbed at him and pulled him closer. She held his hand and he pulled it from her grasp. He kept moving away from her, a smile on his lips.
Soon though, she saw him, a mess of broken bones. His mouth open and screaming in silence, the pain in his eyes boring into hers, suddenly the world came back to her and he screamed her name.
Over and over and over and over, getting louder and louder each time, his screams drowning out anything else she was hearing. The pain crushed her chest; breathing was becoming harder to do, her body shaking with every breath that became harder to take.
Aurora woke up suddenly and fell out of the bed; she knew what was happening, as tears sprung to her eyes as she tried to breathe in the dark. All of a sudden light flooded her vision and pickles was by her side.
“Aurora?” She looked up to see a man on her bed making his way to her, she put her hand out to stop him. Her brain was frenzied trying to catch up with the changes in her room, her body panicking and not holding a breath.
She looked up again and recognized Henry, she shook her head as she continued gasping for air, her lungs burning with lack of oxygen.
“What’s happening?” Suddenly he was in front of her, his hands on her, she felt pickles’ nose on her chest, her dog trying to get her to move.
“Pickles, baby, move.” Henry said, tyring to push her out of the way.
“Panic attack” She rasped.
Aurora grasped for a breath and was able to hold it fleetingly.
“Panic attack…pickles ESA” she managed to get out.
Henry’s eyes dawned with understanding. He moved her against the wall, he grabbed her hands and put them above her head, Aurora doubled over, wanting to remain curled over herself.
“No Aurora, open your chest.” He put his hand on her sternum.
“I’m going to lightly push in, I need you to breathe in and push back with every breath ok?” she nodded.
Tears streaming down her face, she looked up to the ceiling trying to concentrate on the task at hand. Slowly, she was able to drag in breath after breath, she was able to hold it in her chest and bring her body out of the trauma it was going through. Eventually, Henry let go of her hands and she fell into a sobbing heap on the floor. She felt Henry lay down next to her, holding her in his arms until the sobs subsided and the tears dry on her face.
“I had a panic attack. I was dreaming and I must’ve woken up mid panic attack. I’m sorry for waking you’
“Don’t be. It was scary; you sorta fell outta bed and were just terrified. I didn’t know what to do, I’m sorry.”
Silence enveloped them. Henry Moved behind her.
“come on, the bed is much more comfortable” He bent down to pick up her small frame, and gently placed her on the mattress. He crawled in next to her and pulled the covers around them. Aurora stared at him.
“Thank you for helping, and not running away” Her voice small and barely audible, Henry kissed her.
“Do you need anything?” She shook her head.
Henry watched her until her eyes closed and sleep overcame her exhausted body.
Henry woke to the sunbeams trying to break through the curtains; it took him a minute for him to catch up to the events of last night. Despite that, the beach and the heat had lulled him into some of the best sleep of his life. He turned his head to Aurora. Her breathing was steady and even, she looked a little pale, but he figured that was because her body was exhausted. He felt movement on the end of bed and looked down to see pickles looking up him. Slowly he got out of bed and pottered to the kitchen, the jangle of Pickles’ collar following him.
“Hungry?” Pickles let out a bark.
“Shhhhh! Your mum is sleeping” He looked around the kitchen and started to familiarize himself with it. He found tea, enough bread, milk and fruit as well as yogurt to fill him up. Looking in another cupboard he found protein powder and a variety of nuts, but he couldn’t find the dog food. He turned back to Pickles.
“Fluffy butt, where’s your food?”
Pickles walked over to the room next to the kitchen nearest the back door.  Henry followed her and found the laundry where he found her walking harness and the biggest bag of food possible. There was a little fridge next to it that he opened, Pickles ran straight for it and stuffed her face into a packet of doggy meatballs. Henry dragged her out of the way, so he could feed her.
Pickles settled into her bowl of food and Henry opened the curtains, the early morning sun peeking through the trees in the backyard.
Henry opened the door for Pickles as she ran outside to relieve herself. He fixed himself some breakfast, careful not to wake Aurora.
He sat down on the porch watching Pickles wander around, it was starting to get hot already, and he wanted to go to the beach. Finding Aurora’s keys he then strapped Pickles into her harness and made his way out of the house. For a 14 year old, Pickles was a lot stronger than he thought, she practically dragged him down the street.
An hour later, they made their way back home, Pickles very much satisfied; for once she walked at Henry’s side. He looked down at her, she was tired, and she’d probably nap for the rest of the day.
He unbuckled her harness as he opened the door, Pickles lazily walked inside, and took up residence in a sunny spot by the back door, and she lay down with a huff, not intending to move for the rest of the day. Henry smiled at her. Closing the door he noticed the TV was on, he turned to the couch to see Aurora sitting there, looking at him. She smiled weakly at him as he made his way to her.
She looked at him as he sat next to her.
“Henry, I need to talk to you”.
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boshaw-manor · 5 years
‘Some people call this wisdom.’
Rook’s head lolled, her chin running against her chest. What the fuck had happened? One minute she was driving, the next she was knocked out.
‘Agh my head...’ Her blood ran cold at the sound of that voice. She knew it too well.
‘You’re fuckin’ tellin’ me.’ That one too. How the fuck had this happened?
‘What kind of sick joke is this?’ Rook choked, tilting her heavy skull to look over her right shoulder. Just as she thought, there was John Seed. And as she moved her head to the left, Jacob. Excellent. This was fucking excellent. The three of them were tied together on chairs, heads touching.
‘National guard.’ Jacob coughed, a fleck of blood dotting onto his bearded chin.
‘They did this?! But I’m a good guy!’ John gave a bitter laugh at my protest.
‘They don’t care which side you’re on. Wanna clean out this cess-pit of a county for good by the sounds of it.’ Jacob started to writhe under the grips of his bonds.
‘Yeah and in all honesty Deputy, you’ve killed just as many people as we have. Your hands aren’t exactly clean.’ John retorted, his arms swaying a little as Jacob wriggled around. Rook’s own wrists jangled as the solider tried to free himself.
‘S’not happenin’. They got us good and tight.’ He grunted, ceasing his movement and slouching in his chair. Sighing, Rook racked her brains for a way out.
‘Oh! Jacob, can you reach my back pocket?’
‘Can try.’ His fingers grazed the fabric of my jeans. ‘Nothin’ there.’
‘Dammit. They must’ve frisked us.’
‘Go figure.’ John said sarcastically, tilting his head back and smashing it into Jacob’s. Nibbling at her lip, Rook looked down at the legs of the chairs and the bonds keeping them constrained. Her gaze rose to a small table on the corner, where a pair of small scissors lay beside a pot of pens.
‘Hey look.’ She nodded towards the desk and the Seed brothers turned. ‘Scissors.’
‘They’re way too small to cut through ropes these large.’ John sighed.
‘It’s better than nothing.’ Rook looked down at the chair legs again. ‘Unfortunately not everyone is as stupid as you and we’re tied to chairs without wheels. We’re gonna have to jump it together.’ John scoffed at her comment but said nothing.
‘Could work.’ Jacob agreed. He appreciated that Rook was smart and was willing to try whatever was needed to get free.
‘Okay. Okay. On three we’re gonna shift. One, two, three!’ The chairs hopped in unison and they landed wobbly on the ground.
‘Huh.’ John seemed surprised that it had actually worked.
‘Some people call this wisdom.’ She said smugly at his astonishment. ‘One, two, three!’ Rook instructed again but this time the chairs wobbled a little too much upon landing. With a crash, they fell and Rook felt her ropes loosen. It was just enough for her small wrists to escape. Struggling upright, she stumbled a little and had to brace herself on the desk. Head swimming, Rook had to take a few long breaths to steady herself. Now she had the next problem to tackle. What to do with the two Seeds lying on the floor behind her?
‘Deputy-‘ John started to speak, his cheek pressed against the wooden floor. She studied the two of them and then sighed.
‘I’ll let you both free if we can call a truce. Just until we get out of this mess.’
‘Fine.’ Jacob grunted, his normally neatly quaffed ginger hair sprawling over the side of his head. Rook turned her attention to John who begrudgingly nodded, using his bottom lip to spray his unkempt hair out of his eyes. Kneeling beside Jacob, I untied his ropes first and helped him upright. Dusting himself off Jacob then helped John and we stood in a triangle, unsure of what to do.
‘Right.’ John strode to the door and tugged on the handle. It shook tightly, clearly locked. ‘Worth a shot.’ He mumbled, standing back and surveying the room. His blue eyes trailed up the wall and landed on a vent. ‘Up there.’
‘It’s too high.’ Jacob stated, walking over to stand beside his brother.
‘What if I sat on your shoulders Jacob?’ Rook joined them, peering up at the metal grate.
‘I don’t think you’ll be able to reach-oof!’ Before he could finish speaking, she flung herself onto his back and was scrambling up him like a tree. Swinging her legs over his shoulder blades, she stretched for the grate but couldn’t quite reach it.
‘John, climb on me.’ Rook instructed and the baptist recoiled.
‘I’m not going in there!’
‘Yes you are, c’mon.’ She sighed and he frowned, clambering up Jacob’s back and then up onto Rook’s shoulders.
‘Can... we... fucking... hurry... this... up?!’ The soldier huffed, struggling to hold everyone’s weight.
‘I’m trying!’ John griped, pushing his hand down on Rook’s head to balance himself as he tugged at the grate. It fell away in his hand and he dropped it to the floor with a loud clang.
‘In ya go.’ Rook bounced him forward and John recoiled a little at the sight of all the dust.
‘But these are new jeans!’
‘Just... go!’ Jacob growled, wheezing a little as a sweat broke out on his forehead.
‘Alright, alright!’ Bracing himself, John clambered into the vent and began to crawl along. Rook jumped off of Jacob’s back and he let out a sigh of relief.
‘You’re heavier than ya look.’ He heaved, bracing his hands on his knees. Rook patted him on the back sympathetically and half expected him to bite her hand off. But he didn’t, pulling himself upright and shifting his hair back into its usual style. The two of them waited in silence until they heard a thud from the other side of the door.
‘Okay I’m through.’ John’s voice crept under the crack of door.
‘Is there a key or anything?’ Rook asked openly. There was a lot of shuffling and opening of drawers until footsteps approached and the lock turned. John opened the door, his hair dishevelled and clothes coated in a thick layer of grey dust. He was not impressed.
‘Right let’s move.’ Jacob marched ahead, leading the way. Rook chuckled as she walked past John, the grimace painted on his expression a priceless treat. Walking in a line, they snuck through the coridoor and crouched beneath a nearby window.
‘So what’s the plan now?’ Rook asked Jacob as he scanned the land outside.
‘We seem to be in some sorta compound... there.’ Jacob pointed at a slightly crumbled wall. ‘If we can get across the courtyard we could jump out over there.’
‘You seem to be brushing over the small matter of all of these guards.’ John hissed, pointing out the various snipers and gunmen patrolling the ground.
‘A small bump in the road.’ Rook cracked her knuckles and Jacob chuckled.
‘Like the way ya think Deputy.’
‘Uhm, hello? I’m not exactly the fighting type.’ John smoothed his hair back under his sunglasses. But Jacob wasn’t listening, his eyes drawn to an open door down the hallway. Shifting past both Rook and his brother, Jacob darted into the room and his eyes grew wide with wonder. Picking up an assault rifle, he ran his hands over it neatly before tossing it Rook’s way. She caught it and grinned at him, hanging the strap over her shoulders.
‘Nice toys.’ She mused, grabbing some grenades and hanging them from her belt. Jacob took a sniper rifle, flicking his tongue over his teeth excitedly. He loved the feel of a weapon in his palms. It fuelled him. John meanwhile was turning a metal baseball bat in his tattooed hands, practicing swinging it with some ‘oomf’. This was the first time they’d been armed but on the same side. In this moment, they could kill each other. Within seconds actually. But instead, Rook took her place between the two brothers as they strode out onto the compound. Reeling her arm back, she threw a grenade onto the ground.
‘Get back!’ One of the guards screamed as it exploded, sending a sea of bodies flinging into the air. Jacob hoisted his sniper up and started to take them out one by one as John flanked us. Spraying bullets across the compound, Rook clenched her teeth hard. She caught sight of one guard running full throttle right at her in her peripheral vision.
‘John to my left!’ She instructed, unable to stop firing in time to take him out.
‘On it!’ He replied, darting round and battering the guard down until his skull was a bloody mess. An alarm started to blare, almost shattering Rook’s eardrums.
‘We gotta move. They’re callin’ fuckin’ reinforcements!’ Jacob commanded, ushering John to run towards the fallen wall. Rook continued to shoot at the oncoming wave of guards. ‘Deputy, now!’ The soldier grabbed her by the back of her neck and dragged her towards the wall, shooting over his shoulder. John scrabbled up the debris, balancing on the column and dangling an arm down. Jacob thrust Rook forward, covering her as she grabbed onto John.
‘Got’cha.’ He murmured, tugging her weight up to safety. They hopped down onto the other side of the wall in unison. In one movement, Jacob hoisted himself up and over the barrier, bursting into a sprint straight away. Rook and John jogged alongside him until they were a few miles away from the compound. Resting against a tree trunk, Rook paused to get her breath.
‘Y’know,’ She huffed, looking at a sweat covered Jacob and John who was crouching on the forest floor. ‘We make a pretty good team when we aren’t trying to kill each other.’
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thesloppiestbitch · 6 years
Sick Day - Roger Taylor x Reader
A/N: I’m sick and my girlfriend lives in a different country, so this is how I’m passing the time and comforting myself lmao enjoy
I apologize for any typos or grammatical errors, I don’t feel well enough to proof read
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You groaned quietly as you sat up, voice cracking quite a bit, as you attempted let the man beside you continue his sleep. Your hands dragged down your face, and, as you did so, you noticed you had a small fever. Nothing that a thermometer would pick up, but a fever nonetheless.
Perfect, because to be sick is exactly what I need today, you thought as you slowly swung your feet over the bed, head already becoming swimmy.
Today was the last day the boys had to work on their album, and they wanted you there to hear what they’d been working on, and to help them choose tour stops in the US, as you were really the only one who’d travelled there enough to know what cities had the good bars and clubs. They were really counting on you being there, but it’s not like your presence would make or break the meeting, and you knew that, but you’d been waiting all month for this.
You sighed again, finally ready to attempt standing up. Which did not go so well. As soon as you stood, your sinuses seemed to clog and your vision darkened around the edges. You also began to feel nauseous and the room looked like it was tilted for some reason. Nevertheless, you needed to start the pot of coffee and hop in the shower, hoping the combination would give you enough energy to make it through the day.
You stumbled forwards, stubbing your big toe on the dresser and cursing under your breath. The thud and the speech was enough to wake Roger. He sat up slightly, obviously stretching under the duvet. “You alright, love?”
You nodded. “Yeah,” You spoke, voice hoarse and croaky due to your immensely dry throat. You attempted to clear it, but only winced in pain. “I’m fine,” You croaked.
“Are you sick?” He asked, sitting up completely, now fully awake.
“What? No,” You waved him off, now supporting yourself by leaning on the doorframe, afraid you might fall over if you didn’t have something to prop yourself up. “I just need a glass of water,”
“[Name], you’re as white as the wallpaper. Get back in bed,”
“No, Roggie,” You whined. “I need a drink,”
He laughed at your childishness, rolling his eyes. “I will get you a drink,”
You looked to the ground, suddenly feeling self conscious. “I gotta pee, too.”
He chuckled, standing up. “Fine, go to the bathroom and I’ll get you a drink. You’re not leaving the bed today,”
“But we have that meeting with the boys!” You protested, attempting to stand straight, but wobbling side to side slightly.
“They’ll understand,”
“Don’t they need you for recording?”
“They’re mixing. If it’s anything that’s that important, they’ll wait till I get back or call,”
You sighed, throwing your head back, suddenly realizing it was pointless to argue with him once he had his mind set to something. “Fine.”
As the day went on, you grew to feel more disgusting. Your nose continued to run, and you got tired of wiping it, so you’d stuffed small wads of toilet paper up your nose. You knew you looked stupid, but you didn’t really care. Plus, Roger still made you feel like the prettiest girl in the world.
“Rog, I feel bad,” You started, looking down at your hands. Your voice sounded a little funny due to your stuffy nose, as well as the toilet paper up there.
“I know,” He interrupted. “You’re sick. That tends to go with it; kinda like a package deal sorta thing.”
You rolled your eyes, chuckling softly. “No! I mean I feel bad about you missing the meeting today. You really didn’t need to stay home and babysit me,”
“Oh, [Name], babysitting is fun!” He teased.
You were slightly taken aback by his response, but still laughed, even though it hurt your throat. “Can you pass me the Halls please? Oh, and I think you should have a good heaping of ‘be nice to me, I’m sick’.”
He laughed, handing you the small package of couch drops. “You really don’t have to feel bad about this, love. The boys were very understanding on the phone; they even offered to stop by after the meeting and bring us something for supper,”
A small smile broke out on your face. “Well aren’t they sweet,”
He nodded. “Plus, if they weren’t able to finish everything today because we weren’t there, they can always book extra time with the studio tomorrow; it’s really no big deal. Plus, I like getting to spend the day with you in bed,”
You rolled your eyes.
A few hours passed and you’d managed to fall back asleep to the sound of the TV playing some rerun of a show you’d seen a million times before. You cuddled right up to Roger, happy to have the extra heat to keep you warm.
Just as Roger was about to fall asleep as well, a knock at the door caught his attention. He stood up carefully, trying to make sure you stayed asleep as you clearly needed the extra rest.
When he opened the door, he was greeted by his three other band mates. They were all smiling as they waited for their friend to let them in. Roger glanced down, seeing Freddie was holding a bag from KFC and returned the smile as he opened the door wider, motioning them inside.
“Where’s [Name]?” Brian asked on his way to the kitchen.
“How’s she feeling?” John asked, staying behind an extra minute to take off and hang up his coat.
“She’s asleep in the bedroom right now, and she seems to be feeling a little better. She’s still being her sassy, jokey self,” Roger replies, closing the door once all three were in his flat.
“You should’ve called us! We don’t want to wake her,” Freddie called softly from the kitchen.
Roger shrugged it off, making his way towards the room as well. “Its fine, she’s been asleep for a few hours anyways, she’s probably starving. She hasn’t eaten all day; didn’t even want her coffee that she insisted I make for her,” He laughed as he recalled the last part.
“Well, go wake her then, I suppose,” Freddie replied, getting plates from the cupboard.
Roger nodded, making his way towards the bedroom. When he walked in, he saw you sprawled across the bed, mouth wide open, and the wads of toilet paper still sticking out from your nostrils. He smiled to himself, thinking you still looked adorable.
Roger knelt beside the bed, gently rubbing your arm to wake you up. You stirred in the bed for a moment, and eventually your eyes fluttered open.
“What time is it?” You croaked.
“Almost seven, love. The guys are here and they brought chicken. Care to join us?”
You nodded, stretching your arms above your head as you sat up.
Roger laughed as he watched you do this.
You glared at him. “What?”
“Might wanna take out those snot wads before you see them. If you don’t, they’ll never let you live it down.”
Your brows knit together in confusion as you reached up to tap your nose. You laughed softly, having forgotten you’d stuffed them up there. “Okay, look away,”
He laughed. “You act as though I haven’t held your hair back for you as you’ve thrown up before,”
“Roger!” You scolded, laughing. “Just look away!”
He put his hands up in surrender and turned away.
After you’d made yourself look slightly more presentable, Roger helped you keep your balance as the two of you went to the kitchen where the rest of the band had set up plates, utensils, glasses, and had made you some tea. You audibly “awe’d” upon seeing this.
“You guys really didn’t have to do this,” You said after clearing your throat.
“We wanted to,” John shrugged.
Roger pushed your seat in for you before sitting beside you. “They’re sickeningly sweet when it comes to you, but if one of us were to get sick, the others wouldn’t do jack shit for them. You’re really something special to us, [Name].” He commented, grabbing the box of chicken strips.
You nodded, sipping your tea. “Thanks guys,” They all nodded in response, all getting some sort of food or waiting for someone else to finish with what they wanted. “And I’m really sorry for missing the meeting today, I feel really bad about it. And about keeping Roger home all day, even if he did insist on staying even after I told him to go,” You shot him a glare to which he shrugged.
“[Name], it’s no big deal, really. We did miss you, but we can always have another meeting once you’re feeling better,” Brian reassured.
“What, you didn’t miss me?” Roger asked, pretending to be hurt by this.
“Nope.” Freddie responded, biting into some food.
“Not in the slightest.” John added.
You laughed at their comments
After supper, and after the guys had left, you sulked back to bed after having had a refreshing and relaxing soak in a hot bath. You were only beginning to feel better now, but you still didn’t feel at the top of your game. You knew you’d be feeling the same tomorrow, but you didn’t really care. There was nothing planned for the following day, so you weren’t stressing over anything.
After a minute or so, Roger climbed into bed beside you and you cuddling up close to him again. Despite the hot bath, you were still freezing cold.
“You have a fever, love,” Roger mumbled, resting a hand softly on your forehead.
“I know,” You croaked.
“Did you take any medicine?”
You nodded. “Uh-huh.”
He laughed softly. “Tired?”
“Alright then, goodnight, love,”
“I love you,” He stated quietly, shifting in a way so he was closer to you.
You opened your eyes to find him very close to your face, about to kiss you. You shuffled back a little bit. “Don’t, you’ll get sick.”
“Don’t care,” He said nonchalantly, leaning in again.
You chuckled, kissing him.
“Don’t complain to me when you wake up feeling like shit,” You whispered once you two had pulled apart.
He laughed. “I won’t.”
“I love you,”
“I love you, too,”
You cuddled close to him again, hoping for a restful sleep.
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hotheadhero · 5 years
Huntsman’s Dragon, Preamble
This is the preamble to a focused starter (link here). It opens with a flashback that doesn't adequately allude to the full thing, so I would encourage viewers to read this fully... buuut it IS roughly 2000+ words in length, so it's understandable/I can't force otherwise if you don't read it.
He remembers lazuli eyes staring brightly down at him o’er golden belly and golden wings, long whiplike tail swishing teasingly just out of reach. He remembers swiping for it, jumping, leaping, chasing; but always even the smallest of tide-polished scales darts further away than his stubby hands can grasp. He remembers huffing and dropping his rump on russet autumn leaves, furious that he has failed even so simple a task. It’s just like catching lizards and crawdads, he thinks! What could possibly be so hard about it?
(The answer, of course, is that neither are as deft in the air as his current prey. Neither of them are dragons.)
“This sucks!” he cries petulantly into the woods. “You can fly and I can’t! How is that even fair?! Can’t I play with you, even just a little…?”
He doesn’t expect anyone will hear him this far from the village, least of all the dragon; yet lo and behold, it alights and approaches him slowly, eyes wary, wings tucked, ears flattened against its horns, spines raised like hackles on a cat. ‘Strange,’ he thinks; ‘Didn’t Father tell me scared things never come close?’ But the greater part of him is enraptured, amazed that a little king of the skies might actually have listened to him when even Julian would not. (He should have been frightened, for even on all fours, its shoulders are still level with his chest; both its tail and wings could knock him flat in one sweep.) Round-eyed, he reaches out with a stubby hand. The dragon looks like it could eat him for breakfast, yet it cringes away from his fingers. Forked tongue flicks out to graze their tips—pulse racing, Caspar holds still. Very still.
He is certain the dragon can feel his heartbeat in the still autumn air.
It doesn’t move from tongue-licking distance. Slowly, he uncurls his fingers, rests them on the dragon’s snout. It flinches back with a startled chirp—Caspar flinches and gasps in turn. They stare at each other for several long moments, round sky-blue eyes meeting slitted lazuli.
A leathery tongue brushes fragile skin once more. Then the rest of the dragon comes, scaled head gliding smoothly ‘neath callused fingers.
The boy resists an urge to whoop out loud—doing so will surely frighten his new friend away. Instead, he simply watches the little dragon nuzzling him; then, slowly, he begins to wiggle his fingers to and fro atop its head. Those tide-polished scales feel so much more divine than they look, like silk and plate combined. It twitches under his motions, but relaxes almost as quickly. Unblinking lazuli eyes stare up at him. Are they perhaps as curious as his own? Whatever the reason, it doesn’t run away from him. Maybe, just maybe, it likes him.
You know what? He likes it too.
“I think I’ll call you Linny,” he says softly. He’s kinda proud of that name–it looks like a lindworm, all long and snakelike, and it’s cute besides! By now he’s finished stroking its nose and moved up towards the short ridges over its eyes. It chirps at him in response, and he smiles. “I bet we’re going to be good friends, Linny…”
Thread Start
“Oi, didja hear aboot the dragon a’ Oghma Moontens?”
“‘ow could I not? Made off with me neighbor’s best cows just a moon ago, and me neighbor’s babe too. Poor lass still squalls at night, wouldn’t ya knew.”
Definitely the right village, he notes as he hitches Ulric’s reins to a stable pole beside the pub. Daevin had been a sprawling place on the regional maps, but now several of the distant buildings were wrecked clear down to the foundation. The dragon must have attacked this place recently for folks to be talking about it so openly—perhaps it had even attacked only once, if they had not learned its attack patterns well enough to hide. He’d ridden almost a fortnight from Enbarr to get here, ever since Gilead summoned him back from Arundel to update him on his current mission. “I’ve reports of a demon loose in the Oghma Mountains,” he’d told him, “ransacking towns, stealing the villagers’ valuables, and attacking the weak and foolhardy besides. My scouts confirm it’s a dragon, black-scaled, size fit to block out the sun. We don’t know where it came from, but it’s not part of the Grand Council, so it falls to us now to take it down. Be sure to wear your best gear. Failure is not permitted.”
Yeah, yeah, Caspar snipes at his internal Gilead-voice. For however much his father enjoys parading about in armor in the capital, all it’s ever done for him while traveling is earn him wary looks and wide berths, even when he’s doing nothing more dangerous than stabling his horse. He knows how they think: Even lone armed men coming into an otherwise peaceful town almost never bodes well. But even after years on the job, the way the villagers’ tongues still as they finally register the stranger in their midst still injures him. He’s not some creepy mage come for their scalps—heck, he’s even in plainclothes this time. At least, as plain as he is comfortable with.
Padded chestnut gambeson rustles as he straightens up from Ulric’s flank (he did bring his plate, as instructed, but it’s safely tucked inside two of the young destrier’s saddlebags) and takes a step towards the villagers. There are three of them talking. The youngest-looking one shrinks back as he approaches; Caspar gives them a smile and holds up his hands in placation. (He’s long since learned the value of his smile in distracting from the battle axe and other weaponry he carries.) “Easy, guys; I’m just here for a bit of information,” he says. An innocent tilt of his head. “Heard there was a dragon in these parts. Anyone I can talk to, to learn more?”
The bearded salt-and-pepper man relaxes before his companions, nods at the tavern just behind before tilting his head up. “Ye can talk ta me. I’m Mayor Borjondy. Run the pub jus’ behind ye. Ye from the capital, lad?” he asks. “Come ta slay it fer us?”
“That’s right!” His grin doesn’t falter as he steps forth with an open hand. “Caspar von Bergliez,” he introduces; “part of the Spectrum Imperial Guard. This isn’t my first go-around; rest assured.”
Borjondy nods as he takes Caspar’s hand in his burly, weather-beaten one. “Aye, thought so. Ye sound like a city boy, though me ears tell me you come from the east.” He completes the handshake and then drops his hand, expression pensive. “Been here all me life, I ‘ave, save fer me travelin’ days. We’s a simple folk, spend ‘ar days huntin’ an’ minin’. Don’t wan’ any trouble, unda’stand, but it would seem that trouble’s foond us.”
“Killed me wife an’ brother, it did!” the youngest man interjects. “Woulda killed me too if I ‘ad’nt run!”
Weren’t things like this what the Interspecies Accord was meant to prevent? A moment’s anger shoots through him that a dragon could violate the Accord so callously, but Caspar forces himself to remain calm. “Saving others like them is exactly what I’m here for,” he says, reaching out towards the man’s shoulder by way of reassurance. But the (hopefully) soothing touch does little to soften his glare. “Sounds like you’ve seen the beast, then,” he observes. “What did it look like? Can you remember?”
His question only causes the man to shake harder. “B- Black…” he stammers. “An’ ‘uge! Got paws like oxen, an’ wings kin block the sun! Oh, my poor Greta…”
The grief in his face mirrors in Borjondy’s as he steps closer to calm him down. “It’s killed some a’ my men when they was out huntin’,” he explains; “even tracked ‘em back here an’ wrecked ‘eir homes. ‘twere a livelier place, once, but now all ‘at’s left are the old ones and babes, an’ whoever’s brave enough ta stay an’ protect ‘em. But—it’s not a Hevring beast; that much I kin tell ya fer sure.”
“Not a Hevring drake?” Caspar is vexed. “How do you know that? Aren’t they the only dragons living in these parts?”
“Aye, ye’d think so, but this one’s black as pitch, not green like they say the Hevrings are. Come from the northlands, it did, though me lads here say it’s holed up in the eastern moontens now.”
“Those fookin’ Hevrings…”
All eyes turn to the third villager who until this moment has not said a word.
Heedless of (or perhaps relishing in) the attention he has drawn, the interloper prattles on. “Some a’ the womenfolk say them Hevrings’ll come an’ save us from it, but it seems to me they value their own an’ their kin’s scaly hides more ‘an any ‘coexistence’ they blather on aboot in the capital. Council a’ Seven, me arse,” he mutters viciously. “I bet it’s a council a’ four with three dragon fookers instead.”
Caspar bites back his rising retort. How dare this man lump his father in with the likes of Vestra and Gerth? But arguing will get him nowhere, and there’s still more he needs to know. “Where can I find it?” he asks. “Any known weaknesses?”
“Most times the beast stays close to the moontens, but not the mines. Ye’ll prob’ly find it if ye travel nor’east a’ them, towards Faerghus. Make sure you git ‘im good for me, lad,” the middle villager blurts then, seizing Caspar’s arm with a sudden fervor. “Ain’t no way we kin rely on them scaly twats if this is the sorta shite they pull.”
Borjondy nods sagely. “Agreed.” Then he looks directly at Caspar. “Call me old all ya like, but I kint help but feel as if this is an omen of some sort. Keep yer wits aboot’cha, lad. Somethin’ tells me the Council could fracture over all’a this in the future.”
Fracture? Last he’d heard, there was no evidence of discontent between either human or dragon halves of the Council of Seven. Then again, things were always strange when dragons were involved, so the young huntsman forgoes comment and dips his head in an informal but appreciative bow. “Thanks, mayor,” he says. “I’ll have its head before long—you have my word.”
He would simply have to ask Gilead about all this later.
The village of Remire is unsettlingly quiet as he rides into town, and it does nothing for the mounting disquiet of his mind. Only the furtive peek of eyes from behind the tavern window alerts him to the presence of any living souls in the area; and even then, it disappears almost quick enough to be imagined. Perhaps they’re all terrified of the dragon living nearby? Pondering it does not make his odds seem any more favorable.
For all his bravado back in Daevin, he isn’t actually certain how he is going to kill the thing once he sees it, especially without any other huntsmen to back him up. Slaying wyverns is one thing; they are universally weaker and less clever; but dragons? Most successful prior accounts spoke of trickery, of outwitting rather than physically outmatching the beast, and Caspar has much more confidence in the strength of his axe arm than the cunning of his mind.
He frowns. Miring himself in worrisome thoughts borne of too little knowledge would do him no good. Best he simply get out there and search for its lair. Maybe there he could find some clues as to what its goal is, what it wants with the villagers when it never bothered them before. Maybe there’s something he can use against it there, some way to take it down.
(And if he should find the beast inside its lair?)
(He’ll just. Tackle that problem if and when it arises.)
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neganandblake · 7 years
I think I liked you better when you didn’t have a knife in your hand, Peaches... Chapter 17- Trapped
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When Blake finds herself sold out to the Saviours by her abusive fiancé, she realises that she's certainly not on her own anymore and finds an unlikely friend in Negan. And Negan does NOT like men who beat their girlfriends, one tiny bit…
Chapter 17
Blake's heart thudded in her chest as she scrambled backwards, knife raised.
Through the gloom she could just make out the five walkers, advancing on her hurriedly down the narrow corridor…in between her and the way out.
Adrenaline pumping through her veins, she jabbed at the nearest figure.
But it was quicker than she had thought, and staggered towards her, arms raised.
Blake jumped backwards, not wanting to try a door to another room, in case more walkers emerged.
Fuck…what was she going to do?
She felt herself beginning to panic now.
Her heart was pounding a drumbeat inside of her ribcage, her breaths now coming quick and ragged inside her chest.
She had been in some sticky situations before now…but nothing like this.
There had always been a way out. Always.
A female walker leered over at her, snapping its wide-jaws terrifyingly.
But Blake gave her a shove, suddenly sending her, and another walker, sprawling backwards like bowling pins.
But this was nowhere near over yet.
She felt frightened. More frightened than she had done in a long, long time…here in the dark. Alone.
Blake took a hurried step back, as another of the dead launched itself at her, its fingers trying to tear at her face….. but Blake sent her blade hurriedly flying through its skull.
Although that was just a small win, as the other three walkers snarled and groaned at her, their rotten hands snatching at her wildly, as she quickly tried to retract the blade.
One of the dead figures bit at her, missing her hand by mere inches…
She felt scared. Really scared. Trapped like a rabbit in the headlights.
She could barely see the walkers to fight them off, here in the darkness. So her only chance of survival was escape.
Blake's eye darted this way and that, trying as hard as she could to figure out a way of getting out…but it was impossible….
"Help!" she cried loudly, hoping the Saviours would hear her cries. "HELP, PLEASE!"
But her shouts only caused to provoke the walkers more….as they moaned ever-louder, advancing on her with snapping teeth….
But there was nowhere for Blake to go….
Apart from the door that led back out to the warehouse. She was trapped….right?
But Blake breathed hard.
The red door.
She spun around, running as fast as she could towards the opposite end of the corridor…to where the red door stood….
Just beneath it, she could see a small crack of pale light streaming through.
The door led to the outside. It had to.
This was it….this was her chance to escape!
She moved over to it quickly….turning the handle …hearing the dead shifting ever closer….
But the door, to Blake's utter dismay, was shut fast.
"No, no, no, no.." she cried, with desperate crying breaths, as tears began to slip from her eyes before she could stop them. She knew that this now might be the end. "Please, please…..no."
She pushed as hard as she could, shoving her shoulder against the door, a sob inside her chest…but it wouldn't budge.
She turned to see the walkers just a couple of feet away.
This was it.
She could try and attack one of them, but in the low light and small-spaced corridor, there was little chance of her survival.
This was the end for her.
Blake let out an uncontrollable sob, clutching at her mouth with one shaking hand, raising her knife with the other….
So, so frightened….leaning back against the door…with no way out….
But as she winced, taking in a sharp breath, waiting for death….she, all of a sudden, found herself toppling backwards into the pale bright light….as rain and gunshots fell suddenly all around her.
She hit the asphalt beneath her hard, landing on her ass.
Blake, shaking from top to bottom, looked up, bracing herself, to see Negan and his eight Saviours standing there, three of them shooting at the dead….who each collapsed to the ground before they could make a grab for her.
She had never felt anything like this in her life….she was shaking like a leaf…her face wet through a combination of tears and the constant falling rain, which was currently soaking through her blue shirt and indigo jeans.
She looked back at the walkers…lying there, no longer a threat to her anymore.
But the terrifying fear was still there.
The panic.
The shellshock.
But as she breathed hard, she felt a sudden figure come up beside her…
….and Blake glanced up, to see the tall and rain-soaked Negan standing there, a smirk lingering across his smug features.
He reached out a hand towards her.
"I'm impressed," he uttered. "Although I thought you might have taken out a couple more of those sorry fucks, before we rescued you.."
Blake sat there or a moment on the cold wet ground, her chest rising and falling rapidly just staring up at him.
She didn't understand.
"Sorry we had to shut you in like that, Doll-face," murmured the Saviour easily. "But you did good."
But at this…at his comment, Blake's heart seemed to stop.
What had he just said?
Blake tensed her fist around the knife in her hand.
"What?" she managed to mutter in a deadly tone.
But Negan just arched his back lazily, his hand still held out towards her.
"Doll," he muttered with a sorry sort of smile, shaking his head. "I just needed to prove to you, that you are a queen that don't need help from any fucking son-of-a-bitch here. An' I mean, I was sorta right. Apart from right at the end, of course."
But Blake's eyes blackened, as she scrambled to her feet, not bothering to take his hand.
She was seething, her chest heaving with every breath she took.
She glared back at Negan, pointing at him with her free hand, and throwing her knife to the ground.
"You almost just got me killed just to prove a fucking point?!" she said in a high-pitched, incredulous voice. "You're an asshole! A fucking asshole!"
She could feel her blood boiling, tears still spilling their way down her cheeks, masked by the falling rain.
How could he do this to her? Shut her in like that? Almost get her killed, torn to shreds by walkers.
But Negan took a step towards her, his face suddenly becoming dark and unreadable.
He now looked like the dangerous man she had heard about so often.
Negan bared his teeth, pointing back at her intimidatingly.
"An asshole trying to prove a fuckin' point that you don' fuckin' need a man that treats you like utter fuckin' shit, sweetheart!" he yelled back at her, his face grim.
Blake suddenly paled, stepping back slightly.
Did Negan know about David?
Blake's heart pounded within her ribcage…..as rain continued to fall all around them, deafeningly loudly.
"I have told you from the fuckin' beginning, Doll, that you are worth more than that, an' hell, you have survived out there, better than half these sorry sons-of-bitches would have," Negan uttered in a low growl pointing at his men, but keeping his dark eyes locked on Blake's green ones. "So don't you start givin' me your piece-of-shit excuses now, Doll-face. You're a fuckin' Queen, and you gotta remember that, when you're defending that spineless fuckin' asshole back there-"
But Blake was angry.
What the hell did Negan know about anything?
She wasn't taking this from him, standing here in the middle of nowhere surrounded by his men.
David wasn't spineless.
He loved her.
And Blake knew what she felt in return. What she had to feel.
"I love him," she uttered in a firm and steady voice through the rain, shaking her head and staring back at Negan angrily.
But Negan looked equally as angry as Blake felt, dragging a hand down his face irritably at her words for a brief moment, before pointing Lucille at her face.
"You fuckin' love that prick, Peaches, when all he does is treat you like shit. I mean, hell, the first time I saw you he was beatin' you upside the pretty face in front of all my men," Negan began, sounding furious. "And don't you dare fuckin' even begin to lie to me about where you got those fuckin' bruises."
Negan suddenly grabbed Blake's forearm tightly….with his free hand…but unlike David's grip there a few days ago…..his hold on her was strong but not painful…his fingers not digging into her skin like her fiancé's had.
"I ain't dumb, darlin'. I can fuckin see you've been grinded down by that stupid piece of utter shit, and made to feel like you ain't worth nothin'. But in your eyes that goddamn douchebag can do no fuckin' wrong."
Blake felt herself trembling within Negan's grasp, her chest rising and falling hard, as the rain fell around both of them.
She looked up in Negan's chocolate eyes that were full of anger and frustration.
"That's why I fuckin' went ahead and separated you from your asshole boyfriend who sold you the fuck out, for his own room and his chance to get a rub-down by Frankie each night," Negan finished, the corners of his mouth turned downwards. "And that's why I brought you out here and pushed you to your fuckin limits, Doll-face. 'Cause I know you are more than that."
But Blake tore her eyes from Negan's, looking down at his hand holding her arm tightly…
"He's my fiancé…" was all she could manage to utter in reply, her shoulders slumped dejectedly.
All Negan had said was true...she knew that…as tears slipped from her eyes, falling onto the rain sodden asphalt below.
But the tall, dark-haired man in front of her, tensed his jaw, his chocolate eyes roving across her features.
"Yeah, so you keep fuckin' sayin', sweetheart," said Negan with a sigh, finally letting go of her arm and placing his hand over his tired eyes for a brief moment. "But, hell, darlin'. I aint feelin' much fucking love in this goddamn relationship."
Blake peered up at him…this man she barely knew…breathing hard…but could not bring herself to say another word…..
For she knew that he could read her like a book.
But did he really know the true extent of David's actions?….His threats...his cruel words….
Or was this only guesswork? Negan joining up the pieces…
He didn't know about the months of mental and physical abuse back at Alexandria….or even the fact that David had come and seen her the other night….
But despite this, Blake felt something she had not felt in a long time…..and that was safe.
Standing here with the tall dark-haired leader of the Saviours…
This dangerous man.
Negan stared back at Blake….his eyes full of something words just weren't enough to say right now….but Blake needed him to say it….
But before she had any more time to dwell, the moment was gone….and Negan shouted back to his men through the pouring rain.
"Alright," he said arching his lean figure as he spoke. "Take the stuff and get back to base in the loaded up truck."
But he ran his tongue over his teeth, his eyes returning to hers, surveying Blake solidly, as rain fell onto his leather-clad shoulders.
"Me and Peaches here are goin' for a drive."
Blake blinked up at him through wet eyelashes, letting out an unsteady breath and giving a gulp.
Where was he intending to take her?
But she knew her questions would likely soon be answered, as Negan nodded over toward the truck they had come here in, as the other Saviours all loped off towards the other bigger vehicle.
For moment she didn't move, rooted to the spot in the ever-falling downpour, her green eyes flickering over to the truck she had arrived here in just an hour or two ago.
But Negan merely leaned in towards her, his lips brushing her caramel hair as he spoke, his hand gripping her upper arm lightly.
"Get in, Doll," he muttered commandingly.
And Blake, for once, did as she was told.
I hope you are all enjoying this story. Would you like me to keep posting on here? I have about 30 more chapters to upload that are currently written, so I can if you’d all like?
@yellatthetopofyourlungs @collette04 @shimmerybutt @attorneyl @daydreamsandchai @charoly @princessmoonspunky @mssharingisfun
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