#it makes me want to take whatever those 'shifters' on TikTok take so that I can bundle him into my arms and hug him
youngpettyqueen · 1 year
fun fact the first episode of MASH I ever saw was Dr Pierce and Mr Hyde wayyyyyyyy before I ever considered watching the show myself, a good friend of mine who's seen the show had me sit and watch it and have a good laugh with her. and, you know, at the time I thought a lot of it was funny, but I also thought it was surprisingly sad cause she'd sold it to me as a purely comedic episode
I think it's very funny to think on that because now if I think about Dr Pierce and Mr Hyde for more than two minutes I will start to physically tear up because of the emotions that episode stirs up in me
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atendersun-archived · 3 years
🎰 vant a challenge? :3c
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Mason & Quinton Kubeck: Muu is by no means well versed in the history of any sport and couldn’t name a single past Olympic medalist if he tried. It is much more within his realm to just approach Quinton on the basis that they look friendly to him. That and there may be some underlying need to receive the approval of older figures to mend for feeling like a disappointment to those he admired in the past, but he likes the friendly option better. He would be more than happy to really just sit down with the older male and listen to them tell him stories about their career as an athlete over a cup of coffee. To hear a wiser individuals perspective and history doing something they valued is just exciting to him.
Mason & Osakwe: He would like to know if lion soft. There is something about the intense levels of masculinity that radiate off of Olu and Archer that make Muu just go ♡ Friend, but from far away ♡, but this one.. this one is cute. Even though the shifter is not much younger than himself, he would only need to hear that he is the byproduct of the more intimidating looking lion for him to want to take care of for the remainder of time. Another option would simply be for the blond to be minding his own way through an aquarium just for the experience, only to find himself very immersed in the facts given to him on all kinds of sea life by a stranger. An adorable stranger, but stranger nonetheless. He really just enjoys learning new things while seeing someone else discuss what they are passionate about. He would also like to remind you that he want to pet lion. pet.
Mason & Xololt: You underestimate the friendliness of this man if you think for one second it wouldn’t take him just hearing this man say his name out loud to someone else for him to then make himself their shadow so that he may tell them that their name reminds him axolotl. He’d happily guide them into the direction of whatever pet store has them just so he can hang out with Xololt and an axolotl all afternoon. If they end up being some weird being that eats an animal in front of him, though, he will cry. His Nana will be hearing about it.
Mason & Yosuzume: If there is any possibility that by just going for a hike alongside his dog, or just on his own, that he might maybe find a child that he will try to adopt, he is going on that hike. Never a boy scout, and just lacking survival skills in general, he has many a questions to inquire the look out on. As a payment for the knowledge given to him, he’d gladly tell them about all sorts of things he has grown to learn through the media. He is going to tell wild looking child what TikTok is.
Mason & Tyler: Please, for the love of God, I really want to get into mediation and clearing my head for mindfulness due to the fact that the chance of me slipping back into depression is a real fear of mine, but I have a thing against strong smelling incense. If you could help a guy out and point me into the direction of where your least scented candles are that would be great. Oh, pretty rocks. Crystals? What do you do with those? Yes, I am aware that this is a business. As a customer, I now need you to tell me what each one of them does, so that I can keep all bad away from me for forever.
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