#was talking to my friend a while after like WHY IS THAT FUNNY?? IM CRYING?? HELLO??
youngpettyqueen · 1 year
fun fact the first episode of MASH I ever saw was Dr Pierce and Mr Hyde wayyyyyyyy before I ever considered watching the show myself, a good friend of mine who's seen the show had me sit and watch it and have a good laugh with her. and, you know, at the time I thought a lot of it was funny, but I also thought it was surprisingly sad cause she'd sold it to me as a purely comedic episode
I think it's very funny to think on that because now if I think about Dr Pierce and Mr Hyde for more than two minutes I will start to physically tear up because of the emotions that episode stirs up in me
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gildeddlily · 3 months
absolutely losing my mind because of these two!!!
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are these two actually toxic, or are they just kids who don't know how to communicate? easy, they're just kids! (this was fast)
reading the manga will not make you understand that (or im just stupid), and this is why I'm thanking the author on.my.knees for the spin-off!
after watching the anime I fled to ao3, of course. read some works about Rin and Isagi, managed to not spoil myself anything.
then i read the U20 arc. after reading every ryusae I could find (writing one myself rn, doing god's work) I finished to read the manga cause, yk, I wanted to know what would happen with my babies and then boom! Reo and Nagi!!!
I didn't particularly care about them at first: Nagi was strong ofc, but kind of boring? he's not my favourite archetype, and while I loved Reo I hated their fight and wanted nothing to do with them. key word(s), at first.
then, then! I randomly read some fics about them cause they'd started to grow on me, and boom, tons of fics about their breakup/makeup. stunning works, ofc, but I started to see so many "Reo's fault" "Nagi's fault" "toxic relationship" that I kind of started to get uncomfortable (sometimes people throw around the word toxic when it's nothing like that), so what's to do? read the spin off ofc.
that I did, and now not only I love them both with all of my heart, but I'm Reo's number one fan (and kinnie)!
and I developed a deep hatred for those "toxic x" theories and takes. SO. let me blabber and rant.
they love each other so much!!
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this is Nagi.
he thinks "damn, soccer/football is a pain, I hate sweating and running, but I don't hate Reo" even though most of the time he spends with Reo is spent playing soccer/football (I won't choose one english is so confusing- in italian it's literally called kick).
he doesn't feel forced to be Reo's friend, he likes it.
because Reo loves him, it's as simple as that.
he wants to be Nagi's friend "despite" Nagi's personality: this is something he currently says through the spin-off, which made me cry- Reo truly is the first person who ever accepted Nagi as someone who is lazy and unmotivated, who complains a lot, who doesn't put any effort in what he does, who doesn't offer much.
Or at least he thinks that he doesn't have anything special to offer, until Reo arrives.
he still has those terribly self-deprecating thoughts, but now he has something to offer, his talent.
(and after a period of happiness, their honeymoon phase one could call it, he starts to doubt the sincerity of Reo's care. from thinking "i'm not his slave, i'm his partner" he starts to doubt Reo's honesty: "maybe he only wanted to be my friend because of my talent, a talent he knows how to use"- since he still thinks that he's got nothing to offer! but we will talk about this later.)
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this is Reo!
he thinks "I wanted to be the one who could make you love soccer/football, the one able to light up something in you" but he also thinks "seeing you like that, even if it wasn't me who'd done that, made me happy".
he's so jealous he's almost funny, and isn't that the most teenager thing ever?
who wouldn't be jealous after working so hard to be special to someone, just for someone else to take the place you're working so hard for?
it's terrible, but still, it doesn't stop Reo from being happy that Nagi found something exciting.
something that made Nagi as happy as the combo Nagi-soccer/football made Reo happy.
the thing is, Nagi thinks he's Reo's friend because of his talent, which maybe it's true. maybe, hadn't Nagi been a genius, they wouldn't have become friends, but his talent was the sparkle that made him become Reo's treasure.
Reo is someone who has everything, who gets everything he wants, or as he says everything except what he really wants.
for that, he has to work.
so, what he wants is to play soccer/football, and to play it with Nagi.
(in order to be Nagi's friend, he needs to work hard, because he needs to be honest and gain Nagi's trust- this is how friendship works: even when it seems flawless and easy, there's so much work behind it, and knowing it is important. most of the times we only realise it once we lost that bond- for example, Nagi. Reo already knew it, and this is why he tried so hard to not leave Nagi's side)
at one point, the two things became linked to one another, and his dream turns into "winning with Nagi, my partner". Because Nagi is talented, is special, and Reo saw his talent, and how Nagi was unable to do the same. He wants to show Nagi that soccer/football is fun, that his talent isn't a pain, that he is special, because Nagi doesn't know it, and for Reo a star that doesn't see his its own light? is just preposterous.
He cares for Nagi and loves everything about him, even all the "bad" things, and he doesn't think that Nagi has to change, and this is what, for me, makes their break-up way more serious and relatable for a lot of people.
it triggers a "I'll change to be better" "for me you never had to change" "I need to change for myself" dynamic.
2. changing and longing is way more fun when you're doing it together!!!
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so they split up.
Nagi doesn't do it because he likes Isagi more, or because his style of play is more interesting, he does it because Isagi was stronger than Nagi and Reo: entering Blue Lock, Nagi had trust in Reo's ability to use his talent to win, he didn't even think about failing, and while Barou came close to making him feel like he could loose, Nagi overpowered him at the end- but then Isagi beats Nagi, and Reo with him.
Nagi understands that Reo's dream can't become reality if they aren't the strongest, and if being together doesn't work, maybe they should split up, part ways, become stronger and then join forces again, and win everything. win the world cup.
while his friendship with Isagi is sweet and I love them, for Nagi Isagi is like a cyclette.
he'll use the cyclette to get get fit and make his bf swoon over his legs, he won't stay with the cyclette once he doesn't need the training anymore. and even if he will, it will always be just the cyclette he uses to get fit "for" his bf.
(metaphor isn't metaphoring)
Reo doesn't know that.
he knows he's strong, but he knows that Isagi and Nagi are on a whole other level and he feels threatened. he fears that Nagi will choose Isagi instead of him, and he tries desperately to not loose Nagi.
Nagi is his dream. Slowly, day after day, Nagi became part of his dream, and now he's losing not only his best friend but the dream that made him free.
Reo says it himself- he knows that Nagi did the smartest thing by leaving, but he's young and scared and sees it as Nagi leaving him.
He feels abandoned, and he thinks that Nagi is abandoning his dream to go with the bigger fish, the apex predator, in order to become the best striker, by forgetting the promises they made at the start of Blue Lock, to stay together til the end.
Neither of them forgets the other.
Nagi leaves, and all he thinks about it "I need Reo to see this" "I can't wait to let him see how much I've improved", and he misses Reo, just as much as Reo misses him.
the only difference?
Reo is oblivious about Nagi's real feelings and thought process, and his thinking of Nagi turns into spiraling into depression and self-hatred.
so Nagi changes.
he starts to see the beauty in soccer/football, he finally sees what Reo had tried to make him see for months, and he's thrilled. he's having fun. he's grateful that Reo convinced him to not discard Blue Lock immediately. he's different.
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different why? because Isagi beat him? because Blue Lock happened?
he changed not when Isagi beat them, but the moment he became Reo's friend, and found a reason to do something.
because Reo was the first person to ever tell him that his laziness, boredom, his oh so troublesome antics were alright, that he was what he was, and he was enough not only for Reo, but for the whole world.
Reo accepted him even when he was set on being static, made him want to change, and now that he's changing he feels worthy of being loved so much.
"you saw something in me back then, you forced to me work hard, and now thanks to you I ('m on my way to) realised my own worth, now I found something exciting"
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he changes.
Reo sees him after what, a few days, and he's already improved so much.
and he thinks that he was Nagi's cage, his personal dead weight, that Nagi may have been his treasure but he wasn't Nagi's. that Nagi doesn't need him anymore. if Nagi doesn't need him, what will be of his dream?
(we could start a long-ass post ab mental health and recovering but I won't for my own sanity)
what's his worth then, since he got into Blue Lock just to stay with Nagi till the end- especially when he can't even be number two, with Isagi there- and Nagi won't be with him anymore?
he needs to change too.
3. destroying yourself in order to change (no fun)
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Reo says that he isn't brave enough to destroy himself like the others do.
Isagi, Barou, Nagi, Chigiri, they all destroy themselves in order to become stronger and change, evolve, but Reo can't. he's scared, he's confused, the whole arc is just him looking like that. then what does he do?
he lets Nagi destroy him. "If I can't do it, Nagi will" don't you understand you're doing exactly what you say you're unable to do? the fact that you're not the one pulling the trigger doesn't mean that you're not killing yourself
he pushes Nagi until he snaps and tells Reo to fuck off, that he's a pain, that he's weak and someone Nagi doesn't want anything to do with, because that's what Reo thinks.
He thinks Nagi doesn't want to be with him anymore, he's feeling guilty for what he thought (later later), he's insecure- and instead of being reasonable, he founds a way to confirm his "irrational" fears.
"I'm not being insecure since Nagi confirmed it"
he sabotages himself. that's the nail in the coffin.
instead of destroying himself with football/soccer, by learning from a lost match, he destroys himself with life, by putting on the line his relationship with the person he (not exaggerating) loves most in the world.
he's unable to distinguish life from soccer/football (and this will be the aspect that makes him so different from most of the other characters), because since meeting Nagi they've become one thing. soccer/football is his life, Nagi is his life, because they're his only chance at being happy.
(Nagi is able to distinguish between the court and Reo: this way, Reo is just as special as Isagi is, since Isagi may have made him see the fun in soccer/football, but Reo made him get angry. Nagi who thinks that his strong quality is the fact he never gets angry, that he's a pacifist. Isagi is his soccer/football revolution, Reo is his life revolution.
Reo can't. they all insult each other on the field, but they're all friends afterwards. not Reo. not yet)
now he's lost Nagi, and his dream, and he has to pick himself up from the ground.
this is how Reo changes.
4. miscommunication is a beast
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As I said before, Nagi starts to think that Reo only cared about him because of his talent. he's angry at Reo. he doesn't understand why Reo said those things, why he was so stupid, why he didn't understand Nagi.
he says "I'm not his toy" and he isn't, but really, try to get into his shoes.
he thinks his partner, his best friend, doesn't believe in them as a duo anymore, doesn't want to believe in them like he used to now that Nagi has changed, now that he's more "independent" from Reo.
"what, now that I know how to fight alone, he doesn't want me anymore?" that would be anyone's first thought.
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and he doubts Reo's trust in their dream.
when did Reo start to have so little faith in them, in Nagi? when did he give up on them? he thinks that, after spending weeks trying to improve just to make Reo's dream true.
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and he's angry, but he still hopes to play with Reo again.
he still want to, because him and Reo are partners and Nagi still believes in their dream. because he remembers Reo's passion, and he believes in him.
+) 5. being relatable as fuck
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(what kid with absent/abusive parents never thought back on their action and went anxiously all "Am I just like them?")
Reo begs Nagi to stop being so strong, stop improving so quickly, stop running towards a place Reo can't reach yet, and isn't this a human thing to do? He desperately wants to be with Nagi, and thinks that he'd rather stop him from improving rather than lose him. He thinks "Please, give up on your dream, your ego"- and isn't that familiar?
he just thought the same thing his father, a man he hates and despises and who doesn't believe in Reo, told him. and he said that to Nagi. Nagi who gave him a ticket to the top by being at his side, who let him see hope.
he panics. am I just like him? Am I cruel enough to wish for someone to give up on their dreams, just to get something out of their failure?
he's different from his father, because he's seventeen, he's scared to lose his best friend, and we can be irrational in situations like this one. does he know it? no, the same way he doesn't understand that Nagi didn't left because of him.
so yes, he's in the worst head-space ever.
isn't he relatable? this is what that made reo my favourite character in a second, probably. he's so human and he makes so many mistakes and he's so stupid sometimes, but I can see myself in him very clearly.
and now.
in what way is their relationship not balanced? their love and care not mutual? in what way one used or manipulated the other?
I think they're flawed, and they made mistakes, and they hurt each other, but I also think that we throw in the word "toxic" the moment a relationship isn't perfect.
they're friends and they're teens, they will make mistakes and they will hurt each other, and their friendship (and they were roommates) won't be perfect- this doesn't make it less genuine or beautiful.
don't get me started on what happens in the manga (really don't do it) (all of this was just nagi's spin off!!!)
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alonetimelover · 1 year
pairing: Harry Styles x booktuber!reader
summary: A new series on ynrecommends channel on YT called Celebrity Book Club grabbed Harry's attention. Now, they are simply joined at the hip. As friends. Right?
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liked by harryupdates, yourbestfriend and 17 291 others
yourinstagram hello! i started a new series on my YouTube channel - celebrity book club! my first victim was the one and only - Harry Styles. he has an... interesting library to recommend. click the link in bio if you want to watch me gush over harry, new bookshop I found and the best coffee ive ever made!! byeee, xx
also, you harries are too good with photoshop. i was sure he was reading book lovers...
view all 2 302 comments
yourbestfriend bestie gettin' famous!!!!
⤷ yourinstagram i knew it was a bad idea to listen to you...
⤷ yourbestfriend people need to know how great of a booktuber and reader you are
harryupdates that's a great video! i immediately subscribed to your channel!
⤷ yourinstagram thank you! I hope you'll find something for yourself there, xx
user22 came here from yt! fantastic video
user39 your editing skills are amazing!!
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liked by hArrysbtch, yourinstagram and 34 402 others
harryupdates yn from ynrecommends on yt did a video where she read all the books that Harry has ever recommended. she is hilarious, very sweet, and absolutely clever. watch it when you have some spare time, you won't be disappointed!!
view all 5 201 comments
hArrysbtch ive been watching her videos for months!!! thank god she finally gets the spotlight she deserves
⤷ harrysmoustache does she (like most of the booktubers) sugar-coat everything or she's just blunt?
⤷ hArrysbtch oh she's super down to earth! she also does those instagram lives where she talks about the latest book(s) she's read. super funny and laid back
⤷ harrysmoustache oh, thank god! i was looking for someone like that! im diving into her channel right now!
yourinstagram thank you so much! thanks to you, you harries are flooding my socials!! (im not complaining) xx
⤷ harryupdates can't wait for another video!
harryshoee she's so beautiful, too! and loves cats!
harrysmylife "harry, if you ever watch it, let's pretend you guys, if you ever watch it, i recommend you diving into Toshikazu Kawaguchi" she has TASTE, let me tell you
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 22 301 others
harrymylove I'VE MET HARRY YESTERDAY!!!! look at him and my doggy Bart. i still can't process it...
view all 3 301 comments
hArrysbtch how was it???
⤷ harrymylove it was so lovely! he was kind enough to take a photo and talk with me for a while!
⤷ hArrysbtch what did you talk about? pls spill the tea
⤷ harrymylove im an English major so i asked him about some book recommendations. he answered with "i didn't have much time to read anything new recently. but was recommended and just bought Toshikazu Kawaguchi's books, so maybe this author"
hArrysbtch Kawaguchi???? after yn recommend that to him in a video???? he watched her video??? yourinstagram
harrysmoustache I've just started reading 'before the coffee gets cold' and looooove it!!
harryupdates do we think he actually watched yn's video?
⤷ hArrysbtch i hope so!
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrymylove and 45 302 others
harryupdates HARRY'S official YT channel left a comment on ynrecommends latest video!!
view all 6 401 comments
hArrysbtch that bish said 'let me break the internet and use me fuckin phone'
hArrysbtch unbelievable...
harrymylove he watched the video that's why he recommended me Kawaguchi... im melting
harrysmoustache i hope that he loves it as much as i did!!!
harrysmylife 'love, h xx' let me go cry in the corner
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liked by yourbestfriend, harrystyles and 67 492 others
yourinstagram hopefully, this date will be successful
view all 9 201 comments
yourbestfriend was it?
⤷ yourinstagram after a couple glasses of wine, we moved to the bedroom
⤷ yourbestfriend STOP
⤷ yourinstagram never praise a ford till you get over...
harrystyles Assuming it wasn't successful, do you have any dates free?
⤷ yourinstagram i'll need to check my calendar, although i only attend when coffee (or wine) and good books are provided
⤷ harrystyles Done.
⤷ yourinstagram i'll think about it 🫣
harryupdates oh those are so tricky!!!
hArrysbtch stop, i also had an awful blind date with a book...
⤷ yourinstagram that's the worst! i just need to read the synopsis and thena few pages to decide if I want to buy it
harrysmoustache why is nobody talking about harry being in the comment section??? ASKING HER OUT??? who is this man??? what's happening
⤷ user93 well, it's clearly not him typing or even controlling it! the managmet took it over long ago!
⤷ harrysmoustache and they say im delulu...
harrysmylife SHUT UP !!! avtivrry is my favourite harry, like??? what do you mean he can type the comment? the flirty one? the one asking a girl out? like???
harrystyles via close friends IG stories
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liked by yourinstagram, harryupdates and 4 292 294 others
harrystyles 11.08.2023 📚
view all 23 292 comments
yourinstagram you did not buy them just for yourself
⤷ harrystyles Wouldn't you like to know 😎
harryupdates Well-read king that we stan
hArrysbtch I'm connecting the dots here
harrysmylife welcome back 2013 Harry, how have you been?
harrysfan83 since that girls yt video, he became obsessed with books...
⤷ harrymylove it's called getting a crush on somebody
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liked by harryupdates and 4 492 others
hArrysbtch sooo, this is a still from yn's latest video... that stack of books looks awfully familiar to the one that Harry posted a week or so ago... coincidence? i don't think so. plus!!!! she did say she didn't spend a penny on those books
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harrysmoustache if they are together, i feel like the fandom would love her
⤷ hArrysbtch i would hope so!
harrysmylife relationship, friendship or whatever -ship it is, im here for itttt
user94 y'all are really reaching now...
harryupdates it's the way she was glowing in that video for me! she looked so happy
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrystyles and 76 301 others
yourinstagram when they read your recommendations>>>
view all 8 492 comments
hArrysbtch now let him play patroclus in a movie, i dare you Hollywood
⤷ harrysmoustache who would you choose as Achilles??
⤷ hArrysbtch you know what? let him be Achilles and Timothee would be Patroclus
⤷ harrysmylife this adaptation with this casting would cure me, for real
harrysmoustache he's in his lover era
harrystyles I love reading your copies of books with all the 'cute' and 'slay' and 'I LOVE THEM'.
⤷ yourinstagram it's called active reading
⤷ harrystyles No, its not.
⤷ yourinstagram party pooper
yourbestfriend thanks for inviting me!!!
⤷ harrystyles Do yo want to join us?
⤷ yourbestfriend I knew I liked you for a good reason
harrysfan45 so she is the girl from those pap photos
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liked by harrysmoustache, stylesbabie and 87 392 others
harryupdates HARRY taking photos of YN in Italy!!
view all 7 302 comments
hArrysbtch melting
harrysmoustache what in the world...
stylesbabie i know exactly what that photo is focusing on
⤷ user42 what?
⤷ stylesbabie (•) (•)
⤷ harrysmoustache in the wise words of Steve Harrington: BOOBIES
harrysmylife so they are dating
⤷ user93 no one confirmed it
⤷ harryupdates good luck with waiting for Harry, confirming that he is/isn't in a relationship
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liked by harrystyles, yourbestfriend and 291 492 others
yourinstagram the promised vlog is up on my channel! grab some good drink and a snack for a quick talk about being single, vulnerability, loving your friends more than anything and - of course - some good books I've read in Italy!!!
view all 16 302 others
harrystyles I see the similarities between pictures 3 and 4
⤷ yourinstagram well, one is a cute little creature and the other is a sweet creature
⤷ harrystyles Good one.
hArrysbtch best vlog I've ever watched!!! Good job!
harrysmoustache being single??? what do you mean? i was rooting for you...
⤷ stylesbabie ...we were all rooting for you
harryupdates great recommendations as always!!! my tbr is growing with each of your video
celebrityupdates Single? Our sources are saying quite otherwise!
⤷ user56 spill the tea!!!!
⤷ celebrityupdates Link in bio to all the things you need to know about this romance!
⤷ harrysmylife it's like a man and a woman cannot be friends
⤷ hArrysbtch here we go again...
a/n: do we want to see more of them?
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yuyu1024 · 7 months
Pairings: s.coups/seungcheol × y/n
Genre/tags: friends/fwb
Warning: 🔞smut, a little fluff, cursing, semi public, dry humping, handjob, oral (m/f receiving), unprotected sex/drunk sex, mention of alcohol
(Always be safe and make sure to have consent... always...)
~~~~[lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 2.5k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
A/N: this might be all over the place since i wrote it while im trying to sleep🫠 Hope you all have a great week ahead....
Brb. 👩🏻‍💻
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You are heart broken right now. Your boyfriend or should we say ex just broke up with you recently. Through text and you haven't gotten the chance to get a grip of it yet. The breakup is still fresh and the way he just dumped you is still painful. He's heartless for doing such thing. No one should ever experience such thing!
"I hate men." You blurt out as you lay down on the mat that you and your friend put down the floor so you guys could lay down whilst star gazing. Of course with alcohol and snacks involve.
"All of a sudden?" Seungcheol heard you as he was just about to come out of his house. "I invited you here at my place... to relax... to entertain you.. for you to stop crying over your ex... then... now you hate men? Even me?" He sound offended
You laugh at his reaction. "Sorry... I can't help it." You say, "Men invades women's lives... flirt with us, make us fall in lovd... then when they feel like they need to go to the next target they'll just throw us like we are nothing..."
"You are not wrong with that... but hey not all men are like that." He sits down next to you, holding a beer on his hand. "Look at me..." he adds
You get up and sit straight next to him, "Yeah... you're a nice person..." you lean your head on his shoulder. "Too nice... even... that's why---"
"Hey. Don't mention the past." He hushes you. "We are talking about your heart break here... not mine that's been years ago."
You giggle at his reaction. "Fine..." you then grab his beer and drink from it. "But just one question.."
"Why haven't you dated again after....you know who...?"
"Well... I don't know... I guess... I just haven't found the girl for me yet..."
"Why? Are your standards that high?"
He takes back the beer from your hand. "I'm not like that... I go with my feelings... not like you who goes nuts when you see men with strong arms and built."
"Well," you steal his beer again and drink from it. "I find those traits sexy...how can I resist?"
"Yeah right." He takes his beer again. "Will you stop drinking mine? Just grab one from the cooler... I bought enough for the two of us..."
"But I like yours..." you take it again from him after he just took a sip. "We can always share... we are friends..." You drink the last chug. "Why? Does it bother you?"
"It doesn't. I just thought you'd be the type of person that would be concious about drinking at the same cup or whatever..."
You wipe your mouth with your hand as you put the empty can on the side. "What do you mean?"
"You know... I hear girls at Uni talk about indirect kisses so..."
"Ahh... I see..." you giggle. "How funny... they get so excited by those..."
"You don't?"
"Of course not! It's not like it is a kiss." You roll your eyes. "Making out for sure...is much more exciting..."
"Right." Seungcheol gets up to take another can of beer from the cooler. "Do you want one or you still want to share with me?" He asks as he opens the cooler.
"Grab two... but still we'll share." You say smiling
He shakes head and grab two different kinds. "You are really something..."
After a few more drinks and chitchat about your exes, you two finally decided to lay down and watch the stars above you.
With minimal light around you and Seungcheol turning off the lights in the house, just leaving the kitchen lights on where you two will enter back later, the sky is more brighter and clearer in your view.
"Thanks for inviting me here at your family's vacation house..."
"No problem... besides, mom suggested me to bring you here... she said you need this."
"Your mom is so sweet."
"She is... and its a plus because she likes you..."
"Yeah, she always wanted a daughter and I guess....you fit what she dreamed off having..."
"Aww... but...it is a bit sad..."
"Sad? Why?"
You turn over to your side, facing Seungcheol. "Coz I'm not the typical good daughter... and I don't want to disappoint her..."
"Typical good daughter?" He repeats, stunned by your word choice. "You are a good person..."
"Am I?" You laugh and lay down at your back again.
"Yeah... just a little freaky..."
"Freaky?!" You repeat, whipping your head to him. "What do you mean by that?"
"Don't act like you are not..." he smirks, "I've seen you do PDA with your ex."
"And...?" You toss to your side again but this time closer to Seungcheol. "Are you saying I'm freaky because I like to cuddle and touch my man?" You raise your brow at him.
"Don't get insulted. I didn't meant it as a bad way...." he then looks back at you, smiling. "I like freaky to you know... we all have our... kinks..."
"Really? Define... what's freaky for you? What are your kinks?"
"Okay... don't look at me like that..." he laughs, "I don't mean THAT kink... I don't do fifty shades of grey freaky you know..."
"Then... what are the things you like?"
"You really want to know?"
"Of course... coz my freaky may be different from your freaky..." you are grinning
"Hmmm..." he hums, thinking if he should tell you. "Isn't it a bit dangerous to be on a topic like this...?" He asks. Then his eyes starts scanning you from your face to your chest area which is very exposed and in his face right now.
You smirk as you eye him glancing at your cleavage. "Cheolie... are you getting seduced by my boobs right now?" You tease
"How can I not?" He looks away but the corner of his lips is curved into a smile. "You're wearing a verly low V neck shirt right now..."
You giggle at his remarks and then lean in to give your friend a kiss on the cheek which surprised him.
"Why did you kiss me?"
"Nothing... because you are so cute." You say before going back to your original position.
"Me? Cute?" He pouts, "Y/N I just talked about looking at your boobs and you find it cute?"
"I do!" You answer
"You're weird."
"Oh yeah... J am freaky..." you say, laughing.
"You are..." he adds
The two of you suddenly became quiet. The only thing you could hear now is the crackling of the woods in the bon fire and the sound of the breeze and the trees dancing.
"It's getting a bit chilly now..." Seungcheol breaks the silence. "Should we go inside now?"
"No... not yet..." you answer. "I need to do something..."
"Do what--"
Before he could even finish, you already got up and crawled on top of him
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
You move your pelvis, lower than where you are. You are trying to find the perfect spot on top of him.
"Ughh..." he breathes out as you placed your clothed core right on top of his erection. "Y/N...."
"Cheolie... Do you want to make out with me?"
You slide your hands from his abdomen to his chest. "We're friends right...?"
"Y/N...." he grabs both your wrists. "I don't think this is a good idea..."
"Please...?" You move your hips, slightly rubbing your core to his bulge and causing him to hiss a curse under his breathe. "You can touch me if you want... I don't mind..."
"You are drunk..."
"No, I'm not..." you frown. "If I'm drunk....I won't be asking for your consent..."
"This is wrong... what you want is not right..."
"I know."
He gets up whilst you are still on hip. "And you still want to?"
You nod.
"Are you trying to use me? As rebound sex?" He chuckles
"I was not suggesting sex yet... but..." you put your arms around his neck and then move your body closer to his, "if you are okay with having sex... I'm game..." you say the few words words in a very seducing manner.
"Why me?"
"Why not?"
He laughs at how serious you are. "You are crazy, Y/N..."
"I know..." you once again rub your clothed core on his erection. Basically dry humping him. "Please...?" Your voice sounded more breathy.
"Damn it." He mumbles as the friction between you two makes him more hard.
"Here." You grab his hand and place it over your boob. "You like my boobs right...?" Then you guide his hand by rubbing his palm over and then squeezing your boob with his hand. "Feel it..." you whisper while letting his thumb feel your hardened nipple through your shirt.
"Fuck, Y/N... you are insane..." he throws his head back, holding on to not crack a smile. He is enjoying your needy side.
"C'mon Cheolie... you are making me wait for too long... do you want to or not?" While you on the other hand is being impatient.
"If I say yes," he says "What happens after we fuck?"
"We can decide after..."
"What if... I want to do it again..."
"Then let's do it again."
He's brows scrunches, "you are okay to with that?"
"Even though... We are not dating?"
"Seungcheol..." you lean in a kiss him on the cheek again. "Like what we talked about... I am a little freaky... and besides you're my friend..."
"So....we're going to be.... fuck buddies?"
"If you want to..."
"No strings attached? Just... sex?"
"Yes... if I'm horny... I'll call you... and if you are horny and need me... then, call me and I'm willing to fuck you or suck you... anywhere... anytime..."
Shaking his head laughing, "Fucking hell Y/N... you are naughty..."
You roll your eyes. "Yeah, yeah... I know... so now what? Do you want to fuck with me or not? Give me an answer now coz if your not going to... I'll just go to bed..."
"You are very impatient, you know that?" He says smirking whilst his brows is furrowed. He looks amused. "I just want to make sure..." then he places his hand on your waist, sliding them under the hem of your shirt. "You are sure with this... since... we have alcohol in our system..."
"Right..." then as a needy and impatient as you are, you lean in already and started kissing Seungcheol on the lips.
The kiss surprisingly didn't start sloppy or awkward. It just went smoothly and very... arousing.
He is moaning already into the kiss. That's how good it makes him feel already.
"See.... you want it too..." you tease, smiling pulling away and looking at his turned on face.
"Who said I didn't want to?" He then carries you off him and carefully puts you back down the mat. "I wanted to wreck you since this morning when I first saw you wearing this revealing top..." his hand glides up from your tummy to your neck, right under your shirt. The motion lifted your shirt up exposing the lower part of your tits. "Fuck!" He hisses. "Your body is so fucking insane." He lowers his head and starts nibbling your skin from your belly buttom to your underboob.
"Ahh..." you inhale sharply when he sucked your skin and making sure he's leaving a mark. "Are you happy I didn't wear any bra today?" You ask
"The fuck I am." He goes to fully take off your top and start sucking and squeezing both alternately.
You moan at every suck, lick and flick he does. "Oh fuck... yes..." your hips dance every time his tongue touches your nipple.
"You're sensitive. You really like this huh?" He looks up at you while his tongue continues to pleasure you.
You nod your head, smiling while biting your lips.
"Fuck!" You throw your head back the second you felt him cup you down there. And since you're just wearing your black leggings, you could really feel his finger rubbing you there. "Ngggaaaahh..." you breathing heavy
"You sound so sexy...." he hums right st your ears as he watches you react to his strokes.
"You're teasing me too much..." you say
"Do I?" He chuckles
"Let me do the same!"
You are getting competitive now. You don't want to loose even though there is no game. You just know he's enjoying you moan just with just his little touches and licks. But you want him to whimper like you or more.
"Let me show you what I can do for you..." you push him away and then ride him on top again. "It's unfair that I'm the only one moaning in this session...." you move your hands quickly, pushing his jogging pants and his boxers down at the same time. "Dang..." your eyes widened as you see how long and thich he is. "You're hiding this from me?" You gently touch his wet tip.
"I'm not... technically hiding how big I am..." he answers before taking his shirt off. "You know I am big."
"Wow! You are one cocky mother fucker!" You laugh slapping his abs. "Let's see how cocky you'd still be after I make you come..."
"Bring it on." He says, rubbing his palm to your tits. "I've always wanted to know how your mouth feels on my dick..."
"Really? I'm flattered..." leaning in for a sweeet smooch on his lips. "Seems like... you've been having dirty thoughts about me for a while now..."
"I do..." he answers honestly, gazing straight into your eyes as your faces are just inches away. "I've been a bad friend..."
You kiss the corner of his lips. "It's fine.... I like bad boys..." you whisper sensually before you wrap your hands completely around his length.
You start slowly, pumping him while your eyes are glued to his. You want to see his face, his expression change while you squeeze him. You want to see him melt under your touch.
"Y/N... fuck!" He's breathing goes hectic as you now start to lick him. You are teasing him the way he teased you. "Ahh!" He growls when swirl your tongue on the tip.
Now, you begin to take him all in. Your whole mouth wrapped around his length. You are drooling at how big he is in your mouth but its worth it. His moaning and whimpers are all music to your ears.
"I think I'm going...t-to explode... fucking hell Y/N!"
You give him a final lick from buttom to top before giving him sensual kisses on his abdomen and then to his pecks.
"Do you want to explode inside of me?"
Those words pumped his adrenaline even more. You know it did coz his dick got flexes and got more harder than what it is. He even got up as quickly as he can and take you in for a kiss before he warns you and says, "Now, let me fuck you real good... raw and hard."
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buckyhad · 1 year
Teaching time
Pairing: Boyfriend!Max Verstappen x reader x Bestfriend!Charles Leclerc
Summary: Where Charles is your bestfriend,and teach Max,your boyfriend how to fuck you.
Warnings: oral (f), alcohol, google translated french and dutch, idk what else
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Charles was looking for a movie to watch for what felt like an hour, your mood not being the best this days, you started to get frustrated with your best friend.
"God, Charlie, choose one already" you barked.
"Gid chirlii" He mocked you. "Why are you in such a mood lately?" He asked then.
"I don't know what you are talking about"
"Yes you do" he laughed "I know you very well, now tell me" you always loved Charles' accent, and hearing it sothed your mood a little.
"I can't tell you" you mumbled.
Charles let it be, being your best friend for ages now, he knew that you would cometo him later.
You friendship with him went through all the phases, friends, best-friends, friends with benefits, back to best-friends when Max, one of his friends, told him how much he liked you.
Max, your now boyfriend was the sweetest man ever, hot, caring, loving, funny, think of something good, the guy has it.
But God, he wasn't the best in bed, you really wanted to cry, tore beetwen hurting his feelings or not cuming for what felt like an eternity.
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"Chaaarlesss" a very drunk Max slumped next to him on the couch.
"Maaaaxx" an ecually drunk Charles answered.
"Im so fuck mate"
"What happend?" He answered fast, the guy loved to gossip of course, but he also knew it has something to do with your mood.
"You know that I dont doubt that she loves me a lot, but I think she's pretending her orgasms" Max said.
Charles laughed, he was drunk, it wasn't his fault that Max decided to talk about something serious when they both where that drunk.
"Im so sorry mate, no more laughing" he stoped when he saw Max's face. "Why would you think that?"
"You saw how grumpy she is, why do you doubt me" he covered his face "Stop laughing mate, I feel you shaking" he growled.
"Did you talk to her?"
"Don't know how, what if she isn't and I make her feel bad?"
"Charles?" Max looked up to find that he was alone "Great"
Fifteen minutes later, Charles was back with you by his side, probably as drunk as them.
"My loove" you smiled, sitting on Max's lap.
"Max said you can't cum when you fuck"
"Charlie!" "Mate!" You two talked at the same time.
"What? Im trying to solve a problem here" he shrugged.
You paused for a moment, what better time to have a serious conversation than while drunk?
"I'm sorry Max, you're right" you faced him "I didn't want to hurt your feelings"
"I'm the one whos sorry love, I just don't know how" he answered with his face burning red, having a intimate talk while Charles was looking at them wasn't in his plans for the night.
"Charles go away" Max whined.
"No! I helped, I wanna listen"
"God, you're the biggest gossip I know"
"But you are also friends with Pierre?" He asked confused "I just wanna help you two" he pouted.
"How could you help us?" You asked while laughing.
"I don't know" Charles shrugged "I just cant stand you with this mood".
"Hey!" You said hitting his arm while laughing.
"Wait" Max said "He can teach me!"
"What?!" "I'm a great teacher, you know"
"No way, no fucking way"
"Why not? You've already fuck him, he knows you, he knows me, we can cross threesome from our list, it's perfect!"
"You are really drunk Maxi" you said "You will regret saying that tomorrow"
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Max, in fact, didn't regret it, and after some talking and setting some bounderies, there you were, Charles, Max and you in your bed.
"This is fucking crazy, I hope you know this" you said to your boyfriend
"And you like it" he shrugged.
"I like it too" Charles said.
"You are even crazier than him".
"Why chèrie? Because I can make you cum?" Charles murmured while getting closer to your lips "It's that it?" He said nuzzling his nose agains your neck "Come here Max, kiss her" he got away from you.
Your boyfriend did was he was told, kissing you fiercely. Placing his big hand in your thight and giving a squeeze, earning a quiet moan.
"Go to her neck now, slow" Charles commanded .
You started to lay down, with the dutch on top of you and the monegasque watching.
"Open more your legs love" Max said in between kisses and peeling off your summer dress.
"Kiss your way down" your bestfriend couldn't take his eyes of yours.
Max started his trail down to your breast, taking your bra so he could suck on your breast.
"Fuck, you're so pretty my love" he said making you moan.
"More Maxi, please" you whined, you didn't need that much preparation, having him and Charles watching you was enough. He continued his way down, hooking his thumbs on your panties, pulling it down your legs, and throwing it somewhere in the room.
"Bite her thights".
Max earned a loud gasp from you after that, and your hand tucking his hair.
"Please" you whined.
"Please what love?"
"Eat me out, please" he started with a light kiss, that made you grunt and open more your legs, and then he finally licked your pussy, making you cry out "Fuck, feels so good".
"Mate" Charles whined "Can I touch her, please" he beg watching you.
"Yes please, I want him too"
Max looked up to you, nooding his head, and that was enough for Charles to kiss you. He was hungry, missing being with you wherever he wanted.
"Fuck, i've miss this" he whispered while entering a finger in you, Max just kept licking you.
"It's too much" you cried.
"I know you can take it love" the blonde said, watching your abs start to contract and your legs shaking.
Some more thrusts from Charles' fingers and some flicking of Max tongue, you came.
"God you look so hot like that" Charles growled.
"Can't believe I've been missing this view".
"Our turn now, chèrie".
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A/N: finally, here it is, enjoy. Happy almost spain gp!
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kumabeom · 6 months
this love - kang taehyun
final letter ; kiss me
synopsis: what happens when soccer player!kang taehyun, who isn’t focused on school but is smart enough to pass, sees yn walk in the hallways nearly everyday after homecoming. taehyun’s new hallway crush begins to grow into something bigger, but what happens when he has to make a choice between yn or continuing to fail school ? will taehyun be able to focus on sports, classes, and trying to win yn over ?
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“yn this is so ridiculous.” beomgyu stated, pacing around in your room with you. a slick black tuxedo showed off his more sharper side, the side of beomgyu that would make just about anyone swoon. “you can’t just let him get away with the shit he pulled.
“i’m not letting him get away with anything beomgyu… i’m just making sure he’s serious about all of this.. and maybe i just need to make sure that if he isn’t serious then i won’t feel attached.”
“and you’re doing that by giving him the favor of spending an important night with him ?” beomgyu sighed, he knew that you just wanted to spend the night with taehyun. it was the thing that you were looking forward to throughout the past few months ever since taehyun had promposed, beomgyu knew that. he listened to you ramble on about how much taehyun cared for you and how magical you imagined the night would go. “are you denying the truth or are you lying to me ?”
you turned your head, as beomgyu took a seat next to you. you avoided making eye contact with him.
“i still like him.. beomgyu.. i just..- i know he didn’t have a choice. he did what he thought was good for me, and even if it wasn’t the right thing.. he still put me over his own self. y’know… it’s the thought that has me so stuck up on him. but i don’t want to let him win me over so easily, i want to hate him, but i can’t..” you admit, feeling a bit embarrassed from your confession to beomgyu. which he only put an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in a bit.
“have you talked to sunghoon since y’know.. that day..?” beomgyu hesitantly asked as you pulled away a bit to make eye contact with the boy who sat in front of you.
“no.. i’ve been trying to talk to him but he’s been avoiding me. sunghoon’s a cool person and all, but i don’t think i ever saw him in that way.. y’know ?” you questioned, “even when i wasn’t with taehyun, i think.. i just always saw sunghoon as a friend.”
“don’t feel bad just because you didn’t have the same feelings, yn. that’s probably why sunghoon didn’t tell you, he probably knew that you’d feel so guilty over not liking him back. in fact, im surprised that you didn’t end up with him out of guilt.” beomgyu advised, a tiny smile reappearing on your face. you pulled beomgyu into a tight, warm hug.
“thank you so much, beomgyu.. for like- everything. you’re always looking out for me. and even though you don’t really like taehyun, you’re supporting my feelings.. and you always have.” you can’t help but feel your heart warm up from looking back at just how much beomgyu has been supporting you no matter what. everyone knew beomgyu as a silly guy who took nothing serious, but others knew beomgyu took him as this serious person who always showed empathy to those he loved. however, you knew the real beomgyu, the beomgyu who would give anyone the cold shoulder if they gave you the wrong look. the real beomgyu that constantly gave you a shoulder to cry on and would make you laugh the tears away. beomgyu wasn’t just funny or only sympathetic, beomgyu was a passionate person who cared about his loved ones, he wanted to see them laugh while also being sure to be the supportive person that he always wished to be. and he never failed at making you comfortable, you always felt like you could rant to him, and you always knew that you could tell him a terrible dad joke and he would still give you an impressive laugh which would only prove to be contagious as you would start a fit of laughter.
beomgyu was.. beomgyu. a kind hearted boy who was there for all the people he loved. if you were sure that you wanted to be with taehyun, then he was okay with it.
“that’s what i’m here for ! just, don’t replace me..” beomgyu mumbled into your shoulder. a small huff coming from your mouth as you suddenly pull away from the hug, catching beomgyu completely off guard.
“ha ! as if you’re replaceable !! you’re a one of a kind beomgyu !!” you jokingly argue, seeing beomgyu’s lips grow into a huge grin. just as the two of you were about to get into another rage of laughter, you phone rang, seeing the bolded letters read ‘taehyun 🚫’. you took a look at beomgyu then back at your phone.
“answer it !” beomgyu exclaimed, picking up your phone and handing it to you as you panicked to swipe the green phone button.
“hello..?” taehyun answered the phone wondering why there was no noise coming from your end. he fumbled with the buttons on his tuxedo, being sure to look his nicest for you.
“oh. hi !” you say a bit too aggressively even though you didn’t mean to come off aggressive. you nervously begin to bite at your lip, before stopping due to receiving a cold stare from beomgyu.
“yn.. i’m outside for whenever you’re ready..” taehyun mumbled into the phone, taking out a bouquet from the backseat of his car. he messed around with the petals ensuring that the bouquet looked as lively as it could.
beomgyu gave you one last look, “if you don’t think you can spend the rest of the night with taehyun. just give us as call.. and we’ll be by your side,” you grinned, thanking beomgyu for his kind actions and for offering his shoulder for support. beomgyu had proven himself to be your biggest supporter ever. you give him one final hug before hurrying outside, spotting taehyun. his eyes widened as he took a singular look at you. his heart pounding, his anxiety piling onto him as he took a minute to catch a breath, trying to find words to tell you.
“yn.. you look.. really really pretty..” taehyun complimented, sticking out a bouquet filled with different colored hydrangeas. a tiny smile on his face, he pointed to the pink hydrangeas, “pink hydrangeas are the most romantic flowers… umm.. they also resemble a beating heart..” taehyun mumbled the last part, his own heart beating at a rapid pace. he couldn’t mess this up at all, he had to make you happy no matter what. if you wanted him to spend thousands of dollars on a piece of jewelry then he was willing to go into debt for the rest of his life to make you happy. and taehyun was sure that he’d never regret that decision, especially since it was something that he was doing for you. if you wanted him to truly stay away from you for the rest of your life then he was willing to do so if it was going to make you happy. if there was anything in the world that you wanted or wished to happen, then taehyun was willing to do anything to make it happen.
“thanks..” you sent a tiny and awkward smile towards taehyun’s way. he reached out for your hand, which you hesitantly accepted, on the roof of his car, rested a small box. he opened it, a blue hydrangea peeking its petals out from the box. he picked up the flower from the box, attached to it was a pearly bracelet. taehyun’s placed the corsage onto your wrist. “what does this one mean..” you knew very well what a blue hydrangea meant, but something inside of you wanted to make sure that taehyun was on the same page as you. you needed to know that taehyun didn’t just get a blue hydrangea because he thought it was cute. luckily for you, taehyun did extensive research on hydrangeas, he didn’t stop for the first flower that he found. rather he took time to find a flower that you liked while knowing the meaning behind it.
“so many people agree that blue hydrangeas are really, really pretty.. but personally i’ve said things to you that i don’t mean… things that i regret ever even thinking about saying to you, so.. blue hydrangeas represent regret and apology. i’m sorry for everything i've done to you, sorry for all the pain i’ve caused you.. please be patient with me.” a soft smile appeared on your face, happy to see taehyun pass your test.
“should we just.. forget about everything ?” you asked, so far you were pleased with the way that taehyun was treating you, you were so impressed with everything that taehyun had done for you so far, in all honesty this was just the beginning. you wanted to spend the rest of the night with taehyun, happily. you at least wanted a remarkable prom night, and even though you wanted to hate taehyun, something inside of you just couldn’t bring yourself to truly hate the boy.. that very same thing inside of you told you that taehyun was the only person who could grant you a happy night. “at least for tonight..”
“if it’ll make you happy, we can do anything you’d like.” taehyun grinned, pulling you into a sweetly warm embrace. he grabbed your bouquet, placing it in the backseat of his car, before hurrying over to open the passenger door for you. which you gladly accepted, taking a seat in the passenger’s seat. waiting for him to come over to the driver’s seat, which you didn’t wait long for him to do.
the two of you sat in silence on your way to the venue, not much to say after taehyun had given his apology. you continuously looked at the corsage that taehyun had gifted you, eyes trying to hide just how much you loved it. the smile that you tried to hold back, the one that would give away all just how vulnerable you were to taehyun’s loving actions. everything that he had done so far was telling you exactly just how the night was going to end. how you were going to be back into your romantic dream of a relationship. taehyun noticed the look behind your eyes, a bit of relaxation running through him, his eyes staying on the road, yet a part of him still wanted to turn to look at your flustered state. your focus moved from the corsage to the dark blue sky, attempting to calm your flustered state down. you were nearly worried that taehyun could hear the intense pounding of your heart. it had been such a good minute since you had felt so.. loved.
you caught the passing scenery, beginning to melt into the current warmth that you felt emitting from taehyun and perhaps the nervous yet excited feeling that you felt deep down in your tummy. taehyun put the car in park as soon as he found parking outside the venue. you stepped outside the car, waiting for taehyun patiently as he walked around. hand in hand, the two of you walked towards the entrance of the venue taking out your ticket to show the two teachers who were waiting by the entrance to overlook any kind of people who were sneaking in. as soon as both you and taehyun gave them your names, they nicely welcomed you in, wishing you an amazing night.
“did you eat beforehand ?” taehyun yelled into your ear, attempting to speak over the music. you could barely catch what he was saying, nodding to his question, before asking him the same thing. taehyun just nodded, knowing that he was lying because he just couldn’t bring himself to have a meal, not when he felt so nervous and clammy. this entire time, he had put so much work and effort into your relationship, and all he could wish for was for tonight to go his way.
both you and taehyun spent sometime dancing with each other, quietly. the two of you were too afraid to say anything, afraid to break the oddly calm tension between you two. however, just as you left the dance floor.
you caught sunghoon’s presence, watching as he tried to pass by you and hoping to not grab your attention. however that seemed to fail as you grabbed a hold of his wrist, taehyun watching intently, feeling worried. had he done something wrong ? were you going to ditch him for sunghoon ? his overthinking began to overwhelm him, keeping his hand in yours. hoping that you wouldn’t call him out for his sweaty palms. it was impossible to not notice the clingy hold that taehyun had on your hand, worried that you’d leave him. you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, pulling him to your side.
“sunghoon ?”
“oh, yn.” you noticed ning ning by his side as she began to feel quite awkward. after sunghoon had discussed everything out with taehyun, he decided to take ning ning out as his friendly prom date. she didn’t mean to avoid you like sunghoon had suggested, but she did want to avoid any question about who she was going to prom with which eventually meant avoiding you and beomgyu, even taehyun as well. for some odd reason, she felt like she was betraying you by agreeing to sunghoon’s promposal.
“can we talk ?” you asked, giving a look between sunghoon and ning, trying to silently propose to talk alone. however you received a returning look from sunghoon to taehyun. you turned to look a him, holding onto his hand. a affirmative smile and a gentle shoulder squeeze was all it took to get him to stop worrying as much as he was. you followed sunghoon off to a more private area, less people surrounding you than where you were previously at. now you were in some sort of hallway that seemed to lead to the restrooms. two windows on the left wall and a painting hung in between the gap of the two windows. a small table underneath the painting.
“what do you want to talk about ?” sunghoon casually questioned, it nearly seemed as if the two of you had no issues to talk out.
“about me and you.. y’know exactly what i want to talk about ?”
“i do ?” sunghoon sarcastically answered, his eyebrow raised as he moved his foot, nearly playing around like a child.
“yes.. y’know, you liking me.. why are you avoiding me ? i’m sorry that i didn’t like you back, but i really loved you as a friend and i just don’t want us to fall apart due to such trivial issues.”
“well to you it may be trivial, yn. but this shit felt like the world to me. i helped you get through your breakup with taehyun and i know that he and i had this whole conversation about how he quite actually has your heart, but you need to give me some space, i can’t just.. i can’t just get over you so quickly. just trust me, a little more time to myself and i promise, we’ll be back to how we used to be, okay ?” he raised his eyebrows one last time before seeing you nod. “okay, don’t ruin your night because of me, i think taehyun wants to dance one last time with you.” sunghoon turned around and made immense eye contact with taehyun as you tried to see where he was looking at, as soon as you spotted taehyun, you went right into his direction. attempting to push through the crowd to get to taehyun, who ended up doing the same thing, meeting him in the middle of the crowd, tiny smiles created.
the two of you followed the crowd, hearing the supervisors countdown to their announcement on prom king and queen. you held taehyun nearby, even playing with his fingers, awaiting for the announcement to be made. the way that the two of you were together fooled everyone, it seemed as if nothing ever happened and as if nothing could ever happen to split the two of you apart. the body language was the same as to when you and taehyun were still together with only a few differences that only the two of you could notice, the only other difference was the lack of words that the two of you were barely exchanging.
“after counting all the votes, tonight’s prom king is..” your principal leads up to the answer asking for a drum roll before quickly announcing, “kang taehyun !!” you clap for the boy, immediately releasing him from your grasp. as he stood there, taking a minute to process everything. you ushered him up to the stage, before attempting to leave.
“yn.. don’t go just yet.” taehyun winked before proceeding to give back the spotlight to your principal. she gave a tiny smile, knowing that taehyun had worked rather hard for his plan to be fulfilled.
“and it’s only fitting to announce that tonight’s prom queen, is none other than, l/n y/n !!” the principal announced, you stood there stunned, seeing taehyun hold out his hand for you. for the past month he had spent time communicating with his close friends and any acquaintances to vote for you and him as both king and queen. spending time persuading his close friends to tell anyone they knew to vote for you. and to be fair, taehyun was the school’s sweetheart, it was impossible to not do as he kindly asked. you hesitantly took his hand, shyly walking up the stage.
you and taehyun had plastic crowns placed on your heads, a tiny smile on your face, unable to believe everything that was happening. you couldn’t believe that even the principal knew all about taehyun’s plan. slow music began to play, as you knew that the prom king and queen had to dance together, the two of you moved down to the center of the dance floor, placing you hand on taehyun’s shoulder, as he placed his hand on your waist. the two of you gently moved to the rhythm as everyone else followed, getting their loved one or even their closest friend and beginning to slow dance with them.
“i want you for worse or for better, i would wait forever and ever. broke your heart, i’ll put it back together.” taehyun nervously whispered into your ear, his hands caressing yours as he pulled away placing a small grin on his face. a ridiculous amount of butterflies filled your stomach, forgetting that you and taehyun were in the center of the dance floor. ignoring all the people around you, a giggle exiting your mouth as you realized exactly what taehyun was saying.
“are you serious ?” you spoke, a smile decorating your face as you looked into taehyun’s eyes. eyes filled with nothing but love for you, nothing you would refuse to accept.
“you’re really pretty.” taehyun commented, his ears beginning to burn after being caught reusing taylor swift lyrics in order to save his own relationship. he changed the subject, fixing the gem-filled crown that rested atop your head. his hand moved to rest on your waist extending the arm that kept your hand in his, his hand left your waist in order to move your hand onto his shoulder, before returning to your waist. as he began to move his feet to the rhythm.
“you’re so cute.” you broke taehyun’s long rampage of silence, a smirk returning to his face as his confidence was beginning to fade back into his life.
“but you’re even cuter.” taehyun brought his hand up to caress your cheek. a comforting atmosphere finally being resettled between the two of you. your trust running back to you, as you took his hand and gently guided him out of the crowded venue, exiting and catching a cold spring breeze. you saw the cherry blossoms that had petals falling off of the branches, already imagining the romance movie-like scene that would be created. taehyun couldn’t help but chuckle at your rather cutely excited state. running to the trees before finally facing him once again, hand in hand. you looked down before bringing your eyes up to his, taehyun looked ethereal in the moonlight, his features being brought to light by the streetlights. light reflecting off of the concrete road.
“so.. you’ve really made me realize so many of things taehyun. one.. you’ve made me realized that i really can’t live without you, even after everything and trying to see you in such a negative light, i had such a hard time hating you because it was just so impossible. it was hard to even think that someone who has loved me and treated me like no one else has ever cared for me could truly just be in this relationship for the academic benefits. another thing that you taught me is that, love truly blinds people. i think that i was so caught up in my own pain that i never really realized or processed the things that you said to me, that you broke up with me for my own good. looking back at it now, i get it, you just didn’t want to see me in pain, but you shouldn’t be the one to decide what happens to me. i know you were looking out for me, but we could’ve spared both of our feelings if we had better communication to begin with.. i shouldn’t have blamed everything on just you, it was also my fault, for not understanding..”
“yn.. you had every right to be upset, i said things to you that i didn’t mean. those things aren’t the best words to hear from someone who’s supposed to love you. just trust me when i say that i didn’t want to say any of that, trust me when i tell you that you’re the person who i, this is gonna sound really cringy and weird.. but i just, i want to spend my future with you..” taehyun frowns, beginning to fear that maybe he was planning way too ahead into the future than you were ready for. you’d never really thought about anything so far into the future as taehyun had. you’d only thought about enjoying the memories you were creating with taehyun. however, the more that taehyun’s words sunk into your mind, the more you realized that a future with taehyun wouldn’t be so bad. in fact, it seemed quite surreal. you could almost imagine it now, waking up next to taehyun, exchanging homemade packed lunches for each other. spending life with each other even through ups and downs, you were nearly sure that taehyun could never purposely want to hurt you. after all, everything that had happened was because of something out of his control. well not exactly, but you knew that if it wasn’t for that then taehyun would’ve never exchanged such cruel words to you.
your hands gave taehyun’s a small affirmative squeeze, looking at him with a wide smile. beginning to reach up onto your tip toes to reach his mouth. your lips pressing against his as you couldn’t help but let your happiness and excitement get the best of you. it was all just so- romantic. you didn’t care if taehyun’s words were cheesy, all you wanted was to make sure that he stuck by his words and that you would be able to spend the rest of your life with him no matter how many hurdles life would throw at the two of you.
you pressed your ear against taehyun’s warm chest. a happy smile resting on your face, a comfortable silence resting in the atmosphere. taehyun’s hands ran through your hair, soft tiny grin decorating his already handsome face.
you couldn’t be any happier, with taehyun back on your side, you knew that all of this was unbelievable. if someone told you in the beginning of the year that you would end up arm in arm with kang taehyun, you would’ve looked at them oddly. you with the school’s athletic sweetheart ? tutoring the sweet boy and getting to know him ? you would’ve been shocked to hear how on the first day of tutoring you would be absolutely enamored by kang taehyun. his once-hallway crush was now in his arms, as his lover. he couldn’t mess this up, he didn’t plan on doing so either.
“what’s your favorite flower..” taehyun questioned one last time.
“pink hydrangeas, it hasn’t changed. yours ?”
“i have a lot, mistletoes, petunias, primrose, lavender roses.. even red tulips.”
you looked at taehyun, feeling so fulfilled by his innocent confession, pressing one last kiss on his lips.
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red tulips : believe me. declaration of love
lavender rose : enchantment. love at first sight.
primrose : i can’t live without you
petunias : your presence soothes me
mistletoe : kiss me. affection.
this love taglist : @run2seob @soobadooba @soobnuuy @pockychuwu @crazynyctophilia @rencarnationofangel @esther-kpopstan @mrsyawnzzn @matcha-binz @michinri @hanstarrs @ariam-96 @pinkheadflowers @kittyhyuka @run4gyu @txnwvc
an: this is the last chapter or “letter”…. kinda sad but i had to finish it especially because i felt like i was less dedicated to writing this smau than i was with anti romantic. i just feel like this smau lacked a conflict even though i think it had a stronger conflict. i actually know what im doing for my next smau but i really want to write a good handful of chapters before posting because… i really don’t trust myself to be consistent. i will try to post one shots in between the time that it takes me to finish the smau. hint : it has to do with a poll i did a while ago. ALSO HOW DID YALL LIKE TXT’S COMEBACK ? I LOVE MIRACLE !! also who’s going to see txt !! i’m seeing them both days in rosemont 🤭🤭
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wtchland · 1 month
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Say It
Divider: @rookthornesartistry
Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: Teasing your dads best friend didn’t go exactly how you planned
Warning: no use of y/n, no description other than reader is a female, mentions of reader having two parents + giving them names, unprotected pv, mentions of reader being fertile, swearing, joel being bossy, spanking, pet names, age gap (20s + joel just being classified as old), nipple play, joel having no patience, reader teasing, joel teasing way worse, f!reciving
A/N: Pt2? Possibly some other characters are coming your way soon. I guess next time you better wear jeans
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Hiding a relationship with your father’s best friend is single-handedly the hardest thing yoy both had to ever done in life.
Sunday dinners, sitting next to him pretending hes not holding your hand under the table. Him pretending like he’s not being tempted by you at pool parties.
Pretending like he doesn’t bend you over the next day he gets you alone and repays you tenfold. Pretending like the anticipation doesn’t kill him to the point where he has to relieve himself every night to the thought of you instead of using you.
Tonight was no different except you were feeling a little more bold. It was officially 5 months of your secret relationship. 5 months of secret dating and joining him on store runs just to screw in the backseat You were wearing a casual short red dress.
Joels favorite short red dress. No one but Joel knew about this intresting milestone in your relationship. No one but joel knew why you were out of your usual jeans and a shirt attire. No one but Joel knew your plans after dinner.
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You park your car outside of your parents house. Right behind Joel. You grab your phone and pie before going up to the door knocking on it.
Your dad answered the door with a raised eyebrow “Well aren’t you fancy tonight.” You smile. “Its just a dress nothing special. Wrong its extremely special. Just not to your father’s knowledge.
You walk inside to the kitchen where Joel stood leaning on the counter drinking a beer and talking to your mother. When you walk in they both look up at you. Your mom immediately walks over taking the pie “Your dressed up for dinner”
Your dad comes behind you to join joel on the counter “Thats what I said” You pour yourself wine repeating your lie of the night “Its just a simple dress. I’m going out for dessert later with someone.”
Your dad raises a eyebrow surprised “Really? With who?” You shrug pretending to be indifferent “Just a guy from a dating app. It’s our first date hes taking me for drinks and dessert. Nothing special”
Joel rolls his eyes. You grin and lean on the counter drinking your wine. “Something on your mind Joely”
He hated that nickname. He thought it was stupid and you thought it was funny. Joel took a swing from his beer. Both your parents eyes on him. “nothing besides the fact that you said the last guy was special and yet you still came home crying over him”
Prick. You roll your eyes and shrug “Well maybe this guy wont be a utter dickhead.”
Your dad snicked before your mom smacked your arm gently “Both of you set the table.” Joel grinned and grabbed the dishes while you grabbed the silverware. Joel followed behinf you to the dining room.
You felt his eyes on you. More so your your ass. You set the silverware at each seat while joel slides the door closed behind him and follow behind him. “that is a pretty fancy dress”
You roll your eyes “Well my date likes it” Joels hot on your ass. His breath on your exposed back. “i thought you said it was your first date” You shrugged “I let him pick my clothes”
You set the last fork down and Joel places the plate right next to it and then pins you between him and the table leaning down whispering in your ear. “you think im a dickhead”
No. You nod your head yes. Liar.
Its almost like Joel could read your mind because hd whispered exactly what you were thinking. “Liar.”
He whispered in your ear again “Did you miss me this week” Yes. You shake your head. His hand quickly covered your mouth and he bent you over the table hitting your ass. You yelped in his hand. His voice was low. It only ever got that low when he was fucking you. Not making love. Fucking the shit out of you.
“lie to me again and you’re getting bent over my lap with your parents in the other room.
He hated when you lied about your feelings for him. Even if it wasn’t a joke he never played about feelings. You didn’t know why you just knew not to fuck around like you found out last time.
Joel whispered in your ear again “I’m gonna ask you again and this time you’re gonna tell me what i wanna hear. Understand”
You also knew when the word understand was at the end of a sentence you were supposed to use your words.
Joel let up and fixed your dress and turned you back around to face him. “I haven’t had the chance to tell you how much I like that dress, have I?”
You shook your head and Joel just grinned. “I’ll tell you later.”
He walked out leaving you to roll your eyes feeling the warmth begin to pool between your legs. Of course he had to get you riled up before dinner.
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During dinner you sat next to Joel. Which for 10 minutes straight consisted of him reaching up your thigh to feel you up, you elbowing him and him pinching your thigh.
Trying to continue a conversation with your parents while Joel is doing nothing but contributing to your wetness wasn’t even the rough part.
It was him asking you questions about your date like it wasn’t him. It was him distracting you so he could feel the pool of wetness between your legs. It was you choking on your wine and excusing yourself to the bathroom.
Joel followed you as your parents looked concerned when you left. Joel let himself into the bathroom behind you. The bathroom you grew up using. The green and black accented bathroom.
You looked at him from the mirror wiping between your boobs. Joel had his stupid smirk across his face as he shut the door behind him and press you against the sink.
You toss the towel into the sink. “Joel quit.” He ignored you pulling up your dress not once losing eye contact “Say yes and i will give you what you want.”
Say yes and he will make you cum while your parents are downstairs. Say yes and you could get caught. You’re too paranoid. Say yes and he will stop torturing you. Say yes.
In a swift movement Joel had you on the sink. He pulled down the offending panties and had you writhing and moaning. Two fingers thrusting in and out of you and one hand holding your dress up.
You gripped the sink spreading your legs wider. Wanting more. Wanting his dick. Needing it. Wanting more than some flimsy fingers. Fingers that feels good but not enough. Not enough for you.
Then theres a knock on your bedroom door. You don’t understand how joel is quick at everything he does but he is. Hes good at fixing your clothes before you even notice. Fixing himself and opening the door before you even process it all.
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The rest of dinner Joel was hands free. By the time it was over he was over the dessert reservation and he just wanted to get you into his bed and fuck the shit out of you till the next day.
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It was a race between your Genesis and his Chevy. Of course you won. You always win, especially since you purposely blocked him in the driveway.
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By the time Joel got to the restaurant you were already waiting to be seated. You didn't notice him come in behind other people but his arms and fake smile gave his mood away. You knew that dessert would end early.
You and Joel sat in a both right across from eachother. You slid off one of your sandals to lay your leg in his lap. Joel smacked your foot and leaned on the table “Do you know what i plan on doing to you”
You shrugged pretending to be oblivious then you rubbed your foot across his crotch. You could see his composure melting. His self control losing.
Joel grabbed your foot again this time he rubbed your ankle roughly. His voice low and smooth, enough to make you wet again. Enough for these panties to be considered a date night souvenir.
“As soon as we get in the garage you’re gonna march your ass to the bathroom. You’re gonna neatly put your clothes in the basket, you’re gonna put your hair up, you’re going to put your panties neatly on the dresser, and then you’re gonna get in bed and wait for me. And everything you do wrong is going to result in a spank got it?”
The waitress comes to your table and Joel gently lets go off your foot and sit up. Your belly pooled in anticipation. Wondering what would come, you sort of knew. You only pushed him far once before. And that was the longest night of your life. He was relentless.
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When you got back to Joels house you put your leftover lava cake in the kitchen on the counter then head straight to his room.
For your relationship to be a secret there were hints of you all over Joels room. You’re clips on his bathroom counter. Your clothes mixed with his in the drawer, your favorite shampoo and conditioner. Your clothes scattered around his bedroom floor. Joel hated when you left your shit on the floor but he let you. Though tonight you had to do everything he said to the T.
You put your clothes neatly in the black laundry basket, neatly put your soaked white lace panties on the dresser and laid on the bed.
You wondered if you should pose. That would be too awkward. Too weird. What was he going to do? Whats taking him so long.
Joel comes into the bedroom hanging his flannel in the closet. He’s silent, but deadly. Definitely deadly. Then Joels belt follows, boots, jeans.
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He pulls you by your legs to the end of the bed. “5 times you tried me tonight. That’s record for you.”
He flipped you over on your stomach. “For someone who barely talked tonight you sure do know how to test me.”
Joel sat down on the bed and laid you out over his lap. “Count.” One word. One word is what officially started your adventure.
Smack “One.” Smack “Two” Smack “Three”
10 blows on the ass. And then right after he kissed you roughly. His hands gripping and grabbing your ass.
You tangled your fingers in the back of his hair pushing yourself closer and whimpered against his lips “Please”
Joel pulls backs staring at the needy gaze in your eyes before repeating your least favorite words “Say it”
You hold back your huff and murmur “Please Joel”
He lays you down on the bed taking a nipple between his fingers “Say it louder”
Joel holds your legs up to your chest and bend between your legs. Two of his fingers slide in and out of your tight hole as he licks and slurps your clit.
It took joel less than ten minutes to make your cum. Coating his fingers. A magician is what he is in your mind. Joel brings his fingers to his mouth then yours. The sight of you licking his fingers clean is enough for him to quit teasing you.
Joels boxers were down in under a second and he was in your snatch in under 5. This is a night of setting records.
Joels hands pinched and rubbed your nipples as he pounded into you. Repeatedly. Mercilessly.
“Let me here you, make those pretty noises”
Your soft moans went up high immediately. His skin against yours. His balls hitting your ass as they tighten ready to spill inside you. Inside you without a condom. Inside your young 20 year old fertile pussy.
Joels ready for it. And in this moment you’re ready for whatever Joel gives you and you’re ready to take it happily. With a smile.
His hands find your throat and his lips find yours. His tongue dominating your mouth. His left hand squeezing your hip and his right twisting your nipple in all the right ways. All the right ways to make you cum. Your thighs start shaking under him. Joel pulls your leg up to wrap around him and he pulls away. Your lips pouting at the loss of his warm lips and tongue.
Joel whispers against you lips his warm sweet smelling whiskey breath. “You’re close aren’t you baby?”
You let out a incoherent whimper and a little nod yes as your eyes roll to the back of head. His fingers gently smack your nipple. Gently because it’s enough to make you squeeze his cock tighter. Enough for to squeeze your legs around him and enough for it to hurt at the same time.
“Say it.”
Say it. Can’t he stop making you say everything. You murmur against his lips “I’m close please let me cum”
Joel leaned down and kissed your rosy lips. “You gonna let me cum inside this pretty pussy? You want me to make you mine? Say it. Say you’re my dirty princess and you want it all.”
Say it. Joels seed. Joels seed. Cum. Cum. Cum. Think. Say it. Say it.
“I want it”
Joel thrusted one more hard time before you both went over edge. Before you came and he came harder. Flooding and invaded your womb. Invited.
Joel pulled out and walked to the bathroom. Suddenly its cold without his body. He should hurry back. Joel comes back with hot towel and wipe you down before dressing you in a gray band shirt and laying on the bed with you on his chest.
“You know you have to move in now right?” You look up at him “No i don’t” He smacked your ass gently. For a man who loves making you give consent he sure hates hearing no. “I’m not letting my pregnant girlfriend live alone”
You rolled your eyes yawning. “I’m not pregnant, you’re too old” Joel scoffed at the old comment “You’re definitely pregnant. And you better be nice to me because im the one that has to tell Misty and Dave that i defiled their precious sweet daughter.”
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sturnlova · 7 months
First time ( C.S )
(Chris Sturniolo x Female reader)
( Warning : Smut, F & M receiving, kinda new to writing, not proof read all the way, pet names, fluff, i don’t know what else 😭 )
Chris : Orange
Y/N : Pink
Matt : Blue
Nick : Purple
Nathan : Red
(Word count : 900)
Me and Chris have been best friends for over 8 years and i’ve told him every secret expect one, i’m a virgin, but i didn’t feel the need to because he can’t do anything about it. well at least i thought he couldn’t
“Exactly bruh, Y/N when your fucking someone would u let them do anal cause i personally wouldn’t” i giggled at his comment and so did everyone else but i didn’t really now what to say since i’ve never done anything romantically like sex, it’s not like people didn’t want to do it with me i just wasn’t ready. Nate went on for a while about fucking girls and his own experiences until i grabbed my phone and hoodie and hopped off the couch to go to Chris’ room and lock myself in there until i was ready to come out. I heard Matt whisper yell at Chris to go check on me and find out what’s wrong.
“Y/N let me in please, i wanna know if you’re okay, what happened Y/N/N”
“please go away Chris it’s embarrassing it doesn’t concern you anyway.”
“ I’m not going away Y/N/N cmon we’re best friends you gotta tell me ill tell you a secret if you want me to”
A minute after i unlocked the door, Chris opened it to see me with a puffy face due to the tears of embarrassment i shed. “Wanna sit and talk about it, i promise i won’t judge ” Chris moved us to the bed and laid me on his chest for we could talk about why i was crying out of nowhere.
As we laid down and made ourself as comfortable as we could i let out a sigh and a whisper into his chest “i’m a virgin at my grown age, Chris i just don’t want to do it with someone i don’t connect with, you know.” Chris just runs his fingers through my hair as i talk about how i feel embarrassed about being a virgin and why i still am one.
A uncomfortable silence forms until Chris cuts it with a knife “if you don’t wanna do this we can forget about it but do you want me to help, like platonically of course.”
“Yeah help.”
“You will tell me how to do it?”
“Of course Y/N no one has to know if u don’t want people to know“
He stands up and asks if i’m 100% sure, “im 101% sure Chris” He takes of his top and i take this as a queue to take mine of to, chris is there with jorts on and i’m left with shorts and my bra on which he unclasp with a bit of a struggle, but it’s fine. He leans down to kiss me softly but passionately.
He lays me down on the bed and crawls on top me of me. He pulls down my shorts and panties, leaving me naked well he still has his shorts on. “Chris please can you take ur shorts off, or do something please, it feels weird being naked and ur not.” “yeah sweetheart i’ll take it off don’t worry” He takes them off as he speaks.
I have to be honest with Chris because after all we are best friend’s “what if it hurts Chris, many get a towel in case i bleed.” “It’s ok we don’t need a towel but i’ll be slow i promise and you can just tap my arm 2 times if u want me to stop, ok?” i nod my head in response. He spreads my legs open and places my ankles on his shoulders. He teases my pussy hole a bit making sure i’m stretched before anything more happens.
“Okay I’m ready Chris just go slow” he slowly adds his length to me, i hiss in response as this is a new feeling and his definitely not small “you ok? want to stop” “no no keep going” He finally adds it all to me and starts moving, i can feel his balls against my butt it’s a bit funny to me only because this is the same boy i used to force to let me practice make up on. He continues his thrust at a steady past well whispering praises in my ear.
I’m a moaning mess under him due to all the new sensations i’m feeling; his tip hits my cervix with every movement he does. Chris giggles, “what’s so funny lover boy?” “the fact you can barely talk ” “shut up” i say between my moans.
“Y/N i’m really close ok, i want you to cum all over my cock” he whimpers as he moves slower and sloppier. “Let go baby” we finish together and giggle at each other’s sweaty tired faces a couple seconds after. We lay in bed together naked in a comfortable silence.
“You did so good Y/N/N i’m so proud of you. Thank you for being comfortable with me.” he kisses my check “you want me to get ya dressed for we can go back down? Or you wanna stay here for a bit ” “Yeah can you please get me dressed before someone walks in, and also i know i don’t have to much experience but you’re good at fucking” Chris giggled and pulled out of me to add my clothes and his clothes back on.
Chris puts his clothes on then grabs me by the waist and puts my clothes on until Nate walks in our room.
“Did y’all fuck?”
“what?” i say with a tone that clearly had attitude to it.
“No we didn’t do that, she had really bad stomach pains and was crying so it might i’ve sounded like moans but it wasn’t..”
“Oh sorry than but why is she naked?”
“Nate get the fuck out”
Chris whispered in my ear “I’ll drop you off home baby” i started to blush and nodded my head and looked down.
It’s been 4 months since Chris admitted his feelings to me after “helping me” and i couldn’t be more thankful. I now have the best boyfriend i could ever ask for, we also have an annoying but loveable Nate who saw us Post sex.
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theshrikeandcanary · 4 months
im watching funny "most haunted house" shitty youtube vids and it got me thinking about Poltergeist 141 who got shot up in some stake house and now haunts the halls. spoiler this is not edited :)
you and your friends end up going cause they don't believe in ghost but you all want~ to believe yk? or you do (I personally do cause im a paranoid fuck and would rather believe in ghosts then fucked up people) OUTSIDE OF THAt you all go to the house for 24 hours
yall got bored within 10 minutes and started wandering the house- everyone ended up in the room where everything happened and decide to fuck around, turn off the lights and all. after a while of nothing happening conversations waver to random work place drama or complaining about the newest boy your friend fell in love with.
at some point in the conversation, you get up to start pacing only to run into what feels like a brick wall. spoiler alert there wasn't a wall anywhere near you. your eyes are watering and your nose feels like its gonna start bleeding any second. all your friends think you're bs-ing but you know what you felt.
Simon- aka big brick wall of a man is confused as to why you didn't pass through him with Johnny hysterically laughing, gaz trying to make sure you're okay as you're doubled over in pain, and the price is just as confused as Simon.
as punishment, your friends lock you in the room by yourself till you tell the truth. after what feels like an hour they come back in with a weegee (idk how to spell it) board wanting to talk to the ghost they've so politely named "Mr. Brick Wall"
yada yada yada johnnys on the board saying there's 4 of em, ghost, gaz, price, and johnny cause he's decided not to go by soap in the afterlife.
yada yada yada gaz asking if youre okay
yada yada yada all 4 falling in love with you
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
also I'm sorry i keep bringing up chaotic teen Buddy and Megatron, but i love seeing this fucker suffer through forced adoption.
I'm still kinda trucking through the comics, but i know that at some point Megatron is essentially yeeted into a whole ass different dimension and spent 300 years there (i could be totally wrong, if so ignore.) long story short, i have been stuck on the idea of Megatron getting stuck there for 300 years, mourning his funny little human child after 80 years, cause he figures even if he does get back home, they wont still be there.
Luckily for everyone involved, that 300 years was just a few months for the lost light. unluckily for everyone.
Buddy - "My father is gone, therefore I am no longer responsible for the consequences of my actions."
Hello again! Don't feel bad for asking/ requesting. Requests are fun to do for me and I can write almost anything someone asks, almost. Still, ask if you want something written. It is time for the return of Fearless Buddy!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy reaction to Megatron coming back from the other dimension
SFW, platonic, familial, bit of angst here and there, Human reader
Buddy had conveniently slept when Megatron had left. Don't blame them, they had been running off of little to no sleep for weeks and their body finally had enough.
Rodimus had to break the news for Buddy.
"What do you mean Megatron is 'gone'?!"--Buddy
"He left, he just up and escaped! But don't worry we'll get him back on board in no time."--Rodimus
"He... He really just left?"--Buddy
"I'm afraid so."--Rodimus
"Well, you know what? Who needs him anyways! The big sorry pile of scrap can go rust in space for all I care!"--Buddy
"Who needs him! Thanks for letting me know Roddy, really. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some important things to go over with Whirl."--Buddy
"What important things? What could be more important than this right now?"--Rodimus
"We are going to put a bumper sticker on Minimus saying 'Kachinga'!"--Buddy
"... Carry on!"--Rodimus
Rodimus really wishes now that he had stopped Buddy from making it to Whirl's. The ship had become the two's playground for pranks and sillies.
No one was spared from their wrath.
Many bots on board got mad at the two. But it was the bots closest to Buddy to realize something was deeply troubling them.
Their enthusiasm seemed forced most of the time. Their laughter almost seemed... Robotic almost. And their eyes... they looked so hollow and lacked the usual twinkle they had before.
Whirl appointed himself Buddy's guardian in the meantime. There wasn't much argument there as being Buddy's Amica, it was probably for the best.
Whirl lost count of the amount of times he caught Buddy going into Megatron's habsuite and crying over some of his poems. He wants to hurt Megatron so badly for the pain he inflicted on Buddy. They became Rung's most frequently seen patient after talking with Whirl.
"You really think this is going to help?"--Buddy
"I'm sure of it! If Eyebrows here can stand me, then you'll be like a walk in the park!"--Whirl
"... Thanks Whirl. I mean it, you're the best Amica a friend could ask for."--Buddy
"Hey now, don't get soft on me yet. That's Rung's job. Now get in there and punch those feelings in the face!"--Whirl
The day when Megatron comes back after everything is settled Whirl is one of the first in line to deck him across the face.
"You sorry excuse of a tyrant!--"--Whirl
"I know you're upset Whirl... Buddy passing must not have been easy..."--Megatron
"Passing? What are you talking about?"--Whirl
"Surely they have already passed it's been more than 80 years."--Megatron
"Megs, it's been a couple months since your little disappearing act."--Rodimus
"...Is Buddy alive?"--Megatron
"Of course they are! Why--Hey!"--Whirl
Megatron sprinting pass him and to Buddy's habsuite.
Megatron had never sprinted as fast as he did at that moment. For the past 200 or so years he had been in a constant state of mourning. He thought he had lost Buddy forever. The biggest regret he had was not at least telling them good bye.
Now here he was... He almost backed out of knocking on the door, but he did it. The doors opened revealing Buddy in all of their morning glory.
"... Buddy?"--Megatron
"Ah man it's one of those dreams again. Listen fake Megs, I'm not in the mood right now. So if you'll just come back next week that'll be great."--Buddy
Megatron finally snapped out of his dazed and scooped up Buddy into his servos and held them close to his spark.
It took Buddy a solid second to realize this wasn't some fever dream.
"I'm here now. I'm here."--Megatron
"...I am so sorry..."--Megatron
"...you better be... I will never leave your side again... You're worse than a toddler getting lost at a Walmart..."--Buddy
It wasn't an easy transition at first. Buddy had their friends always within arms length from Megatron. Buddy themselves put up some walls to avoid getting hurt again.
The two eventually decided to seek counseling to try and mend their relationship. Thank goodness that happened.
Now Megatron was sitting in his habsuite with Buddy telling him all the latest news on the ship while reviewing their latest poems.
These were the little things he missed most and was glad he had gotten a chance to get them back.
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thesimulacrasimp · 6 months
Okay so im gonna just throw randomly my thoughts on sm6 while rewatching it cuz why not, I was doing the same thing for hazbin hotel so why not spooky month too?
Ok im just gonna say: that starting scene with thieves was kinda funny. Also rewatching it, im starting to suspect that this giant spider thing in Lilas attic have her husbands soul, IDK WHY, I JUST FEEL LIKE IT, it just looks so important, it even appeared twice in the ep: in the begining n in the end.
Okay so Skid does know and remember his dad, I just was thinking that his father left/died when Skid still wasnt born or when he was very little so Skid doesnt even know that he had a father, but no he does remember his dad, so that means he presented for quite long time in Skids life.
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Also im really suprised how big Pumps house is, well i mean— he said that his parents work alot so ig i shouldnt be suprised-
Poor Ignacio just wants some peace– *watched the ep a lil longer* Oh hes kinda fucked up actually---
Also for some reason i find kinda interesting that Ross n Rob were kinda comforting Roy every time they were on the screen like "We're here for you, Roy" etc etc, so im thinking maybe something bad happened to Roy? I mean he looked kinda frustrated n angry, so maybe somethng between him n his parents?
Okay but can we talk about how Moloch look so much more scarier than before?
Okay so--- get ready for my rambleling bout my boy Dexter-- HE LIVED WITH HIS MOM N ALOT OF CATS😭😭😭 N HIS MOMS PURE GRIEF BOUT HER LOSS WAS GENIUNALY SO SAD TO WITNESS 😭😭😭😭
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Okay so looking at Skids impression when Father Gregor asked him bout his father-- yeah i think his dad actually died---- but i can be wrong ofc
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Okay- im sorry but-- why does Kevin n Radfords interactions make them look like a couple--- I AM SORRY BUT----
Also the way Father Gregor gave Kevin holy water was really funny to me, it was like: "You know these children?? Yeaahhhh i feel bad for u, kid. Here have some holy water, just in case...." ALSO the fact that ppl started coming in the store ONLY after Radford sprinkled holy water in it-- DOES THAT MEAN THAT THERE WERE DEMONS IN IT THAT WERE KEEPING PPL AWAY???
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Dont mind me guys, im just a little crying :')
Okay but the way how Skid n Pump were SO exited to see Moloch again was really funny n cute at the same time
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Okay... This is the part when i literally teared up. I know it was just Moloch trying to fool Father Gregor to give him kids but idk.... It still made me tear up for some reason, and i even know the reason: i just miss Dexter so much n i didnt expect him to appear so much times in this ep, I just think hes a precious boy who deserved better. I KNOW THAT HE WAS KILLING ANIMALS N I DONT APPROVE THAT AT ALL, but hes still a sweetie idfc.
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Also why would Patty need a gun so immediatly?..
Also that part when Moloch were wandering around the town n Father n spooky bois were trying to catch him was so funny and entertaining
Poor Pelo got ooffed again. Press F.
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And this is the part where i actually cried alot. Poor Skid doesnt know that its not his fault at all.. Also even if Father Gregors words were kinda mean, that Lila is irresponsible mother, I cant disagree with them. Yes, she is an alone mother, but it doesnt give her permission to just leave her child to himself n his friend n go drink n then spent time w her child drunk. Yeah i know, that she leaves him to mr Wonder n Susie, but lets be honest, were here even a single time when the kids didnt just leave the house n cause problem? No. So i think the Fathers words are make perfect sense, n Lila should think bout it. Also a lil thing i just thought bout, why would Lila throw away her husbands stuff? If he actually died why would she do this? Or hes not dead n he just left for some reason? Idk
and so ummm i think thats it. It took me 1 hour to write this lol.
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vodkababy · 1 year
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cherry margaritas & confessions ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🍒✮
tom kaulitz x vocalist! fem! reader
angst. very very angsty rich teenagers in the midst of summer with margaritas & tequilas IM SORRY ITS KINDA EHHH
age pairing : 16-17
warnings🍧 ; smoking, mentions of sex, sexual innuendos
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note: bold italic = german
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it was the summer of 2006, of course after all that touring, tokio hotel had to take a break for a while. that’s how we wounded up in this beach house that we had rented for 2 weeks.
it was around 9 pm as i went in the pool, the scent of marijuana lingered on my nose, beside me was tom who swam from the other side of the water.
tom and i were truly friends, nothing more. friends who kiss. friends who sleep with each other. friends who don’t look at each other like how friends do.
it was more of a friends with benefits relationship. he always had some groupie over, everytime after a concert he’d take some pretty blonde girl into the tour bus and i’d hear them have sex from the other room.
it hurt me, but at the same time it didn’t. know why? i didn’t want to have a relationship. we got drunk and had sex with each other, leading us to only fuck when we want to. now, it’s awkward. i was surprised he didn’t bother to bring a girl here, recently he had been so— distant.
“wanna smoke?” he chirped. “sure.” you took a hit on his joint and puffed the air away
“you seem so lonely lately. why all of a sudden?” he asked with a tinge of concern in his eyes. did he really care about how you felt just now?
“it’s just that something has been bothering me, a lot.” you answer coldly.
“you can talk to me about it.”
you really had no time for his bullshit.
“i don’t feel like you need to know.” you say, gulping your cherry margarita.
“oh. so now, when i’m trying to talk to you, you’ll act distant?”
“what is your problem with me tom? first thing, you’ll say you love me, then the next day you bring some whore who doesn’t even know you as a person over and fuck her like i’m not there? god tom!” you scream at him, your eyes tearing up, clearly drunk. you had taken a couple 5-6 margaritas earlier leading you to this state.
“so this is what it’s about, huh? me fucking some other girl who isn’t you? y/n, you’re so jealous it’s funny. you’re clearly drunk. do me a favor and try to think of what you just said.”
“what do you mean?”
“i told you i loved you. what did you say that day?”
flashbacks of you and tom kissing fuzzed your brain, not wrapping your finger around what you had told him after he confessed. your lap was on tom’s as both of your lips moved with passion in your bedroom.
“i love you.”
“t-tom.. tom, i don’t know.”
“what do you mean you don’t know?” he said catching his breath, exchanging kisses with one another.
“i just don’t want to get in a relationship.” and that’s how his heart tore that night.
your thoughts were snapped back into reality as soon as you started to cry. you didn’t want to cry, but you felt weak. why didn’t you tell him you loved him too? was it because of the girls? was it because he seemed like someone who’d be good with a one-time thing and act like nothing ever happened? the ideas swarmed your mind and took over.
“tom, i’m sorry. i love you” you said, feeling your salty tears reach your lips.
“i loved you. loved. get that y/n? it’s been done. i don’t want to talk about this anymore, good night.” he said, getting off the pool, wrapping a robe around him and walking to his room.
you bawled your eyes out, your cherry margarita getting hit by your arm and it’s glass crashing on the ground, thinking about what you have just done. you just threw out the love of your dreams. you were just too oblivious about him actually having feelings for you.
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v-anrouge · 7 months
This is a queued post and it includes talks about transphobia and mentions of self harm and eating disorders
Im here to talk and announce a break, first thing's first j relapsed, in literally like everything sh ed and didn't try to kill myself is because of a few people and the fact my pills ended. For a very long time in this blog u have not been feeling like human, it's like most of you don't even actually like and just come talk to me when im being funny and fun or when i post something rook related that you like, ive really been trying to get rid of that feeling but it keeps on coming back and it's unbearable to be in this blog at this point. this situation with Shiba only really confirmed it for me, I saw about like 4 mutuals referring to this as drama, and complaining about seeing it on dash and while obviously you have all the rights to be displeased with a constant show of negativity in your dash, i beg of you to try and think how i, a trans man, must feel seeing you refer to me and other mutuals calling out transphobia and have to read you refer to this as drama and not as a literal crime. I understand if you got annoyed by me talking about it constantly and to that i ask that you please block me, because i have been literally beaten, bullied, harassed and even doxxed by transphobes, I do not take anything that displays even a bit of prejudice against my trans siblings lightly, hence why i was so "histerical and obsessed" and was being so "stupid and acting like an idiot" as someone people would claim. I do not care what view you have of me i really don't, im used to this shit, ive been trans and alive in the most transphobic country for 20 years, it's no news, but it still hurts. And it hurts even more when I see someone say i was an idiot for blocking someone immediately and calling them out when they side with a transphobe, and it hurts even more when I see a person i thought liked me complain about "drama still going on" rest assured that i won't be "bitching" about it any longer
For soru, who cant possibly process why i have blocked you, your take on that situation and your friend have both brought me terrible flashbacks of my own past as a child dealing with transphobia, of being told people like me are sick and are the seeds of the devil and that we are animals or that there's something wrong with us, like your friend said, their apology is both not genuine and extremely poorly made as they still can't accept the fact that yes, they are transphobic, and you soru, can't imagine how it broke my soul to see your post saying you had given them a chance, but seeing the post you made after, in which you literally agree with your mother you should've stayed away from trans people, that's what broke me the most, and j couldn't even speak about it, because it's "too negative" or im "drama chasing" im sick of this, you can hate and insult me all you want soru rest assured you're not the only one you're not the first nor the last one, maybe this will come off as a surprise to the people that are sure im obsessed with drama and chasing people around but i genuinely did have a lot of respect for you, if the hours ive spent crying over this say anything at all, it's sad that this had to end this way, but not for me, I don't care, this isn't the first or the last time this happens to me, but to my mutuals who i am very sure many are angry that i have made this situation happen, perhaps i should've stayed quiet and keep being funny as people like me best, well it is too late, but i hope that you'll forgive me mutuals, for once again ruining something good.
I don't know how long this break will last or if ill ever even return to this account at all, but i sincerely thank the ones that did treat me like a human, as an equal, that actually saw the person behind v-anrouge. you can't possibly believe how much you mean to me
That's about it, do have a great day
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2knightt · 1 year
heyyy i love ur acc. SM. do u think u could do johnny x reader w some type of argument or the gangs reaction to having an argument?? like i dunno some one tryna come onto johnny and reader throws a lil bitch fit? IF NOT LITERALLY JUST IGNORE THIS LMFAAOA LOVE YA
↳you the fucking coldest₊˚✧
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➬ johnny cade x fem!reader
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you and johnny were the perfect couple, but every couple has their rough patch.
you had heard that your cousin was in, the two of you were real close before he moved up north.
but it’s not like you were gonna see ‘em. too lazy, you said.
one day, you were just chilling on your couch. it was hot in oklahoma, but who’s surprised? it’s always hot.
but this time, it was so bad you wanted to go into soc territory just for the pool they got.
you were about to say fuck it and go, until you heard a knock.
all your friends and johnny just come in, they should know that by now.
you sighed and got up and walked towards the door.
“hey, y/n! long time no see?”
your cousin just smiled and opened his arms, welcoming you in for a hug and you gladly took it.
you dragged him into your house where you talked for hours, catching up, reminiscing about the old days, laughing, all that good stuff.
the next day, it was still unbelievably hot.
so, you and andy thought it’d be funny to go into soc territory for at least an hour of being cool.
jam packed in there, you joked about how you felt like a fish in a sardine can.
the two of you got in after andy started scolding you for not putting on sunscreen.
you and him had so much fun! so much fun that you forgot about the people around you, like johnny’s friends.
two-bit thought it’d be funny to be a well known grease in a soc’s pool.
until he saw you, laughing with some GUY in the pool! splashing, chasing each other and basically flirting!
so you better believe he rushed right over to the curtis house to see johnny cade sittin’ on the couch.
“wo-woah, calm down two-bit. what is it?”
and johnny’s world came crushing down.
he was devastated, but even that would be an understatement.
was he not good enough? was he too quiet? too shy? did he not take you on enough dates?
the poor boy was on the verge of crying, ‘till dallas winston came in and started shouting some nonsense.
“how ‘bout we go pay your broad a visit later? right when they come back, huh?”
“to confront her, ya dummy.”
his friend said, smacking the top of his head lightly.
and pay you a visit they did!
you put on your cousin’s favourite movie, made some popcorn, gave him his favourite soda, and right when you got comfortable, you heard another knock.
weird, again.
you opened the door with a sigh to see your boyfriend and dallas winston right behind him.
johnny looked pissed while dallas looked…normal.
his friend bent down and whispers something in his ear and walked off.
“so, where were you? at the pool?”
“yeah? wait—how’d you know?”
“oh so you don’t even TRY to hide it?! cheatin’ on me in public, y/n?! are you fucking kidding me??”
he shouted at you as you scrunched up your face.
cheating?? with who??
“what? i wasn’t cheating on you?! i never would, johnny! be serious right now.”
“i bet you have him in here right now. two-bit told me how he looked. wouldn’t be a problem if i looked, right?”
he said, squeezing his way into your house.
he locked eyes with andy real fast.
“…are you fucking with me, y/n?”
“what? that’s my cousin.”
“yeah fucking right!”
he threw his hands up in the air and stormed out of the place while you tried to explain.
he just slammed the door shut, leaving you speechless.
you cried and cried on your cousins shoulder while he apologized for not speaking up.
the next day, you went on a hunt for johnny cade.
you found him in the lot, he looked like he was cryin’.
“johnny? johnny please let me speak.”
all he did was give you the stink eye and walk away.
you kissed your teeth and rolled your eyes.
if he didn’t wanna hear you out, fine.
let him be like that.
dallas knew he fucked up. he knew he fucked up real bad.
he caught a glimpse of what he thought was your side fling through the window but he noticed, he looked an awful lot like you.
dallas winston went on his own misson, to find your mother.
he found her at her workplace and he dropped the question that’s been on his mind.
“hey, uh, mrs.l/n.”
“oh my! hello dallas, lovely to see you again.”
“yes, yes you too. uh, do you know this guy that’s been at your house? has brown hair, tall, sorta looks like y/n.”
“oh, andy? that’s my nephew. he’s just the sweetest! you should go talk to him, he’s visiting this crummy old city for awhile.”
ah shit. shitshitshit.
he just ruined your guy’s relationship!
scratch that—two-bit just ruined your relationship!
he ran while thanking your mother, he ran his ass alll the way to two-bits home.
he knew he’d be there, drinking, watchin’ mickey mouse, and whatever other bullshit he does.
dallas barged into his home and shouted for his friend, only to find him on the floor.
“what d’ya want, dal?”
“you fucked up, you fucked up realll good.”
“that was her COUSIN YOU DOPE.”
how was he supposed to know?
and that’s exactly what he asked, after the feelings of guilt washed over him.
“how was i supposed to know?”
“i knew with just one look! how couldn’t YOU TELL?!”
two-bit asked, jumping up to his feet.
dallas licked the inside of his cheek while looking of to the side.
“i dunno, explain it to johnny?”
“if they end things for real, i ain’t never believin’ in love again.”
dallas shook his head as two-bit walked through his door. he couldn’t help but agree with his friend.
they drove until they seen him walkin’ around, lookin’ like a bum.
“hey, johnny! get in! we gotta talk.”
johnny nodded and got in the back seat.
“we gotta talk about y/n.”
he groaned and leaned his head back against the head-rest, looking up.
“seriously? can’t we talk about somethin’ else?”
“no, johnny! we messed up.”
it’s too late for ‘mess ups,’ now.
johnny rolled his eyes and got out of the car while dallas chased after him.
“hey, man. we’re being serious.”
“how much she pay you?”
“nothing! i ain’t spoken a word to her.”
“yeah right.”
dallas sighed as johnny started walking in the opposite direction.
he walked to two-bits car and knocked on the window and two rolled it down.
“go n’ find y/n and tell her johnny’s sorry. he ain’t yet, but he’s gonna be when i tell everyone else.”
two-bit nodded and drove off while dallas started walking to the curtis house.
steve and soda were off work, ponyboy wasn’t in school since it’s the summer, and it’s the weekend so darry can’t work.
he basically kicked the door down, and shouted for everyone to get into the living room, NOW.
“what is it, dal?”
“yeah, what happened?”
dallas sighed and said answered their questions,
“johnny and y/n broke up over a the uh,”
“the cheatin’? yeah we heard.”
“yea..can’t believe she’d do that.”
“but she didn’t. that was her goddamn cousin. even asked her mom to confirm.”
the house erupted into gasps and groans.
“so what do we do?”
“convince them to talk to each other. they gotta come ‘round sooner or later.”
they annoyed johnny, and they annoyed you.
your whole days were filled with the gang shoutin’ your name, but you thought it was to argue over the false accusations.
so you walked the other way, and johnny did the same.
until, sodapop and steve finally cornered you.
“if you guys are here to yell at me, i ain’t no cheater!”
“we know, jeez.”
oh. now you kinda seem like a douche.
“oh. so, what do you want?”
“what the fuck, steve?”
“go with it, soda.”
they whispered to each other, while still glaring at you.
“yeah’ an-and i’ll kill ponyboy!”
“okay not that far.”
steve said, turning to look at soda.
you giggled to yourself watching their banter. you kinda missed them, just as much as you missed johnny.
“does he even wanna talk to me?”
“yeah girlfriend! let’s go to my house! he’s there, just bawling!”
even though you were confused at the nickname, you still went with the two best friends.
you three walked into the curtis house where you seen ponyboy rubbing johnnys back while they sat on the couch.
he was sittin’ with his head down and his hands intertwined.
they pulled darry’s chair so it was right in front of johnny.
steve sorta, pushed you into the chair.
johnny looked up and soda wasn’t lying. he had looked like he’s been crying.
the gang walked into darry’s room to leave the two of you alone.
you were the first out of the both of you to speak.
“i-i’m sorry johnny.”
“no-no. i’m sorry, y/n. i’m sorry i ain’t believe you, i don’t know why i acted like that. it was so stupid of me. and i still love you, i really do.”
you smiled and got out of the chair to sit next to johnny.
“that was real stupid of you. next time, just let me talk, okay?”
“i will. i swear, i’ll be a better boyfriend. just give me another chance.”
you kissed his cheek and grinned at his shocked face.
“couldn’t imagine being with anyone else, but you.”
you guys were having a sweet moment, just staring into each others eyes, living in the moment.
until you heard cheers.
“good for you guys.”
“wait, what?”
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may 27th, 2023. 8:56PM
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crushedsweets · 5 months
ninakate or any wlw nina ship w/ good luck babe by chappell roan,,,,
oh god. ok youre so right that this works with any wlw nina ship, but im gonna go through the lyrics and describe some toxic ass ninakate scenario that comes to mind LMFAOOOO SORRY I LIKE TOXIC YURI
ok so in an AU of my AU where ninakate happens, it all starts after nina is stabbed by jeff. they make her heal in the proxy cabin cuz theyre worried jeff will break into ninas apartment and finish the job(he has no interest in doing that tho). tim/brian/toby/jack are busy with zalgoid issues, SO kate sorta...keeps watch on nina while she heals. cuz of that, nina starts latching onto kate. between kate cleaning the stab wound, bringing her water, wrapping her up in gauze, nina crying into kates arms unprompted, asking kate to sleep in the same bed with her cuz she cant sleep, nina asking kate quiet questions for hours while the radio hums and rain pours outside... they share an awkward, "meaningless" kiss. nina blamed it on emotions running high. kate didnt know what to blame
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(this section is HEAVILY inspired by still a friend by the back seat lovers, the entire song is very my-au ninakate)
SOOOOO i wanna go from THAT SONG into good luck babe by chappell roan...
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"you can say that we are nothing" after the kiss, nina would probably be like 'we should go to sleep' and the next morning laugh about it and tease kate and be like "thats so funny, i never kissed a girl like that before. was that your first kiss? oh my god kate are you serious?! we should probably keep that between us, huh? its okay, it wont happen again!" and kates just nodding along while her brain is going 100mph. but kates perceptive as hell and she'd easily see all the little changes that happen afterwards. nina's gaze falling, her hands lingering, little comments she makes. and it'd make kate feel kinda stupid. "guess im the fool, with her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof" toby ends up 'inheriting' an old rusty red pickup truck from tim. i doubt it would have a sun roof, but i could see toby and nat up front, while nina and kate are in the back (like, the BACK bed of the truck). nina would be giggling, tilting her head back and her hair is flying like crazy and her arms are out and kate cannoooot get that damn kiss out of her head, especially when nina looks like that.
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im thinking maybe it happens again. the group was hanging out, but nat and toby went off somewhere else, leaving nina and kate together. and kate offers to walk nina home, but ninas like 'what if i spend the night instead?' and kates immediately like Oh jesus christ okay. and they talk . and chat. and banter. and nina would bring up that stupid kiss and say something about 'i wouldnt mind doing that again. i mean, as friends.' and kates head is spinning.
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and despite all of this, nina is still in a bad headspace. before, during, and after her relationship with jeff, she has HORRIBLY low self esteem and a need for attention/validation, and she will seek it out anywhere. she'd blame it on a million and one things "oh its just for fun, oh i was just drunk, oh its not that serious, he was cute, i got his number!". especially when trying to heal her bruised ego after the whole jeff thing (alongside a few huge arguments with toby calling her out on her BS). and kate listens, and even though she's really blunt and straightforward, she doesnt feel mean. not like toby or nat or jack. so even when kates like "that doesnt make sense" "that seems stupid though" "why would you do that" ninas just laughing and being like "it just felt right in the moment! im having fun, kate!". she thinks kate just doesnt get it, on account of never being in a relationship, but kate knows whats going on. she knows why nina is the way that she is, but all she has to say is . GOODLUCK LMFAO. shes not here to control or convince or plead with anybody, and def not nina. and i think that would kinda irk nina a little. she'd kiss kate, then a couple nights later talk about a guy she met at a bar, and kate just side eyes her and is like 'have fun' and nina wishes there was more
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ok whether their kisses turn into anything else, i think theyd both continually agree to keep it a secret from everyone else. it would just be a huge mess that neither of them want to address, especially kate dealing with toby. but i think once kate starts getting a little affection and whatnot that she's never received (she's been in the chaser mode for over half her life, mind you), it would feel incredibly suffocating but also incredibly freeing. like she feels like something new has opened up to her, something that she got locked out of years ago. and nina has the key, unfortunately
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ok this is where the song and story falls apart a little cuz ninas not getting married to anyone. i guess this could be a hypothetical where she goes back to jeff for a moment in time, but.. ehh.... dunno how i feel about that. and i dont think the 'i told you so' fits kate cuz she just kinda lets nina do whatever. asks questions and is like ??? and maybe has a bit of an attitude when saying 'good luck with that', but she never tells her what to do
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i know "the feeling" is more about being into girls and how you cant hide from it, but i dont think the whole lesbianism thing would be their issue. in a ninakate interpretation of the song, i think 'the feeling' is either ninas issues with romance and self worth, kates ache to be with someone despite thinking she has no right to it, ninas guilt for leading kate on, and of course their literal romantic feelings...
anyway. anyway. um. cries. i just i really. i really im just. im fond of lesbians alright.
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
fic rec friday 45
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Pieces by zenstrike
Five times Keith found comfort with Lance, and one time he tried to return the favour.
look i know i talked about zenstrike last week and im here to do it again. i know what the secret relationship trope is, i know there are so many great fics but like. zenstrike reaches something in my chest and fucking twists it. i read something of theirs for the first time like two years ago and i remember being actually fucking struck dumb on my bed and clutching my phone because the way my stomach churned and my heart pounded and i well and truly FELT every fucking emotion!! when keith nervously pressed his palm to the junction of lance's neck and his breath sharpened mine did too!! when the swirling dread of fear and nerves turned in lances belly it turned in mine too!! idk what it is about zenstrike but they have touched me in a way no other author ever has in my whole life and i cant always read everything they write in one sitting, sometimes im consuming it all in a frenzy and sometimes one fic takes me days. anyway keith loving lance with every goddamn molecule but being physically unable to say it but determined to show it will always make me insane sorry for the goddamn essay
2. when you're here loving me by orphan_account [EXPLICIT]
“’Look at me, I’m Keith,” Lance muttered, “’I run directly at Galra sentries and don’t even think about the big, glowy thingies in their hands. What are those called again?’” He tightened the gauze, gently despite his trying to act angry, “’Right! Guns! Can’t possibly hurt me, right?’” Keith scowled, “I know what a gun is.” ✦ they come back from a mission, gross and in love.
this one is kinda porny lol but its pretty goddamn funny. of COURSE these two are the massive losers who play rock paper scissors after they bone 💀💀
3. The Samurai and the Sharp-Shooter by orphan_account
It's tough going on missions when you have to pretend you're dating your rival. Tougher still when you're actually not even rivals but lovers forced to hide that fact for the sake of the team's greater mission. Not canon, but still in space and everyone's there. Fluffy with zero angst.
this fic makes me CRY with laughter bc why are they fake dating to hide that they're real dating on a god damned assassination mission 😭😭 they're actually so goddamn stupid
4. Headshot by @angelwithaknife
“Guys,” Lance grunted, lying down behind a couples of rocks and aiming at some soldiers again, “I appreciate that you appreciate me but please stop waving at me after I save you, I’m sick of running around trying to find new spots, I specifically chose a long-range weapon so I could lie down all the time.”
this is so CUTE the team loves lance so bad. and as they should!! bc hes so smart and amazing and cool and wonderful and talented honestly i just love him so bad
5. What's Something You've Never Told Me? by @fondaboo
The lady drops a slice of lemon into it and slides it back towards him. “You’ve got pretty good taste kid,” she says. Her cordial smile turns wicked and teasing, as she jerks her chin to the dance floor. “And it's not just limited to drinks, I'd say.” Keith follows her dark gaze, before he can help himself, biting down on a groan when he sees where she’s looking. Lance. Jesus, he can’t even go to a bar without someone calling out his—blatant and painfully obvious—crush on Lance. “Friend of yours?” She croons. He drags a hand down his face, maybe he needs something stronger than whiskey. Ketamine maybe. “Best friend actually,” he squints through his fingers, glaring darkly, “not that it’s anyone’s business.” Or the author overuses em-dashes while trying to make Keith talk about his damn feelings! OR ace Lance has to deal with a smitten Keith and just wants to watch disney
ACE LANCE ACE LANCE ACE LANCE ACE LANCE ACE LANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!! god i love him. also fondaboo literally never misses
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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