#it might not even end up getting posed on Chibi lol it might be posted on my super secret other accounts šŸ‘»
chibipandaao3 Ā· 4 months
I canā€™t believe Iā€™m writing this šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
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chibishortdeath Ā· 4 months
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General Simon brainrot sketch page :3, as per usual, explanations under a cut. Apologies if my posts tend to be kinda huge and difficult to scroll past, I try to do the cuts to make sure they do the least inconvenience to anyone! (>-< ;)
Just the whole page in full ft. My thumb lol
Expression practice! Simon is feeling the weight of his situation rn alas :(. Iā€™ve always imagined him being panicked the whole game; the overarching entire game timer really gives a pretty good feeling of dread imo. The two doodles at the bottom were attempts at multiple ideas Iā€™ve seen floating around about the curse, but theyā€™re kinda bad in execution looking at them no tbh. But the first one is based on the idea that the curse gives some vampire traits like sharp teeth and would probably lead to proper vampirism if he were to die from it. The second was general attempt at like skull practice and comparing facial features to skull structure, but oh my god the page kept smudging and I tried making it look ok with some random blood on there but it just made it look even sillier šŸ’€.
These next two are based on two random like liminal space images I ran into on Pinterest and I drew them mostly because I suck at backgrounds and idk Simonā€™s Quest itself is like Castlevania: Liminal Space Edition a lot of the time, so it fits X,,,,D. The first one I really liked the composition of the path on the far side contrasted to the trees. Imagine the water is the purple cursed swamp :3. Hopefully Simon has laurels just standin around in there.
This second liminal space for Simon to be in was this neat nighttime photo of a graveyard! Trees are HARD TO DRAW, especially just in pencil and a solid black background. Thereā€™s blood on the ground and stuff cause he was just fighting some monsters, probably those two headed lizard guys. Itā€™s the awkward stillness after clearing out an area of enemies.
The pose for this one is based on the LOL~lots of laugh Miku figure lmao šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
Simon is very fun to put in exaggerated poses! Especially cause you have to exaggerate them more to get the same ratio of pose to negative space because muscles and armor. I had no idea how to make metal belt armor thingies sit in a like legs up floating sort of pose like this so they kinda bend a little weird but eh he looks cute otherwise. The other doodles present are one that says ā€œbrainrotā€ which is kinda making fun of my own dedication to an NES character šŸ’€ and also cause haha rot like the curse. Also, teeny tiny Simon with a heart!!! :3
Yippie! Simon posing again! I think the first pose was inspired by this like random old anime style angel figure??? Idk I think she was just an original character figure and the pose was pretty different, I just used the reference mostly for the arm position. Anyway, heā€™s vibin, just sitting curled up and momentarily comfy. Alas, the horrors persist in the second doodle that was an attempt at showing how the curse kinda deteriorates him but he just kinda ended up having a scarily snatched waist and it looks more stylized than like sick. Also the armor kinda bends around him in a way that makes it look like it shrunk with him which is so dumb lmaooooo (XwX). Iā€™ll have to revisit the concept eventually idk, just look at his face for this one XD. Hahaha tiny doodle based on Larval Rin on the left there, nothing to see hereā€”
The main doodle is just Simon looking into the distance bewildered and holding the whip, standard stuff. Thereā€™s also a side profile doodle and an attempt at drawing crying again cause I was getting kinda rusty at both of those things.
Simon Belmont but if he was 2000s anime lol. A fun little style experiment, I might keep this as like another secondary art style. Thereā€™s also some doodles of a hanged man skeleton, the eyes of Vlad, a skeleton hand, and a couple little chibi Simonā€™s of various expressions.
More 2000s anime Simon, but in a more silly way like the art style change for joke sections. One is him just goofily holding up Draculaā€™s head, but itā€™s contrasted immediately with a more gritty usual art style doodle of him with harsh shading lol. Get you a man who can do both I guess šŸ’€
I gotta practice more on backgrounds and composition and stuff, probably also get some curse effects consistent augh. Lately Iā€™ve been on and off working on random things or just staring into space tired, getting back to using social media is hard and an exhausting uphill battle unfortunately (_ _ ;). Sometimes I feel like I should probably split these up into multiple posts to make things more visible and to put more focus on specific drawings, but idk I donā€™t really want to, it just feels weird to me breaking up a doodle page like that, if that makes sense??? Eh idk.
#castlevania#castlevania games#akumajou dracula#castlevania ii: simon's quest#castlevania simonā€™s quest#simonā€™s quest#simon belmont#art post#my art#fanart#sometimes I forget that the turtleneck addition to his undershirt was like something I added somewhere along the line šŸ’€#seeing the actual box art and staring at his visible neck like where your clothes at and then I remember oh wait#I did that ā€‹I was the one that who made him cover up šŸ˜”#ok also the hair lmaoooooooo hahahashshs prince of eternia lookin ass#Simon really out here with that fuckass bob Konami what barber did you send him to#I forget that like thereā€™s not the sections and piecing I usually draw and that he really just has his bangs straight cut in that#I guess the way I draw his hair is like a middle ground between his manual doodles and the cover art?#yeah that makes sense Iā€™m using that explanation of it now XD#anyway love him Iā€™ve got another page of him Iā€™ll try to post soon hopefully#past that is some really quick OC concept sketches and like idk dissociating#aaa I gotta talk to people but I keep losing all track of time and then canā€™t because of guilt augh itā€™s a miracle Iā€™m posting this rn tbh#daydreaming is a horrible coping mechanism donā€™t do it guys Iā€™ve been stuck with it since fourth grade šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€#itā€™s addictive it starts out like ā€˜time to imagine a character to this song :3ā€™ then itā€™s been two months#vent in the tags#but mannnnnnn šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”#anyway hereā€™s a whole sketchbook page of my comfort character who hasnā€™t seen a day of comfort in his life uhā€”#idk if posting at like 10 PM at night is a good idea but eh whatever
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shibaraki Ā· 4 months
monty how do you get selfship comms? I want to do it so bad but like, 1) I am so scared the artist might somehow know me (which is totally irrational, ik), and 2) there are just so many options how do you choose? there are so many great artists and even after narrowing down which ones do which fandoms, there are multiple fandoms and I have multiple favs in some of them T^T I've been thinking abt this for like a year but I'm so indecisive (and scared lol) that I end up not doing anything
hi darling!! itā€™s definitely not silly or irrational for you to feel anxious about getting a selfship comm. tbh it still takes me a while to work up the courage and the energy lol!!!! I promise you any comm Iā€™ve posted has two months of contemplation behind it, because you THINK the hardest part is finding the artist, only then you have to pick the pose and the clothes and all the other references and that takes me even longer.
I recommend you keep a folder in your phone or use pinterest to keep references on hand, save you some of the hassle. I only recently started doing that and man it has been a lifesaver. when choosing an artist Iā€™ll go through their posts and prev commissions first to make sure I like the art style and to make sure the style fits the image I have in my head. if it does then I take the leap and message them!!!!! I know itā€™s nerve wracking (especially the first few timesā€”actually still is lol) but I promise thereā€™s no need to worry. selfship artists are super lovely more often than not.
it might be easier for you to start off smaller like I did, maybe a chibi or sketch comm? work your way up to it and see what you do and donā€™t fancy ^_^
and rest assured the artist is very unlikely to know itā€™s you, love. still there are some things that you can do to make yourself feel more secure! like send picrews instead of selfies, and give the payment through ko-fi, or use a business paypal so it doesnā€™t reveal your name if that bothers you!
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beakybirdsong Ā· 3 years
Sigh okay it's Pokemon News Drop Day so I'm gonna make a quick appearance for initial thoughts. But uhhh they're not great lmao
So if you don't like debbie downers probably don't read this lol
Because I got a bit...edgy
But like...I actually *hate* that we're getting 3 different games and none of them look remotely...good, all for different reasons.
The D/P remakes, from what we've seen so far, just don't excite me in any way. My opinion could change going forward but for right now it looks like it might as well be a remastered port, which is...not really what I've come to expect from Pokemon remakes, even as someone who's generally become a huge pessimist over the years lmao. HGSS added Pokemon following, the Pokathalon, a customizable Safari Zone, team photos, polished bits of existing storyline (like awakening the legendaries or disguising yourself as a rocket), and I think even the Battle Frontier iirc. We got much less in ORAS, but the story was admittedly still polished up good from what it was, including a little post game romp where we could catch Deoxys, the DexNav, which was super fun to play around with, and additionally Mirage Islands, a bunch of minimaps in the region that changed every day, which you essentially could collect from others by playing online or using Streetpass and accessing BuzzNav. It was also the first game to let us really hunt a hoard of legendaries, some of which were hidden in really cool updated areas (lookin at you Sea Mauville).
My point of all this I guess is that if you're going to give us a trailer for DP remakes can you not make it look like...samey and bland lol?? I'm not saying there WONT be any new content, but I am saying that if there isn't then it just...is not gonna be worth the money that a Switch game costs. Especially after Swsh left such a bad taste in my mouth. Like H O N E S T L Y I'd probably be being a lot nicer right now if Swsh was like...a good game lmao but that shit still has bugs and even after two full DLC drops there's nothing to DO (outside of being a crazy person like me and hunting shiny legends in Dynamax Adventures).
NOT TO MENTION HOLY SHIT, the longer time goes on the less forgivable it gets that these characters are sooooo fucking static!!!! The whole *thud* thing worked fine back in the DS era because it was....yknow, the DS era, but it just looks so stupid over a decade later. You can't add any more movement than that?? Barry's static pose in battle is also just completely devoid of personality. I'd honestly be fine with the chibi style if they did something interesting with it. Which is my point ig. Please please pleeeaaassseeee do something interesting with these remakes. Give me a reason not to just play on an emulator, or hell. Dig out an old copy and play on the 3DS, which still supports DS games lmao.
Okay phew ANYWAY.
Idk if it's because I'm coming down off of that hot mess but Pokemon Legends is actually...kind of interesting in concept. Like it takes place in the past, neat. And it's """"open-world,"""" okay neat. And the starter options are remixed, neat (I have a lot of thoughts on that actually and they aren't bad but this isn't the time or place). And they clearly told the tree-renderers to get their fucking act together, but like...that's a good segue into the problem I'm having with it which is that it still just looks empty. And boring?? And I think what I'm getting hung up on is that part of my brain is like ooh cool but there's a much bigger part of my brain that's like "OK but WHY"
It's just so frustrating as a longtime Pokemon fan to look at these two games which are both set in Sinnoh and only seeing wasted potential. Why aren't we getting one really good Sinnoh game that could happen with a little more time and less spread-thin resources? One looks bad because it's static and underwhelming port of an otherwise big beautiful labyrinthine region and the other looks bad because it looks good in places but is otherwise is an empty looking world in the way that the Wild Area was. We could have all the good stuff in one package but why would they do that when they can double up on profits by shipping out two mediocre games?
Speaking of, the nastiest taste in my mouth by far was the fact that we're getting three new games at all. Other parts of first-party Nintendo are making a point to ask for understanding and delay releases because of the pandemic and it seems like Pokemon just isn't letting up. What kind of conditions and crunch are these developers working under while also dealing with the handicap of doing it all remotely?? Do they get to sleep and eat like Jesus fucking Christ. I know there's a studio name I don't recognize helping with the DP remakes but STILL. It's not worth it! It's not worth it! Make a better game later!!! Stop beating your own franchise and the people who make it half to death!! Getting even one new mainline Pokemon game a year is unrealistic and unsustainable and it needs to stop fucking yesterday!! Hell, I would cry tears of joy if we went a year with no new Pokemon news at all! That's how ugly this feels.
In an attempt not to end on a sour note I guess, Snap looks good enough to get. I'm curious to see how many courses there are, but the characters look endearing enough, and by nature of being an on-rails game the world feels alive because it's not an unrealistic ask to make it feel that way (they did it just fine on the N64, even with the technical limitations of the time). I would much prefer mainline Pokemon games veer away from this "open-world" direction they're going in and just focus on making their little segmented areas tighter and more immersive in terms of aesthetic and exploration and maybe like one or two static encounter mons with a bit of personality. But I'm getting carried back into the Mainline Game Bad Thoughts Zone and I don't wanna be there. So. Idk check out that Venusaur doing a cannonball! Instant serotonin. Hoping there will be some fun pokemon interactions you can apple into happening like Surfing Pikachu or the Jigglypuff concert. Snap looks fun. I like fun. This is fun. This is fine!!!!!!!
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shiny-procrastinates Ā· 3 years
(re)Watching Magia Record S1 - part 4
part 3 here
Hello everyone and welcome back to our... I don't know how to call this really, I'm more narrating what's happening in the screen than anything, but in any case today we are continuing what we have been doing these last few days.
Last time, we had an episode focused on the Momoko trio, got handed even more mysteries and had a brief cameo of our favorite drill-haired mahou shoujo. So what will this episode have in stock for us? Only one way to find out! (these introductions are getting cornier and cornier, I'm running out of ideas here.)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record S1 episode 4
Today, Iroha's visiting a chinese food restaurant on Mitama's recomendation. Well, I suppose even magical girls have to eat sometime.
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But before that, let's wind back a little bit.
After the op, we get a little monologue from Iroha about "friends". It's probably obvious by now that she's not the biggest social butterfly out there, but this scene basically tells us that Iroha had no friends besides her missing sister, which just makes this even more sad, honestly. The solitary atmosphere of the first episode was no coincidence.
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While dropping by Mitama's, Iroha hears from Momoko the aftermath of the fight with the Chain Witch from last episode. Momoko says everyone who had disappeared had come back safely, and says that might've not been a witch, but something lurking behind the rumor. The trio brings up some other weird rumors while Mitama desecrates a perfectly good cheesecake.
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ā€œMitama-san, whyā€œ
Iroha asks if there's some rumor where people went missing and Momoko guesses correctly that she's wondering if her sister didn't get caught up in one of those. Sadly, they don't know any other rumor where people went missing besides the Staircase of Severance.
Oh my god Mitama is eating that thing, looks like the Coordinator's will be closed for a while.
The girls try to brainstorm some ways to look for Iroha's sister but, well...
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Like this, Iroha just looks like some weird girl who insists her imaginary younger sister is real... which she might be, I wouldn't put that possibility past this series, but for now we are assuming her sister actually existed.
Iroha pokes in and says she'll do it herself, since she has no idea where to start investigating now and it'll probably turn into a long search anyway. Momoko's not very convinced. Mitama then hands Iroha Banbanzai's flyer and now we are back to the present.
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In Banbanzai we meet Tsuruno Yui, Kamihama's (self-proclaimed) Strongest Magical Girl. The size of the dishes are also the strongest. One has to wonder how does Tsuruno explain to her father the "magical girl discount" she has going on.
Iroha eats a bit under the expectant eyes of Tsuruno and, when pressured for a rating she says...
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50/100, or 2.5/5 when going by the occidental style rating. Tsuruno's shock here is impressive considering that's Banbanzai's usual rating no matter what it puts out. Hey, consistency is good!
After eating, Iroha apologizes for giving such a low rating despite getting free food, but Tsuruno explains basically what I wrote. Yes, Iroha, you guessed right.
Tsuruno apologizes for not having any hints in regards to her sister and, after getting Iroha to call her by her first name, says she'll try to introduce her to someone that might help her with investigating the strange rumors. Tsuruno is hesitant on the phone at first but quickly gets excited as the person on the other side of the line agrees to meet them right away. And the person they go meet is...
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Yachiyo, obviously. She's like "I have no time for this" at first, but is stopped by a crying Tsuruno and ends up telling them about the rumor she's investigating.
The rumor Yachiyo's investigating right now is about the Seance Shrine. Basically, there's a rumor saying that if you visit a certain shrine, write the name of who you want to see on a ema and pray properly, you will meet that person. However, you'll be so happy you'll become unable to leave.
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Yachiyo says while investigating she found some posts of people saying they actually met who they wanted to meet who disappeared afterwards. Tsuruno wonders if anyone has been declared missing and Yachiyo points out that even if there was, no one would think to attribute a missing person to a rumor.
Tsuruno has a eureka moment and asks if the Seance Shrine is Mizuna Shrine, but Yachiyo says she already tried and nothing happened... wait, hey Yachiyo,Ā  that's dangerous, what if it really was the right one? lol
Yachiyo says she already had low hopes, but if somewhere with so many visitors as Mizuna Shrine was the Seance Shrine, it would already be all over the news with the amount of people that would go missing... which is a very fair point.
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So the girls have no choice but to go around and look for a less known shrine. For better or worse, there are a lot of them in Mizuna.
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In one of them, Tsuruno finds a stamp rally going on in Mizuna Ward, and asks if that couldn't be a tip in regards to the rumor. Iroha's skeptical at first, but Yachiyo says they might as well do it, since it's better than looking around blindly.
While they walk around, Yachiyo tells Iroha the legend of the star-crossed lovers that was cited in the stamp rally paper. It's the tale of how two lovers of different social standings were separated by death (well, assassination), and then reunited after countless prayers from the princess. Iroha says that it's a lovely story, but Yachiyo doesn't seem to think the same.
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Yachiyo then tells Iroha the hidden, true ending of the history, where the princess sacrifices all of the people of the town to their god in order to meet her beloved again.
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and magical girls should know that better than anyone else.
A bit later, Tsuruno says doing this almost makes it feel like the old times, but Yachiyo just ignores her. Iroha asks if they've been close for a long time and Yachiyo says they used to be, but they're not anymore. Seeing from Tsuruno's behaviour, though, that's gotta be because of Yachiyo herself.
Iroha comments that even if it was a past relation, she's still jealous, since she's never had any friends besides Ui. Ui was everything to her, so now that she's gone, Iroha feels empty... it's a bit concerning that she feels like that when you consider her sister was ill enough that Iroha had to cure her with a wish. What would have happened had she not become a magical girl?
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Yachiyo says, but this isn't the past to Iroha. She firmly believes that Ui must be out there somewhere, so she wants to find her as fast as possible. Yachiyo then tells her that if that's the case, she shouldn't be tied down by her past, she should become stronger, for her sister's sake.
Like that, they finally reach the Seance Shrine...
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not. They end up back at Mizuna Shrine, which Yachiyo had already discarded as a possibility due to the number of people that would've gone missing if that had been the case. Yachiyo had thought that there had to be a connection between the rumor and the legend, so maybe they missed a hint somewhere. The trio doubles back for the day.
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However, as they head back, something crucial dawns on Yachiyo:
She's a broke college student and today was 10xPoints Day.
Yachiyo gets Tsuruno and Iroha to help her and goes grocery shopping. Yachiyo tells Iroha about the points benefit, but Iroha has no idea what she's talking about, so Yachiyo says she's still a kid... yeah, but I think it would be weirder if a middle schooler knew about this stuff.
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Being a magical girl sure is suffering. You get kidnapped from trains and buses, and can't even catch a sale without getting a witch as a freebie. There is no rest.
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Here! I can finally comment that it creeps me out the fact that Iroha sleeps with a plushie of this thing. I know it's in this series' style to have weird things going on in the background, but still...
The fight starts and- Iroha why the heck are you going to the front what is that crossbow even for. Yachiyo tells Iroha to stay behind her, but Iroha's holding the idiot ball right now... partly because Yachiyo told her to get stronger, but still. Iroha shoots a few times at the witch, trips, misses espetacularly and almost becomes witch food. Great job, Iroha.
Now, while Iroha's hesitating about what to do, in comes Tsuruno.
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Maybe not the best time to be striking poses, Tsuruno.
Iroha screws up once again and sends Tsuruno flying but, as expected of the (self-proclaimed) Mightiest, she still makes short work of the witch (also probably because we're running out of time for this episode).
I'm guessing Iroha's magic in combinations just makes the other person's magic stronger. Kinda lame when you think about the previous two examples, but I guess that's standard for light magic in games... it's already weird enough that their magic has attributes at all but, oh well, game logic.
In the end, poor Yachiyo missed the sale. However, thanks to not being blinded by shiny discounts, she realized something important they were forgetting about the rumor.
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Sure enough, just like Yachiyo said, Seance Shrine really was Mizuna Shrine at night. When they walk in...
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The extremely suspicious chibi Kyuubei appears. I was going to say it that it only appears in rumors, but the first time it appeared was in a witch Labyrinth, so that's not it either... wait, wasn't it singing a song about rumors the first time Iroha met it? Hmmm...
In any case, the group heads further in, and the rumor very kindly gives them some plaques. Yachiyo tells Tsuruno not to write anything, since they don't know what'll happen and they'd both write the same name anyway.
The plaques turn into something like familiars as soon as they finish writing, and Tsuruno is held back for not writing anything. Iroha hesitates a second with Tsuruno being attacked, but obeys when Tsuruno tells her to go ahead and take care of Yachiyo... I, uh... have a feeling the opposite scenario is more likely, though.
Yachiyo and Iroha go ahead and offer their prayers. Then, when Iroha opens her eyes...
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they are at a different place, and what both of them see is...
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The people they longed to meet.
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Iroha's time has begun to move again.
---- x ----
Aaaand that was episode 4. This time, I wasn't dumb and actually checked the episode was over before starting to write the closing part.
This is probably true of the previous episodes too, but I particularly like how the colors are used in this one. The tale part had not really the same sepia tone of historical things, but more of a celestial yellow tone, and the part at the witch labyrinth in the supermarket has a cute candy-like tone to it. It's not the same subdued kind of realistic thing like in, say, SSSS.Gridman, but there are some good, calm parts in here.
During the rally, when Iroha was telling Yachiyo about not having anything besides Ui, the procession they were walking in the middle of is a reference to Kitsune no Yomeiri I think, but I couldn't really connect the situation or what they were talking about to the tale so I decided to not point it out up there. Do feel free to search about it and draw your own conclusions.
I forgot what else I wanted to say, so I guess I should tie this up now. Did you know? Writing the introduction and close-up is actually harder than writing about the episode itself so you'll have to forgive me for not being able to think up anything besides "see you next time". In fact...
See you next time, on episode 5!
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nibscribs Ā· 5 years
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So uhhhh I drew a lot of RWBY this year... only two of these are non RWBY and tbh I could have just as easily put something RWBY for June Template
Retrospective under the cut bc itā€™s LONGĀ 
RETROSPECTIVE January: First piece of the year! I still like this piece and I think it shows how much I improved from the original version of it. Also I just like looking at it bc it's soft content of my rare pair. I do think I made the rose look photorealistic which looks... bad esp with all the other more stylized flowers, and I got lazy with the bleeding hearts by just drawing one set and flipping them. Emerald's hair also could look better. February: Ā I made this around GNG week, which was a fun, good time, long before the server imploded on itself. I got really lazy with the backgrounds, obviously, but I do like the poses in this one, tho it helped that I based it off of screenshots from Young Justice. I also just really like how Merc looks in this one. March: March wasn't a very prolific month for art, I don't think I produced much besides this and one comic piece for GNG week. I'm not sure why exactly, I can't find any specific reason why I would be unproductive that month. I'm gonna just assume I was drained from work all the time and didn't have the energy to put out good art, and also I was getting into a slump bc all my art was starting to look same-y. This piece isn't very good, but I chose it because I did it without a reference, and at this point that was going out of my comfort zone. It's obviously not super dynamic, but at the very least you can tell I intended there to be motion to it. April: This also wasn't a very prolific month for art, not as bad as March, but for the same reasons. I was also really starting to feel burnout from the RWBY fandom, specifically wasps and conflict within the GNG server. This was also when the Art vs the Artist meme was popular, and I realized I didn't want to do that meme because my art was too similar and boring, which also brought me down a peg. Though I put out a few good chibis in April, I chose my Mercury redesign bc I was really proud of it. I could never get the Emerald redesign to mesh quite right, but I can say I'm really proud of how Mercury's came out. May: May had me bounce out of my art slump and in full force trying to expand my skills! Specifically exploring painting. Although May was about as prolific as April, what I did create I put a lot into. It was difficult to pick between this and my app of Edison, because I'm really proud of both, but in the end I went with this commission of Mercury because I pushed myself to try and use an interesting perspective for the piece instead of my usual stand still and face the camera pose. Because I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, this was one of the best things I made all year, and may be my favorite piece of the year. June: TIME TO STRESS OUT ABOUT CONNECTICON! So if you follow me on twitter, you might have noticed I made a lot of posts at the beginning of the year low key throwing shade at myself for drawing my oc's instead of more "important" art. Well, that important art that I was procrastinating was con merch, and con was the second week of July, so I really had to get my ass in gear to finish merch on time (spoiler, I didn't finish a lot of it on time). This piece and July's piece are both posters I made for Connecticon, and while I like July's much better, that doesn't mean I find this piece bad. I really should have known that no one at con would realize it was a goonies reference tho -_-; I also lost a lot of love for this piece after season 6 of Voltron, which I watched while I was about 60% of the way through this piece, so I had to force myself to finish it. July: I love this piece!!!! Don't get me wrong, I know it has flaws, but look at it! The lines are so crisp, the colors look good, Roman and Merc's expressions are mwuah chefs kiss, and I just love all of them!!! ... except for Neo. I really didn't do her justice in this piece, her hair is too fluffy, her head is way to oversized to the point that she looks like a bobblehead, and her eyes are too close together. Really if you take out Neo's head that whole problem goes away. I also love all the tiny details I put in this one, from emerald's chaps to roman's rose to Neo's lace parasol. You can tell I was way more passionate about this piece than I was about the Voltron piece. Ā August: Ā pretty sure this is when I quit my job cashiering, and thank god bc customers suck. If I was going off of sheer popularity, Chibi Pyrrha would have taken this slot no contest, and while I love chibi Pyrrha, I don't think it was the best of the month. I chose this little princess and the pauper au doodle because I tried a year ago to draw these two dancing, and it looked like dog shit. It was flat and ugly. But this has motion to it, and even looking at it now makes me feel warm and happy inside. It's just a good cute drawing of my otp. September: My piece for the RWBY tarot project! I have a lot of mixed emotions about this one. on the one hand, I love how mercury looks, his expression, the lighting, the visceral gore from his legs (ESPECIALLY THE VISCERAL GORE ON HIS LEGS) and the hands of the undead, all look stunning and I don't think I could be more happy with how they turned out. And then we get to the background. The caduceus isn't the worst thing ever, but it's severely lacking in quality compared to the rendering on mercury in front of it, and a lot of it is clearly pixellated from me trying to stretch and squash it just right. And the fire is a hot (no pun intended) mess. It's flat, incoherent, and doesn't lead the eye anywhere. It's a shame too because I wanted to do more with it, but I a) didn't have enough time or patience to figure out what I needed to do to fix it and b) didn't want to go outside of my comfort level, so I gave up and decided to be satisfied with what I had. October: October was another good month for art, I made a turnaround sheet for Moss, painted a full body (and slightly lewd) Rudy, and made a decent attempt at inktober. Ok, so I got like 2 days in, but I improved a lot on inking from last year! Fun fact! this piece was originally going to be fan art of Lindsay Jones, but after I did some thumbnails to figure out a pose, I thought it would suit White Diamond better, and I could also sell it as merch. I love this piece. I think I captured the sinister mood well, and conveyed the story I wanted to without any dialogue (at least the notes on Tumblr make me assume I did a decent job, lotta people really wigged out lol) I really worked hard to get the lighting right on this one, and I think it shows. My absolutely favorite thing about this piece funnily enough, is Amethyst. I think I just did a great job drawing her and I'm proud of myself ok. Stevens bubble and my trouble figuring out how to get WD's leg just right are the only things that I dislike about this piece, but I might go back and fix those. November: IM SO PROUD OF THIS COMMISSION!!!!!! I worked so god damn hard on this chef's kiss poifect, Ā and it really shows. I started using a new brush at this point, the Ojing series on Clip Studio Paint, which I recommend and have been using a lot since. I've also been using this shading technique since drawing this. I love how it sort of fades out but it's still really crisp. I also love all the little details that give this piece character, like her shoes and the stripes on her jacket. This piece really takes a lot of the stuff I learned over the year and combines it into one piece, and I could not be prouder of it. I have absolutely no problems with this one, though I do find the weapon a bit plain, but it's what the client described. December: AND NOW IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!! I had been working on this piece since August, going back to it every now and then and getting frustrated. I'm really glad I came back to it and finally finished it, since I love this pair and I put a lot of effort into it back in August. However, I'm also really glad I completely overhauled a lot of it, specifically the flowers. Though I'm not 100% happy with the mums in this one, they look a thousand times better than the mums I had originally sketched back in August, and were part of the reason I had such a hard time finishing this for months. I also thought it would be nice to end the year on the same note it started; with a flower couple. I've definitely learned a lot since January, and I hope to continue growing in 2019! 2019 GOALS!
Work on backgrounds for the love of god
Draw more stuff that isn't RWBY
Make more speed paints and post more to youtube in general
14 notes Ā· View notes
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen 1 | Gakuen Babysitters 1 | Idolish7 3 | Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 1 | Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 1 | Miira no Kaikata 1 | Death March 1
The debuts for the winter season keep coming, but weā€™re almost at the end of them with this post.
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card 1
Note I donā€™t have any prior experience with Cardcaptor Sakura aside from 1 volume of manga and watching the show in passing while other people were watching it, plus knowing about a few spoilers and the showā€™s reputation as a seminal magical show showā€¦then in more recent days, I finished 2 episodes of it (in fact as of the day Iā€™m typing this, I finished episide 2 today!).
This OP makes Sakura look like later-stage Sailor Moon, and I think thatā€™s the point.
Where did the bear in Syaoranā€™s hand go when Sakura hugged him?
Eriol! I donā€™t really know much about him, and I knew I shouldā€™ve known about him before starting this, butā€¦it was a bit of a shock to see a character I technically havenā€™t seen the debut of with my own eyes.
I get the feeling these are the ā€œtwo bearsā€ from the prologue OVAā€¦
Emails! In the world of Cardcaptor Sakura! Wow, I feel oldā€¦and I didnā€™t even grow up with her.
Hot dang! Gimme dat bishie (Yue)! I knew he was coming, butā€¦I still donā€™t really know how he came to be!
Wow, this Yamazaki kid spouts such rubbish! Iā€™m looking forward to seeing him in the main series now.
Itā€™s pretty obvious I need to watch the original before understanding this fully, so Iā€™m putting it on hold.
Gakuen Babysitters 1
Iā€™m here for my Ume and Nishiyama. Iā€™m not particularly good at dealing with kids, especially younger kids, but this doesnā€™t make me run for the hills either.
Ryuichi involves the kanji for ā€œdragonā€ and Kotaro has the kanji for ā€œtigerā€.
That man with the hat is so not sketchyā€¦
Iā€™ve never heard of NAS before (but I have heard of NAZ through Idolish7).
That joke Saikawa told actually worked! These shows may all be middling this winter, but Iā€™d be happy with even some of them on my docket. Iā€™ve been pleasantly surprised more often than not that I havenā€™t found ā€œstinker of the seasonā€ yet.
The comedy for this showā€™s really on point, although the overall design is a tad lackluster.
K-Kamitani?! Apparently Ume-chanā€™s character is Hayato Kamitani, so thatā€™s how Ume got involved, so to speak. This sudden intro of 4 kids works on a story scale, but not in a way any person can process without pausing the video (or getting individual intros later).
Well, there are those individual intros I was asking for. Spoke too soon.
Itā€™s actually kinda sad and quite telling how independent Kotaro is. (I still find it extremely hilarous Nishiyama ā€“ whose first name is Kotaro - didnā€™t voice Kotaro, although from a practical standpoint I understand why.)
Usaida has such bedroom eyes, itā€™s hard to ignore (because they make him look like En)! Dangit, I want my En back!
This brings back memories. My mum used to deal with kids all the time, and of course I was in the background for some of the shenanigans.
Dragon puppet symbolism, eh? (see the dotpoint a bit back about Ryuichiā€™s name)
As soon as this guy (who kinda looks like something out of Haikyuu) started demanding Taka come with him, I screamed. That character doesnā€™t seem very Ume, butā€¦uh, itā€™s Ume. Gotta deal with it. Now that I listen to their voices properly though, Ume does have a ā€œbig broā€ voice and Nishiyama a ā€œearnest young manā€ voice.
Oh dear. Takaā€™s imprinted on me already, and I donā€™t even like boys that age.
I havenā€™t felt a genuine sense of danger from any of these winter shows until this one, so it seems like itā€™s one of the strongest debuts. Then again, CCS was my frontrunner before this and YuruCamp the second best, so I guess I canā€™t talk, eh?
Gah, I feel like I wanna cry now. That is a strong premiere!
I have a real problem with how anime tears come out in globs. Then again, Iā€™m too much of a crybaby, as my notes can attestā€¦so I guess no arguing here.
Should it be ā€œChairmanā€ or ā€œChairwomanā€???
Tsundere grandma. Now thereā€™s something I thought Iā€™d never think in my lifeā€¦
Oh, I didnā€™t realise earlier but Taka = ā€œhawkā€ and Hayato = ā€œfalcon manā€. Animal jingoism at its finest!
Whoo, that was a real nice debut. I thought I was too old for this stuff, but itā€™s a keeper!
Idolish7 3
Itā€™s a good thing I chose to cover episodes 1 ā€“ 2 so I wonā€™t have to do them now.
I didnā€™t notice Nagi getting all huggy there with everyone in range (the first time, at least).
In case you donā€™t know from all the other idol shows, the centre is the one in centre stage. Theyā€™re often seen as the leader, so itā€™s a very important position.
This song canā€™t be anything but Monster Generation! Woohoo!
Wow, I havenā€™t seen one of those ā€œwatch from a distanceā€ things in a while. Makes me nostalgic.
ā€œIchiā€ would probably refer to Iori, right? (He has the kanji for ā€œoneā€ in his name.)
Wowee, Nagiā€™s entendreā€¦is really thick. Like pudding.
I agree, brothers can be so strangeā€¦
ā€œā€¦spoil me sometimes.ā€ - Laying on the entendre thicker than custard here, Iori!
These boys are so into their Magical Kokona. I want in now.
Tamaki really is an En-chanā€¦En-chan! Come back! (But why does Tamaki have no socks???)
These ED outfits are so elaborate! Ooh! Imagine a gender-swapped cosplay of them, thatā€™s be great!
Whoā€™s that on the edge of the ED video though? (You can see something hopping up and down.)
Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 1
Can we please just call this ā€œHanamaru 2ā€ like Crunchyroll? ā€œZokuā€ just refers to a continuationā€¦anyways, I got Hanamaru season 1 done last year while dealing with Katsugeki, soā€¦here I come, sword boys!
Didnā€™t Hanamaru get a dub, by the way? Why would you dub this? For me to criticise it? The Touken Ranbu fanbase is kinda smallā€¦
W-Wait, did they just write Yams out of this season? Yams is the protag (if not a protag) here! What did Ichiki do now to deserve this???
It was getting too hard to jump through the proxies to play Touken Ranbu as of late, so I deleted my DMM account. Even still, the sword boys have multiplied since I left! Yikes!
Wow, unexpected 1st person bit there, Kashuu/Masuda. I thought I told the industry to stop doing thatā€¦
Exposition waveā€¦I donā€™t need this wave, but I guess anime-only fans might. Carry on, Heshikiri.
So this multiple Konnosuke thing wasnā€™t a Katsugeki-only gag? Oh dear, my headā€™s spinningā€¦
I donā€™t think I noticed, but Kashuu uses a brush (and not a specialty brush provided in the lid of nail polish). Probably because in Touken Ranbu, plastic isnā€™t much of a conceptā€¦
I still appreciate how Kashuu was this Saniwaā€™s starter. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy for my own TR daysā€¦
Photos are a nice way to recap. After all, 1 picture speaks 1000 words.
Wow, Shishiouā€™s a real chibi compared to these tachi. But Shishiouā€™s a tachi tooā€¦
Dang, Iā€™m jealous. These bros were around when I was a TR player, and I missed ā€˜em! Dang Kebishii drops!
So that thing really is a nue. I could never see it on Shishiouā€™s card, yā€™know.
Hmmā€¦considering the bros are new swords, the Saniwaā€™s strategy is to level up them up using the younger bro as leader (remember, the leader gets more experience). I seeā€¦
A ā€œpincer attackā€ is a V shape, so the description fits the Crane Wings formationā€¦
I canā€™t say I wasnā€™t impressed by Akashi just then. Come to think of it, he didnā€™t have any battles in Hanamaruā€™s 1st season.
A double attack suits a pair like this, of course!
Oh my gosh, they even got two dfferent voice actors for the Konnosukes! LOL!
Hanamaruā€™s EDs kept changing and it seems like theyā€™ll continue to change, eh? This one looks quite spiffy.
The style of this ED doesnā€™t look like Hanamaru at all. It was probably done by the original illustrator for the swords.
Itā€™s a great return to form for Hanamaru! Iā€™m sold!
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 1
Another day, another long titleā€¦plus this show I wouldā€™ve passed on, if not for that resolutionā€¦
Michiko Yokote is on a lot of shows I watch. I donā€™t really know what her influence is, but it seems sheā€™s genuinely competent at what she does.
Soā€¦uh, Gendo pose anyone?
I think the teacher is the best part of this. Iā€™ve been a bit of Tonari no Seki-kun, and the pull of that is the sheer ludicrousness of what Seki does with his stuff. However, there didnā€™t seem to be any intervention aside from Yokoi (I think that was her name)ā€¦
Nishikataā€™s reactions are just way too easy to readā€¦
Well, that was okay, but itā€™s definitely a show to binge all at once. On to the ā€œon holdā€ pile it goes.
Wait, but they missed a segment (the 100 yen segment). Gotta skip forwardā€¦
I didnā€™t get any laughs out of that show at all, but itā€™s still a decent school SoL.
How to Keep a Mummy 1
I have absolutely no experience with this manga, mind youā€¦aside from seeing this tiny mummy on Comicoā€¦
Wow, if the mummy can fit in his shoeā€¦how big is it?
The translation of ā€œreadyā€ is surprisingly ganbaru, and thereā€™s a ā€œbutā€ mentioned in the Japanese title missing from the English. Also, ā€œreadyā€ has sexual connotations Iā€™d rather not pair with a tiny mummyā€¦Iā€™d say the translation of the episode title should be something more along the lines of ā€œWhite, Round, Small, Very Wimpy But [Also] Tries Its Hardestā€ (ā€œItā€ being the mummy and not Pennywiseā€¦).
Is Dracula even public domain right now? (Does anyone care about the intellectual property of a classic vampire novel anyway? Because I sure donā€™t.)
Can we please start making jokes about how Soraā€™s daddy got him a mummy? It may seem childish, but Iā€™m tempted to now.
This mummy is so adorable, I think it even beat out the kids from Gakuen Babysitters! Geesh, Iā€™m spoilt this season! It completely set off my moe senses, and I donā€™t even have any!
It imprinted on him! Oh wow!
The mummy doesnā€™t even have a mouthā€¦how can it spit things-oh wait. Thatā€™s the joke, isnā€™t it?
Come to think of it, crybaby characters ae few and far between. However, between this and Devilmanā€¦er, Crybabyā€¦theyā€™ve suddenly become popularā€¦I guess?
Itā€™s like a harem, only itā€™s between a dog and a mummy. Why I neverā€¦
One of the best things about anime is that you can learn about other cultures through the things included offhandedlyā€¦like that molokhiya thing that Sora mentioned. Apparently itā€™s a Jewish vegetable of some sort.
Do mummies get jet lag too? I was just thinking how Comico stories, with their full colour and yet simple design (to allow for downward scrolling and intake by the eyes) are perfect for anime.
I listened to the show with volume for onceā€¦because Tazuki seems to be the guy voiced by Keisuke Koumotoā€¦and I think I was on the money there. Plus, Soraā€™s VA really sells the delivery of jokes (although he seems to be voiced by a womanā€¦?)!
Yamanbaā€¦like Yamanbagiriā€™s namesake. The mountain hag, right?
Yep, I was right on the money with Tazuki being Koumoto. Kamitani Tazuki, it seems his name isā€¦
This dance endingā€™s kind of cute, too. Itā€™s a keeper!
Death March 1
(looks at title just above this dotpoint) Cā€™mon. Thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going to repeat ā€œDeath March to the Parallel World Rhapsodyā€ over and over again for at least 11 or 12 episodesā€¦by the way, Iā€™m here because I was reading a KonoSuba novel and saw an ad for this, just in time for the animeā€¦
ā€œSADAā€, my buttā€¦
I love how they almost replicated Windows 8 in this show. Or is it 7, or 10? They donā€™t show the taskbar, which is the main visual difference between 8 and 10, but either way the Windows replication without being sued is really somethingā€¦
This OPā€™s gonna make me dizzy somedayā€¦
Classes, eh? So that means Suzukiā€™s working with an OOP language. Plus you can see Cortana on the computer as the mention of classes goes by, meaning that personā€™s on Windows 10.
By the way, Satou is a fairly common name in Japanā€¦at least to my knowledge. But Suzuki is a pretty common one, too, hence the mistake.
The client? Unless Suzuki is referring to the client as in the program, it could also mean the client as in the person/group who wants the game made. Considering what he says though involving a call, itā€™s probably the latter.
Thatā€™s the second show with a lost kid in the first episode. It seems a bit trite, donā€™tcha think?
According to his phone map (flip phone!), heā€™s in Akihabara.
FFLā€¦eh? Google says there are multiple Final Fantasy games for Android, meaning Iā€™ve probably thinking of Fire Emblem Fates (which doesnā€™t match), and thereā€™s no such thing as Final Fantasy 50 (L in Roman numerals) yet.
Thatā€™s the second time they mentioned work/daily life being a death march. Can we not???
Come to think of it, Suzuki looks like Nobuaki (Kingā€™s Game), which doesnā€™t bode well for either show.
Apparently you can get Facebook Messenger for Windows 10, which I didnā€™t knowā€¦
ā€œā€¦being a corporate slave.ā€
Cā€™mon! This ainā€™t the Animatrix, but still, if youā€™re trying to make stuff look technological, at least make it look a bit better.
Third time theyā€™ve mentioned ā€œdeath marchā€.
It might just be Houseki no Kuniā€™s fault, but this CGI is really janky.
Welllllā€¦at least it looks like a game.
Welllllllllā€¦at least they knew where to put their money for some sakugaā€¦
This running through fields scene is either a homage to Every Anime Opening ever, or PokĆ©mon. I distinctly remember it being in Emeraldā€™s opening animation, at least.
Dude, if you want to look for a wyvern, do it from the ground where you wonā€™t get injured, dumb Satoo.
Does this look a lot like Berserk (2016) with all its CGI knightsā€¦or is that just me?
Zenaā€¦? I might be showing how old I am with this (or how much I scour the internet), butā€¦by any chance, do you mean this gal instead?
I think Iā€™ve had enough of this flip for now, so Iā€™m putting it on hold.
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kitto-toberu-sa Ā· 7 years
Sailor Moon Musical -Ā Le Mouvement Final
So on the 23rd of October I went to Aichi to see the Sailor Moon musical~ Our bus arrived at 6am, so we spent the day chilling and checking out the Pokemon Centre and the poor selection of Digimon items at Kiddylandā€¦
From Nagoya, it took an hour and a half by train to get to the venue, Ai Plaza Toyohoshi. We were cutting it really close (missed a train), but managed to power walk there in time. Thankfully goods were being sold in the break and after the show.
Unfortunately, the venue was dead.
The first floor is S tickets (8000 yen), the top floor is A tickets (6000 yen?). A third of the first floor was occupied, with a smattering of seats in the top part.
I feel so bad for all the cast and crew. It must have been really awkward to be singing to a bunch of empty seats. Iā€™m not sure how much this was promoted, but having the venue so far out of the city really didnā€™t help things.
Personally, I had wanted to go to see the show in Osaka, but thanks to Aichi not being sold out, we ended up having really amazing seats ;; We were ninth row from the stage and I was on an aisle seat. It was seat 29, and I was going fight my friend for seat 30 (lucky number lol) but Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t.
The show itself is explanatory. Itā€™s the finale of the manga.
The start with Mamoru half proposing was wonderful. You could feel the audienceā€™s hearts getting excited for Usa. It was obviously much more condensed than the manga, which I was thankful for. It gave us time to jump straight into things; however, the cute dance between Mamo and Usa at the start was really nice!
Chibi-usa was gone from the start, instead of leaving part way through. Ami is the one to notice something is wrong with Usagi, rather than Minako. Iron Mouse isnā€™t killed straight up either. Sheā€™s able to go back to Galaxia, say sheā€™ll do better next time and gets a reprieve after having her butt handed to her. We get a rift in the four Galaxy Sailors here.
(Honestly, Seiren and Crow can step on me any day of the god damn week)
Chibi Chibi is insanely adorable. I am honestly not a fan of small children, donā€™t want kids and always ??? at people when they try to coo and tell me how cute their munchkin is. But damn. This kid was cute. It didnā€™t feel fake sweet or like she was out of place.
I also really enjoyed the scene where the girls are trying to figure out whats up with the Lights. Minako mentions they might be chicks. Setsuna has chibi faces of them on a white board. ā€œā€¦.then theyā€™d wear mini skirts if they were scoutsā€¦ā€ A fight ensures as she tries to fuku them up, while Minako and Makoto are mortified haha
Usagi being forced to remember what happened to Mamo happened straight after Mercury and Jupiter dying, so it was very raw. I donā€™t think Venusā€™ loss really had as much of an impact. Reiā€™s did. For me, at least. Reiā€™s always been my number one girl, but her last thing she said was ā€˜sorry we couldnā€™t protect youā€™. I think it says a lot about her character, especially when most other people just said ā€˜Usagiā€™.
Usagi has a dream where everyone is alive and Mamoā€™s a chef and itā€™s all just very pure and sweet and then she wakes up and everyoneā€™s still dead Ā The scene in front of the door was sufficiently eerie. I think Usagiā€™s wavering and ChibiChibiā€™s innocence helped this scene a lot as well.
At one point after the interval, Galaxia is singing. She walks down the aisle, right next to me. HO DAMN! Even with those stupid coloured lips sheā€™s amazing! Her performance was one of the best, even when she was speaking, her expressions and pose said it all.
Kakyuuā€™s death was touching. As was the Lights. The problem with this arc is that everyone dies. Done in a weekly anime or manga, itā€™s probably more emotional, but losing 10+ characters in under three hours makes it a little less so. In saying that, I cried a couple of times lmao It was nice that there werenā€™t as many Senshi tho. This isnā€™t Oprah folks.
The scene where everyone is resurrected was great. The song was powerful, the girls looked bad ass. Wonderful. 100/10. Chibi Chibi talking to Chibi Moon was also really good. And of course, when she transformed as well. Everything about her is just stunning. Her outfit was perfect, she was perfect, 100% would cry over again.
I also really like how it discusses all the past enemies. They put up images of all the old enemies, up to Galaxia, on a sheet that came down in front of the stage. It gave it a warped feeling, and kinda made it more space like. Unlike the manga, the musical goes more into detail about who Cosmos is. Same about the whole siblings thing.
The wedding scene was really cute. Iā€™m not sure if it happened in all versions, but Minako said sheā€™d definitely get married next. Of course, Rei is the one that catches the bouquet ;;
Once everything is finished, The End comes up on the screen. They also do a montage of the previous musicals from this run. A lot of the audience was emotional. I only saw last yearā€™s and this yearā€™s live, but itā€™s super nostalgic. Afterwards, they did the usual performance stuff, mixed with songs from previous musicals as well. Yuuga was both Tuxedo Mask and King Endymion. She teases the audience so well I can't deal with her.
There was a point Yuuga came down the aisle. Yes, right next to me. We made eye contact. I squealed and leaned into my friend after she passed. The crowd was losing it. At one point a dude behind me asked his SO ā€˜ā€¦thatā€™s a dude right?ā€™ and the SO just scoffed ā€˜noā€™.
Iā€™ve always understood Yuugaā€™s appeal, but it never clicked with me personally. But nine rows from her? I get it. Even my friend, who is a as straight as an arrow, went wow a few times. God bless Yuuga.
My heartā€™s still racing <3
It would have been nice to see the Crows in their true form. And get to see more of the girls going back to their own castles and stuff, but what can you do? Considering the time frame, they got through a heck of a lot of this arc, and thereā€™s only so much they can do with budget constraints. Aichi certainly did not help in that. Iā€™m honestly not sure why they didnā€™t make tickets cheaper and just give those that had pre booked an extra bonus or something (as it is we got cute post cards)
This musical had a really nice balance of comedy and seriousness. It felt quite real. The directorship was really good. Some of the songs were repeated from earlier musicals. Considering they were some of my faves, Iā€™m not complaining.
The cast was excellent, as always. Thanks to the seats, I was able to see in so much more detail and was able to make lots of eye contact with the cast haha! Uranus completely stole my heart with her gaze <3
At one point I was signing up to buy the dvd. Unfortunately I didnā€™t ask if I could pay later (has happened other times I preorder these dvds). She didnā€™t confirm that with me either. So I filled out the form only to tell her I didnā€™t have the cash (how much money do they expect people to have on them?? Most people were spending at least 3000 on goods (many were spending more) so they expected you to have at least 20,000 ($200) on you for one musical? Thatā€™s ridiculous). She was honestly really fucking rude and basically snatched the form out of my hands and tossed it in the trash. The staff at Osaka were so much nicer.
The guys at the door were cool, and a lady was sitting in our seat. I didnā€™t want to cause a scene so we went to a staff member and asked to be guided to our seat (obviously he then mentioned the other chick was in the wrong seat). There was a surprising amount of foreigners, considering how few people were actually there ;; Someone I knew actually saw me but I didnā€™t see them haha ;;; The fans were really nice.
Except for that old fucker who felt asleep and started snoring before the interval. Fuck him. (There was a lot of old people there? Like Iā€™m talking 55+?? Why)
Anyway, as we left, walking back to the station, a lady cut in front of us. It was one of the actresses! She had track pants with an off the shoulder white shirt, which I thought was a little odd, but then I saw she still had the shoes on. Iā€™m still trying to figure out who she is. We didnā€™t approach her ā€“ she had headphones in, and kept glancing around to make sure people werenā€™t following her. Thatā€™s one reason why crowds are kicked out so quickly here ā€“ this is the third time Iā€™ve seen cast leave. Depending on the area/fame, theyā€™ll walk or taxi out of the venue, so the chance of them being spotted and harassed is pretty high. The faster the crowds are gone, the safer it is for them. In any case, I hope she enjoyed whatever she bought lol
I enjoyed it! If I lived closer Iā€™d go see it again. I heard other people say the same. My friend was surprised by how professional it was. She really enjoyed it! I recommend seeing it if you can! If not, please support it officially where possible. Also, if you have any questions feel free to ask! This isnā€™t as in depth as normal, sorry ;;
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