#it permanently changed my brain chemestry
monochrome-sunsets · 2 years
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lovetornnatasha · 1 year
thinking a bit about the authority these past months, still believe it made some permanent changes into my brain's chemestry
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 2 years
just remembered pim's last name is pimling . pim pimling . finding that out the first time changed my brain chemestry permanently
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seyvetch · 5 years
depression is commonly know by one of its most noticible factors: making people sad/not letting them to be happy. even though its effecting you a lot it isnt just the only important symptom. here some more:
draining your social interaction energy multiplying bad feelings even from the tiniest thing that go wrong preventing you from taking better care of yourself thus preventing you from recovery from depression to some degree self harm/suicidle thoughts executive dysfunction: you need to do something but you cant. just cant. changing chemestry in your brain some even permanent memmorry loss concentrainting on bad things instead of thinking of positive things and many many more
it’s not just “in my head” and being in a bad mood. it is in your head but its an illness and it effect your brain just like other illnesses can mess with your organs
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