#URGH i could yell for HOURS
monochrome-sunsets · 2 years
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wileys-russo · 8 months
the set up II l.wienroither x reader
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the set up II l.wienroither x reader
"-yeah she said she'd be here at ten but she's probably still on australian time." beth shrugged as viv gave her a look and laura frowned a little in confusion.
"that is not how it works." viv sighed with a shake of her head as her blonde girlfriend grinned with a shrug. "who will be here?" laura asked curiously, engaged in a fierce game of tug of war with myle on the sofa.
"oh my cousins coming over! the one whose been livin in australia for a couple years." beth exclaimed happily, kicking a few pairs of shoes out of the way as viv hurried to put them away in their proper place afterwards.
"oh she is back now? cool, have you seen her yet?" laura asked, hissing a little as her focus slipped and myle teethed on her hand for a moment. "no!" laura remanded firmly as the puppy watched on unfazed, launching off the sofa toward one of her toys.
"yeah she's moved back here now, living with her best mate until she can find a place of her own. we went for dinner a few days ago and caught up, she's a girl with a lot of stories." beth chuckled, the door bell cutting her off before the conversation could go any further.
myle barked and sprinted off to the door, getting under beths feet as she scooped her up and swung it open. laura wasn't able to see much still sat in the living room by herself, now suddenly wishing she'd asked before inviting herself over like she normally would.
"urgh beth! i don't know where her tongues been." you whined as your cousin held myle up allowing her to lick all over your face before viv came to save you and gently tugged the puppy away into her own arms.
"welcome back!" you grunted as your cousin quite literally jumped on top of you, stumbling a little as your knees almost buckled but you caught your footing. "i saw you a few days ago you idiot." you laughed, squeezing her before she dropped back down.
"but i didn't see you for like a year beforehand so i win!" beth stuck her tongue out as you rolled your eyes. "she's so tiny." you grinned, viv handing you myle as you cooed at the small dog, craning your head away to avoid her licking you again.
"don't avoid her kisses thats rude!" beth gasped snatching her back as you hugged viv hello. "our friend laura is here as well." the dutch woman nodded for you to follow, beth already disappearing.
laura felt herself get a little tongue tied as beth quickly introduced the two of you, and unsure how to best greet you she settled for a friendly wave and a smile which seemed to suit as you did the same and took a seat beside beth.
"your accent is all sorts of messed up we'll need to work on that if you want to be accepted as a british citizen again." beth teased as you playfully rolled your eyes, shoving her and falling into conversation.
an hour or so later beth and viv stepped out to get lunch ready, inviting both you and laura to stay as the two of you got to know each other better, finding it almost effortlessly easy to speak with one another.
"so why did you move back now?" laura asked, the subject not really having been brought up yet as you shrugged.
"australia is beautiful and the people are wonderful but its expensive to live there. and my family are all getting older and i miss seeing them as often, my friends are all getting engaged or having kids and it just felt like the right time to come home." you answered simply with a smile.
"and it would seem like the perfect time since i get to meet you!" you cooed at the small puppy sat chewing on a toy in between you and laura.
"lau's been trainin her!" beth poked her head in as you looked to the austrian impressed. "really? hope they're paying you for your services!" you grinned which she reciprocated. "i am a dog whisperer who sadly works for free." laura sighed dramatically.
"we pay you in food you're almost here now more than when you lived here laura!" beth yelled out from the kitchen. "go on, show me your skills." you smiled, tucking your legs beneath you and shuffling around a little.
"okay. myle, pang!" laura made a gun with her fingers and mimicked shooting, the small dog just looking up at her unmoving. "myle, pang!" the footballer tried again with a frown, huffing as again myle clearly didn't do as she wanted.
"myle, pang!" you hid a smile behind your hand as laura manhandled the dog, slamming her onto the sofa with a huff. "she is normally more obedient." the austrian blushed with embarrassment as viv whistled and myle leapt down and raced off to the kitchen.
"no that was brilliant, she fell down all by herself!" you teased the blonde who knocked her leg against yours with a playful glare as the two of you fell back into conversation.
"viv! look at them." beth whisper yelled to her girlfriend who raised an eyebrow but shuffled over none the less. "lau likes her!" beth grinned excitedly as vivs frown deepened. "what is not to like? i think i like her more than you." viv shrugged as beth scoffed.
"not like that. like likes her!" beth tried again as her girlfriend returned to dishing up lunch. "like likes?" the dutch questioned with an amused smile as beth rolled her eyes.
"yes! look at the way they're looking at one another. they're both single, around the same age, both could use a little somethin." beth shrugged like it was the most obvious idea ever.
"beth." viv warned with a raised eyebrow. "they would be quite cute you know, and then if they got married laura really would be part of the family!" beth grinned happily.
"no! you do not get to meddle, leave them be. if they like each other they will figure it out themselves." viv warned, pointing a pair of tongs at beth threateningly who huffed. "what those two? not a chance! all they need is a little loving push." the blonde winked and yelled out lunch was ready.
"are you coming to the match tomorrow?" laura asked curiously as the four of you sat around the dining table after lunch. "football isn't really my thing." you admitted with a shy smile as beth let out a long and overly dramatic sigh.
"yes she's the black sheep and the secret shame of the family, we actually exiled her to australia but clearly it didn't work." your cousin shook her head in disappointment.
"you do know you are sitting with three footballers, yes?" laura laughed as now you were the one to blush. "i'm not a sports person okay! thats not illegal." you rolled your eyes and sank a little deeper into your seat.
"you don't have to be a sports person to enjoy and support the womens game, terrible feminist you are." beth continued to tease as you scoffed.
"i am not! that is so unfair i don't enjoy watching any sports men or womens, equality!" you rebutted, beth and you arguing back and forth as viv nodded for laura to help her clear the table leaving you both to it.
when they returned it seemed you'd reached some sort of agreement as the conversation had shifted topics. "she's comin!" beth sang out with a victorious grin as you puffed air out of your nose and sent her a scowl.
"she bullied me into it and i'm only going in hopes of beth getting smacked in the face with the ball." you shrugged as now it was her turn to gasp and scowl. "when i'm on the return from a very serious injury? insensitive little shit you are." your cousin shook her head.
"you can sit with me and leah!" laura offered with a happy smile, frowning a little as you groaned and threw your head back. "not leah!" making your cousin laugh. "ohh yes leah, perfect idea lau!" beth grinned as you banged your head onto the table.
"what is so bad about leah?" the defender asked still a little confused. "she doesn't shut up the entire game and she mansplains everything to me like i'm a toddler!" you dragged your hands down your face as viv chuckled and patted your back.
"good! you need a 101 in proper football appreciation and education missy, and lau and lee will make sure that happens."
"yes i know! you told me that ten minutes ago leah." you sighed deeply as once again the blonde explained why the offside was called.
"im just making sure you understand! stop looking so miserable mate there's worse places you could be spending a sunday." leah pinched your cheek as you huffed and pushed her away, subconciously shuffling a little closer into laura who was sat on your other side.
"now do you see what i mean?" you whispered to the girl who let out a quiet laugh. "do you want to switch seats? i am very used to her talking." laura offered as you nodded eagerly and swapped, though leah was too busy groaning about the ref to pay much attention.
now freed from most of leahs commentary you instead found yourself much more enamoured in laura's takes on things, smiling at the way her nose scrunched up in annoyance when she disagreed with a call, or the way her eyebrows furrowed together and the tip of her tongue would push out when a pass was missed or possession taken.
"one thing i'll miss about australia is the weather." you huffed, wrapped in about five layers but still chilled to the bone as you were struggling to adjust back to the harsh realities of a frosty london winter.
"here, keep your ears warm." laura grinned, taking her her beanie off her head and tugging it onto yours, dismissing your protests with a wave of her hand and quickly changing the subject.
leah turning to lecture you about throw in etiquette was a little surprised to see laura now next to her, even more so as she noticed the way you two seemed so wrapped in your own little bubble as if you'd been friends for years.
with a raised eyebrow the blonde pulled out her phone, sending beth a message she knew wouldn't be seen until later and instead subjecting poor kim to her commentary who was sat on her other side.
by the end of the game you really could have sworn you'd known laura for years, it was near scary how comfortable you felt around her. which is why when beth offered for you to join some of the team for dinner and laura encouraged you come, you accepted.
though as you showed up to the restaurant beth had messaged, right on time, your guard was back up as you couldn't see your cousin or any of her teammates anywhere.
waiting outside in hopes everyone was just running late you breathed a little easier as laura showed up, the austrian caught a little off guard now as you pulled her into a hug which she settled into after a moment.
"no one is here?" laura frowned as you filled her in and shrugged. "beth said it was under her name maybe they are in another room or something." laura headed over to the front and gave beths name, and sure enough the hostess nodded for the two of you to follow her.
but as soon as she showed you to a table very clearly set for two, things started to make a little more sense. "oh sorry no-" laura tried to speak with the hostess but she was gone before she could say another word.
hearing your phone go you pulled it out reading the message from your cousin. "what?" laura questioned as you let out a scoff, turning your phone so she could read the message.
from; messy beffy ohhh no we got the time and the restaurant wrong....guess you and laura will just have to get dinner together instead, sorry!
"i don't understand. they forgot where we were going?" laura questioned clearly confused as you chuckled. "no, beth set us up." you sighed knowingly with a shake of your head. "she what?" lauras frown deepened a little.
"like...like a date. she's trying to set us up on a date." you explained knowing your cousin all too well, cheeks tinted slightly pink as lauras eyes widened in surprise. "oh." she stated bluntly, eyebrows shooting upward.
"but we don't have to! we can just go home, beth is just very very nosy." you assured, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. "no! we can stay, if you want to?" lauras own cheeks flushed red as you both stammered around your words before eventually taking a seat at the table.
the first half an hour was painfully awkward, both of you clearly a little unsure what this dinner actually was and not wanting to be the first to ask.
but once your food came and gave you some common ground the awkwardness began to melt away a little, both of you slipping back into a more comfortable pattern of conversation like you had before.
by the end of dinner once again it was like you'd known her for years, laughing and smiling and chatting about anything and everything as you both really got to know one another.
as you stepped away to go to the bathroom laura pounced, paying for dinner which you told her off for once you returned but your protests fell on deaf ears as she waved away all your offers to split the bill.
"what are you doing?" laura asked, seeing the uber app flash up on your phone as the two of you stepped out of the restaurant. "my best friend dropped me here but she isn't answering, i think she's asleep." you laughed with a shake of your head.
"i'll take you?" laura offered sincerely. "really? that would be great, thank you." you smiled, following her to her car.
"you can pay next time then!" laura teased as she pulled up outside your best friends house, who didn't live all too far from where you'd had dinner as you continued to berate her for paying. "you'd want to go out again?" you asked a little surprised as laura realised what she'd said.
"yes." the girl confirmed before she could overthink it, a smile settling into your features.
"good, i would too."
"do my eyes deceive me or are you here willingly and even looking like you might have enjoyed it?" leah gasped as you hovered by the barrier with a roll of your eyes, waving to viv over her shoulder who was busy trying to shake off victoria who'd jumped onto her back.
"don't get used to it williamson, i only come now you can't send me to sleep with your horrendous ongoing commentary and rules and boring chat." you teased, ducking as the taller blonde swung at you.
"please. i know the real reason you're here all too well buddy and whose name is on the back of that jersey even if you think you can hide it behind that jacket." leah smirked, ruffling your hair as your cheeks flushed bright red.
"shut up. i already get it enough from beth!" you groaned, pushing her away halfheartedly as the blonde you were really wanting to talk to started to make her way over.
"so its official then?" leah grinned happily, perking up as you shushed her. "no, we're just...enjoying our time together. now go away! go pester someone else." you rolled your eyes as leah chuckled, pulling you into a hug before racing off to catch up with lia.
"hi." you greeted with a soft smile as laura now arrived in front of you. "hello!" she beamed happily, the two of you settling into a hug which lasted a few seconds too long, neither of you really wanting to let go.
"red looks nice on you." laura poked at the arsenal home kit adoring your top half, the top she'd managed to wrestle you into this morning after you'd spent the night, placating all your whining with an abundance of sweet words and kisses.
"don't know, think i'd rather it was blue. i do really like light blue!" you teased, arsenal having just beat manchester city five to three. "sehr lustig, liebling." the austrian retorted in german making you frown.
"you promised no more german unless you tell me what it means, im still learning." you huffed with a frown. "with your very strange accent i don't think you will ever learn." laura teased with a smile, eyes flickering down to your lips for a moment.
"hey! i've been back here for weeks now, my accent is very very normal." you shook your head with a playful glare. but your conversation was interrupted as a flash of red barreled into laura, pulling her into a half hug half headlock.
"well hello lovebirds!" beth beamed, laura pushing her off with a roll of her eyes. "go away bethany." you sighed, but hugging her none the less. "where did you get this then! a football fan finally, i'll make sure you start to get invited to the family functions again." beth grinned tugging at laura's jersey on your person as you flipped her off and smacked away her hands.
"i'll pretend it says mead on the back then, shall i?"
"come on tiny tank lift with your legs! you've got two good knees now, no excuses." you teased the blonde who shot you a glare, dropping down the boxes in her arms with the rest of the pile and collapsing onto your sofa.
"is that everything now?" the girl groaned, hand covering her face tiredly as her body shone with a slight sheen of sweat and you closed your front door, gently placing down the box of kitchenware on the dining table.
"everything for today!" you announced, rounding the sofa and collapsing on top of laura who grunted. "stop pouting! you're my girlfriend lau its part of the job to help me move." you teased, shuffling back to push yourself up on your arms.
"if i knew that i would not have asked you." laura sighed, squealing as you pinched her sides for the comment. "would you rather we go back to sneaking about with my roommates around all the time?" you quirked an eyebrow.
"oh god no, they are more nosy than beth." laura groaned, hands sneaking up the back of your top and pulling you to lay back against her.
"don't you mean cupid!" you rolled your eyes, both of you constantly subjected to your cousins endless boasting that without her you'd never have gotten together.
which might have been partially true but you weren't going to give her the satisfaction of agreeing with it.
now finally settled back into london you'd secured a new job and an apartment all of your own. you and laura had only been seeing one another officially for about eight weeks so you'd both agreed it was too soon to move in together.
"you know even though you're my girlfriend maybe i should pay you for all your hard labour today baby." you sighed, lazily kissing her jaw as she perked up a little. "i think that is what is fair schatz." laura agreed with an eager nod and a smile.
"for building the sofa." you softly kissed one side of her neck as she squeezed your hips. "for helping me carry the fridge." you moved your lips to show the other side of her neck a little attention.
"for walking up and down all those stairs." you sighed, kissing the corner of her mouth. "for carrying all those heavy heavy boxes." you drawled sarcastically with a pout, kissing the other corner of her mouth, purposefully missing where she really wanted you.
"and for being the best girlfriend ever." laura smirked, tapping her lips expectantly as you raised an eyebrow. with a playful roll of your eyes you leant in but stopped, lips ghosting hers with a smile.
"the best girlfriend ever deserves dinner cooked for her." you whispered, pecking her lips quickly and trying to stand but before you could even push yourself up laura had easily flipped your positions now hovering over you.
"lau!" you laughed as she interlaced her fingers with yours and pressed them into the sofa, hazel eyes ablaze with adoration as she stared down at you, lips curled into a smile before she pressed them eagerly against yours.
you melted into the kiss with a small sigh of pleasure, hands cupping the back of her neck as she let you up, hers tangled in your hair.
the defender shifted a little on top of you before deepening the kiss, her tongue flicking against the roof of your mouth before she pulled away, teeth tugging at your bottom lip teasingly.
"i think as the best girlfriend, furniture builder, footballer and mover ever i should get to choose my own reward liebling."
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ranhaitanisgf · 9 months
hi hana! congrats on 2k followers once again and if it’s not too much of a bother, i’d like to have a mikey fluff/crack “oblivious best friends” & “stuck together” scenario/hc (whichever works for you) where it was after school hours and everyone in toman is looking for mikey ☺️ i really hope this combination is something new skjdjsjss thank you in advance!! 💕
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—manjiro [mikey] sano // oblivious best friends // stuck together
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☆ ˎˊ˗ KATIEEE hiiii im sryyy i took sooooo long for this my disappearance from tumblr messed things up 😔 idk how i did on this tbh !! i hope youve been doing well !! and also ur idea was so cutee wahh i hope i did it justice !! xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ gn!reader
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 1.5k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“how long are we gonna stay here?” the boy in front of you hummed, thinking for a moment as he swirled the lollipop in his mouth. 
“until they find us.” you sighed at him, leaning your head back against the wall. you could hear rapid footsteps in the hallway, people running around yelling mikey’s name, unaware of the fact that he was sitting in the classroom they just passed by. 
he hadn’t given you much explanation when he grabbed you and pulled you into the classroom, though you think you have a basic idea of what was going on; all you could say was, it was very mikey.
“so, what exactly is the point in hiding from everyone?” 
“it’s funny!” he grinned, crunching down on his lollipop. “but also ‘cause the doors in this classroom are broken; they only open from the outside, so i’ve been waiting for someone to come by and open them from the outside.”
“huh?! why’d you drag me in here then? wait, how did you even do that?” 
“i dunno, but i just saw you and it was boring here by myself.” he shrugged, not seeming to think it was a big deal. “aaand you’ve skipped out on the last couple of meetings, so i missed you.” he pouted, a childish look on his face. “where were you?!” 
“mikey, i told you weeks ago that i would be busy studying for exams…don’t you remember?” you sighed. “i even texted you before all the meetings that i wouldn’t be coming!” 
“whatever.” mikey said flippantly, the same pout still on his face. “you owe me snacks for not showing up.” 
“okay, okay, just stop making that face.” you said, pulling at mikey’s cheeks. “you’re making me look like a bad person.”
“oi, stahppp, it hurtsss!” he grumbled. you eventually relented, sighing as you looked around the classroom. 
“even being here with someone else is boring. can’t we just leave and go get food?” 
“but i’m testing them! they have to know how to find their leader!” mikey insisted, crossing his arms. 
“but you’re literally hiding from them on purpose. how are they supposed to find you?” 
“they can figure that out themselves!” 
“right…” you answered, giving up on trying to make him see reason. you really were hungry; you hadn’t eaten since you had that milk bread from lunch, which wasn’t a whole lot of food. “if you’re insisting on keeping us here, then you’re gonna pay for my meal after this.” 
“ken-chin will pay for it, but okay!” 
“no, you’re going to pay for it. i don’t care if you’re broke; you deserve to have no money for keeping me here.” 
“hey, that’s so mean!” 
“yeah, and you’re being mean right now by not letting us go so i can eat. i ought to just-” you stood up from where the two of you were sitting to avoid being seen, “-let them see me and then tell them where you are!” mikey’s eyes widened, motioning for you to sit back down, but you stood firm, not moving from your spot. 
“oi, sit down! they have to find me on their own!” 
“no! this is ridiculous! i’m hungry and i shouldn’t have to be kept at school any longer-agh!” while you were talking, mikey grabbed your hand, pulling you down with a surprising amount of strength, making you lose your balance and topple over. 
“urgh, what the hell-...” you suddenly cut off your words when you realized the position you were in. 
because mikey had been sitting right next to your standing form, you had fallen right on top of him, the space between your faces being very small as the two of you stared at each other. the space between your bodies was even less, and you swore that he could feel your quickening heartbeat from how close the two of you were, (you didn’t even want to think about how you could feel the warmth from his body right now). 
you knew that you should probably be clambering off of him right now and bonking him on the head for pulling you down so hard, but for some reason, your body was frozen, not knowing what to do. on the one hand, you knew you probably shouldn’t be staying here for so long, but on the other hand, you wanted him to do or say something, anything, to make you think that he wasn’t just an oblivious teenage boy, (how could he have not noticed your feelings this whole time?!)
“(y/n)...” he whispered, his breath fanning against your cheeks due to your close proximity. 
“can you get off? you’re kinda heavy.” at his words, you immediately scrambled off of him, your heart beating a million beats per minute, this time due to embarrassment. as soon as he got up, you slapped the back of his head, making him yell a loud ‘ow!’. 
“that’s what you get for pulling me so hard, asshole! i don’t get why you’re so adamant about staying here!” you yelled, feeling more shame and embarrassment than anger. you leaned your head back against the wall, wondering why you thought that anything would be different this time. 
it’s not normal for best friends to have feelings for each other, so why were you mad at him? 
this time, you felt the silence between the two of you to be unbearable, almost enough to make you scream with frustration. you didn’t though, instead choosing to just have your own internal monologue until you could make it out of the classroom. 
“(y/n)-chan? what’s wrong?” 
“nothing, i’m just tired as fuck. wake me up when we get found or whatever.” you murmured, laying down on the floor, not caring about the dust and first getting on your uniform. maybe if you laid down like this, the earth would swallow you up and save you from this embarrassment. 
you weren’t sure how much time passed like that, though you were sure that the silence filled the room for quite a while, only being interrupted by draken and takemichi’s yells in the hallway. suddenly, you heard some shuffling, wondering if maybe mikey was going to give up and let the two of you finally be found. 
you’d already gone too long pretending to be asleep, so even though you wanted to see what mikey was doing, you didn’t make a peep even when you could feel him getting closer to you. 
what is he doing? 
your question was answered just a moment later when you felt his hand on your cheek, brushing some of your hair out of your face, (you were hoping that your cheeks weren’t getting flushed right about now). 
“hm, i was able to hold back this time, but you really test me sometimes, (y/n).” after that, you felt his hand pull away, leaving you in much more confusion than before. what in the world was he talking about? 
a few minutes later, you heard him opening the window to the classroom, yelling for draken. when he arrived, he started chewing mikey out for disappearing for so long, which was when you decided to ‘wake up’. 
“hmm, you finally decided to give up that little stunt, mikey?” you asked, standing up and rubbing your eyes to make it seem like you were actually sleeping. “took you long enough.” 
“it got more boring sitting there since you fell asleep.” mikey answered, shrugging his shoulders. he kept the same lighthearted expression on his face as he started to get another earful from draken.
“you did this on purpose?! we’ve got stuff to do!!” he yelled, his face twisted in frustration. “it’s been a whole goddamn hour!!” 
“sorry, sorry.” 
you walked away from the two over to the door, trying to open it just to see. much to your surprise, it opened up, not showing any sign of the locked issue that mikey had claimed it’d had earlier. 
when you looked over at him, all he did was shrug, a smug smirk on his face. 
“you little shit! it was open this whole time?! i’m gonna actually kill you this time!!” you yelled, running at mikey. he swiftly dodged you and went out the door behind you, running into the hallway to get away from you. 
“catch me if you can!!” you heard him tease in the distance, fueling your anger even more. 
“when i catch you, it’s so over for you!!” you shouted, sprinting out of the classroom after him. 
as you chased him, he looked back at you, laughing and saying something that you couldn’t catch. despite the fact that you were acting so mad at him right now, you couldn’t help but admire how the light from the sunset reflected off of his skin, highlighting his playful smile and blonde locks bouncing in the air. 
you supposed that this was fine, for now. 
(mikey ended up paying for your entire meal out of his own pocket, leaving him with 200 yen to his name).
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Peace of mind // Miguel O'Hara
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Pairing: Miguel O'hara x female reader
Summary: After a long day of tending to the multiverse, Miguel goes to you for some comfort.
Warnings: swearing.
Tags : fluff. That's it.
Words: 733.
A/N: Inspired by @/the-cat-and-the-birdie's post about Miguel's cooking.
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You blindly reach inside the bag of chips on your desk without taking your eyes off your computer screen, grab one and eat it. Tonight’s your weekly online meeting with your friends on your favourite online game. You can’t afford to miss a single kill. You have your noise cancelling headphones on and are completely occupied by the things your companions are yelling are at each other and where your aim is.
It’s probably why, despite your usually sharp instincts, you don’t hear the interdimensional portal who opens in your living room. You don’t notice the imposing – yet looking like he’s buckling under an invisible weight – man in a faintly glowing suit who crosses it. You don’t spot him either when he gets behind you.
However you certainly can’t ignore his presence when he bends over your chair, closes his arms around you and lets his forehead fall on your shoulder.
“FUCK! Miguel! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!” you shout in shock.
He mumbles something unintelligible, his mouth pressed to your back. Your surprise has been clearly noticed by your friends as they don’t miss the opportunity to tease you for it. You grumble and mute your microphone.
You ruffle Miguel’s hair, taking the opportunity to mess it up a bit.
“So? Did something happen?”
He sighs and his warm breath tickles your skin.
“Can you please…?” He starts, but never finishes.
You’re still playing your game, but way more casually, and even though you’re pretending to still be busy, you’re actually taking in Miguel’s every word.
“You know…”
“No, I don’t. Still can’t read your thoughts.”
There’s a part of you that finds this way of speech endearing but there’s an even bigger part of you that enjoys making Miguel works for it.
“…lay down with me for a bit?”
You pat his head in congratulations.
“There we go! Knew you could do it!”
“Stop it.”
He grunts. You turn your mic back on.
“Alright, game’s over for today. See you later”, you announce before logging off and taking off your headphone.
“Can you have a look at the code I wrote for Gizmo n° 564 before we do that?” you ask.
You pull up said code on your screen. Miguel doesn’t raise his head.
“It’s great”, he says.
“You didn’t even look at it”, you retort, slightly annoyed.
“I don’t need to.” He replies with that unsufferable indubitable arrogance of his.
“Oh really now?”
Your voice is dripping with sarcasm.
“You made it so it’s good.”
You roll your eyes but you can’t help being moved.
“I think I prefer when you’re brutally honest.” You mumble to yourself. “Did you eat today?”
His stomach grumbles loud enough for both of you to hear, effectively stopping him from bullshitting you. You chuckle.
“Should I order food?”
He grunts something that you know means no.
“Oh so you want my cooking? I’m so flattered”, you laugh, the both of you pertinently knowing that while he’s great at cooking, you… are not.
He finally gets up.
“Just do as I say.”
You get up, give him the chips from your desk, and head to the kitchen. Since your relationship with Miguel got more serious, aka him crashing at your place whenever he felt like it, there is always tortillas, sour cream and salsa verde in your fridge. You stop halfway realizing Miguel isn’t following and remember he moves like a zombie in this kind of situation, the situation being “I just spent 24 hours non-stop monitoring the multiverse without eating nor sleeping so now I am on the cusp of a breakdown”.  You turn back to grab his hand and bring him with you.
He leans against the counter as you take out of the fridge and cupboards what you need. You put on some music and make conversation as you tackle your tasks. Once you’re both fed, you go lay down with him on your bed. You hug him against your chest, delicately stroking his hair. He closes his eyes and looks relaxed for the first time since he arrived. You feel his chest raising and decreasing and listen to his steady breathing while contemplating your ceiling. When you know for certain that he’s deeply asleep, you get up as discreetly as you can, leave a kiss on his forehead and go back to your nightly occupations.
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ravenclawfromohio · 2 years
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Sneaking Around (Bill Weasley)
You and Bill have been together for a while now, but still, sneaking into each other’s rooms is never easy.
I cringe as the stair creaks under my weight.
After a few seconds and no movement, I deem it safe to open one eye. Then another.
Quietly, and even more carefully now, I make my way up the stairs of the burrow until I come to the 2nd to last floor.
Above me lies the attic, and I can just make out the sounds of Ron snoring through the thin walls.
God bless you Harry, I think to myself. I can’t imagine having to fall asleep listening to all that ruckus.
The door lets out a little creak even as I attempt to open it as gently as possible.
It’s like entering a blast from the past. Vintage posters line the walls. In the corner stands an old dresser, and in the center of the room, underneath the only window, lies a small twin bed. A red checkers blanket lies rumpled, the lump in the bed moving upon hearing my entrance.
Bill peeks out from underneath the comforter, then moves up, allowing the blanket to fall lower, exposing his well-toned abs to me.
He leans back on one hand, the other coming up to rub his eyes.
I move closer, sharing a secret smile with him as he scoots back and lifts the blanket. It’s a quiet invitation that I have no qualm in taking.
‘Well this is a nice surprise,’ he whispers, pecking my temple affectionately. ‘I didn’t expect for you to take my suggestions so literally.’
I take my time answering, instead choosing to meet him halfway in a kiss as my hands massage down his chest.
‘And are you mad about it?’
‘Mad? How could I be mad?’
I chuckle softly as he moves to kiss down my neck, starting at my ear and stopping just short of my collarbone.
But we freeze when a loud thump sounds from below.
Images flash through my head. Visions of a screeching Molly Weasley coming at me in her nightgown, wielding a ladle and going on and on about propriety.
It feels like hours, but could really only be seconds, as we wait with bated breath. Then, we both deflate, the tension seeping from our bones as our strained ears are met with nothing but silence.
Then we settle down. The night is full of barely-there kisses, soft touches, and gentle caresses of any visible skin.
That's how I fall asleep, snuggled so close I'm nearly on top of him, his scent invading my nose from where my head's tucked securely in the nape of his neck.
‘Well, well, well, what do we have here?’
The voices are identical, and I groan as I blink blearily at them.
The twins.
Urgh. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wonder why exactly it is they’ve chosen to bother me so early in the morning.
That is until the pillow I’m lying on moves, and the arm slung over my waist tights, forcing me to snuggle further into Bill’s warm body. Bill’s warm body?
I shoot up at the realization, smacking Bill awake and snatching the blanket up to cover me in the process.
He shoots up behind me, hands coming to rest on my waist as he shoots daggers at his brothers.
‘Who let you two in here? And where the hell’s Charlie? He was supposed to watch the door.’
Charlie suddenly appears at the door, out of breath and panting.
‘Sorry guys, I tried, I really did.’
‘So,’ one of the twins starts, drawing out the word as he wriggles his eyebrows at me.
‘How long has this been going on?’
‘Just started,’ I say, at the same time Bill says ‘two years.’
‘Two years!’ The twins ask, jaws dropping. ‘But you were still in Hogwarts then?’
‘No, that’s great. We’re happy for you guys.’
They turn as another shriek from Molly bellows up from the kitchen below.
‘Can’t believe Bill’s secret is that he’s been sneaking girls into his room.’
‘Oi,’ Bill yells, throwing a baseball hat at the twins as they duck for cover.
‘It’s only one girl!’
Click here to send in a request!
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natsaffection · 2 years
Hello baby, are u good? i saw someone requestin “prof nat x student reader” and i LOVE IT. For real, pls do it.
BUT i also love prof nat x prof reader, could you pls do that too? Like they both teach diferent languages in the same school and nat is super rough and feared by the students, and r is the cool teacher everyone loves, so they keep flirting at work and its cute and funny??
I would really love to see that please my love 🫶
A/n: Okay, so first of all, HELLOUUU IM SORRY FOR NOT POSTING ANYTHINGG 🏃🏻‍♀️ Second. I’m blushing, blushing and blushing. Too many “pet”names in this request, urgh 🫣🥸
Also, it was fun to write something in my first language, soo🌚 Have funnnn
warnings: a little anxious student, flirting, mention of oral
Word count: 1045
pairing: Teacher!Natasha x Teacher!Reader
It was fifth period today and everything went according to plan. You were well on time and the students were doing perfectly as well. That's what convinced you to become a teacher. To give your knowledge to the next generation and do something good. 
You used to hate school, though. But later you found out that it was simply because of the teachers. What's the point of yelling at students and giving them bad grades if they have a bad day? After all, they are not machines, they are human beings...
And that's what brought you forward. You wanted to be a great role model to your students. A person to talk to when things went wrong in life. And they could do that with you. Your students were grateful that they had you in this particular subject. 
Many have the mindset that it is one of the most difficult languages in the world. For you, it was relatively okay to speak and especially to learn. You had good prospects.
It was near the end of class when you noticed a student of yours couldn't stop wiggling her legs under the table. You panicked that it was your stuff and saved for yourself to talk to the person about it at the end, and when the time came, you did,
"Hey Sarah, do you have a minute?" The girl stopped and looked frantically at the clock hanging on the wall. "S-Shure!" She walked up, and you addressed it, "So..is something too heavy for you?" The girl could barely hold focus as she kept looking at her watch, "It's not really! I Just..I.." You notice, "Am I keeping you up? Are you about to write a exam?" The girl became more nervous, "N-No..I just have to go, you know?" She said quickly,
"What class do you have now?"
"Russian..." Ah, there it is. It was generally a mystery to you why you would pack two languages after each other. But it wasn't that. You knew who the person teaching Russian was, and you had a suspicion.
"Is it because Ms. Romanoff has the class?" You see an eye movement, "Yes..."
"Does she scare you?" She looks down, "Not scared, just...She's so strict...The complete opposite part of you..." You continue to look at her and realize she's not the first to say that about Natasha. However, you couldn't understand it since you only know her soft and caring.
"I'm sure things will be different today, really." Heh, and you know why too..
"Really?" You notice how her demeanor got better, and she stands up straight, "Yes and now let's go, it's almost time after all." The girl smiled and headed off, "Thanks Y/n!"
You sat down, appeased and went through the next few hours. When you were done and the end of the day knocked on the door, you make your way to your colleague. The bell rang for the end of class and you walked in. You immediately noticed the change in atmosphere,
"And don't forget the homework until next week, I don't want to have to tell you everything again, so do it thoroughly!"
Okay wow..you knew Natasha could get a little stubborn sometimes, but like this? You stopped at the door and saw the expressions on the students' faces. Most of them had their eyes on the floor as they walked past Natasha. Then, when everyone was outside, you close the door and Natasha looked to you, "Oh, hey Kotenok, How long have you been here?" You cross your arms and lean against the door frame, "A while..What was today's topic?" Natasha sits down at her table, "General debate...Only some get it right, the others don't." You hear that she was annoyed by this, "I just don't get it! Why do people sign up for classes and do nothing?"
You drop your arms and go to her, "Maybe it's not them but you..." Any other person would be headless right now, "Oh yeah, and why do you think that Detka, hmm?" You sit down on her lap, "I don't know, you think I'm great..." Natasha looked up at you, "You can only think you're great too..."
"Ha..ha, stop it. Now let's be honest, I had a conversation with a student of yours earlier and she was totally intimidated by you!" Natasha sat back, "Sarah, right? So that's why she was late. I think, Ms. L/n, you're a bad role model." That made you laugh,
"Me? A bad role model? Who doesn't want to tell the kids about the stuff a second time?" You look at her table to see what it is in detail, "Перестань смотреть на мою работу, милая.” (stop looking at my work, sweet.)
You look back at her, "Is it weird if I say I think it's hot when you talk to me in Russian? Weil ich kann das auch.” (Because I can do that too) Natasha had to restrain herself from jumping on you right away, "Fuck, that sounds so evil coming from you..." You lean closer to her, "Well..you know what else can come out of me?" 
"Oh hoh, Y/n you dirty girl..The exemplary one wants to be taken in a classroom, huh? Sorry to disappoint you there." She averts her gaze from you and is now sorting through the sheets on her desk, "I have work to do." You put a hand over hers, stand up and kneeling down.
"We can do that later..."
Before you could put your plan into action, though, Steve walked in. You pretend you dropped something and stand up. However, Steve knew what was going on, "I'm just going to ignore what I saw." You had to stifle a laugh and Natasha simply asked, "What do you think you saw, Rogers?" He walked up to the two of you, "Too much. Here, one of your students left this with me in the hall." He put a list on the table. Natasha looked at it for a moment and then back at him. The situation was relatively awkward..For all of you. "Soo?"
"It's okay, I'm going, god..." You both look as he goes to the door and before he closes it, looks at you again, "Have f-fun..." And the door closed.
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margowritesthings · 1 year
Te Beroya: II
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pairing: Mandalorian!Arthur Morgan x reader crossover: Star Wars x Red Dead Redemption prompt: 48. “For someone who acts like they hate me, you sure find a way to get me alone a lot.” + 52. “Just because you're pretty, it doesn't mean you can just get away with anything." / "You think I'm pretty?" + 56. “I-I don’t know if I want to yell at you or fuck you.” + 89. “Be careful, sweetheart. Do you really think that's a good idea?” + 90. “You’re playing a dangerous game, girl" word count: 3719 words warnings: sexual innuendos, star wars swears, brief mentions of trauma from readers past authors note: it's here! One last little chapter before I go into full moving mode. Not sure when the next one will be, but Im workin on it!! I love these two crazies, Im not gonna lie. And yes, I went toally ham on that prompt list, but its the best. As always reblogs/likes are appreciated, and if you wanna be tagged in the rest of the series let me know!!
beta read by @cowboydisaster, divider by @saradika
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The look shared between you and the 10 foot tall bantha says more than words ever could. 
“I am not riding all the way to Mos Espa on a bantha.” You announce, going on instinct to fold your arms in defiance across your chest, before realising your hands are bound. It frustrates you even more and you huff, one more mishap away from stamping your foot like a child.
Arthur seems unphased by your tantrum. Amused, even. 
“Well, you got two choices, Princess. You can ride up there with me, or I’m sure Boadicea here will gladly drag you along behind…” You roll your eyes, sighing in great defeat, hating that you’ve lost so much control of this situation so quickly. And of course he’s named the damn bantha. 
“Your ‘choices’ suck, you know that? It’s not a choice if one of the options is death or getting dragged across the Dune sea by my broken limbs.” 
Maker help him, he laughs, taking that as answer enough and hoisting himself up onto the saddle by the stirrups. You watch on, unimpressed, as he places his helmet back on and it hisses quietly.  He extends a hand out to help you up and shuffles back in his seat.
When you figure out how exactly this is going to work, you feel your throat dry up, more so than it already is from 18 hours exposed to the elements of the desert. He wants you in front of him, where your back will surely press up against his chest, literally caging you in with those huge arms to keep his hands on the reins. All that contact… 
“No way. We’re not gonna both fit on there.” You shake your head, taking a step backwards. Arthur doesn’t flinch, knowing if you ran now you’d be dead in days, especially with those cuffs on.
“You shoulda’ thought about that before you tried to knock me out and run away, little mouse.” 
Anxiety bounces around your frame at the idea. Ever since that night, the one that changed everything, you hate being touched by others, especially in such close proximity. But what choice do you have? It’s getting hot, and you’re not sure you’d survive a trek across the desert on your feet… Plus, possibly more terrifying than death by sand, he was just touching you everywhere, during your fight. And somehow, you didn’t hate it. It wasn’t like every other time you’ve been touched… The feel of his hard body covering the length of you, his bulge prodding firmly against your thigh as he pinned your wrists down deep into the sand… 
You’re getting distracted. 
“Urgh. Fine. But don’t get any ideas, beroya.” You lift your wrists, letting him grab your hands to help you mount Boadicea. When you swing your leg around, it settles you into the saddle, up close and personal with your captor. His hard chest presses firmly against your back, thighs around yours and crotch in serious danger of grinding up against your ass with each step the bantha makes. You think back to the fight, expecting to regret it, but instead find yourself trying awfully hard not to think about how thrilling it was to have a big, bad bounty hunter on top of you like that…
Maker, what has gotten into you?!
Well… nothing. Maybe that’s the problem… you swore yourself away from all of that after you were shown just how cruel the Galaxy can be, all too focused on the plight of survival once you became such a high value target. But now… well, it’s clearly messing with your head, because there is no way in hell you should be thinking about the hard-on of the man destined to be your end… You make a mental note to get laid once this is over… If this is over. 
When Arthur clicks the reins and Boadicea the bantha starts to walk, you clamp your jaw shut and your breaths come out as sighs, in an attempt to show him just how furious you are at this turn of events. The grinding of your teeth is all part of the act, you tell yourself, and not at all a method of distracting yourself from the ripple of muscle you feel pressed flush against your back. You can feel him breathe, could swear you can feel a soft thrum of his heart as the scent of campfires and cigarettes infiltrates your senses. He’s all consuming, in the most infuriating ways, shuffling logic right out of your mind. 
There’s a tension in the tiny gap between you, one that spikes every time Boadicea moves in a way that presses your ass further up against Arthur’s crotch and you’re sure his breath hitches at each point of contact.
“So-” He starts, his voice sounding almost strangled, “How’s a pretty little thing like you end up on the Outer Rim’s Most Wanted list?”
Ah, perfect. Small talk about life’s greatest traumas to distract you from the fact you now know your captor has the biggest dick in the Galaxy. Unlucky for Arthur, you’re not exactly in a sharing mood, so deflection it is.
“Sorry, beroya, the tragic backstory package is locked behind a level of friendship unattainable to the likes of you.” As an added effect, you move your wrists around so the metal of the cuffs clinks against your belt. A reminder of the situation, if you will. 
“Aw, shucks, and here I was thinkin’ you liked me.” He’s all bravado, slapping his thigh comically. You don’t laugh. “Well, just so you know…” He leans closer, and his breath tickles the back of your ear sending a shiver all the way down your spine, “I don’t like you either, princess.” 
Now that does draw a smirk from you. Ugly words are one thing, but biology doesn’t lie, and Arthur’s is screaming the very opposite. You adjust yourself in the saddle again, feeling that very compelling evidence to the contrary rubbing against your flesh.
“Coulda’ fooled me, cowboy.” 
Being situated in front of him, you don’t see Arthur’s hand coming, don’t realise whats happening until gloved fingers wrap around your neck, thumb and forefinger pressing firmly against the pulse points on your throat. You gasp just in time to capture just enough breath for the Mandalorian to trap in your lungs. He’s so close you feel the cool metal of his helmet against your skin, the way he’s holding you forcing you to crane your neck back into him.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, pretty girl. Be careful, mesh’la. Do you really think that’s a good idea?” His warning is growled into your ear, slightly gravelly through the helmet, and you swear you’ve never felt a heat burn so fiercely everywhere. Fuck, the way he’s holding you is possessive, wanting… It ignites a very dangerous flame you’d rather not address, but the way you squirm, that little whimper that escapes your parted lips, says everything that you’d never admit aloud.
You couldn’t even if you wanted to, especially when he squeezes just that bit tighter and you feel your heart beating in your flushed cheeks. A witty retort would be just in character, but words fail you as your binded hands attempt to scratch uselessly through the leather of his thick gloves. Boadicea continues her trek, unaware that you’re all but soaking the poor girls saddle through.
“Just cause you’re pretty, doesn’t mean you can get away with just anything. Not with me, sweetheart.” You hear every rasp in his voice, the years he’s lived and fought branding it like scars. When he relinquishes the pressure, just a little, the blood rushes back into your face and you know it’s your turn to talk. He’s expecting obedience, and you’ll be damned if you comply, even if he holds your lifeforce between his thumb and forefinger. 
“You… You think I’m pretty? Gee, Arthur, I don’t think you’re supposed to-” He doesn’t let you finish, the frustration at you manifesting into another soul quaking growl as he squeezes harder.
“Do you really think that behaving like that is going to get you want you want, you little brat?” 
…Kriff. You’ve been labelled as difficult before, but never in a way that leaves you panting like this. Fuck, this is not how it’s supposed to go. He’s going to have you killed, and yet your panties are soaking through. You’re losing the last scraps of power you once clung to so vehemently… but Maker does it feel good…
“Listen here, Princess. I ain’t blind, alright? You’re a pretty girl. But I ain’t stupid, either. Half the time I can’t tell if I wanna kill you or fuck you, but that don’t mean shit, cause ever since I got those binders on you, you’ve been mine, alright? So shut that pretty little mouth of yours before I shut it for you. Now, are you gonna behave for me? Or am I gonna have to force you?”
The defiance that blazed in your eyes dies there, your mouth opening and closing pathetically as you fail to find something to say. All you can do is nod, the small movements he’ll allow of you, at least. 
“Good girl.”
You gasp out for the dry air of the desert, and it feels like being washed under a stream after the longest drought. Your fingers rub over the reddened skin of your neck, easing the ache just slightly. 
Arthur grabs the reins again, smacking them lightly to speed Boadicea up. 
You say nothing, trying desperately to extinguish whatever the hell is happening between your legs.
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Half the time I can’t tell if I wanna kill you or fuck you.
I can’t tell if I wanna kill you or fuck you.
…kill you or fuck you
The words swim around your mind for the next few hours of the silent, torturous ride. The desert air is hot, but you’d rather marry a wookie than ask for the water your throat is crying out for. The tension between you and Arthur hasn’t dwindled for a second, and you’re putting more blame on that than the suns beating down on you relentlessly for your flustered state. The only relief you get is from knowing its just as hard for Arthur… literally. Knowing he’s just as uncomfortable, all thanks to you, is all the consolation you need. 
The skies are starting to cast an orange glow across your skin as the suns both begin to reach the horizon. You’re not too far out from Mos Espa now, but Boadicea is slowing significantly, and you can tell she’s ready for a break, so it doesn’t surprise you when Arthur swings his thigh from around you to dismount. He leaves you sitting there for a moment while he pulls off his helmet, hanging it next to the saddlebag that he pulls an oat cake out of for Boadicea . 
“There, there, good girl…” he coos to her, patting her thick fur. His words of praise bring you right back to when he said that to you, and it infuriates and arouses you in equal amounts to remember the moment. You hate yourself for it. It’s a vicious cycle that leaves you dizzy. 
Eventually, after petting the only woman you’re sure Arthur Morgan will ever love, he returns to you, holding out a hand to help you down,
“M’lady.” He nods sarcastically and you roll your eyes, making a point to slide off the saddle without his help, landing less than gracefully and taking a second to steady yourself. Arthur shakes his head as he watches you, before turning back to the saddle bag and pulling out a variety of things you’ll need to camp. 
“We’re stopping here?” You ask, voice a little hoarse from the dehydration and protestful lack of speech. Looking around, you can’t see anything but sand. You’re less than enthusiastic about a night here, alone with him, but you’re not exactly the one making the decisions here.
“Well, unfortunately for us, your highness, the palace was booked full, and we’re in the middle of the Dune Sea.” He explains while he starts to unroll the singular bedroll. You sit down in the sand, crossing your legs beneath you with a childish pout on your lips. Oh, how you wish you could get these damn binders off. They’re so uncomfortable, and it’s been hours. 
Arthur gathers enough dry wood from around the area to build a decent fire, dusting the sand away and setting them up like he’s done this a thousand times over. You know the feeling, so long ago forced out from your home and set on the run for the remainder of this lonely life. It makes you wonder if Arthur has a home of his own, a family. Watching him as intently as you are, seeing those tired eyes… somehow you know he doesn’t. Maybe once, maybe in a different life… but you know the look of loneliness well, you see her every time you come face to face with a mirror, and he embodies it. As sad as it is, it makes sense. A loving family man just wouldn’t be cut out for this kind of life.
There’s only one sun left now, the skies above a stunning gradient from orange to purple, all the way to the inky blues on the other side of the horizon. It takes Arthur no time at all to have the fire going, positioning his bedroll out next to it. He gestures for you to sit on it, but you’re stubbornly deciding the sand a few feet away would be better. Arthur snorts,
“Suit yourself.”
He returns one last time to the saddle bag, pulling out some cans, a flask, and a pouch of something wrapped in cloth. By the time he sits beside the fire, it’s roaring
“Hungry?” He asks, extending an arm to offer you the flask. A hesitation, while you decide if you’d rather kill your pride or die of hunger and thirst. It’s a tough choice, but you eventually nod and take the flask in both hands. It takes you a second to figure out how to open it with bound hands, and Arthur seems to take great joy in your attempts, until you manage to squish the flask between your knees and twist the cap off. It takes a lot of restraint to not gulp the whole thing down when that first drop hits your tongue, but both of you still have a ways to go before your destination, so you don’t. The pass back is reluctant, as is the tiny ‘thank you’ you mutter under your breath.
“Oh, look at you, princess, finding your manners.” He takes a sip of his own, starting to unwrap the little parcel to reveal some slices of meat and pulling a knife from his holster to crack the tins open. Part of you wants to prove his point, to growl at him and fight back, but you’re pretty damn hungry, so you stay quiet, silently plotting another escape.
As Arthur starts to work on the food, pouring beans into a little metal pot, he glances at you, finding amusement in your tantrum. 
“You gonna come join me for some food or keep sulkin’? Either way’s fine by me, I’ll have your extras if you don’t want ‘em.” It doesn’t take very long at all for the beans to cook when he holds them over the flame, the aroma reaching your nostrils soon enough. Even for just beans, it smells good, probably cause you haven’t eaten since back in the Cantina, which feels like 3 lifetimes ago right now. Your stomach grumbles pointedly, and you’re forced to swallow your pride and gracefully stand, stomping sand everywhere as you sit right on the edge of the bedroll, as far away from Arthur (by mere inches) as possible.
He raises a taunting brow, “For someone who acts like they hate me, you sure do find ways to get real close to me.” Line thrown, hook absolutely smothered in bait.
The fury in your eyes gives the campfire a run for its credits, “Well if that isn’t the Quacta  calling the Stifling slimy- you’ve been all over me since the Cantina, rubbing your cock against my ass for the last day!”
You know the victory is Arthur’s with the way he smirks at your outburst, like winding you up is his favourite pastime. He’s holding back a laugh, you can tell because his crows feet crease deeper and his lip twitches. Hook, line and sinker. 
There’s a pause, surely being spent figuring out how else to annoy you, before Arthur picks up a slice of the jerky he brought and offers it to you, “...Want some meat?” 
… You’re going to kill him in his sleep. 
Too hungry to refuse, you snatch it off him and take an aggressive bite, the eye contact you’re shooting lasers with never breaking. Maybe it’s the hunger talking, but it tastes so good you almost moan. Almost, though your furious facade might have broken for just a moment. He’s waiting for gratitude, but you have other ideas. 
“I’m not fucking you.” You announce, so out of the blue that Arthur almost chokes on his meat. Now that’d be a sight to see…
“You said you didn’t know whether to kill me or fuck me,” You explain, I’m just telling you ya’ ain’t got chance of either.” 
The offended guffaw you’re after never comes, in its place a look so intense you feel flames lick at your toes and travel up between your thighs. 
“Listen, mesh’la,” He growls the sarcastic term of endearment, and you vibrate, “Just cause I can’t decide if that pretty throat of yours deserves my blade or my cock doesn’t mean you’re getting either. I’ll have you, but only if you’re on your hands and knees begging me for it. I’ve got your fiery little temper worked out, and I know just what fuels it. Don’t worry, little one, you’re safe… for now.”
Dank farrick, how does he do it? Every attempt to rile him thwarted, leaving you flustered, wet, and with your jaw so slack you could catch flies. Maybe silence is the best option, to give him none of your words to twist and pull into whatever this tension between you is. 
You’re not going to fuck him. 
He’s literally holding you prisoner. 
You’re not going to fuck him. 
He’s bringing you back to them. 
You’re not going to-
“Y’alright there, princess? Keep lookin’ at me like that and I’ll think you’ve changed your mind.”
“You’re infuriating.” You spit back, finishing the last of your jerky with another angry bite.
“And here was me thinkin’ we were becoming friends…”
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“What?! No. Nu-uh. No way.”
“Well I ain’t leaving you to run off on me. I’m not an idiot.”
“That’s up for debate…” you mumble, just loud enough for him to decipher your words. You’re not helping your case, Arthur holding his hands out expectantly as he awaits your compliance.
“Arthur,” you start, realising you’ve never actually said his name out loud before, liking the way it feels forming on your tongue, hating that fact. “Neither of us are gonna sleep a wink if I’m strapped to you.” 
He has little other choice. You know that, knowing there’s no way he’d trust you to not stab him in his sleep and run away. Smart guy, considering you’d already considered that very plan extensively. But no, he had to be difficult. He’s already stashed his knife with Boadicea, who is laid too far away to reach.
“Hindsight is clear as day, Princess. Maybe next time don’t try to run.” Pfft. Next time. There won’t be a next time, thanks to him. 
Running out of patience, Arthur takes a step towards you, and you take one step backwards. He reaches for the binders and you lift them away. It’s a dance, one he quickly tires of and grips onto your forearm before you can move it. 
His touch burns your skin, even through the gloves, and the fight leaves your body near instantly. His grip is firm, bruising, almost, and that devilish part of you enjoys it.
Would being chained to him for a night really be so bad…?
“Fine. Whatever. But keep your hands to yourself, mando. And you better not snore.”
“Of course, of course… wouldn’t wanna interrupt that beauty sleep, now, would I?” He sarcastically huffs, wrapping rope around the middle part of your binders that keeps your wrists together. Watching him twist and turn the rope around his huge hands does something to you, and you start to wonder if this man can do absolutely anything that won’t turn you on somehow. You’ve gotta knock this off, it’s getting dangerous, especially considering you’re about to share a bedroll tied to him. 
His rope isn’t the longest, giving only a few feet of space between the two of you as he loops it through his belt and around his own arm, knotted so intricately it would be impossible to untie without waking him up. An expert in rope tying… of course he is.
Pushing thoughts of other uses for that skill of his far, far away, you watch your escape plan fall apart before your eyes, every detail somehow preemptively thwarted by Arthur’s actions as if he could read your mind. Maker, you hope he can’t, they’ve been pretty much in bed with him since he bought you that drink back in the Cantina. 
Arthur sits down in the sand, the rope tugging at you to do the same. Notably, he leaves the bedroll for you, situating himself on the ground as far away as the rope will allow. And they said chivalry is dead…
“So we just… sleep? Here?” Your brows are pulled together, a sure sign of how displeased you are at this whole situation. 
“Well I could read ya’ a bedtime story, but some say I don’t get the voices quite right…” By the time you go to glare at him, he’s already laying in the sand, gazing up at the sea of stars. You sigh, taking that as answer enough. 
Silence, just for a moment. 
“G’night, princess…”
“...Goodnight, beroya.” 
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jaskierswolf · 2 years
It is not Jaskier dragging new pets home, despite popular belief. The white haired boyfriend, however, might have a bit of a hero complex.... (hehehe)
The Menagerie
Ship: Geraskier Rating: T Summary: In which Geralt adopts far too many animals, but Jaskier still loves him.
On AO3 _
Normally when new people met Geralt and Jaskier they made assumptions. Geralt liked to brood, well, no... more actually he was just painfully shy with low self-esteem despite looking like a god. Unfortunately, he also had possibly the worst case of resting bitch face that Jaskier had ever seen, and had never quite grown out of his goth stage. In contrast, Jaskier's emo phase had lasted all but a month back when he was fifteen and he'd quickly swapped the black hair and leather wristbands for floral shirts and as many rings as he could possibly fit on his fingers. He had, however, kept the eyeliner. It looked good on him. These days he just preferred a slightly lighter look instead of the thick black rings around his eyes. 
The point was when people entered their house and were greeted by no less than three dogs bounding into their laps, swiftly followed by a cat on their lap as soon as they sat down, they assumed that Jaskier was the cause. 
In reality, Jaskier was a little hopeless with living things. He could barely keep himself alive, and he'd never managed to look after even the simplest of plants.... let alone a whole menagerie of pets. Jaskier's forte... pun intended... was music. Where Geralt collected animals, Jaskier collected instruments. Between the two of them, their house was a mess and savings were none existent. All of Jaskier's royalties went on their hoards. 
It made for an interesting interview around his house. The door had opened, revealing the camera man as Jaskier had known it would, and the questions began. The interviewer was baffled. Due to Jaskier's success, he was sure that expectations of their house would be very different. Clean for one. And probably minimalistic, only filled with his awards and fine art beyond the bare essentials. What they had found instead was a mess of fur, cat litter and sheet music. It looked not unlike student accommodation from Oxenfurt, only much larger and way more pets. 
Jaskier couldn't complain. It was home.
Actually, no. Scrap that. He could absolutely fucking complain. 
His shoe landed in a pile of cat sick and he hopped from the living room straight into a pile of litter that had been kicked from the tray. 
"Geralt!!" He yelled up the stairs to where his husband was no doubt lurking in the office. "One of the cats has been sick!" 
"Clean it up then!" Geralt called back. 
Urgh. Yes. Definitely complaining.
It didn't take long to deal with the sick, but Jaskier ended up in a bit of a cleaning spree. After the mess was dealt with, he remembered the litter, and whilst cleaning up the litter he noticed just how much dog hair was lying around and sticking to his socks. Then the vacuum bag needed emptying and the bins had to be taken out, and three hours later, Jaskier collapsed on the sofa. 
The living room was looking spotless, or as spotless as it could be with a veritable zoo living under their roof. He was just about to pull out his laptop to check his social media, when Pegasus, the fat white fluff ball that Geralt had rescued last summer, flopped onto his lap, meowing loudly. 
Jaskier sighed. "I suppose you want feeding. You know you're on a diet, yes? The vet was very firm about that." In response, Pegasus just meowed again, widening his big blue eyes. 
Urgh. Jaskier hated animals. They were so needy. 
"Fine," he grumbled. "Come on then, shit legs."
The fluff ball was pulled into his arms and Jaskier trudged into the kitchen. Before he could blink, he was surrounded by dogs and cats... even Lark the Cockatoo had landed on his shoulder. 
"Oh for mother of-" he groaned, staring up at the ceiling as if that might help. "GERALT!!"
"Yes, dear?" His husband said from the doorway. Roach, a great mutt of a dog, was by his side, wagging her tail happily as Geralt scratched behind her ears. 
"Help?" Jaskier whined, pouting at his husband. 
Chuckling, Geralt crossed the room and pulled Pegasus from Jaskier's arms. He pressed a kiss to Jaskier's temple and then shooed him from the room. "I've got this. Go sit down."  He paused. "Thanks for tidying up." 
"No problem, my love," Jaskier replied, relieved that his pet sitting duties were over for now. He winked at his husband and blew a kiss. "Join me once you're done with the hoard?"
But Geralt wasn't listening. He was too busy cooing over the animals, already telling them stories from the actual zoo where he worked part-time. There was a big smile on his face and Jaskier melted. That was, after all, the whole reason they had so many pets. It was worth it just to see Geralt smile like that. Like there wasn't a care in the world. When they'd married, Jaskier had vowed to do anything to make his husband happy, and if it took running a rescue centre for neglected and forgotten animals to do that... then so be it.
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
Future Steddie snippet.
So this would be set in Steve and Eddie's future but our past.
Anyway here is a snippet. It's still very much a WIP. It doesnt even have a title yet.
Hope you like it :)
Mackenzie is clutching her books to herself. There was room in her backpack for them, but Steve wondered if she was using it as some kind of shield or line of defence. He wants to say, don't worry honey, I'm right here, but he knows how well that goes down, so he lets her take the lead, "Just let me know what you need me to do, honey." He gives her a small smile as she turns to talk to the woman at the counter, who seems to be directing her elsewhere.
Books held firmly against her like some kind of magically imbued chest plate and her eyes boring into the floor, she speed walks past Steve towards the front door, "Hey!! Where are you going??" He yells, running after her while making a mental note of Corey's location. As he should have suspected, he is safely in a chair, thumbs clicking away.
"Mackenzie Robin Harrington!!" He shouts, and she stops in her tracks. He's glad to see at least one thing still works. He bends down to look her in the face, "Honey, what is going on?"
Her face is bright red with embarrassment, and Steve remembers the kind of parent he wants to be, "I'm sorry I embarrassed you by shouting your name like that. I just wanted you to stop walking, so I could talk with you and understand what's going on, ok? That's all. We don't have to stay if you don't want to. I just want to make sure you aren't missing out. Please?" Steve tries his best. He sees her swallow, and her eyes flick up to his for a moment, "I got the time wrong. We're late, like nearly a whole hour late."
"I thought this was just a workshop for character creation type thing today, not an actual game session? I'm sure it won't matter. Do you wanna try at least?" Steve is amazed he's retained any of this information. 
"I just…I wanted to get here before everyone else…so when other people turned up, it looked like…it looked like I belonged…because I was here first," She says, eyes blinking at the ground.
"I tell you what. I'll go in first, check it out, and then relay the info to you, and then you make the call, huh? How about that?" He says excitedly, like he's in a timeout huddle. She looks up, and her shiny eyes meet his with a nod and didn't his heart just explode into a million tiny cute plush toys when that happened. Dad mode engaged. "Ok, let's get your half-electronic game system of a brother and point me at the target, honey."
"It's a Gameboy…" Corey starts to correct him, and honestly, Steve could be mad about the attitude, but it's the most he's said to him all day so far.
"...Advance, I know I paid through the nose to get it on release day for you, Cor," Steve says, hand on hip pointing at the little plastic attention black hole.
"Er, no. I've actually completed all the games I had for that one, so I'm back on the Colour. They look completely different! Urgh," Corey almost peels his eyes from it to target Steve with his disdain. Almost.
Time was of the essence, so rather than try to engage verbally, Steve lifted Corey out of his chair and gently pulled him along with them.
Steve opens the door to the side room and can see a bunch of kids of all different ages at tables, happily scribbling away and talking. He does note the distinct lack of girls in the kids he can see. Some of the older kids have polo shirts with something printed on them. They must be like the instructors or what was it, Masters…Dungeon Masters, that was it.
Then Steve hears some booming footsteps and an almighty roar. His spirit nearly leaves him until he hears a ripple of laughter after it and sees one of the polo shirt wearers sporting a paper mache dragon head stomping around the tables.
The dragon…locks eyes with him…and runs over.
Everything in Steve says run, but he's here for Mackenzie. So he pretends he isn't alarmed in the slightest. The dragon extends their hand, and when Steve accepts the handshake, he is engulfed in a hug, the dragon head bumping him several times before it finds its way over his shoulder. Steve grimaces with something between disgust and horror. What kind of weird place was this? He's glad they were late; if this had happened to Mackenzie, this dragon's head would have been punched somewhere into next year. The dragon is gesticulating, and Steve's hearing isn't the best. He knows they're talking, but all he can hear are mumbles, and he has no mouth to read for assistance.
"I'm sorry. Can you speak up? I can't hear you."
The dragon puts its hands to its head and laughs before revealing itself.
"Shit! Long time no see, Harrington!!" The familiar voice says.
Steve takes a moment to process, The big smile and eyes, the dark wavy hair that reached his jawline, the ringed hands, and the scars. Steve knows those scars and instinctively reaches for his side. He holds up the dragon head, "Sorry about that, um, the kids find me less scary if I scare them with the dragon head first," he says quietly.
Steve laughs, "Eddie?"
"In the flesh!" He gestures at his whole self, with a flourish, and the hugest smile, that Steve can tell he's trying hard to turn down a little from max wattage.
"Wow, I mean. I know you loved this game, but it's like huge, and we're nowhere near Hawkins. I'm just surprised, is all. Pleasantly, obviously. It's just…wow…" Steve says a little nervously. It was a little guilt for not keeping in touch, mostly surprise, but also, Eddie looked different, even though the trademarks were all there. His hair was less frizzy and more defined, and his face had aged a little. He looked more manly.
"Ah, don't get all flustered over little ol' me now", he laughs, and Steve feels comforted by his teasing. It was the Eddie he remembered.
"Er…listen so. I'm not here for me." 
"Well, I could have guessed that", Eddie snorts out a laugh.
"My kid wants to join."
"Ok, we'll circle back to the fact you have a kid but do continue."
"Well, I have two, but anyway, the point being she really wants to join in and was worried it would be a problem because we're late. My fault, you know. She wanted to get here first, so it looked like she belonged here, and she was just worried it would be full of assholes that might give her a hard time about it, you know."
Eddie looks at him, confused, "About being late?"
"Er..yes…but because she's a girl."
Eddie's eyebrows furrow, "Well, thankfully, for everyone concerned, a penis is not a required piece of starting equipment." 
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Heart of the Warrior Chapter 1: Rough Beginnings
Fandom: Cybird Ikemen Sengoku
Next Chapter
CW: Blood, cursing
Yukimura Sanada x Male!OC
     One minute, Thai was walking back to his apartment, ready to sleep off the long hours of work he dreaded committing himself to every day. The next, he found himself in the middle of a stormy night in a dark forest, fighting off multiple armed samurai with nothing but a broken branch.
     It didn't take the shaken young man long to think that this sudden change of events was all real; seeing the ominous purple flashes of lightning above from nowhere back in the Present made it clear that something miraculous was going to happen. Thai had always been a passive believer in the Supernatural—from praying to shrines devoted to numerous deities to carrying a Patuá around his neck believing it would protect him from death—but tonight's incident made him an active believer. Still, "miraculous" was probably the wrong word to use to describe this situation. Tonight was nothing short of bewilderment and horrifying.
     He looked to his right.
     Right—how could he forget about the warrior?
    A wounded warrior dressed in heavy armor and a tattered red jacket had his arm wrapped tightly over Thai's neck and shoulders. Thai had already been helping carry the unknown warrior for the better part of a kilometer into the forest. It was because of him that Thai decided to intervene in the first place; if it wasn't for him, the warrior would have had his head lopped off. The fight was fierce, but in the end, after getting struck and slashed multiple times, all the attackers were defeated and unconscious at his feet. He had to fight for his life before, but never in such a capacity as wild and dangerous as this. Luckily, neither his nor the warrior's wounds were deep, but this was the first time Thai had ever been cut like this, the pain intense and sharp with every step he took upon carrying the warrior out of the battlefield. He began to wonder if saving the warrior was the right decision.
     "Urgh...what in the God Damn...." Thai groaned, wincing from the gash on his leg. He took another cursory glance at the warrior he carried, the latter's eyes weakly staring at the ground below. "Um...dai....daijōbudesuka?" Thai asked, hoping to God that he would understand the warrior's response.
     "Huh? Ah—Daijōbu," the warrior coughed.
     "....good. Jesus, they really did a number on you," Thai said, knowing full well that the warrior didn't understand his English. He was still trying to sort out this spontaneous mess in his head.
     "Arigatou gozaimasu," the warrior suddenly said. However, as he continued to speak, Thai could only stare in utter confusion as his own Japanese was nowhere as proficient to speak with another Japanese native, much less one from the apparent Past.
    Thai's jaw was agape, shaking his head slightly. "I-I don't—wakaranai. Wakararanai....gomen nasai."
    The warrior sighed, drooping his head low. Both he and Thai wore a frown of confusion as the two treaded deeper into the forest.
    Thai bit his lip, starting to fathom the sheer complexity of the situation. Already he was incapable of talking to the warrior he saved, but then his mind switched to observation. He knew he wasn't making this up—those were live blades he was cut with, real blood staining his rain-drenched white shirt. If this was a movie set, there would have already been people swarming him, yelling at him about "why he was here." Thai saw none of that. Maybe this was a dream. All he could remember was seeing a flash of light during a storm that engulfed him. Then, there was the warrior he was carrying across the forest. His gut told him to save the warrior, but he did not know who he was. What if he ultimately saved someone that was evil? Or worse, their communication barrier would cause him to become an eventual enemy?     He kissed his teeth, frustrated. The pain and exhaustion he felt were all too real. This wasn't a dream. The stinging wounds he tried to bandage with his tie and napkins from his handbag screamed at him that he had found himself in a new world.
    "I guess we ain't in Kansas no more, " Thai muttered to himself. "O que você fez agora, duendê..."
    "Oi," the warrior said, bringing Thai's attention back to him.
    "Wha'? Er—nani?"     The warrior pointed ahead with his chin, Thai looking above the tree line of the forest to see billowing smoke ahead. The storm had already passed, giving Thai a bearing on where he was as the receding clouds and rain revealed a dark night illuminated by the moon. Luckily after what felt like an hour of directionless walking, he finally found an actual destination...unless they found more people looking to carve them up. Thai chewed his bottom lip.
    "Huh...Is that your people?" Thai asked, forgetting he was talking to someone who most likely spoke only Japanese.
    The warrior stayed silent, his eyes looking down toward Thai's leg. Suddenly, his eyes widened. "EEH!! MITE!"
    Thai looked down, feeling warm liquid trickling down his leg. He gave off a loud curse, nearly dropping the warrior as his hand quickly batted down on the outside of his thigh. He continued to curse, knowing full well what just happened.
    His wound opened up—a hastily-done job finally undoing itself. The warrior nearly fell down, catching himself by his spear as Thai stumbled towards a tree.
    Thai tore apart the hole made in his pants from the earlier fight, seeing the tie he used as a bandage coming undone with blood seeping out from the wound. He grunted both a weak laugh and a pained grunt, reaching into his back pocket before flinging out a red handkerchief. He held in his agony as he pressed the handkerchief firmly down on his wound. "So far, so good," he weakly breathed. He closed his eyes, the pain almost overbearing.
    Suddenly, the warrior started saying—or, rather, chiding something to Thai. From his tone alone, he could tell he was either asking if he was all right, or even berating him for fighting half a dozen warriors with nothing but a branch and adrenaline-fueled hand-to-hand combat. Thai gave off a loud huff, his eyes livid with frustration. "Uh-huh...sou desu ne..." Thai randomly grumbled. He shut his eyes, wincing from the growing pain from either the cut itself or from him pressing down on the wound. "Yeah that's...that's really helping me here. Thank you, doctor. I feel better already."
    Thai heard the warrior angrily sigh, followed by a few footsteps coming toward him. He opened his eyes, suddenly seeing the warrior kneel down right in front of him. Thai nearly jumped as he felt the warrior clasp Thai's bloodied hand, the warrior's hand warming his own clammy hands. "Whoa! What're you doing!?" Thai cried out.
    "Yamete, baka!" the warrior shouted back, grumbling something else as he took the handkerchief from Thai's hand.
    Thai stood still as the warrior ripped off the bandage from inside Thai's pants and pressed the handkerchief against the wound, an action that made the former squirm. He then tore off a piece of his own obi, tying it around the outside of Thai's thigh, effectively creating a better bandage than before.
    He stayed silent through the whole ordeal, slightly embarrassed. The warrior appeared to be around his age, yet, as battle-hardened as his fierce eyes made him appear to be, was oddly charming. The warrior's short hair was a chestnut brown, his face young yet firm, his tattered uniform a dark red that was draped over his scarred armor. His giant spear that was laid down beside the two was worn and slightly chipped, most likely from the countless battles the young warrior had fought.
    Thai felt oddly humbled—a young, injured malandro being tended to by the samurai he saved. "....Arigatou," he coughed as he sat down, stretching his injured leg out. The warrior sat beside him, the two deciding unanimously to rest. "...o-namae wa?" Thai asked, realizing he never caught the warrior's name.
    "....Sanada Yukimura desu," the warrior said.
    "Huh...sounds familiar," Thai said to himself, rolling his tired eyes. "Hajimemashite, Sanada Yukimura."
    "Hajimemashite," Yukimura repeated, exhaustion in his tone. His eyes scanned Thai from head to toe, noticing the weird clothes he had never seen before. "Shusshin wa doko desu ka?"
    Thai bit his lip, slowly nodding that he understood the question. "uh...complicated."
    "Comp...ru...kayted?"Yuki slowly repeated back.
    "...sure. Why not? Life's a mystery."
    Thai reached into his bag, taking out a small leather-bound flask that he hastily opened, taking a swig of its contents. He growled from the burn of alcohol, quickly offering it silently to Yukimura. He took it, hesitating for a moment after sniffing the obnoxious odor of the flask before taking a small sip. He nearly coughed, lightly smacking the flask onto Thai's chest, the latter giving off a quiet chortle. "Right...probably aren't used to that," Thai giggled, closing the flask before slipping it back into his bag. "Tsuyoi desu ka?"
    "Hai," Yukimura coughed. "Yūdoku!"
    Thai shrugged slightly. "Poison, huh? You're not wrong there, I guess."
    Suddenly, the rustling of bushes and the sound of armor clanging made the two avert their attention toward the trees. It was quickly followed by the sound of people talking, a chill rushing down Thai's spine. Horrified of potentially seeing more attackers, Thai nearly jumped back up, taking Yukimura by the hand, which resulted in a shocked "EEH!" from Yuki. Thai looked ready to run—hell, he was in no condition to fight again and would rather resort to throwing Yukimura on top of him and running away on a cut leg.
    A few soldiers donned in red armor came into view, all wielding swords with blades that shone in the light of the moon. They looked more heavily armored and disciplined than the rag-tag group of soldiers Thai had fought off earlier, the malandro letting out a frustrated grunt. They all eyed each other in a sort of standoff, Thai drawing in a deep breath. Soon, another man came into view—this one dwarfing the others and wielding a sword as large as Thai himself that made the latter squirm. The giant held a stoic face of dread as he stepped into the moonlight.     Thai let out a steady exhale, keeping his grip on Yukimura. He quietly and cautiously shifted his feet, ready to throw Yukimura on his back and gun it out of there.
     "...Yuki-kun," suddenly called out the man, the samurai lowering their swords. "Anata no?"
     Thai looked back at Yukimura, a smile appearing on his face. "Shingen-sama!" Yukimura called out.
     Thai relaxed, letting go of Yukimura as the latter miraculously found the strength to almost run to who Thai assumed was his friend. Thai, meanwhile, stood back, not knowing whether to approach them or disappear into the forest. As Yukimura talked to "Shingen," he thought about whether it was best to disappear, knowing maybe it would be best to distance himself from anyone before he knew exactly what was going on. Still, within his first ten minutes of arriving here, he had already made friends and enemies. If he was to stay with Yukimura, his chances of survival would be better than if he was to go out alone, especially in his injured state.
     Thai weighed his options, but he suddenly saw all eyes pointed in his direction. Thai froze, cursing under his breath as the large man Yukimura referred to as "Shingen-sama" approached him. He pressed his back against the trunk of the tree, Shingen dwarfing him.
     "Anatahadare," Shingen asked, his deep voice booming through Thai's ears.      Thai didn't know how to answer, stifling a nervous cough. "Uh...Thai desu."
     "Thai...Anata ga daredeare, domo arigatō gozaimasu.” Shingen smiled, giving Thai a slight bow that Thai quickly returned. Shingen took a once-over on Thai's ragged appearance, giving off a "hmph," followed by, "Nanban desu ka, Thai-san?"
     Before Thai could answer, from behind Shingen, as if materializing from his shadow made by his large frame, a man donned in black and dark green camouflage stepped out into the light. A sword was slung over his back, a mask hiding the lower half of his face....and what looked like glasses over the bridge of his nose. His odd appearance made it obvious to Thai that this was a ninja...an assassin.
     Thai bit his lip, wondering what was going to happen next. However, he couldn't shake the feeling he had seen this dark, slightly spiked-haired ninja from somewhere...and then it hit him.
     "I know you," Thai muttered under his breath, his eyes plastered to those of the ninja.
     "Shingen-sama," the ninja said, drawing the goliath's attention to him. He briefly conversed with Shingen before returning his attention to Thai. "May I speak to you, Thai-san?"
     Thai looked at him, flabbergasted. Did he speak English? He just spoke English! "I mean....you kinda already are, but yeah, I guess."
     Soon, Shingen let out an order amongst his men, two of them taking Yuki carefully on their shoulders as they started marching off back towards the forest, soon followed by Shingen. The ninja took Thai by the arm, draping it over his shoulder to help carry him with him. Thai was hesitant at first but knew that his choice to run or stay was already made for him.
     "Thanks," Thai said. "You speak English?"      "It was among my regular studies in high school, and many of the research papers I studied were published in English, so I had to learn past general requirements," the ninja said nonchalantly, Thai raising an eyebrow as his jaw dropped. "From your accent, you must be an American?"      "Yeah, wait...I'm confused," Thai sighed, scratching his scalp. Not only did he speak English—he spoke like a scientist, much less an assassin. "Can you tell me what's happening? I'm still learning Japanese and I was walking to my new apartment, and—"      "Then you appeared here?" the ninja said, cutting Thai off.
     Thai slowly shook his head, chewing his tongue. "Yeah...and you were there, too, right beside me when the ground got hit with lightning....and a girl?"
     "Hai. Good, you remember everything leading up to now."
     "What's yer name, sir?" Thai asked.
     "Sasuke Mikumo," he answered. "But, in order to blend in, I've chosen the guise of a fictitious ninja known as 'Sasuke Sarutobi.' I would appreciate it if we'd stay with that name."
     Thai grew silent for a moment, trying to find the right question to ask. "Okay, no problem Mr. Sarutobi. So...do you know what happened here?"
     "Right. Thai-san, first, I need you to keep an open mind and not panic," Sasuke plainly said. "What I am about to tell you can be unbelievable."
     Thai scoffed. "Son, I just got done fighting off six samurai with nothing but a branch and Capoeira and then dragged that one guy through the forest for an hour after a 10-hour shift at work...I think we're past believable situations at this point," Thai grunted. "Unless this is some elaborate prank gone wrong and I just beat the crap out of a bunch of actors by accident."
     "If only that were the case. Okay...Thai, have you heard of Sengoku Era Japan?" Sasuke asked.
     "I'm guessing there're samurai and ninjas fighting each other?"Thai said sarcastically.
     "Correct. Thai, that storm the three of us were caught in is a phenomenon that I have been studying. To put it simply: we were transported through an inter-dimensional wormhole that tunnels through space and time that put us into Kyoto 500 years in the Past during the height of the Sengoku Period."
     Thai looked at Sasuke with utter bewilderment. "What!?"
     Thai's outburst caused the samurai ahead of them to stop and look back at the two. Thai immediately averted his gaze, Sasuke telling them that nothing was wrong. The group continued to push on, camp apparently just being ahead. "Time Travel?" Thai quietly shouted. "We were 'Terminator 2'd' into 1500's Japan? And, you study that shit?"
     "I was thinking more of 'Back to the Future,' but essentially, yes," Sasuke said. "The person you saved is none other than Sanada Yukimura."
     "Right, he told me." Thai looked towards Yukimura, who was looking back towards the two before averting his gaze right as Thai did. "So, you study...time travel, which is real, and we got thrown here. Lemme guess, I changed History by saving him from his untimely death?"
     "Actually, no. He would have survived that fight, but you did the right thing...even if you had to kill his attackers," Sasuke said.
     Thai shrugged. "I mean, I knocked 'em out pretty good, but I wouldn't say they were dead."
     Sasuke smiled thankfully. "That's good, and it brings me to my next point. Thai, I came here approximately two years ago, so I've been waiting for you two to show up as I looked to find another way to go home. I knew another wormhole would appear tonight, but I didn't know if either you or the woman, or both, would appear. Did you happen to see her?"
     Thai looked back in his mind, trying to think if he saw a woman anywhere in the forest. "No...no I'm like pretty sure I didn't. Is that bad?"
     Sasuke pushed his glasses back up his nose. "It depends. I'm working on a way to get all of us back, but if we leave without her, I'm afraid she'll be stranded in the Past when she arrives."
     "Jeezus, man...so, what now?" Thai asked, the view of camp now in his sights.
     "You need medical attention first. From the looks of things, you have sustained minor blood loss. We should make sure your injuries are dealt with swiftly. But, I need you to understand that we must do our best not to interfere with the Past too much, otherwise, we might alter the course of the future forever."
     Thai nodded. "Hence the 'Back to the Future' reference..."
     "Yes. We must operate on those rules. We have to stick together and try to find the woman when she arrives. And, most importantly, you must not interact in a romantic or pleasurable relationship with anyone here."
     "...so, don't fall in love?" Thai asked with a suspicious eye. "I know we just met, but you really think I would just fall in love with a girl, much less talk to her? I don't even know much Japanese."
     "True, we would have to figure out a way to solve that problem if you want to stay incognito here. I told them already that you were from my home village and they bought it. Anyways, we can talk more about it later—we're here."
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@the12thnightproject​, thank you for the help!
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drowned-debris · 2 years
@dotflowweek Day 4: School Uniform Effect, School, Repeatedly Going Over Thoughts
He should’ve been here two hours ago.
Two hours.
She expected him to be late —he always is— but not by this much. It feels like a jab at her, like one of those half-serious insults he’s so fond of. Mocking her for taking him at his word.
All things considered, she should probably leave. If Smile is gonna be a no-show, there’s no reason for her to waste her time sitting in this classroom any longer. She risks getting trapped in the school when the gates are locked.
…But then again, she doesn’t really have anywhere better to be.
Half the reason she even agreed to meet with him was out of boredom. Hanging out around town with a guy she mostly hates still beats going back to where she’s staying. For the millionth time, she laments her complete ineptitude at making friends; maybe if she talked to her classmates more, she’d have a companion with whom conversations didn’t feel like battles.
Unfortunately, she’s stuck with the smuggest, most arrogant bastard on the planet. It’s just like him to leave her hanging like this; their time together thus far has been an elaborate dance of one-upping each other. He’s probably going to show up tomorrow and laugh at her for being so gullible, for waiting two whole hours for him to arrive. Then he’ll mockingly ask if she’s in love with him, to which she’ll respond by telling him he wishes, and then they’ll kiss to shut each other up. It usually goes something like that, anyway.
What if something happened to him?
The thought comes out of nowhere, shocking Sabitsuki. Her nails stop scraping against the desk— she didn’t even notice they were doing so until now.
Just what on Earth even provoked that thought? He’s proven he can handle himself. Smile knows this town just as well as she does; the idea of him being caught off guard in a bad place is ridiculous.
You can’t say that for sure.
Sabitsuki slams her fist hard onto the table she’s sitting on. She wishes she could deny it, but… there’s always a chance. Her eyes dart to a clock in the corner— the incessant ticking only fuels her unease.
With a groan, she pushes herself off of the desk. Sabitsuki feels like she’s gonna start going crazy if she spends another second just sitting here. Surely she can at least go check around the school?
Shakily, she steps out of the classroom and creeps over to the rooftop staircase. She has no idea whether anyone who works at the school knows about the two of them staying late so often— but she’d rather not risk it, so she takes her time heading upwards.
She arrives at the roof, and the cold night air rushes out to greet her. It’s refreshing, good for clearing the head. It’s not even six o’ clock yet, but the moon is making steady progress into the sky. She’ll never get used to winter.
Taking a few steps towards the railing, she bends carefully over it and surveys the area below. No signs of movement within the school grounds. The lights of the town outside the gates glow resolutely, like knights in shining armour riding out to combat the darkness. It’s funny— the night makes this shithole look almost beautiful.
“Not that I don’t like what I see, but that looks sorta unsafe.”
She stands up straight and swivels around instantly at the sound of a familiar voice. It’s him: Mr. Human Garbage himself. Before she even knows it, she’s marching towards him, her steps making heavy footfalls across the grey floor. Smile is standing next to the doorway that leads back inside the school; she grabs the sides of his brown jacket and pins him against the wall.
“YOU!” Sabitsuki yells. All intention of staying quiet vanished the moment he appeared. “Where the HELL were you!?”
“Just taking care of something. Why? Can’t live without me?”
She’d never admit this, but she’s grateful that he’s okay with her shouting; she feels so goddamn angry these days, and he gives her somewhere to let it out.
“Taking care of something for two fucking hours?”
He rolls his eyes exaggeratedly. “So clingy. If you must know, my sis hurt her leg and I went to help her out.”
Sabitsuki sighs and lets go of him. She knows how much he cares for his sister— it’s one of the few things she likes about him.
Stepping back a little, she speaks, more calmly this time. “...Fine. Just try to be quicker next time! I thought something had happened to you!”
He gasps in mock surprise. “What’s this? Sabitsuki is worried about me? My fair lady Sabitsuki is worried?” He pretends to swoon. “Oh my, I think I might faint!”
She scowls. “Oh, shut the fuck up. I didn’t even want to think about it! The thought just wouldn’t leave my head, is all. Jesus.”
Smile shrugs nonchalantly, then leans forward toward her. “Well, if you need a distraction…” he grabs at the tie of her uniform and pulls hard, bringing her face mere millimetres away from his. He offers up his trademark grin. A complete loser wearing a winning smile. “...I think I have an idea.” Before he even stops speaking, he’s already closing the gap.
She doesn’t need to be told twice.
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onlytibki · 1 year
Yelling into the void about OPLA
Spoilers ahead!
Neutral: Some major scenes that outlined certain themes of the original story were changed, which is fair. Some things were added in certain areas, which is also fair. There's pros and cons to these things in various directions so I'm keeping it all under 'neutral'--by the same token, my disappointment about it not fitting the original story is tempered by how much just knowing the original story made me excited to see these characters and places in a live action. The two things kinda cancel, so, neutral.
Set building. Urgh,, this summer has been a highlight for physical sets as opposed to greenscreening things. It was GORGEOUS and it paid off SO WELL.
Make-up. Again, physical make-up (I think) not CGI'ing a face, and it went so well. The Fishmen are high-key terrifying and honestly it fits the narrative. (The CGI was also amazing, though)
Fitting like 50+ episodes into 8 hours. A LOT ended up on the cutting room floor but the result was cohesive and coherent and that could not have been easy. And yet, even with so much on the floor, I think they only completely culled two or three characters? (Johnny and Yosaku (tragic) and the Island of the Rare Animals dude (but his island was shown in the maps)
Fight choreography. There was a lot of variation in quality, imho. Kuina was incredible, as well she should be, but in some of the major fights there were moments of stillness in the background, etc. I should not have seen Luffy just stand there with his fists up while Zoro engaged Cpt. Morgan.
Make-up. If they did the Fishmen, and Merry, so goddamn well, why the hell are we missing Sanji's eyebrow and Usopp's nose? Usopp's nose might've been distracting but it didn't have to be ridiculous.
I'm not sure if it's cinematography, or editing, or directorial decisions, but I feel like they wasted precious time on a few scenes, whose minutes would've been well-spent including short, more cinematic shots. Ex: scrap kid!Sanji's "Day 2", replace with a shot of grown!Sanji bowing in front of the Baratie. Quite a few of Oda's iconic double-page shots would've translated SO WELL to the screen. Why not use them??
Side Notes
ZORO WAS IN GOA KINGDOM holy shit the things that could've changed. I wonder if Johnny and Yosaku were there too? Also his scar wasn't big or bloody enough.
Helmeppo was there. I somewhat had an opinion on him by the end of the season, which is an impressive achievement.
Scratch that, my opinion on Helmeppo is that Zoro's cutting of his hair was hilarious but the butt shot was unnecessary. Ditto Sanji being shirtless to rescue Luffy. This is OPLA why the fan service.
Nami was in shackles until age 12. :( But Bechdel test, passed!
Also this version of Nami would've absolutely tried to get with Kaya before stepping aside given the Usopp/Kaya romance.
Mihawk was PERFECT. Like absolutely iconic. Honestly the whole cast was, obviously, but you don't see as many people gushing about this fact regarding Mihawk
What the hell happened to Gin. He ate the food and then vanished from the face of the earth.
Garp's development/arc was an interesting take, and honestly it was a chunk of the really engaging part of the watch for me. I guess in canon he was too busy doing Marine things to chase after Luffy after he left Dawn Island so this is a good take.
On a related note, it does take a bit away that we didn't go through 250-ish chapters before learning about any of Luffy's family, but obviously that wasn't going to happen anyway. Also, kinda wish we'd seen him yell out 'Fist of Love' or them both fall asleep at the same time post-Enies Lobby arc style, but he was definitely using haki so it's fine.
On a different related note, actually VERY upset that we (1) didn't get Garp saying that line about how he left Luffy with Dadan so he could grow up to be a respectable Marine, and have Loof respond with Garp's training and (2) had to listen to Garp telling Luffy that the GL isn't a game, given that Luffy's already lost Sabo to the world and (3) didn't get any mention of Luffy's brothers or Dadan at all, actually.
Quick Summary: I do think a degree of enjoyment was both added and subtracted due to my knowledge of the original story. Not sure if I would've sat through the whole thing if I wasn't already tied heart and soul to the crew, but I am and I did.
But it was definitely fun and really well built. 8/10.
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framed-incompetence · 2 years
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I don’t know when I’ll be done with part two so I thought I would post the rough draft what I have so far here. Just to get something out, you know.
The working title for this part is “You Can’t Put A Price On Peace of mind” and it focuses in on the Batfamily’s dynamic in this AU from the point of view of Duke.
Duke had high hopes for college.
Everybody does, Duke thinks to himself. But now, as he sits in his dorm at the very tail end of his first semester at Gotham University, the “college experience” everybody kept going on about back in high school might have just been one huge inside joke. A joke that maybe he’ll laugh at when he’s older and has kids of his own, that maybe he’ll tell to them and stifle his laughter when they come home over break with an endless litany of complaints falling from their lips. But now is not then and as he sits in his dorm working through his English final—that he definitely didn’t procrastinate on—trying desperately to tune out the sound of his dorm mates having a “little” get-together in the room next door and his roommate behind him loudly complaining on the phone to his friends about how much noises they are making he’s starting to realize that maybe Tim had it right
“Urgh,” he groans into his hands he checks his word count; five hundred more words to go. The yelling, banging, and music continues around him as he gets back to work. He still has two more hours until this paper is due, plenty of time.
It was a lot quieter back home, he thinks to himself. The chaos around him reminds him of what it was like before Tim was killed-, Duke violently cuts that thought off as his fingers freeze on the keyboard. It’s been months since Tim showed back up in Gotham and still, he slips up. Tim was taken, not killed.
Taken, not killed.
Taken, not killed.
Taken, not killed.
The repetition eases his mind and his fingers begin to move across the keys again. Back before Tim was taken Steph would come around so often that someone could be mistaken for thinking she lived at the manor and Barbara would come around every so often as well sometimes with her father in tow; he and Bruce would sit in the parlor for hours with drinks just talking. Now he only sees Oracle and Spoiler in the cave and the commissioner on chilly rooftops. Is it weird to miss something he is not sure he ever had?
Nevertheless, considering the signal that came through his coms early this morning that’s all going to change soon. Bruce has never used this particular signal before. Even when he definitely should have, the clacking of the keys under his fingers gets louder as Duke remembers the multiple city-wide gang wars or hostile takeovers orchestrated by various members of his rogue gallery over the years. He remembers seeing the panic and the fear so familiar in the eyes of his people as they flee once more. But most importantly he remembers the resignation in their eyes and wonders if Tim ever saw the same or if Jason, still barely out of training, has seen it yet.
He lays his head on his desk and curses Bruce for making him so distracted at the most crucial time in the semester. He breathes in, then breathes out. He lets the chaos around him block out the thoughts and memories of what awaits him back home. Of whatever fight that was so difficult Bruce needed the entire family's help to deal with it. Of Tim and his seemingly endless catalog of secrets. And of his upcoming first encounter with Damian Wayne: the eldest, the first Redbird, the perfect son.
Duke lifts his head and focuses on the screen in front of him. He has four-hundred-thirty-eight more words to go and an hour and a half to get it done. Plenty of time.
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Here’s a link to part one of this AU if you’re interested:
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chosos-cumslut · 6 months
jst a lil sumthin i wrote during a free period i had. basically jst fluff n' possible suggestiveness(i ain't sure). !!NOT PROOF READ!! LOVE Y'ALL<3
the cool evening breeze brushed past your face, rustling through your hair with a malicious intent that caused your hair to frizz at the ends and for strands to randomly stick up around your head like a crown of messy brambles.
your bottom lip, coated in gloss, trembled as shuttered breaths escaped your parted lips, a mist of air pooling around the lower half of your face. it was so cold that your acrylics, a cute pink color and themed around dolls, dug into the threads of your beige scarf that you tugged up to cover your face.
your oh so pretty face was a flush of red, cheeks bright and burning although it was unknown if it was that way because of the anger you were currently feeling towards the man you could usually speak of for hours on end with the same lovelorn expression or if it was the weather that plagued your bundled up body with a distinct feeling of numbness strongly located in the tips of your toes and fingers along with the bare of your face not swaddled up by the long, slim fabric that embraced you.
to onlookers, it was a sure sight to see. they would hold soft giggles and cover their mouths as they passed you, you who looked so similar to a snowman or penguin, with a face the color of a freshly grown cherry ripe for the picking, you who had yet to be seen by the man you were sooo infatuated with and yet wanted to explode on like a firecracker and strangle him when he finally arrived, if he was even going to show up.
"urgh..stupid guys! making me freeze and never showing up.." you grumbled with the irritation of a hissing cat, kicking at the gravel beneath your feet with heated movements. "i should block him..! hmph, give him something to think about for ghosting me.." you pouted as you began to move, prepared to storm off to your apartment and punch and shout every curse you could think of into your soft pillow that had the face of the man you currently wanted to manhandle and toss off a bridge.
"heyyy..leaving so soon?" that cocky voice made you stop in your tracks and you didn't know if you wanted to leap into his arms or put him in a headlock. "OH YOU LI-" you began to yell, turning to face your much taller partner as the scarf slipped off your mouth. before you could finish your sentence and pounce at him like a feral cat, his lanky yet well built figure leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your cold, swollen lips and one to each of your red cheeks as he pushed an expensive yet slightly messy bouquet of your favorite flowers into your bunched arms.
"y-you think this is gonna make up for making me practically freeze to death?" you respond in an annoyed tone yet your already red face grew darker and your heart raced at the sweet gift and tender kisses. the taller figure remained quiet and tugged you into his hold, much to your shock and the yelp that escaped your lips, wrapping an arm around your waist and hooking the other under your legs, picking you up and burying his face into your neck after tugging away your scarf.
"m'sorry, so sorry baby.." he mumbled, pressing soft kisses to your jawline and the top of your neck between each word he uttered.
he lifted his head to look into your eyes with such adoration as a dumb, lovesick look covered his face. "you're so pretty with swollen lips and a red face..so pretty, so fuckin' pretty n' thats why i had to make sure you got nothing less than your favorite." if you had looked closely, you would have noticed the tag on the flowers that stated where it was purchased or better yet where it was stolen, a place that would have taken him at least three hours to get to and three to get back, because lord knows the only person he would give money to is you because only his baby deserves what's his cause anything that's his is yours and that includes him.
he pressed another kiss against your lips, slightly tugging your bottom lip with his teeth before drawing away and trailing a heart with his finger against the bottom of your thigh where his arm was hooked as he spoke. "i'll make it up to my baby, okay. you got that, understand?" he questioned, looking at you with another adoring look yet behind those eyes he wanted nothing more then to get the fanciest hotel and suite for his honey and give her a night to remember.
you felt yourself practically folding at the way he was looking at you and you rested your chin against the top of his head, placing a soft kiss to the bunch of hair that tickled your chin and lips. "i know hun~ you always make it up to me." you answered with a soft smile yet you let out a soft chuckle with a pointed yet mostly joking glare directed towards your adoring partner as you moved your head to look down at him. "also darling..stop!-" you smack his head, "stealing from places!" you return back to smiling and place a kiss on each of his cheeks, his nose, and a slightly longer one to his lips. "i do appreciate the flowers though. thank you honey bunny~" you hum out before drawing him into another kiss.
i kind of lost track of what i was writing but i hope you enjoyed it. you can imagine this scenario using any character you like and yeah, this is my first time really writing like a little oneshot so hope it didn't suck! thanks for reading!!
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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I used Google Translate for the chapter title so if someone can speak Japanese it’s not my fault if something is wrong. Also, the title means Pretty Princess Kenny-Chan and pretty mage N.K.-Kun magical adventure. Enjoy the new chapter my loves!
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Chapter 5: Kawaī purinsesu Kenny-Chan to kawaī mahōtsukai N.K.-Kun no mahō no bōken
“That’s disgusting!”
“Don’t be a pussy, Douchebag!”
“My name is N.K. when will you learn this fatass?!”
“Hey! I’m your king I command respect from you. Also, I’m not fat I’m big-boned.”
“Could have fooled me.”
“Will you learn now Dragonshout or be a prissy girl about it!”
I stare at Cartman angrily and he glares right back at me.
As it turns out Dragonshout is a powerful fart.
Hell nah, I’m learning that.
It’s like a said disgusting and I don’t want to be known as the fart girl.
“I will rather be a prissy girl than be known as the farting guy.”, I tell him as such. “You can’t force me to learn.”
“Fine be a huge bitch! Don’t come crying back to me to learn it when you realize you need it!”, he shouts back.
I’m in a pickle I feel it. I don’t want to learn this shit, but Lord Men Tittys is so sure that I will need Dragonshout, that I’m starting to have doubts.
I ball my hands into fists.
“I’m sorry my king, if you think I need to learn this magic, then I will.”, I grit out from behind my teeth.
The asshole gives me a huge winning smirk. I feel so dirty, no lie.
“I’m happy you reconsider, Douchebag.”, he says gleefully. “FIRST, you must take the Gentlemen's Oath. You must promise to NEVER, EVER fart on anyone's balls. Okay? Farting on an opponent is necessary, but farting on someone's balls is NOT COOL. Do you understand?”
“Why would I fart on any ones balls? But sure I promise.”
“All right, then, let's begin your training.”
His Largness faces one of the training dummies, while I cross my arms and wonder in what kind of fucked up parallel universe I ended up.
Farts as weapons.
“To conjure Dragonshout, you must first clear your mind and take in a deep breath... through your butthole. Like so. HRRNNGGHH!! Then... let it rumble inside you... and... DRAGONSHOUT!!”
A fart comes out which lets the training dummy sway. Okay…Cartman can make farts so potent that they are like a huge smelly breeze.
And now I should learn this?
I don’t know how this will help me in my quest.
Sadly I can’t back down.
I will not give Cartman this satisfaction.
Gritting my teeth I follow his instructions. It’s so weird feeling the rumbling in my stomach, till I let out a fart.
I can feel how red from embarrassment my face is.
“Is this okay, my king?”, I ask him, praying I don’t need to do it again.
“My god that was... incredible. A man could live a hundred years and never again witness a spell so... boisterous.”, says Cartman in awe. I raise my eyebrow at him. What the fuck? “Could it be that the prophecies are true? Could it be that the Dragonborn has come at last in our hour of need?”
“Dude, this is South Park: The Stick of Truth not Skyrim: Elder Scrolls!”
“Whatever, Douchebag. Now let us try your skill on a REAL opponent. Hey, hey, Princess Kenny, could you come here a sec?-“
“-Oh no, no way in hell, asshole!-“, I yell angrily in between.
He ignores me, giggling to himself: “-Shhh, don't tell him. Okay. Just real quick, Princess Kenny.”
The princess joins us, winking at me. I can’t even enjoy it, knowing what I need to do to her.
This sucks so much!
…Wait maybe I can…?
An idea forms in my mind and I have to hide my smirk.
“All right, you two - SPAR! Sir Douchebag, show Princess Kenny the magical powers I have taught you.”
“Of course.”, I sing-song, while Princess Kenny makes herself battle ready.
I walk up to her, only in the last second to turn around to Cartman and let out a huge Dragonshout in his fat face!
Princess Kenny is howling from laughter, while Lord Wobbly Stomach shouts in anger and disgust.
I cross my arms and cock out a hip.
“That’s what you get for calling me always Douchebag! Now I think I must make haste to save a certain thief from detention.”
With that, I turn around and make my way out of the kingdom.
That’s when Princess Kenny calls for me. I stop and she reaches me. Again it’s really muffled what she says, but I get the most important bit.
“Oh, you will be my buddy for this quest? Awesome! Then let’s go my lady.”
I offer her my arm, which she happily takes.
Together we make our way to school.
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Getting to know my fair princess is the best.
I learn pretty quickly that she has a perverted sense of humor and is laid back.
Oh, I dig this.
I dig this so much.
“You should really consider reading hentai as you see it may be drawing but it’s really hot.”, I tell her while I show her some of the hentai pages I have on my phone.
Princess Kenny giggles. “Oh, I see. It is indeed hot! What is this called again?”
“Damn girl on girl action is so hot!”
“I know!”
I put my phone back in my pocket, while the princess caresses my arm she is holding on.
“You know I never meet a girl who loves boobs as much as I do.”
“Ah, so you know I’m a girl.”
At this, she gives me a deadpan look and stares pointedly at my breasts.
“N.K., your tits are amazing! I saw them from a mile when you enter Kupa Keep for the first time.”
I can’t help but blush and giggled charmed. I like hearing that. It’s always nice to get compliments. Especially about my body.
I know I’m, for my age, a hot bitch even if I need glasses.
One of my ex-girlfriends, Clara, told me once I have the hot Liberian vibe going on.
Does this make me vain?
Naah, I think I just have sane self-worth and self-loving.
“You are one of the prettiest girls I have met and I meet a lot.”, I flirt. “You are probably also a handsome boy! But I need to ask…are you genderfluid? What pronouns do you prefer?”
For that, I get a confused look from Princess Kenny.
“Huh, what? What is genderfluid?”
Oh…this surprises me.
“A genderfluid person may fluctuate among different gender expressions over their lifetime, or express multiple aspects of various gender markers simultaneously.”, I explain to her. “I thought you might be this since you are a boy, but you dress as a girl and use she/her pronouns.”
“I’m a boy, I just like to play princess…”
I see how she frowns.
“I…I never thought that I could be…more?”
I wrap an arm around her shoulders squeezing her.
“Hey it’s okay, you don’t have to explore this right now. Maybe you just like roleplaying and that’s it or maybe you are genderfluid. It doesn’t matter. I still think you are hot and nice.”, I reassure her.
She looks up at me with big eyes.
“Are you a lesbian or something? I taught you were just playing along.”
“I’m bi, I am attracted to more than one gender. So whatever you are I don’t care. Dick or pussy, I don’t look at the sex. I fall for the character of people, not their reproduction organs.”
This makes her laugh and snuggle up to me.
“First you use crude words like dick and pussy and then go all science-y you are one of a kind N.K.!”
Aww, she is so cute.
I can’t help myself, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
Princess Kenny blushes and cheekily says: “I think you kissed the wrong place.”
She makes us stop. One arm of her gets wrapped around my neck and with her free hand pulls down her hood.
Oh my lord!
Kenny is hot!
Her blue eyes were already magnificent, but her whole face, with the cute nos and the soft rosey lips is just out of this world pretty.
She totally can be a handsome boy and a pretty girl with a face like that.
I wonder why people don’t throw themselves at her feet. Then I remember that she practically wears the parker all the time and I have my answer.
The princess goes on her tippy toes and puckers her lips.
“I think, you wanted to kiss my sweet lips.”
I laugh and wrap my arms around her waist.
I lean down, she closes her eyes and I kiss her….on the cheek.
Kenny lets out a whine.
“Easy there cowgirl.”, I muse, stroking her blonde hair. “If I started to kiss you now I couldn’t stop and sadly we are at school. We don’t have time to make out.”
Surprised Princess Kenny turns around and there is the school behind her.
She lets go of me, crossing her arms. A little huff comes out of her lips.
Smiling at her cute reaction, I pull her hood back on and kiss again her forehead.
“Don’t be like that. I’m sure we will find a moment I can shove my tongue down your throat. Maybe I will even let you touch my boobs.”
I can hear how she moans in despair.
“You are a tease! How can you say such things and then not commit to it?!”
I give her a wink and sauter up to one of the school windows, to see where Craig is.
“That’s part of my charm.”
I hear rapid, angry muffles. I have to fight off the smirk on my face.
I would love to rile her up more, but I need to bust out a thief from detention.
So time to get to work.
I see what must be the cafeteria of the school. Some kids sit on the tables, one in particular is dressed, from what I can see, more medieval. I bet that’s Craig! Overseeing all the kids is a man with a head of a ballon.
I blink surprised.
I never saw someone with a head like that.
It seems like it will fly away any minute.
Princess Kenny joins me and whispers that this is the school counselor Mr. Mackey, currently the evil dungeon overlord who has hall monitors patrolling the school.
I nod in understanding.
Mr. Mackey tries to get Craig to work on his homework, but Craig is already so in his Feldspar character that he rather looks at his watch and tells Mr. Mackey that he will be soon rescued from this tower.
He says it in such a deadpan tone, that I have to snort.
That guy is a number!
At least we get the information that the doors are locked. This means not only do we have to watch out for the hall monitors but probably searching keys to enter.
Oh well, let’s do this.
I take Princess Kenny’s hand and we enter the school.
A lone ginger hall monitor is there to greet us.
Now, I always loved red hair, I get weak knees for redheads, but this one is so not my type. Maybe it’s the acne-like freckles since freckles are normally cute. It turns me off.
“Excuse me, but school is OUT and no students are allowed on the premises until tomorrow at 7:30 am.”, tells the hall monitor.
“Listen here dude.”, I start bored. “I know you just do your job so it’s not your fault, but I and my fair princess need to free the thief, and if you don’t want to get your ass handed to you, be smart and let us pass!”
Princess Kenny nods in agreement.
“I warn you! Stay away from the doors! One step towards those doors and I will be forced to write you up!”, he completely ignores what I told him and get’s even battle ready.
Me and Princess Kenny share a look.
“Let’s kick his ass, my lady?”
“Let’s kick his ass, hot stuff.”
And we do just that.
Defeat and beaten up he lays on the floor and speaks into his Walkie-Talkie: “Officer down, officer down! Send backup! I repeat, Officer down! All hallway monitors to the right hallway!”
“Oh, god dammit!”, comes Mr. Mackey’s voice from the Walkie-Talkie.
“Heeeeere they come.”, sings-songs a nasal voice, who can only be Craig.
“They aren't gonna GET you, Craig! You're not getting out of detention!”
“I'll be out of here in ten minutes.”
I snorted at this and knock out the hall monitor.
“What ya see my princess?”, I ask her. “Do we manage to get thief Craig out in ten minutes?”
Princess Kenny flicks one of her braids over her shoulder and readies her pink bow.
“Oh, I think we will. Lead the way, beautiful.”
I grin at the pet name and open the door to the next hall war. With a bow a gesture to her to go through.
“What a gentleman.”, she purrs.
“I can be anything you want, my princess.”, I flirt back and follow her.
In the hallway more ginger hall monitors await us, they even put up a barricade. I give it to them, that’s smart.
But not smart enough.
I signal Kenny to shoot down one of the loudspeakers, which hits one of the hall monitors on the head. Then I get out a can of hairspray and a lighter I found in one of the houses I ransacked with Leo. With my improvised flamethrower, I destroy the barrier, and the remaining hall monitors get defeated by the huge blast.
Kenny and I high-fived each other and make our way over to the cafeteria door.
Sadly it’s locked.
Okay, real talk, isn’t it kind of too much to lock the door? What if one of the kids needs to pee?
“You're not gonna get through this door. Mkay.”, shouts Mr. Mackey from the other side. “You might as well give up because I have hidden the key somewhere and you'll never find it in my office. Aw, dammit... mkay.”
I laugh and call cheekily back: “Thanks for the tip!”
Now Kenny takes my hand and leads me to where Mr. Mackey’s office is.
I try to open it, but it’s closed.
“Fucking bullshit!”, curses Princess Kenny what I think too.
Let me guess we need a key for that room and before we can get into the office we need another key for another room so we get the one for the office.
It’s really like a dungeon.
And like a dungeon, the next enemy is patrolling the hall we are currently in.
I signal to Kenny to hit the phone with one of her arrows, the hall monitor walks over to it to pick up the ringing phone and I Sparta kick the chairs beside the phone, so they fall on top of the ginger.
Was this unnecessarily brutal?
Do I regret it?
We continue and I swerve I hear a ruckus coming from the faculty lounge, but I can’t inspect it since the room also needs a key. 
“We'll need the brass key in order to open this door!”, explains Princess Kenny to me.
“So we need all in all, a brass key, a silver key, and a gold key. Awesome!”, I groan annoyed.
Stupid dungeon mechanic.
Kenny pats my shoulder in comfort.
I smile at her in thanks.
We continue our quest to get the brass key and a motherfucking hall monitor closes the hallway with a metal fence so we can’t go on!
“You little bitch!”, I curse at him.
The hall monitor has the nerve to taunt me: “The protector of the brass key will never surrender!”
…Ha! At least we now know he has one of the keys we need.
Stupid bitch!
Suddenly Princess Kenny goes on her knees and declares: “Your word is the command, my lady.”
“Is this some kind of invitation to make out? Because like I would love to, but I don’t like people watching.”
“No, you adorable horny girl. It’s a game mechanic. You can command your quest buddy to use one of their special ability.”
“Oh! And hey you are probably just as horny as I am, but whatever. Do your thing, Princess.”
And she does.
Her thing is calling over one of the hallway monitors and showing off her naked “breasts”! I bit into my hand to not laugh like crazy.
That’s an awesome ability!
Also, it works.
Charmed the hall monitor opens the fence, ready to touch Kenny’s boobs, only for her to get out a pretty mirror and knock him out with that.
Now I can’t hold back anymore and laugh like crazy.
“That was wonderful!”, I giggle. “Your boobs are the bomb. I doubt my boobs have that kind of power! Kudos, girl!”
Kenny winks at me and I have the feeling she is grinning brightly under her parker.
We make haste to the hall monitor who has the brass key, he has two other hall monitors with him.
“You can take the brass key from my cold, dead hands!”
“If that is what you wish!”, I shout back. “Kenny the bulletin board!”
I hear a muffled agreeing sound and she shots at it. The bullentin board falls down on the other two hall monitors.
Only the one with the brass key remains.
We take care of him fast.
“More officers down!”, whimpers the defeated hall monitor in his Walkie-Talkie. “We're taking heavy casualties out here!”
“Dammit, you hallway monitors need to stop playing around!”, responds Mr. Mackey annoyed.
“He's got the brass key! He's some kind of Dragonborn!”
“Now, look, this is detention time, not time to play Dungeons and Dragons! And besides, he's never gonna get inside here because to open the door, you need the gold key and the only way to get the gold key is by getting the silver key, mkay, which even if he HAS the brass key, he still hasn't made it past the boss level. Mmkay.”
And here I thought Mr. Mackey wasn’t part of our RPG.
With the brass key, I knock out the hall monitor.
“Oh yeah, we are kickass!”, I declare.
Princess Kenny agrees full heartily. We can now open the faculty lounge. In it, we find at least four ginger hall monitors and a poor brown-haired boy who saw better days.
Me and Kenny use the environment around us to defeat the evil hall monitor and get to the brown-haired boy.
Since he clearly needs it I had him a health potion.
“Thanks, I thought I was a goner! There were too many of them. They were too strong, their hair too red...”, shudders the brunette boy.
I wave it off.
“It’s all right. We helped with pleasure.”
He gives me a silver key. Surely the one we need!
“Maybe you can take this silver key and find the gold key. You can succeed where I have failed! Free Mackey's prisoners!”
With that, he leaves us.
I shrug my shoulders and take the hand of my fair princess.
“We are nearly done, let’s go.”
Kenny nods and we return to Mackey’s office. This time we can open it thanks to the silver key.
The gold key is found fast and Kenny uses her bow to shoot it down from the shelf.
“The gold key!”, she cheers. “Now we can go rescue Craig!”
“This means this stupid dungeon is nearly done!”, I celebrate.
We make haste back to the cafeteria.
As I’m about to open the door I hear a male voice say: “That's far enough, intruder!”
I turn around.
A ginger hall monitor, clearly a year older than me, tougher looking than the other ones stands before Kenny and me.
Protective I stand before my Princess, while she grips with both hands one of my arms.
“Where's your hall pass?”, he asks.
“I don’t need one. Technically I still don’t go to this school and my Princess has diplomacy immunity!”, I shot back, trying to appear tough, even if I’m sweating from nervousness.
Big ginger hall monitor heard apparently only the part that we don’t have one.
“No hall pass? Then it's time to write you a referral.”
That motherfucker gets out a dodgeball on a stick, making it a mace.
Holy cow!
He means business.
“Oh, yeah, that's the boss.”, calls Mr. Mackey from behind the cafeteria doors. “Good luck fighting the boss, mkay. You still think this is a game, young man?”
And another one who thinks I’m a boy! Yippie!
I can’t even get really mad about it, since the big ginger hall monitor calls also for back-up.
This is going to be a tough fight, but Mage N.K. and pretty Princess Kenny won at the end!
Grinning I open the door to the cafeteria and shout: “You are free my babes!”
“Yay!”, all cheer happily.
Together we run all out of school, Mr. Mackey behind us waving his fist and cursing: “DAMN YOU CRAAAAAIG!”
“Wuhu! That was awesome!”, I cheer and pick up Princess Kenny to twirl her around.
She laughs and hugs me back. “You were amazing, noble Mage!”
“Thanks for busting me out, kid.”, say Craig glad. “Who are you?”
“My future spouse!”, purrs Princess Kenny. She has her arms wrapped around my arm, snuggling up to me.
I blush and giggle.
“I’m the new kid and also the new Mage of Kupa Keep my name is N.K.”, I introduced myself to Craig. “Nice to meet you noble thief.”
He gives me a nod.
“Does Cartman know you are a girl or is it a secret?”
“A secret, please keep it for yourself.”
“No problem, mage. Can’t wait to see Cartman’s stupid face when he learns you are a girl. This will be so hilarious.”
“Let’s hope it will be in the distant future.”
“Oh well, I'm heading to Kupa Keep. See you there I guess.”
And with that, he leaves.
“Well we should go to.”, I tell Kenny, who is still hugging my arm to herself.
“Right, but first…”
Kenny pulls her hood down, then takes my face in her hands and pats her eyelashes at me.
“You deserve a reward for all the hard work you have done.”
She looks pointedly at my lips. I can’t help but blush, yet I wrap my arms around her waist and lean down, while she goes on her tippy toes.
“I gladly take any reward you want to give me, my princess.”
For that, I get a brilliant smile and not a second later a pair of soft lips against mine.
Oh yes, this is the best kind of reward!
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
20 - We're All Family Here
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Hybrid Trainer
@abaker74 @foundationsretail
"Y/n, we have to go now. We have to go!" Owen grunts when I fight against his hold gripping our daughters arm still holding onto her weak heartbeat that I could still hear. "Owen get your hands off me. She's our daughter  - she's our child. I refuse to leave her. I'd rather die."
Medics immediately loaded Jewel off the helicopter putting fluids and checking her vitals. Owen grasped my left hand the entire time because I was itching to see my child but he was concerned for me too. Dr. Wu was let in the room having to check out her raptor blood. The nurse clears me just bandaging up my back where I fell on the ground then popping my ankle back in place. Giving me crutches and saying I would have to get it checked out in a week or so. Owen pulled back the tent flap letting me inside first while I grunted sitting down at her bedside watching her sleeping peacefully from the pain meds they had given her. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I was just - terrified to lose her." I mumbled under my breath sadly glancing over to him standing down by her feet.
"It's okay you don't have to apologize. You're her mom and she nearly died. Trust me I was terrified the whole time too. All I want is for my family to be safe." He crossed his arms over his chest with a weak smile looking outside the tent flap at Maisie. She is getting checked out by the nurse until Owen chuckled causing me to get to my feet so I could see what was happening. "Huh, I thought there was something going on between those two." I smirked seeing Alan kissing Ellie deeply before they were packing to go back home. Owen draped an arm over my shoulder kissing my forehead before we heard little Jewel mumbling something. "Mommy...daddy?" Whipping our heads to her direction we both rushed to both sides of her bed smiling and crying all at the same time. Owen brushes her hair from her face kissing her forehead. "Hey babygirl. How are you feeling?" She coughed so I helped her shift the pillow so she was sitting upright. "I'm tired...can we go home. I miss Blue." Squeezing her hand in mine I smiled wiping tears away with my other hand. "Don't worry baby. We'll be home soon."
Hours later the four of us boarded an airplane to head home after everything we've been through. Owen climbs into the driver's seat of his truck with me in the passenger seat. Claire sits in the backseat watching Jewel and Maisie sleeping in the others embrace. Resting my hands on my stomach I smiled feeling some kicks from the baby and I couldn't wait for Owen to know the gender when it's born since we decided to wait this time. After hours of driving we made it home to see Blue pacing in the open wooded air near our house. Closing the door Owen and I opened the truck bed helping the little raptor out into the grass. Blue chirped seeing her baby running straight for her. She then bends her head down nuzzling the little one making me almost start crying. Owen intertwined his hand with mine feeling Blue watching us. "You don't have to worry Blue. We're all safe here. I promise." She chirped as a thank you then runs off in the distance with her little one following after her.
A few months later
Grasping my husband's hand I moaned in pain sitting up in a hospital bed while Claire was watching the girls outside in the lobby. The doctor told me one last push would do it. "Owen...I can't...urgh!" I grunted squinting my eyes tightly closed. Owen winced where I was afraid I would break his hand but he pushed hair from my face with his other using the alpha tone. "Y/n, eyes on me. You are the strongest person I know. Just one more and we'll have our second child. You can do this." Nodding my head I give it everything I have finally hearing the babies crying filling the hospital room. The nurse entered the room carrying our little infant in a soft blue blanket laying the baby on my chest. Owen tucks loose hair from my braid behind my ear croaking through happy tears. "It's a boy...we have a boy, Y/n. I love you." Lifting my head up I kissed him softly feeling him smiling into the kiss. Sniffing through happy tears I looked down to my baby boy who looked exactly like a mini version of his daddy the only difference was he has my eye color. "I already have the name picked out, Owen. Chris Phineas Grady."
We returned home a few days later all gathered around a fire eating smores. Little Chris is asleep in my arms with me laying my head against Owen's chest. Claire sits on the other side of me. Finally Maisie and Jewels across from her both laughing about a joke she had just said. "Y/n, are you alright. I'm sorry about the blood results earlier." Owen squeezed my knee gently seeing me sadly looking down at our sleeping boy. Dr. Wu had come out this morning to deliver that somehow Chris had skipped the half raptor gene meaning he was simply a human like his daddy. "It's okay, Owen. I mean it makes me sad at first but then I see him in you. And that makes it better because he will be just as badass and loving as his father is to me." Leaning forward I pressed my lips to his whispering to him. "I love you Owen Grady, always have..." He kisses back running a hand through my hair resting it to my cheek. "I love you too Y/n, I always will." Laying my head against his chest he wrapped his arms around my waist smiling at our little family sitting around the fire. In the woods Blue and little Beta was watching over us on a hill knowing that humans and dinosaurs could exist together.
Oh my gosh I am so happy and sad that this is the end. I love writing Jurassic World and Owen
Anyway please check out my other fics and as always comments really appreciated ❤️
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