#it really is That Deep it'll suck you in with so much meat to find thru its layers of interpretation
the-nysh · 11 months
So this morning I dusted off my old Trigun volumes -- literally, I haven't touched that shelf in years, it's very dusty -- and nyoomed through reading them. I had FORGOTTEN so much of it, and also forgotten how GOOD it is. I mean, I kind of hate the art style -- no shade to the mangaka, everyone has preferences, I also dislike the Gravity Falls art style and I love that show -- but the story is just, call it a black hole because it sucked me in. (And I stopped there for now because there's stuff I have to do actually-today other than "reread a decades-old manga".) I've the first five volumes of Maximum, then a gap in my collection, then thirteen and fourteen.
*gasp* YOU have some old volumes and you never told me!?! aaa I'm so jealous x'D cause they're legally out of print! well, until Dark Horse reprints the upcoming hardcover editions, but anyway~ But oi-oiii have you SEEN Murata's early art (almost 90s style too) in Eyeshield 21 before he settled on his distinct artstyle? ;D The same deal here - the early Trigun volumes may be a little wonky and dated but later on in Maximum Nightow's style evolves to fuck pretty hard and looks quite strikingly timeless - the bold b&w contrast, the impact ~VIBES~ for the mood it makes you FEEL, and compositional balance + sharp angles and use of ~shapes~ get really fucking impressive. :O But most importantly yeah, the story is quite the gripping black hole that makes you feel insane and distraught, devastated, reinvigorated and reborn to question existence itself. What. But yeah it's a whole ~experience~ worth the read and I'm jazzed you got inspired to pick it up again!
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bi-frog4girls · 1 year
So you do requests for the scp foundation right? Can you just do any member of the foundation (anomaly or employee) with a reader who is just a fucking cat, like just a totally normal cat who just keeps on breaking into the foundation and no one can stop them?
Thank you!
Honestly this wound be hilarious to see so I'll give it a shot. I also got way too invested into the plot of this ngl
You landed softly on the tile floor of the facility, one of the staff forgot to close the window again. You were pretty much know as the persistent pest, you have already broken into the facility about 12 times. Though you've only been caught about for times.
You walked down the halls untill you found an open, unguarded room. Stepping into the room you immediately noticed the tall desk Infront of. You sucked in a deep breath of air, you calculated the jump and you made a leap for it.
You fell face first into the floor immediately.
You began to gently rub your nose into your paw before making another attempt. You almost made it this time, you were hanging off the edge. You began to scratch at the desk trying to pull yourself back up. With one final push you mad it onto the desk.
Looking across the desk you only saw a couple of interesting things. One of those things was a half eaten bagel, which you grabbed the meat off of to eat. Then you saw a ball a very colorful ball that was so amazing and, you knocked it off the desk. The last thing you saw was a key card, you hoped off the desk with the key card in your mouth.
Soon you saw two men in lab coats and two men in all black. The first one noticed the key card in your mouth instantly. "Get that cat it has a key card!" The chase went on as you sprinted around the room to get away from them. Soon you spotted an open window and you hoped out of it and into the woods.
"way to go Josh, you lost another key card!"
You came back the next day with the key card in hand you wanted to see what it could do after all, what use is stealing something you have no use for. When you left yesterday you had examined the card and noticed that it read scp 053 on it. All you had to do was find these exact same strange symbols and you were in.
Did I mention that you can't read.
After lots of sneaking around (by sneaking around I mean getting distracted by a red light only to get chased down seconds later.) You had finally found the door. The only problem was you don't know what to do with the door.
You walked back and forth around the outside of the room and soon you noticed a small hole in the wall. Not big enough for you to crawl through comfortably but it'll do. You crawled through the hole. The way you got through the hole is something you don't want to even know about.
Before you could walk any further "what's a kitty cat like you doing in my room?" You looked twords the sound of the voice and saw a girl, she had brown hair and wore a yellow dress covered in flowers.
You stared into her brown eyes and she stared into yours. Suddenly you were lifted off the ground. Looking down you saw the same girl picking you up just with a smile now on her face. "You look just like my kitty Fransisco!" The girl gave you some stomach scratches before setting you down.
She ran to her toy box and pulled out an identical copy of you. You walked up to it and sniffed it letting a small meow escape your lips. "There it's in scp 053's room!" You saw the doors open and right as they did you sprinted out back into the facility.
Whenever you would come back you would always visit 053, you really liked her belly rubs.
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