#it should have been a back then//then//now type of fic but again no more ideas🤷‍♀️
pollyna ¡ 2 years
they used to be married au: theoretically they never were married but Mav can't still says they had divorced and Ice wears a golden ring around his finger since 2010. Nobody knows the name or the face of the person behind it. Not even Maverick.
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cg29fics ¡ 3 years
Pick & Mix Collection
Attempted to post this twice yesterday but Tumblr decided to make them disappear 🤷‍♀️
Sharing a selection of fics all inspired by previous Fluffember’s from the wonderful @gumnut-logic
1. Hugs.
Hugs. The Tracy boys have discovered come in many variations and are delivered for all sorts of reasons, especially when they come from Scott…
There's the pat on the back followed by a quick one-armed hold for the job well done but there are others nearby that don't really know us and I don't want to embarrass you… Then of course there's the: “Oh my god how did you just not get seriously hurt when that building just collapsed? Please I need to hold you. No, I don't care if anyone is looking, you're shaking, I'm shaking I need to hold you close.”
The homely hugs because I’m so damn proud of you, so I’m going to pull you into a quick tight hold, or cuddle your back, or I'll just ruffle your hair instead even though you hate having it messed up.
Or the, you're exhausted from back to back missions and have fallen asleep in your bird or on the sofa so I'm just going to lift you up into my arms and hold you real close and then put you to bed and tuck you in. Yes, I might watch you sleep for a while too.
Then there are those days. The bad ones that have caused injuries, not just physical but on an emotional level too. So, you are angry and frustrated and the last thing you want is to be held. So, instead I just sit by your side and wait for the moment you break, your head comes to rest on my chest and tears silently start to fall, and that’s when I will wrap you in my arms and place a gentle kiss on your head and whisper that I understand, I’m here, because I’m your big brother and I will always be by your side…
And, of course, the final type of hug. Given when Scott’s immersed himself into work and grown overtired. Or he’s upset because one of his brothers got hurt, and of course he blames himself. Or he’s feeling the weight from all the responsibility laid onto his young shoulders. Those days when he just misses his dad and wants him back. He will find each brother by his side. Virgil there with his soulful eyes, John with a soothing voice, Gordon with his infectious humour, Alan with his dimpled smile. Each of them wrapping him up and bringing him in to a hold they all share.
5 more fics beneath the cut
2. Blanket.
The argument had been brewing for a few days now…
A reckless action from Scott, angering the second eldest but nothing had been said because another rescue had called them out. Of course the second rescue had seen Virgil receiving a cut to his arm from a move that he had needed to make in order to save a family. Scott, obviously, hadn’t seen it that way and when stitches had been done and a debrief was taking place he had called his brother out, and in retaliation decided to mutter the phrase ‘pot meet kettle’ which only exasperated things… The tone set, tongues began to lash but were stopped when another mission was called in. Scott had attempted to ground Virgil, but he wasn’t having none of it due to the jaws of life being needed, so once again both brothers had gone out. Thankfully, the mission went well, but tensions hadn’t stabilised, exhaustion had settled into both of them, and the screaming commenced. Gordon witnessing all of this decided that something damn well had to be done. Thankfully, he knew straight away what that something was…
“What the hell were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that those parents needed saving.”
“And you could have done that without endangering yourself.”
“There was no other way.”
“There’s always another way, if you stop and think before you go all gung-ho.”
Virgil released a loud guffaw… “Gung-ho, you want to bring up me being gung-ho… I believe my phrase earlier should cover it. What was it again… Oh right, pot, kettle!”
“I am not reckless.”
“Scott, you are always reckless.”
“No, I’m…” Scott stopped at the sight of Gordon zooming past… “What’s he up to?”
“No idea,” Virgil responded, watching Gordon zoom past again with several large boxes in his hands, “but it can’t be good. Think we should investigate?”
“It could be a trap.”
“Could be.”
They watched as Gordon once again zipped past them, only to emerge less than a minute later with cookie boxes in his grasp.
“Okay,” Virgil frowned as cookie crumbs fell from the boxes, “I really do think we need to investigate.”
“Most definitely!”
With a joint nod, and a silent FAB they followed the trail of crumbs which led them to their TV room, affectionately known as the ‘snug’ and discovered a locked door.
“Gordon,” Scott banged on the door, “what the hell are you doing in there?”
“Squid, open this door now,” Virgil demanded.
A sound of a key, and the door creeped open. “Hey guys, what’s up?”
“What’s up?” Virgil crossed his arms. “We want to know what you are up to, that’s what’s up!”
“As I said, nothing.”
“Don’t give me nothing,” Scott countered pushing the door open and gasping at the sight before him, “What the?”
Virgil stepped forward so he could see what Scott was seeing. “What the?”
Gordon grinned, turning towards his creation… Several large blankets and some smaller ones had been intricately tied together, then raised and held in place with chairs, small blocks, and other devices so that they covered the entire room… “It’s a blanket fort.”
“We can see what it is,” Scott snapped, “the question is why?”
“Why not?” Gordon retaliated, climbing into the fort through a small gap before popping his head back out, “but you guys can’t come in.”
“We can’t?” Virgil questioned, his eyes eagerly scanning the fortress.
“Nope… No shouting allowed, that’s why.”
“We won’t shout.”
“Okay Virg, you can come in.”
“But you need to take your boots off first,” Alan instructed, his head appearing next to Gordon’s.
“Wait,” Scott placed his hand on Virgil’s shoulder, “aren’t we too old for a blanket fort?”
"You're never to hold for a fort!" John said, appearing from another entrance.
"Come on Scott,” Gordon continued, “EOS is redirecting calls, so for the next few hours it's just us guys."
"And me," Kayo interjected, her grinning face popping from another section.
"Go on then," Scott answered, pulling off his shoes and following Virgil into the fort.
Once inside Scott stared at the sight… Pizza, chips, cookies, chocolates, drinks and other various snacks were piled in one area. Playing cards and a couple of board games lay in another. Then in another duvets, pillows and extra blankets were set up for each of them… Including himself and Virgil… “Wait, you set this whole thing up, didn’t you?”
“Yeah,” Gordon shrugged, “thought you both could do with being cheered up, you have been arguing a lot, so…”
Virgil pulled his brother into his arms “Thanks Squid.”
“Yes, thanks Gordo.” Scott added, joining in on the hug.
“So,” Alan asked, “are you two best buds again?”
“Yes,” Virgil replied, releasing Gordon and grabbing his and Scott’s blanket, “we are.”
Taking the blanket from his brother, Scott wrapped it around his shoulders, breathed in the freshly washed aroma and smiled deeply. “Absolutely.”
3. Favourite Drinks
We all know Virgil likes a… Okay, scratch the likes and replace it with needs… That boy needs a cup of coffee to function. In fact, his need for the beverage runs so deep that there is a coffee machine on Two. As soon as he's in flight and the autopilot as been selected a quick press of a button will dispense, just underneath the control panel, a deliciously rich warm coffee with one sugar and no milk or cream. Just the way he likes it. The machine is actually a new addition. A birthday present from Brains. Oh, and yes, the rumours were true, Virgil did cry with happiness when he was gifted it. So, yes, our artistic guy is a coffee addict, but what about the others? Have you ever wondered what their favourite hot drinks are…
Alan. Well, his favourite will always be hot chocolate made with milk and topped with marshmallows and cream. The best hot chocolates though are made by John, who also claims this drink as his favourite. When on the homestead he will whip up Alan's and then make his own with water, no milk. Then they will sit, just the two of them, beneath the stars they love.
When Penelope is nearby Gordon will claim that his favourite beverage is an English breakfast tea with a drop of milk, and yes, while a nice cup of tea is enjoyed, it actually takes his second spot. His first choice, well, that will always be hot water with honey and lemon. The taste, soothing. The smell reminding him of his childhood and time spent with just him and his mom after he had completed an early morning swim. Also he likes to think of himself as a no-frills kind of guy… Yes, I know, hard to imagine!
Scott, like Virgil is a coffee addict. Okay, not as bad as Virgil, but he does like a drink to help spur him on after a long morning run. However, unlike his brother he prefers his beverage Irish. Coffee with a shot or two of whisky. It was actually his father who introduced him to the mix after his first difficult rescue. He put a drop in some of his and Scott's mugs and they sat together talking through their troubles. Now, while sipping on the warming liquid, Scott will drift into a daydream, one filled with him and his father, finally reunited after eight years apart.
And the rest…
Well, Lady Penelope's choice is certainly no mystery. She is a Tea connoisseur, with numerous flavours tested throughout the years. Everything from English Breakfast, green tea, berry infusion or a simple chamomile to a chocolate mint, and even a candy floss blend. Which she personally found a bit sickly. Her favourite, Earl Grey which will always be consumed at eleven am.
Parker, just like the lady of the manor loves a good old fashioned 'cuppa' tea, with full fat milk, two sugars and don't forget the digestive biscuits for dunking.
Brains, doesn't have a favourite, and will drink anything you put in front of him… Which should be done often because he'll just get wrapped up in his work and forget to hydrate.
Kayo does not do hot drinks, of any kind, and will always turn to a homemade fruit smoothie.
Grandma. She's a perfect mix of four of her boys, and loves nothing more than a freshly made mocha, with chocolate sprinkles of course.
4. The Secret Talent
One of the boys has a talent that his family don't know about. Well, actually, Kayo knows because it is impossible to keep anything from her, but she has always kept the secret for him, even if she doesn't quite understand why he keeps it hush. There is also a strong possibility that John knows too, he has never actually brought it up, but the guy knows all and sees all. The rest of the family though, they don't, and Gordon the one who possesses this particular skill would prefer to keep it that way. Not that there is a reason in keeping it a closely guarded secret. Yes, he would probably receive some gentle teasing at first but once his brothers clicked on to the benefits of his talent and that they had actually been happily enjoying the results of his gift for many years then they would definitely let it go. Yet, he still would like to keep it from them. Prefers it that way because although he shares the final results, the preparation part, well that is just for him…
So, you are probably wondering what this mystery ability is?
Gordon can bake. Cakes to be precise. From cheesecakes and blueberry muffins to double chocolate fudge cakes or a good old-fashioned Victoria sponge. Big proper sized ones, tiny minute ones, fantastically intricately decorated ones and even tiny bitty cupcakes with triple frosting. You name it, he will bake it, he will even add intricate decorations on top. Oh, and if you are wondering, yes he has even made ones in the shape of their individual birds before.
His favourite time to bake will be when he is alone. Everyone else might be out on a mission and he isn't, or they are off island for some other reason. That will be the moment, his time, to grab an apron, put on some music and get all the ingredients he needs. Then when prepared, he will whip up some cakes ready for when his weary family return. Other times will be usually really early in the morning. He will wake about two hours before Scott, whip up some cakes then stick them in the oven. By time they are coming out Scott will be getting up, but he heads straight for a morning run, and never catches the clean-up and decorating process. He will then stow them away for later in the day.
The taste… Well, they certainly do not taste like anything their grandma would make. In fact, anyone who has been lucky enough to try one as always remarked on the exquisite taste and then will ask where they were purchased from. Gordon will come up with some wacky cake shop name to cover his tracks and no one, not even his brothers, will think to go and look for this place because he will tell them that he enjoys picking them up. So they let him, because if he isn't pulling some sort of practical joke then that is a good thing, and when it comes to food they know he won't jokingly tamper since decent food is a precious rarity in the Tracy household. There is also a secondary reason Gordon would never add a silly ingredient to his cakes, and it's the exact same reason he would never dream of messing with Virgil's piano or one of his paintings, because baking is an art form, a way for him to express his inner self.
5. Tears
Tears. When they were coming from one of his brothers then he could always spot the signs of a hastily washed face, even if it had been several hours ago. He also had the uncanny knack of sensing a weeping brother from a few miles away. Now, while returning home from a mission he could feel those ‘senses’ tingling. One of his brothers was crying and that meant they needed him. Question was, which brother was it. Definitely not Virgil, he was currently in Thunderbird Two returning home from the same mission as him and they had been chatting and laughing over comms with John which also ruled him out. However that left his youngest unaccounted for.
Bringing Thunderbird One into its hanger, Scott fired through his post flight checks, grabbed the clothes that were in the storage box on One and quickly changed before heading towards the bedrooms where both his brothers would usually be at one thirty in the morning. A quick glance into Alan’s room and thankfully he was curled up on his rug fast asleep. So, that only left Gordon who was still recovering from his accident in Thunderbird Four. There had been quite a few tears when he had first been hurt but thankfully they had settled now his body was starting to heal, but he could definitely feel crying… Scott felt his heart skip a beat… No, Gordon was sobbing. He needed to reach him now.
Rushing towards Gordon’s room Scott could now hear the wails coming from inside, so he flung the door open preparing himself to provide the comfort his Squid would need, but immediately brought himself to a halt at the sight. Gordon was sitting on his bed with his leg propped up. A woollen blanket wrapped around him, and he stared at his tablet screen, tears pouring from his eyes.
“Gordon, what the hell is wrong?”
His brother pressed a button on the screen, then with tear-filled eyes looked up towards him… “She’s got legs now, but can’t talk, or sing!”
“What… Who?”
“Wait… You’re crying over The Little Mermaid?”
“Yeah,” Gordon wiped at his face defensively, “why, what’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing bro, do you want some company?”
“Yes, I could really do with a cuddle.”
“Okay then,” Scott closed the door and settled himself on the bed next to Gordon, allowing him to press play before resting his arm soothingly around him… It didn’t matter what they were crying over, he would always be there for them.
6. The Angels in Blue
A disaster struck my hometown today. The earth shook, buildings crumbled, and many were killed instantly. Others, like myself, survived, but we were injured and trapped. In the past we may have lost faith. Started to believe that our lives were over. That we would never get to see our loved ones again. However, none of us who were trapped gave in to those feelings. All because of a rescue organisation. They fly in, swoop down, and risk their lives for a stranger. Simply because they don’t want to see a life lost. A family destroyed. Friends mourning the loss of someone close. They are the angels in blue and they bring us hope. They are International Rescue. A true gift to the world.
Previous posts can be found via the tag: Or you can read the entire collection on Ao3 & FFNet - CreativeGirl29
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