#prompt ideas they got lost in my mind because i was doing something else insted that writing
pollyna · 2 years
they used to be married au: theoretically they never were married but Mav can't still says they had divorced and Ice wears a golden ring around his finger since 2010. Nobody knows the name or the face of the person behind it. Not even Maverick.
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reminiscingdreamer · 8 years
Voltron Treasure Planet!AU
Treasure Planet was my childhood movie and lord knows how many times I’ve watched it as a kid and while I was listening to I’m Still Here by John Rzeznik, being on a Voltron kick as I am, I was just suddenly inspired by how Keith makes a good Jim Hawkins and how Treasure Planet’s unique setting would make a wonderful Voltron AU. Also an excuse to revisit the movie in my sepia-tinted glasses.
Pressed flat against the side of the cave mouth, Shiro swept the skies and the ground for any sign of pursuers, careful for any moving shapes through the blurry curtain of rain that he might have missed the first and second time around. When none presumed to show themselves, he let out a long breath and returned deeper into the cave where Keith sat against the cool, stone wall, glaring at the golden orb in his hands.
He struggled to regulate his breathing. It was hard against the ice cold rock in his chest that made the back of his eyes prickle.
Their home, their livelihood, their dream, lost, all because of this one stupid sphere?
Keith took a deep lungful of air, arm twitching from the barely aborted impulse to hurl the damn thing against the wall and watch it break into a hundred pieces, just like their lives from one moment to the next.
This was all his fault. If only he had minded his own business and not picked up a strange Galra, they’d still have their shop. It wasn’t much, but it was all they had and it was their only source of income to pay off the debts it took to get their shop off the ground, not to even begin on the cost of Shiro’s mechanical arm, and Keith had ruined everything again. More than the Galran, he was angry at himself and he had no idea what to do with that.
He heard Shiro stepping closer before sitting down beside him with several inches of space between them, but Keith didn’t look up from the orb, too upset with himself to want to be comforted by Shiro so they sat in silence together for a long time.
Shiro was waiting for him to talk, but Keith didn’t really want to because if he did, it’d have be about what the hell they were going to do now with nothing but the clothes on their backs and people looking for them and that was something he didn’t really want to face yet.
Instead, he shifted a little closer to Shiro. The guilt and loss made Keith want to curl in a ball and leech off of the warmth and reassurance of Shiro’s presence, but he didn’t feel like he deserved it, so he sat stiffly, fiddling with the orb.
“How are you feeling?” Shiro prompted as Keith pressed some random buttons on it. Their home burned down because of a stupid puzzle sphere. He gave a particularly vicious twist to the top half. Great.
“Okay,” he answered lamely and then because that was obviously bullshit, he elaborated, “I’m just… kind of upset with myself and…” He sighed. How the hell was saying sorry going to even cover a millimeter of what happened? But what else could he say? Not for the first time, he wished he was better with words.
Shiro understood anyway. “It was your home too, Keith. I know you hadn’t wanted this to happen.”
“Yeah, but if only I hadn’t brought that guy in, none of this would’ve happened.” Keith transferred the orb onto his other palm, turning another segment of it. And that was the heart of it. The one time he decided to give a rat’s ass about someone else and it blew up in his face. He had never regretted anything more.
“Keith, look at me.”
Keith reluctantly tore his gaze away from the dull sphere in his hands to meet Shiro’s coal eyes. His expression was set in that way that he often wore when he thought Keith was wrong but in a way he knew Keith was well-intentioned. When he saw it, it usually assured him that he didn’t mess up as badly as he thought he had. This time though, Keith wasn’t so sure.
“Helping people is always the right thing to do, especially when they’re dying. I know this feels like some kind of punishment for doing the right thing, but we can’t always predict the things outside our control,” Shiro told him, voice firm.
Keith knew that and now that Shiro had said it, he wanted to believe it too, but this time was different from all the other times he brought trouble to their doorstep. Shiro seemed to acknowledge that Keith wasn’t going to accept it so easily and moved on.
“What’s happened, happened. Let’s think about what to do next inste—”
Green light burst from the lines of the orb just as a segment snapped into place under Keith’s fingers and he whipped down to stare at it wide-eyed, nearly dropping it.
A grid lined the entirety of the cave as a whirl of green from above resolved themselves into green-tinted holographic spheres and dots to fill the entirety of the rocky space.
Shiro, who had jumped up, on guard, blinked in astonishment as he registered what he saw.
“It’s a map,” he said in awe, withdrawing his stance and walking through it in admiration.
Keith was equally dazed. Neither of them had ever seen a map rendered in three-dimension like this before and it was so detailed too.
“Hey, it’s our planet.”
Keith wandered over just as Shiro pressed a finger against Montressor and then suddenly, the entire map was moving, narrowing into a straight plane; star systems, galaxies, nebulas, and planets rushed by and through them.
“Whoa!” Keith startled as a cluster of stars zoomed by his ear followed by a planet through the stomach.
“I recognize some of these,” Shiro breathed, eyes shining with wonder, craning around himself to look at everything, which had Keith smiling as well, sharing in his amazement. “The Mejalanic Cloud… the Coral Galaxy… the Zygnus Cross…”
The map slowed as it reached a large planet with two rings crisscrossing each other, one gaseous and the other of rock. Everything save for the planet flicked away, leaving it the sole focus.
“And that’s…”
“Treasure Planet,” Keith breathed, hardly able to believe his eyes. Treasure Planet, Zarkon’s Trove, the Loot of a Thousand Worlds, in something other than a story book, in an actual map which they could follow to reach it!
Keith turned to Shiro, heart pounding with the realization, the possibilities.
He faltered when he caught the hard look on Shiro’s face, arms crossed as he stared at the planet with narrowed eyes that spoke of distrust.
“Shiro?” he prodded with a sinking feeling.
Shiro shook his head just as the map abruptly snapped off, leaving the cave free of holograms once more. “I’m sorry, Keith. I just… can’t risk it.”
“Why?” Keith demanded. “If we could get to that treasure, we could rebuild the shop and pay off all the debts! Even the one on your arm!”
Shiro leveled him with an even look. “There are a group of people who were willing to track someone down and kill them for it. They won’t stop until they find this map and as long as we have it, they won’t stop looking for us, even if they have to chase us across the universe.” He nodded towards the map. “I’d rather our safety than treasure.”
“That’s why we might as well go find it!” Keith argued back. He needed to do this with an urgency that made his whole body itch with energy. He needed to feel like he got some equal worth out of having their home destroyed, that his mistake hadn’t cost them more than he wanted to think about. He wanted to fix this. “If they’ll chase us anywhere no matter where we go, we might as well risk finding the treasure.”  
“And lead them straight to it so they could steal it?” Shiro countered dryly with a raised brow.
“They don’t know we have the map yet! It was night and it was raining. The most they would’ve seen was us getting on the sailboard and flying away but since no one came after us, they probably didn’t even see that.”
Shiro didn’t immediately reply, thoughtful, which was a hopeful sign. Keith was set on this and he’ll even go alone if he had to, but he wanted Shiro in on this too. He grounded him and he made Keith feel like anything they did together, they could achieve, even if they made mistakes. This was probably the biggest thing Keith needed Shiro for. It made him feel selfish, but if Keith had to see Shiro come home one more time with that fake smile he reserved for only when things were particularly bad after seeing the debt collectors, he’d snap.
Finally, after an endless moment during which Keith held his breath, Shiro said with a huff of air, “Okay. Fine. Let’s do this.”
Keith grinned wide as excitement burst through him once more and Shiro gave him a responding grin just as wide, a bit crooked and with a hint of something like challenge mixed with thrill.
“Let’s go find Treasure Planet.”
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