#it shouldn’t cost fucking $80 to apply
masculinepeacock · 8 months
four years ago i was touring duke and vanderbilt and looking back thats so insane
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Darlinda Just Darlinda
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A veteran burlesquer, dancer and performance artist, Darlinda Just Darlinda continues to make her mark in nightlife and the arts world at large. On the eve of the premiere of her new project, DJD gives us the scoop on what this is, where’s she’s been and where she’s going!
Thotyssey: Hey Darlinda! I was wondering how last night's show at the House of Yes went... EXTRA!
Darlinda Just Darlinda: Hello! EXTRA Burlesque was awesome! LadyBox Theater did a takeover! My co-founders Peekaboo Pointe and Tansy did solos, and we were joined by one of our core dancers Vic Sin for a sneak peek of Untitled Rainbow Project that's debuting at Wild Project on Thursday 9/6 for a limited four show run!
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We're gonna get into the deets of that intriguing project in a bit! So you are well known here for being a burlesquer, a dancer, a performance artist, a choreographer and show producer for a minute now. Were you always all of these things, or did some of these evolve over time after others?
Yes! I've been involved with dance, and  theater since I was a child. My mom was a producer of a non-profit dance series in the 80's, and they were both on the board of the local theater company. They put me in all the dance, comedy improvisation and theater classes that were available in my tiny Northern California town. 
So naturally I got my BA in Theater Direction. In college I directed The Vagina Monologues twice and for my senior thesis I directed Hedwig and The Angry Inch. I was obsessed with drag, but didn't know how to fit it in with my female body. When I graduated college, I discovered burlesque and realized that it was a combination of all the things I  loved... and haven't looked back in 15 years!
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I was wondering how your stage name came about.
I actually found the name “Darlinda” in college one day, when I met this fantastic woman in a red, white and blue Swarovski crystal encrusted leather jacket. Her name was Darlinda--, I'd never heard the name before. Then a week later, I was shopping at the Monterey County dump's thrift store called Last Chance Mercantile, and I found a burgundy satin jacket with the name “Darlinda” on the front and a RAINBOW on the back, I also found some rainbow booty shorts that same day(apart from being queer, I've always been obsessed with rainbows). I lost the jacket at a show, but the shorts are still alive and well. 
Then when it was time to get a burlesque stage name, I thought about it... "Darlinda... just Darlinda, like Madonna!" then I changed my mind because I realized "Darlinda Just Darlinda is funny and catchy!" Sometimes it confuses people, so I have to reiterate, " first name Darlinda, last name also Darlinda, middle name Just!"
That’s a crazy coincidence, that odd name popping up twice in such a short time.
Right, I couldn't escape the name! Amazing!
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Dita Von Teese just performed at Wigstock, and she’s arguably the most conventionally famous burlesquer... but the classic style she performs in is not what a lot of today’s burlesque dancers do. 
I wanted to go to Wigstock, but since I had a show, I was only able to see an hour of it... so it didn't seem cost effective. Anyway, Dita is great: she employs a lot of my friends, her shows are a Grand Spectacle, and I really appreciate seeing that kind of artistry on a big gorgeous stage!
 How would you describe your own burlesque... like, what are your goals when you perform?
My burlesque style is what I call Performance Art Burlesque. I tell stories, make political statements, do actual rituals, and sometimes just make people laugh and sing... along like my "Wind Beneath My Wings" act. My goals are to inspire people to feel something, to improve their lives, to be present and love themselves!
These days, burlesque is often about body positivity and female empowerment... these are important traits in the Trump / #MeToo reality. But I guess there will always be naysayers, feminists and misogynists alike, who dismiss it as objectification. How would you respond to them?
I have a #MeToo reverse striptease and an Anti-Trump striptease. Body objectification is only bad when the person who's body it is doesn't give consent, or isn't properly paid for what they do. I art model and strip! I've made my living consensually and consciously objectifying my body. It's my artistic "paint brush." One minute I'm doing a cute "patriotic" striptease... the next minute I'm physically nauseated, naked, pulling a photo of #45 out of my pussy so I can tear it up and tear up the patriarchy.
Werk! You and Minnie Tonka form the burlesque-producing duo The Schlep Sisters, best known for bringing us an amazing annual Hanukkah show, and more recently the “Boy Vey” revue at Coney Island. 
We will celebrate our 15-year Anniversary in Feburary 2019, and  our 12th Annual “Menorah Horah” during Hanukah (December 2-10th 2018)!
And you two did some drag in that Coney Island show!
"Boy Vey” in August, was our first time being drag kings together! 
Is there anything else in the works from you two?
Minnie Tonka is in Untitled Rainbow Project this week, and is focusing a lot of her energy on her nutritional therapy practice called Wellness HQ.
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Tell us about Ladybox. What’s the history of this theater group?
Yes, LadyBox Theater! Tansy, Peekaboo Pointe and I got together in January when I wanted to start working on my new Dance Theater show Untitled Rainbow Project. They had been working on their performance art piece Feast  for a few years, so it seemed fitting that we band together to start our own dance theater / performance art group, and LadyBox was formed. Tansy has a background in theater, choreographing and starring in Eager to Lose at Ars Nova. Peekaboo Pointe has both a degree in dance, and is currently getting her Masters in Theater Technology. 
With our cumulative decades of nightlife / burlesque entertainment, it seemed like the perfect time to start this company. I have dabbled in off-Broadway and noticed a huge male-centric influence on theater / performance art, that is super oriented towards gay men... but not so much queer women. So it's been really thrilling making this work with mostly queer women on the steering wheel! There are some men on stage, but it’s a mostly women-run company. It surprisingly feels revolutionary, because it shouldn't in 2018. But in the #45 regime, women's rights are threatened, so now is a huge time to stand up for our rights. 
On a more logistical level..., once the company is up and running, we've got a few productions under our belt. We want to produce other female, queer, trans, POC, performance art/ dance/ theater makers. We hope the LadyBox can be a place for all folks to make their art! We are being produced by the amazing  Mighty Lucky Productions for this launch, and from this we hope to start our non-profit and apply for grants!
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Why is your piece called Untitled Rainbow Project, by the way?
I've been doing performance art with a rainbow theme for some time, 10 years ago I did A Year in Rainbow, a year-long "life as art" project where every other month I would wear a color of the rainbow. I did a daily blog about it, as well as a show each month honoring the color... and the in-between months I would wear rainbow every day. Anyway, for the past 10 years I wanted to do another rainbow project, and so I came up with the idea to do a loosely-autobiographical story using the rainbow color chakras as a storytelling device. For example, Red has inspired Birth and Sex! Orange is about Divinity! Yellow is Intuition. Green is the violence of love. Blue is speaking your truth and your voice. And Purple is a Royal Explosion! I couldn't think of a name for the piece, so I just used Untitled Rainbow Project for a filler, and it just stuck!
Amazing! Well it should make for a fascinating experience of viewing at Wild Project on September 6th, 7th and 8th!
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I understand that on premiere night (Sept. 6th), there will be an epic opening party at Club Cumming, where the URP shall be performing with other greats.
YES, exactly! Club Cumming has been such a supportive breeding ground for nightlife in the past year, so it seemed like the PERFECT spot to hold our after party and fundraiser. I'm SUPER THRILLED to have Ana Matronic be our DJ! There will be performances, and a live auction of some amazing art!! I'm SO looking forward to it!
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And this weekend, you’re gonna do Bushwig! What’s your slot, and what shall you be doing?
I'm at Bushwig Sunday Night (Sept. 8) 9:20pm. I'll be doing "Wind Beneath my Wings," my favorite lip synch striptease. Two words: "expect pussy!"
Pussy Power!
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Anything else?
 I'm a resident performer at Extra Burlesque at House of Yes, and Fuck You Revue at Bizarre Bushwick. So folks can find me at their monthly shows!
Okay last question: in your opinion or even experience, what is the absolute worst song to burlesque to?
Oh, that's a tough question. First one that comes to mind is Cher’s "Welcome to Burlesque." It’s TOO obvious. BUT I could see someone doing a parody to that song. That's really the joy of burlesque: it literally means to make a joke/ make fun/ laugh at something! And that's the joy of life... you get to laugh along the journey!
Thank you, Darlinda!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Darlinda Just Darlinda’s upcoming gigs, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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Weed for beginners
Smoking weed is fun as fuck but I get how awkward it is when you’re starting out. Everyone seems like a pro and you feel like an idiot. So heres my guide on becoming a stoner.
Before you start:
There is such a thing as smoking too much
When you’re starting off, your tolerance is probably crap. Don’t smoke too much, because if you do you’ll probably just shut down, i’ve seen it happen. You’re basically a zombie and  pass out. If you’re feeling chill, it’s ok to say you’re cool. you don’t need to keep smoking if you’re already having a good time. Your friends might give you hard time but there’s nothing worse than having someone babysit you.
Beware of Edibles
When trying edibles, try to be with someone who has experience with them just in case you take too much. Almost all edibles are overmedicated which means you shouldn’t eat the whole thing at once. Most edibles take 15-60 minutes to set in. I recommend starting with a bite the size of a quarter coin to a mouthful and wait 15-45 mins. Then after the high hits, wait at least 20 minutes before taking another bite. And then 30 mins in between bites after that. Edibles can be overwhelming so don’t take too much to fast. If you’re eating candies you should eat a few at a time. Most edibles come with the THC mg on the package so each candy has a fraction of that. Try not to eat too many.
You don't need to keep eating edibles, if you're stoned you should be good for at least two hours.
Do Not Smoke out of Aluminum
smoking out of aluminum pipes or cans is the absolute worse thing you could do for yourself. its bad for your lungs, its bad for your brain, and its bad for your blood. i recommend avoiding this as much as possible. apples and fruit make good pipes with a little work.
The Basics
Measurements and Pricing
an Ounce/Zip is usually about 28 grams and will cost anywhere from $200-$400 depending on where you buy it and the quality of the weed.
a Quarter of an Ounce is 1/4 of and ounce and is typically 7 grams and will cost you $60-$80 depending on where and quality
an Eighth is 1/8 of an ounce and is 3.5 grams and ranges from $30-35
a Gram is the basic measurement for weed and refers to weight. 
A gram will cost anywhere from $10-$15 depending on where you get it an quality. $10-$12 is a good price $15 is good if you buy from a shop. Unless you’re buying private reserve at a shop or whatever, anything over $15 is a bit much
a Dime is $10 worth of weed and is usually about a gram
a Dub is $20-$25 depending on where you live, 20 is common in the west coast but 25 in some of the more eastern region. its usually about 2 grams
the most common pipes are spoon pipes and are pretty basic. it has a deep bowl where you put the weed and most have a hole on the side called a carb. a carb is used to clear the chamber when smoking. you load the bowl with weed, cover the carb with your finger, spark the bowl, and release the carb to clear the smoke. its pretty simple. I wouldn’t recommend this for sneaky smoking, the weed gives off a lot of smoke when it burns and usually keeps burning after its lit. some refer to it as cherried because the way it burns. plus the smell of a pipe is pretty strong.
the best pipes are glass pipes. they’re cheap and many are pretty cool in design. they can cost anywhere from $5-$45+ depending on design and customs. i suggest investing in a good sturdy pipe about $10-$30 depending on how much you can spare. many places sell thick shatter resistant glass pipes. don’t be afraid to ask about quality and price.
Bongs are water pipes. there is a main chamber where water is filled; a downstem which should lie under the water to filter the smoke, and a bowl to hold weed that should attach to the downstem.
Glass bongs are the best option but can get expensive the more intricate the designs and can be easier to break. A good basic glass bong could cost anywhere from $25-$45. Keep an eye out for painted bongs, i once bought a glass bong that was painted black and over time the paint started chipping.
Acrylic bongs are made of thick plastic like resin and are more durable than glass bongs. Acrylic bongs are good if you’re starting out. Their crowd friendly and can handle wear and tear and even drops. But overtime acrylic bongs break down and start affecting the taste and quality of the weed.
Bubblers are similar to bongs but are almost always one singular piece. its like a pipe that you fill with water basically. Usually you load the water through the bowl or mouthpiece. a basic decent bubbler would cost anywhere from $20-$40
Rigs/ Dab Rigs
Rigs are waterpipes and are usually more advanced. Their used to smoke concentrates and oils. most dab rigs have a nail that serves as a bowl. its heated with a torch to a temp that evaporates the concentrate on contact. the smoke is then filtered through the bong-like rig. I would not recommend dabbing until you have built a tolerance to weed and can handle high doses
Vaping is the healthiest way to enjoy weed. Most oil vapes that are very similar to regular vape pens. There are also dry herb vapes that are used with actual weed. you load the weed into an “oven” that bakes the thc right off :)
Joints are weed cigarettes, weed rolled in rolling papers, usually hemp. 
Blunts consist of weed that's been rolled in cigarillo wraps. Swisher's are a common brand that are easy for beginners to get the hang of.
Spiffs are joints that have been rolled with both weed and tobacco. 
*You should always ask the people you're smoking with if they’re okay with smoking tobacco. Just because people smoke weed, doesn't mean they want to smoke tobacco.
Types of Weed
Sativa is the uplifting strain. Its good for active days and staying awake. This is the type to smoke when you got shit to do. its an active high good for a busy day.
Indica is the body high. its good for long hours on a couch or marathon gaming. Indicas are good for pain management and are more dulling. Most indicas give strong munchies and might even make you sleepy.
Hybrid strains fall somewhere in between. Its a good balance between mind and body and are good for a chill high 
This is just a beginners guide I made for reference, this is not everything there is to know about weed and this probably won't apply to everyone. Prices and quality will vary depending on where you are.  Feel free to add anything I missed or any of your own tips or info. Happy smoking :)
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antistudyblr · 7 years
I'm actually so scared for college. Even though my test scores are good, my gpa is just kind of average (3.8, 4.41), and so are my extracurriculars I don't know how to choose target and safety schools. Tips?
College is really fucking scary and I remember being where you were less than a year ago. Choosing schools was the toughest part for me, but what I quickly realized was my GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars had nothing to do with choosing schools: they simply determined where schools fell on my personal spectrum of reach, match, and safety. Ultimately, what will determine the schools you pick are what you prioritize most in a college learning environment. 
So I would make a list of all the colleges you are interested in after doing some research and then break them down into reach, match, and safety. A school is a match if you have a 30% to 80% chance of getting in, so that’s where your test scores will come in. So break down your list, if you haven’t already, and see how many fall into each category.
If you find that most of the schools on that list are reach schools, (which sounds like where you’re at), figure out what attracted you to those schools in particular? Was it the name/prestige? The academics? The location? The history of activism? If you know that, find schools that fit a similar profile with higher acceptance rates: they exist I promise. If you don’t know what attracted you, ask yourself the following questions while you do some more research:
Where do you want to live? This was a big one for me. I always knew I wanted to go to college in a city, preferably one decently far away from home. I come from a small, conservative college town and it’s never been an environment I enjoy so I wanted to get away. I also can’t drive so having good public transportation was a must for me. So do you want stay close? Do you enjoy city living or would you rather a quieter town or even a rural campus? What part of the country do you want to live in: would you rather face New England winters or the Southern heat? Choosing a location can help you filter your options.
Do you have a major in mind? If you have a pretty good idea of what you want to study, look into schools with a strong program. Especially if you have a location or type of area (urban, rural, etc.) in mind, this can help narrow down the playing field significantly. If you don’t have a major in mind, look at schools with lots of options or strong academics in general.
What’s the cost? A huge question for me while applying to schools was financial aid. While most full-need schools tend to be highly selective, there are others that are a little easier to get into. If that’s not an option for whatever reason, look into schools that give out generous financial aid, if that will be a problem for you.
Class size? School size? Some people prefer a smaller learning environment, others want a larger one. That’s all up to you.
Are you planning on going to graduate school? If so, looks into the resources the school has and its stats for placing people into grad programs or the workforce. What resources will it have for you when it comes time to start looking at what your plans are for after graduation.
Does it have extracurriculars that are important to you? If you really enjoyed marching band or theatre or sports in high school, see what your options are for continuing those in college. Do you want to join Greek life or would you rather not be anywhere near it? While it probably shouldn’t make or break whether or not you apply, it might be the deciding factor between two very similar schools while trying to figure out 
What else is most important to your college experience? Growing up in a mostly white town, diversity was a huge factor in every college I chose. Maybe that’s the same for you; maybe your school needs to be environmentally friendly or have a strong alumni network. Having a few of those factors in mind will really help in the long run.
These are mostly what you’ll find on “choosing a college” articles, but they’re good things to keep in mind nonetheless.
Most importantly (so important that it’s going in bold), make sure you actually want to attend all the schools you’re applying to. This seems obvious, but I had a friend a year older than me who didn’t apply to her dream school and instead applied to a handful of match and safety schools she wasn’t all that interested in attending and it made her final decision extremely difficult. It ended up working out for her but if you find yourself uncomfortable at the thought of attending a school should you be accepted, do not apply there.
I hope this helps a bit and if you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
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aximili · 7 years
everything with a seven in it. and then 82.
omfg jesus 
7. Do you have any pets?
my baby girl my angel moxie. shes not my dads cat really. shes mine in my heart 
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
uhhhhh godrey gao. nah lmao honestly i dont know... tfw ive never been in a serious relationship. partially because i just have trouble seeing myself being coupley with anyone, so i guess... someone who didnt feel the need to be coupley. yeah, i guess, someone who doesn’t have a set of expectations they require for a relationship? whos just chill. and good at communicating 
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
i would like to be a well known writer because i love validation? but certainly not the level of celebrity where people watch your every move, that seems terrifying. just like, it would be cool for my work to have a fandom, i guess, is my biggest dream 
37. Favorite swear word? 
its not really a swearword but “wank” is a good one isn’t it. you can apply lots of things to it. its not too gross of a word but it has enough like, disdain and expletiveness to it 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
i bought some fancyboy shoes for work that cost £80 i think, so that must be it 
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
normally a long time because i loll about doing nothing. but if i’m late for work i’ve gotten from bed to door in 10 minutes before 
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 
definitely not. im gonna try. 
... i got to 27 and my mind went blank. there were definitely a few in there that im not sure if they’re states or cities. im gonna look it up and see if i forgot any notable ones. ...i forgot washington, lol. but the other ones i forgot were kinda places that i dont know anything about 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
no, i don’t think i’d be able to because asthma. being underwater makes me quite nervous, so i don’t rly think i’d enjoy it
71. What makes you nervous?
fffucking, everything omg
72. Are you scared of the dark?
sometimes? i’ve kinda grown out of it but if im in a freaked out mood i haaaaate it 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
it depends. like if someone makes a spelling mistake in an irrelevant circumstance, why would i, that would just be a douchebag move. if i’m sure someone’s wrong about a fact in a debate, then yeah, i generally can’t resist 
74. Are you ticklish?
yes i hate it
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
ok so when i was in year 4 or 5 i stayed back in a classroom and 2 teachers didn’t notice me and started chatting, not in like, a salacious way, but they were like laughing and talking like actual adults and not like in teacher mode. and i had never encountered such a thing and to impress my friend afterwards, i inexplicably decided to bump things up and said they had been kissing. then my friend like IMMEDIATELY ran to one of the TAs and told her about it, and the TA took it very seriously and said oh they shouldn’t have done that in front of you in the workplace,  i’m going to have a word, and i freaked the fuck out and immediately told her i’d been lying. and that was the last time i started a rumour. 
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
i was going to answer with some joke about being the captain of some school team or something but i literally don’t think i’ve ever even done that
77. Have you ever drank underage?
other than like sips, i actually never did! i was a very good kid. me and my school best friend did that pretty typical thing where at like 13 we vowed we would never drink and do drugs like the other kids at school, and then she of course actually turned into someone with a life, and had parties with drinking, and i didn’t and felt very resentful. so i very purposefully only drank for the first time on my 18th birthday 
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
lgbt solidarity is looking back at your childhood and realising that person who you were fervently obsessed with was actually a crush. i had a friend in y6 who i really admired and she was cleverer, more athletic, and prettier than anyone else in our class and i used to obsess over impressing her and fantasised about rescuing her from danger LMAOOO 
82. How fast can you type?
pretty fast. lets do a test. i got 82 wpm 
87. Do you keep a journal?
no, but i’ve been meaning to start one up again! i have a diary from my childhood that i used to just fill in every few months or years, and i’d always be talking to my past and future selves. idk where it is but i hope i still have it. 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
i mean like we probably all are descended from royalty in some way arent we? lmao but no as far back as i know, my ancestors were farmers 
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yomigaere · 7 years
Kaze to ki no uta
Yay, something other than Utena! (Not that I dislike getting Utena for these memes, but it does feel like I hardly ever get asked about anything else.) I’m a tad fuzzy on my KazeKi because I haven’t reread or caught up with it for some time, but I’ll try my best with this.
Who I will protect at all costs: Serge and Gilbert both warrant it, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to protect Rosemariné as well, even if mostly from Auguste.Who deserves better: Gilbert, Serge, Angeline.Who was killed off too early: Does this question particularly apply to KazeKi?Who I used to hate but now I love: Again, I don’t think I’ve had any strong reversal in opinion on any of the characters.Who I used to love but now I hate: See above.Who needs to be killed off asap: Please drop dead, Auguste.Who is unfairly hated: It feels a little weird to put Gilbert for this, because he’s pretty well-loved for the most part, but some dislike I’ve seen for him comes across to me as “why isn’t this fourteen-year-old trauma victim whose life has sucked since birth a perfect little cinnamon roll?” I have no problem with people thinking he’s a frustrating character (he certainly can be) or not liking him because of the things he does, but considering all he’s been through, it shouldn’t exactly be a surprise that he’s so fucked up. =/Who is unfairly loved: No one really comes off as an overrated character or egregious DILP in the fandom, as far as I’ve seen.Who needs to sort out their priorities: Questions like this make me wish I wasn’t so fuzzy on this canon now. Auguste could stand to have better priorities than being horribly manipulative and abusive, for a start. And Jules, I like you a lot, but what even is your problem with Serge?Who needs a hug: Gilbert, Serge, Rosemariné (though naturally only Jules or Serge could give that hug), Angeline... quite a few people in this sadfest.Who needs to get out of their current relationship:  Well... Gilbert more-or-less did get away from Auguste, but from what I remember, it’s a pity he couldn’t 100% move on from him to the very end.Who the writers love: I’d say it’s pretty clear that Takemiya-sensei likes Gilbert. ^^;Who needs a better storyline: Serge in the sequel novels, as far as I remember the summaries for them. I just think the idea that he never ever ever moves on from Gilbert’s death is way too sad, even considering the kind of canon this is.Who has an amazing redemption arc: Rosemariné?Who is hot af: Rosemariné is beautiful. Who belongs in jail: Auguste, Bonnard, that Adam guy from later volumes.Who needs to be revived from the dead: It might’ve been nice if Gilbert didn’t die in the end in the first place, but since this is a tragedy written in the 70s and 80s, I guess it couldn’t be any other way. We also wouldn’t have quite the same story if either or both of Serge’s parents didn’t die.
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
Residents of a Siberian Town With Black Snow Are Pleading for Asylum in Canada
Indigenous people and people of color are disproportionately affected by our global climate crisis. But in the mainstream green movement and in the media, they are often forgotten or excluded. This is Tipping Point, a new VICE series that covers environmental justice stories about and, where possible, written by people in the communities experiencing the stark reality of our changing planet.
Nikitina Irina Alexandrovna is from the Siberian town of Kiselyovsk, where inky black snow, a toxic byproduct of coal mining, has rendered it a nightmare-scape. Industrial waste covers homes, schools, and vehicles in a shroud of contaminated dust. The miasma of pollution is so pervasive that locals find it coming out of their mouths.
Now, more than a dozen Kiselyovsk residents, including Alexandrovna, are asking Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to accept them as environmental refugees, as CBC News first reported.
“In this moment in Russia, there is a region where a terrible ecological situation has developed,” said Alexandrovna in June in a YouTube video that conveyed their request. “Open-pit coal mining led to this ecological catastrophe […] when the whole world talked about our black snow.”
The town’s conditions became national news in February when footage of darkened snowdrifts and dirty icicles spread on Russian television that described the scenes as “post-apocalyptic.” In July, Pussy Riot, the Russian feminist punk group, released a track called “Black Snow”. The acid rain hasn’t fucking stopped since last year / my eyes are being corroded, its bleak lyrics go, speaking to “intolerable living conditions” that member Nadya Tolokonnikova condemned in an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The YouTube video shows mostly women standing outdoors, taking turns to read harrowing testimonials from sheets of paper. Their voices are muffled by the wind and some have brought their children. At one point, Alexandrovna matter-of-factly compares Kiselyovsk to a gas chamber.
“We were gasping in the city from coal, exhausting our children almost all winter,” said resident Uliya Gennadievna Vitzenko in the video, which was posted by a Russian YouTube channel that documents life in Kiselyovsk.
Russia is among a lineup of countries where citizens are seeking legal protection from environmental ruin. But the legal frameworks that dictate who deserves protection, and from what, are woefully unprepared for these cataclysmic shifts.
The term “climate change refugee,” for example, does not formally exist under international law as Izzie Ramirez explained for VICE, and is now being challenged on a global stage. The United Nations (UN) 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees only defines “refugee” as someone who crosses an international border for “a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.”
The Kiselyovsk group, meanwhile, seems to straddle several definitions. Ecologically, coal mining has destroyed the town, but is not necessarily a symptom of climate change. Still, their circumstances exemplify the Gordian knot that is today’s climate crisis, and you can see how victims of fossil fuel corruption are kindred with those harmed by its environmental effects.
“It seems to me that [they are] really a mixture of development-induced displacement and environmental displacement,” Elizabeth Ferris, a research professor at Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of International Migration, told VICE. “Both groups are considered to be ‘internally displaced persons.’”
“There may be a creative argument in the future [for expanding the definition of ‘refugee’] but certainly this coal-mining incident is not that test case,” said Raj Sharma, an immigration lawyer in Calgary. Rather, “it is a harbinger of things to come.”
Kiselyovsk, a town of 90,000 people, sits firmly within “the coal heart of Russia,” a region called Kuzbass. Its subterranean veins contain an estimated 725 billion tons of coal that have been exploited since the Soviet era, and today Kuzbass yields 60 percent of Russia’s supply, according to a 2015 report by Kaliningrad-based environmental group Ecodefense.
Residents say this appetite has cost Kuzbass its health and safety. “Our areas have high incidents of disease,” remarked one woman, a mother of four, who remained nameless in the YouTube video.
According to Ecodefense, people in Kuzbass overwhelmingly die young. When compared to national averages, they present with higher rates of 15 types of cancer, tuberculosis, and newborn congenital malformations. Kiselyovsk was among five towns in Kuzbass with the worst air quality according to the UN Development Programme. At the time, it found the region’s drinking water contaminated with metals, and its food laced with “excessive concentrations” of lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic.
“Our government forgives other countries’ big debts,” said Alexandrovna in the video. “[It has] forgotten that we were also people and children who are alive. We did nothing bad to anyone, so why do we live in such unbearable conditions?”
The sickening of Kuzbass is the product of open-pit mining which extracts coal from surface trenches as opposed to underground tunnels. It accounts for 70 to 80 percent of coal mining operations in the region, according to a 2018 report by the environmental justice group Fern and the Coal Action Network.
Today, 80 percent of Kuzbass lives next to a mining project, Ecodefense estimates. And the coal industry has been slow to modernize. Change is even undermined by officials who wish to conceal the problem—literally so in 2018 when Russian authorities painted over black snow in the town of Mysky.
“Hundreds of thousands are affected by coal mining as they are living very close to mines where people shouldn’t really live,” said Vladimir Slivyak, co-chairman of Ecodefense. “It is not safe to speak up, so people from Kiselyovsk made an extraordinary move to attract attention to their situation [by asking to become refugees].”
More appeals from Kiselyovsk have since been posted to YouTube. One directly asked Putin for help. The group said that Canada, with its “snow, cold, almost wild nature,” is an ideal new home—not paradise, but a place that reminds them of what they might someday leave behind.
When contacted about the first video, a spokesperson for Trudeau said in an email that “it would be inappropriate to comment on a specific case.”
The Kiselyovsk group said they sent a letter to the Canadian Embassy in Moscow, as first reported by CBC News. The embassy confirmed to VICE in an email that it responded, but “does not disclose correspondence.”
To begin the resettlement process, the Kiselyovsk residents must apply through a referral agency such as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees—but cannot seek to become refugees while remaining in their home country.
Practically speaking though, it is unclear whether the Siberians stand a chance at becoming refugees, migrants, or even internally displaced persons.
“The challenge for Canada is that our refugee policies don’t recognize climate-induced displacement as a valid basis to seek protection, [with few exceptions],” said Sharry Aiken, a law professor at Queen’s University who has argued refugee cases before Canada’s supreme court. “There is no question that our laws and policies will need to adapt to this new reality.”
A 2010 report by Canada’s federal government forecasted this reality, stating that it has the opportunity “to plan an orderly and effective response to the coming crisis.”
However, any progress must reckon with the UN Refugee Agency’s argument that climate change victims are mostly disqualified from becoming refugees as it “typically creates internal displacement before it reaches a level where it displaces people across borders.”
“We are people, and we have kids, and we just want to simply live,” pleaded one Kiselyovsk resident, Tatiana. “We can be useful for Canada, as Russia has simply forgotten us.”
Dane Maximov contributed translations to this story.
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Residents of a Siberian Town With Black Snow Are Pleading for Asylum in Canada syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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dem-khuya · 6 years
hello. doing a little better today but i cried in the car on the way to school talking to my mom. guess that’s what my life’s come down to. i’m not too used to the emotions i have bene experiencing these past few days--an hour where i feel fine, on top of the world even. and then another hour where it hurts to even breathe. rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat
last week i signed on to go to some tech convention in the city. but yesterday i got in an argument, or at least, a painful conversation with my father regarding my major. i don’t remember saying anything particularly hurtful. but i guess i hurt my father anyway, since i implied that i have done everything for him and everything i do for him makes me unhappy and he had nothing to say to that. 
we had just gotten off the phone with one of his former co-workers named richard. richard’s taiwanese, so i spoke some chinese on the phone and richard was impressed with it (whether this was genuine or not, i don’t really know), so he chatted with richard a bit and he said something like, “if nikole didn’t pick computer science as her major, she would have just picked chinese or english or something.” 
god, the way he said “chinese or english or something”, like they were just nothing subjects. i was completely incensed but of course i couldn’t show it. he said something about the convention and i told him that i was too busy but i’ll try to see if i could go. he said something about working at IBM or me going to like, get my master’s degree at my current university, and i guess i expressed some kind of disagreement. like i was tired of doing computer science or something. 
we spiraled into some kind of conversation where he said, “what would you do if you were doing chinese or whatever you wanted?” and i gave him a detailed explanation of what i’d do because it’s all i researched before. i am one of the best students in my university’s east asia department and i told him that if i worked harder in it and didn’t spend time in comp sci then i’d probably get a scholarship to a really good program and actually have been happy. and he said, “maybe if you studied that you would have ended up not liking it anyway.” and i told him, “maybe, but i never got the chance to figure that out.” he got mad and did the whole “you’re an adult now just do whatever you want to do” shit and i told him “you know that i can’t do that. you know that. i already picked comp sci and i’m going to graduate next semester. so you know i can’t just drop it and ‘do whatever i like’.” 
he didn’t speak to anyone for the rest of the day and regarded us with a weird numb coldness. i guess that’s how sadness manifests in men. they don’t tell us they’re sad, they just become intimidating without shouting/screaming. i was surprised that he didn’t yell at me or shout at me or insult me as he usually does. 
isn’t that a weird thing to be surprised about?
i’m remembering hieu minh nguyen’s poetry again. 
What do you do with tenderness when all you expect is fury?
but anyway about that convention. this fall break i was a big lazy bitch so i have a lot of hw to catch up on so when my dad called me and asked if i wanted to go i told him that i couldn’t because i had a lot of stuff to do. he sounded really gentle on the phone. as if he weren’t mad at me at all but for some reason when i told him i didn’t want to go i felt like something died in my chest. i’m angry that my father makes me feel this way--guilty for being selfish. but then i ask myself, when else have i ever been selfish with him?
i have done everything he’s asked me to do since i was in high school. i take all the classes he wants me to take. i took the major he wanted me to take. i look back at my journal entries for the past semester or so and see that i really was only miserable. 
i remember my sophomore year as: A) tired, B) crying every week, C) literally suffering for my grades (not eating, stressed, breaking out, staying up till 4 AM several times and not sleeping, skipping various classes). 
oh yeah! and being verbally abused for applying and earning a scholarship to taiwan to study over the summer. courtesy of my father, who told me to shut up when i was crying and asking why he was shouting at me. i am tired of being hurt by him like that. 
i’m so fucking tired.
my mother said that i shouldn’t hold all these things against him--the mean words he said, the way that he hit me when i was younger, because deep down he will always love me and of course, he loves me the most. i didn’t have the energy or the courage to tell her that she wasn’t there to see how badly he hit me that one night, or tell her that it would just be better if he hated me because then all of those horrible actions would have just made sense. 
he hit my older brother and older sister because he was angry at them. that’s not a good reason to hit anyone but at least it makes sense to say he did it because he is a violently angry person. at least you can say that. but he hit me because he...loves me most? so he hit me because that’s how he shows that he loves me? should i be glad? 
and my parents wonder why i ended up this broken and incapable and worthless
so he’s sad, and i’m sad he’s sad but you know what? maybe he can use this time that he is sad to think about some things. he ought to. 
though i know that no matter how much he thinks about these things i will still have to take these emotions and bury them in my heart because his feelings matter more than mine, because he is the one paying for my tuition and he is my father who has looked after me (my mother has arguably done more but let’s just go with this) since i was born so in this situation and in this equation, i don’t really matter. i only exist to make him happy. 
something i started to wonder while writing this: did my father expect that his child would turn out like this? does my father only want a child who will listen to everything he says? perhaps this is why he loves rhys so much. because rhys is only five and is still moldable, still listens to everything he says without question.
i recently found this movie called a moment of romance with andy lau and jacklyn wu, and it’s a beautiful movie. beautiful as in beautifully shot. it’s actually a kinda dumb film. i’ve seen lots of triad movies like it (@ johnnie to’s early work + chow yun-fat’s film roles in the 80′s/90′s), so i’m not that taken aback. andy lau’s kind of a douchebag of a love interest (he’s a low-level gangster or something) and jacklyn is the other love interest who’s as fragile as a kitten. so he’s mean to her, since he’s a rough and tough dude, but she loves him anyway and he falls in love with her too. 
even though he’s a douche i still really like his character a lot. i liked him a lot in as tears go by, where he was basically the same character (LOL) except maggie cheung played his love interest. now that i think about it, as tears go by is just a slightly uglier a moment of romance...or a moment of romance is just a prettier as tears go by. i like andy lau a lot as this character. he reminds me of chow yun-fat in all about ah-long (which is a movie that strikes way too close to home in too many ways--i’m thinking about ah-long’s son, and then ah-long himself). i hate that i’m attracted to those abusive male characters who shout at and treat women badly and are, for some reason, excused by the fact that they’re actually just sensitive softies with a tough outer shell or some bullshit like that.
i guess it is because these characters remind me so much of my father. that one scene where andy lau is sitting in his white tanktop tucked into his jeans and drinking a bottle of beer and being all emo? if you’ve watched enough hk films you don’t even have to think about ask movie that scene comes from because it doesn’t matter, it’s probably been in every romantic gangster movie ever. that was basically my dad yesterday after our argument. 
so what am i trying to say by writing this? i don’t know. i’m just very unhappy right now. i’m very sad, very distressed. i don’t know if i will regret not being able to go to the convention tonight. but my heart, right now, it feels very heavy. and i have lots of homework to catch up on this week, i really do. and also, i’m tired. i’m very tired of talking to him about my future. or maybe, i’m just tired of talking about my future in general. do you know what my future is? A) finish school, become more of a fraud than i already am so that someone will think i’m worth hiring, hire me, work for three or four more years in something i hate before i’m either blessed (1 out of 1 million chance bitch) with a chance to get out of the work or i’m just trapped forever and end up on B) out of exhaustion, or B) apply to various masters programs that may or may not take me and cost tens of thousands of dollars a year with the off-chance that i might not even be able to make back that fucking money. yay!! debt!!
so can someone just kill me already? i hate my life. i hate being here. i am twenty years old and i don’t want to live this shitty life anymore.
just scrolled back up and saw that i wrote that i was doing a little better today. i guess that i’m actually no, and that it’s the hour where i feel like shit before the next hour where i feel fine and dandy before i feel like shit again.
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insidiousflame · 6 years
How you are dealing with balancing magic and your finances is bothering me. I feel like you don’t realize where your main priorities are. And even if you do, you aren’t taking all the necessary measures to take care of them. Your financial situation puts a stress on me that I don’t think I’ve even realized until recently. And when it comes to your magic, I’ve been losing more and more faith over time that anything will come of it. I came into this relationship with high hopes for the future and I feel like as time went on, I’ve been constantly let down. I want to support you and your dreams and I want to have faith in you, but seeing you trying to juggle both magic and your actual survival has given me less and less to hold onto. It’s been putting a strain on my relationship with you because every time that you bring up magic now, I begin to half way tune you out because I’ve developed this expectation that its another one of your millions of ideas that will never come to fruition. I know you feel like you’re working so hard and you aren’t getting anywhere, but I think that’s because, again, you don’t have your priorities straight. I tell you to get your finances figured out. I ask you how much you owe on each card. I try to ask you questions to get you motivated to start working on it but I feel like that ends up going no where either. I feel like your head is in so many different places and it isnt really sinking in. I see you investing money into your magic ideas that won’t even happen until the far future. For example, the dummy that you bought cost you 80 bucks. All for an idea. You spend money on fancy lights or little pieces of magic equipment because you “may be able to do something cool with it”. But you’re never able to. And that’s partly because your current way of living prevents you from working on anything. If you were at least spending your down time to work on your scripts or practice, that might justify it more. But you don’t. You’re either cleaning or relaxing or napping or hanging out with me. All of this when you’re not working your jobs. On top of that, we’ve spent all this money and time going out to eat and doing activities together. And you know what that leads me to think? It makes me think I’m part of the reason you’re not growing. It makes me feel like the only way I can motivate you and help you, is if I take a step away from the relationship so that you have more time to dedicate to getting your life together. Because I’ve been waiting and waiting for a change and you are stuck in this endless cycle of hoping and dreaming that your magic will take off and it will rescue you from these money issues but its not. And this is our future we’re waiting on. We can’t move forward if you have this debt and if you and your mom are always dependent on each other. I don’t have a sense of security in this relationship. I am starting to feel like nothings going to happen. I need to see that you are making efforts to invest in our future instead of your magic. And that means putting your magic on the back burner until you dig yourself out of this hole youre in.  I’ve gone from being hopeful and excited about your magic, to feeling tired and hopeless about it. I don’t even want to do this thing in Colorado anymore. I just don’t even want to care about it anymore. I just want you to work on what’s more important and thats taking care of whats here and now. And I feel this way because I care about you and I care about the future we have together. I want you to have a better life than this. Not just for you but for the both of us. Because it affects me too in more ways than id even like to admit. Now as far as how to exactly get yourself out of this financial mess? I don’t really have all the answers right now. But building your knowledge about everything having to do with it and what needs to be done to fix it is a start. Even if you don’t have the means of fixing it right now. At least figure it out until you can. If you need a full time job to get out of it, then keep applying to bigger companies that will give you one. Start saving as much money as you can and dictate wants vs needs. I try to figure this out for you, but you and your mother are in this mess together and it tears me apart inside trying to fight this and get in the middle of it. I don’t feel like I deserve this stress when it’s not even my mess to begin with. But I’m dating you. And we’re involved in each other’s lives. And I don’t want this mess you have to break us up. Because financial issues are like the leading cause of failed marriages. I don’t want that to be us. Your mom has a history of happily spending money on things she wants but is suddenly super stingy and hesitant when it comes to the more important things. I don’t want that to rub off on you. And if you need her to get you out of your debt, then you need to really stand up to her and push her into spending it on what needs to be spent on. You didnt need a new microwave or toaster. You could tell her to take it back and spend that money on putting jezzi to peace and fixing momo. Or even putting it towards a bill you owe.  And I really REALLY REALLY don’t want her dragging you into playing at the casino. Like I am dead fucking serious I do NOT want her turning you into her. I don’t give a shit if she thinks it’s bonding with you or that it’s harmless. I’m terrified of it. But anyway, feeling all of this, makes me feel incredibly guilty and selfish. And I know it shouldn’t. But it’s a result of always being the one to blame for everything going wrong in my last relationship and I feel like this is repeating in a way. That once again, I’m going to have to end another relationship and it’s going to be because of my issues. I don’t want to feel this way. I don’t want to need to leave you in order for us to work out our lives. I’m not saying that breaking up is something we should do. That’s the LAST thing I ever want. That’s why we need to talk though. Because I want this to work out and I want to grow together. I’m just telling you how it makes me feel.
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crazykendal · 7 years
Im Not Allowed To Use My Computer But Here I am
Get ready for a ton of grammar errors im sorry
1.) What’s better, having high expectations or having low expectations?
low expectations, if you don't ever want to be hurt
2.) Would you rather go without junk food for a year or go without TV for a year?
i’d go without tv for a year since I never watch tv besides netflix
3.) Describe your perfect man/woman.
not in the mood
4.) Thoughts on school dress codes?
eh doesnt bother me
5.)Any strange phobias?
deep water (still), seeing people during summer because im a mess, abandonment 6.) At what job do you see Donald Trump best fit?
president?? oh but people are gonna hate me if I say that haha fucking hate me more 7.) Who was your first crush?
this one boy I dont think I ever even talked to before, honestly what the actual fuck 8.) Who was your first best friend?
she knows who she is. I dont consider her a best friend but she is my closest friend ever. No its not my cat. Ive known her for 10 years 9.)What is one weird thing about you?
I hate myself but that isnt weird, idk 10.) Top 5 TV shows you like to watch? The walking dead and The 100.. thats just it haha
11.) What are your favorite boys names? oh like friends or actual names. Im going to do just names because im going to stop exposing myself and stop being so honest. actually I have no favorite boy names haha
12.) What are your favorite girls names? Brooklyn haha I haven't finished that stupid wattpad story yet
13.) Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they? no
14.) Do you plan on getting (more) tattoos? If so, what do you want to get as of the moment? i would want to get tattoos if they didnt hurt when applied.
15.) Do you have any piercings? Do you plan on getting more? no
16.) Do you like hugging people? depends on who. but now, no
17.) Think of ANY person on earth right now.  Who did you think of? a friend who im going to see on wednesday
18.) Do you have an iPhone? yeah I dont use it anymore
19.) What is the worst thing that could happen in your life right now? hmm maybe if some guy didnt go to my school next year but that isn't happening
20.) Do you watch anime? no ive watched like 2 animes years ago.
21.) What brings true happiness? getting a grip and letting everything go. Im free of a lot of pain ive been going through for a few months and its the first time ive been truly happy with myself even though I want to fucking- nevermind hahahaha
22.) What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever paid for? I feel like I should know this, but i have no idea
23.) If you could have any job in the world and get paid millions of dollars a year for it, what would you be and why? idk
24.) Do you want children? If so, how many? no
25.) Name and describe someone who you feel most comfortable around. honestly no one, including myself, my trust isnt something everyone has anymore
26.)If you could invent a holiday, what would it be? lexadeservedbetter
27.)Would you rather have summer weather or winter weather all year round? winter weather, gotta be cold like my heart
28.) If you could make an alien race, describe what they would look like. they’d look like all the people I hate so I can murder them
29.)  What was the first thing you learned to cook? i cant cook, I kinda can but it ends up with my mom yelling at me
30.) Describe your sense of humor. Im a joke. people laugh at me because of how fucking stupid I am. I get used to it.
31.) What is the key to happiness? don't worry about anyone else until you've worked yourself out.
32.) How many phone numbers do you have committed to memory? Whose numbers are they? my mom’s and emergency services :)
33.) Name three songs that make you want to dance. Come Over- Clean Bandit, Wasted Youth- Fletcher, and Caught Up- Sarah Close
34.) What job did you want to have as a child? i wanted to be a mom, dont ask me how I thought that was a fucking job besides what the fuck was I even thinking a mom? what. the. fuckkkkk
35.) Do you have any talents or skills? I can get really angry :)
36.) What was the worst punishment you’ve ever had? I was grounded for like 2 months you can ask me how if you want btw
37.) Did you ever do anything weird as a child? yes there were many things
38.) What is your dream car? ooohh I never thought about that probably a pegassi zentorno (doesn't exist in real life look it up)
39.)  Describe something that made you laugh this week. Ive over come stuff that I can finnally look back and realize how stupid I was.
40.) Did you have a dream last night? If so, describe it. i dreamt a lot last week and its so irrelevant to me nowwww
41.)  Do you ever have repetitive dreams? Describe it/them. repetitive like always that one person in them, yeah
42.) Describe the worst/ scariest dream you’ve ever had. I had a really nice dream and I woke up and I was sad hahaha story of my life
43.) Describe the best dream you’ve ever had. ^^
44.) If God himself gave you a choice of either having unlimited money for the rest of your life or finding your one true love starting tomorrow, which one would you choose (keep in mind, you are still able to make a ton of money if you choose love, and you are still able to meet your soul mate if you choose money)? trick question god doesn't exist :) but probably unlimited money because love is fucking useless and retarded
45.) If you could do anything (and I mean ANYTHING) right now without consequences, what would you do and why? run away and see a friend I haven't seen all summer
46.) Do you have any recipes that you know off the top of your head? What is it/ what are they? no
47.) Do you have your license? If so, do you have a car? no
48.) Have you ever had a near death experience? yes im not going to describe it
49.) Do you personally know anyone that has been to prison? yep
50.) Have you ever been in a physical fight?
51.) When you get out of the shower, do you towel dry, blow dry, or air dry your hair? air dry unless I have to go somewhere i will usually blow dry.
52.) When you go to the movies, what snacks and drinks do you take with you? just a ton of candy hahahaha
53.) Do you like going to the beach? If so, do you like to stay dry or go in the water? If not, why? no
54.) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
55.) If you could have a superpower ASIDE from being invisible or being able to fly, what would you have? oh my fucking god that's what I was going to write. how bout shape shifting or something
56.) If you were able to live for however long you wanted to (i’m talking thousands of years without aging), when would you choose to die? when I got bored, I cant say lonely because I already am
57.) What do you think happens after you die? youre body stops working and people put you in a hole in the ground
58.) Do you believe in aliens? sure
59.) Do you believe in ghosts? 50/50
60.) Do you believe in spiritual things like ouija boards, tarot cards, and crystals? Do you believe they are portals for evil entities to enter the mortal world? haha no but ouija boards are fun to trick people with haha *Meghan*
61.) If you could make one mythical being real, who/what would you make?
my will to live
62.) Do you get tan, or do you burn? burn
63.) Describe your shower routine. too long
64.) Do you enjoy school? Why or why not? no because the people there suck and its much to stressful
65.) In your opinion, what is the worst way to die? probably falling.
666.) Do you get carsick, sea sick, or airplane sickness? none, ive never been on an airplane so idk
67.) What’s one memory that you wish you could live again and again? ..
68.) What were some of your stuffed animal’s names from when you were a kid? hattie my stuffed chicken haha
69.)Do you have any pets? 69 cats :)
70.) Describe your daily wardrobe. dark
71.)  Describe what your daily wardrobe would be if you were rich. probably the same
72.)  Create a character right now.  Give them a name, age, and character description. are you fucking with me im writing out a new character for some private stuff as I work on this survey.
73.)What was the last thing you bought? a couple books
74.) Have you ever bought a CD? What band was it for? the last cd I bought was hfk :)
75.) Describe your perfect ice cream sundae. cookie dough and im gooood
76.) If you could make ANYTHING happen right now with no cost, trouble, or obstacles, what would you do? cant say but anything could happen by ellie goulding is annoying and I love it
77.) What are some of your favorite physical activities to do? running but I havent run in a long time and im out of shape
78.) What were some of your favorite shows as a child? dont remember
79.) Describe how you would survive the zombie apocalypse. id make a group and Id lead it, id also make sure chandler riggs and alycia debnam-carey would be there because I love them and theyve both been in zombie shows. yesssss
80.)What are some things you shouldn’t say at work? when does the boss retire
81.) If you were told that if you killed someone, you would save 100 people, would you do it? if one the 100 people were clarke griffin, yes.
82.) How’s the weather right now? its dark
83.) What is the background on your cell phone right now? its lexa with a ton of thug life stuff added onto her haha
84.)Is it better to work at a job that you love or a job that pays well? job that pays well
85.) What do you have within arms reach of your bed? my alarm clock
86.) Have you ever been fired from a job? If so, why? no
87.) Have you ever won a trophy, prize, or medal? If so, for what? two stupid school medals and thats it
88.) Do you have any posters, pictures, or art hanging on your walls in your room? If so, what are they? video game map posters, shitty drawing i havent taken down and comic and movie posters
89.) Are you afraid of the dark? If so, why? I used to be haha I think I still am.
90.)What is something that you’ve never done but would like to try? been a good friend to anyone
91.) If you could choose three famous people or characters to be friends with, who would you choose and why? just friends? thats hard. probably Stevie Boebi, Alexis G. Zall and Ally Hills. I would say Shannon Beveridge but I have like this huge crush on her alright
92.) Do you smile at strangers when you pass by them on the street? no because I hate people
93.) Do you have a favorite TV commercial? If so, what is it? life alert
94.) Do you like your handwriting? no it looks like a little kids handwriting
95.) Cable TV or Netflix? netflix
96.) What are your favorite smells? everything at bath and bodyworks please
97.) Do you consider yourself physically strong? I wish dood
98.) Describe a time where you said something really rude or mean, whether intentional or not.
I told some people thing that weren't true about them just because I was really mad. #dickhead
99.) Do you ask strangers to pet their dogs? no
100.)What is your most embarrassing moment?
my lifespan
101.) Has anyone really close to you ever died? If so, who was it and how did you handle it?
 my cat maverick, my grandma and lexa
102.)  Describe your plan of action if you were home alone and you heard someone break into your house.
I gotta knife drawer and i’d love to use it
103.) If you were to be born again, would you want to be born male or female?
male, im not saying i want to be a guy but id like to experience things differently
104.)  What shampoo do you use?
105.) Guess the meaning of this word: ulotrichous.
something horrible, or myself
106.) Do you let messages (phone, email, text, social media, etc…) build up, or do you have to look at them right away?
no one ever texts me im always the one to start a convo and that sucks
107.)  Where is the nearest McDonalds to your house?
probably like 5 miles away
108.)  If you had $1 billion and you had to spend it in exactly one week, what would you spend it on?
id buy a house and a ton of cars even tho I cant drive yet
109.) What is the best thing you’ve ever eaten?
110.) If you could go on a trip around the world with up to three people, who would you bring (they can be people you know personally or famous people).
ellie goulding, chandler riggs and alycia debnam-carey
111.) What expletive/ explicit phrase do you say most often?
frick frack fuck
112.) What is your personal definition of success?
finishing something the correct way
113.) How was your day today?
ive been doing yardwork and I volenteered at fieldhaven
114.) What is the closest Big City you live by?
115.) Have you ever been in a car accident?
yes but they were never serious
116.) Do you hide anything from your parents?
all the time like hmm idk my sexuality
117.) If you could possess one talent, what would you be able to do?
make myself invisible :)
118.) Ugly and smart or beautiful and stupid?
depends on the person
119.) What is the worst thing you’ve ever seen in real life?
120.) Use only 3 words to describe how you want your future to go.
i hate myself
121.) QUICK! give me a few things a brick could be useful for
you can throw them at people
122.) If you could make a dream society, describe it in great detail where it would be, who would be in it, and what rules there would be?
 the lost youth is a band of teens who pull children off the streets and always get into fights with the other gang, the redemption. there will be blood.
123.) If you could make any animal miniature, what would you make and why?
124.) What are your favorite candle scents?
I dont really have and candles so idk
125.) If you HAD to have one plastic surgery, what would you get and why?
my nose
126.) Do you prefer to hang out with the same sex or the opposite sex?
depends on who but right now no one
127.) If you could make a charity, what would the profits go towards? How would you raise money for it?
myself because I am poor
128.) Describe the body you wish you had.
I wish I was taller
129.) If you were a famous director, what would your next movie be about? Describe the plot, characters, and possible title.
the lost youth
130.) If only women were to rule the world, how different would the world be by 2050?
im not being sexist but it wouldn't be all that great but maybe politics could get better I have no idea
131.) What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
chocolate milk :) yes
132.) Do you have a problematic friend?
im the problematic friend
133.) Are you more spontaneous or more of a planner?
depends on the situation
134.) If you could change your full name, what would your name be?
not saying
135.) What is one song that describes your life?
hard times- paramore
136.) What is one show you’ve been meaning to watch but can never find the time for?
the rest of the 100 why the fuck are so many people dying I needed a break after lexa died and now all the nightbloods and lincoln are dead. duh fuck
137.) Do you find it easy to drop toxic people from your life that you’ve known for a long time?
Id have to ask people because people talk behind my back telling them im toxic. if you were me its understandable and im totally alright with it now
138.) Do you like children? Why or why not?
no children fucking suck
139.) What is your zodiac sign?
Pisces rising, Sagittarius sun, and and Capricorn moon
140.) Do you like to dance? Do you dance often? In front of other people?
yes but i cant haha
141.) Name some of your favorite colors.
blue and black and sometimes orange and purple
142.) Have you ever shoplifted? If so, what was it?
143.) If you could speak three additional languages, what would they be?
danish, french, and japanese
144.) Have you ever been in legal trouble?
145.) Have you ever had surgery?
146.) If you could change 2 things about yourself, what would you change and why?
my sexuality and my face haha
147.) What do you want done with your body after you die?
i dont care
148.) What three physical features do people compliment you most on? What do they say about them?
usually my hair because im ugly
149.) If you could have your own business, what would you do?
own a large company, I dont know
150.) What current friend do you have that you’ve known the longest?
im going on vacation with her for a week in Oregon that’ll be funnn
ok so I could totally tag you olivia but I just made you do that other really long one so if you're reading this you can if you want haha
0 notes