#it starts with 9 bc of the war doctor doesnt it
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thereal-linh-cinder · 4 years
Cinder’s Notes on Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone
Hi I’m a walking Harry Potter encyclopedia and I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve read the books, but I do know that I first read them in 4th grade and by 6th grade I had read them 9 times. I’m now in my first year of college and I know I’ve read them more than 15 times and Im rereading them again! 
Like the nerd I am, I’ve been annotating and taking notes. Here are mine for book 1. (I read it about a year ago and ended up taking a break because I just wasnt in the mood)
****spoilers for the ENTIRE HP series. Obviously.
Can you read in animagus form? Do you gain every feature/trait of the animal? (this got answered, yes u can read)
How does the deluminator know when you want to take a light or put it back? 
“Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry had always been small and skinny for his age.” or it could be the years of abuse and malnourishment, but sure yeah cupboard
Did Harry’s magic influence his reaction to the years of abuse? Is that why it seems undervalued? 
Hagrid says he “flew” to the hut on the rock, but there was no broom. Did he fly the same way Voldy did in book 7?
17 sickles to a galleon. 29 knuts to a sickle. This means that there are 493 knuts to a galleon.
IMAGINE if Harry had actually gotten the gold cauldron omg
I always forget that Ron has Charlie’s old wand. What did Charlie do?
the sorting ceremony is so stressful, that’s so much pressure on 11y/os
no wonder the Fat Friar is the Hufflepuff ghost. Also I wonder what his real name was.
WHY weren’t the Sorting Hat’s songs in the movies bruh
reminder that this group of first years is unusually small bc this is the post-war lot
Harry joining Gryffindor does NOT help their ego
the alphabetical order during the sorting ceremony is the most organized thing at the school
Hagrid is literally the best (dont remember what this was about but facts) (probably when he sends Harry the letter to tea)
I wonder if Hogwarts counts absences and tardies like public muggle schools? Do you need a doctors note from Pomfrey? Do tardies add up? 
is there a recipe for rock cakes
JKR and her weird eye colors. She sounds like a 12y/o fic writer
“Perhaps brooms, like horses” did Harry learn that in muggle school? Did the Dursleys take him horse riding? Huh???
Harry is really good at almost getting expelled
Why is the Trophy Room always unlocked
If Gryffindor has Quidditch practice 3x a week, whendo the other houses have time to practice? (I suppose at different times of day but still. Geez, Wood.)
10 points is nowhere near enough points for two 11 year olds taking out an entire mountain troll by themselves.
“Harry was very lucky that he now had Hermione as a friend” oh buddy u have NO idea
Honestly I’m glad Hermione doesnt let the boys copy her work and this was where I started to wonder if she influenced me 
The whole Snape complex.Is this book big foreshadowing for it? Snape seems evil but turns out “not” to be (i don’t like Snape or his sad excuse of a redemption but..)
Angelina Johnson, feminist icon
Lee’s Quidditch commentary is still one of the best things
Never forget that the Twins pelted Voldemort in the face with snowballs. Quirrell must be a pretty damn good actor...
Hogwarts is just the same as any other school, bullying is fine but physical fighting is not
If Ron grew up in the Wizarding World, why doesnt he know about Flamel? Especially if he has like 7 of Dumbledore’s chocolate frog cards? 
And why isnt Flamel in any of those books if he’s such an important and influential alchemist? 
Isnt an invisibility cloak just a cloak with a disillusionment charm on it? (not Harry’s obvs) Why are thy so “rare and valuable” if theyre so easy to make? 
Why so much food at Christmas if half the school is gone
Dumbledore says he sees himself holding socks in the Mirror of Erised, but we know he really sees Grindelwald his family just like Harry. Socks set House Elves free. Is this a metaphor for wanting to be freed from the guilt he faces about Arianna? 
Hermione really is kinda evil. This flattery? Slytherin potential (again dont remember what part this is referring to) 
these kids dont live in 2019 where its possible to just fake a mental breakdown to get out of class lol 
Why do the Gryffindors get 50 points taken each and Malfoy only gets 20 taken? Also, 10 is STILL not enough for taking out a troll. McGonagall needs to sort out her priorities...
Hogwarts knows how to do detention.
Firenze is the Legolas of centaurs
...how did the boys not notice the Devil’s snare
what is up with hand magic? I keep noticing it in the Fantastic Beasts movies and now Quirrell just snaps his fingers and ropes bind Harry??? huh????
Dumbledore definitely set up this entire obstacle course for Harry, which is....questionable.
I love the irony in “trying to remember how to make a forgetfulness potion.” Also, could that potion be used in place of Obliviate?
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 110
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Anon 1 said:
Hey I’ve been looking for a particular fix for ages basically Steve and Bucky get home from something and Bucky pins Steve up against the door and then inside Steve gives Bucky a lap dance. I’ve been looking for ages any help would be appreciated thanks! If you could tag as ‘lap dance’ that would be great too
whitewolfbucky sent in Late Show by ipoiledi (oneshot | 3,723 | E)
Anon 2 said:
hey i’m looking for a fic where steve takes super duper hot showers for some reason and everyone is worried about him because of it?
Anon sent in the blood of the covenant by Quietbang (oneshot | 7,502 | T)
irizsss sent in One Foot in Front of the Other by HartwinMakethMan (WIP | 36,556 | NR)
Anon 3 said:
okay so i need help finding a fic. i think it was a series but idk. it’s big and littles dynamics and Steve hasn’t been classified so Nat takes him and he takes a test and the doctor gives Steve a Bucky bear and he starts crying because he hasn’t had time to grieve and he’s classified as a little, specifically a baby n Bucky comes back and he takes care of Steve?? I’ve been trying to find it forrreeeverr
Anon sent in  Classifying a Captain by firecracker189 (WIP | 32,166 | G)
mohnjjayer said:
Hello :) I thought I had bookmarked this and either I didn’t, or it’s one of the ominous “this work has been deleted” links in my list. Steve is Cap and Tony hires Bucky as a birthday surprise and he’s a sex worker, and then they form a friendship and Buckys a med student paying his way through college and one day he comes over and Steve is injured from a mission so bucky looks after him and steve offers him money and bucky gets really upset about it. THANK YOU
dolphinqueen10 sent in More Than This by concavepatterns (oneshot | 13,101 | E)
Anon 4 said:
Hi! I’m looking for a fic I read a long time ago, I don’t remember the entire plot pretty well but I do remember that Bucky goes out with Nat during the day because Steve asked him to because he needed time to get ready for a special dinner he planned for both of them and when Bucky gets home, he finds Steve wearing a long dress with a high cut on the leg (dunno if that’s the correct term) and his showing a lot of leg, Bucky is mesmerized that Steve shaved his legs and looks so pretty
Anon 5 said:
I was hoping to get some help looking for a fic I found on this page maybe a little more than a year ago. I looked into tags that apply and can’t seem to find it. Buckys a high strung law student or lawyer and has to go home for some family event and asks Steve to do him a favor to come with him without knowing that Steve is into him. There’s a least maybe three or four occasions where he talks to Clint, Natasha, and Tony while on the trip and they all tell him Steve’s into him and not faking.
whitewolfbucky sent in Is It Pretending If I Already Want You? by OhCaptainMyCaptain (complete | 85,228 | E)
Anon 6 said:
Hey if you could please help me find a fic of bucky being a boy (a teen I think) in an army camp and he always wants to go on missions or something. Then he finally does go with steve somewhere and his arm gets stuck on something but they have to jump off of something. Steve doesnt know that his arm is stuck so he ends up jumping by himself. I cannot find this fic and trust me have i been looking. Those are all the details i remember because i read it a long time ago. Thanks, you're the best
drjezdzany sent in The Merciless Hours by togina (oneshot | 23,721 | T)
Anon 7 said:
Hi!! love the blog! i'm looking for this fic i read a while ago where sam and steve were on the road looking for bucky and taking out hydra cells along the way. at some point, bucky ended up crawling into the room through the window and laying with steve in his bed. it was post winter soldier and recovering bucky. i hope you can find it, ive been looking for it forever. thanks so much
Anon 8 said:
Looking for a fic i lost :( bucky and steve are sharing a tent during war,Bucky wakes up all heated up bc of bightmares, Its very angsty,he start talking about how steve its not the same anymore that they created this machine and all that,Steve says something "i finally feel like im someone" and bucky says "youve always been someone And i know that better than anyone" they have their first kiss,Bucky gets emotional,Steve hugs him and tells him to go sleep bc next morning they got a train tocatch
Anon 9 said:
trying to find a specific wartime fic, steve and bucky + the commandos are getting drunk at a bar out in europe and bucky teaches all of them (and eventually steve) how to dance? he’s telling them they’re not getting the rhythm/beat right or something. i already combed the dancing and catfa tags and i cant remember this fic for the life of me! 
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grabyoursnickers · 3 years
It was a tough day yesterday. Woke up on yesterday’s morning and saw the news about one of our comedian, Shuib just lost his beloved wife on twitter. Still in shock about the news but suddenly, my father received a phone call from his brother saying that his sister passed away at 6.30am due to covid. My aunt was put to sleep at 12.30am and yesterday’s morning we lost her. Another lost in the family. A lost bcs of covid really hits me differently. You cant be there, you cant send them to their final rest place, you cant kiss their foreheads, you cant see them for the last time. All you know, you are not gonna see that person anymore. It feels unreal till it happens to you. Our big family already planned to recite yassin together on the same night. But who would have the thought that she will leave this soon. We still recite yassin for her yesterday but she wasnt here anymore. She is at a better place, way better than this world.
I came across to a footage of Shuib‘s live, he said his wife doesnt belong to him. It belongs to Allah and Allah really loves his wife. Man, i cried a river after listening to it. The person that crossed my mind was my parents. My parents are belong to Allah. My siblings, my loved ones and even my cats are all belong to Allah. We only borrow them from Him. One day, we will return it back to Him and so do our lives. 11 years of marriage with 4 kids, i dont know how he gonna get through his life without the love of his life. I broke up from 9 years of relationship and it was so hard and heartbroken for me. So i wonder how he will face this life after this. He complimented his wife all the time. He told us what the good things his wife been doing when she still alive. You know she is a good person when people keep talking about the good deeds that she had been doing after she passed away. He also said how they will meet again in the heaven and his wife will be the leader of angels. MasyaAllah, thats one true love.
The thing that happened yesterday gave a really big impact to myself. I sat on my sajadah and started to cry. I dont even know why i was crying. It could be bcs i was so sad or i was being so thankful for this life. I started to remember when i was battling with cancer. I dont know if i can make it or not and doctor said it was a 50-50 situation. I was being strong in front of my family and friends. Kept my chin up, acted like i was fine but deep inside, i was torn. The only person that had seen my weakness was my ex. I told her i was so scared, i overthinked a lot, i cried everytime i talked to her. I showed her all my weakness and she was there and supported me throughout the way. It was a long journey to the operation room and it felt like going to a war. Either you make it or you lose it. But alhamdulillah, i made it. This concept goes the same way as covid patient that will be put to sleep. I was thinking if on that day, Allah has written that i couldnt make it, what will happen to my parents? Can they take this? "Allah will never burden a soul for something that you cant handle" - Maybe im still alive bcs of them, bcs Allah knows they cant take the pain. My mom once said, a mother who lost her child is the strongest woman. Its like im still here breathing, bcs of my parents. Ya Allah, they are my greatest blessings.
I have sinned a lot. Im scared if Allah takes me and i didnt have time to repent. Life is short and death is sure. I guess what happened yesterday really hit me harder. There are a lot of things i regret on my past. Some of it, i regret for doing it and another way around, i regret for not doing it earlier or never did. Today is maal hijrah which is a new year in islamic calendar. I wanna take this moment to be thankful for all the amazing things that happened in my life. I wanna use this time to have a new beginning to be a better person, son, brother and friend. My thoughts are for those who had lost their family, partner and friends due to covid. They are indeed the strongest one. Whoever reads this post, i hope you guys will be fine and stay safe wherever you are. I will end the post here. May Allah bless and protect us all, insyaAllah.
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explorer-of-sky · 7 years
i saw hamilton for the education program thing they did yesterday so im just going to scream hamilton shit under the cut. hope it works on mobile.
the mc for the event thing in the morning was J. Quinton Johnson, the actor for Hercules Mulligan in Act 1 and James Madison.
i found out some time before that James Monroe Iglehart, Marquis de Lafayette in Act 1 and Thomas Jefferson in Act 2 used to do Aladdin as the Genie. (do i go with djinn?)
there was a contest thing in the education program where we had to submit a video or audio recording of a rap, song, poem, or a skit thing. one group in my school won. for their performance, one got to wear a blue coat for the patriot role, a red coat for the British soldier, and one wasn’t wearing a coat. their skit was mostly about the patriot trying to get the person not wearing the coat to join but they were mostly arguing about the boston massacre
for the q and a thing, johnson, and three other people: eliza, the dance captain, one person in the ensemble or swing who said that she plays the bullet, and another person who might be the other dance captain or maybe a swing were answering the questions
the person doing the announcements for shit like standbys and understudies or turn off your phones was the actor for king george III
in alexander hamilton, the first song, the ensemble potraying hamilton’s cousin  stood on a chair and gestured to look as if he was hanging himself and “died” before stepping off the chair.
i love how in aaron burr, sir and my shot, the ensemble are being all casual in the background. in aaron burr, sir, the spotlights were arranged to create the paved stone street and pairs of people in the ensemble would walk by. in the bar or whatever, i think mulligan pounds on the table for the beat thing. i love the person in the ensemble that acted as a bartender. everyone else gives no fucks about what the gang is screaming about and its funny to see.
in farmer refuted, the actor for samuel seabury had this voice that was probably nasally? idek. and the person saying “oh god tear this dude apart” had his arm on hamilton’s shoulder like he was asking hamilton to obliterate seabury after seeing hamilton do his thing in my shot
its just me but i prefer that the actor for king george III would be hella extra doing you’ll be back. play around with the scepter or something, dont just stand there looking pretty.
between youll be back and right hand man, there are two ensembles, one on stage close to the front and side and one that walks in. meanwhile, theres a british soldier nearby at the back side of the stage. the one walking onstage whispers into the person’s ear and walks away. the person stayed for a bit and the british soldier turned around and walked up behind her. he likely covered her mouth and neck with his hands and the person fell back as if she was either knocked unconscious or killed. i think i saw her again as one of the british soldiers so im not really sure what happened
in the song george3 does after the war is over, the spotlights are red at first but when he says that now he’s blue, he stomps on the floor and the spotlights change to blue. it was wild.
in intermission, the person doing the announcements said that the role for philip schuyler and maybe james reynolds and the doctor would be played by jevon mcferrin
joanna a. jones does both peggy schuyler and maria reynolds so that was fun to see bc in act 1, you see very little of peggy like around two words by herself while in act 2, maria goes all out only for some time.
before hamilton and thomas jefferson start arguing in the cabinet battles, a box was brought onstage and it contained 3 microphones. hamilton went frontstage and went all “WHOS READY FOR THE THING”. when they argued while james madison stood next to jefferson and washington just stood at the side. they argued in the form of a rap battle and held the microphones. in one battle, jefferson did a mic drop and madison caught it.
somewhere before the reynolds pamphlet, while jefferson and madison and maybe burr and washington were onstage, at one point, hamilton is standing in the middle of the balcony and has this package of papers. he drops it and says somewhere along the lines of “__ YOU FAT MOTHER****” bleeped and all while the spotlight on him was flashing red.
in the song hurricane, the spotlights are arranged i think using the same pattern for the stone path in aaron burr, sir to make the hurricane and hamiton is standing in the very center, the “eye” of the hurricane but the center doesnt have a pattern.
idek the third song george3 does but one of the ensemble wearing the british soldier coat comes in with a stool. she places it to the side of george3 who i think gestured something and she placed it behind him for him to sit on.
in the reynolds pamphlet, george3 is standing on the side and on the balcony thing watching the shit unfold. he has one of the papers and gets downstairs. jefferson went make it rain with the papers and everyone is throwing the papers in the air. george3 even joins in the circle and throws his paper in the air. it was funny to watch.
there’s no congraulations in this. all we get is angelica walking in with bags in her hands and saying “’im not here for you.” i was hyped to see her roast hamilton.
lexi lawson emphasized anger doing burn
the funny thing in act 2 was that philip hamilton was portrayed by an adult while philip was 9 and 19 years old. theres no difference betwen them appearance-wise
before the duel between philip and whoever it was, hamilton tells philip to point his gun to the sky and since philip didnt shoot and got shot, he dies. later in the world was wide enough, hamilton and burr have their duel and hamilton pointed his gun up the sky. also, the spotlights were arranged so that the dueling ground would look like a target. before burr makes the shot that kills hamilton, hamilton is singing really quick since the shot will kill him and eliza walks in between them before turning around and walking off passing burr. in the first shot, the person that said she played the bullet “caught” the bullet. other ensemble members came in and picked her up carrying her but that bullet isnt the one that killed hamilton.
i noticed that in the hamilton logo, hamilton points up like in the duel. theres no thumb on the logo so the pose can be interpreted in multiple ways.
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🖖- What “Fandoms” would your muse belong to? 📇- Is your muse a gossiper // All the men
Berlioz- Pokemon, Bee Movie Fandom, general meme appreciation, probably a dog spotting group on facebook, and lots and lots of bandoms, though i mean he mostly follows news and stuff he doesn’t participate~ 
Hades- literally i. uh. sudoku fandom. chess?
Milo- he is in MANY fandoms tbh. Huge Indiana Jones fan, big into Star Wars and Star Trek. He is also super passionate about ancient languages and is in a lot of groups online. Doctor Who, definitely, also loves Firefly. Um, probably loooves Sherlock but doesnt like Moffat’s version. But he loves mysteries so. 
Prince- lol
Paul- Star Wars and Star Trek and Doctor Who for sure. Did read HP as a boy but he prefers LOTR. 
Mowgli- forest fandom, wolfkin, 
Berlioz- on a scale of 1-10, he is like a 4? He will gossip if someone starts it and he doesn’t know the person or doesn’t like the person that much. He gossips most with Simba because usually Simba’s intentions r good (aka he’s trying to matchmake ahhaha). When drunk, he will gossip more. 
Hades- Solid 7 gossip. He actually really likes going places and gossiping about ppl there. 
Milo- wow a 1 bc it literally would never occur to him unless it was directly tied to his work
Prince- probably around a 6 bc the forest is a gossipy bunch so he’ll amuse them
Paul- 7 bc like Hades he likes watching people and eavesdropping. 10 when he’s with Perdita, she encourages this dark side lmao, 
Mowgli- 9/10 he lovesssss gossip because he is insatiably curious and gets FOMO p easily (comes from living with a pack of wolves who can READ EACH OTHER’S THOUGHTS)
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