#it takes 20 -25 min (it’s snowing) to drive to my brothers job. and I pulled into the parking lot at the beginning of the 2nd SA.
stemroses · 2 years
So my almost 8k fic has been rearranged and deleted two whole chapters and now I’m back to 5k. :/
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catdadeddie · 4 years
50 questions!! tagged by @buckleysbabe 💕
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? blue 
2. name a food you never eat: an eyeball
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? both - depends on the weather
4. what were you doing 45 mins ago? letting my dog outside
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? milky way
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? Detroit Lions (NFL/American Football)
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? idk something to my dog
8. what is your favorite ice cream? coffee lovers dream
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? water
10. do you like your wallet? no. Its annoying
11. what is the last thing you ate? Pumpkin Spice donut from a local orchard/pumpkin patch
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Maybe, I've been online shopping too much trying to prepare for winter
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? my little brothers football game
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? There's this candy coated caramel apple popcorn that's so good
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my irl best friend.
16. ever go camping? yes, every summer for a week (this is why i refuse to read camping fics lol)
17. do you take vitamins? nope
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope
19. do you have a tan? nope
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? both
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? don't drink pop, but yes for other drinks (can you tell I'm from Michigan lmao) 
22. what color socks do you usually wear? black 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? like 5 mph. I’m trying to get my license so I'm always with my parents
24. what terrifies you? Failing
25. look to your left, what do you see? the shelves that I’m very proud of putting up myself
26. what chore do you hate most? cleaning the counters. Its everyone else's shit yet I get to take care of it. Also hate the fridge bc there's always gross veggies and moldy shit bc no one else actively cleans in my house
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? i think about the way they pronounce water like woda ( keeping this from elisa bc i cant think of anything else now)
28. what’s your favorite soda? I don’t like/ drink pop.
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? both, depending on mood and who im with (keeping this from elisa bc correct)
30. what’s your favorite number? 21
31. who’s the last person you talked to? my dog lmao
32. favorite cut of beef? ribs
33. last song you listened to? ...Baby One More Time by Miriam-Teak Lee (I’m obsessed with this song because of something someone commented on @tarlosbuddie​‘s Eddie post with the song)
34. last book you read? fanfiction - I don’t remember which one though
35. favorite day of the week? Monday if I don't work
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? nah, too hard to focus on it
37. how do you like your coffee? Mostly just milk and a little bit of sugar. or an iced caramel macchiato 
38. favorite pair of shoes? all black vans  
39. time you normally get up? 11 am (and that's on not sleeping)
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets
41. how many blankets on your bed? one
42. describe your kitchen plates. This gray glasses stuff that makes the chalkboard screech when you try to pick stuff up with your fork.
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: half messy, half clean. I started cleaning it last night bc I didn’t realize someone was leaving orange slices in the bottom of dark colored beer bottles and we got fruit flies while I was gone for the weekend.
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? 1/2 cup of ice. shot of Malibu, shot of Captain Morgan Coconut, fill the rest with orange juice. (I used to just have Parrot’s Bay, and now this upped my tolerance so Parrot’s Bay doesn’t do anything for me.)
45. do you play cards? yeah, when someone will play with me. My family gets moody bc I'm good at them.
46.what color is your car? Don't even have a license 🙄
47. can you change a tire? never tired 
48. Your favorite state? I don't have a favorite. They all have a reason to hate them lmao. The warmer states get earthquakes and hurricanes. The cold states get snow and ice. I don't really want any of it at the moment.
49. Favorite job you’ve had? running my high schools student council. I never got paid for it, but I did it lmao
50. I tag: @bvckleydiaz @ghostlyluke @transperseus @seik-o @orahm and any one else who wants to
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naruto-oc-critiques · 7 years
Hello! Could you review my OC please? I’m just in the beginning stage of creating her so I don’t have a lot of background yet orz. (Also, I’m sorry if my english is bad TAT) 
Name: Fujiwara Miyabi Kanji: 藤原 雅 Meaning: Fuji: Wisteria Hara: Field, Miyabi: Elegance Alias/Nicknames: Miya, Miyabi-chan Gender: female Sexual orientation: heterosexual Birthday: 03/15 Age: Part I: 16 Part II: 18 The Last: 20 Zodiac sign: Pisces  
— Clan information — The Fujiwara clan is an old shinobi clan focusing on the use of wagakki (japanese traditional instruments) for genjutsu techniques. The family is also a musical troup that tour the festival every summer. Each member is in charge of an instrument but they all learn different instruments. 
— Characteristics —
Blood type: A Height: Part I: 165cm Part II: 170cm Weight: Part I: 45kg Part II: 50kg Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown, almost black. Long hair with the Hime cut (straight bangs). Skin: Fair Unusual Features: Has a scar in the back of her shoulder
— Ninja information —
Affiliation: Konoha gakure Current rank: Jounin -Genin promotion: 12yo -Chuunin promotion: 15yo -Jounin promotion: 19yo Occupation: She works with her family as a musical troupe. She is in charge of the Taiko. They often participate in festivals in Konoha and other countries. Status: Active Ninja-ID: Team: Asahi Kayo (朝日 加陽), Chiba Ryôsei (千羽 綾西) Sensei: Kanako (夏菜子) Chackra nature: Water, wind Ninjustsu range: Short-mid range Deffensive/Offensive type: More of the offensive type. Dominant hand: Right handed Weapons: Has scrolls with different kind of taiko to perform genjutsu. Uses mainly the Yari spear. Summonings: Name: Shishou Species: Kitsune fox Abilities: Tracking Missions completed: D-rank: 20 C-rank: 11 B-rank: 16 A-rank: 13 S-rank: 2 Total: 52
Abilities: Strength: She is very calm, a very talented taiko drummer. She is also quite a good actress. Weakness: Has a fear of failure. Can be seen as stuck-up and cold-hearted. Taijutsu: Good Ninjutsu: Good Genjutsu: Excellent Fighting style: She usually traps her enemy with genjutsu before closing in and fight with her taijutsu.
Ninja stats: Academy: NIN: 0.5/5 TAI: 1/5 GEN: 1.5/5 KEN(intelligence): 2/5 RIKI(power): 0.5/5 SOKU(speed): 1/5 SEI(chakra): 1.5/5 IN(finger sign): 1/5 Total: 9/40
Genin: NIN: 1.5/5 TAI: 1.5/5 GEN: 2/5 KEN(intelligence): 2.5/5 RIKI(power): 1/5 SOKU(speed): 2/5 SEI(chakra): 2/5 IN(finger sign): 1.5/5 Total: 14/40
Chuunin: NIN: 2/5 TAI: 3.5/5 GEN: 4/5 KEN(intelligence): 3.5/5 RIKI(power): 2.5/5 SOKU(speed): 3.5/5 SEI(chakra): 3/5 IN(finger sign): 3/5 Total: 25/40
Jounin: NIN: 3/5 TAI: 4/5 GEN: 4.5/5 KEN(intelligence): 4/5 RIKI(power): 3.5/5 SOKU(speed): 4.5/5 SEI(chakra): 3.5/5 IN(finger sign): 4/5 Total: 31/40
— Techinques —
Ninjutsu: She is good in Ninjutsu but use it rarely Techniques: Technique 1: Chôchô Musubi (water). Create a lasso of water. Used for capturing and hinder a target.
Taijutsu: She is skilled in taijutsu. With her artistic upbringing people often say that it looks like she is dancing.
Genjutsu: She excells at genjutsu since she is learning it from a young age. Use the taiko for creating illusions.
— Personal traits —
Personality: Good traits: Honorable, Kind, Intelligent, Calm Bad traits: Easily scared (she dislike ghosts stories and things like that), stuck-up, Likes: -foods: Katsudon -colors: Purple -favourite animal: Cat -what she likes to do in her free time: playing the taiko, baking and reading poetry Dislikes: -foods and drinks: Alcohol, fish -colors: Yellow -less favourite animal: Snakes -what she doesn’t likes to do in her free time: Cooking Habbits: Touch her nose when embarassed Hobbies: She is quite a bookworm and collects poetry books. Her favorite book is the Hyakunin Isshu. She alos like playing the Karuta Fears: Fear of failure Ambition: Become recognised as a great genjutsu user and protect her village and the people she love.
— Relationships —
Parents: Father: Hajime (一), Mother: Shiori (栞) Siblings: Misaki (美咲 20 f), Kuon (永遠 14 m), Kotone (琴音 f)/Suzune (鈴音 8 f) Relative(s): Uncle: Idzuru (居鶴) Aunt: Migiwa (汀) Cousins: Ageha (紅葉 19 f), Junna (淳和 15 f), Naoya (直也 13 m) Grand father: Haruo (春雄) Grand mother: Wakana (和奏D.) Teammates: Kayo, Ryôsei how they get along? She gets along well with her teammates even though Kayo and Ryôsei tends to fight a bit. She is usually the one to calm them down. Is like the big sister of her team. Friends: Fujita Hikaru (藤田 光): The son of her father’s friend. He acts like a big brother and has a slight crush on Miyabi. He can be quite overprotective but she appreciate him nevertheless. Best friend: Saionji Umeka (西園寺 梅香), she is her best friend since they were born. Umeka isn’t a shinobi but they like to spend time together.
Let me preface this by saying: Your English is wonderful. I like how much thought you put into your characters interests, and I LOVE the fact you included her family a little on her (especially since it wasn’t an overwhelming wall of information about each member.
I will point out that Fujiwara (藤原氏)  means ‘Wisteria Branch’, originating in the 600’s with Nakatomi no Katamari (later Fujiwara by Emperor Tenji). 
I like the concept of music and theater being the main basis of your character. I think there are a lot of possibilities you can explore on this front. 
Wagakki appears to be a band and is not the name of a set of traditional instruments. For further research, I recommend this link right here
You could potentially look into Min yo, thought it seems more like gagaku (orchistral court music) appears to be more of what you’re looking for.
  Unless you oc is extremely strong, a taiko would not be a good idea. I don’t know if you’ve looked into the history of the taiko drum, but they were previously used by blacksmiths as a means of signaling or warning of incoming attacks. Having actively played the taiko drum before, I can verify that it takes a tremendous amount of upper body strength to even get it to make a sound, let alone keep a steady rhythm enough for it to be played for any amount of time. If you have your heart set on having her play the taiko, I strongly recommend making her a strength-based kunoichi, with a body type to match (broad shoulders, muscular, which would also make her a bit heavier and not as agile). 
I really do think using a taiko would be going on the 'offensive’. She could potentially use the vibrations to send some sort of disruptions into the opponent, casting a genjutsu, or even causing minor earthquakes that would disrupt the opponent. 
I would like to see her noted strengths expanded more. What makes her a good actress, if she’s calm or not very emotive? What sort of acting does she do? We know she can’t be Kabuki, so does she do noh or kyogen? Perhaps she acts as musical accompaniment to bunraku? Or is it a more contemporary type of acting? 
Where does her fear of failure come from? Is she a perfectionist, or is she just ambitious and drive, or have something to prove (to herself or to someone else)? In what was is she stuck up and cold hearted? Is she particularly cruel or aloof? Be careful in this that you’re not sounding like Koyuki from Clash In The Land Of Snow. 
I do feel as though 'kind’ and 'stuck up’ are contradictory. Perhaps 'aloof’ would be a better description? Perhaps she takes a while to warm up to people.
How does her water Lasso align with her other skills? How is she good at ninjutsu if she uses it seldom? Does she practice a lot? Could you maybe substitute fans instead of a lasso, so it would fit in later with her taijutsu ability? Is her style  of taijutsu more of a traditional dance, or is it more modernized/western? Who is saying she looks like she’s dancing? If it’s her enemies, then stop right there. If it’s her teachers, is this a critisicm, or a praise? How will her movements benefit her, or are they just pretty? Could this be a point of future character development?
I feel like you’ve picked good ages for promotion, though I might push back the jounin until she’s a bit older (20-22) just to space it out a little bit and make it seem more natural. I imagine it takes a bit longer for a chuunin to become a jounin than it takes for a gennin to become a chuunin. 
As for her summon…hmmm….I would be extremely cautious about summoning a 'kitsune’ due to their status in Japanese folklore. Up until now, I haven’t picked up on anythign that your OC would imply that the kitsune plays any significant role in her life. Kitsune’s are traditionally shapeshifters, and are frequently known for being tricksters as well as untrustworthy and unlucky/evil (particularly during the Edo period, where superstition reigned supreme). I can see how that may play into a genjutsu user, however, how else would the kitsune play into her life? What makes the kitsune choose her, or what makes her choose the kitsune? 
She likes baking, but not cooking (though they’re pretty interrelated, so this is confusing to me).
So she likes playing cards? Or is it specifically kyogi karuta? We know she likes Sengoku-era literature, perhaps have her look into the Chushingura, which is a fairly well-known bunraku play. Since she has a history in theater, this might interest her. She might also like Murasaki Shikibu (who was also a Fujiwara) or Sei Shonagon’s work. 
I’m spotting a theme here, which ties into her calmness. I would like to also see her have a few weakness’ as well, other than her fear of failure. Perhaps she’s calm on the outside but can be extremely irritable or has outbursts where the facade is broken. If she’s calm all the time, it starts be be a bit Sue-ish and can make a character difficult to relate to for a reader. She is human, after all, and every human has their moments of frustration or anger.  Other than that, i think you’ve done a great job of putting together a group of friends and family members for her.
I hope this helps flesh her out a little more! Best of luck in pushing forward with her in the future!
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