#it took me 84 years to choose caps from this episode
majoris · 6 months
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0204 | Among the Lotus Eaters
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kitkasimba · 6 years
A long time ago, I was tagged by the lovely @maybeicanbesaved​. Sorry for taking forever... Thank you!!! ♥
1. drink - Milk.
2. phone call - A random phone number.
3. text message - Papa Murphy’s........ haha.
4. song you listened to - I’m listening to Twenty One Piolot’s new album Trench right now. The current song playing is Smithereens.
5. time you cried - Wednesday most likely.
6. dated someone twice?- Kind of.
7. kissed someone and regretted it - Oh yeah, but lesson learned, right?
8. been cheated on - Somewhat, yes.
9. lost someone special - Yeah...
10. been depressed - Yes...
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - Noooope!
fave colours:
12. Purple!
13. Burgundy!
14. Black!
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - I have! I’ve become better friends with people, too.
16. fallen out of love - NO THANK YOU.
17. laughed until you cried - Ooooh yeah. Good times.
18. found out someone was talking about you - Yaaaa...
19. met someone who changed you - YES.
20. found out who your friends are - Oh yeah.
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Yeeeeaaaah...... hehe ;)
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - Like 95% of them.
23. do you have any pets - Three kitties: Callie, Aries, and Griffin.
24. do you want to change your name - I’ve grown to like it.
25. what did you do for your last birthday - My partner took me on some adventures with my best friend, I got a tattoo, I went to Coldstone for the first time, and we went to Red Robin for dinner!
26. what time did you wake up today - 7:52 am. I was waiting for @girrlscout​ to launch her new products around 8 am!
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - Driving home from work.
28. what is something you can’t wait for - For more free time... HAHA.
30. what are you listening to right now - Trench album by Twenty One Pilots.
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - I guess you could say I have.
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - Work tbh. Lack of communication and low motivation.
33. most visited website - Google calendar, my email, and tumblr.
34. hair colour - Brown with golden and red highlights.
35. long or short hair - Medium. My hair is growing!
36. do you have a crush on someone - I’ve got a big ol’ crush on my human 😍💕
37. what do you like about yourself - I’m a fan of my nose, eyes, hair color, and my eyebrows have grown on me a lot over these past couple years.
38. want any piercings? - I think I’m content with what I’ve got... If I were to get anymore I think it would be a piercing or two on my left cartilage, but I’m good for now!
39. blood type - AB+
40. nicknames - Ash, Ashie, Pretty Kitty, Love, Nala, A-Dawg (previous supervisor), Ashley-Washley (parents), AshFlo. There are a couple others that I can’t recall.
41. relationship status - Suuuuper in love with my partner 💕 sooo.... taken :)
42. zodiac - Cancer, yooooo. I got the tattoo to prove it ;)
43. pronouns - She/Her/Hers.
44. fave tv shows - Pushing Daisies, Parks and Rec, B-99, The Bold Type, Jane the Virgin, Atypical, Stranger Things, Super Store, Riverdale, Bates Motel, The OA (I enjoyed it), Broadchurch, Scream, Broad City, The Good Place, Bob’s Burgers, Teen Titans, Over the Garden Wall, Avatar the Last Airbender, A Series of Unfortunate Events... and so many more. Those are just ones I’ve enjoyed recently (AND FOREVER).
45. tattoos - Okay, I have five total tattoos, but I want so many more! First one is my Lion King tattoo on my back, left shoulder. It’s the Rafiki drawing of Simba and around him in all caps it says, “Remember who you are in the Circle of Life”. Second one is on my left outer arm. It’s the constellation of cancer, which is my zodiac sign. Third one is on my right outer wrist. It’s a song title from JoJo’s album Mad Love, and it says, “I am.” Fourth one is on my left inner arm. It is an equilateral triangle that appears right-side up when I look at it but upside down when someone else looks at it. The bottom and left lines are black while the right side is a rainbow (or spectrum of color). Fifth one is on my right inner arm. The outline is the state of Oregon and inside is a picture of Tillamook Head at sunset, a photo I took in my home town on New Year’s Eve in 2014.
46. right or left handed - Right handed.
47. ever had surgery - Yes. Ankle
48. piercings - I have a hoop in my left nostril, triple helix with studs on my right ear, and a cartilage hoop on my left ear. Oh, and my lobes are pierced.. just once!
49. sports - I haven’t played sports since high school, but I enjoy them for fun from time to time. I enjoy badminton a lot!
50. vacation - I’ve been on quite a few. I’m going on one in two weeks with my fam to Crater Lake and Wildlife Safari.
51. trainers - I’m a Pokemon Trainer! ;) Team Valor, but Soul Instinct.
more general:
52. eating - Nothing at the moment. I’m craving some Chinese food though.
53. drinking - Nothing... I should drink some water.
54. i’m about to watch - I think I’m good for the moment. Earlier I watched the new episode of the Good Place and Superstore, though.
55. waiting for - My Love to get home so we can go get my cartilage jewelry changed.
56. want - Chinese food, a burger, financial stability... ya know, the simple things, hahaha.
57. get married - Someday 💕💕💕
58. career - Counselor someday? I dunno. I’ve been debating this a lot since I’ve graduated undergrad. I want to work with the LGBTQ+ community in some way though.
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses - I love hugs, a lot. Kisses are pretty great, too, though.
60. lips or eyes - Eyes.
61. shorter or taller - Taller, probs. I’m already fairly short, but average.
62. older or younger - Younger, but only like by 2 years though. Any younger and I feel weird about since my sister is 3 years younger than me.
63. nice arms or stomach - Neither? But if I had to choose I guess arms.
64. hookup or relationship - Relationship, please.
65. troublemaker or hesitant - Uhh.... hesitant, I guess?
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger - Nah.
67. drank hard liquor - Yeah.
68. lost glasses - Unfortunately...
69. turned someone down - Yeeep.
70. sex on first date - No thanks.
71. broken someones heart - I think so.
72. had your heart broken - Oooooh yeah.
73. been arrested - Nope.
74. cried when someone died - Yeah.
75. fallen for a friend - Yeeeeaaah, SUCH FUN.
do you believe in:
76. yourself - I try....
77. miracles - I like to believe so.
78. love at first sight - Yes and no.
79. santa claus - not for a while now.
80. kiss on a first date - sure, if we click.
81. angels - Eh, sure.
82. best friend’s name - They know who they are, and that’s all that matters.
83. eye colour - Brown.
84. fave movie - THE LION KING.
85. fave actor - JoJo, Logan Lerman, Demi Lovato. I’m not too invested in actors.
I’ll tag... @sass-and-chocolate, @golddipped, @khlovgoth, @heartinthesand, and @kitkatkat18 <3
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thesummerfox · 7 years
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 whoever the fuck you want
I was tagged by the fabulous @goddamnitkastle and @laura--howlett , thank you both so much! I’m tagging @wolveria, @emanationman, @thewonderginger, @sonicskullsalt, @carry-the-sky, @wasleichtes, @secondary2mary , @kteague , and @theycallmeeverlasting with absolutely no pressure to do this cos it’s a lot of stuff but if you’re bored like me.. go give it your best shot? 
Setting this under a read more cos I doubt anyone wants my babbling on their dash..
The Last …
1. drink: apple juice
2. phone call: I think I called mom to let her know what time I’d be coming home
3. text message: one from work asking if I remembered a password cos the entire IT dept is out on holiday and they couldn’t access a laptop lol
4. song you listened to: Na Na Na by Pentatonix
5. time you cried: ugly cry has been a while but casual cry was a few days ago
Have you ever ...
6. dated someone twice: I’m not sure how they mean this question but I’ve never casually dated, I’ve always been friends with people first and ‘dating’ felt a lot like hanging out (except with more kissing lol) so I dunno?
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope. I love kissing people and I do way too little of that so my only regret is not kissing more people haha!
8. been cheated on: not to my knowledge.
9. lost someone special: Yes, either because they died or because they left my life. 
10. been depressed: oh yes. My last major episode’s been a while, but I get downer moods like no tomorrow after I come off one of my high-as-a-kite moods so that’s a lot of fun. *eyerolls* Always have to be careful in fall/winter cos I’m more susceptible to a depressive bender in those months.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve never even gotten drunk lol -- tipsy is the most I can manage because I’m a controlfreak like whoa
Favorite Colors…
12. Sky blue
13. Dark purple
14. Sunshine yellow/bright pink (hah I can’t choose!)
In The Last Year Have You…
15. made new friends: yesss
16. fallen out of love: nope. Been a while since I’ve been in it, if I’ve ever been at all.
17. laughed until you cried: that’s the best kind, so absolutely! I am the type to just start laughing hysterically or crack a few jokes that are funny to nobody but me so you can imagine that I’m not a stranger to just laughing so hard that I start crying
18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah, in both good and bad ways
19. met someone who changed you: always -- in big and small ways
20. found out who your friends are: thankfully, yes. 
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: it’s a 50/50 cos I hate using FB for anything other than games and I have added people I only know from online interactions before cos they’re awesome and I wanna see what’s up in their lives
23. do you have any pets: not anymore =(
24. do you want to change your name: nah, I’m good with my name. My name and I are best friends right around now lol
25. what did you do for your last birthday: uhh I don’t recall what I did on the day itself but I know that I went to see the movie Jackie not too long after my birthday and called it my birthday outing so that’s that
26. what time did you wake up: 5am because my brain hates me
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: getting ready for bed
28. name something you can’t wait for: new Game of Thrones season
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: she’s literally in the next room so like 10 seconds ago lol -- I still live at home
31. what are you listening to right now: chirping birds in the backyard
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah
33. something that is getting on your nerves: the godawful holiday schedule that public transport’s got going on right now holy shit I’m so pissed
34. most visited website: Tumblr
35. hair color: it’s red right now but my natural colour is brown
36. long or short hair: I’m growing it back out to long
37. do you have a crush on someone: when do I not seriously
38. what do you like about yourself: I'm pretty intelligent and creative but I gotta tell ya that the thing I like most about myself is the devil-may-care Aquarius attitude to fashion/make-up that winds up with me mixing patterns and colours and going full-tilt cray with blue lipstick
39. piercings: I just have a hole in each ear so I can wear earrings but then forget about that a lot so I’m stabbing my own ears every so often just to keep them from closing up
40. blood type: I have no idea
41. nickname: no real nickname going on at the moment
42. relationship status: single and too picky to mingle lol
43. zodiac: Aquarius
44. pronouns: She/her.
45. favorite tv show: BANSHEE (I’m sorry I’m all-capsing the fuck outta this but this show is insane in the best way and I want y’all to start watching it if you haven’t already okay good thank me later for your traumas)
46. tattoos: I haven’t got one but I keep thinking about getting one but I’m a chickenshit with a low pain tolerance so eh
47. right or left handed: right-handed
48. surgery: I had some work on my teeth done like ages ago but I’ve never been in hospital for anything 
49. piercing: aside from my earring holes, absolutely nada
50. sport: I took ballet back when I was tiny but lately the most I do is occasional yoga
51. vacation: I’m not going anywhere this year that I know of but I like doing citytrips and a lot of sightseeing stuff
52. pair of trainers: Skechers are awesome for my feet so I’ve got a fair few of those -- I tend to walk around in trainers a lot cos I’m always on the go and cannot walk long distances in crap shoes
More General
53. eating: I’m a superpicky eater but I like my fruit and veg, haha (and the last thing I ate was bread and strawberry jam)
54. drinking: I live off fruit juice and water
55. i’m about to: stare at my screen some more cos I have a writer’s block looming over my long fic
56. waiting for: my holidays to start omg
57. want: to buy a car and move out of the house but in this current economy that’s like saying “I need a ticket to the miracle express”
58. get married: someday, maybe? I’m not seeing anyone and you really do need more than one person for that adventure
59. career: I have one? but it’s like a career born out of necessity that doesn’t totally suck to do on a daily basis and the career I want (I just wanna write let me write) is not constructive as a way to pay the bills
60. hugs or kisses: BOTH. I hug people more than I kiss ‘em but I’m all for both
61. lips or eyes: eyes are the window of the soul yo
62. shorter or taller: I’m relatively tall so my inner circle of people consists of both shorter (mostly girls) and taller (Dutch folks tend to be skyscrapers)
63. older or younger: I’m friends with people much older and quite a bit younger than me -- I really don’t care about that. all my relationships have been with guys who were a bit older tho
64. nice arms or nice stomach: ARMSSS I have a thing with nice hands/arms you don’t even know
65. hook up or relationship: relationship, never done random hook-ups
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant (I blame my Cap stellium omg)
67. kissed a stranger: noooo but I totally would not gonna lie
68. drank hard liquor: hahahahahaha oh no
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: nah, I may forget where I put them but I never lost them
70. turned someone down: yeah I’ve had to do that, it’s not fun but if I’m really not feelin’ it I’m not gonna pretend otherwise -- I really fucking hate it when people don’t take a polite “no” for an answer though
71. sex on the first date: depends on how long I’ve actually known someone? if they’re a total stranger, then nope, but if we were friends before dating I just might
72. broken someone’s heart: yes, probably, but I didn’t stick around to watch them fall apart cos I was that done with the relationship and he really really really had it comin’ so I hope I shattered it tbh
73. had your heart broken: yeah but I bounced back all right from that so my guess is that I haven’t crashed and burned the way some folks do over heartbreak
74. been arrested: nah
75. cried when someone died: I have done both the ugly sobbing that just makes everything stream out in a cascade of tears and snot (yeah lol tmi) and the dry-eyed thing that eventually ended in a breakdown months later so uhhuh
76. fallen for a friend: always. not in that I always fall in love with my friends, lol, but in that I have to be friends with someone if I’m really gonna fall for them that way imo
Do You Believe In …
77. yourself:  hell to the yes I do
78. miracles: I think the universe provides for us and sometimes blindsides us in a way that makes us think miracles are real
79. love at first sight: I’ve had it happen and it’s not fun so I wanna stop believing in that okay thanks
80. santa claus: I used to, like I seriously hallucinated reindeer noises at one point
81. kiss on the first date: yes please
82. angels: yes
83. current best friends’ names: they know who they are
84. eye color: green
85. favorite movie: Wonder Woman! (to absolutely nobody’s surprise? hah)
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