#it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to think of something angsty
amanitacurses · 4 months
Could I request some more vidow?? Maybe some angst >:) or hurt/comfort vidow or with the colours :) (with Vio or shadow as the centerpiece tho soz lmao)
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Like I would pass up a chance to draw Vidow, c'mon
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Guess what? I finished 2ha. Well..not really..I finished the main story but haven’t read the extras. That’s not important tho since I don’t have anymore patience to not write this post.
So it’s time for another long-ish ramble about my thoughts and feelings. If you wanna read it, feel free, if you don’t then don’t just know that I will be spoiling events in the novel as I explain my thoughts. Let me repeat that. There will be spoilers. This is all my opinion, feel free to bash me in the comments and I don’t mean any hate towards Meatbun.
My thoughts on 2ha
If you’re still here and dunno what 2ha is about, 2 questions, why are you here and why. are. you. here? Go read the novel and come back because this will be spoiler heavy.
My thoughts on this novel could be described with one word— complicated. I both love it and hate it. Both things I will get into in a little while.
I guess I’ll start with the parts that I liked in 2ha.
1. All the main characters were well thought out.
As a story that deals with multiple timelines with multiple versions of characters, one would expect that there would be many differences between one timeline and another, which is exactly what is seen in 2ha.
For example, the death of Xue Meng’s parents happening at different points in time, and Mo Ran’s support for his cousin changed how mature Xue Meng was when he needed to fend for himself. He was very much still a child when he met Taxian-jun while in the other timeline, he was much more mature.
Having Mo Ran slowly realize that he has fallen in love with Chu Wanning after being saved by the man changed his viewpoint from there on. This is visible in the changes between 1.0 and 2.0. 1.0 is still very much an ass, still thinks that he is the emperor of the world but once Chu Wanning vanished, he realized that he loved the man and decided to be loyal to him from there on which is a nice transition to my next point.
2. They have great chemistry
Sounds fairly obvious doesn’t it? Mo Ran and Chu Wanning know what the other is thinking without saying it aloud. Like most examples like this, it could be seen best in battles.
They both truly care about each other to the point of insanity on my end. Both are embarrassingly cute to watch when they aren’t trying to kill each other which happens fairly often sadly.
3. Layers upon layers.
Characters don’t mean what they say or at least, there’s something hiding underneath it, to state an obvious example of this, Shi Mei’s entire character.
4. The angst is on point
When the angst starts, it doesn’t stop until you really feel bad or sad for these characters. I found myself wanting to give Chu Wanning a hug so many times. It really hits you hard. Characters going against their own will, hurting their own hearts and feelings just to save the one they love. The deaths concerning Mo Ran and Chu Wanning were perfect and hit so many points.
Now, I dunno if this is counted as a bad thing or a good thing so I’ll put it here in the middle.
The uh smut
So, whether you read for the smut or read for the plot, it’s there. Personally, I read for the latter. While I admit that I liked the fact that Meatbun mixed the smut into the actual plot. It’s not very good for people like me. Sometimes, I find myself dreading these chapters because of the fact that I have to read them to understand the relationship Taxian-jun and Chu-fei.
Luckily, I had a friend who told me what happens in some of these chapters so I don’t have to. It really saved me from second hand embarrassment while reading it in the middle of the night.
I have to admit though, I liked how Meatbun transitioned talking to the smut. It always took me a few paragraphs before I realized what I was reading and skimmed past. It is a change to what MXTX does where the smut and the story are clearly separated.
I think that while 2ha is known for having this in it, I wasn’t prepared for how much there would be. And I find myself concerned for how they would censor this for the live action.
Okay, now let’s move on to the bad things...well there’s just one.
The pacing is shit.
Everyone who I chatted to while reading 2ha knows that I have this major problem with it and I feel sorry for them for having to deal with my constant complaining.
2ha is a long novel. Fairly obvious right? It’s 311 chapters long plus over 30 extras. It’s not even fully translated by people as of me writing this post. I think that it suffers from being this long.
The first book had an amazing pave set. I loved the peach blossom springs arc. I think it’s the best arc in the novel. I couldn’t stop myself from reading these chapters. It set up the world nicely and gave us everything from action to angst.
However, as much as I loved these first few arcs, it soon goes downhill once Chu Wanning dies at the Heavenly Rift Arc. The pacing just drops. It went from 100 to 5 which each chapter moving at a turtle’s pace.
At this point, I was dreading to read it. From 10 or so chapters a day to 1. I thought that these chapters and arcs were dragged out too long. Reviving Chu Wanning took way too long in my opinion. Barely nothing happens in these chapters and after this arc, was the major time-skip.
The time-skip took 5 years while waiting for Chu Wanning to come back. I think that Mo Ran traveling the world instead of staying at SiSheng peak made sense. He grew as a character at this time and became Mo-zongshi.
Once Chu Wanning woke up, a mini arc starts as they head to the Rufeng sect. It’s fluff yes, but there’s no plot development at this point in time. I really wasn’t invested in any portion of the story at this point and was mainly reading because my friend told me it gets better...which it does..after another 50 chapters.
The things at the Rufeng sect happened but I found myself not caring about any of them whatsoever. Nangong Si died and I felt bad because I didn’t cry or react. I just stared at my phone.
‘Oh he’s dead huh. Poor Ye Wangxi’
It was a terrible time for a character to die. No one would feel sad after trudging through 30 chapters of nothingness.
After Nangong Xu did what he did, the real villain of the novel shows up, and the pacing gets better from there.
Now when I started 2ha, I just knew 3 things.
It is long
It has a lot of smut
It is angsty
I wonder if the good aspects of 2ha are enough to forgive the pacing. I wish I knew about it before I started to reading it or at least saw someone mention it. 2ha is a beloved novel, I think it is one of the better ones online but there are still definitely some points that need to be taken into consideration.
It deserves the amount of fame that it has around the danmei community and I hope that Meatbun did better for YuWu.
So to sum it up,
Would I read 2ha again? - No, I think that it is one of the novels that you can read once and once is enough
Do I regret reading 2ha? - Again, no.
Would I recommend it to others? - Sure why not, just make sure to have a lot of patience.
Good luck to us all when the live action airs.
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blogmusicismydrugxo · 5 years
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Let’s talk about The Witcher!
I just watched the first season (I should be studying but this was a way nicer pastime), and it’s left me a bit conflicted so I want to kind of give it my 2 cents.
Disclaimer: I knew nothing about the show or the characters prior to watching except for what I picked up from the trailer. I am a complete noob to this universe.
I’m just gonna jump straight in and be upfront: I think this show’s main problem is its pacing. It felt like large amounts of time were spent on useless characters or story lines, while the actually important parts felt rushed. Example here: the large amount of time spent on Renfri and her background story, only for her character to be discarded and maybe mentioned like once or twice more. I would’ve been fine if she just whispered her sentence about the girl in the woods and then we just moved on to other things. For someone like me, with no previous knowledge about these characters, that is more than enough information. 
On the other hand, large parts of Cirilla’s story felt rushed (that last conversation with her grandmother, the whole screaming thing that is yet to be explained but she doesn’t seem to worried by, that whole stint with the shapeshifter, etc.). I feel like her character falls a little flat because we only see things happening to her, not how she reacts to them or processes the stuff she went through. 
The pacing issue also showed itself within scenes themselves, not just over larger storylines. So many times lines were said either too fast or too slow (looking at you there Geralt). So many punchlines were wasted because the timing was off - decide what you want to be show: angsty and dramatic or quirky and funny, we can’t all be GOT and have both. 
Another problem that is loosely related to the pacing thing is just the fact that we, as noob viewers, get very little information about the actual world this show takes place in, or about the lore of the story. Give us a map so I know where the kingdoms are, give us some more information about the creatures you’re fighting. Give us something to hold on to. I still haven’t got a clue what a witcher exactly is, or why Nilfgaard is attacking the other kingdoms. (Also it took an embarrassingly long amount of time to realise that some of the story lines were taking place decades apart...)
On a more positive side, I absolutely love the colour palette of the show. It’s gorgeously desaturated at some points but then bursting with colours in the next scene, all while keeping consistently decent lighting! The filming of the fight scenes was well above average too, with the exception of one or two very shaky fights. 
Some of my favourite characters:
- Geralt/the witcher: a white haired, raspy voiced, cynical but also surprisingly tender-hearted mutant man, who seems to care very little for his own life. How could I not love him?
- Ciri/Cirilla: her character currently walks a very fine line between mighty heroine and annoying little girl, but for now I really do love her! 
- Thissaia: the writers really set her up to be a unlikable character but I quite like her stern attitude. She intrigued me from the start and the more I see of her, the more I want to know about her.
Don’t know what to think yet of these ones:
- Yennefer: she’s one of the main characters of the show but I can’t decide whether I like her or not. At times she seems like a foolish, naive and ill-tempered young woman and other times she is a wise and powerful mage. She keeps switching between the two, and I wish she would just stick to one already.
 - Jaskier: sometimes (poorly-timed) comedic relief, at times just plain annoying. Want to hate him but he’s kind of disarming.
Characters I dislike/hate:
- Queen Calanthe: I get it, you wanted a strong warrior queen, but dear god this woman is just as boring as she is stubborn. I did not care about her at all. She mostly seemed like a bad grandmother to me.
- Istredd: just very one-dimensional and forgettable. He doesn’t really seem to have a will of his own. 
Overall I think this show has lots of potential, and I will definitely check out the next season (although it apparently only comes out in 2021, and that is way too long for my span of attention). I think it could’ve just profited from one or two extra episodes, so all of the story archs could’ve been built up better and we could’ve gotten a little more background info. 
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bnha-nova · 6 years
P.o.s (now ex) boyfriends
A/N Not a request jsut something that I’ve had on my mind for a while. Please pay attention to the warnings. pretty angsty j/s. Under the cut because i have zero adult sence of self conrol
*** Warnings: Domestic violence mentions, as well as pregnancy some people don't like that so I figured that I would let you know***
How would Bakugo, Iida, and Todoroki react to their Hero assistants (whom they’ve had feelings for, for an embarrassingly long amount of time) showing up to work with obvious bruises under their make up? How would they react to finding out that they were caused by Assistant!readers boyfriend?
*This is in the future the guys are about 24-26 ish and are established pro heros.
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Bakugo Katsuki
Calling him livid would be an understatement he was almost as pissed at himself for not noticing sooner than he was at your piece of shit boyfriend for putting his hands on you period!
He felt like shit because you felt like you had to hide something like this from him. You’d been his very first assistant and you’ve worked for him happily since he’d agreed to hire you 3 years ago.
You were the person that taught him that it was ok to accept help when he needed it and you’d never made him admit it out loud.
You were the one person in this world that he knew he could count on for anything from making him the perfect cup of coffee to making sure that he remembers to eat when the world got busy.
It would be a lie if he said you weren't his best friend. Just like it would be another boldly-faced like if he said he didn't love you to a dangerous extent.
He’s loved you for a long time.
So long that it was stupid and to be honest the only reason why he’d done nothing was that you were a faithful person. No matter how much you would complain about your boyfriend being the biggest asshole on earth (even bigger than Katsuki, you’ve told him a thousand times) he didn't question your devotion to him for a second.
He knew that if he told you about his feelings you’d just leave. He’s fired people for you before because others flirting with you made you feel uncomfortable.
It wasn't until this very moment that he learned exactly why it made you uncomfortable.
“We were on a train and I-.” You sobbed into the mirror behind the bathroom sink. The only reason why he was here was that he’d heard you crying.
He was glad he demanded you to unlock the door, otherwise the concealer that was sitting on the countertop would have hidden the large handprint bruise that covered nearly the whole left side of your face.
“Y/n tell me what the fuck happened on the train.” He demanded.
“It wasn't on the train, it was when we got back h-home.” You sighed shaking as you used a paper towel to try your best to clean up the running make up from your face.
“You mean your boyfriend did this to you?!” Bakugo snapped grabbing your chin so he could better see the extent of the damage, immediately regretting it because of the way you flinched at his touch and the way your eyes widened in what was undeniably fear.
“This guy looked at me and I- I didn't tell him to stop. I didn't even fucking see him Katsuki, you know I would have told him to stop!” You whimpered insistently as you moved to wipe the pooling tears out of your face as you removed his hand in the process.
“Your piece of shit boyfriend was with you if he saw it why didn't he stop it if it was such a big fucking deal?!” He snapped again unable to control his tone and volume.
“Because he-,” “Because he’s a fucking pussy who needs to get his ass beat that's why!” Your hot headed boss snapped before tearing his way out of the restroom nearly ripping the door off the handle in the process.
You hurried after him begging him to stop, slow down, just listen to you.
“Please, don't, just listen to me!” You begged. And he stopped his shoulders tense and fists at his side clenched so hard you could see his knuckles turning white. “Why?! Listen to you tell me how the two of you’ve already worked shit out? About how he’ll never fucking do it again?!” He snapped. Now he knows what you meant any time you’d said that the two of you had fought. About how the bruises on your arms weren't just because you were a little clumsy.
You’ve been getting hurt under his watch and he’ll never forgive himself for it.
“if you do something like this, its just going to get worse for me. Don't you get that?!” You hissed at him and he turned back to you.
“Not if I blast his arms off of his body.” He growled through clenched teeth. He was pissed that was for sure but there was also something that you’d never seen and never in your life thought you would see.
They might have been from the anger or frustration but they were tears and that broke your heart.
“Yeah, and then I’d have to wipe his ass for him 24-7. Do you really think he’d let me step foot back in here?” You asked your voice much softer now, motioning to the agency doors that the two of you stood in front of.
“Why in the fuck does he have this power over you?” Katsuki asked as he violently whipped the tears off of his face. “He treats you like fucking dirt, puts his god damn hands on you and you just want to forget it ever happened? You wanna keep going home to him so he can beat the shit out of you again?!” He asked almost exasperatedly.
“Where else do you expect me to go?! I have no one and nowhere other than him Katsuki do you understand that? You have all of this money and all of these friends and fans from your fucking high horse you don't understand what the outcome of me leaving him is!” You were the one snapping now.
“Well, you're more of a fucking idiot than I took you for a second ago!” Bakugo snarled. “Because you have me, you have my home and my money. If you think for a fucking second that I wouldn't pay your rent just for you to not live with that bastard anymore then you're to god damn stupid for your own good!” He ranted giving you pause.
“What do you mean?” You asked your voice quiet again.
“What I said, I’ll do any god damn thing you want me to for you to not go back to him.” He said his voice cracking.
“I just fucking love your dumb ass too much to let you go back for anything else but to pack your shit.” Bakugo Katsuki speaking with a weak voice? Were you dreaming right now? “And you’re sure as hell not doing that alone either.”
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Iida Tenya
You were crying again he noticed. Not that he actually saw tears or heard whimpers but the way your eyes were red and puffy as well as how your lip still quivered told him that you and your boyfriend had fought again.
About what this time he didn't know, all he knew was that your boyfriend had a habit of being unfaithful.
How many times now has he thought about asking you to just run away? Runaway and be with him, let him protect you and let him make you happy. Probably close to a hundred times just today.
He did his best to make you smile, joked, he knew you thought it was funny when he took things to seriously so he tried that, he even offered to beat up your boyfriend only to have you get teary eyed again and excuse yourself from his presence.
He hated this.
Not being able to help you.
I mean he could but not without the risk that you’d hate him for it. He knew that you loved your boyfriend dearly and that made it worse when he treated you like garbage. You didn't deserve any of it.
You deserved to be treated like the royalty you are, the way he knows he’d treat you if he had a shred of a chance of you accepting it.
Days when you were sad like this he dreamed of being your knight in shining armor and sweeping you away from harm. He could treat you so much better, and he wanted to tell you so.
But he knew that was out of line, inappropriate.
As unhappy as your relationship was it was still a relationship and it wasn't in his place to intervene. He was by all intense and purposes your boss and literally the guy who wrote your paychecks.
But he was also someone you considered a close and very trusted friend. You’d told him so on several occasions.
He wondered when would be a good time to stage some kind of an intervention, something where he tells you how unhealthy the relationship you're in now is and you actually listen to him instead of shutting down the idea that you’d be happier without your boyfriend.
That you’d be much happier with him.
Then he’d have a reason to give you the over the top Christmas, birthday and valentines day gifts that he’s accumulated over the years. They were gifts that a boss really doesn't have the right to give an employee but he couldn't help himself.
He just loves you so much.
Too much to let you keep going through the revolving door of abuse.
Especially today.
You’d forgotten about the scarf you’d wore to the agency this morning, removing it once you were safely in the privacy of your own office because it was a little stuffy. If you wore it around no one would think much it was winter so, if there ever was a good time to have a handprint around your neck this was it.
Your boss who let himself in the office without knocking didn't seem to agree as you quickly tried to cover it up and he refused to let you.
“Y/N what happened?!” He asked worry creasing his face.
“Don't worry about it, everything's fine now.” You said pushing him away stepping back to put a little bit of distance between you and him.
“Everythings fine now?” He asked quietly at first his voice pure confusion. “EVERYTHINGS FINE?! Y/N WHAT ABOUT THIS IS FINE?!” he half-shouted chopping at the air for emphasis even though you could see he was extremely upset.
“I- its just issues at home, it won't affect my work.” You muttered sitting back at your desk embarrassed and close to tears at having been found out. This wasn't something you ever wanted to burden him with, he already has so much to worry about with the agency and villans seeming to strike more and more frequently.
“How could you say that?! Of course, it will affect your work y/n no one would be able to function normally worrying about being beaten when they get home!” he argued.
“It’s never affected me before so its not going to start now.” You said simply and his expression changed.
“Before?” He muttered. “Yeah, Tenya, this isn't the first time that something like this has happened and I am willing to bet it won't be the last.” You scoffed doing your best to make light of the dark subject matter.
“Why?” He asked his voice low. “Well because I’m stubborn, you know that. Once I start to run my mouth I don't stop so it gets me into trouble sometimes. I have a hard time staying quiet about his other girlfriends.” You sighed rolling your eyes and shrugging your shoulders.
“NO, I MEANT WHY ARE YOU LETTING HIM DO THIS TO YOU Y/N?! You deserve to be treated so much better than this!” He said exasperatedly making your attempt to be tuff and nonchalant about the situation go completely out the window.
“I could take care of you! I have a spare room you could stay at my place until we figure something out just please don't go back to that place Y/n.” He begged not missing the slightly weary look in your eye as you took in his offer.
“It doesn't have to lead to anything! That's not what this is I’m just worried about you! I want you to be safe and this whole time I’ve been so damn oblivious to what you’ve gone through. I know that the safest place for you is with me!.”
“Please let me take care of you!”
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Todoroki Shoto 
(this one uses explicitly female pronouns/has the pregnancy content and is a little shorter than the others)
There wasn't enough makeup in the world to cover up the black eye you sported today, and you looked like you didn't even try to hide the split lip.
This wasn't the first time that Shoto had noticed these things. It wasn't the first time he’d asked about them.
It was, however, the first time you told the truth.
He didn't knows what he should have expected. It wasn't like he hadn't grown up with an abusive father, that fact only made the realization worse.
He’d done nothing to protect you.
You were the person he was closest to in this whole world. The only person he’s ever trusted completely. The only woman that he’s ever loved in the way that he loves you.
“Shoto?” You whimpered the sudden drop in temperature of the room worrying you as he glared at you from across his desk.
He’d called you in here to see if you would be willing to relocate with him. He wanted to establish a larger agency in a bigger town. Now he wasn't exactly planning on giving you that choice.
“I will send someone for your things then.” He said in a tone that he’d never used with you before. You’ve heard it numerous times while in meetings that weren't going his way but never ever directed at you. “My things? No- i-I cant!” You said your voice shaking as the tears started again.
“What do you mean you cant? You honestly expect me to let you go back?” He hissed. “He wont-.” You started before he cut you off.
“What he won't do it again? How many times has he told you that at this point considering I’m willing to bet this isn't the first time its happened.”
“No, he won't let me leave.” You muttered sounding almost ashamed.
“What gives him the right to keep you from doing what you want? He doesn't own you.” He said harshly, he didn't miss the dispare in your eyes though.
“If you would have offered about 3 months ago I would have taken you up in a second flat.” You muttered quietly.
“What's changed? It doesn't matter whether or not your married, my lawyers can take care of that without you having to lift a finger.” He said waving away your objection.
“Its …. Not just about me anymore,” you said barely above a whisper as he watched your hand go to your stomach as his felt like it had jumped into his throat.
“Y/n?” He asked his voice softer as he got up and walked around his desk to kneel in front of you as your shoulders started to shake.
“I wish you would have asked sooner.” You whimpered letting yourself break down. “I wish that I wasn't so stupid, now I- we. have to deal with him for the rest of our lives.” You choked threw sobs.
“I can make it easier for you- the both of you.” He offered his hands pressing to your stomach that had been hidden from him with loose flowy shirts and the cozy sweaters that he knew you loved. But he could definitely feel the swell that was under the fabric.
You were right, it wasn't just about you anymore.
It was about you and your child.
He wasn't about to let something that was a part of you come into a life even remotely similar to the one he was born into. He refused to let you feel like a prisoner with no way out.
“Shoto, it's his baby I can't-” “You can't what? Look I’m not asking to marry me, I’m not asking you to give me your baby. I’m telling you to let me give it a better life. You can't honestly think that it will be happy or healthy when it has to worry whether or not its father is going to beat its mother on any given day? Or what about when it cries or touches his things?” He urged his hands moving from your stomach to your sides.
“What if one day they grow up to see how fucking wrong that piece of shit is and tries to stand up for you? Or themselves? Is he really going to hold back on them?” He asked nothing but sincere concern in his expression and voice.
You weren't stupid.
You knew what would happen if or when that day came. You didn't even want to think about it.
“I’m starting a new firm, in a different city, come with me.” He said. “Let me protect you. Both”
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ponacopuck · 7 years
20 for Rawley?
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry it took so long to finish. I started this one a few times. Originally I had something VERY angsty and sad, but I decided to go with cute and fluffy instead because the other one was bumming me out :0) Enjoy!
Iwish he would kiss me again.
It wasn’t the first time the thoughtcrossed his mind; far from it, but it was the first time in Dorian’s presence.Rawley felt a blush start under his collar and race up to the tips of his earsin an embarrassingly short amount of time. The more he tried to suppress it thehotter his skin burned. He was certain he must have looked like a tomato bynow. He coughed and shuffled on his feet, using it as an excuse to look down athis shoes. Dorian continued to talk at length about his latest research, hisback turned as he pulled another book from the shelf.
Helooks really good in those breeches.
Rawley’s eyes widened and a new blush,even more persistent than the first roared to life across his face. He had tostop it. Had to think of something else, anything else. Cold. Snow. The smellof the castle stable before they were mucked out. It was just a kiss. Awonderful, one might say, near perfect kiss, but a kiss just the same. He wassure Dorian wasn’t still thinking about it. Wasn’t thinking about how thespiced flavor of his tea lingered on his lips. His especially kissable lips.
Another cough and shuffle caught Dorian’sattention. He turned around, book still held aloft and eyebrow raised. Rawley wassure he could read every impure thought racing through his mind. He froze,struggling to swallow passed the lump lodged in his throat. Dorian tilted hishead slightly to the side and the growing smirk on his lips only made Rawley’snervous thoughts race further.
“Everything all right?” Dorian asked,curling his fingers over the spine of the book in his hands.
I wishhe’d put his fingers in my hair.
“Ha, what? No, I mean, yes, everythingis fine,” he stammered, the short burst of laughter echoing in the cavernoustower. He cleared his throat and attempted to regain some of his composure. “So…goodresearch?”
Goodresearch? What is wrong with you?
“Mmhm,” Dorian replied.
His eyes narrowed ever so slightly and aknowing smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. He turned and put the bookback with an unnecessary bend of his waist. Rawley cleared his throat and didhis best not to stare. Dorian crossed the small distance between them, glancingboth ways before pressing a chaste kiss to Rawley’s lips. He leaned in closerto Rawley’s ear, his breath hot on his skin.
“With all that blushing I can’t help butwonder what you’re thinking,” Dorian whispered. “Something…blush worthy onewould assume, yes?”
Iwish he’d kiss me again.
“Uh, no…not…I mean,” Rawley stammered,struggling to form even the simplest of words. “I, would that be all right?”
A quiet rumble of laughter filled thesmall alcove and Rawley started to search for the best escape from further embarrassment.A slow slide of fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck stopped himshort of fleeing. Dorian pulled him close. Rawley closed his eyes as their lipstouched. It ended far too soon, the air feeling cold when the warm hand slidfrom his skin and the distance between them returned. He couldn’t help butgrin, the smile growing as Dorian laughed and swatted his chest.
“Would that be all right he says,” Dorianchuckled, turning back to the bookshelf.
The smile stayed firm on his face,listening to Dorian pick up where he left off detailing his current research.
Iwish he’d kiss me again.
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carpemermaidtales · 7 years
Hello!!! ❤ I was thinking about my favorite scenes/lines from my favorite fics and got to wondering what scenes/lines stood out to the people who wrote them. Lolol. What would you say are your top 10 favorite bits from your fics?
Ok, well I spent ENTIRELY too long doing this lmao (like an embarrassingly long amount of time, so thaaaaaanks)! *squints at you* Picking felt impossible, because I think I have favorite parts from everything I write--each of them feel like my children I’ve raised and released into the world. Not to mention, some of it I’ve just plum forgotten and I’ve had to skim through my stuff and re-discover it LOL. And then there’s stuff tied up in anon fests, and wips that aren’t even posted yet, and every time I write something new, that becomes my new favorite bit. Sometimes it’s a snappy line I’ve managed, sometimes it’s a little bit of imagery, and sometimes it’s a scene that I was most excited to write when planning the story concept.BUT BOY HOWDY, HERE WE GOOOO (cut for mermaid rambling):
1. “Don’t be so smug, Potter, it doesn’t suit you. You don’t have the bone structure for it,” Draco drawled when he’d regained his composure. (From Partners of the Four-legged Variety) // Now, there’s actually a lot of parts to this one I love, but this is one of my favorite snarky Draco lines I’ve got in my repertoire. I really enjoyed exploring Harry’s past issues with his childhood through the veil of Crup training and contrasting it with Draco’s more firm methods and Harry’s more lax ideals. I also love the beginning from this, Draco’s visitor badge when he enters the Ministry still makes me smile./2. “Hermione says I shouldn’t cast duplication spells on things I’m actually wearing, so,” Potter says absently as he lays his trousers on a desk. “We had a mishap once, when we were on the run last year.” (From It’s Joggers Season [or so the Muggles say]) // This is also a fic I somehow managed to pull a post-war emotional plot out of with the premise of Joggers, so, there’s that, too. I’m also quite fond of Harry’s first entrance at the beginning of the fic./3. I don’t have any one favorite line, but I’m pretty happy with the way the imagery turned out in when life hands you (lulu)lemons :) Especially the way the sunlight is described./4. The beginning of Harry + Draco’s date in Chapter 2 of Never Feel the Burning Light, and in particular Draco’s exasperation at Harry changing in front of him. Also the walk to WWW after the date. Also Harry and Lucius’ stand off at dinner in Chapter 3./5. The intervening years into adulthood—the stint in prison and Remus’s own ongoing battle with his personal demons—hadn’t made the all-consuming need wane in the slightest. It had taken them some time, tiptoeing around each other as they mended the scraps of their friendship, tattered and broken by a war against a madman, but then there had been Firewhisky to help smooth the way.Sirius couldn’t even remember which of them had moved first, but suddenly they’d been kissing each other roughly with just as much fierce passion as they had in those secret hiding places, their hands hungrily mapping the changes in their bodies from boys into men and fingers tugging urgently at clothes until there was nothing but the drag of their fingertips against heated skin and the faint trembling in their bodies when they sagged against each other afterwards, sated and panting. Remus’s lips had twitched with an amused, tired smile and Sirius wanted to crawl inside his body and stay there forever, his heart thudding heavily in his chest. (from By the Light of the Moon) // The thing I love most about writing Wolfstar is all the angsty, heart-panging feels for these two broken men who had to grow up way too fast, so exploring some of that threaded with a quickie for that month’s DD theme was really enjoyable./6. The kiss by the sea in Weekenders, but I also had a lot of fun creating this from the art it’s inspired by, especially Harry introducing Draco to pub games. This whole thing is an exercise in Harry introducing Draco to the Muggle world and it was a lot of fun to play around with!/7. More Draco in the Muggle world from Never Got No Good Doing What I’m Told, and all of Harry’s stalking and his convoluted ideas for what Draco’s motives are for going to the market and watching movies at the cinema./8. Keith cut Lance off before he could admit to whatever—or whomever—he thought of in his masturbatory habits by jumping on him, still sweaty and disheveled from his training, and slapping his hand over Lance’s mouth, catching Lance’s laughter in his palm.Lance smelled like citrus and coconuts—something he made himself from a planet full of lush fruits and plants they’d discovered in deep space. Keith fought hard not to lean closer and bury his nose in Lance’s neck. He was warm and soft and laughing against Keith’s hand, and Keith’s heartbeat was suddenly rocketing out of control, pounding away inside his chest.Sometimes Keith really regretted his impulsive decisions, after the fact. (from [don’t] hold my breath) // I’m also really fond of the imagery of this one, especially the descriptions of water and Keith’s dream about kissing Lance underwater. S O F T./9. “Oh, that works,” Lance said, grateful to finally have some relief from the sharp tugs of skin and awkward sleeping positions. He waited a beat before leaning close to Keith’s ear to tease him. “You should’ve just said you were down to cuddle. I love being the big spoon, you know? Or the little spoon. I’m not picky.” (from Stuck on You) // I also really adore all of Keith and Lance’s bickering in this one, and the descriptions of the Dr Seuss jungle planet in the beginning./10. Annnd for the last one I thought I’d go with something from my WIP folder, but I’m not sure whether to share an except of the magically binding New Year’s Eve promises or this Love Bug/Soulmate/Fake Dating Garrison AU (a smorgasbord of Voltron tropes), soooo both?
The Love Bug AU: Keith is like an octopus, his arms winding around Lance’s neck and latching onto him when Lance tries to squirm out of his hold.“Uh, quick question, what the fuck?” Lance asks, shooting a helpless look at Hunk.Hunk shrugs, looking just as bewildered and surprised as Lance is in that moment.All Lance can focus on—aside from, uh, everything, about Keith being all over him—is that wow, okay, Keith actually smells really nice and his hair feels soft brushing against Lance’s cheek. Keith peers up at him and Lance’s stomach swoops when their eyes meet—and, holy shit, are Keith’s eyes actually some kind of indigo? Lance thought they were just dark before, but now he sees the complex color and gulps. This was not how he pictured his night of celebration going.
The Drarry Magically Binding New Year’s Eve Promises: The magic was making his mind work in a maelstrom of thoughts, shoving desires and questions at him left and right. Will you please go out with me? Can I kiss you? Did you enjoy your date on Valentine’s? When will you leave me to get married? Harry was panting by the time he managed to get his mind under control. He realised belatedly that Draco was speaking to him in an increasingly faster and worried tone.“…something you took? Are Ron and Hermione alright? You’re starting to scare me, can you say something?” Draco’s words rushed at him in a rush of sound.Harry felt like a plug had been pulled and all of the water had drained from his ears with a swirling gurgle. He turned and clung to Draco’s arms instead of the sofa.“Water?” Harry asked, his throat scratchy and dry.Draco’s eyes darted back and forth, holding his gaze for a moment before he pulled his wand from his pocket and summoned a glass to fill with Aguamenti. Harry’s lips twitched briefly. Draco apparently didn’t want to leave his side, even for a short moment to get a proper glass of water. He took the glass with shaking hands and gulped it down in three large swallows that left him huffing for breath.“Better?” Draco asked.Harry nodded, feeling some of the magic abating when it didn’t seem like Draco was going to turn him away or turn him down immediately. He supposed just having Draco’s undivided attention was enough for the Promise for the time being. Harry sagged back against the sofa, sinking down heavily to sit on the arm. Draco hated when he did that, but he didn’t complain this time. His face was etched with worry.“Good. Now, you’re going to tell me what the fuck that was as soon as you’ve caught your breath,” Draco commanded. He crossed his arms tightly over his chest. Harry’s eyes rested on his forearms, appreciating the way they flexed.
/I wanted to include parts from our collab, too, but I think I’ve forgotten which bits you wrote and which were mine because damn did we blend it all together well hahaha! This was super fun, boo, thanks for asking!! It made me think of taking this one step further and making it into a game: list your 10 fave parts from your fics and have people send in their favorite line/scene/etc from one of the fics listed! (people, consider this carte blanche to do that with this list)Expect me to come back at you with this question in your inbox, too!
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