#it was extremely unfair of them to keep him completely buttoned up in his uniform for the whole of series three i feel
silverfoxstole · 1 year
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Bush in a ruffled shirt. Nuff said.
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krabstick32 · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing so much!!! May I please request a self indulgent giyuu fic where the reader has some self esteem issues, like having long hair to cover most of her face and is plus size but has a good heart! Thank you that would make my life!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Wardrobe Malfunction
Requested by: anon
Pairing: Giyuu x Reader
Synopsis: Dress up was supposed to be fun. Your clothes say otherwise.
Tags/warnings: This work does have slight implications of self-esteem issues and body dysmorphia/body dysmorphic disorder. I’d like to say that this is not meant to offend anyone, and also to apologize for any faulty interpretations.
A/N: To the anon who requested this: i’m so glad you like my writing 🥺💖 bUT I AM SO SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG WITH YOUR REQUEST :(((((( I feel terrible for taking an actual month to finish this, and i’m not even 100% satisfied with it :(( As an explanation though, I was working on something entirely different for you. It was a modern high school au, 5+1 sort of fic, which was almost finished but for some reason felt wrong...so I thought up of a new idea aka this. 
Anyway, i hope the wait was worth it anon, and i hope ya’ll enjoy it too!!
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Blood Demon Arts were a complicated skill set that special demons possess. Some use it for fighting, some for catching humans, yet some were just downright weird.
A fight with a low-level demon teaches you that.
Barely five minutes into the fight, and you were already sheathing your Nichirin Blade back in its scabbard. You were fine, if not a little uncomfortable from the weird slime-like substance that came from the demon coating your uniform. The fight wasn’t difficult, but the demon was a little perverted. It didn’t even try to fight all that seriously, and instead kept trying to sneak glances under your skirt.
There were only minor scrapes around your skin—though now, you wish you could say the same for your clothes, because it starts melting.
Maybe that demon wasn’t as low-level as you thought because the corps uniform was made to withstand damage from low-level demons, but this odd liquid was enough to let parts of it disintegrate and expose your skin. Fortunately, it didn’t sting, burn or give your skin rashes—only melt off the fabric that covered your decency.
That was your last spare uniform too, because you’ve been sent to a lot of dangerous missions lately. This was the only one you had at home, but thankfully, you’ve placed a quick request for a few new ones to be sent to you.
You were lucky to have been able to beat it, so once you quickly lopped of the stupid demon’s head, you panicked and whistled for your bird to bring in kakushi. You didn’t know if this was Oyakata-sama’s foresight’s work, but you were grateful that three female kakushi pushed through the treeline, and quickly rushed to you once they noticed your predicament. One of them took care of the demon’s remains while the other two moved to you and wrapped you securely in a blanket, protecting your dignity and easing your panic.
Even if you were pretty much healthy and good to go, the girls—Chiyo, Tsune, and Hatsuko were great company as they escorted you back—ushered you to one of the many rooms in the butterfly estate. You argued that you weren’t injured and that you didn’t want to burden the butterfly nurses and the kakushi, but the girls told you that the estate wasn’t too busy, and that there was plenty of room for you.
The room was standard with a cot, a bedside table, and a few chairs for visitors, where a spare set of clothes for you was folded over. You were fine, but you were still grateful for the short time you could use for rest and for the girl’s thoughtfulness. Spending the time worrying about what you wear on your next mission would be a waste, so you lie down and try to close your eyes instead, to calm down your nerves.
The sound of shuffling doors brings you out of your light nap just in time to see a head of jet-black hair pop in.
A smile makes its way across your face as you watch your boyfriend slide the door close as quietly as possible. Giyuu looked good—clothes the same, hair unruly with the bare thread of his hair tie attempting to keep it tame—but what was new was the small package under his arm.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asks when he sees you sitting up, and takes a seat on the nearest chair. Your smile sweetens when he looks back up, feeling your heart beat a little faster as his eyes soften out of its usual steely, and impassive gaze.
Dragging your mind out of its haze, you wave off his concern and reply, “Oh, this is just a formality—I’m fine.” Well, physically you were, but you’re reminded that all is not well when he glances around the room only to find the folded tatters of what remains of your previous clothing sitting innocently on the bedside table. “Wish I could say the same about my uniform though.”
“This should solve that.” Giyuu hands you the mysterious package and it gives you a moment to notice how nicely it was wrapped.
Lightly, you run your fingers over the black ink your name was written in, on a small tag attached to the white twine wrapping around brown packing paper. The twine intersects in a small tied ribbon right at the middle, and is sealed with a piece of wax stamped with the corps’ insignia. “Ah, is that why you’re here?”
“No, I was on my way to see you when I heard you were here. That—” He gestures with his chin “—I just brought in from the kakushi.”
You choose to ignore the way your cheeks flush when he mentions his intentions and instead show surprise. With how busy the kakushi were, you were pleasantly surprised that it took them only four days to make your uniform. “Oh, thanks, that was fast of them.”
“It’s your uniform right? I can wait outside so you can try it on.”
Already flustered from his previous responses, you try to answer, “Ah, yeah, yes. Thanks, I’ll just—um, yeah.” Only to sound like a bumbling idiot. Eloquent as always.
Embarrassed by your mess of a mouth, you look down at your hands and feel your hair come to cover your heated face. Looking at him in the eye right now would reduce you to a pile of flaming ashes, so you’re grateful your long hair has saved you yet again from his piercing stare.
Before Giyuu leaves though, you hear a light chuckle until he’s gone and you’re left with the sound of the door sliding back shut and the thought of how unfair it is that he can easily get you to smile and then flustered at the next second.
The moment you let the uniform unfold, something tells you that there was something…wrong. For one, there were too many holes in it—one on each shoulder, and an entire chunk around the stomach. The fabric felt silkier than what you previously had—even the skirt was much, much shorter than what you remember requesting for.
But a quick double check on the wrapping paper confirms that this was your uniform, so you try it on. It’s been a while since you’ve ordered a new one, maybe you just…weren’t used to it? Or maybe there were new rules in place?
If it wasn’t already bad when you first looked at it, it was even worse when you were wearing it.
How is this even supposed to protect me?
The only thing covered was your chest (not even counting the skin in the middle!), your forearms, and half your thighs. The uniform was too revealing and boy, did you want to crawl in a hole right now. You felt exposed—too exposed. You've rarely felt good in your own body, and now was no exception.
Just the thought of somebody else seeing you like this? What would they think?
A pit forms in your stomach, and something black and slimy wraps around your shoulders and around your neck. You feel constricted, like you couldn’t move or breathe, and your nails were digging in too hard into the clammy skin of your palms.
You weren’t like Mitsuri or Shinobu. You didn’t have a great figure like the love pillar, or a petite frame like the insect pillar. Instead, you found yourself staring into a mirror more often than you’d like, only to feel disappointed in your oversized body. In fact, you’re extremely lucky to have gone this far without a demon catching up to you given how slow you feel your body makes you.
You shouldn’t be crying over this—it was childish to throw a fit over something like this, but you feel horrible.
A knock from the door interrupts your thoughts and Giyuu’s voice carries over through the wooden door.
“(F/N), are you okay? Should I get Shinobu?”
No, he can’t see me like this.
Quickly, you scramble back to the bed where you placed your hospital clothes, and yank the stupid uniform you requested off your body and shove it under the bed. “Ah, no! I-I’m fine, I’m just changing again!”
You slip the button through the last opening and walk towards the door to let Giyuu back in.
Maybe I should send him back?
You could say that you were feeling sleepy or that you weren’t feeling too good, but he came all this way and… or maybe he was here to see someone else? You were his girlfriend, but that didn’t mean he was automatically here for your company.
You were too far gone in your own fears that you completely forgot that you were the reason why he was even here in the first place.
Hopefully, he leaves without question. Your hair will hide your face so he shouldn’t notice how it was burning or how there were small drops of tears in your eyes. But this was Giyuu, the Water Pillar, one of the strongest demon slayers in the entire corps, and your boyfriend. Nothing gets past him, especially if it concerns you.
He doesn’t even get through the threshold before he notices. “He—(F/N), what’s wrong?”
“...It’s nothing,” You say, angling your face away from you. I just feel tired all of a sudden. How about we see each other tomorrow? If you’re free of course. I know how busy you can get.” And you rarely saw each other too. It was a shame your issues just had to swoop right in.
“It’s fine with me if that’s what you really want, but are you sure it’s nothing?”
You feel warm fingers caress your chin before his hand moves back up to cup your cheek, and that’s when your walls chip and break. You lean into his touch and peek through your bangs to see a soft look in his eyes—a look you only ever saw on the rare chances you catch him looking at you or when he had a plate of freshly-cooked salmon daikon.
“You can tell me anything if you want to, I’ll listen.”
Of course you knew you could tell him anything, but actually telling him about something so stupid had you fidgeting with the hem of your sleeve. “I know this will sound stupid, but my uniform is wrong.”
“The uniform?”
Further hunching in on yourself, your body starts sweating, and you feel like your tears were about to spill over. “It looks terrible. There was no fabric around my entire stomach, it only covered half my things and—! Ugh, I know, I know it’s really childish of me to be complaining so much about it but I didn’t feel comfortable in it at all. I hate it—” and i hate my body “—It doesn’t look right on me, I’m too big for it.”
You breathe out a small sigh and look down at the floor. Melting through the floorboards sounded nice. “Maybe it’s just my fault—if I was thinner or prettier it would probably fit me better. I don’t know…I thought it would be similar to what I had before.”
“...Look at me,” Giyuu says after a while, and takes your hands when you don’t seem to reply any time soon. “Do you trust me?”
Immediately, you look up to him and answer with no hesitation. “With my life.”
“Then I hope you’ll believe me when I say that it's not your fault.” His lips curl slightly upward when your gaze moves from the floor to him. He’s glad that he caught your attention, because he wants you to see how much he means the words he’s about to say.
“I don’t care if you’re thinner, or prettier or about anything else. As long as you’re happy, healthy, and alive, it’s more than enough.” Giyuu places his forehead against yours, and for a moment, you forget why you’re worrying so much.
“To me, You’re the kindest, prettiest, most perfect person in my eyes, and I hope you see yourself the way I do. You have a heart of gold, and you’re plenty perfect just the way you are. You don’t need to change for anything or anyone.”
Giyuu wasn’t really good with words, and he knew that. In fact, at the moment you were seeking comfort, he was in over his head. He thought he was being redundant and talking himself in circles, so he did panic a little when the tears started slipping from your eyes. Panic changed into relief though when you wrap your arms around his torso.
You were well-aware that he wasn’t good with words, so you were caught off-guard by the reassurances he was giving you. You never knew how much you needed to hear those from him, to be reminded that he liked you just as you are.
As easily frazzled you were with a somewhat constant need for reassurance, you’ve gotten used to the fact that receiving verbal assurance from him would be rare if not nonexistent. So you’ve gotten used to his quiet support. He was always there when you needed him, and tried to comfort you the best way he knew how. You appreciated it, and even came around to care for his silent quirks, but hearing him say how much you meant to him, was incredibly comforting, and
“If you hate your uniform, I've heard that Shinobu had problems with hers too at first so I'm sure we can ask Shinobu what she did with hers. I can even place a request for a new one for you.”
Giyuu was never very good with words, but he always made it up with his actions.
“That would be nice.”
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You really appreciated that Giyuu was with you the entire time your horrible uniform was alive on this earth. As promised, he helped you handle the uniform issue, and came with you to Shinobu’s office (who was more than willing to hand you the oil and matches).
“Oh? (F/N)-chan? Tomioka-san?” She greets when she ushers you two in her office. “I haven’t seen you two in a while! I’m surprised Tomioka-san is here with you though. I thought he avoided social interaction?.”
Giyuu grumbles at her teasing, but you know these two were friends, even if both of them didn’t want to admit it. “I’m still here.”
You squeeze your boyfriend’s hand, before smiling sheepishly at Shinobu. “It’s been a busy few weeks. We should catch up sometime, but that’s not really why we’re here.”
The Insect Pillar tilts her head in curiosity, and asks, “Oh? Then how can I be of service?”
“Well, you see, all of my uniforms were ruined from my past missions, so I requested for a new one, but um…” Giyuu handed you the clothes you’ve placed back in the wrapping paper which you bring out and let unfold to show Shinobu how it was clearly not your style.
Air seems to freeze over as the seconds tick by with your ‘uniform’ hanging from your hands.
Giyuu was standing behind you, so you couldn’t exactly see his reactions, but you could see how Shinobu’s ever-present smile turned sinister, and looked like she was ready to stab someone with her sword.
“I think they got my size wrong. Giyuu told me that you mentioned having the same problem before, so I was hoping you could tell me how you got yours fixed.”
Without any hesitation whatsoever, Shinobu’s smile stays eerily plastered on her face, “Oh, it’s simple! You can just burn yours. Don’t worry, I burned mine too and I lent the oil and matches to Kanao and Aoi, so you don’t have to feel bad—I’m more than willing to lend you the oil and matches I used. How about I join you two to go to the kakushi? I have a vague idea of who the tailor might be.”
As per Giyuu’s words, It wasn’t your fault. One of the kakushi in charge of making the uniforms was too blame and decided to take some… creative liberties with yours.
When Giyuu saw the scraps of cloth Maeda-san—or scum-glasses as everyone promptly nicknamed him— back in Shinobu’s office, you thought his face didn’t change or move an inch. Shinobu wanted to laugh, because unlike typical Giyuu fashion, everyone who saw him the entire day could see the pulsing vein on his temple that seemed like it would pop any minute. It was clear that he was pissed off, as he handed you the oil to douse the clothes in and gave a readily lit match, but she found it a little sweet that he was a bit more transparent when it came to you.
After the fabric was reduced to ashes in front of Maeda-san, a new agreement was made about your uniform, and as a temporary solution, Giyuu lent you a few of his spare uniforms for you to wear on duty. You had plenty of kimonos and hakamas to wear, but you primarily wore those for training and didn't particularly provide the same protection the corp’s issued uniform did.
It was a little tight around your chest and your hips, and a bit too long for your arms and legs, but you could still move around comfortably without busting a button, so you took it gratefully, and wore it for the week your uniform was being made.
He was with you when your new uniform arrived. The two of you were eating snacks on the Water Estate’s engawa when a kakushi—in a nice surprise it was Tsune—dropped by with a new package, similar to the one Giyuu handed you before. You thanked them and hurriedly went in one of the empty rooms to change, leaving Giyuu to drink his tea alone as he waits for your return
“Giyuu!” You call as you join him back on the engawa. He turns only to be blinded when he sees you smiling to high heaven. “Look, it’s perfect! They got the measurements right this time.”
The uniform you wore right now was just like your old one, and he could see that it clearly made you happy. You even  twirl in place, gleefully modeling your new skirt and uniform blouse to him.
“I’m grateful you lent me your uniform, but I;m more used to wearing skirts.” Laughing lightly, you look down at your clothes, carefully running your fingers across the fabric. “I’m so glad this one’s perfect!”
Without an ounce of shame or hesitation, Giyuu tilts his head towards you and says, “You’re the one who’s perfect.”
Oh my god, your heart is going to explode.
Looking down at your tabi socks, you let your hair fall over your face, if only to hide the red flush on your skin. “Giyuu, are you sweet talking me right now?”
“No, I’m being honest.” From the sound of his voice, he was being one hundred percent, and a quick look on his face confirms it, even if there was a little mischievous glint in his eyes. He knew you were getting flustered and in extension, knew what he was doing to you.
You sit down at your previous spot right beside him before taking your teacup from where you placed it on the tray to hide the small smile on your lips. “Okay, okay, you can stop now, you’ve made your point.”
“But I’m serious, you look perfect.” Giyuu leans over, wrapping an arm around your waist and places a soft kiss on your cheek. He tugs you closer to lean against him and  watches how your skin changes into a deeper red. It makes him think that he should voice his thoughts about you more often.
“Ah, Giyuu! Stop it!” You giggle, but ultimately return the favor, peppering his face in kisses and smiling at him in a way that makes his heart beat faster.
He may have been a little sad that you won’t be wearing his clothes anytime soon now, but seeing you comfortable and smiling…
Well, that was more than enough for him.
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A/N: A gentle reminder to those who reached the end: please know that you are a beautiful and wonderful person. You are loved, you are valued, and have people who care for you, okay?
A huge thank you for reading! online classes are being a little pain, so even if I really missed writing (and reading) fanfics, I might be a little rusty :(( hopefully ya’ll enjoyed it 🥺
Again, to the anon who requested this, i am so so sorry that it took me this long. i hope you still liked it tho 🥺🥺 (i also might post that modern hs au i was talking about earlier, so keep your eyes peeled for that <3)
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pinklinksandkinks · 8 years
Meredy Incarnation AU: Mermaid Heel
Age: 19 Dress: Very strict and formal with dark blues and buttons on the uniform. Instead of muff, she has a modified hat that covers her ears and matches the uniform with the same dark blues and fabric. Hair is pulled up in a no-nonsense fashion that keeps it tucked up out of the way when “working” and in a loose ponytail when “at leisure.” Personality: Chilly and stiff and completely lacking a sense of humor. She takes things very personally and is fiercely judgmental about things in black and white. However, she’s also extremely loyal too. She never really grew out of her GH personality tendencies for making others’ pay, and instead of Gray, the target is now Jellal. Relationships: Kagura is her partner and her “twin” They earned the nickname “The Twin Blades” and are rarely seen separately. Millianna is below a rival but above a guildmate. The rest of Mermaid Heel she tolerates for Kagura but has no special ties to. After the Games, she takes a special interest in Sting and Rogue, due to the similarities. Magic: Like Kagura, she tends to rely more on her actual steel katana than her magic, although unlike Archenemy, she has no problems drawing her blade out of the sheath. However, she does use her magic for energy blades as a back up and for longer range support. She has extremely good control and range after the years of practice.
Amazing Art: Here and Here and Here and Here and Here!
Amazing Fic: Here!
“Good block.”
“Is it good enough though?” Meredy queried, wiping the sweat from her brow and rubbing her hands on the hakama pants to dry them before griping her sword for the next round. “To kill him.”
Kagura’s gaze was flint, icy rage tempered under her iron will, and without warning she cut her practice sword across, forcing Meredy to throw up a hasty block, sloppy but enough to save herself from a nasty bruise.
“Two blades are better than one,” she replied steadily, “As a team, there is no chance of failure.”
Meredy considered it for a moment before nodding, “I suppose it is time we have an official name for our partnership. What do you think about Twin Blades…?”
Eyes wide open was the first thing she noticed, sliding back, lips burning at the contact and heart slamming, almost lost in a high of success and release but not quite, not enough.
Carefully, her partner wiped the corner of her lips, tracing the bottom lip with a swipe and gently nibbling it in that way she had when she was conflicted - it was a small thing, a nervous habit, but she knew everything about the other woman’s ticks and quirks.
No movement, no words, not even sounds, it was as if she were stone, waiting for the spell to be broken, for her fantasies to come to life and free her from this cruel trap of longing, the storm of feelings locked inside of her, raging and howling to be vindicated.
Shattered, it was shattered, yet there was no cartoony evil laugh or regretful blubbering to announce the death of her fantasies.
Only a look filled with pity.
“Kagura, what is wrong with you? I don’t understand what is going on! You cannot do this alone; stop, Kagura, stop! Let me help you!”
The swordwoman paused, whirling nearly soundlessly on her soft leather soles, to glare at the young woman behind her. Her spotless white uniform glowed in the velvety darkness of the warming early night
“You were not helping me earlier when you hid that you know how to find Jellal.”
Meredy’s eyes flew wide at the cruel accusation, but she didn’t back down. Instead, squaring her shoulders up and matching Kagura’s glare, the other half of the Twin Blades didn’t back down.
“That is unfair, and you know it. Besides, I saw you just across the square; you knew he was there in front of you. Stop mixing personal problems into our partnership!”
Tone glacial, in complete contrast to the small, violent tremors run through her tense form, Kagura retorted, “I apologize for thinking there was anything personal between us in the first place. Clearly, I was in error.”
Quivering, sharp and deadly, the blade paused just shy of the bobbing, delicate hollow of the throat, nicking a single drop of crimson as her control slipped and composure cracked.
“Ul? Why?” A bare whisper, a lost, lonely child speaking up years later. No answer, no explanation, just her shielding him. Betraying Meredy again. Taking his side again.
Within a flicker of an instant, a tempest surrounded them, lethal and focused, one which Kagura easily threaded through, catching Meredy’s silent signal. Meredy had faith that Kagura would not fail.
It was time to lay the past to rest, along with Ul.
“Ooo, you’re so cute and adorable!”
Meredy jerked back, brow furrowing and fingers twitching, fighting the urge to call forth an energy blade to skewer the overly enthusiastic woman from Fairy Tail.
“Ah-ah,” Mira tsked, as if reading her mind, and Meredy felt a flash of fear, although she refused to show it - her discipline was better than that, and Kagura had taught her well. “You’re like a cloud of angry bubblegum cotton candy!”
“And you’re a demon,” Meredy shot back, stepping out of range. A shiver went through her as Mira smiled oh-so-sweetly, “Only when people are naughty.”
“If you ever,” Meredy leaned into his space with a grim look, “Mess with anyone from my guild again, I’ll geld you.”
Lamia Scale’s ace paled further, trying to move away and apologize and explain it was just a match, when a rusty chuckle scared him even more.
Smacking him on the back, hard, she gave a grimace-y smile and intoned, “It’s a joke, a joke.”
Kagura, drunk and ruffled already, burst out laughing until she was red in the face while the Ice Mage gave a nervous chuckle.
“Phew, a joke, yes, well, ahem…” he cleared his throat, eyes pleading with someone, anyone to save him as she stiffly draped herself across his shoulders, jabbed him in the ribs with her sword hilt and promptly puked on his shoes.
”I love your smile. It reminds me the smile of the person whom I want to marry someday.”
Meredy’s eyes flickered towards Kagura, unsure if she should shove the man out of her space or try another joke - the last one hadn’t gone over as well as she’d hoped.
“I didn’t smile,” she replied, frown deepening, and added, “So I don’t see how I could possibly remind you of anyone.”
Hibiki groaned, murmuring something about a stupid dare, before trying again, “Hey, where’d you smile go?” She quirked an eyebrow at him as he fished around with a beaming smile of his own and pulled a fist out of his pocket, “Here it is!”
Reaching forward she pinched his nose and made a fist with the thumb peeking out, proclaiming, “GOT YOUR NOSE!” Bopping his nose with flourish, she gave a genuine, youthful smile, that left him stunned.
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