#it was this cute little pencil bag and I was just curious idk
wewontbesleeping · 1 year
idk why I decided to open the little pouch that was on the ground by my bus stop but yeah I hope the person who dropped their meth isn’t too upset lol
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haechanin · 6 years
 a/n: hii so its my first( and probably the last) time writing something in english or in general so i have no idea how this will turn out anyways so im sorry for this in advance
summary: in which y/n keeps losing her highlighters and someone unexpected finds them
word count: 2.5k
genre: fluff (at a cringy level)
warnings: umm idk low self-esteem? and its kinda rushed im so sorry for that
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I rummaged through my pencil case for the umpteenth time, still not being able to find my pen.
“You’ve got to be kidding me…For god’s sake this the fourth time this week and it isn’t even Friday. I’m going to be broke because of this.”
After my sudden outburst, Heejin lifted her head up from the book she was reading and looked at me. When she saw the pencil case in my hand, she realized what my problem was and started laughing, almost wheezing. 
"I'm serious Heejin. My parents are angry at me for spending too much money this month. I don't understand how I seem to lose every pen I've bought. I mean there has to be some logical explanation for this."
She continued laughing, wiping an imaginary tear from her eye and said, “There’s nothing to explain Y/N. It’s just your irresponsibility showing.”
I glared at her and huffed, “This isn’t funny okay!? By the way, I'm not irresponsible; I'm a perfect student." 
She gave me look saying she didn’t agree with me but didn’t make a comment. The bell rang, signaling that the class was about to begin so we got off the table and headed to our classes. 
Right when I got into the classroom, I was greeted with the sight of Na Jaemin. I began to feel the blood rushing into my cheeks and tried to hide my face by looking down. It has been months since the school started yet I still can't get used to being in the same class as him. One time, I was distributing exam papers, and I began stuttering because he thanked me.
 I could feel that I was standing for too long, so I immediately looked around for a seat and just to my luck it was right in front of Jeno and Jaemin. I started cursing to myself under my breath and began to walk towards them. They abruptly stopped their conversation and looked at me when I got closer, just like it has been for the last two months. Whenever I walk or sit next to them, they stop what they're doing and go silent. Heejin told me that it could be because of him having a crush on me, but I shut her down by saying that there were many popular and beautiful girls out there, so why would it be me out of all the people?
Feeling awkward and flustered, I sat down and wished for the class to begin and save me from this situation.
The class went on with me trying to keep my eyes open every 5 minutes and finally ended. I quickly gathered my stuff and exited the room, hurrying to my locker. I opened the locker and began to fill my bag with the books I needed to study from, for tonight. Just as I was about to close the locker, I saw a piece of paper and grabbed it, thinking that it was important. After that, I made my way over to the buses and went home.
Once I got home, after having dinner, I started studying. Half an hour into studying, I got bored and looked around. Suddenly I remembered the paper and began to search my bag, thinking that it had the homework on it. I took the folded paper and opened it.
Bet you’re wondering about your pens. But don’t worry; you don’t have to buy new ones anymore. Tomorrow after lunch, check your locker cutie.
- Your secret admirer
I scowled, thinking that this was a joke from Heejin, and threw the paper into the bin.
“Why am I friends with you?” I thought to myself.
Next morning as soon as I saw Heejin, I told her about the note. I showed her the note, and she said she didn't know what the note was about and that she didn't write it.
“Are you serious? Who else knows about ‘my little issue’ other than you? It has to be you.”
“Well sorry to disappoint but it wasn’t me, so I don't know who wrote it.”
“Someone is pranking me for a reason I don’t even know why. I mean I don’t even talk to anyone other than you.”
“Hun, why are making assumptions? Maybe they like you, but they’re scared of rejection." 
I frowned, “Oh come on, I doubt anyone knows who I am. Nothing is interesting about me.”
 “Oh don’t be ridiculous; everyone would like you. Have you seen yourself? With those chubby cheeks,” she pinched my cheeks and said, “ even the world’s most cruel man would melt because of you.”
 I began blushing, and my frown turned upside. "Okay but kidding aside, who could've written that note?"
“Maybe you can wait during lunch to see the person?”
I nodded thoughtfully and went to my locker.
The day went on pretty fast, and lunchtime came. Just as I was about to leave the class, curious to see the mystery person, my teacher stopped me.
“Miss Y/L/N, where are you going? Did you forget that you are supposed to take the quiz you missed last week?”
 My eyes widened, and I froze.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Oh right. I’m sorry Mrs. Kim, I forgot that for a moment.” She laughed at me, and I could only smile painfully.
Well, there goes my plan.
“Well, what happened? Did you see who it was?”
“Ugh, no. My stupid ass forgot that I had to take a quiz today.”
Heejin started laughing at me and said, “Don’t worry. I mean it’s not that important anyway. It’s just a paper. Now let’s go, we have to get our books. or else we’ll be late to class.”
I nodded sadly and we went to our lockers. When I opened the locker, I saw a pink highlighter and a note.
You’re so cute when you’re confused you know. Trying to find who I am ha~ I'm sorry, but I can't reveal who I am yet. For now, you have to settle with the highlighters. Expect to see more of these. Have a good day cutie.
-Your secret admirer
I felt myself blushing and quickly looked around to see if anyone was around but saw no one. I grabbed the highlighter and smiled. Heejin saw this and began to make fun of me.
I hit her on the head and said, “Oh shush, we’re going to be late so come on.”
A few days have passed and every day I got a new note and a highlighter. I was beginning to develop feelings towards my admirer, so I started to forget about my crush on Jaemin and became more comfortable around him. I no longer stuttered while talking to him. (Like thanking and congratulating. It’s not like we’re close; we don’t talk a lot.)
Next week on Tuesday, I received a different note.
I've returned every pen I've taken from you, so this is my last note to you cutie. Check your desk.
- Your secret admirer    
Feeling hopeful, I hurriedly closed my locker and went to the classroom. But to my luck, no one was in there Feeling a little sad I walked over to my desk and saw a bag. But my sadness immediately faded away when I opened the bag. Inside the box, there was a box filled with cookies. Smiling, I took the box and saw a post-it on it.
Here are some cookies for you my love.You’re getting curious than ever, aren't you? Well, you're getting closer to finding out who I am. Meet me at the gym tomorrow at 1 pm. Have a good day and enjoy eating the cookies beautiful!
-Your secret admirer
I smiled widely and began eating the cookies.
Who are you?
Tomorrow came, and I couldn't be more anxious. I spent the all of the morning worrying.
What if this is a joke? What if they don’t really like me? Should I not go? But what if it’s true?
I couldn’t stop thinking so I didn’t pay attention to any of the classes. Having enough of me dozing off, Heejin kicked me from my back.
“Ouch!” I whisper-yelled.
“What was that for?”
“Stop thinking about irrelevant things and concentrate on what the teachers are saying. You’re going to end up wanting my notes and I’m not going to help you. Don’t cry to me when you fail exams!”
I looked at her with angry eyes but turned to the board since she was right.
Finally,I thought when the lesson ended. I got up from my seat and looked at Heejin.
“You can do this y/n, there’s no point in worrying because everything will be fine. Trust me.”
“But what i- ”
“No buts! I’m going to go to the cafeteria, and you're going to go to the gym. That's it. I'll be in the laboratory, waiting for you after lunch.”
I looked at her wearily, but she only winked at me and left. I quickly went to the bathroom to make myself look presentable and headed to the gym.
Here we go.
 When I got to the gym, I immediately searched around for my admirer. However, I couldn't see anyone.
Maybe they’re late, so I should sit and wait.
I went to the bleachers and sat there. But I still couldn’t relax because of the little voice in my head. I began to feel like crying after 10 minutes and got up to leave. Clearly, no one was coming.
What did you even expect you loser? Did you really think this was real?
Just as I was leaving, I heard a voice, shouting my name.
I turned around and saw Jaemin. I was shocked as to why he was panting and talking to me.
“Yes? Are you okay? You look like you’ve been running miles.” I said with a little chuckle.
He crouched, trying to catch his breath and tried to say something but couldn’t do it because of his heavy breathing.
"Okay, maybe you should sit and wait for a moment. Come with me.”
I grabbed his arm lead him into the bleachers. After a few seconds, he finally managed to calm down.
“So what’s the matter? And why are you looking for me?”
“I’m so sorry y/n, I was going to come straight here, but the professor didn't let us leave."
I looked at him confused and tried to understand what he was getting at.
“Umm, okay but what does that have to do with me?”
He looked at me funnily and said,
“I thought I told you to meet me here. I thought you read it.”
I sat there looking at him confused and then it hit me.
Na Jaemin, the person I was crushing on since the start of high school, was my admirer.
“Y/n? Did you hear me?”
I was staring at him blankly and trying to convince myself that this was not real. Suddenly I felt someone shaking me and I turned back to reality. Jaemin was staring at me, worry written all over his face. After looking at his face a bit more, I finally opened my mouth.
“You...Note…It was you?” It came out more like a question.
“I’m sorry,” He looked down and,
“, if you were waiting for it to be a different person. I understand if you don't feel the same and I'm sorry for stealing your highlighters."
At the sound of my highlighters, I suddenly turned back to life.
“Wha- How did you even steal them? How did you get the idea anyway?”
"It was Chenle’s idea.”
My ear perked up at the mention of the mischievous junior.
Why am I not surprised?
“But clearly, didn't work. I'm sorry for wasting your time. I'll just go."
He suddenly got up, and I panicked. I got up and took his arm, turning him around.
“Wait you little shit, where do you think you’re going after stealing my precious highlighters?”
“I’m leaving since you don’t return my feelings.” With that, he continued walking.
"Who said I don't like you?" I said a bit loudly. He stopped in his tracks and stayed there like he was glued. Without turning to me, he asked,
“Are you…by chance saying that you like me?”
“Are you kidding me? I have been crushing on you for years. I’m not going to just let you slip through my fingers while I have the chance.”
He turned to me shocked, and suddenly his face broke into a broad smile. He started running towards me and lifted me.
"WOAH!" He twirled us around, and I began to feel dizzy from the whole turning.
He stopped turning and put me onto the ground.
"Sorry, I'm just delighted"
"Yeah, I can see that." I said while trying to collect myself and looked at him. He was staring at me with that big smile of his, and suddenly I felt something on my lips.
He was kissing me. Jaemin was kissing me. And I was standing frozen.
He pulled away and looked at me then grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them tightly.
"You're so cute I can't believe you're mine!”
I stood there my mouth agape, still trying to comprehend the situation.
“Let’s go I’ll buy you something to eat since we’ve been here for 15 minutes now.”
He grabbed my hand and took me to the cafeteria. We sat next to a window and ate silently. However, I was aware that he was staring at me every 10 seconds which made it harder to swallow the food.
“You know, I’m still kind of pissed that you stole my pens.”
“Are you serious? We started dating and that’s all you can think about?”
“Who said we were dating?”
He stopped eating and looked at me crushed.
“What do you me- ”
“I’m kidding Jaemin you can relax but still, do you know how much those coasted me? I had to buy new ones every week.”
"I'm sorry, but it got us together in the end huh?"
“Yeah but you still have to make up for them.”
He suddenly took his wallet out. But I stopped him.
“By taking me out to a proper date.”
He smiled at me and leaned across the table and then cupped my face between his hands. He looked into my eyes deeply and leaned in for a short yet sweet kiss. Just as the kiss began, I heard the voice of my best friend.
I stared at her startled and then looked at Jaemin apologetically.
“Meet me at the end of the school in front of my locker okay?”
He nodded and hugged me and then left.
I looked after him smiling lightly but jumped when a hand hit my arm. I turned to Heejin in surprise.
“You got some explaining to do honey.”
a/n: yOOO this was shit im so sorry
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katrinawritesthings · 7 years
Jonghyun/Gwiboon; bless; PG
idk lmao college au where gwis a good professor
tw for tw jokes from a fuckboy
Jonghyun can’t see his expression, but his tone carries an unmistakable smirk as he runs his fingers through his hair. “No, yeah, I got it,” he says. Jonghyun scowls. He got it and specifically chose Jonghyun’s trigger off of the list to mock in front of the entire class.
Jonghyun chews on the plastic rim of his mechanical pencil as he watches the short movie Professor Gwi put up a few minutes ago. It’s cute; a little documentary on the symbolism of fruit in various visual medias. Honestly, even as a music major, “Plants in Literature” is still his favorite class. It’s exactly what it says it is and a nice refresher for Jonghyun’s Thursday afternoons. He lowers his pencil to write some notes when the video moves on to pineapples.
After, he frowns slightly and taps the reminder he wrote out earlier. “Oranges, 7:35-8:09, hospital scene,” it says. Right. He can’t forget that. A quick glance at the playbar or the video tells him he has a little over a minute until they show up, so he takes a few seconds to breathe deeply and calm himself down before it. He’s pretty prepared already, to be honest; like usual, Professor Gwi sent out the email of potential trigger warnings in the video two days before she showed it. Jonghyun’s had time to push away his shakes and memories and now he thinks he’ll just kind of close his eyes and listen to the video when they’re on screen. He should be fine.
When the shot first changes to a neat looking little hospital, Jonghyun takes a steady breath and looks down at his notebook. He runs his fingers through his hair and kind of just keeps his hand on his forehead, too, smooth and casual, so no one notices him not looking. He fills in one of the small rectangles on the left side of his paper’s margin as the video talks about symbols of life and death and health and whatnot. So far this is going nicely. With his box filled in, Jonghyun brushes away extra lead with his finger, and then erases the slight smudge that left. He thinks he’ll be able to look up soon and--
“Ooooh, I’m triggered,” a loud voice says. Jonghyun’s whole body stiffens over his notebook as they speak again, a cruelly amused voice. “Orange slices, oh no, I’m so triggered, help me,” they drawl. Only a couple of short chuckles float out of the rest of the students but to Jonghyun it feels like the entire classroom is laughing loudly at him, mocking him, clamoring in his head and making his breath short. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. His other big trigger.
He clenches his fingers in his hair, pulling for pressure to distract himself even as he feels his heart pounding in his chest and his whole body heating up with fear and shame. That’s him. They’re laughing at him, at what he’s been through, at what he still goes through. He fumbles for his water bottle in his bag to take shaky sips, but what actually snaps his attention away from his panic is an even bigger surprise.
“Oh, Drew, I’m sorry,” Professor Gwi says. When her voice starts the video volume ends; Jonghyun blinks, looking up to see it paused on a shot of a hospital lobby. Professor Gwi is standing up at her desk, looking up at the anus that spoke up with a troubled expression. “Are you alright?” she asks gently. “Did you not get my email with the list of triggers so you could prepare yourself ahead of time?” she asks. Her eyebrows are knit together with worry and her tone is innocently concerned, but there’s a cold, heavy weight of sarcasm and annoyance dripping from every word.
“Oh, uh,” Drew says. He’s two rows down and a couple of seats to Jonghyun’s right. Jonghyun can’t see his expression, but his tone carries an unmistakable smirk as he runs his fingers through his hair. “No, yeah, I got it,” he says. Jonghyun scowls. He got it and specifically chose Jonghyun’s trigger off of the list to mock in front of the entire class. Fucking wonderful. His hands shake so much he can’t even uncap his water bottle. Professor Gwi’s eyebrows raise from behind her glasses.
“Well, if you can’t handle your trigger now, even with preparing for it, maybe you should leave class early,” she says. This time Jonghyun’s eyebrows raise. What. From the slight shuffles and whispers around him, he gathers that his classmates are just as curious and confused as him. Drew’s hand stops halfway through his hair.
“What?” he asks blankly.
“You’re obviously very upset, to have that big of a reaction when it showed up,” Professor Gwi says. “I don’t want to force you to sit through the rest of this video, if it hurts you so much. I want you to feel safe.” Her voice turns a touch harder at that last bit, eyes narrowing, fingers gripping the edge of her desk tightly. Jonghyun thinks it’s safe to say that Drew feels a little less safer now than he did a minute ago. He chuckles nervously, hand lowering to his lap.
“No, um, I’m fine, Professor Kim,” he says. His voice is considerably less confident now. “I can--”
“No, no, you don’t have to lie about it,” Professor Gwi cuts him off easily. “It’s okay to admit you need to take a break. Go ahead. Leave.” She gestures plainly at the door to her classroom. “We won’t continue the video until you’re gone, so you don’t have to be upset again.”
The loudest silence follows her words. They were clearly light and pleasant, a responsible teacher concerned for her student, but her voice was chilled ice. No one moves; Jonghyun doesn’t breathe, both hands gripped around his water bottle as his heart thuds. Holy shit. In his seat, Drew sits silently. The back of his head is unreadable to Jonghyun but after several long, tense moments, he stands up, gathers his things, and shuffles out of the room, avoiding looking at anyone and glaring at the floor. The door slams behind him and the sound echoes throughout the quiet classroom.
Jonghyun finally lets out his lungs, a slow sigh of relief like a weight off of his shoulders. He sips his water quietly as Professor Gwi looks around the remainder of her students.
“Anyone else a piece of shit?” she asks bluntly. A mumbled chorus of “No, Professor”s roll through the class. She gives them all one more glance over as Jonghyun bites down a small smile. He knew she would be a good egg on the first day of class. He could tell. “Okay,” she says, and starts the movie again. Jonghyun looks away quickly, in case there are oranges again, but he doesn’t think seeing them would even really bother him too much right now. Not after that.
Professor Gwi sits back at her desk to continue whatever it was that she was doing before she stopped the video; Jonghyun watches her more than it, even when the topic changes to another fruit. Biting the end of his pencil again, he makes a quick decision and pulls out his phone.
Opening his email, he sends a quick one to her. Nothing big; just a “Thanks.” She knows his name and email. She’ll know what it was for. He slips his phone back into his hoodie pocket and focuses on the movie again. He rests his forehead in his hand as it plays. He still feels gross; he should have known that would have happened at some point. He should have known that there would be fuckboys in this class. At least he’s gone now.
As the documentary moves on to apples, Jonghyun feels a vibration in his pocket. He pulls his phone out and frowns when he sees the email notification. Who.
Tapping it open, he blinks when he sees the name: Professor Kim Key. Glancing up at her, he sees her still at her desk, typing some things out on her laptop like normal. Huh.
“Don’t mention it,” her reply says. “I’m here for an hour after this class if you want to talk.”
Jonghyun stares down at it, rubbing his thumb over the edge of his phone case. Hmm. Maybe he will go see her later, to thank her again. 
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